n00001740 entity n00001930 physical entity n00002137 abstraction, abstract entity n00002452 thing n00002684 object, physical object n00003553 whole, unit n00003993 congener n00004258 living thing, animate thing n00004475 organism, being n00005787 benthos n00005930 dwarf n00006024 heterotroph n00006150 parent n00006269 life n00006400 biont n00006484 cell n00007347 causal agent, cause, causal agency n00007846 person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul n00015388 animal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna n00017222 plant, flora, plant life n00019046 native n00019128 natural object n00019613 substance n00020090 substance n00020827 matter n00021265 food, nutrient n00021734 nutrient n00021939 artifact, artefact n00022903 article n00023100 psychological feature n00023271 cognition, knowledge, noesis n00023773 motivation, motive, need n00024264 attribute n00024720 state n00026192 feeling n00027167 location n00027807 shape, form n00028270 time n00028651 space, infinite n00029007 absolute space n00029114 phase space n00029378 event n00029677 process, physical process n00030358 act, deed, human action, human activity n00031264 group, grouping n00031921 relation n00032613 possession n00032823 social relation n00033020 communication n00033615 measure, quantity, amount n00034213 phenomenon n00034479 thing n00034574 kindness, benignity n00034777 abdominoplasty, tummy tuck n00034939 abort n00035189 accomplishment, achievement n00035697 agon n00035891 alienation n00036061 application n00036299 beachhead, foothold n00036580 cakewalk n00036762 feat, effort, exploit n00037006 masterpiece n00037090 masterstroke n00037200 credit n00037396 action n00038175 res gestae n00038262 course, course of action n00038573 blind alley n00038863 collision course n00039021 interaction n00039211 interplay n00039297 contact n00039545 brush n00039740 eye contact n00039916 fetch n00039990 placement n00040152 interchange, reciprocation, give-and-take n00040420 reciprocity n00040545 cross-fertilization, cross-fertilisation n00040804 dealings, traffic n00040962 relation n00041188 playing n00041468 play, swordplay n00041614 boondoggle n00041740 bowling n00041899 acquiring, getting n00042311 causing, causation n00042541 delivery, obstetrical delivery n00042757 departure, going, going away, leaving n00043116 derring-do n00043195 discovery, find, uncovering n00043609 disposal, disposition n00043902 hit n00044150 implementation, effectuation n00044455 egress, egression, emergence n00044673 equalization, equalisation, leveling n00044900 exhumation, disinterment, digging up n00045114 mitzvah, mitsvah n00045250 propulsion, actuation n00045646 rally, rallying n00045907 recovery, retrieval n00046177 running away n00046344 stunt n00046522 touch, touching n00047018 tour de force n00047106 performance n00047356 overachievement n00047550 underachievement n00047745 record, track record n00047941 fait accompli, accomplished fact n00048051 going, sledding n00048225 arrival, reaching n00048374 arrival n00048656 attainment n00048828 advent, coming n00049003 entrance, entering, entry, ingress, incoming n00049344 incursion n00049530 intrusion n00049636 irruption n00049789 entree n00049909 entail n00050037 registration, enrollment, enrolment n00050195 appearance n00050484 apparition n00050693 emergence, emersion n00050887 reappearance, return n00051077 comeback n00051192 return, homecoming n00051385 repatriation n00051525 penetration n00051712 interpenetration, permeation n00051897 market penetration n00052052 anchorage n00052146 docking, moorage, dockage, tying up n00052334 landing n00052500 landing n00052791 forced landing, emergency landing n00053020 breaking away n00053097 farewell, leave, leave-taking, parting n00053405 French leave n00053525 valediction n00053609 disappearance, disappearing n00053806 vanishing n00053913 withdrawal n00054328 effacement, self-effacement n00054483 retreat n00054652 retirement, retreat n00054821 evacuation n00055038 medical evacuation, medevac, medivac n00055227 decampment n00055315 desertion, abandonment, defection n00055633 abscondment, decampment n00055793 absence without leave, unauthorized absence n00055932 deviationism n00056087 emigration, out-migration, expatriation n00056311 immigration, in-migration n00056551 aliyah n00056688 pullback n00056912 retreat n00057162 standdown, stand-down n00057306 disengagement, fallback, pullout n00057486 receding, recession n00057657 sailing n00057748 amphibious landing n00058002 debarkation, disembarkation, disembarkment n00058247 going ashore n00058337 boarding, embarkation, embarkment n00058519 exit n00058608 elopement n00058743 escape, flight n00059127 evasion n00059376 slip, elusion, eluding n00059552 maneuver, manoeuvre, evasive action n00059728 clinch n00059895 dodge n00059989 break, breakout, jailbreak, gaolbreak, prisonbreak, prison-breaking n00060201 getaway, lam n00060414 exodus, hegira, hejira n00060548 Hegira, Hejira n00060747 skedaddle n00060817 Underground Railroad, Underground Railway n00061014 close call, close shave, squeak, squeaker, narrow escape n00061171 surfacing n00061290 dispatch, despatch, shipment n00061453 reshipment n00061598 consummation n00061792 consummation n00061917 realization, realisation, fruition n00062133 orgasm, climax, sexual climax, coming n00062331 male orgasm n00062451 fulfillment, fulfilment n00062671 self-fulfillment, self-realization, self-realisation n00062806 attainment n00063014 record n00063310 track record n00063559 world record n00063652 success n00064018 winning n00064151 blockbuster, megahit, smash hit n00064370 sleeper n00064504 hit, smash, smasher, strike, bang n00064789 bell ringer, bull's eye, mark, home run n00065098 ennoblement n00065216 conquest n00065336 coup n00065418 flying colors, flying colours n00065575 passing, pass, qualifying n00065855 credit, course credit n00066075 semester hour, credit hour n00066216 nonaccomplishment, nonachievement n00066397 failure n00066636 failure n00066901 failing, flunk n00067153 naught n00067254 cut n00067397 default n00067526 loss n00067707 capitulation, fall, surrender n00067990 frustration, thwarting, foiling n00068170 overturn, upset n00068333 backsliding, lapse, lapsing, relapse, relapsing, reversion, reverting n00068617 recidivism n00068755 disappointment, dashing hopes n00068901 breach n00069060 copout n00069173 breach of contract n00069444 anticipatory breach, constructive breach n00069604 breach of duty n00069685 breach of the covenant of warranty n00069815 breach of promise n00069918 breach of trust n00070077 breach of trust with fraudulent intent n00070215 breach of warranty n00070363 leaning n00070462 material breach n00070641 motivation, motivating n00070807 partial breach n00070965 mistake, error, fault n00071546 double fault n00071700 footfault n00071864 bobble n00072068 error, misplay n00072261 blot, smear, smirch, spot, stain n00072473 confusion, mix-up n00072691 incursion n00072808 miscalculation, misreckoning, misestimation n00073032 backfire, boomerang n00073177 rounding, rounding error n00073525 truncation error n00073713 distortion n00073828 slip, slip-up, miscue, parapraxis n00074092 Freudian slip n00074324 offside n00074524 oversight, lapse n00074624 omission, skip n00074790 blunder, blooper, bloomer, bungle, pratfall, foul-up, fuckup, flub, botch, boner, boo-boo n00075283 snafu n00075471 spectacle n00075618 ballup, balls-up, cockup, mess-up n00075790 bull n00075912 fumble, muff n00076072 fluff n00076196 faux pas, gaffe, solecism, slip, gaucherie n00076323 howler n00076393 clanger n00076563 trip, trip-up, stumble, misstep n00076884 spill, tumble, fall n00077169 pratfall n00077249 wipeout n00077419 acquisition n00077856 obtainment, obtention n00077981 catching, contracting n00078217 incurring n00078393 moneymaking n00078536 annexation n00078821 pork-barreling n00079018 purchase n00079212 redemption, repurchase, buyback n00079398 trading n00079603 bond trading, bond-trading activity n00079752 program trading n00079908 short sale, short selling n00080096 short covering n00080242 insider trading n00080474 naked option n00080619 covered option n00080743 call option, call n00080968 put option, put n00081174 straddle n00081395 incentive option, incentive stock option n00081572 buying, purchasing n00081836 shopping n00082081 marketing n00082223 mail-order buying, catalog buying n00082347 viatication, viaticus n00082525 acceptance n00082754 succession, taking over n00082870 assumption, laying claim n00083260 assumption n00083448 position n00083585 inheritance, heritage n00083729 procurement, procurance, procural n00083975 appropriation n00084371 borrowing, adoption n00084642 naturalization, naturalisation n00084895 misappropriation n00085041 preemption, pre-emption n00085219 seizure n00085432 usurpation n00085678 confiscation, arrogation n00085829 distress, distraint n00086140 expropriation n00086297 impoundment, impounding, internment, poundage n00086547 drug bust, drugs bust n00086654 impress, impressment n00086809 occupation, occupancy, moving in n00087073 preoccupancy, preoccupation n00087218 sequestration, requisition n00087423 grant, subsidization, subsidisation n00087663 award, awarding n00087849 addiction n00088154 block grant n00088367 grant-in-aid n00088481 capture, gaining control, seizure n00088725 apprehension, arrest, catch, collar, pinch, taking into custody n00089027 conquest, conquering, subjection, subjugation n00089234 enslavement n00089351 restitution, return, restoration, regaining n00089657 clawback n00089891 repossession n00090076 foreclosure n00090253 reception, receipt n00090393 appointment n00090610 comb-out n00090779 giving n00091013 abandonment n00091234 discard, throwing away n00091404 staging n00091503 discard n00091670 mine disposal n00091779 minesweeping n00091893 sewage disposal n00091977 bait and switch n00092212 private treaty n00092366 auction, auction sale, vendue n00092663 bootlegging n00092847 bootlegging n00093006 capitalization, capitalisation n00093127 overcapitalization, overcapitalisation n00093354 reclamation n00093483 rescue, deliverance, delivery, saving n00093874 lifesaving n00094001 redemption, salvation n00094240 absolution, remission, remittal, remission of sin n00094500 indulgence n00094788 conversion, rebirth, spiritual rebirth n00094954 proselytism n00095121 expiation, atonement, propitiation n00095329 reparation, amends n00095502 liberation, release, freeing n00095873 jail delivery n00095971 reclamation, reformation n00096211 salvage n00096343 salvage n00096513 salvation n00096720 search and rescue mission n00096851 ransom n00096969 recapture, retaking n00097122 recapture n00097244 invocation n00097348 instrumentation n00097504 performance, execution, carrying out, carrying into action n00097923 specific performance n00098051 linguistic performance n00098385 mechanism, mechanics n00098625 service n00098822 curb service n00098939 self-service n00099061 valet parking n00099267 dramatic production, dramatic performance n00099439 encore n00099588 extemporization, extemporisation, improvisation n00099799 juggle, juggling n00099951 magic trick, conjuring trick, trick, magic, legerdemain, conjuration, thaumaturgy, illusion, deception n00100253 musical performance n00100437 one-night stand n00100543 rendition, rendering, interpretation n00100889 reinterpretation n00101003 spin n00101191 playing n00101410 bowing n00101570 spiccato, spiccato bowing n00101708 piping n00101809 stopping n00102039 double stopping n00102162 transposition n00102374 jam session n00102457 automation, mechanization, mechanisation n00102779 computerization, cybernation n00102927 motorization, motorisation n00103140 launching, launch n00103291 launching n00103419 rocket firing, rocket launching n00103590 blastoff, shot n00103737 moon shot n00103834 drive, thrust, driving force n00104088 firewall n00104249 impulse, impulsion, impetus n00104409 roll, bowl n00104539 throw n00104976 bowling n00105164 fling n00105271 heave, heaving n00105479 hurl, cast n00105624 leaner n00105820 pass, toss, flip n00106104 pitch n00106272 pitch, delivery n00106726 ringer n00106888 shy n00107016 slinging n00107137 throw-in n00107279 balk n00107400 ball n00107551 beanball, beaner n00107684 change-up, change-of-pace, change-of-pace ball, off-speed pitch n00107875 curve, curve ball, breaking ball, bender n00108081 duster n00108181 fastball, heater, smoke, hummer, bullet n00108427 knuckleball, knuckler n00108545 overhand pitch n00108665 passed ball n00108818 screwball n00108965 sinker n00109081 slider n00109227 spitball, spitter n00109414 strike n00109771 submarine ball, submarine pitch n00109892 wild pitch n00110057 basketball shot n00110415 bank shot n00110554 dunk, dunk shot, stuff shot n00110745 slam dunk n00110834 finger-roll n00110964 foul shot, free throw, penalty free throw, charity toss, charity throw, charity shot n00111222 one-and-one n00111358 hook shot, hook n00111503 jumper, jump shot n00111660 lay-up, layup n00111839 pivot shot n00111962 set shot n00112072 scoop shot n00112185 tip in n00112312 push, pushing n00112674 depression n00112828 click, mouse click n00112997 nudge, jog n00113113 press, pressure, pressing n00113532 impression n00113726 shove n00113954 bundling n00114095 jostle, jostling n00114298 elbowing n00114431 pull, pulling n00114871 drag n00115036 draw, haul, haulage n00115292 tow, towage n00115500 tug, jerk n00115667 draft, draught, drawing n00115803 extirpation, excision, deracination n00116008 pluck n00116122 traction n00116376 lift, raise, heave n00116687 expulsion, projection, ejection, forcing out n00116989 defenestration n00117124 accommodation reflex n00117267 Babinski, Babinski reflex, Babinski sign n00117578 belch, belching, burp, burping, eructation n00117810 belching n00117959 blink, eye blink, blinking, wink, winking, nictitation, nictation n00118268 blush, flush n00118445 coughing up n00118552 spit, spitting, expectoration n00118733 vomit, vomiting, emesis, regurgitation, disgorgement, puking n00119079 rumination n00119210 hematemesis, haematemesis n00119297 hyperemesis n00119402 hyperemesis gravidarum n00119568 jump, jumping n00119893 header n00120010 hop n00120202 leap, leaping, spring, saltation, bound, bounce n00120515 vault, hurdle n00120647 jumping up and down n00120804 lob n00120943 centering, snap n00121166 sending n00121366 transmission, transmittal, transmitting n00121645 forwarding n00121904 referral n00122106 remission, remitment, remit n00122338 mailing, posting n00122530 wheeling, rolling n00122661 shooting, shot n00122954 shoot n00123143 countershot n00123234 discharge, firing, firing off n00123430 gun n00123652 fire control n00123783 gunfire, gunshot n00124008 enfilade, enfilade fire n00124151 snipe n00124256 headshot n00124342 skeet, skeet shooting, trapshooting n00124536 shellfire n00124617 gunfight, gunplay, shootout n00124766 potshot n00124880 contact, physical contact n00125126 rub, wipe n00125315 scuff n00125436 tap, pat, dab n00125629 hit, hitting, striking n00126100 contusion n00126236 crash, smash n00126447 impingement, impaction n00126584 batting n00126721 fielding n00126886 catching n00127021 golfing n00127151 pitching n00127286 base on balls, walk, pass n00127531 best n00127672 worst n00127866 fair ball n00128091 foul ball n00128324 snick n00128477 bunt n00128638 fly, fly ball n00128867 blast n00128976 pop fly, pop-fly, pop-up n00129089 grounder, ground ball, groundball, hopper n00129317 chop, chopper n00129435 roller n00129527 out n00129743 force out, force-out, force play, force n00130093 putout n00130347 strikeout n00130512 whiff n00130673 fielder's choice n00130846 sacrifice n00130987 sacrifice fly n00131090 base hit, safety n00131347 daisy cutter n00131485 header n00131608 liner, line drive n00131791 scorcher, screamer n00131877 line-drive single, line single n00131991 line-drive double, line double n00132105 line-drive triple, line triple n00132219 plunk, plunker n00132355 homer, home run n00132497 solo homer, solo blast n00132601 single, bingle n00132756 double, two-base hit, two-bagger, two-baser n00132982 triple, three-base hit, three-bagger n00133160 backhander n00133234 clip n00133338 knock, belt, rap, whack, whang n00133567 thwack n00133668 smack, smacking, slap n00133875 smacker n00133981 knockdown n00134099 knockout, KO, kayo n00134246 technical knockout, TKO n00134391 swat n00134472 spank n00134574 whip, lash, whiplash n00134780 punch, clout, poke, lick, biff, slug n00135148 box n00135311 dig, jab n00135504 counterpunch, parry, counter n00135637 haymaker, knockout punch, KO punch, Sunday punch n00135799 hook n00135952 jab n00136048 rabbit punch n00136152 sucker punch n00136230 roundhouse n00136329 kick, boot, kicking n00136691 goal-kick n00136876 goal-kick n00136984 punt, punting n00137279 place kick, place-kicking n00137534 free kick n00137709 corner kick n00137877 dropkick n00138078 kiss n00138221 kiss, buss, osculation n00138441 laying on n00138599 smack, smooch n00138734 smacker n00138799 soul kiss, deep kiss, French kiss n00138956 catch, grab, snatch, snap n00139544 fair catch n00139758 interception n00139919 reception n00140112 rebound n00140264 shoestring catch n00140393 mesh, meshing, interlock, interlocking n00140652 handling, manipulation n00140900 fingering n00141027 grope n00141176 audit n00141396 autopsy, necropsy, postmortem, post-mortem, PM, postmortem examination, post-mortem examination n00141669 check-in n00141806 check, checkout, check-out procedure n00142140 spot check n00142361 checkup, medical checkup, medical examination, medical exam, medical, health check n00142665 comparison, comparing n00143057 fine-tooth comb, fine-toothed comb n00143251 follow-up, followup, reexamination, review n00143536 going-over n00143626 once-over, look-over n00143763 ophthalmoscopy n00143885 palpation, tactual exploration n00144182 ballottement n00144445 tickle, tickling, titillation n00144632 stroke, stroking n00144778 caress n00145024 tag n00145218 joining, connection, connexion n00145779 hit n00145929 interconnection n00146111 intersection n00146277 approximation, bringing close together n00146443 concatenation n00146572 convergence, converging, convergency n00146856 merging, meeting, coming together n00147091 concourse, confluence n00147187 encounter, coming upon n00147314 articulation n00147454 junction, adjunction n00147595 fastening, attachment n00147862 loosening, laxation n00148057 tightening n00148242 ligation n00148446 tubal ligation n00148653 bonding, soldering n00148762 doweling n00148836 grounding, earthing n00148978 linkage n00149084 tying, ligature n00149262 untying, undoing, unfastening n00149508 welding n00149699 butt welding, butt-welding n00149895 spot welding, spot-welding n00150097 flare n00150228 Texas leaguer n00150379 flash welding, flash butt welding n00150591 lick, lap n00150762 grazing, shaving, skimming n00150932 tracing n00151087 detection, catching, espial, spying, spotting n00151314 self-discovery n00151409 breakthrough n00151497 determination, finding n00151914 rediscovery n00152018 designation, identification n00152230 Bertillon system n00152338 fingerprinting n00152519 genetic profiling, genetic fingerprinting n00152727 diagnosis, diagnosing n00152990 blood typing n00153105 medical diagnosis n00153288 prenatal diagnosis n00153499 differential diagnosis n00153665 prognosis, prospect, medical prognosis n00153809 resolution, solving n00153961 validation, proof, substantiation n00154233 authentication, certification n00154433 documentation, support n00154689 monetization, monetisation n00154894 probate n00155085 demonetization, demonetisation n00155298 falsification, falsifying, disproof, refutation, refutal n00155487 localization, localisation, location, locating, fix n00155797 echolocation, echo sounding n00155970 predetermination n00156119 rectification n00156293 redetermination n00156390 trigger, induction, initiation n00156625 fomentation, instigation n00156812 compulsion, coercion n00157081 influence n00157318 cross-pollination n00157463 exposure n00157687 overexposure n00157877 underexposure n00157957 impingement, encroachment, impact n00158185 manipulation, use n00158443 mind game n00158805 autosuggestion, auto-suggestion, self-suggestion n00158996 hypnotism, mesmerism, suggestion n00159177 inducement, inducing n00159396 corruption n00159620 enticement, temptation n00159899 blandishment, wheedling n00160073 ingratiation, insinuation n00160297 leading astray, leading off n00160415 seduction n00160532 seduction, conquest n00160688 sexual conquest, score n00160922 cuckoldry n00161044 solicitation, allurement n00161243 choice, selection, option, pick n00161603 casting n00161739 coloration, colouration n00161888 sampling n00162055 random sampling n00162236 lucky dip n00162417 stratified sampling, representative sampling, proportional sampling n00162632 decision, determination, conclusion n00163047 volition, willing n00163233 intention n00163406 about-face, volte-face, reversal, policy change n00163630 adulteration n00163779 appointment, assignment, designation, naming n00164152 nomination n00164345 assignment, assigning n00164579 allocation, storage allocation n00164801 call n00164999 co-option, co-optation n00165178 delegacy n00165298 ordination, ordinance n00165563 recognition n00165793 laying on of hands n00165942 move n00166172 move n00166355 chess move n00166552 castle, castling n00166702 capture n00166865 en passant n00167063 exchange n00167278 exchange n00167446 check n00167580 discovered check n00167764 checkmate, mate n00167950 gambit n00168121 demarche n00168237 maneuver, manoeuvre, tactical maneuver, tactical manoeuvre n00168505 parking n00168658 move, relocation n00168911 flit n00169047 downshift n00169147 downshift n00169305 bank n00169522 vertical bank n00169651 chandelle n00169811 loop, loop-the-loop n00170005 inside loop n00170172 outside loop n00170340 roll n00170536 barrel roll n00170643 snap roll n00170710 slip, sideslip n00170844 flight maneuver, airplane maneuver n00171050 straight-arm n00171249 device, gimmick, twist n00171507 mnemonic n00171618 trick, fast one n00171882 shtik, schtik, shtick, schtick n00172073 feint n00172217 juke, fake n00172347 footwork n00172490 ploy, gambit, stratagem n00172598 ruse, artifice n00172710 means, agency, way n00173172 dint n00173283 escape n00173487 fast track n00173761 instrument, tool n00174003 road n00174127 royal road n00174260 stepping stone n00174412 measure, step n00174663 countermeasure n00174782 bear hug n00174950 proxy fight n00175174 leveraged buyout n00175433 bust-up takeover n00175605 shark repellent, porcupine provision n00175875 golden parachute n00176052 greenmail n00176312 pac-man strategy n00176449 poison pill n00176609 suicide pill n00176766 safe harbor n00176994 scorched-earth policy n00177127 diagnostic procedure, diagnostic technique n00177448 expedient n00177638 backstop n00177783 emergency procedure n00178024 experimental procedure n00178177 double-blind procedure, double-blind experiment, double-blind study n00178551 makeshift, stopgap, make-do n00178700 crutch n00178832 improvisation, temporary expedient n00178972 pis aller, last resort n00179125 desperate measure n00179275 open sesame n00179380 salvation n00179576 tooth n00179683 voice n00179916 wings n00180054 casting lots, drawing lots, sortition n00180228 resolution n00180413 adoption, acceptance, acceptation, espousal n00180770 embrace, bosom n00180962 election n00181191 co-option, co-optation n00181373 reelection n00181495 plebiscite n00181640 referendum n00181781 election n00182213 vote n00182435 general election n00182571 primary, primary election n00182723 direct primary n00182897 closed primary n00183084 open primary n00183240 by-election, bye-election n00183357 runoff n00183505 vote, ballot, voting, balloting n00183995 block vote n00184135 cumulative vote n00184362 secret ballot n00184501 split ticket n00184652 straight ticket n00184802 multiple voting n00184981 casting vote n00185104 reconciliation, balancing n00185307 equation, equating n00185438 breech delivery, breech birth, breech presentation n00185612 frank breech, frank breech delivery n00185778 cesarean delivery, caesarean delivery, caesarian delivery, cesarean section, cesarian section, caesarean section, caesarian section, C-section, cesarean, cesarian, caesarean, caesarian, abdominal delivery n00186251 forceps delivery n00186549 midwifery n00186634 score n00187056 bowling score n00187144 bull's eye n00187337 goal n00187499 own goal n00187710 strike, ten-strike n00187890 spare n00188007 open frame, break n00188183 audible n00188341 football score n00188449 touchback n00188620 safety n00188766 touchdown n00188934 field goal n00189106 conversion n00189257 point after, point after touchdown, extra point n00189476 baseball score n00189565 run, tally n00189896 earned run n00190040 unearned run n00190180 run batted in, rbi n00190338 basketball score n00190431 basket, field goal n00190579 hat trick n00190783 solution n00190931 Russian roulette n00191142 change n00191980 filtration n00192149 percolation n00192300 reduction, simplification n00192457 schematization, schematisation n00192613 economy, saving n00192910 retrenchment, curtailment, downsizing n00193099 economy of scale n00193225 accommodation n00193406 adaptation n00193622 dark adaptation n00193811 light adaptation n00194005 take-up n00194127 readjustment n00194257 domestication n00194414 decimalization, decimalisation n00194645 metrification, metrication n00194831 habituation n00194969 variation, variance n00195194 variation n00195415 turning n00195569 diversification, variegation n00195938 flux n00196084 switch, switching, shift n00196402 switcheroo n00196485 substitution, exchange, commutation n00196848 novation n00197136 pitching change n00197229 superannuation n00197419 supersedure, supersession n00197610 supplanting, displacement n00197772 replacement, replacing n00198118 subrogation n00198270 weaning, ablactation n00198451 promotion n00198631 preferment n00198793 demotion n00198919 investment, investiture n00199130 change of state n00199707 alteration, modification, adjustment n00200041 distraction, misdirection n00200244 aeration n00200379 modulation n00200563 qualification n00200768 reorganization n00201058 passage, transition n00201269 fossilization, fossilisation n00201397 segue n00201516 meddling, tampering n00201671 transfer, transference n00201923 prohibition, inhibition, forbiddance n00202284 resistance, opposition n00202620 lockout n00202816 reaction n00203020 backlash n00203208 whitelash, white backlash n00203342 rejection n00203649 brush-off n00203753 avoidance, turning away, shunning, dodging n00204022 aversion, averting n00204199 escape n00204334 near thing n00204439 abandonment, forsaking, desertion n00204659 exposure n00204814 apostasy, tergiversation n00204943 bolt n00205079 renunciation, forgoing, forswearing n00205349 nonacceptance, turndown n00205543 forsaking, giving up n00205649 abnegation, self-abnegation, denial, self-denial, self-renunciation n00205891 forfeit, forfeiture, sacrifice n00206130 boycott n00206302 banishment, proscription n00206600 anathematization, anathematisation n00206779 disbarment n00206927 ejection, exclusion, expulsion, riddance n00207306 deportation n00207434 ostracism n00207622 barring, blackball n00207761 exile, deportation, expatriation, transportation n00208141 Babylonian Captivity n00208277 excommunication, excision n00208521 relegation n00208694 rustication n00208797 ouster, ousting n00208943 deposition, dethronement n00209132 suspension, temporary removal n00209301 rustication n00209446 displacement n00209546 veto n00209680 pocket veto n00209789 write-in n00209943 termination, ending, conclusion n00210518 finish, finishing n00210797 finale, close, closing curtain, finis n00210940 release, tone ending n00211110 completion, culmination, closing, windup, mop up n00211462 finalization, finalisation n00211593 follow-through n00211776 follow-through n00212065 graduation n00212205 retirement n00212377 hibernation n00212551 rustication n00212678 swan song, last hurrah n00212808 relinquishment, relinquishing n00213052 cession, ceding n00213186 handover n00213343 surrender n00213482 extradition n00213694 release, waiver, discharge n00213903 exemption, immunity, granting immunity n00214148 fix n00214315 official immunity n00214526 sovereign immunity n00214794 transactional immunity n00215013 use immunity, testimonial immunity n00215314 dissolution, breakup n00215534 splitsville n00215683 overthrow n00215838 subversion, subversive activity n00216038 adjournment, dissolution n00216174 dismissal, dismission, discharge, firing, liberation, release, sack, sacking n00216607 conge, congee n00216723 removal n00216834 purge n00217014 destruction, devastation n00217499 disaster n00217593 kill n00217773 laying waste, ruin, ruining, ruination, wrecking n00218045 razing, leveling, tearing down, demolishing n00218208 annihilation, obliteration n00218427 decimation n00218602 atomization, atomisation n00218753 pulverization, pulverisation n00218902 vaporization, vaporisation n00219012 killing, kill, putting to death n00219463 deathblow, coup de grace n00219575 death n00219738 drive-by killing n00219856 euthanasia, mercy killing n00220023 homicide n00220219 honor killing n00220409 manslaughter n00220522 murder, slaying, execution n00221056 assassination n00221178 bloodshed, gore n00221343 chance-medley n00221480 contract killing n00221596 parricide n00221727 mariticide n00221819 matricide n00221900 patricide n00221981 fratricide n00222064 uxoricide n00222155 filicide n00222248 dispatch, despatch n00222376 fell n00222485 suicide, self-destruction, self-annihilation n00222766 self-destruction n00222939 assisted suicide n00223144 physician-assisted suicide n00223268 felo-de-se n00223362 harakiri, hara-kiri, harikari, seppuku n00223575 suttee n00223720 elimination, liquidation n00223854 slaughter n00223983 slaughter, massacre, mass murder, carnage, butchery n00224260 bloodbath, bloodletting, bloodshed, battue n00224599 lynching n00224738 poisoning n00224936 gassing n00225070 regicide n00225150 shooting n00225361 drive-by shooting n00225484 wing shooting n00225593 suffocation, asphyxiation n00225786 choking, strangling, strangulation, throttling n00226107 spasm n00226319 squeeze n00226511 bronchospasm n00226711 cardiospasm n00226951 heave, retch n00227137 laryngismus n00227264 strangulation n00227484 carjacking n00227595 sacrifice, ritual killing n00227848 hecatomb n00227969 immolation n00228078 electrocution n00228181 decapitation, beheading n00228283 abolition, abolishment n00228535 liquidation, settlement n00228762 viatical settlement, viaticus settlement n00228911 withdrawal, drug withdrawal n00229034 cold turkey n00229260 closure, closedown, closing, shutdown n00229587 plant closing n00229688 bank closing n00229814 layoff n00229934 extinction, extinguishing, quenching n00230172 fade, disappearance n00230324 abortion n00230475 spontaneous abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth n00230703 habitual abortion n00230824 imminent abortion, threatened abortion n00230997 incomplete abortion, partial abortion n00231161 induced abortion n00231315 aborticide, feticide n00231412 therapeutic abortion n00231567 nullification, override n00231887 abrogation, repeal, annulment n00232147 derogation n00232386 cancellation n00232604 write-off n00232765 attainder, civil death n00232863 recission, rescission n00233212 vitiation n00233386 neutralization, neutralisation, counteraction n00233614 deactivation, defusing n00233795 deactivation, inactivation n00233980 honorable discharge n00234105 dishonorable discharge n00234277 Section Eight n00234423 neutralization, neutralisation n00234675 neutralization, neutralisation n00234892 reversal n00235074 undoing n00235208 regression, regress, reversion, retrogression, retroversion n00235435 beginning, start, commencement n00236194 springboard, jumping-off point, point of departure n00236581 accession, rise to power n00236821 activation n00236953 attack, tone-beginning n00237078 constitution, establishment, formation, organization, organisation n00237705 re-establishment n00237869 Creation n00238022 introduction, debut, first appearance, launching, unveiling, entry n00238326 induction of labor n00238527 induction n00238778 hypnogenesis n00238871 product introduction n00239024 face-off n00239230 first step, initiative, opening move, opening n00239483 groundbreaking, groundbreaking ceremony n00239666 housing start n00239766 icebreaker n00239910 inauguration, startup n00240184 initiation, founding, foundation, institution, origination, creation, innovation, introduction, instauration n00240754 authorship, paternity n00240938 installation, installing, installment, instalment n00241245 jump ball n00241507 kickoff n00241699 start, starting n00242003 resumption, recommencement n00242146 scrum, scrummage n00242431 startup n00242583 unionization, unionisation n00242808 arousal, rousing n00243102 reveille n00243237 ushering in n00243373 inauguration, inaugural n00243577 curtain raiser n00243662 first base n00243813 peace initiative n00243918 cooking, cookery, preparation n00246341 baking n00246460 shirring n00246552 toasting, browning n00246754 broil, broiling, grilling n00246940 frying, sauteing n00247081 fusion cooking n00247229 braising n00247342 poaching n00247442 roasting n00247654 barbecuing n00247792 boiling, stewing, simmering n00247955 basting n00248063 tenderization, tenderisation n00248252 percolation n00248368 seasoning n00248534 salting n00248636 sweetening n00248748 infusion n00248977 improvement n00249501 advancement, progress n00249780 forwarding, furtherance, promotion n00249987 stride n00250143 work flow, workflow n00250259 development n00250597 broadening n00250710 elaboration, working out n00250882 product development n00251013 cleaning, cleansing, cleanup n00251520 disinfestation n00251636 spring-cleaning n00251780 scrub, scrubbing, scouring n00252020 swabbing, mopping n00252169 dry cleaning n00252307 sweeping n00252430 purge, purging n00252662 purge, purging, purgation n00252894 purification n00253070 purification, purgation n00253270 purification n00253395 catharsis, katharsis, abreaction n00253577 catharsis, katharsis, purgation n00253773 high colonic n00253919 sterilization, sterilisation n00254166 pasteurization, pasteurisation n00254415 sanitation, sanitization, sanitisation n00254597 depilation, epilation n00254769 shave, shaving n00254922 tonsure n00255065 electrolysis n00255214 washup, bathing n00255450 ablution n00255600 dishwashing, washup n00255710 wash, washing, lavation n00256122 washing-up n00256217 window-washing n00256309 rinse n00256407 rinse n00256501 soak, soaking n00256620 brush, brushing n00256746 comb, combing n00256961 comb-out, teasing n00257115 shampoo n00257228 hair care, haircare, hairdressing n00257468 hairweaving n00257580 shower, shower bath n00257770 bath n00257969 bubble bath n00258093 mikvah n00258301 mud bath n00258403 sponge bath n00258530 Turkish bath, steam bath, vapor bath, vapour bath n00258695 rubdown n00258854 correction, rectification n00259177 redress, remedy, remediation n00259392 salve n00259544 retribution n00259643 recompense, compensation n00259894 indemnification n00260051 optimization, optimisation n00260494 perfection n00260622 reform n00260881 land reform n00261029 amelioration, melioration, betterment n00261258 self-improvement, self-reformation n00261405 reform n00261604 beautification n00261797 beauty treatment n00261972 glamorization, glamorisation, glamourization, glamourisation n00262249 decoration n00262596 adornment n00262743 ornamentation, embellishment n00262908 window dressing n00263000 trimming n00263164 tessellation n00263272 figuration n00263353 tattoo n00263492 titivation, tittivation n00263642 marking n00263813 lineation n00263947 mottling n00264088 striping n00264192 clearing, clarification n00264366 enrichment n00264529 fortification n00264775 humanization, humanisation n00264913 modernization, modernisation n00265119 renovation, redevelopment, overhaul n00265472 face lift, facelift, face lifting n00265773 moralization, moralisation n00265992 enhancement, sweetening n00266149 upturn n00266253 worsening n00266401 downturn, downswing n00266560 downspin n00266645 ventilation, airing n00266806 repair, fix, fixing, fixture, mend, mending, reparation n00267217 darning n00267349 patching n00267522 care, maintenance, upkeep n00267821 camera care n00267917 car care n00268025 oil change n00268112 overhaul, inspection and repair, service n00268341 interim overhaul n00268457 band aid, quick fix, quickie, quicky n00268557 restoration n00268824 gentrification n00269018 reclamation, renewal, rehabilitation n00269258 reconstruction n00269471 anastylosis n00269674 makeover n00269856 reassembly, refabrication n00269963 re-formation, regeneration n00270186 rebuilding n00270275 restitution n00270403 pump priming n00270539 scheduled maintenance n00270648 steam fitting n00270800 coaching, coaching job n00270919 engagement, booking n00271155 gig n00271263 degradation, debasement n00271636 dehumanization, dehumanisation n00271879 brutalization, brutalisation, animalization, animalisation n00272123 barbarization, barbarisation n00272303 bastardization, bastardisation n00272448 corruption, subversion n00272713 demoralization, demoralisation n00272878 stultification, constipation, impairment, deadening n00273077 popularization, popularisation, vulgarization, vulgarisation n00273319 profanation n00273449 humiliation, abasement n00273601 comedown n00273690 change of color n00273877 whitening, lightening n00274009 bleach n00274206 etiolation n00274437 blackening, darkening n00274586 obfuscation n00274707 discoloration, discolouration n00274941 coloring, colouring n00275151 tinting n00275307 hair coloring n00275424 dyeing n00275572 staining n00275751 Gram's method, Gram method, Gram's procedure, Gram's stain, Gram stain n00276189 environmentalism n00276342 fixation, fixing n00276620 soiling, soilure, dirtying n00276813 staining, spotting, maculation n00276987 contamination, pollution n00277267 dust contamination n00277376 wetting n00277569 submersion, immersion, ducking, dousing n00277811 drenching, soaking, souse, sousing n00278040 moistening, dampening n00278221 splash, splashing n00278403 watering n00278555 sprinkle, sprinkling, sparge n00278810 chew, chewing, mastication, manduction n00279136 chomping n00279235 mumbling, gumming n00279377 rumination n00279534 bruxism n00279674 defoliation n00279835 motion, movement, move n00280586 movement n00280853 approach, approaching, coming n00281132 access n00281291 back door, backdoor n00281462 closing, closure n00281752 landing approach n00281898 overshoot, wave-off, go-around n00282050 progress, progression, procession, advance, advancement, forward motion, onward motion n00282485 push n00282613 career, life history n00282840 march n00282953 plain sailing, clear sailing, easy going n00283127 locomotion, travel n00283450 brachiation n00283568 walk, walking n00283951 ambulation n00284101 amble, promenade, saunter, stroll, perambulation n00284409 ramble, meander n00284544 constitutional n00284665 foot n00284798 walk n00285141 sleepwalking, somnambulism, somnambulation, noctambulism, noctambulation n00285387 sleep talking, somniloquy, somniloquism n00285557 step n00285889 pace, stride, tread n00286112 pas n00286240 trip n00286360 sidestep n00286497 gait n00286756 hitch, hobble, limp n00286957 gait n00287142 walk n00287276 rack, single-foot n00287449 jog trot n00287561 trot n00287762 rising trot n00287889 sitting trot n00288000 dressage n00288190 curvet, vaulting n00288384 piaffe n00288486 canter, lope n00288671 gallop n00288880 footstep n00288970 hike, hiking, tramp n00289175 trudge n00289267 flounce n00289388 lurch, stumble, stagger n00289555 pacing n00289659 roll n00289737 saunter n00289906 skip n00290015 stalk, angry walk n00290125 strut, prance, swagger n00290276 lurch, lunge n00290406 waddle n00290579 march, marching n00291004 countermarch n00291154 goose step n00291286 last mile n00291400 lockstep n00291663 promenade n00291796 quick march n00291876 routemarch n00291965 plodding, plod n00292125 prowl n00292269 moonwalk n00292386 perambulation n00292599 turn n00292712 shamble, shambling, shuffle, shuffling n00292981 space walk n00293125 moonwalk n00293307 wading n00293417 walkabout n00293545 walkabout n00293657 walkabout n00293753 walk-through n00293916 run, running n00294190 jog, trot, lope n00294366 dogtrot n00294452 dash, sprint n00294577 fast break n00294748 break n00294868 crawl, crawling, creep, creeping n00295172 lap, circle, circuit n00295422 pace lap n00295563 victory lap, lap of honour n00295701 travel, traveling, travelling n00296263 circumnavigation n00296478 peregrination n00296585 procession n00296946 traversal, traverse n00297062 wandering, roving, vagabondage n00297318 wayfaring n00297404 drifting n00297532 crossing n00297657 ford, fording n00297863 shallow fording n00297951 deep fording n00298047 traversal, traverse n00298161 tourism, touristry n00298351 ecotourism n00298497 driving n00299112 motoring n00299217 riding, horseback riding n00299680 roping n00299826 bronco busting n00299933 endurance riding n00300037 pack riding n00300113 trail riding n00300206 calf roping n00300333 steer roping n00300441 air travel, aviation, air n00301192 flight n00301443 connecting flight n00301598 direct flight n00301728 domestic flight n00301857 international flight n00302001 nonstop flight, nonstop n00302185 redeye, redeye flight n00302394 flight, flying n00302861 acrobatics, aerobatics, stunting, stunt flying n00303049 blind flying, blind landing n00303221 ballooning n00303297 flyover, fly-by, flypast n00303495 glide, gliding, sailplaning, soaring, sailing n00303748 hang gliding n00303849 jump, parachuting n00304040 skydiving n00304208 maiden flight n00304349 parasailing, paragliding n00304442 overflight n00304592 pass n00304729 solo n00304851 sortie n00305005 touchdown n00305153 aircraft landing, airplane landing n00305326 ground-controlled approach, GCA n00305519 crash landing n00305707 three-point landing n00305858 instrument landing n00305980 splashdown n00306102 takeoff n00306210 tailspin, spin n00306318 terrain flight, low level flight n00306426 journey, journeying n00306900 stage, leg n00307102 staging n00307176 leg n00307314 fare-stage n00307455 commute n00307631 drive, ride n00308073 long haul n00308208 mush n00308279 odyssey n00308370 trip n00308681 junket n00308779 round trip n00308871 run n00309011 run n00309115 passage, transit n00309276 lift n00309368 joyride n00309540 spin n00309647 expedition n00309802 scouting trip n00309906 campaign, hunting expedition, safari n00310063 exploration, geographic expedition n00310201 digression, excursion n00310347 trek n00310425 schlep, shlep n00310516 trek n00310666 tour, circuit n00311091 grand tour n00311195 grand tour n00311381 itineration n00311528 on the road, on tour n00311687 pilgrimage, pilgrim's journey n00311809 excursion, jaunt, outing, junket, pleasure trip, expedition, sashay n00312160 junketing n00312266 airing n00312403 field trip n00312553 voyage n00312691 way n00312784 ocean trip, voyage n00312932 cruise, sail n00313096 maiden voyage n00313245 crossing n00313385 lockage n00313502 spaceflight, space travel, spacefaring n00313647 water travel, seafaring n00313806 sailing n00313971 luff n00314094 beat n00314271 ministry n00314395 tack n00314469 seafaring, navigation, sailing n00315307 cabotage n00315390 boating, yachting n00315534 bareboating n00315700 commutation, commuting n00315830 displacement, deracination n00315986 transportation, transport, transfer, transferral, conveyance n00316460 transshipment n00316594 airlift, lift n00316806 Berlin airlift n00316989 connection, connexion n00317207 delivery, bringing n00317485 cattle drive n00317594 drive n00317709 airdrop n00317917 consignment n00318035 passage, handing over n00318186 post n00318391 service, serving, service of process n00318567 relay n00318735 carry n00319176 pickup n00319312 packing, backpacking n00319513 piggyback n00319608 fireman's carry n00319717 portage n00319825 porterage n00319939 pursuit, chase, pursual, following n00320284 trailing, tracking n00320486 shadowing, tailing n00320625 stalk, stalking n00320742 wild-goose chase n00320852 insertion, introduction, intromission n00321195 cannulation, canulation, cannulization, cannulisation, canulization, canulisation, intubation n00321562 catheterization, catheterisation n00321731 instillation, instillment, instilment n00321956 enclosure, enclosing, envelopment, inclosure n00322228 packing, boxing n00322391 bundling n00322488 encasement, incasement n00322634 injection n00322778 epidural injection n00322962 intradermal injection n00323056 intramuscular injection n00323152 intravenous injection n00323262 fix n00323436 subcutaneous injection n00323532 infusion n00323766 exchange transfusion n00323923 transfusion n00324056 transfusion, blood transfusion n00324233 perfusion n00324384 rise, ascent, ascension, ascending n00324699 levitation n00324834 heave, heaving n00324978 funambulism, tightrope walking n00325110 climb, mount n00325364 scaling n00325502 clamber n00325631 escalade n00325785 mountain climbing, mountaineering n00325975 Alpinism n00326094 rock climbing n00326291 soar, zoom n00326440 descent n00326677 dive, nose dive, nosedive n00326809 rappel, abseil n00327033 swoop n00327134 power dive n00327279 crash dive n00327366 drop n00327510 flop, collapse n00327683 lowering, letting down n00327824 swing, swinging, vacillation n00328015 return n00328230 reentry n00328327 remand n00328502 slide, glide, coast n00328885 slippage n00329031 skid, slip, sideslip n00329227 flow, stream n00329468 snowboarding n00329619 spill, spillage, release n00329819 flood, overflow, outpouring n00329943 effusion n00330035 crawl n00330160 speed, speeding, hurrying n00330457 acceleration, quickening, speedup n00330674 deceleration n00330836 scud, scudding n00330984 translation, displacement n00331102 transplant, transplantation, transplanting n00331531 troop movement n00331655 shift, shifting n00331950 motion, movement, move, motility n00333037 abduction n00333203 adduction n00333366 agitation n00333572 body English n00333733 circumduction n00333829 disturbance n00334174 fetal movement, foetal movement n00334356 flit, dart n00334509 gesture n00334711 headshake, headshaking n00334935 jab, jabbing, poke, poking, thrust, thrusting n00335285 mudra n00335384 inclination, inclining n00335653 inversion, eversion, everting n00335814 inversion, upending n00335988 jerk, jerking, jolt, saccade n00336274 bob n00336430 nod n00336561 nutation n00336654 stoop n00336805 kick, kicking n00337078 kneel, kneeling n00337210 lurch, pitch, pitching n00337486 eye movement n00337605 nystagmus n00337844 physiological nystagmus n00338088 rotational nystagmus n00338271 saccade n00338404 post-rotational nystagmus n00338641 opening n00338821 rearrangement n00338994 juggle, juggling n00339173 musical chairs n00339463 reordering n00339646 permutation n00339776 transposition, reversal n00339907 transposition n00340192 passing, overtaking n00340463 shuffle, shuffling, make n00340662 reshuffle, reshuffling n00340838 riffle n00340989 twiddle n00341109 prostration n00341243 reach, reaching, stretch n00341435 reciprocation n00341548 reclining n00341695 retraction n00341890 retroflection, retroflexion n00342028 rotation, rotary motion n00342424 circumvolution n00342565 feather, feathering n00342755 gyration, whirling n00342916 pivot n00343091 pronation n00343249 spin, twirl, twist, twisting, whirl n00343606 spiral n00343730 pirouette n00343894 birling, logrolling n00344040 shutting, closing n00344259 sitting n00344421 sitting, posing n00344699 snap n00344942 squat, squatting n00345149 sweep n00345297 supination n00345454 twist, turn n00345641 wind, winding, twist n00345817 toss n00345926 vibration, quiver, quivering n00346095 wave n00346296 change of direction, reorientation n00346532 turn n00346693 reversion, reverse, reversal, turnabout, turnaround n00346936 about-face, about turn n00347087 u-turn n00347180 shaking n00347359 joggle, jiggle n00347490 stirring n00347652 wag, waggle, shake n00347853 worrying n00348008 rock, careen, sway, tilt n00348312 upset, overturn, turnover n00348571 waver, flutter, flicker n00348801 tremor, shudder n00348953 outreach n00349080 standing n00349213 straddle, span n00349369 stroke n00349520 keystroke, key stroke n00349705 wiggle, wriggle, squirm n00349886 change of course n00350030 turn, turning n00350380 diversion, deviation, digression, deflection, deflexion, divagation n00350878 red herring n00351000 right n00351168 left n00351334 tack, tacking n00351485 change of magnitude n00351638 decrease, diminution, reduction, step-down n00352331 cut n00352585 budget cut n00352683 pay cut, salary cut n00352778 cost cutting n00352861 price cutting, price cut n00353013 spending cut n00353100 tax cut n00353249 moderation, mitigation n00353469 lowering n00353611 tapering n00353782 cutback n00353903 service cutback n00353992 devaluation n00354183 devitalization, devitalisation n00354342 evisceration n00354583 extenuation, mitigation, palliation n00354785 spasmolysis n00354884 easing, easement, alleviation, relief n00355252 de-escalation n00355420 detente n00355547 palliation n00355691 liberalization, liberalisation, relaxation n00355919 minimization, minimisation n00356199 depletion n00356367 consumption, using up, expenditure n00356516 burnup n00356621 exhaustion n00356790 compression, compressing n00357023 squeeze, squeezing n00357275 pinch, tweak n00357451 decompression, decompressing n00357680 condensing, condensation n00357906 thickening, inspissation n00358089 crush, crunch, compaction n00358290 grind, mill, pulverization, pulverisation n00358528 expression n00358702 extrusion, expulsion n00358931 shortening n00359135 abbreviation n00359238 cut, cutting, cutting off n00359492 severance, severing n00359614 clip, clipping, snip n00359822 haircut n00359903 trim, trimming, clipping n00360143 pruning n00360242 shearing n00360404 sheepshearing n00360485 shrinking n00360601 miniaturization, miniaturisation n00360757 subtraction, deduction n00361041 bite n00361192 withholding n00361333 abatement n00361459 abatement of a nuisance, nuisance abatement n00361684 asbestos abatement n00361795 attrition n00361932 deflation n00362103 discount, price reduction, deduction n00362258 rollback n00362355 weakening n00362546 wilt, wilting n00362659 dilution n00362862 etiolation n00363052 cutting, thinning n00363260 increase, step-up n00363788 addition n00364053 retrofit n00364260 advance, rise n00364440 appreciation n00364600 depreciation n00364787 surge, upsurge n00365012 fluoridation, fluoridization, fluoridisation n00365231 augmentation n00365329 amplification n00365471 contraction n00365709 expansion, enlargement n00365995 dilation, dilatation n00366207 vasodilation n00366317 distention, distension n00366521 stretching n00366675 tension n00366846 escalation n00367066 maximization, maximisation, maximation n00367280 inflation n00367427 magnification n00367552 exaggeration n00367768 extension n00367976 spread, spreading n00368302 circulation n00368515 recirculation n00368592 dispersion, dispersal, dissemination, diffusion n00368939 crop-dusting, spraying n00369138 scatter, scattering, strewing n00369399 contracture n00369532 extension n00369694 hyperextension n00369802 contraction, muscular contraction, muscle contraction n00370127 tetanus n00370261 truncation n00370458 uterine contraction n00370688 Braxton-Hicks contraction, false labor n00370885 vaginismus n00371059 stretch n00371314 expansion, expanding upon n00371487 amplification, elaboration n00371735 annotation, annotating n00371846 supplementation, subjunction, subjoining n00372013 accumulation, accrual, accruement n00372226 buildup n00372448 deposit, deposition n00372607 repositing, reposition, storage, warehousing n00372977 stockpiling n00373130 inclusion n00373278 incorporation n00373418 annexation, appropriation n00373544 aggrandizement, aggrandisement, elevation n00373862 self-aggrandizement, self-aggrandisement, ego trip n00374063 strengthening n00374224 intensification n00374446 roughness n00374677 intensification n00374835 aggravation, exacerbation n00375071 concentration n00375348 pervaporation n00375625 focalization, focalisation, focusing n00375938 refocusing n00376063 change of integrity n00376400 breakage, break, breaking n00376715 rupture n00376825 smashing, shattering n00376994 fracture, crack, cracking n00377169 chip, chipping, splintering n00377364 explosion, burst n00377686 detonation n00377813 percussion n00377907 fulmination n00378069 burning, combustion n00378296 arson, incendiarism, fire-raising n00378479 ignition, firing, lighting, kindling, inflammation n00378706 incineration n00378880 cremation n00378985 combination, combining, compounding n00379422 attachment, affixation n00379588 graft, grafting n00379754 confusion n00379993 babel n00380083 mix, commixture, admixture, mixture, intermixture, mixing n00380568 fusion n00380696 blend, blending n00380881 confluence, conflux, merging n00380994 homogenization, homogenisation n00381326 interspersion, interspersal n00381567 temperance n00381680 union, unification, uniting, conjugation, jointure n00382109 coalescence, coalescency, coalition, concretion, conglutination n00382474 reunion, reunification n00382739 tribalization, tribalisation n00382906 detribalization, detribalisation n00383071 umbrella n00383281 homecoming n00383390 opening n00383606 separation n00383952 break, interruption, disruption, gap n00384329 cut-in, insert n00384510 cut-in, insert n00384658 avulsion n00384802 dissociation n00384933 secession, withdrawal n00385104 Secession n00385266 breakaway, breaking away n00385501 disunion n00385649 disconnection, disjunction n00385791 division n00386164 parcellation n00386345 cleavage n00386450 bisection n00386553 quartering n00386676 schism, split n00386915 cut, cutting n00387214 dissection n00387326 scission n00387424 slicing n00387526 undercut n00387657 cut, cutting n00387897 notch, nick, snick n00388065 slash, gash n00388210 atomization, atomisation, fragmentation n00388392 branching, ramification, fork, forking n00388710 bifurcation n00388842 trifurcation n00388959 divarication n00389043 fibrillation n00389135 dichotomization, dichotomisation n00389308 quantization, quantisation n00389508 fractionation n00389610 pairing n00389763 buddy system n00389953 match-up, matchup n00390198 punctuation n00390445 hyphenation n00390581 syllabication, syllabification n00390735 word division, hyphenation n00390906 detachment, disengagement n00391086 tear n00391293 laceration n00391407 rent, rip, split n00391599 removal, remotion n00392093 drawing, drawing off n00392335 derivation n00392468 derivation n00392582 derivation n00392709 abscission, cutting off n00392848 abstraction n00392950 extraction n00393161 threshing n00393369 ablation, extirpation, cutting out, excision n00394242 autotomy n00394485 decontamination n00394610 deletion n00394803 denudation, stripping, uncovering, baring, husking n00395017 dermabrasion n00395199 dislodgment, dislodgement n00395333 elimination, riddance n00395503 elimination n00395654 circumcision n00395797 emptying, voidance, evacuation n00396029 drain, drainage n00396213 bank withdrawal n00396344 bank run n00396509 disinvestment n00396642 rinse, rinsing n00396825 bowdlerization, bowdlerisation n00397010 expurgation, castration n00397191 bowdlerization, bowdlerisation n00397347 censoring, censorship n00397545 Bowdlerism n00397647 Comstockery n00397760 expunction, expunging, erasure n00397953 division, partition, partitioning, segmentation, sectionalization, sectionalisation n00398427 subdivision n00398585 septation n00398704 transformation, translation n00399030 transformation n00399223 permutation n00399393 revision, alteration n00399717 transfiguration n00399846 transmogrification n00400083 conversion n00400278 afforestation n00400449 reforestation, re-afforestation n00400645 rehabilitation n00400851 correctional rehabilitation n00400995 physical rehabilitation, physical restoration, therapeutic rehabilitation n00401194 urban renewal n00401314 vocational rehabilitation n00401459 reinstatement n00401639 rejuvenation n00401783 refreshment, recreation n00402128 metamorphosis n00402308 transfiguration, metamorphosis n00402535 filling n00402671 saturation n00402789 hardening n00402951 annealing, tempering n00403092 damage, harm, hurt, scathe n00403334 impairment n00403466 defacement, disfigurement, disfiguration n00403783 wound, wounding n00403911 burn n00404058 scald n00404170 updating n00404403 change of shape n00404726 contortion, deformation n00404959 convolution n00405106 angulation n00405206 bending n00405360 flexion, flexure n00405628 flex n00405766 crouch n00405892 dorsiflexion n00406007 elongation n00406114 hunch n00406234 incurvation n00406365 involution, enfolding n00406485 corrugation n00406612 fold, folding n00406800 plication, pleating n00406939 indentation n00407090 protrusion, projection, jut, jutting n00407270 widening, broadening n00407407 narrowing n00407535 activity n00409075 domesticity n00409211 operation n00409483 operation n00409823 rescue operation n00409943 undercover operation n00410096 buy-and-bust operation n00410247 practice, pattern n00411048 practice, praxis n00411235 biologism n00411384 cooperation n00411553 featherbedding n00411717 formalism n00411859 mycophagy n00412006 one-upmanship n00412130 pluralism n00412271 symbolism, symbolization, symbolisation n00412449 modernism n00412572 occult, occult arts n00412727 ornamentalism n00412839 cannibalism n00412982 anthropophagy n00413086 careerism n00413239 custom, usage, usance n00413554 Americanism n00413674 Anglicism, Britishism n00413795 consuetude n00413904 couvade n00414071 Germanism n00414179 habit, use n00414599 hijab n00414790 ritual n00414881 second nature n00415000 habitude n00415098 round, daily round n00415226 fashion n00415333 lobbyism n00415442 slavery, slaveholding n00415540 peonage n00415676 way, path, way of life n00415988 ambages n00416129 primrose path n00416216 straight and narrow, strait and narrow n00416409 Sunnah, Sunna, hadith n00416646 warpath n00416737 line of least resistance, path of least resistance n00416914 unwritten law n00417005 lynch law n00417131 chokehold, choke hold n00417397 embrace, embracing, embracement n00417643 cuddle, nestle, snuggle n00417859 hug, clinch, squeeze n00418025 mistreatment n00418305 nonconformism n00418394 annoyance, annoying, irritation, vexation n00418615 disregard, neglect n00418787 despite n00418903 exploitation, victimization, victimisation, using n00419315 blaxploitation n00419464 sexploitation n00419644 harassment, molestation n00419908 maltreatment, ill-treatment, ill-usage, abuse n00420218 child abuse n00420336 child neglect n00420477 persecution n00420712 repression n00420877 impalement n00421047 oppression, subjugation n00421210 pogrom n00421321 rendition n00421437 torture, torturing n00422114 bastinado, falanga n00422261 boot n00422391 burning n00422551 crucifixion, excruciation n00422719 genital torture n00422834 judicial torture n00423028 kia quen n00423222 kittee n00423423 nail pulling, nail removal n00423563 picket, piquet n00423769 prolonged interrogation n00423916 rack n00424034 sensory deprivation n00424186 sleep deprivation n00424324 strappado, strapado n00424599 cruelty, inhuman treatment n00424767 atrocity, inhumanity n00424934 brutality, barbarity, barbarism, savagery n00425090 outrage n00425182 baiting n00425278 badgering, worrying, torment, bedevilment n00425451 exasperation n00425615 red flag n00425781 sexual harassment n00425905 tease, teasing, ribbing, tantalization n00426275 witch-hunt n00426388 McCarthyism n00426526 colonialism n00426757 neocolonialism n00426928 diversion, recreation n00427580 antic, joke, prank, trick, caper, put-on n00427853 bathing n00428000 celebration, festivity n00428270 dancing, dance, terpsichore, saltation n00429048 entertainment, amusement n00429322 escapade, lark n00429440 escape, escapism n00429713 eurythmy, eurhythmy, eurythmics, eurhythmics n00429949 fun, merriment, playfulness n00430140 gambling, gaming, play n00430606 game n00431005 jest, joke, jocularity n00431292 nightlife, night life n00431552 pastime, interest, pursuit n00431893 play, child's play n00432164 house n00432356 doctor n00432587 fireman n00432689 avocation, by-line, hobby, pursuit, sideline, spare-time activity n00432881 cup of tea, bag, dish n00433113 confectionery n00433216 sport n00433458 contact sport n00433661 outdoor sport, field sport n00433802 gymnastics, gymnastic exercise n00434075 acrobatics, tumbling n00434231 backbend n00434396 back circle n00434568 walkover n00434657 cartwheel n00434844 crucifix n00435013 dip n00435182 double leg circle n00435401 grand circle n00435563 cardiopulmonary exercise n00435778 gymnastic exercise n00436187 handstand n00436339 hang n00436609 bent hang n00436702 inverted hang n00436817 lever hang n00436953 reverse hang n00437067 straight hang n00437219 piked reverse hang n00437321 kick up n00437487 handspring n00437639 headstand n00437788 tumble n00437929 split n00438065 acrobatic stunt, acrobatic feat n00438338 kip, upstart n00438606 long fly n00438725 scissors n00438893 straddle n00439043 split, stock split, split up n00439284 reverse split, reverse stock split, split down n00439484 somersault, somerset, summersault, summerset, somersaulting, flip n00439749 flip-flop n00439826 track and field n00440039 track, running n00440218 jumping n00440382 broad jump, long jump n00440509 high jump n00440643 Fosbury flop n00440747 skiing n00440941 cross-country skiing n00441073 ski jumping n00441235 kick turn n00441501 stem turn, stem n00441686 telemark n00441824 water sport, aquatics n00442115 swimming, swim n00442437 bathe n00442569 sea bathing n00442654 skinny-dip n00442759 sun bathing n00442847 dip, plunge n00442981 dive, diving n00443231 floating, natation n00443375 dead-man's float, prone float n00443517 belly flop, belly flopper, belly whop, belly whopper n00443692 cliff diving n00443803 flip n00443917 gainer, full gainer n00444142 half gainer n00444340 jackknife n00444490 swan dive, swallow dive n00444651 skin diving, skin-dive n00444846 scuba diving n00444937 snorkeling, snorkel diving n00445055 surfing, surfboarding, surfriding n00445226 water-skiing n00445351 rowing, row n00445529 crab n00445685 sculling n00445802 boxing, pugilism, fisticuffs n00446311 professional boxing n00446411 in-fighting n00446493 fight n00446632 rope-a-dope n00446804 spar, sparring n00446980 archery n00447073 sledding n00447221 tobogganing n00447361 luging n00447463 bobsledding n00447540 wrestling, rassling, grappling n00447879 flying mare n00447957 Greco-Roman wrestling n00448126 professional wrestling n00448232 sumo n00448466 skating n00448640 ice skating n00448748 figure skating n00448872 rollerblading n00448958 roller skating n00449054 skateboarding n00449168 speed skating n00449295 racing n00449517 auto racing, car racing n00449695 boat racing n00449796 hydroplane racing n00449892 camel racing n00449977 greyhound racing n00450070 horse racing n00450230 thoroughbred racing n00450335 riding, horseback riding, equitation n00450700 equestrian sport n00450866 pony-trekking n00450998 showjumping, stadium jumping n00451186 cross-country riding, cross-country jumping n00451370 cycling n00451563 bicycling n00451635 motorcycling n00451768 dune cycling n00451866 blood sport n00452034 bullfighting, tauromachy n00452152 cockfighting n00452293 hunt, hunting n00452734 battue n00452864 beagling n00452947 canned hunt n00453126 coursing n00453313 deer hunting, deer hunt n00453396 ducking, duck hunting n00453478 fox hunting, foxhunt n00453631 pigsticking n00453731 farming, land n00453935 fishing, sportfishing n00454121 fishing n00454237 angling n00454395 fly-fishing n00454493 troll, trolling n00454624 casting, cast n00454855 bait casting n00454983 fly casting n00455076 overcast n00455173 surf casting, surf fishing n00455348 follow-up, followup n00455599 game n00456199 game n00456465 day game n00456563 night game n00456690 away game, road game n00456804 home game n00456899 exhibition game, practice game n00457038 follow-on n00457228 innings n00457382 turn, play n00457723 attack n00457890 opening, chess opening n00458094 counterattack, counterplay n00458286 down n00458456 bat, at-bat n00458641 catch n00458800 party game n00458890 computer game, video game n00459013 virtual reality n00459284 pinball, pinball game n00459465 pachinko n00459570 guessing game n00459727 charades n00459845 ducks and drakes n00459979 mind game n00460078 paper chase, hare and hounds n00460344 ring-around-the-rosy, ring-around-a-rosy, ring-a-rosy n00460541 prisoner's base n00460706 treasure hunt n00460844 nightcap n00460951 twin bill, doubleheader, double feature n00461162 playoff game n00461294 cup tie n00461402 war game n00461611 curling n00461782 bowling n00462116 frame n00462241 tenpins, tenpin bowling n00462383 ninepins, skittles n00462557 duckpins n00462686 candlepins, candlepin bowling n00462804 lawn bowling, bowls n00462997 bocce, bocci, boccie n00463116 pall-mall n00463246 athletic game n00463543 ice hockey, hockey, hockey game n00464037 goalkeeper, goalie, goaltender, netkeeper n00464277 tetherball n00464478 water polo n00464651 outdoor game n00464894 golf, golf game n00466273 professional golf n00466377 round of golf, round n00466524 medal play, stroke play n00466630 match play n00466712 miniature golf n00466880 croquet n00467122 paintball n00467320 quoits, horseshoes n00467536 shuffleboard, shovelboard n00467719 field game n00467995 field hockey, hockey n00468299 shinny, shinney n00468480 football, football game n00469651 American football, American football game n00470554 professional football n00470682 touch football n00470830 hurling n00470966 rugby, rugby football, rugger n00471277 knock on n00471437 ball game, ballgame n00471613 baseball, baseball game n00474568 ball n00474657 professional baseball n00474769 hardball n00474881 perfect game n00475014 no-hit game, no-hitter n00475142 one-hitter, 1-hitter n00475273 two-hitter, 2-hitter n00475403 three-hitter, 3-hitter n00475535 four-hitter, 4-hitter n00475661 five-hitter, 5-hitter n00475787 softball, softball game n00476140 rounders n00476235 stickball, stickball game n00476389 cricket n00476788 run-up n00476952 Chinaman n00477097 googly, wrong 'un, bosie, bosie ball n00477268 no ball n00477392 lacrosse n00477639 polo n00477827 pushball n00477986 ultimate frisbee n00478262 soccer, association football n00478647 dribble, dribbling n00478855 double dribble n00479076 court game n00479440 handball n00479616 racquetball n00479734 fives n00479887 squash, squash racquets, squash rackets n00480211 volleyball, volleyball game n00480366 jai alai, pelota n00480508 badminton n00480885 battledore, battledore and shuttlecock n00480993 basketball, basketball game, hoops n00481666 tip-off, tap-off n00481803 professional basketball n00481938 deck tennis n00482122 netball n00482298 tennis, lawn tennis n00482892 break, break of serve n00483098 equalizer n00483205 professional tennis n00483313 singles n00483409 singles n00483508 doubles n00483605 doubles n00483705 royal tennis, real tennis, court tennis n00483848 pallone n00483935 child's game n00484362 blindman's bluff, blindman's buff n00484532 cat and mouse, cat and rat n00484802 cat's cradle n00484910 hide-and-seek, hide and go seek n00485081 hopscotch n00485262 jacks, jackstones, knucklebones n00485450 jackstraws, spillikins n00485632 jump rope n00485815 double Dutch n00485998 leapfrog n00486130 leapfrog n00486358 marbles n00486490 mumblety-peg, mumble-the-peg n00486670 musical chairs, going to Jerusalem n00487072 peekaboo, bopeep n00487228 pillow fight n00487326 post office n00487453 spin the bottle n00487617 spin the plate, spin the platter n00487874 tag n00488051 tiddlywinks n00488225 card game, cards n00489475 cut, cutting n00489730 all fours, high-low-jack n00489933 baccarat, chemin de fer n00490155 beggar-my-neighbor, beggar-my-neighbour, strip-Jack-naked n00490350 blackjack, twenty-one, vingt-et-un n00490569 bridge n00491037 bridge whist n00491161 auction, auction bridge n00491366 contract, contract bridge n00491561 no-trump n00491713 casino, cassino n00491901 cribbage, crib n00492083 crib n00492195 ecarte n00492309 euchre, five hundred n00492497 fantan, sevens, parliament n00492724 faro n00492871 Go Fish n00493031 monte, four-card monte, three-card monte n00493308 Michigan, Chicago, Newmarket, boodle, stops n00493742 Napoleon, nap n00493858 old maid n00494100 pinochle, pinocle, penuchle, bezique n00494293 piquet n00494406 pisha paysha n00494768 poker, poker game n00495103 rouge et noir, trente-et-quarante n00495331 rummy, rum n00495524 solitaire, patience n00495677 canfield n00495774 klondike n00496167 whist, long whist, short whist n00496437 dummy whist n00496599 hearts, Black Maria n00496760 Russian bank, crapette n00496877 gin, gin rummy, knock rummy n00497060 canasta, basket rummy, meld n00497321 bolivia n00497425 samba n00497536 draw, draw poker n00497713 high-low n00497819 penny ante, penny ante poker n00497924 straight poker n00498086 strip poker n00498220 stud, stud poker n00498427 cinch n00498558 pitch, auction pitch n00498700 seven-up, old sledge n00498828 royal casino n00498947 spade casino n00499066 table game n00499263 table tennis, Ping-Pong n00499477 dominoes, dominos n00499599 nim n00499924 billiards n00500280 break n00500449 carom, cannon n00500669 masse, masse shot n00500927 miscue n00501080 pool, pocket billiards n00501304 snooker n00501479 bagatelle, bar billiards n00501722 parlor game, parlour game n00501870 word game n00502030 anagrams n00502161 Scrabble n00502415 board game n00502822 backgammon n00502952 checkers, draughts n00503237 chess, chess game n00503981 Chinese checkers, Chinese chequers n00504209 darts n00504325 go, go game n00504526 halma n00504660 lotto, bingo, beano, keno n00504844 tombola n00504975 ludo n00505126 Mah-Jongg, mahjong n00505238 Monopoly n00505446 pachisi, parchesi, parchisi n00505615 Parcheesi n00505726 shogi n00505871 shovel board, shove-halfpenny, shove-ha'penny n00506060 snakes and ladders n00506207 ticktacktoe, ticktacktoo, tick-tack-toe, tic-tac-toe, tit-tat-toe, noughts and crosses n00506554 sporting life n00506658 bet, wager n00506919 daily double n00507025 exacta, perfecta n00507162 parimutuel n00507271 parlay n00507425 place bet n00507539 superfecta n00507673 game of chance, gambling game n00507887 fantan, fan tan n00508091 lottery, drawing n00508340 lucky dip n00508547 numbers pool, numbers game, numbers racket, numbers n00508672 raffle n00508800 sweepstakes n00508952 craps n00509302 crap shooting, crapshoot, crap game n00509399 roulette n00509566 banking game n00509706 zero-sum game n00509846 merrymaking, conviviality, jollification n00510050 jinks, high jinks, hijinks, high jinx n00510189 revel, revelry n00510383 sexcapade n00510475 spree, fling n00510624 spending spree n00510723 bust, tear, binge, bout n00510922 piss-up n00511041 carouse, carousal, bender, toot, booze-up n00511212 orgy, debauch, debauchery, saturnalia, riot, bacchanal, bacchanalia, drunken revelry n00511555 carnival n00511676 Dionysia, Bacchanalia n00511817 play, frolic, romp, gambol, caper n00512267 caper, capriole n00512351 capriole n00512522 flirt, flirting, flirtation, coquetry, dalliance, toying n00512843 folly, foolery, tomfoolery, craziness, lunacy, indulgence n00513089 game n00513251 meshugaas, mishegaas, mishegoss n00513401 buffoonery, clowning, japery, frivolity, harlequinade, prank n00513597 shtik, schtik, shtick, schtick n00513761 horseplay n00513841 teasing n00513952 word play n00514041 dirty trick n00514128 practical joke n00514356 April fool n00514471 hotfoot n00514658 rag n00514787 snipe hunt n00515069 drollery, waggery n00515159 leg-pull, leg-pulling n00515297 pleasantry n00515414 beguilement, distraction n00515578 edutainment n00515684 extravaganza n00515791 militainment n00515952 nightlife, night life n00516086 celebration, solemnization, solemnisation n00516381 Isthmian Games n00516559 Nemean Games n00516720 Olympian Games, Olympic Games n00516900 Pythian Games n00517080 Royal National Eisteddfod n00517231 eisteddfod n00517418 film festival n00517564 feria n00517728 festival, fete n00518039 jazz festival n00518152 Kwanzaa, Kwanza n00518303 Oktoberfest n00518442 Saturnalia n00518555 sheepshearing n00518669 gala, gala affair, jamboree, blowout n00518770 Ludi Saeculares, secular games n00519118 victory celebration n00519251 whoopee n00519333 carnival, fair, funfair n00519492 dog show n00519579 horseshow n00519669 raree-show n00519739 circus n00519941 three-ring circus n00520059 Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday n00520257 show n00520672 cabaret, floorshow, floor show n00520783 ice show n00520880 interlude, intermezzo, entr'acte n00521085 parade n00521209 display, exhibit, showing n00521450 light show n00521562 presentation, presentment, demonstration n00521970 demonstration n00522145 exhibition n00522338 repudiation, debunking n00522537 exposure n00522736 production n00522939 rodeo n00523078 road show n00523148 sideshow n00523263 Wild West Show, Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show n00523513 sport, athletics n00526259 adagio n00526412 break dancing, break dance n00526663 courante n00526793 nautch, nauch, nautch dance n00526948 pavane, pavan n00527061 phrase n00527198 saraband n00527319 skank n00527498 slam dancing, slam dance n00527695 step dancing, hoofing n00527872 tap dancing, tap dance n00528059 toe dancing, toe dance n00528156 soft-shoe, soft-shoe shuffle, soft-shoe dancing n00528298 buck-and-wing n00528397 stage dancing, choreography n00528667 ballet, concert dance n00529101 pas seul, variation n00529224 pas de deux, duet n00529400 pas de trois n00529511 pas de quatre n00529622 classical ballet n00529784 modern ballet n00529902 comedy ballet n00530018 modern dance n00530208 clog dance, clog dancing, clog n00530386 apache dance n00530554 belly dance, belly dancing, danse du ventre n00530755 bolero n00530874 cakewalk n00531077 cancan n00531201 nude dancing n00531355 fan dance n00531490 strip, striptease, strip show n00531745 bubble dance n00531886 interpretive dance, interpretive dancing, interpretative dance, interpretative dancing n00532110 social dancing n00532441 jitterbug n00532567 lindy, lindy hop n00532739 fandango n00532896 farandole n00533036 flamenco, gypsy dancing n00533224 gavotte n00533322 habanera n00533404 shag n00533535 shimmy n00533691 stomp n00533805 tarantella, tarantelle n00533922 dance step, step n00534152 chasse, sashay n00534344 glissade n00534480 turnout n00534631 twist n00534849 ballroom dancing, ballroom dance n00535321 beguine n00535455 carioca n00535557 cha-cha, cha-cha-cha n00535732 one-step n00535873 turkey trot n00535956 fox-trot, foxtrot n00536120 two-step n00536249 bunny hug n00536359 Charleston n00536516 conga n00536655 cotillion, cotilion n00536778 minuet n00536872 paso doble n00536964 quickstep n00537085 rumba, rhumba n00537192 samba n00537297 round dance, round dancing n00537423 tango n00537534 waltz, valse n00537682 folk dancing, folk dance n00538052 mazurka n00538144 polka n00538266 schottische n00538368 morris dance, morris dancing n00538510 sword dance, sword dancing n00538668 mambo n00538791 highland fling n00538876 hornpipe n00538991 jig n00539121 country-dance, country dancing, contredanse, contra danse, contradance n00539510 longways, longways dance n00539674 Virginia reel, reel n00539827 round dance, ring dance n00539951 square dance, square dancing n00540211 reel, Scottish reel n00540396 eightsome n00540485 quadrille n00540616 lancers n00540701 do-si-do n00540895 promenade n00541035 sashay n00541178 swing n00541338 landler n00541479 ritual dancing, ritual dance, ceremonial dance n00541779 rumba, rhumba n00541972 apache devil dance n00542065 corn dance n00542149 danse macabre, dance of death n00542323 ghost dance n00542458 hula, hula-hula, Hawaiian dancing n00542584 pyrrhic n00542711 rain dance n00542841 snake dance n00542992 sun dance n00543114 war dance n00543233 music n00544441 bell ringing, carillon, carillon playing n00544605 change ringing n00544731 instrumental music n00544842 intonation n00545059 percussion n00545194 drumming n00545344 vocal music n00545501 singing, vocalizing n00546070 a cappella singing, a capella singing n00546216 bel canto n00546299 coloratura n00546389 song, strain n00546613 carol n00546738 lullaby, cradlesong n00546861 caroling n00546972 crooning n00547101 crooning n00547244 scat, scat singing n00547454 whistling n00547616 beat n00547765 bow n00547960 down-bow n00548068 up-bow n00548173 officiation n00548326 acting, playing, playacting, performing n00548802 portrayal, characterization, enactment, personation n00549106 impression n00549284 impersonation, personation n00549472 apery, mimicry n00549610 parody, mockery, takeoff n00549766 method acting, method n00550016 mime, pantomime, dumb show n00550242 panto n00550341 business, stage business, byplay n00550545 shtik, schtik, shtick, schtick n00550771 performance n00551215 program, programme n00551407 bill n00551508 skit n00551585 hamming, overacting n00551714 heroics n00551913 reenactment n00552097 roleplaying n00552219 card trick n00552312 prestidigitation, sleight of hand n00552436 liveliness, animation n00552568 brouhaha n00552679 circus, carnival n00552922 disorganization, disorganisation n00553173 disruption, perturbation n00553362 dislocation, breakdown n00553655 surprise, surprisal n00553823 commotion, din, ruction, ruckus, rumpus, tumult n00553995 furor, furore n00554107 havoc, mayhem n00554200 melee, scrimmage, battle royal n00554300 agitation, excitement, turmoil, upheaval, hullabaloo n00554433 outburst, tumultuous disturbance n00554541 rampage, violent disorder n00554726 wilding n00554850 upset, derangement, overthrow n00555138 bustle, hustle, flurry, ado, fuss, stir n00555325 burst, fit n00555525 fits and starts n00555648 haste, hurry, rush, rushing n00555983 dash, bolt n00556142 scamper, scramble, scurry n00556313 maneuver, manoeuvre, play n00556834 takeaway n00556992 figure n00557184 figure eight n00557287 spread eagle n00557419 completion, pass completion n00557588 play n00557865 ball hawking n00558008 assist n00558181 icing, icing the puck n00558396 power play n00558630 football play n00558883 run, running, running play, running game n00559329 draw, draw play n00559555 end run, sweep n00559724 return n00559916 reverse n00560141 double reverse n00560293 rush, rushing n00560529 pass, passing play, passing game, passing n00560866 power play n00561078 handoff n00561226 forward pass, aerial n00561376 flare pass, flare n00561570 screen pass n00561707 lateral pass, lateral n00561820 spot pass n00561985 tackle n00562179 jugglery n00562280 obstruction n00562398 blocking, block n00562643 interference n00562823 trap block n00562935 check n00563097 crosscheck n00563212 poke check n00563330 razzle-dazzle, razzle, razzmatazz, razmataz n00563494 basketball play n00563665 pick n00563823 switch n00563998 give-and-go n00564177 baseball play n00564373 double play n00564477 triple play n00564583 pick-off n00564710 squeeze play n00564897 suicide squeeze play, suicide squeeze n00565051 safety squeeze play, safety squeeze n00565219 footwork n00565302 stroke, shot n00565809 cut, undercut n00566040 swipe n00566135 tennis stroke, tennis shot n00566298 return n00566690 backhand, backhand stroke, backhand shot n00566889 chop, chop shot n00567044 drive n00567280 drop shot, dink n00567418 forehand, forehand stroke, forehand shot n00567685 forehand drive n00567896 get n00568057 backhand drive n00568166 two-handed backhand n00568286 ground stroke n00568430 serve, service n00568701 ace n00568813 fault n00569073 let, net ball n00569234 half volley n00569361 lob n00569474 overhead, smash n00569608 passing shot n00569733 volley n00569898 stroke n00570066 swimming stroke n00570366 crawl, front crawl, Australian crawl n00570572 dog paddle n00570683 sidestroke n00570854 butterfly, butterfly stroke n00571060 breaststroke n00571283 backstroke n00571444 baseball swing, swing, cut n00571609 golf stroke, golf shot, swing n00571956 downswing n00572043 slice, fade, slicing n00572285 hook, draw, hooking n00572489 drive, driving n00572706 explosion n00572838 putt, putting n00573106 clock golf n00573268 approach, approach shot n00573530 chip, chip shot n00573664 pitch, pitch shot n00573775 sclaff n00573945 shank n00574077 teeoff n00574227 swimming kick n00574430 flutter kick n00574608 frog kick n00574790 dolphin kick n00574925 scissors kick n00575083 thrash n00575214 treading water n00575365 cinch, breeze, picnic, snap, duck soup, child's play, pushover, walkover, piece of cake n00575657 doddle n00575741 work n00576451 action n00576717 job n00576877 job n00577068 operation, procedure n00577357 works, deeds n00577525 service n00577749 consulting service n00577931 advisory service n00578154 attestation service, attestation report n00578405 financial audit n00578549 facility n00578708 laundering n00578795 shining, polishing n00579082 shoeshine n00579201 national service n00579334 utility n00579564 service n00579834 socage n00579977 military service n00580081 knight's service n00580190 heavy lifting n00580370 housecleaning n00580565 housecleaning n00580880 housewifery n00580961 housework, housekeeping n00581090 ironing n00581241 workload, work load n00581382 case load n00581517 piecework n00581621 busywork, make-work n00581772 logging n00581885 loose end, unfinished business n00581991 nightwork n00582071 paperwork n00582195 welfare work, social service n00582388 occupation, business, job, line of work, line n00582868 occupation n00583089 game, biz n00583246 career, calling, vocation n00583461 specialization, specialisation, specialty, speciality, specialism n00583747 specialization, specialisation n00583933 spiritualization, spiritualisation n00584160 lifework n00584248 walk of life, walk n00584367 employment, work n00584769 job n00584891 service n00585018 telecommuting, teleworking n00585174 services n00585406 facility n00585660 public service n00585810 minister n00585964 cabinet minister n00586105 appointment n00586262 position, post, berth, office, spot, billet, place, situation n00588473 academicianship n00588598 accountantship n00588703 admiralty n00588780 ambassadorship n00588881 apostleship n00588998 apprenticeship n00589103 associateship n00589217 attorneyship n00589318 bailiffship n00589415 baronetage n00589494 bishopry, episcopate n00589596 cadetship n00589691 caliphate n00589769 captainship, captaincy n00589948 cardinalship n00590047 chairmanship n00590148 chancellorship n00590269 chaplaincy, chaplainship n00590383 chieftaincy, chieftainship n00590518 clerkship n00590626 commandership, commandery n00590806 comptrollership n00590913 consulship n00591006 controllership n00591111 councillorship, councilorship n00591236 counselorship, counsellorship n00591446 curacy n00591523 curatorship n00591622 custodianship n00591725 deanship, deanery n00591858 directorship n00592001 discipleship n00592102 editorship n00592199 eldership n00592292 emirate n00592367 fatherhood n00592446 fatherhood n00592535 foremanship n00592652 generalship, generalcy n00592795 governorship n00592894 headmastership n00592999 headmistressship n00593108 headship n00593219 headship n00593389 hot seat n00593512 incumbency n00593613 inspectorship n00593732 instructorship n00593837 internship n00593944 judgeship, judicature n00594070 khanate n00594146 lectureship n00594260 legation, legateship n00594374 legislatorship n00594477 librarianship n00594580 lieutenancy n00594738 magistracy, magistrature n00594836 managership n00594953 manhood n00595032 marshalship n00595146 mastership n00595333 mayoralty n00595410 messiahship n00595545 moderatorship n00595684 overlordship n00595785 pastorship, pastorate n00595894 peasanthood n00596081 plum n00596193 praetorship n00596290 precentorship n00596393 preceptorship n00596496 prefecture n00596592 prelacy, prelature n00596692 premiership n00596807 presidency, presidentship n00597265 President of the United States, President, Chief Executive n00597532 primateship n00597629 principalship n00597728 priorship n00597821 proconsulship, proconsulate n00597957 proctorship n00598056 professorship, chair n00598215 protectorship n00598318 public office n00598439 bully pulpit n00598678 rabbinate n00598767 receivership n00598868 rectorship, rectorate n00598970 regency n00599064 residency n00599234 rulership n00599329 sainthood n00599472 secretaryship n00599917 Attorney General, Attorney General of the United States n00600200 Secretary of Agriculture, Agriculture Secretary n00600435 Secretary of Commerce, Commerce Secretary n00600655 Secretary of Defense, Defense Secretary n00600871 Secretary of Education, Education Secretary n00601088 Secretary of Energy, Energy Secretary n00601296 Secretary of Health and Human Services n00601557 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development n00601822 Secretary of Labor, Labor Secretary n00602026 Secretary of State n00602220 Secretary of the Interior, Interior Secretary n00602448 Secretary of the Treasury, Treasury Secretary n00602669 Secretary of Transportation, Transportation Secretary n00602909 Secretary of Veterans Affairs n00603131 Secretary of War, War Secretary n00603319 Secretary of the Navy, Navy Secretary n00603512 Secretary of Commerce and Labor n00603684 Secretary of Health Education and Welfare n00603866 seigniory, seigneury, feudal lordship n00603995 seismography n00604131 senatorship n00604228 sinecure n00604321 solicitorship n00604424 speakership n00604523 stewardship n00604694 studentship n00604811 teachership n00604910 thaneship n00605023 throne n00605246 treasurership n00605349 tribuneship n00605430 trusteeship n00605511 vice-presidency n00605616 viceroyship n00605715 viziership n00605812 wardenship n00605909 wardership n00606006 womanhood n00606119 treadmill, salt mine n00606227 business life, professional life n00606370 trade, craft n00607075 airplane mechanics n00607185 auto mechanics n00607293 basketry n00607374 bookbinding n00607458 bricklaying n00607542 cabinetwork, cabinetry n00607775 carpentry, woodworking, woodwork n00608037 drafting, mechanical drawing n00608162 dressmaking n00608265 electrical work n00608354 interior decoration, interior design n00608551 furnishing n00608645 lighting n00608789 lumbering n00608896 masonry n00609159 oculism n00609236 painting, house painting n00609423 papermaking n00609506 piloting, pilotage n00609669 plumbing, plumbery n00609868 pottery n00609953 profession n00610222 metier, medium n00610373 learned profession n00610592 literature n00610738 architecture n00611143 law, practice of law n00611433 education n00611674 journalism n00611874 newspapering n00611972 politics n00612160 medicine, practice of medicine n00613282 preventive medicine n00613473 alternative medicine n00613685 herbal medicine n00613819 complementary medicine n00613973 theology n00614224 writing, committal to writing n00614489 cryptography, coding, secret writing, steganography n00614730 handwriting n00615011 inscription n00615182 notation n00615336 superscription n00615462 stenography n00615659 subscription n00615887 encoding, encryption n00616083 compression n00616279 image compression n00616398 MPEG n00616641 decompression n00616807 data encryption n00616951 recoding n00617059 decoding, decryption, decipherment n00617337 triangulation n00617601 cabinetmaking, joinery n00617692 pyrotechnics, pyrotechny n00617865 shoemaking, shoe repairing, cobbling n00617989 roofing n00618119 sheet-metal work n00618264 shingling n00618436 tailoring n00618536 tool-and-die work n00618642 couture n00618734 accountancy, accounting n00619011 cost accounting n00619142 costing n00619230 bookkeeping, clerking n00619419 single entry, single-entry bookkeeping n00619578 double entry, double-entry bookkeeping n00619738 inventory accounting n00619889 inventory control n00620084 first in first out, FIFO n00620258 last in first out, LIFO n00620424 butchery, butchering n00620554 photography n00620752 labor, labour, toil n00621198 strikebreaking n00621326 corvee n00621476 drudgery, plodding, grind, donkeywork n00621627 effort, elbow grease, exertion, travail, sweat n00622068 struggle n00622266 wrestle, wrestling, grapple, grappling, hand-to-hand struggle n00622584 hunt, hunting n00622859 hackwork n00622957 haymaking n00623052 haymaking n00623162 manual labor, manual labour n00623370 overwork, overworking n00623545 slavery n00623670 subbing, substituting n00623862 trouble, difficulty n00624147 the devil n00624285 tsuris n00624436 least effort, least resistance n00624553 strain, straining n00624738 exercise, exercising, physical exercise, physical exertion, workout n00625427 pull n00625551 conditioner n00625699 set, exercise set n00625858 aerobics, aerobic exercise n00625993 bodybuilding, anaerobic exercise, muscle building, musclebuilding n00626188 weightlift, weightlifting n00626423 jerk n00626574 bench press n00626728 incline bench press n00626838 clean and jerk, clean n00627013 press, military press n00627196 snatch n00627321 weight gaining n00627437 calisthenics, callisthenics n00627664 calisthenics, callisthenics n00627849 isometrics, isometric exercise n00628131 isotonic exercise n00628390 jogging n00628539 Kegel exercises, pubococcygeus exercises n00628692 stretch, stretching n00628883 pandiculation n00629009 power walking n00629176 arm exercise n00629318 pushup, press-up n00629496 widegrip pushup n00629597 pull-up, chin-up n00629803 back exercise n00629911 leg exercise n00630071 knee bend, squat, squatting n00630268 leg curl, leg curling n00630401 leg extensor n00630526 neck exercise n00630634 stomach exercise, tummy crunch n00630786 sit-up n00630960 yoga n00631168 hatha yoga n00631378 practice n00631712 consultancy n00631887 cosmetology n00632017 dental practice n00632104 law practice n00632201 medical practice n00632342 family practice, family medicine n00632531 group practice n00632716 optometry n00632820 private practice n00633108 quackery, empiricism n00633329 application, diligence n00633479 overkill n00633613 supererogation n00633717 overexertion n00633864 investigation, investigating n00634276 analysis n00634586 count, counting, numeration, enumeration, reckoning, tally n00635012 police work, police investigation n00635205 detection, detecting, detective work, sleuthing n00635422 forensics n00635544 roundup n00635699 empiricism n00635850 examination, scrutiny n00636461 examination, testing n00636728 inquiry, enquiry n00636921 research n00637145 eleven-plus, 11-plus n00637354 search n00637546 operations research n00637677 means test n00637810 inquest n00637912 big science n00638080 biological research n00638243 cloning n00638448 reproductive cloning n00638602 human reproductive cloning n00638770 somatic cell nuclear transplantation, somatic cell nuclear transfer, SCNT, nuclear transplantation n00639007 therapeutic cloning, biomedical cloning n00639267 stem-cell research n00639398 embryonic stem-cell research n00639556 experiment, experimentation n00639833 field work n00639975 testing n00640188 marketing research, market research n00640434 market analysis n00640560 product research n00640721 consumer research n00640889 microscopy n00641109 electron microscopy n00641222 electron spin resonance, ESR, electron paramagnetic resonance n00641421 trial and error n00641522 probe n00641693 Human Genome Project n00641820 scientific research, research project n00642045 endoscopy n00642325 celioscopy n00642446 colonoscopy n00642604 culdoscopy n00642762 gastroscopy n00642910 hysteroscopy n00643067 proctoscopy n00643208 sigmoidoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy n00643389 gonioscopy n00643621 keratoscopy n00643772 rhinoscopy n00643943 scan n00644156 scanning n00644366 search n00644503 survey, study n00644702 testing n00644967 screening n00645162 genetic screening n00645365 time and motion study, time-and-motion study, time-motion study, motion study, time study, work study n00645622 dark ground illumination, dark field illumination n00645843 fluorescence microscopy n00646024 indirect immunofluorescence n00646187 anatomy n00646332 urinalysis, uranalysis n00646504 scatology n00646680 case study n00646833 chemical analysis, qualitative analysis n00647147 polarography n00647270 quantitative analysis, quantitative chemical analysis n00647536 colorimetry, colorimetric analysis n00647713 volumetric analysis n00647919 acidimetry n00648087 alkalimetry n00648237 titration n00648542 volumetric analysis n00648692 gravimetric analysis n00648790 cost analysis n00648931 dissection n00649090 fundamental analysis, fundamentals analysis n00649266 technical analysis, technical analysis of stock trends n00649482 spectroscopy, spectrometry, spectroscopic analysis, spectrum analysis, spectrographic analysis n00649760 dialysis n00649992 apheresis, pheresis n00650267 plasmapheresis n00650402 plateletpheresis n00650543 hemodialysis, haemodialysis n00650743 mass spectroscopy n00650912 microwave spectroscopy n00651088 likening n00651176 analogy n00651531 collation n00651670 confrontation n00651813 contrast n00651954 lighterage n00652069 visitation n00652311 site visit n00652466 surveillance n00652659 tabulation n00652803 blood count n00652975 complete blood count, CBC, blood profile n00653171 differential blood count n00653388 census, nose count, nosecount n00653518 countdown n00653719 miscount n00653811 poll n00653958 recount n00654113 sperm count n00654234 spying, undercover work n00654400 wiretap, tap n00654563 espionage n00654683 counterespionage n00654765 electronic surveillance n00654885 care, attention, aid, tending n00655540 maternalism n00655727 babysitting, baby sitting n00655878 pet sitting n00656033 primary care n00656192 aftercare n00656292 dental care n00656386 brush, brushing n00656524 first aid n00656643 eyedrop, eye-drop n00656835 adrenergic agonist eyedrop n00657080 beta blocker eyedrop n00657257 miotic eyedrop n00657420 topical prostaglandin eyedrop n00657604 medical care, medical aid n00658082 treatment, intervention n00658627 hospitalization, hospitalisation, hospital care n00658796 incubation n00658946 livery n00659048 massage n00659349 cardiac massage, heart massage n00659667 effleurage n00659834 petrissage n00659946 reflexology n00660173 Swedish massage n00660324 tapotement n00660570 makeover n00660783 manicure n00660957 pedicure n00661091 therapy n00661847 modality n00662017 diathermy n00662196 aromatherapy n00662340 chemotherapy n00662527 correction n00662681 electrotherapy, galvanism, electric healing, electrical healing n00662972 heliotherapy, insolation n00663094 hormone replacement therapy, hormone-replacement therapy, HRT n00663333 immunotherapy n00663488 infrared therapy n00663714 inflation therapy n00663878 iontophoresis, ionic medication, iontotherapy, electromotive drug administration, EMDA n00664110 medication n00664285 antipyresis n00664388 megavitamin therapy n00664577 occupational therapy n00664849 nourishment n00664997 nursing care n00665079 nursing n00665221 tender loving care, TLC n00665358 nurturance n00665476 personal care n00665679 skin care, skincare n00665781 facial n00665970 adenoidectomy n00666107 adrenalectomy, suprarenalectomy n00666232 appendectomy, appendicectomy n00666350 amputation n00666468 angioplasty n00666600 arthrodesis n00666733 arthroplasty n00666884 arthroscopy n00667096 autoplasty n00667246 brain surgery n00667384 psychosurgery n00667612 split-brain technique n00667847 castration n00668112 cautery, cauterization, cauterisation n00668404 chemosurgery n00668552 colostomy n00668736 craniotomy n00668829 cryosurgery n00669000 cholecystectomy n00669155 clitoridectomy, female circumcision n00669262 laparoscopic cholecystectomy, lap choly n00669481 curettage, curettement n00669687 suction curettage, vacuum aspiration n00669932 debridement n00670105 decortication n00670250 dilation and curettage, dilatation and curettage, D and C n00670703 disembowelment, evisceration n00670897 electrosurgery n00671022 enterostomy, enterotomy n00671190 enucleation n00671351 operation, surgery, surgical operation, surgical procedure, surgical process n00673109 wrong-site surgery n00673234 embolectomy n00673347 endarterectomy n00673494 enervation n00673578 evisceration n00673710 exenteration n00673863 eye operation, eye surgery n00674158 face lift, facelift, lift, face lifting, cosmetic surgery, rhytidectomy, rhytidoplasty, nip and tuck n00674562 fenestration n00674760 gastrectomy n00674864 gastroenterostomy n00675064 gastrostomy n00675219 heart surgery n00675357 closed-heart surgery n00675540 open-heart surgery n00675808 coronary bypass, coronary bypass surgery, coronary artery bypass graft, CABG n00676160 port-access coronary bypass surgery n00676453 minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery n00676693 hemorrhoidectomy, haemorrhoidectomy n00676834 hemostasis, haemostasis, hemostasia, haemostasia n00677038 hypophysectomy n00677174 hysterectomy n00677299 hysterotomy n00677434 radical hysterectomy, panhysterectomy n00677613 total hysterectomy n00677719 gastromy n00677808 implantation n00678010 incision, section, surgical incision n00678425 cataract surgery n00678632 intracapsular surgery n00678752 extracapsular surgery n00678988 cyclodestructive surgery n00679140 phacoemulsification n00679379 filtration surgery n00679566 iridectomy n00679724 iridotomy n00679910 keratotomy n00680018 radial keratotomy n00680183 laser-assisted subepithelial keratomileusis, LASEK n00680336 laser trabecular surgery n00680511 laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, LASIK n00680658 vitrectomy n00680803 perineotomy n00680914 episiotomy n00681071 ileostomy n00681299 intestinal bypass n00681441 jejunostomy n00681613 keratoplasty, corneal graft, corneal transplant n00681869 epikeratophakia n00682080 lipectomy, selective lipectomy n00682243 liposuction, suction lipectomy n00682436 mastopexy n00682538 neuroplasty n00682625 otoplasty n00682738 laminectomy n00682856 laparotomy n00683012 laparoscopy n00683214 laryngectomy n00683358 lithotomy n00683470 cholelithotomy n00683590 lobectomy n00683722 amygdalotomy n00683915 callosotomy, callosectomy n00684128 lobotomy, leukotomy, leucotomy, prefrontal lobotomy, prefrontal leukotomy, prefrontal leucotomy, frontal lobotomy n00684450 transorbital lobotomy n00684648 lumpectomy n00684837 major surgery n00684988 microsurgery n00685196 robotic telesurgery n00685349 minor surgery n00685508 mastectomy n00685675 modified radical mastectomy n00685837 radical mastectomy n00686027 simple mastectomy n00686168 mastoidectomy n00686282 meniscectomy n00686385 nephrectomy n00686471 neurectomy n00686570 oophorectomy, ovariectomy n00686682 oophorosalpingectomy n00686826 ophthalmectomy n00686913 orchidectomy, orchiectomy n00687027 pancreatectomy n00687135 pneumonectomy n00687252 prostatectomy n00687365 salpingectomy n00687472 septectomy n00687619 sigmoidectomy n00687769 splenectomy n00687857 stapedectomy n00687964 sympathectomy n00688098 thrombectomy n00688220 thyroidectomy n00688317 tonsillectomy n00688462 myotomy n00688557 myringectomy n00688647 myringoplasty n00688766 myringotomy n00688915 neurosurgery n00689062 nose job, rhinoplasty n00689186 orchiopexy n00689302 orchotomy n00689467 osteotomy n00689550 ostomy n00689729 palatopharyngoplasty, PPP, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, UPPP n00689995 phalloplasty n00690132 phlebectomy n00690281 photocoagulation n00690501 plastic surgery, reconstructive surgery, anaplasty n00690848 polypectomy n00690933 proctoplasty, rectoplasty n00691050 resection n00691190 rhinotomy n00691330 rhizotomy n00691541 sclerotomy n00691648 sex-change operation, transsexual surgery n00691879 Shirodkar's operation, purse-string operation n00692130 sterilization, sterilisation n00692349 castration, emasculation n00692506 neutering, fixing, altering n00692726 spaying n00692840 strabotomy n00692991 taxis n00693109 Michelson-Morley experiment n00693399 tracheostomy, tracheotomy n00693679 transplant, transplantation, organ transplant n00694088 transurethral resection of the prostate, TURP n00694276 trephination n00694420 tympanoplasty n00694578 uranoplasty n00694681 justice n00694866 administration, judicature n00694990 administration, giving medication n00695160 drip feed n00695300 sedation, drugging n00695448 irrigation n00695717 douche n00695944 enema, clyster n00696147 colonic irrigation, colonic n00696300 barium enema n00696487 lavage n00696650 gastric lavage n00696882 dressing, bandaging, binding n00697024 holistic medicine n00697249 hospice n00697365 injection, shot n00697614 cryocautery n00697734 electrocautery n00697887 thermocautery n00698004 bloodletting n00698234 nephrotomy n00698348 thoracotomy n00698474 valvotomy, valvulotomy n00698609 venesection, phlebotomy n00698794 cupping n00698959 defibrillation n00699146 detoxification n00699320 detoxification n00699517 fusion, spinal fusion n00699736 faith healing, faith cure n00699872 laying on of hands n00700000 physical therapy, physiotherapy, physiatrics n00700260 rehabilitation n00700421 phytotherapy, herbal therapy, botanical medicine n00700652 psychotherapy n00700979 behavior therapy, behavior modification n00701325 assertiveness training n00701491 aversion therapy n00701755 desensitization technique, desensitisation technique, desensitization procedure, desensitisation procedure, systematic desensitization, systematic desensitisation n00702202 exposure therapy n00702418 implosion therapy, flooding n00702659 reciprocal inhibition, reciprocal-inhibition therapy n00702992 token economy n00703236 client-centered therapy n00703422 crisis intervention n00703688 group therapy, group psychotherapy n00703926 family therapy n00704064 hypnotherapy n00704159 play therapy n00704305 psychoanalysis, analysis, depth psychology n00705319 hypnoanalysis n00705433 self-analysis n00705580 radiotherapy, radiation therapy, radiation, actinotherapy, irradiation n00705886 phototherapy n00706019 radium therapy, Curietherapy n00706133 X-ray therapy n00706222 chrysotherapy n00706371 shock therapy, shock treatment n00706605 electroconvulsive therapy, electroshock, electroshock therapy, ECT n00706847 insulin shock, insulin shock therapy, insulin shock treatment n00707028 metrazol shock, metrazol shock therapy, metrazol shock treatment n00707213 speech therapy n00707344 refrigeration n00707537 thermotherapy n00707785 thrombolytic therapy n00707967 chiropractic n00708168 fomentation n00708332 naturopathy n00708489 naprapathy n00708676 orthodontic treatment n00708957 orthoptics n00709205 osteopathy n00709395 osteoclasis n00709521 disinfection n00709659 chlorination n00709843 digitalization, digitalisation n00710015 anticoagulation n00710155 acupuncture, stylostixis n00710338 acupressure, G-Jo, shiatsu n00710550 autogenic therapy, autogenic training, autogenics n00710692 allopathy n00710889 homeopathy, homoeopathy n00711127 hydropathy, hydrotherapy n00711265 intensive care n00711413 rest-cure n00711523 stalk, stalking, still hunt n00711727 deerstalking n00711799 birdnesting n00711897 predation n00712031 friction, detrition, rubbing n00712225 application, coating, covering n00712833 anointing, anointment n00712979 fumigation n00713135 foliation n00713250 galvanization, galvanisation n00713493 bodywork n00713594 handling n00713784 materials handling n00713952 loading n00714173 unloading n00714357 picking n00714477 pickings, taking n00714693 planking n00714806 wiring n00714944 handicraft n00715674 sewing, stitching n00715843 baking n00715949 blind stitching n00716055 suturing n00716179 vasectomy n00716397 vasotomy, vasosection n00716520 vasovasostomy n00716676 vulvectomy n00716777 vivisection n00716945 lubrication n00717081 paving, pavage n00717208 painting n00717468 spraying n00717640 spray painting n00717748 spatter, spattering, splash, splashing, splattering n00718066 finger-painting n00718195 tinning, tin-plating n00718325 tinning n00718573 papering, paperhanging n00718689 pargeting, pargetting n00718815 plastering, daubing n00719016 plating n00719148 scumble n00719274 tiling n00719388 waxing n00719494 duty n00719705 job, task, chore n00720166 ball-buster, ball-breaker n00720331 paper route n00720431 stint n00720565 function, office, part, role n00720951 capacity n00721141 hat n00721282 portfolio n00721431 stead, position, place, lieu n00721660 behalf n00721929 second fiddle n00722061 role n00722253 gender role n00722479 position n00722984 pitcher, mound n00723241 catcher n00723547 first base, first n00723783 second base, second n00723984 shortstop, short n00724168 third base, third n00724433 left field, leftfield n00724684 center field, centerfield n00724898 right field, rightfield n00725152 steal n00725383 forward n00725506 center n00725673 guard n00725775 back n00726100 lineman n00726369 linebacker, line backer n00726567 quarterback, signal caller, field general n00726867 fullback n00727002 halfback n00727137 tailback n00727333 wingback n00727500 center n00727743 guard n00727901 tackle n00728065 end n00728218 mid-off n00728342 mid-on n00728464 center n00728641 school assignment, schoolwork n00728849 classroom project n00728975 classwork n00729108 homework, prep, preparation n00729285 lesson n00729478 language lesson n00729637 French lesson n00729731 German lesson n00729825 Hebrew lesson n00729919 exercise, example n00730134 reading assignment n00730247 assignment, duty assignment n00730538 guard duty, guard, sentry duty, sentry go n00730708 fatigue duty, fatigue n00730984 mission, missionary work n00731136 da'wah, dawah n00731222 mission, charge, commission n00731569 fool's errand n00731648 mission impossible n00731756 suicide mission, martyr operation, sacrifice operation n00731947 errand n00732076 reassignment n00732201 secondment n00732369 sea-duty, service abroad, shipboard duty n00732492 shore duty n00732576 scut work, shitwork n00732746 wrongdoing, wrongful conduct, misconduct, actus reus n00733317 brutalization, brutalisation n00733483 trespass, encroachment, violation, intrusion, usurpation n00733753 inroad n00733883 tort, civil wrong n00734107 alienation of affection n00734303 invasion of privacy n00734482 trespass n00734783 continuing trespass n00735017 trespass de bonis asportatis n00735198 trespass on the case n00735553 trespass quare clausum fregit n00735686 trespass viet armis n00735832 malversation n00735936 misbehavior, misbehaviour, misdeed n00736219 delinquency, juvenile delinquency n00736375 mischief, mischief-making, mischievousness, deviltry, devilry, devilment, rascality, roguery, roguishness, shenanigan n00736786 hell, blaze n00736894 monkey business n00736989 ruffianism n00737070 familiarity, impropriety, indecorum, liberty n00737188 abnormality, irregularity n00737399 deviation, deviance n00737536 indecency, impropriety n00737705 paraphilia n00737894 exhibitionism, immodesty n00738058 fetishism, fetichism n00738270 pedophilia, paedophilia n00738372 voyeurism n00738598 zoophilia, zoophilism n00738697 obscenity n00738785 indiscretion, peccadillo n00738872 infantilism n00738966 dereliction n00739078 nonfeasance n00739270 negligence, carelessness, neglect, nonperformance n00739632 comparative negligence n00739850 concurrent negligence n00740048 contributory negligence n00740342 criminal negligence, culpable negligence n00740609 neglect of duty n00740712 evasion, escape, dodging n00741158 escape mechanism n00741272 malingering, skulking n00741478 shirking, slacking, soldiering, goofing off, goldbricking n00741685 circumvention n00741797 tax evasion n00741925 malfeasance n00742020 misfeasance n00742130 malpractice n00742314 malpractice n00742474 perversion n00742645 waste, wastefulness, dissipation n00743155 waste of effort, waste of energy n00743251 waste of material n00743348 waste of money n00743500 waste of time n00743641 extravagance, prodigality, lavishness, highlife, high life n00743822 squandering n00744004 squandermania n00744131 wrong, legal injury, damage n00744305 injury n00744443 injury n00744616 injustice, unfairness, iniquity, shabbiness n00744758 infliction n00744862 transgression n00745005 transgression, evildoing n00745431 abomination n00745637 evil, immorality, wickedness, iniquity n00745863 villainy n00745943 deviltry, devilry n00746033 enormity n00746116 foul play n00746232 irreverence, violation n00746375 sexual immorality n00746587 profanation, desecration, blasphemy, sacrilege n00746866 depravity, turpitude n00747029 vice n00747215 pornography, porno, porn, erotica, smut n00747519 child pornography, kiddie porn, kiddy porn n00747671 intemperance, intemperateness, self-indulgence n00748011 intemperance, intemperateness n00748155 prostitution, harlotry, whoredom n00748307 profligacy, dissipation, dissolution, licentiousness, looseness n00748515 drink, drinking, boozing, drunkenness, crapulence n00748834 drinking bout n00748919 package tour, package holiday n00749105 pub crawl n00749232 whistle-stop tour n00749491 jag n00749574 dishonesty, knavery n00749767 treachery, betrayal, treason, perfidy n00749991 double cross, double-crossing n00750216 sellout n00750306 charlatanism, quackery n00750405 plagiarism, plagiarization, plagiarisation, piracy n00750730 trick n00750890 falsification, falsehood n00751145 falsification, misrepresentation n00751398 frame-up, setup n00751529 distortion, overrefinement, straining, torture, twisting n00751779 equivocation, tergiversation n00751944 lying, prevarication, fabrication n00752144 fibbing, paltering n00752298 fakery n00752431 deception, deceit, dissembling, dissimulation n00752798 indirection n00752954 trickery, chicanery, chicane, guile, wile, shenanigan n00753240 duplicity, double-dealing n00753472 sophistication n00753685 fraud, fraudulence, dupery, hoax, humbug, put-on n00753973 goldbrick n00754118 jugglery n00754280 scam, cozenage n00754424 cheat, cheating n00754593 gerrymander n00754767 delusion, illusion, head game n00754956 pretense, pretence, pretending, simulation, feigning n00755277 appearance, show n00755500 make-believe, pretend n00755673 affectation, mannerism, pose, affectedness n00755863 attitude n00756034 radical chic n00756194 masquerade n00756331 imposture, impersonation n00756470 obscurantism n00756598 bluff, four flush n00756780 take-in n00756919 fall n00757080 sin, sinning n00757337 actual sin n00757483 original sin n00757730 mortal sin, deadly sin n00758033 venial sin n00758175 pride, superbia n00758335 envy, invidia n00758525 avarice, greed, covetousness, rapacity, avaritia n00758795 sloth, laziness, acedia n00758972 wrath, anger, ire, ira n00759186 gluttony, overeating, gula n00759335 lust, luxuria n00759500 terror n00759694 terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act n00763132 bioterrorism, biological terrorism n00763282 chemical terrorism n00763630 cyber-terrorism, cyberwar n00763787 domestic terrorism n00764031 ecoterrorism, ecological terrorism, eco-warfare, ecological warfare n00764258 international terrorism n00764436 narcoterrorism n00764588 nuclear terrorism n00764891 state-sponsored terrorism n00765081 theoterrorism n00765193 terrorization, terrorisation n00765343 barratry n00765488 champerty n00765791 maintenance, criminal maintenance n00766234 crime, offense, criminal offense, criminal offence, offence, law-breaking n00767477 crime n00767633 inside job n00767826 assault n00768063 aggravated assault n00768203 battery, assault and battery n00768353 capital offense n00768483 cybercrime n00768701 felony n00768921 forgery n00769092 fraud n00769401 barratry n00769695 Had crime n00769944 hijack, highjack n00770151 mayhem n00770270 misdemeanor, misdemeanour, infraction, violation, infringement n00770543 violation, infringement n00770834 copyright infringement, infringement of copyright n00770997 foul n00771198 personal foul n00771356 technical foul, technical n00771604 patent infringement n00771713 disorderly conduct, disorderly behavior, disturbance of the peace, breach of the peace n00772026 false pretense, false pretence n00772253 indecent exposure, public nudity n00772381 perjury, bearing false witness, lying under oath n00772550 resisting arrest n00772813 sedition n00773047 molestation n00773235 perpetration, commission, committal n00773402 rape, violation, assault, ravishment n00773673 date rape n00773814 attack, attempt n00774009 mugging n00774107 sexual assault, sexual abuse, sex crime, sex offense n00774506 Tazir crime n00774796 statutory offense, statutory offence, regulatory offense, regulatory offence n00775006 thuggery n00775095 bigamy n00775286 capture, seizure n00775460 abduction n00775702 kidnapping, snatch n00775943 racket, fraudulent scheme, illegitimate enterprise n00776165 racketeering n00776262 bribery, graft n00776466 barratry n00776581 commercial bribery n00776732 embezzlement, peculation, defalcation, misapplication, misappropriation n00777069 identity theft n00777324 raid n00777439 plunderage n00777587 mail fraud n00777679 election fraud n00777806 constructive fraud, legal fraud n00778017 extrinsic fraud, collateral fraud n00778213 fraud in fact, positive fraud n00778405 fraud in law n00778575 fraud in the factum n00778809 fraud in the inducement n00779035 intrinsic fraud n00779248 bunco, bunco game, bunko, bunko game, con, confidence trick, confidence game, con game, gyp, hustle, sting, flimflam n00779599 sting operation n00779809 pyramiding n00780148 swindle, cheat, rig n00780466 holdout n00780615 swiz n00780731 shell game, thimblerig n00780889 larceny, theft, thievery, thieving, stealing n00781355 pilferage n00781480 shoplifting, shrinkage n00781685 robbery n00781912 armed robbery, heist, holdup, stickup n00782072 treason, high treason, lese majesty n00782241 vice crime n00782338 victimless crime n00782518 war crime n00782629 biopiracy n00782792 caper, job n00782927 dacoity, dakoity n00783063 heist, rip-off n00783199 highjacking, hijacking n00783419 highway robbery n00783527 piracy, buccaneering n00783762 rolling n00783902 grand larceny, grand theft n00784083 petit larceny, petty larceny, petty n00784271 skimming n00784388 extortion n00784598 blackmail n00784755 protection, tribute n00784934 shakedown n00785045 burglary n00785263 housebreaking, break-in, breaking and entering n00785482 home invasion n00785596 joint venture n00785818 foreign direct investment n00785959 experiment n00786102 forlorn hope n00786195 attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, try n00786887 bid, play n00787061 crack, fling, go, pass, whirl, offer n00787218 essay n00787307 foray n00787465 contribution, part, share n00787727 end n00787832 liberation n00788007 mug's game n00788097 power play, squeeze play, squeeze n00788362 seeking n00788473 shot, stab n00788632 shot n00788766 striving, nisus, pains, strain n00788973 struggle, battle n00789237 duel n00789391 scramble, scuffle n00789534 buyout n00789735 strategic buyout n00789906 takeover n00790086 anti-takeover defense n00790205 takeover attempt n00790347 takeover bid n00790498 two-tier bid n00790677 any-and-all bid n00790817 hostile takeover n00790947 friendly takeover n00791078 test, trial, run n00791527 assay n00791875 enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay, ELISA n00792142 immunohistochemistry n00792356 clinical trial, clinical test n00792720 phase I clinical trial, phase I n00792954 phase II clinical trial, phase II n00793212 phase III clinical trial, phase III n00793529 phase IV clinical trial, phase IV n00793844 double blind n00794123 preclinical trial, preclinical test, preclinical phase n00794367 test, trial n00794614 audition, tryout n00794772 screen test n00794870 field trial n00795008 fitting, try-on, trying on n00795161 MOT, MOT test, Ministry of Transportation test n00795352 pilot project, pilot program n00795508 spadework n00795625 timework n00795720 undertaking, project, task, labor n00796197 written assignment, writing assignment n00796315 adventure, escapade, risky venture, dangerous undertaking n00796586 assignment n00796767 baby n00796886 enterprise, endeavor, endeavour n00797207 labor of love, labour of love n00797361 marathon, endurance contest n00797468 no-brainer n00797581 proposition n00797723 tall order, large order n00797878 venture n00798108 speleology, spelaeology n00798245 campaign, cause, crusade, drive, movement, effort n00798959 advertising campaign, ad campaign, ad blitz n00799125 anti-war movement n00799236 charm campaign n00799409 consumerism n00799537 campaigning, candidacy, candidature, electioneering, political campaign n00799809 front-porch campaigning, front-porch campaign n00800121 hustings n00800270 fund-raising campaign, fund-raising drive, fund-raising effort n00800421 feminist movement, feminism, women's liberation movement, women's lib n00800657 gay liberation movement, gay lib n00800825 lost cause n00800940 reform n00801125 war n00801277 youth movement, youth crusade n00801450 whispering campaign n00801598 stumping n00801724 sales campaign n00801834 public-relations campaign n00801966 sally, sallying forth n00802111 self-help n00802238 risk, peril, danger n00802629 chance n00802785 crapshoot n00802962 gamble n00803091 long shot n00803208 raise n00803394 doubling, double n00803617 control n00804180 crowd control n00804271 damage control n00804379 federalization, federalisation n00804535 flight control n00804708 flood control n00804909 imperialism n00805034 regulation, regulating n00805337 deregulation, deregulating n00805524 devaluation n00805766 gun control n00805868 indexation n00806075 internal control n00806366 management control n00806484 quality control n00806621 acceptance sampling n00806902 regulation, regularization, regularisation n00807078 timing n00807273 coordination n00807500 synchronization, synchronisation, synchronizing n00807768 load-shedding n00807925 proration n00808182 limitation, restriction n00808485 arms control n00808614 hold-down n00808767 freeze n00808967 clampdown n00809074 hire n00809201 hiring freeze n00809279 price freeze n00809373 wage freeze n00809465 possession, ownership n00809702 possession n00809886 actual possession n00810026 constructive possession n00810234 criminal possession n00810498 illegal possession n00810598 retention, keeping, holding n00810794 withholding n00811036 power trip n00811221 defecation reflex, rectal reflex n00811355 storage n00811491 filing n00811661 storage n00811825 cold storage n00811921 stowage, stowing n00812055 tankage n00812154 riot control, riot control operation n00812274 grasping, taking hold, seizing, prehension n00812526 clasp, clench, clutch, clutches, grasp, grip, hold n00812977 wrestling hold n00813220 bear hug n00813336 nelson n00813571 full nelson n00813800 half nelson n00813975 hammerlock n00814106 headlock n00814274 Japanese stranglehold n00814458 lock n00814665 scissors, scissors hold, scissor hold, scissor grip, scissors grip n00814899 stranglehold n00815036 toehold n00815173 steering, steerage n00815320 steering, guidance, direction n00815644 aim n00815801 navigation, pilotage, piloting n00816419 instrument flying n00816530 celestial navigation, astronavigation n00816665 celestial guidance n00816841 inertial guidance, inertial navigation n00817017 command guidance n00817191 terrestrial guidance n00817394 dead reckoning n00817507 fire watching n00817680 protection n00818170 air cover n00818362 shielding n00818466 guardianship, keeping, safekeeping n00818678 hands, custody n00819024 preservation, saving n00819274 conservation n00819524 conservancy n00819641 soil conservation n00819756 oil conservation n00819858 water conservation n00819958 self-preservation n00820091 reservation n00820232 Manhattan Project n00820406 embalmment n00820583 mummification n00820721 momism, overprotection, overshielding n00820845 security intelligence n00821083 censoring, censorship, security review n00821295 military censorship n00821518 civil censorship n00821752 field press censorship n00821973 prisoner of war censorship n00822159 armed forces censorship n00822350 primary censorship n00822544 secondary censorship n00822755 national censorship n00822970 precaution, safeguard, guard n00823316 security, security measures n00823532 defense, defence n00823750 defense, defence n00823884 inoculation, vaccination n00824054 inoculating, vaccinating n00824357 ring vaccination n00824614 variolation, variolization n00824808 patrol n00825005 airborne patrol n00825096 round-the-clock patrol n00825192 self-defense, self-defence, self-protection n00825331 aikido n00825443 martial art n00825773 judo n00825951 jujutsu, jujitsu, jiujitsu n00826213 ninjutsu, ninjitsu n00826397 karate n00826606 kung fu n00826681 tae kwon do, taekwondo n00826789 t'ai chi, tai chi, t'ai chi chuan, tai chi chuan, taichi, taichichuan n00827010 insulation n00827240 lining n00827379 lining, facing n00827535 babbitting n00827638 locking, lockup n00827782 escort, accompaniment n00827974 convoy n00828082 covering n00828237 dressing, grooming n00828462 investment n00828559 primping n00828704 toilet, toilette n00828862 dressing n00828990 immunization, immunisation n00829170 sensitizing, sensitising, sensitization, sensitisation n00829378 care, charge, tutelage, guardianship n00829721 ruggedization, ruggedisation n00829918 umbrella n00830099 waterproofing, sealing n00830257 wear, wearing n00830448 control n00830733 motor control n00830811 respiration, internal respiration, cellular respiration n00831191 breathing, external respiration, respiration, ventilation n00831782 respiration n00831919 artificial respiration n00832092 cardiography, electrocardiography n00832306 echocardiography n00832471 echoencephalography n00832626 cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR, cardiac resuscitation, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, kiss of life n00833119 Heimlich maneuver, Heimlich manoeuvere n00833296 abdominal breathing n00833491 eupnea, eupnoea n00833578 hyperpnea n00833772 hypopnea n00833870 hyperventilation n00834135 panting, heaving n00834290 periodic breathing, Cheyne-Stokes respiration n00834460 puffing, huffing, snorting n00834636 smoke, smoking n00834866 puffing n00835032 breath n00835267 exhalation, expiration, breathing out n00835501 blow, puff n00835830 insufflation n00835976 snore, snoring, stertor n00836149 snuffle, sniffle, snivel n00836407 wheeze n00836537 wind n00836639 second wind n00836788 inhalation, inspiration, aspiration, intake, breathing in n00837098 gasp, pant n00837293 yawn, yawning, oscitance, oscitancy n00837675 puff, drag, pull n00837965 toke n00838098 consumption, ingestion, intake, uptake n00838367 eating, feeding n00838816 bite, chomp n00839023 browse, browsing n00839163 coprophagy, coprophagia n00839292 electric shock, electrical shock, shock n00839597 fart, farting, flatus, wind, breaking wind n00839778 swallow, drink, deglutition n00840057 aerophagia n00840189 gulp, draft, draught, swig n00840363 gulp, gulping n00840517 dining n00840630 engorgement n00840751 feasting, banqueting n00840898 geophagy, geophagia n00841091 graze, grazing n00841297 lunching n00841393 munch n00841527 Dutch treat n00841628 repletion, surfeit n00841777 supping n00841901 tasting, savoring, savouring, relishing, degustation n00842197 nibble n00842281 nip, pinch n00842419 necrophagia, necrophagy n00842519 omophagia n00842597 scatophagy n00842692 sucking, suck, suction n00842997 suckling, lactation n00843128 drinking, imbibing, imbibition n00843325 gulping, swilling, guzzling n00843494 sip n00843575 potation n00843681 bondage n00843831 outercourse n00844048 safe sex n00844254 sexual activity, sexual practice, sex, sex activity n00844847 conception n00844994 defloration n00845178 insemination n00845352 artificial insemination, AI n00845523 sexual intercourse, intercourse, sex act, copulation, coitus, coition, sexual congress, congress, sexual relation, relation, carnal knowledge n00846021 fuck, fucking, screw, screwing, ass, nooky, nookie, piece of ass, piece of tail, roll in the hay, shag, shtup n00846326 pleasure n00846432 hank panky n00846515 sexual love, lovemaking, making love, love, love life n00846817 penetration n00846961 statutory rape, carnal abuse n00847167 carnal abuse n00847340 coupling, mating, pairing, conjugation, union, sexual union n00847770 assortative mating n00847932 disassortative mating n00848098 unlawful carnal knowledge, criminal congress n00848282 extramarital sex, free love n00848466 adultery, criminal conversation, fornication n00848745 fornication n00848891 incest n00849059 coitus interruptus, withdrawal method, withdrawal, pulling out, onanism n00849294 sodomy, buggery, anal sex, anal intercourse n00849523 reproduction, procreation, breeding, facts of life n00849768 miscegenation, crossbreeding, interbreeding n00849982 generation, multiplication, propagation n00850260 biogenesis, biogeny n00850425 hybridization, hybridisation, crossbreeding, crossing, cross, interbreeding, hybridizing n00850873 dihybrid cross n00850986 monohybrid cross n00851146 reciprocal cross, reciprocal n00851316 testcross, test-cross n00851587 inbreeding n00851689 natural family planning n00851994 birth control, birth prevention, family planning n00852181 contraception, contraceptive method n00852400 oral contraception n00852522 basal body temperature method of family planning, basal body temperature method n00852825 ovulation method of family planning, ovulation method n00853145 rhythm method of birth control, rhythm method, rhythm, calendar method of birth control, calendar method n00853487 surgical contraception n00853649 servicing, service n00853835 foreplay, arousal, stimulation n00854000 caressing, cuddling, fondling, hugging, kissing, necking, petting, smooching, snuggling n00854393 snogging n00854538 feel n00854717 perversion, sexual perversion n00854876 oral sex, head n00855055 cunnilingus, cunnilinctus n00855169 fellatio, fellation n00855301 cock sucking, blowjob n00855407 soixante-neuf, sixty-nine n00855527 autoeroticism, autoerotism n00855674 masturbation, onanism n00855936 self-stimulation, self-abuse n00856076 frottage n00856193 jacking off, jerking off, hand job, wank n00856342 promiscuity, promiscuousness, sleeping around n00856559 one-night stand n00856733 lechery n00856847 homosexuality, homosexualism, homoeroticism, queerness, gayness n00857160 bisexuality n00857275 inversion, sexual inversion n00857424 lesbianism, sapphism n00857530 tribadism n00857664 heterosexuality, heterosexualism, straightness n00857872 pederasty, paederasty n00858060 bestiality, zooerastia, zooerasty n00858188 sleeping n00858377 nap, catnap, cat sleep, forty winks, short sleep, snooze n00858631 siesta n00858742 zizz n00858849 doze, drowse n00859001 reaction, response n00859490 automatism n00859691 rebound n00859863 overreaction n00860011 galvanic skin response, GSR, psychogalvanic response, electrodermal response, electrical skin response, Fere phenomenon, Tarchanoff phenomenon n00860434 immune response, immune reaction, immunologic response n00860857 anamnestic response, anamnestic reaction n00861046 humoral immune response n00861199 cell-mediated immune response n00861382 complement fixation n00861611 tropism n00861894 ergotropism n00861990 geotropism n00862079 heliotropism n00862170 meteortropism n00862310 neurotropism n00862399 phototropism n00862488 trophotropism n00862595 thermotropism n00862686 taxis n00862859 chemotaxis n00863017 negative chemotaxis n00863121 positive chemotaxis n00863222 kinesis n00863417 double take n00863513 reflex, reflex response, reflex action, instinctive reflex, innate reflex, inborn reflex, unconditioned reflex, physiological reaction n00864226 conditional reflex, conditioned reflex, acquired reflex, conditional reaction, conditioned reaction, conditional response, conditioned response n00864535 learned reaction, learned response n00864680 conditioned avoidance, conditioned avoidance response n00864859 knee jerk, knee-jerk reflex, patellar reflex n00865031 startle response, startle reaction n00865284 startle reflex, Moro reflex n00865471 wince, flinch n00865600 passage, passing n00865808 light reflex, pupillary reflex, miosis, myosis n00866079 mydriasis n00866273 micturition reflex n00866423 pharyngeal reflex, gag reflex n00866606 pilomotor reflex, gooseflesh, goose bump, goosebump, goose pimple, goose skin, horripilation n00866882 plantar reflex n00867163 rooting reflex n00867357 startle, jump, start n00867606 stretch reflex, myotactic reflex n00867790 suckling reflex n00867983 tremble, shiver, shake n00868196 crying, weeping, tears n00868523 snivel, sniveling n00868669 sob, sobbing n00868799 wailing, bawling n00868910 calculation, computation, computing n00869260 transposition n00869467 number crunching n00869583 mathematical process, mathematical operation, operation n00870101 recalculation n00870312 permutation n00870453 combination n00870640 differentiation n00870786 maximization n00870912 division n00871123 long division n00871263 short division n00871418 integration n00871576 multiplication, times n00871862 subtraction, minus n00872107 summation, addition, plus n00872411 exponentiation, involution n00872541 arithmetic operation n00872722 matrix operation n00872900 matrix addition n00872986 matrix multiplication n00873084 matrix inversion n00873238 matrix transposition n00873381 construction n00873671 quadrature n00873798 relaxation, relaxation method n00874067 judgment, judgement, assessment n00874457 adjudication n00874621 disapproval n00874806 evaluation, rating n00874977 marking, grading, scoring n00875246 estimate, estimation n00875519 appraisal n00875671 logistic assessment n00875838 value judgment, value judgement n00876062 moralism n00876239 percussion, pleximetry n00876377 succussion n00876542 auscultation n00876737 sensory activity n00876874 sensing, perception n00877127 look, looking, looking at n00877625 glance, glimpse, coup d'oeil n00877786 eye-beaming n00877924 side-glance, side-look n00878052 scrutiny n00878221 peek, peep n00878328 squint n00878456 stare n00878648 gaze, regard n00878797 glare, glower n00878926 contemplation n00879037 gape n00879156 evil eye n00879271 inspection, review n00879531 resurvey n00879607 sightseeing, rubber-necking n00879759 observation, observance, watching n00880046 monitoring n00880269 sighting n00880431 landfall n00880563 stargazing n00880662 watch, vigil n00880893 stakeout n00881035 surveillance of disease n00881257 listening watch, continuous receiver watch n00881441 spying n00881545 lookout, outlook n00881649 view, survey, sight n00881914 eyeful n00882045 dekko n00882159 listening, hearing n00882460 relistening, rehearing n00882554 lipreading n00882702 taste, tasting n00882961 smell, smelling n00883139 sniff, snuff n00883297 education, instruction, teaching, pedagogy, didactics, educational activity n00884202 coeducation n00884311 continuing education n00884466 course, course of study, course of instruction, class n00885088 coursework n00885297 adult education n00885457 art class n00885574 childbirth-preparation class n00885764 life class n00885858 elementary education n00886039 extension, extension service, university extension n00886272 extracurricular activity n00886456 dramatics n00886582 athletics n00886699 higher education n00886807 secondary education n00886968 spectator sport n00887081 teaching, instruction, pedagogy n00887544 team sport n00887702 team teaching n00887882 catechesis n00888037 catechetical instruction n00888162 language teaching n00888284 teaching reading n00888409 phonics n00888546 whole-word method n00888693 schooling n00888796 indoctrination n00888960 brainwashing n00889082 inculcation, ingraining, instilling n00889294 tutelage, tuition, tutorship n00889472 lesson n00889682 dance lesson n00889760 music lesson n00889883 piano lesson n00889971 violin lesson n00890059 tennis lesson n00890145 golf lesson n00890227 history lesson n00890320 correspondence course n00890441 course of lectures n00890568 directed study n00890808 elective course, elective n00890941 extension course n00891071 work-study program n00891224 home study n00891345 industrial arts n00891512 orientation course, orientation n00891642 propaedeutic, propaedeutics n00891850 refresher course, refresher n00892036 required course n00892145 seminar n00892254 shop class, shop n00892413 workshop n00892538 sleep-learning, hypnopedia n00892711 spoonfeeding n00892861 lecture, lecturing n00893088 lecture demonstration n00893243 talk n00893402 chalk talk n00893498 athletic training n00893649 fartlek n00893836 discipline n00893955 training, preparation, grooming n00894359 drill n00894552 exercise, practice, drill, practice session, recitation n00894979 fire drill n00895135 manual of arms, manual n00895292 order arms n00895501 military training n00895680 basic training n00895879 retraining n00895983 schooling n00896114 skull session, skull practice n00896228 toilet training n00896348 military drill n00896526 close-order drill n00896688 square-bashing n00896832 rehearsal n00897026 rehearsal, dry run n00897365 dress rehearsal n00897506 run-through n00897608 walk-through n00897811 review, brushup n00897989 rub up n00898127 scrimmage n00898286 shadowboxing n00898425 target practice n00898518 representation n00898804 model, modelling, modeling n00899049 simulation n00899292 dramatization, dramatisation n00899501 guerrilla theater, street theater n00899657 puppetry n00899761 pageant, pageantry n00899927 figuration n00900070 symbolizing, symbolising n00900207 schematization, schematisation, diagramming n00900375 pictorial representation, picturing n00900581 typification n00900726 depiction, delineation, portrayal n00900957 portraiture n00901083 imaging, tomography n00901316 X-raying, X-radiation n00901476 computerized tomography, computed tomography, CT, computerized axial tomography, computed axial tomography, CAT n00901789 sonography, ultrasonography, echography, ultrasound n00902108 A-scan ultrasonography n00902240 B-scan ultrasonography n00902376 positron emission tomography, PET n00902579 magnetic resonance imaging, MRI n00902757 functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI n00902975 blood-oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging, BOLD FMRI n00903201 fluoroscopy n00903309 radioscopy, radiology n00903559 photography, picture taking n00904428 radiography n00904623 roentgenography, X-ray photography n00904904 xerography n00905192 xeroradiography n00905336 angiography n00905528 lymphangiography, lymphography n00905742 arteriography n00905842 arthrography n00906046 venography n00906140 cholangiography n00906290 encephalography n00906470 myelography n00906664 pyelography n00906829 intravenous pyelography, IVP n00906975 telephotography n00907071 telephotography n00907235 radiophotography n00907340 exposure n00907500 overexposure n00907642 underexposure n00907788 time exposure n00907919 filming, cinematography, motion-picture photography n00908133 take n00908292 retake n00908405 animation n00908492 creation, creative activity n00908772 re-creation n00908909 creating from raw materials n00909193 spinning n00909281 weaving n00909386 netting n00909471 knitting n00909565 crocheting n00909672 lace making, tatting n00909796 mintage n00909899 molding, casting n00910070 needlework, needlecraft n00910203 recording, transcription n00910533 lip synchronization, lip synchronisation, lip synch, lip sync n00910856 mastering n00911048 construction, building n00911572 crenelation, crenellation n00911752 erecting, erection n00911905 house-raising n00912001 fabrication, assembly n00912165 dry walling n00912274 dismantling, dismantlement, disassembly n00912576 grading, leveling n00912733 road construction n00912822 shipbuilding, ship building n00912960 production n00913274 rustication n00913427 cottage industry n00913585 production n00913705 production n00914182 mass production n00914343 overproduction, overrun n00914509 underproduction n00914632 output, yield n00914795 capacity n00914929 breeding n00915140 brewing n00915347 autosexing n00915497 cattle breeding n00915574 dog breeding n00915646 horse breeding n00915722 cultivation n00916023 cultivation n00916147 aquaculture n00916285 beekeeping, apiculture n00916464 farming, agriculture, husbandry n00917211 animal husbandry n00917614 arboriculture, tree farming n00917759 culture n00917961 cranberry culture n00918055 monoculture n00918176 tillage n00918289 dairying, dairy farming n00918383 gardening, horticulture n00918644 plowing, ploughing n00918820 tilling n00918976 hydroponics, aquiculture, tank farming n00919201 drip culture n00919396 mixed farming n00919513 planting n00919692 insemination n00919877 stratification n00920062 ranching n00920211 strip cropping n00920357 subsistence farming n00920510 culture n00920727 starter n00920956 naturalization, naturalisation n00921160 landscaping, landscape gardening n00921289 market gardening n00921399 flower gardening, floriculture n00921530 tree surgery n00921627 roundup n00921790 harvest, harvest time n00921926 haying, haying time n00922054 rainmaking n00922144 generation n00922327 mining, excavation n00922727 placer mining n00922848 strip mining, opencast mining n00922968 quarrying n00923130 boring, drilling, oil production n00923303 sericulture n00923444 industry, manufacture n00923802 industrialization, industrialisation, industrial enterprise n00923995 devising, fashioning, making n00924438 foliation n00924579 mapmaking, cartography n00924714 moviemaking, movie making, film making n00924825 fabrication, manufacture, manufacturing n00925207 formation, shaping n00925489 filing n00925622 forging n00925732 metalworking, metalwork n00925866 granulation n00926026 grooving, rifling n00926179 turning n00926277 newspeak n00926468 prefabrication n00926668 confection, concoction n00926923 lamination n00927062 tanning n00927161 veneering n00927261 creating by mental acts n00927516 formation n00927694 affixation n00927845 prefixation n00927961 suffixation n00928077 design, designing n00928371 planning n00928542 city planning, town planning, urban planning n00928751 zoning n00928947 programming, programing, computer programming, computer programing n00929285 logic programming, logic programing n00929432 object-oriented programming, object-oriented programing n00929586 verbal creation n00929718 writing, authorship, composition, penning n00930481 adoxography n00930736 drafting n00930868 dramatization, dramatisation n00931040 fabrication, fictionalization, fictionalisation n00931217 historiography n00931300 metrification n00931453 novelization, novelisation n00931608 redaction n00931721 lexicography n00931847 realization, realisation, actualization, actualisation n00932088 objectification n00932298 depersonalization, depersonalisation, reification n00932624 externalization, externalisation, exteriorization, exteriorisation n00932804 hypostatization, hypostatisation, reification n00933000 embodiment n00933154 soul n00933259 personification, incarnation n00933420 art, artistic creation, artistic production n00935005 arts and crafts n00935247 ceramics n00935453 decalcomania n00935608 decantation n00935786 decoupage n00935940 drawing, draftsmanship, drafting n00936194 glyptography n00936296 gastronomy n00936456 origami n00936620 painting n00936901 distemper n00937105 fresco n00937250 impasto n00937394 perfumery n00937476 printmaking n00937656 sculpture, carving n00937895 modeling, modelling, molding, moulding n00938134 topiary n00938240 pyrography n00938419 tracing n00938538 oil painting n00938642 watercolor, water-color, watercolour, water-colour n00938791 engraving, etching n00938992 steel engraving n00939091 aquatint n00939231 serigraphy n00939338 lithography n00939452 composing, composition n00939628 arrangement, arranging, transcription n00939818 orchestration, instrumentation n00940043 realization, realisation n00940217 recapitulation n00940412 invention n00940560 neologism, neology, coinage n00940709 devisal, contrivance n00940842 conceptualization, conceptualisation, formulation n00941140 approach, attack, plan of attack n00941451 framing n00941604 avenue n00941777 creating by removal n00941974 excavation, digging, dig n00942234 carving, cutting n00942440 petroglyph n00942574 truncation n00942799 drilling, boring n00942900 gouge n00942988 puncture n00943187 centesis n00943471 abdominocentesis, paracentesis n00943600 amniocentesis, amnio n00943861 arthrocentesis n00943963 celiocentesis n00944068 lumbar puncture, spinal puncture, spinal tap n00944296 thoracocentesis, thoracentesis n00944456 fetoscopy, foetoscopy n00944633 perforation n00944789 prick, pricking n00944965 venipuncture n00945205 film editing, cutting n00945401 search, hunt, hunting n00945777 exploration n00945916 foraging, forage n00946060 frisk, frisking n00946281 strip search n00946432 looking, looking for n00946529 manhunt n00946650 quest, seeking n00946806 ransacking, rummage n00947041 probe n00947128 use, usage, utilization, utilisation, employment, exercise n00947596 play n00947719 misuse, abuse n00947923 substance abuse, drug abuse, habit n00948064 alcohol abuse, alcoholic abuse, alcoholism abuse n00948206 exploitation, development n00948640 land development n00948737 water development, water project, water program n00948868 recycling n00949042 bottle collection n00949134 application, practical application n00949516 misapplication n00949619 technology, engineering n00949948 aeronautical engineering n00950070 automotive technology, automotive engineering n00950217 chemical engineering n00950356 communications technology n00950526 digital communications technology n00950705 computer technology n00950858 high technology, high tech n00951037 rail technology, railroading n00951233 magnetic levitation, maglev n00951433 overexploitation, overuse, overutilization, overutilisation n00951626 capitalization, capitalisation n00951781 commercialization, commercialisation n00952214 capitalization, capitalisation n00952386 market capitalization, market capitalisation n00952615 electrification n00952787 unitization, unitisation n00952963 military action, action n00953280 limited war n00953410 psychological warfare, war of nerves n00953559 battle, conflict, fight, engagement n00954086 blockade, encirclement n00954311 defense, defence, defensive measure n00954751 electronic warfare, EW n00955060 operation, military operation n00955565 combined operation n00955806 police action n00955987 resistance n00956172 saber rattling, sabre rattling n00956340 Armageddon n00956485 pitched battle n00958477 naval battle n00958896 conflict, struggle, battle n00959376 brush, clash, encounter, skirmish n00959537 close-quarter fighting n00959645 contretemps n00959800 class struggle, class war, class warfare n00959992 maneuver, manoeuvre, simulated military operation n00960192 air defense n00960395 active air defense n00960546 passive air defense n00960688 civil defense n00960851 stand n00961001 repulsion, standoff n00961177 hasty defense, hasty defence n00961328 deliberate defense, deliberate defence n00961594 biological defense, biological defence, biodefense, biodefence n00961794 chemical defense, chemical defence n00961962 mining, minelaying n00962129 rebellion, insurrection, revolt, rising, uprising n00962567 civil war n00962722 revolution n00963057 counterrevolution n00963241 insurgency, insurgence n00963447 intifada, intifadah n00963749 pacification, counterinsurgency n00963896 mutiny n00964105 Peasant's Revolt, Great Revolt n00964343 combat, armed combat n00964569 aggression, hostility n00964781 hostilities, belligerency n00964952 trench warfare n00965183 meat grinder n00965404 violence, force n00965718 domestic violence n00965895 plundering, pillage, pillaging n00966294 banditry n00966384 rape, rapine n00966504 rustling n00966599 looting, robbery n00966718 defloration n00966869 spoil, spoliation, spoilation, despoilation, despoilment, despoliation n00967157 ravaging, devastation n00967310 depredation, predation n00967446 sack n00967622 chemical warfare, chemical operations n00967780 biological warfare, BW, biological attack, biologic attack, bioattack n00967993 biological warfare defense, biological warfare defence, BW defense, BW defence n00968155 campaign, military campaign n00968479 expedition, military expedition, hostile expedition n00968715 Crusade n00969087 First Crusade n00969225 Second Crusade n00969421 Third Crusade n00969684 Fourth Crusade n00969858 Fifth Crusade n00970079 Sixth Crusade n00970331 Seventh Crusade n00970478 naval campaign n00970645 mission, military mission n00970903 combat mission n00971004 search mission n00971096 search and destroy mission n00971309 sortie, sally n00971463 support, reinforcement, reenforcement n00971802 dogfight n00971984 close support n00972112 direct support n00972319 amphibious demonstration n00972521 diversionary landing n00972621 attack, onslaught, onset, onrush n00973077 war, warfare n00974111 air raid, air attack n00974224 dogfight n00974358 ground attack n00974444 assault n00974630 storm n00974762 charge n00974994 countercharge n00975074 banzai attack, banzai charge n00975270 diversion, diversionary attack n00975452 penetration, incursion n00975658 interpenetration n00975781 blitz, blitzkrieg n00975955 breakthrough n00976085 safety blitz, linebacker blitzing, blitz n00976270 mousetrap, trap play n00976531 invasion n00976698 infiltration n00976953 foray, raid, maraud n00977132 inroad n00977214 swoop n00977301 strike n00977551 first strike n00977857 surgical strike n00978005 preventive strike, preventive attack n00978173 counterattack, countermove n00978413 bombing, bombardment n00978580 bombardment n00978764 bombing run n00978993 carpet bombing, area bombing, saturation bombing n00979180 dive-bombing n00979348 loft bombing, toss bombing n00979557 over-the-shoulder bombing n00979742 bombing n00979902 suicide bombing n00980038 offense, offence, offensive n00980200 counteroffensive n00980394 dirty war n00980779 rollback, push back n00980904 peacekeeping, peacekeeping mission, peacekeeping operation n00981180 amphibious operation n00981369 amphibious assault n00981711 information gathering n00981830 intelligence, intelligence activity, intelligence operation n00982153 current intelligence n00982347 tactical intelligence, combat intelligence n00982536 terrain intelligence n00982679 strategic intelligence n00982852 signals intelligence, SIGINT n00983102 electronics intelligence, ELINT n00983287 communications intelligence, COMINT n00983482 telemetry intelligence, TELINT n00983651 clandestine operation n00983811 exfiltration operation n00983982 psychological operation, psyop n00984195 covert operation n00984357 black operation n00984490 overt operation n00984609 reconnaissance, reconnaissance mission n00985008 recce, recco, reccy n00985106 scouting, exploratory survey, reconnoitering, reconnoitring n00985356 air reconnaissance n00985516 reconnaissance by fire n00985746 reconnaissance in force n00985921 shufti n00986080 electronic reconnaissance n00986275 counterintelligence n00986663 countersubversion n00986813 counter-sabotage n00986938 fire, firing n00987775 antiaircraft fire n00987863 barrage, barrage fire, battery, bombardment, shelling n00988177 broadside n00988320 fusillade, salvo, volley, burst n00988556 call fire n00988696 close supporting fire n00988893 cover, covering fire n00989122 deep supporting fire n00989385 direct supporting fire n00989583 concentrated fire, massed fire n00989773 counterfire n00989937 counterbattery fire n00990071 counterbombardment n00990195 countermortar fire n00990319 counterpreparation fire n00990474 crossfire n00990590 destruction fire n00990719 direct fire n00990843 distributed fire n00990963 friendly fire, fratricide n00991070 hostile fire n00991164 grazing fire n00991336 harassing fire n00991496 indirect fire n00991642 interdiction fire n00991772 neutralization fire n00991914 observed fire n00992102 preparation fire n00992221 radar fire n00992331 dating, geological dating n00992544 potassium-argon dating n00992732 radiocarbon dating, carbon dating, carbon-14 dating n00992995 rubidium-strontium dating n00993228 registration fire n00993377 scheduled fire n00993488 scouring n00993651 searching fire n00993787 shakedown n00993956 supporting fire n00994144 suppressive fire n00994321 unobserved fire n00994449 artillery fire, cannon fire n00994623 cannonade, drumfire n00994745 high-angle fire n00994895 mortar fire n00994989 zone fire n00995134 electronic countermeasures, ECM n00995356 electronic counter-countermeasures, ECCM n00995588 electronic warfare-support measures, ESM n00995855 electromagnetic intrusion n00996056 germ warfare, bacteriological warfare n00996180 information warfare, IW n00996513 jihad, jehad n00996673 jihad, jehad, international jihad n00996817 world war n00996969 measurement, measuring, measure, mensuration n00998037 actinometry n00998196 algometry n00998329 anemography n00998423 anemometry n00998514 angulation n00998604 anthropometry n00998768 arterial blood gases n00998982 audiometry n00999089 bathymetry, plumbing n00999245 calibration, standardization, standardisation n00999588 tuning n00999787 adjustment, registration, readjustment n01000068 alignment n01000276 collimation n01000411 temperament n01000610 equal temperament n01000843 tune n01000969 tune-up n01001097 synchronization, synchronisation, synchronizing, synchronising n01001344 camber n01001489 toe-in n01001640 voicing n01001814 calorimetry n01001923 cephalometry n01002008 densitometry n01002165 dosimetry n01002284 fetometry, foetometry n01002413 hydrometry, gravimetry n01002554 hypsometry, hypsography n01002677 mental measurement n01002872 micrometry n01002956 observation n01003113 pelvimetry n01003272 photometry n01003435 cytophotometry n01003570 quantification n01003729 gradation, graduation n01003936 shading, blending n01004072 divergence, divergency n01004377 radioactive dating n01004582 reading, meter reading n01004775 sampling n01004961 sounding n01005100 sound ranging n01005284 scaling n01005473 spirometry n01005579 surveying n01005814 scalage n01005957 scalage n01006054 electromyography n01006188 mammography n01006313 thermography n01006536 mammothermography n01006675 test, mental test, mental testing, psychometric test n01007053 intelligence test, IQ test n01007273 Stanford-Binet test n01007372 Binet-Simon Scale n01007463 personality test n01007609 projective test, projective device, projective technique n01007907 Rorschach, Rorschach test, inkblot test n01008097 Thematic Apperception Test, TAT n01008271 sub-test n01008378 organization, organisation n01008801 orchestration n01009001 randomization, randomisation n01009190 systematization, systematisation, rationalization, rationalisation n01009507 codification n01009637 formalization, formalisation n01009871 order, ordering n01010245 rank order n01010334 scaling, grading n01010458 succession, sequence n01010684 alternation n01010901 layout n01011028 alphabetization, alphabetisation n01011166 listing, itemization, itemisation n01011425 inventory, inventorying, stocktaking, stock-taking n01011720 stocktake, stock-take n01011883 roll call n01012030 mail call n01012125 muster call n01012257 attendance check n01012360 grouping n01012608 phrasing n01012712 categorization, categorisation, classification, compartmentalization, compartmentalisation, assortment n01013156 indexing n01013316 reclassification n01013434 relegation n01013604 stratification n01013770 taxonomy n01013971 typology n01014066 collection, collecting, assembling, aggregation n01014490 agglomeration n01014607 collation n01014731 compilation, compiling n01014990 gather, gathering n01015175 centralization, centralisation n01015310 harvest, harvesting, harvest home n01015477 haying n01015551 bottle collection n01015689 conchology, shell collecting n01015843 garbage collection, garbage pickup, trash collection, trash pickup n01015996 numismatics, numismatology, coin collecting, coin collection n01016201 pickup n01016420 philately, stamp collecting, stamp collection n01016628 aerophilately n01016748 tax collection n01016832 sorting n01016973 territorialization, territorialisation n01017167 triage n01017320 support, supporting n01017550 shoring, shoring up, propping up n01017701 suspension, dangling, hanging n01017987 continuance, continuation n01018366 prolongation, protraction, perpetuation, lengthening n01018630 repetition, repeating n01018951 echolalia n01019129 iteration n01019248 redundancy n01019372 reduplication, reiteration n01019524 copying n01019703 duplication, gemination n01019901 reproduction, replication n01020117 replay, instant replay, action replay n01020362 sound reproduction n01020488 high fidelity, hi-fi n01020628 headroom, dynamic headroom n01020770 playback n01020936 imitation n01021119 echo n01021270 emulation n01021396 mimicry n01021579 perseverance, persistence, perseveration n01021889 abidance n01022008 pursuance, prosecution n01022178 survival n01022292 hangover, holdover n01022483 discontinuance, discontinuation n01022824 disfranchisement n01022992 disinheritance n01023138 phase-out n01023242 intervention n01023636 procedure n01023820 procedure, process n01024392 medical procedure n01024547 dental procedure n01024643 mapping, chromosome mapping n01024811 operating procedure n01024968 standing operating procedure, standard operating procedure, SOP, standard procedure n01025254 lockstep n01025411 stiffening n01025563 bureaucratic procedure, red tape n01025678 objection n01026020 recusation n01026191 indirection n01026316 rigmarole, rigamarole n01026482 routine, modus operandi n01026633 rat race n01026744 rut, groove n01026897 ceremony n01027231 tea ceremony, chanoyu n01027379 ceremony n01027662 lustrum n01027859 ritual, rite n01028082 religious ceremony, religious ritual n01028381 military ceremony n01028534 agape, love feast n01028655 worship n01029114 deification, exaltation, apotheosis n01029323 ancestor worship n01029406 rite, religious rite n01029671 vigil, watch n01029883 wake, viewing n01030033 agrypnia n01030152 last rites n01030280 orgy n01030488 popery, papism n01030642 quotation n01030820 ritual n01031023 ritualism n01031194 circumcision n01031392 Berith, Berit, Brith, Bris, Briss n01031563 nudism, naturism n01031705 systematism n01031858 transvestism, transvestitism, cross dressing n01032040 service, religious service, divine service n01032368 church service, church n01032810 devotional n01032892 prayer meeting, prayer service n01033024 chapel service, chapel n01033184 liturgy n01033345 Christian liturgy n01033458 office n01033714 Divine Office n01033903 Little Office n01034077 Office of the Dead n01034233 committal service n01034385 none n01034571 vesper n01034685 placebo n01034816 watch night n01034925 sacrament n01035504 Last Supper, Lord's Supper n01035667 Seder, Passover supper n01035853 Holy Eucharist, Eucharist, sacrament of the Eucharist, Holy Sacrament, Liturgy, Eucharistic liturgy, Lord's Supper n01036194 Offertory n01036333 Communion, Holy Communion, sacramental manduction, manduction n01036624 intercommunion n01036778 betrothal, espousal n01036903 matrimony n01036996 marriage, wedding, marriage ceremony n01037294 rite of passage n01037469 bridal, espousal n01037577 civil marriage n01037710 love match n01037819 baptism n01038147 affusion n01038261 aspersion, sprinkling n01038375 christening n01038485 immersion n01038629 trine immersion n01038761 confirmation n01038895 confirmation n01039140 penance n01039307 confession n01039560 shrift n01039637 anointing of the sick, extreme unction, last rites n01039822 holy order n01039925 sanctification n01040128 beatification n01040390 canonization, canonisation n01040646 consecration n01040943 communalism n01041111 consecration n01041349 Oblation, religious offering n01041498 oblation, offering n01041674 unction, inunction n01041835 libation n01041968 prayer, supplication n01042242 Mass n01042465 High Mass n01042578 Low Mass n01042661 Requiem n01042764 devotion n01042998 bhakti n01043189 novena n01043333 Stations, Stations of the Cross n01043693 blessing, benediction n01043820 idolization, idolisation n01043989 adoration, latria n01044084 idolatry, idol worship n01044268 bardolatry n01044363 iconolatry n01044448 idolatry, devotion, veneration, cultism n01044761 idiolatry, autolatry, self-worship n01044867 bibliolatry, Bible-worship n01044983 verbolatry, grammatolatry, word-worship n01045091 symbolatry, symbololatry, symbol-worship n01045202 anthropolatry, worship of man n01045306 gyneolatry, gynaeolatry, woman-worship n01045413 lordolatry n01045520 thaumatolatry, miracle-worship n01045621 topolatry, place-worship n01045714 arborolatry, tree-worship n01045807 astrolatry, worship of heavenly bodies n01045924 cosmolatry n01046006 diabolatry, demonolatry, devil-worship n01046167 pyrolatry, fire-worship n01046257 hagiolatry, hierolatry n01046348 heliolatry, sun-worship n01046441 zoolatry, animal-worship n01046571 ichthyolatry, fish-worship n01046664 monolatry n01046792 ophiolatry, serpent-worship n01046888 moon-worship, selenolatry n01046984 energizing, activating, activation n01047191 electrification n01047338 revival, resurgence, revitalization, revitalisation, revivification n01047803 rebirth, Renaissance, Renascence n01047937 regeneration n01048059 resurrection n01048210 resuscitation n01048466 vivification, invigoration, animation n01048697 presentation n01048912 concealment, concealing, hiding n01049266 disguise, camouflage n01049475 mask n01049685 cover, covering, screening, masking n01049992 cover n01050187 cover-up n01050356 blue wall of silence, blue wall, wall of silence n01050627 burying, burial n01050763 reburying, reburial n01050872 smoke screen, smokescreen n01051082 stealth, stealing n01051221 money laundering n01051331 placement, location, locating, position, positioning, emplacement n01051801 juxtaposition, apposition, collocation n01052078 tessellation n01052215 interposition, intervention n01052372 orientation n01052450 planting n01052618 implantation n01052739 repositioning n01052853 set n01053067 superposition n01053207 fingering n01053404 superposition n01053617 stay n01053920 residency, residence, abidance n01054227 lodging n01054335 occupancy, tenancy n01054545 inhabitancy, inhabitation, habitation n01054876 cohabitation n01055065 concubinage n01055165 camping, encampment, bivouacking, tenting n01055360 sojourn, visit n01055493 call n01055688 round n01055954 call n01056236 visiting n01056411 stop, stopover, layover n01056713 night-stop n01056804 pit stop n01056941 pit stop n01057053 stand n01057200 provision, supply, supplying n01057631 irrigation n01057759 feeding, alimentation n01058049 infant feeding n01058181 demand feeding n01058291 forced feeding, gavage n01058539 nasogastric feeding n01058715 gastrogavage n01058870 nursing, breast feeding n01058983 intravenous feeding, IV n01059096 overfeeding n01059189 spoonfeeding n01059306 schedule feeding n01059445 total parenteral nutrition, TPN, hyperalimentation n01059719 fueling, refueling n01059900 healthcare, health care n01060101 healthcare delivery, health care delivery, care delivery n01060234 issue, issuing, issuance n01060530 stock issue n01060745 logistics n01060924 purveyance n01061029 stocking n01061203 subvention n01061333 demand n01061526 exaction n01061726 extortion n01061945 claim n01062136 insurance claim n01062255 drain n01062468 brain drain n01062583 inactivity n01062817 pause n01062997 respite, recess, break, time out n01063234 spring break n01063350 hesitation, waver, falter, faltering n01063578 intermission n01063697 freeze, halt n01063939 wait, waiting n01064148 rest, ease, repose, relaxation n01064468 bedrest, bed rest n01064613 laziness n01064758 lie-in n01064863 quiescence, quiescency, dormancy, sleeping n01065057 vegetation n01065286 leisure n01065441 idleness, idling, loafing n01065607 dolce far niente n01065687 free time, spare time n01065805 vacationing n01065945 busman's holiday n01066061 caravanning n01066163 delay, holdup n01066545 demurrage n01066689 forbearance n01066881 postponement, deferment, deferral n01067070 adjournment n01067192 prorogation n01067362 procrastination, cunctation, shillyshally n01067577 slowdown, lag, retardation n01067819 dalliance, dawdling, trifling n01068012 filibuster n01068184 interjection, interposition, interpolation, interpellation n01068423 tarriance, lingering n01068528 breaking off, abruption n01068633 heckling, barracking n01068773 abstinence n01069012 asceticism, ascesis n01069125 chastity, celibacy, sexual abstention n01069311 mortification n01069578 self-denial, self-discipline, self-control n01069777 sobriety, temperance n01069867 teetotaling, teetotalism n01069980 fast, fasting n01070187 diet, dieting n01070432 traffic control n01070566 point duty n01070708 price-fixing n01070892 inhibition, suppression n01071090 tolerance n01071213 lenience, leniency n01071411 clemency, mercifulness, mercy n01071746 pleasure n01071921 luxuriation n01072072 enjoyment, delectation n01072236 lamentation, mourning n01072402 laughter n01072565 satisfaction n01072780 gratification n01072984 satiation n01073097 self-gratification, head trip n01073241 indulgence, indulging, pampering, humoring n01073556 pleasing n01073655 overindulgence, excess n01073824 orgy, binge, splurge n01073995 hindrance, hinderance, interference n01074252 antagonism n01074498 obstruction n01074694 blockage, closure, occlusion n01074970 naval blockade n01075117 siege, besieging, beleaguering, military blockade n01075567 relief n01075725 stall, stalling n01075893 stonewalling n01076046 stop, stoppage n01076359 complication n01076488 deterrence n01076724 discouragement n01076863 nuclear deterrence n01077190 countermine n01077350 prevention, bar n01077738 averting n01077881 debarment n01078086 disqualification n01078279 interception n01078572 nonproliferation, non-proliferation n01079042 obviation, forestalling, preclusion n01079295 prophylaxis n01079396 save n01079604 suppression, crushing, quelling, stifling n01079951 tax avoidance n01080062 recusation, recusal n01080366 group action n01081197 social activity n01081346 communalism n01081456 confederation, alliance n01081628 association n01081867 fraternization, fraternisation n01082061 affiliation n01082274 reaffiliation n01082350 mingling n01082548 decolonization, decolonisation n01082720 disbandment n01082886 disestablishment n01083077 distribution n01083350 redistribution n01083504 dispensation n01083645 allotment, apportionment, apportioning, allocation, parceling, parcelling, assignation n01084180 reallotment, reapportionment, reallocation n01084489 reshuffle n01084637 deal n01084848 new deal n01084932 rationing n01085098 parcel, portion, share n01085337 deal n01085567 misdeal n01085656 revenue sharing n01085793 sharing, share-out n01085937 generosity, unselfishness n01086081 giving, gift n01086356 bestowal, bestowment, conferral, conferment n01086572 accordance, accordance of rights n01086744 endowment n01086945 social welfare, welfare, public assistance n01087178 social insurance n01087498 national insurance n01087740 supplementary benefit, social assistance, national assistance n01087939 Social Security n01088168 relief n01088304 dole, pogy, pogey n01088437 unemployment compensation n01088563 old-age insurance n01088656 survivors insurance n01088757 disability insurance n01088857 health care n01089009 Medicare n01089179 Medicaid n01089297 primary health care n01089483 philanthropy, philanthropic gift n01089635 charity n01089778 contribution, donation n01090018 subscription n01090117 alms n01090225 alms-giving, almsgiving n01090342 handout n01090446 commerce, commercialism, mercantilism n01091905 trade n01092315 fair trade n01092403 fair trade n01092643 free trade n01092769 North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA n01092974 e-commerce n01093085 exchange, interchange n01093380 conversion n01093532 unitization, unitisation n01093666 lending, loaning n01093855 usury n01093965 arbitrage n01094293 risk arbitrage, takeover arbitrage n01094575 initial public offering, IPO, initial offering n01094725 commercial enterprise, business enterprise, business n01095753 business activity, commercial activity n01095966 operation n01096245 business n01096454 trade, patronage n01096674 wash n01096873 custom n01096997 land-office business n01097119 field, field of operation, line of business n01097292 market, marketplace, market place n01097739 black market n01097920 buyer's market, buyers' market, soft market n01098071 grey market, gray market n01098265 seller's market, sellers' market n01098404 labor market n01098541 employee-owned enterprise, employee-owned business n01098698 finance n01098968 corporate finance n01099109 financing, funding n01099231 high finance n01099436 investing, investment n01099768 foreign direct investment n01099946 leverage, leveraging n01100147 flotation, floatation n01100273 banking n01100491 home banking n01100658 banking n01100877 cooperative, co-op n01101114 discount business n01101227 real-estate business n01101329 advertising, publicizing n01101571 hard sell n01101661 soft sell n01101753 circularization, circularisation n01101958 publication, publishing n01102256 desktop publishing n01102436 publication n01102574 republication, republishing n01102712 contribution n01102862 serialization, serialisation n01103000 typography n01103159 printing n01103374 gravure n01103492 photogravure, rotogravure n01103614 issue, publication n01103788 packaging n01103964 meatpacking, meat packing, meat-packing business n01104174 unitization, unitisation n01104324 catering n01104406 agribusiness, agriculture, factory farm n01104544 truck farming n01104637 construction, building n01105038 jerry-building n01105152 slating n01105259 transportation, shipping, transport n01105635 air transportation, air transport n01105737 navigation n01105909 hauling, trucking, truckage n01106118 cartage, carting n01106272 freight, freightage n01106460 express, expressage n01106587 ferry, ferrying n01106715 carriage trade n01106808 transaction, dealing, dealings n01107359 affairs n01107549 world affairs, international affairs n01107726 operations, trading operations n01107932 transfer, transference n01108150 alienation n01108402 conveyance, conveyance of title, conveyancing, conveying n01108641 quitclaim n01108753 delivery, livery, legal transfer n01108971 bailment n01109114 lend-lease, lease-lend n01109311 secularization, secularisation n01109467 exchange n01109687 barter, swap, swop, trade n01109934 horse trade, horse trading n01110063 logrolling n01110274 deal, trade, business deal n01110633 arms deal n01110720 penny ante n01110811 downtick n01110973 uptick n01111133 borrowing n01111236 pawn n01111375 rental, renting n01111569 Seward's Folly n01111750 importing, importation n01111952 exporting, exportation n01112132 smuggling n01112289 gunrunning n01112420 marketing n01112739 direct marketing n01112885 distribution n01113068 selling, merchandising, marketing n01113595 distribution channel, channel n01113867 traffic n01114055 drug traffic, drug trafficking, narcotraffic n01114172 simony, barratry n01114284 slave trade, slave traffic n01114458 retail n01114646 wholesale n01114824 sale n01115017 divestiture n01115162 sell n01115348 syndication n01115589 dumping n01115734 dutch auction n01115866 retailing n01116026 telemarketing, teleselling, telecommerce n01116206 telemetry n01116360 thermometry n01116466 thermogravimetry n01116696 tonometry n01116876 telephone order n01116968 vending, peddling, hawking, vendition n01117164 venture n01117318 viscometry, viscosimetry n01117454 resale n01117541 sale n01117723 sale, cut-rate sale, sales event n01118182 bazaar, fair n01118338 book fair, bookfair n01118495 craft fair n01118614 car boot sale, boot sale n01118776 clearance sale, inventory-clearance sale n01118890 closeout n01119012 fire sale n01119116 fire sale n01119250 garage sale, yard sale n01119401 going-out-of-business sale n01119620 realization, realisation n01119850 rummage sale, jumble sale n01119949 selloff n01120176 white sale n01120259 undertaking n01120348 upholstery n01120448 payment, defrayal, defrayment n01120855 evasion, nonpayment n01121070 amortization, amortisation n01121245 fee splitting n01121390 overpayment n01121492 prepayment n01121585 ransom n01121690 refund, repayment n01121855 remuneration n01122037 rendering n01122149 spending, disbursement, disbursal, outlay n01122387 tribute n01122488 underpayment n01122601 expending, expenditure n01122754 deficit spending, compensatory spending, pump priming n01122938 amortization, amortisation n01123095 migration n01123304 gold rush n01123420 stampede n01123598 social control n01124110 auto limitation n01124246 sanction n01124384 population control n01124508 politics n01124794 government, governing, governance, government activity, administration n01125562 misgovernment, misrule n01125693 legislation, legislating, lawmaking n01125959 criminalization, criminalisation n01126151 decriminalization, decriminalisation n01126335 trust busting n01126564 winemaking, wine making n01126709 viticulture, viniculture n01126856 enactment, passage n01127019 enforcement n01127245 coercion n01127379 execution, implementation, carrying out n01127623 imposition, infliction n01127874 protection, trade protection n01128137 law enforcement n01128266 vigilantism n01128390 domination n01128547 bossism n01128655 mastery, subordination n01128806 monopolization, monopolisation n01128984 socialization, socialisation, acculturation, enculturation n01129363 cultivation n01129532 breeding, bringing up, fostering, fosterage, nurture, raising, rearing, upbringing n01129920 duty, responsibility, obligation n01130560 moral obligation n01130735 noblesse oblige n01130905 burden of proof n01131004 civic duty, civic responsibility n01131135 jury duty n01131224 filial duty n01131330 imperative n01131425 incumbency n01131515 legal duty n01131656 fiduciary duty n01131794 due care, ordinary care, reasonable care n01131993 foster care n01132148 great care n01132327 providence n01132472 slight care n01132590 line of duty n01132709 white man's burden n01132864 obedience, respect n01133106 occupation, military control n01133281 management, direction n01133760 conducting n01133933 database management n01134037 finance n01134244 homemaking n01134330 misconduct n01134479 mismanagement, misdirection n01134699 screwup n01134861 treatment, handling n01135163 bioremediation n01135372 dealing n01135529 supervision, supervising, superintendence, oversight n01135795 invigilation n01135952 administration, disposal n01136265 conducting n01136375 line management n01136519 organization, organisation n01136985 running n01137206 administrivia n01137455 polity n01137597 nonprofit organization, nonprofit, not-for-profit n01137760 rationalization, rationalisation n01137987 reorganization, reorganisation, shake-up, shakeup n01138399 self-organization, self-organisation n01138547 syndication n01138670 authorization, authorisation, empowerment n01139000 sanction n01139194 license, permission, permit n01139490 benefit of clergy n01139636 name n01139749 nihil obstat n01139830 certification, enfranchisement n01140029 disenfranchisement n01140193 accreditation n01140471 commission, commissioning n01140658 mandate n01140839 delegating, delegation, relegating, relegation, deputation n01141160 devolution, devolvement n01141366 loan approval n01141482 rubber stamp n01141593 clearance n01141729 conge, congee n01141841 allowance n01142014 dispensation n01142150 variance n01142324 toleration n01142519 channelization, channelisation, canalization, canalisation n01142843 canalization, canalisation n01143040 preparation, readying n01143409 deployment n01143580 groundwork n01143760 redeployment, redisposition n01143957 makeready n01144046 priming n01144133 planning n01144355 scheduling, programming, programing n01144555 turnaround, turnround n01144716 warm-up, tune-up, prolusion n01144876 guidance, steering n01145015 coup d'etat, coup, putsch, takeover n01145219 countercoup n01145359 restraint n01145688 collar, leash n01145905 damper n01146039 bridle, check, curb n01146288 immobilization, immobilisation, immobilizing n01146576 confinement n01146768 imprisonment, internment n01146993 lockdown n01147135 house arrest n01147222 false imprisonment n01147347 custody n01147451 containment n01147676 ring containment n01147950 suppression, curtailment n01148182 crackdown n01148283 regimentation n01148398 reimposition n01148491 restraint of trade n01148614 restriction, confinement n01148904 classification n01149115 declassification n01149303 stipulation, specification n01149480 circumscription n01149621 constraint n01149793 swaddling clothes n01149911 constriction n01150096 vasoconstriction n01150200 privation, deprivation n01150467 pauperization, pauperisation, impoverishment n01150662 starvation, starving n01150938 appeasement, calming n01151097 pacification, mollification n01151407 placation, conciliation, propitiation n01151605 internationalization, internationalisation n01151788 nationalization, nationalisation, communization, communisation n01152033 denationalization, denationalisation, privatization, privatisation n01152300 nationalization, nationalisation n01152461 nationalization, nationalisation n01152583 detribalization, detribalisation n01152787 collectivization, collectivisation n01152973 communization, communisation n01153139 communization, communisation n01153305 federation n01153548 discrimination, favoritism, favouritism n01153861 patronage n01154083 nomenklatura n01154237 ableism, ablism, able-bodiedism, able-bodism n01154373 ageism, agism n01154487 cronyism n01154661 fattism, fatism n01154772 heterosexism n01154900 nepotism n01155044 racism, racialism, racial discrimination n01155253 racial profiling n01155465 secularization, secularisation n01155722 rollover n01155893 sexism n01156070 male chauvinism, chauvinism, antifeminism n01156262 sexual discrimination n01156438 mobilization, mobilisation, militarization, militarisation n01156899 arming, armament, equipping n01157138 outfitting n01157275 refit n01157384 rearmament n01157557 disarming, disarmament n01157850 conscription, muster, draft, selective service n01158064 levy, levy en masse n01158190 demobilization, demobilisation n01158543 remilitarization, remilitarisation n01158690 standardization, standardisation, normalization, normalisation n01159025 stabilization, stabilisation n01159461 destabilization, destabilisation n01159776 stylization, stylisation n01159964 conventionalization, conventionalisation n01160170 taxation n01160342 punishment, penalty, penalization, penalisation n01160729 beating, thrashing, licking, drubbing, lacing, trouncing, whacking n01161017 castigation, chastisement n01161161 corporal punishment n01161411 cruel and unusual punishment n01161635 detention n01161821 discipline, correction n01162062 economic strangulation n01162257 self-flagellation n01162376 imprisonment n01162529 music, medicine n01162672 self-punishment n01162784 spanking n01162928 stick n01163047 whipping, tanning, flogging, lashing, flagellation n01163316 flagellation n01163429 horsewhipping n01163586 electric shock n01163779 execution, executing, capital punishment, death penalty n01164063 gauntlet, gantlet n01164275 kick in the butt n01164394 stoning, lapidation n01164618 burning, burning at the stake n01164730 auto-da-fe n01164874 hanging n01165112 electrocution, burning n01165224 decapitation, beheading n01165337 crucifixion n01165537 penance, self-mortification, self-abasement n01165692 commitment, committal, consignment n01165919 commutation, re-sentencing n01166092 corrections n01166258 exchange, interchange n01166517 rally, exchange n01166760 tradeoff, trade-off n01166926 submission, compliance n01167146 obedience, obeisance n01167385 truckling n01167548 prostration n01167710 strife n01167847 tug-of-war n01167952 turf war n01168199 countercurrent, crosscurrent n01168369 direct action n01168569 competition, contention, rivalry n01168840 battle of wits n01168961 contest n01169112 bidding contest n01169200 popularity contest n01169317 resistance n01169598 nonresistance n01169744 confrontation, opposition n01170047 sales resistance n01170175 discord, discordance n01170320 defiance n01170406 road rage n01170502 riot, public violence n01170666 race riot n01170813 dispute, contravention n01170962 fight, fighting, combat, scrap n01171644 fencing n01172031 in-fighting n01172173 set-to n01172252 shock, impact n01172441 hassle, scuffle, tussle, dogfight, rough-and-tumble n01172598 aggro n01172784 duel, affaire d'honneur n01173038 blow n01173569 counterblow n01173660 swing n01173826 fistfight, fisticuffs, slugfest n01173965 stab, thrust, knife thrust n01174251 lunge, straight thrust, passado n01174495 parry n01174645 remise n01174825 riposte n01174988 stinger n01175099 thump n01175195 uppercut n01175316 hammer, pound, hammering, pounding n01175633 shot n01175831 cheap shot n01176031 wallop n01176115 battering, banging n01176219 beating, whipping n01176335 affray, disturbance, fray, ruffle n01176431 brawl, free-for-all n01176540 knife fight, snickersnee, cut-and-thrust n01176649 rumble, gang fight n01176757 single combat n01176931 obstructionism n01177033 protest, objection, dissent n01177327 rebellion n01177583 punch-up n01177703 demonstration, manifestation n01177990 counterdemonstration n01178195 walkout n01178415 Boston Tea Party n01178728 peace march n01178850 sit-in n01179004 work-in n01179167 protest march n01179393 insubordination, rebelliousness n01179564 contumacy n01179707 disobedience, noncompliance n01179927 civil disobedience n01180200 contempt n01180398 contempt of Congress n01180557 contempt of court n01180718 civil contempt n01180858 contumacy n01181066 criminal contempt n01181212 obstruction of justice n01181475 due process, due process of law n01181902 legal action, action, action at law n01182312 action n01182654 lawsuit, suit, case, cause, causa n01183031 civil suit n01183166 class action, class-action suit n01183373 countersuit n01183497 criminal suit n01183638 moot n01183798 paternity suit, bastardy proceeding n01184045 antitrust case n01184230 civil action n01184407 counterclaim n01184565 custody case n01184720 lis pendens n01184814 proceeding, legal proceeding, proceedings n01185292 adoption n01185611 appeal n01185981 reversal n01186192 affirmation n01186397 bankruptcy n01186578 receivership n01186810 litigation, judicial proceeding n01187085 custody battle n01187230 vexatious litigation n01187463 presentment, notification n01187620 naturalization, naturalisation n01187810 judgment, judgement, judicial decision n01188273 confession of judgment, confession of judgement, cognovit judgment, cognovit judgement n01188537 default judgment, default judgement, judgment by default, judgement by default n01188783 non prosequitur, non pros n01189001 final judgment, final decision n01189282 conviction, judgment of conviction, condemnation, sentence n01189650 judgment in personam, judgement in personam, personal judgment, personal judgement n01189929 judgment in rem, judgement in rem n01190172 judgment of dismissal, judgement of dismissal, dismissal n01190364 judgment on the merits, judgement on the merits n01190561 summary judgment, summary judgement, judgment on the pleadings, judgement on the pleadings n01190884 arbitration, arbitrament, arbitrement n01191158 opinion, ruling n01191364 Bakke decision n01191610 fatwa n01191755 umpirage, officiation, officiating, refereeing n01191975 finding n01192150 verdict, finding of fact n01192463 finding of law, conclusion of law n01192633 compromise verdict n01192814 directed verdict n01193044 false verdict n01193176 general verdict n01193362 partial verdict n01193535 quotient verdict n01193672 special verdict n01193886 acquittal n01194021 murder conviction n01194125 rape conviction n01194225 robbery conviction n01194331 eviction, dispossession, legal ouster n01194615 ouster n01194711 actual eviction n01194904 eviction, constructive eviction n01195187 retaliatory eviction n01195380 legalization, legalisation, legitimation n01195584 legitimation n01195867 trial n01196316 court-martial n01196477 ordeal, trial by ordeal n01196759 Scopes trial n01197119 show trial n01197258 review n01197479 bill of review n01197658 judicial review n01197928 plea n01198068 double jeopardy n01198307 prosecution, criminal prosecution n01198588 test case, test suit n01198750 defense, defence, denial, demurrer n01199035 entrapment n01199252 mistrial n01199365 retrial n01199697 hearing n01200000 administrative hearing n01200266 competence hearing n01200502 fair hearing n01200857 quo warranto n01201021 separation n01201271 divorce, divorcement n01201429 legal separation, separation n01201645 quarantine n01201773 seclusion n01201906 cocooning n01202029 isolation, closing off n01202184 segregation, sequestration n01202415 integration, integrating, desegregation n01202665 separationism, separatism n01202799 withdrawal n01202904 cooperation n01203277 brainstorming n01203494 teamwork n01203676 conformity, conformation, compliance, abidance n01204055 formality n01204294 line n01204419 honoring, observance n01204623 punctilio n01204711 nonobservance n01204845 nonconformity, nonconformance n01205010 keeping n01205156 collaboration, coaction n01205341 collaboration, collaborationism, quislingism n01205564 compromise, via media n01205702 concurrence, concurrency n01205827 reconciliation, rapprochement n01205961 selflessness, self-sacrifice n01206153 commitment, allegiance, loyalty, dedication n01206553 devotion n01206774 cultism n01206910 hobbyism n01206986 enlistment n01207108 reenlistment n01207187 faith n01207342 fetish, fetich n01207521 party spirit n01207609 aid, assist, assistance, help n01208291 facilitation n01208460 hand, helping hand n01208597 recourse, resort, refuge n01208797 thanks n01208924 social work n01209079 casework n01209220 relief, succor, succour, ministration n01209487 lift n01209576 service n01209791 disservice, ill service, ill turn n01209963 childcare, child care n01210102 community service n01210281 community service, public service n01210439 daycare, day care n01210547 help desk, helpdesk n01210699 seating n01210816 accommodation n01211019 boost, encouragement n01211185 comfort n01211339 boost n01211489 morale building, morale booster n01211667 consolation, comfort, solace n01211888 simplification n01212037 oversimplification, simplism n01212225 rationalization, rationalisation n01212519 support n01212882 attachment, adherence, adhesion n01213234 ecclesiasticism n01213406 kabbalism, cabalism n01213548 royalism n01213702 traditionalism n01213886 backing, backup, championship, patronage n01214171 advocacy, protagonism n01214408 drumbeat n01214557 insistence, insistency n01214746 urging n01214863 auspices, protection, aegis n01215036 sponsorship n01215168 endorsement, indorsement n01215392 blessing, approval, approving n01215719 reassurance n01215902 support n01216191 sustenance, sustentation, sustainment, maintenance, upkeep n01216515 logistic support, logistic assistance n01216738 integrated logistic support n01216908 mutual aid, international logistic support n01217052 interdepartmental support, interagency support n01217306 inter-service support n01217499 representation n01217720 proportional representation n01217859 employment, engagement n01218050 shape-up n01218213 call-back n01218327 booking, reservation n01218593 admiration, appreciation n01218766 adoration, idolization, idolisation n01218932 glorification n01219075 idealization, idealisation, glorification n01219306 sentimentalization, sentimentalisation, romanticization, romanticisation n01219551 reward, reinforcement n01219722 carrot n01219893 disparagement, dispraise n01220074 belittling n01220152 deprecation, denigration n01220336 aspersion, calumny, slander, defamation, denigration n01220619 attack n01220754 detraction n01220984 behavior, behaviour, conduct, doings n01221254 behavior, behaviour n01221464 territoriality n01221611 aggression n01221790 aggravation, irritation, provocation n01222034 last straw n01222157 exacerbation n01222333 bitchery n01222477 bullying, intimidation n01222666 terrorization, terrorisation, frightening n01222859 twit, taunt, taunting n01223032 raising hell, hell raising n01223143 self-assertion n01223257 condemnation n01223488 stigmatization, stigmatisation, branding n01223672 bohemianism n01223766 dirty pool n01223877 dirty tricks n01224031 discourtesy, offense, offence, offensive activity n01224346 easiness n01224517 derision, ridicule n01224700 mock n01224828 indelicacy n01224914 insolence n01225027 insult, affront n01225299 indignity n01225397 scandalization, scandalisation, outrage n01225562 presumption n01225783 rebuff, slight n01225997 snub, cut, cold shoulder n01226181 silent treatment n01226289 the way of the world, the ways of the world n01226679 benevolence, benefaction n01226837 cupboard love n01226941 favor, favour n01227083 turn, good turn n01227190 forgiveness, pardon n01227351 condonation n01227495 mercy n01227691 exculpation n01227805 endearment n01227908 politeness, civility n01228102 reverence n01228245 courtesy n01228380 gesture n01228544 beau geste n01228645 attention n01228792 gallantry n01228877 deference, respect n01229223 court, homage n01229350 last respects n01229549 props n01229712 devoir n01229793 consideration, thoughtfulness n01229938 assembly, assemblage, gathering n01230283 mobilization, mobilisation n01230566 economic mobilization, economic mobilisation n01230685 rallying n01230850 convocation, calling together n01230965 meeting, coming together n01231296 service call n01231435 assignation, tryst n01231548 rendezvous n01231686 congregation, congregating n01231819 convention, convening n01231980 concentration n01232091 session n01232246 course session, class period, recitation n01232412 socialization, socialisation, socializing, socialising n01232684 visit n01232842 visit n01232978 flying visit n01233156 visit n01233397 attendance, attending n01233627 appearance, appearing, coming into court n01233802 presence n01233917 turnout n01234090 nonattendance n01234243 nonappearance n01234345 absence n01234528 absenteeism n01234612 truancy, hooky n01234729 return, paying back, getting even n01234952 answer n01235137 requital, payment n01235258 retaliation, revenge n01235463 vengeance, retribution, payback n01235946 reprisal n01236049 reciprocation n01236173 feud n01236296 war, warfare n01236491 drug war n01236633 trench warfare n01236947 vendetta, blood feud n01237080 tit for tat n01237167 aggression n01237294 democratization, democratisation n01237415 consolidation, integration n01237872 centralization, centralisation n01238058 decentralization, decentralisation n01238267 incorporation n01238424 amalgamation, merger, uniting n01238607 vertical integration, vertical combination n01238847 horizontal integration, horizontal combination n01239064 engagement, participation, involvement, involution n01239487 non-engagement, nonparticipation, non-involvement n01239717 isolation n01239868 commitment n01240064 incurrence n01240210 intervention, intercession n01240432 mediation, intermediation n01240628 matchmaking n01240745 group participation n01240850 neutrality n01240979 annulment, invalidation n01241216 dissolution of marriage n01241331 vindication, exoneration n01241594 whitewash n01241767 justification n01241997 rehabilitation n01242164 job action n01242354 go-slow n01242539 work to rule n01242716 passive resistance, nonviolent resistance, nonviolence n01242962 hunger strike n01243089 Ramadan n01243262 Satyagraha n01243453 recusancy n01243674 strike, work stoppage n01243969 sit-down, sit-down strike n01244127 sympathy strike, sympathetic strike n01244341 walkout n01244451 wildcat strike n01244593 unsnarling, untangling, disentanglement, extrication n01244895 sabotage n01245061 extermination, liquidation n01245159 genocide, race murder, racial extermination n01245318 holocaust n01245471 Holocaust, final solution n01245618 throw n01245813 cast, roll n01245950 natural n01246086 flip, toss n01246206 flip n01246334 strafe n01246541 surprise attack, coup de main n01246697 terrorist attack n01246926 ambush, ambuscade, lying in wait, trap n01247156 pre-emptive strike n01247306 dry-gulching n01247413 emancipation n01247647 clearing n01247807 manumission n01247969 radio observation n01248075 stupidity, betise, folly, foolishness, imbecility n01248191 admission, admittance n01248418 readmission n01248608 matriculation, matric n01248752 remarriage n01248852 renewal n01248961 self-renewal n01249060 replication n01249315 amnesty, pardon, free pardon n01249483 demolition n01249616 spoliation n01249816 vandalism, hooliganism, malicious mischief n01249991 recession, ceding back n01250101 amendment n01250208 emendation n01250335 hit n01250492 infanticide n01250569 shoot-down n01250671 tyrannicide n01250745 thuggee n01250826 transmutation, transubstantiation n01251010 barrage jamming n01251138 spot jamming, selective jamming n01251270 electronic deception n01251489 manipulative electronic deception, electronic manipulative deception n01251724 simulative electronic deception, electronic simulative deception n01251923 imitative electronic deception, electronic imitative deception n01252124 waste, permissive waste n01252280 colonization, colonisation, settlement n01252566 resettlement, relocation n01252800 dismount n01252918 radiation n01253060 emission, emanation n01253277 discharge, venting n01253379 jamming, electronic jamming, jam n01253665 vacation n01253778 harmonization, harmonisation n01253944 humming n01254051 winnow, winnowing, sifting n01254253 separation n01254473 teleportation n01254685 intonation, chanting n01254882 cantillation n01254978 intonation n01255125 fixed intonation n01255302 karaoke n01255452 part-singing n01255549 psalmody, hymnody n01255648 singalong, singsong n01255808 solfege, solfeggio n01255935 solmization, solfege, solfeggio n01256124 yodeling n01256270 lead n01256417 leadership, leading n01256615 helm n01256743 lead n01257033 trend setting n01257145 precession, precedence, precedency n01257418 solo n01257542 flood, flowage n01257701 parole n01257969 population n01258161 pounce n01258251 probation n01258579 quarter n01258719 recall n01258852 revocation n01259034 reprieve, respite n01259211 revoke, renege n01259380 ruff, trumping n01259594 trick n01259773 awakening, wakening, waking up n01260008 buzz n01260182 fixation n01260309 immobilization, immobilisation n01260556 fun n01260731 sin, hell n01260867 excitation, excitement n01261113 hair-raiser, chiller n01261293 thrill n01261490 incitation, incitement n01261712 inflammation, inflaming n01261845 inspiration, stirring n01261974 stimulation n01262109 galvanization, galvanisation n01262345 titillation n01262441 deforestation, disforestation n01262574 skimming n01262713 withdrawal n01262868 withdrawal n01263018 spoil, spoiling, spoilage n01263257 swerve, swerving, veering n01263418 three-point turn n01263582 face saver, face saving n01263711 recruitment, enlisting n01263924 smooth n01264050 reference, consultation n01264243 emphasizing, accenting, accentuation n01264447 release, outlet, vent n01264667 last n01264795 slapshot n01264933 headshot n01265071 cornhusking n01265176 palpebration n01265325 bank examination n01265475 beatification n01265632 equilibration n01265734 ethnic cleansing n01265921 jumpstart, jump-start n01266152 mystification, obfuscation n01266364 negotiation n01266491 proclamation, promulgation n01266745 socialization, socialisation n01266945 stabilization, stabilisation n01267135 stupefaction n01267344 transfusion reaction n01267588 upgrade n01267808 vampirism n01267901 version n01268020 vulgarization, vulgarisation n01268183 witching n01268271 xenotransplant, xenotransplantation n01268457 Actium n01268633 Aegates Isles, Aegadean Isles n01268886 Aegospotami, Aegospotamos n01269161 Agincourt n01269360 Alamo n01269633 Atlanta, battle of Atlanta n01269857 Austerlitz, battle of Austerlitz n01270153 Bannockburn n01270343 Bataan, Corregidor n01270628 Battle of Britain n01270860 Battle of Kerbala n01271107 Battle of the Ardennes Bulge, Battle of the Bulge, Ardennes counteroffensive n01271428 Battle of the Marne, Belleau Wood, Chateau-Thierry, Marne River n01271669 Bismarck Sea, battle of the Bismarck Sea n01271915 Blenheim n01272134 Borodino n01272367 Bosworth Field n01272582 Bouvines n01272787 Boyne, battle of Boyne n01273081 Brunanburh, battle of Brunanburh n01273230 Buena Vista n01273491 Bull Run, Battle of Bull Run n01273735 Bunker Hill, battle of Bunker Hill n01274000 Cannae n01274171 Caporetto, battle of Caporetto n01274374 Caudine Forks n01274531 Chaeronea n01274733 Chalons, Chalons-sur-Marne n01274909 Chancellorsville n01275142 Chapultepec n01275389 Chattanooga, battle of Chattanooga n01275697 Chickamauga, battle of Chickamauga n01275934 Chino-Japanese War, Sino-Japanese War n01276194 Coral Sea, battle of the Coral Sea n01276436 Cowpens, battle of Cowpens n01276634 Crecy, battle of Crecy n01276875 Cunaxa, battle of Cunaxa n01277065 Cynoscephalae, battle of Cynoscephalae n01277288 Dardanelles, Dardanelles campaign n01277540 Dien Bien Phu n01277755 Drogheda n01277938 Dunkirk, Dunkerque n01278232 El Alamein, Al Alamayn, Battle of El Alamein n01278509 Eniwetok n01278692 Flodden, Battle of Flodden Field n01278873 Fontenoy, Battle of Fontenoy n01279120 Fort Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga n01279342 Fredericksburg, Battle of Fredericksburg n01279615 Gettysburg, Battle of Gettysburg n01279866 Granicus, Battle of Granicus River n01280055 Guadalcanal, Battle of Guadalcanal n01280308 Hampton Roads n01280514 Hastings, battle of Hastings n01280792 Hohenlinden, battle of Hohenlinden n01280990 Inchon n01281154 Indian Mutiny, Sepoy Mutiny n01281427 Ipsus, battle of Ipsus n01281638 Issus, battle of Issus n01281813 Ivry, battle of Ivry, Ivry la Bataille n01282022 Iwo, Iwo Jima, invasion of Iwo n01282289 Jena, Battle of Jena n01282466 Jutland, battle of Jutland n01282711 Kennesaw Mountain n01282966 Kwajalein n01283185 Lake Trasimenus, Battle of Lake Trasimenus n01283389 Langside, battle of Langside n01283565 Lepanto, Battle of Lepanto n01283753 Leuctra, battle of Leuctra n01283935 Lexington, Concord, Lexington and Concord n01284124 Leyte, Leyte Island, Leyte invasion n01284444 Little Bighorn, Battle of Little Bighorn, Battle of the Little Bighorn, Custer's Last Stand n01284928 Lucknow n01285101 Lule Burgas, battle of Lule Burgas n01285305 Lutzen, battle of Lutzen n01285567 Macedonian War n01285784 Magenta, Battle of Magenta n01286000 Maldon, Battle of Maldon n01286181 Manila Bay n01286393 Mantinea, Mantineia n01286569 Marathon, battle of Marathon n01286745 Marengo n01286938 Marston Moor, battle of Marston Moor n01287179 Metaurus River n01287431 Meuse, Meuse River, Argonne, Argonne Forest, Meuse-Argonne, Meuse-Argonne operation n01287782 Midway, Battle of Midway n01288057 Minden, battle of Minden n01288272 Monmouth Court House, Battle of Monmouth Court House, Battle of Monmouth n01288549 Naseby, Battle of Naseby n01288795 Navarino, battle of Navarino n01289061 Okinawa, Okinawa campaign n01289444 Omdurman, battle of Omdurman n01289631 Operation Desert Storm n01289830 Orleans, siege of Orleans n01289997 Panipat, battle of Panipat n01290162 Passero, Cape Passero n01290435 Petersburg, Petersburg Campaign n01290711 Pharsalus, battle of Pharsalus n01290840 Philippi, battle of Philippi n01290997 Philippine Sea, battle of the Philippine Sea n01291310 Plassey, battle of Plassey n01291517 Plataea, battle of Plataea n01291674 Plevna, Pleven n01291839 Poitiers, battle of Poitiers n01292017 Port Arthur n01292200 Battle of Puebla n01292343 Pydna, Battle of Pydna n01292553 Ravenna, Battle of Ravenna n01292735 Rocroi, Battle of Rocroi n01292928 Rossbach, battle of Rossbach n01293167 Saint-Mihiel, St Mihiel, battle of St Mihiel n01293438 Saipan n01293650 Salerno n01293832 Santiago, Santiago de Cuba n01294127 Saratoga, battle of Saratoga n01294330 Sempatch, battle of Sempatch n01294502 Shiloh, battle of Shiloh, battle of Pittsburgh Landing n01294791 Soissons, battle of Soissons-Reims, battle of the Chemin-des-Dames, battle of the Aisne n01295153 Solferino, battle of Solferino n01295373 Somme, Somme River, Battle of the Somme n01295528 Somme, Somme River, Battle of the Somme n01295684 Battle of the Spanish Armada n01295918 Spotsylvania, battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse n01296127 Syracuse, siege of Syracuse n01296296 Syracuse, siege of Syracuse n01296505 Tannenberg, battle of Tannenberg n01296697 Tarawa, Makin, Tarawa-Makin n01296946 Tertry, battle of Tertry n01297095 Teutoburger Wald, battle of Teutoburger Wald n01297291 Tewkesbury, battle of Tewkesbury n01297484 Thermopylae, battle of Thermopylae n01297706 Trafalgar, battle of Trafalgar n01297978 Trasimeno, battle of Trasimeno n01298162 Tsushima n01298371 Valmy, battle of Valmy n01298573 Verdun, battle of Verdun n01298797 Vicksburg, siege of Vicksburg n01299037 Wagram, battle of Wagram n01299224 Battle of Wake, Battle of Wake Island n01299476 Waterloo, Battle of Waterloo n01299735 Wilderness Campaign n01299994 Yalu River n01300242 Yorktown, siege of Yorktown n01300508 Ypres, battle of Ypres, first battle of Ypres n01300782 Ypres, battle of Ypres, second battle of Ypres n01301080 Ypres, battle of Ypres, third battle of Ypres n01301423 Zama, battle of Zama n01301630 American Civil War, United States Civil War, War between the States n01302086 American Revolution, American Revolutionary War, War of American Independence, American War of Independence n01302449 Arab-Israeli War, Six-Day War, Six Day War n01302683 Arab-Israeli War, Yom Kippur War n01302935 Balkan Wars n01303252 Boer War n01303582 Chinese Revolution n01303739 Crimean War n01303934 Cuban Revolution n01304121 English Civil War n01304356 English Revolution, Glorious Revolution, Bloodless Revolution n01304629 Franco-Prussian War n01304820 French and Indian War n01305007 French Revolution n01305147 Hundred Years' War n01305310 Iran-Iraq War, Gulf War n01305551 Korean War n01305796 Mexican Revolution n01306007 Mexican War n01306358 Napoleonic Wars n01306736 Norman Conquest n01306911 Peloponnesian War n01307090 Persian Gulf War, Gulf War n01307299 Punic War n01307606 Restoration n01307754 Russian Revolution, February Revolution n01308008 Russian Revolution, October Revolution n01308260 Russo-Japanese War n01308438 Seven Years' War n01308668 Spanish-American War, Spanish War n01308837 Spanish Civil War n01309109 Thirty Years' War n01309395 Trojan War n01309807 Vietnam War, Vietnam n01310074 War of Greek Independence n01310347 War of the Austrian Succession n01310536 War of the Grand Alliance, War of the League of Augsburg n01310789 War of the Spanish Succession n01311045 War of the Roses, Wars of the Roses n01311344 War of 1812 n01311520 World War I, World War 1, Great War, First World War, War to End War n01312096 World War II, World War 2, Second World War n01313093 Animalia, kingdom Animalia, animal kingdom n01313888 recombinant n01314026 conspecific n01314145 carrier n01314388 pest n01314663 critter n01314781 creepy-crawly n01314910 darter n01315062 denizen n01315213 peeper n01315330 homeotherm, homoiotherm, homotherm n01315581 poikilotherm, ectotherm n01315805 range animal n01315980 vermin n01316288 varmint, varment n01316422 scavenger n01316579 bottom-feeder, bottom-dweller n01316734 bottom-feeder n01316838 bottom lurkers n01316949 work animal n01317089 beast of burden, jument n01317294 draft animal n01317391 pack animal, sumpter n01317541 domestic animal, domesticated animal n01317813 feeder n01317916 feeder n01318053 stocker n01318279 hatchling n01318381 head n01318478 migrator n01318660 molter, moulter n01318894 pet n01319001 stayer n01319187 stunt n01319339 pollard n01319467 marine animal, marine creature, sea animal, sea creature n01319685 by-catch, bycatch n01319932 amphidiploid n01320093 diploid n01320314 haploid n01320479 heteroploid n01320692 polyploid n01320872 female n01321123 hen n01321230 male n01321456 adult n01321579 young, offspring n01321770 orphan n01321854 young mammal n01322221 baby n01322343 pup, whelp n01322508 wolf pup, wolf cub n01322604 puppy n01322685 cub, young carnivore n01322898 lion cub n01322983 bear cub n01323068 tiger cub n01323155 kit n01323261 suckling n01323355 sire n01323493 dam n01323599 thoroughbred, purebred, pureblood n01323781 giant n01323901 vent n01324019 animalcule, animalculum n01324142 survivor n01324305 mutant n01324431 carnivore n01324610 herbivore n01324799 insectivore n01324916 acrodont n01325060 pleurodont n01325206 form genus n01325417 horn n01325658 antler n01325775 tuft n01325853 horn n01326015 crest n01326198 topknot n01326291 microorganism, micro-organism n01326751 monad n01326897 aerobe n01327028 anaerobe n01327204 obligate anaerobe n01327322 hybrid, crossbreed, cross n01327765 dihybrid n01327909 monohybrid n01328121 polymorph n01328302 relative, congener, congenator, congeneric n01328515 intestinal flora n01328702 virus n01329186 arbovirus, arborvirus n01329794 capsid n01329935 virion n01330126 adenovirus n01330314 parainfluenza virus n01330497 arenavirus n01330696 Junin virus n01330852 Lassa virus n01330966 lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus n01331188 Machupo virus n01331345 Bunyaviridae n01331522 bunyavirus n01331659 Filoviridae n01331867 filovirus n01332009 Ebola virus n01332181 Marburg virus n01332347 Togaviridae n01332488 alphavirus n01332653 Flaviviridae n01332795 flavivirus n01332940 West Nile virus, West Nile encephalitis virus n01333082 Arenaviridae n01333301 Rhabdoviridae n01333483 vesiculovirus n01333610 Reoviridae n01333731 poxvirus n01333890 myxoma virus n01334036 variola virus, smallpox virus n01334217 variola major, variola major virus n01334368 variola minor, variola minor virus n01334518 tobacco mosaic virus, TMV n01334690 viroid, virusoid n01334862 bacteriophage, phage n01335218 coliphage n01335333 typhoid bacteriophage n01335460 plant virus n01335659 animal virus n01336076 hepadnavirus n01336282 retrovirus n01336599 human T-cell leukemia virus-1, HTLV-1 n01336718 human immunodeficiency virus, HIV n01336910 myxovirus n01337078 orthomyxovirus n01337191 paramyxovirus n01337329 respiratory syncytial virus n01337583 picornavirus n01337734 poliovirus n01337822 hepatitis A virus n01337915 enterovirus n01338178 coxsackievirus, Coxsackie virus n01338333 echovirus n01338537 rhinovirus n01338685 herpes, herpes virus n01338908 herpes simplex, herpes simplex virus n01339083 herpes simplex 1, HS1, HSV-1, HSV-I n01339206 herpes simplex 2, HS2, HSV-2, HSV-II n01339336 herpes zoster, herpes zoster virus n01339471 herpes varicella zoster, herpes varicella zoster virus n01339623 Epstein-Barr virus, EBV n01339801 cytomegalovirus, CMV n01340014 varicella zoster virus n01340155 papovavirus n01340331 human papilloma virus n01340522 polyoma, polyoma virus n01340648 rhabdovirus n01340785 lyssavirus n01340935 reovirus n01341090 rotavirus n01341183 parvovirus, parvo n01341410 slow virus n01341580 onion yellow-dwarf virus n01341727 potato yellow-dwarf virus n01341876 Monera, kingdom Monera, Prokayotae, kingdom Prokaryotae n01342269 moneran, moneron n01342529 animal order n01347199 protoctist order n01347431 division Archaebacteria n01347583 archaebacteria, archaebacterium, archaeobacteria, archeobacteria n01347858 methanogen n01348075 halophile, halophil n01348232 halobacteria, halobacterium, halobacter n01348388 thermoacidophile n01348530 bacteria, bacterium n01349333 acidophil, acidophile n01349495 probiotic, probiotic bacterium, probiotic microflora, probiotic flora n01349735 bacteroid n01349948 bacillus, B n01350226 Bacillus anthracis, anthrax bacillus n01350485 Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus globigii, grass bacillus, hay bacillus n01350701 Yersinia pestis n01350855 coccus, cocci n01350994 coccobacillus n01351170 Brucella n01351315 spirillum, spirilla n01351453 Heliobacter, genus Heliobacter n01351688 Heliobacter pylori, H. pylori n01351959 bacteria order n01352059 bacteria family n01352574 bacteria genus n01353411 bacteria species n01353658 Pseudomonas pyocanea n01353773 Aerobacter, genus Aerobacter n01353932 Aerobacter aerogenes n01354149 Rhizobiaceae, family Rhizobiaceae n01354324 Rhizobium, genus Rhizobium n01354521 Agrobacterium, genus Agrobacterium n01354724 Agrobacterium tumefaciens n01354869 division Eubacteria n01355326 eubacteria, eubacterium, true bacteria n01356086 Eubacteriales, order Eubacteriales n01356459 Bacillaceae, family Bacillaceae n01356670 genus Bacillus n01356888 genus Clostridium n01357156 clostridium, clostridia n01357328 botulinus, botulinum, Clostridium botulinum n01357507 clostridium perfringens n01357707 Cyanophyta, division Cyanophyta n01357967 Schizophyta, division Schizophyta n01358135 Schizomycetes, class Schizomycetes n01358259 class Cyanobacteria, Cyanophyceae, class Cyanophyceae n01358572 cyanobacteria, blue-green algae n01358904 Myxophyceae, family Myxophyceae, Schizophyceae, family Schizophyceae n01359070 Nostocaceae, family Nostocaceae n01359203 genus Nostoc n01359365 nostoc n01359488 Oscillatoriaceae, family Oscillatoriaceae n01359631 genus Trichodesmium n01359762 trichodesmium n01359945 phototrophic bacteria, phototropic bacteria n01360180 purple bacteria n01360330 Pseudomonadales, order Pseudomonadales n01360712 Pseudomonodaceae, family Pseudomonodaceae n01360937 Pseudomonas, genus Pseudomonas n01361113 ring rot bacteria, Pseudomonas solanacearum n01361261 pseudomonad n01361465 Xanthomonas, genus Xanthomonas n01361683 xanthomonad n01361840 Athiorhodaceae, family Athiorhodaceae n01361973 Nitrobacteriaceae, family Nitrobacteriaceae n01362196 Nitrobacter, genus Nitrobacter n01362336 nitric bacteria, nitrobacteria n01362480 Nitrosomonas, genus Nitrosomonas n01362623 nitrosobacteria, nitrous bacteria n01362769 Thiobacteriaceae, family Thiobacteriaceae n01362999 genus Thiobacillus n01363121 thiobacillus n01363288 thiobacteria, sulphur bacteria, sulfur bacteria n01363423 Spirillaceae, family Spirillaceae n01363600 genus Spirillum n01363719 spirillum n01363887 ratbite fever bacterium, Spirillum minus n01364008 genus Vibrio n01364162 vibrio, vibrion n01364329 comma bacillus, Vibrio comma n01364472 Vibrio fetus n01364587 Bacteroidaceae, family Bacteroidaceae n01364866 Bacteroides, genus Bacteroides n01365122 Calymmatobacterium, genus Calymmatobacterium n01365322 Calymmatobacterium granulomatis n01365474 Francisella, genus Francisella n01365684 Francisella tularensis n01365885 gonococcus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae n01366015 Corynebacteriaceae, family Corynebacteriaceae n01366276 corynebacterium n01366415 genus Corynebacterium n01366700 Corynebacterium diphtheriae, C. diphtheriae, Klebs-Loeffler bacillus n01366881 genus Listeria n01367083 listeria n01367208 Listeria monocytogenes, L. monocytogenes n01367430 Enterobacteriaceae, family Enterobacteriaceae n01367772 enteric bacteria, enterobacteria, enterics, entric n01368095 genus Escherichia n01368216 escherichia n01368338 Escherichia coli, E. coli n01368552 genus Klebsiella n01368672 klebsiella n01368853 genus Salmonella n01368973 salmonella n01369210 Salmonella enteritidis, Gartner's bacillus n01369358 Salmonella typhimurium n01369484 typhoid bacillus, Salmonella typhosa, Salmonella typhi n01369633 genus Serratia, Serratia n01369819 Serratia marcescens n01370142 genus Shigella n01370260 shigella n01370465 shiga bacillus, Shigella dysentariae n01370581 genus Erwinia n01370698 erwinia n01370816 endospore-forming bacteria n01370913 Rickettsiales, order Rickettsiales n01371092 Rickettsiaceae, family Rickettsiaceae n01371342 genus Rickettsia n01371483 rickettsia n01371777 tumor virus n01371928 wound tumor virus, WTV n01372038 vector n01372199 cosmid n01372372 Chlamydiaceae, family Chlamydiaceae n01372544 genus Chlamydia n01372709 chlamydia n01372944 Chlamydia psittaci, C. psittaci n01373090 Chlamydia trachomatis, C. trachomatis n01373272 Mycoplasmatales, order Mycoplasmatales n01373440 Mycoplasmataceae, family Mycoplasmataceae n01373675 genus Mycoplasma n01373826 mycoplasma n01374063 pleuropneumonialike organism, PPLO n01374224 Legionella pneumophilia, legionella n01374457 nitrobacterium n01374703 nitrate bacterium, nitric bacterium n01374846 nitrite bacterium, nitrous bacterium n01374989 Actinomycetales, order Actinomycetales n01375204 actinomycete n01375460 Actinomycetaceae, family Actinomycetaceae n01375617 genus Actinomyces n01375760 actinomyces n01375913 Streptomycetaceae, family Streptomycetaceae n01376092 genus Streptomyces n01376237 streptomyces n01376437 Streptomyces erythreus n01376543 Streptomyces griseus n01376647 potato scab bacteria, Streptomyces scabies n01376801 Mycobacteriaceae, family Mycobacteriaceae n01376948 genus Mycobacterium n01377092 mycobacteria, mycobacterium n01377278 tubercle bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis n01377392 penicillin-resistant bacteria n01377510 pus-forming bacteria n01377602 rod n01377694 streptobacillus n01377804 leprosy bacillus, Mycobacterium leprae n01377906 order Myxobacteria, Myxobacterales, order Myxobacterales, Myxobacteriales, order Myxobacteriales n01378137 Polyangiaceae, family Polyangiaceae, Myxobacteriaceae, family Myxobacteriaceae n01378346 Polyangium, genus Polyangium n01378545 myxobacteria, myxobacterium, myxobacter, gliding bacteria, slime bacteria n01378800 Micrococcaceae, family Micrococcaceae n01379116 Micrococcus, genus Micrococcus n01379252 genus Staphylococcus n01379389 staphylococcus, staphylococci, staph n01379636 Lactobacillaceae, family Lactobacillaceae, Lactobacteriaceae, family Lactobacteriaceae n01379954 genus Lactobacillus n01380118 lactobacillus n01380298 acidophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus n01380489 genus Diplococcus n01380610 diplococcus n01380754 pneumococcus, Diplococcus pneumoniae n01380902 genus Streptococcus n01381044 streptococcus, streptococci, strep n01381285 Streptococcus anhemolyticus n01381399 Spirochaetales, order Spirochaetales n01381604 Spirochaetaceae, family Spirochaetaceae n01381829 Spirochaeta, genus Spirochaeta n01382033 spirochete, spirochaete n01382273 Treponemataceae, family Treponemataceae n01382482 genus Treponema n01382699 treponema n01382839 genus Borrelia n01383027 borrelia n01383151 Borrelia burgdorferi, Lime disease spirochete n01383332 genus Leptospira n01383502 leptospira n01383638 plankton n01383896 phytoplankton n01384084 planktonic algae n01384164 zooplankton n01384313 nekton n01384491 microbe, bug, germ n01384687 parasite n01385017 endoparasite, entoparasite, entozoan, entozoon, endozoan n01385330 ectoparasite, ectozoan, ectozoon, epizoan, epizoon n01385527 host n01385749 intermediate host n01385878 definitive host n01386007 pathogen n01386182 commensal n01386354 myrmecophile n01386494 Protoctista, kingdom Protoctista n01387065 protoctist n01387208 Protista, division Protista n01387451 protist, protistan n01387617 protoctist family n01388130 protoctist genus n01388992 Pyrrophyta, phylum Pyrrophyta n01389188 Protozoa, phylum Protozoa n01389507 protozoan, protozoon n01389875 Sarcodina, class Sarcodina n01390123 sarcodinian, sarcodine n01390287 Actinopoda, subclass Actinopoda n01390466 actinopod n01390627 Heliozoa, order Heliozoa n01390763 heliozoan n01390899 Radiolaria, order Radiolaria n01391028 radiolarian n01391174 Rhizopoda, subclass Rhizopoda n01391391 rhizopod, rhizopodan n01391569 Amoebida, order Amoebida, Amoebina, order Amoebina n01391779 genus Amoeba n01391933 Endamoebidae, family Endamoebidae n01392122 Endamoeba, genus Endamoeba n01392275 endameba n01392380 ameba, amoeba n01392692 Endamoeba histolytica n01392843 Foraminifera, order Foraminifera n01393030 foram, foraminifer n01393237 Globigerinidae, family Globigerinidae n01393364 genus Globigerina n01393486 globigerina n01393604 Nummulitidae, family Nummulitidae n01393753 nummulite n01393873 Testacea, order Testacea n01394040 testacean n01394193 Arcellidae, family Arcellidae n01394366 genus Arcella n01394492 arcella n01394635 genus Difflugia n01394771 difflugia n01394901 Ciliata, class Ciliata, Ciliophora, class Ciliophora n01395254 ciliate, ciliated protozoan, ciliophoran n01395531 Infusoria, subclass Infusoria n01395773 infusorian n01395885 genus Paramecium n01396048 paramecium, paramecia n01396170 genus Tetrahymena n01396322 tetrahymena n01396458 genus Stentor n01396617 stentor n01396776 genus Vorticella n01396951 vorticella n01397114 alga, algae n01397497 seaweed n01397690 arame n01397778 wrack n01397871 seagrass n01398064 sea wrack, wrack n01398212 chlorophyll, chlorophyl n01398481 chlorophyll a n01398632 chlorophyll b n01398803 chlorophyll c, chlorofucin n01398941 chlorophyll d n01399065 bacteriochlorophyll n01399236 phycobilin n01399366 phycoerythrin n01399450 phycocyanin n01399529 Heterokontophyta, division Heterokontophyta n01399772 Chrysophyta, division Chrysophyta n01400247 golden algae n01400391 yellow-green algae n01400575 Chrysophyceae, class Chrysophyceae, Heterokontae, class Heterokontae n01400772 Xanthophyceae, class Xanthophyceae n01400891 Bacillariophyceae, class Bacillariophyceae, Diatomophyceae, class Diatomophyceae n01401106 diatom n01401296 Heterotrichales, order Heterotrichales n01401517 Tribonemaceae, family Tribonemaceae n01401686 Tribonema, genus Tribonema, genus Conferva n01401842 conferva n01402039 confervoid algae n01402169 Phaeophyceae, class Phaeophyceae n01402381 Phaeophyta, division Phaeophyta n01402600 brown algae n01402831 Laminariales, order Laminariales n01403052 Laminariaceae, family Laminariaceae n01403284 Laminaria, genus Laminaria n01403457 kelp n01403595 sea tangle, tang n01403713 tang, sea tang n01403805 Fucales, order Fucales n01403968 Cyclosporeae, class Cyclosporeae n01404129 Fucaceae, family Fucaceae n01404365 fucoid, fucoid algae n01404495 fucoid n01404628 rockweed n01404813 genus Fucus n01405007 fucus n01405107 serrated wrack, Fucus serratus, tang n01405250 bladderwrack, black rockweed, bladder fucus, tang, Fucus vesiculosus n01405442 Ascophyllum, genus Ascophyllum n01405616 bladderwrack, Ascophyllum nodosum n01405737 genus Sargassum n01405858 gulfweed, sargassum, sargasso, Sargassum bacciferum n01406092 Euglenophyta, division Euglenophyta n01406262 Euglenophyceae, class Euglenophyceae n01406426 Euglenaceae, family Euglenaceae n01406565 genus Euglena n01406736 euglena n01406904 euglenoid, euglenophyte, euglenid n01407065 Chlorophyta, division Chlorophyta n01407465 Chlorophyceae, class Chlorophyceae n01407798 green algae, chlorophyte n01408088 Ulvophyceae, class Ulvophyceae n01408253 Ulvales, order Ulvales n01408383 Ulvaceae, family Ulvaceae, sea-lettuce family n01408547 Ulva, genus Ulva n01408743 sea lettuce, laver n01408880 Volvocales, order Volvocales n01409065 Volvocaceae, family Volvocaceae n01409244 Volvox, genus Volvox n01409477 Chlamydomonadaceae, family Chlamydomonadaceae n01409665 Chlamydomonas, genus Chlamydomonas n01409940 Zygnematales, order Zygnematales, Zygnemales, order Zygnemales n01410109 Zygnemataceae, family Zygnemataceae n01410330 Zygnema, genus Zygnema n01410457 pond scum n01410568 genus Spirogyra n01410689 spirogyra n01410847 Chlorococcales, order Chlorococcales n01411036 Chlorococcum, genus Chlorococcum n01411240 genus Chlorella n01411450 chlorella n01411556 Oedogoniales, order oedogoniales n01411727 Oedogoniaceae, family Oedogoniaceae n01411871 Oedogonium, genus Oedogonium n01412085 Charophyceae, class Charophyceae n01412279 Charales, order Charales n01412479 Characeae, family Characeae n01412694 stonewort n01412925 Chara, genus Chara n01413071 Nitella, genus Nitella n01413188 Desmidiaceae, family Desmidiaceae n01413324 Desmidium, genus Desmidium n01413457 desmid n01413551 Rhodophyta, division Rhodophyta n01413744 Rhodophyceae, class Rhodophyceae n01413942 red algae n01414216 sea moss n01414359 Gigartinaceae, family Gigartinaceae n01414502 Chondrus, genus Chondrus n01414633 Irish moss, carrageen, carageen, carragheen, Chondrus crispus n01414841 Rhodymeniaceae, family Rhodymeniaceae n01414986 Rhodymenia, genus Rhodymenia n01415139 dulse, Rhodymenia palmata n01415256 Bangiaceae, family Bangiaceae n01415393 Porphyra, genus Porphyra n01415524 red laver, laver n01415626 eukaryote, eucaryote n01415920 prokaryote, procaryote n01416213 zooid n01416354 Mastigophora, class Mastigophora, Flagellata, class Flagellata n01416585 flagellate, flagellate protozoan, flagellated protozoan, mastigophoran, mastigophore n01417041 Dinoflagellata, order Dinoflagellata, Cilioflagellata, order Cilioflagellata n01417361 dinoflagellate n01417553 genus Noctiluca n01417674 noctiluca, Noctiluca miliaris n01417807 Peridiniidae, family Peridiniidae n01417982 Peridinium, genus Peridinium n01418114 peridinian n01418237 Zoomastigina, subclass Zoomastigina n01418498 Leishmania, genus Leishmania n01418620 zoomastigote, zooflagellate n01418794 Hypermastigina, order Hypermastigina n01418947 hypermastigote n01419082 Polymastigina, order Polymastigina n01419332 polymastigote n01419444 genus Costia n01419573 costia, Costia necatrix n01419740 genus Giardia n01419888 giardia n01420000 Chilomastix, genus Chilomastix n01420164 Hexamita, genus Hexamita n01420314 genus Trichomonas n01420525 trichomonad n01420655 Phytomastigina, subclass Phytomastigina n01420860 plantlike flagellate n01421012 Cryptophyta, phylum Cryptophyta n01421164 Cryptophyceae, class Cryptophyceae n01421333 cryptomonad, cryptophyte n01421496 Sporozoa, class Sporozoa n01421807 sporozoan n01422185 sporozoite n01422335 trophozoite n01422450 merozoite n01422594 Telosporidia, subclass Telosporidia n01422835 Coccidia, order Coccidia n01423001 Eimeriidae, family Eimeriidae n01423160 genus Eimeria n01423302 coccidium, eimeria n01423464 Gregarinida, order Gregarinida n01423617 gregarine n01423757 Haemosporidia, order Haemosporidia n01423971 haemosporidian n01424165 Plasmodiidae, family Plasmodiidae n01424282 genus Plasmodium n01424420 plasmodium, Plasmodium vivax, malaria parasite n01424607 Haemoproteidae, family Haemoproteidae n01424782 haemoproteid n01424938 Haemoproteus, genus Haemoproteus n01425076 genus Leucocytozoon, genus Leucocytozoan n01425223 leucocytozoan, leucocytozoon n01425336 Babesiidae, family Babesiidae n01425501 genus Babesia, genus Piroplasma n01425634 piroplasm n01425817 Acnidosporidia, subclass Acnidosporidia n01425983 Sarcosporidia, order Sarcosporidia n01426160 Sarcocystis, genus Sarcocystis n01426314 sarcosporidian, sarcocystidean, sarcocystieian n01426466 Haplosporidia, order Haplosporidia n01426625 haplosporidian n01426784 Cnidosporidia, subclass Cnidosporidia n01427005 Actinomyxidia, order Actinomyxidia n01427143 actinomyxidian n01427241 Mycrosporidia, order Mycrosporidia n01427399 microsporidian n01427547 Myxosporidia, order Myxosporidia n01427703 myxosporidian n01427848 pseudopod, pseudopodium n01428003 plasmodium n01428155 Malacopterygii, superorder Malacopterygii n01428580 soft-finned fish, malacopterygian n01429172 Ostariophysi, order Ostariophysi n01429349 fish family n01432517 fish genus n01437805 Cypriniformes, order Cypriniformes n01438208 cypriniform fish n01438461 Cobitidae, family Cobitidae n01438581 loach n01438720 Cyprinidae, family Cyprinidae n01439121 cyprinid, cyprinid fish n01439514 carp n01439657 Cyprinus, genus Cyprinus n01439808 domestic carp, Cyprinus carpio n01440160 leather carp n01440242 mirror carp n01440344 Abramis, genus Abramis n01440467 European bream, Abramis brama n01440655 Tinca, genus Tinca n01440764 tench, Tinca tinca n01440949 Leuciscus, genus Leuciscus n01441117 dace, Leuciscus leuciscus n01441272 chub, Leuciscus cephalus n01441425 shiner n01441625 Notropis, genus Notropis n01441742 emerald shiner, Notropis atherinoides n01441910 common shiner, silversides, Notropis cornutus n01442055 Notemigonus, genus Notemigonus n01442166 golden shiner, Notemigonus crysoleucas n01442335 Rutilus, genus Rutilus n01442450 roach, Rutilus rutilus n01442591 Scardinius, genus Scardinius n01442710 rudd, Scardinius erythrophthalmus n01442855 Phoxinus, genus Phoxinus n01442972 minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus n01443126 Gobio, genus Gobio n01443243 gudgeon, Gobio gobio n01443398 Carassius, genus Carassius n01443537 goldfish, Carassius auratus n01443736 silverfish n01443831 crucian carp, Carassius carassius, Carassius vulgaris n01443998 Electrophoridae, family Electrophoridae n01444164 Electrophorus, genus Electrophorus n01444339 electric eel, Electrophorus electric n01444520 Catostomidae, family Catostomidae n01444783 catostomid n01444922 sucker n01445173 Catostomus, genus Catostomus n01445305 Ictiobus, genus Ictiobus n01445429 buffalo fish, buffalofish n01445593 black buffalo, Ictiobus niger n01445718 Hypentelium, genus Hypentelium n01445857 hog sucker, hog molly, Hypentelium nigricans n01445998 Maxostoma, genus Maxostoma n01446152 redhorse, redhorse sucker n01446283 Cyprinodontidae, family Cyprinodontidae n01446589 cyprinodont n01446760 killifish n01447001 Fundulus, genus Fundulus n01447139 mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus n01447331 striped killifish, mayfish, may fish, Fundulus majalis n01447551 genus Rivulus n01447658 rivulus n01447822 Jordanella, genus Jordanella n01447946 flagfish, American flagfish, Jordanella floridae n01448165 Xyphophorus, genus Xyphophorus n01448291 swordtail, helleri, topminnow, Xyphophorus helleri n01448496 Lebistes, genus Lebistes n01448594 guppy, rainbow fish, Lebistes reticulatus n01448767 Poeciliidae, family Poeciliidae n01448951 topminnow, poeciliid fish, poeciliid, live-bearer n01449252 Gambusia, genus Gambusia n01449374 mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis n01449586 Platypoecilus, genus Platypoecilus n01449712 platy, Platypoecilus maculatus n01449857 Mollienesia, genus Mollienesia n01449980 mollie, molly n01450081 Berycomorphi, order Berycomorphi n01450281 Holocentridae, family Holocentridae n01450453 Holocentrus, genus Holocentrus n01450661 squirrelfish n01450950 reef squirrelfish, Holocentrus coruscus n01451115 deepwater squirrelfish, Holocentrus bullisi n01451295 Holocentrus ascensionis n01451426 soldierfish, soldier-fish n01451524 Anomalopidae, family Anomalopidae n01451726 genus Anomalops n01451863 anomalops, flashlight fish n01452051 Krypterophaneron, genus Krypterophaneron n01452200 Photoblepharon, genus Photoblepharon n01452345 flashlight fish, Photoblepharon palpebratus n01452496 Zeomorphi, order Zeomorphi n01452633 Zeidae, family Zeidae n01452798 dory n01452954 Zeus, genus Zeus n01453087 John Dory, Zeus faber n01453188 Caproidae, family Caproidae n01453330 Capros, genus Capros n01453475 boarfish, Capros aper n01453591 Antigonia, genus Antigonia n01453742 boarfish n01453852 Solenichthyes, order Solenichthyes n01454260 Fistulariidae, family Fistulariidae n01454393 Fistularia, genus Fistularia n01454545 cornetfish n01454702 Gasterosteidae, family Gasterosteidae n01454856 stickleback, prickleback n01455141 Gasterosteus, genus gasterosteus n01455317 three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus n01455461 ten-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus pungitius n01455592 Syngnathidae, family Syngnathidae n01455778 pipefish, needlefish n01455986 Syngnathus, genus Syngnathus n01456137 dwarf pipefish, Syngnathus hildebrandi n01456296 Cosmocampus, genus Cosmocampus n01456454 deepwater pipefish, Cosmocampus profundus n01456631 Hippocampus, genus Hippocampus n01456756 seahorse, sea horse n01456939 Macrorhamphosidae, family Macrorhamphosidae n01457082 snipefish, bellows fish n01457276 Centriscidae, family Centriscidae n01457407 shrimpfish, shrimp-fish n01457576 Aulostomidae, family Aulostomidae n01457708 Aulostomus, genus Aulostomus n01457852 trumpetfish, Aulostomus maculatus n01458010 cytostome n01458105 cilium n01458302 flagellum n01458509 flame cell n01458616 investment n01458746 pellicle n01458842 embryo, conceptus, fertilized egg n01459242 blastocoel, blastocoele, blastocele, segmentation cavity, cleavage cavity n01459480 blastoderm, germinal disc, blastodisc, germinal area n01459664 blastomere n01459791 fetus, foetus n01460108 monster, teras n01460303 abortus n01460457 egg n01460813 ovipositor n01460963 chalaza n01461146 nit n01461315 spawn n01461445 roe n01461532 roe n01461646 blastula, blastosphere n01462042 blastocyst, blastodermic vessicle n01462209 trophoblast n01462544 gastrula n01462803 morula n01462945 archenteron n01463115 blastopore n01463259 layer n01463419 embryonic tissue n01463519 germ layer n01463739 ectoderm, exoderm, ectoblast n01463933 neural tube n01464077 mesoderm, mesoblast n01464318 chordamesoderm, chordomesoderm n01464441 mesenchyme n01464573 endoderm, entoderm, endoblast, entoblast, hypoblast n01464766 silkworm seed n01464844 yolk, vitellus n01465046 yolk sac n01465243 yolk sac, vitelline sac, umbilical vesicle, vesicula umbilicus n01465472 fang n01465593 fang n01465713 tusk n01465994 Chordata, phylum Chordata n01466257 chordate n01466472 notochord n01466701 urochord n01466828 chordate family n01466996 chordate genus n01467180 Cephalochordata, subphylum Cephalochordata n01467336 cephalochordate n01467504 Amphioxidae, family Amphioxidae, Branchiostomidae, family Branchiostomidae n01467675 genus Amphioxus n01467804 lancelet, amphioxus n01467986 Urochordata, subphylum Urochordata, Urochorda, subphylum Urochorda, Tunicata, subphylum Tunicata n01468238 tunicate, urochordate, urochord n01468532 Ascidiaceae, class Ascidiaceae n01468712 ascidian n01468913 siphon, syphon n01469103 sea squirt n01469222 Thaliacea, class Thaliacea n01469425 Salpidae, family Salpidae n01469586 genus Salpa n01469723 salp, salpa n01469886 Doliolidae, family Doliolidae n01470018 genus Doliolum n01470145 doliolum n01470287 Larvacea, class Larvacea n01470479 larvacean n01470586 genus Appendicularia n01470733 appendicularia n01470895 ascidian tadpole n01471070 Vertebrata, subphylum Vertebrata, Craniata, subphylum Craniata n01471682 vertebrate, craniate n01472303 Amniota n01472502 amniote n01472638 amnion, amniotic sac, amnios n01472939 chorion n01473188 chorionic villus n01473393 allantois n01473620 chorioallantois, chorioallantoic membrane n01473806 aquatic vertebrate n01473990 Agnatha, superclass Agnatha n01474283 jawless vertebrate, jawless fish, agnathan n01474641 Ostracodermi, order Ostracodermi n01474864 ostracoderm n01475025 Heterostraci, suborder Heterostraci n01475232 heterostracan n01475421 Osteostraci, suborder Osteostraci, Cephalaspida, suborder Cephalaspida n01475648 osteostracan, cephalaspid n01475794 Anaspida, order Anaspida n01475940 anaspid n01476135 Conodonta, order Conodonta, Conodontophorida, order Conodontophorida n01476418 conodont n01476696 conodont n01476829 Cyclostomata, order Cyclostomata n01477080 cyclostome n01477184 Petromyzoniformes, suborder Petromyzoniformes, Hyperoartia, suborder Hyperoartia n01477373 Petromyzontidae, family Petromyzontidae n01477525 lamprey, lamprey eel, lamper eel n01477745 Petromyzon, genus Petromyzon n01477875 sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus n01478073 Myxiniformes, suborder Myxiniformes, Hyperotreta, suborder Hyperotreta, Myxinoidei, Myxinoidea, suborder Myxinoidei n01478300 Myxinidae, family Myxinidae n01478511 hagfish, hag, slime eels n01478816 Myxine, genus Myxine n01478969 Myxine glutinosa n01479066 genus Eptatretus n01479213 eptatretus n01479329 Myxinikela, genus Myxinikela n01479459 Myxinikela siroka n01479643 Gnathostomata, superclass Gnathostomata n01479820 gnathostome n01479937 Placodermi, class Placodermi n01480106 placoderm n01480336 Chondrichthyes, class Chondrichthyes n01480516 cartilaginous fish, chondrichthian n01480715 Holocephali, subclass Holocephali n01480880 holocephalan, holocephalian n01481063 Chimaeridae, family Chimaeridae n01481203 genus Chimaera n01481331 chimaera n01481498 rabbitfish, Chimaera monstrosa n01481599 Elasmobranchii, subclass Elasmobranchii, Selachii, subclass Selachii n01482071 elasmobranch, selachian n01482330 shark n01482754 Hexanchidae, family Hexanchidae n01482887 Hexanchus, genus Hexanchus n01483021 cow shark, six-gilled shark, Hexanchus griseus n01483188 Lamnidae, family Lamnidae n01483370 Isuridae, family Isuridae n01483522 mackerel shark n01483707 Lamna, genus Lamna n01483830 porbeagle, Lamna nasus n01483980 Isurus, genus Isurus n01484097 mako, mako shark n01484285 shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrhincus n01484447 longfin mako, Isurus paucus n01484562 bonito shark, blue pointed, Isurus glaucus n01484717 Carcharodon, genus Carcharodon n01484850 great white shark, white shark, man-eater, man-eating shark, Carcharodon carcharias n01485073 Cetorhinus, genus Cetorhinus n01485306 Cetorhinidae, family Cetorhinidae n01485479 basking shark, Cetorhinus maximus n01485673 Alopiidae, family Alopiidae n01485801 Alopius, genus Alopius n01486010 thresher, thrasher, thresher shark, fox shark, Alopius vulpinus n01486241 Orectolobidae, family Orectolobidae n01486411 Orectolobus, genus Orectolobus n01486540 carpet shark, Orectolobus barbatus n01486706 Ginglymostoma, genus Ginglymostoma n01486838 nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum n01487077 Carchariidae, family Carchariidae, Odontaspididae, family Odontaspididae n01487312 Carcharias, genus Carcharias, Odontaspis, genus Odontaspis n01487506 sand tiger, sand shark, Carcharias taurus, Odontaspis taurus n01487743 Rhincodontidae, family Rhincodontidae n01487914 Rhincodon, genus Rhincodon n01488038 whale shark, Rhincodon typus n01488234 Scyliorhinidae, family Scyliorhinidae n01488385 cat shark n01488539 Carcharhinidae, family Carcharhinidae n01488918 requiem shark n01489275 Carcharhinus, genus Carcharhinus n01489501 bull shark, cub shark, Carcharhinus leucas n01489709 sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus n01489920 blacktip shark, sandbar shark, Carcharhinus limbatus n01490112 whitetip shark, oceanic whitetip shark, white-tipped shark, Carcharinus longimanus n01490360 dusky shark, Carcharhinus obscurus n01490546 Negaprion, genus Negaprion n01490670 lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris n01490885 Prionace, genus Prionace n01491006 blue shark, great blue shark, Prionace glauca n01491235 Galeocerdo, genus Galeocerdo n01491361 tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvieri n01491520 Galeorhinus, genus Galeorhinus n01491661 soupfin shark, soupfin, soup-fin, Galeorhinus zyopterus n01491874 dogfish n01491991 Triakidae, family Triakidae n01492212 Mustelus, genus Mustelus n01492357 smooth dogfish n01492569 smoothhound, smoothhound shark, Mustelus mustelus n01492708 American smooth dogfish, Mustelus canis n01492860 Florida smoothhound, Mustelus norrisi n01493012 Triaenodon, genus Triaenodon n01493146 whitetip shark, reef whitetip shark, Triaenodon obseus n01493366 Squalidae, family Squalidae n01493541 spiny dogfish n01493687 Squalus, genus Squalus n01493829 Atlantic spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias n01494041 Pacific spiny dogfish, Squalus suckleyi n01494188 Sphyrnidae, family Sphyrnidae n01494339 Sphyrna, genus Sphyrna n01494475 hammerhead, hammerhead shark n01494757 smooth hammerhead, Sphyrna zygaena n01494882 smalleye hammerhead, Sphyrna tudes n01495006 shovelhead, bonnethead, bonnet shark, Sphyrna tiburo n01495192 Squatinidae, family Squatinidae n01495340 Squatina, genus Squatina n01495493 angel shark, angelfish, Squatina squatina, monkfish n01495701 ray n01496037 Torpediniformes, order Torpediniformes n01496199 Torpedinidae, family Torpedinidae n01496331 electric ray, crampfish, numbfish, torpedo n01496617 Rajiformes, order Rajiformes, Batoidei, order Batoidei n01496944 Pristidae, family Pristidae n01497118 sawfish n01497278 Pristis, genus Pristis n01497413 smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinatus n01497579 Rhinobatidae, family Rhinobatidae n01497738 guitarfish n01497878 Dasyatidae, family Dasyatidae n01498041 stingray n01498268 Dasyatis, genus Dasyatis n01498406 roughtail stingray, Dasyatis centroura n01498577 Gymnura, genus Gymnura n01498699 butterfly ray n01498822 Myliobatidae, family Myliobatidae n01498989 eagle ray n01499261 Aetobatus, genus Aetobatus n01499396 spotted eagle ray, spotted ray, Aetobatus narinari n01499595 Rhinoptera, genus Rhinoptera n01499732 cownose ray, cow-nosed ray, Rhinoptera bonasus n01499898 Mobulidae, family Mobulidae n01500091 manta, manta ray, devilfish n01500360 genus Manta n01500476 Atlantic manta, Manta birostris n01500721 Mobula, genus Mobula n01500854 devil ray, Mobula hypostoma n01500995 Rajidae, family Rajidae n01501160 skate n01501450 Raja, genus Raja n01501641 grey skate, gray skate, Raja batis n01501777 little skate, Raja erinacea n01501948 thorny skate, Raja radiata n01502101 barndoor skate, Raja laevis n01502262 Aves, class Aves n01503061 bird n01503976 dickeybird, dickey-bird, dickybird, dicky-bird n01504179 fledgling, fledgeling n01504344 nestling, baby bird n01504437 bird family n01507175 bird genus n01514431 breast n01514549 throat n01514668 cock n01514752 gamecock, fighting cock n01514859 hen n01514926 nester n01515078 night bird n01515217 night raven n01515303 bird of passage n01515398 genus Protoavis n01515583 protoavis n01515811 Archaeornithes, subclass Archaeornithes n01516064 genus Archaeopteryx, genus Archeopteryx n01516212 archaeopteryx, archeopteryx, Archaeopteryx lithographica n01516487 genus Sinornis n01516609 Sinornis n01516878 genus Ibero-mesornis n01517036 Ibero-mesornis n01517265 genus Archaeornis n01517389 archaeornis n01517565 ratite, ratite bird, flightless bird n01517966 carinate, carinate bird, flying bird n01518170 Ratitae, superorder Ratitae n01518347 Struthioniformes, order Struthioniformes n01518564 Struthionidae, family Struthionidae n01518718 Struthio, genus Struthio n01518878 ostrich, Struthio camelus n01519046 Casuariiformes, order Casuariiformes n01519228 Casuaridae, family Casuaridae n01519401 Casuarius, genus Casuarius n01519563 cassowary n01519719 Dromaius, genus Dromaius n01519873 emu, Dromaius novaehollandiae, Emu novaehollandiae n01520058 Apterygiformes, order Apterygiformes n01520284 Apterygidae, family Apterygidae n01520442 genus Apteryx n01520576 kiwi, apteryx n01520789 Rheiformes, order Rheiformes n01521014 Rheidae, family Rheidae n01521197 genus Rhea n01521399 rhea, Rhea americana n01521602 Pterocnemia, genus Pterocnemia n01521756 rhea, nandu, Pterocnemia pennata n01521980 Aepyorniformes, order Aepyorniformes n01522147 Aepyornidae, family Aepyornidae n01522305 genus Aepyornis n01522450 elephant bird, aepyornis n01522594 Dinornithiformes, order Dinornithiformes n01522789 Dinornithidae, family Dinornithidae n01522952 Dinornis, genus Dinornis n01523105 moa n01523248 giant moa, Dinornis giganteus n01523379 genus Anomalopteryx n01523493 anomalopteryx, Anomalopteryx oweni n01523656 Insessores, order Insessores, perching bird, percher n01523908 Passeriformes, order Passeriformes n01524359 passerine, passeriform bird n01524761 nonpasserine bird n01524885 Oscines, suborder Oscines, Passeres, suborder Passeres n01525720 oscine, oscine bird n01526521 songbird, songster n01526635 Meliphagidae, family Meliphagidae n01526766 honey eater, honeysucker n01526925 Prunellidae, family Prunellidae n01527055 Prunella, genus Prunella n01527194 accentor n01527347 hedge sparrow, sparrow, dunnock, Prunella modularis n01527480 Alaudidae, family Alaudidae n01527617 lark n01527774 Alauda, genus Alauda n01527917 skylark, Alauda arvensis n01528087 Motacillidae, family Motacillidae n01528244 Motacilla, genus Motacilla n01528396 wagtail n01528542 Anthus, genus Anthus n01528654 pipit, titlark, lark n01528845 meadow pipit, Anthus pratensis n01529036 Fringillidae, family Fringillidae n01529672 finch n01530256 Fringilla, genus Fringilla n01530439 chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs n01530575 brambling, Fringilla montifringilla n01530691 Carduelinae, subfamily Carduelinae n01530846 Carduelis, genus Carduelis n01531178 goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis n01531344 linnet, lintwhite, Carduelis cannabina n01531512 siskin, Carduelis spinus n01531639 red siskin, Carduelis cucullata n01531811 redpoll, Carduelis flammea n01531971 redpoll, Carduelis hornemanni n01532107 Spinus, genus Spinus n01532325 New World goldfinch, goldfinch, yellowbird, Spinus tristis n01532511 pine siskin, pine finch, Spinus pinus n01532664 Carpodacus, genus Carpodacus n01532829 house finch, linnet, Carpodacus mexicanus n01533000 purple finch, Carpodacus purpureus n01533169 Serinus, genus Serinus n01533339 canary, canary bird n01533481 common canary, Serinus canaria n01533651 serin n01533780 Loxia, genus Loxia n01533893 crossbill, Loxia curvirostra n01534034 Pyrrhula, genus Pyrrhula n01534155 bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula n01534321 genus Junco n01534433 junco, snowbird n01534582 dark-eyed junco, slate-colored junco, Junco hyemalis n01534762 New World sparrow n01535005 Pooecetes, genus Pooecetes n01535140 vesper sparrow, grass finch, Pooecetes gramineus n01535310 Zonotrichia, genus Zonotrichia n01535469 white-throated sparrow, whitethroat, Zonotrichia albicollis n01535690 white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys n01535842 Spizella, genus Spizella n01536035 chipping sparrow, Spizella passerina n01536186 field sparrow, Spizella pusilla n01536334 tree sparrow, Spizella arborea n01536474 Melospiza, genus Melospiza n01536644 song sparrow, Melospiza melodia n01536780 swamp sparrow, Melospiza georgiana n01536916 Emberizidae, subfamily Emberizidae, subfamily Emberizinae n01537134 bunting n01537360 Passerina, genus Passerina n01537544 indigo bunting, indigo finch, indigo bird, Passerina cyanea n01537710 Emberiza, genus Emberiza n01537895 ortolan, ortolan bunting, Emberiza hortulana n01538059 reed bunting, Emberiza schoeniclus n01538200 yellowhammer, yellow bunting, Emberiza citrinella n01538362 yellow-breasted bunting, Emberiza aureola n01538498 Plectrophenax, genus Plectrophenax n01538630 snow bunting, snowbird, snowflake, Plectrophenax nivalis n01538775 Coerebidae, family Coerebidae, Dacninae, family Dacninae n01538955 honeycreeper n01539136 Coereba, genus Coereba n01539272 banana quit n01539377 Passeridae, family Passeridae n01539573 sparrow, true sparrow n01539772 Passer, genus Passer n01539925 English sparrow, house sparrow, Passer domesticus n01540090 tree sparrow, Passer montanus n01540233 grosbeak, grossbeak n01540432 Hesperiphona, genus Hesperiphona n01540566 evening grosbeak, Hesperiphona vespertina n01540697 Coccothraustes, genus Coccothraustes n01540832 hawfinch, Coccothraustes coccothraustes n01540969 Pinicola, genus Pinicola n01541102 pine grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator n01541261 Richmondena, genus Richmondena n01541386 cardinal, cardinal grosbeak, Richmondena Cardinalis, Cardinalis cardinalis, redbird n01541618 genus Pyrrhuloxia n01541760 pyrrhuloxia, Pyrrhuloxia sinuata n01541922 towhee n01542055 Pipilo, genus Pipilo n01542168 chewink, cheewink, Pipilo erythrophthalmus n01542316 Chlorura, genus Chlorura n01542433 green-tailed towhee, Chlorura chlorura n01542567 Ploceidae, family Ploceidae n01542786 weaver, weaverbird, weaver finch n01543059 Ploceus, genus Ploceus n01543175 baya, Ploceus philippinus n01543272 Vidua, genus Vidua n01543383 whydah, whidah, widow bird n01543508 Padda, genus Padda n01543632 Java sparrow, Java finch, ricebird, Padda oryzivora n01543817 Estrilda, genus Estrilda n01543936 avadavat, amadavat n01544067 Poephila, genus Poephila n01544208 grassfinch, grass finch n01544389 zebra finch, Poephila castanotis n01544544 Drepanididae, family Drepanididae n01544704 honeycreeper, Hawaiian honeycreeper n01544877 Drepanis, genus Drepanis n01545010 mamo n01545149 Menurae, suborder Menurae n01545303 Menuridae, family Menuridae n01545425 Menura, genus Menura n01545574 lyrebird n01545752 Atrichornithidae, family Atrichornithidae n01545889 Atrichornis, genus Atrichornis n01546039 scrubbird, scrub-bird, scrub bird n01546223 Eurylaimi, suborder Eurylaimi n01546348 Eurylaimidae, family Eurylaimidae n01546506 broadbill n01546660 Tyranni, suborder Tyranni n01546921 tyrannid n01547143 Clamatores, suborder Clamatores n01547459 Tyrannidae, superfamily Tyrannidae n01547832 New World flycatcher, flycatcher, tyrant flycatcher, tyrant bird n01548143 Tyrannus, genus Tyrannus n01548301 kingbird, Tyrannus tyrannus n01548492 Arkansas kingbird, western kingbird n01548694 Cassin's kingbird, Tyrannus vociferans n01548865 eastern kingbird n01549053 grey kingbird, gray kingbird, petchary, Tyrannus domenicensis domenicensis n01549314 Contopus, genus Contopus n01549430 pewee, peewee, peewit, pewit, wood pewee, Contopus virens n01549641 western wood pewee, Contopus sordidulus n01549769 Sayornis, genus Sayornis n01549886 phoebe, phoebe bird, Sayornis phoebe n01550033 Pyrocephalus, genus Pyrocephalus n01550172 vermillion flycatcher, firebird, Pyrocephalus rubinus mexicanus n01550429 Cotingidae, family Cotingidae n01550625 genus Cotinga n01550761 cotinga, chatterer n01550953 Rupicola, genus Rupicola n01551080 cock of the rock, Rupicola rupicola n01551300 cock of the rock, Rupicola peruviana n01551430 Pipridae, family Pipridae n01551549 Pipra, genus Pipra n01551711 manakin n01551915 Procnias, genus Procnias n01552034 bellbird n01552192 Cephalopterus, genus Cephalopterus n01552333 umbrella bird, Cephalopterus ornatus n01552523 Furnariidae, family Furnariidae n01552654 Furnarius, genus Furnarius n01552813 ovenbird n01552956 Formicariidae, family Formicariidae n01553142 antbird, ant bird n01553380 Formicarius, genus Formicarius n01553527 ant thrush n01553620 Thamnophilus, genus Thamnophilus n01553762 ant shrike n01553879 Hylophylax, genus Hylophylax n01554017 spotted antbird, Hylophylax naevioides n01554139 Dendrocolaptidae, family Dendrocolaptidae n01554311 Dendrocolaptes, genus Dendrocolaptes n01554448 woodhewer, woodcreeper, wood-creeper, tree creeper n01554708 Pittidae, family Pittidae n01554825 genus Pitta n01555004 pitta n01555172 Muscivora, genus Muscivora n01555305 scissortail, scissortailed flycatcher, Muscivora-forficata n01555586 Muscicapidae, family Muscicapidae n01555809 Old World flycatcher, true flycatcher, flycatcher n01556040 Muscicapa, genus Muscicapa n01556182 spotted flycatcher, Muscicapa striata, Muscicapa grisola n01556368 Pachycephala, genus Pachycephala n01556514 thickhead, whistler n01556671 Turdidae, family Turdidae n01557028 Turdinae, subfamily Turdinae n01557185 thrush n01557697 Turdus, genus Turdus n01557962 missel thrush, mistle thrush, mistletoe thrush, Turdus viscivorus n01558149 song thrush, mavis, throstle, Turdus philomelos n01558307 fieldfare, snowbird, Turdus pilaris n01558461 redwing, Turdus iliacus n01558594 blackbird, merl, merle, ouzel, ousel, European blackbird, Turdus merula n01558765 ring ouzel, ring blackbird, ring thrush, Turdus torquatus n01558993 robin, American robin, Turdus migratorius n01559160 clay-colored robin, Turdus greyi n01559294 Hylocichla, genus Hylocichla n01559477 hermit thrush, Hylocichla guttata n01559639 veery, Wilson's thrush, Hylocichla fuscescens n01559804 wood thrush, Hylocichla mustelina n01559964 Luscinia, genus Luscinia n01560105 nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos n01560280 thrush nightingale, Luscinia luscinia n01560419 bulbul n01560511 Saxicola, genus Saxicola n01560636 Old World chat, chat n01560793 stonechat, Saxicola torquata n01560935 whinchat, Saxicola rubetra n01561059 Myadestes, genus Myadestes n01561181 solitaire n01561318 Phoenicurus, genus Phoenicurus n01561452 redstart, redtail n01561613 Oenanthe, genus Oenanthe n01561732 wheatear n01561884 Sialia, genus Sialia n01562014 bluebird n01562116 Erithacus, genus Erithacus n01562265 robin, redbreast, robin redbreast, Old World robin, Erithacus rubecola n01562451 bluethroat, Erithacus svecicus n01562584 Sylviidae, family Sylviidae n01562978 Sylviinae, subfamily Sylviinae n01563128 warbler n01563313 Polioptila, genus Polioptila n01563449 gnatcatcher n01563579 Regulus, genus Regulus n01563746 kinglet n01563945 goldcrest, golden-crested kinglet, Regulus regulus n01564101 gold-crowned kinglet, Regulus satrata n01564217 ruby-crowned kinglet, ruby-crowned wren, Regulus calendula n01564394 Old World warbler, true warbler n01564630 Silvia, genus Silvia n01564773 blackcap, Silvia atricapilla n01564914 greater whitethroat, whitethroat, Sylvia communis n01565078 lesser whitethroat, whitethroat, Sylvia curruca n01565238 Phylloscopus, genus Phylloscopus n01565345 wood warbler, Phylloscopus sibilatrix n01565480 Acrocephalus, genus Acrocephalus n01565599 sedge warbler, sedge bird, sedge wren, reedbird, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus n01565804 Prinia, genus Prinia n01565930 wren warbler n01566082 Orthotomus, genus Orthotomus n01566207 tailorbird, Orthotomus sutorius n01566386 Timaliidae, family Timaliidae n01566509 Timalia, genus Timalia n01566645 babbler, cackler n01566888 Parulidae, family Parulidae n01567133 New World warbler, wood warbler n01567530 Parula, genus Parula n01567678 parula warbler, northern parula, Parula americana n01567879 Wilson's warbler, Wilson's blackcap, Wilsonia pusilla n01568019 Setophaga, genus Setophaga n01568132 flycatching warbler n01568294 American redstart, redstart, Setophaga ruticilla n01568493 Dendroica, genus Dendroica n01568720 Cape May warbler, Dendroica tigrina n01568892 yellow warbler, golden warbler, yellowbird, Dendroica petechia n01569060 Blackburn, Blackburnian warbler, Dendroica fusca n01569262 Audubon's warbler, Audubon warbler, Dendroica auduboni n01569423 myrtle warbler, myrtle bird, Dendroica coronata n01569566 blackpoll, Dendroica striate n01569713 Icteria, genus Icteria n01569836 New World chat, chat n01569971 yellow-breasted chat, Icteria virens n01570112 Seiurus, genus Seiurus n01570267 ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapillus n01570421 water thrush n01570549 Geothlypis, genus Geothlypis n01570676 yellowthroat n01570839 common yellowthroat, Maryland yellowthroat, Geothlypis trichas n01570969 Paradisaeidae, family Paradisaeidae n01571126 bird of paradise n01571297 Ptloris, genus Ptloris n01571410 riflebird, Ptloris paradisea n01571578 Icteridae, family Icteridae n01571904 New World oriole, American oriole, oriole n01572174 Icterus, genus Icterus n01572328 northern oriole, Icterus galbula n01572489 Baltimore oriole, Baltimore bird, hangbird, firebird, Icterus galbula galbula n01572654 Bullock's oriole, Icterus galbula bullockii n01572782 orchard oriole, Icterus spurius n01572910 Sturnella, genus Sturnella n01573074 meadowlark, lark n01573240 eastern meadowlark, Sturnella magna n01573360 western meadowlark, Sturnella neglecta n01573483 Cacicus, genus Cacicus n01573627 cacique, cazique n01573775 Dolichonyx, genus Dolichonyx n01573898 bobolink, ricebird, reedbird, Dolichonyx oryzivorus n01574045 New World blackbird, blackbird n01574270 Quiscalus, genus Quiscalus n01574390 grackle, crow blackbird n01574560 purple grackle, Quiscalus quiscula n01574671 Euphagus, genus Euphagus n01574801 rusty blackbird, rusty grackle, Euphagus carilonus n01574997 Molothrus, genus Molothrus n01575117 cowbird n01575270 Agelaius, genus Agelaius n01575401 red-winged blackbird, redwing, Agelaius phoeniceus n01575577 Oriolidae, family Oriolidae n01575745 Old World oriole, oriole n01575941 Oriolus, genus Oriolus n01576076 golden oriole, Oriolus oriolus n01576212 Sphecotheres, genus Sphecotheres n01576358 fig-bird n01576506 Sturnidae, family Sturnidae n01576695 starling n01576863 Sturnus, genus Sturnus n01577035 common starling, Sturnus vulgaris n01577265 Pastor, subgenus Pastor n01577458 rose-colored starling, rose-colored pastor, Pastor sturnus, Pastor roseus n01577659 myna, mynah, mina, minah, myna bird, mynah bird n01577818 Acridotheres, genus Acridotheres n01577941 crested myna, Acridotheres tristis n01578086 Gracula, genus Gracula n01578180 hill myna, Indian grackle, grackle, Gracula religiosa n01578341 Corvidae, family Corvidae n01578575 corvine bird n01578821 Corvus, genus Corvus n01579028 crow n01579149 American crow, Corvus brachyrhyncos n01579260 raven, Corvus corax n01579410 rook, Corvus frugilegus n01579578 jackdaw, daw, Corvus monedula n01579729 chough n01579868 Garrulinae, subfamily Garrulinae n01580077 jay n01580225 Garrulus, genus Garrulus n01580379 Old World jay n01580490 common European jay, Garullus garullus n01580644 Cyanocitta, genus Cyanocitta n01580772 New World jay n01580870 blue jay, jaybird, Cyanocitta cristata n01581041 Perisoreus, genus Perisoreus n01581166 Canada jay, grey jay, gray jay, camp robber, whisker jack, Perisoreus canadensis n01581434 Rocky Mountain jay, Perisoreus canadensis capitalis n01581607 Nucifraga, genus Nucifraga n01581730 nutcracker n01581874 common nutcracker, Nucifraga caryocatactes n01581984 Clark's nutcracker, Nucifraga columbiana n01582111 Pica, genus Pica n01582220 magpie n01582398 European magpie, Pica pica n01582498 American magpie, Pica pica hudsonia n01582625 Cracticidae, family Cracticidae n01582856 Australian magpie n01583043 Cracticus, genus Cracticus n01583209 butcherbird n01583373 Strepera, genus Strepera n01583495 currawong, bell magpie n01583636 Gymnorhina, genus Gymnorhina n01583828 piping crow, piping crow-shrike, Gymnorhina tibicen n01584004 Troglodytidae, family Troglodytidae n01584225 wren, jenny wren n01584529 Troglodytes, genus Troglodytes n01584695 winter wren, Troglodytes troglodytes n01584853 house wren, Troglodytes aedon n01584994 Cistothorus, genus Cistothorus n01585121 marsh wren n01585287 long-billed marsh wren, Cistothorus palustris n01585422 sedge wren, short-billed marsh wren, Cistothorus platensis n01585577 Salpinctes, genus Salpinctes n01585715 rock wren, Salpinctes obsoletus n01585890 Thryothorus, genus Thryothorus n01586020 Carolina wren, Thryothorus ludovicianus n01586170 Campylorhynchus, genus Campylorhynchus, Heleodytes, genus Heleodytes n01586374 cactus wren n01586541 Mimidae, family Mimidae n01586791 Mimus, genus Mimus n01586941 mockingbird, mocker, Mimus polyglotktos n01587148 Melanotis, genus Melanotis n01587278 blue mockingbird, Melanotis caerulescens n01587406 Dumetella, genus Dumetella n01587526 catbird, grey catbird, gray catbird, Dumetella carolinensis n01587713 Toxostoma, genus Toxostoma n01587834 thrasher, mocking thrush n01588002 brown thrasher, brown thrush, Toxostoma rufums n01588172 Xenicidae, family Xenicidae, Acanthisittidae, family Acanthisittidae n01588431 New Zealand wren n01588589 Xenicus, genus Xenicus n01588725 rock wren, Xenicus gilviventris n01588858 Acanthisitta, genus Acanthisitta n01588996 rifleman bird, Acanthisitta chloris n01589125 Certhiidae, family Certhiidae n01589286 creeper, tree creeper n01589582 Certhia, genus Certhia n01589718 brown creeper, American creeper, Certhia americana n01589893 European creeper, Certhia familiaris n01590042 Tichodroma, genus Tichodroma n01590220 wall creeper, tichodrome, Tichodroma muriaria n01590443 Sittidae, family Sittidae n01590583 nuthatch, nutcracker n01590837 Sitta, genus Sitta n01591005 European nuthatch, Sitta europaea n01591123 red-breasted nuthatch, Sitta canadensis n01591301 white-breasted nuthatch, Sitta carolinensis n01591490 Paridae, family Paridae n01591697 titmouse, tit n01591910 Parus, genus Parus n01592084 chickadee n01592257 black-capped chickadee, blackcap, Parus atricapillus n01592387 tufted titmouse, Parus bicolor n01592540 Carolina chickadee, Parus carolinensis n01592694 blue tit, tomtit, Parus caeruleus n01592892 Psaltriparus, genus Psaltriparus n01593028 bushtit, bush tit n01593156 Chamaea, genus Chamaea n01593282 wren-tit, Chamaea fasciata n01593423 Auriparus, genus Auriparus n01593553 verdin, Auriparus flaviceps n01593705 Irenidae, family Irenidae n01593857 Irena, genus Irena n01594004 fairy bluebird, bluebird n01594157 Hirundinidae, family Hirundinidae n01594372 swallow n01594611 Hirundo, genus Hirundo n01594787 barn swallow, chimney swallow, Hirundo rustica n01594968 cliff swallow, Hirundo pyrrhonota n01595168 tree swallow, tree martin, Hirundo nigricans n01595330 Iridoprocne, genus Iridoprocne n01595450 white-bellied swallow, tree swallow, Iridoprocne bicolor n01595624 martin n01595841 Delichon, genus Delichon n01595974 house martin, Delichon urbica n01596142 Riparia, genus Riparia n01596273 bank martin, bank swallow, sand martin, Riparia riparia n01596479 Progne, genus Progne n01596608 purple martin, Progne subis n01596761 Artamidae, family Artamidae n01596887 Artamus, genus Artamus n01597022 wood swallow, swallow shrike n01597194 Thraupidae, family Thraupidae n01597336 tanager n01597551 Piranga, genus Piranga n01597737 scarlet tanager, Piranga olivacea, redbird, firebird n01597906 western tanager, Piranga ludoviciana n01598074 summer tanager, summer redbird, Piranga rubra n01598271 hepatic tanager, Piranga flava hepatica n01598432 Laniidae, family Laniidae n01598588 shrike n01598820 Lanius, genus Lanius n01598988 butcherbird n01599159 European shrike, Lanius excubitor n01599269 northern shrike, Lanius borealis n01599388 white-rumped shrike, Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides n01599556 loggerhead shrike, Lanius lucovicianus n01599741 migrant shrike, Lanius ludovicianus migrans n01599919 Malaconotinae, subfamily Malaconotinae n01600085 bush shrike n01600197 Chlorophoneus, genus Chlorophoneus n01600341 black-fronted bush shrike, Chlorophoneus nigrifrons n01600480 Ptilonorhynchidae, family Ptilonorhynchidae n01600657 bowerbird, catbird n01600909 Ptilonorhynchus, genus Ptilonorhynchus n01601068 satin bowerbird, satin bird, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus n01601268 Chlamydera, genus Chlamydera n01601410 great bowerbird, Chlamydera nuchalis n01601550 Cinclidae, family Cinclidae n01601694 water ouzel, dipper n01601919 Cinclus, genus Cinclus n01602080 European water ouzel, Cinclus aquaticus n01602209 American water ouzel, Cinclus mexicanus n01602353 Vireonidae, family Vireonidae n01602506 genus Vireo n01602630 vireo n01602832 red-eyed vireo, Vireo olivaceous n01603000 solitary vireo, Vireo solitarius n01603152 blue-headed vireo, Vireo solitarius solitarius n01603316 Bombycillidae, family Bombycillidae n01603478 Bombycilla, genus bombycilla n01603600 waxwing n01603812 cedar waxwing, cedarbird, Bombycilla cedrorun n01603953 Bohemian waxwing, Bombycilla garrulus n01604123 Raptores, order Raptores n01604330 bird of prey, raptor, raptorial bird n01604625 Falconiformes, order Falconiformes n01604968 Accipitriformes, order Accipitriformes n01605119 Accipitridae, family Accipitridae n01605630 hawk n01606097 eyas n01606177 tiercel, tercel, tercelet n01606335 Accipiter, genus Accipiter n01606522 goshawk, Accipiter gentilis n01606672 sparrow hawk, Accipiter nisus n01606809 Cooper's hawk, blue darter, Accipiter cooperii n01606978 chicken hawk, hen hawk n01607103 Buteo, genus Buteo n01607309 buteonine n01607429 redtail, red-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis n01607600 rough-legged hawk, roughleg, Buteo lagopus n01607812 red-shouldered hawk, Buteo lineatus n01607962 buzzard, Buteo buteo n01608086 Pernis, genus Pernis n01608265 honey buzzard, Pernis apivorus n01608432 kite n01608685 Milvus, genus-Milvus n01608814 black kite, Milvus migrans n01608934 Elanoides, genus Elanoides n01609062 swallow-tailed kite, swallow-tailed hawk, Elanoides forficatus n01609236 Elanus, genus Elanus n01609391 white-tailed kite, Elanus leucurus n01609549 Circus, genus Circus n01609751 harrier n01609956 marsh harrier, Circus Aeruginosus n01610100 Montagu's harrier, Circus pygargus n01610226 marsh hawk, northern harrier, hen harrier, Circus cyaneus n01610426 Circaetus, genus Circaetus n01610552 harrier eagle, short-toed eagle n01610758 Falconidae, family Falconidae n01610955 falcon n01611252 Falco, genus Falco n01611472 peregrine, peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus n01611674 falcon-gentle, falcon-gentil n01611800 gyrfalcon, gerfalcon, Falco rusticolus n01611969 kestrel, Falco tinnunculus n01612122 sparrow hawk, American kestrel, kestrel, Falco sparverius n01612275 pigeon hawk, merlin, Falco columbarius n01612476 hobby, Falco subbuteo n01612628 caracara n01612803 Polyborus, genus Polyborus n01612955 Audubon's caracara, Polyborus cheriway audubonii n01613177 carancha, Polyborus plancus n01613294 eagle, bird of Jove n01613615 young bird n01613807 eaglet n01613909 Harpia, genus Harpia n01614038 harpy, harpy eagle, Harpia harpyja n01614195 Aquila, genus Aquila n01614343 golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos n01614556 tawny eagle, Aquila rapax n01614690 ringtail n01614769 Haliaeetus, genus Haliaeetus n01614925 bald eagle, American eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus n01615121 sea eagle n01615303 Kamchatkan sea eagle, Stellar's sea eagle, Haliaeetus pelagicus n01615458 ern, erne, grey sea eagle, gray sea eagle, European sea eagle, white-tailed sea eagle, Haliatus albicilla n01615703 fishing eagle, Haliaeetus leucorhyphus n01615825 Pandionidae, family Pandionidae n01615949 Pandion, genus Pandion n01616086 osprey, fish hawk, fish eagle, sea eagle, Pandion haliaetus n01616318 vulture n01616551 Aegypiidae, family Aegypiidae n01616764 Old World vulture n01616970 Gyps, genus Gyps n01617095 griffon vulture, griffon, Gyps fulvus n01617289 Gypaetus, genus Gypaetus n01617443 bearded vulture, lammergeier, lammergeyer, Gypaetus barbatus n01617633 Neophron, genus Neophron n01617766 Egyptian vulture, Pharaoh's chicken, Neophron percnopterus n01617949 Aegypius, genus Aegypius n01618082 black vulture, Aegypius monachus n01618220 Sagittariidae, family Sagittariidae n01618356 Sagittarius, genus Sagittarius n01618503 secretary bird, Sagittarius serpentarius n01618671 Cathartidae, family Cathartidae n01618922 New World vulture, cathartid n01619152 Cathartes, genus Cathartes n01619310 buzzard, turkey buzzard, turkey vulture, Cathartes aura n01619536 condor n01619675 Vultur, genus Vultur n01619835 Andean condor, Vultur gryphus n01620003 Gymnogyps, genus Gymnogyps n01620135 California condor, Gymnogyps californianus n01620282 Coragyps, genus Coragyps n01620414 black vulture, carrion crow, Coragyps atratus n01620575 Sarcorhamphus, genus Sarcorhamphus n01620735 king vulture, Sarcorhamphus papa n01620967 Strigiformes, order Strigiformes n01621127 owl, bird of Minerva, bird of night, hooter n01621635 owlet n01621714 Strigidae, family Strigidae n01621994 Athene, genus Athene n01622120 little owl, Athene noctua n01622230 Bubo, genus Bubo n01622352 horned owl n01622483 great horned owl, Bubo virginianus n01622596 Strix, genus Strix n01622779 great grey owl, great gray owl, Strix nebulosa n01622959 tawny owl, Strix aluco n01623110 barred owl, Strix varia n01623284 Otus, genus Otus n01623425 screech owl, Otus asio n01623615 screech owl n01623706 scops owl n01623880 spotted owl, Strix occidentalis n01624115 Old World scops owl, Otus scops n01624212 Oriental scops owl, Otus sunia n01624305 hoot owl n01624406 Surnia, genus Surnia n01624537 hawk owl, Surnia ulula n01624707 Asio, genus Asio n01624833 long-eared owl, Asio otus n01624987 Sceloglaux, genus Sceloglaux n01625121 laughing owl, laughing jackass, Sceloglaux albifacies n01625275 Tytonidae, family Tytonidae n01625417 Tyto, genus Tyto n01625562 barn owl, Tyto alba n01625747 amphibia, class Amphibia n01626134 amphibian family n01626600 amphibian genus n01627424 amphibian n01627786 Hynerpeton, genus Hynerpeton n01627976 Hynerpeton bassetti n01628148 genus Ichthyostega n01628331 Ichyostega n01628450 Urodella, order Urodella, Caudata, order Caudata n01628770 urodele, caudate n01628885 Salamandridae, family Salamandridae n01629093 Salamandra, genus Salamandra n01629276 salamander n01629819 European fire salamander, Salamandra salamandra n01629962 spotted salamander, fire salamander, Salamandra maculosa n01630148 alpine salamander, Salamandra atra n01630284 newt, triton n01630533 Triturus, genus Triturus n01630670 common newt, Triturus vulgaris n01630795 Notophthalmus, genus Notophthalmus n01630901 red eft, Notophthalmus viridescens n01631035 Taricha, genus Taricha n01631175 Pacific newt n01631354 rough-skinned newt, Taricha granulosa n01631512 California newt, Taricha torosa n01631663 eft n01631759 Ambystomatidae, family Ambystomatidae n01631903 Ambystoma, genus Ambystoma n01632047 ambystomid, ambystomid salamander n01632308 mole salamander, Ambystoma talpoideum n01632458 spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum n01632601 tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum n01632777 axolotl, mud puppy, Ambystoma mexicanum n01632952 waterdog n01633047 Cryptobranchidae, family Cryptobranchidae n01633250 Cryptobranchus, genus Cryptobranchus n01633406 hellbender, mud puppy, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis n01633578 Megalobatrachus, genus Megalobatrachus n01633781 giant salamander, Megalobatrachus maximus n01633949 Proteidae, family Proteidae n01634092 Proteus, genus Proteus n01634227 olm, Proteus anguinus n01634392 Necturus, genus Necturus n01634522 mud puppy, Necturus maculosus n01634684 Dicamptodontidae, family Dicamptodontidae n01634891 genus Dicamptodon n01635027 dicamptodon, dicamptodontid n01635176 Pacific giant salamander, Dicamptodon ensatus n01635343 Rhyacotriton, genus Rhyacotriton n01635480 olympic salamander, Rhyacotriton olympicus n01635659 Plethodontidae, family Plethodontidae n01635964 Plethodon, genus Plethodon n01636127 lungless salamander, plethodont n01636352 eastern red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus n01636510 western red-backed salamander, Plethodon vehiculum n01636675 Desmograthus, genus Desmograthus n01636829 dusky salamander n01636984 Aneides, genus Aneides n01637112 climbing salamander n01637338 arboreal salamander, Aneides lugubris n01637478 Batrachoseps, genus Batrachoseps n01637615 slender salamander, worm salamander n01637796 Hydromantes, genus Hydromantes n01637932 web-toed salamander n01638194 Shasta salamander, Hydromantes shastae n01638329 limestone salamander, Hydromantes brunus n01638482 Amphiumidae, family Amphiumidae n01638611 genus Amphiuma n01638722 amphiuma, congo snake, congo eel, blind eel n01638952 Sirenidae, family Sirenidae n01639071 genus Siren n01639187 siren n01639369 Salientia, order Salientia, Anura, order Anura, Batrachia, order Batrachia n01639765 frog, toad, toad frog, anuran, batrachian, salientian n01640383 Ranidae, family Ranidae n01640567 Rana, genus Rana n01640846 true frog, ranid n01641206 wood-frog, wood frog, Rana sylvatica n01641391 leopard frog, spring frog, Rana pipiens n01641577 bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana n01641739 green frog, spring frog, Rana clamitans n01641930 cascades frog, Rana cascadae n01642097 goliath frog, Rana goliath n01642257 pickerel frog, Rana palustris n01642391 tarahumara frog, Rana tarahumarae n01642539 grass frog, Rana temporaria n01642671 Leptodactylidae, family Leptodactylidae n01642943 leptodactylid frog, leptodactylid n01643092 Eleutherodactylus, genus Eleutherodactylus n01643255 robber frog n01643374 Hylactophryne, genus Hylactophryne n01643507 barking frog, robber frog, Hylactophryne augusti n01643687 Leptodactylus, genus Leptodactylus n01643896 crapaud, South American bullfrog, Leptodactylus pentadactylus n01644104 Polypedatidae, family Polypedatidae n01644245 Polypedates, genus Polypedates n01644373 tree frog, tree-frog n01644542 Ascaphidae, family Ascaphidae n01644699 Ascaphus, genus Ascaphus n01644900 tailed frog, bell toad, ribbed toad, tailed toad, Ascaphus trui n01645093 Leiopelmatidae, family Leiopelmatidae, Liopelmidae, family Liopelmidae n01645278 Leiopelma, genus Leiopelma, Liopelma, genus Liopelma n01645466 Liopelma hamiltoni n01645634 Bufonidae, family Bufonidae n01645776 true toad n01646134 genus Bufo n01646292 bufo n01646388 agua, agua toad, Bufo marinus n01646555 European toad, Bufo bufo n01646648 natterjack, Bufo calamita n01646802 American toad, Bufo americanus n01646902 Eurasian green toad, Bufo viridis n01647033 American green toad, Bufo debilis n01647180 Yosemite toad, Bufo canorus n01647303 Texas toad, Bufo speciosus n01647466 southwestern toad, Bufo microscaphus n01647640 western toad, Bufo boreas n01647803 Discoglossidae, family Discoglossidae n01648001 Alytes, genus Alytes n01648139 obstetrical toad, midwife toad, Alytes obstetricans n01648356 midwife toad, Alytes cisternasi n01648494 Bombina, genus Bombina n01648620 fire-bellied toad, Bombina bombina n01648818 Pelobatidae, family Pelobatidae n01648993 Scaphiopus, genus Scaphiopus n01649170 spadefoot, spadefoot toad n01649412 western spadefoot, Scaphiopus hammondii n01649556 southern spadefoot, Scaphiopus multiplicatus n01649726 plains spadefoot, Scaphiopus bombifrons n01649948 Hylidae, family Hylidae n01650167 tree toad, tree frog, tree-frog n01650509 Hyla, genus Hyla n01650690 spring peeper, Hyla crucifer n01650901 Pacific tree toad, Hyla regilla n01651059 canyon treefrog, Hyla arenicolor n01651285 chameleon tree frog n01651370 Acris, genus Acris n01651487 cricket frog n01651641 northern cricket frog, Acris crepitans n01651778 eastern cricket frog, Acris gryllus n01651900 Pseudacris, genus Pseudacris n01652026 chorus frog n01652163 Pternohyla, genus Pternohyla n01652297 lowland burrowing treefrog, northern casque-headed frog, Pternohyla fodiens n01652583 Microhylidae, family Microhylidae, Brevicipitidae, family Brevicipitidae n01652850 Gastrophryne, genus Gastrophryne n01653026 western narrow-mouthed toad, Gastrophryne olivacea n01653223 eastern narrow-mouthed toad, Gastrophryne carolinensis n01653384 Hypopachus, genus Hypopachus n01653509 sheep frog n01653610 Pipidae, family Pipidae n01653773 tongueless frog n01653975 Pipa, genus Pipa n01654083 Surinam toad, Pipa pipa, Pipa americana n01654245 Xenopodidae, family Xenopodidae n01654429 Xenopus, genus Xenopus n01654637 African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis n01654863 South American poison toad n01654957 Gymnophiona, order Gymnophiona n01655116 Caeciliidae, family Caeciliidae, Caeciliadae, family Caeciliadae n01655344 caecilian, blindworm n01655577 Labyrinthodontia, superorder Labyrinthodontia, Labyrinthodonta, superorder Labyrinthodonta n01655951 labyrinthodont n01656078 Stereospondyli, order Stereospondyli n01656340 Stegocephalia, order Stegocephalia n01656576 Temnospondyli, order Temnospondyli n01656813 reptile family n01657723 reptile genus n01660719 Reptilia, class Reptilia n01661091 reptile, reptilian n01661404 Anapsida, subclass Anapsida n01661592 anapsid, anapsid reptile n01661818 diapsid, diapsid reptile n01662060 Diapsida, subclass Diapsida n01662274 Chelonia, order Chelonia, Testudinata, order Testudinata, Testudines, order Testudines n01662622 chelonian, chelonian reptile n01662784 turtle n01663169 Cheloniidae, family Cheloniidae, Chelonidae, family Chelonidae n01663401 sea turtle, marine turtle n01663659 Chelonia, genus Chelonia n01663782 green turtle, Chelonia mydas n01663939 Caretta, genus Caretta n01664065 loggerhead, loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta n01664244 Lepidochelys, genus Lepidochelys n01664369 ridley n01664492 Atlantic ridley, bastard ridley, bastard turtle, Lepidochelys kempii n01664674 Pacific ridley, olive ridley, Lepidochelys olivacea n01664862 Eretmochelys, genus Eretmochelys n01664990 hawksbill turtle, hawksbill, hawkbill, tortoiseshell turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata n01665238 Dermochelyidae, family Dermochelyidae n01665372 Dermochelys, genus Dermochelys n01665541 leatherback turtle, leatherback, leathery turtle, Dermochelys coriacea n01665761 Chelydridae, family Chelydridae n01665932 snapping turtle n01666102 Chelydra, genus Chelydra n01666228 common snapping turtle, snapper, Chelydra serpentina n01666431 Macroclemys, genus Macroclemys n01666585 alligator snapping turtle, alligator snapper, Macroclemys temmincki n01666802 Kinosternidae, family Kinosternidae n01666967 Kinosternon, genus Kinosternon n01667114 mud turtle n01667302 Sternotherus, genus Sternotherus n01667432 musk turtle, stinkpot n01667570 Emydidae, family Emydidae n01667778 terrapin n01667959 Malaclemys, genus Malaclemys n01668091 diamondback terrapin, Malaclemys centrata n01668257 Pseudemys, genus Pseudemys n01668436 red-bellied terrapin, red-bellied turtle, redbelly, Pseudemys rubriventris n01668665 slider, yellow-bellied terrapin, Pseudemys scripta n01668892 cooter, river cooter, Pseudemys concinna n01669068 Terrapene, genus Terrapene n01669191 box turtle, box tortoise n01669372 Western box turtle, Terrapene ornata n01669527 Chrysemys, genus Chrysemys n01669654 painted turtle, painted terrapin, painted tortoise, Chrysemys picta n01669883 Testudinidae, family Testudinidae n01670092 tortoise n01670378 Testudo, genus Testudo n01670535 European tortoise, Testudo graeca n01670673 Geochelone, genus Geochelone n01670802 giant tortoise n01670961 Gopherus, genus Gopherus n01671125 gopher tortoise, gopher turtle, gopher, Gopherus polypemus n01671312 Xerobates, genus Xerobates n01671479 desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii n01671705 Texas tortoise n01671874 Trionychidae, family Trionychidae n01672032 soft-shelled turtle, pancake turtle n01672275 Trionyx, genus Trionyx n01672432 spiny softshell, Trionyx spiniferus n01672611 smooth softshell, Trionyx muticus n01672767 Lepidosauria, subclass Lepidosauria n01672950 Rhynchocephalia, order Rhynchocephalia n01673118 Sphenodon, genus Sphenodon n01673282 tuatara, Sphenodon punctatum n01673503 Squamata, order Squamata n01673668 Sauria, suborder Sauria, Lacertilia, suborder Lacertilia n01674216 saurian n01674464 lizard n01674850 Gekkonidae, family Gekkonidae n01674990 gecko n01675225 Ptychozoon, genus Ptychozoon n01675352 flying gecko, fringed gecko, Ptychozoon homalocephalum n01675599 Coleonyx, genus Coleonyx n01675722 banded gecko n01675964 Pygopodidae, family Pygopodidae n01676113 Pygopus, genus Pygopus n01676313 Iguanidae, family Iguanidae, Iguania, family Iguania n01676755 iguanid, iguanid lizard n01677242 genus Iguana n01677366 common iguana, iguana, Iguana iguana n01677613 Amblyrhynchus, genus Amblyrhynchus n01677747 marine iguana, Amblyrhynchus cristatus n01677913 Dipsosaurus, genus Dipsosaurus n01678043 desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis n01678237 Sauromalus, genus Sauromalus n01678343 chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus n01678522 Callisaurus, genus Callisaurus n01678657 zebra-tailed lizard, gridiron-tailed lizard, Callisaurus draconoides n01678887 Uma, genus Uma n01679005 fringe-toed lizard, Uma notata n01679178 Holbrookia, genus Holbrookia n01679307 earless lizard n01679494 Crotaphytus, genus Crotaphytus n01679626 collared lizard n01679837 Gambelia, genus Gambelia n01679962 leopard lizard n01680137 Sceloporus, genus Sceloporus n01680264 spiny lizard n01680478 fence lizard n01680655 western fence lizard, swift, blue-belly, Sceloporus occidentalis n01680813 eastern fence lizard, pine lizard, Sceloporus undulatus n01680983 sagebrush lizard, Sceloporus graciosus n01681200 Uta, genus Uta n01681328 side-blotched lizard, sand lizard, Uta stansburiana n01681513 Urosaurus, genus Urosaurus n01681653 tree lizard, Urosaurus ornatus n01681812 Phrynosoma, genus Phrynosoma n01681940 horned lizard, horned toad, horny frog n01682172 Texas horned lizard, Phrynosoma cornutum n01682293 Basiliscus, genus Basiliscus n01682435 basilisk n01682588 Anolis, genus Anolis n01682714 American chameleon, anole, Anolis carolinensis n01682920 Amphisbaenidae, family Amphisbaenidae n01683036 Amphisbaena, genus Amphisbaena, Amphisbaenia, genus Amphisbaenia n01683201 worm lizard n01683428 Xantusiidae, family Xantusiidae n01683558 night lizard n01683724 Scincidae, family Scincidae n01683900 Scincus, genus Scincus n01684012 Scincella, genus Scincella n01684133 skink, scincid, scincid lizard n01684435 Eumeces, genus Eumeces n01684578 western skink, Eumeces skiltonianus n01684741 mountain skink, Eumeces callicephalus n01684941 Cordylidae, family Cordylidae n01685107 Cordylus, genus Cordylus n01685277 Teiidae, family Teiidae n01685439 teiid lizard, teiid n01685679 Cnemidophorus, genus Cnemidophorus n01685808 whiptail, whiptail lizard n01686044 racerunner, race runner, six-lined racerunner, Cnemidophorus sexlineatus n01686220 plateau striped whiptail, Cnemidophorus velox n01686403 Chihuahuan spotted whiptail, Cnemidophorus exsanguis n01686609 western whiptail, Cnemidophorus tigris n01686808 checkered whiptail, Cnemidophorus tesselatus n01687009 Tupinambis, genus Tupinambis n01687128 teju n01687290 caiman lizard n01687441 Agamidae, family Agamidae n01687665 agamid, agamid lizard n01687856 genus Agama n01687978 agama n01688106 Chlamydosaurus, genus Chlamydosaurus n01688243 frilled lizard, Chlamydosaurus kingi n01688428 Draco, genus Draco n01688589 dragon, flying dragon, flying lizard n01688812 genus Moloch n01688961 moloch n01689081 mountain devil, spiny lizard, Moloch horridus n01689226 Anguidae, family Anguidae n01689411 anguid lizard n01689678 Gerrhonotus, genus Gerrhonotus n01689811 alligator lizard n01690005 Anguis, genus Anguis n01690149 blindworm, slowworm, Anguis fragilis n01690339 Ophisaurus, genus Ophisaurus n01690466 glass lizard, glass snake, joint snake n01690703 Xenosauridae, family Xenosauridae n01690857 Xenosaurus, genus Xenosaurus n01691085 Anniellidae, family Anniellidae n01691217 legless lizard n01691384 Lanthanotidae, family Lanthanotidae n01691525 Lanthanotus, genus Lanthanotus n01691652 Lanthanotus borneensis n01691782 Helodermatidae, family Helodermatidae n01691951 venomous lizard n01692143 Heloderma, genus Heloderma n01692333 Gila monster, Heloderma suspectum n01692523 beaded lizard, Mexican beaded lizard, Heloderma horridum n01692713 Lacertidae, family Lacertidae n01692864 lacertid lizard, lacertid n01693020 Lacerta, genus Lacerta n01693175 sand lizard, Lacerta agilis n01693334 green lizard, Lacerta viridis n01693472 Chamaeleontidae, family Chamaeleontidae, Chamaeleonidae, family Chamaeleonidae, Rhiptoglossa, family Rhiptoglossa n01693783 chameleon, chamaeleon n01693995 Chamaeleo, genus Chamaeleo, genus Chamaeleon n01694178 African chameleon, Chamaeleo chamaeleon n01694311 horned chameleon, Chamaeleo oweni n01694430 Varanidae, family Varanidae n01694558 Varanus, genus Varanus n01694709 monitor, monitor lizard, varan n01694955 African monitor, Varanus niloticus n01695060 Komodo dragon, Komodo lizard, dragon lizard, giant lizard, Varanus komodoensis n01695259 Archosauria, subclass Archosauria n01695681 archosaur, archosaurian, archosaurian reptile n01696026 Saurosuchus, genus Saurosuchus n01696151 Proterochampsa, genus Proterochampsa n01696282 Crocodylia, order Crocodylia, Crocodilia, order Crocodilia n01696525 Loricata, order Loricata n01696633 crocodilian reptile, crocodilian n01696849 Crocodylidae, family Crocodylidae n01697002 Crocodylus, genus Crocodylus, Crocodilus, genus Crocodilus n01697178 crocodile n01697457 African crocodile, Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus n01697611 Asian crocodile, Crocodylus porosus n01697749 Morlett's crocodile n01697837 Tomistoma, genus Tomistoma n01697978 false gavial, Tomistoma schlegeli n01698144 Alligatoridae, family Alligatoridae n01698303 genus Alligator n01698434 alligator, gator n01698640 American alligator, Alligator mississipiensis n01698782 Chinese alligator, Alligator sinensis n01698936 genus Caiman n01699040 caiman, cayman n01699254 spectacled caiman, Caiman sclerops n01699415 Gavialidae, family Gavialidae n01699537 Gavialis, genus Gavialis n01699675 gavial, Gavialis gangeticus n01699831 dinosaur n01700076 Ornithischia, order Ornithischia n01700470 ornithischian, ornithischian dinosaur n01700754 genus Pisanosaurus n01700924 pisanosaur, pisanosaurus n01701052 genus Staurikosaurus n01701205 staurikosaur, staurikosaurus n01701334 Thyreophora, suborder Thyreophora, thyreophoran n01701551 armored dinosaur n01701697 genus Stegosaurus n01701859 stegosaur, stegosaurus, Stegosaur stenops n01702087 genus Ankylosaurus n01702256 ankylosaur, ankylosaurus n01702479 Edmontonia n01702623 Marginocephalia, suborder Marginocephalia, marginocephalian n01702862 suborder Pachycephalosaurus n01703011 bone-headed dinosaur n01703161 pachycephalosaur, pachycephalosaurus n01703341 Ceratopsia, suborder Ceratopsia n01703569 ceratopsian, horned dinosaur n01703866 Ceratopsidae, family Ceratopsidae n01703996 genus Protoceratops n01704103 protoceratops n01704184 genus Triceratops n01704323 triceratops n01704497 genus Styracosaurus n01704626 styracosaur, styracosaurus n01704847 genus Psittacosaurus n01705010 psittacosaur, psittacosaurus n01705247 Euronithopoda, suborder Euronithopoda, euronithopod, Ornithopoda, suborder Ornithopoda n01705591 ornithopod, ornithopod dinosaur n01705717 Hadrosauridae, family Hadrosauridae n01705934 hadrosaur, hadrosaurus, duck-billed dinosaur n01706247 genus Anatotitan n01706401 anatotitan n01706533 genus Corythosaurus n01706686 corythosaur, corythosaurus n01706865 genus Edmontosaurus n01707000 edmontosaurus n01707149 genus Trachodon n01707294 trachodon, trachodont n01707433 Iguanodontidae, family Iguanodontidae n01707566 genus Iguanodon n01707698 iguanodon n01707895 Saurischia, order Saurischia n01708106 saurischian, saurischian dinosaur n01708332 Sauropodomorpha, suborder Sauropodomorpha n01708648 Prosauropoda, suborder Prosauropoda n01708778 Sauropoda, suborder Sauropoda n01708998 sauropod, sauropod dinosaur n01709278 genus Apatosaurus, genus Brontosaurus n01709484 apatosaur, apatosaurus, brontosaur, brontosaurus, thunder lizard, Apatosaurus excelsus n01709723 genus Barosaurus n01709876 barosaur, barosaurus n01710035 genus Diplodocus n01710177 diplodocus n01710348 Titanosauridae, family Titanosauridae n01710529 Titanosaurus, genus Titanosaurus n01710747 titanosaur, titanosaurian n01710993 genus Argentinosaurus n01711160 argentinosaur n01711297 Seismosaurus, genus Seismosaurus n01711496 ground-shaker, seismosaur n01711662 Theropoda, suborder Theropoda n01712008 theropod, theropod dinosaur, bird-footed dinosaur n01712432 suborder Ceratosaura n01712606 genus Ceratosaurus n01712752 ceratosaur, ceratosaurus n01713040 genus Coelophysis n01713170 coelophysis n01713310 Carnosaura, suborder Carnosaura n01713508 carnosaur n01713635 genus Tyrannosaurus n01713764 tyrannosaur, tyrannosaurus, Tyrannosaurus rex n01714059 genus Allosaurus, genus Antrodemus n01714231 allosaur, allosaurus n01714404 genus Compsognathus n01714536 compsognathus n01714686 genus Herrerasaurus n01714843 herrerasaur, herrerasaurus n01714982 genus Eoraptor n01715134 eoraptor n01715249 Megalosauridae, family Megalosauridae n01715383 genus Megalosaurus n01715518 megalosaur, megalosaurus n01715692 Ornithomimida, suborder Ornithomimida n01715888 ornithomimid n01716122 genus Struthiomimus n01716298 struthiomimus n01716459 genus Deinocheirus n01716594 deinocheirus n01716732 Maniraptora, suborder Maniraptora n01717016 maniraptor n01717229 oviraptorid n01717335 genus Velociraptor n01717467 velociraptor n01717666 Dromaeosauridae, family Dromaeosauridae n01717860 dromaeosaur n01717957 genus Deinonychus n01718096 deinonychus n01718276 genus Utahraptor n01718414 utahraptor, superslasher n01718632 genus Mononychus n01718808 Mononychus olecranus n01719175 Synapsida, subclass Synapsida n01719403 synapsid, synapsid reptile n01719645 Therapsida, order Therapsida n01719914 therapsid, protomammal n01720117 Chronoperates, genus Chronoperates n01720266 Chronoperates paradoxus n01720496 Cynodontia, division Cynodontia n01720767 cynodont n01720867 Exaeretodon, genus Exaeretodon n01721010 Dicynodontia, division Dicynodontia n01721174 dicynodont n01721269 Ischigualastia, genus Ischigualastia n01721404 Ictodosauria, order Ictodosauria n01721567 ictodosaur n01721718 Pelycosauria, order Pelycosauria n01721898 pelycosaur n01722085 Edaphosauridae, family Edaphosauridae n01722254 genus Edaphosaurus n01722389 edaphosaurus n01722538 genus Dimetrodon n01722670 dimetrodon n01722828 Pterosauria, order Pterosauria n01722998 pterosaur, flying reptile n01723259 Pterodactylidae, family Pterodactylidae n01723425 Pterodactylus, genus Pterodactylus n01723579 pterodactyl n01723678 Thecodontia, order Thecodontia n01723883 thecodont, thecodont reptile n01724055 Ichthyosauria, order Ichthyosauria n01724231 ichthyosaur n01724470 Ichthyosauridae, family Ichthyosauridae n01724703 genus Ichthyosaurus n01724840 ichthyosaurus n01724947 genus Stenopterygius n01725086 stenopterygius, Stenopterygius quadrisicissus n01725240 Sauropterygia, order Sauropterygia n01725427 Plesiosauria, suborder Plesiosauria n01725570 genus Plesiosaurus n01725713 plesiosaur, plesiosaurus n01725933 Nothosauria, suborder Nothosauria n01726079 genus Nothosaurus n01726203 nothosaur n01726390 Serpentes, suborder Serpentes, Ophidia, suborder Ophidia n01726692 snake, serpent, ophidian n01726960 Colubridae, family Colubridae n01727646 colubrid snake, colubrid n01728266 hoop snake n01728445 Carphophis, genus Carphophis n01728572 thunder snake, worm snake, Carphophis amoenus n01728738 Diadophis, genus Diadophis n01728920 ringneck snake, ring-necked snake, ring snake n01729133 Heterodon, genus Heterodon n01729322 hognose snake, puff adder, sand viper n01729533 Phyllorhynchus, genus Phyllorhynchus n01729672 leaf-nosed snake n01729838 Opheodrys, genus Opheodrys n01729977 green snake, grass snake n01730185 smooth green snake, Opheodrys vernalis n01730307 rough green snake, Opheodrys aestivus n01730429 Chlorophis, genus Chlorophis n01730563 green snake n01730679 Coluber, genus Coluber n01730812 racer n01730960 blacksnake, black racer, Coluber constrictor n01731137 blue racer, Coluber constrictor flaviventris n01731277 horseshoe whipsnake, Coluber hippocrepis n01731418 Masticophis, genus Masticophis n01731545 whip-snake, whip snake, whipsnake n01731764 coachwhip, coachwhip snake, Masticophis flagellum n01731941 California whipsnake, striped racer, Masticophis lateralis n01732093 Sonoran whipsnake, Masticophis bilineatus n01732244 rat snake n01732445 Elaphe, genus Elaphe n01732614 corn snake, red rat snake, Elaphe guttata n01732789 black rat snake, blacksnake, pilot blacksnake, mountain blacksnake, Elaphe obsoleta n01732989 chicken snake n01733094 Ptyas, genus Ptyas n01733214 Indian rat snake, Ptyas mucosus n01733346 Arizona, genus Arizona n01733466 glossy snake, Arizona elegans n01733634 Pituophis, genus Pituophis n01733757 bull snake, bull-snake n01733957 gopher snake, Pituophis melanoleucus n01734104 pine snake n01734273 Lampropeltis, genus Lampropeltis n01734418 king snake, kingsnake n01734637 common kingsnake, Lampropeltis getulus n01734808 milk snake, house snake, milk adder, checkered adder, Lampropeltis triangulum n01735062 Thamnophis, genus Thamnophis n01735189 garter snake, grass snake n01735439 common garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis n01735577 ribbon snake, Thamnophis sauritus n01735728 Western ribbon snake, Thamnophis proximus n01735898 Tropidoclonion, genus Tropidoclonion n01736032 lined snake, Tropidoclonion lineatum n01736256 Sonora, genus Sonora n01736375 ground snake, Sonora semiannulata n01736569 Potamophis, genus Potamophis n01736696 Haldea, genus Haldea n01736796 eastern ground snake, Potamophis striatula, Haldea striatula n01737021 water snake n01737197 Natrix, genus Natrix n01737356 Nerodia, genus Nerodia n01737472 common water snake, banded water snake, Natrix sipedon, Nerodia sipedon n01737728 water moccasin n01737875 grass snake, ring snake, ringed snake, Natrix natrix n01738065 viperine grass snake, Natrix maura n01738175 Storeria, genus Storeria n01738306 red-bellied snake, Storeria occipitamaculata n01738470 Chilomeniscus, genus Chilomeniscus n01738601 sand snake n01738731 banded sand snake, Chilomeniscus cinctus n01738965 Tantilla, genus Tantilla n01739094 black-headed snake n01739260 Oxybelis, genus Oxybelis n01739381 vine snake n01739518 Trimorphodon, genus Trimorphodon n01739647 lyre snake n01739871 Sonoran lyre snake, Trimorphodon lambda n01740005 Hypsiglena, genus Hypsiglena n01740131 night snake, Hypsiglena torquata n01740283 Typhlopidae, family Typhlopidae n01740393 Leptotyphlopidae, family Leptotyphlopidae n01740551 blind snake, worm snake n01740721 Leptotyphlops, genus Leptotyphlops n01740885 western blind snake, Leptotyphlops humilis n01741116 Drymarchon, genus Drymarchon n01741232 indigo snake, gopher snake, Drymarchon corais n01741442 eastern indigo snake, Drymarchon corais couperi n01741562 constrictor n01741744 Boidae, family Boidae n01741943 boa n01742172 boa constrictor, Constrictor constrictor n01742310 Charina, genus Charina n01742447 rubber boa, tow-headed snake, Charina bottae n01742680 Lichanura, genus Lichanura n01742821 rosy boa, Lichanura trivirgata n01742967 Eunectes, genus Eunectes n01743086 anaconda, Eunectes murinus n01743223 Pythoninae, subfamily Pythoninae n01743449 Pythonidae, family Pythonidae n01743605 python n01743787 genus Python n01743936 carpet snake, Python variegatus, Morelia spilotes variegatus n01744100 reticulated python, Python reticulatus n01744270 Indian python, Python molurus n01744401 rock python, rock snake, Python sebae n01744555 amethystine python n01744657 Elapidae, family Elapidae n01745125 elapid, elapid snake n01745484 coral snake, harlequin-snake, New World coral snake n01745780 Micrurus, genus Micrurus n01745902 eastern coral snake, Micrurus fulvius n01746063 Micruroides, genus Micruroides n01746191 western coral snake, Micruroides euryxanthus n01746359 coral snake, Old World coral snake n01746565 Calliophis, genus Calliophis, Callophis, genus Callophis n01746727 Asian coral snake n01746818 Aspidelaps, genus Aspidelaps n01746952 African coral snake, Aspidelaps lubricus n01747144 Rhynchoelaps, genus Rhynchoelaps n01747285 Australian coral snake, Rhynchoelaps australis n01747466 Denisonia, genus Denisonia n01747589 copperhead, Denisonia superba n01747739 Naja, genus Naja n01747885 cobra n01748100 hood n01748264 Indian cobra, Naja naja n01748389 asp, Egyptian cobra, Naja haje n01748560 Ophiophagus, genus Ophiophagus n01748686 black-necked cobra, spitting cobra, Naja nigricollis n01748906 hamadryad, king cobra, Ophiophagus hannah, Naja hannah n01749141 Hemachatus, genus Hemachatus n01749244 ringhals, rinkhals, spitting snake, Hemachatus haemachatus n01749428 Dendroaspis, genus Dendroaspis, Dendraspis, genus Dendraspis n01749582 mamba n01749742 black mamba, Dendroaspis augusticeps n01749939 green mamba n01750027 Acanthophis, genus Acanthophis n01750167 death adder, Acanthophis antarcticus n01750315 Notechis, genus Notechis n01750437 tiger snake, Notechis scutatus n01750598 Pseudechis, genus Pseudechis n01750743 Australian blacksnake, Pseudechis porphyriacus n01750920 Bungarus, genus Bungarus n01751036 krait n01751215 banded krait, banded adder, Bungarus fasciatus n01751353 Oxyuranus, genus Oxyuranus n01751472 taipan, Oxyuranus scutellatus n01751621 Hydrophidae, family Hydrophidae n01751748 sea snake n01751979 Viperidae, family Viperidae n01752165 viper n01752433 Vipera, genus Vipera n01752585 adder, common viper, Vipera berus n01752736 asp, asp viper, Vipera aspis n01752889 Bitis, genus Bitis n01753032 puff adder, Bitis arietans n01753180 gaboon viper, Bitis gabonica n01753354 genus Cerastes, Aspis, genus Aspis n01753488 horned viper, cerastes, sand viper, horned asp, Cerastes cornutus n01753721 Crotalidae, family Crotalidae n01753959 pit viper n01754190 Agkistrodon, genus Agkistrodon, Ancistrodon, genus Ancistrodon n01754370 copperhead, Agkistrodon contortrix n01754533 water moccasin, cottonmouth, cottonmouth moccasin, Agkistrodon piscivorus n01754737 rattle n01754876 rattlesnake, rattler n01755274 Crotalus, genus Crotalus n01755581 diamondback, diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus adamanteus n01755740 timber rattlesnake, banded rattlesnake, Crotalus horridus horridus n01755952 canebrake rattlesnake, canebrake rattler, Crotalus horridus atricaudatus n01756089 prairie rattlesnake, prairie rattler, Western rattlesnake, Crotalus viridis n01756291 sidewinder, horned rattlesnake, Crotalus cerastes n01756508 Western diamondback, Western diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox n01756733 rock rattlesnake, Crotalus lepidus n01756916 tiger rattlesnake, Crotalus tigris n01757115 Mojave rattlesnake, Crotalus scutulatus n01757343 speckled rattlesnake, Crotalus mitchellii n01757547 Sistrurus, genus Sistrurus n01757677 massasauga, massasauga rattler, Sistrurus catenatus n01757901 ground rattler, massasauga, Sistrurus miliaris n01758019 Bothrops, genus Bothrops n01758141 fer-de-lance, Bothrops atrops n01758308 beak, bill, neb, nib, pecker n01758510 beak n01758637 cere n01758757 carcase, carcass n01758895 carrion n01759009 roadkill n01759182 arthropod family n01762525 arthropod genus n01767199 Arthropoda, phylum Arthropoda n01767661 arthropod n01768244 trilobite n01768402 Chelicerata, superclass Chelicerata n01768596 chelicera n01768808 mouthpart n01768969 Arachnida, class Arachnida n01769347 arachnid, arachnoid n01769635 Phalangida, order Phalangida, Opiliones, order Opiliones n01769789 Phalangiidae, family Phalangiidae n01769930 Phalangium, genus Phalangium n01770081 harvestman, daddy longlegs, Phalangium opilio n01770263 Scorpionida, order Scorpionida n01770393 scorpion n01770553 Chelonethida, order Chelonethida, Pseudoscorpionida, order Pseudoscorpionida, Pseudoscorpiones, order Pseudoscorpiones n01770795 false scorpion, pseudoscorpion n01770967 Chelifer, genus Chelifer n01771100 book scorpion, Chelifer cancroides n01771246 Pedipalpi, order Pedipalpi, Uropygi, order Uropygi n01771417 whip-scorpion, whip scorpion n01771624 Mastigoproctus, genus Mastigoproctus n01771766 vinegarroon, Mastigoproctus giganteus n01771966 Araneae, order Araneae, Araneida, order Araneida n01772222 spider n01772664 orb-weaving spider n01772782 Argiopidae, family Argiopidae, orb-weaver n01772985 Argiope, genus Argiope n01773157 black and gold garden spider, Argiope aurantia n01773319 Aranea, genus Aranea, Araneus, genus Araneus n01773549 barn spider, Araneus cavaticus n01773797 garden spider, Aranea diademata n01773930 Theridiidae, family Theridiidae n01774097 comb-footed spider, theridiid n01774252 Latrodectus, genus Latrodectus n01774384 black widow, Latrodectus mactans n01774595 Theraphosidae, family Theraphosidae n01774750 tarantula n01774918 Lycosidae, family Lycosidae n01775062 wolf spider, hunting spider n01775230 Lycosa, genus Lycosa n01775370 European wolf spider, tarantula, Lycosa tarentula n01775592 Ctenizidae, family Ctenizidae n01775730 trap-door spider n01775879 Acarina, order Acarina n01776192 acarine n01776313 tick n01776546 Ixodidae, family Ixodidae n01776705 hard tick, ixodid n01777032 Ixodes, genus Ixodes n01777304 Ixodes dammini, deer tick n01777467 Ixodes neotomae n01777649 Ixodes pacificus, western black-legged tick n01777909 Ixodes scapularis, black-legged tick n01778217 sheep-tick, sheep tick, Ixodes ricinus n01778487 Ixodes persulcatus n01778621 Ixodes dentatus n01778801 Ixodes spinipalpis n01778984 Dermacentor, genus Dermacentor n01779148 wood tick, American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis n01779340 Argasidae, family Argasidae n01779463 soft tick, argasid n01779629 mite n01779939 web-spinning mite n01780026 Acaridae, family Acaridae n01780142 acarid n01780302 Trombidiidae, family Trombidiidae n01780426 trombidiid n01780551 Trombiculidae, family Trombiculidae n01780696 trombiculid n01780919 Trombicula, genus Trombicula n01781071 harvest mite, chigger, jigger, redbug n01781274 Sarcoptidae, family Sarcoptidae n01781410 Sarcoptes, genus Sarcoptes n01781570 acarus, genus Acarus n01781698 itch mite, sarcoptid n01781875 rust mite n01782050 Tetranychidae, family Tetranychidae n01782209 spider mite, tetranychid n01782378 Panonychus, genus Panonychus n01782516 red spider, red spider mite, Panonychus ulmi n01782675 superclass Myriapoda n01783017 myriapod n01783205 Pauropoda, class Pauropoda n01783384 Symphyla, class Symphyla n01783571 Scutigerella, genus Scutigerella n01783706 garden centipede, garden symphilid, symphilid, Scutigerella immaculata n01783936 Tardigrada, class Tardigrada n01784293 tardigrade n01784427 Chilopoda, class Chilopoda n01784675 centipede n01784925 prehensor n01785092 toxicognath n01785234 fang n01785392 Scutigeridae, family Scutigeridae n01785532 Scutigera, genus Scutigera n01785667 house centipede, Scutigera coleoptrata n01785831 Geophilomorpha, order Geophilomorpha n01786048 Geophilidae, family Geophilidae n01786219 Geophilus, genus Geophilus n01786402 Diplopoda, class Diplopoda, Myriapoda, class Myriapoda n01786646 millipede, millepede, milliped n01786879 Pycnogonida, order Pycnogonida n01787006 sea spider, pycnogonid n01787191 Merostomata, class Merostomata n01787401 Xiphosura, order Xiphosura n01787546 Limulidae, family Limulidae n01787693 Limulus, genus Limulus n01787835 horseshoe crab, king crab, Limulus polyphemus, Xiphosurus polyphemus n01788157 Tachypleus, genus Tachypleus n01788291 Asian horseshoe crab n01788420 Eurypterida, order Eurypterida n01788579 eurypterid n01788730 Pentastomida, subphylum Pentastomida n01788864 tongue worm, pentastomid n01789064 Galliformes, order Galliformes n01789386 gallinaceous bird, gallinacean n01789740 domestic fowl, fowl, poultry n01790171 Dorking n01790304 Plymouth Rock n01790398 Cornish, Cornish fowl n01790557 Rock Cornish n01790711 game fowl n01790812 cochin, cochin china n01790943 Gallus, genus Gallus n01791107 jungle fowl, gallina n01791314 jungle cock n01791388 jungle hen n01791463 red jungle fowl, Gallus gallus n01791625 chicken, Gallus gallus n01791954 bantam n01792042 chick, biddy n01792158 cock, rooster n01792255 comb, cockscomb, coxcomb n01792429 cockerel n01792530 capon n01792640 hen, biddy n01792808 cackler n01792955 brood hen, broody, broody hen, setting hen, sitter n01793085 mother hen n01793159 layer n01793249 pullet n01793340 spring chicken n01793435 Rhode Island red n01793565 Dominique, Dominick n01793715 Orpington n01793818 Meleagrididae, family Meleagrididae n01793988 Meleagris, genus Meleagris n01794158 turkey, Meleagris gallopavo n01794344 turkey cock, gobbler, tom, tom turkey n01794460 Agriocharis, genus Agriocharis n01794651 ocellated turkey, Agriocharis ocellata n01794813 Tetraonidae, family Tetraonidae n01795088 grouse n01795425 Lyrurus, genus Lyrurus n01795545 black grouse n01795735 European black grouse, heathfowl, Lyrurus tetrix n01795900 Asian black grouse, Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi n01796019 blackcock, black cock n01796105 greyhen, grayhen, grey hen, gray hen, heath hen n01796222 Lagopus, genus Lagopus n01796340 ptarmigan n01796519 red grouse, moorfowl, moorbird, moor-bird, moorgame, Lagopus scoticus n01796729 moorhen n01796800 moorcock n01796870 Tetrao, genus Tetrao n01797020 capercaillie, capercailzie, horse of the wood, Tetrao urogallus n01797180 Canachites, genus Canachites n01797307 spruce grouse, Canachites canadensis n01797472 Centrocercus, genus Centrocercus n01797601 sage grouse, sage hen, Centrocercus urophasianus n01797767 Bonasa, genus Bonasa n01797886 ruffed grouse, partridge, Bonasa umbellus n01798052 Pedioecetes, genus Pedioecetes n01798168 sharp-tailed grouse, sprigtail, sprig tail, Pedioecetes phasianellus n01798352 Tympanuchus, genus Tympanuchus n01798484 prairie chicken, prairie grouse, prairie fowl n01798706 greater prairie chicken, Tympanuchus cupido n01798839 lesser prairie chicken, Tympanuchus pallidicinctus n01798979 heath hen, Tympanuchus cupido cupido n01799086 Cracidae, family Cracidae n01799302 guan n01799540 Crax, genus Crax n01799679 curassow n01799876 Penelope, genus Penelope n01800042 Pipile, genus Pipile n01800195 piping guan n01800286 Ortalis, genus Ortalis n01800424 chachalaca n01800633 Texas chachalaca, Ortilis vetula macalli n01800759 Megapodiidae, family Megapodiidae n01800963 Megapodius, genus-Megapodius n01801088 megapode, mound bird, mound-bird, mound builder, scrub fowl n01801371 genus Leipoa n01801479 mallee fowl, leipoa, lowan, Leipoa ocellata n01801672 mallee hen n01801753 Alectura, genus Alectura n01801876 brush turkey, Alectura lathami n01802033 Macrocephalon, genus Macrocephalon n01802159 maleo, Macrocephalon maleo n01802309 Phasianidae, family Phasianidae n01802721 phasianid n01802895 Phasianus, genus Phasianus n01803078 pheasant n01803362 ring-necked pheasant, Phasianus colchicus n01803548 genus Afropavo n01803641 afropavo, Congo peafowl, Afropavo congensis n01803764 Argusianus, genus Argusianus n01803893 argus, argus pheasant n01804029 Chrysolophus, genus Chrysolophus n01804163 golden pheasant, Chrysolophus pictus n01804340 Colinus, genus Colinus n01804478 bobwhite, bobwhite quail, partridge n01804653 northern bobwhite, Colinus virginianus n01804796 Coturnix, genus Coturnix n01804921 Old World quail n01805070 migratory quail, Coturnix coturnix, Coturnix communis n01805199 Lophophorus, genus Lophophorus n01805321 monal, monaul n01805446 Odontophorus, genus Odontophorus n01805692 Pavo, genus Pavo n01805801 peafowl, bird of Juno n01806061 peachick, pea-chick n01806143 peacock n01806297 peahen n01806364 blue peafowl, Pavo cristatus n01806467 green peafowl, Pavo muticus n01806567 quail n01806740 Lofortyx, genus Lofortyx n01806847 California quail, Lofortyx californicus n01806984 genus Tragopan n01807105 tragopan n01807265 Perdicidae, subfamily Perdicidae, Perdicinae, subfamily Perdicinae n01807496 partridge n01807701 Perdix, genus Perdix n01807828 Hungarian partridge, grey partridge, gray partridge, Perdix perdix n01807988 Alectoris, genus Alectoris n01808140 red-legged partridge, Alectoris ruffa n01808291 Greek partridge, rock partridge, Alectoris graeca n01808447 Oreortyx, genus Oreortyx n01808596 mountain quail, mountain partridge, Oreortyx picta palmeri n01808785 Numididae, subfamily Numididae, Numidinae, subfamily Numidinae n01808989 Numida, genus Numida n01809106 guinea fowl, guinea, Numida meleagris n01809371 guinea hen n01809446 Opisthocomidae, family Opisthocomidae n01809592 Opisthocomus, genus Opisthocomus n01809752 hoatzin, hoactzin, stinkbird, Opisthocomus hoazin n01809977 Tinamiformes, order Tinamiformes n01810132 Tinamidae, family Tinamidae n01810268 tinamou, partridge n01810466 Columbiformes, order Columbiformes n01810700 columbiform bird n01810946 Raphidae, family Raphidae n01811104 Raphus, genus Raphus n01811243 dodo, Raphus cucullatus n01811394 Pezophaps, genus Pezophaps n01811542 solitaire, Pezophaps solitaria n01811682 Columbidae, family Columbidae n01811909 pigeon n01812187 pouter pigeon, pouter n01812337 dove n01812471 Columba, genus Columba n01812662 rock dove, rock pigeon, Columba livia n01812866 band-tailed pigeon, band-tail pigeon, bandtail, Columba fasciata n01813088 wood pigeon, ringdove, cushat, Columba palumbus n01813256 Streptopelia, genus Streptopelia n01813385 turtledove n01813532 Streptopelia turtur n01813658 ringdove, Streptopelia risoria n01813811 Stictopelia, genus Stictopelia n01813948 Australian turtledove, turtledove, Stictopelia cuneata n01814091 Zenaidura, genus Zenaidura n01814217 mourning dove, Zenaidura macroura n01814370 domestic pigeon n01814549 squab n01814620 fairy swallow n01814755 roller, tumbler, tumbler pigeon n01814921 homing pigeon, homer n01815036 carrier pigeon n01815135 Ectopistes, genus Ectopistes n01815270 passenger pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius n01815431 Pteroclididae, family Pteroclididae n01815601 sandgrouse, sand grouse n01815855 Pterocles, genus Pterocles n01816017 painted sandgrouse, Pterocles indicus n01816140 pin-tailed sandgrouse, pin-tailed grouse, Pterocles alchata n01816336 Syrrhaptes, genus Syrrhaptes n01816474 pallas's sandgrouse, Syrrhaptes paradoxus n01816635 Psittaciformes, order Psittaciformes n01816887 parrot n01817263 popinjay n01817346 poll, poll parrot n01817424 Psittacidae, family Psittacidae n01817772 Psittacus, genus Psittacus n01817953 African grey, African gray, Psittacus erithacus n01818169 Amazona, genus Amazona n01818299 amazon n01818409 Ara, genus Ara n01818515 macaw n01818704 Nestor, genus Nestor n01818832 kea, Nestor notabilis n01818959 Kakatoe, genus Kakatoe, Cacatua, genus Cacatua n01819115 cockatoo n01819313 sulphur-crested cockatoo, Kakatoe galerita, Cacatua galerita n01819465 pink cockatoo, Kakatoe leadbeateri n01819600 Nymphicus, genus Nymphicus n01819734 cockateel, cockatiel, cockatoo parrot, Nymphicus hollandicus n01819918 Agapornis, genus Agapornis n01820052 lovebird n01820190 Loriinae, subfamily Loriinae n01820348 lory n01820546 lorikeet n01820664 Glossopsitta, genus Glossopsitta n01820801 varied Lorikeet, Glossopsitta versicolor n01820937 Trichoglossus, genus Trichoglossus n01821076 rainbow lorikeet, Trichoglossus moluccanus n01821203 parakeet, parrakeet, parroket, paraquet, paroquet, parroquet n01821418 Conuropsis, genus Conuropsis n01821554 Carolina parakeet, Conuropsis carolinensis n01821727 Melopsittacus, genus Melopsittacus n01821869 budgerigar, budgereegah, budgerygah, budgie, grass parakeet, lovebird, shell parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatus n01822164 Psittacula, genus Psittacula n01822300 ring-necked parakeet, Psittacula krameri n01822423 Cuculiformes, order Cuculiformes n01822602 cuculiform bird n01822773 Cuculidae, family Cuculidae n01823013 cuckoo n01823279 Cuculus, genus Cuculus n01823414 European cuckoo, Cuculus canorus n01823610 Coccyzus, genus Coccyzus n01823740 black-billed cuckoo, Coccyzus erythropthalmus n01823912 Geococcyx, genus Geococcyx n01824035 roadrunner, chaparral cock, Geococcyx californianus n01824227 Crotophaga, genus Crotophaga n01824344 ani n01824443 Centropus, genus Centropus n01824575 coucal n01824749 crow pheasant, Centropus sinensis n01824862 pheasant coucal, pheasant cuckoo, Centropus phasianinus n01825009 Musophagidae, family Musophagidae n01825155 Musophaga, genus Musophaga n01825278 touraco, turaco, turacou, turakoo n01825417 Coraciiformes, order Coraciiformes n01825758 Picariae, order Picariae n01825930 coraciiform bird n01826223 Coraciidae, family Coraciidae n01826364 roller n01826542 Coracias, genus Coracias n01826680 European roller, Coracias garrulus n01826844 ground roller n01826998 Alcedinidae, family Alcedinidae n01827202 halcyon n01827403 kingfisher n01827658 Alcedo, genus Alcedo n01827793 Eurasian kingfisher, Alcedo atthis n01827948 Ceryle, genus Ceryle n01828096 belted kingfisher, Ceryle alcyon n01828267 Dacelo, genus Dacelo n01828397 Halcyon, genus Halcyon n01828556 kookaburra, laughing jackass, Dacelo gigas n01828714 Meropidae, family Meropidae n01828856 Merops, genus Merops n01828970 bee eater n01829143 Bucerotidae, family Bucerotidae n01829288 Buceros, genus Buceros n01829413 hornbill n01829602 Upupidae, family Upupidae n01829739 Upupa, genus Upupa n01829869 hoopoe, hoopoo n01830042 Euopean hoopoe, Upupa epops n01830183 Phoeniculidae, family Phoeniculidae n01830316 Phoeniculus, genus Phoeniculus n01830479 wood hoopoe n01830623 Momotidae, family Momotidae n01830799 Momotus, genus Momotus n01830915 motmot, momot n01831078 Todidae, family Todidae n01831231 Todus, genus Todus n01831360 tody n01831519 Apodiformes, order Apodiformes n01831712 apodiform bird n01831930 Apodidae, family Apodidae n01832167 swift n01832381 Apus, genus Apus n01832493 European swift, Apus apus n01832684 Chateura, genus Chateura n01832813 chimney swift, chimney swallow, Chateura pelagica n01832979 Collocalia, genus Collocalia n01833112 swiftlet, Collocalia inexpectata n01833283 Hemiprocnidae, family Hemiprocnidae n01833415 tree swift, crested swift n01833619 Trochilidae, family Trochilidae n01833805 hummingbird n01834039 Archilochus, genus Archilochus n01834177 Archilochus colubris n01834284 Chalcostigma, genus Chalcostigma n01834412 Ramphomicron, genus Ramphomicron n01834540 thornbill n01834702 Caprimulgiformes, order Caprimulgiformes n01834918 caprimulgiform bird n01835087 Caprimulgidae, family Caprimulgidae n01835276 goatsucker, nightjar, caprimulgid n01835584 Caprimulgus, genus Caprimulgus n01835769 European goatsucker, European nightjar, Caprimulgus europaeus n01835918 chuck-will's-widow, Caprimulgus carolinensis n01836087 whippoorwill, Caprimulgus vociferus n01836246 Chordeiles, genus Chordeiles n01836384 nighthawk, bullbat, mosquito hawk n01836527 Phalaenoptilus, genus Phalaenoptilus n01836673 poorwill, Phalaenoptilus nuttallii n01836809 Podargidae, family Podargidae n01836953 Podargus, genus Podargus n01837072 frogmouth n01837230 Steatornithidae, family Steatornithidae n01837363 Steatornis, genus Steatornis n01837526 oilbird, guacharo, Steatornis caripensis n01837746 Piciformes, order Piciformes n01838038 piciform bird n01838326 Picidae, family Picidae n01838598 woodpecker, peckerwood, pecker n01838961 Picus, genus Picus n01839086 green woodpecker, Picus viridis n01839221 Picoides, genus Picoides n01839330 downy woodpecker n01839470 Colaptes, genus Colaptes n01839598 flicker n01839750 yellow-shafted flicker, Colaptes auratus, yellowhammer n01839949 gilded flicker, Colaptes chrysoides n01840120 red-shafted flicker, Colaptes caper collaris n01840278 Campephilus, genus Campephilus n01840412 ivorybill, ivory-billed woodpecker, Campephilus principalis n01840643 Melanerpes, genus Melanerpes n01840775 redheaded woodpecker, redhead, Melanerpes erythrocephalus n01840968 Sphyrapicus, genus Sphyrapicus n01841102 sapsucker n01841288 yellow-bellied sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius n01841441 red-breasted sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius ruber n01841569 Jynx, genus Jynx n01841679 wryneck n01841815 Picumnus, genus Picumnus n01841943 piculet n01842111 Capitonidae, family Capitonidae n01842235 barbet n01842380 Bucconidae, family Bucconidae n01842504 puffbird n01842655 Indicatoridae, family Indicatoridae n01842788 honey guide n01842942 Galbulidae, family Galbulidae n01843065 jacamar n01843238 Ramphastidae, family Ramphastidae n01843383 toucan n01843576 Aulacorhyncus, genus Aulacorhyncus n01843719 toucanet n01843805 Trogoniformes, order Trogoniformes n01843932 Trogonidae, family Trogonidae n01844125 genus Trogon n01844231 trogon n01844414 Pharomacrus, genus Pharomacrus n01844551 quetzal, quetzal bird n01844746 resplendent quetzel, resplendent trogon, Pharomacrus mocino n01844917 aquatic bird n01845132 waterfowl, water bird, waterbird n01845272 Anseriformes, order Anseriformes n01845477 anseriform bird n01845627 Anatidae, family Anatidae n01846156 Anseres, suborder Anseres n01846331 duck n01847000 drake n01847089 quack-quack n01847170 duckling n01847253 diving duck n01847407 dabbling duck, dabbler n01847565 Anas, genus Anas n01847806 mallard, Anas platyrhynchos n01847978 black duck, Anas rubripes n01848123 teal n01848323 greenwing, green-winged teal, Anas crecca n01848453 bluewing, blue-winged teal, Anas discors n01848555 garganey, Anas querquedula n01848648 widgeon, wigeon, Anas penelope n01848840 American widgeon, baldpate, Anas americana n01848976 shoveler, shoveller, broadbill, Anas clypeata n01849157 pintail, pin-tailed duck, Anas acuta n01849348 Tadorna, genus Tadorna n01849466 sheldrake n01849676 shelduck n01849747 Oxyura, genus Oxyura n01849863 ruddy duck, Oxyura jamaicensis n01850035 Bucephala, genus Bucephala n01850192 bufflehead, butterball, dipper, Bucephela albeola n01850373 goldeneye, whistler, Bucephela clangula n01850553 Barrow's goldeneye, Bucephala islandica n01850676 Aythya, genus Aythya n01850873 canvasback, canvasback duck, Aythya valisineria n01851038 pochard, Aythya ferina n01851207 redhead, Aythya americana n01851375 scaup, scaup duck, bluebill, broadbill n01851573 greater scaup, Aythya marila n01851731 lesser scaup, lesser scaup duck, lake duck, Aythya affinis n01851895 wild duck n01851996 Aix, genus Aix n01852142 wood duck, summer duck, wood widgeon, Aix sponsa n01852329 wood drake n01852400 mandarin duck, Aix galericulata n01852544 Cairina, genus Cairina n01852671 muscovy duck, musk duck, Cairina moschata n01852861 sea duck n01853072 Somateria, genus Somateria n01853195 eider, eider duck n01853379 Melanitta, genus Melanitta n01853498 scoter, scooter n01853666 common scoter, Melanitta nigra n01853763 Clangula, genus Clangula n01853870 old squaw, oldwife, Clangula hyemalis n01854047 Merginae, subfamily Merginae n01854223 Mergus, genus Mergus n01854415 merganser, fish duck, sawbill, sheldrake n01854700 goosander, Mergus merganser n01854838 American merganser, Mergus merganser americanus n01855032 red-breasted merganser, Mergus serrator n01855188 smew, Mergus albellus n01855343 Lophodytes, genus Lophodytes n01855476 hooded merganser, hooded sheldrake, Lophodytes cucullatus n01855672 goose n01856072 gosling n01856155 gander n01856225 Anser, genus Anser n01856380 Chinese goose, Anser cygnoides n01856553 greylag, graylag, greylag goose, graylag goose, Anser anser n01856748 Chen, subgenus Chen n01856890 blue goose, Chen caerulescens n01857079 snow goose n01857171 Branta, genus Branta n01857325 brant, brant goose, brent, brent goose n01857512 common brant goose, Branta bernicla n01857632 honker, Canada goose, Canadian goose, Branta canadensis n01857851 barnacle goose, barnacle, Branta leucopsis n01858023 Anserinae, subfamily Anserinae n01858162 genus Coscoroba n01858281 coscoroba n01858441 swan n01858780 cob n01858845 pen n01858906 cygnet n01858989 Cygnus, genus Cygnus n01859190 mute swan, Cygnus olor n01859325 whooper, whooper swan, Cygnus cygnus n01859496 tundra swan, Cygnus columbianus n01859689 whistling swan, Cygnus columbianus columbianus n01859852 Bewick's swan, Cygnus columbianus bewickii n01860002 trumpeter, trumpeter swan, Cygnus buccinator n01860187 black swan, Cygnus atratus n01860337 Anhimidae, family Anhimidae n01860497 screamer n01860713 Anhima, genus Anhima n01860864 horned screamer, Anhima cornuta n01861025 Chauna, genus Chauna n01861148 crested screamer n01861330 chaja, Chauna torquata n01861465 Mammalia, class Mammalia n01861778 mammal, mammalian n01862399 female mammal n01862557 mammal family n01864707 mammal genus n01871265 tusker n01871406 Prototheria, subclass Prototheria n01871543 prototherian n01871699 Monotremata, order Monotremata n01871875 monotreme, egg-laying mammal n01872094 Tachyglossidae, family Tachyglossidae n01872244 Tachyglossus, genus Tachyglossus n01872401 echidna, spiny anteater, anteater n01872635 Zaglossus, genus Zaglossus n01872772 echidna, spiny anteater, anteater n01873007 Ornithorhynchidae, family Ornithorhynchidae n01873144 Ornithorhynchus, genus Ornithorhynchus n01873310 platypus, duckbill, duckbilled platypus, duck-billed platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus n01873622 Pantotheria, subclass Pantotheria n01873850 Metatheria, subclass Metatheria n01873982 metatherian n01874126 Marsupialia, order Marsupialia n01874434 marsupial, pouched mammal n01874784 Didelphidae, family Didelphidae n01874928 opossum, possum n01875165 Didelphis, genus Didelphis n01875313 common opossum, Didelphis virginiana, Didelphis marsupialis n01875610 crab-eating opossum n01875717 Caenolestidae, family Caenolestidae n01875880 Caenolestes, genus Caenolestes n01876034 opossum rat n01876180 Peramelidae, family Peramelidae n01876326 bandicoot n01876535 Macrotis, genus Macrotis n01876667 rabbit-eared bandicoot, rabbit bandicoot, bilby, Macrotis lagotis n01876843 Macropodidae, family Macropodidae n01877134 kangaroo n01877407 Macropus, genus Macropus n01877606 giant kangaroo, great grey kangaroo, Macropus giganteus n01877812 wallaby, brush kangaroo n01878061 common wallaby, Macropus agiles n01878203 Lagorchestes, genus Lagorchestes n01878335 hare wallaby, kangaroo hare n01878500 Onychogalea, genus Onychogalea n01878639 nail-tailed wallaby, nail-tailed kangaroo n01878803 Petrogale, genus Petrogale n01878929 rock wallaby, rock kangaroo n01879095 Thylogale, genus Thylogale n01879217 pademelon, paddymelon n01879379 Dendrolagus, genus Dendrolagus n01879509 tree wallaby, tree kangaroo n01879701 Hypsiprymnodon, genus Hypsiprymnodon n01879837 musk kangaroo, Hypsiprymnodon moschatus n01879983 Potoroinae, subfamily Potoroinae n01880152 rat kangaroo, kangaroo rat n01880355 Potorous, genus Potorous n01880473 potoroo n01880570 Bettongia, genus Bettongia n01880716 bettong n01880813 jerboa kangaroo, kangaroo jerboa n01880937 Phalangeridae, family Phalangeridae n01881171 phalanger, opossum, possum n01881416 genus Phalanger n01881564 cuscus n01881717 Trichosurus, genus Trichosurus n01881857 brush-tailed phalanger, Trichosurus vulpecula n01881991 Petaurus, genus Petaurus n01882125 flying phalanger, flying opossum, flying squirrel n01882372 Acrobates, genus Acrobates n01882508 flying mouse n01882607 Phascolarctos, genus Phascolarctos n01882714 koala, koala bear, kangaroo bear, native bear, Phascolarctos cinereus n01882948 Vombatidae, family Vombatidae n01883070 wombat n01883212 Dasyuridae, family Dasyuridae, family Dasyurinae n01883513 dasyurid marsupial, dasyurid n01883762 Dasyurus, genus Dasyurus n01883920 dasyure n01884104 eastern dasyure, Dasyurus quoll n01884203 native cat, Dasyurus viverrinus n01884348 Thylacinus, genus Thylacinus n01884476 thylacine, Tasmanian wolf, Tasmanian tiger, Thylacinus cynocephalus n01884703 Sarcophilus, genus Sarcophilus n01884834 Tasmanian devil, ursine dasyure, Sarcophilus hariisi n01885032 Phascogale, genus Phascogale n01885158 pouched mouse, marsupial mouse, marsupial rat n01885367 Myrmecobius, genus Myrmecobius n01885498 numbat, banded anteater, anteater, Myrmecobius fasciatus n01885724 Notoryctidae, family Notoryctidae n01885856 Notoryctus, genus Notoryctus n01886045 pouched mole, marsupial mole, Notoryctus typhlops n01886220 Eutheria, subclass Eutheria n01886756 placental, placental mammal, eutherian, eutherian mammal n01887474 livestock, stock, farm animal n01887623 bull n01887787 cow n01887896 calf n01888045 calf n01888181 yearling n01888264 buck n01888411 doe n01888520 Insectivora, order Insectivora n01888821 Lipotyphla, suborder Lipotyphla n01888948 Menotyphla, suborder Menotyphla n01889074 insectivore n01889328 Talpidae, family Talpidae n01889520 mole n01889740 Condylura, genus Condylura n01889849 starnose mole, star-nosed mole, Condylura cristata n01890033 Parascalops, genus Parascalops n01890144 brewer's mole, hair-tailed mole, Parascalops breweri n01890274 Chrysochloridae, family Chrysochloridae n01890411 Chrysochloris, genus Chrysochloris n01890564 golden mole n01890718 Uropsilus, genus Uropsilus n01890860 shrew mole n01891013 Asiatic shrew mole, Uropsilus soricipes n01891145 Neurotrichus, genus Neurotrichus n01891274 American shrew mole, Neurotrichus gibbsii n01891438 Soricidae, family Soricidae n01891633 shrew, shrewmouse n01891865 Sorex, genus Sorex n01892030 common shrew, Sorex araneus n01892145 masked shrew, Sorex cinereus n01892271 Blarina, genus Blarina n01892385 short-tailed shrew, Blarina brevicauda n01892551 water shrew n01892744 American water shrew, Sorex palustris n01892876 Neomys, genus Neomys n01893021 European water shrew, Neomys fodiens n01893164 Mediterranean water shrew, Neomys anomalus n01893294 Cryptotis, genus Cryptotis n01893399 least shrew, Cryptotis parva n01893535 Erinaceidae, family Erinaceidae n01893666 Erinaceus, genus Erinaceus n01893825 hedgehog, Erinaceus europaeus, Erinaceus europeaeus n01894040 Tenrecidae, family Tenrecidae n01894207 tenrec, tendrac n01894381 genus Tenrec n01894522 tailless tenrec, Tenrec ecaudatus n01894670 Potamogalidae, family Potamogalidae n01894803 genus Potamogale n01894956 otter shrew, potamogale, Potamogale velox n01895128 chine n01895219 saddle n01895355 furcula n01895511 wishbone, wishing bone n01895630 cuticula n01895735 hide, pelt, skin n01895850 hypodermis n01896031 feather, plume, plumage n01896561 down, down feather n01896735 duck down n01896844 eiderdown n01896960 goose down n01897053 swan's down n01897146 plumule n01897257 aftershaft n01897426 sickle feather n01897536 contour feather n01897667 bastard wing, alula, spurious wing n01897851 marabou n01897991 vane, web n01898185 barb n01898328 web n01898459 hackle n01898593 saddle hackle, saddle feather n01898731 coat, pelage n01898906 guard hair n01899062 fur n01899238 undercoat, underfur n01899367 underpart n01899593 wool, fleece n01899746 mane n01899894 encolure n01900006 forelock, foretop n01900150 hair n01900341 cirrus n01900488 spine n01900719 ray n01900837 quill n01900985 aculea n01901091 aculeus n01901213 style n01901348 stylet n01901492 villus n01901610 bristle n01901694 chaeta n01901828 whisker, vibrissa, sensory hair n01902022 seta n01902132 pilus n01902274 horseback n01902368 operculum n01902568 protective covering n01902750 armor, armour n01902877 scale n01903110 fish scale n01903234 squama n01903346 scute n01903498 sclerite n01903631 clypeus n01903756 carapace, shell, cuticle, shield n01904029 plastron n01904182 shell n01904461 valve n01904583 valve n01904699 test n01904806 scallop shell n01904886 oyster shell n01904965 phragmocone, phragmacone n01905121 apodeme n01905321 theca n01905416 lorica n01905543 coelenteron n01905661 invertebrate n01906178 zoophyte n01906328 Parazoa, subkingdom Parazoa n01906552 Porifera, phylum Porifera n01906749 sponge, poriferan, parazoan n01907034 sponge genus n01907149 flagellated cell n01907287 choanocyte, collar cell n01907495 Hyalospongiae, class Hyalospongiae n01907738 glass sponge n01907902 Euplectella, genus Euplectella n01908042 Venus's flower basket n01908287 coelenterate family n01908415 coelenterate genus n01908703 Metazoa, subkingdom Metazoa n01908958 metazoan n01909111 Cnidaria, phylum Cnidaria, Coelenterata, phylum Coelenterata n01909422 coelenterate, cnidarian n01909788 planula n01909906 polyp n01910252 medusa, medusoid, medusan n01910529 Scyphozoa, class Scyphozoa n01910747 jellyfish n01910998 Aegina n01911063 scyphozoan n01911271 Chrysaora, genus Chrysaora n01911403 Chrysaora quinquecirrha n01911511 Hydrozoa, class Hydrozoa n01911839 hydrozoan, hydroid n01912050 genus Hydra n01912152 hydra n01912272 Siphonophora, order Siphonophora n01912454 siphonophore n01912688 genus Nanomia n01912809 nanomia n01913035 Physalia, genus Physalia n01913166 Portuguese man-of-war, man-of-war, jellyfish n01913346 praya n01913440 apolemia n01913533 Sertularia, genus Sertularia n01913691 sertularian n01913838 Anthozoa, class Anthozoa, Actinozoa, class Actinozoa n01914163 anthozoan, actinozoan n01914415 Actiniaria, order Actiniaria, Actinaria, order Actinaria n01914609 sea anemone, anemone n01914830 actinia, actinian, actiniarian n01914961 Actinia, genus Actinia n01915093 Alcyonaria, order Alcyonaria n01915290 Alcyonacea, suborder Alcyonacea n01915414 Pennatulidae, family Pennatulidae n01915541 Pennatula, genus Pennatula n01915700 sea pen n01915811 coral n01916010 Gorgonacea, suborder Gorgonacea, Gorgoniacea, suborder Gorgoniacea n01916187 gorgonian, gorgonian coral n01916388 sea feather n01916481 sea fan n01916588 red coral n01916738 Madreporaria, order Madreporaria n01916925 stony coral, madrepore, madriporian coral n01917167 Maeandra, genus Maeandra n01917289 brain coral n01917434 Acropora, genus Acropora n01917611 staghorn coral, stag's-horn coral n01917751 Fungia, genus Fungia n01917882 mushroom coral n01918010 ctenophore family n01918152 ctenophore genus n01918310 Ctenophora, phylum Ctenophora n01918585 ctene, comb-plate n01918744 ctenophore, comb jelly n01919099 Nuda, class Nuda n01919258 genus Beroe n01919385 beroe n01919504 Tentaculata, class Tentaculata n01919714 Cydippida, order Cydippida, Cydippidea, order Cydippidea, Cydippea, order Cydippea n01919912 Platyctenea, order Platyctenea n01920051 platyctenean n01920178 Pleurobrachiidae, family Pleurobrachiidae n01920302 Pleurobrachia, genus Pleurobrachia n01920438 sea gooseberry n01920582 Cestida, order Cestida n01920735 Cestidae, family Cestidae n01920939 Cestum, genus Cestum n01921059 Venus's girdle, Cestum veneris n01921216 Lobata, order Lobata n01921440 comb n01921559 worm family n01921887 worm genus n01922303 worm n01922717 helminth, parasitic worm n01922948 woodworm n01923025 woodborer, borer n01923171 Acanthocephala, phylum Acanthocephala n01923404 acanthocephalan, spiny-headed worm n01923637 Chaetognatha, phylum Chaetognatha n01923890 arrowworm, chaetognath n01924151 genus Sagitta n01924309 sagitta n01924416 genus Spadella n01924590 Platyhelminthes, phylum Platyhelminthes n01924800 bladder worm n01924916 flatworm, platyhelminth n01925133 Turbellaria, class Turbellaria n01925270 planarian, planaria n01925469 Trematoda, class Trematoda n01925695 fluke, trematode, trematode worm n01925916 cercaria n01926090 Fasciolidae, family Fasciolidae n01926247 Fasciola, genus Fasciola n01926379 liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica n01926549 Fasciolopsis, genus Fasciolopsis n01926689 Fasciolopsis buski n01926840 Schistosomatidae, family Schistosomatidae n01926988 Schistosoma, genus Schistosoma n01927159 schistosome, blood fluke n01927301 Cestoda, class Cestoda n01927456 tapeworm, cestode n01927665 Taeniidae, family Taeniidae n01927816 genus Echinococcus n01927928 echinococcus n01928073 genus Taenia n01928215 taenia n01928360 Nemertea, phylum Nemertea, Nemertina, phylum Nemertina n01928517 ribbon worm, nemertean, nemertine, proboscis worm n01928737 Pogonophora, phylum Pogonophora n01928865 beard worm, pogonophoran n01929047 Rotifera, phylum Rotifera n01929186 rotifer n01929396 Nematoda, phylum Nematoda, Aschelminthes, phylum Aschelminthes n01929788 Aphasmidia, class Aphasmidia n01929951 Phasmidia, class Phasmidia n01930112 nematode, nematode worm, roundworm n01930485 Ascaridae, family Ascaridae n01930672 Ascaris, genus Ascaris n01930852 common roundworm, Ascaris lumbricoides n01930995 Ascaridia, genus Ascaridia n01931140 chicken roundworm, Ascaridia galli n01931277 Oxyuridae, family Oxyuridae n01931398 Enterobius, genus Enterobius n01931520 pinworm, threadworm, Enterobius vermicularis n01931714 eelworm n01931845 Cephalobidae, family Cephalobidae n01931984 Anguillula, genus Anguillula, Turbatrix, genus Turbatrix n01932151 vinegar eel, vinegar worm, Anguillula aceti, Turbatrix aceti n01932358 Tylenchidae, family Tylenchidae n01932495 Tylenchus, genus Tylenchus n01932643 wheatworm, wheat eel, wheat eelworm, Tylenchus tritici n01932800 Ancylostomatidae, family Ancylostomatidae n01932936 trichina, Trichinella spiralis n01933151 hookworm n01933342 Filariidae, family Filariidae n01933478 filaria n01933686 Dracunculidae, family Dracunculidae n01933834 Dracunculus, genus Dracunculus n01933988 Guinea worm, Dracunculus medinensis n01934207 Annelida, phylum Annelida n01934440 annelid, annelid worm, segmented worm n01934705 Archiannelida, class Archiannelida n01934844 archiannelid n01935012 Oligochaeta, class Oligochaeta n01935176 oligochaete, oligochaete worm n01935395 earthworm, angleworm, fishworm, fishing worm, wiggler, nightwalker, nightcrawler, crawler, dew worm, red worm n01935743 Branchiobdellidae, family Branchiobdellidae n01935997 Branchiobdella, genus Branchiobdella n01936219 Polychaeta, class Polychaeta n01936391 polychaete, polychete, polychaete worm, polychete worm n01936671 lugworm, lug, lobworm n01936858 sea mouse n01937015 Terebellidae, family Terebellidae n01937234 Terebella, genus Terebella n01937422 Polycirrus, genus Polycirrus n01937579 bloodworm n01937719 Hirudinea, class Hirudinea n01937909 leech, bloodsucker, hirudinean n01938155 Hirudinidae, family Hirudinidae n01938312 Hirudo, genus Hirudo n01938454 medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis n01938618 Haemopis, genus Haemopis n01938735 horseleech n01938850 mollusk family n01939598 mollusk genus n01940488 Mollusca, phylum Mollusca n01940736 mollusk, mollusc, shellfish n01941030 Scaphopoda, class Scaphopoda n01941223 scaphopod n01941340 tooth shell, tusk shell n01941538 lip n01941670 Gastropoda, class Gastropoda, Gasteropoda, class Gasteropoda n01942177 gastropod, univalve n01942601 Haliotidae, family Haliotidae n01942724 Haliotis, genus Haliotis n01942869 abalone, ear-shell n01943087 ormer, sea-ear, Haliotis tuberculata n01943213 Strombidae, family Strombidae n01943367 Lambis, genus Lambis n01943541 scorpion shell n01943754 Strombus, genus Strombus n01943899 conch n01944118 giant conch, Strombus gigas n01944217 Helicidae, family Helicidae n01944390 snail n01944617 Helix, genus Helix n01944812 edible snail, Helix pomatia n01944955 garden snail n01945143 brown snail, Helix aspersa n01945340 Helix hortensis n01945443 Limacidae, family Limacidae n01945580 Limax, genus Limax n01945685 slug n01945845 seasnail n01946118 Neritidae, family Neritidae n01946277 neritid, neritid gastropod n01946487 genus Nerita n01946630 nerita n01946827 bleeding tooth, Nerita peloronta n01947020 genus Neritina n01947139 neritina n01947275 Buccinidae, family Buccinidae n01947396 whelk n01947613 Cymatiidae, family Cymatiidae n01947735 triton n01947874 Naticidae, family Naticidae n01947997 moon shell, moonshell n01948154 Littorinidae, family Littorinidae n01948284 Littorina, genus Littorina n01948446 periwinkle, winkle n01948573 limpet n01948788 Patellidae, family Patellidae n01948917 Patella, genus Patella n01949085 common limpet, Patella vulgata n01949195 Fissurellidae, family Fissurellidae n01949330 Fissurella, genus Fissurella n01949499 keyhole limpet, Fissurella apertura, Diodora apertura n01949684 Ancylidae, family Ancylidae n01949817 Ancylus, genus Ancylus n01949973 river limpet, freshwater limpet, Ancylus fluviatilis n01950195 Opisthobranchia, subclass Opisthobranchia n01950457 Nudibranchia, order Nudibranchia n01950731 sea slug, nudibranch n01950952 Aplysiidae, family Aplysiidae, Tethyidae, family Tethyidae n01951107 Aplysia, genus Aplysia, Tethys, genus Tethus n01951274 sea hare, Aplysia punctata n01951472 Hermissenda, genus Hermissenda n01951613 Hermissenda crassicornis n01951721 Akeridae, family Akeridae n01951845 Haminoea, genus Haminoea n01952029 bubble shell n01952162 Pulmonata, order Pulmonata n01952429 Physidae, family Physidae n01952557 genus Physa n01952712 physa n01952812 Pectinibranchia, order Pectinibranchia n01953032 Cypraeidae, family Cypraeidae n01953197 Cypraea, genus Cypraea n01953361 cowrie, cowry n01953594 money cowrie, Cypraea moneta n01953762 tiger cowrie, Cypraea tigris n01953877 ctenidium n01954004 ceras n01954202 Amphineura, subclass Amphineura n01954340 Solenogastres, order Solenogastres, Aplacophora, order Aplacophora n01954516 solenogaster, aplacophoran n01954729 Polyplacophora, class Polyplacophora n01954962 genus Chiton n01955084 chiton, coat-of-mail shell, sea cradle, polyplacophore n01955318 byssus, beard n01955463 Bivalvia, class Bivalvia, Lamellibranchia, class Lamellibranchia, class Pelecypoda n01955933 bivalve, pelecypod, lamellibranch n01956344 spat n01956481 clam n01956764 seashell n01956849 clamshell n01956924 Myaceae, order Myaceae n01957075 Myacidae, family Myacidae n01957202 Mya, genus Mya n01957335 soft-shell clam, steamer, steamer clam, long-neck clam, Mya arenaria n01957591 Veneridae, family Veneridae n01957739 Venus, genus Venus n01957923 Mercenaria, genus Mercenaria n01958038 quahog, quahaug, hard-shell clam, hard clam, round clam, Venus mercenaria, Mercenaria mercenaria n01958346 littleneck, littleneck clam n01958435 cherrystone, cherrystone clam n01958531 geoduck n01958790 Solenidae, family Solenidae n01958914 Ensis, genus Ensis n01959029 razor clam, jackknife clam, knife-handle n01959187 Tridacnidae, family Tridacnidae n01959333 Tridacna, genus Tridacna n01959492 giant clam, Tridacna gigas n01959668 Cardiidae, family Cardiidae n01959834 Cardium, genus Cardium n01959985 cockle n01960177 edible cockle, Cardium edule n01960301 Ostreidae, family Ostreidae n01960459 oyster n01960787 seed oyster n01960900 Ostrea, genus Ostrea n01961059 bluepoint, blue point n01961234 Japanese oyster, Ostrea gigas n01961468 Crassostrea, genus Crassostrea n01961600 Virginia oyster n01961736 Pteriidae, family Pteriidae n01961862 Pinctada, genus Pinctada n01961985 pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera n01962223 Anomiidae, family Anomiidae n01962350 Anomia, genus Anomia n01962506 saddle oyster, Anomia ephippium n01962662 Placuna, genus Placuna n01962788 window oyster, windowpane oyster, capiz, Placuna placenta n01963017 Arcidae, family Arcidae n01963136 Arca, genus Arca n01963317 ark shell n01963479 blood clam n01963571 mussel n01963730 Mytilidae, family Mytilidae n01963876 Mytilus, genus Mytilus n01964049 marine mussel, mytilid n01964271 edible mussel, Mytilus edulis n01964441 freshwater mussel, freshwater clam n01964636 Unionidae, family Unionidae n01964821 Unio, genus Unio n01964957 pearly-shelled mussel n01965111 Anodonta, genus Anodonta n01965252 thin-shelled mussel n01965404 Dreissena, genus Dreissena n01965529 zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha n01965747 Pectinidae, family Pectinidae n01965889 scallop, scollop, escallop n01966204 genus Pecten n01966377 bay scallop, Pecten irradians n01966586 sea scallop, giant scallop, Pecten magellanicus n01966797 Teredinidae, family Teredinidae n01966961 genus Teredo n01967094 shipworm, teredinid n01967308 teredo n01967396 Bankia, genus Bankia n01967517 giant northwest shipworm, Bankia setaceae n01967677 Pholadidae, family Pholadidae n01967812 Pholas, genus Pholas n01967963 piddock n01968115 Cephalopoda, class Cephalopoda n01968315 cephalopod, cephalopod mollusk n01968591 Nautilidae, family Nautilidae n01968732 genus Nautilus n01968897 chambered nautilus, pearly nautilus, nautilus n01969103 Dibranchiata, subclass Dibranchiata, Dibranchia, subclass Dibranchia n01969429 dibranchiate, dibranchiate mollusk, dibranch n01969550 Octopoda, order Octopoda n01969726 octopod n01969893 Octopodidae, family Octopodidae n01970030 genus Octopus n01970164 octopus, devilfish n01970342 Argonautidae, family Argonautidae n01970502 Argonauta, genus Argonauta n01970667 paper nautilus, nautilus, Argonaut, Argonauta argo n01970866 Decapoda, order Decapoda n01971094 decapod n01971280 squid n01971517 genus Loligo n01971620 loligo n01971728 genus Ommastrephes n01971850 ommastrephes n01972017 genus Architeuthis n01972131 architeuthis, giant squid n01972283 Sepiidae, family Sepiidae n01972411 Sepia, genus Sepia n01972541 cuttlefish, cuttle n01972733 Spirulidae, family Spirulidae n01972947 genus Spirula n01973148 spirula, Spirula peronii n01973375 Belemnoidea, order Belemnoidea n01973566 Belemnitidae, family Belemnitidae n01973723 belemnite n01974055 craw, crop n01974229 gizzard, ventriculus, gastric mill n01974399 Crustacea, class Crustacea n01974773 crustacean n01975117 green gland n01975312 Malacostraca, subclass Malacostraca n01975687 malacostracan crustacean n01975880 Decapoda, order Decapoda n01976146 decapod crustacean, decapod n01976477 Brachyura, suborder Brachyura n01976868 brachyuran n01976957 crab n01977366 Menippe, genus Menippe n01977485 stone crab, Menippe mercenaria n01977684 Cancridae, family Cancridae n01977832 Cancer, genus Cancer n01978010 hard-shell crab n01978136 soft-shell crab, soft-shelled crab n01978287 Dungeness crab, Cancer magister n01978455 rock crab, Cancer irroratus n01978587 Jonah crab, Cancer borealis n01978744 Portunidae, family Portunidae n01978930 swimming crab n01979124 Portunus, genus Portunus n01979269 English lady crab, Portunus puber n01979395 Ovalipes, genus Ovalipes n01979526 American lady crab, lady crab, calico crab, Ovalipes ocellatus n01979738 Callinectes, genus Callinectes n01979874 blue crab, Callinectes sapidus n01980053 Uca, genus Uca n01980166 fiddler crab n01980328 Pinnotheridae, family Pinnotheridae n01980471 Pinnotheres, genus Pinnotheres n01980655 pea crab n01980830 oyster crab, Pinnotheres ostreum n01980993 Lithodidae, family Lithodidae n01981137 Paralithodes, genus Paralithodes n01981276 king crab, Alaska crab, Alaskan king crab, Alaska king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica n01981543 Majidae, family Majidae n01981702 spider crab n01981884 Maja, genus Maja, Maia, genus Maia n01982068 European spider crab, king crab, Maja squinado n01982211 Macrocheira, genus Macrocheira n01982347 giant crab, Macrocheira kaempferi n01982482 Reptantia, suborder Reptantia n01982650 lobster n01982895 Homaridae, family Homaridae n01983048 true lobster n01983277 Homarus, genus Homarus n01983481 American lobster, Northern lobster, Maine lobster, Homarus americanus n01983674 European lobster, Homarus vulgaris n01983829 Cape lobster, Homarus capensis n01983958 Nephropsidae, family Nephropsidae n01984131 Nephrops, genus Nephrops n01984245 Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus n01984416 Palinuridae, family Palinuridae n01984547 Palinurus, genus Palinurus n01984695 spiny lobster, langouste, rock lobster, crawfish, crayfish, sea crawfish n01984958 Astacidae, family Astacidae, Astacura n01985128 crayfish, crawfish, crawdad, crawdaddy n01985331 Astacus, genus Astacus n01985493 Old World crayfish, ecrevisse n01985667 Cambarus, genus Cambarus n01985797 American crayfish n01985947 Paguridae, family Paguridae n01986072 Pagurus, genus Pagurus n01986214 hermit crab n01986367 Natantia, suborder Natantia n01986538 Crangonidae, family Crangonidae n01986681 Crangon, genus Crangon n01986806 shrimp n01987076 snapping shrimp, pistol shrimp n01987228 Palaemonidae, family Palaemonidae n01987353 Palaemon, genus Palaemon n01987545 prawn n01987727 long-clawed prawn, river prawn, Palaemon australis n01987938 Peneidae, family Peneidae n01988064 Peneus, genus Peneus n01988203 tropical prawn n01988319 Schizopoda n01988481 Euphausiacea, order Euphausiacea n01988701 krill n01988869 Euphausia pacifica n01988971 Mysidacea, order Mysidacea n01989097 Mysidae, family Mysidae n01989254 Mysis, genus Mysis n01989390 Praunus, genus Praunus n01989516 opossum shrimp n01989701 Stomatopoda, order Stomatopoda n01989869 stomatopod, stomatopod crustacean n01990007 mantis shrimp, mantis crab n01990186 Squillidae, family Squillidae n01990383 genus Squilla n01990516 squilla, mantis prawn n01990627 Isopoda, order Isopoda n01990800 isopod n01991028 woodlouse, slater n01991233 Armadillidiidae, family Armadillidiidae n01991367 Armadillidium, genus Armadillidium n01991520 pill bug n01991676 Oniscidae, family Oniscidae n01991808 Oniscus, genus Oniscus n01991982 Porcellionidae, family Porcellionidae n01992113 Porcellio, genus Porcellio n01992262 sow bug n01992423 sea louse, sea slater n01992516 Amphipoda, order Amphipoda n01992773 amphipod n01992935 Orchestiidae, family Orchestiidae n01993065 Orchestia, genus Orchestia n01993214 beach flea, sand hopper, sandhopper, sand flea n01993400 Caprella, genus Caprella n01993525 skeleton shrimp n01993714 Cyamus, genus Cyamus n01993830 whale louse n01993949 Entomostraca, subclass Entomostraca n01994176 Branchiopoda, subclass Branchiopoda n01994492 branchiopod crustacean, branchiopod, branchiopodan n01994801 genus Daphnia n01994910 daphnia, water flea n01995137 Anostraca, order Anostraca n01995323 Artemia, genus Artemia, Chirocephalus, genus Chirocephalus n01995514 fairy shrimp n01995686 brine shrimp, Artemia salina n01995803 Notostraca, order Notostraca n01995975 Triopidae, family Triopidae n01996091 Triops, genus Triops n01996280 tadpole shrimp n01996392 Copepoda, subclass Copepoda n01996585 copepod, copepod crustacean n01996895 brit, britt n01997002 genus Cyclops n01997119 cyclops, water flea n01997436 Branchiura, order Branchiura n01997605 fish louse n01997698 Ostracoda, subclass Ostracoda n01997825 seed shrimp, mussel shrimp, ostracod n01998019 Cirripedia, subclass Cirripedia n01998183 barnacle, cirriped, cirripede n01998467 Balanidae, family Balanidae n01998599 Balanus, genus Balanus n01998741 acorn barnacle, rock barnacle, Balanus balanoides n01998920 Lepadidae, family Lepadidae n01999048 Lepas, genus Lepas n01999186 goose barnacle, gooseneck barnacle, Lepas fascicularis n01999374 Onychophora, class Onychophora n01999767 onychophoran, velvet worm, peripatus n02000036 Peripatidae, family Peripatidae n02000195 genus Peripatus n02000354 Plicatoperipatus, genus Plicatoperipatus n02000502 Plicatoperipatus jamaicensis n02000618 Peripatopsidae, family Peripatopsidae n02000764 Peripatopsis, genus Peripatopsis n02000954 wading bird, wader n02001428 Ciconiiformes, order Ciconiiformes n02001821 Ciconiidae, family Ciconiidae n02002075 stork n02002384 Ciconia, genus Ciconia n02002556 white stork, Ciconia ciconia n02002724 black stork, Ciconia nigra n02002875 Leptoptilus, genus Leptoptilus n02003037 adjutant bird, adjutant, adjutant stork, Leptoptilus dubius n02003204 marabou, marabout, marabou stork, Leptoptilus crumeniferus n02003456 Anastomus, genus Anastomus n02003577 openbill n02003735 genus Jabiru n02003839 jabiru, Jabiru mycteria n02003994 Ephippiorhynchus, genus Ephippiorhynchus n02004131 saddlebill, jabiru, Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis n02004343 Xenorhyncus, genus Xenorhyncus n02004492 policeman bird, black-necked stork, jabiru, Xenorhyncus asiaticus n02004661 Mycteria, genus Mycteria n02004855 wood ibis, wood stork, flinthead, Mycteria americana n02005102 Balaenicipitidae, family Balaenicipitidae n02005238 Balaeniceps, genus Balaeniceps n02005399 shoebill, shoebird, Balaeniceps rex n02005598 Threskiornithidae, family Threskiornithidae, family Ibidiidae n02005790 ibis n02005962 genus Ibis n02006063 wood ibis, wood stork, Ibis ibis n02006211 Threskiornis, genus Threskiornis n02006364 sacred ibis, Threskiornis aethiopica n02006510 Plataleidae, family Plataleidae n02006656 spoonbill n02006827 Platalea, genus Platalea n02006985 common spoonbill, Platalea leucorodia n02007161 Ajaia, genus Ajaia n02007284 roseate spoonbill, Ajaia ajaja n02007422 Phoenicopteridae, family Phoenicopteridae n02007558 flamingo n02007721 Ardeidae, family Ardeidae n02008041 heron n02008316 Ardea, genus Ardea n02008497 great blue heron, Ardea herodius n02008643 great white heron, Ardea occidentalis n02008796 egret n02009015 Egretta, genus Egretta n02009229 little blue heron, Egretta caerulea n02009380 snowy egret, snowy heron, Egretta thula n02009508 little egret, Egretta garzetta n02009620 Casmerodius, genus Casmerodius n02009750 great white heron, Casmerodius albus n02009912 American egret, great white heron, Egretta albus n02010144 Bubulcus, genus Bubulcus n02010272 cattle egret, Bubulcus ibis n02010453 night heron, night raven n02010592 Nycticorax, genus Nycticorax n02010728 black-crowned night heron, Nycticorax nycticorax n02010881 Nyctanassa, genus Nyctanassa n02011016 yellow-crowned night heron, Nyctanassa violacea n02011156 Cochlearius, genus Cochlearius n02011281 boatbill, boat-billed heron, broadbill, Cochlearius cochlearius n02011460 bittern n02011668 Botaurus, genus Botaurus n02011805 American bittern, stake driver, Botaurus lentiginosus n02011943 European bittern, Botaurus stellaris n02012063 Ixobrychus, genus Ixobrychus n02012185 least bittern, Ixobrychus exilis n02012306 Gruiformes, order Gruiformes n02012715 Gruidae, family Gruidae n02012849 crane n02013034 Grus, genus Grus n02013177 whooping crane, whooper, Grus americana n02013362 Aramus, genus Aramus n02013567 courlan, Aramus guarauna n02013706 limpkin, Aramus pictus n02013889 Cariamidae, family Cariamidae n02014061 Cariama, genus Cariama n02014237 crested cariama, seriema, Cariama cristata n02014406 genus Chunga n02014524 chunga, seriema, Chunga burmeisteri n02014646 Rallidae, family Rallidae n02014941 rail n02015221 Gallirallus, genus Gallirallus n02015357 weka, maori hen, wood hen n02015554 crake n02015685 Crex, genus Crex n02015797 corncrake, land rail, Crex crex n02015944 Porzana, genus Porzana n02016066 spotted crake, Porzana porzana n02016198 Gallinula, genus Gallinula n02016358 gallinule, marsh hen, water hen, swamphen n02016659 Florida gallinule, Gallinula chloropus cachinnans n02016816 moorhen, Gallinula chloropus n02016956 purple gallinule n02017093 Porphyrio, genus Porphyrio n02017213 European gallinule, Porphyrio porphyrio n02017335 Porphyrula, genus Porphyrula n02017475 American gallinule, Porphyrula martinica n02017607 genus Notornis n02017725 notornis, takahe, Notornis mantelli n02017878 Fulica, genus Fulica n02018027 coot n02018207 American coot, marsh hen, mud hen, water hen, Fulica americana n02018368 Old World coot, Fulica atra n02018485 Otides, suborder Otides n02018638 Otididae, family Otididae n02018795 bustard n02019044 Otis, genus Otis n02019190 great bustard, Otis tarda n02019308 Choriotis, genus Choriotis n02019438 plain turkey, Choriotis australis n02019566 Turnicidae, family Turnicidae n02019762 Turnix, genus Turnix n02019929 button quail, button-quail, bustard quail, hemipode n02020219 striped button quail, Turnix sylvatica n02020345 ortygan n02020450 Pedionomus, genus Pedionomus n02020578 plain wanderer, Pedionomus torquatus n02020777 Psophiidae, family Psophiidae n02020902 Psophia, genus Psophia n02021050 trumpeter n02021281 Brazilian trumpeter, Psophia crepitans n02021438 Charadriiformes, order Charadriiformes n02021795 seabird, sea bird, seafowl n02022135 Charadrii, suborder Charadrii n02022498 Limicolae, suborder Limicolae n02022684 shorebird, shore bird, limicoline bird n02023133 Charadriidae, family Charadriidae n02023341 plover n02023664 Charadrius, genus Charadrius n02023855 piping plover, Charadrius melodus n02023992 killdeer, kildeer, killdeer plover, Charadrius vociferus n02024185 dotterel, dotrel, Charadrius morinellus, Eudromias morinellus n02024353 Pluvialis, genus Pluvialis n02024479 golden plover n02024636 Vanellus, genus Vanellus n02024763 lapwing, green plover, peewit, pewit n02024923 Arenaria, genus Arenaria n02025043 turnstone n02025239 ruddy turnstone, Arenaria interpres n02025389 black turnstone, Arenaria-Melanocephala n02025530 Scolopacidae, family Scolopacidae n02026059 sandpiper n02026498 Aphriza, genus Aphriza n02026629 surfbird, Aphriza virgata n02026798 Actitis, genus Actitis n02026948 European sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucos n02027075 spotted sandpiper, Actitis macularia n02027209 Erolia, genus Erolia n02027357 least sandpiper, stint, Erolia minutilla n02027492 red-backed sandpiper, dunlin, Erolia alpina n02027730 Tringa, genus Tringa n02027897 greenshank, Tringa nebularia n02028035 redshank, Tringa totanus n02028175 yellowlegs n02028342 greater yellowlegs, Tringa melanoleuca n02028451 lesser yellowlegs, Tringa flavipes n02028556 Calidris, genus Calidris n02028727 pectoral sandpiper, jacksnipe, Calidris melanotos n02028900 knot, greyback, grayback, Calidris canutus n02029087 curlew sandpiper, Calidris Ferruginea n02029243 Crocethia, genus Crocethia n02029378 sanderling, Crocethia alba n02029571 Bartramia, genus Bartramia n02029706 upland sandpiper, upland plover, Bartramian sandpiper, Bartramia longicauda n02029914 Philomachus, genus Philomachus n02030035 ruff, Philomachus pugnax n02030224 reeve n02030287 tattler n02030442 Heteroscelus, genus Heteroscelus n02030568 Polynesian tattler, Heteroscelus incanus n02030709 Catoptrophorus, genus Catoptrophorus n02030837 willet, Catoptrophorus semipalmatus n02030996 woodcock n02031143 Scolopax, genus Scolopax n02031298 Eurasian woodcock, Scolopax rusticola n02031455 Philohela, genus Philohela n02031585 American woodcock, woodcock snipe, Philohela minor n02031752 Gallinago, genus Gallinago, Capella, genus Capella n02031934 snipe n02032222 whole snipe, Gallinago gallinago n02032355 Wilson's snipe, Gallinago gallinago delicata n02032480 great snipe, woodcock snipe, Gallinago media n02032646 Limnocryptes, genus Limnocryptes n02032769 jacksnipe, half snipe, Limnocryptes minima n02032915 Limnodromus, genus Limnodromus n02033041 dowitcher n02033208 greyback, grayback, Limnodromus griseus n02033324 red-breasted snipe, Limnodromus scolopaceus n02033444 Numenius, genus Numenius n02033561 curlew n02033779 European curlew, Numenius arquata n02033882 Eskimo curlew, Numenius borealis n02034016 Limosa, genus Limosa n02034129 godwit n02034295 Hudsonian godwit, Limosa haemastica n02034394 Himantopus, genus Himantopus n02034661 stilt, stiltbird, longlegs, long-legs, stilt plover, Himantopus stilt n02034971 black-necked stilt, Himantopus mexicanus n02035210 black-winged stilt, Himantopus himantopus n02035402 white-headed stilt, Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus n02035656 kaki, Himantopus novae-zelandiae n02035845 Cladorhyncus, genus Cladorhyncus n02036053 stilt, Australian stilt n02036228 banded stilt, Cladorhyncus leucocephalum n02036399 Recurvirostridae, family Recurvirostridae n02036548 Recurvirostra, genus Recurvirostra n02036711 avocet n02036864 Haematopodidae, family Haematopodidae n02036982 Haematopus, genus Haematopus n02037110 oystercatcher, oyster catcher n02037278 Phalaropidae, family Phalaropidae n02037464 phalarope n02037713 Phalaropus, genus Phalaropus n02037869 red phalarope, Phalaropus fulicarius n02038010 Lobipes, genus Lobipes n02038141 northern phalarope, Lobipes lobatus n02038329 Steganopus, genus Steganopus n02038466 Wilson's phalarope, Steganopus tricolor n02038617 Glareolidae, family Glareolidae n02038837 Glareola, genus Glareola n02038993 pratincole, glareole n02039171 courser n02039377 Cursorius, genus Cursorius n02039497 cream-colored courser, Cursorius cursor n02039660 Pluvianus, genus Pluvianus n02039780 crocodile bird, Pluvianus aegyptius n02039942 Burhinidae, family Burhinidae n02040113 Burhinus, genus Burhinus n02040266 stone curlew, thick-knee, Burhinus oedicnemus n02040505 coastal diving bird n02040698 Lari, suborder Lari n02040872 Laridae, family Laridae n02041085 larid n02041246 gull, seagull, sea gull n02041492 Larus, genus Larus n02041678 mew, mew gull, sea mew, Larus canus n02041875 black-backed gull, great black-backed gull, cob, Larus marinus n02042046 herring gull, Larus argentatus n02042180 laughing gull, blackcap, pewit, pewit gull, Larus ridibundus n02042342 Pagophila, genus Pagophila n02042472 ivory gull, Pagophila eburnea n02042637 Rissa, genus Rissa n02042759 kittiwake n02042923 Sterninae, subfamily Sterninae n02043063 tern n02043207 Sterna, genus Sterna n02043333 sea swallow, Sterna hirundo n02043497 Rynchopidae, family Rynchopidae n02043659 Rynchops, genus Rynchops n02043808 skimmer n02043999 Stercorariidae, family Stercorariidae n02044178 jaeger n02044358 Stercorarius, genus Stercorarius n02044517 parasitic jaeger, arctic skua, Stercorarius parasiticus n02044659 Catharacta, genus Catharacta n02044778 skua, bonxie n02044908 great skua, Catharacta skua n02045024 Alcidae, family Alcidae n02045369 auk n02045596 auklet n02045705 Alca, genus Alca n02045864 razorbill, razor-billed auk, Alca torda n02046045 Plautus, genus Plautus n02046171 little auk, dovekie, Plautus alle n02046321 Pinguinus, genus Pinguinus n02046442 great auk, Pinguinus impennis n02046613 Cepphus, genus Cepphus n02046759 guillemot n02046939 black guillemot, Cepphus grylle n02047045 pigeon guillemot, Cepphus columba n02047152 Uria, genus Uria n02047260 murre n02047411 common murre, Uria aalge n02047517 thick-billed murre, Uria lomvia n02047614 puffin n02047835 Fratercula, genus Fratercula n02047975 Atlantic puffin, Fratercula arctica n02048115 horned puffin, Fratercula corniculata n02048242 Lunda, genus Lunda n02048353 tufted puffin, Lunda cirrhata n02048514 Gaviiformes, order Gaviiformes n02048698 gaviiform seabird n02048832 Gavidae, family Gavidae n02048952 Gavia, genus Gavia n02049088 loon, diver n02049299 Podicipitiformes, order Podicipitiformes, Podicipediformes, order Podicipediformes, Colymbiformes, order Colymbiformes n02049532 podicipitiform seabird n02049672 Podicipedidae, family Podicipedidae n02049855 Podiceps, genus Podiceps n02050004 grebe n02050313 great crested grebe, Podiceps cristatus n02050442 red-necked grebe, Podiceps grisegena n02050586 black-necked grebe, eared grebe, Podiceps nigricollis n02050809 dabchick, little grebe, Podiceps ruficollis n02050921 Podilymbus, genus Podilymbus n02051059 pied-billed grebe, Podilymbus podiceps n02051213 Pelecaniformes, order Pelecaniformes n02051474 pelecaniform seabird n02051701 Pelecanidae, family Pelecanidae n02051845 pelican n02052044 Pelecanus, genus Pelecanus n02052204 white pelican, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos n02052365 Old world white pelican, Pelecanus onocrotalus n02052511 Fregatidae, family Fregatidae n02052639 Fregata, genus Fregata n02052775 frigate bird, man-of-war bird n02052936 Sulidae, family Sulidae n02053083 gannet n02053279 Sula, genus Sula n02053425 solan, solan goose, solant goose, Sula bassana n02053584 booby n02053720 Phalacrocoracidae, family Phalacrocoracidae n02053859 Phalacrocorax, genus Phalacrocorax n02054036 cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo n02054251 Anhingidae, family Anhingidae n02054376 genus Anhinga n02054502 snakebird, anhinga, darter n02054711 water turkey, Anhinga anhinga n02054834 Phaethontidae, family Phaethontidae n02054966 Phaethon, genus Phaethon n02055107 tropic bird, tropicbird, boatswain bird n02055280 Sphenisciformes, order Sphenisciformes n02055431 Spheniscidae, family Spheniscidae n02055658 sphenisciform seabird n02055803 penguin n02056091 Pygoscelis, genus Pygoscelis n02056228 Adelie, Adelie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae n02056421 Aptenodytes, genus Aptenodytes n02056570 king penguin, Aptenodytes patagonica n02056728 emperor penguin, Aptenodytes forsteri n02056873 Spheniscus, genus Spheniscus n02057035 jackass penguin, Spheniscus demersus n02057208 Eudyptes, genus Eudyptes n02057330 rock hopper, crested penguin n02057478 Procellariiformes, order Procellariiformes n02057731 pelagic bird, oceanic bird n02057898 procellariiform seabird n02058074 Diomedeidae, family Diomedeidae n02058221 albatross, mollymawk n02058453 genus Diomedea n02058594 wandering albatross, Diomedea exulans n02058747 black-footed albatross, gooney, gooney bird, goonie, goony, Diomedea nigripes n02058933 Procellariidae, family Procellariidae n02059162 petrel n02059393 Procellaria, genus Procellaria n02059541 white-chinned petrel, Procellaria aequinoctialis n02059723 Macronectes, genus Macronectes n02059852 giant petrel, giant fulmar, Macronectes giganteus n02060016 Fulmarus, genus Fulmarus n02060133 fulmar, fulmar petrel, Fulmarus glacialis n02060290 Puffinus, genus Puffinus n02060411 shearwater n02060569 Manx shearwater, Puffinus puffinus n02060719 Hydrobatidae, family Hydrobatidae n02060889 storm petrel n02061073 Hydrobates, genus Hydrobates n02061217 stormy petrel, northern storm petrel, Hydrobates pelagicus n02061425 Oceanites, genus Oceanites n02061560 Mother Carey's chicken, Mother Carey's hen, Oceanites oceanicus n02061716 Pelecanoididae, family Pelecanoididae n02061853 diving petrel n02062017 aquatic mammal n02062209 Cetacea, order Cetacea n02062430 cetacean, cetacean mammal, blower n02062744 whale n02062991 Mysticeti, suborder Mysticeti n02063224 baleen whale, whalebone whale n02063516 Balaenidae, family Balaenidae n02063662 right whale n02063846 Balaena, genus Balaena n02064000 bowhead, bowhead whale, Greenland whale, Balaena mysticetus n02064154 Balaenopteridae, family Balaenopteridae n02064338 rorqual, razorback n02064608 Balaenoptera, genus Balaenoptera n02064816 blue whale, sulfur bottom, Balaenoptera musculus n02065026 finback, finback whale, fin whale, common rorqual, Balaenoptera physalus n02065263 sei whale, Balaenoptera borealis n02065407 lesser rorqual, piked whale, minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata n02065599 Megaptera, genus Megaptera n02065726 humpback, humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae n02065932 Eschrichtiidae, family Eschrichtiidae n02066086 Eschrichtius, genus Eschrichtius n02066245 grey whale, gray whale, devilfish, Eschrichtius gibbosus, Eschrichtius robustus n02066450 Odontoceti, suborder Odontoceti n02066707 toothed whale n02066950 Physeteridae, family Physeteridae n02067100 Physeter, genus Physeter n02067240 sperm whale, cachalot, black whale, Physeter catodon n02067462 Kogia, genus Kogia n02067603 pygmy sperm whale, Kogia breviceps n02067768 dwarf sperm whale, Kogia simus n02067941 Ziphiidae, family Ziphiidae, Hyperodontidae, family Hyperodontidae n02068206 beaked whale n02068408 Hyperoodon, genus Hyperoodon n02068541 bottle-nosed whale, bottlenose whale, bottlenose, Hyperoodon ampullatus n02068735 Delphinidae, family Delphinidae n02068974 dolphin n02069271 Delphinus, genus Delphinus n02069412 common dolphin, Delphinus delphis n02069569 Tursiops, genus Tursiops n02069701 bottlenose dolphin, bottle-nosed dolphin, bottlenose n02069974 Atlantic bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus n02070174 Pacific bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops gilli n02070311 Phocoena, genus Phocoena n02070430 porpoise n02070624 harbor porpoise, herring hog, Phocoena phocoena n02070776 vaquita, Phocoena sinus n02070923 genus Grampus n02071028 grampus, Grampus griseus n02071173 Orcinus, genus Orcinus n02071294 killer whale, killer, orca, grampus, sea wolf, Orcinus orca n02071506 Globicephala, genus Globicephala n02071636 pilot whale, black whale, common blackfish, blackfish, Globicephala melaena n02071905 Platanistidae, family Platanistidae n02072040 river dolphin n02072209 Monodontidae, family Monodontidae n02072355 Monodon, genus Monodon n02072493 narwhal, narwal, narwhale, Monodon monoceros n02072665 Delphinapterus, genus Delphinapterus n02072798 white whale, beluga, Delphinapterus leucas n02072953 spouter n02073041 Sirenia, order Sirenia n02073250 sea cow, sirenian mammal, sirenian n02073532 Trichechidae, family Trichechidae n02073679 Trichechus, genus Trichecus n02073831 manatee, Trichechus manatus n02074004 Dugongidae, family Dugongidae n02074214 genus Dugong n02074367 dugong, Dugong dugon n02074542 Hydrodamalis, genus Hydrodamalis n02074726 Steller's sea cow, Hydrodamalis gigas n02074915 Carnivora, order Carnivora n02075296 carnivore n02075612 omnivore n02075727 Pinnipedia, suborder Pinnipedia n02075927 pinniped mammal, pinniped, pinnatiped n02076196 seal n02076402 crabeater seal, crab-eating seal n02076535 Otariidae, family Otariidae n02076779 eared seal n02077023 Arctocephalus, genus Arctocephalus n02077152 fur seal n02077384 guadalupe fur seal, Arctocephalus philippi n02077533 Callorhinus, genus Callorhinus n02077658 fur seal n02077787 Alaska fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus n02077923 sea lion n02078159 Otaria, genus Otaria n02078292 South American sea lion, Otaria Byronia n02078436 Zalophus, genus Zalophus n02078574 California sea lion, Zalophus californianus, Zalophus californicus n02078738 Australian sea lion, Zalophus lobatus n02078882 Eumetopias, genus Eumetopias n02079005 Steller sea lion, Steller's sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus n02079170 Phocidae, family Phocidae n02079389 earless seal, true seal, hair seal n02079706 Phoca, genus Phoca n02079851 harbor seal, common seal, Phoca vitulina n02080022 Pagophilus, genus Pagophilus n02080146 harp seal, Pagophilus groenlandicus n02080291 Mirounga, genus Mirounga n02080415 elephant seal, sea elephant n02080586 Erignathus, genus Erignathus n02080713 bearded seal, squareflipper square flipper, Erignathus barbatus n02080934 Cystophora, genus Cystophora n02081060 hooded seal, bladdernose, Cystophora cristata n02081282 Odobenidae, family Odobenidae n02081423 Odobenus, genus Odobenus n02081571 walrus, seahorse, sea horse n02081798 Atlantic walrus, Odobenus rosmarus n02081927 Pacific walrus, Odobenus divergens n02082056 Fissipedia n02082190 fissiped mammal, fissiped n02082358 Tubulidentata, order Tubulidentata n02082498 Orycteropodidae, family Orycteropodidae n02082632 Orycteropus, genus Orycteropus n02082791 aardvark, ant bear, anteater, Orycteropus afer n02083038 Canidae, family Canidae n02083346 canine, canid n02083672 bitch n02083780 brood bitch n02083863 Canis, genus Canis n02084071 dog, domestic dog, Canis familiaris n02084732 pooch, doggie, doggy, barker, bow-wow n02084861 cur, mongrel, mutt n02085019 feist, fice n02085118 pariah dog, pye-dog, pie-dog n02085272 lapdog n02085374 toy dog, toy n02085620 Chihuahua n02085782 Japanese spaniel n02085936 Maltese dog, Maltese terrier, Maltese n02086079 Pekinese, Pekingese, Peke n02086240 Shih-Tzu n02086346 toy spaniel n02086478 English toy spaniel n02086646 Blenheim spaniel n02086753 King Charles spaniel n02086910 papillon n02087046 toy terrier n02087122 hunting dog n02087314 courser n02087394 Rhodesian ridgeback n02087551 hound, hound dog n02088094 Afghan hound, Afghan n02088238 basset, basset hound n02088364 beagle n02088466 bloodhound, sleuthhound n02088632 bluetick n02088745 boarhound n02088839 coonhound n02088992 coondog n02089078 black-and-tan coonhound n02089232 dachshund, dachsie, badger dog n02089468 sausage dog, sausage hound n02089555 foxhound n02089725 American foxhound n02089867 Walker hound, Walker foxhound n02089973 English foxhound n02090129 harrier n02090253 Plott hound n02090379 redbone n02090475 wolfhound n02090622 borzoi, Russian wolfhound n02090721 Irish wolfhound n02090827 greyhound n02091032 Italian greyhound n02091134 whippet n02091244 Ibizan hound, Ibizan Podenco n02091467 Norwegian elkhound, elkhound n02091635 otterhound, otter hound n02091831 Saluki, gazelle hound n02092002 Scottish deerhound, deerhound n02092173 staghound n02092339 Weimaraner n02092468 terrier n02093056 bullterrier, bull terrier n02093256 Staffordshire bullterrier, Staffordshire bull terrier n02093428 American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire terrier, American pit bull terrier, pit bull terrier n02093647 Bedlington terrier n02093754 Border terrier n02093859 Kerry blue terrier n02093991 Irish terrier n02094114 Norfolk terrier n02094258 Norwich terrier n02094433 Yorkshire terrier n02094562 rat terrier, ratter n02094721 Manchester terrier, black-and-tan terrier n02094931 toy Manchester, toy Manchester terrier n02095050 fox terrier n02095212 smooth-haired fox terrier n02095314 wire-haired fox terrier n02095412 wirehair, wirehaired terrier, wire-haired terrier n02095570 Lakeland terrier n02095727 Welsh terrier n02095889 Sealyham terrier, Sealyham n02096051 Airedale, Airedale terrier n02096177 cairn, cairn terrier n02096294 Australian terrier n02096437 Dandie Dinmont, Dandie Dinmont terrier n02096585 Boston bull, Boston terrier n02096756 schnauzer n02097047 miniature schnauzer n02097130 giant schnauzer n02097209 standard schnauzer n02097298 Scotch terrier, Scottish terrier, Scottie n02097474 Tibetan terrier, chrysanthemum dog n02097658 silky terrier, Sydney silky n02097786 Skye terrier n02097967 Clydesdale terrier n02098105 soft-coated wheaten terrier n02098286 West Highland white terrier n02098413 Lhasa, Lhasa apso n02098550 sporting dog, gun dog n02098806 bird dog n02098906 water dog n02099029 retriever n02099267 flat-coated retriever n02099429 curly-coated retriever n02099601 golden retriever n02099712 Labrador retriever n02099849 Chesapeake Bay retriever n02099997 pointer, Spanish pointer n02100236 German short-haired pointer n02100399 setter n02100583 vizsla, Hungarian pointer n02100735 English setter n02100877 Irish setter, red setter n02101006 Gordon setter n02101108 spaniel n02101388 Brittany spaniel n02101556 clumber, clumber spaniel n02101670 field spaniel n02101861 springer spaniel, springer n02102040 English springer, English springer spaniel n02102177 Welsh springer spaniel n02102318 cocker spaniel, English cocker spaniel, cocker n02102480 Sussex spaniel n02102605 water spaniel n02102806 American water spaniel n02102973 Irish water spaniel n02103181 griffon, wire-haired pointing griffon n02103406 working dog n02103841 watchdog, guard dog n02104029 kuvasz n02104184 attack dog n02104280 housedog n02104365 schipperke n02104523 shepherd dog, sheepdog, sheep dog n02104882 Belgian sheepdog, Belgian shepherd n02105056 groenendael n02105162 malinois n02105251 briard n02105412 kelpie n02105505 komondor n02105641 Old English sheepdog, bobtail n02105855 Shetland sheepdog, Shetland sheep dog, Shetland n02106030 collie n02106166 Border collie n02106382 Bouvier des Flandres, Bouviers des Flandres n02106550 Rottweiler n02106662 German shepherd, German shepherd dog, German police dog, alsatian n02106854 police dog n02106966 pinscher n02107142 Doberman, Doberman pinscher n02107312 miniature pinscher n02107420 Sennenhunde n02107574 Greater Swiss Mountain dog n02107683 Bernese mountain dog n02107908 Appenzeller n02108000 EntleBucher n02108089 boxer n02108254 mastiff n02108422 bull mastiff n02108551 Tibetan mastiff n02108672 bulldog, English bulldog n02108915 French bulldog n02109047 Great Dane n02109150 guide dog n02109256 Seeing Eye dog n02109391 hearing dog n02109525 Saint Bernard, St Bernard n02109687 seizure-alert dog n02109811 sled dog, sledge dog n02109961 Eskimo dog, husky n02110063 malamute, malemute, Alaskan malamute n02110185 Siberian husky n02110341 dalmatian, coach dog, carriage dog n02110532 liver-spotted dalmatian n02110627 affenpinscher, monkey pinscher, monkey dog n02110806 basenji n02110958 pug, pug-dog n02111129 Leonberg n02111277 Newfoundland, Newfoundland dog n02111500 Great Pyrenees n02111626 spitz n02111889 Samoyed, Samoyede n02112018 Pomeranian n02112137 chow, chow chow n02112350 keeshond n02112497 griffon, Brussels griffon, Belgian griffon n02112706 Brabancon griffon n02112826 corgi, Welsh corgi n02113023 Pembroke, Pembroke Welsh corgi n02113186 Cardigan, Cardigan Welsh corgi n02113335 poodle, poodle dog n02113624 toy poodle n02113712 miniature poodle n02113799 standard poodle n02113892 large poodle n02113978 Mexican hairless n02114100 wolf n02114367 timber wolf, grey wolf, gray wolf, Canis lupus n02114548 white wolf, Arctic wolf, Canis lupus tundrarum n02114712 red wolf, maned wolf, Canis rufus, Canis niger n02114855 coyote, prairie wolf, brush wolf, Canis latrans n02115012 coydog n02115096 jackal, Canis aureus n02115335 wild dog n02115641 dingo, warrigal, warragal, Canis dingo n02115775 Cuon, Cyon, genus Cuon, genus Cyon n02115913 dhole, Cuon alpinus n02116079 Dusicyon, genus Dusicyon n02116185 crab-eating dog, crab-eating fox, Dusicyon cancrivorus n02116322 Nyctereutes, genus Nyctereutes n02116450 raccoon dog, Nyctereutes procyonides n02116630 Lycaeon, genus Lycaeon n02116738 African hunting dog, hyena dog, Cape hunting dog, Lycaon pictus n02116959 Hyaenidae, family Hyaenidae n02117135 hyena, hyaena n02117369 genus Hyaena n02117512 striped hyena, Hyaena hyaena n02117646 brown hyena, strand wolf, Hyaena brunnea n02117772 Crocuta, genus Crocuta n02117900 spotted hyena, laughing hyena, Crocuta crocuta n02118058 Proteles, genus Proteles n02118176 aardwolf, Proteles cristata n02118333 fox n02118643 vixen n02118707 Reynard n02118854 Vulpes, genus Vulpes n02119022 red fox, Vulpes vulpes n02119247 black fox n02119359 silver fox n02119477 red fox, Vulpes fulva n02119634 kit fox, prairie fox, Vulpes velox n02119789 kit fox, Vulpes macrotis n02119961 Alopex, genus Alopex n02120079 Arctic fox, white fox, Alopex lagopus n02120278 blue fox n02120387 Urocyon, genus Urocyon n02120505 grey fox, gray fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus n02120692 Felidae, family Felidae n02120997 feline, felid n02121234 Felis, genus Felis n02121620 cat, true cat n02121808 domestic cat, house cat, Felis domesticus, Felis catus n02122298 kitty, kitty-cat, puss, pussy, pussycat n02122430 mouser n02122510 alley cat n02122580 stray n02122725 tom, tomcat n02122810 gib n02122878 tabby, queen n02122948 kitten, kitty n02123045 tabby, tabby cat n02123159 tiger cat n02123242 tortoiseshell, tortoiseshell-cat, calico cat n02123394 Persian cat n02123478 Angora, Angora cat n02123597 Siamese cat, Siamese n02123785 blue point Siamese n02123917 Burmese cat n02124075 Egyptian cat n02124157 Maltese, Maltese cat n02124313 Abyssinian, Abyssinian cat n02124484 Manx, Manx cat n02124623 wildcat n02125010 sand cat n02125081 European wildcat, catamountain, Felis silvestris n02125311 cougar, puma, catamount, mountain lion, painter, panther, Felis concolor n02125494 ocelot, panther cat, Felis pardalis n02125689 jaguarundi, jaguarundi cat, jaguarondi, eyra, Felis yagouaroundi n02125872 kaffir cat, caffer cat, Felis ocreata n02126028 jungle cat, Felis chaus n02126139 serval, Felis serval n02126317 leopard cat, Felis bengalensis n02126465 tiger cat, Felis tigrina n02126640 margay, margay cat, Felis wiedi n02126787 manul, Pallas's cat, Felis manul n02126951 genus Lynx n02127052 lynx, catamount n02127292 common lynx, Lynx lynx n02127381 Canada lynx, Lynx canadensis n02127482 bobcat, bay lynx, Lynx rufus n02127586 spotted lynx, Lynx pardina n02127678 caracal, desert lynx, Lynx caracal n02127808 big cat, cat n02128120 Panthera, genus Panthera n02128385 leopard, Panthera pardus n02128598 leopardess n02128669 panther n02128757 snow leopard, ounce, Panthera uncia n02128925 jaguar, panther, Panthera onca, Felis onca n02129165 lion, king of beasts, Panthera leo n02129463 lioness n02129530 lionet n02129604 tiger, Panthera tigris n02129837 Bengal tiger n02129923 tigress n02129991 liger n02130086 tiglon, tigon n02130190 Acinonyx, genus Acinonyx n02130308 cheetah, chetah, Acinonyx jubatus n02130545 saber-toothed tiger, sabertooth n02130795 Smiledon, genus Smiledon n02130925 Smiledon californicus n02131076 Nimravus, genus Nimravus n02131211 false saber-toothed tiger n02131418 Ursidae, family Ursidae n02131653 bear n02131942 Ursus, genus Ursus n02132136 brown bear, bruin, Ursus arctos n02132320 bruin n02132466 Syrian bear, Ursus arctos syriacus n02132580 grizzly, grizzly bear, silvertip, silver-tip, Ursus horribilis, Ursus arctos horribilis n02132788 Alaskan brown bear, Kodiak bear, Kodiak, Ursus middendorffi, Ursus arctos middendorffi n02132974 Euarctos, genus Euarctos n02133161 American black bear, black bear, Ursus americanus, Euarctos americanus n02133400 cinnamon bear n02133512 Selenarctos, genus Selenarctos n02133704 Asiatic black bear, black bear, Ursus thibetanus, Selenarctos thibetanus n02133902 Thalarctos, genus Thalarctos n02134084 ice bear, polar bear, Ursus Maritimus, Thalarctos maritimus n02134240 Melursus, genus Melursus n02134418 sloth bear, Melursus ursinus, Ursus ursinus n02134589 Viverridae, family Viverridae, Viverrinae, family Viverrinae n02134971 viverrine, viverrine mammal n02135220 civet, civet cat n02135486 Viverra, genus Viverra n02135610 large civet, Viverra zibetha n02135726 Viverricula, genus Viverricula n02135844 small civet, Viverricula indica, Viverricula malaccensis n02135981 Arctictis, genus Arctictis n02136103 binturong, bearcat, Arctictis bintourong n02136285 Cryptoprocta, genus Cryptoprocta n02136452 fossa, fossa cat, Cryptoprocta ferox n02136623 Fossa, genus Fossa n02136794 fanaloka, Fossa fossa n02136901 Genetta, genus Genetta n02137015 genet, Genetta genetta n02137172 Hemigalus, genus Hemigalus n02137302 banded palm civet, Hemigalus hardwickii n02137428 Herpestes, genus Herpestes n02137549 mongoose n02137722 Indian mongoose, Herpestes nyula n02137888 ichneumon, Herpestes ichneumon n02138042 Paradoxurus, genus Paradoxurus n02138169 palm cat, palm civet n02138323 Suricata, genus Suricata n02138441 meerkat, mierkat n02138647 slender-tailed meerkat, Suricata suricatta n02138777 suricate, Suricata tetradactyla n02138921 Chiroptera, order Chiroptera n02139199 bat, chiropteran n02139479 Megachiroptera, suborder Megachiroptera n02139671 fruit bat, megabat n02139914 Pteropus, genus Pteropus n02140049 flying fox n02140179 Pteropus capestratus n02140268 Pteropus hypomelanus n02140357 Nyctimene, genus Nyctimene n02140491 harpy, harpy bat, tube-nosed bat, tube-nosed fruit bat n02140719 Cynopterus, genus Cynopterus n02140858 Cynopterus sphinx n02140970 Microchiroptera, suborder Microchiroptera n02141306 carnivorous bat, microbat n02141611 mouse-eared bat n02141713 leafnose bat, leaf-nosed bat n02142064 Phyllostomidae, family Phyllostomidae, Phyllostomatidae, family Phyllostomatidae n02142295 genus Macrotus n02142407 macrotus, Macrotus californicus n02142575 Phyllostomus, genus Phyllostomus n02142734 spearnose bat n02142898 Phyllostomus hastatus n02142993 Choeronycteris, genus Choeronycteris n02143142 hognose bat, Choeronycteris mexicana n02143293 Rhinolophidae, family Rhinolophidae n02143439 horseshoe bat n02143594 Hipposideridae, family Hipposideridae n02143759 Hipposideros, genus Hipposideros n02143891 horseshoe bat n02144110 Rhinonicteris, genus Rhinonicteris n02144251 orange bat, orange horseshoe bat, Rhinonicteris aurantius n02144442 Megadermatidae, family Megadermatidae n02144593 false vampire, false vampire bat n02144792 Megaderma, genus Megaderma n02144936 big-eared bat, Megaderma lyra n02145084 Vespertilionidae, family Vespertilionidae n02145424 vespertilian bat, vespertilionid n02145767 Vespertilio, genus Vespertilio n02145910 frosted bat, Vespertilio murinus n02146064 Lasiurus, genus Lasiurus n02146201 red bat, Lasiurus borealis n02146371 brown bat n02146526 Myotis, genus Myotis n02146700 little brown bat, little brown myotis, Myotis leucifugus n02146879 cave myotis, Myotis velifer n02147034 Eptesicus, genus Eptesicus n02147173 big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus n02147328 serotine, European brown bat, Eptesicus serotinus n02147452 Antrozous, genus Antrozous n02147591 pallid bat, cave bat, Antrozous pallidus n02147747 Pipistrellus, genus Pipistrellus n02147947 pipistrelle, pipistrel, Pipistrellus pipistrellus n02148088 eastern pipistrel, Pipistrellus subflavus n02148245 western pipistrel, SPipistrellus hesperus n02148377 Euderma, genus Euderma n02148512 jackass bat, spotted bat, Euderma maculata n02148698 Plecotus, genus Plecotus n02148835 long-eared bat n02148991 western big-eared bat, Plecotus townsendi n02149136 Molossidae, family Molossidae n02149297 Tadarida, genus Tadarida n02149420 freetail, free-tailed bat, freetailed bat n02149653 guano bat, Mexican freetail bat, Tadarida brasiliensis n02149861 pocketed bat, pocketed freetail bat, Tadirida femorosacca n02150016 Eumops, genus Eumops n02150134 mastiff bat n02150306 Desmodontidae, family Desmodontidae n02150482 vampire bat, true vampire bat n02150730 Desmodus, genus Desmodus n02150885 Desmodus rotundus n02151108 Diphylla, genus Diphylla n02151230 hairy-legged vampire bat, Diphylla ecaudata n02151448 water vascular system n02151625 wing n02151940 ala n02152064 forewing, fore-wing, fore wing n02152212 halter, haltere, balancer n02152446 pennon, pinion n02152559 wing case, elytron n02152740 predator, predatory animal n02152881 prey, quarry n02152991 game n02153109 big game n02153203 game bird n02153445 animal foot, foot n02153712 fossorial foot n02153809 fossorial mammal n02153959 hoof n02154133 hoof n02154264 cloven foot, cloven hoof n02154416 bird's foot n02154620 webfoot n02154742 claw n02154824 zygodactyl foot n02155014 heterodactyl foot n02155206 webbed foot n02155313 lobate foot n02155448 calyculus, caliculus, calycle n02155678 optic cup, eyecup n02155872 tooth n02156031 denticle n02156140 claw n02156320 bear claw n02156413 talon n02156532 claw, chela, nipper, pincer n02156732 tetrapod n02156871 quadruped n02157206 hexapod n02157285 biped n02157415 belly n02157557 tail n02157954 brush n02158066 bobtail, bob, dock n02158213 caudal appendage n02158354 uropygium n02158494 oxtail n02158619 fluke n02158739 scut n02158846 flag n02158972 dock n02159117 horse's foot n02159271 Insecta, class Insecta, Hexapoda, class Hexapoda n02159955 insect n02160947 social insect n02161078 ephemeron, ephemeral n02161225 holometabola, metabola n02161338 defoliator n02161457 pollinator n02161588 gallfly n02161737 Mantophasmatodea, order mantophasmatodea n02161944 Mecoptera, order Mecoptera n02162235 mecopteran n02162404 Panorpidae, family Panorpidae n02162561 scorpion fly n02162831 Bittacidae, family Bittacidae n02163008 hanging fly n02163144 Collembola, order Collembola n02163297 collembolan, springtail n02163616 Protura, order Protura n02163763 proturan, telsontail n02163982 Coleoptera, order Coleoptera n02164464 beetle n02164973 Cicindelidae, family Cicindelidae n02165105 tiger beetle n02165247 Coccinellidae, family Coccinellidae n02165456 ladybug, ladybeetle, lady beetle, ladybird, ladybird beetle n02165754 Adalia, genus Adalia n02165877 two-spotted ladybug, Adalia bipunctata n02166024 Epilachna, genus Epilachna n02166229 Mexican bean beetle, bean beetle, Epilachna varivestis n02166436 Hippodamia, genus Hippodamia n02166567 Hippodamia convergens n02166674 Rodolia, genus Rodolia, genus Vedalia n02166826 vedalia, Rodolia cardinalis n02166986 Carabidae, family Carabidae n02167151 ground beetle, carabid beetle n02167375 Brachinus, genus Brachinus n02167505 bombardier beetle n02167645 genus Calosoma n02167820 calosoma n02167944 searcher, searcher beetle, Calosoma scrutator n02168121 Lampyridae, family Lampyridae n02168245 firefly, lightning bug n02168427 glowworm n02168542 Cerambycidae, family Cerambycidae n02168699 long-horned beetle, longicorn, longicorn beetle n02168876 Monochamus, genus Monochamus n02169023 sawyer, sawyer beetle n02169218 pine sawyer n02169345 Chrysomelidae, family Chrysomelidae n02169497 leaf beetle, chrysomelid n02169705 flea beetle n02169833 Leptinotarsa, genus Leptinotarsa n02169974 Colorado potato beetle, Colorado beetle, potato bug, potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata n02170269 Dermestidae, family Dermestidae n02170400 carpet beetle, carpet bug n02170599 buffalo carpet beetle, Anthrenus scrophulariae n02170738 black carpet beetle n02170848 Cleridae, family Cleridae n02170993 clerid beetle, clerid n02171164 bee beetle n02171254 Lamellicornia, superfamily Lamellicornia n02171453 lamellicorn beetle n02171633 Scarabaeidae, family Scarabaeidae n02171869 scarabaeid beetle, scarabaeid, scarabaean n02172182 dung beetle n02172387 genus Scarabaeus n02172518 scarab, scarabaeus, Scarabaeus sacer n02172678 tumblebug n02172761 dorbeetle n02172870 June beetle, June bug, May bug, May beetle n02173113 green June beetle, figeater n02173240 Popillia, genus Popillia n02173373 Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica n02173571 Anomala, genus Anomala n02173784 Oriental beetle, Asiatic beetle, Anomala orientalis n02174001 rhinoceros beetle n02174153 Melolonthidae, subfamily Melolonthidae n02174355 melolonthid beetle n02174521 Melolontha, genus Melolontha n02174659 cockchafer, May bug, May beetle, Melolontha melolontha n02174870 Macrodactylus, genus Macrodactylus n02175014 rose chafer, rose bug, Macrodactylus subspinosus n02175263 Cetoniidae, subfamily Cetoniidae n02175440 Cetonia, genus Cetonia n02175569 rose chafer, rose beetle, Cetonia aurata n02175791 Lucanidae, family Lucanidae n02175916 stag beetle n02176073 Elateridae, family Elateridae n02176261 elaterid beetle, elater, elaterid n02176439 click beetle, skipjack, snapping beetle n02176611 Pyrophorus, genus Pyrophorus n02176747 firefly, fire beetle, Pyrophorus noctiluca n02176916 wireworm n02177068 Dytiscidae, family Dytiscidae n02177196 water beetle n02177376 Gyrinidae, family Gyrinidae n02177506 whirligig beetle n02177644 Anobiidae, family Anobiidae n02177775 deathwatch beetle, deathwatch, Xestobium rufovillosum n02177972 weevil n02178244 Curculionidae, family Curculionidae n02178411 snout beetle n02178563 Anthonomus, genus Anthonomus n02178717 boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis n02178886 Meloidae, family Meloidae n02179012 blister beetle, meloid n02179192 oil beetle n02179340 Spanish fly n02179429 Scolytidae, family Scolytidae, Ipidae, family Ipidae n02179714 Scolytus, genus Scolytus n02179891 Dutch-elm beetle, Scolytus multistriatus n02180046 Dendroctonus, genus Dendroctonus n02180233 bark beetle n02180427 spruce bark beetle, Dendroctonus rufipennis n02180742 Staphylinidae, family Staphylinidae n02180875 rove beetle n02181013 Tenebrionidae, family Tenebrionidae n02181235 darkling beetle, darkling groung beetle, tenebrionid n02181477 mealworm n02181599 Tribolium, genus Tribolium n02181724 flour beetle, flour weevil n02181863 Bruchidae, family Bruchidae n02182045 seed beetle, seed weevil n02182220 Bruchus, genus Bruchus n02182355 pea weevil, Bruchus pisorum n02182498 Acanthoscelides, genus Acanthoscelides n02182642 bean weevil, Acanthoscelides obtectus n02182796 Sitophylus, genus Sitophylus n02182930 rice weevil, black weevil, Sitophylus oryzae n02183096 Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis n02183353 Embioptera, order Embioptera, Embiodea, order Embiodea n02183507 web spinner n02183697 Anoplura, order Anoplura n02183857 louse, sucking louse n02184114 Pediculidae, family Pediculidae n02184270 Pediculus, genus Pediculus n02184473 common louse, Pediculus humanus n02184589 head louse, Pediculus capitis n02184720 body louse, cootie, Pediculus corporis n02184881 Phthiriidae, family Phthiriidae n02185007 Phthirius, genus Phthirius, Phthirus, genus Phthirus n02185167 crab louse, pubic louse, crab, Phthirius pubis n02185337 Mallophaga, order Mallophaga n02185481 bird louse, biting louse, louse n02185694 Menopon, genus Menopon n02185814 chicken louse, shaft louse, Menopon palladum, Menopon gallinae n02185973 Siphonaptera, order Siphonaptera n02186153 flea n02186399 Pulicidae, family Pulicidae n02186586 Pulex, genus Pulex n02186717 Pulex irritans n02186834 Ctenocephalides, genus Ctenocephalides n02187022 Ctenocephalus, genus Ctenocephalus n02187150 dog flea, Ctenocephalides canis n02187279 cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis n02187427 Tunga, genus Tunga n02187554 chigoe, chigger, chigoe flea, Tunga penetrans n02187759 Echidnophaga, genus Echidnophaga n02187900 sticktight, sticktight flea, Echidnophaga gallinacea n02188065 Diptera, order Diptera n02188699 dipterous insect, two-winged insects, dipteran, dipteron n02189214 Cecidomyidae, family Cecidomyidae n02189363 gall midge, gallfly, gall gnat n02189535 Mayetiola, genus Mayetiola n02189670 Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor n02189822 Muscoidea, superfamily Muscoidea n02190015 Muscidae, family Muscidae n02190166 fly n02190465 alula, calypter n02190648 Musca, genus Musca n02190790 housefly, house fly, Musca domestica n02190963 Glossinidae, family Glossinidae n02191131 genus Glossina n02191273 tsetse fly, tsetse, tzetze fly, tzetze, glossina n02191449 Calliphoridae, family Calliphoridae n02191617 Calliphora, genus Calliphora n02191773 blowfly, blow fly n02191979 bluebottle, Calliphora vicina n02192127 Lucilia, genus Lucilia n02192252 greenbottle, greenbottle fly n02192388 Sarcophaga, genus Sarcophaga n02192513 flesh fly, Sarcophaga carnaria n02192673 Tachinidae, family Tachinidae n02192814 tachina fly n02193009 gadfly n02193163 botfly n02193357 Gasterophilidae, family Gasterophilidae n02193496 Gasterophilus, genus Gasterophilus n02193665 horse botfly, Gasterophilus intestinalis n02193799 Cuterebridae, family Cuterebridae n02193955 Cuterebra, genus Cuterebra n02194078 Dermatobia, genus Dermatobia n02194249 human botfly, Dermatobia hominis n02194414 Oestridae, family Oestridae, Hypodermatidae, family Hypodermatidae n02194599 Oestrus, genus Oestrus n02194750 sheep botfly, sheep gadfly, Oestrus ovis n02194887 Hypoderma, genus Hypoderma n02195091 warble fly n02195257 warble n02195403 Tabanidae, family Tabanidae n02195526 horsefly, cleg, clegg, horse fly n02195693 Bombyliidae, family Bombyliidae n02195819 bee fly n02195996 Asilidae, family Asilidae n02196119 robber fly, bee killer n02196344 fruit fly, pomace fly n02196542 Trypetidae, family Trypetidae, Trephritidae, family Trephritidae n02196761 Rhagoletis, genus Rhagoletis n02196896 apple maggot, railroad worm, Rhagoletis pomonella n02197048 Ceratitis, genus Ceratitis n02197185 Mediterranean fruit fly, medfly, Ceratitis capitata n02197413 Drosophilidae, family Drosophilidae n02197545 genus Drosophila n02197689 drosophila, Drosophila melanogaster n02197877 vinegar fly n02198021 Philophylla, genus Philophylla n02198129 leaf miner, leaf-miner n02198332 Hippoboscidae, family Hippoboscidae n02198532 louse fly, hippoboscid n02198714 Hippobosca, genus Hippobosca n02198859 horse tick, horsefly, Hippobosca equina n02198996 Melophagus, genus Melophagus n02199170 sheep ked, sheep-tick, sheep tick, Melophagus Ovinus n02199352 Haematobia, genus Haematobia n02199502 horn fly, Haematobia irritans n02199712 Nematocera, suborder Nematocera n02199999 Culicidae, family Culicidae n02200198 mosquito n02200509 wiggler, wriggler n02200630 gnat n02200705 Aedes, genus Aedes n02200850 yellow-fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti n02201000 Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus n02201252 Anopheles, genus Anopheles n02201497 anopheline n02201626 malarial mosquito, malaria mosquito n02201758 Culex, genus Culex n02202006 common mosquito, Culex pipiens n02202124 Culex quinquefasciatus, Culex fatigans n02202287 gnat n02202509 Ceratopogonidae, family Ceratopogonidae n02202678 punkie, punky, punkey, no-see-um, biting midge n02202878 Ceratopogon, genus Ceratopogon n02203008 Chironomidae, family Chironomidae n02203152 midge n02203332 Chironomus, genus Chironomus n02203457 Mycetophilidae, family Mycetophylidae n02203592 fungus gnat n02203739 Psychodidae, family Psychodidae n02203978 psychodid n02204084 Phlebotomus, genus Phlebotomus n02204249 sand fly, sandfly, Phlebotomus papatasii n02204460 Sciaridae, family Sciaridae n02204585 genus Sciara n02204722 fungus gnat, sciara, sciarid n02204907 armyworm n02205095 Tipulidae, family Tipulidae n02205219 crane fly, daddy longlegs n02205383 Simuliidae, family Simuliidae n02205523 Simulium, genus Simulium n02205673 blackfly, black fly, buffalo gnat n02205896 Hymenoptera, order Hymenoptera n02206270 hymenopterous insect, hymenopteran, hymenopteron, hymenopter n02206624 Apoidea, superfamily Apoidea n02206856 bee n02207179 drone n02207345 queen bee n02207449 worker n02207647 soldier n02207805 worker bee n02207942 Apidae, family Apidae n02208143 Apis, genus Apis n02208280 honeybee, Apis mellifera n02208498 Africanized bee, Africanized honey bee, killer bee, Apis mellifera scutellata, Apis mellifera adansonii n02208848 black bee, German bee n02208979 Carniolan bee n02209111 Italian bee n02209230 Xylocopa, genus Xylocopa n02209354 carpenter bee n02209508 Bombus, genus Bombus n02209624 bumblebee, humblebee n02209755 Psithyrus, genus Psithyrus n02209964 cuckoo-bumblebee n02210096 Andrenidae, family Andrenidae n02210291 genus Andrena n02210427 andrena, andrenid, mining bee n02210567 nomia, genus Nomia n02210728 Halictidae, family Halictidae n02210921 Nomia melanderi, alkali bee n02211099 Megachilidae, family Megachilidae n02211283 Megachile, genus Megachile n02211444 leaf-cutting bee, leaf-cutter, leaf-cutter bee n02211627 mason bee n02211773 Anthidium, genus Anthidium n02211896 potter bee n02212062 wasp n02212323 Vespidae, family Vespidae n02212602 vespid, vespid wasp n02212811 Vespa, genus Vespa n02212958 paper wasp n02213107 hornet n02213239 giant hornet, Vespa crabro n02213362 Vespula, genus Vespula n02213543 common wasp, Vespula vulgaris n02213663 bald-faced hornet, white-faced hornet, Vespula maculata n02213788 yellow jacket, yellow hornet, Vespula maculifrons n02213967 Polistes, genus Polistes n02214096 Polistes annularis n02214203 Eumenes, genus Eumenes n02214341 mason wasp n02214499 potter wasp n02214660 Mutillidae, family Mutillidae n02214773 velvet ant n02214972 Sphecoidea, superfamily Sphecoidea n02215161 sphecoid wasp, sphecoid n02215334 Sphecidae, family Sphecidae n02215496 Sceliphron, genus Sceliphron n02215621 mason wasp n02215770 digger wasp n02215941 Stizidae, family Stizidae n02216066 Sphecius, genus Sphecius n02216211 cicada killer, Sphecius speciosis n02216365 mud dauber n02216547 Cynipidae, family Cynipidae n02216740 gall wasp, gallfly, cynipid wasp, cynipid gall wasp n02216924 Cynips, genus Cynips n02217050 Amphibolips, genus Amphibolips n02217201 Andricus, genus Andricus n02217334 Chalcididae, family Chalcididae, Chalcidae, family Chalcidae n02217563 chalcid fly, chalcidfly, chalcid, chalcid wasp n02217839 strawworm, jointworm n02217997 Chalcis, genus Chalcis n02218134 chalcis fly n02218235 Ichneumonidae, family Ichneumonidae n02218371 ichneumon fly n02218563 Tenthredinidae, family Tenthredinidae n02218713 sawfly n02218912 Fenusa, genus-Fenusa n02219015 birch leaf miner, Fenusa pusilla n02219234 Formicidae, family Formicidae n02219486 ant, emmet, pismire n02219901 Monomorium, genus Monomorium n02220055 pharaoh ant, pharaoh's ant, Monomorium pharaonis n02220225 little black ant, Monomorium minimum n02220393 Dorylinae, subfamily Dorylinae n02220518 army ant, driver ant, legionary ant n02220676 Camponotus, genus Camponotus n02220804 carpenter ant n02220960 Solenopsis, genus Solenopsis n02221083 fire ant n02221240 Formica, genus Formica n02221414 wood ant, Formica rufa n02221571 slave ant n02221715 Formica fusca n02221820 slave-making ant, slave-maker n02222035 sanguinary ant, Formica sanguinea n02222199 Myrmecia, genus Myrmecia n02222321 bulldog ant n02222459 Polyergus, genus Polyergus n02222582 Amazon ant, Polyergus rufescens n02222718 Isoptera, order Isoptera n02223009 Termitidae, family Termitidae n02223151 Termes, genus Termes n02223266 termite, white ant n02223520 dry-wood termite n02223694 Reticulitermes, genus Reticulitermes n02223901 Reticulitermes flanipes n02224023 Reticulitermes lucifugus n02224141 Rhinotermitidae, family Rhinotermitidae n02224323 Mastotermitidae, family Mastotermitidae n02224466 Mastotermes, genus Mastotermes n02224713 Mastotermes darwiniensis n02224937 Mastotermes electromexicus n02225081 Mastotermes electrodominicus n02225231 Kalotermitidae, family Kalotermitidae n02225407 Kalotermes, genus Kalotermes n02225577 Cryptotermes, genus Cryptotermes n02225798 powder-post termite, Cryptotermes brevis n02225959 Orthoptera, order Orthoptera n02226183 orthopterous insect, orthopteron, orthopteran n02226429 grasshopper, hopper n02226598 Acrididae, family Acrididae, Locustidae, family Locustidae n02226821 short-horned grasshopper, acridid n02226970 locust n02227119 Locusta, genus Locusta n02227247 migratory locust, Locusta migratoria n02227430 Melanoplus, genus Melanoplus n02227604 migratory grasshopper n02227773 Tettigoniidae, family Tettigoniidae n02227966 long-horned grasshopper, tettigoniid n02228215 Microcentrum, genus Microcentrum n02228341 katydid n02228565 Anabrus, genus Anabrus n02228697 mormon cricket, Anabrus simplex n02228874 Stenopelmatidae, family Stenopelmatidae n02229023 Stenopelmatus, genus Stenopelmatus n02229156 sand cricket, Jerusalem cricket, Stenopelmatus fuscus n02229385 Gryllidae, family Gryllidae n02229544 cricket n02229765 mole cricket n02229867 Acheta, genus Acheta n02230023 European house cricket, Acheta domestica n02230187 field cricket, Acheta assimilis n02230355 Oecanthus, genus Oecanthus n02230480 tree cricket n02230634 snowy tree cricket, Oecanthus fultoni n02230782 Phasmida, order Phasmida, Phasmatodea, order Phasmatodea n02231052 phasmid, phasmid insect n02231307 Phasmidae, family Phasmidae, Phasmatidae, family Phasmatidae n02231487 walking stick, walkingstick, stick insect n02231680 genus Diapheromera n02231803 diapheromera, Diapheromera femorata n02231930 Phyllidae, family Phyllidae, Phillidae, family Phillidae n02232086 Phyllium, genus Phyllium n02232223 walking leaf, leaf insect n02232408 Exopterygota, subclass Exopterygota, Hemimetabola n02232606 Dictyoptera, order Dictyoptera n02232951 dictyopterous insect n02233096 Blattodea, suborder Blattodea, Blattaria, suborder Blattaria n02233338 cockroach, roach n02233577 Blattidae, family Blattidae n02233767 Blatta, genus Blatta n02233943 oriental cockroach, oriental roach, Asiatic cockroach, blackbeetle, Blatta orientalis n02234181 Periplaneta, genus Periplaneta n02234355 American cockroach, Periplaneta americana n02234570 Australian cockroach, Periplaneta australasiae n02234719 Blattella, genus Blattella n02234848 German cockroach, Croton bug, crotonbug, water bug, Blattella germanica n02235078 Blaberus, genus Blaberus n02235205 giant cockroach n02235321 Cryptocercidae, family Cryptocercidae n02235465 Cryptocercus, genus Cryptocercus n02235575 Manteodea, suborder Manteodea n02235761 Mantidae, family Mantidae, Manteidae, family Manteidae n02235911 genus Mantis n02236044 mantis, mantid n02236241 praying mantis, praying mantid, Mantis religioso n02236355 bug n02236495 Hemiptera, order Hemiptera n02236896 hemipterous insect, bug, hemipteran, hemipteron n02237239 Miridae, family Miridae, Capsidae, family Capsidae n02237424 leaf bug, plant bug n02237581 mirid bug, mirid, capsid n02237730 Poecilocapsus, genus Poecilocapsus n02237868 four-lined plant bug, four-lined leaf bug, Poecilocapsus lineatus n02238113 Lygus, genus Lygus n02238235 lygus bug n02238358 tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris n02238474 Tingidae, family Tingidae n02238594 lace bug n02238743 Lygaeidae, family Lygaeidae n02238887 lygaeid, lygaeid bug n02239073 Blissus, genus Blissus n02239192 chinch bug, Blissus leucopterus n02239347 Coreidae, family Coreidae n02239528 coreid bug, coreid n02239659 Anasa, genus Anasa n02239774 squash bug, Anasa tristis n02239934 Leptoglossus, genus Leptoglossus n02240068 leaf-footed bug, leaf-foot bug n02240223 Cimicidae, family Cimicidae n02240377 Cimex, genus Cimex n02240517 bedbug, bed bug, chinch, Cimex lectularius n02240706 Notonectidae, family Notonectidae n02240852 Notonecta, genus Notonecta n02241008 backswimmer, Notonecta undulata n02241184 Heteroptera, suborder Heteroptera n02241426 true bug n02241569 heteropterous insect n02241799 water bug n02242004 Belostomatidae, family Belostomatidae n02242137 giant water bug n02242293 Nepidae, family Nepidae n02242455 water scorpion n02242669 Nepa, genus Nepa n02242816 Ranatra, genus Ranatra n02242942 Corixidae, family Corixidae n02243065 Corixa, genus Corixa n02243209 water boatman, boat bug n02243351 Gerrididae, family Gerrididae, Gerridae, family Gerridae n02243562 water strider, pond-skater, water skater n02243744 Gerris, genus Gerris n02243878 common pond-skater, Gerris lacustris n02244007 Reduviidae, family Reduviidae n02244173 assassin bug, reduviid n02244396 Triatoma, genus Triatoma n02244515 conenose, cone-nosed bug, conenose bug, big bedbug, kissing bug n02244670 Arilus, genus Arilus n02244797 wheel bug, Arilus cristatus n02244963 Pyrrhocoridae, family Pyrrhocoridae n02245111 firebug n02245239 Dysdercus, genus Dysdercus n02245443 cotton stainer n02245592 Homoptera, suborder Homoptera n02246011 homopterous insect, homopteran n02246284 Aleyrodidae, family Aleyrodidae n02246487 Aleyrodes, genus Aleyrodes n02246628 whitefly n02246822 Dialeurodes, genus Dialeurodes n02246941 citrus whitefly, Dialeurodes citri n02247076 Trialeurodes, genus Trialeurodes n02247216 greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum n02247363 Bemisia, genus Bemisia n02247511 sweet-potato whitefly n02247655 superbug, Bemisia tabaci, poinsettia strain n02247950 superbug n02248062 cotton strain n02248147 Coccoidea, superfamily Coccoidea n02248368 coccid insect n02248510 scale insect n02248744 Coccidae, family Coccidae n02248887 soft scale n02249011 genus Coccus n02249134 brown soft scale, Coccus hesperidum n02249256 wax insect n02249365 Diaspididae, family Diaspididae n02249515 armored scale n02249673 Aspidiotus, genus Aspidiotus n02249809 San Jose scale, Aspidiotus perniciosus n02249995 Dactylopiidae, family Dactylopiidae n02250133 Dactylopius, genus Dactylopius n02250280 cochineal insect, cochineal, Dactylopius coccus n02250464 Pseudococcidae, family Pseudococcidae n02250653 Pseudococcus, genus Pseudococcus n02250822 mealybug, mealy bug n02251067 citrophilous mealybug, citrophilus mealybug, Pseudococcus fragilis n02251233 Comstock mealybug, Comstock's mealybug, Pseudococcus comstocki n02251452 Planococcus, genus Planococcus n02251593 citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri n02251775 plant louse, louse n02252039 Aphidoidea, superfamily Aphidoidea n02252226 aphid n02252429 Aphididae, family Aphididae n02252608 Aphis, genus Aphis n02252799 apple aphid, green apple aphid, Aphis pomi n02252972 blackfly, bean aphid, Aphis fabae n02253127 greenfly n02253264 green peach aphid n02253391 pale chrysanthemum aphid n02253494 ant cow n02253592 Eriosoma, genus Eriosoma n02253715 woolly aphid, woolly plant louse n02253913 woolly apple aphid, American blight, Eriosoma lanigerum n02254110 Prociphilus, genus Prociphilus n02254246 woolly alder aphid, Prociphilus tessellatus n02254370 Adelgidae, family Adelgidae n02254531 Adelges, genus Adelges n02254697 adelgid n02254901 balsam woolly aphid, Adelges piceae n02255023 spruce gall aphid, Adelges abietis n02255144 Pineus, genus Pineus n02255270 pine leaf aphid, Pineus pinifoliae n02255391 woolly adelgid n02255567 Phylloxeridae, family Phylloxeridae n02255698 Phylloxera, genus Phylloxera n02255855 grape louse, grape phylloxera, Phylloxera vitifoleae n02256010 Psyllidae, family Psyllidae, Chermidae, family Chermidae n02256172 jumping plant louse, psylla, psyllid n02256365 Cicadidae, family Cicadidae n02256542 genus Cicada n02256656 cicada, cicala n02256882 Tibicen, genus Tibicen n02257003 dog-day cicada, harvest fly n02257149 Magicicada, genus Magicicada n02257284 seventeen-year locust, periodical cicada, Magicicada septendecim n02257536 Cercopidae, family Cercopidae n02257715 spittle insect, spittlebug n02257985 froghopper n02258065 Philaenus, genus Philaenus n02258198 meadow spittlebug, Philaenus spumarius n02258354 Aphrophora, genus Aphrophora n02258508 pine spittlebug n02258629 Saratoga spittlebug, Aphrophora saratogensis n02258780 Cicadellidae, family Cicadellidae n02258910 Jassidae, family Jassidae n02259136 jassid n02259212 leafhopper n02259377 plant hopper, planthopper n02259565 Membracidae, family Membracidae n02259708 treehopper n02259844 Fulgoridae, family Fulgoridae n02259987 lantern fly, lantern-fly n02260183 Psocoptera, order Psocoptera, Corrodentia, order Corrodentia n02260421 psocopterous insect n02260623 Psocidae, family Psocidae n02260863 psocid n02261063 bark-louse, bark louse n02261184 Atropidae, family Atropidae n02261286 Liposcelis, genus Liposcelis n02261419 booklouse, book louse, deathwatch, Liposcelis divinatorius n02261630 Trogium, genus Trogium n02261757 common booklouse, Trogium pulsatorium n02261883 Ephemeroptera, order Ephemeroptera, Ephemerida, order Ephemerida n02262062 Plectophera n02262178 ephemerid, ephemeropteran n02262324 Ephemeridae, family Ephemeridae n02262449 mayfly, dayfly, shadfly n02262679 Plecoptera, order Plecoptera n02262803 stonefly, stone fly, plecopteran n02263038 Neuroptera, order Neuroptera n02263378 neuropteron, neuropteran, neuropterous insect n02263717 Myrmeleontidae, family Myrmeleontidae n02263848 Myrmeleon, genus Myrmeleon n02264021 ant lion, antlion, antlion fly n02264232 doodlebug, ant lion, antlion n02264363 lacewing, lacewing fly n02264591 aphid lion, aphis lion n02264734 Chrysopidae, family Chrysopidae n02264885 green lacewing, chrysopid, stink fly n02265076 goldeneye, golden-eyed fly n02265177 Hemerobiidae, family Hemerobiidae n02265330 brown lacewing, hemerobiid, hemerobiid fly n02265471 Megaloptera, suborder Megaloptera n02265717 Corydalidae, family Corydalidae n02265860 Corydalus, genus Corydalus, Corydalis, genus Corydalis n02266050 dobson, dobsonfly, dobson fly, Corydalus cornutus n02266269 hellgrammiate, dobson n02266421 fish fly, fish-fly n02266580 Sialidae, family Sialidae n02266732 Sialis, genus Sialis n02266864 alderfly, alder fly, Sialis lutaria n02267019 Raphidiidae, family Raphidiidae n02267208 snakefly n02267356 Mantispidae, family Mantispidae n02267483 mantispid n02267644 Sisyridae, family Sisyridae n02267826 spongefly, spongillafly n02267975 Odonata, order Odonata n02268148 odonate n02268334 Anisoptera, suborder Anisoptera n02268443 dragonfly, darning needle, devil's darning needle, sewing needle, snake feeder, snake doctor, mosquito hawk, skeeter hawk n02268746 Zygoptera, suborder Zygoptera n02268853 damselfly n02269015 Trichoptera, order Trichoptera n02269196 trichopterous insect, trichopteran, trichopteron n02269340 caddis fly, caddis-fly, caddice fly, caddice-fly n02269522 caseworm n02269657 caddisworm, strawworm n02269829 Thysanura, order Thysanura n02270011 thysanuran insect, thysanuron n02270200 bristletail n02270326 Lepismatidae, family Lepismatidae n02270473 Lepisma, genus Lepisma n02270623 silverfish, Lepisma saccharina n02270810 Thermobia, genus Thermobia n02270945 firebrat, Thermobia domestica n02271087 Machilidae, family Machilidae n02271222 jumping bristletail, machilid n02271427 Thysanoptera, order Thysanoptera n02271570 thysanopter, thysanopteron, thysanopterous insect n02271740 Thripidae, family Thripidae n02271897 thrips, thrip, thripid n02272152 Frankliniella, genus Frankliniella n02272286 tobacco thrips, Frankliniella fusca n02272428 genus Thrips n02272552 onion thrips, onion louse, Thrips tobaci n02272707 Dermaptera, order Dermaptera n02272871 earwig n02273120 Forficulidae, family Forficulidae n02273254 Forficula, genus Forficula n02273392 common European earwig, Forficula auricularia n02273545 Lepidoptera, order Lepidoptera n02274024 lepidopterous insect, lepidopteron, lepidopteran n02274259 butterfly n02274516 Nymphalidae, family Nymphalidae n02274822 nymphalid, nymphalid butterfly, brush-footed butterfly, four-footed butterfly n02275372 Nymphalis, genus Nymphalis n02275560 mourning cloak, mourning cloak butterfly, Camberwell beauty, Nymphalis antiopa n02275773 tortoiseshell, tortoiseshell butterfly n02275921 Vanessa, genus Vanessa n02276078 painted beauty, Vanessa virginiensis n02276258 admiral n02276355 red admiral, Vanessa atalanta n02276527 Limenitis, genus Limenitis n02276749 white admiral, Limenitis camilla n02276902 banded purple, white admiral, Limenitis arthemis n02277094 red-spotted purple, Limenitis astyanax n02277268 viceroy, Limenitis archippus n02277422 anglewing n02277556 Satyridae, family Satyridae n02277742 ringlet, ringlet butterfly n02277895 Polygonia, genus Polygonia n02278024 comma, comma butterfly, Polygonia comma n02278210 fritillary n02278343 Spyeria, genus Spyeria n02278463 silverspot n02278601 Argynnis, genus Argynnis n02278704 Apatura, genus Apatura n02278839 emperor butterfly, emperor n02278980 purple emperor, Apatura iris n02279127 Inachis, genus Inachis n02279257 peacock, peacock butterfly, Inachis io n02279442 Danaidae, family Danaidae n02279637 danaid, danaid butterfly n02279819 Danaus, genus Danaus n02279972 monarch, monarch butterfly, milkweed butterfly, Danaus plexippus n02280223 Pieridae, family Pieridae n02280458 pierid, pierid butterfly n02280649 cabbage butterfly n02280845 Pieris, genus Pieris n02281015 small white, Pieris rapae n02281136 large white, Pieris brassicae n02281267 southern cabbage butterfly, Pieris protodice n02281406 sulphur butterfly, sulfur butterfly n02281552 Lycaenidae, family Lycaenidae n02281787 lycaenid, lycaenid butterfly n02281987 Lycaena, genus Lycaena n02282257 blue n02282385 copper n02282553 American copper, Lycaena hypophlaeas n02282716 Strymon, genus Strymon n02282903 hairstreak, hairstreak butterfly n02283077 Strymon melinus n02283201 moth n02283617 moth miller, miller n02283728 Tortricidae, family Tortricidae n02283951 tortricid, tortricid moth n02284224 leaf roller, leaf-roller n02284367 genus Tortrix n02284513 Homona, genus Homona n02284611 tea tortrix, tortrix, Homona coffearia n02284771 Argyrotaenia, genus Argyrotaenia n02284884 orange tortrix, tortrix, Argyrotaenia citrana n02285052 Carpocapsa, genus Carpocapsa n02285179 codling moth, codlin moth, Carpocapsa pomonella n02285359 Lymantriidae, family Lymantriidae n02285548 lymantriid, tussock moth n02285801 tussock caterpillar n02285909 Lymantria, genus Lymantria n02286089 gypsy moth, gipsy moth, Lymantria dispar n02286271 Euproctis, genus Euproctis n02286425 browntail, brown-tail moth, Euproctis phaeorrhoea n02286654 gold-tail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea n02286815 Geometridae, family Geometridae n02287004 geometrid, geometrid moth n02287204 Paleacrita, genus Paleacrita n02287352 Paleacrita vernata n02287476 Alsophila, genus Alsophila n02287622 Alsophila pometaria n02287799 cankerworm n02287987 spring cankerworm n02288122 fall cankerworm n02288268 measuring worm, inchworm, looper n02288473 Pyralidae, family Pyralidae, Pyralididae, family Pyralididae n02288789 pyralid, pyralid moth n02289061 Pyralis, genus Pyralis n02289177 Galleria, genus Galleria n02289307 bee moth, wax moth, Galleria mellonella n02289466 Pyrausta, genus Pyrausta n02289610 corn borer, European corn borer moth, corn borer moth, Pyrausta nubilalis n02289845 Anagasta, genus Anagasta n02289988 Mediterranean flour moth, Anagasta kuehniella n02290153 Ephestia, genus Ephestia n02290340 tobacco moth, cacao moth, Ephestia elutella n02290521 Cadra, genus Cadra n02290664 almond moth, fig moth, Cadra cautella n02290870 raisin moth, Cadra figulilella n02291024 Tineoidea, superfamily Tineoidea n02291220 tineoid, tineoid moth n02291391 Tineidae, family Tineidae n02291572 tineid, tineid moth n02291748 clothes moth n02291940 Tinea, genus Tinea n02292085 casemaking clothes moth, Tinea pellionella n02292272 Tineola, genus Tineola n02292401 webbing clothes moth, webbing moth, Tineola bisselliella n02292564 Trichophaga, genus Trichophaga n02292692 carpet moth, tapestry moth, Trichophaga tapetzella n02292850 Gracilariidae, Gracillariidae, family Gracilariidae n02292980 gracilariid, gracilariid moth n02293135 Gelechiidae, family Gelechiidae n02293352 gelechiid, gelechiid moth n02293560 Gelechia, genus Gelechia n02293715 Gelechia gossypiella n02293868 grain moth n02293974 Sitotroga, genus Sitotroga n02294097 angoumois moth, angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella n02294279 Phthorimaea, genus Phthorimaea n02294407 potato moth, potato tuber moth, splitworm, Phthorimaea operculella n02294577 potato tuberworm, Phthorimaea operculella n02294761 Noctuidae, family Noctuidae n02295064 noctuid moth, noctuid, owlet moth n02295390 cutworm n02295570 Noctua, genus Noctua n02295717 Catacala, genus Catacala n02295870 underwing n02296021 red underwing, Catocala nupta n02296150 Cerapteryx, genus Cerapteryx n02296276 antler moth, Cerapteryx graminis n02296480 Heliothis, genus Heliothis n02296612 heliothis moth, Heliothis zia n02296756 Chorizagrotis, genus Chorizagrotis n02296912 army cutworm, Chorizagrotis auxiliaris n02297127 Pseudaletia, genus Pseudaletia n02297294 armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta n02297442 armyworm, army worm, Pseudaletia unipuncta n02297635 Spodoptera, genus Spodoptera n02297819 Spodoptera exigua n02297938 beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua n02298095 Spodoptera frugiperda n02298218 fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda n02298379 Sphingidae, family Sphingidae n02298541 hawkmoth, hawk moth, sphingid, sphinx moth, hummingbird moth n02298833 Manduca, genus Manduca n02299039 Manduca sexta n02299157 tobacco hornworm, tomato worm, Manduca sexta n02299378 Manduca quinquemaculata n02299505 tomato hornworm, potato worm, Manduca quinquemaculata n02299715 Acherontia, genus Acherontia n02299846 death's-head moth, Acherontia atropos n02300018 Bombycidae, family Bombycidae n02300173 bombycid, bombycid moth, silkworm moth n02300378 Bombyx, genus Bombyx n02300554 domestic silkworm moth, domesticated silkworm moth, Bombyx mori n02300797 silkworm n02301072 Saturniidae, family Saturniidae n02301452 saturniid, saturniid moth n02301782 Saturnia, genus Saturnia n02301935 emperor, emperor moth, Saturnia pavonia n02302124 Eacles, genus Eacles n02302244 imperial moth, Eacles imperialis n02302459 giant silkworm moth, silkworm moth n02302620 silkworm, giant silkworm, wild wilkworm n02302853 Actias, genus Actias n02302969 luna moth, Actias luna n02303167 Hyalophora, genus Hyalophora n02303284 cecropia, cecropia moth, Hyalophora cecropia n02303448 Samia, genus Samia n02303585 cynthia moth, Samia cynthia, Samia walkeri n02303777 ailanthus silkworm, Samia cynthia n02303917 Automeris, genus Automeris n02304036 io moth, Automeris io n02304229 Antheraea, genus Antheraea n02304432 polyphemus moth, Antheraea polyphemus n02304657 pernyi moth, Antheraea pernyi n02304797 tussah, tusseh, tussur, tussore, tusser, Antheraea mylitta n02304967 Atticus, genus Atticus n02305085 atlas moth, Atticus atlas n02305245 Arctiidae, family Arctiidae n02305407 arctiid, arctiid moth n02305636 tiger moth n02305799 Callimorpha, genus Callimorpha n02305929 cinnabar, cinnabar moth, Callimorpha jacobeae n02306159 Lasiocampidae, family Lasiocampidae n02306433 lasiocampid, lasiocampid moth n02306672 Lasiocampa, genus Lasiocampa n02306825 eggar, egger n02307007 Malacosoma, genus Malacosoma n02307176 tent-caterpillar moth, Malacosoma americana n02307325 tent caterpillar n02307515 tent-caterpillar moth, Malacosoma disstria n02307681 forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria n02307910 lappet, lappet moth n02308033 lappet caterpillar n02308139 webworm n02308325 Hyphantria, genus Hyphantria n02308471 webworm moth n02308618 Hyphantria cunea n02308735 fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea n02308852 Loxostege, genus Loxostege n02308998 Loxostege similalis n02309120 garden webworm, Loxostege similalis n02309242 instar n02309337 caterpillar n02309841 corn borer, Pyrausta nubilalis n02310000 bollworm n02310149 pink bollworm, Gelechia gossypiella n02310334 corn earworm, cotton bollworm, tomato fruitworm, tobacco budworm, vetchworm, Heliothis zia n02310585 cabbageworm, Pieris rapae n02310717 woolly bear, woolly bear caterpillar n02310941 woolly bear moth n02311060 larva n02311617 nymph n02311748 leptocephalus n02311879 bot n02312006 grub n02312175 maggot n02312325 leatherjacket n02312427 pupa n02312640 chrysalis n02312744 cocoon n02312912 imago n02313008 queen n02313195 Phoronida, Phoronidea, phylum Phoronida n02313360 phoronid n02313495 Bryozoa, phylum Bryozoa, polyzoa n02313709 bryozoan, polyzoan, sea mat, sea moss, moss animal n02314001 Ectoprocta, phylum Ectoprocta n02314158 ectoproct n02314321 Entoprocta, phylum Entoprocta, Endoprocta n02314492 entoproct n02314717 Cycliophora, phylum Cycliophora n02315024 Symbion pandora n02315309 Brachiopoda, phylum Brachiopoda n02315487 brachiopod, lamp shell, lampshell n02315696 Sipuncula, phylum Sipuncula n02315821 peanut worm, sipunculid n02316038 echinoderm family n02316180 echinoderm genus n02316392 Echinodermata, phylum Echinodermata n02316707 echinoderm n02317025 ambulacrum n02317212 Asteroidea, class Asteroidea n02317335 starfish, sea star n02317488 Ophiuroidea, class Ophiuroidea n02317653 Ophiurida, subclass Ophiurida n02317781 brittle star, brittle-star, serpent star n02317983 Euryalida, subclass Euryalida n02318167 basket star, basket fish n02318437 Euryale, genus Euryale n02318538 Astrophyton, genus Astrophyton n02318687 Astrophyton muricatum n02318798 Gorgonocephalus, genus Gorgonocephalus n02318915 Echinoidea, class Echinoidea n02319095 sea urchin n02319308 edible sea urchin, Echinus esculentus n02319423 Exocycloida, order Exocycloida n02319555 sand dollar n02319689 Spatangoida, order Spatangoida n02319829 heart urchin n02319967 Crinoidea, class Crinoidea n02320127 crinoid n02320339 Ptilocrinus, genus Ptilocrinus n02320465 sea lily n02320621 Antedonidae, family Antedonidae n02320769 Comatulidae, family Comatulidae n02320888 Antedon, genus Antedon n02321062 Comatula, genus Comatula n02321170 feather star, comatulid n02321342 Holothuroidea, class Holothuroidea n02321529 sea cucumber, holothurian n02321759 Holothuridae, family Holothuridae n02321903 Holothuria, genus Holothuria n02322047 trepang, Holothuria edulis n02322213 foot, invertebrate foot n02322387 tube foot n02322624 roe n02322712 milt n02322817 splint bone n02322992 Duplicidentata n02323186 Lagomorpha, order Lagomorpha n02323449 lagomorph, gnawing mammal n02323715 Leporidae, family Leporidae n02323902 leporid, leporid mammal n02324045 rabbit, coney, cony n02324431 rabbit ears n02324514 lapin n02324587 bunny, bunny rabbit n02324717 Oryctolagus, genus Oryctolagus n02324850 European rabbit, Old World rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus n02325211 Sylvilagus, genus Sylvilagus n02325366 wood rabbit, cottontail, cottontail rabbit n02325722 eastern cottontail, Sylvilagus floridanus n02325884 swamp rabbit, canecutter, swamp hare, Sylvilagus aquaticus n02326074 marsh hare, swamp rabbit, Sylvilagus palustris n02326237 Lepus, genus Lepus n02326432 hare n02326763 leveret n02326862 European hare, Lepus europaeus n02327028 jackrabbit n02327175 white-tailed jackrabbit, whitetail jackrabbit, Lepus townsendi n02327435 blacktail jackrabbit, Lepus californicus n02327656 polar hare, Arctic hare, Lepus arcticus n02327842 snowshoe hare, snowshoe rabbit, varying hare, Lepus americanus n02328009 Belgian hare, leporide n02328150 Angora, Angora rabbit n02328270 Ochotonidae, family Ochotonidae n02328429 pika, mouse hare, rock rabbit, coney, cony n02328662 Ochotona, genus Ochotona n02328820 little chief hare, Ochotona princeps n02328942 collared pika, Ochotona collaris n02329093 Rodentia, order Rodentia n02329401 rodent, gnawer n02330245 mouse n02330582 Myomorpha, suborder Myomorpha n02330830 Muroidea, superfamily Muroidea n02331046 rat n02331309 pocket rat n02331479 Muridae, family Muridae n02331842 murine n02331960 Mus, genus Mus n02332156 house mouse, Mus musculus n02332315 Micromyx, genus Micromyx n02332447 harvest mouse, Micromyx minutus n02332606 Apodemus, genus Apodemus n02332755 field mouse, fieldmouse n02332954 nude mouse n02333190 European wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus n02333368 Rattus, genus Rattus n02333546 brown rat, Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus n02333733 wharf rat n02333819 sewer rat n02333909 black rat, roof rat, Rattus rattus n02334079 Nesokia, genus Nesokia n02334201 bandicoot rat, mole rat n02334337 Conilurus, genus Conilurus n02334460 jerboa rat n02334609 Notomys, genus Notomys n02334728 kangaroo mouse n02334849 Hydromyinae, subfamily Hydromyinae n02335007 Hydromys, genus Hydromys n02335127 water rat n02335231 beaver rat n02335349 Cricetidae, family Cricetidae n02336011 New World mouse n02336129 Reithrodontomys, genus Reithrodontomys n02336275 American harvest mouse, harvest mouse n02336451 Peromyscus, genus Peromyscus n02336641 wood mouse n02336826 white-footed mouse, vesper mouse, Peromyscus leucopus n02337001 deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus n02337171 cactus mouse, Peromyscus eremicus n02337332 cotton mouse, Peromyscus gossypinus n02337480 Baiomys, genus Baiomys n02337598 pygmy mouse, Baiomys taylori n02337774 Onychomys, genus Onychomys n02337902 grasshopper mouse n02338029 Ondatra, genus Ondatra n02338145 muskrat, musquash, Ondatra zibethica n02338319 Neofiber, genus Neofiber n02338449 round-tailed muskrat, Florida water rat, Neofiber alleni n02338592 Sigmodon, genus Sigmodon n02338722 cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus n02338901 wood rat, wood-rat n02339282 dusky-footed wood rat n02339376 vole, field mouse n02339768 Neotoma, genus Neotoma n02339922 packrat, pack rat, trade rat, bushytail woodrat, Neotoma cinerea n02340186 dusky-footed woodrat, Neotoma fuscipes n02340358 eastern woodrat, Neotoma floridana n02340521 Oryzomys, genus Oryzomys n02340640 rice rat, Oryzomys palustris n02340813 Pitymys, genus Pitymys n02340930 pine vole, pine mouse, Pitymys pinetorum n02341108 Microtus, genus Microtus n02341288 meadow vole, meadow mouse, Microtus pennsylvaticus n02341475 water vole, Richardson vole, Microtus richardsoni n02341616 prairie vole, Microtus ochrogaster n02341805 Arvicola, genus Arvicola n02341974 water vole, water rat, Arvicola amphibius n02342109 Clethrionomys, genus Clethrionomys n02342250 red-backed mouse, redback vole n02342413 genus Phenacomys n02342534 phenacomys n02342727 Cricetus, genus Cricetus n02342885 hamster n02343058 Eurasian hamster, Cricetus cricetus n02343187 Mesocricetus, genus Mesocricetus n02343320 golden hamster, Syrian hamster, Mesocricetus auratus n02343487 Gerbillinae, subfamily Gerbillinae n02343633 Gerbillus, genus Gerbillus n02343772 gerbil, gerbille n02344006 Meriones, genus Meriones n02344175 jird n02344270 tamarisk gerbil, Meriones unguiculatus n02344408 sand rat, Meriones longifrons n02344528 lemming n02344785 Lemmus, genus lemmus n02344918 European lemming, Lemmus lemmus n02345078 brown lemming, Lemmus trimucronatus n02345213 Myopus, genus Myopus n02345340 grey lemming, gray lemming, red-backed lemming n02345471 Dicrostonyx, genus Dicrostonyx n02345600 pied lemming n02345774 Hudson bay collared lemming, Dicrostonyx hudsonius n02345890 Synaptomys, genus Synaptomys n02345997 southern bog lemming, Synaptomys cooperi n02346170 northern bog lemming, Synaptomys borealis n02346315 Hystricomorpha, suborder Hystricomorpha n02346627 porcupine, hedgehog n02346823 Hystricidae, family Hystricidae n02346998 Old World porcupine n02347140 Atherurus, genus Atherurus n02347274 brush-tailed porcupine, brush-tail porcupine n02347443 Trichys, genus Trichys n02347573 long-tailed porcupine, Trichys lipura n02347744 New World porcupine n02347865 Erethizontidae, family Erethizontidae n02348036 Erethizon, genus Erethizon n02348173 Canada porcupine, Erethizon dorsatum n02348405 Heteromyidae, family Heteromyidae n02348788 pocket mouse n02349040 Perognathus, genus Perognathus n02349205 silky pocket mouse, Perognathus flavus n02349390 plains pocket mouse, Perognathus flavescens n02349557 hispid pocket mouse, Perognathus hispidus n02349730 Liomys, genus Liomys n02349847 Mexican pocket mouse, Liomys irroratus n02349980 Dipodomys, genus Dipodomys n02350105 kangaroo rat, desert rat, Dipodomys phillipsii n02350357 Ord kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ordi n02350537 Microdipodops, genus Microdipodops n02350670 kangaroo mouse, dwarf pocket rat n02350845 Zapodidae, family Zapodidae n02350989 jumping mouse n02351212 Zapus, genus Zapus n02351343 meadow jumping mouse, Zapus hudsonius n02351518 Dipodidae, family Dipodidae n02351686 Dipus, genus Dipus n02351870 jerboa n02352002 typical jerboa n02352175 Jaculus, genus Jaculus n02352290 Jaculus jaculus n02352390 Gliridae, family Gliridae n02352591 dormouse n02352804 Glis, genus Glis n02352932 loir, Glis glis n02353037 Muscardinus, genus Muscardinus n02353172 hazel mouse, Muscardinus avellanarius n02353297 Eliomys, genus Eliomys n02353411 lerot n02353529 Geomyidae, family Geomyidae n02353709 Geomys, genus Geomys n02353861 gopher, pocket gopher, pouched rat n02354162 plains pocket gopher, Geomys bursarius n02354320 southeastern pocket gopher, Geomys pinetis n02354470 Thomomys, genus Thomomys n02354621 valley pocket gopher, Thomomys bottae n02354781 northern pocket gopher, Thomomys talpoides n02354950 Sciuromorpha, suborder Sciuromorpha n02355227 squirrel n02355477 tree squirrel n02355711 Sciuridae, family Sciuridae n02356108 Sciurus, genus Sciurus n02356381 eastern grey squirrel, eastern gray squirrel, cat squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis n02356612 western grey squirrel, western gray squirrel, Sciurus griseus n02356798 fox squirrel, eastern fox squirrel, Sciurus niger n02356977 black squirrel n02357111 red squirrel, cat squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris n02357280 Tamiasciurus, genus Tamiasciurus n02357401 American red squirrel, spruce squirrel, red squirrel, Sciurus hudsonicus, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus n02357585 chickeree, Douglas squirrel, Tamiasciurus douglasi n02357741 Citellus, genus Citellus, Spermophilus, genus Spermophilus n02357911 antelope squirrel, whitetail antelope squirrel, antelope chipmunk, Citellus leucurus n02358091 ground squirrel, gopher, spermophile n02358390 mantled ground squirrel, Citellus lateralis n02358584 suslik, souslik, Citellus citellus n02358712 flickertail, Richardson ground squirrel, Citellus richardsoni n02358890 rock squirrel, Citellus variegatus n02359047 Arctic ground squirrel, parka squirrel, Citellus parryi n02359204 Cynomys, genus Cynomys n02359324 prairie dog, prairie marmot n02359556 blacktail prairie dog, Cynomys ludovicianus n02359667 whitetail prairie dog, Cynomys gunnisoni n02359775 Tamias, genus Tamias n02359915 eastern chipmunk, hackee, striped squirrel, ground squirrel, Tamias striatus n02360135 Eutamias, genus Eutamias n02360282 chipmunk n02360480 baronduki, baranduki, barunduki, burunduki, Eutamius asiaticus, Eutamius sibiricus n02360643 Glaucomys, genus Glaucomys n02360781 American flying squirrel n02360933 southern flying squirrel, Glaucomys volans n02361090 northern flying squirrel, Glaucomys sabrinus n02361222 Marmota, genus Marmota n02361337 marmot n02361587 groundhog, woodchuck, Marmota monax n02361706 hoary marmot, whistler, whistling marmot, Marmota caligata n02361850 yellowbelly marmot, rockchuck, Marmota flaviventris n02362025 Petauristidae, subfamily Petauristidae n02362194 Asiatic flying squirrel n02362420 Petaurista, genus Petaurista n02362569 taguan, flying marmot, flying cat, Petaurista petaurista n02362721 Castoridae, family Castoridae n02362862 Castor, genus Castor n02363005 beaver n02363245 Old World beaver, Castor fiber n02363351 New World beaver, Castor canadensis n02363511 Castoroides, genus Castoroides n02363681 Aplodontiidae, family Aplodontiidae n02363818 Aplodontia, genus Aplodontia n02363996 mountain beaver, sewellel, Aplodontia rufa n02364221 Caviidae, family Caviidae n02364377 Cavia, genus Cavia n02364520 cavy n02364673 guinea pig, Cavia cobaya n02364840 aperea, wild cavy, Cavia porcellus n02364989 Dolichotis, genus Dolichotis n02365108 mara, Dolichotis patagonum n02365244 Hydrochoeridae, family Hydrochoeridae n02365356 Hydrochoerus, genus Hydrochoerus n02365480 capybara, capibara, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris n02365672 Dasyproctidae, family Dasyproctidae n02365848 Dasyprocta, genus Dasyprocta n02366002 agouti, Dasyprocta aguti n02366203 Cuniculus, genus Cuniculus n02366301 paca, Cuniculus paca n02366453 Stictomys, genus Stictomys n02366579 mountain paca n02366702 Capromyidae, family Capromyidae n02366825 Myocastor, genus Myocastor n02366959 coypu, nutria, Myocastor coypus n02367131 Chinchillidae, family Chinchillidae n02367360 genus Chinchilla n02367492 chinchilla, Chinchilla laniger n02367678 Lagidium, genus Lagidium n02367812 mountain chinchilla, mountain viscacha n02367993 Lagostomus, genus Lagostomus n02368116 viscacha, chinchillon, Lagostomus maximus n02368280 Abrocoma, genus Abrocoma n02368399 abrocome, chinchilla rat, rat chinchilla n02368563 Spalacidae, family Spalacidae n02368687 Spalax, genus Spalax n02368821 mole rat n02369012 Bathyergidae, family Bathyergidae n02369170 Bathyergus, genus Bathyergus n02369293 mole rat n02369424 Heterocephalus, genus Heterocephalus n02369555 sand rat n02369680 naked mole rat n02369935 queen, queen mole rat n02370137 Damaraland mole rat n02370265 dug n02370360 udder, bag n02370525 Ungulata n02370806 ungulate, hoofed mammal n02371125 Unguiculata n02371344 unguiculate, unguiculate mammal n02371471 Dinocerata, order Dinocerata n02371647 Uintatheriidae, family Uintatheriidae n02371801 Uintatherium, genus Uintatherium n02372046 dinocerate n02372140 dinoceras, uintathere n02372251 Hyracoidea, order Hyracoidea n02372397 Procaviidae, family Procaviidae n02372584 hyrax, coney, cony, dassie, das n02372813 Procavia, genus Procavia n02372952 rock hyrax, rock rabbit, Procavia capensis n02373093 Perissodactyla, order Perissodactyla n02373336 odd-toed ungulate, perissodactyl, perissodactyl mammal n02373601 Equidae, family Equidae n02373843 Equus, genus Equus n02374149 equine, equid n02374451 horse, Equus caballus n02375302 roan n02375438 stablemate, stable companion n02375592 Hyracotherium, genus Hyracotherium n02375757 gee-gee n02375862 eohippus, dawn horse n02376016 genus Mesohippus n02376135 mesohippus n02376303 genus Protohippus n02376423 protohippus n02376542 foal n02376679 filly n02376791 colt n02376918 male horse n02377063 ridgeling, ridgling, ridgel, ridgil n02377181 stallion, entire n02377291 stud, studhorse n02377388 gelding n02377480 mare, female horse n02377603 broodmare, stud mare n02377703 saddle horse, riding horse, mount n02378149 remount n02378299 palfrey n02378415 warhorse n02378541 cavalry horse n02378625 charger, courser n02378755 steed n02378870 prancer n02378969 hack n02379081 cow pony n02379183 quarter horse n02379329 Morgan n02379430 Tennessee walker, Tennessee walking horse, Walking horse, Plantation walking horse n02379630 American saddle horse n02379743 Appaloosa n02379908 Arabian, Arab n02380052 Lippizan, Lipizzan, Lippizaner n02380335 pony n02380464 polo pony n02380583 mustang n02380745 bronco, bronc, broncho n02380875 bucking bronco n02381004 buckskin n02381119 crowbait, crow-bait n02381261 dun n02381364 grey, gray n02381460 wild horse n02381609 tarpan, Equus caballus gomelini n02381744 warrigal, warragal n02381831 Przewalski's horse, Przevalski's horse, Equus caballus przewalskii, Equus caballus przevalskii n02382039 cayuse, Indian pony n02382132 hack n02382204 hack, jade, nag, plug n02382338 plow horse, plough horse n02382437 pony n02382635 Shetland pony n02382750 Welsh pony n02382850 Exmoor n02382948 racehorse, race horse, bangtail n02383231 thoroughbred n02383604 Sir Barton n02383708 Gallant Fox n02383813 Omaha n02383912 War Admiral n02384017 Whirlaway n02384120 Count Fleet n02384225 Assault n02384326 Citation n02384428 Secretariat n02384533 Seattle Slew n02384639 Affirmed n02384741 steeplechaser n02384858 racer n02385002 finisher n02385098 pony n02385214 yearling n02385348 two-year-old horse, two year old n02385461 three-year-old horse, three year old n02385580 dark horse n02385676 mudder n02385776 nonstarter n02385898 stalking-horse n02386014 harness horse n02386141 cob n02386224 hackney n02386310 workhorse n02386496 draft horse, draught horse, dray horse n02386746 packhorse n02386853 carthorse, cart horse, drayhorse n02386968 Clydesdale n02387093 Percheron n02387254 farm horse, dobbin n02387346 shire, shire horse n02387452 pole horse, poler n02387581 wheel horse, wheeler n02387722 post horse, post-horse, poster n02387887 coach horse n02387983 pacer n02388143 pacer, pacemaker, pacesetter n02388276 trotting horse, trotter n02388453 pole horse n02388588 stepper, high stepper n02388735 chestnut n02388832 liver chestnut n02388917 bay n02389026 sorrel n02389128 palomino n02389261 pinto n02389346 ass n02389559 domestic ass, donkey, Equus asinus n02389779 burro n02389865 moke n02389943 jack, jackass n02390015 jennet, jenny, jenny ass n02390101 mule n02390258 hinny n02390454 wild ass n02390640 African wild ass, Equus asinus n02390738 kiang, Equus kiang n02390834 onager, Equus hemionus n02390938 chigetai, dziggetai, Equus hemionus hemionus n02391049 zebra n02391234 common zebra, Burchell's zebra, Equus Burchelli n02391373 mountain zebra, Equus zebra zebra n02391508 grevy's zebra, Equus grevyi n02391617 quagga, Equus quagga n02391782 Rhinocerotidae, family Rhinocerotidae, rhinoceros family n02391994 rhinoceros, rhino n02392282 genus Rhinoceros n02392434 Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis n02392555 woolly rhinoceros, Rhinoceros antiquitatis n02392710 Ceratotherium, genus Ceratotherium n02392824 white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum, Diceros simus n02393024 Diceros, genus Diceros n02393161 black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis n02393300 Tapiridae, family Tapiridae n02393445 Tapirus, genus Tapirus n02393580 tapir n02393807 New World tapir, Tapirus terrestris n02393940 Malayan tapir, Indian tapir, Tapirus indicus n02394068 Artiodactyla, order Artiodactyla n02394477 even-toed ungulate, artiodactyl, artiodactyl mammal n02394822 Suidae, family Suidae n02395003 swine n02395244 Sus, genus Sus n02395406 hog, pig, grunter, squealer, Sus scrofa n02395694 piglet, piggy, shoat, shote n02395855 sucking pig n02395931 porker n02396014 boar n02396088 sow n02396157 razorback, razorback hog, razorbacked hog n02396427 wild boar, boar, Sus scrofa n02396667 Babyrousa, genus Babyrousa n02396796 babirusa, babiroussa, babirussa, Babyrousa Babyrussa n02396970 Phacochoerus, genus Phacochoerus n02397096 warthog n02397251 Tayassuidae, family Tayassuidae n02397377 Tayassu, genus Tayassu, genus Pecari n02397529 peccary, musk hog n02397744 collared peccary, javelina, Tayassu angulatus, Tayassu tajacu, Peccari angulatus n02397987 white-lipped peccary, Tayassu pecari n02398141 Chiacoan peccary n02398252 Hippopotamidae, family Hippopotamidae n02398386 genus Hippopotamus n02398521 hippopotamus, hippo, river horse, Hippopotamus amphibius n02398732 Ruminantia, suborder Ruminantia n02399000 ruminant n02399424 rumen, first stomach n02399648 reticulum, second stomach n02399791 psalterium, omasum, third stomach n02399942 abomasum, fourth stomach n02400139 Bovidae, family Bovidae n02401031 bovid n02401305 Bovinae, subfamily Bovinae n02401509 Bovini, tribe Bovini n02401661 Bos, genus Bos n02402010 bovine n02402175 ox, wild ox n02402425 cattle, cows, kine, oxen, Bos taurus n02403003 ox n02403153 stirk n02403231 bullock, steer n02403325 bull n02403454 cow, moo-cow n02403644 springer, springing cow n02403740 heifer n02403820 bullock n02403920 dogie, dogy, leppy n02404028 maverick n02404186 beef, beef cattle n02404432 longhorn, Texas longhorn n02404573 Brahman, Brahma, Brahmin, Bos indicus n02404906 zebu n02405101 aurochs, urus, Bos primigenius n02405302 yak, Bos grunniens n02405440 banteng, banting, tsine, Bos banteng n02405577 Welsh, Welsh Black n02405692 red poll n02405799 Santa Gertrudis n02405929 Aberdeen Angus, Angus, black Angus n02406046 Africander n02406174 dairy cattle, dairy cow, milch cow, milk cow, milcher, milker n02406432 Ayrshire n02406533 Brown Swiss n02406647 Charolais n02406749 Jersey n02406859 Devon n02406952 grade n02407071 Durham, shorthorn n02407172 milking shorthorn n02407276 Galloway n02407390 Friesian, Holstein, Holstein-Friesian n02407521 Guernsey n02407625 Hereford, whiteface n02407763 cattalo, beefalo n02407959 Old World buffalo, buffalo n02408217 Bubalus, genus Bubalus, tribe Bubalus n02408429 water buffalo, water ox, Asiatic buffalo, Bubalus bubalis n02408660 Indian buffalo n02408817 carabao n02408903 genus Anoa n02409038 anoa, dwarf buffalo, Anoa depressicornis n02409202 tamarau, tamarao, Bubalus mindorensis, Anoa mindorensis n02409369 Synercus, genus Synercus, tribe synercus n02409508 Cape buffalo, Synercus caffer n02409702 Bibos, genus Bibos n02409870 Asian wild ox n02410011 gaur, Bibos gaurus n02410141 gayal, mithan, Bibos frontalis n02410313 genus Bison n02410509 bison n02410702 American bison, American buffalo, buffalo, Bison bison n02410900 wisent, aurochs, Bison bonasus n02411075 Ovibos, genus Ovibos n02411206 musk ox, musk sheep, Ovibos moschatus n02411427 Ovis, genus Ovis n02411705 sheep n02411999 ewe n02412080 ram, tup n02412210 wether n02412337 bellwether n02412440 lamb n02412629 lambkin n02412700 baa-lamb n02412787 hog, hogget, hogg n02412909 teg n02412977 Persian lamb n02413050 black sheep n02413131 domestic sheep, Ovis aries n02413484 Cotswold n02413593 Hampshire, Hampshire down n02413717 Lincoln n02413824 Exmoor n02413917 Cheviot n02414043 broadtail, caracul, karakul n02414209 longwool n02414290 merino, merino sheep n02414442 Rambouillet n02414578 wild sheep n02414763 argali, argal, Ovis ammon n02414904 Marco Polo sheep, Marco Polo's sheep, Ovis poli n02415130 urial, Ovis vignei n02415253 Dall sheep, Dall's sheep, white sheep, Ovis montana dalli n02415435 mountain sheep n02415577 bighorn, bighorn sheep, cimarron, Rocky Mountain bighorn, Rocky Mountain sheep, Ovis canadensis n02415829 mouflon, moufflon, Ovis musimon n02415971 Ammotragus, genus Ammotragus n02416104 aoudad, arui, audad, Barbary sheep, maned sheep, Ammotragus lervia n02416270 beard n02416410 Capra, genus Capra n02416519 goat, caprine animal n02416820 kid n02416880 billy, billy goat, he-goat n02416964 nanny, nanny-goat, she-goat n02417070 domestic goat, Capra hircus n02417242 Cashmere goat, Kashmir goat n02417387 Angora, Angora goat n02417534 wild goat n02417663 bezoar goat, pasang, Capra aegagrus n02417785 markhor, markhoor, Capra falconeri n02417914 ibex, Capra ibex n02418064 goat antelope n02418341 Oreamnos, genus Oreamnos n02418465 mountain goat, Rocky Mountain goat, Oreamnos americanus n02418648 Naemorhedus, genus Naemorhedus n02418770 goral, Naemorhedus goral n02418934 Capricornis, genus Capricornis n02419056 serow n02419217 Rupicapra, genus Rupicapra n02419336 chamois, Rupicapra rupicapra n02419515 Budorcas, genus Budorcas n02419634 takin, gnu goat, Budorcas taxicolor n02419796 antelope n02420389 Antilope, genus Antilope n02420509 blackbuck, black buck, Antilope cervicapra n02420675 Litocranius, genus Litocranius n02420828 gerenuk, Litocranius walleri n02420994 genus Addax n02421136 addax, Addax nasomaculatus n02421308 Connochaetes, genus Connochaetes n02421449 gnu, wildebeest n02421612 Madoqua, genus Madoqua n02421792 dik-dik n02421962 Alcelaphus, genus Alcelaphus n02422106 hartebeest n02422249 Damaliscus, genus Damaliscus n02422391 sassaby, topi, Damaliscus lunatus n02422561 Aepyceros, genus Aepyceros n02422699 impala, Aepyceros melampus n02422860 Gazella, genus Gazella n02423022 gazelle n02423218 Thomson's gazelle, Gazella thomsoni n02423362 Gazella subgutturosa n02423465 Antidorcas, genus Antidorcas n02423589 springbok, springbuck, Antidorcas marsupialis, Antidorcas euchore n02423787 Tragelaphus, genus Tragelaphus, Strepsiceros, genus Strepsiceros n02424085 bongo, Tragelaphus eurycerus, Boocercus eurycerus n02424305 kudu, koodoo, koudou n02424486 greater kudu, Tragelaphus strepsiceros n02424589 lesser kudu, Tragelaphus imberbis n02424695 harnessed antelope n02424909 nyala, Tragelaphus angasi n02425086 mountain nyala, Tragelaphus buxtoni n02425228 bushbuck, guib, Tragelaphus scriptus n02425393 Boselaphus, genus Boselaphus n02425532 nilgai, nylghai, nylghau, blue bull, Boselaphus tragocamelus n02425756 Hippotragus, genus Hippotragus n02425887 sable antelope, Hippotragus niger n02426054 genus Saiga n02426176 saiga, Saiga tatarica n02426339 Raphicerus, genus Raphicerus n02426481 steenbok, steinbok, Raphicerus campestris n02426634 Taurotragus, genus Taurotragus n02426813 eland n02427032 common eland, Taurotragus oryx n02427183 giant eland, Taurotragus derbianus n02427337 Kobus, genus Kobus n02427470 kob, Kobus kob n02427576 lechwe, Kobus leche n02427724 waterbuck n02427958 Adenota, genus Adenota n02428089 puku, Adenota vardoni n02428229 genus Oryx n02428349 oryx, pasang n02428508 gemsbok, gemsbuck, Oryx gazella n02428653 Pseudoryx, genus Pseudoryx n02428842 forest goat, spindle horn, Pseudoryx nghetinhensis n02429123 Antilocapridae, family Antilocapridae n02429276 Antilocapra, genus Antilocapra n02429456 pronghorn, prongbuck, pronghorn antelope, American antelope, Antilocapra americana n02429695 Cervidae, family Cervidae n02430045 deer, cervid n02430559 stag n02430643 royal, royal stag n02430748 pricket n02430830 fawn n02430929 Cervus, genus Cervus n02431122 red deer, elk, American elk, wapiti, Cervus elaphus n02431337 hart, stag n02431441 hind n02431542 brocket n02431628 sambar, sambur, Cervus unicolor n02431785 wapiti, elk, American elk, Cervus elaphus canadensis n02431976 Japanese deer, sika, Cervus nipon, Cervus sika n02432139 Odocoileus, genus Odocoileus n02432291 Virginia deer, white tail, whitetail, white-tailed deer, whitetail deer, Odocoileus Virginianus n02432511 mule deer, burro deer, Odocoileus hemionus n02432704 black-tailed deer, blacktail deer, blacktail, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus n02432867 Alces, genus Alces n02432983 elk, European elk, moose, Alces alces n02433205 Dama, genus Dama n02433318 fallow deer, Dama dama n02433426 Capreolus, genus Capreolus n02433546 roe deer, Capreolus capreolus n02433729 roebuck n02433796 Rangifer, genus Rangifer n02433925 caribou, reindeer, Greenland caribou, Rangifer tarandus n02434190 woodland caribou, Rangifer caribou n02434415 barren ground caribou, Rangifer arcticus n02434598 Mazama, genus Mazama n02434712 brocket n02434834 Muntiacus, genus Muntiacus n02434954 muntjac, barking deer n02435099 Moschus, genus Moschus n02435216 musk deer, Moschus moschiferus n02435386 Elaphurus, genus Elaphurus n02435517 pere david's deer, elaphure, Elaphurus davidianus n02435689 Tragulidae, family Tragulidae n02435853 chevrotain, mouse deer n02436067 Tragulus, genus Tragulus n02436224 kanchil, Tragulus kanchil n02436353 napu, Tragulus Javanicus n02436514 Hyemoschus, genus Hyemoschus n02436645 water chevrotain, water deer, Hyemoschus aquaticus n02436813 Camelidae, family Camelidae n02436993 Camelus, genus Camelus n02437136 camel n02437312 Arabian camel, dromedary, Camelus dromedarius n02437482 Bactrian camel, Camelus bactrianus n02437616 llama n02437825 Lama, genus Lama n02437971 domestic llama, Lama peruana n02438173 guanaco, Lama guanicoe n02438272 alpaca, Lama pacos n02438452 Vicugna, genus Vicugna n02438580 vicuna, Vicugna vicugna n02438774 Giraffidae, family Giraffidae n02438897 Giraffa, genus Giraffa n02439033 giraffe, camelopard, Giraffa camelopardalis n02439286 Okapia, genus Okapia n02439398 okapi, Okapia johnstoni n02439568 trotter n02439728 forefoot n02439829 hindfoot n02439929 paw n02440121 forepaw n02440250 hand n02440523 pad n02440705 Mustelidae, family Mustelidae n02441326 musteline mammal, mustelid, musteline n02441723 Mustela, genus Mustela n02441942 weasel n02442172 ermine, shorttail weasel, Mustela erminea n02442336 stoat n02442446 New World least weasel, Mustela rixosa n02442572 Old World least weasel, Mustela nivalis n02442668 longtail weasel, long-tailed weasel, Mustela frenata n02442845 mink n02443015 American mink, Mustela vison n02443114 polecat, fitch, foulmart, foumart, Mustela putorius n02443346 ferret n02443484 black-footed ferret, ferret, Mustela nigripes n02443683 Poecilogale, genus Poecilogale n02443808 muishond n02443959 snake muishond, Poecilogale albinucha n02444103 Ictonyx, genus Ictonyx n02444251 striped muishond, Ictonyx striata n02444384 zoril, Ictonyx frenata n02444500 Lutrinae, subfamily Lutrinae n02444647 Lutra, genus Lutra n02444819 otter n02445004 river otter, Lutra canadensis n02445171 Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra n02445276 Enhydra, genus Enhydra n02445394 sea otter, Enhydra lutris n02445564 Mephitinae, subfamily Mephitinae n02445715 skunk, polecat, wood pussy n02446014 Mephitis, genus Mephitis n02446206 striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis n02446352 hooded skunk, Mephitis macroura n02446512 Conepatus, genus Conepatus n02446645 hog-nosed skunk, hognosed skunk, badger skunk, rooter skunk, Conepatus leuconotus n02446888 Spilogale, genus Spilogale n02447021 spotted skunk, little spotted skunk, Spilogale putorius n02447220 Melinae, subfamily Melinae n02447366 badger n02447591 Taxidea, genus Taxidea n02447762 American badger, Taxidea taxus n02447896 Meles, genus Meles n02448060 Eurasian badger, Meles meles n02448200 Mellivora, genus Mellivora n02448318 ratel, honey badger, Mellivora capensis n02448502 Melogale, genus Melogale n02448633 ferret badger n02448754 Arctonyx, genus Arctonyx n02448885 hog badger, hog-nosed badger, sand badger, Arctonyx collaris n02449060 Gulo, genus Gulo n02449183 wolverine, carcajou, skunk bear, Gulo luscus n02449350 glutton, Gulo gulo, wolverine n02449464 genus Grison n02449582 genus Galictis n02449699 grison, Grison vittatus, Galictis vittatus n02449921 Martes, genus Martes n02450034 marten, marten cat n02450295 pine marten, Martes martes n02450426 sable, Martes zibellina n02450561 American marten, American sable, Martes americana n02450677 stone marten, beech marten, Martes foina n02450829 fisher, pekan, fisher cat, black cat, Martes pennanti n02450992 Charronia, genus Charronia n02451125 yellow-throated marten, Charronia flavigula n02451292 Eira, genus Eira n02451415 tayra, taira, Eira barbara n02451575 fictional animal n02451818 Easter bunny n02451912 church mouse n02452014 Mickey Mouse n02452138 Minnie Mouse n02452225 Donald Duck n02452347 Mighty Mouse n02452464 muzzle n02452637 snout, neb n02452813 snout, rostrum n02452967 proboscis, trunk n02453108 pachyderm n02453373 Edentata, order Edentata n02453611 edentate n02453890 Xenarthra, suborder Xenarthra n02454119 Dasypodidae, family Dasypodidae n02454379 armadillo n02454657 Dasypus, genus Dasypus n02454794 peba, nine-banded armadillo, Texas armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus n02454999 Tolypeutes, genus Tolypeutes n02455135 apar, three-banded armadillo, Tolypeutes tricinctus n02455310 genus Cabassous n02455428 tatouay, cabassous, Cabassous unicinctus n02455584 Euphractus, genus Euphractus n02455720 peludo, poyou, Euphractus sexcinctus n02455887 Priodontes, genus Priodontes n02456008 giant armadillo, tatou, tatu, Priodontes giganteus n02456147 Chlamyphorus, genus Chlamyphorus n02456275 pichiciago, pichiciego, fairy armadillo, chlamyphore, Chlamyphorus truncatus n02456505 Burmeisteria, genus Burmeisteria n02456645 greater pichiciego, Burmeisteria retusa n02456776 Bradypodidae, family Bradypodidae n02456962 sloth, tree sloth n02457249 Bradypus, genus Bradypus n02457408 three-toed sloth, ai, Bradypus tridactylus n02457586 Megalonychidae, family Megalonychidae n02457756 Choloepus, genus Choloepus n02457945 two-toed sloth, unau, unai, Choloepus didactylus n02458135 two-toed sloth, unau, unai, Choloepus hoffmanni n02458356 Megatheriidae, family Megatheriidae n02458517 megatherian, megatheriid, megatherian mammal n02458675 Megatherium, genus Megatherium n02458822 ground sloth, megathere n02459001 Mylodontidae, family Mylodontidae n02459190 mylodontid n02459313 genus Mylodon n02459485 mylodon n02459636 mapinguari n02459808 Myrmecophagidae, family Myrmecophagidae n02460009 anteater, New World anteater n02460275 Myrmecophaga, genus Myrmecophaga n02460451 ant bear, giant anteater, great anteater, tamanoir, Myrmecophaga jubata n02460684 Cyclopes, genus Cyclopes n02460817 silky anteater, two-toed anteater, Cyclopes didactylus n02461014 genus Tamandua n02461128 tamandua, tamandu, lesser anteater, Tamandua tetradactyla n02461372 Pholidota, order Pholidota n02461556 Manidae, family Manidae n02461701 Manis, genus Manis n02461830 pangolin, scaly anteater, anteater n02462066 pastern, fetter bone n02462213 coronet n02462349 fetlock n02462464 fetlock, fetlock joint n02462602 withers n02462828 cannon, shank n02463024 cannon bone n02463205 hock, hock-joint n02463403 loin, lumbus n02463611 hindquarters, croup, croupe, rump n02463810 haunch n02463913 gaskin n02464065 stifle, knee n02464223 flank n02464327 animal leg n02464461 hind limb, hindlimb n02464626 hind leg n02464785 forelimb n02464965 foreleg n02465084 flipper n02465257 parapodium n02465414 sucker n02465585 cupule n02465693 stinger n02465929 lateral line, lateral line organ n02466132 fin n02466400 dorsal fin n02466564 pectoral fin n02466731 pelvic fin, ventral fin n02466957 tail fin, caudal fin n02467133 heterocercal fin n02467320 homocercal fin n02467491 fishbone n02467581 air bladder, swim bladder, float n02467746 air sac n02467884 air sac n02468017 uropygial gland, preen gland n02468178 silk gland, serictery, sericterium n02468368 elbow n02468504 chestnut n02468617 quill, calamus, shaft n02468735 vein, nervure n02468864 flight feather, pinion, quill, quill feather n02469080 primary, primary feather, primary quill n02469248 scapular n02469344 tail feather n02469472 tadpole, polliwog, pollywog n02469588 Primates, order Primates n02469914 primate n02470238 simian n02470325 ape n02470451 Anthropoidea, suborder Anthropoidea n02470709 anthropoid n02470899 anthropoid ape n02471072 Hominoidea, superfamily Hominoidea n02471300 hominoid n02471467 Hominidae, family Hominidae n02471762 hominid n02472012 genus Homo n02472293 homo, man, human being, human n02472987 world, human race, humanity, humankind, human beings, humans, mankind, man n02473307 Homo erectus n02473554 Pithecanthropus, Pithecanthropus erectus, genus Pithecanthropus n02473720 Java man, Trinil man n02473857 Peking man n02473983 Sinanthropus, genus Sinanthropus n02474110 Homo soloensis n02474282 Javanthropus, genus Javanthropus n02474431 Solo man n02474605 Homo habilis n02474777 Homo sapiens n02475078 Neandertal man, Neanderthal man, Neandertal, Neanderthal, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis n02475358 Cro-magnon n02475478 Boskop man n02475669 Homo sapiens sapiens, modern man n02475821 genus Australopithecus, Australopithecus n02476074 Plesianthropus, genus Plesianthropus n02476219 australopithecine n02476567 Australopithecus afarensis n02476736 Lucy n02476870 Australopithecus africanus n02477028 Australopithecus boisei n02477187 Zinjanthropus, genus Zinjanthropus n02477329 Australopithecus robustus n02477516 Paranthropus, genus Paranthropus n02477647 genus Sivapithecus n02477782 Sivapithecus n02477890 Dryopithecus, genus Dryopithecus n02478077 dryopithecine n02478239 rudapithecus, Dryopithecus Rudapithecus hungaricus n02478416 Ouranopithecus, genus Ouranopithecus n02478539 Lufengpithecus, genus Lufengpithecus n02478662 genus Proconsul n02478875 proconsul n02478990 Kenyapithecus, genus Kenyapithecus n02479205 genus Aegyptopithecus n02479332 Aegyptopithecus n02479482 Algeripithecus, genus Algeripithecus n02479634 Algeripithecus minutus n02479896 Pongidae, family Pongidae n02480153 great ape, pongid n02480346 Pongo, genus Pongo n02480495 orangutan, orang, orangutang, Pongo pygmaeus n02480673 genus Gorilla n02480855 gorilla, Gorilla gorilla n02481103 western lowland gorilla, Gorilla gorilla gorilla n02481235 eastern lowland gorilla, Gorilla gorilla grauri n02481366 mountain gorilla, Gorilla gorilla beringei n02481500 silverback n02481629 Pan, genus Pan n02481823 chimpanzee, chimp, Pan troglodytes n02482060 western chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes verus n02482286 eastern chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii n02482474 central chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes troglodytes n02482650 pygmy chimpanzee, bonobo, Pan paniscus n02482820 Hylobatidae, family Hylobatidae n02483092 lesser ape n02483224 Hylobates, genus Hylobates n02483362 gibbon, Hylobates lar n02483564 Symphalangus, genus Symphalangus n02483708 siamang, Hylobates syndactylus, Symphalangus syndactylus n02483915 Cercopithecidae, family Cercopithecidae n02484322 monkey n02484473 Old World monkey, catarrhine n02484813 Cercopithecus, genus Cercopithecus n02484975 guenon, guenon monkey n02485225 talapoin, Cercopithecus talapoin n02485371 grivet, Cercopithecus aethiops n02485536 vervet, vervet monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus n02485688 green monkey, African green monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus n02485865 Cercocebus, genus Cercocebus n02485988 mangabey n02486138 Erythrocebus, genus Erythrocebus n02486261 patas, hussar monkey, Erythrocebus patas n02486410 baboon n02486565 Papio, genus Papio n02486657 chacma, chacma baboon, Papio ursinus n02486787 Mandrillus, genus Mandrillus n02486908 mandrill, Mandrillus sphinx n02487079 drill, Mandrillus leucophaeus n02487217 Macaca, genus Macaca n02487347 macaque n02487547 rhesus, rhesus monkey, Macaca mulatta n02487675 bonnet macaque, bonnet monkey, capped macaque, crown monkey, Macaca radiata n02487847 Barbary ape, Macaca sylvana n02488003 crab-eating macaque, croo monkey, Macaca irus n02488149 Presbytes, genus Presbytes, mammal Semnopithecus n02488291 langur n02488415 entellus, hanuman, Presbytes entellus, Semnopithecus entellus n02488578 genus Colobus n02488702 colobus, colobus monkey n02488894 guereza, Colobus guereza n02489060 Nasalis, genus Nasalis n02489166 proboscis monkey, Nasalis larvatus n02489288 Platyrrhini, superfamily Platyrrhini n02489589 New World monkey, platyrrhine, platyrrhinian n02490030 Callithricidae, family Callithricidae n02490219 marmoset n02490435 Callithrix, genus Callithrix n02490597 true marmoset n02490686 Cebuella, genus Cebuella n02490811 pygmy marmoset, Cebuella pygmaea n02490964 Leontocebus, genus Leontocebus, genus Leontideus n02491107 tamarin, lion monkey, lion marmoset, leoncita n02491329 silky tamarin, Leontocebus rosalia n02491474 pinche, Leontocebus oedipus n02491590 Cebidae, family Cebidae n02491906 Cebus, genus Cebus n02492035 capuchin, ringtail, Cebus capucinus n02492240 Aotus, genus Aotus n02492356 douroucouli, Aotus trivirgatus n02492536 Alouatta, genus Alouatta n02492660 howler monkey, howler n02492833 Pithecia, genus Pithecia n02492948 saki n02493109 Cacajao, genus Cacajao n02493224 uakari n02493390 Callicebus, genus Callicebus n02493509 titi, titi monkey n02493673 Ateles, genus Ateles n02493793 spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi n02493974 Saimiri, genus Saimiri n02494079 squirrel monkey, Saimiri sciureus n02494257 Lagothrix, genus Lagothrix n02494383 woolly monkey n02494538 Scandentia, order Scandentia n02494866 Tupaiidae, family Tupaiidae n02495099 Tupaia, genus Tupaia n02495242 tree shrew n02495446 Ptilocercus, genus Ptilocercus n02495570 pentail, pen-tail, pen-tailed tree shrew n02495789 Prosimii, suborder Prosimii n02496052 prosimian n02496210 Adapid, Adapid group n02496576 Lemuroidea, suborder Lemuroidea n02496913 lemur n02497214 Strepsirhini, suborder Strepsirhini n02497408 Lemuridae, family Lemuridae n02497550 genus Lemur n02497673 Madagascar cat, ring-tailed lemur, Lemur catta n02497832 Daubentoniidae, family Daubentoniidae n02497983 Daubentonia, genus Daubentonia n02498153 aye-aye, Daubentonia madagascariensis n02498355 Lorisidae, family Lorisidae n02498620 genus Loris n02498743 slender loris, Loris gracilis n02498888 Nycticebus, genus Nycticebus n02499022 slow loris, Nycticebus tardigradua, Nycticebus pygmaeus n02499178 Perodicticus, genus Perodicticus n02499316 potto, kinkajou, Perodicticus potto n02499434 Arctocebus, genus Arctocebus n02499568 angwantibo, golden potto, Arctocebus calabarensis n02499700 genus Galago n02499808 galago, bushbaby, bush baby n02499990 Indriidae, family Indriidae n02500144 genus Indri n02500267 indri, indris, Indri indri, Indri brevicaudatus n02500472 Avahi, genus Avahi n02500596 woolly indris, Avahi laniger n02500749 Omomyid, Omomyid group n02501101 Tarsioidea, suborder Tarsioidea n02501275 Tarsiidae, family Tarsiidae n02501432 Tarsius, genus Tarsius n02501583 tarsier n02501923 Tarsius syrichta n02502006 Tarsius glis n02502085 Dermoptera, order Dermoptera n02502212 Cynocephalidae, family Cynocephalidae n02502357 Cynocephalus, genus Cynocephalus n02502514 flying lemur, flying cat, colugo n02502807 Cynocephalus variegatus n02502902 Proboscidea, order Proboscidea n02503127 proboscidean, proboscidian n02503313 Elephantidae, family Elephantidae n02503517 elephant n02503756 rogue elephant n02503868 Elephas, genus Elephas n02504013 Indian elephant, Elephas maximus n02504196 white elephant n02504323 Loxodonta, genus Loxodonta n02504458 African elephant, Loxodonta africana n02504635 Mammuthus, genus Mammuthus n02504770 mammoth n02505063 woolly mammoth, northern mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius n02505238 columbian mammoth, Mammuthus columbi n02505342 Archidiskidon, genus Archidiskidon n02505485 imperial mammoth, imperial elephant, Archidiskidon imperator n02505646 Mammutidae, family Mammutidae, family Mastodontidae n02505809 Mammut, genus Mammut, genus Mastodon n02505998 mastodon, mastodont n02506248 American mastodon, American mastodont, Mammut americanum n02506466 Gomphotheriidae, family Gomphotheriidae n02506630 Gomphotherium, genus Gomphotherium n02506783 gomphothere n02506947 plantigrade mammal, plantigrade n02507148 digitigrade mammal, digitigrade n02507337 Procyonidae, family Procyonidae n02507649 procyonid n02507863 Procyon, genus Procyon n02508021 raccoon, racoon n02508213 common raccoon, common racoon, coon, ringtail, Procyon lotor n02508346 crab-eating raccoon, Procyon cancrivorus n02508458 Bassariscidae, subfamily Bassariscidae n02508615 Bassariscus, genus Bassariscus n02508742 bassarisk, cacomistle, cacomixle, coon cat, raccoon fox, ringtail, ring-tailed cat, civet cat, miner's cat, Bassariscus astutus n02509071 Potos, genus Potos n02509197 kinkajou, honey bear, potto, Potos flavus, Potos caudivolvulus n02509405 Nasua, genus Nasua n02509515 coati, coati-mondi, coati-mundi, coon cat, Nasua narica n02509694 Ailurus, genus Ailurus n02509815 lesser panda, red panda, panda, bear cat, cat bear, Ailurus fulgens n02510065 Ailuropodidae, family Ailuropodidae n02510240 Ailuropoda, genus Ailuropoda n02510455 giant panda, panda, panda bear, coon bear, Ailuropoda melanoleuca n02510769 gill, branchia n02510978 external gill n02511107 gill slit, branchial cleft, gill cleft n02511303 gill arch, branchial arch, gill bar n02511510 peristome n02511633 syrinx n02511730 twitterer n02511824 Pisces n02512053 fish n02512752 fingerling n02512830 game fish, sport fish n02512938 food fish n02513248 rough fish n02513355 groundfish, bottom fish n02513560 young fish n02513727 parr n02513805 mouthbreeder n02513939 spawner n02514041 barracouta, snoek n02514198 Channidae, class Channidae n02514320 northern snakehead n02514575 Osteichthyes, class Osteichthyes n02514825 bony fish n02514988 Crossopterygii, subclass Crossopterygii n02515214 crossopterygian, lobefin, lobe-finned fish n02515410 Latimeridae, family Latimeridae n02515560 Latimeria, genus Latimeria n02515713 coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae n02515914 Dipnoi, subclass Dipnoi n02516188 lungfish n02516427 Ceratodontidae, family Ceratodontidae n02516615 genus Ceratodus n02516776 ceratodus n02516867 Neoceratodus, genus Neoceratodus n02516994 Australian lungfish, Queensland lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri n02517169 Siluriformes, order Siluriformes n02517442 catfish, siluriform fish n02517768 Siluridae, family Siluridae n02517938 silurid, silurid fish n02518178 Silurus, genus Silurus n02518324 European catfish, sheatfish, Silurus glanis n02518488 Malopterurus, genus Malopterurus n02518622 electric catfish, Malopterurus electricus n02518813 Ameiuridae, family Ameiuridae n02518990 Ameiurus, genus Ameiurus n02519148 bullhead, bullhead catfish n02519340 horned pout, hornpout, pout, Ameiurus Melas n02519472 brown bullhead n02519576 Ictalurus, genus Ictalurus n02519686 channel catfish, channel cat, Ictalurus punctatus n02519862 blue catfish, blue cat, blue channel catfish, blue channel cat n02520015 Pylodictus, genus Pylodictus n02520147 flathead catfish, mudcat, goujon, shovelnose catfish, spoonbill catfish, Pylodictus olivaris n02520391 Laricariidae, family Laricariidae n02520525 armored catfish n02520669 Ariidae, family Ariidae n02520810 sea catfish n02520985 Arius, genus Arius n02521129 crucifix fish n02521241 Gadiformes, order Gadiformes n02521472 Anacanthini, order Anacanthini n02521646 gadoid, gadoid fish n02521916 Gadidae, family Gadidae n02522247 Gadus, genus Gadus n02522399 cod, codfish n02522637 codling n02522722 Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua n02522866 Pacific cod, Alaska cod, Gadus macrocephalus n02522990 Merlangus, genus Merlangus n02523110 whiting, Merlangus merlangus, Gadus merlangus n02523338 Lota, genus Lota n02523427 burbot, eelpout, ling, cusk, Lota lota n02523617 scrod, schrod n02523750 Melanogrammus, genus Melanogrammus n02523877 haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus n02524081 Pollachius, genus Pollachius n02524202 pollack, pollock, Pollachius pollachius n02524424 Merluccius, genus Merluccius n02524524 hake n02524659 silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis, whiting n02524811 Urophycis, genus Urophycis n02524928 ling n02525012 Molva, genus Molva n02525120 ling, Molva molva n02525287 Brosmius, genus Browmius n02525382 cusk, torsk, Brosme brosme n02525543 Macrouridae, family Macrouridae, Macruridae, family Macruridae n02525703 grenadier, rattail, rattail fish n02525866 Anguilliformes, order Anguilliformes, order Apodes n02526121 eel n02526425 elver n02526486 Anguillidae, family Anguillidae n02526673 Anguilla, genus Anguilla n02526818 common eel, freshwater eel n02527057 tuna, Anguilla sucklandii n02527145 Muraenidae, family Muraenidae n02527271 moray, moray eel n02527498 Congridae, family Congridae n02527622 conger, conger eel n02527813 Teleostei, subclass Teleostei n02528163 teleost fish, teleost, teleostan n02528534 Isospondyli, order Isospondyli n02528949 Gonorhynchidae, family Gonorhynchidae n02529111 Gonorhynchus, genus Gonorhynchus n02529293 beaked salmon, sandfish, Gonorhynchus gonorhynchus n02529515 Clupeidae, family Clupeidae n02529772 clupeid fish, clupeid n02530052 whitebait n02530188 brit, britt n02530294 Alosa, genus Alosa n02530421 shad n02530637 common American shad, Alosa sapidissima n02530831 river shad, Alosa chrysocloris n02530999 allice shad, allis shad, allice, allis, Alosa alosa n02531114 alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, Pomolobus pseudoharengus n02531362 Pomolobus, genus Pomolobus n02531503 Brevoortia, genus Brevoortia n02531625 menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannis n02531820 Clupea, genus Clupea n02532028 herring, Clupea harangus n02532272 Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus harengus n02532451 Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasii n02532602 sardine n02532786 sild n02532918 brisling, sprat, Clupea sprattus n02533075 Sardina, genus Sardina, genus Sardinia n02533209 pilchard, sardine, Sardina pilchardus n02533424 Sardinops, genus Sardinops n02533545 Pacific sardine, Sardinops caerulea n02533708 Engraulidae, family Engraulidae n02533834 anchovy n02534036 Engraulis, genus Engraulis n02534165 mediterranean anchovy, Engraulis encrasicholus n02534352 Salmonidae, family Salmonidae n02534559 salmonid n02534734 salmon n02535080 parr n02535163 blackfish n02535258 redfish n02535349 Salmo, genus Salmo n02535537 Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar n02535759 landlocked salmon, lake salmon n02535909 Oncorhynchus, genus Oncorhynchus n02536165 sockeye, sockeye salmon, red salmon, blueback salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka n02536456 chinook, chinook salmon, king salmon, quinnat salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha n02536685 chum salmon, chum, Oncorhynchus keta n02536864 coho, cohoe, coho salmon, blue jack, silver salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch n02537085 trout n02537319 brown trout, salmon trout, Salmo trutta n02537525 rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri n02537716 sea trout n02537847 Salvelinus, genus Salvelinus n02538010 lake trout, salmon trout, Salvelinus namaycush n02538216 brook trout, speckled trout, Salvelinus fontinalis n02538406 char, charr n02538562 Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus n02538730 Coregonidae, family Coregonidae n02538985 whitefish n02539251 Coregonus, genus Coregonus n02539424 lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis n02539573 cisco, lake herring, Coregonus artedi n02539752 Prosopium, genus Prosopium n02539894 round whitefish, Menominee whitefish, Prosopium cylindraceum n02540091 Rocky Mountain whitefish, Prosopium williamsonii n02540255 Osmeridae, family Osmeridae n02540412 smelt n02540637 Osmerus, genus Osmerus n02540791 rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax n02540983 sparling, European smelt, Osmerus eperlanus n02541139 Mallotus, genus Mallotus n02541257 capelin, capelan, caplin n02541431 Elopidae, family Elopidae n02541583 genus Tarpon n02541687 tarpon, Tarpon atlanticus n02541875 Elops, genus Elops n02542017 ladyfish, tenpounder, Elops saurus n02542162 Albulidae, family Albulidae n02542283 Albula, genus Albula n02542432 bonefish, Albula vulpes n02542598 Argentinidae, family Argentinidae n02542804 Argentina, genus Argentina n02542958 argentine n02543093 Myctophidae, family Myctophidae n02543255 lanternfish n02543412 Synodontidae, family Synodontidae n02543565 lizardfish, snakefish, snake-fish n02543737 Chlorophthalmidae, family Chlorophthalmidae n02543952 greeneye n02544086 Alepisaurus, genus Alepisaurus n02544274 lancetfish, lancet fish, wolffish n02544475 handsaw fish n02544596 Osteoglossiformes, Order Osteoglossiformes n02544754 Osteoglossidae, family Osteoglossidae n02544960 Scleropages, genus Scleropages n02545153 Australian arowana, Dawson River salmon, saratoga, spotted barramundi, spotted bonytongue, Scleropages leichardti n02545387 Australian bonytongue, northern barramundi, Scleropages jardinii n02545569 Lampridae, family Lampridae n02545687 Lampris, genus Lampris n02545841 opah, moonfish, Lampris regius n02546028 New World opah, Lampris guttatus n02546177 Trachipteridae, family Trachipteridae n02546331 ribbonfish n02546477 Trachipterus, genus Trachipterus n02546627 dealfish, Trachipterus arcticus n02546744 Regalecidae, family Regalecidae n02546873 Reglaecus, genus Regalecus n02547014 oarfish, king of the herring, ribbonfish, Regalecus glesne n02547213 Pediculati, order Pediculati n02547562 Ogcocephalidae, family Ogcocephalidae n02547733 batfish n02547947 Lophiidae, family Lophiidae n02548128 Lophius, genus Lophius n02548247 goosefish, angler, anglerfish, angler fish, monkfish, lotte, allmouth, Lophius Americanus n02548522 Batrachoididae, family Batrachoididae n02548689 toadfish, Opsanus tau n02548884 oyster fish, oyster-fish, oysterfish n02548990 Antennariidae, family Antennariidae n02549248 frogfish n02549376 sargassum fish n02549533 Synentognathi, order Synentognathi n02549796 Belonidae, family Belonidae n02549989 needlefish, gar, billfish n02550203 timucu n02550296 Exocoetidae, family Exocoetidae n02550460 flying fish n02550655 monoplane flying fish, two-wing flying fish n02550780 biplane flying fish, four-wing flying fish n02550915 Hemiramphidae, family Hemiramphidae n02551134 halfbeak n02551316 Scomberesocidae, family Scomberesocidae, Scombresocidae, family Scombresocidae n02551494 Scomberesox, genus Scomberesox, Scombresox, genus Scombresox n02551668 saury, billfish, Scomberesox saurus n02551824 Acanthopterygii, superorder Acanthopterygii n02552171 spiny-finned fish, acanthopterygian n02552737 Ophiodontidae, family Ophiodontidae n02552894 Ophiodon, genus Ophiodon n02553028 lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus n02553196 Perciformes, order Perciformes, Percomorphi, order Percomorphi n02554512 Percoidea, suborder Percoidea n02554730 percoid fish, percoid, percoidean n02555863 perch n02556014 Anabantidae, family Anabantidae n02556195 Anabas, genus Anabas n02556373 climbing perch, Anabas testudineus, A. testudineus n02556623 Percidae, family Percidae n02556846 perch n02557033 Perca, genus Perca n02557182 yellow perch, Perca flavescens n02557318 European perch, Perca fluviatilis n02557461 Stizostedion, genus Stizostedion n02557591 pike-perch, pike perch n02557749 walleye, walleyed pike, jack salmon, dory, Stizostedion vitreum n02557909 blue pike, blue pickerel, blue pikeperch, blue walleye, Strizostedion vitreum glaucum n02558079 Percina, genus Percina n02558206 snail darter, Percina tanasi n02558350 Trichodontidae, family Trichodontidae n02558560 sandfish n02558724 Ophidiidae, family Ophidiidae n02558860 cusk-eel n02558980 Brotulidae, family Brotulidae n02559144 brotula n02559232 Carapidae, family Carapidae n02559383 pearlfish, pearl-fish n02559606 Centropomidae, family Centropomidae n02559862 robalo n02559974 Centropomus, genus Centropomus n02560110 snook n02560271 Latinae n02560383 Lates, genus Lates n02560546 barramundi, giant perch, giant seaperch, Asian seabass, white seabass, Lates calcarifer n02560823 Esocidae, family Esocidae n02560964 Esox, genus Esox n02561108 pike n02561381 northern pike, Esox lucius n02561514 muskellunge, Esox masquinongy n02561661 pickerel n02561803 chain pickerel, chain pike, Esox niger n02561937 redfin pickerel, barred pickerel, Esox americanus n02562085 Centrarchidae, family Centrarchidae n02562315 sunfish, centrarchid n02562680 Pomoxis, genus Pomoxis n02562796 crappie n02562971 black crappie, Pomoxis nigromaculatus n02563079 white crappie, Pomoxis annularis n02563182 freshwater bream, bream n02563497 Lepomis, genus Lepomis n02563648 pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus n02563792 bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus n02563949 spotted sunfish, stumpknocker, Lepomis punctatus n02564130 Ambloplites, genus Ambloplites n02564270 freshwater bass n02564403 rock bass, rock sunfish, Ambloplites rupestris n02564572 Micropterus, genus Micropterus n02564720 black bass n02564935 Kentucky black bass, spotted black bass, Micropterus pseudoplites n02565072 smallmouth, smallmouth bass, smallmouthed bass, smallmouth black bass, smallmouthed black bass, Micropterus dolomieu n02565324 largemouth, largemouth bass, largemouthed bass, largemouth black bass, largemouthed black bass, Micropterus salmoides n02565573 bass n02565728 Serranidae, family Serranidae n02566109 serranid fish, serranid n02566325 Morone, genus Morone n02566489 white perch, silver perch, Morone americana n02566665 yellow bass, Morone interrupta n02566834 sea bass n02567201 Synagrops, genus Synagrops n02567334 blackmouth bass, Synagrops bellus n02567484 Centropristis, genus Centropristis n02567633 rock sea bass, rock bass, Centropristis philadelphica n02567772 black sea bass, black bass, Centropistes striata n02567960 Roccus, genus Roccus n02568087 striped bass, striper, Roccus saxatilis, rockfish n02568326 Polyprion, genus Polyprion n02568447 stone bass, wreckfish, Polyprion americanus n02568636 Serranus, genus Serranus n02568807 belted sandfish, Serranus subligarius n02568959 grouper n02569151 Epinephelus, genus Epinephelus n02569334 coney, Epinephelus fulvus n02569484 hind n02569631 rock hind, Epinephelus adscensionis n02569770 Paranthias, genus Paranthias n02569905 creole-fish, Paranthias furcifer n02570038 Mycteroperca, genus Mycteroperca n02570164 jewfish, Mycteroperca bonaci n02570312 Rypticus, genus Rypticus n02570484 soapfish n02570648 Embiotocidae, family Embiotocidae n02570838 surfperch, surffish, surf fish n02571034 Hipsurus, genus Hipsurus n02571167 rainbow seaperch, rainbow perch, Hipsurus caryi n02571300 Priacanthidae, family Priacanthidae n02571486 Priacanthus, genus Priacanthus n02571652 bigeye n02571810 catalufa, Priacanthus arenatus n02571983 Apogonidae, family Apogonidae n02572196 cardinalfish n02572369 Apogon, genus Apogon n02572484 flame fish, flamefish, Apogon maculatus n02572628 Astropogon, genus Astropogon n02572763 conchfish, Astropogon stellatus n02572904 Malacanthidae, family Malacanthidae n02573075 Lopholatilus, genus Lopholatilus n02573249 tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps n02573406 Pomatomidae, family Pomatomidae n02573563 Pomatomus, genus Pomatomus n02573704 bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix n02573918 Rachycentridae, family Rachycentridae n02574093 Rachycentron, genus Rachycentron n02574271 cobia, Rachycentron canadum, sergeant fish n02574489 Discocephali, order Discocephali n02574651 Echeneididae, family Echeneididae, family Echeneidae n02574910 remora, suckerfish, sucking fish n02575168 Echeneis, genus Echeneis n02575325 sharksucker, Echeneis naucrates n02575455 Remilegia, genus Remilegia n02575590 whale sucker, whalesucker, Remilegia australis n02575766 Carangidae, family Carangidae n02576223 carangid fish, carangid n02576460 Caranx, genus Caranx n02576575 jack n02576906 crevalle jack, jack crevalle, Caranx hippos n02577041 yellow jack, Caranx bartholomaei n02577164 runner, blue runner, Caranx crysos n02577291 Elagatis, genus Elagatis n02577403 rainbow runner, Elagatis bipinnulata n02577532 Oligoplites, genus Oligoplites n02577662 leatherjacket, leatherjack n02577823 Alectis, genus Alectis n02577952 threadfish, thread-fish, Alectis ciliaris n02578125 Selene, genus Selene n02578233 moonfish, Atlantic moonfish, horsefish, horsehead, horse-head, dollarfish, Selene setapinnis n02578454 lookdown, lookdown fish, Selene vomer n02578604 Seriola, genus Seriola n02578771 amberjack, amberfish n02578928 yellowtail, Seriola dorsalis n02579091 rudderfish, banded rudderfish, Seriola zonata n02579303 kingfish, Seriola grandis n02579420 Trachinotus, genus Trachinotus n02579557 pompano n02579762 Florida pompano, Trachinotus carolinus n02579928 permit, Trachinotus falcatus n02580055 Naucrates, genus Naucrates n02580188 pilotfish, Naucrates ductor n02580336 scad n02580546 Trachurus, genus Trachurus n02580679 horse mackerel, jack mackerel, Spanish mackerel, saurel, Trachurus symmetricus n02580830 horse mackerel, saurel, Trachurus trachurus n02580991 Selar, genus Selar n02581108 bigeye scad, big-eyed scad, goggle-eye, Selar crumenophthalmus n02581289 Decapterus, genus Decapterus n02581482 mackerel scad, mackerel shad, Decapterus macarellus n02581642 round scad, cigarfish, quiaquia, Decapterus punctatus n02581803 Coryphaenidae, family Coryphaenidae n02581957 dolphinfish, dolphin, mahimahi n02582220 Coryphaena hippurus n02582349 Coryphaena equisetis n02582437 Bramidae, family Bramidae n02582591 Brama, genus Brama n02582721 pomfret, Brama raii n02582919 Branchiostegidae, family Branchiostegidae n02583096 blanquillo, tilefish n02583211 Characidae, family Characidae n02583457 Characinidae, family Characinidae n02583567 characin, characin fish, characid n02583768 Hemigrammus, genus Hemigrammus n02583890 tetra n02584004 Paracheirodon, genus Paracheirodon n02584145 cardinal tetra, Paracheirodon axelrodi n02584325 Serrasalmus, genus Serrasalmus n02584449 piranha, pirana, caribe n02584643 tentacle n02584915 antenna, feeler n02585168 arista n02585285 barbel, feeler n02585446 swimmeret, pleopod n02585732 Cichlidae, family Cichlidae n02585872 cichlid, cichlid fish n02586129 Tilapia, genus Tilapia n02586238 bolti, Tilapia nilotica n02586382 Lutjanidae, family Lutjanidae n02586543 snapper n02586865 Lutjanus, genus Lutjanus n02587051 red snapper, Lutjanus blackfordi n02587300 grey snapper, gray snapper, mangrove snapper, Lutjanus griseus n02587479 mutton snapper, muttonfish, Lutjanus analis n02587618 schoolmaster, Lutjanus apodus n02587761 Ocyurus, genus Ocyurus n02587877 yellowtail, yellowtail snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus n02588108 Haemulidae, family Haemulidae n02588286 grunt n02588580 Haemulon, genus Haemulon n02588794 margate, Haemulon album n02588945 Spanish grunt, Haemulon macrostomum n02589062 tomtate, Haemulon aurolineatum n02589196 cottonwick, Haemulon malanurum n02589316 sailor's-choice, sailors choice, Haemulon parra n02589486 Anisotremus, genus Anisotremus n02589623 porkfish, pork-fish, Anisotremus virginicus n02589796 pompon, black margate, Anisotremus surinamensis n02589955 Orthopristis, genus Orthopristis n02590094 pigfish, hogfish, Orthopristis chrysopterus n02590237 Sparidae, family Sparidae n02590495 sparid, sparid fish n02590702 sea bream, bream n02590987 porgy n02591205 Pagrus, genus Pagrus n02591330 red porgy, Pagrus pagrus n02591493 Pagellus, genus Pagellus n02591613 European sea bream, Pagellus centrodontus n02591757 Archosargus, genus Archosargus n02591911 Atlantic sea bream, Archosargus rhomboidalis n02592055 sheepshead, Archosargus probatocephalus n02592244 Lagodon, genus Lagodon n02592371 pinfish, sailor's-choice, squirrelfish, Lagodon rhomboides n02592607 Calamus, genus Calamus n02592734 sheepshead porgy, Calamus penna n02592866 Chrysophrys, genus Chrysophrys n02593019 snapper, Chrysophrys auratus n02593191 black bream, Chrysophrys australis n02593353 Stenotomus, genus Stenotomus n02593453 scup, northern porgy, northern scup, Stenotomus chrysops n02593679 scup, southern porgy, southern scup, Stenotomus aculeatus n02593863 Sciaenidae, family Sciaenidae n02594250 sciaenid fish, sciaenid n02594552 drum, drumfish n02594807 Equetus, genus Equetus n02594942 striped drum, Equetus pulcher n02595056 jackknife-fish, Equetus lanceolatus n02595217 Bairdiella, genus Bairdiella n02595339 silver perch, mademoiselle, Bairdiella chrysoura n02595569 Sciaenops, genus Sciaenops n02595702 red drum, channel bass, redfish, Sciaenops ocellatus n02595902 Sciaena, genus Sciaena n02596067 mulloway, jewfish, Sciaena antarctica n02596252 maigre, maiger, Sciaena aquila n02596381 croaker n02596592 Micropogonias, genus Micropogonias n02596720 Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus n02596888 Umbrina, genus Umbrina n02597004 yellowfin croaker, surffish, surf fish, Umbrina roncador n02597173 Menticirrhus, genus Menticirrhus n02597367 whiting n02597608 kingfish n02597818 king whiting, Menticirrhus americanus n02597972 northern whiting, Menticirrhus saxatilis n02598134 corbina, Menticirrhus undulatus n02598252 silver whiting, Menticirrhus littoralis n02598438 Genyonemus, genus Genyonemus n02598573 white croaker, chenfish, kingfish, Genyonemus lineatus n02598747 Seriphus, genus Seriphus n02598878 white croaker, queenfish, Seriphus politus n02599052 sea trout n02599207 Cynoscion, genus Cynoscion n02599347 weakfish, Cynoscion regalis n02599557 spotted weakfish, spotted sea trout, spotted squeateague, Cynoscion nebulosus n02599784 Mullidae, family Mullidae n02599958 mullet n02600135 Mullus, genus Mullus n02600298 goatfish, red mullet, surmullet, Mullus surmuletus n02600503 red goatfish, Mullus auratus n02600657 Mulloidichthys, genus Mulloidichthys n02600798 yellow goatfish, Mulloidichthys martinicus n02600953 Mugiloidea, suborder Mugiloidea n02601200 Mugilidae, family Mugilidae n02601344 mullet, grey mullet, gray mullet n02601589 Mugil, genus Mugil n02601767 striped mullet, Mugil cephalus n02601921 white mullet, Mugil curema n02602059 liza, Mugil liza n02602215 Atherinidae, family Atherinidae n02602405 silversides, silverside n02602620 Atherinopsis, genus Atherinopsis n02602760 jacksmelt, Atherinopsis californiensis n02602970 Sphyraenidae, family Sphyraenidae n02603174 Sphyraena, genus Sphyraena n02603317 barracuda n02603540 great barracuda, Sphyraena barracuda n02603737 Pempheridae, family Pempheridae n02603862 sweeper n02604014 Kyphosidae, family Kyphosidae n02604157 sea chub n02604342 Kyphosus, genus Kyphosus n02604480 Bermuda chub, rudderfish, Kyphosus sectatrix n02604657 Ephippidae, family Ephippidae n02604811 Chaetodipterus, genus Chaetodipterus n02604954 spadefish, angelfish, Chaetodipterus faber n02605139 Chaetodontidae, family Chaetodontidae n02605316 butterfly fish n02605571 genus Chaetodon n02605703 chaetodon n02605809 Pomacanthus, genus Pomacanthus n02605936 angelfish n02606052 rock beauty, Holocanthus tricolor n02606194 Pomacentridae, family Pomacentridae n02606384 damselfish, demoiselle n02606590 Pomacentrus, genus Pomacentrus n02606751 beaugregory, Pomacentrus leucostictus n02606926 Amphiprion, genus Amphiprion n02607072 anemone fish n02607201 clown anemone fish, Amphiprion percula n02607345 Abudefduf, genus Abudefduf n02607470 sergeant major, Abudefduf saxatilis n02607630 Labridae, family Labridae n02607862 wrasse n02608151 Achoerodus, genus Achoerodus n02608284 pigfish, giant pigfish, Achoerodus gouldii n02608429 Lachnolaimus, genus Lachnolaimus n02608547 hogfish, hog snapper, Lachnolaimus maximus n02608708 Halicoeres, genus Halicoeres n02608860 slippery dick, Halicoeres bivittatus n02608996 puddingwife, pudding-wife, Halicoeres radiatus n02609169 Thalassoma, genus Thalassoma n02609302 bluehead, Thalassoma bifasciatum n02609466 Hemipteronatus, genus Hemipteronatus n02609617 razor fish, razor-fish n02609823 pearly razorfish, Hemipteronatus novacula n02609951 Tautoga, genus Tautoga n02610066 tautog, blackfish, Tautoga onitis n02610234 Tautogolabrus, genus Tautogolabrus n02610373 cunner, bergall, Tautogolabrus adspersus n02610541 Scaridae, family Scaridae n02610664 parrotfish, polly fish, pollyfish n02610834 Polynemidae, family Polynemidae n02610980 threadfin n02611154 Polydactylus, genus Polydactylus n02611294 barbu, Polydactylus virginicus n02611425 Opisthognathidae, family Opisthognathidae n02611561 jawfish n02611767 Uranoscopidae, family Uranoscopidae n02611898 stargazer n02612046 Dactyloscopidae, family Dactyloscopidae n02612167 sand stargazer n02612393 Blennioidea, suborder Blennioidea n02612657 blennioid fish, blennioid n02612982 Blenniidae, family Blenniidae n02613181 blenny, combtooth blenny n02613434 Blennius, genus Blennius n02613572 shanny, Blennius pholis n02613687 Scartella, genus Scartella n02613820 Molly Miller, Scartella cristata n02613960 Clinidae, family Clinidae n02614140 clinid, clinid fish n02614288 Chaenopsis, genus Chaenopsis n02614482 pikeblenny n02614653 bluethroat pikeblenny, Chaenopsis ocellata n02614788 Pholidae, family Pholidae, family Pholididae n02614978 gunnel, bracketed blenny n02615157 Pholis, genus Pholis n02615298 rock gunnel, butterfish, Pholis gunnellus n02615494 Stichaeidae, family Stichaeidae n02615642 prickleback n02615829 Lumpenus, genus Lumpenus n02615980 snakeblenny, Lumpenus lumpretaeformis n02616128 eelblenny n02616251 Cryptacanthodes, genus Cryptacanthodes n02616397 wrymouth, ghostfish, Cryptacanthodes maculatus n02616572 Anarhichadidae, family Anarhichadidae n02616705 Anarhichas, genus Anarhichas n02616851 wolffish, wolf fish, catfish n02617029 Zoarcidae, family Zoarcidae n02617207 eelpout, pout n02617402 Zoarces, genus Zoarces n02617537 viviparous eelpout, Zoarces viviparus n02617689 Gymnelis, genus Gymnelis n02617819 fish doctor, Gymnelis viridis n02617956 Macrozoarces, genus Macrozoarces n02618094 ocean pout, Macrozoarces americanus n02618244 Ammodytidae, family Ammodytidae n02618372 Ammodytes, genus Ammodytes n02618513 sand lance, sand launce, sand eel, launce n02618697 Callionymidae, family Callionymidae n02618827 dragonet n02619029 Gobiidae, family Gobiidae n02619165 goby, gudgeon n02619409 Periophthalmus, genus Periophthalmus n02619550 mudskipper, mudspringer n02619738 Eleotridae, family Eleotridae n02619861 sleeper, sleeper goby n02620033 Percophidae, family Percophidae n02620167 flathead n02620318 Toxotidae, family Toxotidae n02620443 Toxotes, genus Toxotes n02620578 archerfish, Toxotes jaculatrix n02620826 Microdesmidae, family Microdesmidae n02620956 worm fish n02621107 Acanthuridae, family Acanthuridae n02621258 surgeonfish n02621419 Acanthurus, genus Acanthurus n02621577 doctorfish, doctor-fish, Acanthurus chirurgus n02621721 Gempylidae, family Gempylidae n02621908 gempylid n02622130 Gempylus, genus Gempylus n02622249 snake mackerel, Gempylus serpens n02622408 Lepidocybium, genus Lepidocybium n02622547 escolar, Lepidocybium flavobrunneum n02622712 oilfish, Ruvettus pretiosus n02622823 Trichiuridae, family Trichiuridae n02622955 cutlassfish, frost fish, hairtail n02623170 Scombroidea, suborder Scombroidea n02623445 scombroid, scombroid fish n02623868 Scombridae, family Scombridae n02624167 mackerel n02624377 Scomber, genus Scomber n02624551 common mackerel, shiner, Scomber scombrus n02624807 Spanish mackerel, Scomber colias n02624987 chub mackerel, tinker, Scomber japonicus n02625132 Acanthocybium, genus Acanthocybium n02625258 wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri n02625418 Scomberomorus, genus Scomberomorus n02625612 Spanish mackerel n02625851 king mackerel, cavalla, cero, Scomberomorus cavalla n02626089 Scomberomorus maculatus n02626265 cero, pintado, kingfish, Scomberomorus regalis n02626471 sierra, Scomberomorus sierra n02626590 Thunnus, genus Thunnus n02626762 tuna, tunny n02627037 albacore, long-fin tunny, Thunnus alalunga n02627292 bluefin, bluefin tuna, horse mackerel, Thunnus thynnus n02627532 yellowfin, yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares n02627686 Sarda, genus Sarda n02627835 bonito n02628062 skipjack, Atlantic bonito, Sarda sarda n02628259 Chile bonito, Chilean bonito, Pacific bonito, Sarda chiliensis n02628467 Euthynnus, genus Euthynnus n02628600 skipjack, skipjack tuna, Euthynnus pelamis n02628856 Katsuwonus, genus Katsuwonus n02629048 Katsuwonidae, family Kasuwonidae n02629230 bonito, oceanic bonito, Katsuwonus pelamis n02629435 Xiphiidae, family Xiphiidae n02629581 Xiphias, genus Xiphias n02629716 swordfish, Xiphias gladius n02630052 Istiophoridae, family Istiophoridae n02630281 sailfish n02630468 Istiophorus, genus Istiophorus n02630615 Atlantic sailfish, Istiophorus albicans n02630739 billfish n02630926 Makaira, genus Makaira n02631041 marlin n02631330 blue marlin, Makaira nigricans n02631475 black marlin, Makaira mazara, Makaira marlina n02631628 striped marlin, Makaira mitsukurii n02631775 white marlin, Makaira albida n02631899 Tetrapturus, genus Tetrapturus n02632039 spearfish n02632239 Luvaridae, family Luvaridae n02632359 Luvarus, genus Luvarus n02632494 louvar, Luvarus imperialis n02632694 Stromateidae, family Stromateidae n02632989 butterfish, stromateid fish, stromateid n02633287 Poronotus, genus Poronotus n02633422 dollarfish, Poronotus triacanthus n02633555 genus Palometa n02633677 palometa, California pompano, Palometa simillima n02633844 Paprilus, genus Paprilus n02633977 harvestfish, Paprilus alepidotus n02634156 Psenes, genus Psenes n02634285 driftfish n02634414 Ariomma, genus Ariomma n02634545 driftfish n02634717 Tetragonurus, genus Tetragonurus n02634858 squaretail n02635013 Hyperoglyphe, genus Hyperoglyphe n02635154 barrelfish, black rudderfish, Hyperglyphe perciformis n02635310 Gobiesocidae, family Gobiesocidae n02635459 Gobiesox, genus Gobiesox n02635580 clingfish n02635781 skillet fish, skilletfish, Gobiesox strumosus n02635911 Lobotidae, family Lobotidae n02636035 Lobotes, genus Lobotes n02636170 tripletail n02636405 Atlantic tripletail, Lobotes surinamensis n02636550 Pacific tripletail, Lobotes pacificus n02636666 Gerreidae, family Gerreidae, Gerridae, family Gerridae n02636854 mojarra n02637046 Gerres, genus Gerres n02637179 yellowfin mojarra, Gerres cinereus n02637337 Eucinostomus, genus Eucinostomus n02637475 silver jenny, Eucinostomus gula n02637637 Sillaginidae, family Sillaginidae n02637839 Sillago, genus Sillago n02637977 whiting n02638104 ganoin, ganoine n02638323 Ganoidei, order Ganoidei n02638596 ganoid, ganoid fish n02638835 Amiidae, family Amiidae n02638960 Amia, genus Amia n02639087 bowfin, grindle, dogfish, Amia calva n02639312 Polyodontidae, family Polyodontidae n02639464 Polyodon, genus Polyodon n02639605 paddlefish, duckbill, Polyodon spathula n02639786 Psephurus, genus Psephurus n02639922 Chinese paddlefish, Psephurus gladis n02640093 Acipenseridae, family Acipenseridae n02640242 sturgeon n02640453 Acipenser, genus Acipenser n02640626 Pacific sturgeon, white sturgeon, Sacramento sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus n02640857 beluga, hausen, white sturgeon, Acipenser huso n02641063 Lepisosteidae, family Lepisosteidae n02641215 Lepisosteus, genus Lepisosteus n02641379 gar, garfish, garpike, billfish, Lepisosteus osseus n02641608 Scleroparei, order Scleroparei n02641825 Scorpaenoidea, suborder Scorpaenoidea n02642107 scorpaenoid, scorpaenoid fish n02642430 Scorpaenidae, family Scorpaenidae n02642644 scorpaenid, scorpaenid fish n02642935 Scorpaena, genus Scorpaena n02643112 scorpionfish, scorpion fish, sea scorpion n02643316 plumed scorpionfish, Scorpaena grandicornis n02643448 Pterois, genus Pterois n02643566 lionfish n02643713 Synanceja, genus Synanceja n02643836 stonefish, Synanceja verrucosa n02643989 Sebastodes, genus Sebastodes n02644113 rockfish n02644360 copper rockfish, Sebastodes caurinus n02644501 vermillion rockfish, rasher, Sebastodes miniatus n02644665 red rockfish, Sebastodes ruberrimus n02644817 rosefish, ocean perch, Sebastodes marinus n02644967 Cottidae, family Cottidae n02645143 Cottus, genus Cottus n02645304 sculpin n02645538 bullhead n02645691 miller's-thumb n02645823 Hemitripterus, genus Hemitripterus n02645953 sea raven, Hemitripterus americanus n02646117 Myxocephalus, genus Myxocephalus n02646241 grubby, Myxocephalus aenaeus n02646377 Cyclopteridae, family Cyclopteridae n02646508 Cyclopterus, genus Cyclopterus n02646667 lumpfish, Cyclopterus lumpus n02646892 lumpsucker n02646985 Liparididae, family Liparididae, Liparidae, family Liparidae n02647144 Liparis, genus Liparis n02647294 snailfish, seasnail, sea snail, Liparis liparis n02647503 Agonidae, family Agonidae n02647660 poacher, sea poacher, sea poker n02647903 Agonus, genus Agonus n02648035 pogge, armed bullhead, Agonus cataphractus n02648174 Aspidophoroides, genus Aspidophoroides n02648313 alligatorfish, Aspidophoroides monopterygius n02648456 Hexagrammidae, family Hexagrammidae n02648625 greenling n02648769 Hexagrammos, genus Hexagrammos n02648916 kelp greenling, Hexagrammos decagrammus n02649082 Oxylebius, genus Oxylebius n02649218 painted greenling, convict fish, convictfish, Oxylebius pictus n02649400 Platycephalidae, family Platycephalidae n02649546 flathead n02649689 Triglidae, family Triglidae n02650050 gurnard n02650282 Triga, genus Triga n02650413 tub gurnard, yellow gurnard, Trigla lucerna n02650541 sea robin, searobin n02650696 Triglinae, subfamily Triglinae n02650928 Prionotus, genus Prionotus n02651060 northern sea robin, Prionotus carolinus n02651215 Peristediinae, subfamily Peristediinae n02651412 Peristedion, genus Peristedion n02651617 armored searobin, armored sea robin, Peristedion miniatum n02651846 Dactylopteridae, family Dactylopteridae n02652005 Dactylopterus, genus Dactylopterus n02652132 flying gurnard, flying robin, butterflyfish n02652335 Plectognathi, order Plectognathi, order Tetraodontiformes n02652668 plectognath, plectognath fish n02652979 Balistidae, family Balistidae n02653145 triggerfish n02653359 Balistes, genus Balistes n02653497 queen triggerfish, Bessy cerca, oldwench, oldwife, Balistes vetula n02653655 Monocanthidae, family Monocanthidae n02653786 filefish n02653965 Monocanthus, genus Monocanthus n02654112 leatherjacket, leatherfish n02654256 Ostraciidae, family Ostraciidae, family Ostraciontidae n02654425 boxfish, trunkfish n02654609 Lactophrys, genus Lactophrys n02654745 cowfish, Lactophrys quadricornis n02654890 Tetraodontidae, family Tetraodontidae n02655020 puffer, pufferfish, blowfish, globefish n02655355 Diodontidae, family Diodontidae n02655523 spiny puffer n02655694 Diodon, genus Diodon n02655848 porcupinefish, porcupine fish, Diodon hystrix n02656032 balloonfish, Diodon holocanthus n02656171 Chilomycterus, genus Chilomycterus n02656301 burrfish n02656426 Molidae, family Molidae n02656550 genus Mola n02656670 ocean sunfish, sunfish, mola, headfish n02656969 sharptail mola, Mola lanceolata n02657083 Heterosomata, order Heterosomata, order Pleuronectiformes n02657368 flatfish n02657694 flounder n02657805 Pleuronectidae, family Pleuronectidae n02658079 righteye flounder, righteyed flounder n02658381 Pleuronectes, genus Pleuronectes n02658531 plaice, Pleuronectes platessa n02658670 Platichthys, genus Platichthys n02658811 European flatfish, Platichthys flesus n02658944 Limanda, genus Limanda n02659176 yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea n02659342 Pseudopleuronectes, genus Pseudopleuronectes n02659478 winter flounder, blackback flounder, lemon sole, Pseudopleuronectes americanus n02659667 Microstomus, genus Microstomus n02659808 lemon sole, Microstomus kitt n02659961 Hippoglossoides, genus Hippoglossoides n02660091 American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides n02660208 halibut, holibut n02660412 Hippoglossus, genus Hippoglossus n02660519 Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus n02660640 Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepsis n02660769 Bothidae, family Bothidae n02661017 lefteye flounder, lefteyed flounder n02661317 Paralichthys, genus Paralichthys n02661473 southern flounder, Paralichthys lethostigmus n02661618 summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus n02661765 Etropus, genus Etropus n02661892 grey flounder, gray flounder, Etropus rimosus n02662081 Citharichthys, genus Citharichthys n02662239 whiff n02662397 horned whiff, Citharichthys cornutus n02662559 sand dab n02662688 Scophthalmus, genus Scophthalmus n02662825 windowpane, Scophthalmus aquosus n02662993 brill, Scophthalmus rhombus n02663086 Psetta, genus Psetta n02663211 turbot, Psetta maxima n02663352 Cynoglossidae, family Cynoglossidae n02663485 tonguefish, tongue-fish n02663657 Soleidae, family Soleidae n02663849 sole n02664136 Solea, genus Solea n02664285 European sole, Solea solea n02664399 lemon sole, Solea lascaris n02664511 Parophrys, genus Parophrys n02664642 English sole, lemon sole, Parophrys vitulus n02664823 Psettichthys, genus Psettichthys n02664960 sand sole, Psettichthys melanostichus n02665119 Trinectes, genus Trinectes n02665250 hogchoker, Trinectes maculatus n02665413 thick skin n02665543 thorax n02665687 prothorax n02665812 metamere, somite n02665985 aba n02666079 aba n02666196 abacus n02666347 abacus n02666501 abandoned ship, derelict n02666624 A battery n02666735 abattis, abatis n02666943 abattoir, butchery, shambles, slaughterhouse n02667093 abaya n02667244 Abbe condenser n02667379 abbey n02667478 abbey n02667576 abbey n02667693 Abney level n02667906 abortifacient, aborticide, abortion-inducing drug n02668093 abortion pill, mifepristone, RU 486 n02668393 abrader, abradant n02668613 abrading stone n02668747 Abstract Expressionism, action painting n02669001 abstraction n02669079 abstractionism, abstract art n02669295 abutment n02669442 abutment arch n02669534 academic costume n02669723 academic gown, academic robe, judge's robe n02669885 academy n02670049 Acapulco gold, Mexican green n02670186 accelerator, throttle, throttle valve n02670382 accelerator, particle accelerator, atom smasher n02670683 accelerator, accelerator pedal, gas pedal, gas, throttle, gun n02670935 accelerometer n02671062 access, approach n02671224 access, memory access n02671421 accessory, appurtenance, supplement, add-on n02671780 accessory, accoutrement, accouterment n02671988 access road, slip road n02672152 accommodating lens implant, accommodating IOL n02672371 accommodation n02672646 accommodation ladder n02672831 accordion, piano accordion, squeeze box n02673078 accumulator, accumulator register n02673291 ace n02673480 acebutolol, Sectral n02673637 ACE inhibitor, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor n02674101 ace of clubs n02674184 ace of diamonds n02674273 ace of hearts n02674358 ace of spades n02674482 acetaminophen, Datril, Tylenol, Panadol, Phenaphen, Tempra, Anacin III n02674912 acetanilide, acetanilid, phenylacetamide n02675077 acetate disk, phonograph recording disk n02675219 acetate rayon, acetate n02675354 acetophenetidin, acetphenetidin, phenacetin n02675522 achromatic lens n02675657 acid, back breaker, battery-acid, dose, dot, Elvis, loony toons, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, pane, superman, window pane, Zen n02675885 acorn tube n02675987 acoustic n02676097 acoustic delay line, sonic delay line n02676261 acoustic device n02676566 acoustic guitar n02676670 acoustic modem n02676805 acoustic storage n02676938 acropolis n02677028 acrylic n02677136 acrylic, acrylic paint n02677232 Actifed n02677436 actinometer n02677602 actinomycin n02677718 action, action mechanism n02678010 active matrix screen n02678174 active placebo n02678384 actuator n02678528 acyclovir, Zovirax n02678738 Adam, ecstasy, XTC, go, disco biscuit, cristal, X, hug drug n02678897 adapter, adaptor n02679142 adder n02679257 adding machine, totalizer, totaliser n02679415 addition, add-on, improver n02679788 additive n02679961 addressing machine, Addressograph n02680110 adhesive bandage n02680337 adhesive tape n02680512 adit n02680638 adjoining room n02680754 adjustable wrench, adjustable spanner n02680947 adjuvant n02681084 admixture, intermixture n02681392 adobe, adobe brick n02681518 adornment n02682038 adrenergic, adrenergic drug n02682207 adumbration n02682311 adz, adze n02682407 aeolian harp, aeolian lyre, wind harp n02682569 aerator n02682699 aerial ladder n02682811 aerial torpedo n02682922 aerosol, aerosol container, aerosol can, aerosol bomb, spray can n02683183 Aertex n02683323 afghan n02683454 Afro-wig n02683558 afterburner n02683692 afterdeck n02683791 after-shave, after-shave lotion n02683936 afterthought n02684083 agal n02684248 agateware n02684356 agglomerator n02684515 aglet, aiglet, aiguilette n02684649 aglet, aiglet n02684789 agonist n02684962 agora, public square n02685082 aigrette, aigret n02685253 aileron n02685365 air bag n02685585 air base, air station n02685701 airbrake n02685855 airbrake, dive brake n02685995 airbrush n02686121 airbus n02686227 air compressor n02686379 air conditioner, air conditioning n02686568 aircraft n02687172 aircraft carrier, carrier, flattop, attack aircraft carrier n02687423 aircraft engine n02687539 air cushion, inflatable cushion n02687682 air cushion, air spring n02687821 airdock, hangar, repair shed n02687992 airfield, landing field, flying field, field n02688273 air filter, air cleaner n02688443 airfoil, aerofoil, control surface, surface n02688895 Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL n02689144 airframe n02689274 air gun, airgun, air rifle n02689434 air hammer, jackhammer, pneumatic hammer n02689556 air hole n02689648 air horn n02689748 air horn n02689819 airing cupboard n02689961 air-intake n02690081 airline, airline business, airway n02690270 airline, air hose n02690373 airliner n02690583 airlock, air lock n02690715 airmailer n02690809 air mattress n02690941 air passage, air duct, airway n02691156 airplane, aeroplane, plane n02692086 airplane propeller, airscrew, prop n02692232 airport, airdrome, aerodrome, drome n02692513 air pump, vacuum pump n02692680 air search radar n02692787 air shaft, air well n02692877 airship, dirigible n02693070 airstrip, flight strip, landing strip, strip n02693246 air terminal, airport terminal n02693413 air-to-air missile n02693540 air-to-ground missile, air-to-surface missile n02693709 air transportation system n02693860 aisle, gangway n02694045 aisle n02694182 aisle n02694279 Aladdin's lamp n02694426 alarm, warning device, alarm system n02694662 alarm clock, alarm n02694776 Alaskan pipeline, trans-Alaska pipeline n02694966 alb n02695079 album n02695321 albuterol, Ventolin, Proventil n02695627 alcazar n02695762 alcohol thermometer, alcohol-in-glass thermometer n02696048 alcove, bay n02696165 alehouse n02696246 alembic n02696384 alendronate, Fosamax n02696569 algometer n02696669 Alhambra n02696843 alidade, alidad n02697022 alidade, alidad n02697221 A-line n02697438 alkylating agent n02697576 Allen screw n02697675 Allen wrench n02697759 alley, alleyway, back street n02697876 alligator wrench n02698036 allopurinol, Zyloprim n02698244 alms dish, alms tray n02698366 aloes, bitter aloes n02698473 alpaca n02698634 alpenstock n02698769 alpha blocker, alpha-blocker, alpha-adrenergic blocker, alpha-adrenergic blocking agent n02699096 alpha-interferon n02699343 alprazolam, Xanax n02699494 altar n02699629 altar, communion table, Lord's table n02699770 altarpiece, reredos n02699915 altazimuth n02700064 alternator n02700258 altimeter n02700422 alto relievo, alto rilievo, high relief n02700622 alum n02700767 aluminum foil, aluminium foil, tin foil n02700895 Amati n02701002 ambulance n02701125 ambulatory n02701260 amen corner n02701393 Americana n02701566 American flag, Stars and Stripes, Star-Spangled Banner, Old Glory n02701730 American organ n02701871 American Stock Exchange, AMEX, Curb n02701984 aminophylline n02702166 aminopyrine, amidopyrine n02702304 amiodarone, Cordarone n02702575 amitriptyline, amitriptyline hydrochloride, Elavil n02702809 amlodipine besylate, Norvasc n02702989 ammeter n02703124 ammonia clock n02703275 ammunition, ammo n02703499 amobarbital n02703692 amobarbital sodium, blue, blue angel, blue devil, Amytal n02703894 amoxicillin, Amoxil, Larotid, Polymox, Trimox, Augmentin n02704153 amphetamine, pep pill, upper, speed n02704462 amphetamine sulfate, amphetamine sulphate n02704645 amphibian, amphibious aircraft n02704792 amphibian, amphibious vehicle n02704949 amphitheater, amphitheatre, coliseum n02705201 amphitheater, amphitheatre n02705429 amphora n02705558 amphotericin n02705651 ampicillin, Principen, Polycillin, SK-Ampicillin n02705944 amplifier n02706221 ampulla n02706373 amrinone, Inocor n02706586 amulet, talisman n02706806 amusement arcade n02706916 amyl nitrate n02707036 anachronism n02707188 anaglyph n02707344 anaglyph n02707547 analeptic n02707683 analgesic, anodyne, painkiller, pain pill n02708093 analog clock n02708224 analog computer, analogue computer n02708433 analog watch n02708555 analytical balance, chemical balance n02708711 analyzer, analyser n02708885 anamorphosis, anamorphism n02709101 anastigmat n02709265 anastigmatic lens n02709367 anchor, ground tackle n02709637 anchor chain, anchor rope n02709763 anchor light, riding light, riding lamp n02709908 AND circuit, AND gate n02710044 andiron, firedog, dog, dog-iron n02710201 android, humanoid, mechanical man n02710324 anechoic chamber n02710429 anemometer, wind gauge, wind gage n02710600 aneroid barometer, aneroid n02710766 anesthetic, anaesthetic, anesthetic agent, anaesthetic agent n02711110 anesthyl n02711237 angiocardiogram n02711422 angiogenesis inhibitor n02711573 angiogram n02711780 angioscope n02711890 angiotensin, angiotonin, Hypertensin n02712134 angiotensin I n02712280 angiotensin II n02712393 angiotensin II inhibitor n02712545 angle bracket, angle iron n02712643 angledozer n02712762 Angostura Bridge n02712907 animalization n02713003 ankle brace n02713097 anklet, ankle bracelet n02713218 anklet, anklets, bobbysock, bobbysocks n02713364 anklet n02713496 ankus n02713594 annex, annexe, extension, wing n02713769 annulet n02713835 annulet, bandelet, bandelette, bandlet, square and rabbet n02713992 annulet, roundel n02714139 annunciator n02714315 anode n02714535 anode n02714751 answering machine n02714883 antagonist n02715096 antefix n02715229 antenna, aerial, transmitting aerial n02715513 anteroom, antechamber, entrance hall, hall, foyer, lobby, vestibule n02715712 antiaircraft, antiaircraft gun, flak, flack, pom-pom, ack-ack, ack-ack gun n02715941 antiarrhythmic, antiarrhythmic drug, antiarrhythmic medication n02716205 antibacterial, antibacterial drug, bactericide n02716626 antiballistic missile, ABM n02716866 antibiotic, antibiotic drug n02717901 anticholinergic, anticholinergic drug n02718084 anticholinesterase n02718259 anticoagulant, anticoagulant medication, decoagulant n02718469 anticonvulsant, anticonvulsant drug, antiepileptic, antiepileptic drug n02718811 antidepressant, antidepressant drug n02719105 antidiabetic, antidiabetic drug n02719294 antidiarrheal, antidiarrheal drug n02719450 antidiuretic, antidiuretic drug n02719588 antidote, counterpoison n02719750 antiemetic, antiemetic drug n02719951 antiflatulent n02720048 antifouling paint n02720201 antifungal, antifungal agent, fungicide, antimycotic, antimycotic agent n02720576 anti-G suit, G suit n02720725 antihistamine n02721160 antihypertensive, antihypertensive drug n02721538 anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory drug n02721813 antimacassar n02721948 antimalarial, antimalarial drug n02722166 antimetabolite n02722349 antimycin n02722458 antineoplastic, antineoplastic drug, cancer drug n02722997 antineoplastic antibiotic n02723165 antiperspirant n02723292 antiprotozoal, antiprotozoal drug n02723491 antipruritic n02723595 antipyretic, febrifuge n02723754 antique n02724026 antiquity n02724207 antiseptic n02724533 antispasmodic, spasmolytic, antispasmodic agent n02724722 anti-submarine rocket n02724838 antisyphilitic n02724966 anti-TNF compound n02725242 antitussive n02725367 antiviral, antiviral agent, antiviral drug n02725596 Antonine Wall n02725872 anvil n02726017 ao dai n02726210 apadana n02726305 apartment, flat n02726681 apartment building, apartment house n02726861 APC n02727016 aperture n02727141 aperture n02727281 aphrodisiac n02727426 apiary, bee house n02727566 apishamore n02727660 apomorphine n02727825 apparatus, setup n02728440 apparel, wearing apparel, dress, clothes n02728763 appendage n02728968 appendicle n02729060 Appian Way n02729222 applecart n02729345 apple of discord n02729755 apple orchard n02729837 appliance n02729965 appliance, contraption, contrivance, convenience, gadget, gizmo, gismo, widget n02730265 applicator, applier n02730437 applique n02730568 appointment, fitting n02730748 approach trench, communication trench n02730930 apron n02731123 apron n02731251 apron string n02731398 apse, apsis n02731629 aqualung, Aqua-Lung, scuba n02731900 aquaplane n02732072 aquarium, fish tank, marine museum n02732295 aquatint n02732433 aqueduct n02732572 arabesque n02732696 araroba, Goa powder, chrysarobin n02732827 arbor, arbour, bower, pergola n02733075 arboretum, botanical garden n02733213 arcade, colonnade n02733378 arcade n02733524 arch n02734217 arch, archway n02734423 architectural ornament n02734725 architecture n02734835 architrave n02734994 architrave n02735086 archive n02735268 arch support n02735361 arc lamp, arc light n02735538 arctic, galosh, golosh, rubber, gumshoe n02735688 area n02736396 areaway n02736511 arena, scene of action n02736645 arena theater, theater in the round n02736798 argyle, argyll n02736934 argyle, argyll n02737166 argyll, argyle n02737351 ark n02737467 Ark, Ark of the Covenant n02737660 arm n02737833 arm, branch, limb n02738031 armament n02738271 armature n02738449 armband n02738535 armchair n02738741 armet n02738859 arm guard, arm pad n02738978 armhole n02739123 armilla n02739248 armillary sphere, armilla n02739427 armlet, arm band n02739550 armoire n02739668 armor, armour n02739889 armored car, armoured car n02740061 armored car, armoured car n02740300 armored personnel carrier, armoured personnel carrier, APC n02740533 armored vehicle, armoured vehicle n02740764 armor plate, armour plate, armor plating, plate armor, plate armour n02741367 armory, armoury, arsenal n02741475 armrest n02741587 army base n02741681 Army High Performance Computing Research Center, AHPCRC n02741981 arnica n02742070 arquebus, harquebus, hackbut, hagbut n02742194 array n02742322 array, raiment, regalia n02742468 arrester, arrester hook n02742663 arrival gate n02742753 arrow n02743050 arrowhead n02743207 arsenal, armory, armoury n02743426 arsenal, armory, armoury n02743547 art, fine art n02744077 Artemision at Ephesus n02744323 arterial road n02744423 arteriogram n02744532 artery n02744634 artesian well n02744844 arthrogram n02744961 arthroscope n02745091 article of commerce n02745228 articulated ladder n02745395 artificial flower n02745492 artificial heart n02745611 artificial horizon, gyro horizon, flight indicator n02745816 artificial joint n02746008 artificial kidney, hemodialyzer n02746225 artificial skin n02746365 artillery, heavy weapon, gun, ordnance n02746595 artillery shell n02746683 artist's loft n02746841 artist's workroom, atelier n02746978 art school n02747063 ascot n02747177 ashcan, trash can, garbage can, wastebin, ash bin, ash-bin, ashbin, dustbin, trash barrel, trash bin n02747379 Ash Can, Ashcan school n02747541 ashlar n02747672 ash-pan n02747802 ashtray n02747915 asparaginase, Elspar n02748088 asparagus bed n02748183 aspergill, aspersorium n02748359 aspersorium n02748491 aspirator n02748618 aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, Bayer, Empirin, St. Joseph n02749169 aspirin powder, headache powder n02749292 assault gun n02749479 assault rifle, assault gun n02749670 assegai, assagai n02749790 assembly n02749953 assembly n02750070 assembly hall n02750169 assembly plant n02750320 astatic coils n02750652 astatic galvanometer n02750835 astringent, astringent drug, styptic n02751067 astrodome n02751215 astrolabe n02751295 astronomical telescope n02751490 astronomy satellite n02751623 Aswan High Dam, High Dam n02751782 atenolol, Tenormin n02752039 athanor n02752199 athenaeum, atheneum n02752311 athletic facility n02752496 athletic sock, sweat sock, varsity sock n02752615 athletic supporter, supporter, suspensor, jockstrap, jock n02752810 atlas, telamon n02752917 atmometer, evaporometer n02753044 atom bomb, atomic bomb, A-bomb, fission bomb, plutonium bomb n02753394 atomic clock n02753569 atomic cocktail n02753710 atomic pile, atomic reactor, pile, chain reactor n02753881 atomic warhead, nuclear warhead, thermonuclear warhead, nuke n02754103 atomizer, atomiser, spray, sprayer, nebulizer, nebuliser n02754421 atorvastatin, Lipitor n02754656 atrium n02754756 atropine n02755140 attache case, attache n02755244 attachment n02755352 attachment, bond n02755529 attack submarine n02755675 attenuator n02755823 attic n02755984 attic fan n02756098 attire, garb, dress n02756601 auction block, block n02756751 audio n02756854 audio amplifier n02756977 audiocassette n02757061 audio CD, audio compact disc n02757211 audiogram n02757337 audiometer, sonometer n02757462 audio system, sound system n02757714 audiotape n02757810 audiotape n02757927 audiovisual, audiovisual aid n02758134 auditorium n02758270 Augean stables n02758490 auger, gimlet, screw auger, wimble n02758600 Auschwitz n02758753 auto accessory n02758863 autobahn n02758960 autoclave, sterilizer, steriliser n02759257 autofocus n02759387 autogiro, autogyro, gyroplane n02759615 autograph album n02759700 autoinjector n02759963 autoloader, self-loader n02760099 automat n02760199 automat n02760298 automatic choke n02760429 automatic firearm, automatic gun, automatic weapon n02760658 automatic pistol, automatic n02760855 automatic rifle, automatic, machine rifle n02761034 automatic transmission, automatic drive n02761206 automation n02761392 automaton, robot, golem n02761557 automobile engine n02761696 automobile factory, auto factory, car factory n02761834 automobile horn, car horn, motor horn, horn, hooter n02762044 auto part, car part n02762169 autopilot, automatic pilot, robot pilot n02762371 autoradiograph n02762508 autostrada n02762609 auxiliary airfield n02762725 auxiliary boiler, donkey boiler n02762909 auxiliary engine, donkey engine n02763083 auxiliary pump, donkey pump n02763198 auxiliary research submarine n02763306 auxiliary storage, external storage, secondary storage n02763472 avenue, boulevard n02763604 aviary, bird sanctuary, volary n02763714 awl n02763901 awning, sunshade, sunblind n02764044 ax, axe n02764398 ax handle, axe handle n02764505 ax head, axe head n02764614 axis, axis of rotation n02764779 axle n02764935 axle bar n02765028 axletree n02765247 azathioprine, Imuran n02765429 zidovudine, Retrovir, ZDV, AZT n02765656 azithromycin, Zithromax n02765868 aztreonam, Azactam n02766044 B-52 n02766168 babushka n02766320 baby bed, baby's bed n02766534 baby buggy, baby carriage, carriage, perambulator, pram, stroller, go-cart, pushchair, pusher n02766792 baby grand, baby grand piano, parlor grand, parlor grand piano, parlour grand, parlour grand piano n02766961 baby oil n02767038 baby powder n02767147 baby shoe n02767240 bacitracin n02767433 back, backrest n02767665 back n02767815 backband n02767956 backbench n02768114 backboard n02768226 backboard, basketball backboard n02768433 backbone n02768655 back brace n02768744 back door, backdoor, back entrance n02768864 backdrop, background, backcloth n02768973 backgammon board n02769075 background, desktop, screen background n02769290 backhoe n02769460 backing, mount n02769669 backlighting n02769748 backpack, back pack, knapsack, packsack, rucksack, haversack n02769963 backpacking tent, pack tent n02770078 backplate n02770211 back porch n02770293 back room n02770441 backroom n02770585 backsaw, back saw n02770721 backscratcher n02770830 backseat n02771004 backspace key, backspace, backspacer n02771166 backstairs n02771286 backstay n02771383 backstitch n02771547 backstop n02771750 backsword n02771840 backup, computer backup n02772101 backup system n02772197 backyard n02772282 bacteria bed n02772435 badminton court n02772554 badminton equipment n02772700 badminton racket, badminton racquet, battledore n02772868 baffle, baffle board n02773037 bag n02773838 bag, traveling bag, travelling bag, grip, suitcase n02774152 bag, handbag, pocketbook, purse n02774502 bagatelle, fluff, frippery, frivolity n02774630 baggage, luggage n02774921 baggage n02775039 baggage car, luggage van n02775178 baggage claim n02775359 bagger n02775483 bagpipe n02775689 bailey n02775813 bailey n02775897 Bailey bridge n02776007 bain-marie n02776205 bait, decoy, lure n02776505 baize n02776631 bakery, bakeshop, bakehouse n02776825 balaclava, balaclava helmet n02776978 balalaika n02777100 balance n02777292 balance beam, beam n02777402 balance wheel, balance n02777638 balbriggan n02777734 balcony n02777927 balcony n02778131 baldachin n02778294 baldric, baldrick n02778456 bale n02778588 baling wire n02778669 ball n02779435 ball n02779609 ball and chain n02779719 ball-and-socket joint n02779845 ballast n02779971 ballast, light ballast n02780121 ballast resistor, ballast, barretter n02780315 ball bearing, needle bearing, roller bearing n02780445 ball cartridge n02780588 ballcock, ball cock n02780704 balldress n02780815 ballet skirt, tutu n02780916 ball field, baseball field, diamond n02781121 ball gown n02781213 ballistic galvanometer n02781338 ballistic missile n02781517 ballistic pendulum n02781764 ballistocardiograph, cardiograph n02782093 balloon n02782329 balloon n02782432 balloon bomb, Fugo n02782602 balloon sail n02782681 ballot box n02782778 ballpark, park n02783035 ball-peen hammer n02783161 ballpoint, ballpoint pen, ballpen, Biro n02783324 ballroom, dance hall, dance palace n02783459 ball valve n02783567 Balmoral, bluebonnet n02783708 balmoral n02783790 balsam n02783900 balsa raft, Kon Tiki n02783994 baluster n02784124 banana boat n02784218 band n02784732 band, banding, stripe n02784998 band n02785191 band, ring n02785365 band n02785570 band n02785648 bandage, patch n02786058 Band Aid n02786198 bandanna, bandana n02786331 bandbox n02786463 banderilla n02786611 bandoleer, bandolier n02786736 bandoneon n02786837 bandsaw, band saw n02786984 bandstand, outdoor stage, stand n02787120 bandwagon n02787269 bangalore torpedo n02787435 bangle, bauble, gaud, gewgaw, novelty, fallal, trinket n02787622 banjo n02787772 bank, bank building n02788021 banner, streamer n02788148 bannister, banister, balustrade, balusters, handrail n02788386 banquette n02788462 banyan, banian n02788572 baptismal font, baptistry, baptistery, font n02788689 bar n02789271 bar n02789487 bar n02789770 bar n02790012 bar n02790154 bar n02790322 barb n02790550 barb n02790669 barbecue, barbeque n02790823 barbed wire, barbwire n02790996 barbell n02791124 barber chair n02791270 barbershop n02791385 barbette n02791532 barbette carriage n02791665 barbican, barbacan n02791795 bar bit n02791894 barbital, veronal, barbitone, diethylbarbituric acid, diethylmalonylurea n02792049 barbiturate n02792305 bard n02792409 bareboat n02792552 barge, flatboat, hoy, lighter n02792822 bargello, flame stitch n02792948 barge pole n02793089 baritone, baritone horn n02793199 bark, barque n02793296 bar magnet n02793414 bar mask n02793495 barn n02793684 barndoor n02793842 barn door n02793930 barnyard n02794008 barograph n02794156 barometer n02794368 barong n02794474 barouche n02794664 bar printer n02794779 barrack n02794972 barrage balloon n02795169 barrel, cask n02795528 barrel, gun barrel n02795670 barrelhouse, honky-tonk n02795783 barrel knot, blood knot n02795978 barrel organ, grind organ, hand organ, hurdy gurdy, hurdy-gurdy, street organ n02796207 barrel vault n02796318 barrette n02796412 barricade n02796623 barrier n02796995 barroom, bar, saloon, ginmill, taproom n02797295 barrow, garden cart, lawn cart, wheelbarrow n02797455 bar soap n02797535 bascule n02797692 base, pedestal, stand n02797881 base, bag n02798117 base n02798290 base, base of operations n02798574 base n02798769 base n02799071 baseball n02799175 baseball bat, lumber n02799323 baseball cap, jockey cap, golf cap n02799442 baseball card n02799593 baseball diamond, diamond, infield n02799897 baseball equipment n02800213 baseball glove, glove, baseball mitt, mitt n02800354 baseboard, mopboard, skirting board n02800497 basement, cellar n02800675 basement n02800793 basic, staple n02800940 basic point defense missile system n02801047 basilica, Roman basilica n02801184 basilica n02801450 basilisk n02801525 basin n02801823 basinet n02801938 basket, handbasket n02802215 basket, basketball hoop, hoop n02802426 basketball n02802544 basketball court n02802721 basketball equipment n02802886 basket hilt n02802990 basket weave n02803129 bas relief, low relief, basso relievo, basso rilievo n02803349 bass n02803539 bass clarinet n02803666 bass drum, gran casa n02803809 basset horn n02803934 bass fiddle, bass viol, bull fiddle, double bass, contrabass, string bass n02804123 bass guitar n02804252 bass horn, sousaphone, tuba n02804414 bassinet n02804515 bassinet n02804610 bassoon n02804772 bastard, mongrel n02805111 baste, basting, basting stitch, tacking n02805283 baster n02805443 bastille n02805584 Bastille n02805845 bastinado n02805983 bastion n02806088 bastion, citadel n02806274 basuco n02806379 bat n02806530 bath n02806762 bath chair n02806875 bathhouse, bagnio n02806992 bathhouse, bathing machine n02807133 bathing cap, swimming cap n02807260 bath linen n02807401 bath mat n02807523 bath oil n02807616 bathrobe n02807731 bathroom, bath n02807998 bathroom cleaner n02808097 bathroom fixture n02808185 bath salts n02808304 bath towel n02808440 bathtub, bathing tub, bath, tub n02808695 bathymeter, bathometer n02808829 bathyscaphe, bathyscaph, bathyscape n02808968 bathysphere n02809105 batik n02809241 batiste n02809364 baton, wand n02809491 baton n02809605 baton n02809736 baton n02809866 Baton Rouge Bridge n02810008 batten n02810139 battering ram n02810270 batter's box n02810471 battery, electric battery n02810782 battery, stamp battery n02810930 batting, batten n02811059 batting cage, cage n02811204 batting glove n02811350 batting helmet n02811468 battle-ax, battle-axe n02811618 battle cruiser n02811719 battle dress n02811842 battle flag n02811936 battlement, crenelation, crenellation n02812201 battleship, battlewagon n02812342 battle sight, battlesight n02812505 batwing n02812631 bay n02812785 bay n02812949 bayonet n02813089 Bayonne Bridge n02813252 bay rum n02813399 bay window, bow window n02813544 bazaar, bazar n02813645 bazaar, bazar n02813752 bazooka n02813874 BB, BB shot n02813981 B battery n02814116 BB gun n02814224 beach ball, beachball n02814338 beach house n02814428 beach towel n02814533 beach wagon, station wagon, wagon, estate car, beach waggon, station waggon, waggon n02814774 beachwear n02814860 beacon, lighthouse, beacon light, pharos n02815071 bead n02815237 beading, bead, beadwork, astragal n02815389 beading, beadwork n02815478 beading plane n02815600 beads, string of beads n02815749 beaker n02815834 beaker n02815950 beam n02816381 beam n02816494 beam balance n02816656 beanbag n02816768 beanie, beany n02816895 bear claw n02817031 bearing n02817251 bearing rein, checkrein n02817386 bearing wall n02817516 bearskin, busby, shako n02817650 beater n02817799 beating-reed instrument, reed instrument, reed n02818027 beauty spot n02818135 beaver, castor n02818254 beaver n02818402 beaver board n02818507 becket n02818687 Beckman thermometer n02818832 bed n02819474 bed n02819697 bed n02819881 bed n02820085 bed and breakfast, bed-and-breakfast n02820210 bedclothes, bed clothing, bedding n02820432 bedding material, bedding, litter n02820556 Bedford cord n02820675 bed jacket n02820798 Bedlam, booby hatch, crazy house, cuckoo's nest, funny farm, funny house, loony bin, madhouse, nut house, nuthouse, sanatorium, snake pit n02821030 bed linen n02821202 bedpan n02821328 bed pillow n02821415 bedpost n02821543 bedroll n02821627 bedroom, sleeping room, sleeping accommodation, chamber, bedchamber n02821943 bedroom furniture n02822064 bedsitting room, bedsitter, bedsit n02822220 bedspread, bedcover, bed cover, bed covering, counterpane, spread n02822399 bedspring n02822579 bedstead, bedframe n02822762 beefcake n02822865 beehive, hive n02823030 beehive n02823124 beeper, pager n02823335 beer barrel, beer keg n02823428 beer bottle n02823510 beer can n02823586 beer garden n02823750 beer glass n02823848 beer hall n02823964 beer mat n02824058 beer mug, stein n02824152 belaying pin n02824319 belfry n02824448 bell n02824858 bell n02825004 belladonna n02825153 bell arch n02825240 bellarmine, longbeard, long-beard, greybeard n02825442 bellbottom trousers, bell-bottoms, bellbottom pants n02825657 bell cote, bell cot n02825775 bell deck n02825872 bell foundry n02825961 bell gable n02826068 bell jar, bell glass n02826259 bellows n02826459 bellpull n02826589 bell push n02826683 bell seat, balloon seat n02826812 bell tent n02826886 bell tower n02827020 bellyband n02827148 bellyband n02827289 Belmont Park, Belmont n02827466 Belsen n02827606 belt n02827883 belt n02828115 belt, belt ammunition, belted ammunition n02828299 belt buckle n02828427 belting n02828555 belvedere n02828648 beltway, bypass, ring road, ringway n02828884 bench n02829116 bench n02829246 bench clamp n02829353 bench hook n02829510 bench lathe n02829596 bench press n02829696 bend, curve n02830013 bend, bend dexter n02830157 bender n02830294 Benjamin Franklin Bridge n02830430 bentwood n02830596 Benzedrine, bennie n02830721 benzocaine, ethyl aminobenzoate n02830852 benzodiazepine n02831237 beret n02831335 berlin n02831455 Bermuda rig, Bermudan rig, Bermudian rig, Marconi rig n02831595 Bermuda shorts, Jamaica shorts n02831724 berth, bunk, built in bed n02831894 besom n02831998 Bessemer converter n02832168 beta blocker, beta-blocking agent, beta-adrenergic blocker, beta-adrenergic blocking agent n02832652 beta-interferon n02832838 betatron, induction accelerator n02833040 bethel n02833140 betting shop n02833275 bevatron n02833403 bevel, bevel square n02833576 bevel, cant, chamfer n02833793 bevel gear, pinion and crown wheel, pinion and ring gear n02833943 bezel n02834027 B-flat clarinet, licorice stick n02834147 bhang n02834295 bib n02834397 bib n02834506 bib-and-tucker n02834642 bicorn, bicorne n02834778 bicycle, bike, wheel, cycle n02835271 bicycle-built-for-two, tandem bicycle, tandem n02835412 bicycle chain n02835551 bicycle clip, trouser clip n02835724 bicycle pump n02835829 bicycle rack n02835915 bicycle seat, saddle n02836035 bicycle wheel n02836174 bidet n02836268 bier n02836392 bier n02836513 bi-fold door n02836607 bifocals n02836766 Big Ben n02836900 Big Blue, BLU-82 n02837134 big board n02837309 biggin n02837416 big H, hell dust, nose drops, smack, thunder, skag, scag n02837567 bight n02837702 bijou n02837789 bikini, two-piece n02837887 bikini pants n02838014 bilge n02838178 bilge keel n02838345 bilge pump n02838448 bilges n02838577 bilge well n02838728 bill, peak, eyeshade, visor, vizor n02838958 bill, billhook n02839110 billboard, hoarding n02839200 billet n02839351 billiard ball n02839477 billiard marker n02839592 billiard room, billiard saloon, billiard parlor, billiard parlour, billiard hall n02839758 bimetallic strip n02839910 bin n02840134 binder, ligature n02840245 binder, ring-binder n02840361 binder, reaper binder n02840515 bindery n02840619 binding, book binding, cover, back n02840927 binding n02841063 bin liner n02841187 binnacle n02841315 binoculars, field glasses, opera glasses n02841506 binocular microscope n02841641 biochip n02841847 biohazard suit n02842008 biology lab, biology laboratory, bio lab n02842133 bioscope n02842219 bioscope n02842303 bioweapon, biological weapon, bioarm n02842573 biplane n02842684 biprism n02842809 birch, birch rod n02843029 birchbark canoe, birchbark, birch bark n02843158 birdbath n02843276 birdcage n02843365 birdcage mask n02843465 birdcall n02843553 bird feeder, birdfeeder, feeder n02843684 birdhouse n02843777 bird shot, buckshot, duck shot n02843909 biretta, berretta, birretta n02844056 bishop n02844214 bistro n02844307 bit n02844714 bit n02845002 bit n02845130 bite plate, biteplate n02845293 bitewing n02845425 bitmap, electronic image n02845576 bitter end n02845763 bitthead n02845860 bitt pin n02845985 bitumastic n02846141 black n02846260 black n02846399 black and white, monochrome n02846511 blackboard, chalkboard n02846619 blackboard eraser n02846733 black box n02846874 blackface n02847009 black flag, pirate flag, Jolly Roger, blackjack n02847223 Black Hole of Calcutta n02847461 blackjack, cosh, sap n02847631 black tie n02847728 Blackwall hitch n02847852 blackwash n02847942 blackwash, black lotion n02848118 bladder n02848216 blade n02848523 blade, vane n02848806 blade n02848921 blank, dummy, blank shell n02849051 blank n02849154 blanket, cover n02849419 blanket n02849565 blanket stitch n02849729 Blarney Stone n02849885 blast furnace n02850060 blasting cap n02850218 blasting gelatin n02850358 blazer, sport jacket, sport coat, sports jacket, sports coat n02850552 bleachers n02850732 blender, liquidizer, liquidiser n02850950 blimp, sausage balloon, sausage n02851099 blind, screen n02851384 blind n02851540 blind alley, cul de sac, dead-end street, impasse n02851675 blind corner n02851795 blind curve, blind bend n02851939 blindfold n02852043 bling, bling bling n02852173 blinker, flasher n02852360 blister pack, bubble pack n02852523 block n02853016 block n02853218 blockade n02853336 blockade-runner n02853449 blockage, block, closure, occlusion, stop, stoppage n02853745 block and tackle n02853870 blockbuster n02853991 block diagram n02854156 blocker, blocking agent n02854378 blockhouse n02854532 block plane n02854630 bloodmobile n02854739 bloomers, pants, drawers, knickers n02854926 blouse n02855089 blower n02855253 blowgun, blowpipe, blowtube, blow tube n02855390 blowtorch, torch, blowlamp n02855560 blowtube, blow tube, blowpipe n02855701 blucher n02855793 bludgeon n02855925 blue n02856013 blue chip n02856109 blueprint n02856237 blunderbuss n02856362 blunt file n02856463 board n02857023 board, gameboard n02857365 boarding n02857477 boarding house, boardinghouse n02857644 boardroom, council chamber n02857812 board rule n02857907 boards n02858044 boards n02858179 boardwalk n02858304 boat n02859084 boat deck n02859184 boater, leghorn, Panama, Panama hat, sailor, skimmer, straw hat n02859343 boat hook n02859443 boathouse n02859557 boatswain's chair, bosun's chair n02859729 boat train n02859829 boat whistle n02859955 boatyard n02860063 bob, bobber, cork, bobfloat n02860239 bob n02860415 bobbin, spool, reel n02860640 bobby pin, hairgrip, grip n02860847 bobsled, bobsleigh, bob n02861022 bobsled, bobsleigh n02861147 bocce ball, bocci ball, boccie ball n02861286 bodega n02861387 bodice n02861509 bodkin, threader n02861658 bodkin n02861777 bodkin n02861886 body n02862048 body armor, body armour, suit of armor, suit of armour, coat of mail, cataphract n02862770 body bag, personnel pouch, human remains pouch n02862916 body lotion n02863014 body stocking n02863176 body plethysmograph n02863340 body pad n02863426 bodywork n02863536 Bofors gun n02863638 bogy, bogie, bogey n02863750 boiler, steam boiler n02863995 boilerplate n02864122 boiling water reactor, BWR n02864342 bola n02864504 bolero n02864593 bollard, bitt n02864878 bollock, bullock block n02864987 bolo, bolo knife n02865108 bologram, bolograph n02865214 bolometer n02865351 bolo tie, bolo, bola tie, bola n02865509 bolster, long pillow n02865665 bolt n02865931 bolt, deadbolt n02866106 bolt n02866286 bolt n02866386 bolt cutter n02866474 bolus n02866578 bomb n02867267 bombardon, bombard n02867401 bombazine n02867592 bomb calorimeter, bomb n02867715 bomber n02867966 bomber jacket n02868068 bombie n02868240 bomblet, cluster bomblet n02868429 bomb rack n02868546 bombshell n02868638 bomb shelter, air-raid shelter, bombproof n02868870 bombsight n02868975 bone-ash cup, cupel, refractory pot n02869155 bone china n02869249 bones, castanets, clappers, finger cymbals n02869563 boneshaker n02869737 bongo, bongo drum n02869837 bonnet, poke bonnet n02869965 booby prize n02870092 book, volume n02870526 book n02870676 book bag n02870772 bookbindery n02870880 bookcase n02871005 bookend n02871147 bookmark, bookmarker n02871314 bookmobile n02871439 bookshelf n02871525 bookshop, bookstore, bookstall n02871631 boom n02871824 boom, microphone boom n02871963 boomerang, throwing stick, throw stick n02872172 booster, booster dose, booster shot, recall dose n02872333 booster, booster rocket, booster unit, takeoff booster, takeoff rocket n02872529 booster, booster amplifier, booster station, relay link, relay station, relay transmitter n02872752 boot n02873244 boot n02873363 boot, the boot, iron boot, iron heel n02873520 boot n02873623 boot camp n02873733 bootee, bootie n02873839 booth, cubicle, stall, kiosk n02874086 booth n02874214 booth n02874336 boothose n02874442 bootjack n02874537 bootlace n02874642 bootleg n02874750 bootstrap n02874876 Bordeaux mixture n02875013 border n02875233 bore, bore-hole, drill hole n02875436 bore bit, borer, rock drill, stone drill n02875626 boron chamber n02875815 boron counter tube n02875948 borstal n02876084 bosom n02876193 Bosporus Bridge n02876326 Boston rocker n02876457 bota n02876537 botanical n02876657 bottle n02877266 bottle, feeding bottle, nursing bottle n02877513 bottle bank n02877642 bottlebrush n02877765 bottlecap n02877865 bottleneck n02877962 bottle opener n02878107 bottling plant n02878222 bottom, freighter, merchantman, merchant ship n02878425 boucle n02878534 boudoir n02878628 boulle, boule, buhl n02878796 bouncing betty n02878883 Bounty, H.M.S. Bounty n02879087 bouquet, corsage, posy, nosegay n02879228 Bourse n02879309 boutique, dress shop n02879422 boutonniere n02879517 bow n02879718 bow n02880008 bow, fore, prow, stem n02880189 bow, bowknot n02880308 bow n02880393 bow and arrow n02880546 bowed stringed instrument, string n02880842 Bowie knife n02880940 bowl n02881193 bowl n02881397 bowl, pipe bowl n02881546 bowl n02881757 bowler hat, bowler, derby hat, derby, plug hat n02881906 bowline, bowline knot n02882014 bowling alley, alley, skittle alley n02882190 bowling alley n02882301 bowling ball, bowl n02882483 bowling equipment n02882647 bowling pin, pin n02882894 bowling shoe n02883004 bowsprit n02883101 bowstring n02883205 bow tie, bow-tie, bowtie n02883344 box n02884011 box n02884225 box, loge n02884450 box, box seat n02884607 box n02884859 box beam, box girder n02884994 box camera, box Kodak n02885108 boxcar n02885233 box coat n02885338 boxing equipment n02885462 boxing glove, glove n02885663 boxing ring, prize ring n02885785 box kite n02885882 box office, ticket office, ticket booth n02886035 box pleat n02886183 box seat n02886321 box spring n02886434 box wrench, box end wrench n02886599 brace, bracing n02886907 brace, bitstock n02887079 brace, braces, orthodontic braces n02887209 brace n02887489 brace, suspender, gallus n02887683 brace n02887832 brace and bit n02887970 bracelet, bangle n02888133 bracer, pick-me-up n02888270 bracer, armguard n02888429 brace wrench n02888569 bracket, wall bracket n02888817 brad n02888898 bradawl, pricker n02889035 braid, gold braid, braiding n02889228 brail n02889332 brail n02889425 brake n02889646 brake n02889856 brake band n02889996 brake cylinder, hydraulic brake cylinder, master cylinder n02890188 brake disk n02890351 brake drum, drum n02890513 brake lining n02890662 brake pad n02890804 brake pedal n02890940 brake shoe, shoe, skid n02891188 brake system, brakes n02891430 branch line, spur track, spur n02891566 brand-name drug, proprietary drug n02891788 brass, brass instrument n02892201 brass, memorial tablet, plaque n02892304 brass n02892392 brassard n02892499 brasserie n02892626 brassie n02892767 brassiere, bra, bandeau n02892948 brass knucks, knucks, brass knuckles, knuckles, knuckle duster n02893148 brass monkey n02893269 brattice n02893418 brazier, brasier n02893608 breadbasket n02893692 bread-bin, breadbox n02893800 breadboard, bread board n02893941 bread knife n02894024 breakable n02894158 breakfast area, breakfast nook n02894337 breakfast table n02894431 break seal n02894605 breakwater, groin, groyne, mole, bulwark, seawall, jetty n02894847 breast drill n02895008 breast implant n02895154 breastplate, aegis, egis n02895328 breast pocket n02895438 breathalyzer, breathalyser n02895606 breathing device, breathing apparatus, breathing machine, ventilator n02895881 breech, rear of barrel, rear of tube n02896074 breechblock, breech closer n02896294 breechcloth, breechclout, loincloth n02896442 breeches, knee breeches, knee pants, knickerbockers, knickers n02896694 breeches buoy n02896856 breechloader n02896949 breeder reactor n02897097 Bren, Bren gun n02897237 brewery n02897389 brewpub n02897572 briar, briar pipe n02897692 bric-a-brac, knickknack, nicknack, knickknackery, whatnot n02897820 brick n02898093 brickkiln n02898173 bricklayer's hammer n02898269 brick trowel, mason's trowel n02898369 brickwork n02898478 brickyard, brickfield n02898585 bridal gown, wedding gown, wedding dress n02898711 bridge, span n02899257 bridge, bridge deck n02899439 bridge, nosepiece n02899569 bridge, bridgework n02899694 bridge n02899808 bridge, bridge circuit n02900011 bridged-T n02900160 bridle n02900459 bridle path, bridle road n02900594 bridoon n02900705 briefcase n02900857 briefcase bomb n02900987 briefcase computer n02901114 briefs, Jockey shorts n02901259 brig n02901377 brig n02901481 brigandine n02901620 brigantine, hermaphrodite brig n02901793 brilliantine n02901901 brilliant pebble n02902079 brim n02902250 brim, rim, lip n02902411 briquette, briquet n02902535 bristle n02902687 bristle brush n02902816 britches n02902916 broad arrow n02903006 broadax, broadaxe n02903126 brochette n02903204 broadcaster, spreader n02903405 broadcasting station, broadcast station n02903588 broadcasting studio n02903727 broadcloth n02903852 broadcloth n02903964 broad gauge n02904109 broad hatchet n02904233 broadloom n02904348 broadside n02904505 broadside n02904640 broadsword n02904803 brocade n02904927 brogan, brogue, clodhopper, work shoe n02905036 broiler n02905152 broken arch n02905288 brokerage house, brokerage n02905422 brompheniramine maleate, Dimetane n02905612 bronchodilator n02905886 bronchoscope n02906027 Bronx-Whitestone Bridge n02906175 bronze n02906254 bronze medal n02906438 brooch, broach, breastpin n02906578 Brooklyn Bridge n02906734 broom n02906963 broom closet n02907082 broomstick, broom handle n02907194 brougham n02907296 brougham n02907391 Browning automatic rifle, BAR n02907656 Browning machine gun, Peacemaker n02907873 brownstone n02907985 Brown University, Brown n02908123 brunch coat n02908217 brush n02908605 brush n02908773 Brussels carpet n02908951 Brussels lace n02909053 bubble n02909165 bubble chamber n02909285 bubble jet printer, bubble-jet printer, bubblejet n02909408 bubbler n02909543 Buchenwald n02909706 buckboard n02909870 bucket, pail n02910145 bucket seat n02910241 bucket shop n02910353 buckle n02910542 buckram n02910701 bucksaw n02910864 buckskins n02910964 buff, buffer n02911158 buffer, fender n02911332 buffer, polisher n02911485 buffer, buffer storage, buffer store n02911890 buffered aspirin, Bufferin n02912065 buffet, counter, sideboard n02912319 buffing wheel n02912440 bug n02912557 buggy, roadster n02912673 buggy whip n02912894 bugle n02913035 bugle n02913152 building, edifice n02914813 building block n02914991 building complex, complex n02915199 building supply store, building supply house n02915379 built-in bed n02915480 bulb n02915675 bulkhead n02915807 bulla n02915904 bulldog clip, alligator clip n02916065 bulldog wrench n02916179 bulldozer, dozer n02916350 bullet, slug n02916538 bulletin board, notice board n02916684 bulletin board system, bulletin board, electronic bulletin board, bbs n02916936 bulletproof vest n02917067 bullet train, bullet n02917163 bullfight, corrida n02917377 bullhorn, loud hailer, loud-hailer n02917521 bullion n02917607 bullnose, bullnosed plane n02917742 bullpen, detention cell, detention centre n02917964 bullpen n02918112 bullring n02918204 bull tongue n02918330 bulwark n02918455 bumboat n02918595 bumper n02918831 bumper n02918964 bumper car, Dodgem n02919148 bumper guard n02919308 bumper jack n02919414 bundle, sheaf n02919648 bung, spile n02919792 bungalow, cottage n02919890 bungee, bungee cord n02919976 bunghole n02920083 bunk n02920164 bunk, feed bunk n02920259 bunk bed, bunk n02920369 bunker, sand trap, trap n02920503 bunker, dugout n02920658 bunker n02920785 Bunker Buster, Guided Bomb Unit-28, GBU-28 n02921029 bunsen burner, bunsen, etna n02921195 bunting n02921292 bur, burr n02921406 Burberry n02921592 burette, buret n02921756 burglar alarm n02921884 burial chamber, sepulcher, sepulchre, sepulture n02922159 burial garment n02922292 burial mound, grave mound, barrow, tumulus n02922461 burin n02922578 burqa, burka n02922798 burlap, gunny n02922877 burn bag n02922996 burn center n02923129 burner n02923331 burner n02923535 burnous, burnoose, burnouse n02923682 burp gun, machine pistol n02923802 burr n02923915 burr n02924023 burthen n02924116 bus, autobus, coach, charabanc, double-decker, jitney, motorbus, motorcoach, omnibus, passenger vehicle n02924554 bus, jalopy, heap n02924713 busbar, bus n02925009 bushel basket n02925107 bushing, cylindrical lining n02925250 bushing n02925385 bush jacket n02925519 business suit n02925666 buskin, combat boot, desert boot, half boot, top boot n02925808 bus lane n02925901 bus line n02926044 buspirone, BuSpar n02926188 bust n02926288 bus terminal, bus depot, bus station, coach station n02926426 bustier n02926591 bustle n02926727 butacaine, butacaine sulfate n02926886 butcher board, butcher block n02927053 butcher knife n02927161 butcher shop, meat market n02927296 butt, butt end n02927399 butt, stub n02927608 butt n02927764 butter dish n02927887 butterfly valve n02928049 butter knife n02928172 buttery n02928299 butt hinge n02928413 butt joint, butt n02928608 button n02928841 button n02928930 buttonhole, button hole n02929059 buttonhole stitch n02929184 buttonhook n02929289 buttress, buttressing n02929462 butt shaft n02929582 butt weld, butt-weld n02929749 butyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite n02929923 buzz bomb, robot bomb, flying bomb, doodlebug, V-1 n02930080 buzzer n02930214 BVD, BVD's n02930339 bypass condenser, bypass capacitor n02930492 by-product, byproduct, spin-off n02930645 byway, bypath, byroad n02930766 cab, hack, taxi, taxicab n02931013 cab, cabriolet n02931148 cab n02931294 cabana n02931417 cabaret, nightclub, night club, club, nightspot n02931836 caber n02932019 cabin n02932227 cabin n02932400 cabin n02932523 cabin car, caboose n02932693 cabin class, second class, economy class n02932891 cabin cruiser, cruiser, pleasure boat, pleasure craft n02933112 cabinet n02933340 cabinet, console n02933462 cabinet, locker, storage locker n02933649 cabinetwork n02933750 cabin liner n02933842 cable n02933990 cable, cable television, cable system, cable television service n02934168 cable, line, transmission line n02934451 cable car, car n02934641 cable railway, funicular, funicular railway n02934888 cache n02935017 cache, memory cache n02935316 cachet n02935387 caddy, tea caddy n02935490 caesium clock n02935658 cafe, coffeehouse, coffee shop, coffee bar n02935891 cafeteria n02936020 cafeteria facility n02936176 cafeteria tray n02936281 caff n02936402 caftan, kaftan n02936570 caftan, kaftan n02936714 cage, coop n02936921 cage n02937010 cagoule n02937093 caisson, pneumatic caisson, cofferdam n02937237 caisson, ammunition chest n02937336 caisson n02937469 cake, bar n02937614 calabash, calabash pipe n02937766 calamine lotion n02937958 calash, caleche, calash top n02938095 calash, caleche n02938218 calceus n02938321 calcimine n02938514 calcium blocker, calcium-channel blocker n02938886 calculator, calculating machine n02939185 caldron, cauldron n02939291 Caledonian Canal n02939565 calender n02939763 calico n02939866 caliper, calliper n02940143 calk, calkin n02940289 call-board n02940385 call center, call centre n02940570 caller ID n02940706 calliope, steam organ n02940878 Caloosahatchee Canal n02941095 calorimeter n02941228 calpac, calpack, kalpac n02941408 calumet, peace pipe, pipe of peace n02941605 Calvary cross, cross of Calvary n02941716 cam n02941845 camail, aventail, ventail n02942015 camber arch n02942147 cambric n02942227 Cambridge University, Cambridge n02942349 camcorder n02942460 camel's hair, camelhair n02942577 cameo n02942699 camera, photographic camera n02943241 camera lens, optical lens n02943465 camera lucida n02943686 camera obscura n02943871 camera tripod n02943964 camise n02944075 camisole n02944146 camisole, underbodice n02944256 camlet n02944375 camlet n02944459 camouflage n02944579 camouflage, camo n02944826 camp, encampment, cantonment, bivouac n02945161 camp n02945379 camp n02945594 camp, summer camp n02945813 camp, refugee camp n02945964 campaign hat n02946127 campanile, belfry n02946270 camp chair n02946348 camper, camping bus, motor home n02946509 camper trailer n02946633 camphor ice n02946753 campstool n02946824 camshaft n02946921 can, tin, tin can n02947212 canal n02947660 canal boat, narrow boat, narrowboat n02947818 candelabrum, candelabra n02947977 candid camera n02948072 candle, taper, wax light n02948293 candlepin n02948403 candlesnuffer n02948557 candlestick, candle holder n02948719 candlewick n02948834 candlewick n02948942 candy thermometer n02949084 cane n02949202 cane n02949356 cangue n02949542 canister, cannister, tin n02949691 cannabis, marijuana, marihuana, ganja n02950018 cannery n02950120 cannikin n02950186 cannikin n02950256 cannon n02950482 cannon n02950632 cannon n02950826 cannon n02950943 cannonball, cannon ball, round shot n02951090 cannon cracker n02951170 cannula n02951358 canoe n02951585 can opener, tin opener n02951703 canopic jar, canopic vase n02951843 canopy n02952109 canopy n02952237 canopy n02952374 canteen n02952485 canteen n02952585 canteen n02952674 canteen, mobile canteen n02952798 canteen n02952935 cant hook n02953056 cantilever n02953197 cantilever bridge n02953455 cantle n02953552 Canton crepe n02953673 canvas, canvass n02953850 canvas, canvass n02954068 canvas, canvass n02954163 canvas tent, canvas, canvass n02954340 cap n02954938 cap n02955065 cap n02955247 capacitor, capacitance, condenser, electrical condenser n02955540 caparison, trapping, housing n02955767 cape, mantle n02955944 capeline bandage n02956069 capillary, capillary tube, capillary tubing n02956247 capital, chapiter, cap n02956393 capital ship n02956500 Capitol, Capitol Building n02956699 capitol n02956795 cap opener n02956883 capote, hooded cloak n02957008 capote, hooded coat n02957135 cap screw n02957252 capstan n02957427 capstone, copestone, coping stone, stretcher n02957586 capsule n02957755 capsule n02957862 captain's chair n02958002 captopril, Capoten n02958264 capuchin n02958343 car, auto, automobile, machine, motorcar n02959942 car, railcar, railway car, railroad car n02960352 car, elevator car n02960501 car, gondola n02960690 carabiner, karabiner, snap ring n02960903 carafe, decanter n02961035 caravansary, caravanserai, khan, caravan inn n02961225 car battery, automobile battery n02961451 carbine n02961544 car bomb n02961714 carbomycin n02961851 carbon, carbon copy n02961947 carbon arc lamp, carbon arc n02962061 carboy n02962200 carburetor, carburettor n02962414 car carrier n02962545 card n02962843 cardcase n02962938 cardiac monitor, heart monitor n02963159 cardigan n02963302 card index, card catalog, card catalogue n02963503 cardiograph, electrocardiograph n02963692 cardioid microphone n02963821 car door n02963987 cardroom n02964075 card table n02964196 card table n02964295 car-ferry n02964389 cargo, lading, freight, load, loading, payload, shipment, consignment n02964634 cargo area, cargo deck, cargo hold, hold, storage area n02964843 cargo container n02964934 cargo door n02965024 cargo hatch n02965122 cargo helicopter n02965216 cargo liner n02965300 cargo ship, cargo vessel n02965529 carillon n02965617 carminative n02965783 car mirror n02965936 Carnegie Mellon University n02966068 caroche n02966193 carousel, carrousel, merry-go-round, roundabout, whirligig n02966372 carousel, carrousel, luggage carousel, luggage carrousel n02966545 carpenter's hammer, claw hammer, clawhammer n02966687 carpenter's kit, tool kit n02966786 carpenter's level n02966942 carpenter's mallet n02967081 carpenter's rule n02967170 carpenter's square n02967294 carpetbag n02967407 carpet beater, rug beater n02967540 carpet loom n02967626 carpet pad, rug pad, underlay, underlayment n02967782 carpet sweeper, sweeper n02967991 carpet tack n02968074 carport, car port n02968210 carrack, carack n02968333 carrel, carrell, cubicle, stall n02968473 carriage, equipage, rig n02969010 carriage n02969163 carriage bolt n02969323 carriageway n02969527 carriage wrench n02969634 carrick bend n02969754 carrick bitt n02969886 carrier n02970100 carrier n02970311 carron oil n02970408 carryall, holdall, tote, tote bag n02970534 carrycot n02970685 car seat n02970849 cart n02971167 car tire, automobile tire, auto tire, rubber tire n02971356 carton n02971473 cartouche, cartouch n02971579 car train n02971691 cartridge n02971940 cartridge, pickup n02972182 cartridge n02972397 cartridge belt n02972533 cartridge ejector, ejector n02972714 cartridge extractor, cartridge remover, extractor n02972934 cartridge fuse n02973017 cartridge holder, cartridge clip, clip, magazine n02973236 cartwheel n02973395 carvedilol n02973558 carving n02973805 carving fork n02973904 carving knife n02974003 car wheel n02974219 car window n02974348 caryatid n02974454 cascade liquefier n02974565 cascade transformer n02974697 case n02975212 case, display case, showcase, vitrine n02975412 case, pillowcase, slip, pillow slip n02975589 case, compositor's case, typesetter's case n02975994 casein paint, casein n02976123 case knife, sheath knife n02976249 case knife n02976350 casement n02976455 casement window n02976552 casern n02976641 case shot, canister, canister shot n02976815 cash bar n02976939 cashbox, money box, till n02977058 cash machine, cash dispenser, automated teller machine, automatic teller machine, automated teller, automatic teller, ATM n02977330 cashmere n02977438 cash register, register n02977619 casing, case n02977822 casing n02977936 casino, gambling casino n02978055 casket, jewel casket n02978205 casque n02978367 casquet, casquetel n02978478 Cassegrainian telescope, Gregorian telescope n02978753 casserole n02978881 cassette n02979074 cassette deck n02979186 cassette player n02979290 cassette recorder n02979399 cassette tape n02979516 cassock n02979662 cast, casting n02979836 cast, plaster cast, plaster bandage n02980036 caster, castor n02980203 caster, castor n02980325 castile soap n02980441 castle n02980625 castle, rook n02980841 castor oil n02981024 catacomb n02981198 catafalque n02981321 catalytic converter n02981565 catalytic cracker, cat cracker n02981792 catamaran n02981911 catapult, arbalest, arbalist, ballista, bricole, mangonel, onager, trebuchet, trebucket n02982232 catapult, launcher n02982416 catboat n02982515 cat box n02982599 catch n02982790 catch, stop n02983072 catchall n02983189 catcher's mask n02983357 catchment n02983507 Caterpillar, cat n02983741 catgut, gut n02983904 cathedra, bishop's throne n02984061 cathedral n02984203 cathedral, duomo n02984328 catherine wheel, pinwheel n02984469 catheter n02984699 cathode n02984937 cathode n02985137 cathode-ray tube, CRT n02985506 catling n02985606 cat-o'-nine-tails, cat n02985758 cat rig n02985828 cat's-paw n02985963 catsup bottle, ketchup bottle n02986066 cattle car n02986160 cattle guard, cattle grid n02986348 cattleship, cattle boat n02986480 cattle trail n02986605 catwalk n02986757 catwalk n02986920 causeway n02987047 cautery, cauterant n02987379 cavalier hat, slouch hat n02987492 cavalry sword, saber, sabre n02987706 cavetto n02987823 cavity wall n02987950 C battery n02988066 C-clamp n02988156 CD drive n02988304 CD player n02988486 CD-R, compact disc recordable, CD-WO, compact disc write-once n02988679 CD-ROM, compact disc read-only memory n02988963 CD-ROM drive n02989099 cedar chest n02989178 cefadroxil, Ultracef n02989313 cefoperazone, Cefobid n02989475 cefotaxime, Claforan n02989685 ceftazidime, Fortaz, Tazicef n02989893 ceftriaxone, Rocephin n02990103 cefuroxime, Ceftin, Zinacef n02990373 ceiling n02990561 celecoxib, Celebrex n02990758 celesta n02990920 celestial globe n02991048 cell, electric cell n02991302 cell, jail cell, prison cell n02991555 cell, cubicle n02991711 cell n02991847 cellar, wine cellar n02991950 cellarage n02992032 cellblock, ward n02992211 cello, violoncello n02992368 cellophane n02992529 cellular telephone, cellular phone, cellphone, cell, mobile phone n02992795 cellulose tape, Scotch tape, Sellotape n02993081 Celtic cross n02993194 cenotaph, empty tomb n02993368 censer, thurible n02993546 center, centre n02993877 center bit, centre bit n02994012 centerboard, centreboard, drop keel, sliding keel n02994219 center field, centerfield, center n02994419 centerpiece, centrepiece n02994573 center punch n02994743 Centigrade thermometer n02994858 central, telephone exchange, exchange n02995151 central heating n02995345 central processing unit, CPU, C.P.U., central processor, processor, mainframe n02995770 centrex n02995871 centrifugal pump n02995998 centrifuge, extractor, separator n02996249 cephalexin, Keflex, Keflin, Keftab n02996570 cephaloglycin, Kafocin n02996703 cephaloridine n02996840 cephalosporin, Mefoxin n02997292 cephalothin n02997391 ceramic n02997607 ceramic ware n02997773 cerate n02997910 cereal bowl n02998003 cereal box n02998107 cerecloth n02998209 cerivastatin, Baycol n02998363 cervical cap n02998563 cesspool, cesspit, sink, sump n02998696 chachka, tsatske, tshatshke, tchotchke n02998841 chador, chadar, chaddar, chuddar n02999001 chaff n02999138 chafing dish n02999272 chafing gear n02999410 chain n02999757 chain, string, strand n02999936 chain n03000021 chain n03000134 chainlink fence n03000247 chain mail, ring mail, mail, chain armor, chain armour, ring armor, ring armour n03000530 chain printer n03000684 chain saw, chainsaw n03000808 chain stitch n03000966 chain stitch n03001115 chain store n03001282 chain tongs n03001540 chain wrench n03001627 chair n03002096 chair n03002210 chair of state n03002341 chairlift, chair lift n03002555 chaise, shay n03002711 chaise longue, chaise, daybed n03002816 chalet n03002948 chalice, goblet n03003091 chalk n03003378 chalk line, snap line, snapline n03003548 chalkpit, chalk pit n03003633 challis n03003730 chamber n03004146 chamber n03004275 chamberpot, potty, thunder mug n03004409 chambray n03004531 chamfer bit n03004620 chamfer plane n03004713 chamois cloth n03004824 chancel, sanctuary, bema n03005033 chancellery n03005147 chancery n03005285 chandelier, pendant, pendent n03005425 chandlery n03005515 chandlery n03005619 chanfron, chamfron, testiere, frontstall, front-stall n03005769 change n03005920 change n03006105 channel n03006398 channel, television channel, TV channel n03006626 chanter, melody pipe n03006788 chantry n03006903 chap n03007130 chapel n03007297 chapterhouse, fraternity house, frat house n03007444 chapterhouse n03007591 character printer, character-at-a-time printer, serial printer n03007824 charcoal, fusain n03007955 charcoal n03008080 charcoal burner n03008177 charcuterie n03008275 charge, burster, bursting charge, explosive charge n03008565 charge, bearing, heraldic bearing, armorial bearing n03008817 charge-exchange accelerator n03008976 charger, battery charger n03009111 chariot n03009269 chariot n03009477 Charlestown Navy Yard n03009633 charm, good luck charm n03009794 charnel house, charnel n03009920 chart n03010057 charterhouse n03010138 Chartres Cathedral n03010283 chase n03010473 chassis n03010656 chassis n03010795 chasuble n03010915 chateau n03011018 chatelaine n03011162 check n03011355 checker, chequer n03011521 checkerboard, checker board n03011741 checkout, checkout counter n03011892 checkroom, left-luggage office n03012013 cheekpiece n03012159 cheeseboard, cheese tray n03012263 cheesecake n03012373 cheesecloth n03012499 cheese cutter n03012644 cheese press n03012734 chemical bomb, gas bomb n03012897 chemical plant n03013006 chemical reactor n03013162 chemical weapon n03013438 chemise, sack, shift n03013580 chemise, shimmy, shift, slip, teddy n03013718 chemistry lab, chemistry laboratory, chem lab n03013850 chenille n03013992 chenille, chenille cord n03014119 cheroot n03014204 cherry bomb n03014317 chessboard, chess board n03014440 chessman, chess piece n03014705 chest n03015052 chesterfield n03015149 chesterfield n03015254 chest of drawers, chest, bureau, dresser n03015478 chest protector n03015631 cheval-de-frise, chevaux-de-frise n03015851 cheval glass n03015975 chevron n03016056 chiaroscuro n03016209 chicane n03016389 chicken coop, coop, hencoop, henhouse n03016511 chicken farm n03016609 chicken wire n03016737 chicken yard, hen yard, chicken run, fowl run n03016868 chiffon n03016953 chiffonier, commode n03017070 child's room n03017168 chime, bell, gong n03017428 chimney n03017698 chimney breast n03017835 chimney corner, inglenook n03017931 chimneypot n03018058 chimneystack n03018209 china n03018349 china cabinet, china closet n03018493 chinaware, china n03018614 chinchilla n03018712 Chinese lantern n03018848 Chinese puzzle n03018971 Chinese Wall, Great Wall, Great Wall of China n03019198 chinning bar n03019304 chino n03019434 chino n03019535 chinoiserie n03019685 chin rest n03019806 chin strap n03019938 chintz n03020034 chip, microchip, micro chip, silicon chip, microprocessor chip n03020416 chip, poker chip n03020563 chip n03020692 chisel n03020927 Chisholm Trail n03021121 chiton n03021228 chlamys n03021360 chloral hydrate n03021531 chlorambucil, Leukeran n03021696 chloramine, chloramine-T n03021858 chloramphenicol, Chloromycetin n03022041 chlordiazepoxide, Librium, Libritabs n03022250 chlorhexidine n03022406 chloroform, trichloromethane n03022634 chloroquine n03022788 chlorothiazide, Diuril n03022978 chlorpheniramine maleate, Coricidin, Chlor-Trimeton n03023175 chlorpromazine, Thorazine n03023415 chlortetracycline, Aureomycin n03023623 chlorthalidone, Hygroton, Thalidone n03023878 chock, wedge n03024064 choir n03024233 choir loft n03024333 choke n03024518 choke, choke coil, choking coil n03024746 choker, ruff, ruffle, neck ruff n03024882 choker, collar, dog collar, neckband n03025070 chokey, choky n03025165 choo-choo n03025250 chopine, platform n03025357 chopping block n03025513 chopping board, cutting board n03025641 chop shop n03025755 chopstick n03025886 chordophone n03026093 choropleth map n03026350 chrism, chrisom, sacramental oil, holy oil n03026506 Christmas stocking n03026626 Christmas tree n03026741 chromatogram n03026907 chronograph n03027001 chronometer n03027108 chronoscope n03027250 chuck n03027505 chuck wagon n03027625 chukka, chukka boot n03027797 chum n03027935 chunnel, Channel Tunnel n03028079 church, church building n03028596 church bell n03028785 church hat n03028907 Churchill Downs n03029066 church key n03029197 church tower n03029296 churidars n03029445 churn, butter churn n03029603 chute, slide, slideway, sloping trough n03029812 cider mill n03029925 ciderpress n03030035 cigar n03030262 cigar band n03030353 cigar box n03030433 cigar butt n03030557 cigar cutter n03030663 cigarette, cigaret, coffin nail, butt, fag n03030880 cigarette butt n03031012 cigarette case n03031152 cigarette holder n03031306 cigarillo n03031422 cigar lighter, cigarette lighter, pocket lighter n03031553 cimetidine, Tagamet n03031756 cinch, girth n03031957 cinder block, clinker block, breeze block n03032158 cinder track n03032252 cinema, movie theater, movie theatre, movie house, picture palace n03032453 cinquefoil n03032576 ciprofloxacin, Cipro n03032811 circle, round n03033019 circle, dress circle n03033267 circlet n03033362 circuit, electrical circuit, electric circuit n03033986 circuit board, circuit card, board, card, plug-in, add-in n03034244 circuit breaker, breaker n03034405 circuitry n03034516 circular plane, compass plane n03034663 circular saw, buzz saw n03034860 circus n03035089 circus n03035252 circus tent, big top, round top, top n03035510 cistern n03035715 cistern, water tank n03035832 cittern, cithern, cither, citole, gittern n03036022 city hall n03036149 cityscape n03036244 city university n03036341 civies, civvies n03036469 civilian clothing, civilian dress, civilian garb, plain clothes n03036701 clack valve, clack, clapper valve n03036866 clamp, clinch n03037108 clamshell, grapple n03037228 clapper, tongue n03037404 clapperboard n03037590 clarence n03037709 clarinet n03037899 clarion n03038041 Clark cell, Clark standard cell n03038190 claro n03038281 clasp n03038480 clasp knife, jackknife n03038595 classic n03038685 classroom, schoolroom n03038870 clavichord n03039015 clavier, Klavier n03039156 claw hatchet n03039259 clay pigeon n03039353 claymore mine, claymore n03039493 claymore n03039618 clay pipe n03039711 clean bomb n03039827 cleaners, dry cleaners n03039947 cleaning implement, cleaning device, cleaning equipment n03040229 cleaning pad n03040376 clean room, white room n03040587 cleansing agent, cleanser, cleaner n03040836 clearway n03040983 cleat n03041114 cleat n03041265 cleat n03041449 cleats n03041632 cleaver, meat cleaver, chopper n03041810 clerestory, clearstory n03041964 clerical collar, Roman collar, dog collar n03042139 clevis n03042384 clews n03042490 cliff dwelling n03042697 climbing frame n03042829 clinch n03042984 clinch, clench n03043173 clincher n03043274 clinic n03043423 clinical thermometer, mercury-in-glass clinical thermometer n03043693 clinker, clinker brick n03043798 clinometer, inclinometer n03043958 clip n03044166 clip n03044278 clip art n03044418 clipboard n03044537 clip joint n03044671 clip lead n03044801 clip-on n03044934 clipper n03045074 clipper n03045228 clipper, clipper ship n03045337 cloak n03045698 cloak n03045800 cloakroom, coatroom n03045928 cloakroom n03046029 cloche n03046133 cloche n03046257 clock n03046657 clock face, clock dial n03046802 clock pendulum n03046921 clock radio n03047052 clock tower n03047171 clockwork n03047353 clofibrate, Atromid-S n03047553 clog n03047690 clog, geta, patten, sabot n03047799 cloisonne n03047941 cloister n03048094 clomiphene, clomiphene citrate, Clomid n03048322 clomipramine n03048412 clonidine, Catapres n03048598 clopidogrel bisulfate, Plavix n03048883 closed circuit, loop n03049066 closed-circuit television n03049326 closed loop, closed-loop system n03049457 closet n03049605 closet auger n03049695 closeup n03049782 closeup lens n03049924 cloth cap, flat cap n03050026 cloth covering n03050453 clothesbrush n03050546 clothes closet, clothespress n03050655 clothes dryer, clothes drier n03050864 clothes hamper, laundry basket, clothes basket, voider n03051041 clotheshorse n03051152 clothesline n03051249 clothespin, clothes pin, clothes peg n03051396 clothes tree, coat tree, coat stand n03051540 clothing, article of clothing, vesture, wear, wearable, habiliment n03052464 clothing store, haberdashery, haberdashery store, mens store n03052628 cloud chamber, Wilson cloud chamber n03052917 clout nail, clout n03053047 clove hitch n03053163 cloverleaf n03053272 clozapine, Clozaril n03053474 club n03053788 club n03053976 club car, lounge car n03054098 club drug n03054311 clubhouse, club n03054491 clubroom n03054605 cluster bomb n03054901 clutch n03055159 clutch, clutch pedal n03055418 clutch bag, clutch n03055537 CN Tower n03055670 coach, four-in-hand, coach-and-four n03055857 coach house, carriage house, remise n03056010 coalbin, coalhole n03056097 coal car n03056215 coal chute n03056288 coal house n03056368 coal mine, coalpit n03056493 coal shovel n03056583 coaming n03056701 coaster n03056873 coaster brake n03057021 coat n03057541 coat button n03057636 coat closet n03057724 coatdress n03057841 coatee n03057920 coat hanger, clothes hanger, dress hanger n03058107 coating, coat n03058603 coating n03058726 coat of arms, arms, blazon, blazonry n03058949 coat of paint n03059103 coatrack, coat rack, hatrack n03059236 coattail n03059366 coaxial cable, coax, coax cable n03059528 cobble, cobblestone, sett n03059685 cobweb n03059806 cobweb, gossamer n03059934 cobweb n03060074 coca n03060294 cocaine, cocain n03060599 cockade n03060728 Cockcroft and Walton accelerator, Cockcroft-Walton accelerator, Cockcroft and Walton voltage multiplier, Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier n03061050 cocked hat n03061211 cockhorse n03061345 cockleshell n03061428 cockloft n03061505 cockpit n03061674 cockpit n03061819 cockpit n03061893 cockscomb, coxcomb n03062015 cocktail dress, sheath n03062122 cocktail lounge n03062245 cocktail shaker n03062336 cocotte n03062461 codeine n03062651 codpiece n03062798 coelostat n03062985 coffee can n03063073 coffee cup n03063199 coffee filter n03063338 coffee maker n03063485 coffee mill, coffee grinder n03063599 coffee mug n03063689 coffeepot n03063834 coffee stall n03063968 coffee table, cocktail table n03064118 coffee-table book n03064250 coffee urn n03064350 coffer n03064443 coffer, caisson, lacuna n03064562 Coffey still n03064758 coffin, casket n03064935 cog, sprocket n03065063 cog railway, rack railway n03065243 coif n03065424 coil, spiral, volute, whorl, helix n03065708 coil n03066029 coil n03066130 coil n03066232 coil n03066359 coil spring, volute spring n03066464 coin box n03066606 coin slot n03066743 coke, blow, nose candy, snow, C n03066849 colander, cullender n03066965 colchicine n03067093 cold cathode n03067212 cold chisel, set chisel n03067339 cold cream, coldcream, face cream, vanishing cream n03067518 cold frame n03067690 cold medicine n03067810 cold-water flat n03067912 collage, montage n03068181 collar, neckband n03068486 collar n03068707 collar, shoe collar n03068862 collar n03068998 collar n03069213 collectible, collectable n03069381 collector n03069567 collector's item, showpiece, piece de resistance n03069752 college n03069919 collet n03070059 collet, collet chuck n03070193 collider n03070396 colliery, pit n03070587 collimator n03070854 collimator n03071021 cologne, cologne water, eau de cologne n03071160 colonnade n03071288 colonoscope n03071431 colophon n03071552 colorimeter, tintometer n03071782 coloring book n03071923 colors, colours n03072056 colors, colours n03072201 color television, colour television, color television system, colour television system, color TV, colour TV n03072440 color tube, colour tube, color television tube, colour television tube, color TV tube, colour TV tube n03072682 color wash, colour wash n03072828 Colosseum, Amphitheatrum Flavium n03073016 Colossus of Rhodes n03073296 Colt n03073384 colter, coulter n03073545 columbarium n03073694 columbarium, cinerarium n03073832 Columbia University, Columbia n03073977 column, pillar n03074380 column, pillar n03074574 column, chromatography column n03074855 comb n03075097 comb n03075248 comber n03075370 combination lock n03075500 combination plane n03075634 combine n03075768 comforter, pacifier, baby's dummy, teething ring n03075946 command module n03076104 command post, general headquarters, GHQ n03076298 commercial art n03076411 commissary n03076623 commissary n03076708 commodity, trade good, good n03077074 commodity exchange, commodities exchange, commodities market n03077304 Commodore John Barry Bridge n03077442 common ax, common axe, Dayton ax, Dayton axe n03077616 common room n03077741 communications satellite n03077958 communication system, communication equipment n03078287 communication system n03078506 community center, civic center n03078670 commutator n03078802 commuter, commuter train n03078995 compact, powder compact n03079136 compact, compact car n03079230 compact disk, compact disc, CD n03079494 compact-disk burner, CD burner n03079616 companionway n03079741 compartment n03080309 compartment n03080497 compass n03080633 compass n03080731 compass card, mariner's compass n03080904 compass saw n03081021 component, constituent, element n03081660 composition n03081859 compound n03081986 compound lens n03082127 compound lever n03082280 compound microscope n03082450 compress n03082656 compression bandage, tourniquet n03082807 compressor n03082979 computer, computing machine, computing device, data processor, electronic computer, information processing system n03084204 computer accessory n03084420 computer circuit n03084647 computer graphics n03084834 computerized axial tomography scanner, CAT scanner n03085013 computer keyboard, keypad n03085219 computer monitor n03085333 computer network n03085602 computer screen, computer display n03085781 computer store n03085915 computer system, computing system, automatic data processing system, ADP system, ADPS n03086183 concentration camp, stockade n03086457 concert grand, concert piano n03086580 concert hall n03086670 concertina n03086868 concertina n03086963 concourse n03087069 concrete mixer, cement mixer n03087245 condensation pump, diffusion pump n03087366 condenser, optical condenser n03087521 condenser n03087643 condenser n03087816 condenser microphone, capacitor microphone n03088020 conditioner n03088164 condom, rubber, safety, safe, prophylactic n03088389 condominium n03088580 condominium, condo n03088707 conductor n03089014 conduit n03089348 cone n03089477 cone clutch, cone friction clutch n03089624 confectionery, confectionary, candy store n03089753 conference center, conference house n03089879 conference room n03090000 conference table, council table, council board n03090172 confessional n03090278 confetti n03090437 conformal projection, orthomorphic projection n03090598 conge, congee n03090710 congress boot, congress shoe, congress gaiter n03090856 conic projection, conical projection n03091044 connecting rod n03091223 connecting room n03091374 connection, connexion, connector, connecter, connective n03091907 conning tower n03092053 conning tower n03092166 conservatory, hothouse, indoor garden n03092314 conservatory, conservatoire n03092476 console n03092656 console n03092883 console table, console n03093018 Constitution, Old Ironsides n03093427 consulate n03093574 consumer goods n03093792 contact, tangency n03094159 contact, contact lens n03094347 contact print n03094503 container n03095699 container ship, containership, container vessel n03095965 containment n03096142 contour map, relief map n03096273 contraband n03096439 contrabassoon, contrafagotto, double bassoon n03096593 contraceptive, preventive, preventative, contraceptive device, prophylactic device, birth control device n03096960 control, controller n03097362 control center n03097535 control circuit, negative feedback circuit n03097673 control key, command key n03097890 controlled substance n03098140 control panel, instrument panel, control board, board, panel n03098515 control rod n03098688 control room n03098806 control system n03098959 control tower n03099147 convector n03099274 convenience store n03099454 convent n03099622 conventicle, meetinghouse n03099771 converging lens, convex lens n03099945 converter, convertor n03100240 convertible n03100346 convertible, sofa bed n03100490 conveyance, transport n03100897 conveyer belt, conveyor belt, conveyer, conveyor, transporter n03101156 cooker n03101302 cookfire n03101375 cookhouse n03101517 cookie cutter n03101664 cookie jar, cooky jar n03101796 cookie sheet, baking tray n03101986 cooking utensil, cookware n03102371 cookstove n03102516 coolant system n03102654 cooler, ice chest n03102771 cooler, tank n03102859 cooling system, cooling n03103128 cooling system, engine cooling system n03103396 cooling tower n03103563 coonskin cap, coonskin n03103682 Cooper Union, Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art n03103904 cope n03104019 coping saw n03104147 copper mine n03104247 copperplate, copperplate engraving n03104413 copperplate n03104512 copperware n03104594 copy n03105088 copyholder n03105214 coquille n03105306 coracle n03105467 corbel, truss n03105645 corbel arch n03105810 corbel step, corbie-step, corbiestep, crow step n03105974 corbie gable n03106110 cord n03106722 cord, corduroy n03106898 cord, electric cord n03107046 cordage n03107152 cordite n03107383 cordon n03107488 cords, corduroys n03107609 corduroy n03107716 core n03107904 core n03108069 core, magnetic core n03108455 core bit n03108624 core drill n03108759 corer n03108853 cork, bottle cork n03109033 corker n03109150 corkscrew, bottle screw n03109253 corncrib n03109350 Cornell University n03109486 corner, street corner, turning point n03109693 corner, quoin n03109881 corner, nook n03110100 corner pocket n03110202 corner post n03110332 cornerstone n03110470 cornerstone n03110669 cornet, horn, trumpet, trump n03110937 corn exchange n03111041 cornice n03111177 cornice n03111296 cornice, valance, valance board, pelmet n03111483 corona n03111564 coronet n03111690 correctional institution n03111899 corrective, restorative n03112099 corridor n03112240 corrugated fastener, wiggle nail n03112431 corrugated iron n03112605 corsair n03112719 corselet, corslet n03112869 corset, girdle, stays n03113035 corvette n03113152 cosmetic n03113337 cosmography n03113505 cosmotron n03113657 costume n03113835 costume n03114041 costume n03114236 costume n03114379 cosy, tea cosy, cozy, tea cozy n03114504 cot, camp bed n03114634 cote n03114743 cottage tent n03114839 cotter, cottar n03115014 cotter pin n03115180 cotton n03115301 cotton n03115400 cotton flannel, Canton flannel n03115525 cotton gin, gin n03115663 cotton mill n03115762 couch n03115897 couch n03116008 couchette n03116163 coude telescope, coude system n03116333 coulisse n03116435 coulisse, wing flat n03116530 counter n03116767 counter, tabulator n03116942 counter, heel counter n03117199 counter n03117420 counter n03117642 counterbore, countersink, countersink bit n03117776 counterirritant n03117939 counterpart, similitude, twin n03118051 countersink n03118245 countertop n03118346 counter tube n03118539 counterweight, counterbalance, counterpoise, balance, equalizer, equaliser n03118846 countinghouse n03118969 country house n03119203 country store, general store, trading post n03119396 coupe n03119510 coupling, coupler n03119790 course n03120029 course, row n03120198 court, courtyard n03120491 court n03120778 court, courtroom n03121040 court n03121190 Courtelle n03121298 courthouse n03121431 courthouse n03121556 court plaster n03121698 cover, cover version, cover song n03121897 coverall n03122073 covered bridge n03122202 covered couch n03122295 covered wagon, Conestoga wagon, Conestoga, prairie wagon, prairie schooner n03122573 cover glass, cover slip n03122748 covering n03123553 coverlet n03123666 cover plate n03123809 cowbarn, cowshed, cow barn, cowhouse, byre n03123917 cowbell n03124043 cowboy boot n03124170 cowboy hat, ten-gallon hat n03124313 cowhide n03124474 cowl n03124590 cow pen, cattle pen, corral n03124700 Cox-2 inhibitor n03125057 CPU board, mother board n03125184 crack, crack cocaine, tornado n03125352 cracker, snapper, cracker bonbon n03125588 crackle, crackleware, crackle china n03125729 cradle n03125870 craft n03126090 cramp, cramp iron n03126251 cramp n03126385 crampon, crampoon, climbing iron, climber n03126580 crampon, crampoon n03126707 crane n03126927 craniometer n03127024 crank, starter n03127203 crankcase n03127302 crank handle, starting handle n03127408 crankshaft n03127531 crash barrier n03127747 crash helmet n03127925 crate n03128085 cravat n03128248 crayon, wax crayon n03128427 crazy quilt n03128519 cream, ointment, emollient n03128868 creamery n03129001 cream pitcher, creamer n03129123 creation n03129471 creche, foundling hospital n03129636 creche n03129753 credenza, credence n03129848 creel n03129944 creep n03130066 crematory, crematorium, cremation chamber n03130233 crematory, crematorium n03130340 crenel, crenelle n03130563 crepe, crape n03130761 crepe de Chine n03130866 crescent wrench n03131038 crest n03131193 cretonne n03131325 crewelwork n03131431 crew neck, crew neckline n03131574 crib, cot n03131669 crib n03131791 cribbage board n03131967 cricket ball n03132076 cricket bat, bat n03132261 cricket equipment n03132438 cringle, eyelet, loop, grommet, grummet n03132666 crinoline n03132776 crinoline n03132879 crochet, crocheting n03133050 crochet needle, crochet hook n03133177 crochet stitch n03133415 crock, earthenware jar n03133538 crockery, dishware n03133744 crocket n03133878 Crock Pot n03134015 croft n03134118 crook, shepherd's crook n03134232 Crookes radiometer n03134394 Crookes tube n03134496 crop n03134595 crop n03134739 croquet ball n03134853 croquet equipment n03135030 croquet mallet n03135152 Cross n03135532 cross n03135656 crossbar n03135788 crossbar n03135917 crossbar n03136051 crossbench n03136254 cross bit n03136369 crossbow n03136504 crosscut saw, crosscut handsaw, cutoff saw n03136657 crosse n03136773 cross hair, cross wire n03137044 crosshead n03137228 crossing, crosswalk, crossover n03137473 crossjack, mizzen course n03137579 crosspiece n03137744 cross-stitch n03137863 cross-stitch n03137973 cross street n03138128 crotchet n03138217 croupier's rake n03138344 crowbar, wrecking bar, pry, pry bar n03138534 crown n03138669 crown, diadem n03138856 crown n03138981 crown, crest n03139089 crown, crownwork, jacket, jacket crown, cap n03139341 crown jewel n03139464 crown jewels n03139640 crown lens n03139731 crown of thorns n03139887 crown saw n03139998 crow's nest n03140126 crucible, melting pot n03140292 crucifix, rood, rood-tree n03140431 cruet, crewet n03140546 cruet-stand n03140652 cruise control n03140771 cruise missile n03140900 cruiser n03141065 cruiser, police cruiser, patrol car, police car, prowl car, squad car n03141327 cruise ship, cruise liner n03141455 crupper n03141612 cruse n03141702 crusher n03141823 crutch n03141991 cryocautery n03142099 cryometer n03142205 cryoscope n03142325 cryostat n03142431 crypt n03142579 cryptograph n03142679 crystal, watch crystal, watch glass n03142834 crystal n03142912 crystal n03143131 crystal ball n03143255 crystal counter n03143400 crystal detector n03143572 crystal microphone n03143754 crystal oscillator, quartz oscillator n03143982 crystal pickup n03144156 crystal set n03144262 Cuban heel n03144365 cubby, cubbyhole, snuggery, snug n03144486 cubbyhole, pigeonhole n03144592 cube, square block n03144756 cubeb, cubeb cigarette n03144873 cubitiere n03144982 cucking stool, ducking stool n03145147 cuckoo clock n03145277 cuddy n03145384 cudgel n03145522 cue, cue stick, pool cue, pool stick n03145719 cue ball n03145843 cuff, turnup n03146075 cufflink n03146219 cuirass n03146342 cuisse n03146449 cul, cul de sac, dead end n03146560 culdoscope n03146687 cullis n03146777 culotte n03146846 cultivator, tiller n03147084 culverin n03147156 culverin n03147280 culvert n03147397 cummerbund n03147509 cup n03147901 cup, loving cup n03148130 cup n03148324 cupboard, closet n03148518 cup hook n03148632 Cupid's bow n03148727 cupola n03148808 cupola n03148920 curb, curbing, kerb n03149135 curb, curb bit n03149261 curb market n03149401 curb roof n03149531 curbside n03149686 curbstone, kerbstone n03149810 curette, curet n03149951 curio, curiosity, oddity, oddment, peculiarity, rarity n03150232 curler, hair curler, roller, crimper n03150511 curling iron n03150661 currycomb n03150795 cursor, pointer n03151077 curtain, drape, drapery, mantle, pall n03151401 curtain ring n03151500 cushion n03151800 cushion n03151916 cusp n03152062 cuspidation n03152144 custard pie n03152303 customhouse, customshouse n03152483 custom-made, custom-built n03152619 cut, gash n03152743 cut n03152830 cutaway n03152951 cutaway, cutaway drawing, cutaway model n03153145 cut glass n03153246 cutlas, cutlass n03153375 cutlery, eating utensil n03153585 cutoff n03153681 cutout n03153821 cutout n03153948 cutout n03154073 cutter, cutlery, cutting tool n03154316 cutter n03154446 cutting implement n03154616 cutting room n03154745 cutty stool n03154895 cutwork n03155055 cyberart n03155178 cybercafe n03155334 cyclobenzaprine, Flexeril n03155502 cyclopean masonry n03155661 cyclopropane n03155788 cycloserine n03155915 cyclostyle n03156071 cyclotron n03156279 cylinder n03156405 cylinder, piston chamber n03156606 cylinder head n03156767 cylinder lock n03156990 cyma, cymatium n03157215 cyma recta n03157348 cymbal n03157582 cyproheptadine, Periactin n03157751 cytophotometer n03157987 cytotoxic drug n03158186 dacha n03158259 Dachau n03158414 Dacron, Terylene n03158542 dado n03158668 dado n03158796 dado plane n03158885 dagger, sticker n03159176 daggerboard n03159331 daguerreotype n03159535 dairy, dairy farm n03159640 dais, podium, pulpit, rostrum, ambo, stump, soapbox n03159828 daisy chain n03160001 daisy print wheel, daisy wheel n03160186 daisywheel printer n03160309 dam, dike, dyke n03160593 damascene n03160740 damask n03160894 damask n03161016 dampener, moistener n03161228 damp-proof course, damp course n03161450 damper, muffler n03161725 damper n03161893 damper block, piano damper n03162080 dance floor n03162171 dapsone n03162297 dark lantern, bull's-eye n03162460 darkroom n03162556 darning needle, embroidery needle n03162714 dart n03162818 dart n03162940 dartboard, dart board n03163081 Dartmouth College, Dartmouth n03163222 dashboard, fascia n03163381 dashiki, daishiki n03163488 dash-pot n03163649 dasymeter n03163798 data converter n03163973 data input device, input device n03164192 data multiplexer n03164344 data system, information system n03164532 daub n03164605 davenport n03164722 davenport n03164809 Davis Cup n03164929 davit n03165096 daybed, divan bed n03165211 daybook, ledger n03165343 day camp n03165466 day nursery, day care center n03165616 day school n03165718 dead-air space n03165823 dead axle n03165955 deadeye n03166120 deadhead n03166213 deadlight n03166360 dead load n03166514 deanery n03166600 deathbed n03166685 death camp n03166809 death house, death row n03166951 death knell, death bell n03167053 death mask n03167153 death seat n03167337 deathtrap n03167464 decal, decalcomania n03167666 deck n03167978 deck n03168107 deck n03168217 deck chair, beach chair n03168364 decker n03168543 deck-house n03168663 deckle n03168774 deckle edge, deckle n03168933 declinometer, transit declinometer n03169063 decoder n03169176 decolletage n03169271 decongestant n03169390 decoration, ornament, ornamentation n03170292 decoupage n03170459 dedicated file server n03170635 deep-freeze, Deepfreeze, deep freezer, freezer n03170872 deerstalker n03171002 deer trail n03171094 defense laboratory n03171228 defense system, defence system n03171356 defensive structure, defense, defence n03171635 defibrillator n03171910 defilade n03172038 deflector n03172211 defroster, deicer n03172432 delavirdine, Rescriptor n03172602 Delaware Memorial Bridge n03172738 delayed action n03172965 delay line n03173142 delf n03173270 delft n03173387 delicatessen, deli, food shop n03173524 delineation, depiction, limning, line drawing n03173736 deliverable n03173929 delivery truck, delivery van, panel truck n03174079 delta wing n03174211 demeclocycline hydrochloride, Declomycin n03174450 demijohn n03174605 demister n03174731 demitasse n03174829 demulcent n03174991 Demulen n03175081 den n03175189 denim, dungaree, jean n03175301 densimeter, densitometer n03175457 densitometer n03175604 dental appliance n03175843 dental floss, floss n03175983 dental implant n03176084 dentifrice n03176238 dentist's drill, burr drill n03176386 denture, dental plate, plate n03176594 deodorant, deodourant n03176763 department store, emporium n03176970 departure gate n03177059 departure lounge n03177165 depilatory, depilator, epilator n03177349 depository, deposit, depositary, repository n03177708 depressor n03177856 depth charge, depth bomb n03178000 depth finder n03178173 depth gauge, depth gage n03178316 dermatome n03178430 derrick n03178538 derrick n03178674 derringer n03178782 design, pattern, figure n03179318 design n03179489 designer drug n03179701 desk n03179910 desk phone n03180011 desktop computer n03180153 desipramine n03180280 dessert plate n03180384 dessert spoon n03180504 destroyer, guided missile destroyer n03180732 destroyer escort n03180865 detached house, single dwelling n03180969 detector, sensor, sensing element n03181293 detector n03181501 detector, demodulator n03181667 detention home, detention house, house of detention, detention camp n03181899 detergent n03182140 detonating fuse n03182232 detonator, detonating device, cap n03182506 detour, roundabout way n03182683 detox n03182795 deuce, two n03182912 developer n03183080 device n03185562 device n03185746 device n03185868 Dewar flask, Dewar n03186005 dextroamphetamine sulphate, Dexedrine n03186199 dhoti n03186285 dhow n03186399 diagram n03186696 dial n03186818 dial, telephone dial n03187037 dial n03187153 dial n03187268 dialog box, panel n03187595 dial telephone, dial phone n03187751 dialyzer, dialysis machine n03187972 diamond n03188168 diamond point n03188290 diamante n03188416 diapason, diapason stop n03188531 diaper, nappy, napkin n03188725 diaper n03188871 diaphone n03188979 diaphoretic n03189083 diaphragm, stop n03189311 diaphragm n03189461 diaphragm, pessary, contraceptive diaphragm n03189707 diary n03189818 diathermy machine n03189995 diazepam, Valium n03190303 diazoxide, Hyperstat n03190458 dibble, dibber n03190655 dibucaine n03190763 dideoxycytosine, ddC, DDC, zalcitabine n03190897 dideoxyinosine, ddI, DDI, didanosine n03191029 die, dice n03191286 dice cup, dice box n03191451 dicer n03191561 dickey, dickie, dicky, shirtfront n03191776 dickey, dickie, dicky, dickey-seat, dickie-seat, dicky-seat n03191967 diclofenac potassium, Cataflam n03192142 diclofenac sodium, Voltaren n03192347 dicloxacillin, Dynapen n03192543 Dictaphone n03192653 dicumarol, dicoumarol n03192790 die n03192907 die n03193107 diesel, diesel engine, diesel motor n03193260 diesel-electric locomotive, diesel-electric n03193423 diesel-hydraulic locomotive, diesel-hydraulic n03193597 diesel locomotive n03193754 diestock n03193882 diethylstilbesterol, DES, stilbesterol n03194170 differential analyzer n03194297 differential gear, differential n03194538 diffraction grating, grating n03194812 diffuser, diffusor n03194992 diffuser, diffusor n03195118 diflunisal, Dolobid n03195332 digester n03195485 diggings, digs, domiciliation, lodgings, pad n03195659 diggings, digs n03195799 digital-analog converter, digital-to-analog converter n03195959 digital audiotape, DAT n03196062 digital camera n03196217 digital clock n03196324 digital computer n03196598 digital display, alphanumeric display n03196841 digital plethysmograph n03196990 digital subscriber line, DSL n03197201 digital voltmeter n03197337 digital watch n03197446 digitizer, digitiser, analog-digital converter, analog-to-digital converter n03197666 digitoxin n03197804 digoxin, Lanoxin n03198028 dihydrostreptomycin n03198223 dilator, dilater n03198383 dilator n03198500 dildo n03198637 diltiazem, Cardizem n03198819 dime bag, dime n03198951 dimenhydrinate, Dramamine n03199142 Dimetapp n03199358 dimity n03199488 dimmer n03199647 diner n03199775 dinette n03199901 dinghy, dory, rowboat n03200152 dinky, dinkey n03200231 dining area n03200357 dining car, diner, dining compartment, buffet car n03200539 dining-hall n03200701 dining room, dining-room n03200906 dining-room furniture n03201035 dining-room table n03201208 dining table, board n03201529 dinner bell n03201638 dinner dress, dinner gown, formal, evening gown n03201776 dinner jacket, tux, tuxedo, black tie n03201895 dinner napkin n03201996 dinner pail, dinner bucket n03202123 dinner plate n03202246 dinner service, dinner set n03202354 dinner table n03202481 dinner theater, dinner theatre n03202622 dinnerware n03202760 diode, semiconductor diode, junction rectifier, crystal rectifier n03202940 diode, rectifying tube, rectifying valve n03203089 dip n03203225 diphenhydramine, Benadryl n03203441 diphenylhydantoin, phenytoin, Dilantin n03203641 diphenylbutyl piperidine n03203806 diplomatic building n03203959 diplomatic pouch n03204134 dipole, dipole antenna n03204306 dipper n03204436 dipstick n03204558 DIP switch, dual inline package switch n03204810 diptych n03204955 directional antenna n03205143 directional microphone n03205304 direction finder n03205458 dirk n03205574 dirndl n03205669 dirndl n03205760 dirt track n03205903 dirty bomb n03206023 discharge lamp n03206158 discharge pipe n03206282 disco, discotheque n03206405 discount house, discount store, discounter, wholesale house n03206602 discus, saucer n03206718 disguise n03206908 dish n03207305 dish, dish aerial, dish antenna, saucer n03207548 dishpan n03207630 dish rack n03207743 dishrag, dishcloth n03207835 dishtowel, dish towel, tea towel n03207941 dishwasher, dish washer, dishwashing machine n03208062 dishwasher detergent, dishwashing detergent, dishwashing liquid n03208229 disinfectant, germicide, antimicrobic, antimicrobial n03208556 disk, disc n03208815 disk access n03208938 disk brake, disc brake n03209141 disk cache n03209359 disk clutch n03209477 disk controller n03209666 disk drive, disc drive, hard drive, Winchester drive n03209910 diskette, floppy, floppy disk n03210245 disk harrow, disc harrow n03210372 dispatch case, dispatch box n03210552 dispensary n03210683 dispenser n03210940 display, presentation n03211117 display, video display n03211413 display adapter, display adaptor n03211616 display panel, display board, board n03211789 display window, shop window, shopwindow, show window n03212003 disposable n03212114 disposal, electric pig, garbage disposal n03212247 disrupting explosive, bursting explosive n03212406 distaff n03212535 distemper n03212698 distemper n03212811 distillery, still n03213014 distributor, distributer, electrical distributor n03213361 distributor cam n03213538 distributor cap n03213715 distributor housing n03213826 distributor point, breaker point, point n03214051 disulfiram, Antabuse n03214253 ditch n03214450 ditch spade, long-handled spade n03214582 ditty bag n03214670 diuretic drug, diuretic, water pill n03214966 divan n03215076 divan, diwan n03215191 dive bomber n03215337 diverging lens, concave lens n03215508 divided highway, dual carriageway n03215749 divider n03215930 diving bell n03216080 diving board n03216199 divining rod, dowser, dowsing rod, waterfinder, water finder n03216402 diving suit, diving dress n03216562 dixie n03216710 Dixie cup, paper cup n03216828 dock, dockage, docking facility n03217191 dock n03217333 dock, loading dock n03217458 document n03217653 doeskin n03217739 dogcart n03217814 dog collar n03217889 doggie bag, doggy bag n03218100 dogleg n03218198 dogsled, dog sled, dog sleigh n03218334 dogtooth n03218446 dog wrench n03218545 doodad, doohickey, doojigger, gimmick, gizmo, gismo, gubbins, thingamabob, thingumabob, thingmabob, thingamajig, thingumajig, thingmajig, thingummy, whatchamacallit, whatchamacallum, whatsis, widget n03219010 doily, doyley, doyly n03219135 doll, dolly n03219362 dollhouse, doll's house n03219483 dollhouse, doll's house n03219612 dolly n03219732 dolly n03219859 dolman n03219966 dolman, dolman jacket n03220095 dolman sleeve n03220237 dolmen, cromlech, portal tomb n03220401 dolphin striker, martingale n03220513 dome n03220692 dome, domed stadium, covered stadium n03220802 domino n03221059 domino, half mask, eye mask n03221205 domino n03221351 dongle n03221540 donkey jacket n03221643 doodlebug n03221720 door n03222176 door n03222318 door n03222516 doorbell, bell, buzzer n03222722 doorframe, doorcase n03222857 doorjamb, doorpost n03222959 doorknob, doorhandle n03223162 doorlock n03223299 doormat, welcome mat n03223441 doornail n03223553 doorplate n03223686 doorsill, doorstep, threshold n03223923 doorstop, doorstopper n03224032 doorway, door, room access, threshold n03224387 dooryard n03224490 Doppler radar n03224603 dormer, dormer window n03224753 dormer window n03224893 dormitory, dorm, residence hall, hall, student residence n03225108 dormitory, dormitory room, dorm room n03225238 dose, dosage n03225458 dosemeter, dosimeter n03225616 dossal, dossel n03225777 dot matrix printer, matrix printer, dot printer n03225988 double bed n03226090 double-bitted ax, double-bitted axe, Western ax, Western axe n03226254 double boiler, double saucepan n03226375 double-breasted jacket n03226538 double-breasted suit n03226660 double clinch n03226743 double crochet, double stitch n03226880 double door n03227010 double glazing n03227184 double-hung window n03227317 double knit n03227505 double-prop, double-propeller plane, twin-prop, twin-propeller-plane n03227721 doubler n03227856 double reed n03228016 double-reed instrument, double reed n03228254 doublet n03228365 doubletree n03228533 douche, douche bag n03228692 dovecote, columbarium, columbary n03228796 Dover's powder n03228967 dovetail, dovetail joint n03229115 dovetail plane n03229244 dowel, dowel pin, joggle n03229420 downcast n03229526 downstage n03229656 doxazosin, Cardura n03229905 doxepin, doxepin hydrochloride, Adapin, Sinequan n03230149 doxorubicin n03230247 doxycycline, Vibramycin n03230446 DPT vaccine n03230670 draft, draught n03230785 draft, rough drawing n03230914 draft n03231024 drafting board, drawing board n03231160 drafting instrument n03231368 drafting table, drawing table n03231476 drag n03231723 dragee n03231819 Dragunov n03231912 drain, drainpipe, waste pipe n03232158 drain n03232309 drainage ditch n03232417 drainage system n03232543 drain basket n03232676 drainboard, draining board n03232815 drainplug n03232923 drape n03233123 drapery n03233246 draw n03233423 draw, lot n03233624 drawbar n03233744 drawbridge, lift bridge n03233905 drawer n03234164 drawers, underdrawers, shorts, boxers, boxershorts n03234306 drawing n03234795 drawing card, loss leader, leader n03234952 drawing chalk n03235042 drawing room, withdrawing room n03235180 drawing room n03235327 drawknife, drawshave n03235433 drawnwork n03235560 drawstring, drawing string, string n03235796 drawstring bag n03235979 dray, camion n03236093 dreadnought, dreadnaught n03236217 dredge n03236423 dredger n03236580 dredging bucket n03236735 dress, frock n03237212 dress blues, dress whites n03237340 dresser n03237416 dress hat, high hat, opera hat, silk hat, stovepipe, top hat, topper, beaver n03237639 dressing, medical dressing n03237839 dressing case n03237992 dressing gown, robe-de-chambre, lounging robe n03238131 dressing room n03238286 dressing sack, dressing sacque n03238407 dressing station, aid station n03238586 dressing table, dresser, vanity, toilet table n03238762 dress rack n03238879 dress shirt, evening shirt n03239054 dress suit, full dress, tailcoat, tail coat, tails, white tie, white tie and tails n03239259 dress uniform n03239399 drift, heading, gallery n03239607 drift net n03239726 drill n03240140 electric drill n03240327 drilling bit, drill bit n03240482 drilling pipe n03240683 drilling platform, offshore rig n03240892 drill press n03241093 drill rig, drilling rig, oilrig, oil rig n03241236 drill site n03241335 drinking fountain, water fountain, bubbler n03241496 drinking vessel n03241660 drip, drip mold, drip mould n03241903 drip loop n03242120 drip mat n03242264 drip pan n03242390 dripping pan, drip pan n03242506 drip pot n03242595 dripstone, hoodmold, hoodmould n03242713 drive, parkway n03242995 drive n03243218 drive n03243501 drive-in n03243625 drive line, drive line system n03243903 driven well, tube well n03244047 driver, number one wood n03244231 driveshaft n03244388 driveway, drive, private road n03244660 driving belt n03244775 driving iron, one iron n03244919 driving wheel n03245075 Drixoral n03245271 drogue, drogue chute, drogue parachute n03245421 drogue parachute n03245553 dronabinol n03245724 drone, drone pipe, bourdon n03245889 drone, pilotless aircraft, radio-controlled aircraft n03246052 drop n03246197 drop arch n03246312 drop cloth n03246454 drop curtain, drop cloth, drop n03246653 drop forge, drop hammer, drop press n03246788 drop-leaf n03246933 drop-leaf table n03247083 dropper, eye dropper n03247351 droshky, drosky n03247495 drove, drove chisel n03247620 drug n03248560 drug cocktail, highly active antiretroviral therapy, HAART n03248835 drugget n03248958 drug of abuse, street drug n03249342 drugstore, apothecary's shop, chemist's, chemist's shop, pharmacy n03249569 drum, membranophone, tympan n03249956 drum, metal drum n03250089 drum brake n03250279 drumhead, head n03250405 drum printer n03250588 drum sander, electric sander, sander, smoother n03250847 drumstick n03250952 dry battery n03251100 dry-bulb thermometer n03251280 dry cell n03251533 dry dock, drydock, graving dock n03251766 dryer, drier n03251932 dry fly n03252064 drygoods, soft goods n03252231 dry kiln n03252324 dry masonry n03252422 dry point n03252542 dry point n03252637 dry wall, dry-stone wall n03252787 dual scan display n03252959 dubbing n03253071 duck n03253187 duckboard n03253279 duckpin n03253398 duct n03253516 duct tape n03253714 dudeen n03253796 duffel, duffle n03253886 duffel bag, duffle bag, duffel, duffle n03254046 duffel coat, duffle coat n03254189 dugout n03254374 dugout canoe, dugout, pirogue n03254505 Duke University n03254625 dulciana n03254737 dulcimer n03254862 dulcimer n03255030 dumbbell n03255167 dumb bomb, gravity bomb n03255322 dumbwaiter, food elevator n03255488 dumdum, dumdum bullet n03255648 dummy n03255790 dump n03255899 dumpcart n03256032 Dumpster n03256166 dump truck, dumper, tipper truck, tipper lorry, tip truck, tipper n03256472 Dumpy level n03256631 dunce cap, dunce's cap, fool's cap n03256788 dune buggy, beach buggy n03256928 dungeon n03257065 duplex apartment, duplex n03257210 duplex house, duplex, semidetached house n03257343 duplicate, duplication n03257586 duplicator, copier n03257877 durables, durable goods, consumer durables n03258049 durbar n03258192 dust bag, vacuum bag n03258330 dustcloth, dustrag, duster n03258456 dust cover n03258577 dust cover, dust sheet n03258730 duster, gaberdine, gabardine, smock, dust coat n03258905 dustmop, dust mop, dry mop n03259009 dustpan n03259118 Dutch door, half door n03259280 Dutch oven n03259401 Dutch oven n03259505 dwelling, home, domicile, abode, habitation, dwelling house n03260206 dye-works n03260293 dynamite n03260504 dynamo n03260733 dynamometer, ergometer n03260849 Eames chair n03261019 earflap, earlap n03261157 ear hole n03261263 early warning radar n03261395 early warning system n03261603 earmuff n03261776 earphone, earpiece, headphone, phone n03262072 earplug n03262248 earplug n03262349 earring n03262519 earthenware n03262717 earthwork n03262809 easel n03262932 easy chair, lounge chair, overstuffed chair n03263076 eaves n03263206 ecce homo n03263338 ecclesiastical attire, ecclesiastical robe n03263474 echelon n03263640 echinus n03263758 echocardiograph n03263888 echoencephalograph n03264021 echo chamber n03264136 edge n03264542 edge n03264906 edger n03265032 edge tool n03265479 edging n03265754 efficiency apartment n03265874 effigy, image, simulacrum n03266195 egg-and-dart, egg-and-anchor, egg-and-tongue n03266371 eggbeater, eggwhisk n03266498 eggcup, egg cup n03266620 egg timer n03266749 eiderdown, duvet, continental quilt n03266906 Eiffel Tower n03267113 eight ball n03267256 eightpenny nail n03267340 eight-spot, eight n03267468 ejection seat, ejector seat, capsule n03267696 elastic n03267821 elastic bandage n03267972 elastic device n03268142 Elastoplast n03268311 elbow n03268470 elbow n03268553 elbow n03268645 elbow pad n03268790 electric, electric automobile, electric car n03268918 electrical cable n03269073 electrical contact n03269203 electrical converter n03269401 electrical device n03270165 electrical system n03270579 electrical system, electrical plant n03270695 electric bell n03270854 electric blanket n03271030 electric chair, chair, death chair, hot seat n03271260 electric clock n03271376 electric-discharge lamp, gas-discharge lamp n03271574 electric fan, blower n03271765 electric frying pan n03271865 electric furnace n03272010 electric guitar n03272125 electric hammer n03272239 electric heater, electric fire n03272383 electric lamp n03272562 electric locomotive n03272696 electric main n03272810 electric meter, power meter n03272940 electric mixer n03273061 electric motor n03273551 electric organ, electronic organ, Hammond organ, organ n03273740 electric range n03273913 electric refrigerator, fridge n03274137 electric socket n03274265 electric toothbrush n03274435 electric typewriter n03274561 electro-acoustic transducer n03274796 electrode n03275125 electrodynamometer n03275311 electroencephalograph n03275451 electrograph n03275566 electrograph n03275681 electrolytic, electrolytic capacitor, electrolytic condenser n03275864 electrolytic cell n03276179 electromagnet n03276431 electromagnetic delay line n03276574 electromechanical device n03276696 electrometer n03276839 electromyograph n03277004 electron accelerator n03277149 electron gun n03277459 electronic balance n03277602 electronic converter n03277771 electronic device n03278248 electronic equipment n03278914 electronic fetal monitor, electronic foetal monitor, fetal monitor, foetal monitor n03279153 electronic instrument, electronic musical instrument n03279364 electronic voltmeter n03279508 electron microscope n03279804 electron multiplier n03279918 electrophorus n03280064 electroplate n03280216 electroscope n03280394 electrostatic generator, electrostatic machine, Wimshurst machine, Van de Graaff generator n03280644 electrostatic printer n03280813 elevated railway, elevated railroad, elevated, el, overhead railway n03281052 elevation n03281145 elevator, lift n03281524 elevator n03281673 elevator shaft n03281821 ell n03281935 elongation, extension n03282060 embankment n03282295 embassy n03282401 embellishment n03282591 emblem n03282933 embroidery, fancywork n03283221 emergency room, ER n03283413 emesis basin n03283519 emetic, vomit, vomitive, nauseant n03283717 Emetrol n03283827 emitter n03283973 Empire State Building n03284120 emplacement n03284308 empty n03284482 emulsion, photographic emulsion n03284743 enamel n03284886 enamel n03284981 enamelware n03285106 enalapril, Vasotec n03285348 encainide, Enkaid n03285578 encaustic n03285730 encephalogram, pneumoencephalogram n03285912 enclosure n03286383 end, remainder, remnant, oddment n03286572 endoscope n03286878 endotracheal tube n03287178 end product, output n03287351 energizer, energiser n03287459 enflurane, Ethrane n03287627 engagement ring n03287733 engine n03288003 engine n03288225 engine block, cylinder block, block n03288500 engineering, engine room n03288643 enginery n03288742 English horn, cor anglais n03288886 English saddle, English cavalry saddle n03289025 engraving n03289268 engraving n03289462 enlargement, blowup, magnification n03289660 enlarger n03289819 Enovid n03289985 ensemble n03290096 ensign n03290195 entablature n03290489 enteric-coated aspirin n03290653 entertainment center n03290771 entrance, entranceway, entryway, entry, entree n03291243 entrant n03291413 entrenching tool, trenching spade n03291551 entrenchment, intrenchment n03291741 envelope n03291819 envelope n03291963 envelope, gasbag n03292085 eolith n03292210 epaulet, epaulette n03292362 epauliere n03292475 epee n03292603 epergne n03292736 epicyclic train, epicyclic gear train n03292960 epidiascope n03293095 epilating wax n03293321 Epsom salts n03293471 equal-area projection, equal-area map projection n03293741 equalizer, equaliser n03293863 equatorial n03294048 equipment n03294604 erasable programmable read-only memory, EPROM n03294833 eraser n03295012 erecting prism n03295140 erection n03295246 Erlenmeyer flask n03295357 erythromycin, Erythrocin, E-Mycin, Ethril, Ilosone, Pediamycin n03295773 escalator, moving staircase, moving stairway n03295928 escape hatch n03296081 escapement n03296217 escape wheel n03296328 escarpment, escarp, scarp, protective embankment n03296478 escutcheon, scutcheon n03296597 escutcheon n03296759 esmolol, Brevibloc n03296963 esophagoscope, oesophagoscope n03297103 espadrille n03297226 espalier n03297354 esplanade n03297495 espresso maker n03297644 espresso shop n03297735 establishment n03298089 estaminet n03298211 estazolam, ProSom n03298352 estradiol patch n03298565 estrogen antagonist, tamoxifen n03298716 etagere n03298858 etamine, etamin n03299006 etanercept, Enbrel n03299261 etcetera n03299406 etching n03299519 etching n03299648 ethacrynic acid, Edecrin n03299788 ethchlorvynol, Placidyl n03299929 ether, ethoxyethane, divinyl ether, vinyl ether, diethyl ether, ethyl ether n03300216 ethernet n03300443 ethernet cable n03300578 ethosuximide, Emeside, Zarontin n03300786 ethyl chloride n03300907 etodolac, Lodine n03301066 Eton collar n03301175 Eton jacket n03301291 etui n03301389 eudiometer n03301568 euphonium n03301696 euphoriant n03301833 evaporative cooler n03301940 evening bag n03302030 Excalibur n03302121 excavation n03302487 exchange n03302671 exercise bike, exercycle n03302790 exercise device n03302938 exhaust, exhaust system n03303217 exhaust fan n03303333 exhaust manifold n03303510 exhaust pipe n03303669 exhaust valve n03303831 exhibition hall, exhibition area n03303965 exit, issue, outlet, way out n03304197 Exocet n03304323 expansion bit, expansive bit n03304465 expansion bolt n03304605 expectorant, expectorator n03304730 explosive n03305135 explosive compound n03305300 explosive detection system, EDS n03305522 explosive device n03305844 explosive mixture n03305953 explosive trace detection, ETD n03306207 export, exportation n03306385 express, limited n03306610 expressway, freeway, motorway, pike, state highway, superhighway, throughway, thruway n03306869 extension, telephone extension, extension phone n03307037 extension cord n03307156 extension ladder n03307274 exterior door, outside door n03307573 external-combustion engine n03307792 external drive n03307981 extra, duplicate n03308152 extractor n03308297 eye n03308481 eyebrow pencil n03308614 eyecup, eyebath, eye cup n03308853 eyelet, eyehole n03309110 eyeliner n03309214 eye-lotion, eyewash, collyrium n03309356 eyepatch, patch n03309465 eyepiece, ocular n03309687 eyeshadow n03309808 fabric, cloth, material, textile n03313333 facade, frontage, frontal n03313456 face n03313602 face n03313873 face n03314028 face card, picture card, court card n03314227 face guard n03314378 face mask n03314608 faceplate n03314780 face powder n03314884 face veil n03315023 facility, installation n03315644 facing, cladding n03315805 facing n03315990 facing, veneer n03316105 facsimile, facsimile machine, fax n03316274 facsimile, autotype n03316406 factory, mill, manufacturing plant, manufactory n03316873 factory ship n03316988 factory whistle n03317136 fag end n03317233 fagot, faggot n03317340 fagoting, faggoting n03317510 fagot stitch, faggot stitch n03317673 Fahrenheit thermometer n03317788 faience n03317889 faille n03317990 fail-safe n03318136 fairlead n03318294 fairy light n03318438 fake, sham, postiche n03318707 fake book n03318865 falchion n03318983 fallboard, fall-board n03319167 fallout shelter n03319296 false bottom n03319457 false face n03319576 false teeth n03319653 falsie n03319745 family room n03319858 famotidine, Pepcid n03320046 fan n03320262 fan belt n03320421 fan blade n03320519 fancy dress, masquerade, masquerade costume n03320735 fancy goods n03320845 fanion n03320959 fanlight n03321103 fanjet, fan-jet, fanjet engine, turbojet, turbojet engine, turbofan, turbofan engine n03321419 fanjet, fan-jet, turbofan, turbojet n03321563 fanny pack, butt pack n03321672 fantail n03321843 fan tracery n03321954 fan vaulting n03322099 farm n03322570 farm building n03322704 farmer's market, green market, greenmarket n03322836 farmhouse n03322940 farm machine n03323096 farmplace, farm-place, farmstead n03323211 farmyard n03323319 farthingale n03323485 fashion plate n03323593 fashion n03323703 fastener, fastening, holdfast, fixing n03324502 fast lane n03324629 fast reactor n03324814 fat farm n03324928 fatigues n03325088 faucet, spigot n03325288 fauld n03325403 fauteuil n03325481 feather bed, featherbed n03325584 feather boa, boa n03325691 featheredge n03325769 feature n03325941 fedora, felt hat, homburg, Stetson, trilby n03326073 feedback circuit, feedback loop n03326239 feeder line n03326371 feedlot n03326475 fell, felled seam n03326660 felloe, felly n03326795 felt n03326948 felt-tip pen, felt-tipped pen, felt tip, Magic Marker n03327133 felucca n03327234 fence, fencing n03327553 fencing mask, fencer's mask n03327691 fencing sword n03327841 fender, wing n03328076 fender n03328201 fender, buffer, cowcatcher, pilot n03328392 fenoprofen, fenoprofen calcium, Nalfon n03328650 Fentanyl, Sublimaze n03329058 Feosol n03329180 Fergon n03329302 Ferris wheel n03329536 ferrule, collet n03329663 ferry, ferryboat n03329880 fertility drug n03330002 ferule n03330120 fesse, fess n03330274 festoon, festoonery n03330441 festoon n03330665 festoon n03330792 fetoscope, foetoscope n03330947 fetter, hobble n03331077 fez, tarboosh n03331244 fiber, fibre, vulcanized fiber n03331390 fiberboard, fibreboard, particle board n03331599 fiber optic cable, fibre optic cable n03331820 fiber-optic transmission system, fibre-optic transmission system, FOTS n03332005 fiberscope n03332173 fichu n03332271 fiddlestick, violin bow n03332393 field artillery, field gun n03332591 field coil, field winding n03332784 field-effect transistor, FET n03332989 field-emission microscope n03333129 field glass, glass, spyglass n03333252 field hockey ball n03333349 field hospital n03333480 field house n03333610 field house, sports arena n03333711 field lens n03333851 field magnet n03334017 field-sequential color television, field-sequential color TV, field-sequential color television system, field-sequential color TV system n03334291 field tent n03334382 fieldwork n03334492 fife n03334667 fife rail n03334775 fifth wheel n03334912 fifth wheel, spare n03335030 fighter, fighter aircraft, attack aircraft n03335333 fighting chair n03335461 fig leaf n03335600 figure n03335846 figure eight, figure of eight n03336070 figurehead n03336168 figure loom, figured-fabric loom n03336282 figure skate n03336459 figurine, statuette n03336575 filament n03336742 filature n03336839 file n03337140 file, file cabinet, filing cabinet n03337383 file folder n03337494 file server n03337727 filet n03337822 filigree, filagree, fillagree n03338009 filler n03338143 fillet, stopping n03338287 filling n03338648 film n03338821 film, photographic film n03339296 film, plastic film n03339529 film advance n03339643 filter n03340009 filter n03340183 filter bed n03340306 filter tip n03340463 filter-tipped cigarette n03340581 fin n03340723 finder, viewfinder, view finder n03340923 finery n03341035 fine-tooth comb, fine-toothed comb n03341153 finger n03341297 fingerboard n03341606 finger bowl n03341707 finger hole n03341850 finger hole n03342015 finger paint, fingerpaint n03342127 finger-painting n03342262 finger plate, escutcheon, scutcheon n03342432 fingerstall, cot n03342529 finial n03342657 finish coat, finishing coat n03342863 finish coat, finishing coat n03342961 finisher n03343047 fin keel n03343234 fipple n03343354 fipple flute, fipple pipe, recorder, vertical flute n03343560 fire n03343737 fire alarm, smoke alarm n03343853 firearm, piece, small-arm n03344205 firebase n03344305 fire bell n03344393 fireboat n03344509 firebox n03344642 firebrick n03344784 fire control radar n03344935 fire control system n03345115 firecracker, cracker, banger n03345362 fire door n03345487 fire engine, fire truck n03345658 fire escape, emergency exit n03345837 fire extinguisher, extinguisher, asphyxiator n03346004 fire hose n03346135 fire iron n03346289 fireman's ax, fireman's axe n03346455 fireplace, hearth, open fireplace n03346898 fireplug, fire hydrant, plug n03347037 fire screen, fireguard n03347191 fire ship n03347338 fire station, firehouse n03347472 fire tongs, coal tongs n03347617 fire tower n03347731 firetrap n03347855 fire trench n03347980 firewall n03348142 firewall n03348454 firework, pyrotechnic n03348868 firing chamber, gun chamber n03349020 firing pin n03349150 firing range, target range n03349296 firkin n03349367 firmer chisel n03349469 first-aid kit n03349599 first-aid station n03349771 first base n03349892 first class n03350011 first gear, first, low gear, low n03350204 fishbowl, fish bowl, goldfish bowl n03350352 fisherman's bend n03350456 fisherman's knot, true lover's knot, truelove knot n03350602 fisherman's lure, fish lure n03350880 fishery, piscary n03351036 fish farm n03351151 fishhook n03351262 fishing boat, fishing smack, fishing vessel n03351434 fishing gear, tackle, fishing tackle, fishing rig, rig n03351768 fishing line n03351979 fishing rod, fishing pole n03352232 fish joint n03352366 fish knife n03352484 fish ladder n03352628 fishnet, fishing net n03352853 fishplate n03352961 fish slice n03353147 fishtail bit, blade bit n03353281 fitment n03353467 fitted sheet, contour sheet n03353616 fitting n03353783 five-spot, five n03353951 fixative n03354082 fixed-combination drug n03354207 fixer-upper n03354350 fixings, trimmings n03354613 fixture n03354816 fizgig n03354903 flag n03355339 flag, flagstone n03355468 flageolet, treble recorder, shepherd's pipe n03355641 flagging n03355768 flagon n03355925 flagpole, flagstaff n03356038 flagship n03356158 flagship n03356279 flail n03356446 flambeau n03356559 flamethrower n03356670 Flaminian Way n03356858 flange, rim n03356982 flannel n03357081 flannel, gabardine, tweed, white n03357267 flannelette n03357376 flap n03357716 flap, flaps n03357893 flare n03358046 flare path n03358172 flash, photoflash, flash lamp, flashgun, flashbulb, flash bulb n03358380 flash n03358593 flashboard, flashboarding n03358726 flash camera n03358841 flasher n03359008 flashing n03359137 flashlight, torch n03359285 flashlight battery n03359436 flash memory n03359566 flask n03359755 flat n03359950 flat, flat tire n03360038 flat n03360133 flat arch, straight arch n03360300 flatbed n03360431 flatbed press, cylinder press n03360622 flat bench n03360731 flatcar, flatbed, flat n03360845 flat coat, ground, primer, priming, primer coat, priming coat, undercoat n03361109 flat file n03361194 flatiron n03361297 flatlet n03361380 flat panel display, FPD n03361550 flats n03361683 flat tip screwdriver n03361837 flatware, silver n03361945 flatware n03362119 flatwork, flat wash n03362223 fleabag n03362293 fleapit n03362393 flecainide, Tambocor n03362639 fleece n03362771 fleet ballistic missile submarine n03362890 fleur-de-lis, fleur-de-lys n03363059 flight, flight of stairs, flight of steps n03363216 flight deck, landing deck n03363363 flight simulator, trainer n03363549 flintlock n03363749 flintlock, firelock n03363887 flip-flop n03364008 flip-flop, thong n03364156 flipper, fin n03364340 float n03364599 float, plasterer's float n03364775 float n03364937 floating dock, floating dry dock n03365078 floating mine, marine mine n03365231 floatplane, pontoon plane n03365374 flood, floodlight, flood lamp, photoflood n03365592 floor, flooring n03365991 floor, level, storey, story n03366301 floor, trading floor n03366464 floor n03366630 floorboard, floor board n03366721 floorboard n03366823 floor cover, floor covering n03366974 floor joist n03367059 floor lamp n03367147 floor plan n03367321 flophouse, dosshouse n03367410 florist, florist shop, flower store n03367545 floss n03367663 flotilla n03367740 flotilla n03367875 flotsam, jetsam n03367969 flour bin n03368048 flour mill n03368141 flower arrangement, floral arrangement n03368352 flowerbed, flower bed, bed of flowers n03368508 flower chain n03368637 flower garden n03368750 floxuridine n03368878 flue n03369011 flue pipe, flue, labial pipe n03369178 flue stop n03369276 flugelhorn, fluegelhorn n03369407 fluid drive n03369512 fluid flywheel n03369640 fluke, flue n03369767 fluke n03369866 flume n03370020 flunitrazepan, Rohypnol n03370260 fluorescent, fluorescent fixture n03370387 fluorescent lamp n03370646 fluoroscope, roentgenoscope n03370821 fluorouracil n03370927 fluoxetine, fluoxetine hydrocholoride, Prozac, Sarafem n03371258 fluphenazine n03371363 flurazepam, flurazepam hydrochloride, Dalmane n03371532 flurbiprofen, Ansaid n03371728 flushless toilet n03371875 flush toilet, lavatory n03372029 flute, transverse flute n03372355 flute, fluting n03372549 flute, flute glass, champagne flute n03372656 fluvastatin, Lescol n03372822 flux applicator n03372933 fluxmeter n03373060 fly, fly front n03373237 fly n03373415 fly gallery, fly floor n03373611 flying boat n03373752 flying bridge, flybridge, fly bridge, monkey bridge n03373943 flying buttress, arc-boutant n03374102 flying carpet n03374282 flying jib n03374372 fly rod n03374473 fly tent n03374570 flytrap n03374649 flywheel n03374838 fob, watch chain, watch guard n03374978 fob n03375070 fob, watch pocket n03375171 foghorn n03375329 foglamp n03375443 foible n03375575 foil n03375694 foil n03375956 foil, transparency n03376159 fold, sheepfold, sheep pen, sheepcote n03376279 folder n03376438 folderal, falderol, frill, gimcrackery, gimcrack, nonsense, trumpery n03376595 folding chair n03376771 folding door, accordion door n03376938 folding saw n03377077 foliation, foliage n03377245 folio n03377451 folk art n03377582 follow-up, followup n03377845 food additive, artificial additive n03378005 food court n03378174 food processor n03378342 food hamper n03378442 foot n03378593 footage n03378765 football n03378915 football field, gridiron n03379051 football helmet n03379204 football stadium n03379343 footbath n03379461 footboard n03379592 footboard n03379719 foot brake n03379828 footbridge, overcrossing, pedestrian bridge n03379989 foothold, footing n03380134 footlights n03380301 footlocker, locker n03380461 footplate n03380647 foot rule n03380724 footstool, footrest, ottoman, tuffet n03380867 footwear, footgear n03381126 footwear n03381231 forceps n03381450 force pump n03381565 fore-and-after n03381664 fore-and-aft rig n03381776 fore-and-aft sail n03382104 forecastle, fo'c'sle n03382292 forecourt n03382413 foredeck n03382533 fore edge, foredge n03382708 foreground n03382856 foremast n03382969 fore plane n03383099 foresail n03383211 forestay n03383378 foretop n03383468 fore-topmast n03383562 fore-topsail n03383646 forge, smithy n03383821 forge n03383948 fork n03384167 fork n03384352 forklift n03384535 form n03384706 formal garden n03384891 formalwear, eveningwear, evening dress, evening clothes n03385117 formation n03385295 Formica n03385420 forte n03385557 fortification, munition n03386011 fortress, fort n03386343 forty-five n03386420 forum, assembly, meeting place n03386544 Foucault pendulum n03386726 foulard n03386870 foul-weather gear n03387016 foundation, base, fundament, foot, groundwork, substructure, understructure n03387323 foundation garment, foundation n03387506 foundation stone n03387653 foundry, metalworks n03387815 fountain, fount n03387926 fountain, jet n03388043 fountain n03388183 fountain pen n03388323 four-in-hand n03388466 fourpenny nail n03388549 four-poster n03388711 four-pounder n03388826 four-spot, four n03388990 four-stroke engine, four-stroke internal-combustion engine n03389353 four-tailed bandage n03389611 four-wheel drive, 4WD n03389761 four-wheel drive, 4WD n03389889 four-wheeler n03389983 fowling piece n03390075 foxhole, fox hole n03390207 fraction n03390327 fragmentation bomb, antipersonnel bomb, anti-personnel bomb, daisy cutter n03390673 frail n03390786 fraise n03390886 fraise n03390983 frame, framing n03391301 frame n03391464 frame n03391613 frame buffer n03391770 framework n03392648 Francis turbine n03392741 franking machine n03392908 freeboard deck n03393017 free house n03393199 free-reed n03393324 free-reed instrument n03393534 free throw lane n03393761 freewheel n03393912 freight car n03394149 freight elevator, service elevator n03394272 freight liner, liner train n03394480 freight train, rattler n03394649 French door n03394816 French heel n03394916 French horn, horn n03395095 French knot n03395256 French polish, French polish shellac n03395401 French roof n03395514 French window n03395630 fresco n03395745 freshener n03395859 Fresnel lens n03396074 fret n03396311 fret, Greek fret, Greek key, key pattern n03396580 friary n03396654 friction clutch n03396841 friction tape, insulating tape n03396997 frieze n03397087 frieze n03397266 frigate n03397412 frigate n03397532 frill, flounce, ruffle, furbelow n03397762 fringe n03397947 Frisbee n03398153 frock n03398228 frock coat n03398382 frog n03398467 front n03398775 frontage road, service road n03398950 frontal n03399047 front bench n03399240 front door, front entrance n03399391 frontispiece n03399500 frontispiece n03399579 frontlet, frontal n03399677 front porch n03399761 front projector n03399852 front yard n03399971 fruit machine n03400231 frying pan, frypan, skillet n03400389 fuel-air explosive, FAE n03400798 fuel cell n03400972 fuel filter n03401129 fuel gauge, fuel indicator n03401279 fuel injection, fuel injection system n03401500 fuel line, gas line, petrol line n03401721 fuel system n03402080 fulcrum n03402188 full-dress uniform n03402369 full metal jacket n03402511 full skirt n03402621 full-wave rectifier n03402785 fumigator n03402941 funeral home, funeral parlor, funeral parlour, funeral chapel, funeral church, funeral-residence n03403169 fungible n03403325 funk hole n03403431 funnel n03403643 funnel n03403873 funnel web n03404012 funny wagon n03404149 fur n03404251 fur coat n03404360 fur hat n03404449 furnace n03404900 furnace lining, refractory n03405111 furnace room n03405265 furnishing n03405595 furnishing, trappings n03405725 furniture, piece of furniture, article of furniture n03406597 furosemide, Lasix n03406759 fur-piece n03406838 furring strip, furring n03406966 furrow n03407122 fuse, fuze, fusee, fuzee, primer, priming n03407369 fuse, electrical fuse, safety fuse n03407616 fusee, fuzee n03407744 fusee, fuzee n03407865 fusee drive, fusee n03408054 fuselage n03408264 fusil n03408340 fustian n03408444 futon n03408621 futtock shroud n03408721 future n03408918 futures exchange, futures market, forward market n03409070 gabapentin, Neurontin n03409297 gabardine n03409393 gable, gable end, gable wall n03409591 gable roof, saddle roof, saddleback, saddleback roof n03409806 gaddi n03409920 gadgetry n03410022 gaff n03410147 gaff n03410303 gaff n03410423 gaffsail, gaff-headed sail n03410571 gaff topsail, fore-and-aft topsail n03410740 gag, muzzle n03410938 gaiter n03411079 gaiter n03411208 Galilean telescope n03411339 galleon n03411544 gallery n03411762 gallery n03411927 gallery n03412058 gallery, art gallery, picture gallery n03412220 galley, ship's galley, caboose, cookhouse n03412387 galley n03412511 galley n03412674 galley n03412906 gallows n03413124 gallows tree, gallows-tree, gibbet, gallous n03413264 galvanometer n03413428 gambling house, gambling den, gambling hell, gaming house n03413684 gambrel, gambrel roof n03413828 game n03414029 gamebag n03414162 game equipment n03414574 gaming card n03414676 gaming table n03414814 gamma hydroxybutyrate, GHB n03415083 gamma-interferon n03415252 gamp, brolly n03415363 gang n03415486 gangplank, gangboard, gangway n03415626 gangsaw n03415749 gangway n03415868 gantlet n03416094 gantry, gauntry n03416329 gap, crack n03416489 garage n03416640 garage, service department n03416775 Garand rifle, Garand, M-1, M-1 rifle n03416900 garbage n03417042 garbage truck, dustcart n03417202 garboard, garboard plank, garboard strake n03417345 garden n03417749 garden n03417871 garden hose n03417970 garden rake n03418052 garden roller n03418158 garden spade n03418242 garden tool, lawn tool n03418402 garden trowel n03418488 gargoyle n03418618 gargoyle n03418749 garibaldi n03418915 garlic press n03419014 garment n03420345 garment bag n03420440 garnish n03420559 garrison, fort n03420801 garrison cap, overseas cap n03420935 garrote, garotte, garrotte, iron collar n03421117 garter, supporter n03421324 garter belt, suspender belt n03421485 garter stitch n03421669 gas guzzler n03421768 gas shell n03421960 gas bracket n03422072 gas burner, gas jet n03422288 gas chamber, death chamber n03422484 gas-cooled reactor n03422589 gas-discharge tube n03422771 gas engine n03422934 gas fitting n03423099 gas fixture n03423224 gas furnace n03423306 gas gun n03423387 gas heat n03423479 gas heater n03423568 gas holder, gasometer n03423719 gasket n03423877 gas lamp n03423966 gas line n03424103 gas main n03424204 gas maser n03424325 gasmask, respirator, gas helmet n03424489 gas meter, gasometer n03424630 gasoline engine, petrol engine n03424862 gasoline gauge, gasoline gage, gas gauge, gas gage, petrol gauge, petrol gage n03425092 gasoline station, gas station, filling station, petrol station n03425241 gas oven n03425325 gas oven n03425413 gas pump, gasoline pump, petrol pump, island dispenser n03425595 gas range, gas stove, gas cooker n03425769 gas ring n03425956 gas system n03426134 gas tank, gasoline tank, petrol tank n03426285 gas thermometer, air thermometer n03426462 gastroscope n03426574 gas turbine n03426871 gas-turbine ship n03426984 gas well n03427084 gasworks n03427202 gat, rod n03427296 gate n03427656 gate, logic gate n03427909 gate n03428090 gatehouse n03428226 gateleg table n03428349 gatepost n03428477 gateway n03428571 gateway drug n03428805 gather, gathering n03429003 gathered skirt n03429137 Gatling gun n03429288 gauge, gage n03429682 gauntlet, gantlet n03429771 gauntlet, gantlet, metal glove n03429914 gauze, netting, veiling n03430091 gauze, gauze bandage n03430313 gavel n03430418 gazebo, summerhouse n03430551 gear, gear wheel, geared wheel, cogwheel n03430959 gear, paraphernalia, appurtenance n03431243 gear, gear mechanism n03431570 gearbox, gear box, gear case n03431745 gearing, gear, geartrain, power train, train n03432061 gearset n03432129 gearshift, gearstick, shifter, gear lever n03432360 Geiger counter, Geiger-Muller counter n03432509 Geiger tube, Geiger-Muller tube n03432668 gelatin, gel n03432796 gelignite, gelly n03432972 gem, treasure n03433079 gemfibrozil, Lopid n03433247 gene chip, DNA chip n03433434 general anesthetic, general anaesthetic n03433637 general-purpose bomb, GP bomb n03433877 generator n03434188 generator n03434285 generator n03434428 generic n03434549 generic drug n03434830 Geneva gown n03434943 genre n03435290 genre painting n03435382 gentamicin, Garamycin n03435593 geodesic dome n03435743 georgette n03435825 George Washington Bridge n03435991 gharry n03436075 ghat n03436182 ghetto blaster, boom box n03436290 ghillie, gillie n03436417 gift shop, novelty shop n03436549 gift wrapping n03436656 gig n03436772 gig n03436891 gig n03436990 gig n03437184 gildhall n03437295 gill net n03437430 gilt, gilding n03437581 gimbal n03437741 gingham n03437829 girandole, girandola n03437941 girder n03438071 girdle, cincture, sash, waistband, waistcloth n03438257 glass, drinking glass n03438661 glass n03438780 glass cutter n03438863 glasses case n03438952 glass eye n03439064 glassware, glasswork n03439260 glassworks n03439348 glebe house n03439491 Glen Canyon Dam n03439631 Glengarry n03439814 glider, sailplane n03440024 glipizide, Glucotrol n03440216 Global Positioning System, GPS n03440512 globe n03440682 glockenspiel, orchestral bells n03440876 glory hole, lazaretto n03441009 glossy n03441112 glove n03441345 glove compartment n03441465 glow lamp n03441582 glow tube n03441778 glutethimide, Doriden n03441930 glyburide, DiaBeta, Micronase n03442164 glyph n03442288 glyptic art, glyptography n03442487 glyptics, lithoglyptics n03442597 gnomon n03442756 goal n03443005 goalmouth n03443149 goalpost n03443371 goblet n03443461 go board n03443543 godown n03443669 goffer, gauffer n03443775 goffer, gauffer, goffering iron, gauffering iron n03443912 goggles n03444034 go-kart n03444169 Golconda n03444268 goldbrick n03444376 golden calf n03444601 Golden Gate Bridge n03444728 gold foil n03444838 gold leaf n03444942 gold medal n03445120 goldmine, gold mine n03445217 goldmine, gold mine n03445326 gold plate n03445472 gold plate n03445617 golf bag n03445777 golf ball n03445924 golfcart, golf cart n03446070 golf club, golf-club, club n03446268 golf-club head, club head, club-head, clubhead n03446528 golf course, links course n03446832 golf equipment n03447075 golf glove n03447224 golf range, driving range n03447358 golliwog, golliwogg n03447447 gondola n03447593 gondola car, gondola n03447721 gong, tam-tam n03447894 goniometer n03448031 Gordian knot n03448253 gore, panel n03448491 gorgerin, necking n03448590 gorget n03448696 gossamer n03448814 Gota Canal n03448956 Gothic arch n03449103 gouache n03449217 gouache n03449309 gouge n03449451 gourd, calabash n03449564 government building n03449858 government office n03450018 governor, regulator n03450230 gown n03450516 gown, robe n03450734 gown, surgical gown, scrubs n03450881 grab n03450974 grab bag n03451120 grab bar n03451253 grace cup n03451365 grade separation n03451473 graduate n03451711 graduated cylinder n03451798 graffito, graffiti n03451909 grail, Holy Grail, Sangraal n03452055 gramicidin n03452267 gramophone, acoustic gramophone n03452449 granary, garner n03452594 grandfather clock, longcase clock n03452741 grand piano, grand n03452953 grandstand, covered stand n03453162 grange n03453231 graniteware n03453320 granny knot, granny n03453443 grape arbor, grape arbour n03453547 grapeshot, grape n03453696 graphic, computer graphic n03453809 graphic art n03453985 graphics n03454110 grapnel, grapnel anchor n03454211 grapnel, grapple, grappler, grappling hook, grappling iron n03454442 grass skirt n03454536 grate, grating n03454707 grate, grating n03454885 grater n03455033 grave, tomb n03455279 gravel pit n03455355 graver, graving tool, pointel, pointrel n03455488 gravestone, headstone, tombstone n03455642 gravimeter, gravity meter n03455802 gravure, photogravure, heliogravure n03455923 gravure n03456024 gravy boat, gravy holder, sauceboat, boat n03456186 grey, gray n03456299 grease-gun, gun n03456447 greasepaint n03456548 greasy spoon n03456665 greatcoat, overcoat, topcoat n03456854 Greater New Orleans Bridge n03457008 great hall n03457184 great seal n03457332 Great Seal of the United States n03457451 greave, jambeau n03457578 Greek cross n03457686 greengrocery n03457793 greengrocery n03457902 greenhouse, nursery, glasshouse n03458128 greenroom n03458271 grenade n03458422 grid, gridiron n03458552 grid, control grid n03458753 grid, storage-battery grid n03458961 reef n03459159 reference grid n03459328 griddle n03459498 grigri, gres-gris, greegree n03459591 grill, grille, grillwork n03459775 grille, radiator grille n03459914 grillroom, grill n03460040 grinder n03460147 grinding wheel, emery wheel n03460297 grindstone n03460455 gripsack n03460526 grisaille n03460674 griseofulvin, Fulvicin n03460899 gristmill n03461037 grizzle n03461119 grocery, foodstuff n03461288 grocery bag n03461385 grocery store, grocery, food market, market n03461651 grogram n03461783 groin n03461882 groined vault n03461988 groover n03462110 grosgrain n03462211 gros point n03462315 gros point n03462441 grotesque n03462594 ground n03462747 ground, earth n03462972 ground bait n03463073 ground cable n03463185 ground control n03463381 ground floor, first floor, ground level n03463561 ground plan n03463666 groundsheet, ground cloth n03463832 grove, woodlet, orchard, plantation n03464053 G-string, thong n03464266 guanabenz, Wytensin n03464467 guard, safety, safety device n03464628 guard boat n03464757 guardhouse n03464952 guardroom n03465040 guardroom n03465151 guard ship n03465320 guard's van n03465426 gueridon n03465500 Guarnerius n03465605 guesthouse n03465718 guestroom n03465818 guidance system, guidance device n03466027 guide n03466162 guided missile n03466493 guided missile cruiser n03466600 guided missile frigate n03466726 guide rope n03466839 guildhall n03466947 guilloche n03467068 guillotine n03467254 guimpe n03467380 guimpe n03467517 guitar n03467796 guitar pick n03467887 gulag n03467984 gun n03468570 gunboat n03468696 gun carriage n03468821 gun case n03468900 gun deck n03469031 gun emplacement, weapons emplacement n03469175 gun enclosure, gun turret, turret n03469346 gunflint n03469493 gunlock, firing mechanism n03469687 gun muzzle, muzzle n03469832 gunnery n03469903 gunnysack, gunny sack, burlap bag n03470005 gun pendulum n03470222 gun room n03470387 gunsight, gun-sight n03470629 gun trigger, trigger n03470802 gunwale, gunnel, gun rest n03470948 gurney n03471030 gusher n03471190 gusset, inset n03471347 gusset, gusset plate n03471473 gutter, trough n03471685 gutter n03471779 guy, guy cable, guy wire, guy rope n03471974 Guy n03472112 gymnasium, gym n03472232 gymnastic apparatus, exerciser n03472535 gym shoe, sneaker, tennis shoe n03472672 gym suit n03472796 gymslip n03472937 gypsy cab n03473078 gyrocompass n03473227 gyroscope, gyro n03473465 gyrostabilizer, gyrostabiliser n03473704 haberdashery, men's furnishings n03473817 habergeon n03473966 habit n03474167 habit, riding habit n03474352 hacienda n03474467 hack n03474635 hackney, hackney carriage, hackney coach n03474779 hacksaw, hack saw, metal saw n03474896 haft, helve n03475118 Hagia Sophia, Hagia Sofia, Santa Sophia, Santa Sofia n03475421 haik, haick n03475581 hairbrush n03475674 haircloth, hair n03475823 hairdressing, hair tonic, hair oil, hair grease n03475961 hairnet n03476083 hairpiece, false hair, postiche n03476313 hairpin n03476458 hairpin bend n03476542 hair shirt n03476684 hair slide n03476843 hair space n03476991 hair spray n03477143 hairspring n03477303 hair trigger n03477410 halberd n03477512 half binding n03477674 half cross stitch n03477773 half hatchet n03477902 half hitch n03478033 half-length n03478141 half sole n03478261 halftone, halftone engraving, photoengraving n03478400 halftone n03478491 half track n03478589 half track n03478756 hall n03478907 hall n03479121 hall n03479266 Hall of Fame n03479397 hall of residence n03479502 hallstand n03479647 hallucinogen, hallucinogenic drug, psychedelic drug, psychodelic drug n03479952 hallway, hall n03480186 haloperidol, Haldol n03480367 halothane n03480579 halter n03480719 halter, hackamore n03480863 halyard, halliard n03480973 hame n03481172 hammer n03481521 hammer, power hammer n03481674 hammer n03481824 hammer, cock n03482001 hammer n03482128 hammerhead n03482252 hammock, sack n03482405 hamper n03482523 hand n03482727 hand ax, hand axe n03482877 handball n03482988 handball court n03483086 handbarrow n03483230 handbell n03483316 hand blower, blow dryer, blow drier, hair dryer, hair drier n03483531 handbow n03483637 hand brake, emergency, emergency brake, parking brake n03483823 hand calculator, pocket calculator n03483971 handcar n03484083 handcart, pushcart, cart, go-cart n03484487 hand cream n03484576 handcuff, cuff, handlock, manacle n03484809 hand drill, handheld drill n03484931 hand glass, simple microscope, magnifying glass n03485198 hand glass, hand mirror n03485309 hand grenade n03485407 hand-held computer, hand-held microcomputer n03485575 handhold n03485655 handicraft, handcraft, handiwork, handwork n03485794 handkerchief, hankie, hanky, hankey n03485997 handle, grip, handgrip, hold n03487090 handlebar n03487222 handline, hand line n03487331 handloom n03487444 hand lotion n03487533 hand luggage n03487642 hand-me-down n03487774 hand mower n03487886 hand pump n03487963 hand puppet, glove puppet, glove doll n03488111 handrest n03488188 handsaw, hand saw, carpenter's saw n03488438 handset, French telephone n03488603 hand shovel n03488784 handspike n03488887 handstamp, rubber stamp n03489048 hand throttle n03489162 hand tool n03490006 hand towel, face towel n03490119 hand truck, truck n03490324 handwear, hand wear n03490449 handwheel n03490649 handwheel n03490784 hangar queen n03490884 hanger n03491032 hang glider n03491178 hanging, wall hanging n03491491 Hanging Gardens of Babylon n03491724 hangman's rope, hangman's halter, halter, hemp, hempen necktie n03491988 hank n03492087 hansom, hansom cab n03492250 harbor, harbour n03492391 hardback, hardcover n03492542 hard disc, hard disk, fixed disk n03492717 hard drug n03492922 hard hat, tin hat, safety hat n03493079 hard shoulder n03493219 hardtop n03493333 hardware, computer hardware n03493664 hardware n03493792 hardware, ironware n03493911 hardware store, ironmonger, ironmonger's shop n03494105 harem, hareem, seraglio, serail n03494278 harmonica, mouth organ, harp, mouth harp n03494537 harmonium, organ, reed organ n03494706 harness n03495039 harness n03495258 harp n03495570 harp n03495671 harpoon n03495941 harpoon gun n03496042 harpoon line n03496183 harpoon log n03496296 harpsichord, cembalo n03496486 Harris Tweed n03496612 harrow n03496749 Harvard University, Harvard n03496892 harvester, reaper n03497100 hash house n03497182 hashish, hasheesh, haschisch, hash n03497352 hasp n03497531 hassock n03497657 hat, chapeau, lid n03498316 hatband n03498441 hatbox n03498536 hatch n03498662 hatchback, hatchback door n03498781 hatchback n03498866 hatchel, heckle n03498962 hatchet n03499142 hatchway, opening, scuttle n03499354 hatpin n03499468 hauberk, byrnie n03499611 havelock n03499796 haven, oasis n03499907 Hawaiian guitar, steel guitar n03500090 hawse, hawsehole, hawsepipe n03500209 hawser n03500295 hawser bend n03500389 hay bale n03500457 hayfork n03500557 hayloft, haymow, mow n03500699 haymaker, hay conditioner n03500838 hayrack, hayrig n03500971 hayrack n03501068 haywire n03501152 hazard n03501288 head n03501520 head n03501614 head n03501811 head n03502042 headband n03502200 headboard n03502331 head covering, veil n03502509 headdress, headgear n03502777 header n03502897 header n03503097 header, coping, cope n03503233 header, lintel n03503358 headfast n03503477 head gasket n03503567 head gate n03503718 headgear n03503908 headgear n03503997 headlight, headlamp n03504205 headpiece n03504293 headpin, kingpin n03504420 headquarters, HQ, military headquarters n03504723 headquarters, central office, main office, home office, home base n03505015 headrace n03505133 headrest n03505207 headrest, head restraint n03505383 headsail n03505504 headscarf n03505667 headset n03505764 head shop n03505942 headshot n03506028 headstall, headpiece n03506184 headstock n03506370 health spa, spa, health club n03506560 hearing aid, ear trumpet n03506727 hearing aid, deaf-aid n03506880 hearse n03507048 heart n03507241 hearth, fireside n03507458 hearthrug n03507554 hearthstone n03507658 heart-lung machine n03507857 heart valve n03507963 heat engine n03508101 heater, warmer n03508485 heat exchanger n03508628 heating element n03508881 heating pad, hot pad n03509025 heating system, heating plant, heating, heat n03509394 heat lamp, infrared lamp n03509608 heat pump n03509843 heat-seeking missile n03510072 heat shield n03510244 heat sink n03510384 heaume n03510487 heaver n03510583 heavier-than-air craft n03510866 heckelphone, basset oboe n03510987 hectograph, heliotype n03511175 hedge, hedgerow n03511333 hedge trimmer n03511426 heel n03511786 heel n03511949 heel n03512030 helicon, bombardon n03512147 helicopter, chopper, whirlybird, eggbeater n03512452 heliograph n03512624 heliometer n03512830 heliport n03512911 helm n03513137 helmet n03513376 helmet n03513627 hem n03513961 hematinic, haematinic n03514129 hematocrit, haematocrit n03514340 hemming-stitch n03514451 hemostat, haemostat n03514588 hemstitch n03514693 hemstitch, hemstitching n03514894 henroost n03514974 heparin, Lipo-Hepin, Liquaemin n03515338 heraldry n03515500 herbal medicine n03515644 herb garden n03515728 herm n03515934 hermitage n03516011 heroin, diacetylmorphine n03516266 herringbone n03516367 herringbone, herringbone pattern n03516647 Herschelian telescope, off-axis reflector n03516844 Hessian boot, hessian, jackboot, Wellington, Wellington boot n03516996 heterodyne receiver, superheterodyne receiver, superhet n03517271 hexachlorophene n03517427 hex nut n03517509 hibachi n03517647 hideaway, retreat n03517760 hi-fi, high fidelity sound system n03517899 high altar n03517982 high-angle gun n03518135 highball glass n03518230 highboard n03518305 highboy, tallboy n03518445 highchair, feeding chair n03518631 high gear, high n03518829 high-hat cymbal, high hat n03518943 highlighter n03519081 highlighter n03519226 high-pass filter n03519387 high-rise, tower block n03519578 highroad, trunk road n03519674 high table n03519848 high-warp loom n03519981 highway, main road n03520275 highway system n03520399 high wire n03520493 hijab n03520654 hilt n03520811 hindrance, hinderance, hitch, preventive, preventative, encumbrance, incumbrance, interference n03521076 hinge, flexible joint n03521431 hinging post, swinging post n03521544 hip boot, thigh boot n03521675 hipflask, pocket flask n03521771 hip pad n03521899 hip pocket n03522003 hippodrome n03522100 hip roof, hipped roof n03522239 histamine blocker n03522559 hit n03522634 hitch n03522863 hitch n03522990 hitching post n03523134 hitchrack, hitching bar n03523288 hob n03523398 hob n03523506 hobble skirt n03523633 hobby, hobbyhorse, rocking horse n03523849 hobnail n03523987 hockey skate n03524150 hockey stick n03524287 hod n03524425 hodoscope n03524574 hoe n03524745 hoe handle n03524840 hogan n03524976 hogshead n03525074 hoist n03525252 hold, keep n03525372 hold n03525454 holder n03525693 holding cell n03525827 holding device n03526062 holding pen, holding paddock, holding yard n03526198 hole n03526805 hole, golf hole n03527000 hole card n03527149 hollowware, holloware n03527243 hologram, holograph n03527444 holster n03527565 holster n03527675 holy of holies, sanctum sanctorum n03527930 Holy Sepulcher, Holy Sepulchre n03528100 home, nursing home, rest home n03528263 home appliance, household appliance n03528523 home computer n03528622 home court n03528761 home-farm n03528901 home plate, home base, home, plate n03529175 home room, homeroom n03529444 homespun n03529629 homestead n03529740 homestretch n03529860 home theater, home theatre n03530041 homing device n03530189 homing torpedo n03530326 homolosine projection n03530511 hone n03530642 honeycomb n03530803 honkytonk, dive n03530910 hood, bonnet, cowl, cowling n03531281 hood n03531447 hood n03531546 hood, exhaust hood n03531691 hood n03531808 hood, lens hood n03531982 hood latch n03532080 hoodoo n03532187 hood ornament n03532342 hook n03532672 hook, claw n03532919 hook n03533014 hookah, narghile, nargileh, sheesha, shisha, chicha, calean, kalian, water pipe, hubble-bubble, hubbly-bubbly n03533392 hook and eye n03533486 hookup, assemblage n03533654 hookup n03533845 hook wrench, hook spanner n03533972 hoop, ring n03534429 hoop n03534580 hoopskirt, crinoline n03534695 hoosegow, hoosgow n03534776 Hoover n03534890 Hoover Dam n03535024 hope chest, wedding chest n03535186 hop garden, hop field n03535284 hopper n03535429 hop-picker, hopper n03535526 hop pole n03535647 hopsacking, hopsack n03535780 horizontal bar, high bar n03535970 horizontal section n03536122 horizontal stabilizer, horizontal stabiliser, tailplane n03536348 horizontal surface, level n03536568 horizontal tail n03536761 horn n03536931 horn, saddle horn n03537085 horn n03537241 horn n03537412 horn button n03537550 hornpipe, pibgorn, stockhorn n03537714 horoscope n03537866 horror n03538037 horse, gymnastic horse n03538179 horsebox n03538300 horsecar n03538406 horse cart, horse-cart n03538542 horsecloth n03538634 horse-drawn vehicle n03538817 horsehair n03538957 horsehair wig n03539103 horseless carriage n03539293 horse pistol, horse-pistol n03539433 horseshoe, shoe n03539546 horseshoe n03539678 horse-trail n03539754 horsewhip n03539875 hose, hosepipe n03540090 hose n03540267 hosiery, hose n03540476 hospice n03540595 hospital, infirmary n03540914 hospital bed n03541091 hospital room n03541269 hospital ship n03541393 hospital train n03541537 hostel, youth hostel, student lodging n03541696 hostel, hostelry, inn, lodge, auberge n03541923 hot-air balloon n03542073 hotbed n03542220 hotbox n03542333 hotel n03542605 hotel-casino, casino-hotel n03542727 hotel-casino, casino-hotel n03542860 hotel room n03543012 hot line n03543112 hot pants n03543254 hot plate, hotplate n03543394 hot rod, hot-rod n03543511 hot spot, hotspot n03543603 hot tub n03543735 hot-water bottle, hot-water bag n03543945 houndstooth check, hound's-tooth check, dogstooth check, dogs-tooth check, dog's-tooth check n03544143 hourglass n03544238 hour hand, little hand n03544360 house n03545150 house n03545470 houseboat n03545585 houselights n03545756 house of cards, cardhouse, card-house, cardcastle n03545961 house of correction n03546112 house paint, housepaint n03546235 housetop n03546340 housing, lodging, living accommodations n03546766 housing n03547054 hovel, hut, hutch, shack, shanty n03547229 hovercraft, ground-effect machine n03547397 howdah, houdah n03547530 huarache, huaraches n03547658 hub n03547861 hub-and-spoke, hub-and-spoke system n03548086 hubcap n03548195 huck, huckaback n03548320 hug-me-tight n03548402 hula-hoop n03548533 hulk n03548626 hull n03548797 Humber Bridge n03548930 humeral veil, veil n03549097 humming top n03549199 Humvee, Hum-Vee n03549350 hunter, hunting watch n03549473 hunting knife n03549589 hurdle n03549732 hurricane deck, hurricane roof, promenade deck, awning deck n03549897 hurricane lamp, hurricane lantern, tornado lantern, storm lantern, storm lamp n03550153 hut, army hut, field hut n03550289 hutch n03550420 hutment n03550533 hydantoin n03550671 hydralazine, Apresoline n03550916 hydrant n03551084 hydraulic brake, hydraulic brakes n03551395 hydraulic press n03551582 hydraulic pump, hydraulic ram n03551790 hydraulic system n03552001 hydraulic transmission, hydraulic transmission system n03552169 hydrochlorothiazide, Microzide, Esidrix, HydroDIURIL n03552449 hydroelectric turbine n03552639 hydroflumethiazide n03552749 hydrofoil, hydroplane n03553019 hydrofoil, foil n03553248 hydrogen bomb, H-bomb, fusion bomb, thermonuclear bomb n03553486 hydrometer, gravimeter n03553708 hydromorphone hydrochloride, hydromorphone, Dilaudid n03553908 hydroxychloroquine, Plaquenil n03554131 hydroxyzine hydrochloride, hydroxyzine, Atarax, Vistaril n03554375 hygrodeik n03554460 hygrometer n03554645 hygroscope n03554795 hyoscyamine n03555006 hyperbaric chamber n03555217 hypercoaster n03555426 hypermarket n03555564 hypodermic needle n03555662 hypodermic syringe, hypodermic, hypo n03555862 hypsometer n03555996 hysterosalpingogram n03556173 I-beam n03556281 ibuprofen, isobutylphenyl propionic acid, Advil, Motrin, Nuprin n03556679 ice ax, ice axe, piolet n03556811 iceboat, ice yacht, scooter n03556992 icebreaker, iceboat n03557141 ice cube n03557270 iced-tea spoon n03557360 ice hockey rink, ice-hockey rink n03557512 icehouse n03557590 ice machine n03557692 ice maker n03557840 ice pack, ice bag n03558007 icepick, ice pick n03558176 ice rink, ice-skating rink, ice n03558404 ice skate n03558633 ice tongs n03558739 icetray n03558841 ice wagon, ice-wagon n03558971 icon, ikon n03559144 iconography n03559373 iconoscope n03559531 Identikit, Identikit picture n03559841 Iditarod Trail n03559999 idle pulley, idler pulley, idle wheel n03560161 idol, graven image, god n03560430 igloo, iglu n03560567 ignition, ignition system n03560860 ignition coil n03561047 ignition key n03561169 ignition switch n03561345 illustration n03561573 imaret n03561657 imbrication, overlapping, lapping n03561889 imipramine, impramine hydrochloride, Imavate, Tofranil n03562126 imitation n03562262 counterfeit, forgery n03562408 immersion heater n03562565 immovable bandage n03562739 immunogen, immunizing agent n03562958 immunosuppressant, immunosuppressor, immunosuppressive drug, immunosuppressive, immune suppressant drug n03563200 impact printer n03563358 impedimenta n03563460 impeller n03563611 imperial n03563710 implant n03563967 implement n03564667 import, importation n03564849 impression n03565051 Impressionism n03565288 imprint n03565402 improvisation n03565565 improvised explosive device, I.E.D., IED n03565710 impulse turbine n03565830 in-basket, in-tray n03565991 incendiary bomb, incendiary, firebomb n03566193 incinerator n03566329 inclined plane n03566555 inclinometer, dip circle n03566730 inclinometer n03566860 incrustation, encrustation n03567066 incubator, brooder n03567325 indapamide, Lozal n03567474 Independence Hall n03567635 index register n03567788 Indiaman n03567912 Indian club n03568008 Indian trail n03568117 indicator n03568430 indinavir, Crixivan n03568561 indirect lighting n03568653 indomethacin, Indocin n03568818 induction coil n03569014 inductor, inductance n03569174 industrial watercourse n03569293 inertial guidance system, inertial navigation system n03569494 inflater, inflator n03569657 infliximab, Remicade n03569964 infrastructure, base n03570372 infrastructure, substructure n03570526 ingot, metal bar, block of metal n03570709 ingredient n03570838 inhalation anesthetic, inhalation anaesthetic, inhalation general anesthetic, inhalation general anaesthetic n03571155 inhalant, inhalation n03571280 inhaler, inhalator n03571439 injector n03571625 ink bottle, inkpot n03571706 ink cartridge n03571853 ink eraser n03571942 ink-jet printer n03572107 inkle n03572205 inkstand n03572321 inkwell, inkstand n03572449 inlay n03572631 inlay n03572832 inlet manifold n03573005 inner tube n03573154 input n03573282 insert, inset n03573464 inset n03573574 inside caliper n03573739 inside clinch n03573848 insole, innersole n03574004 inspiration, brainchild n03574243 instep n03574416 instillator n03574555 institution n03574816 instrument n03575240 instrumentality, instrumentation n03575691 instrument of execution n03575958 instrument of punishment n03576215 instrument of torture n03576443 intaglio, diaglyph n03576617 intake, inlet n03576779 intake manifold n03576955 intake valve n03577090 integrated circuit, microcircuit n03577312 integrator, planimeter n03577474 Intelnet n03577672 interceptor n03577818 interchange n03578055 intercommunication system, intercom n03578251 intercontinental ballistic missile, ICBM n03578435 interface n03578656 interface, port n03578981 interferometer n03579137 interferon n03579355 interior decoration, decor n03579538 interior door n03579699 interlayer n03579791 interlock, ignition interlock n03579982 internal-combustion engine, ICE n03580518 internal drive n03580615 internet, net, cyberspace n03580845 interphone n03580990 interrupter n03581125 intersection, crossroad, crossway, crossing, carrefour n03581354 interstate, interstate highway n03581531 interstice n03581634 intoxicant n03581756 intranet n03581897 intraocular lens n03582096 intrauterine device, IUD n03582305 intravenous anesthetic n03582508 intravenous pyelogram, IVP n03582658 invention, innovation n03582840 inverted pleat n03582959 inverter n03583109 iodochlorhydroxyquin, Clioquinol n03583252 iodoform, triiodomethane n03583419 ion engine n03583621 ionization chamber, ionization tube n03583809 ion pump n03583967 ipecac n03584111 ipratropium bromide, Atrovent n03584254 iPod n03584400 video iPod n03584526 iproclozide n03584649 iris, iris diaphragm n03584829 iron, smoothing iron n03585073 iron n03585337 iron, branding iron n03585438 irons, chains n03585551 ironclad n03585682 iron foundry n03585778 iron horse n03585875 ironing n03586090 ironing board n03586219 iron lung n03586448 iron maiden n03586631 ironmongery n03586760 ironwork n03586911 ironworks n03587050 irregular, second n03587205 irrigation ditch n03587318 island n03587442 isocarboxazid, Marplan n03587623 isoflurane n03587715 isoniazid, INH, Nydrazid n03587874 isoproterenol, Isuprel n03588046 isosorbide, Isordil n03588216 izar n03588414 item n03588668 itraconazole, Sporanox n03588841 jabot n03588951 jack n03589093 jack, knave n03589220 jack n03589313 jack, jackstones n03589513 jack n03589672 jack n03589791 jacket n03590306 jacket n03590475 jacket n03590588 jack-in-the-box n03590732 jacklight n03590841 jack-o'-lantern n03590932 jack plane n03591028 jackscrew, screw jack n03591116 Jacob's ladder, jack ladder, pilot ladder n03591313 jaconet n03591465 jackstraw, spillikin n03591592 Jacquard loom, Jacquard n03591798 jacquard n03591901 jag, dag n03592055 jag n03592245 jail, jailhouse, gaol, clink, slammer, poky, pokey n03592669 jalousie n03592773 jamb n03592931 jammer n03593034 jampan n03593122 jampot, jamjar n03593222 japan n03593362 japan n03593526 jar n03593862 Jarvik heart, Jarvik artificial heart n03594010 jaunting car, jaunty car n03594148 javelin n03594277 jaw n03594523 Jaws of Life n03594734 jean, blue jean, denim n03594945 jeep, landrover n03595055 jellaba n03595179 je ne sais quoi n03595264 jerkin n03595409 jeroboam, double-magnum n03595523 jersey n03595614 jersey, T-shirt, tee shirt n03595737 Jerusalem cross n03595860 jet, jet plane, jet-propelled plane n03596099 jet bridge n03596285 jet engine n03596543 jetliner n03596639 jetsam n03596787 jewel, gem, precious stone n03597147 jeweler's glass n03597317 jewelled headdress, jeweled headdress n03597469 jewelry, jewellery n03597916 jew's harp, jews' harp, mouth bow n03598151 jib n03598299 jibboom n03598385 jig n03598515 jig n03598646 jiggermast, jigger n03598783 jigsaw, scroll saw, fretsaw n03598930 jigsaw puzzle n03599111 jim crow n03599212 jimdandy, jimhickey, crackerjack n03599351 jimmy, jemmy n03599486 jinrikisha, ricksha, rickshaw n03599628 job n03599761 job n03599964 jobcentre n03600169 job-oriented terminal n03600285 jodhpurs, jodhpur breeches, riding breeches n03600475 jodhpur, jodhpur boot, jodhpur shoe n03600617 Johns Hopkins n03600722 joinery n03600806 joint, marijuana cigarette, reefer, stick, spliff n03600977 joint n03601335 joint n03601442 Joint Direct Attack Munition, JDAM n03601638 jointer, jointer plane, jointing plane, long plane n03601840 joist n03601964 joker n03602081 jolly boat, jolly n03602194 jorum n03602267 joss n03602365 joss house n03602465 journal n03602562 journal n03602686 journal bearing n03602790 journal box n03602883 joystick n03603119 judas n03603199 juke, jook, juke joint, jook joint, juke house, jook house n03603442 jungle gym n03603594 junk n03603722 jug n03603878 Juggernaut n03603958 juju, voodoo, hoodoo, fetish, fetich n03604156 jukebox, nickelodeon n03604311 jumbojet, jumbo jet n03604400 jumper, pinafore, pinny n03604536 jumper n03604629 jumper n03604763 jumper n03604843 jumper cable, jumper lead, lead, booster cable n03605073 jumping jack n03605233 jump rope, skip rope, skipping rope n03605417 jump seat n03605504 jump suit n03605598 jump suit, jumpsuit n03605722 junction n03605915 junction, conjunction n03606106 junction barrier, barrier strip n03606251 junk shop n03606347 jury box n03606465 jury mast n03606572 K, jet, super acid, special K, honey oil, green, cat valium, super C n03606719 Kaaba, Caaba n03607029 kachina n03607186 kaffiyeh n03607358 Kakemono n03607527 kalansuwa n03607659 Kalashnikov n03607756 kaleidoscope n03607923 kameez n03608074 kamikaze n03608224 Kammon Strait Bridge n03608356 kanamycin, Kantrex n03608504 kanzu n03608661 Kaopectate n03608870 kat, khat, qat, quat, cat, Arabian tea, African tea n03609147 katharometer n03609235 kayak n03609397 kazoo n03609542 keel n03609786 keelboat n03609959 keelson n03610098 keep, donjon, dungeon n03610270 keepsake, souvenir, token, relic n03610418 keg n03610524 kennel, doghouse, dog house n03610682 kepi, peaked cap, service cap, yachting cap n03610836 keratoscope n03610992 kerchief n03611169 kern n03611314 Kerr cell n03611590 ketamine, ketamine hydrochloride, Ketalar n03612010 ketch n03612134 ketoprofen, Orudis, Orudis KT, Oruvail n03612378 ketorolac, Torodal n03612559 ketorolac tromethamine, Acular, Toradol n03612814 kettle, boiler n03612965 kettle, kettledrum, tympanum, tympani, timpani n03613294 key n03613592 key n03613873 keyboard n03614007 keyboard n03614383 keyboard buffer n03614532 keyboard instrument n03614782 keyhole n03614887 keyhole saw n03615037 key ring n03615133 keystone, key, headstone n03615300 khadi, khaddar n03615406 khaki n03615563 khakis n03615655 khimar n03615790 khukuri n03615987 kibble n03616091 kick pleat n03616225 kicksorter, pulse height analyzer n03616428 kickstand n03616763 kick starter, kick start n03616979 kid glove, suede glove n03617095 kiln n03617312 kilt n03617480 kimono n03617594 kinescope, picture tube, television tube n03617834 Kinetoscope n03618101 king n03618219 king n03618339 king n03618546 kingbolt, kingpin, swivel pin n03618678 king post n03618797 Kipp's apparatus n03618982 kirk n03619050 kirpan n03619196 kirtle n03619275 kirtle n03619396 kit, outfit n03619650 kit n03619793 kitbag, kit bag n03619890 kitchen n03620052 kitchen appliance n03620353 kitchenette n03620443 kitchen garden, vegetable garden, vegetable patch n03620600 kitchen island n03620730 kitchen match n03620889 kitchen sink n03620967 kitchen table n03621049 kitchen utensil n03621377 kitchenware n03621473 kite n03621694 kite balloon n03621826 kite tail n03621935 kitsch n03622058 klaxon, claxon n03622207 Klein bottle n03622401 klieg light n03622526 klystron n03622698 knee n03622839 knee brace n03622931 knee-high, knee-hi n03623073 kneeler n03623198 knee pad n03623338 knee piece n03623448 knickknack, novelty n03623556 knife n03624134 knife n03624400 knife blade n03624497 knife edge, cutting edge n03624653 knife pleat n03624767 knight, horse n03624966 knit, knitting, knitwork n03625226 knit, knit stitch, plain, plain stitch n03625355 knit n03625539 knitting machine n03625646 knitting needle n03625783 knitting stitch n03625943 knitwear n03626014 knob n03626115 knob, boss n03626272 knob, pommel n03626418 knobble n03626502 knobkerrie, knobkerry n03626658 knockabout n03626760 knocker, doorknocker, rapper n03626925 knockoff, clone n03627021 knockout drops n03627232 knot n03627819 knout n03627954 knuckle joint, hinge joint n03628071 kohl n03628215 koto n03628421 kraal n03628511 kremlin n03628590 Kremlin n03628728 kris, creese, crease n03628831 krummhorn, crumhorn, cromorne n03628984 Kundt's tube n03629100 Kurdistan n03629231 kurta n03629401 kylie, kiley n03629520 kylix, cylix n03629643 kymograph, cymograph n03629857 laager, lager n03629986 lab, laboratory, research lab, research laboratory, science lab, science laboratory n03630262 lab bench, laboratory bench n03630383 lab coat, laboratory coat n03630544 labetalol, labetalol hydrochloride, Trandate, Normodyne n03630849 labor camp, labour camp n03630992 Labyrinth of Minos n03631177 lace n03631445 lace, lacing n03631710 lacework n03631811 lacquer n03631922 lacquerware n03632100 lacrosse ball n03632189 lacuna, blank n03632277 ladder n03632577 ladder-back n03632729 ladder-back, ladder-back chair n03632852 ladder truck, aerial ladder truck n03632963 ladies' room, powder room n03633091 ladle n03633341 lady chapel n03633474 lagan, lagend, ligan n03633632 lagerphone n03633886 lag screw, lag bolt n03634034 lake dwelling, pile dwelling n03634189 Lake Mead n03634469 Lake Powell n03634723 Lake Volta n03634899 lally, lally column n03635032 lamasery n03635108 lambrequin n03635236 lambrequin n03635330 lame n03635452 lamella n03635516 laminar flow clean room n03635668 laminate n03635932 lamination n03636062 lamivudine, 3TC n03636248 lamp n03636649 lamp n03636891 lamp chimney, chimney n03637027 lamp house, lamphouse, lamp housing n03637181 lamppost n03637318 lampshade, lamp shade n03637480 lanai n03637618 lancet, lance n03637787 lancet arch, lancet n03637898 lancet window n03638014 landau n03638180 lander n03638321 landing, landing place n03638511 landing n03638623 landing craft n03638743 landing flap n03638883 landing gear n03639077 landing net n03639230 landing skid n03639360 landing stage n03639497 land line, landline n03639675 land mine, ground-emplaced mine, booby trap n03639880 land office n03640011 landscape, landscape painting n03640166 landscape n03640288 landscaping n03640456 landside n03640589 lane n03640660 lane n03640850 lanolin n03640988 lantern n03641134 lantern pinion, lantern wheel n03641302 lanyard, laniard n03641451 lanyard, laniard n03641569 lanyard, laniard n03641706 lap, overlap n03641947 lap, lap covering n03642144 laparoscope n03642341 lapboard n03642444 lapel n03642573 lap joint, splice n03642716 lappet n03642806 laptop, laptop computer n03642928 larboard, port n03643149 laryngoscope n03643253 laser, optical maser n03643491 laser-guided bomb, LGB n03643737 laser printer n03643907 lash, thong n03644073 lashing n03644248 lash-up, contrivance n03644378 lasso, lariat, riata, reata n03644532 last, shoemaker's last, cobbler's last n03644698 Lastex n03644858 latch n03645011 latch, door latch n03645168 latchet n03645290 latchkey n03645411 latchstring n03645577 lateen, lateen sail n03645730 lateen-rig n03645866 Lateran Palace n03646020 latex paint, latex, rubber-base paint n03646148 lath n03646296 lathe n03646546 lathi, lathee n03646695 Latin cross n03646809 latrine n03646916 lattice, latticework, fretwork n03647108 laudanum, tincture of opium n03647291 laugh track n03647423 launch n03647520 launcher, rocket launcher n03647691 launching pad, launchpad, launch pad, launch area, pad n03647872 launderette, Laundromat n03648066 laundry n03648219 laundry, wash, washing, washables n03648431 laundry cart n03648527 laundry detergent n03648667 laundry truck n03648804 laurel, laurel wreath, bay wreath n03649003 lavalava n03649161 lavaliere, lavalier, lavalliere n03649288 laver n03649459 court, lawcourt, court of law, court of justice n03649674 lawn chair, garden chair n03649797 lawn furniture n03649909 lawn mower, mower n03650084 laxative n03650173 layer, bed n03650551 layette n03650682 lay figure n03650803 lazaretto, lazaret, lazarette, lazar house, pesthouse n03650973 lazy daisy stitch n03651084 lead, pencil lead n03651265 lead, leading n03651388 lead-acid battery, lead-acid accumulator n03651605 lead-in n03651739 leading edge n03651843 leading rein n03651947 lead line, sounding line n03652100 lead pencil n03652226 leaf n03652389 leaf spring n03652530 Leaning Tower, Leaning Tower of Pisa n03652729 lean-to n03652826 lean-to tent n03652932 leash, tether, lead n03653110 leatherette, imitation leather n03653220 leather strip n03653376 leatherwork n03653454 Leclanche cell n03653583 lectern, reading desk n03653740 lecture room n03653833 lederhosen n03653975 ledger board n03654086 leflunomide, Arava n03654374 left field, leftfield, left n03654576 leg n03654826 leg n03655072 legging, leging, leg covering n03655295 Lego, Lego set n03655470 Leiden jar, Leyden jar n03655589 leister n03655720 leisure wear n03655838 lemon, stinker n03656011 lemon grove n03656091 lending library, circulating library n03656231 length n03656374 lenitive n03656484 lens, lense, lens system n03656957 lens, electron lens n03657121 lens cap, lens cover n03657239 lens implant, interocular lens implant, IOL n03657511 leotard, unitard, body suit, cat suit n03657825 lethal dose n03657918 letter bomb, parcel bomb, package bomb n03658102 letter case n03658185 letter opener, paper knife, paperknife n03658373 levallorphan, Lorfan n03658635 levee n03658759 levee n03658858 level, spirit level n03659122 level crossing, grade crossing n03659292 lever n03659686 lever, lever tumbler n03659809 lever n03659950 lever lock n03660124 Levi's, levis n03660228 Liberty Bell n03660394 liberty cap n03660562 Liberty ship n03660664 library, depository library n03660909 library n03661043 library n03661180 license plate, numberplate n03661340 lid n03661621 lidar n03661861 lido n03662016 Lidocaine, Xylocaine n03662207 lido deck n03662301 Liebig condenser n03662452 lie detector n03662601 lifeboat n03662719 life buoy, lifesaver, life belt, life ring n03662887 life jacket, life vest, cork jacket n03663069 lifeline n03663234 lifeline n03663332 life mask n03663433 life office n03663531 life preserver, preserver, flotation device n03663781 life raft, Carling float n03663910 life-support system, life support n03664159 life-support system, life support n03664374 lift n03664514 lift n03664675 lifting device n03664840 lift pump n03664943 ligament n03665083 ligature n03665232 ligature n03665366 light, light source n03665851 light arm n03665924 light bulb, lightbulb, bulb, incandescent lamp, electric light, electric-light bulb n03666238 light circuit, lighting circuit n03666362 light-emitting diode, LED n03666591 lighter, light, igniter, ignitor n03666917 lighter-than-air craft n03667060 light filter, diffusing screen n03667235 lighting n03667380 lighting fixture n03667552 light machine gun n03667664 light meter, exposure meter, photometer n03667829 light microscope n03668067 lightning rod, lightning conductor n03668279 light pen, electronic stylus n03668488 lightship n03668642 likeness, semblance n03668803 Lilo n03668906 limb n03669094 limb n03669245 limber n03669367 limbers n03669534 limekiln n03669665 limelight, calcium light n03669886 limiter, clipper n03670208 limousine, limo n03670339 linchpin, lynchpin n03670456 Lincoln Memorial n03670622 lincomycin, Lincocin n03670849 line n03671272 line, railway line, rail line n03671473 line n03671668 line, product line, line of products, line of merchandise, business line, line of business n03671914 linear accelerator, linac n03672097 linecut, line block, line engraving n03672245 linecut, line engraving n03672352 linen n03672521 linen n03672638 line of defense, line of defence n03672827 line printer, line-at-a-time printer n03673027 liner, ocean liner n03673270 liner, lining n03673450 lingerie, intimate apparel n03673594 liniment, embrocation n03673767 lining, liner n03673971 link, linkup, tie, tie-in n03674270 link, data link n03674440 linkage n03674591 links, golf links n03674731 Link trainer n03674842 linocut n03674946 linocut n03675076 linoleum knife, linoleum cutter n03675235 Linotype, Linotype machine n03675445 linsey-woolsey n03675558 linstock n03675780 lint n03675907 lion-jaw forceps n03676006 lip balm n03676087 lip-gloss n03676175 lipid-lowering medicine, lipid-lowering medication, statin drug, statin n03676483 lipstick, lip rouge n03676623 liqueur glass n03676759 liquid crystal display, LCD n03677026 liquid detergent n03677115 liquid metal reactor n03677231 liquid soap n03677308 lisinopril, Prinival, Zestril n03677540 lisle, lisle thread n03677682 lisle n03677766 lister, lister plow, lister plough, middlebreaker, middle buster n03677976 lithograph, lithograph machine n03678220 lithograph n03678362 litter n03678558 litterbin, litter basket, litter-basket n03678729 little theater, little theatre n03678879 live axle, driving axle n03679037 live load, superload n03679174 livery n03679274 livery stable n03679384 living quarters, quarters n03679712 living room, living-room, sitting room, front room, parlor, parlour n03679986 load, loading, burden n03680248 load n03680355 Loafer n03680512 loaner n03680629 loan office n03680734 lobe n03680858 lobster pot n03680942 local n03681148 local anesthetic, local anaesthetic, local, topical anesthetic, topical anaesthetic n03681477 local area network, LAN n03681813 local oscillator, heterodyne oscillator n03682024 local road, local street n03682189 location n03682380 Lochaber ax n03682487 lock n03682877 lock, ignition lock n03683079 lock, lock chamber n03683341 lock n03683457 lockage n03683606 locker n03683708 locker room n03683995 locket n03684143 lock-gate n03684224 locking pliers n03684338 locknut, safety nut n03684489 lockring, lock ring, lock washer n03684611 lockstitch n03684740 lockup n03684823 locomotive, engine, locomotive engine, railway locomotive n03685307 lodge, indian lodge n03685486 lodge, hunting lodge n03685640 lodge n03685820 lodging house, rooming house n03685962 Loestrin n03686130 loft, attic, garret n03686363 loft, pigeon loft n03686470 loft n03686658 log n03686924 log cabin n03687003 loge n03687137 loggia n03687306 logic element n03687448 log line n03687604 Lomotil n03687688 lomustine n03687820 longboat n03687928 longbow n03688066 long iron n03688192 long johns n03688316 longshot n03688405 long sleeve n03688504 long tom n03688605 long trousers, long pants n03688707 long underwear, union suit n03688832 looking glass, glass n03688943 lookout, observation tower, lookout station, observatory n03689157 loom n03689347 loop n03689443 loophole n03689570 loop knot n03689700 loop-line n03689840 Lo/Ovral n03690005 lorazepam, Ativan n03690168 lorgnette n03690279 Lorraine cross, cross of Lorraine n03690473 lorry, camion n03690600 lorry n03690695 lost-and-found n03690851 lota n03690938 lotion n03691128 lotion, application n03691459 loudspeaker, speaker, speaker unit, loudspeaker system, speaker system n03691817 lounge, waiting room, waiting area n03692004 lounger n03692136 lounging jacket, smoking jacket n03692272 lounging pajama, lounging pyjama n03692379 loungewear n03692522 loupe, jeweler's loupe n03692676 louver, louvre, fin n03692842 louvered window, jalousie n03692942 Louvre, Louvre Museum n03693089 lovastatin, Mevacor n03693293 love knot, lovers' knot, lover's knot, true lovers' knot, true lover's knot n03693474 love seat, loveseat, tete-a-tete, vis-a-vis n03693617 love-token n03693707 loving cup n03693860 lowboy n03693973 lower berth, lower n03694098 lower deck, third deck n03694196 low-pass filter n03694356 low-warp-loom n03694490 loxapine, Loxitane n03694639 LP, L-P n03694761 L-plate n03694949 lubber's hole n03695122 lubricating system, force-feed lubricating system, force feed, pressure-feed lubricating system, pressure feed n03695452 luff n03695616 lug n03695753 luge n03695857 Luger n03695957 luggage carrier n03696065 luggage compartment, automobile trunk, trunk n03696301 luggage rack, roof rack n03696445 lugger n03696568 lugsail, lug n03696746 lug wrench n03696909 lumberjack, lumber jacket n03697007 lumbermill, sawmill n03697109 lumber room n03697265 lumberyard n03697366 lunar excursion module, lunar module, LEM n03697552 lunchroom n03697665 lunette, fenestella n03697812 lunette n03697913 lungi, lungyi, longyi n03698123 lunula n03698226 lusterware n03698360 lute n03698604 luxury liner, express luxury liner n03698723 lyceum n03698815 lychgate, lichgate n03698977 lymphangiogram n03699138 lypressin n03699280 lyre n03699396 lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD n03699591 machete, matchet, panga n03699754 machicolation n03699975 machine n03700963 machine, simple machine n03701191 machine bolt n03701391 machine gun n03701640 machinery n03701790 machine screw n03701947 machine shop n03702067 machine stitch, sewing-machine stitch n03702248 machine tool n03702440 machinist's vise, metalworking vise n03702582 machmeter n03702719 macintosh, mackintosh, mac, mack n03702904 Mackinac Bridge n03703075 mackinaw n03703203 mackinaw, Mackinaw boat n03703320 mackinaw, Mackinaw blanket n03703463 mackinaw, Mackinaw coat n03703590 mackintosh, macintosh n03703730 macrame n03703862 madras n03703945 Mae West, air jacket n03704038 magazine, powder store, powder magazine n03704210 magazine n03704376 magazine, cartridge n03704549 magazine rack n03704640 magic bullet n03704834 magic lantern n03704926 magic realism n03705134 Maginot Line n03705379 magnet n03705808 magnetic bottle n03706016 magnetic bubble memory n03706229 magnetic compass n03706415 magnetic core memory, core memory n03706653 magnetic disk, magnetic disc, disk, disc n03706939 magnetic head n03707171 magnetic mine n03707372 magnetic needle n03707597 magnetic recorder n03707766 magnetic stripe n03708036 magnetic tape, mag tape, tape n03708425 magneto, magnetoelectric machine n03708672 magnetograph n03708843 magnetometer, gaussmeter n03708962 magnetron n03709206 magnifier n03709363 magnum n03709454 magnum opus n03709545 magnus hitch n03709644 mail n03709823 mailbag, postbag n03709960 mailbag, mail pouch n03710079 mailboat, mail boat, packet, packet boat n03710193 mailbox, letter box n03710294 mail car n03710421 maildrop n03710528 mailer n03710637 maillot n03710721 maillot, tank suit n03710819 mail slot n03710937 mailsorter n03711044 mail train n03711145 main n03711384 main course n03711459 main deck, second deck n03711603 main drag n03711711 mainframe, mainframe computer n03711897 main line n03711999 mainmast n03712111 main rotor n03712337 mainsail n03712444 mainspring n03712637 mainstay n03712729 main street, high street n03712887 main-topmast n03712981 main-topsail n03713069 main yard n03713151 maisonette, maisonnette n03713254 maisonette, maisonnette n03713436 majolica, maiolica n03713556 major suit n03713736 major tranquilizer, major tranquillizer, major tranquilliser, antipsychotic drug, antipsychotic agent, antipsychotic, neuroleptic drug, neuroleptic agent, neuroleptic n03714235 makeup, make-up, war paint n03714610 makeweight n03714721 makeweight, filler n03714899 making n03715114 Maksutov telescope n03715275 malacca, malacca cane n03715386 mallet, beetle n03715669 mallet, hammer n03715892 mallet n03716091 Maltese cross n03716228 mammogram n03716327 man, piece n03716656 mandala n03716887 mandola n03716966 mandolin n03717131 manger, trough n03717285 mangle n03717447 manhole n03717622 manhole cover n03717750 manifold n03717921 mannequin, manikin, mannikin, manakin, form n03718056 mannitol, Osmitrol n03718212 man-of-war, ship of the line n03718335 manometer n03718458 manor, manor house n03718581 manor hall, hall n03718699 MANPAD n03718789 mansard, mansard roof n03718935 manse n03719053 mansion, mansion house, manse, hall, residence n03719249 manta n03719343 mantel, mantelpiece, mantle, mantlepiece, chimneypiece n03719560 mantelet, mantilla n03719650 mantelet, mantlet n03719743 mantilla n03719826 mantrap n03719911 mantua n03720005 Mao jacket n03720163 map n03720443 map projection n03720665 maquiladora n03720891 maraca n03721047 marble n03721169 marble n03721252 marching order n03721384 marimba, xylophone n03721590 marina n03721691 Marineland n03721797 marker n03722007 marker n03722169 market garden n03722288 marketplace, market place, mart, market n03722552 marline n03722646 marlinespike, marlinspike, marlingspike n03722827 marmite n03722944 marocain, crepe marocain n03723054 maroon n03723153 marquee, marquise n03723267 marquetry, marqueterie n03723439 marriage bed n03723534 marseille n03723653 marshalling yard n03723781 martello tower n03723885 martingale n03724066 mascara n03724176 maser n03724417 masher n03724538 mashie, five iron n03724623 mashie niblick, seven iron n03724756 masjid, musjid n03724870 mask n03725035 mask n03725198 masking piece, masking n03725355 masking tape, masking paper n03725506 Masonite n03725600 Mason jar n03725717 masonry n03725869 mason's level n03725968 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT n03726116 massage parlor n03726233 massage parlor n03726371 mass spectrograph n03726516 mass spectrometer, spectrometer n03726760 mast n03726993 mast n03727067 mastaba, mastabah n03727274 master, master copy, original n03727465 master bedroom n03727605 masterpiece, chef-d'oeuvre n03727738 masthead n03727837 mat n03727946 mat, gym mat n03728131 mat n03728318 mat, matting n03728437 match, lucifer, friction match n03728811 match, mate n03728982 match n03729131 matchboard n03729308 matchbook n03729402 matchbox n03729482 matchlock n03729647 match plane, tonguing and grooving plane n03729826 matchstick n03729951 material n03730153 materiel, equipage n03730334 maternity hospital n03730494 maternity ward n03730655 matrix n03730788 Matthew Walker, Matthew Walker knot n03730893 matting n03731019 mattock n03731164 mattress n03731483 mattress cover n03731590 mattress pad n03731695 maul, sledge, sledgehammer n03731882 maulstick, mahlstick n03732020 Mauser n03732114 mausoleum n03732252 Mausoleum at Halicarnasus n03732458 maxi n03732543 Maxim gun n03732658 maximum and minimum thermometer n03732828 Maxzide n03732992 Mayflower n03733131 maypole n03733281 maze, labyrinth n03733465 mazer n03733547 means n03733644 measure n03733805 measuring cup n03733925 measuring instrument, measuring system, measuring device n03735637 measuring stick, measure, measuring rod n03735963 meat counter n03736064 meat grinder n03736147 meat hook n03736269 meat house n03736372 meat safe n03736470 meat thermometer n03736674 mebendazole n03736809 Meccano, Meccano set n03736970 mechanical device n03737912 mechanical drawing n03738066 mechanical piano, Pianola, player piano n03738241 mechanical system n03738472 mechanism n03739136 meclizine, meclizine hydrochloride, Antivert n03739327 meclofenamate, meclofenamate sodium, Meclomen n03739518 medical building, health facility, healthcare facility n03739693 medical instrument n03740161 medicine, medication, medicament, medicinal drug n03742019 medicine ball n03742115 medicine chest, medicine cabinet n03742238 MEDLINE n03742416 meerschaum n03742531 mefenamic acid, Ponstel n03742728 mefloquine, mefloquine hydrochloride, Larium, Mephaquine n03743016 megalith, megalithic structure n03743279 megaphone n03743422 megaton bomb n03743577 melphalan, Alkeran n03743761 membrane n03743902 memorial, monument n03744276 memory, computer memory, storage, computer storage, store, memory board n03744684 memory chip n03744840 memory device, storage device n03745146 menagerie, zoo, zoological garden n03745285 mend, patch, darn n03745487 mending n03745571 menhir, standing stone n03745712 meniscus n03745864 meniscus n03746005 menorah n03746155 Menorah n03746330 man's clothing n03746486 men's room, men's n03746574 mental hospital, psychiatric hospital, mental institution, institution, mental home, insane asylum, asylum n03746861 menthol n03746994 mentholated salve n03747103 meperidine, meperidine hydrochloride, Demerol n03747281 mephenytoin, Mesantoin n03747508 mephobarbital, Mebaral n03747746 meprobamate, Miltown, Equanil, Meprin n03748002 merbromine, Mercurochrome n03748162 mercantile establishment, retail store, sales outlet, outlet n03748456 mercaptopurine, Purinethol n03748691 Mercator projection, Mercator's projection n03748886 merchandise, ware, product n03749409 mercurial ointment n03749504 mercury barometer n03749634 mercury cell n03749807 mercury thermometer, mercury-in-glass thermometer n03750206 mercury-vapor lamp n03750437 mercy seat n03750540 mercy seat n03750614 merlon n03750748 Merrimac n03750912 mescaline, peyote n03751065 mess, mess hall n03751269 mess jacket, monkey jacket, shell jacket n03751458 mess kit n03751590 messuage n03751757 metal detector n03751977 metallic n03752071 metallic n03752185 metal screw n03752262 metalware n03752398 metal wood n03752521 metalwork n03752649 metaproterenol, Alupent n03752922 meteorological balloon n03753077 meter n03753514 meterstick, metrestick n03753657 metformin, Glucophage n03753826 methacholine, Mecholyl n03754014 methadone, methadone hydrochloride, methadon, dolophine hydrochloride, fixer, synthetic heroin n03754295 methamphetamine, methamphetamine hydrochloride, Methedrine, meth, deoxyephedrine, chalk, chicken feed, crank, glass, ice, shabu, trash n03754676 methapyrilene n03754822 methaqualone, Quaalude n03754979 metharbital, Gemonil n03755140 methenamine, Mandelamine, Urex n03755388 methicillin n03755545 methocarbamol, Robaxin n03755712 methotrexate, methotrexate sodium, amethopterin n03755991 methyldopa, alpha methyl dopa, Aldomet n03756184 methylenedioxymethamphetamine, MDMA n03756624 methylphenidate, Ritalin n03756857 metoprolol, Lopressor n03757138 metro, tube, underground, subway system, subway n03757428 metronidazole, Flagyl n03757604 metronome n03757723 mews n03757925 mexiletine, Mexitil n03758089 mezzanine, mezzanine floor, entresol n03758220 mezzanine, first balcony n03758334 mezzo-relievo, mezzo-rilievo, half-relief n03758478 mezzotint n03758614 Mickey Finn n03758720 miconazole, Monistat n03758894 microbalance n03758992 microbrewery n03759114 microdot n03759243 microfiche n03759432 microfilm n03759661 micrometer, micrometer gauge, micrometer caliper n03759795 Micronor n03759954 microphone, mike n03760164 microphotometer n03760310 microprocessor n03760671 microscope n03760944 microtome n03761084 microwave, microwave oven n03761333 microwave bomb, E-bomb n03761588 microwave diathermy machine n03761731 microwave linear accelerator n03761845 midazolam, Versed n03762067 middling n03762238 middy, middy blouse n03762332 midiron, two iron n03762434 mihrab n03762602 mihrab n03762809 mild silver protein, Argyrol n03762982 military hospital n03763133 military installation n03763403 military post, post n03763727 military quarters n03763968 military uniform n03764276 military vehicle n03764606 milk bar n03764736 milk can n03764822 milk float n03764995 milking machine n03765128 milking stool n03765269 milk of magnesia n03765467 milk wagon, milkwagon n03765561 mill, grinder, milling machinery n03765934 milldam n03766044 miller, milling machine n03766218 milliammeter n03766322 millinery, woman's hat n03766508 millinery, hat shop n03766600 milling n03766697 millivoltmeter n03766816 millrace, millrun n03766935 millstone n03767112 millstone n03767203 millwheel, mill wheel n03767363 millwork n03767459 mimeograph, mimeo, mimeograph machine, Roneo, Roneograph n03767745 minaret n03767846 Minato Ohashi Bridge n03767966 mincer, mincing machine n03768132 mine n03768346 mine n03768683 mine detector n03768823 minelayer n03768916 mineshaft n03769100 minesweeper n03769235 miniature, toy n03769397 miniature, illumination n03769610 minibar, cellaret n03769722 minibike, motorbike n03769881 minibus n03769967 minicab n03770085 minicar n03770224 minicomputer n03770316 ministry n03770439 miniskirt, mini n03770520 minisub, minisubmarine n03770679 minivan n03770834 miniver n03770954 mink, mink coat n03771066 minocycline, Minocin n03771261 minor suit n03771443 minor tranquilizer, minor tranquillizer, minor tranquilliser, antianxiety drug, anxiolytic, anxiolytic drug n03771820 minoxidil, Loniten, Rogaine n03772077 minster n03772269 mint n03772417 minute gun n03772584 minute hand, big hand n03772674 Minuteman n03772881 miotic drug, myotic drug, miotic, myotic n03773035 mirror n03773268 mise en scene, stage setting, setting n03773504 missile n03773835 missile defense system, missile defence system n03773970 miter, mitre n03774124 miter, mitre n03774327 miter box, mitre box n03774461 miter joint, mitre joint, miter, mitre n03774673 mithramycin, Mithracin n03774842 mitomycin, Mutamycin n03775071 mitten n03775199 mixer n03775388 mixer n03775546 mixing bowl n03775636 mixing faucet n03775747 mizzen, mizen n03775847 mizzenmast, mizenmast, mizzen, mizen n03776050 moat, fosse n03776167 mobcap n03776291 mobile n03776460 mobile home, manufactured home n03776673 Mobius strip n03776877 moccasin, mocassin n03776997 mock-up n03777126 mod con n03777283 model, simulation n03777568 Model T n03777754 modem n03777961 modernism n03778135 Modicon n03778302 modification n03778459 modillion n03778600 module n03778817 module n03779000 module n03779128 mohair n03779246 moire, watered-silk n03779370 mold, mould, cast n03779621 mold, mould, molding, moulding, modeling, clay sculpture n03779884 moldboard, mouldboard n03780047 moldboard plow, mouldboard plough n03780247 molding, moulding, border n03780392 molding, moulding n03780799 moleskin n03780896 molindone, Moban n03781055 Molotov cocktail, petrol bomb, gasoline bomb n03781244 monastery n03781467 monastic habit n03781594 moneybag n03781683 money belt n03781787 monitor n03782006 monitor n03782190 monitor, monitoring device n03782430 Monitor n03782558 monkey bridge n03782689 monkey ladder n03782794 monkey-wrench, monkey wrench n03782929 monk's cloth n03783017 monoamine oxidase inhibitor, MAOI n03783304 monochrome n03783430 monocle, eyeglass n03783575 monofocal lens implant, monofocal IOL n03783755 monolith n03783873 monoplane n03783959 monopoly board n03784053 monorail n03784139 monotype n03784270 monstrance, ostensorium n03784475 mooring, mooring line n03784666 mooring anchor n03784793 mooring tower, mooring mast n03784896 Moorish arch, horseshoe arch n03785016 moped n03785142 mop handle n03785237 moquette n03785361 moreen n03785499 morgue, mortuary, dead room n03785721 morion, cabasset n03785843 morning-after pill n03786096 morning dress n03786194 morning dress n03786313 morning room n03786417 morphine, morphia n03786621 Morris chair n03786715 mortar, howitzer, trench mortar n03786901 mortar n03787032 mortarboard n03787164 mortarboard, hawk n03787308 mortise, mortice n03787523 mortise joint, mortise-and-tenon joint n03787759 mosaic n03787904 mosaic, arial mosaic, photomosaic n03788047 mosaic n03788195 mosque n03788365 mosquito net n03788498 motel n03788601 motel room n03788703 mothball, camphor ball n03788914 Mother Hubbard, muumuu n03789014 motif, motive n03789171 motion-picture camera, movie camera, cine-camera n03789400 motion-picture film, movie film, cine-film n03789603 motley n03789794 motley n03789946 motor n03790230 motorboat, powerboat n03790512 motorcycle, bike n03790755 motor hotel, motor inn, motor lodge, tourist court, court n03790953 motorized wheelchair n03791053 motor scooter, scooter n03791235 motor vehicle, automotive vehicle n03792048 mound, hill n03792334 mound, hill, pitcher's mound n03792526 mount, setting n03792782 mountain bike, all-terrain bike, off-roader n03792972 mountain tent n03793090 mountain trail n03793186 mounting n03793387 mourning ring n03793489 mouse, computer mouse n03793850 mouse button n03793954 mouse-tooth forceps n03794056 mousetrap n03794136 mousse, hair mousse, hair gel n03794291 mousseline de sole n03794392 mouth n03794540 mouth hole n03794655 mousepad, mouse mat n03794798 mouthpiece, embouchure n03794957 mouthpiece n03795123 mouthpiece n03795269 mouthpiece, gumshield n03795419 mouthpiece n03795580 movable barrier n03795758 movement n03795976 movie projector, cine projector, film projector n03796181 moving-coil galvanometer n03796401 moving van n03796522 mud brick n03796605 mudguard, splash guard, splash-guard n03796848 mudhif n03796974 muff n03797062 muffle n03797182 muffler n03797264 mufti n03797390 mug n03797548 mug shot, mugshot n03797703 mukataa n03797896 mulch n03798061 mule, scuff n03798165 muller n03798268 mullion n03798442 multichannel recorder n03798610 multiengine airplane, multiengine plane n03798729 multifocal lens implant, multifocal IOL n03798982 multiplex n03799113 multiplexer n03799240 multiprocessor n03799375 multistage rocket, step rocket n03799610 munition, ordnance, ordnance store n03799710 mural, wall painting n03799876 Murphy bed n03800001 muscle relaxant n03800371 musette, shepherd's pipe n03800485 musette pipe n03800563 museum n03800772 mushroom anchor n03800933 musical instrument, instrument n03801353 music box, musical box n03801533 music hall, vaudeville theater, vaudeville theatre n03801671 music school n03801760 music stand, music rack n03801880 music stool, piano stool n03802007 musket n03802228 musket ball, ball n03802393 muslin n03802507 musnud n03802643 mustache cup, moustache cup n03802800 mustard plaster, sinapism n03802973 mute n03803116 muzzle loader n03803284 muzzle n03803488 mycomycin n03803610 mydriatic, mydriatic drug n03803780 myelogram n03803911 mystification n03804048 nabumetone, Relafen n03804211 nacelle n03804311 nadolol, Corgard n03804493 nafcillin, Nafcil n03804744 nail n03805180 nailbrush n03805280 nailfile n03805374 nailhead n03805503 nailhead n03805634 nail hole n03805725 nail polish, nail enamel, nail varnish n03805933 nainsook n03806040 nalidixic acid, NegGram n03806180 nalorphine, Nalline n03806381 naloxone, Narcan n03806547 naltrexone n03806652 nameplate n03806748 NAND circuit, NAND gate n03806904 nankeen n03807052 naphazoline, Privine, Sudafed n03807334 Napier's bones, Napier's rods n03807537 napkin, table napkin, serviette n03807780 napkin ring n03807895 naproxen, Naprosyn n03808144 naproxen sodium, Aleve, Anaprox, Aflaxen n03808424 narcoleptic n03808564 narcotic n03808977 narcotic antagonist n03809211 nard, spikenard n03809312 narrowbody aircraft, narrow-body aircraft, narrow-body n03809456 narrow gauge n03809603 narrow wale n03809686 narthex n03809802 narthex n03809939 nasal decongestant n03810186 National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, NASDAQ n03810412 nasotracheal tube n03810561 National Baseball Hall of Fame n03810741 National Library of Medicine, United States National Library of Medicine, U.S. National Library of Medicine n03810952 national monument n03811163 naumachy, naumachia n03811295 nautilus, nuclear submarine, nuclear-powered submarine n03811444 navigational system n03811648 naval chart, navigational chart, pilot chart n03811847 naval equipment n03811965 naval gun n03812119 naval installation, shore station n03812263 naval missile n03812382 naval radar n03812541 Naval Research Laboratory, NRL n03812789 naval tactical data system n03812924 naval weaponry n03813078 nave n03813176 navigational instrument n03813369 navigation light n03813612 navy base n03813704 navy yard, naval shipyard n03813834 nearside n03813946 nebuchadnezzar n03814112 neck, neck opening n03814348 neck n03814528 neckband n03814639 neck brace n03814727 neckcloth, stock n03814817 neckerchief n03814906 necklace n03815149 necklet n03815278 neckline n03815482 neckpiece n03815615 necktie, tie n03816005 neckwear n03816136 needle n03816394 needle n03816530 needlenose pliers n03816659 needlepoint, needlepoint embroidery n03816849 needlework, needlecraft n03817062 nefazodone, Serzone n03817191 negative n03817331 negative magnetic pole, negative pole, south-seeking pole n03817522 negative pole n03817647 negligee, neglige, peignoir, wrapper, housecoat n03817830 nelfinavir, Viracept n03818001 neolith n03818090 neomycin, fradicin, Neobiotic n03818343 neon lamp, neon induction lamp, neon tube n03818629 Neosporin n03818843 neostigmine, Prostigmin n03819047 nephoscope n03819217 nest n03819336 nest n03819448 nest egg n03819595 net, network, mesh, meshing, meshwork n03819994 net n03820154 net n03820318 net n03820474 network n03820728 network, electronic network n03820950 network n03821145 neutron bomb n03821259 nevirapine, Viramune n03821424 newel n03821518 newel post, newel n03821660 Newgate n03821898 newmarket n03822015 New River Gorge Bridge n03822171 newspaper, paper n03822361 newsroom n03822504 newsroom n03822656 newsstand n03822767 Newtonian telescope, Newtonian reflector n03822951 New York Stock Exchange, N. Y. Stock Exchange, NYSE, big board n03823111 nib, pen nib n03823216 niblick, nine iron n03823312 nicad, nickel-cadmium accumulator n03823540 nick n03823673 nickel-iron battery, nickel-iron accumulator n03823906 Nicol prism n03824014 nifedipine, Procardia n03824197 night bell n03824284 nightcap n03824381 nightgown, gown, nightie, night-robe, nightdress n03824589 night latch n03824713 night-light n03824867 night-line n03824999 nightshirt n03825080 nightwear, sleepwear, nightclothes n03825271 ninepin, skittle, skittle pin n03825442 ninepin ball, skittle ball n03825548 nine-spot, nine n03825673 ninon n03825788 nipple n03825913 nipple shield n03826039 niqab n03826186 Nissen hut, Quonset hut n03826331 nitrazepam n03826443 nitrofurantoin, Macrodantin n03826762 Nitrospan, Nitrostat n03826945 nitrous oxide, laughing gas n03827107 node, client, guest n03827284 nog n03827420 nogging n03827536 noisemaker n03827716 nomogram, nomograph n03827830 non-dedicated file server n03828020 nonsmoker, nonsmoking car n03828155 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, NNRTI n03828465 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, NSAID n03829085 nontricyclic, nontricyclic drug, nontricyclic antidepressant, nontricyclic antidepressant drug n03829340 non-volatile storage, nonvolatile storage n03829563 noose, running noose, slip noose n03829857 Norfolk jacket n03829954 noria n03830111 Norinyl n03830278 Norlestrin n03830448 Nor-Q-D n03830582 nortriptyline, Pamelor n03830835 nose n03831062 nose n03831203 nosebag, feedbag n03831382 noseband, nosepiece n03831537 nose cone, ogive n03831757 nose flute n03831899 nosepiece n03832008 nose ring n03832144 nosewheel n03832305 nostrum n03832405 notch n03832673 notebook, notebook computer n03832799 notion n03832973 notions counter n03833065 novel n03833294 novillada n03833409 novobiocin n03833564 nozzle, nose n03833750 n-type semiconductor n03833907 nuclear-powered ship n03834040 nuclear reactor, reactor n03834472 nuclear rocket n03834604 nuclear weapon, atomic weapon n03834836 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, NRTI n03835197 nude, nude painting n03835298 nude, nude sculpture, nude statue n03835412 number n03835582 number cruncher n03835729 numdah, numdah rug, nammad n03835853 nunnery n03835941 nun's habit n03836062 nursery, baby's room n03836191 nut n03836451 nut and bolt n03836602 nutcracker n03836699 nux vomica n03836906 nylon n03836976 nylons, nylon stocking, rayons, rayon stocking, silk stocking n03837157 nystatin, Mycostatin, Nystan n03837422 oar n03837606 oast n03837698 oast house n03837869 obelisk n03838024 object ball n03838160 objectification n03838298 objective, objective lens, object lens, object glass n03838535 objet d'art, art object, piece n03838748 oblique bandage n03838899 oboe, hautboy, hautbois n03839172 oboe da caccia n03839276 oboe d'amore n03839424 observation dome n03839534 observation station n03839671 observatory n03839795 obstacle n03839993 obstruction, obstructor, obstructer, impediment, impedimenta n03840327 obturator n03840507 obverse n03840681 ocarina, sweet potato n03840823 octant n03841011 odd-leg caliper n03841143 odometer, hodometer, mileometer, milometer n03841290 oeil de boeuf n03841417 oeuvre, work, body of work n03841666 office, business office n03842012 office building, office block n03842156 office furniture n03842276 officer's mess n03842377 off-line equipment, auxiliary equipment n03842585 ogee, cyma reversa n03842754 ogee arch, keel arch n03842868 Ohio State University n03842986 ohmmeter n03843092 oil, oil color, oil colour n03843221 oil burner, oil furnace n03843316 oilcan n03843438 oilcloth n03843555 oil filter n03843724 oil future, petroleum future n03843883 oil heater, oilstove, kerosene heater, kerosine heater n03844045 oil lamp, kerosene lamp, kerosine lamp n03844233 oil paint n03844349 oil painting n03844459 oil pipeline n03844550 oil pump n03844673 oil refinery, petroleum refinery n03844815 oilskin, slicker n03844965 oil slick n03845107 oilstone n03845190 oil tanker, oiler, tanker, tank ship n03845360 oil well, oiler n03845550 ointment, unction, unguent, balm, salve n03845990 old school tie n03846100 olive drab n03846234 olive drab, olive-drab uniform n03846431 Olympian Zeus n03846677 omelet pan, omelette pan n03846772 omnidirectional antenna, nondirectional antenna n03846970 omnirange, omnidirectional range, omnidirectional radio range n03847214 one-spot n03847334 one-way street n03847471 onion dome n03847622 op art n03847823 open-air market, open-air marketplace, market square n03848033 open circuit n03848168 open-end wrench, tappet wrench n03848348 opener n03848537 open-hearth furnace n03848729 opening n03849275 openside plane, rabbet plane n03849412 open sight n03849538 open weave n03849679 openwork n03849814 opera, opera house n03849943 opera cloak, opera hood n03850053 operating microscope n03850245 operating room, OR, operating theater, operating theatre, surgery n03850492 operating table n03850613 ophthalmoscope n03850746 opiate n03850966 opium n03851124 opium den n03851219 optical bench n03851341 optical device n03851787 optical disk, optical disc n03852031 optical fiber, glass fiber, optical fibre, glass fibre n03852280 optical instrument n03852544 optical pyrometer, pyroscope n03852688 optical telescope n03852908 oracle n03853023 orange grove n03853103 orb web n03853178 orchestra n03853291 orchestra pit, pit n03853454 OR circuit, OR gate n03853588 order book n03853734 ordinary n03853924 ordinary, ordinary bicycle n03854065 organ, pipe organ n03854421 organdy, organdie n03854506 organic light-emitting diode, OLED n03854722 organ loft n03854815 organ pipe, pipe, pipework n03854998 organ stop n03855214 organza n03855333 oriel, oriel window n03855464 oriflamme n03855604 O ring n03855756 Orlon n03855908 orlop deck, orlop, fourth deck n03856012 orphanage, orphans' asylum n03856148 orphenadrine, Norflex n03856335 orphrey n03856465 orrery n03856728 orthicon, image orthicon n03857026 orthochromatic film n03857156 orthopter, ornithopter n03857291 orthoscope n03857430 oscillator n03857588 oscillogram n03857687 oscillograph n03857828 oscilloscope, scope, cathode-ray oscilloscope, CRO n03858085 ossuary n03858183 otoscope, auriscope, auroscope n03858418 ottoman, pouf, pouffe, puff, hassock n03858533 oubliette n03858662 Ouija, Ouija board n03858837 out-basket, out-tray n03859000 outboard motor, outboard n03859170 outboard motorboat, outboard n03859280 outbuilding n03859495 outerwear, overclothes n03859608 outfall n03859717 outfield n03859958 outfit, getup, rig, turnout n03860234 outfitter n03860404 outhouse, privy, earth-closet, jakes n03860569 outlet box n03860741 outpost n03860882 output, outturn, turnout n03861048 output device n03861271 outrigger n03861430 outrigger canoe n03861596 outside caliper n03861731 outside clinch n03861842 outside mirror n03861959 outsider art, self-taught art, vernacular art, naive art, primitive art n03862190 outsole n03862379 outwork n03862531 Oval Office n03862676 oven n03862862 oven thermometer n03862984 ovenware n03863108 overall n03863262 overall, boilersuit, boilers suit n03863442 overcast, overcasting n03863657 overcoat, overcoating n03863783 overdrive n03863923 overgarment, outer garment n03864139 overhand knot n03864254 overhand stitch n03864356 overhang n03864542 overhead n03864692 overhead projector n03864834 overlay n03864994 overload, overburden n03865171 overload n03865288 overmantel n03865371 overnighter, overnight bag, overnight case n03865557 overpass, flyover n03865704 overprint, surprint n03865820 override n03865949 overshoe n03866082 overskirt n03866176 over-the-counter drug, over-the-counter medicine n03866350 over-the-counter market, OTC market n03866555 Ovocon n03866721 ovolo, thumb, quarter round n03866908 Ovral n03867070 Ovrette n03867201 Ovulen n03867355 oxacillin n03867515 oxaprozin, Daypro n03867675 oxazepam, Serax n03867854 oxbow n03868044 Oxbridge n03868242 oxcart n03868324 oxeye n03868406 oxford n03868509 Oxford University, Oxford n03868643 oximeter n03868763 oxyacetylene torch n03868863 oxygen mask n03869044 oxyphenbutazone, Tandearil n03869222 oxyphencyclimine, Daricon n03869389 oxytetracycline, hydroxytetracycline, oxytetracycline hydrochloride, Terramycin n03869685 oxytocic, oxytocic drug n03869838 oyster bar n03869976 oyster bed, oyster bank, oyster park n03870105 pace car n03870290 pacemaker, artificial pacemaker n03870461 pacifier n03870546 pack n03870672 pack n03870822 pack n03870980 pack, face pack n03871083 package, parcel n03871255 packaged goods n03871371 package store, liquor store, off-licence n03871524 packaging n03871628 packet n03871724 packing box, packing case n03871860 packinghouse, packing plant n03872016 packinghouse n03872167 packing needle n03872273 packsaddle n03872386 packthread n03872495 pad n03872885 pad, inkpad, inking pad, stamp pad n03873064 padding, cushioning n03873416 paddle, boat paddle n03873574 paddle n03873699 paddle n03873848 paddle n03873996 paddle box, paddle-box n03874138 paddle steamer, paddle-wheeler n03874293 paddlewheel, paddle wheel n03874487 paddock n03874599 padlock n03874823 page printer, page-at-a-time printer n03874965 pagoda n03875088 paillasse, palliasse n03875218 paint, pigment n03875806 paintball n03875955 paintball gun n03876111 paintbox n03876231 paintbrush n03876352 painter n03876519 painting, picture n03877229 paint roller n03877351 paisley n03877472 pajama, pyjama, pj's, jammies n03877674 pajama, pyjama n03877845 palace n03878066 palace, castle n03878211 palace n03878294 palanquin, palankeen n03878418 paleolith n03878511 palestra, palaestra n03878674 palette, pallet n03878828 palette knife n03878963 palisade n03879116 pall, shroud, cerement, winding-sheet, winding-clothes n03879336 pallet n03879456 pallet n03879582 pallet n03879705 pallette, palette n03879854 palliative, alleviant, alleviator n03880032 pallium n03880129 pallium n03880323 pan n03880531 pan, cooking pan n03880770 panacea, nostrum, catholicon, cure-all n03880951 panache n03881034 Panama Canal n03881207 panatela, panetela, panetella n03881305 pancake turner n03881404 panchromatic film n03881534 panda car n03881625 Pandora's box n03881893 pane, pane of glass, window glass n03882058 panel n03882346 panel n03882430 panel heating n03882611 paneling, panelling, pane n03882861 panel light n03882960 panhandle n03883054 panic button n03883278 pannier n03883385 pannier n03883524 pannier n03883664 pannikin n03883773 panopticon n03883944 panopticon n03884072 panorama, cyclorama, diorama n03884232 panoramic sight n03884397 panpipe, pandean pipe, syrinx n03884554 pantaloon n03884639 pantechnicon n03884778 pantheon n03884926 pantheon n03885028 pantie, panty, scanty, step-in n03885194 panting, trousering n03885293 pant leg, trouser leg n03885410 pantograph n03885535 pantry, larder, buttery n03885669 pants suit, pantsuit n03885788 panty girdle n03885904 pantyhose n03886053 panzer n03886151 papal cross n03886237 papaverine, Kavrin n03886432 paperback book, paper-back book, paperback, softback book, softback, soft-cover book, soft-cover n03886641 paper chain n03886762 paper clip, paperclip, gem clip n03886940 paper cutter n03887066 paper doll n03887185 paper fastener n03887330 paper feed n03887512 paper mill n03887603 paper plate n03887697 paper towel n03887797 paperweight n03887899 parabolic mirror n03888022 parabolic reflector, paraboloid reflector n03888257 parachute, chute n03888605 parallel bars, bars n03888808 parallel circuit, shunt circuit n03888998 parallel interface, parallel port n03889208 paramagnet n03889397 parang n03889503 parapet, breastwork n03889626 parapet n03889726 parasail n03889871 parasol, sunshade n03889974 paregoric, camphorated tincture of opium n03890093 parer, paring knife n03890233 parfait glass n03890358 pargeting, pargetting, pargetry n03890514 pari-mutuel machine, totalizer, totaliser, totalizator, totalisator n03890713 Paris University, University of Paris, Sorbonne n03890881 park n03891051 parka, windbreaker, windcheater, anorak n03891251 park bench n03891332 parking meter n03891538 parlor, parlour n03891664 parlor car, parlour car, drawing-room car, palace car, chair car n03891851 paroxetime, Paxil n03892035 parquet n03892178 parquet, parquet floor n03892273 parquet circle, parterre n03892425 parquetry, parqueterie n03892557 parsonage, vicarage, rectory n03892728 Parsons table n03892891 part, portion n03893603 parterre n03893732 Parthenon n03893935 partial denture n03894051 particle detector n03894217 partisan, partizan n03894379 partition, divider n03894677 parts bin n03894762 party favor, party favour, favor, favour n03894933 party line n03895038 party wall n03895170 parvis n03895293 passage n03895585 passageway n03895866 passenger car, coach, carriage n03896103 passenger ship n03896233 passenger train n03896419 passenger van n03896526 passe-partout n03896628 passive matrix display n03896984 passkey, passe-partout, master key, master n03897130 pass-through n03897334 paste-up n03897520 pastiche n03897634 pastry cart n03897759 pasty n03897943 patch n03898129 patchcord n03898271 patchouli, patchouly, pachouli n03898395 patch pocket n03898500 patchwork n03898633 patchwork, patchwork quilt n03898787 patent log, screw log, taffrail log n03898936 patent medicine n03899100 paternoster n03899328 path n03899533 pathway, footpath n03899612 patina n03899768 patio, terrace n03899933 patisserie n03900028 patka n03900104 patriarchal cross n03900194 patrol boat, patrol ship n03900301 patty-pan n03900393 pave n03900509 paved surface n03900750 pavement, paving n03900979 pavilion, marquee n03901074 paving stone n03901229 pavior, paviour, paving machine n03901338 pavis, pavise n03901548 pawl, detent, click, dog n03901750 pawn n03901974 pawnbroker's shop, pawnshop, loan office n03902125 pay-phone, pay-station n03902220 PC board n03902381 peacekeeper n03902482 peach orchard n03902564 peacock-throne n03902756 pea jacket, peacoat n03902869 pearl fishery n03902972 pea shooter n03903133 peavey, peavy, cant dog, dog hook n03903290 pectoral, pectoral medallion n03903424 pedal, treadle, foot pedal, foot lever n03903733 pedal pusher, toreador pants n03903868 pedestal, plinth, footstall n03904060 pedestal table n03904183 pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing n03904433 pedicab, cycle rickshaw n03904657 pediment n03904782 pedometer n03904909 peeler n03905053 peen n03905208 peephole, spyhole, eyehole n03905361 peep sight n03905540 peg, nog n03905730 peg, pin, thole, tholepin, rowlock, oarlock n03905947 peg n03906106 peg, wooden leg, leg, pegleg n03906224 pegboard n03906355 peg top n03906463 Pelham n03906590 pelican crossing n03906789 pelisse n03906894 pelvimeter n03906997 pen n03907227 pen n03907475 penal colony n03907654 penal institution, penal facility n03907908 penalty box n03908111 pen-and-ink n03908204 pencil n03908456 pencil n03908618 pencil box, pencil case n03908714 pencil sharpener n03908831 pendant, pendent n03909020 pendant earring, drop earring, eardrop n03909160 pendulum n03909406 pendulum clock n03909516 pendulum watch n03909658 penetration bomb n03909835 penicillamine, Cuprimine n03910033 penicillin n03910417 penicillinase-resistant antibiotic n03910601 penicillin F n03910723 penicillin G, benzylpenicillin n03910887 penicillin O n03911039 penicillin V, phenoxymethyl penicillin n03911251 penicillin V potassium, Ledercillin VK n03911406 penile implant n03911513 penitentiary, pen n03911658 penknife n03911767 penlight n03911866 pennant, pennon, streamer, waft n03911992 pennoncel, penoncel, pennoncelle n03912105 penny arcade n03912218 pennywhistle, tin whistle, whistle n03912328 pentaerythritol, Peritrate n03912496 Pentagon n03912664 pentazocine, Talwin n03912821 penthouse n03912929 pentimento n03913129 pentobarbital sodium, pentobarbital, Nembutal, yellow jacket n03913343 pentode n03913437 pentoxifylline, Trental n03913702 pentylenetetrazol, pentamethylenetetrazol, Metrazol n03913930 peplos, peplus, peplum n03914106 peplum n03914231 pepper-and-salt n03914337 pepper mill, pepper grinder n03914438 pepper shaker, pepper box, pepper pot n03914583 pepper spray n03914831 percale n03914919 perch n03915118 percolator n03915320 percussion cap n03915437 percussion instrument, percussive instrument n03915900 perforation n03916031 perfume, essence n03916289 perfumery n03916385 perfumery n03916470 perfumery n03916581 period piece n03916720 peripheral, computer peripheral, peripheral device n03917048 periscope n03917198 peristyle n03917327 periwig, peruke n03917455 periwinkle plant derivative n03917622 permanent magnet, static magnet n03917814 permanent press, durable press n03917973 perpendicular n03918074 perpetual motion machine n03918297 perphenazine, Triavil n03918480 personal computer, PC, microcomputer n03918737 personal digital assistant, PDA, personal organizer, personal organiser, organizer, organiser n03919096 personnel carrier n03919289 pestle n03919430 pestle, muller, pounder n03919702 petard n03919808 petcock n03919974 Peter Pan collar n03920087 petit point n03920181 petit point, tent stitch n03920288 Petri dish n03920384 petrolatum gauze n03920497 Petronas Towers n03920641 pet shop n03920737 petticoat, half-slip, underskirt n03920867 pew, church bench n03920989 pharmaceutical, pharmaceutic n03921209 pharmacopoeia n03921337 phenazopyridine, Pyridium n03921499 phencyclidine, phencyclidine hydrochloride, PCP, angel dust n03921749 phenelzine, Nardil n03921915 pheniramine n03922109 phenolphthalein n03922412 phensuximide, Milontin n03922561 phentolamine, Vasomax n03922722 phenylbutazone, Butazolidin n03922863 phenylephrine n03923004 phenylpropanolamine n03923229 phenyltoloxamine n03923379 phial, vial, ampule, ampul, ampoule n03923564 Phillips screw n03923692 Phillips screwdriver n03923801 phonograph album, record album n03923918 phonograph needle, needle n03924069 phonograph record, phonograph recording, record, disk, disc, platter n03924407 photocathode n03924532 photocoagulator n03924679 photocopier n03924811 photocopy n03924978 photoelectric cell, photoconductive cell, photocell, electric eye, magic eye n03925226 photograph, photo, exposure, picture, pic n03926061 photograph album n03926148 photographic equipment n03926412 photographic paper, photographic material n03926575 photographic print, print n03926757 photolithograph n03926876 photometer n03927091 photomicrograph n03927201 photomontage n03927299 Photostat, Photostat machine n03927539 photostat n03927652 phrontistery n03927792 physical pendulum, compound pendulum n03928001 physics lab, physics laboratory n03928116 piano, pianoforte, forte-piano n03928589 piano action n03928814 piano keyboard, fingerboard, clavier n03928994 piano wire n03929091 piccolo n03929202 pick, pickax, pickaxe n03929443 pick n03929660 pick, plectrum, plectron n03929855 pickelhaube n03929952 picket, pale n03930087 picket n03930229 picket boat n03930313 picket fence, paling n03930431 picket ship n03930515 pickle barrel n03930630 pickup, pickup truck n03930777 pickup, pick-me-up n03930946 picot n03931044 picture, image, icon, ikon n03931651 picture book n03931765 picture frame n03931885 picture hat n03931980 picture rail n03932080 picture window n03932203 piece n03932499 piece n03932670 piece of cloth, piece of material n03933183 piece of leather n03933391 pied-a-terre n03933529 pier, wharf, wharfage, dock n03933933 pier n03934042 pier n03934229 pier arch n03934311 pier glass, pier mirror n03934416 Pierre Laporte Bridge n03934565 pier table n03934656 pieta n03934780 piezoelectric crystal n03934890 piezometer n03934998 pig n03935116 pig bed, pig n03935234 piggery, pig farm n03935335 piggy bank, penny bank n03935450 pike n03935698 pike n03935789 pikestaff n03935883 pilaster n03936045 pile, nap n03936269 pile, spile, piling, stilt n03936466 pile driver n03936568 pill, lozenge, tablet, tab n03936764 pill n03936895 pill, birth control pill, contraceptive pill, oral contraceptive pill, oral contraceptive, anovulatory drug, anovulant n03937437 pillar box n03937543 pill bottle n03937633 pillbox n03937751 pillbox n03937835 pillbox, toque, turban n03937931 pillion n03938037 pillory n03938244 pillow n03938401 pillow block n03938522 pillow lace, bobbin lace n03938725 pillow sham n03938838 pilocarpine n03938951 pilot balloon n03939062 pilot bit n03939178 pilot boat n03939281 pilot burner, pilot light, pilot n03939440 pilot cloth n03939565 pilot engine n03939677 pilothouse, wheelhouse n03939844 pilot light, pilot lamp, indicator lamp n03940022 Pimlico n03940154 pimozide n03940256 pin n03940713 pin n03940894 pin, flag n03941013 pin, pin tumbler n03941231 pinata n03941417 pinball machine, pin table n03941586 pince-nez n03941684 pincer, pair of pincers, tweezer, pair of tweezers n03941887 pinch bar n03942028 pincurl clip n03942126 pincushion n03942244 pindolol, Visken n03942397 pine-tar rag n03942600 pinfold n03942692 pinger n03942813 ping-pong ball n03942920 pinhead n03943010 pinhole n03943115 pinion n03943266 pinnacle n03943448 pinner n03943544 pinpoint n03943623 pinprick n03943714 pinstripe n03943833 pinstripe n03943920 pinstripe n03944024 pintle n03944138 pinwheel, pinwheel wind collector n03944341 pinwheel n03944530 pin wrench n03944672 pipe, pipage, piping n03945167 pipe, tobacco pipe n03945459 tabor pipe n03945615 pipe n03945817 pipe bomb n03945928 pipe cleaner n03946076 pipe cutter n03946162 pipefitting, pipe fitting n03946325 pipeline, line n03946532 piperacillin, Pipracil n03946723 pipe rack n03946814 piperazine n03946933 piperocaine, piperocaine hydrochloride, Metycaine n03947111 pipet, pipette n03947343 pipe vise, pipe clamp n03947466 pipe wrench, tube wrench n03947681 piping n03947798 pique n03947888 pirate, pirate ship n03948041 piroxicam, Feldene n03948242 piste n03948347 piste n03948459 pistol, handgun, side arm, shooting iron n03948830 pistol grip n03948950 piston, plunger n03949145 piston ring n03949317 piston rod n03949442 pit, quarry, stone pit n03949663 pit, pitfall n03949761 pit n03949924 pit n03950113 pit n03950228 pitcher, ewer n03950359 pitchfork n03950537 pitching wedge n03950647 pitch pipe n03950818 pithead n03950899 pith hat, pith helmet, sun helmet, topee, topi n03951068 piton n03951213 Pitot-static tube, Pitot head, Pitot tube n03951453 Pitot tube, Pitot n03951690 pitprop, sprag n03951800 pitsaw n03951971 pivot, pin n03952150 pivoting window n03952277 pixel, pel, picture element n03952576 pizzeria, pizza shop, pizza parlor n03952696 placebo n03952886 place mat n03953020 place of business, business establishment n03953416 place of worship, house of prayer, house of God, house of worship n03953743 place setting, setting n03953901 placket n03954012 plain weave, taffeta weave n03954199 plan, architectural plan n03954393 planchet, coin blank n03954507 planchette n03954731 plane, carpenter's plane, woodworking plane n03955296 plane, planer, planing machine n03955489 plane seat n03955615 plane table n03955809 planetarium n03955941 planetarium n03956157 planetarium n03956331 planetary gear, epicyclic gear, planet wheel, planet gear n03956531 plank-bed n03956623 planking n03956785 planner n03956922 plant, works, industrial plant n03957315 planter n03957420 plaster, adhesive plaster, sticking plaster n03957567 plaster, plasterwork n03957762 plasterboard, gypsum board n03957991 plastering trowel n03958097 plastic art n03958227 plastic bag n03958338 plastic bomb n03958448 plastic explosive, plastique n03958630 plastic laminate n03958752 plastic wrap n03958910 plastron n03959014 plastron n03959123 plastron n03959227 plastron n03959350 plat n03959485 plate n03959701 plate, scale, shell n03959936 plate n03960374 plate, collection plate n03960490 plate n03960664 plate n03960783 plate, photographic plate n03960950 plate n03961070 plate glass, sheet glass n03961250 plate iron n03961394 platen n03961503 platen n03961630 platen n03961711 plate rack n03961828 plate rail n03961939 platform n03962525 platform, weapons platform n03962685 platform n03962852 platform bed n03962932 platform rocker n03963028 plating, metal plating n03963198 platter n03963294 playback n03963483 playbox, play-box n03963645 playground n03963813 playhouse, wendy house n03963982 playing card n03964495 playpen, pen n03964611 playsuit n03964744 plaything, toy n03965456 plaza, mall, center, shopping mall, shopping center, shopping centre n03965907 pleat, plait n03966206 plenum n03966325 plethysmograph n03966582 pleximeter, plessimeter n03966751 plexor, plessor, percussor n03966976 pliers, pair of pliers, plyers n03967270 plimsoll n03967396 plotter n03967562 plow, plough n03967788 plowshare, ploughshare, share n03967942 plug, stopper, stopple n03968293 plug, male plug n03968479 plug fuse n03968581 plughole n03968728 plumb bob, plumb, plummet n03968886 plumber's snake, auger n03969041 plumbing, plumbing system n03969259 plumbing fixture n03969510 plumb level n03969627 plumb line, perpendicular n03969902 plumb rule n03969998 plume n03970156 plunger, plumber's helper n03970363 plus fours n03970546 plush n03970673 plutonium trigger, plutonium pit n03970884 ply n03971040 ply n03971218 plywood, plyboard n03971321 pneumatic drill n03971422 pneumatic tire, pneumatic tyre n03971771 pneumococcal vaccine, Pneumovax n03971960 p-n junction n03972146 p-n-p transistor n03972372 poacher n03972524 pocket n03972799 pocket n03973003 pocket battleship n03973170 pocketbook, pocket book, pocket edition n03973285 pocketcomb, pocket comb n03973402 pocket flap n03973520 pocket-handkerchief n03973628 pocketknife, pocket knife n03973839 pocket watch n03973945 pod, fuel pod n03974070 pogo stick n03974215 point n03974671 point, power point n03974769 point, gunpoint n03974915 point-and-shoot camera n03975035 pointed arch n03975232 pointer n03975419 pointillism n03975657 pointing trowel n03975788 point lace, needlepoint n03975926 poker, stove poker, fire hook, salamander n03976105 polarimeter, polariscope n03976268 Polaroid n03976467 Polaroid camera, Polaroid Land camera n03976657 pole n03976960 pole, magnetic pole n03977158 pole n03977266 poleax, poleaxe n03977430 poleax, poleaxe n03977592 police boat n03977678 police station, police headquarters, station house n03977966 police van, police wagon, paddy wagon, patrol wagon, wagon, black Maria n03978130 poliovirus vaccine n03978300 polka dot n03978421 polling booth n03978575 polo ball n03978686 polo mallet, polo stick n03978815 polonaise n03978966 polo shirt, sport shirt n03979100 polychrome n03979212 polyconic projection n03979377 polyester n03979492 polygraph n03979717 polymyxin n03979847 polypropenonitrile, Acrilan n03980026 pomade, pomatum n03980178 pommel, saddlebow n03980332 pommel n03980478 pommel horse, side horse n03980734 pompon, pom-pom n03980874 poncho n03980986 pongee n03981094 poniard, bodkin n03981204 Ponte 25 de Abril n03981340 pontifical n03981464 pontoon n03981566 pontoon n03981760 pontoon bridge, bateau bridge, floating bridge n03981924 pony cart, ponycart, donkey cart, tub-cart n03982060 pool n03982232 pool ball n03982331 poolroom n03982430 pool table, billiard table, snooker table n03982642 poop deck n03982767 poor box, alms box, mite box n03982895 poorhouse n03983068 Pop Art n03983396 pop bottle, soda bottle n03983499 popgun n03983612 poplin n03983712 popper n03983814 popper n03983928 poppet, poppet valve n03984125 pop tent n03984234 porcelain n03984381 porch n03984643 porkpie, porkpie hat n03984759 porringer n03984908 port, embrasure, porthole n03985069 portable n03985232 portable computer n03985441 portable circular saw, portable saw n03985588 portage n03985684 portal n03985881 portcullis n03986071 porte-cochere n03986224 porte-cochere n03986355 portfolio n03986562 porthole n03986704 portico n03986857 portiere n03986949 portmanteau, Gladstone, Gladstone bag n03987079 portrait, portrayal n03987266 portrait camera n03987376 portrait lens n03987509 positive n03987674 positive pole, positive magnetic pole, north-seeking pole n03987865 positive pole n03987990 positron emission tomography scanner, PET scanner n03988170 post n03988758 postage meter n03988926 post and lintel n03989074 postbox, mailbox, letter box n03989199 post chaise n03989349 postern n03989447 post exchange, PX n03989553 posthole, post hole n03989665 posthole digger, post-hole digger n03989777 post horn n03989898 posthouse, post house n03990025 postmodernism n03990210 Post-Office box, PO Box, POB, call box, letter box n03990385 post road n03990474 pot n03990834 pot, grass, green goddess, dope, weed, gage, sess, sens, smoke, skunk, locoweed, Mary Jane n03991062 pot, flowerpot n03991202 potbelly, potbelly stove n03991321 Potemkin village n03991443 potential divider, voltage divider n03991646 potentiometer, pot n03991837 potentiometer n03991969 pot farm n03992115 potholder n03992208 pothook n03992325 potpourri n03992436 potsherd n03992509 potter's wheel n03992703 pottery, clayware n03992888 pottery n03992975 pottle n03993053 potty seat, potty chair n03993180 pouch n03993403 poultice, cataplasm, plaster n03993703 pound, dog pound n03993878 pound net n03994008 powder n03994297 powder and shot n03994417 powdered mustard, dry mustard n03994614 powder horn, powder flask n03994757 powder keg n03994874 powderpuff, puff n03995018 power brake n03995265 power cord n03995372 power drill n03995535 power line, power cable n03995661 power loom n03995746 power module n03995856 power mower, motor mower n03996004 power pack n03996145 power saw, saw, sawing machine n03996416 power shovel, excavator, digger, shovel n03996655 power station, power plant, powerhouse n03996849 power steering, power-assisted steering n03997027 power system, power grid, grid n03997274 power takeoff, PTO n03997484 power tool n03997745 practice range n03997875 praetorium, pretorium n03997980 pravastatin, Pravachol n03998194 prayer rug, prayer mat n03998333 prayer shawl, tallith, tallis n03998525 prazosin, Minipress n03998673 precipitator, electrostatic precipitator, Cottrell precipitator n03998867 predictor n03999064 prefab n03999160 presbytery n03999280 prescription drug, prescription, prescription medicine, ethical drug n03999621 presence chamber n03999763 presidio n03999992 press, mechanical press n04000311 press, printing press n04000480 press n04000592 press box n04000716 press gallery n04000867 pressing n04000998 press of sail, press of canvas n04001132 pressure cabin n04001265 pressure cooker n04001397 pressure dome n04001499 pressure gauge, pressure gage n04001661 pressurized water reactor, PWR n04001845 pressure suit n04002026 preventive, preventative, prophylactic n04002262 pricket n04002371 prie-dieu n04002452 primaquine n04002536 Primaxin n04002629 primary coil, primary winding, primary n04002931 primidone, Mysoline n04003110 primitivism n04003241 Primus stove, Primus n04003359 Prince Albert n04003453 Princeton University, Princeton n04003597 print n04003856 print n04003982 print n04004099 print buffer n04004210 printed circuit n04004475 printer, printing machine n04004767 printer n04004990 printer cable n04005090 print shop, printing shop n04005197 priory n04005340 prism, optical prism n04005630 prison, prison house n04005912 prison camp, internment camp, prisoner of war camp, POW camp n04006067 privateer n04006227 private line n04006330 privet hedge n04006411 probe n04006584 probenecid n04006727 procaine, Ethocaine n04006953 procaine hydrochloride, novocaine, Novocain n04007126 procarbazine n04007239 prochlorperazine n04007415 proctoscope n04007510 procyclidine, Kemadrin n04007664 prod, goad n04007894 product, production n04008385 production line, assembly line, line n04008634 projectile, missile n04008947 projection n04009382 projection n04009552 projector n04009801 projector n04009923 prolonge n04010057 prolonge knot, sailor's breastplate n04010205 promenade, mall n04010348 promethazine, Phenergan n04010566 prompt box, prompter's box n04010779 prompter, autocue n04010927 prong n04011130 proof n04011242 prop n04011409 propanolol, Inderal n04011609 propellant explosive, impulse explosive n04011827 propeller, propellor n04012084 propeller plane n04012260 property, prop n04012482 propjet, turboprop, turbo-propeller plane n04012665 proportional counter tube, proportional counter n04012852 propoxyphene, propoxyphene hydrochloride, Darvon n04013060 propulsion system n04013176 proscenium, proscenium wall n04013362 proscenium, apron, forestage n04013600 proscenium arch n04013729 prosthesis, prosthetic device n04013993 protease inhibitor, PI n04014297 protective covering, protective cover, protection n04015204 protective garment n04015652 proteosome vaccine, proteosome n04015786 proton accelerator n04015908 protractor n04016015 protriptyline n04016133 proving ground n04016240 pruner, pruning hook, lopper n04016479 pruning knife n04016576 pruning saw n04016684 pruning shears n04016846 psaltery n04017019 psilocybin, psilocin n04017137 psychoactive drug, mind-altering drug, consciousness-altering drug, psychoactive substance n04017429 psychotropic agent n04017571 psychrometer n04017807 PT boat, mosquito boat, mosquito craft, motor torpedo boat n04017993 p-type semiconductor n04018155 public address system, P.A. system, PA system, P.A., PA n04018399 public house, pub, saloon, pothouse, gin mill, taphouse n04018667 public toilet, comfort station, public convenience, convenience, public lavatory, restroom, toilet facility, wash room n04018951 public transit n04019101 public transport n04019335 public works n04019541 puck, hockey puck n04019696 pull n04019881 pullback, tieback n04020087 pull chain n04020298 pulley, pulley-block, pulley block, block n04020617 pull-in, pull-up n04020744 pull-off, rest area, rest stop, layby, lay-by n04020912 Pullman, Pullman car n04021028 pullover, slipover n04021164 pull-through n04021362 pulse counter n04021503 pulse generator n04021704 pulse timing circuit n04021798 pump n04022332 pump n04022434 pump action, slide action n04022708 pump house, pumping station n04022866 pump room n04023021 pump-type pliers n04023119 pump well n04023249 punch, puncher n04023422 punchboard n04023695 punch bowl n04023808 punched card, punch card, Hollerith card n04023962 punching bag, punch bag, punching ball, punchball n04024137 punch pliers n04024274 punch press n04024396 puncture n04024576 pung n04024676 punkah n04024862 punnet n04024983 punt n04025130 puppet n04025350 puppet, marionette n04025508 pup tent, shelter tent n04025633 purdah n04025748 purgative, cathartic, physic, aperient n04026053 purifier n04026180 purl, purl stitch n04026304 purl n04026417 purse n04026518 purse seine n04026688 purse string n04026813 push-bike n04026918 push broom n04027023 push button, push, button n04027367 push-button radio n04027504 push-down storage, push-down store, stack n04027706 pusher, zori n04027820 put-put n04027935 puttee n04028074 putter, putting iron n04028221 putty knife n04028315 puzzle n04028472 pyelogram n04028581 pylon, power pylon n04028764 pylon n04028881 pyocyanase n04029015 pyocyanin n04029125 Pyramid, Great Pyramid, Pyramids of Egypt n04029416 pyramidal tent n04029541 pyrilamine n04029647 pyrograph n04029734 pyrometer n04029913 pyrometric cone n04030054 pyrostat n04030161 pyx, pix n04030274 pyx, pix, pyx chest, pix chest n04030414 pyxis n04030518 quad, quadrangle n04030655 quad, space n04030846 quadrant n04030965 quadraphony, quadraphonic system, quadriphonic system n04031166 quadruplicate n04031370 Quaker gun n04031481 quarrel n04031600 quarter n04031770 quarterdeck n04031884 quartering n04032049 quartering n04032242 quarterlight n04032392 quarter plate n04032509 quarterstaff n04032603 quartz battery, quartz mill n04032710 quartz crystal n04032936 quartz lamp n04033082 quay n04033178 Quebec Bridge n04033287 queen n04033425 queen n04033557 queen post n04033647 Queensboro Bridge n04033801 quern n04033901 quill, quill pen n04033995 quilt, comforter, comfort, puff n04034262 quilted bedspread n04034367 quilting n04034477 quilting n04034641 quinacrine, quinacrine hydrochloride, mepacrine, Atabrine n04034884 quinidine, Quinidex, Quinora n04035086 quinine n04035231 quipu n04035397 quirk n04035481 quirk bead, bead and quirk n04035634 quirk molding, quirk moulding n04035748 quirt n04035836 quiver n04035912 quoin, coign, coigne n04036004 quoin, coign, coigne n04036155 quoit n04036303 QWERTY keyboard n04036494 R-2, Mexican valium, rophy, rope, roofy, roach, forget me drug, circle n04036648 rabato, rebato n04036776 rabbet, rebate n04036963 rabbet joint n04037076 rabbit ears n04037220 rabbit hutch n04037298 raceabout n04037443 racer, race car, racing car n04037625 racetrack, racecourse, raceway, track n04037873 raceway, race n04037964 racing boat n04038109 racing circuit, circuit n04038231 racing gig n04038338 racing skiff, single shell n04038440 rack, stand n04038727 rack n04039041 rack, wheel n04039209 rack and pinion n04039381 racket, racquet n04039742 racquetball n04039848 radar, microwave radar, radio detection and ranging, radiolocation n04040247 radial, radial tire, radial-ply tire n04040373 radial engine, rotary engine n04040540 radiation pyrometer n04040759 radiator n04041069 radiator n04041243 radiator cap n04041408 radiator hose n04041544 radio, wireless n04041747 radio antenna, radio aerial n04041930 radio beacon, beacon n04042076 radio chassis n04042204 radio compass n04042358 radiogram, radiograph, shadowgraph, skiagraph, skiagram n04042632 radio interferometer n04042795 radio link, link n04042985 radiometer n04043168 radiomicrometer n04043268 radiopharmaceutical n04043411 radio-phonograph, radio-gramophone n04043619 radiophotograph, radiophoto n04043733 radio receiver, receiving set, radio set, radio, tuner, wireless n04044119 radio station n04044307 radiotelegraph, radiotelegraphy, wireless telegraph, wireless telegraphy n04044498 radiotelephone, radiophone, wireless telephone n04044716 radio telescope, radio reflector n04044955 radiotherapy equipment n04045085 radio transmitter n04045255 radome, radar dome n04045397 raft n04045644 rafter, balk, baulk n04045787 raft foundation n04045941 rag, shred, tag, tag end, tatter n04046091 ragbag n04046172 rag doll n04046277 raglan n04046400 raglan sleeve n04046590 rail n04046810 rail n04046974 rail fence n04047139 railhead n04047291 railhead n04047401 railing, rail n04047733 railing n04047834 railroad bed n04047949 railroad flat n04048075 railroad track, railroad, railway n04048441 railroad tunnel n04048568 railway, railroad, railroad line, railway line, railway system n04048979 railway junction n04049098 railway station, railroad station, railroad terminal, train station, train depot n04049303 rain barrel n04049405 raincoat, waterproof n04049585 rain gauge, rain gage, pluviometer, udometer n04049753 rain stick n04050066 rake n04050313 rake handle n04050410 ram n04050600 RAM disk n04050933 ramekin, ramequin n04051068 ramipril, Altace n04051269 ramjet, ramjet engine, atherodyde, athodyd, flying drainpipe n04051439 rammer n04051549 ramp, incline n04051705 rampant arch n04051825 rampart, bulwark, wall n04052235 ramrod n04052346 ramrod n04052442 ranch, spread, cattle ranch, cattle farm n04052658 ranch house n04052757 random-access memory, random access memory, random memory, RAM, read/write memory n04053218 range n04053508 rangefinder, range finder n04053677 range hood n04053767 range pole, ranging pole, flagpole n04053995 ranitidine, Zantac n04054213 rapid transit, mass rapid transit n04054361 rapier, tuck n04054471 rappee n04054566 rariora n04054670 rasp, wood file n04054795 raster n04055030 rat n04055180 ratchet, rachet, ratch n04055447 ratchet wheel n04055595 rathole n04055700 rathskeller n04055861 ratline, ratlin n04056073 rat-tail file n04056180 rattan, ratan n04056289 rattle n04056413 rattrap n04056491 rattrap n04056599 ravehook n04056718 Rayleigh disk n04056932 rayon n04057047 razor n04057215 razorblade n04057323 razor edge n04057435 reaction-propulsion engine, reaction engine n04057673 reaction turbine n04057846 reactor n04057981 reading lamp n04058096 reading room n04058239 read-only memory, ROM, read-only storage, fixed storage n04058486 read-only memory chip n04058594 readout, read-out n04058721 read/write head, head n04058921 ready-made n04059157 ready-to-wear n04059298 real storage n04059399 reamer n04059516 reamer, juicer, juice reamer n04059701 rear, back n04059947 rearview mirror n04060065 rear window n04060198 Reaumur thermometer n04060316 reboxetine, Edronax n04060448 rebozo n04060647 receiver, receiving system n04060904 receptacle n04061442 receptacle n04061681 reception desk n04061793 reception room n04061969 recess, niche n04062179 reciprocating engine n04062428 recliner, reclining chair, lounger n04062644 reconnaissance plane n04062807 reconnaissance vehicle, scout car n04062989 restoration n04063154 record changer, auto-changer, changer n04063373 recorder, recording equipment, recording machine n04063661 recording n04063868 recording n04064107 recording studio n04064213 recording system n04064307 record jacket n04064401 record player, phonograph n04064747 record sleeve, record cover n04064862 recovery room n04064988 recreational drug n04065132 recreational facility, recreation facility n04065272 recreational vehicle, RV, R.V. n04065464 recreation room, rec room n04065632 rectifier n04065789 recycling bin n04065909 recycling plant n04066023 redbrick university n04066270 red carpet n04066388 redoubt n04066476 redoubt n04066659 reducer n04066767 reduction gear n04066888 reed, vibrating reed n04067143 reed pipe n04067231 reed stop n04067353 reef knot, flat knot n04067472 reel n04067658 reel n04067818 refectory n04067921 refectory table n04068055 refill n04068261 refill n04068441 refinery n04068601 reflecting telescope, reflector n04068976 reflection, reflexion n04069166 reflectometer n04069276 reflector n04069434 reflex camera n04069582 reflux condenser n04069777 reformatory, reform school, training school n04070003 reformer n04070207 refracting telescope n04070415 refractometer n04070545 refrigeration system n04070727 refrigerator, icebox n04070964 refrigerator car n04071102 refuge, sanctuary, asylum n04071263 regalia n04071393 regimentals n04071536 register n04071712 register n04071876 register n04072193 regulator n04072551 rein n04072811 relaxant n04072960 relay, electrical relay n04073208 release n04073425 release, button n04073547 relic n04073669 relief, relievo, rilievo, embossment, sculptural relief n04073948 religious residence, cloister n04074185 reliquary n04074329 remake, remaking n04074482 remedy, curative, cure, therapeutic n04074876 remise n04074963 remote control, remote n04075160 remote-control bomb n04075291 remote terminal, link-attached terminal, remote station, link-attached station n04075468 removable disk n04075615 rendering n04075715 rendering n04075813 rep, repp n04075916 repair shop, fix-it shop n04076052 repeater n04076284 repeating firearm, repeater n04076433 repertory n04076533 replica, replication, reproduction n04076713 repository, monument n04076846 representation n04077430 reproducer n04077594 rerebrace, upper cannon n04077734 rescue equipment n04077889 research center, research facility n04078002 reseau n04078150 reseau n04078236 reserpine, Raudixin, Rau-Sed, Sandril, Serpasil n04078574 reservoir n04078747 reservoir, artificial lake, man-made lake n04078955 reset n04079106 reset button n04079244 residence n04079603 resistance pyrometer n04079746 resistance thermometer, platinum thermometer n04079933 resistor, resistance n04080138 resonator n04080237 resonator, resonant circuit n04080454 resonator, cavity resonator, resonating chamber n04080705 resort hotel, spa n04080833 respirator, inhalator n04081044 rest n04081281 restaurant, eating house, eating place, eatery n04081699 rest house n04081844 restraint, constraint n04082344 resuscitator n04082562 retainer n04082710 retaining wall n04082886 reticle, reticule, graticule n04083113 reticulation n04083309 reticule n04083468 restoration n04083649 retort n04083800 retractor n04083942 retread, recap n04084089 retrenchment n04084234 retrofit n04084363 retrorocket n04084517 return key, return n04084682 reverberatory furnace n04084889 revers, revere n04085017 reverse, reverse gear n04085181 reverse, verso n04085365 reverse transcriptase inhibitor n04085574 reversible n04085746 reversing thermometer n04085873 revetment, revetement, stone facing n04086066 revetment n04086150 reviewing stand n04086273 revolver, six-gun, six-shooter n04086446 revolving door, revolver n04086663 rheometer n04086794 rheostat, variable resistor n04086937 rhinoscope n04087126 rib n04087290 rib n04087432 riband, ribband n04087524 ribavirin, Virazole n04087709 ribbed vault n04087826 ribbing n04087899 ribbon n04088058 ribbon, typewriter ribbon n04088229 ribbon development n04088343 rib joint pliers n04088441 ricer n04088593 rickrack, ricrac n04088696 riddle n04088797 ride n04088982 rider plate n04089152 ridge, ridgepole, rooftree n04089376 ridge rope n04089522 riding bitt n04089666 riding boot n04089836 riding crop, hunting crop n04089976 riding mower n04090064 rifampin, Rifadin, Rimactane n04090263 rifle n04090548 rifle ball n04090682 rifle butt n04090781 rifle grenade n04090923 rifle range n04091097 rig n04091247 rig, rigging n04091466 rigger, rigger brush n04091584 rigger n04091693 rigging, tackle n04091839 right field, rightfield, right n04092013 right of way n04092168 rigout n04092305 rim n04092447 rim n04092609 ring, band n04092959 ring n04093157 ringlet n04093223 rings n04093478 ringside, ringside seat n04093625 rink, skating rink n04093775 riot gun n04093915 ripcord n04094060 ripcord n04094250 ripping bar n04094438 ripping chisel n04094608 ripsaw, splitsaw n04094720 riser n04094859 riser, riser pipe, riser pipeline, riser main n04094983 ritonavir, Norvir n04095109 Ritz n04095210 river boat n04095342 rivet n04095577 riveting machine, riveter, rivetter n04095725 rivet line n04095853 roach n04095938 roach clip, roach holder n04096066 road, route n04096733 roadbed n04096848 roadblock, barricade n04097085 roadhouse n04097256 road map n04097373 roadster, runabout, two-seater n04097527 road surface n04097622 roadway n04097760 roaster n04097866 robe n04098032 Robitussin n04098169 robotics equipment n04098260 Rochon prism, Wollaston prism n04098399 rock bit, roller bit n04098513 rocker n04098710 rocker n04098795 rocker, cradle n04099003 rocker arm, valve rocker n04099175 rocket, rocket engine n04099429 rocket, projectile n04099649 rocket base n04099761 rocket range n04099854 rock garden, rockery n04099969 rocking chair, rocker n04100174 rod n04100519 rodeo n04100620 roentgenogram, X ray, X-ray, X-ray picture, X-ray photograph n04100994 rofecoxib, Vioxx n04101232 roll n04101375 roll n04101497 roller n04101701 roller n04101860 roller bandage n04102037 in-line skate n04102162 Rollerblade n04102285 roller blind n04102406 roller coaster, big dipper, chute-the-chute n04102618 roller skate n04102760 roller towel n04102872 roll film n04102962 rolling hitch n04103094 rolling mill n04103206 rolling pin n04103364 rolling stock n04103491 roll of tobacco, smoke n04103665 roll-on n04103769 roll-on n04103918 roll-on roll-off n04104147 Rolodex n04104384 Roman arch, semicircular arch n04104500 Roman building n04104641 Roman candle n04104770 romper, romper suit n04104925 rood screen n04105068 roof n04105438 roof n04105609 roof garden n04105704 roofing n04105791 roof peak n04105893 room n04107598 roomette n04107743 room light n04107870 roost n04107984 roost n04108137 root cellar, cellar n04108268 rope n04108822 rope bridge n04108908 rope ladder n04108999 rope tow n04109104 ropewalk, rope yard n04109240 rope yarn n04109335 rosary, prayer beads n04109471 rose bed, bed of roses n04109599 rose garden n04109702 rosemaling n04109899 rosette n04110068 rose water n04110178 rose window, rosette n04110281 rosin bag n04110439 rotary actuator, positioner n04110654 rotary engine n04110841 rotary press n04110955 rotating mechanism n04111190 rotating shaft, shaft n04111414 rotisserie n04111531 rotisserie n04111668 rotor n04111962 rotor, rotor coil n04112147 rotor n04112252 rotor blade, rotary wing n04112430 rotor head, rotor shaft n04112579 rotunda n04112654 rotunda n04112752 rouge, paint, blusher n04112921 roughcast n04113038 rouleau n04113124 rouleau n04113194 roulette, toothed wheel n04113316 roulette ball n04113406 roulette wheel, wheel n04113641 round, unit of ammunition, one shot n04113765 round arch n04113968 round-bottom flask n04114069 roundel n04114193 rounder n04114301 round file n04114428 roundhouse n04114554 Round Table, King Arthur's Round Table n04114719 router n04114844 router n04114996 router plane n04115144 rowel n04115256 row house, town house n04115456 rowing boat n04115542 rowlock arch n04115670 row of bricks n04115802 royal n04115906 royal brace n04115996 royal mast n04116098 rubber band, elastic band, elastic n04116294 rubber boot, gum boot n04116389 rubber bullet n04116512 rubber eraser, rubber, pencil eraser n04116744 rubbing n04116919 rubbing alcohol n04117089 rubefacient n04117216 rudder n04117464 rudder n04117639 rudder blade n04117747 rudderpost, rudderstock n04117917 rue n04118021 rug, carpet, carpeting n04118538 rugby ball n04118635 ruin n04118776 rule, ruler n04119091 rumble n04119230 rumble seat n04119360 rummer n04119478 rumpus room, playroom, game room n04119630 runcible spoon n04119751 rundle, spoke, rung n04119892 rung, round, stave n04120093 runner n04120266 runner n04120339 running board n04120489 running shoe n04120593 running stitch n04120695 running suit n04120842 runway n04120998 runway n04121142 runway n04121228 rushlight, rush candle n04121342 russet n04121426 rya, rya rug n04121511 saber, sabre n04121728 saber saw, jigsaw, reciprocating saw n04122011 Sabin vaccine, oral poliovirus vaccine, OPV, trivalent live oral poliomyelitis vaccine, TOPV n04122262 sable n04122349 sable, sable brush, sable's hair pencil n04122492 sable coat n04122578 sabot, wooden shoe n04122685 sachet n04122825 sack, poke, paper bag, carrier bag n04123026 sack, sacque n04123123 sackbut n04123228 sackcloth n04123317 sackcloth n04123448 sack coat n04123567 sacking, bagging n04123740 saddle n04123980 saddle n04124098 saddlebag n04124202 saddle blanket, saddlecloth, horse blanket n04124370 saddle oxford, saddle shoe n04124488 saddlery n04124573 saddle seat n04124764 saddle soap, leather soap n04124887 saddle stitch n04125021 safe n04125116 safe n04125257 safe-deposit, safe-deposit box, safety-deposit, safety deposit box, deposit box, lockbox n04125466 safehold n04125541 safe house n04125692 safety arch n04125853 safety belt, life belt, safety harness n04126066 safety bicycle, safety bike n04126244 safety bolt, safety lock n04126373 safety catch, safety lock n04126541 safety curtain n04126659 safety fuse n04126852 safety lamp, Davy lamp n04126980 safety match, book matches n04127117 safety net n04127249 safety pin n04127395 safety rail, guardrail n04127521 safety razor n04127633 safety valve, relief valve, escape valve, escape cock, escape n04127904 sail, canvas, canvass, sheet n04128413 sail n04128499 sailboat, sailing boat n04128710 sailcloth n04128837 sailing vessel, sailing ship n04129490 sailing warship n04129688 sailor cap n04129766 sailor suit n04129872 Saint Lawrence Seaway, St. Lawrence Seaway n04130143 salad bar n04130257 salad bowl n04130357 salad fork n04130447 salad plate, salad bowl n04130566 salinometer n04130715 Salk vaccine, IPV n04130907 sallet, salade n04131015 salon n04131113 salon n04131208 salon, beauty salon, beauty parlor, beauty parlour, beauty shop n04131368 saltbox n04131499 saltcellar n04131610 salt mine n04131690 saltshaker, salt shaker n04131811 saltworks n04131929 salver n04132056 salvinorin n04132158 salwar, shalwar n04132354 Salyut n04132465 Sam Browne belt n04132603 samisen, shamisen n04132829 samite n04132985 samovar n04133114 sampan n04133211 sampler n04133346 sampling station, sampler n04133497 sanatorium, sanatarium, sanitarium n04133648 sanctuary n04133789 sandal n04134008 sandbag n04134170 sandblaster n04134339 sandbox, sandpile, sandpit n04134523 sandbox n04134632 sandglass n04134862 sand painting n04135024 sand wedge n04135118 sandwich board n04135315 sanitary napkin, sanitary towel, Kotex n04135516 Santa Fe Trail n04135710 cling film, clingfilm, Saran Wrap n04135933 sarcenet, sarsenet n04136045 sarcophagus n04136161 sari, saree n04136333 sarong n04136510 sash, window sash n04136676 sash cord, sash line n04136800 sash fastener, sash lock, window lock n04136997 sash weight n04137089 sash window n04137217 satchel n04137355 sateen n04137444 satellite, artificial satellite, orbiter n04137773 satellite receiver n04137897 satellite television, satellite TV n04138131 satellite transmitter n04138261 satin n04138398 satinet, satinette n04138560 satin stitch n04138671 satin weave n04138869 Saturday night special n04138977 saucepan n04139140 saucepot n04139291 saucer n04139395 sauna, sweat room n04139534 save-all n04139642 save-all n04139748 save-all n04139859 savings bank, coin bank, money box, bank n04140064 saw n04140340 sawdust doll n04140434 sawdust saloon n04140539 sawed-off shotgun n04140631 sawhorse, horse, sawbuck, buck n04140777 sawmill n04140853 saw set n04140976 sawtooth n04141076 sax, saxophone n04141198 saxhorn n04141327 scabbard n04141423 scaffold n04141573 scaffold n04141712 scaffolding, staging n04141838 scale n04141975 scale, weighing machine n04142175 scaler n04142327 scaling ladder n04142434 scalpel n04142549 scan, CAT scan n04142731 scanner, electronic scanner n04142999 scanner n04143140 scanner, digital scanner, image scanner n04143365 scantling, stud n04143492 scapular, scapulary n04143712 scarecrow, straw man, strawman, bird-scarer, scarer n04143897 scarf n04144241 scarf joint, scarf n04144434 scatter pin n04144539 scatter rug, throw rug n04144651 scauper, scorper n04144782 scene, view n04145056 scenery, scene n04145322 scenic railway n04145417 scheduler n04145578 schematic, schematic drawing n04145735 schlock, shlock, dreck n04145863 Schmidt telescope, Schmidt camera n04146050 school, schoolhouse n04146343 schoolbag n04146504 school bell n04146614 school bus n04146721 school crossing n04146862 school ship, training ship n04146976 school system n04147183 schooner n04147291 schooner n04147364 science museum n04147495 scientific instrument n04147793 scimitar n04147916 scintillation counter n04148054 scissors, pair of scissors n04148285 sclerometer n04148464 scoinson arch, sconcheon arch n04148579 sconce n04148703 sconce n04148801 sconce n04148936 sconce n04149083 scoop n04149208 scoop, scoop shovel n04149374 scooter n04149490 scopolamine, hyoscine n04149813 scoreboard n04149968 scourge, flagellum n04150153 scouring pad n04150273 scow n04150371 scow n04150474 scrambler n04150668 scrap n04150860 scrapbook n04150980 scraper n04151108 scratcher n04151228 scratchpad n04151405 screed n04151581 screen n04151940 screen, cover, covert, concealment n04152387 screen n04152593 screen, CRT screen n04152829 screen, silver screen, projection screen n04153025 screen door, screen n04153330 screening n04153436 screen saver n04153751 screw n04154152 screw, screw propeller n04154340 screw n04154565 screwdriver n04154753 screw eye n04154854 screw key n04154938 screw thread, thread n04155068 screwtop n04155177 screw wrench n04155310 scribble, scrabble, doodle n04155457 scriber, scribe, scratch awl n04155625 scrim n04155735 scrimshaw n04155889 scriptorium n04156040 scrubber n04156140 scrub brush, scrubbing brush, scrubber n04156297 scrub plane n04156411 scuffer n04156591 scuffle, scuffle hoe, Dutch hoe n04156720 scull n04156814 scull n04156946 scull n04157099 scullery n04157320 sculpture n04157703 scum n04157883 scupper n04158002 scuttle, coal scuttle n04158138 scyphus n04158250 scythe n04158457 sea anchor, drogue n04158672 seabag n04158807 sea boat n04158956 sea chest n04159058 seal, stamp n04159354 seal n04159545 seal n04159676 sea ladder, sea steps n04159850 seal bomb n04160036 sealing wax, seal n04160261 sealskin n04160372 seam n04160586 seaplane, hydroplane n04160847 searchlight n04161010 searing iron n04161102 Sears Tower n04161233 seascape, waterscape n04161358 seat n04161981 seat n04162433 seat n04162599 seat n04162706 seat belt, seatbelt n04162895 seat cushion n04162998 seating, seats, seating room, seating area n04163364 seaway, sea lane, ship route, trade route n04163530 secateurs n04163740 secobarbital sodium, secobarbital, Seconal, red devil n04164002 secondary coil, secondary winding, secondary n04164199 second balcony, family circle, upper balcony, peanut gallery n04164406 second base n04164529 second gear, second n04164757 second hand n04164868 secretary, writing table, escritoire, secretaire n04164989 section, segment n04165409 sectional n04165551 sector n04165675 security blanket n04165811 security blanket n04165945 security system, security measure, security n04166111 security system n04166281 sedan, saloon n04166436 sedan, sedan chair n04166553 sedative, sedative drug, depressant, downer n04166841 sedative-hypnotic, sedative-hypnotic drug n04167122 seedbed n04167228 seeder n04167346 seeder n04167489 seeker n04167661 seersucker n04167759 seesaw, teeter, teeter-totter, teetertotter, teeterboard, tilting board, dandle board n04168084 segmental arch n04168199 Segway, Segway Human Transporter, Segway HT n04168472 seidel n04168541 seine n04168716 seismogram n04168840 seismograph n04169035 seizing n04169152 selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor, SSRI n04169437 selector, selector switch n04169597 selenium cell n04169707 self-feeder, feeder n04169935 self-portrait n04170037 self-propelled vehicle n04170384 self-registering thermometer n04170515 self-starter n04170694 selsyn, synchro n04170933 selvage, selvedge n04171066 selvage, selvedge n04171208 semaphore n04171373 semi-abstraction n04171459 semiautomatic firearm n04171629 semiautomatic pistol, semiautomatic n04171831 semiconductor device, semiconductor unit, semiconductor n04172107 semi-detached house n04172230 semigloss n04172342 semitrailer, semi n04172512 sennit n04172607 sensitometer n04172776 sentry box n04172904 separate n04173046 septic tank n04173172 sequence, episode n04173344 sequencer n04173511 sequencer, sequenator n04173698 sequin, spangle, diamante n04173907 serape, sarape n04174026 serge n04174101 serger n04174234 serial port n04174394 series circuit n04174500 serpent n04174596 serpent n04174705 serration n04174853 sertraline, Zoloft n04175039 server n04175147 server, host n04175380 service, table service n04175574 service club n04175669 service door, service entrance, servant's entrance n04175859 service station n04176068 serving cart n04176190 serving dish n04176295 servo, servomechanism, servosystem n04176528 set n04176747 set-back, setoff, offset n04176889 set decoration n04177041 set gun, spring gun n04177202 set piece n04177329 setscrew n04177545 setscrew n04177654 set square n04177755 settee n04177820 settle, settee n04177931 settlement house n04178062 seven-spot, seven n04178190 seventy-eight, 78 n04178329 Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Seven Wonders of the World n04178668 sewage disposal plant, disposal plant n04178784 sewage farm n04178897 sewage system, sewer system, sewage works n04179126 sewer, sewerage, cloaca n04179271 sewer main, sewer line n04179385 sewing, stitchery n04179712 sewing basket n04179824 sewing kit n04179913 sewing machine n04180063 sewing needle n04180229 sewing room n04180314 sewing stitch, embroidery stitch n04180888 sextant n04181083 sgraffito n04181228 shackle, bond, hamper, trammel n04181561 shackle n04181718 shade n04181983 shade n04182152 shadow box n04182322 shaft n04182514 shaft n04182708 shaft, scape n04182890 shaft n04183076 shag n04183217 shag rug n04183329 shaker n04183516 shampoo n04183663 shank, waist n04183819 shank n04183957 shank n04184095 shank, stem n04184316 shantung n04184435 shaper, shaping machine n04184600 shaping tool n04184701 shard, sherd, fragment n04184880 sharkskin n04184957 sharp n04185071 sharpener n04185329 sharpie n04185529 Sharpie n04185656 sharpshooter n04185804 shaver, electric shaver, electric razor n04185946 shaving brush n04186051 shaving cream, shaving soap n04186268 shaving foam n04186455 shawl n04186624 shawm n04186709 shear n04186848 shears n04187061 sheath n04187233 sheathing, overlay, overlayer n04187547 shed n04187751 sheep bell n04187885 sheepshank n04187970 sheepskin coat, afghan n04188064 sheepwalk, sheeprun n04188179 sheet, bed sheet n04188368 sheet, tack, mainsheet, weather sheet, shroud n04188643 sheet, flat solid n04188985 sheet anchor, waist anchor n04189092 sheet bend, becket bend, weaver's knot, weaver's hitch n04189282 sheeting n04189392 sheet iron n04189482 sheet metal n04189651 sheet pile, sheath pile, sheet piling n04189816 Sheetrock n04189913 sheet web n04190052 shelf n04190376 shelf bracket n04190464 shell n04190747 shell, case, casing n04190997 shell, racing shell n04191150 shellac, shellac varnish n04191346 shell plating n04191502 shell stitch n04191595 shelter n04191943 shelter n04192238 shelter n04192361 sheltered workshop n04192521 Sheraton n04192698 shield, buckler n04192858 shield n04193035 shielding n04193179 shielding n04193377 shift key, shift n04193552 shift register n04193742 shillelagh, shillalah n04193883 shim n04194009 shingle n04194127 shin guard, shinpad n04194289 ship n04196080 shipboard system n04196337 ship canal, shipway n04196502 shipping, cargo ships, merchant marine, merchant vessels n04196677 shipping office n04196803 shipping room n04196925 ship-towed long-range acoustic detection system n04197110 shipwreck n04197235 shipyard n04197391 shirt n04197781 shirt button n04197878 shirtdress n04198015 shirtfront n04198233 shirting n04198355 shirtsleeve n04198453 shirttail n04198562 shirtwaist, shirtwaister n04198722 shiv n04198797 shock absorber, shock, cushion n04199027 shoe n04200000 shoe n04200138 shoe bomb n04200258 shoebox n04200390 shoebox n04200537 shoehorn n04200637 shoelace, shoe lace, shoestring, shoe string n04200800 shoe shop, shoe-shop, shoe store n04200908 shoetree n04201064 shofar, shophar n04201297 shoji n04201435 shoofly n04201618 shook n04201733 shooting brake n04201845 shooting gallery, shooting range n04201992 shooting gallery n04202142 shooting lodge, shooting box n04202282 shooting stick n04202417 shop, store n04203356 shop bell n04203514 shop floor n04203705 shopfront, storefront n04203889 shopping n04204081 shopping bag n04204238 shopping basket n04204347 shopping cart n04204468 shore, shoring n04204619 short n04204755 short circuit, short n04204953 shortcut, cutoff, crosscut n04205062 short iron n04205192 short line n04205318 short pants, shorts, trunks n04205505 short sleeve n04205613 shortwave diathermy machine n04205759 shot, pellet n04205983 shot n04206070 shot n04206225 shot glass, jigger, pony n04206356 shotgun, scattergun n04206570 shotgun shell n04206695 shot hole n04206790 shot tower n04206948 shoulder, berm n04207151 shoulder n04207343 shoulder bag n04207473 shoulder board, shoulder mark n04207596 shouldered arch n04207763 shoulder holster n04207903 shoulder pad n04208065 shoulder patch n04208210 shovel n04208427 shovel n04208582 shovel hat n04208760 showboat n04208936 shower n04209133 shower cap n04209239 shower curtain n04209383 showerhead n04209509 shower room n04209613 shower stall, shower bath n04209811 showroom, salesroom, saleroom n04210012 shrapnel n04210120 shredder n04210288 shrimper n04210390 shrine n04210591 shrink-wrap n04210723 shroud n04210858 shunt n04211001 shunt, electrical shunt, bypass n04211219 shunter n04211356 shutter n04211528 shutter n04211755 shutting post n04211857 shuttle n04211970 shuttle n04212165 shuttle bus n04212282 shuttlecock, bird, birdie, shuttle n04212467 shuttle helicopter n04212573 siamese, siamese connection n04212810 Sibley tent n04212943 sick bag, sickbag n04213105 sickbay, sick berth n04213264 sickbed n04213353 sickle, reaping hook, reap hook n04213530 sickroom n04213626 side n04214046 sideboard n04214154 sideboard n04214282 sidecar n04214413 side chapel n04214535 side door, side entrance n04214649 sidelight, running light n04214871 sideline n04214958 side pocket n04215056 side road n04215153 sidesaddle n04215287 side street n04215402 sidewalk, pavement n04215588 sidewall n04215684 sidewall n04215800 side-wheeler n04215910 sidewinder n04216013 side yard n04216106 siding, railroad siding, turnout, sidetrack n04216302 Siege Perilous n04216508 Siegfried line n04216634 sieve, screen n04216860 sifter n04216963 sights n04217200 sight setting n04217387 sigmoidoscope, flexible sigmoidoscope n04217546 signal box, signal tower n04217718 signaling device n04217882 signboard, sign n04218142 signet n04218271 signet ring, seal ring n04218383 sildenafil, sildenafil citrate, Viagra n04218564 silencer, muffler n04218773 silencer n04218921 silent butler n04219067 silesia n04219185 Silex n04219277 silhouette n04219424 silk n04219580 silks n04219718 silkscreen, silk screen print, serigraph n04220036 sill n04220250 silo n04220344 silo n04220523 silver medal, silver n04220717 silver mine n04220805 silver plate n04220945 silver plate n04221076 silverpoint n04221241 silver protein n04221424 silverware n04221586 silverwork n04221673 simple pendulum n04221823 simulator n04221994 simvastatin, Zocor n04222210 single bed n04222307 single-breasted jacket n04222470 single-breasted suit n04222594 single crochet, single stitch n04222723 single prop, single-propeller plane n04222847 single-reed instrument, single-reed woodwind n04223066 single-rotor helicopter n04223170 singlestick, fencing stick, backsword n04223299 singlet, vest, undershirt n04223435 singleton n04223580 sink n04223778 sinker n04223915 sinusoidal projection, Sanson-Flamsteed projection n04224155 siphon, syphon n04224395 siren n04224543 sister ship n04224671 Sistine Chapel n04224842 sitar n04225031 sitz bath, hip bath n04225222 six-pack, six pack, sixpack n04225337 sixpenny nail n04225417 six-spot, six n04225578 size stick n04225729 skate n04225987 skateboard n04226172 skeen arch, skene arch, scheme arch, diminished arch n04226322 skeg n04226464 skein n04226537 skeleton, skeletal frame, frame, underframe n04226826 skeleton key n04226962 skep n04227050 skep n04227144 sketch, study n04227370 sketchbook, sketch block, sketch pad n04227519 sketcher n04227618 sketch map n04227787 skew arch n04227900 skewer n04228054 ski n04228215 ski binding, binding n04228422 skibob n04228581 ski boot n04228693 ski cap, stocking cap, toboggan cap n04228844 skid n04229007 skidder n04229107 skid lid n04229195 skidpan n04229363 skid road n04229480 skiff n04229620 ski jump n04229737 ski lodge n04229816 ski mask n04229959 skimmer n04230093 skin n04230221 skin n04230387 ski parka, ski jacket n04230487 ski-plane n04230603 ski pole n04230707 ski rack n04230808 skirt n04231272 skirt n04231444 skirt of tasses n04231575 ski run, ski trail n04231693 ski tow, ski lift, lift n04231905 Skivvies n04232034 skull and crossbones n04232153 skullcap n04232312 skybox n04232437 skyhook n04232543 skyhook n04232691 Skylab n04232800 skylight, fanlight n04232902 skyrocket, rocket n04233027 skysail n04233124 skyscraper n04233295 skywalk n04233405 slab n04233556 slack n04233715 slacks n04233832 slack suit n04233960 slapstick n04234160 slasher n04234260 slash pocket n04234455 slat, spline n04234670 slate n04234763 slate pencil n04234887 slate roof n04234969 slave market n04235165 slave ship n04235291 sled, sledge, sleigh n04235646 sleeper n04235771 sleeper n04235860 sleeping bag n04236001 sleeping car, sleeper, wagon-lit n04236182 sleeping pill, sleeping tablet, sleeping capsule, sleeping draught n04236377 sleeve, arm n04236702 sleeve n04236809 sleigh bed n04236935 sleigh bell, cascabel n04237086 slice n04237174 slice bar n04237287 slicer n04237423 slicer n04237565 slick n04237654 slick n04237773 slide, lantern slide n04237924 slide, microscope slide n04238128 slide, playground slide, sliding board n04238321 slide fastener, zip, zipper, zip fastener n04238617 slide projector n04238763 slide rule, slipstick n04238953 slide valve n04239074 sliding door n04239218 sliding seat n04239333 sliding window n04239436 sling, scarf bandage, triangular bandage n04239639 sling n04239786 slingback, sling n04239900 slinger ring n04240097 slingshot, sling, catapult n04240327 slip, slip of paper n04240434 slip clutch, slip friction clutch n04240576 slip coach, slip carriage n04240752 slipcover n04240867 slip-joint pliers n04241042 slipknot n04241249 slip-on n04241394 slipper, carpet slipper n04241573 slip ring n04241782 slip stitch n04241940 slit n04242084 slit lamp n04242315 slit trench n04242408 sloop n04242587 sloop of war n04242704 slop basin, slop bowl n04242871 slop chest n04243003 slop pail, slop jar n04243142 slops n04243251 slopshop, slopseller's shop n04243370 slot n04243546 slot, one-armed bandit n04243727 slot, expansion slot n04243941 slot machine, coin machine n04244152 slow lane n04244278 slow match n04244379 sluice, sluiceway, penstock n04244615 sluicegate, sluice valve, floodgate, penstock, head gate, water gate n04244847 smack n04244997 small boat n04245218 small computer system interface, SCSI n04245412 small ship n04245508 small stores n04245703 small stuff n04245847 smart bomb n04246060 smelling bottle n04246156 smelter, smeltery n04246271 smocking n04246459 smoke bomb, smoke grenade n04246633 smoke hole n04246731 smokehouse, meat house n04246855 smoker, smoking car, smoking carriage, smoking compartment n04247011 smoke screen, smokescreen n04247175 smokestack, stack n04247336 smoking mixture n04247440 smoking room n04247544 smoothbore n04247630 smooth plane, smoothing plane n04247736 snack bar, snack counter, buffet n04247876 snaffle, snaffle bit n04248010 snake n04248209 snap, snap fastener, press stud n04248396 snap brim n04248507 snap-brim hat n04248607 snapshot, snap, shot n04248851 snare, gin, noose n04249029 snare n04249204 snare n04249415 snare drum, snare, side drum n04249582 snatch block n04249705 Snellen chart n04249882 snifter, brandy snifter, brandy glass n04250026 snip, snippet, snipping n04250224 sniper rifle, precision rifle n04250473 snips, tinsnips n04250599 Sno-cat n04250692 snood n04250850 snorkel, schnorkel, schnorchel, snorkel breather, breather n04251144 snorkel n04251377 snorter n04251560 snowball n04251701 snowbank, snow bank n04251791 snowboard n04251983 snowman n04252077 snowmobile n04252225 snowplow, snowplough n04252331 snowshoe n04252560 snowsuit n04252653 snow thrower, snow blower n04252814 snow tire n04252939 snuff n04253057 snuffbox n04253168 snuffer n04253304 snuffers n04253437 soap n04253751 soap, scoop, max, liquid ecstasy, grievous bodily harm, goop, Georgia home boy, easy lay n04253931 soapbox n04254009 soap dish n04254120 soap dispenser n04254205 soap film n04254319 soap flakes n04254450 soap pad n04254535 soap powder, built-soap powder, washing powder n04254680 soccer ball n04254777 sock n04255034 socket n04255163 socket n04255346 socket wrench n04255499 socle n04255586 soda can n04255670 soda fountain n04255768 soda fountain n04255899 sod house, soddy, adobe house n04256033 sodium salicylate n04256152 sodium thiopental, phenobarbital, phenobarbitone, Luminal, purple heart n04256318 sodium-vapor lamp, sodium-vapour lamp n04256520 sofa, couch, lounge n04256758 soffit n04256891 softball, playground ball n04256993 soft drug n04257223 soft pedal n04257385 soft soap, green soap n04257533 software package, software product n04257684 soil pipe n04257790 solar array, solar battery, solar panel n04257986 solar cell, photovoltaic cell n04258138 solar dish, solar collector, solar furnace n04258333 solar heater n04258438 solar house n04258618 solar telescope n04258732 solar thermal system n04258859 soldering iron n04258982 sole n04259202 solenoid n04259364 solitaire n04259468 solleret, sabaton n04259630 sombrero n04259771 sonar, echo sounder, asdic n04260192 sonic depth finder, fathometer n04260364 sonogram, echogram n04260589 sonograph n04260816 soothing syrup n04260934 soporific, hypnotic n04261116 sorter n04261281 souk n04261369 sound bow n04261506 soundbox, body n04261638 sound camera n04261767 sounder n04261868 sound film n04262010 sound hole n04262161 sounding board, soundboard n04262410 sounding lead n04262530 sounding rocket n04262678 sound recording, audio recording, audio n04262869 sound spectrograph n04262969 soundtrack n04263139 sound truck n04263257 soup bowl n04263336 soup ladle n04263417 soup plate n04263502 soupspoon, soup spoon n04263614 source n04263760 source of illumination n04263950 sourdine n04264050 sourdine, sordino n04264134 soutache n04264233 soutane n04264361 sou'wester n04264485 soybean future n04264628 space bar n04264765 space capsule, capsule n04264914 spacecraft, ballistic capsule, space vehicle n04265275 space heater n04265428 space helmet n04265535 Space Needle n04265668 space probe n04265904 space rocket n04266014 space shuttle n04266162 space station, space platform, space laboratory n04266375 spacesuit n04266486 spade n04266660 spade n04266849 spade bit n04266968 spaghetti junction n04267091 Spandau n04267165 spandex n04267246 spandrel, spandril n04267435 spanker n04267577 spar n04267870 spare part, spare n04267985 sparge pipe n04268142 spark arrester, sparker n04268275 spark arrester n04268418 spark chamber, spark counter n04268565 spark coil n04268680 spark gap n04268799 spark gap n04268969 sparkler n04269086 spark lever n04269270 spark plug, sparking plug, plug n04269502 sparkplug wrench n04269668 spark transmitter n04269822 spat, gaiter n04269944 spatula n04270147 spatula n04270276 speakeasy n04270371 speakerphone n04270576 speaking trumpet n04270765 speaking tube n04270891 spear, lance, shaft n04271148 spear, gig, fizgig, fishgig, lance n04271371 spearhead, spearpoint, spear-point n04271531 specialty store n04271640 specific n04271793 specimen bottle n04271891 spectacle n04272054 spectacles, specs, eyeglasses, glasses n04272389 spectator pump, spectator n04272541 spectinomycin n04272638 spectrogram, spectrograph n04272782 spectrograph n04272928 spectrophotometer n04273064 spectroscope, prism spectroscope n04273285 speculum n04273433 speculum n04273569 speedboat n04273659 speed bump n04273796 speedometer, speed indicator n04273972 speed skate, racing skate n04274110 speedway n04274214 speedway n04274309 sperm bank n04274396 spermicide, spermatocide n04274530 sphere n04274686 spherometer n04274807 sphinx n04274985 sphygmomanometer n04275093 spicemill n04275175 spice rack n04275283 spider n04275363 spider web, spider's web n04275548 spider web, spider's web n04275661 spike n04275904 spike n04276050 spike, spindle n04276249 spike n04276404 spike n04276531 spike n04276808 spike heel, spike, stiletto heel n04276929 spike mike n04277034 spillway, spill, wasteweir n04277204 spinal anesthetic, spinal anaesthetic n04277352 spindle n04277493 spindle, mandrel, mandril, arbor n04277669 spindle n04277826 spin dryer, spin drier n04277980 spine, backbone n04278247 spinet n04278353 spinet n04278447 spinnaker n04278605 spinner n04278751 spinner n04278932 spinning frame n04279063 spinning jenny n04279172 spinning machine n04279353 spinning rod n04279462 spinning wheel n04279666 spiral, volute n04279858 spiral bandage n04279987 spiral ratchet screwdriver, ratchet screwdriver n04280259 spiral spring n04280373 spirit lamp n04280487 spirit stove n04280603 spirogram n04280706 spirograph n04280845 spirometer n04280970 spit n04281131 spitball n04281260 spittoon, cuspidor n04281375 splashboard, splasher, dashboard n04281571 splasher n04281749 splat n04281880 splay n04281998 splice, splicing n04282231 splicer n04282379 spline n04282494 splint n04282664 split n04282872 split rail, fence rail n04282992 Spode n04283096 spoiler n04283255 spoiler n04283378 spoke, wheel spoke, radius n04283585 spokeshave n04283784 sponge cloth n04283905 sponge mop n04284002 spoon n04284341 spoon n04284438 Spork n04284572 sporran n04284735 sporting goods n04284869 sport kite, stunt kite n04285008 sports car, sport car n04285146 sports equipment n04285622 sports implement n04285803 sportswear, athletic wear, activewear n04285965 sport utility, sport utility vehicle, S.U.V., SUV n04286128 spot n04286307 spot n04286575 spotlight, spot n04286796 spot market n04286960 spot weld, spot-weld n04287153 spout n04287351 spouter n04287451 sprag n04287610 spray n04287747 spray gun n04287898 spray paint n04287986 spreader n04288165 sprig n04288272 spring n04288533 spring balance, spring scale n04288673 springboard n04288784 springer, impost n04288919 spring mattress n04289027 sprinkler n04289195 sprinkler system n04289449 sprit n04289576 spritsail n04289690 sprocket, sprocket wheel n04289827 sprocket n04289964 spud, stump spud n04290079 spun yarn n04290259 spur, gad n04290507 spur gear, spur wheel n04290615 sputnik n04290762 spy satellite n04290875 squab n04290945 squad room n04291069 squad room n04291242 square n04291511 square n04291759 square knot n04291912 square nut n04291992 square-rigger n04292080 square sail n04292221 squash ball n04292313 squash court n04292414 squash racket, squash racquet, bat n04292572 squawk box, squawker, intercom speaker n04292733 squeaker n04292921 squeegee n04293119 squeezer n04293258 squelch circuit, squelch, squelcher n04293450 squib n04293608 saquinavir, Invirase n04293744 squinch n04293902 squirrel cage n04294041 stabile n04294212 stabilizer, stabiliser n04294426 stabilizer n04294614 stabilizer bar, anti-sway bar n04294879 stable, stalls, horse barn n04295081 stable gear, saddlery, tack n04295353 stabling n04295475 stacked heel n04295571 stacks n04295777 staddle n04295881 stadium, bowl, arena, sports stadium n04296261 staff n04296562 stage n04296949 stage, microscope stage n04297098 stagecoach, stage n04297327 stage door n04297476 stage set, set n04297750 stained-glass window n04297847 stair-carpet n04297944 stairhead n04298053 stair-rod n04298171 stairs, steps n04298308 stairway, staircase n04298661 stairwell n04298765 stake n04298906 stake n04299066 stalking-horse n04299215 stall, stand, sales booth n04299370 stall n04299526 stall bar n04299699 stall n04299828 stammel n04299963 stamp n04300080 stamp, pestle n04300281 stamp album n04300358 stamp mill, stamping mill n04300509 stamping machine, stamper n04300643 stanchion n04300741 stand n04301000 stand n04301140 standard, banner n04301242 standard n04301474 standard cell n04301626 standard gauge n04301760 standard transmission, stick shift n04301919 standby n04302034 standee n04302200 standing press n04302334 standing room n04302527 standpipe n04302598 St. Andrew's cross, saltire n04302740 Stanford University, Stanford n04302863 stanhope n04302988 Stanley Steamer n04303095 staple n04303258 staple n04303357 staple gun, staplegun, tacker n04303497 stapler, stapling machine n04303672 starboard n04303852 star drill n04304084 Stars and Bars, Confederate flag n04304215 starship, spaceship n04304375 starter, starter motor, starting motor n04304557 starting block n04304680 starting gate, starting stall n04304812 stash house n04305016 Stassano furnace, electric-arc furnace n04305210 Statehouse n04305323 stately home n04305471 state prison n04305572 stateroom n04305641 static line n04305947 static tube n04306080 station n04306454 Station of the Cross n04306592 stator, stator coil n04306847 statue n04307106 Statue of Liberty n04307269 stave, lag n04307419 stay n04307619 stay n04307767 staysail n04307878 steakhouse, chophouse n04307986 steak knife n04308084 stealth aircraft n04308273 stealth bomber n04308397 stealth fighter n04308583 steam bath, steam room, vapor bath, vapour bath n04308807 steamboat n04308915 steam chest n04309049 steam engine n04309348 steamer, steamship n04309548 steamer n04309682 steam heat, steam heating n04309833 steam iron n04309925 steam line, steam pipe n04310018 steam locomotive n04310157 steamroller, road roller n04310347 steamship company, steamship line n04310507 steam shovel n04310604 steam turbine n04310721 steam whistle n04310904 steel n04311004 steel arch bridge n04311174 steel drum n04311397 steel engraving n04311485 steel engraving n04311595 steel mill, steelworks, steel plant, steel factory n04311799 steel plate n04311873 steel trap n04312020 steel-wool pad n04312154 steelyard, lever scale, beam scale n04312311 steeper n04312432 steeple, spire n04312654 steerage n04312756 steering gear n04312916 steering linkage n04313220 steering system, steering mechanism n04313503 steering wheel, wheel n04313628 stele, stela n04313771 stem n04313867 stemmer n04313986 stemmer n04314107 stem-winder n04314216 stencil n04314522 Sten gun n04314632 stenograph n04314735 stent n04314914 step, stair n04315185 step n04315342 step-down transformer n04315444 stepper, stepping motor n04315599 step ladder, stepladder n04315713 step stool n04315828 step-up transformer n04315948 stereo, stereophony, stereo system, stereophonic system n04316275 stereo, stereoscopic picture, stereoscopic photograph n04316498 stereoscope n04316646 stern, after part, quarter, poop, tail n04316815 stern chaser n04316924 sternpost n04317063 sternwheeler n04317175 stethoscope n04317325 stewing pan, stewpan n04317420 stick n04317833 stick n04317976 stick, control stick, joystick n04318131 stick n04318384 stick figure n04318551 stick horse n04318690 stickpin n04318787 stile n04318892 stiletto n04318982 still n04319248 still n04319432 still life n04319545 stillroom, still room n04319774 Stillson wrench n04319937 stilt n04320126 stimulant, stimulant drug, excitant n04320405 Stinger n04320598 stink bomb, stench bomb n04320731 stinker n04320871 stirrer n04320973 stirrup, stirrup iron n04321121 stirrup pump n04321238 stitch n04321453 stob n04321534 stock, inventory n04321804 stock n04322026 stock, gunstock n04322387 stock n04322531 stockade n04322692 stockcar n04322801 stock car n04322924 stock car n04323026 stock exchange, stock market, securities market n04323519 stockinet, stockinette n04323645 stockinette stitch n04323819 stocking n04324120 stock-in-trade n04324297 stockpot n04324387 stockroom, stock room n04324515 stocks n04324741 stocks n04324910 stocks n04325041 stock saddle, Western saddle n04325208 stockyard n04325335 stogy, stogie n04325409 stokehold, stokehole, fireroom n04325592 stoker n04325704 stole n04325804 stomacher n04325968 stomach pump n04326084 stone n04326547 stone wall n04326676 stoneware n04326799 stonework n04326896 stool n04327110 stool pigeon n04327204 stoop, stoep n04327324 stop n04327544 stop bath, short-stop, short-stop bath n04327682 stopcock, cock, turncock n04327825 stopper n04328054 stopper knot n04328186 stopwatch, stop watch n04328329 storage battery, accumulator n04328580 storage cell, secondary cell n04328703 storage ring n04328946 storage space n04329190 storehouse, depot, entrepot, storage, store n04329477 storeroom, storage room, stowage n04329681 storm cellar, cyclone cellar, tornado cellar n04329834 storm door n04329958 storm window, storm sash n04330109 stoup, stoop n04330189 stoup n04330267 stove n04330340 stove, kitchen stove, range, kitchen range, cooking stove n04330669 stove bolt n04330746 stovepipe n04330896 stovepipe iron n04330998 Stradavarius, Strad n04331126 straightaway, straight n04331277 straight chair, side chair n04331443 straightedge n04331639 straightener n04331765 straight flute, straight-fluted drill n04331892 straight pin n04332074 straight razor n04332243 strainer n04332466 strain gauge, strain gage n04332580 straitjacket, straightjacket n04332783 strand n04332987 strap n04333129 strap n04333500 strap, shoulder strap n04333709 strap n04333869 strap hinge, joint hinge n04334105 strapless n04334232 straw, drinking straw n04334365 streamer fly n04334504 streamliner n04334599 street n04335209 street n04335435 streetcar, tram, tramcar, trolley, trolley car n04335693 street clothes n04335886 streetlight, street lamp n04336034 strengthener, reinforcement n04336380 streptomycin n04336533 streptothricin n04336645 stretch n04336792 stretcher n04336996 stretcher n04337157 stretcher n04337287 stretch pants n04337400 strickle n04337503 strickle n04337650 strickle n04337740 striker n04337974 string, twine n04338143 string n04338359 string n04338517 stringed instrument n04338963 stringer n04339062 stringer n04339191 string tie n04339291 strip, slip n04339638 strip n04339879 strip lighting n04340019 strip mall n04340231 strip mine n04340378 stripper well, stripper n04340521 stroboscope, strobe, strobe light n04340750 strongbox, deedbox n04340935 stronghold, fastness n04341133 strongroom n04341288 strop n04341414 structural member n04341686 structure, construction n04343148 strut n04343272 stub nail n04343346 stud, rivet n04343511 student center n04343630 student lamp n04343740 student union n04343919 stud farm n04344003 stud finder n04344246 studio n04344544 studio n04344734 studio apartment, studio n04344873 studio couch, day bed n04345028 study n04345201 study hall n04345288 stuff n04345458 stuffing n04345595 stuffing box, packing box n04345787 stuffing nut, packing nut n04345915 stumbling block n04346003 stump n04346157 stun gun, stun baton n04346328 stupa, tope n04346428 sty, pigsty, pigpen n04346511 stylus, style n04346679 stylus n04346855 sub-assembly n04347004 subbase n04347119 subcompact, subcompact car n04347225 subject, content, depicted object n04347519 submachine gun n04347754 submarine, pigboat, sub, U-boat n04348070 submarine torpedo n04348184 submersible, submersible warship n04348359 submersible n04348548 subsection, subdivision n04348702 substation n04348854 subtilin n04348988 subtracter n04349077 subway station n04349189 subway token n04349306 subway train n04349401 subwoofer n04349526 succinylcholine n04349701 sucralfate, Carafate n04349913 suction cup n04350104 suction pump n04350235 sudatorium, sudatory n04350347 sudorific, sudatory n04350458 suede cloth, suede n04350581 sugar bowl n04350688 sugar refinery n04350769 sugar spoon, sugar shell n04350905 suit, suit of clothes n04351233 suit n04351550 suite, rooms n04351699 suiting n04351776 sulfacetamide, Sulamyd n04351936 sulfadiazine n04352070 sulfa drug, sulfa, sulpha, sulfonamide n04352435 sulfamethazine, sulfamezathine n04352580 sulfamethoxazole, Gantanol n04352759 sulfanilamide n04352906 sulfapyridine n04353016 sulfisoxazole, Gantrisin n04353189 sulfonylurea n04353410 sulindac, Clinoril n04353573 sulky n04353687 sulphur mine, sulfur mine n04353803 sum, total, totality, aggregate n04354026 summer house n04354182 sumo ring n04354287 sump n04354387 sump n04354487 sump pump n04354589 sunbonnet n04354723 sunburst n04354828 sunburst n04354966 sunburst pleat, sunray pleat n04355115 Sunday best, Sunday clothes n04355267 sun deck n04355338 sundial n04355511 sundress n04355684 sundries n04355821 sun gear n04355933 sunglass n04356056 sunglasses, dark glasses, shades n04356306 sunken garden n04356423 sunk fence, ha-ha, haw-haw n04356595 sunhat, sun hat n04356772 sunlamp, sun lamp, sunray lamp, sun-ray lamp n04356925 sun parlor, sun parlour, sun porch, sunporch, sunroom, sun lounge, solarium n04357121 sunroof, sunshine-roof n04357314 sunscreen, sunblock, sun blocker n04357531 sunsuit n04357639 suntrap, solar trap n04357795 sun visor n04357930 supercharger n04358117 supercomputer n04358256 superconducting supercollider n04358381 superficies n04358491 superhighway, information superhighway n04358707 supermarket n04358874 superstructure n04359034 supertanker n04359124 supper club n04359217 supplejack n04359335 supply chamber n04359500 supply closet n04359589 support n04360501 support n04360798 support column n04360914 support hose, support stocking n04361095 supporting structure n04361260 supporting tower n04361381 suppository n04361529 suppressant, appetite suppressant n04361641 suppressor, suppresser n04361801 surbase n04361937 surcoat n04362025 surface n04362624 surface gauge, surface gage, scribing block n04362821 surface lift n04362972 surface search radar n04363082 surface ship n04363210 surface-to-air missile, SAM n04363412 surface-to-air missile system n04363559 surfboard n04363671 surfboat n04363777 surcoat n04363874 surgeon's knot n04363991 surgery n04364160 surge suppressor, surge protector, spike suppressor, spike arrester, lightning arrester n04364397 surgical dressing n04364545 surgical instrument n04364827 surgical knife n04364994 surplice n04365112 surrey n04365229 surtout n04365328 surveillance system n04365484 surveying instrument, surveyor's instrument n04365751 surveyor's level n04366033 sushi bar n04366116 suspension, suspension system n04366367 suspension bridge n04366832 suspensory, suspensory bandage n04367011 sustaining pedal, loud pedal n04367205 suture n04367371 suture, surgical seam n04367480 swab, swob, mop n04367746 swab n04367950 swaddling clothes, swaddling bands n04368109 swag n04368235 swage block n04368365 swagger stick n04368496 swallow-tailed coat, swallowtail, morning coat n04368695 swamp buggy, marsh buggy n04368840 swan's down n04368949 swatch n04369025 swathe, wrapping n04369146 swathing n04369282 swatter, flyswatter, flyswat n04369485 sweat bag n04369618 sweatband n04369732 sweatband n04369856 sweatbox n04369973 sweatbox n04370048 sweater, jumper n04370288 sweat pants, sweatpants n04370456 sweatshirt n04370600 sweatshop n04370774 sweat suit, sweatsuit, sweats, workout suit n04370955 sweep, sweep oar n04371050 sweep hand, sweep-second n04371225 swimming pool, swimming bath, natatorium n04371430 swimming trunks, bathing trunks n04371563 swimsuit, swimwear, bathing suit, swimming costume, bathing costume n04371774 swing n04371979 swing door, swinging door n04372171 switch n04372370 switch, electric switch, electrical switch n04372756 switch n04372948 switch n04373089 switchblade, switchblade knife, flick-knife, flick knife n04373264 switchboard, patchboard, plugboard n04373428 switch engine, donkey engine n04373563 swivel n04373704 swivel chair n04373795 swizzle stick n04373894 sword, blade, brand, steel n04374315 sword cane, sword stick n04374421 sword knot n04374521 S wrench n04374608 Sydney Harbor Bridge n04374735 synagogue, temple, tabernacle n04374907 synchrocyclotron n04375080 synchroflash n04375241 synchromesh n04375405 synchronous converter, rotary, rotary converter n04375615 synchronous motor n04375775 synchrotron n04375926 synchroscope, synchronoscope, synchronizer, synchroniser n04376259 synergist n04376400 synthesizer, synthesiser n04376715 synthetism n04376876 syringe n04377057 system n04377842 system clock n04378024 system clock n04378123 tab n04378489 tabard n04378651 Tabernacle n04378842 Tabernacle, Mormon Tabernacle n04378956 tabi, tabis n04379096 tab key, tab n04379243 table n04379964 table n04380143 tablecloth n04380255 tablefork n04380346 table knife n04380533 table lamp n04380617 table linen, napery n04380801 table mat, hot pad n04380916 table saw n04381073 tablespoon n04381183 tablet n04381302 tablet n04381450 tablet-armed chair n04381587 table-tennis table, ping-pong table, pingpong table n04381724 table-tennis racquet, table-tennis bat, pingpong paddle n04381860 tabletop n04381994 tableware n04382334 tabor, tabour n04382438 taboret, tabouret n04382537 tachistoscope, t-scope n04382695 tachograph n04382880 tachometer, tach n04383015 tachymeter, tacheometer n04383130 tack n04383301 tack hammer n04383401 Tacoma Narrows Bridge n04383537 tadalafil, Cialis n04383696 taenia, tenia, fillet n04383839 taffeta n04383923 taffrail n04384016 tail, tail assembly, empennage n04384199 tail n04384406 tail fin, tailfin, fin n04384593 tailgate, tailboard n04384757 tail gate n04384910 taillight, tail lamp, rear light, rear lamp n04385079 tailor-made n04385157 tailor's chalk n04385272 tailor's tack n04385431 tailpiece n04385536 tailpipe n04385669 tailrace n04385799 tail rotor, anti-torque rotor n04386051 tailstock n04386283 Taj Mahal n04386456 take-up n04386664 talaria n04386792 talcum, talcum powder n04386962 talking book n04387095 tam, tam-o'-shanter, tammy n04387201 tambour n04387261 tambour, embroidery frame, embroidery hoop n04387400 tambourine n04387531 tammy n04387706 tamp, tamper, tamping bar n04387932 Tampax n04388040 tampion, tompion n04388162 tampon n04388372 tandem trailer n04388473 tandoor n04388574 tangram n04388743 tank, storage tank n04389033 tank, army tank, armored combat vehicle, armoured combat vehicle n04389340 tanka n04389430 tankard n04389521 tank car, tank n04389637 tank circuit n04389718 tank destroyer n04389854 tank engine, tank locomotive n04389999 tanker plane n04390156 tank furnace n04390338 tank iron n04390483 tank shell n04390577 tank top n04390759 tannery n04390873 tannoy n04390977 tap, spigot n04391158 tap n04391276 tap n04391445 tapa, tappa n04391569 tape n04391838 tape, tape recording, taping n04392113 tape, tapeline, tape measure n04392370 tape cartridge n04392526 tape deck n04392764 tape drive, tape transport, transport n04392985 tape player n04393095 tape recorder, tape machine n04393301 taper file n04393404 tapestry, arras n04393549 tapestry, tapis n04393681 Tappan Zee Bridge n04393808 tappet n04393913 tap wrench n04394031 tare n04394261 target, butt n04394421 target acquisition system n04394630 tarmacadam, tarmac, macadam n04394821 tarot card, tarot n04395024 tarpaulin, tarp n04395106 tartan, plaid n04395201 tassel n04395332 tasset, tasse n04395495 tatting n04395651 tattoo n04395760 tau cross, St. Anthony's cross n04395875 tavern, tap house n04396093 taw, shooter n04396226 tawse n04396335 taximeter n04396466 taxiway, taxi strip n04396650 T-bar lift, T-bar, Alpine lift n04396808 tea bag n04396902 tea ball n04397027 tea cart, teacart, tea trolley, tea wagon n04397168 tea chest n04397261 teaching aid n04397378 tea cloth n04397452 teacup n04397553 tea garden n04397645 tea gown n04397768 teakettle n04397860 tea maker n04397949 tea napkin n04398044 teapot n04398167 teaser n04398309 tea service, tea set n04398497 teashop, teahouse, tearoom, tea parlor, tea parlour n04398688 teaspoon n04398834 tea-strainer n04398951 tea table n04399046 tea tray n04399158 tea urn n04399269 technical n04399382 teddy, teddy bear n04399537 tee, golf tee n04399700 tee, football tee n04399846 tee hinge, T hinge n04400109 telecom hotel, telco building n04400289 telecommunication system, telecom system, telecommunication equipment, telecom equipment n04400499 telegraph, telegraphy n04400737 telegraph key n04400899 telemeter n04401088 telephone, phone, telephone set n04401578 telephone bell n04401680 telephone booth, phone booth, call box, telephone box, telephone kiosk n04401828 telephone cord, phone cord n04401949 telephone jack, phone jack n04402057 telephone line, phone line, telephone circuit, subscriber line, line n04402342 telephone plug, phone plug n04402449 telephone pole, telegraph pole, telegraph post n04402580 telephone receiver, receiver n04402746 telephone system, phone system n04402984 telephone wire, telephone line, telegraph wire, telegraph line n04403167 telephotograph, telephoto n04403279 telephotograph n04403413 telephoto lens, zoom lens n04403524 Teleprompter n04403638 telescope, scope n04403925 telescopic sight, telescope sight n04404072 telethermometer n04404200 teletypewriter, teleprinter, teletype machine, telex, telex machine n04404412 television, television system n04404817 television antenna, tv-antenna n04404997 television camera, tv camera, camera n04405309 television-camera tube, television pickup tube n04405540 television equipment, video equipment n04405762 television monitor, tv monitor n04405907 television receiver, television, television set, tv, tv set, idiot box, boob tube, telly, goggle box n04406239 television room, tv room n04406350 television station, TV station n04406552 television transmitter n04406687 telpher, telfer n04406817 telpherage, telferage n04407007 temazepam, Restoril n04407257 tempera, poster paint, poster color, poster colour n04407435 temple n04407686 temple n04407844 Temple of Apollo, Oracle of Apollo, Delphic oracle, oracle of Delphi n04408174 Temple of Artemis n04408330 Temple of Jerusalem, Temple of Solomon n04408871 temporary hookup, patch n04409011 tender, supply ship n04409128 tender, ship's boat, pinnace, cutter n04409279 tender n04409384 tenement, tenement house n04409515 tennis ball n04409625 tennis camp n04409712 tennis court n04409806 tennis racket, tennis racquet n04409911 tenon n04410086 tenor drum, tom-tom n04410190 Tenoretic n04410365 tenoroon n04410485 tenpenny nail n04410565 tenpin n04410663 tensimeter n04410760 tensiometer n04410886 tensiometer n04411019 tensiometer n04411142 ten-spot, ten n04411264 tent, collapsible shelter n04411835 tenter n04411966 tenterhook n04412097 tent-fly, rainfly, fly sheet, fly, tent flap n04412300 tent peg n04412416 tepee, tipi, teepee n04412550 terazosin, Hytrin n04412727 terbinafine, Lamisil n04412901 terminal, terminus, depot n04413151 terminal, pole n04413419 terminal n04413631 terminus n04413723 terminus, terminal figure, term n04413969 terraced house n04414101 terra cotta n04414199 terrarium n04414319 terra sigillata, Samian ware n04414476 terry, terry cloth, terrycloth n04414675 Tesla coil n04414821 tessella n04414909 tessera n04415078 test bed n04415257 test equipment n04415354 tester n04415460 test paper n04415578 test range n04415663 test rocket, research rocket, test instrument vehicle n04415815 test room, testing room n04415921 test tube n04416005 testudo n04416201 tetracaine n04416338 tetrachlorethylene, tetrachloroethylene, ethylene tetrachloride, carbon dichloride n04416530 tetracycline, Achromycin n04416785 tetrahydrocannabinol, THC n04416901 tetraskelion, tetraskele n04417086 tetrode n04417180 textile machine n04417361 textile mill n04417467 thalidomide n04417672 thatch, thatched roof n04417809 theater, theatre, house n04418357 theater curtain, theatre curtain n04418644 theater light n04418818 theater stage, theatre stage n04419073 theodolite, transit n04419315 theophylline, Elixophyllin, Slo-Bid, Theobid n04419642 theremin n04419868 thermal printer n04420024 thermal reactor n04420206 thermistor, thermal resistor n04420461 thermobaric bomb, fuel-air bomb, vacuum bomb, volume-detonation bomb, aerosol bomb n04420720 thermocouple, thermocouple junction n04421083 thermoelectric thermometer, thermel, electric thermometer n04421258 thermograph, thermometrograph n04421417 thermograph n04421582 thermohydrometer, thermogravimeter n04421740 thermojunction n04421872 thermometer n04422409 thermonuclear reactor, fusion reactor n04422566 thermopile n04422727 thermos, thermos bottle, thermos flask n04422875 thermostat, thermoregulator n04423174 thiabendazole n04423288 thiazide n04423552 thigh pad n04423687 thill n04423845 thimble n04424003 thimerosal, sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate, Merthiolate n04424218 thing n04424418 thing n04424692 thinning shears n04424826 thioguanine n04424936 thiopental, thiopental sodium, thiopentobarbital sodium, Pentothal n04425262 thioridazine, Mellaril n04425445 Thiosulfil n04425544 thiotepa n04425656 thiothixene, Navane n04425804 third base, third n04425977 third gear, third n04426184 third rail n04426316 thong n04426427 thong n04426618 thoroughfare n04426788 thread, yarn n04427216 three-centered arch, basket-handle arch n04427376 three-decker n04427473 three-decker n04427559 three-dimensional radar, 3d radar n04427715 three-piece suit n04427857 three-quarter binding n04428008 three-way switch, three-point switch n04428191 thresher, thrasher, threshing machine n04428382 threshing floor n04428502 threshold element, threshold gate n04428634 thriftshop, second-hand store n04428763 throat n04428920 throat n04429038 throat protector n04429169 thrombolytic, thrombolytic agent, clot buster n04429376 throne n04429613 throstle n04429756 throughput n04429971 throw n04430158 throwing stick, throwing board, spear thrower, dart thrower n04430364 throw pillow n04430475 thrust bearing n04430605 thruster n04430738 thrust stage n04430896 thumb n04431025 thumbhole n04431158 thumbhole n04431296 thumb index n04431436 thumbscrew n04431547 thumbscrew n04431648 thumbstall n04431745 thumbtack, drawing pin, pushpin n04431925 thunderer n04432043 thwart, cross thwart n04432203 tiara n04432308 tick n04432393 ticker, stock ticker n04432538 ticket window n04432662 ticking n04432785 tickler coil n04432942 tidemark n04433077 tidy n04433185 tie n04433377 tie, tie beam n04433585 tie, railroad tie, crosstie, sleeper n04433800 tie clip n04433905 tier n04434059 tier n04434207 tie rack n04434285 tiered seat n04434531 tie rod n04434670 tie tack, tiepin, scarfpin n04434780 tightrope n04434932 tights, leotards n04435180 tile n04435378 tile n04435552 tile cutter n04435653 tile roof n04435759 tiller n04435870 tilter n04436012 tilt-top table, tip-top table, tip table n04436185 timber n04436329 timber n04436401 timber hitch n04436542 timbrel n04436675 time-ball n04436832 time bomb, infernal machine n04436992 time capsule n04437131 timecard n04437276 time clock n04437380 time-delay measuring instrument, time-delay measuring system n04437552 time exposure n04437670 time-fuse n04437793 time machine n04437953 timepiece, timekeeper, horologe n04438304 timer n04438507 timer n04438643 time-switch n04438742 timolol, Blocadren n04438897 tin n04439039 tin can n04439122 tincture n04439305 tincture of iodine, iodine n04439505 tinderbox n04439585 tine n04439712 tinfoil, tin foil n04439840 tin plate, tinplate n04440059 tinsel n04440210 tinsel n04440399 tintack n04440486 tinware n04440597 tippet n04440749 tire, tyre n04440963 tire chain, snow chain n04441093 tire iron, tire tool n04441282 tissue plasminogen activator, Activase n04441528 titfer n04441662 tithe barn n04441790 titrator n04441902 T-junction n04442016 T-network n04442143 TNT, trinitrotoluene n04442312 toaster n04442441 toaster oven n04442582 toasting fork n04442741 toastrack n04442831 tobacco, baccy n04443164 tobacco pouch n04443257 tobacco shop, tobacconist shop, tobacconist n04443433 toboggan n04443588 tobramycin, Nebcin n04443766 toby, toby jug, toby fillpot jug n04443918 tocainide, Tonocard n04444121 tocsin, warning bell n04444218 toe n04444345 toe n04444522 toe box n04444749 toecap n04444953 toehold n04445040 toga n04445154 toga virilis n04445327 toggle n04445610 toggle bolt n04445782 toggle joint n04445952 toggle switch, toggle, on-off switch, on/off switch n04446162 togs, threads, duds n04446276 toilet, lavatory, lav, can, john, privy, bathroom n04446521 toilet, can, commode, crapper, pot, potty, stool, throne n04446844 toilet bag, sponge bag n04447028 toilet bowl n04447156 toilet kit, travel kit n04447276 toilet powder, bath powder, dusting powder n04447443 toiletry, toilet articles n04447861 toilet seat n04447965 toilet soap, face soap, bath soap n04448070 toilet water, eau de toilette n04448185 tokamak n04448361 token n04448511 tolazamide, Tolinase n04448680 tolazoline n04448826 tolbutamide, Orinase n04449046 tole n04449290 tollbooth, tolbooth, tollhouse n04449449 toll bridge n04449550 tollgate, tollbar n04449700 toll line n04449796 tolmetin sodium, Tolectin n04449966 tomahawk, hatchet n04450133 Tommy gun, Thompson submachine gun n04450243 tomograph n04450465 tone arm, pickup, pickup arm n04450640 toner n04450749 tongs, pair of tongs n04450994 tongue n04451139 tongue and groove joint n04451318 tongue depressor n04451473 tonic, restorative n04451636 tonometer n04451818 tool n04452528 tool bag n04452615 toolbox, tool chest, tool cabinet, tool case n04452757 toolshed, toolhouse n04452848 tooth n04453037 tooth n04453156 toothbrush n04453298 toothpaste n04453390 toothpick n04453557 tooth powder, toothpowder n04453666 top n04453910 top, cover n04454240 top, whirligig, teetotum, spinning top n04454540 top n04454654 topgallant, topgallant mast n04454792 topgallant, topgallant sail n04454908 topiary n04455048 topknot n04455169 top lift n04455250 topmast n04455442 top of the line n04455579 topper n04455652 topsail n04455835 topside n04456011 toque n04456115 torch n04456276 tormenter, tormentor, teaser n04456472 torpedo n04456734 torpedo n04456964 torpedo n04457157 torpedo n04457326 torpedo boat n04457474 torpedo-boat destroyer n04457638 torpedo tube n04457767 torque converter n04457910 torque wrench n04458045 torsion balance n04458201 torture chamber n04458299 torus, tore n04458409 totem n04458633 totem pole n04458843 touch screen, touchscreen n04459018 toupee, toupe n04459122 touring car, phaeton, tourer n04459243 tourist class, third class n04459362 towel n04459610 toweling, towelling n04459773 towel rack, towel horse n04459909 towel rail, towel bar n04460038 towel ring n04460130 tower n04460634 Tower of Babel, Babel n04460947 Tower of London n04461148 Tower of Pharos n04461294 towline, towrope, towing line, towing rope n04461437 town hall n04461570 towpath, towing path n04461696 tow truck, tow car, wrecker n04461879 toy n04462011 toy box, toy chest n04462102 toy n04462240 toyshop n04462318 toy soldier n04462407 trace n04462576 trace detector n04462707 tracer, tracer bullet n04462835 tracer n04463017 tracer n04463141 tracery n04463273 tracing, trace n04463510 track, cart track, cartroad n04463679 track, rail, rails, runway n04463983 track n04464125 track n04464211 track, data track n04464418 track, caterpillar track, caterpillar tread n04464615 trackball n04464852 tracked vehicle n04465050 tract house n04465203 tract housing n04465358 traction engine n04465501 tractor n04465666 tractor n04465795 trading card n04465933 traffic circle, circle, rotary, roundabout n04466169 traffic island, safety island, safety isle, safety zone n04466386 traffic lane n04466613 trail n04466871 trail bike, dirt bike, scrambler n04467099 trailer, house trailer n04467307 trailer n04467506 trailer camp, trailer park n04467665 trailer truck, tractor trailer, trucking rig, rig, articulated lorry, semi n04467899 trailing edge n04468005 train, railroad train n04468476 train n04468707 train set n04468847 tramcar, tram n04469003 tramline, tramway, streetcar track n04469147 trammel n04469251 trammel n04469345 trammel net, trammel n04469514 trampoline n04469684 tramp steamer, tramp n04469813 tramway, tram, aerial tramway, cable tramway, ropeway n04470037 trandolapril, Mavik n04470232 tranquilizer, tranquillizer, tranquilliser, antianxiety agent, ataractic drug, ataractic agent, ataractic n04470605 transcription n04470741 transdermal patch, skin patch n04470953 transducer n04471148 transept n04471315 transformer n04471632 transistor, junction transistor, electronic transistor n04471912 transit instrument n04472098 transit line n04472243 transmission, transmission system n04472563 transmission shaft n04472726 transmitter, sender n04472961 transom, traverse n04473108 transom, transom window, fanlight n04473275 transponder n04473432 transportation system, transportation, transit n04473884 transporter n04474035 transporter, car transporter n04474187 transport ship n04474317 tranylcypromine n04474466 trap n04474843 trap n04474922 trap n04475032 trap n04475195 trap-and-drain auger n04475309 trap door n04475411 trapeze n04475496 trave, traverse, crossbeam, crosspiece n04475631 travel iron n04475749 trawl, dragnet, trawl net n04475900 trawl, trawl line, spiller, setline, trotline n04476116 trawler, dragger n04476259 tray n04476526 tray cloth n04476633 trazodone, trazodone hydrochloride, Desyrel n04476831 tread n04476972 tread n04477091 tread n04477219 treadmill, treadwheel, tread-wheel n04477387 treadmill n04477548 treasure chest n04477638 treasure house n04477725 treasure ship n04477825 treasury n04477966 tree house n04478066 treenail, trenail, trunnel n04478257 trefoil n04478383 trefoil arch n04478512 trellis, treillage n04478657 trench n04478889 trench n04479046 trench coat n04479155 trencher n04479287 trench knife n04479405 trepan n04479526 trepan, trephine n04479694 trestle n04479823 trestle n04479939 trestle bridge n04480033 trestle table n04480141 trestlework n04480303 trews n04480415 trey, three n04480527 trial balloon n04480625 triazolam, Halcion n04480853 triangle n04480995 triangle n04481144 tribromoethanol, tribromoethyl alcohol n04481255 tribune n04481373 trichlormethiazide, Naqua n04481524 triclinium n04481642 triclinium n04481796 tricolor, tricolour n04481946 tricolor television tube, tricolour television tube, tricolor tube, tricolour tube n04482177 tricorn, tricorne n04482297 tricot n04482393 tricycle, trike, velocipede n04482543 tricyclic, tricyclic antidepressant, tricyclic antidepressant drug n04482975 trident n04483073 trigger n04483210 trigon n04483307 trimaran n04483399 trimipramine, Surmontil n04483584 trimmer, trimmer joist n04483779 trimmer, trimming capacitor n04483925 trimmer n04484024 trimmer arch n04484160 trimming, trim, passementerie n04484432 triode n04484647 triphammer n04484780 triplicate n04484952 trip line n04485082 tripod n04485226 tripper, trip n04485423 triptych n04485586 trip wire n04485750 trireme n04485884 triskelion, triskele n04486054 triumphal arch n04486213 trivet n04486322 trivet n04486445 triviality, trivia, trifle, small beer n04486616 troika n04486718 Trojan Horse, Wooden Horse n04486934 troll n04487081 trolleybus, trolley coach, trackless trolley n04487268 trolley line n04487394 trombone n04487576 trompe l'oeil n04487724 troop carrier, troop transport n04487894 troopship n04487996 trophy, prize n04488202 trophy case n04488295 trou-de-loup n04488427 trough n04488530 trouser n04488742 trouser cuff n04488857 trouser press, pants presser n04489008 trouser, pant n04489695 trousseau n04489817 trowel n04490091 truck, motortruck n04490490 truck bed n04490614 truck farm, truck garden n04490730 truck stop n04490859 trump n04491135 trump, trump card n04491312 trumpet arch n04491388 truncheon, nightstick, baton, billy, billystick, billy club n04491545 trundle n04491638 trundle bed, trundle, truckle bed, truckle n04491769 trunk n04491934 trunk hose n04492060 trunk lid n04492157 trunk line n04492264 trunk line, trunk route n04492375 truss n04492585 truss n04492749 truss bridge n04492856 truth serum, truth drug n04493109 try square n04493259 T-square n04493381 tub, vat n04493505 tube, tubing n04494204 tube, vacuum tube, thermionic vacuum tube, thermionic tube, electron tube, thermionic valve n04494762 tubeless, tubeless tire n04494906 tuck n04495051 tuck box n04495183 tucker n04495310 tucker-bag n04495450 tuck shop n04495555 Tudor arch, four-centered arch n04495698 tudung n04495843 tugboat, tug, towboat, tower n04496035 Tuileries, Tuileries Gardens n04496173 Tuileries, Tuileries Palace n04496404 tuille n04496519 tulip bed n04496614 tulle n04496726 tumble-dryer, tumble drier n04496872 tumbler n04497005 tumbler n04497249 tumbrel, tumbril n04497442 tun n04497570 tunic n04497801 tuning fork n04497962 tunnel n04498275 tupik, tupek, sealskin tent n04498389 turban n04498523 turbine n04498873 turbogenerator n04499062 tureen n04499180 Turing machine n04499300 Turkish bath n04499446 Turkish towel, terry towel n04499554 Turk's head n04499660 turnaround n04499810 turnbuckle n04500060 turner, food turner n04500294 turnery n04500390 turnery n04500504 turning n04500613 turnip bed n04500704 turnoff n04500866 turnout, widening n04501018 turnpike, toll road n04501127 turnpike n04501281 turnspit n04501370 turnstile n04501550 turntable n04501713 turntable n04501837 turntable, lazy Susan n04501947 turret n04502059 turret clock n04502197 turtleneck, turtle, polo-neck n04502364 turtleneck collar, polo-neck collar n04502502 tweed n04502670 tweeter n04502851 twenty-two, .22 n04502989 twenty-two pistol n04503073 twenty-two rifle n04503155 twill n04503269 twill, twill weave n04503413 twin bed n04503499 twinjet n04503593 twist bit, twist drill n04503705 two-by-four n04503836 two-handed saw, whipsaw, two-man saw, lumberman's saw n04504038 two-man tent n04504141 two-piece, two-piece suit, lounge suit n04504297 two-way street n04504486 type n04504770 typesetting machine n04504935 type slug, slug n04505036 typewriter n04505345 typewriter carriage n04505470 typewriter keyboard n04505706 tyrocidine, tyrocidin n04505888 tyrolean, tirolean n04506005 tyrosine kinase inhibitor n04506125 tyrothricin n04506289 uke, ukulele n04506402 ulster n04506506 ultracentrifuge n04506688 ultramicroscope, dark-field microscope n04506895 Ultrasuede n04506994 ultraviolet lamp, ultraviolet source n04507155 umbrella n04507326 umbrella tent n04507453 undercarriage n04507609 undercharge n04507689 undercoat, underseal n04507891 undercut n04508062 underfelt n04508163 undergarment, unmentionable n04508489 underpants n04508804 underpass, subway n04508949 underwear, underclothes, underclothing n04509171 undies n04509260 uneven parallel bars, uneven bars n04509417 unicycle, monocycle n04509592 uniform n04509815 union n04509985 Union Jack, Union flag n04510090 United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory, US Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory, USACIL n04510456 United States Mint, U.S. Mint, US Mint n04510706 universal joint, universal n04511002 university n04511832 University of California at Berkeley n04511971 University of Chicago n04512092 University of Michigan n04512216 University of Nebraska n04512338 University of North Carolina n04512476 University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Penn n04512652 University of Pittsburgh n04512783 University of Sussex, Sussex University n04512933 University of Texas n04513048 University of Vermont n04513171 University of Washington n04513297 University of West Virginia n04513432 University of Wisconsin n04513556 upcast n04513686 upgrade n04513827 upholstery n04513998 upholstery material n04514095 upholstery needle n04514241 uplift n04514359 upper n04514648 upper berth, upper n04514738 upper deck n04514899 upper surface n04515003 upright, upright piano n04515129 upright, vertical n04515444 upset, swage n04515630 upstage n04515729 upstairs n04515890 urceole n04515991 urinal n04516116 urn n04516214 urn n04516354 used-car, secondhand car n04516477 USS Cole n04516672 utensil n04516874 utility n04517211 Uzi n04517408 vacation home n04517535 vaccine, vaccinum n04517823 vacuum, vacuum cleaner n04517999 vacuum chamber n04518132 vacuum flask, vacuum bottle n04518343 vacuum gauge, vacuum gage n04518468 valdecoxib, Bextra n04518643 Valenciennes, Valenciennes lace n04518764 valise n04518854 valproic acid, Depokene n04519019 valsartan, Diovan n04519153 valve n04519536 valve n04519728 valve-in-head engine n04519887 vambrace, lower cannon n04520020 vamp n04520170 van n04520382 van, caravan n04520480 van n04520618 vancomycin, Vancocin n04520784 vane n04520962 vaporizer, vaporiser n04521125 vapor lock, vapour lock n04521428 vardenafil, Levitra n04521571 variable-pitch propeller n04521699 variation n04521863 variometer n04521987 varnish n04522168 vase n04522309 Vaseline n04522421 vasoconstrictor, vasoconstrictive, pressor n04522904 vasodilator, vasodilative n04523201 vasopressor n04523380 Vatican, Vatican Palace n04523525 vault n04523690 vault, burial vault n04523831 vault, bank vault n04523993 vaulting n04524142 vaulting horse, long horse, buck n04524313 vehicle n04524594 Velcro n04524716 velocipede n04524833 velodrome n04524941 velour, velours n04525038 velvet n04525191 velveteen n04525305 vending machine n04525417 veneer, veneering n04525584 Venetian blind n04525729 Venetian glass n04525821 Venn diagram, Venn's diagram n04526112 venogram, phlebogram n04526241 vent, venthole, vent-hole, blowhole n04526416 vent n04526520 ventilation, ventilation system, ventilating system n04526800 ventilation shaft n04526964 ventilator n04527182 ventriloquist's dummy n04527310 venturi n04527475 Venturi tube n04527648 veranda, verandah, gallery n04527808 verapamil, Calan, Isoptin n04528079 verdigris n04528256 verge n04528354 vermicide n04528490 vermiculation n04528630 vermifuge, anthelmintic, anthelminthic, helminthic n04528968 vernier caliper, vernier micrometer n04529108 vernier scale, vernier n04529312 Verrazano-Narrows Bridge n04529486 Versailles, Palace of Versailles n04529681 vertical file n04529795 vertical section n04529962 vertical stabilizer, vertical stabiliser, vertical fin, tail fin, tailfin n04530176 vertical surface n04530283 vertical tail n04530456 Very pistol, Verey pistol n04530566 vessel, watercraft n04531098 vessel n04531873 vest, waistcoat n04532022 vestiture n04532106 vestment n04532398 vest pocket n04532504 vestry, sacristy n04532670 viaduct n04532831 vibraphone, vibraharp, vibes n04533042 vibrator n04533199 vibrator n04533373 victory garden n04533499 Victrola n04533594 vicuna n04533700 videocassette n04533802 videocassette recorder, VCR n04533946 videodisk, videodisc, DVD n04534127 video recording, video n04534359 videotape n04534520 videotape n04534651 viewer n04534779 viewgraph, overhead n04534895 vigil light, vigil candle n04535011 vignette n04535153 vignette n04535252 villa n04535370 villa n04535524 villa n04535634 vinblastine, Velban n04535826 vincristine, Oncovin n04536038 vineyard, vinery n04536153 viol n04536335 viola n04536465 viola da braccio n04536595 viola da gamba, gamba, bass viol n04536765 viola d'amore n04536866 violin, fiddle n04537235 viomycin, Viocin n04537436 virginal, pair of virginals n04537602 virility drug, anti-impotence drug n04537816 virtu n04537919 virtual memory, virtual storage n04538249 viscometer, viscosimeter n04538403 viscose rayon, viscose n04538552 vise, bench vise n04538759 visible speech n04538878 visor, vizor n04539053 visual display unit, VDU n04539203 vivarium n04539407 Viyella n04539535 V neck n04539648 voider, gusset n04539794 voile n04539876 volatile storage n04540053 volleyball n04540153 volleyball court n04540255 volleyball net n04540397 voltage regulator n04540547 voltaic battery, galvanic battery n04540761 voltaic cell, galvanic cell, primary cell n04541136 voltaic pile, pile, galvanic pile n04541320 voltmeter n04541475 volumeter n04541662 vomitory n04541777 von Neumann machine n04541987 voting booth n04542095 voting machine n04542221 vouge n04542329 voussoir n04542474 vox angelica, voix celeste n04542595 vox humana n04542715 waders n04542858 wading pool n04542943 waffle iron n04543158 wagon, waggon n04543509 wagon, coaster wagon n04543636 wagon tire n04543772 wagon wheel n04543924 wain n04543996 wainscot, wainscoting, wainscotting n04544138 wainscot, dado n04544325 wainscoting, wainscotting n04544450 waist pack, belt bag n04544626 wake board, wakeboard n04544805 wale, strake n04544979 walk, walkway, paseo n04545305 walker, baby-walker, go-cart n04545471 walker, Zimmer, Zimmer frame n04545748 walker n04545858 walkie-talkie, walky-talky n04545984 walk-in n04546081 walking shoe n04546194 walking stick n04546340 Walkman n04546481 walk-up n04546595 walk-up apartment, walk-up n04546734 walk-through n04546855 wall n04547592 wall n04547821 wall n04547991 wallboard, drywall, dry wall n04548280 wall clock n04548362 wallet, billfold, notecase, pocketbook n04548503 wall panel n04548613 wall plate n04548771 wall socket, wall plug, electric outlet, electrical outlet, outlet, electric receptacle n04549028 wall tent n04549122 wall unit n04549276 Walt Whitman Bridge n04549407 wampum, peag, wampumpeag n04549629 wand n04549721 Wankel engine, Wankel rotary engine, epitrochoidal engine n04549919 ward, hospital ward n04550184 wardrobe, closet, press n04550426 wardrobe n04550546 wardrobe n04550676 wardroom n04550840 ware n04551055 warehouse, storage warehouse n04551205 warfarin, Coumadin n04551375 warhead, payload, load n04551638 warhorse n04551833 warming pan n04551950 warp n04552097 war paint n04552195 war paint n04552348 warplane, military plane n04552551 war room n04552696 warship, war vessel, combat ship n04553245 wash, wash drawing n04553389 wash n04553561 wash-and-wear n04553703 washbasin, handbasin, washbowl, lavabo, wash-hand basin n04553920 washbasin, basin, washbowl, washstand, lavatory n04554211 washboard, splashboard n04554406 washboard n04554523 washcloth, washrag, flannel, face cloth n04554684 washer, automatic washer, washing machine n04554871 washer n04554998 washhouse n04555101 Washington Monument n04555291 washroom n04555400 washstand, wash-hand stand n04555600 washtub n04555700 wastepaper basket, waste-paper basket, wastebasket, waste basket, circular file n04555897 watch, ticker n04556204 watchband, watchstrap, wristband, watch bracelet, bracelet n04556408 watch cap n04556533 watch case n04556664 watch glass n04556816 watch key n04556948 watchtower n04557111 water back n04557308 water-base paint n04557522 water bed n04557648 water bottle n04557751 water butt n04557872 water cannon, watercannon n04558059 water cart n04558199 water chute n04558347 water clock, clepsydra, water glass n04558478 water closet, closet, W.C., loo n04558578 watercolor, water-color, watercolour, water-colour n04558804 watercolor, water-color, watercolour, water-colour n04559023 water-cooled reactor n04559166 water cooler n04559275 watercourse, waterway n04559451 water faucet, water tap, tap, hydrant n04559620 water filter n04559730 water gauge, water gage, water glass n04559910 water glass n04559994 water hazard n04560113 water heater, hot-water heater, hot-water tank n04560292 watering can, watering pot n04560502 watering cart n04560619 water jacket n04560804 water jug n04560882 water jump n04561010 water level n04561167 water main n04561287 water meter n04561422 water mill n04561548 water pistol, water gun, squirt gun, squirter n04561734 waterproof n04561857 waterproofing n04561965 water pump n04562122 water scooter, sea scooter, scooter n04562262 water ski n04562390 waterskin, water skin n04562496 waterspout n04562658 water system, water supply, water n04562935 water tower n04563020 water wagon, water waggon n04563204 waterwheel, water wheel n04563413 waterwheel, water wheel n04563560 water wings n04563790 waterworks n04563942 WATS, WATS line n04564118 wattle n04564278 wattmeter n04564413 waveguide, wave guide n04564581 waxwork, wax figure n04564698 way n04565039 ways, shipway, slipway n04565233 wayside, roadside n04565375 weapon, arm, weapon system n04565963 weapon of mass destruction, WMD, W.M.D. n04566257 weaponry, arms, implements of war, weapons system, munition n04566561 weapons carrier n04566756 weathercock n04566862 weather deck, shelter deck n04567098 weatherglass n04567222 weather map, weather chart n04567480 weather radar n04567593 weather satellite, meteorological satellite n04567746 weather ship n04567870 weather strip, weatherstrip, weather stripping, weatherstripping n04568069 weathervane, weather vane, vane, wind vane n04568298 weave n04568557 web, entanglement n04568713 web n04568841 webbing n04568944 webbing n04569063 webcam n04569205 wedding picture n04569338 wedding ring, wedding band n04569520 wedge n04569822 wedge n04569983 wedge heel, wedge n04570118 wedgie n04570214 Wedgwood n04570416 weeder, weed-whacker n04570532 weeds, widow's weeds n04570680 weed, mourning band n04570815 weekender n04570958 weighbridge n04571088 weight n04571292 weight, free weight, exercising weight n04571566 weir n04571686 weir n04571800 welcome wagon n04571958 weld n04572121 welder's mask n04572235 weldment n04572344 well n04572559 well n04572800 well n04572935 well n04573045 wellhead n04573129 well point, wellpoint n04573281 welt n04573379 Weston cell, cadmium cell n04573513 wet bar n04573625 wet-bulb thermometer n04573832 wet cell n04573937 wet fly n04574067 wet suit n04574234 whacker, whopper n04574348 whaleboat n04574471 whaler, whaling ship n04574606 whaling gun n04574761 Wheatstone bridge n04574861 wheat future n04574999 wheel n04575723 wheel n04575824 wheel and axle n04576002 wheelchair n04576211 wheeled vehicle n04576861 wheel lock n04576971 wheelwork n04577139 wherry n04577293 wherry, Norfolk wherry n04577426 whetstone n04577567 whiffletree, whippletree, swingletree n04577769 whip n04578112 whipcord n04578220 whipcord n04578329 whipping post n04578459 whipping top, whip top n04578559 whipstitch, whipping, whipstitching n04578708 whirler n04578801 whisk, whisk broom n04578934 whisk n04579056 whiskey bottle n04579145 whiskey jug n04579230 whispering gallery, whispering dome n04579432 whistle n04579667 whistle n04579795 whistle stop, flag stop, way station n04579986 white n04580126 white flag, flag of truce n04580298 white goods, household linen n04580493 white goods n04580777 White House n04580994 white tie n04581102 whitewash n04581262 whizbang, whizzbang n04581425 whizbang, whizzbang, whizbang shell n04581595 whorehouse, brothel, bordello, bagnio, house of prostitution, house of ill repute, bawdyhouse, cathouse, sporting house n04581829 wick, taper n04582044 wick n04582205 wicker, wickerwork, caning n04582349 wicker basket n04582454 wicket, lattice, grille n04582625 wicket, wicket door, wicket gate n04582771 wicket, hoop n04582869 wicket n04583022 wickiup, wikiup n04583212 wide-angle lens, fisheye lens n04583477 wide area network, WAN n04583620 widebody aircraft, wide-body aircraft, wide-body, twin-aisle airplane n04583776 wide screen n04583888 wide wale n04583967 widow's walk n04584056 Wiffle, Wiffle Ball n04584207 wig n04584373 wigwam n04584512 wild card n04584639 wildcat well, wildcat n04584794 willow n04584944 willowware, willow-pattern n04585128 Wilton, Wilton carpet n04585318 wimple n04585456 wincey n04585626 winceyette n04585745 winch, windlass n04585980 Winchester n04586072 windbreak, shelterbelt n04586225 wind chime, wind bell n04586421 winder n04586581 winder, key n04586761 wind farm, wind park, wind energy facility n04586932 wind instrument, wind n04587327 windjammer n04587404 windmill, aerogenerator, wind generator n04587559 windmill n04587648 window n04588365 window n04588587 window n04588739 window n04588986 window n04589190 window blind n04589325 window box n04589434 window envelope n04589593 window frame n04589745 windowpane, window n04589890 window screen n04590021 window seat n04590129 window shade n04590263 windowsill n04590416 wind rose n04590553 windshield, windscreen n04590746 windshield wiper, windscreen wiper, wiper, wiper blade n04590933 Windsor chair n04591056 Windsor knot n04591157 Windsor tie n04591249 wind tee n04591359 wind tunnel n04591517 wind turbine n04591631 wine bar n04591713 wine bottle n04591887 wine bucket, wine cooler n04592005 wine cask, wine barrel n04592099 wineglass n04592243 wineglass heel n04592356 winepress n04592465 winery, wine maker n04592596 wineskin n04592741 wing n04592962 wing, offstage, backstage n04593077 wing chair n04593185 wing nut, wing-nut, wing screw, butterfly nut, thumbnut n04593376 wing tip n04593524 wing tip n04593629 winker, blinker, blinder n04593866 wiper, wiper arm, contact arm n04594114 wiper motor n04594218 wire n04594489 wire, conducting wire n04594742 wire cloth n04594828 wire cutter n04594919 wire gauge, wire gage n04595028 wireless local area network, WLAN, wireless fidelity, WiFi n04595285 wire matrix printer, wire printer, stylus printer n04595501 wire recorder n04595611 wire stripper n04595762 wirework, grillwork n04595855 wiring n04595998 wiring diagram n04596116 wishing cap n04596224 witch hazel, wych hazel n04596397 withe n04596492 witness box, witness stand n04596630 wobbler n04596742 wok n04596852 woman's clothing n04597066 wood n04597309 woodcarving n04597400 wood chisel n04597536 woodcut, wood block, wood engraving n04597706 woodcut, wood engraving n04597804 woodenware n04597913 wooden spoon n04598010 wooden spoon n04598136 woodscrew n04598318 woodshed n04598416 wood vise, woodworking vise, shoulder vise n04598582 woodwind, woodwind instrument, wood n04598792 woodwork n04598965 woof, weft, filling, pick n04599124 woofer n04599235 wool, woolen, woollen n04599396 work, piece of work n04600131 worldly possession, worldly good n04600312 workbasket, workbox, workbag n04600486 workbench, work bench, bench n04600627 workboard, work-board n04600764 work camp, prison camp, prison farm n04600912 work-clothing, work-clothes n04601041 workhouse n04601159 workhouse n04601291 workhorse n04601473 working, workings n04601587 work in progress n04601690 work of art n04601938 workpiece n04602044 workplace, work n04602762 workroom n04602840 works, workings n04602956 work-shirt n04603081 workshop, shop n04603399 workstation n04603558 work surface n04603729 worktable, work table n04603872 workwear n04604009 World Trade Center, WTC, twin towers n04604276 World Wide Web, WWW, web n04604513 worm n04604644 worm fence, snake fence, snake-rail fence, Virginia fence n04604806 worm gear n04605057 worm wheel n04605163 worsted n04605321 worsted, worsted yarn n04605446 wrap, wrapper n04605572 wraparound n04605726 wrapping, wrap, wrapper n04606014 wreath, garland, coronal, chaplet, lei n04606251 wreck n04606358 wreckage n04606574 wrench, spanner n04607035 wrestling mat n04607141 wrestling ring n04607242 wringer n04607398 wristband n04607532 wristlet, wrist band n04607640 wrist pad n04607759 wrist pin, gudgeon pin n04607869 wristwatch, wrist watch n04607982 writing arm n04608127 writing board n04608329 writing desk n04608435 writing desk n04608567 writing implement n04608809 xerographic printer n04608923 Xerox, xerographic copier, Xerox machine n04609235 xerox, xerox copy n04609354 X-OR circuit, XOR circuit, XOR gate n04609531 X-ray film n04609651 X-ray machine n04609811 X-ray tube n04610013 yacht, racing yacht n04610176 yacht chair n04610274 yagi, Yagi aerial n04610368 Yale University, Yale n04610503 yard n04610676 yard n04610879 yard, grounds, curtilage n04611154 yard, railway yard, railyard n04611351 yardarm n04611470 yarder, yard donkey n04611654 yard goods, piece goods n04611795 yard marker n04611916 yardstick, yard measure n04612026 yarmulke, yarmulka, yarmelke n04612159 yashmak, yashmac n04612257 yataghan n04612373 yawl, dandy n04612504 yawl n04612623 yellow jack n04612722 yield, fruit n04612840 yoke n04613015 yoke n04613158 yoke, coupling n04613350 yoke n04613555 yo-yo n04613696 yurt n04613939 Zamboni n04614083 zapper n04614244 zarf n04614372 zeppelin, Graf Zeppelin n04614505 zero n04614655 ziggurat, zikkurat, zikurat n04614844 zill n04615018 zinc ointment n04615149 zip gun n04615226 zither, cither, zithern n04615456 zodiac n04615644 zoot suit n04615728 ramp n04615866 human nature n04616059 trait n04616916 character n04617106 unit character n04617289 thing n04617441 common denominator n04617562 personality n04618070 identity, personal identity, individuality n04618359 gender identity n04618581 identification n04618781 personhood n04618921 personableness n04619083 anal personality, anal retentive personality n04619420 genital personality n04619596 narcissistic personality n04619791 obsessive-compulsive personality n04619946 oral personality n04620216 character, fiber, fibre n04620558 spirit n04620741 outwardness n04621010 inwardness, internality n04621314 spirituality, spiritualism, spiritism, otherworldliness n04621524 worldliness n04621738 extraversion, extroversion n04621963 introversion n04622216 ambiversion n04622415 aloneness, loneliness, lonesomeness, solitariness n04622672 friendlessness n04622772 reclusiveness n04622932 privacy, privateness, seclusion n04623113 nature n04623443 animality, animal nature n04623612 disposition, temperament n04624289 complexion n04624517 animalism, physicality n04624687 bloodiness, bloodthirstiness n04624826 heart, spirit n04624959 nervousness n04625129 esprit de corps, morale, team spirit n04625284 restlessness, uneasiness, queasiness n04625515 jactitation, jactation n04625716 skittishness, restiveness n04625882 compulsiveness, compulsivity n04626062 obsessiveness, obsessivity n04626194 workaholism n04626280 emotionality, emotionalism n04626705 drama n04626879 demonstrativeness n04627000 affectionateness, fondness, lovingness, warmth n04627241 tenderness n04627367 uxoriousness n04627506 mawkishness, sentimentality, drippiness, mushiness, soupiness, sloppiness n04627809 corn n04627936 schmaltz, shmaltz, schmalz n04628080 sentimentalism n04628192 heat, warmth, passion n04628336 fieriness n04628466 temperament n04628632 moodiness n04628747 blood n04628850 excitability, excitableness, volatility n04629030 boiling point n04629194 unemotionality, emotionlessness n04629417 blandness n04629604 coldness, coolness, frigidity, frigidness, iciness, chilliness n04629958 stone n04630137 dispassion, dispassionateness, dryness n04630378 stoicism, stolidity, stolidness n04630547 tepidness, lukewarmness n04630689 cheerfulness, cheer, sunniness, sunshine n04631067 good-temperedness, good-humoredness, good-humouredness, good-naturedness n04631298 uncheerfulness n04631470 gloominess, lugubriousness, sadness n04631700 animation, spiritedness, invigoration, brio, vivification n04632063 chirpiness n04632157 liveliness, life, spirit, sprightliness n04632703 pertness n04632866 airiness, delicacy n04632963 alacrity, briskness, smartness n04633197 energy, muscularity, vigor, vigour, vim n04633453 vitality, verve n04633570 elan n04633716 esprit n04633797 breeziness, jauntiness n04633959 irrepressibility, buoyancy n04634161 high-spiritedness n04634299 vivacity n04634415 mettlesomeness n04634540 exuberance, enthusiasm, ebullience n04634739 lyricism n04634833 pep, peppiness, ginger n04635010 inanition n04635104 activeness, activity n04635482 dynamism, pizzazz, pizzaz, oomph, zing n04635631 inactiveness, inactivity, inertia n04635953 languor, lethargy, sluggishness, phlegm, flatness n04636250 restfulness n04636397 passivity, passiveness n04636610 apathy, indifference, numbness, spiritlessness n04636881 listlessness, torpidity, torpidness, torpor n04637108 indolence, laziness n04637290 faineance, idleness n04637444 sloth, slothfulness n04637571 shiftlessness n04637722 perfectionism n04637923 permissiveness, tolerance n04638175 toleration, acceptance, sufferance n04638472 self acceptance n04638585 indulgence, lenience, leniency n04638857 softness n04639030 overtolerance n04639113 unpermissiveness, restrictiveness n04639371 sternness, strictness n04639591 Puritanism n04639732 severity, severeness, harshness, rigor, rigour, rigorousness, rigourousness, inclemency, hardness, stiffness n04640176 good nature n04640356 grace, good will, goodwill n04640538 patience, forbearance, longanimity n04640722 easygoingness n04640830 risibility n04640927 agreeableness, agreeability n04641153 complaisance, compliance, compliancy, obligingness, deference n04641447 ill nature n04641700 crabbiness, crabbedness, crossness n04641869 crankiness, crotchetiness, contrariness, grumpiness n04642057 sulkiness, sullenness, moroseness, sourness n04642258 temper, biliousness, irritability, peevishness, pettishness, snappishness, surliness n04642596 impatience n04642746 intolerance n04642866 shrewishness n04642980 querulousness n04643099 asperity, sharpness n04643221 disagreeableness n04643397 bitterness, acrimony, acerbity, jaundice, tartness, thorniness n04643662 aggressiveness, belligerence, pugnacity n04643875 bellicosity, bellicoseness n04643979 quarrelsomeness, contentiousness n04644161 truculence, truculency n04644306 litigiousness n04644512 willingness n04644719 readiness, eagerness, zeal, forwardness n04645020 receptiveness, receptivity, openness n04645473 wholeheartedness n04645599 unwillingness, involuntariness n04645943 reluctance, hesitancy, hesitation, disinclination, indisposition n04646372 resistance n04646548 seriousness, earnestness, serious-mindedness, sincerity n04646990 committedness, commitment n04647185 investment n04647478 graveness, gravity, sobriety, soberness, somberness, sombreness n04647826 sedateness, staidness, solemnity, solemness n04648059 stodginess, stuffiness n04648207 frivolity, frivolousness n04648440 giddiness, silliness n04648596 lightsomeness, lightness n04648749 levity n04648866 flippancy, light-mindedness n04649051 jocoseness, jocosity, merriness, humorousness n04649261 playfulness, fun n04649560 facetiousness n04649651 impertinence, perkiness, pertness, sauciness, archness n04649835 friskiness, frolicsomeness, sportiveness n04650010 impishness, mischievousness, puckishness, whimsicality n04650201 humor, humour, sense of humor, sense of humour n04650527 communicativeness n04650731 frankness, outspokenness n04650913 bluffness n04651009 effusiveness, expansiveness, expansivity n04651195 fluency, volubility, articulateness n04651382 garrulity, garrulousness, loquaciousness, loquacity, talkativeness n04651683 leresis n04651784 uncommunicativeness n04651974 muteness, silence n04652177 secrecy, secretiveness, silence n04652345 mum n04652438 reserve, reticence, taciturnity n04652635 sociality n04652930 sociability, sociableness n04653357 conviviality, joviality n04653479 companionability, companionableness n04653627 chumminess, camaraderie, comradeliness, comradery, comradeship n04653869 gregariousness n04654066 openness, nakedness n04654337 friendliness n04654652 affability, affableness, amiability, amiableness, bonhomie, geniality n04654998 amicability, amicableness n04655168 condescension, condescendingness n04655442 familiarity, intimacy, closeness n04655649 approachability, accessibility n04655829 congeniality n04655929 amity, cordiality n04656051 neighborliness, neighbourliness, good-neighborliness, good-neighbourliness n04656282 hospitableness n04656448 mellowness n04656598 sweetness and light n04656748 unsociability, unsociableness n04656996 aloofness, remoteness, standoffishness, withdrawnness n04657244 unapproachability n04657407 closeness, secretiveness n04657631 furtiveness, sneakiness, stealthiness n04657876 unfriendliness n04658106 hostility, ill will n04658268 aggression n04658361 virulence, virulency n04658524 misanthropy n04658686 uncongeniality n04658816 unneighborliness n04658942 inhospitableness n04659090 adaptability n04659287 flexibility, flexibleness n04659567 wiggle room n04659730 pliability, pliancy, pliantness, suppleness n04660080 unadaptability n04660261 inflexibility, rigidity, rigidness n04660536 thoughtfulness n04660805 pensiveness, meditativeness, contemplativeness n04660981 introspectiveness n04661151 deliberation, deliberateness n04661389 intentionality n04661546 reflectiveness, reflectivity n04661706 unthoughtfulness, thoughtlessness n04661926 recklessness, foolhardiness, rashness n04662182 adventurism n04662283 brashness n04662390 desperation n04662504 impulsiveness n04662730 impetuousness, impetuosity n04662858 hastiness n04662951 attentiveness n04663204 attentiveness n04663319 inattentiveness n04663494 carefulness n04663763 mindfulness, heedfulness n04664058 caution, cautiousness, carefulness n04664314 precaution n04664413 wariness, chariness n04664628 alertness, sharp-sightedness, on the qui vive n04664778 watchfulness, vigilance, weather eye n04664964 carelessness, sloppiness n04665210 incaution, incautiousness n04665406 unwariness n04665543 unmindfulness, heedlessness, inadvertence, inadvertency n04665813 negligence, neglect, neglectfulness n04666083 delinquency, dereliction, willful neglect n04666416 laxness, laxity, remissness, slackness n04666615 masculinity n04666837 manfulness, manliness, virility n04667076 boyishness n04667180 machismo n04667258 hoydenism, tomboyishness n04667406 femininity, muliebrity n04667660 womanliness, womanlike n04667821 ladylikeness n04667923 maidenliness n04668033 girlishness n04668139 effeminacy, effeminateness, sissiness, softness, womanishness, unmanliness n04668713 emasculation n04668819 trustworthiness, trustiness n04669063 creditworthiness n04669247 responsibility, responsibleness n04669692 fault n04669828 accountability, answerability, answerableness n04670022 dependability, dependableness, reliability, reliableness n04670531 untrustworthiness, untrustiness n04670746 irresponsibility, irresponsibleness n04671075 solidity, solidness n04671394 undependability, undependableness, unreliability, unreliableness n04671841 flightiness, arbitrariness, whimsicality, whimsy, whimsey, capriciousness n04672210 carefreeness n04672355 conscientiousness, painstakingness n04672605 meticulousness, meticulosity, punctiliousness, scrupulousness n04672858 thoroughness n04673006 diligence n04673173 strictness, stringency n04673341 unconscientiousness n04673470 nonchalance, unconcern, indifference n04673668 recommendation, passport n04673965 appearance, visual aspect n04674624 agerasia n04674715 look n04674861 view n04674968 color, colour n04675193 complexion n04675314 impression, effect n04675646 figure n04675777 image n04676064 mark n04676308 perspective, linear perspective n04676540 phase n04676830 tout ensemble n04676959 vanishing point n04677113 superficies n04677385 format n04677514 form, shape, cast n04677716 persona, image n04677952 semblance, gloss, color, colour n04678401 color of law, colour of law n04678712 simulacrum n04678804 face value n04678908 guise, pretense, pretence, pretext n04679074 disguise, camouflage n04679300 verisimilitude n04679419 face n04679549 countenance, visage n04679738 expression, look, aspect, facial expression, face n04680027 leer n04680133 poker face n04680285 marking n04680465 band, banding, stria, striation n04680752 collar n04680893 stretch mark n04681058 blaze n04681230 speck, pinpoint n04681387 crisscross, cross, mark n04681621 eyespot, ocellus n04681797 hatch, hatching, crosshatch, hachure n04682018 shading n04682184 nebula n04682319 splash n04682462 spot, speckle, dapple, patch, fleck, maculation n04683002 worn spot, fret n04683136 stripe, streak, bar n04683453 hairiness, pilosity n04683600 hirsuteness, hirsutism n04683707 hairlessness n04683814 beauty n04684255 raw beauty n04684358 glory, resplendence, resplendency n04684654 exquisiteness n04684765 picturesqueness n04684872 pleasingness n04685062 pulchritude n04685195 glamor, glamour n04685396 comeliness, fairness, loveliness, beauteousness n04685649 prettiness, cuteness n04685840 handsomeness, good looks n04686003 attractiveness n04686257 adorability, adorableness n04686388 bewitchery, beguilement, animal magnetism n04686537 charisma, personal appeal, personal magnetism n04686748 curvaceousness, shapeliness, voluptuousness n04686935 sex appeal, desirability, desirableness, oomph n04687119 sultriness n04687333 appeal, appealingness, charm n04687633 siren call, siren song n04687822 spiff n04687957 winsomeness n04688058 associability, associableness n04688246 attraction, attractiveness n04688648 affinity n04688842 allure, allurement, temptingness n04689048 invitation n04689198 binding n04689330 drawing power n04689450 fascination n04689660 lure, enticement, come-on n04689834 sexual attraction n04689942 show-stopper, showstopper n04690196 ugliness n04690476 unsightliness n04690592 grotesqueness, grotesquery, grotesquerie n04690769 garishness, gaudiness n04690933 unpleasingness n04691061 hideousness n04691178 disfigurement, disfiguration, deformity n04691476 unattractiveness n04691651 homeliness, plainness n04691861 shapelessness n04691992 ballast n04692157 blemish, defect, mar n04692638 birthmark, nevus n04692787 chatter mark n04692908 check, chip n04693096 crack n04693274 craze n04693384 dent, ding, gouge, nick n04693557 dig n04693717 eyesore n04693804 mole n04693900 scratch, scrape, scar, mark n04694090 burn, burn mark n04694293 cigarette burn n04694441 smudge, spot, blot, daub, smear, smirch, slur n04694809 blotch, splodge, splotch n04694980 fingermark, fingerprint n04695102 inkblot n04695176 stain, discoloration, discolouration n04695504 scorch n04695605 bloodstain n04695693 iron mold, iron mould n04695805 mud stain n04695884 oil stain n04695963 tarnish n04696085 stigma n04696193 port-wine stain, nevus flammeus n04696316 strawberry, strawberry mark, hemangioma simplex n04696432 wart, verruca n04696695 common wart n04696797 genital wart, venereal wart, condyloma acuminatum, verruca acuminata n04696969 juvenile wart n04697084 plantar wart n04697267 plainness n04697442 chasteness, restraint, simplicity, simpleness n04697666 austereness, severity, severeness n04697819 bareness, starkness n04698112 ornateness, elaborateness n04698307 baroque, baroqueness n04698511 classical style n04698656 order n04698998 Doric order, Dorian order n04699157 Ionic order, Ionian order n04699298 Corinthian order n04699474 Composite order n04699637 Tuscan order n04699767 rococo n04699936 flamboyance, floridness, floridity, showiness n04700199 fussiness n04700327 decorativeness n04700496 etiolation n04700642 coating, finish, finishing n04701039 glaze n04701162 luster, lustre n04701267 shoeshine n04701460 clearness, clarity, uncloudedness n04701943 pellucidness, pellucidity, limpidity n04702127 transparency, transparence, transparentness n04702351 translucence, translucency, semitransparency n04702545 visibility n04702688 distinctness, sharpness n04702957 definition n04703104 discernability, legibility n04703235 focus n04703424 opacity, opaqueness n04703698 cloudiness, murkiness, muddiness n04703932 turbidity, turbidness n04704116 haziness, mistiness, steaminess, vaporousness, vapourousness n04704346 indistinctness, softness, blurriness, fogginess, fuzziness n04704675 dimness, faintness n04704839 vagueness n04705013 divisibility n04705196 fissiparity n04705324 sharpness, keenness n04705536 acuteness n04705671 dullness, bluntness n04705950 obtuseness n04706087 conspicuousness n04706290 obviousness, noticeability, noticeableness, patency n04706727 apparentness, apparency n04706882 blatancy n04707110 obtrusiveness n04707252 boldness, strikingness n04707409 predomination, predominance n04707636 inconspicuousness n04707808 unnoticeableness n04707964 unobtrusiveness n04708113 ease, easiness, simplicity, simpleness n04708543 effortlessness n04708796 facility, readiness n04709011 smoothness n04709253 difficulty, difficultness n04709585 effortfulness n04709759 arduousness, strenuousness n04709944 laboriousness, operoseness, toilsomeness n04710127 asperity, grimness, hardship, rigor, rigour, severity, severeness, rigorousness, rigourousness n04710390 sternness n04710588 hardness, ruggedness n04710866 formidability, toughness n04711031 burdensomeness, heaviness, onerousness, oppressiveness n04711256 subtlety, niceness n04711435 troublesomeness, inconvenience, worriment n04711665 awkwardness, cumbersomeness, unwieldiness n04711919 flea bite n04712001 fly in the ointment n04712130 unwieldiness n04712405 combustibility, combustibleness, burnability n04712568 flammability, inflammability n04712735 compatibility n04712978 congenialness, congeniality n04713118 harmony, harmoniousness n04713332 accord n04713428 agreement, correspondence n04713692 conformity, conformance n04713853 justness, rightness, nicety n04714058 normality n04714156 congruity, congruousness, congruence n04714440 incompatibility n04714679 conflict n04714847 incongruity, incongruousness n04715075 irony n04715308 Socratic irony n04715487 suitability, suitableness n04715818 arability n04715947 appropriateness n04716210 felicity, felicitousness n04716491 aptness, appositeness n04716703 ticket, just the ticket n04716864 fitness, fittingness n04717139 qualification, making n04717552 eligibility n04717787 insurability n04718030 marriageability n04718134 ineligibility n04718306 uninsurability n04718563 convenience n04718826 opportuneness, patness, timeliness n04718999 handiness, accessibility, availability, availableness n04719376 command n04719502 impressiveness n04719661 navigability n04719805 neediness n04720024 painfulness, distressingness n04720226 sharpness n04720393 piquancy, piquance, piquantness n04720536 publicity n04720685 spinnability n04720879 spinnbarkeit n04721058 unsuitability, unsuitableness, ineptness n04721428 inaptness, inappositeness n04721650 inappropriateness, unworthiness n04722051 infelicity n04722231 habitability, habitableness n04722373 unfitness n04722574 disqualification n04722715 inconvenience n04722910 inaccessibility, unavailability n04723107 inopportuneness, untimeliness n04723286 ethos n04723436 eidos n04723622 protectiveness n04723816 quality n04726724 nature n04726938 humanness, humanity, manhood n04727214 air, aura, atmosphere n04727559 mystique n04727694 note n04727883 vibration, vibe n04728068 quality, caliber, calibre n04728376 superiority, high quality n04728604 fineness, choiceness n04728786 excellence n04728999 ultimate n04729127 admirability, admirableness, wonderfulness n04729328 impressiveness, grandness, magnificence, richness n04729710 expansiveness, expansivity n04729984 stateliness, majesty, loftiness n04730191 first class n04730285 first water n04730367 ingenuity, ingeniousness, cleverness n04730580 inferiority, low quality n04730797 poorness n04730985 scrawniness, scrubbiness n04731207 second class n04731309 wretchedness n04731497 characteristic n04731925 point, spot n04732067 point n04732237 salability, salableness n04732386 selling point n04732543 hallmark, trademark, earmark, stylemark n04732709 mold, mould n04732852 saving grace n04733118 aspect n04733204 gaseousness n04733347 bubbliness, effervescence, frothiness n04733539 foaminess n04733640 changeableness, changeability n04734145 commutability, transmutability n04734272 fluidity, fluidness n04734551 reversibility n04734698 shiftiness n04734885 inconstancy, changefulness n04735075 capriciousness, unpredictability n04735233 variability, variableness, variance n04735556 variedness n04735711 diversity n04735828 variegation n04735929 exchangeability, interchangeability, interchangeableness, fungibility n04736337 duality n04736516 transferability n04736757 convertibility n04737020 inconvertibility n04737234 replaceability, substitutability, commutability n04737430 liquidity n04737568 permutability, permutableness, transposability n04737743 progressiveness, progressivity n04737934 changelessness, unchangeability, unchangeableness, unchangingness n04738398 absoluteness n04738641 constancy, stability n04738995 invariance n04739262 metastability n04739535 monotony n04739630 innateness n04739768 irreversibility n04739932 invariability, invariableness, invariance n04740173 unvariedness n04740326 monotony, humdrum, sameness n04740655 fixedness, unalterability n04740864 unexchangeability n04741075 incommutability n04741195 irreplaceableness n04741311 mutability, mutableness n04741530 alterability n04741655 vicissitude n04741807 immutability, immutableness, fixity n04742084 unalterability n04742251 incurability n04742418 agelessness n04742535 sameness n04742766 otherness, distinctness, separateness n04743024 identity, identicalness, indistinguishability n04743370 oneness, unity n04743486 selfsameness n04743605 similarity n04744032 approximation n04744161 homogeny n04744319 homology n04744555 homomorphism, homomorphy n04744645 isomorphism, isomorphy n04744814 likeness, alikeness, similitude n04745240 parallelism, correspondence n04745370 uniformity, uniformness n04745679 homogeneity, homogeneousness n04745932 consistency, consistence n04746134 approach n04746262 sort n04746430 analogue, analog, parallel n04746607 echo n04746842 comparison, compare, equivalence, comparability n04747115 mirror image, reflection, reflexion n04747246 naturalness n04747445 resemblance n04747616 spitting image n04747710 mutual resemblance n04747798 affinity n04747899 equality n04748187 equatability n04748273 equivalence n04748426 parity n04748498 evenness n04748654 isometry n04748836 difference n04749310 differential n04749439 differentia n04749572 distinction n04749709 discrepancy, disagreement, divergence, variance n04749991 allowance, leeway, margin, tolerance n04750164 dissimilarity, unsimilarity n04750414 disparateness, distinctiveness n04750547 heterology n04750764 unlikeness, dissimilitude n04750940 nonuniformity n04751098 heterogeneity, heterogeneousness n04751305 diverseness, diversity, multifariousness, variety n04751652 biodiversity n04751847 inconsistency n04752034 variety, change n04752221 inequality n04752414 nonequivalence n04752530 disparity n04752734 far cry n04752859 gap, spread n04753060 gulf, disconnect, disconnection n04753331 unevenness n04753455 certainty, sure thing, foregone conclusion n04753799 cert n04753929 ineluctability, unavoidability n04754056 inevitability, inevitableness n04754237 determinateness, definiteness n04754440 finality, conclusiveness, decisiveness n04754780 surety n04754862 indisputability, indubitability, unquestionability, unquestionableness n04755218 incontrovertibility, incontrovertibleness, positivity, positiveness n04755466 demonstrability, provability n04755630 givenness n04755783 moral certainty n04756025 predictability n04756172 probability n04756504 odds n04756635 likelihood, likeliness n04756887 uncertainty, uncertainness, precariousness n04757350 slam dunk n04757522 doubt, dubiousness, doubtfulness, question n04757864 indefiniteness, indeterminateness, indefinity, indetermination, indeterminacy n04758181 inconclusiveness n04758313 unpredictability n04758452 improbability, improbableness n04758776 unlikelihood, unlikeliness n04758980 fortuitousness n04759134 speculativeness n04759428 factuality, factualness n04759712 counterfactuality n04759849 concreteness n04760024 tangibility, tangibleness, palpability n04760296 intangibility, intangibleness, impalpability n04760611 literalness n04760771 materiality, physicalness, corporeality, corporality n04761212 substantiality, substantialness, solidness n04761517 immateriality, incorporeality n04761815 insubstantiality n04761960 smoke n04762134 abstractness n04762355 reality n04762492 unreality n04762633 particularity, specialness n04762915 specificity n04763147 specificity n04763293 individuality, individualism, individuation n04763650 singularity, uniqueness n04763925 peculiarity, specialness, specialty, speciality, distinctiveness n04764242 idiosyncrasy, foible, mannerism n04764412 generality n04764741 commonality, commonness n04765038 solidarity n04765166 pervasiveness n04765355 prevalence n04765586 currency n04765691 universality, catholicity n04765851 totality n04766059 simplicity, simpleness n04766275 complexity, complexness n04766620 complicatedness, complication, knottiness, tortuousness n04766852 elaborateness, elaboration, intricacy, involution n04767023 tapestry n04767182 trickiness n04767347 regularity n04767805 cyclicity, periodicity n04768028 rhythm, regular recurrence n04768186 cardiac rhythm, heart rhythm n04768309 atrioventricular nodal rhythm, nodal rhythm n04768483 orderliness, methodicalness n04768657 organization, organisation, system n04769049 uniformity n04769234 homogeneity n04769362 inhomogeneity n04769456 evenness, invariability n04769716 smoothness n04769988 even spacing n04770068 steadiness n04770211 irregularity, unregularity n04770535 fitfulness, jerkiness n04770720 intermittence, intermittency n04770911 fluctuation, wavering n04771128 scintillation n04771332 randomness, haphazardness, stochasticity, noise n04771535 ergodicity n04771738 spasticity n04771890 unevenness, variability n04772191 rockiness n04772388 ruggedness n04772557 hilliness n04772691 jaggedness n04772844 patchiness n04772955 waviness n04773068 personal equation n04773182 unsteadiness n04773351 mobility n04773596 locomotion, motive power, motivity n04773761 motility n04773899 movability, movableness n04774198 maneuverability, manoeuvrability n04774365 manipulability n04774511 looseness, play n04774743 restlessness n04774901 weatherliness n04775185 wiggliness n04775357 slack, slackness n04775562 unsteadiness, ricketiness n04775747 instability, unstableness n04776021 shakiness n04776176 portability n04776299 immobility n04776453 immotility n04776572 inertness n04776699 immovability, immovableness n04776940 tightness, tautness n04777098 fastness, fixedness, fixity, fixture, secureness n04777421 looseness n04777634 lodgment, lodgement, lodging n04777852 steadiness, firmness n04778114 granite n04778267 sureness n04778401 stability, stableness n04778630 pleasantness, sweetness n04779053 agreeableness, amenity n04779336 enjoyableness n04779521 niceness n04779649 unpleasantness n04779895 disagreeableness n04780114 abrasiveness n04780232 acridity, acridness n04780396 unpalatability, unpalatableness n04780605 disgustingness, unsavoriness n04780755 nastiness n04780958 offensiveness, odiousness, distastefulness n04781349 loathsomeness, repulsiveness, sliminess, vileness, lousiness, wickedness n04781755 hatefulness, obnoxiousness, objectionableness n04781967 beastliness n04782116 awfulness, dreadfulness, horridness, terribleness n04782466 frightfulness n04782610 ghastliness, grimness, gruesomeness, luridness n04782878 credibility, credibleness, believability n04783247 authenticity, genuineness, legitimacy n04783445 real McCoy, real thing, real stuff n04783567 cogency, validity, rigor, rigour n04783724 plausibility, plausibleness n04783888 reasonableness, tenability, tenableness n04784142 incredibility, incredibleness n04784322 implausibility, implausibleness n04784525 street credibility, street cred, cred n04784664 logicality, logicalness n04784978 rationality, rationalness n04785195 consistency n04785414 completeness n04785669 illogicality, illogicalness, illogic, inconsequence n04785908 naturalness n04786326 unaffectedness n04786490 simplicity, simmpleness n04786595 sincerity, unassumingness n04786763 spontaneity, spontaneousness n04786994 ease, informality n04787154 unpretentiousness n04787324 naturalization, naturalisation n04787530 unnaturalness n04787763 affectedness n04788011 airs, pose n04788159 coyness, demureness n04788332 preciosity, preciousness n04788494 artificiality n04788693 staginess, theatricality n04788853 pretension, pretense, pretence n04788982 pretentiousness, pretension, largeness n04789274 ostentation n04789406 supernaturalism, supernaturalness n04789613 virtu, vertu n04789689 wholesomeness n04789897 nutritiousness, nutritiveness n04790070 healthfulness n04790238 salubrity, salubriousness n04790449 unwholesomeness, morbidness, morbidity n04790774 harmfulness, noisomeness, noxiousness n04790942 perniciousness, toxicity n04791081 deadliness, lethality n04791321 fatality n04791453 jejunity, jejuneness n04791591 putrescence, rottenness n04791740 unhealthfulness n04791928 insalubrity, insalubriousness n04792127 satisfactoriness n04792357 adequacy, adequateness n04792679 acceptability, acceptableness n04793016 admissibility n04793209 permissibility n04793355 unsatisfactoriness n04793555 inadequacy, inadequateness n04793731 perishability, perishableness n04793925 unacceptability, unacceptableness n04794236 inadmissibility n04794408 impermissibility n04794580 palatability, palatableness n04794751 ordinariness, mundaneness, mundanity n04795061 averageness, mediocrity n04795252 expectedness n04795413 normality, normalcy n04795545 commonness, commonplaceness, everydayness n04795878 prosiness, prosaicness n04796086 usualness n04796291 familiarity n04796490 extraordinariness n04796725 unexpectedness, surprisingness n04796946 uncommonness n04797130 uncommonness n04797295 unusualness n04797482 unfamiliarity, strangeness n04797824 oddity, queerness, quirk, quirkiness, crotchet n04798020 eeriness, ghostliness n04798185 abnormality, freakishness n04798365 singularity n04798511 outlandishness, bizarreness, weirdness n04798700 quaintness n04798881 eccentricity n04799011 oddity, oddness n04799133 ethnicity n04799344 foreignness, strangeness, curiousness n04799612 exoticism, exoticness, exotism n04799789 alienage, alienism n04799881 nativeness n04800152 indigenousness, autochthony, endemism n04800359 originality n04800596 freshness, novelty n04800729 unorthodoxy, heterodoxy n04800885 unconventionality n04801030 nonconformity n04801168 unoriginality n04801313 orthodoxy n04801532 conventionality, convention, conventionalism n04801763 ossification, conformity n04801877 traditionalism, traditionality n04802079 scholasticism, academicism, academism n04802198 correctness, rightness n04802403 incorrectness, wrongness n04802629 erroneousness, error n04802776 deviation n04802907 accuracy, truth n04803209 accuracy n04803430 exactness, exactitude n04803702 minuteness n04803880 preciseness, precision n04804169 trueness n04804306 fidelity n04804451 inaccuracy n04804611 inexactness, inexactitude n04804787 impreciseness, imprecision n04804947 looseness n04805136 infallibility n04805304 inerrancy n04805472 errancy n04805635 papal infallibility n04805813 errancy n04806067 instability n04806169 reproducibility, duplicability n04806316 irreproducibility n04806512 fallibility n04806655 distinction n04806804 worthiness n04807050 deservingness, merit, meritoriousness n04807342 praiseworthiness, laudability, laudableness n04807489 quotability n04807626 roadworthiness n04807776 unworthiness n04807971 baseness, sordidness, contemptibility, despicableness, despicability n04808281 shamefulness, disgracefulness, ignominiousness n04808516 scandalousness n04808639 popularity n04808965 hot stuff n04809089 unpopularity n04809237 legality n04809453 validity, validness n04809642 effect, force n04809784 lawfulness n04810035 legitimacy n04810194 licitness n04810327 illegality n04810510 invalidity, invalidness n04810727 fallaciousness n04810865 unlawfulness n04811126 lawlessness, outlawry n04811296 infection n04811476 illegitimacy n04811628 illicitness n04811767 shadiness n04811995 refinement, civilization, civilisation n04812268 elegance n04812636 elegance n04812871 dash, elan, flair, panache, style n04813066 daintiness, delicacy, fineness n04813283 courtliness n04813395 tastefulness n04813540 breeding, genteelness, gentility n04813712 chic, chicness, chichi, modishness, smartness, stylishness, swank, last word n04814025 jauntiness, nattiness, dapperness, rakishness n04814238 magnificence, brilliance, splendor, splendour, grandeur, grandness n04814872 eclat n04815002 pomp, eclat n04815177 class n04815321 inelegance n04815624 awkwardness, clumsiness, gracelessness, stiffness n04815916 woodenness n04816125 rusticity, gaucherie n04816302 urbanity n04816528 dowdiness, drabness, homeliness n04816761 shabbiness, seediness, manginess, sleaziness n04817020 tweediness n04817168 raggedness n04817280 coarseness, commonness, grossness, vulgarity, vulgarism, raunch n04817564 crudeness, roughness n04817788 boorishness, uncouthness n04817923 ostentation, ostentatiousness, pomposity, pompousness, pretentiousness, puffiness, splashiness, inflation n04818284 tastelessness n04818460 cheapness, tackiness, tat, sleaze n04818700 flashiness, garishness, gaudiness, loudness, brashness, meretriciousness, tawdriness, glitz n04819026 comprehensibility, understandability n04819285 legibility, readability n04819496 intelligibility n04819694 expressiveness n04819822 picturesqueness n04819953 readability n04820102 speech intelligibility n04820258 clarity, lucidity, lucidness, pellucidity, clearness, limpidity n04820908 monosemy n04821084 focus n04821277 coherence, coherency n04821451 preciseness, clearcutness n04821615 perspicuity, perspicuousness, plainness n04821802 unambiguity, unequivocalness n04822032 explicitness n04822223 incomprehensibility n04822524 inscrutability n04822685 illegibility n04822870 impenetrability, impenetrableness n04823031 noise n04823258 opacity, opaqueness n04823416 obscureness, obscurity, abstruseness, reconditeness n04823706 unintelligibility n04823866 unclearness n04824118 elusiveness n04824350 vagueness n04824695 haziness n04824819 inexplicitness n04824977 implicitness n04825114 ambiguity, equivocalness n04825383 equivocation, prevarication, evasiveness n04825576 polysemy, lexical ambiguity n04825815 twilight zone, no man's land n04826235 righteousness n04826485 impeccability n04826623 uprightness, rectitude n04826771 piety, piousness n04826999 devoutness, religiousness n04827175 religiosity, religionism, religiousism, pietism n04827392 dutifulness n04827503 godliness n04827652 unrighteousness n04827957 sin, sinfulness, wickedness n04828126 mark of Cain n04828255 impiety, impiousness n04828485 undutifulness n04828612 irreligiousness, irreligion n04828754 ungodliness, godlessness n04828925 humaneness n04829182 humanity n04829282 mercifulness, mercy n04829550 compassion, pity n04829764 forgivingness, kindness n04829922 lenience, leniency, mildness, lenity n04830102 inhumaneness, inhumanity n04830343 atrocity, atrociousness, barbarity, barbarousness, heinousness n04830578 bestiality n04830689 ferociousness, brutality, viciousness, savagery n04830904 murderousness n04831031 mercilessness, unmercifulness n04831264 pitilessness, ruthlessness n04831437 relentlessness, inexorability, inexorableness n04831727 generosity, generousness n04832050 charitableness n04832244 bounty, bounteousness n04832401 bigheartedness n04832518 liberality, liberalness n04832716 munificence, largess, largesse, magnanimity, openhandedness n04832951 unselfishness n04833276 altruism, selflessness n04833458 stinginess n04833687 meanness, minginess, niggardliness, niggardness, parsimony, parsimoniousness, tightness, tightfistedness, closeness n04834073 pettiness, littleness, smallness n04834228 miserliness n04834339 penuriousness n04834457 illiberality n04834605 selfishness n04834817 greediness, voraciousness, rapaciousness n04835028 egoism, egocentrism, self-interest, self-concern, self-centeredness n04835260 self-love, narcism, narcissism n04835488 opportunism, self-interest, self-seeking, expedience n04835724 drive n04835950 action n04836074 enterprise, enterprisingness, initiative, go-ahead n04836268 ambition, ambitiousness n04836491 aspiration n04836583 power hunger, status seeking n04836683 energy, push, get-up-and-go n04836960 second wind n04837232 aggressiveness n04837425 competitiveness, fight n04837615 combativeness, militance, militancy n04837814 scrappiness n04837931 intrusiveness, meddlesomeness, officiousness n04838210 boldness, nerve, brass, face, cheek n04838510 audacity, audaciousness n04838727 presumption, presumptuousness, effrontery, assumption n04839009 uppityness, uppishness n04839154 fairness, equity n04839445 non-discrimination n04839555 sportsmanship n04839676 unfairness, inequity n04839877 gamesmanship n04840011 kindness n04840285 benevolence n04840405 charity, brotherly love n04840537 beneficence n04840715 grace, grace of God, free grace n04840981 benignity, benignancy, graciousness n04841245 loving-kindness n04841358 consideration, considerateness, thoughtfulness n04841664 kindliness, helpfulness n04841810 tact, tactfulness n04842029 delicacy, diplomacy, discreetness, finesse n04842232 savoir-faire, address n04842313 malevolence, malevolency, malice n04842515 cattiness, bitchiness, spite, spitefulness, nastiness n04842788 malignity, malignancy, malignance n04842993 sensitivity, sensitiveness n04843270 antenna, feeler n04843429 defensiveness n04843675 bunker mentality n04843875 perceptiveness n04844024 insensitivity, insensitiveness n04844343 crassness, crassitude n04844478 tin ear n04844625 unfeelingness, callousness, callosity, hardness, insensibility n04844891 dullness n04845146 unperceptiveness n04845312 unkindness n04845475 cruelty, cruelness, harshness n04845684 beastliness, meanness n04845863 unhelpfulness n04845967 inconsideration, inconsiderateness, thoughtlessness n04846243 tactlessness n04846383 bluntness n04846533 maleficence, mischief, balefulness n04846770 morality n04847133 rightness n04847298 virtue, virtuousness, moral excellence n04847482 virtue n04847600 cardinal virtue n04847733 natural virtue n04847991 theological virtue, supernatural virtue n04848262 hope n04848383 saintliness n04848492 conscience n04848686 conscientiousness n04848866 religiousness n04849074 unconscientiousness n04849241 good, goodness n04849614 summum bonum n04849759 virtue, chastity, sexual morality n04849972 honor, honour, purity, pureness n04850117 justice, justness n04850341 right, rightfulness n04850589 immorality n04850996 corruption, degeneracy, depravation, depravity, putrefaction n04851421 infection n04851585 corruptibility n04851715 licentiousness, wantonness n04851865 anomie, anomy n04851962 wrongness n04852088 evil, evilness n04852534 worst n04852750 nefariousness, wickedness, vileness, ugliness n04852962 filthiness n04853124 enormity n04853212 reprehensibility n04853361 villainy, villainousness n04853503 perversity, perverseness n04853765 error, wrongdoing n04853873 frailty, vice n04853948 corruptness, corruption n04854259 venality n04854389 injustice, unjustness n04854604 wrong, wrongfulness n04854893 amorality n04854976 divinity n04855138 holiness, sanctity, sanctitude n04855332 sacredness n04855524 ideality n04855641 holy of holies n04855840 unholiness n04856014 profaneness, unsanctification n04856182 sacrilegiousness n04856308 safeness n04856460 dangerousness n04856621 precariousness n04856721 curability, curableness n04856899 incurability, incurableness n04857083 courage, courageousness, bravery, braveness n04857490 heart, mettle, nerve, spunk n04857738 heroism, gallantry, valor, valour, valorousness, valiance, valiancy n04858089 dauntlessness, intrepidity n04858222 Dutch courage n04858317 stoutheartedness n04858455 fearlessness n04858632 coolness, nervelessness n04858785 boldness, daring, hardiness, hardihood n04859177 adventurousness, venturesomeness n04859323 daredevilry, daredeviltry n04859449 audacity, audaciousness, temerity n04859636 shamelessness, brazenness n04859816 gutsiness, pluck, pluckiness n04860065 cowardice, cowardliness n04860272 cravenness n04860369 faintheartedness, faintness n04860586 fearfulness n04860759 timidity, timorousness n04860985 pusillanimity, pusillanimousness n04861143 poltroonery n04861221 dastardliness n04861319 gutlessness n04861486 resoluteness, firmness, firmness of purpose, resolve, resolution n04862005 self-control, self-possession, possession, willpower, will power, self-command, self-will n04862236 nerves n04862382 steadiness n04862592 sturdiness n04862747 presence of mind n04862888 stiffness n04863074 stubbornness, bullheadedness, obstinacy, obstinance, pigheadedness, self-will n04863358 impenitence, impenitency n04863497 intransigency, intransigence n04863675 single-mindedness n04863793 adamance, obduracy, unyieldingness n04863969 decisiveness, decision n04864200 determination, purpose n04864515 doggedness, perseverance, persistence, persistency, tenacity, tenaciousness, pertinacity n04864824 indefatigability, indefatigableness, tirelessness n04865016 steadfastness n04865114 diligence, industriousness, industry n04865502 assiduity, assiduousness, concentration n04865722 intentness, engrossment n04865921 singleness n04866078 sedulity, sedulousness n04866238 studiousness n04866365 bookishness n04866465 irresoluteness, irresolution n04866671 volatility, unpredictability n04866866 indecisiveness, indecision n04867130 sincerity n04867440 sooth n04867539 heartiness, wholeheartedness n04867700 singleness, straightforwardness n04867871 insincerity, falseness, hollowness n04868148 hypocrisy n04868350 sanctimoniousness, sanctimony n04868505 fulsomeness, oiliness, oleaginousness, smarminess, unctuousness, unction n04868748 honorableness, honourableness n04869106 honor, honour n04869256 scrupulousness n04869405 venerability, venerableness n04869569 integrity n04869811 probity n04870040 incorruptness, incorruption n04870206 incorruptibility n04870340 nobility, nobleness, magnanimousness, grandeur n04870643 high-mindedness, idealism, noble-mindedness n04870889 sublimity n04871002 respectability, reputability n04871259 decency n04871374 honesty, honestness n04871720 candor, candour, candidness, frankness, directness, forthrightness n04872016 good faith, straightness n04872236 truthfulness n04872414 veracity n04872531 ingenuousness n04872676 artlessness n04872826 parental quality n04872958 motherliness, maternalism, maternal quality, maternity n04873305 fatherliness, paternal quality n04873550 dishonorableness, dishonourableness n04873804 ignobleness, ignobility n04873939 dishonor, dishonour n04874086 unscrupulousness n04874223 sleaziness n04874409 unrespectability, disreputability, disreputableness n04874672 dishonesty n04874939 deceptiveness, obliquity n04875113 speciousness, meretriciousness n04875352 fraudulence, deceit n04875468 jobbery n04875556 crookedness, deviousness n04875728 rascality, shiftiness, slipperiness, trickiness n04875935 thievishness, larcenous n04876053 untruthfulness n04876235 mendacity n04876374 disingenuousness n04876561 craftiness, deceitfulness, guile n04876705 artfulness n04876888 cunning n04876985 fidelity, faithfulness n04877264 constancy n04877421 dedication n04877530 loyalty, trueness n04877783 steadfastness, staunchness n04877938 allegiance, fealty n04878101 patriotism, nationalism n04878434 regionalism n04878539 Americanism n04878646 chauvinism, jingoism, superpatriotism, ultranationalism n04878861 infidelity, unfaithfulness n04879092 faithlessness, falseness, fickleness, inconstancy n04879340 disloyalty n04879498 disaffection n04879658 treason, subversiveness, traitorousness n04879879 betrayal n04879964 perfidy, perfidiousness, treachery n04880138 insidiousness n04880273 sophistication, worldliness, mundaneness, mundanity n04880573 naivete, naivety, naiveness n04880830 artlessness, innocence, ingenuousness, naturalness n04881033 innocency n04881156 credulousness, gullibility n04881369 simplicity, simpleness, simple mindedness n04881623 discipline n04881829 self-discipline, self-denial n04881998 austerity, asceticism, nonindulgence n04882214 monasticism n04882438 eremitism n04882622 abstinence, abstention n04882813 continence, continency n04882968 restraint, control n04883243 self-restraint, temperateness n04883436 stiff upper lip n04883614 temperance, moderation n04883804 sobriety, dryness n04883942 abstemiousness n04884072 inhibition n04884177 continence n04884302 taboo, tabu n04884450 indiscipline, undiscipline n04884627 indulgence, self-indulgence n04884817 dissoluteness, incontinence, self-gratification n04884995 rakishness n04885091 unrestraint n04885271 intemperance n04885398 abandon, wantonness, unconstraint n04885609 looseness n04885784 madness, rabidity, rabidness n04885990 sottishness n04886101 gluttony n04886235 greediness, hoggishness, piggishness n04886402 edacity, esurience, rapaciousness, rapacity, voracity, voraciousness n04886646 pride n04886790 civic pride, civic spirit n04886881 dignity, self-respect, self-regard, self-worth n04887129 conceit, conceitedness, vanity n04887373 boastfulness, vainglory n04887497 egotism, self-importance, swelled head n04887701 posturing n04887790 superiority complex n04887912 arrogance, haughtiness, hauteur, high-handedness, lordliness n04888268 condescension, superciliousness, disdainfulness n04888510 contemptuousness n04888703 hubris n04888788 imperiousness, domineeringness, overbearingness n04889000 superiority n04889162 snobbery, snobbism, snobbishness n04889337 clannishness, cliquishness, exclusiveness n04889527 humility, humbleness n04889779 meekness, subduedness n04889966 spinelessness n04890112 wisdom, wiseness n04890361 judiciousness, sagacity, sagaciousness n04890546 knowledgeability, knowledgeableness, initiation n04890865 statesmanship, statecraft, diplomacy n04891010 discretion, discernment n04891184 circumspection, caution n04891333 folly, foolishness, unwiseness n04891558 indiscretion, injudiciousness n04891683 absurdity, fatuity, fatuousness, silliness n04891944 asininity n04892084 judgment, judgement, sound judgment, sound judgement, perspicacity n04892344 objectivity, objectiveness n04892544 subjectivity, subjectiveness n04892794 prudence n04892970 providence n04893172 foresight, foresightedness, foresightfulness n04893358 frugality, frugalness n04893525 parsimony, parsimoniousness, thrift, penny-pinching n04893787 economy, thriftiness n04894037 imprudence n04894204 heedlessness, mindlessness, rashness n04894444 lightheadedness n04894552 improvidence, shortsightedness n04894807 extravagance, prodigality, profligacy n04894964 thriftlessness, waste, wastefulness n04895246 trust, trustingness, trustfulness n04895558 credulity n04895695 overcredulity n04895773 distrust, distrustfulness, mistrust n04895979 suspicion, suspiciousness n04896161 cleanliness n04896317 fastidiousness n04896515 tidiness, neatness n04896724 uncleanliness n04896878 slovenliness n04896995 slatternliness, sluttishness n04897152 squeamishness n04897428 untidiness, messiness n04897604 disarray, disorderliness n04897762 demeanor, demeanour, behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment n04898087 manners n04898208 citizenship n04898334 swashbuckling n04898437 propriety, properness, correctitude n04898804 decorum, decorousness n04899031 appropriateness, rightness n04899201 correctness n04899416 good form n04899573 faultlessness, impeccability n04899713 political correctness, political correctitude n04899980 priggishness, primness n04900121 modesty, reserve n04900236 demureness n04900357 seemliness, grace n04900597 becomingness n04900739 decency n04900947 modesty, modestness n04901152 primness, prudishness, prudery, Grundyism n04901326 impropriety, improperness n04901599 incorrectness n04901754 political incorrectness n04901996 inappropriateness, wrongness n04902165 indelicacy n04902283 gaminess, raciness, ribaldry, spiciness n04902470 indecorum, indecorousness n04902668 unseemliness n04902797 unbecomingness n04902925 indecency n04903136 immodesty n04903247 outrageousness, enormity n04903368 obscenity, lewdness, bawdiness, salaciousness, salacity n04903678 smuttiness, dirtiness n04903813 composure, calm, calmness, equanimity n04904162 aplomb, assuredness, cool, poise, sang-froid n04904352 repose, quiet, placidity, serenity, tranquillity, tranquility n04904560 ataraxia n04904664 discomposure n04904851 disquiet, unease, uneasiness n04904996 perturbation, fluster n04905188 tractability, tractableness, flexibility n04905546 manageability, manageableness n04905697 docility n04905842 tameness, domestication n04906026 amenability, amenableness, cooperativeness n04906273 obedience n04906471 submissiveness n04906712 obsequiousness, servility, subservience n04906923 sycophancy n04907020 passivity, passiveness n04907153 subordination n04907269 intractability, intractableness n04907575 refractoriness, unmanageableness, recalcitrance, recalcitrancy n04907826 wildness n04907991 defiance, rebelliousness n04908182 insubordination n04908283 obstreperousness n04908396 unruliness, fractiousness, willfulness, wilfulness n04908721 balkiness n04908835 stubbornness, obstinacy, obstinance, mulishness n04909018 contrariness, perversity, perverseness n04909270 cussedness, orneriness n04909414 disobedience n04909563 naughtiness, mischievousness, badness n04909721 prankishness, rascality, roguishness n04909887 wildness n04910135 manner, personal manner n04910377 bearing, comportment, presence, mien n04910562 bedside manner n04910684 dignity, lordliness, gravitas n04910848 foppishness, dandyism n04910973 gentleness, softness, mildness n04911420 formality, formalness n04911777 ceremoniousness n04911894 stateliness n04912052 informality n04912240 casualness, familiarity n04912506 slanginess n04912610 unceremoniousness n04912732 courtesy, good manners n04912982 politeness, niceness n04913212 urbanity n04913322 suavity, suaveness, blandness, smoothness n04913568 graciousness n04913738 chivalry, gallantry, politesse n04913839 deference, respect, respectfulness n04914133 civility n04914292 discourtesy, rudeness n04914576 boorishness n04914694 impoliteness n04914881 bad manners, ill-breeding n04914991 ungraciousness n04915121 crudeness, crudity, gaucheness n04915365 incivility n04915462 abruptness, brusqueness, curtness, gruffness, shortness n04915687 contempt, disrespect n04915866 crust, gall, impertinence, impudence, insolence, cheekiness, freshness n04916200 chutzpa, chutzpah, hutzpah n04916342 property n04917292 actinism n04917439 isotropy, symmetry n04917680 anisotropy n04917870 characteristic, device characteristic n04918053 connectivity n04918210 directness, straightness n04918498 downrightness, straightforwardness n04918767 immediacy, immediateness n04919011 pointedness n04919209 indirectness n04919458 allusiveness n04919580 mediacy, mediateness n04919712 deviousness, obliqueness n04919872 discursiveness n04920000 robustness n04920237 rurality, ruralism n04920435 streak n04920568 duality, wave-particle duality n04920867 heredity, genetic endowment n04921011 inheritance, heritage n04921308 birthright n04921417 background n04921576 birthright n04921754 upbringing n04921900 education, training, breeding n04922113 raising, rearing, nurture n04922338 inheritance, hereditary pattern n04922597 heterosis, hybrid vigor n04922787 ancestry, lineage, derivation, filiation n04923024 linkage, gene linkage n04923299 X-linked dominant inheritance n04923496 X-linked recessive inheritance n04923743 origin, descent, extraction n04923907 pedigree, bloodline n04924003 full blood n04924103 age n04924491 chronological age n04924674 bone age n04924878 developmental age n04925064 fetal age, fertilization age, gestational age n04925218 mental age n04925348 oldness n04925577 obsoleteness, superannuation n04925756 ancientness, antiquity n04925895 old-fashionedness n04926038 quaintness n04926217 vintage, time of origin n04926308 hoariness n04926427 newness n04926620 brand-newness n04926728 freshness n04927098 crispness n04927268 recency, recentness n04927445 oldness n04927632 agedness, senescence n04927792 senility n04927890 longevity, seniority n04928008 staleness n04928194 mustiness, must, moldiness n04928416 youngness n04928585 youth, youthfulness, juvenility n04928760 childishness, puerility n04928903 manner, mode, style, way, fashion n04929422 artistic style, idiom n04929742 High Renaissance n04929976 treatment n04930139 drape n04930307 fit n04930478 form n04930632 life style, life-style, lifestyle, modus vivendi n04930850 fast lane n04931041 free living n04931152 vanity fair n04931267 setup n04931428 touch, signature n04931567 common touch n04931733 wise n04931837 hang n04931965 structure n04932278 computer architecture, architecture n04932561 complex instruction set computing, complex instruction set computer, CISC n04932875 reduced instruction set computing, reduced instruction set computer, RISC n04933197 cytoarchitecture, cytoarchitectonics n04933363 framework, fabric n04933544 constitution, composition, physical composition, makeup, make-up n04933852 phenotype n04934043 genotype, genetic constitution n04934220 texture, grain n04934546 consistency, consistence, eubstance, body n04935003 viscosity, viscousness n04935239 stickiness n04935405 sliminess n04935528 adhesiveness, adhesion, adherence, bond n04935904 cohesiveness, glueyness, gluiness, gumminess, tackiness, ropiness, viscidity, viscidness n04936213 gelatinousness, glutinosity, glutinousness n04936403 thickness n04936585 semifluidity n04936690 creaminess, soupiness n04936846 thinness n04937043 fluidity, fluidness, liquidity, liquidness, runniness n04937427 wateriness n04937587 hardness n04937848 hardness n04938110 firmness n04938228 softness n04938474 compressibility, squeezability, sponginess n04938702 incompressibility n04938838 downiness, featheriness, fluffiness n04939046 flabbiness, limpness, flaccidity n04939198 mushiness, pulpiness n04939324 breakableness n04939547 brittleness, crispness, crispiness n04939742 crumbliness, friability n04939872 flakiness n04939987 unbreakableness n04940146 porosity, porousness n04940379 sponginess n04940496 permeability, permeableness n04940730 penetrability, perviousness n04940964 absorbency n04941124 solidity, solidness n04941325 compactness n04941453 density, denseness n04941687 specific gravity n04941809 vapor density, vapour density n04941942 impermeability, impermeableness n04942172 retentiveness, retentivity, retention n04942373 urinary retention n04942516 impenetrability, imperviousness n04942738 nonabsorbency n04942869 disposition n04943154 aptness, propensity n04943367 mordacity n04943464 predisposition n04943578 proneness n04943704 separatism n04944048 tendency, inclination n04944412 buoyancy n04944513 electronegativity, negativity n04944710 stainability n04944910 basophilia n04945057 desire n04945254 hunger, hungriness, thirst, thirstiness n04945530 greed n04945758 avarice, avariciousness, covetousness, cupidity n04945942 possessiveness n04946078 acquisitiveness n04946266 bibliomania n04946400 retentiveness, retentivity n04946553 tactile property, feel n04946760 touch n04946877 texture n04947087 nap n04947186 smoothness n04947494 silkiness, sleekness n04947628 slickness, slick, slipperiness, slip n04947888 soapiness n04948069 fineness, powderiness n04948241 roughness, raggedness n04948603 scaliness n04948722 coarseness, nubbiness, tweediness n04948905 slub, knot, burl n04949066 harshness, abrasiveness, scratchiness n04949256 coarseness, graininess, granularity n04949453 sandiness n04949560 shagginess n04949681 bumpiness n04949799 prickliness, bristliness, spininess, thorniness n04950026 optics n04950126 visual property n04950336 sleekness n04950537 texture n04950713 grain n04950952 wood grain, woodgrain, woodiness n04951071 graining, woodgraining n04951186 marbleization, marbleisation, marbleizing, marbleising n04951373 light, lightness n04951716 aura, aureole, halo, nimbus, glory, gloriole n04951875 sunniness n04951978 cloudlessness n04952120 highlight, highlighting n04952242 brightness n04952570 glare, blaze, brilliance n04952821 dazzle n04952944 glitter, glister, glisten, scintillation, sparkle n04953186 flash n04953296 glint n04953380 sparkle, twinkle, spark, light n04953678 opalescence, iridescence n04953954 radiance, radiancy, shine, effulgence, refulgence, refulgency n04954412 radio brightness n04954534 gleam, gleaming, glow, lambency n04954683 shininess, sheen, luster, lustre n04954920 luster, lustre, brilliancy, splendor, splendour n04955160 polish, gloss, glossiness, burnish n04955426 French polish n04955554 glaze n04955633 dullness n04955907 dimness, subduedness n04956110 flatness, lusterlessness, lustrelessness, mat, matt, matte n04956419 softness n04956594 color, colour, coloring, colouring n04957176 primary color, primary colour n04957356 primary color for pigments, primary colour for pigments n04957589 primary color for light, primary colour for light n04957854 primary subtractive color for light, primary subtractive colour for light n04958146 heather mixture, heather n04958302 mellowness n04958460 richness n04958634 colorlessness, colourlessness, achromatism, achromaticity n04958865 mottle n04959061 achromia n04959230 shade, tint, tincture, tone n04959567 undertone, tinge n04959672 chromatic color, chromatic colour, spectral color, spectral colour n04960079 achromatic color, achromatic colour n04960277 black, blackness, inkiness n04960582 coal black, ebony, jet black, pitch black, sable, soot black n04960729 white, whiteness n04961062 alabaster n04961136 bleach n04961331 bone, ivory, pearl, off-white n04961472 chalk n04961583 frostiness, hoariness n04961691 gray, grayness, grey, greyness n04962062 ash grey, ash gray, silver, silver grey, silver gray n04962240 charcoal, charcoal grey, charcoal gray, oxford grey, oxford gray n04962395 dapple-grey, dapple-gray, dappled-grey, dappled-gray n04962548 iron-grey, iron-gray n04962689 tattletale grey, tattletale gray n04962784 red, redness n04963111 sanguine n04963201 chrome red n04963307 Turkey red, alizarine red n04963449 cardinal, carmine n04963588 crimson, ruby, deep red n04963740 dark red n04963905 burgundy n04964001 claret n04964079 oxblood red n04964162 wine, wine-colored, wine-coloured n04964287 purplish red, purplish-red n04964443 cerise, cherry, cherry red n04964586 magenta n04964799 fuschia n04964878 maroon n04964977 scarlet, vermilion, orange red n04965179 orange, orangeness n04965371 salmon n04965451 reddish orange n04965574 tangerine n04965661 yellow, yellowness n04966017 blond, blonde n04966114 canary yellow, canary n04966240 amber, gold n04966428 brownish yellow n04966543 gamboge, lemon, lemon yellow, maize n04966649 old gold n04966717 orange yellow, saffron n04966841 ocher, ochre n04966941 pale yellow, straw, wheat n04967094 greenish yellow n04967191 green, greenness, viridity n04967561 greenishness n04967674 sea green n04967801 sage green n04967882 bottle green n04967974 chrome green n04968056 emerald n04968139 olive green, olive-green n04968257 yellow green, yellowish green, chartreuse, Paris green, pea green n04968426 bluish green, blue green, teal n04968619 cyan n04968749 jade green, jade n04968895 blue, blueness n04969242 azure, cerulean, sapphire, lazuline, sky-blue n04969431 powder blue n04969540 steel blue n04969617 Prussian blue n04969703 dark blue, navy, navy blue n04969798 greenish blue, aqua, aquamarine, turquoise, cobalt blue, peacock blue n04969952 purplish blue, royal blue n04970059 purple, purpleness n04970312 Tyrian purple n04970398 indigo n04970470 lavender n04970544 mauve n04970631 reddish purple, royal purple n04970758 violet, reddish blue n04970916 pink n04971131 pinkness n04971211 carnation n04971313 rose, rosiness n04971447 old rose n04971522 solferino, purplish pink n04971675 yellowish pink, apricot, peach, salmon pink n04971820 coral n04971928 brown, brownness n04972268 Vandyke brown n04972350 chestnut n04972451 chocolate, coffee, deep brown, umber, burnt umber n04972603 hazel n04972801 light brown n04972950 mocha n04973020 tan, topaz n04973110 dun, greyish brown, grayish brown, fawn n04973291 beige, ecru n04973386 reddish brown, sepia, burnt sienna, Venetian red, mahogany n04973585 brick red n04973669 copper, copper color n04973816 Indian red n04973957 yellowish brown, raw sienna, buff, caramel, caramel brown n04974145 puce n04974248 olive brown n04974340 olive n04974463 olive drab, drab n04974575 pastel n04974681 snuff-color, snuff-colour n04974774 taupe n04974859 ultramarine n04974968 color property n04975122 hue, chromaticity n04975340 saturation, chroma, intensity, vividness n04975612 paleness, pallidity n04975739 complementary color, complementary n04975988 coloration, colouration n04976188 hair coloring n04976319 pigmentation n04976489 chromatism n04976567 melanoderma n04976687 depigmentation n04976870 poliosis n04976952 complexion, skin color, skin colour n04977247 paleness, blondness, fairness n04977412 ruddiness, rosiness n04977561 lividness, lividity, luridness, paleness, pallidness, pallor, wanness, achromasia n04977946 sallowness n04978050 tawniness n04978216 darkness, duskiness, swarthiness n04978371 whiteness n04978561 nonsolid color, nonsolid colour, dithered color, dithered colour n04978792 protective coloration n04979002 aposematic coloration, warning coloration n04979203 apatetic coloration n04979307 cryptic coloration n04979425 value n04979758 lightness n04979870 darkness n04980008 olfactory property, smell, aroma, odor, odour, scent n04980463 bouquet, fragrance, fragrancy, redolence, sweetness n04980656 malodorousness, stinkiness, foulness, rankness, fetidness n04980920 body odor, body odour, B.O. n04981044 muskiness n04981139 sound n04981474 noisiness, racketiness n04981658 ring n04981781 unison n04981941 voice n04982113 androglossia n04982207 silence, quiet n04982478 hush, stillness, still n04982745 speechlessness n04982856 quietness, soundlessness n04983013 noiselessness n04983122 sound property n04983402 musicality, musicalness n04983688 lyricality, lyricism, songfulness n04983848 melodiousness, tunefulness n04984007 texture n04984180 harmony n04984351 consonance, harmoniousness n04984514 dissonance n04984698 discordance, discord n04984809 disharmony, inharmoniousness n04984938 cacophony n04985064 boisterousness n04985198 pitch n04985580 concert pitch, philharmonic pitch, international pitch n04985790 high pitch, high frequency n04985930 soprano, treble n04986054 tenor n04986147 key n04986258 low pitch, low frequency n04986414 deepness n04986526 alto n04986637 alto n04986796 bass n04986883 tone n04987169 tune n04987356 registration n04987620 timbre, timber, quality, tone n04988078 harmonic n04988258 resonance n04988478 color, colour, coloration, colouration n04988666 harshness, roughness n04988861 gruffness, hoarseness, huskiness n04989015 fullness, mellowness, richness n04989362 nasality n04989512 twang, nasal twang n04989657 plangency, resonance, reverberance, ringing, sonorousness, sonority, vibrancy n04990021 shrillness, stridence, stridency n04990220 volume, loudness, intensity n04990525 crescendo n04990692 swell n04990781 forte, fortissimo n04990877 softness n04991137 faintness n04991225 decrescendo, diminuendo n04991389 piano, pianissimo n04991511 rhythmicity n04991738 meter, metre, time n04991879 cadence, cadency n04992008 lilt, swing n04992163 taste property n04992431 rancidness n04992570 spiciness, spice, spicery n04992834 pungency, bite, sharpness, raciness n04993108 nip, piquance, piquancy, piquantness, tang, tanginess, zest n04993312 hotness, pepperiness n04993413 saltiness n04993604 brininess, salinity n04993752 brackishness n04993882 sourness, sour, acidity n04994126 acerbity, tartness n04994264 vinegariness, vinegarishness n04994413 sweetness, sweet n04994614 saccharinity n04994727 sugariness n04994824 bitterness, bitter n04995009 acerbity n04995100 acridity, acridness n04995211 palatability, palatableness n04995421 pleasingness, tastiness n04995531 appetizingness, appetisingness n04995793 delectability, deliciousness, lusciousness, toothsomeness n04995940 flavorsomeness, flavoursomeness, savoriness n04996113 sapidity, sapidness n04996215 succulence, succulency, juiciness n04996355 unpalatability, unpalatableness n04996571 disgustingness, distastefulness, nauseatingness, sickeningness, unsavoriness n04996823 unappetizingness, unappetisingness n04997032 flavorlessness, flavourlessness, savorlessness, savourlessness, tastelessness n04997282 blandness, insipidity, insipidness n04997472 edibility, edibleness n04997645 digestibility, digestibleness n04997812 indigestibility, indigestibleness n04997988 bodily property n04998254 bipedalism n04998417 laterality, dominance n04998530 physique, build, body-build, habitus n04998700 lankiness n04998816 dumpiness, squattiness n04998966 body type, somatotype n04999111 asthenic type, ectomorphy n04999214 endomorphy, pyknic type n04999306 athletic type, mesomorphy n04999401 fatness, fat, blubber, avoirdupois n04999741 adiposity, adiposeness, fattiness n04999964 abdominousness, paunchiness n05000116 greasiness, oiliness, oleaginousness n05000342 fleshiness, obesity, corpulency n05000537 corpulence, overweight, stoutness, adiposis n05000717 exogenous obesity n05000809 steatopygia n05000913 plumpness, embonpoint, roundness n05001089 chubbiness, pudginess, tubbiness, rolypoliness n05001302 buxomness n05001482 leanness, thinness, spareness n05001724 skinniness, scrawniness n05001867 bonyness, boniness, emaciation, gauntness, maceration n05002155 slenderness, slightness, slimness n05002352 stature, height n05002540 tallness n05002680 shortness n05002822 carriage, bearing, posture n05003090 walk, manner of walking n05003273 slouch n05003423 gracefulness n05003590 grace, gracility n05003850 agility, legerity, lightness, lightsomeness, nimbleness n05004091 lissomeness, litheness, suppleness n05004294 awkwardness, clumsiness n05004532 gracelessness, ungracefulness n05004700 gawkiness, ungainliness n05004895 stiffness n05005064 physiology n05005250 physiological property n05005447 animateness, aliveness, liveness n05005809 animation, vitality n05006020 sentience n05006285 inanimateness, lifelessness n05006519 deadness n05006749 insentience n05006898 sex, gender, sexuality n05007280 sex characteristic, sexual characteristic, sex character n05007560 primary sex characteristic, primary sexual characteristic, primary sex character n05007800 secondary sex characteristic, secondary sexual characteristic, secondary sex character n05008085 asexuality, sexlessness n05008227 maleness, masculinity n05008449 virility n05008591 virilism n05008746 androgyny, hermaphroditism, bisexuality n05008943 femaleness, feminineness n05009170 physical property n05009758 chemical property n05009921 volatility n05010062 absorptivity, absorption factor n05010314 dissolubility, solubleness n05010506 drippiness n05010627 reflection, reflexion, reflectivity n05010801 echo, reverberation, sound reflection, replication n05011089 re-echo n05011162 echo n05011277 deflection, deflexion, bending n05011431 windage, wind deflection n05011568 refractivity, refractiveness n05011790 temperature n05012272 heat content, total heat, enthalpy, H n05012585 randomness, entropy, S n05012941 conformational entropy n05013095 absolute temperature n05013204 absolute zero n05013461 Curie temperature, Curie point n05013642 dew point n05013809 flash point, flashpoint n05013967 freezing point, melting point n05014099 boiling point, boil n05014308 mercury n05014442 room temperature n05014556 simmer n05014710 basal body temperature, basal temperature n05014879 body temperature, blood heat n05015117 coldness, cold, low temperature, frigidity, frigidness n05015463 chill, iciness, gelidity n05015678 chilliness, coolness, nip n05015878 frostiness n05016001 cool n05016171 hotness, heat, high temperature n05016451 calefaction, incalescence n05016553 fieriness, red heat n05016667 torridity n05016753 warmth, warmness n05016936 lukewarmness, tepidity, tepidness n05017121 white heat n05017230 perceptibility n05017458 visibility, visibleness n05017757 visual range n05017909 invisibility, invisibleness n05018103 luminosity, brightness, brightness level, luminance, luminousness, light n05018542 illuminance, illumination n05018674 incandescence n05018785 luminescence, glow n05018934 audibility, audibleness n05019163 inaudibility, inaudibleness n05019339 imperceptibility n05019499 reluctivity n05019661 sensitivity, sensitiveness n05020019 frequency response n05020225 magnetization, magnetisation n05020358 elasticity, snap n05020697 resilience, resiliency n05020981 bounce, bounciness n05021151 give, spring, springiness n05021345 stretch, stretchiness, stretchability n05021535 temper, toughness n05021740 elasticity of shear n05021884 malleability, plasticity n05022173 ductility, ductileness n05022359 fibrosity, fibrousness n05022457 flexibility, flexibleness n05022709 bendability, pliability n05022902 whip n05023022 pliancy, pliantness, suppleness n05023233 inelasticity n05023404 deadness n05023591 stiffness n05023741 rigidity, rigidness n05023974 unmalleability n05024093 inflexibility, inflexibleness n05024254 mass n05024616 body n05024691 biomass n05024797 critical mass n05024931 rest mass n05025129 relativistic mass n05025413 bulk n05025520 gravitational mass n05025693 inertial mass n05025935 atomic mass, atomic weight, relative atomic mass n05026171 mass energy n05026312 molecular weight, relative molecular mass n05026508 equivalent, equivalent weight, combining weight, eq n05026744 milliequivalent, meq n05026843 weight n05027135 body weight n05027276 reporting weight n05027446 dead weight n05027529 heaviness, weightiness n05027837 heft, heftiness, massiveness, ponderousness, ponderosity n05028159 preponderance n05028348 poundage n05028429 tare n05028562 throw-weight n05028700 lightness, weightlessness n05028963 airiness, buoyancy n05029137 momentum n05029327 angular momentum n05029594 sustainability n05029706 strength n05030149 good part n05030251 tensile strength n05030418 brawn, brawniness, muscle, muscularity, sinew, heftiness n05030680 might, mightiness, power n05030806 vigor, vigour, dynamism, heartiness n05031012 robustness, hardiness, lustiness, validity n05031214 huskiness, ruggedness, toughness n05031367 smallness, littleness n05031560 stoutness, stalwartness n05031726 sturdiness n05031849 firmness, soundness n05032028 indomitability, invincibility n05032193 fortitude n05032351 backbone, grit, guts, moxie, sand, gumption n05032565 endurance n05032795 sufferance n05032918 stamina, staying power, toughness n05033046 legs n05033171 wiriness n05033291 long-sufferance, long-suffering n05033410 tolerance n05033569 capacity n05033681 invulnerability n05033906 immunity n05034048 power of appointment n05034225 potency, effectiveness, strength n05034473 valence, valency n05034761 covalence, covalency n05034989 valence, valency n05035264 sea power n05035353 force, forcefulness, strength n05035712 brunt n05035820 momentum, impulse n05035961 energy, vigor, vigour, zip n05036237 athleticism, strenuosity n05036394 intensity, intensiveness n05036715 badness, severity, severeness n05037037 foulness, raininess n05037197 seriousness, distressfulness n05037394 vehemence, emphasis n05037617 top n05037737 overemphasis n05037813 ferocity, fierceness, furiousness, fury, vehemence, violence, wildness n05038251 savageness, savagery n05038593 concentration n05038823 titer, titre n05038959 hydrogen ion concentration n05039106 pH, pH scale n05039526 acidity n05039633 hyperacidity n05039709 alkalinity n05039819 neutrality n05039907 molality, molal concentration n05040081 molarity, molar concentration, M n05040275 weakness n05040833 adynamia n05040939 feebleness, tenuity n05041165 faintness n05041320 flimsiness, shoddiness n05041503 fragility, delicacy n05041595 insubstantiality n05041712 attenuation n05041871 enervation n05042012 fatigability n05042138 inanition, lassitude, lethargy, slackness n05042283 weak part, weak spot, soft spot n05042468 Achilles' heel n05042573 jugular n05042720 underbelly n05042871 vulnerability n05043091 defenselessness, defencelessness, unprotectedness n05043349 assailability n05043459 destructibility n05043621 indestructibility n05043755 fragility, breakability, frangibleness, frangibility n05043973 exposure n05044215 windage, wind exposure n05044387 solarization, solarisation n05044528 temporal property n05044673 temporal arrangement, temporal order n05044822 sequence, chronological sequence, succession, successiveness, chronological succession n05045208 rain, pelting n05045381 rotation n05045680 row n05045841 run n05046009 timing n05046471 approach, approaching, coming n05046659 earliness n05046865 forwardness n05047059 lateness n05047279 priority, antecedence, antecedency, anteriority, precedence, precedency n05047617 posteriority, subsequentness, subsequence n05047778 punctuality, promptness n05047956 tardiness n05048123 simultaneity, simultaneousness n05048301 concurrence, coincidence, conjunction, co-occurrence n05048690 concomitance n05048833 overlap n05048948 contemporaneity, contemporaneousness n05049137 unison n05049253 seasonableness, timeliness n05049458 unseasonableness, untimeliness n05049656 pastness n05049808 recency, recentness n05049930 futurity n05050115 presentness, nowness n05050379 currentness, currency, up-to-dateness n05050668 modernity, modernness, modernism, contemporaneity, contemporaneousness n05051088 spark advance, lead n05051249 duration, length n05051601 longness n05051734 longevity, length of service n05051896 lengthiness, prolongation, continuation, protraction n05052243 fermata n05052387 endlessness n05052587 continuousness, ceaselessness, incessancy, incessantness n05052832 shortness n05053042 brevity, briefness, transience n05053215 permanence, permanency n05053527 perpetuity, sempiternity n05053688 lastingness, durability, enduringness, strength n05054130 continuity, persistence n05054312 changelessness n05054426 everlastingness n05054537 imperishability, imperishableness, imperishingness n05054746 perdurability n05054863 impermanence, impermanency n05055141 temporariness n05055278 transience, transiency, transitoriness n05055503 fugacity, fugaciousness n05055689 ephemerality, ephemeralness, fleetingness n05055878 fugacity n05055974 mortality n05056102 immortality n05056234 viability n05056386 audio, audio frequency n05056490 radio frequency n05056811 infrared, infrared frequency n05057061 station n05057163 extremely low frequency, ELF n05057275 very low frequency, VLF n05057382 low frequency, LF n05057485 medium frequency, MF n05057593 high frequency, HF n05057695 very high frequency, VHF n05057805 ultrahigh frequency, UHF n05057917 superhigh frequency, SHF n05058025 extremely high frequency, EHF n05058140 speed, swiftness, fastness n05058580 pace, rate n05058893 beat n05059017 fleetness n05059132 celerity, quickness, rapidity, rapidness, speediness n05059525 immediacy, immediateness, instantaneousness, instancy n05059830 dispatch, despatch, expedition, expeditiousness n05060052 promptness, promptitude n05060189 haste, hastiness, hurry, hurriedness, precipitation n05060476 abruptness, precipitateness, precipitousness, precipitance, precipitancy, suddenness n05060783 acceleration n05061003 pickup, getaway n05061149 precipitation n05061345 deceleration, slowing, retardation n05061619 execution speed n05061805 graduality, gradualness n05061977 slowness, deliberation, deliberateness, unhurriedness n05062255 leisureliness n05062370 dilatoriness, procrastination n05062518 sluggishness n05062748 spatial property, spatiality n05062993 dimensionality n05063218 one-dimensionality, linearity n05063349 two-dimensionality, flatness, planeness n05063564 three-dimensionality, third-dimensionality n05063729 cubicity n05063853 directionality n05064037 shape, form, configuration, contour, conformation n05064541 topography n05064722 lobularity n05064827 symmetry, symmetricalness, correspondence, balance n05065211 regularity, geometrical regularity n05065386 bilaterality, bilateralism, bilateral symmetry n05065555 radial symmetry n05065717 asymmetry, dissymmetry, imbalance n05066012 irregularity, geometrical irregularity n05066195 lopsidedness, skewness n05066333 obliqueness n05066490 radial asymmetry n05066626 directivity, directionality n05066867 directivity, directiveness n05067007 handedness, laterality n05067199 ambidexterity, ambidextrousness n05067367 left-handedness, sinistrality n05067514 right-handedness, dextrality n05067679 footedness n05067807 eyedness n05067928 occlusion n05068080 tilt, list, inclination, lean, leaning n05068461 gradient, slope n05068716 grade n05068918 upgrade, rise, rising slope n05069085 downgrade n05069199 pitch, rake, slant n05069447 loft n05069624 abruptness, precipitousness, steepness n05069853 gradualness, gentleness n05070032 concavity, concaveness n05070197 hollowness n05070290 convexity, convexness n05070453 roundedness, bulginess n05070622 oblateness, ellipticity n05070849 angularity n05071027 narrowing n05071185 coarctation n05071368 taper n05071556 point, pointedness n05071726 unpointedness n05071869 rectangularity, oblongness n05072078 orthogonality n05072208 perpendicularity n05072406 squareness n05072523 triangularity n05072663 curvature, curve n05072911 roundness n05073131 sphericity, sphericalness, globosity, globularness, rotundity, rotundness n05073403 cylindricality, cylindricalness n05073559 circularity, disk shape n05073723 concentricity n05073888 eccentricity n05074057 straightness n05074218 crookedness n05074374 curliness, waviness n05074559 straightness n05074690 stratification n05074774 position, spatial relation n05075602 placement, arrangement n05076069 columniation n05076237 point of view n05076384 camera angle n05076472 composition, composing n05076709 fenestration n05076827 proportion, proportionality, balance n05077146 alignment n05077348 true n05077524 misalignment n05077661 coincidence n05077863 dead center, dead centre n05078025 centrality n05078147 marginality n05078289 anteriority n05078450 posteriority n05078623 outwardness, externality n05078894 inwardness n05079074 malposition, misplacement n05079180 northernness n05079309 southernness n05079474 horizontality n05079638 verticality, verticalness, erectness, uprightness n05079866 position, posture, attitude n05080382 ballet position n05080526 decubitus n05080616 eversion n05080753 lithotomy position n05080923 lotus position n05081057 missionary position n05081300 pose n05081434 presentation n05081660 ectopia n05081802 arabesque n05081957 asana n05082116 matsyendra n05082222 guard n05082337 sprawl, sprawling n05082507 stance n05082648 address n05082790 attention n05083054 erectness, uprightness n05083200 ramification n05083328 spacing, spatial arrangement n05083567 tandem n05083687 tuck n05083905 openness n05084067 patency n05084201 distance n05084733 way n05084889 piece n05084982 mean distance n05085165 farness, remoteness, farawayness n05085436 far cry n05085572 nearness, closeness n05085867 proximity, propinquity n05085991 adjacency, contiguity, contiguousness n05086269 wavelength n05086450 focal distance, focal length n05086563 hyperfocal distance n05086740 leap n05086903 elevation n05087061 span n05087173 wheelbase n05087297 distribution, dispersion n05087664 complementary distribution, complementation n05087894 diaspora n05088056 dissemination, diffusion n05088189 innervation n05088324 scatter, spread n05088645 diffuseness n05088804 concentration, density, denseness, tightness, compactness n05089048 bits per inch, bpi n05089199 flux density, flux n05089367 optical density, transmission density, photographic density, absorbance n05089612 rarity, tenuity, low density n05089782 relative density n05089947 interval, separation n05090111 clearance n05090255 remove n05090441 magnitude n05090979 absolute magnitude n05091194 proportion, dimension n05091316 order, order of magnitude n05091527 information, selective information, entropy n05091770 probability, chance n05092236 conditional probability, contingent probability n05092421 cross section n05092635 exceedance n05092969 fair chance, sporting chance n05093080 fat chance, slim chance n05093181 joint probability n05093293 risk, risk of exposure n05093418 risk, risk of infection n05093581 dimension n05093890 degree, grade, level n05094424 grind n05094565 degree n05094725 depth n05094863 profundity, profoundness n05095111 superficiality, shallowness n05095324 glibness, slickness n05095561 sciolism n05095691 size n05096095 extra large n05096191 large n05096294 number n05096408 octavo, eightvo, 8vo n05096577 outsize n05096708 petite n05096820 quarto, 4to n05096972 regular n05097081 small n05097166 stout n05097278 tall n05097361 highness n05097536 high n05097706 low n05097845 lowness n05098099 extreme n05098225 extremeness n05098311 amplitude n05098425 amplitude level n05098520 signal level n05098620 noise level, background level n05098750 multiplicity n05098857 triplicity n05098942 size n05099231 size n05099389 bulk, mass, volume n05099662 muchness n05099796 intensity, strength, intensity level n05100156 threshold level n05100269 field strength, field intensity n05100525 magnetic field strength, magnetic intensity, magnetic induction, magnetic flux density n05100751 candlepower, light intensity n05100866 acoustic power, sound pressure level n05100981 acoustic radiation pressure n05101174 half-intensity n05101261 circumference, perimeter n05101407 girth n05101512 spread n05101675 circumference n05101815 diameter, diam n05102101 radius, r n05102300 semidiameter n05102435 curvature n05102578 radius of curvature n05102764 center of curvature, centre of curvature n05102889 circle of curvature, osculating circle n05103072 thickness n05103283 bore, gauge, caliber, calibre n05103430 gauge n05103503 windage n05103648 thinness, tenuity, slenderness n05103946 largeness, bigness n05104256 ampleness n05104421 bulkiness, massiveness n05104548 enormousness, grandness, greatness, immenseness, immensity, sizeableness, vastness, wideness n05105009 enormity n05105265 capaciousness, roominess, spaciousness, commodiousness n05105745 airiness n05105879 seating capacity n05106024 fullness, voluminosity, voluminousness n05106220 gigantism, giantism n05106317 largeness, extensiveness n05106633 smallness, littleness n05106928 diminutiveness, minuteness, petiteness, tininess, weeness n05107216 delicacy, slightness n05107322 grain n05107495 puniness, runtiness, stuntedness n05107668 dwarfishness n05107765 amount n05108109 positivity, positiveness n05108262 negativity, negativeness n05108412 critical mass n05108740 quantity n05108947 increase, increment n05109324 amplification, gain n05109511 complement, accompaniment n05109808 decrease, decrement n05109986 fare increase n05110107 price increase n05110185 raise, rise, wage hike, hike, wage increase, salary increase n05110408 rise, boost, hike, cost increase n05110583 smallness n05110772 supplement, supplementation n05110988 tax-increase, tax boost, tax hike n05111141 up-tick n05111248 loop gain n05111511 correction n05111704 voltage drop n05111835 drop, dip, fall, free fall n05112215 shrinkage n05112308 dollar volume, turnover n05112474 stuffiness, closeness n05112609 sufficiency, adequacy n05112910 ampleness n05113133 insufficiency, inadequacy, deficiency n05113462 meagerness, meagreness, leanness, poorness, scantiness, scantness, exiguity n05113929 wateriness n05114262 abstemiousness n05114371 deficit, shortage, shortfall n05114652 oxygen deficit n05114781 sparseness, spareness, sparsity, thinness n05115040 abundance, copiousness, teemingness n05115418 amplitude, bountifulness, bounty n05115568 plenty, plentifulness, plenteousness, plenitude, plentitude n05115804 profusion, profuseness, richness, cornucopia n05116128 wealth n05116243 luxuriance, lushness, voluptuousness n05116486 overgrowth n05116590 greenness, verdancy, verdure n05116730 wilderness n05116953 scarcity, scarceness n05117140 dearth, paucity n05117237 rarity, rareness, infrequency n05117406 slenderness n05117660 moderation, moderateness n05117977 golden mean n05118062 reasonableness n05118251 immoderation, immoderateness n05118437 excess, excessiveness, inordinateness n05118707 sun protection factor, SPF n05118862 extravagance, extravagancy n05119096 exorbitance, outrageousness n05119223 luxury n05119367 overabundance, overmuch, overmuchness, superabundance n05119714 excess, surplus, surplusage, nimiety n05119837 glut, oversupply, surfeit n05120000 bellyful n05120116 overplus, plethora, superfluity, embarrassment n05120310 redundancy, redundance n05120564 fifth wheel, deadwood n05120683 margin n05120835 margin of safety, safety margin, margin of error n05121095 narrow margin, narrowness, slimness n05121418 number, figure n05121908 numerousness, numerosity, multiplicity n05122099 preponderance, prevalence n05122295 multitudinousness n05122419 innumerableness, countlessness n05122557 majority, bulk n05122850 minority n05123098 fewness n05123206 roundness n05123416 extent n05123760 coverage n05123935 frontage n05124057 limit, bound, boundary n05124404 knife-edge n05124534 starkness, absoluteness, utterness n05124792 thermal barrier, heat barrier n05124928 utmost, uttermost, maximum, level best n05125193 verge, brink n05125377 scope, range, reach, orbit, compass, ambit n05126066 approximate range, ballpark n05126228 confines n05126362 contrast n05126611 internationality, internationalism n05126849 register n05127150 head register, head voice, head tone n05127357 falsetto n05127500 chest register, chest voice, chest tone n05127640 latitude n05127782 horizon, view, purview n05127959 sweep, expanse n05128096 gamut n05128219 spectrum n05128370 palette, pallet n05128519 area, expanse, surface area n05128870 acreage, land area n05129054 footprint n05129201 length n05129565 distance, length n05129928 arm's length n05130028 gauge n05130210 light time n05130402 skip distance n05130614 wingspan, wingspread n05130735 wingspread n05130875 yardage n05131023 hour, minute n05131194 mileage, milage n05131283 elevation n05131537 isometry n05131647 altitude, height n05131902 level n05132045 grade, ground level n05132221 water level n05132340 sea level n05132542 ceiling n05132667 ceiling n05132827 absolute ceiling n05132962 combat ceiling, service ceiling n05133107 length n05133287 longness n05133535 extension, lengthiness, prolongation n05133748 coextension n05133839 elongation n05133944 shortness n05134122 curtailment n05134238 briefness n05134353 depth n05134547 depth, deepness n05134880 deepness, profundity, profoundness n05135155 draft, draught n05135288 penetration n05135451 sounding n05135582 bottomlessness n05135725 shallowness n05135951 superficiality n05136150 width, breadth n05136343 wideness, broadness n05136546 beam n05136662 thickness, heaviness n05136788 narrowness n05136978 fineness, thinness n05137165 height, tallness n05137402 highness, loftiness n05137557 lowness n05137778 squatness, stubbiness n05137938 shortness, truncation n05138065 third dimension n05138208 worth n05138488 value n05138958 merit, virtue n05139094 demerit, fault n05139342 praisworthiness n05139436 worthwhileness n05139561 worthlessness, ineptitude n05139942 fecklessness n05140086 groundlessness, idleness n05140278 paltriness, sorriness n05140454 valuelessness n05140593 shoddiness, trashiness n05140793 damn, darn, hoot, red cent, shit, shucks, tinker's damn, tinker's dam n05141040 vanity, emptiness n05141222 invaluableness, preciousness, pricelessness, valuableness n05141492 gold n05141683 price n05141840 desirability, desirableness n05142008 undesirability n05142180 good, goodness n05142641 benefit, welfare n05142863 advantage, reward n05143077 sake, interest n05143300 behalf n05143558 better n05143690 better n05143864 optimum n05144079 bad, badness n05144453 worse n05144663 evil n05144880 Four Horsemen n05145118 monetary value, price, cost n05145573 average cost n05145708 marginal cost, incremental cost, differential cost n05145891 expensiveness n05146055 assessment n05146178 tax assessment n05146272 costliness, dearness, preciousness n05146471 lavishness, luxury, sumptuosity, sumptuousness n05146739 inexpensiveness n05146904 reasonableness, moderateness, modestness n05147237 bargain rate, cheapness, cut rate, cut price n05147381 fruitfulness, fecundity n05147586 richness, rankness, prolificacy, fertility n05147940 productiveness, productivity n05148186 fruitlessness, aridity, barrenness n05148399 poorness n05148539 unproductiveness n05148699 utility, usefulness n05149127 detergency, detergence n05149325 function, purpose, role, use n05149589 raison d'etre n05149695 helpfulness n05149832 avail, help, service n05149978 use n05150129 serviceability, serviceableness, usableness, useableness, usability n05150458 instrumentality n05150588 inutility, uselessness, unusefulness n05150855 futility n05150986 worthlessness n05151088 practicality n05151372 functionality n05151576 viability n05151701 sensibleness n05151869 realism, pragmatism n05152150 practicability, practicableness n05152364 feasibility, feasibleness n05152518 impracticality n05152696 idealism n05152902 romanticism n05153037 knight errantry, quixotism n05153155 impracticability, impracticableness n05153359 infeasibility, unfeasibility n05153520 competence, competency n05153795 fitness n05153897 linguistic competence n05154114 proficiency n05154241 incompetence, incompetency n05154517 asset, plus n05154676 resource n05154908 aid, assistance, help n05155123 recourse, refuge, resort n05155349 shadow n05155476 resourcefulness n05155650 inner resource n05155821 advantage, vantage n05156319 favor, favour n05156481 leverage n05156673 bargaining chip n05156822 handicap n05156993 homecourt advantage n05157143 lead n05157274 pull, clout n05157406 start, head start n05157574 profit, gain n05157732 account n05157866 profitableness, profitability, gainfulness, lucrativeness n05158095 preference n05158296 privilege n05158431 expedience, expediency n05158619 superiority, favorable position, favourable position n05158857 edge n05158975 inside track n05159123 upper hand, whip hand n05159225 forte, strong suit, long suit, metier, specialty, speciality, strong point, strength n05159495 green thumb, green fingers n05159606 weak point n05159725 good n05159854 common good, commonweal n05159948 wisdom, wiseness, soundness n05160173 unsoundness n05160399 advisability n05160574 reasonableness n05160796 favorableness, favourableness, advantageousness, positivity, positiveness, profitableness n05161150 auspiciousness, propitiousness n05161436 liability n05161614 disadvantage n05161967 unfavorableness, unfavourableness n05162217 inauspiciousness, unpropitiousness n05162455 limitation n05162642 defect, shortcoming n05162807 awkwardness, nuisance value n05162985 loss, deprivation n05163189 penalty n05163401 scratch n05163582 game misconduct n05163807 price, cost, toll n05164101 richness n05164353 death toll n05164521 drawback n05164673 catch, gimmick n05164845 penalty n05165028 inadvisability n05165175 inferiority, unfavorable position n05165303 inexpedience, inexpediency n05165533 unprofitableness, unprofitability n05165745 constructiveness n05165904 destructiveness n05166072 harmfulness, injuriousness n05166260 insidiousness n05166397 poison n05166560 virulence, virulency n05166805 positivity, positiveness, positivism n05167117 affirmativeness n05167237 assertiveness, self-assertiveness n05167412 bumptiousness, cockiness, pushiness, forwardness n05167618 negativity, negativeness, negativism n05167927 occidentalism n05168063 orientalism n05168261 importance n05168697 big deal n05168795 face n05168890 magnitude n05169037 account n05169242 matter n05169412 momentousness n05169507 prominence n05169601 greatness, illustriousness n05169813 significance n05170088 historicalness n05170236 meaningfulness n05170400 purposefulness, sense of purpose n05170574 consequence, import, moment n05170923 hell to pay n05171045 essentiality, essentialness n05171352 vitalness n05171491 indispensability, indispensableness, vitalness n05171800 urgency n05171978 edge, sharpness n05172131 imperativeness, instancy n05172322 weight, weightiness n05172596 unimportance n05172815 inessentiality n05172953 dispensability, dispensableness n05173205 pettiness, triviality, slightness, puniness n05173443 joke n05173579 insignificance n05173795 meaninglessness n05174023 inanity, senselessness, mindlessness, vacuity, pointlessness n05174326 purposelessness, aimlessness n05174517 inconsequence n05174653 right n05175467 access n05175613 advowson n05175771 cabotage n05175904 claim, title n05176082 due n05176188 entree, access, accession, admission, admittance n05176341 floor n05176477 grant n05176607 authority, authorization, authorisation, sanction n05176846 human right n05177285 legal right n05177705 compulsory process n05177897 conjugal right n05178220 conjugal visitation right, conjugal visitation n05178394 preemption, pre-emption n05178571 preemption, pre-emption n05178715 prerogative, privilege, perquisite, exclusive right n05179027 public easement n05179180 easement n05179410 privilege of the floor n05179567 privilege n05179838 attorney-client privilege n05179993 informer's privilege n05180135 journalist's privilege n05180286 marital communications privilege, husband-wife privilege n05180483 physician-patient privilege n05180677 priest-penitent privilege n05180881 door n05181078 open door n05181199 title, claim n05181513 own right n05181754 entitlement n05181975 right to privacy n05182080 right to life n05182157 right to liberty n05182240 right to the pursuit of happiness n05182354 freedom of thought n05182452 equality before the law n05182563 civil right n05183242 civil liberty n05183453 habeas corpus n05183624 freedom of religion n05183779 freedom of speech n05183932 freedom of the press n05184082 freedom of assembly n05184313 freedom to bear arms n05184461 freedom from search and seizure n05184620 right to due process n05184810 freedom from self-incrimination, privilege against self incrimination n05185106 freedom from double jeopardy n05185270 right to speedy and public trial by jury n05185444 right to an attorney n05185598 right to confront accusors n05185752 freedom from cruel and unusual punishment n05185921 freedom from involuntary servitude n05186090 equal protection of the laws n05186306 right to vote, vote, suffrage n05186626 universal suffrage n05186766 freedom from discrimination n05186998 equal opportunity n05187187 eminent domain n05187446 franchise, enfranchisement n05187711 representation n05187857 right of action n05187941 right of search n05188095 right of way n05188220 states' rights n05188367 voting right n05188547 water right, riparian right n05188646 patent right n05188801 right of election n05189057 right of entry n05189208 right of re-entry n05189396 right of offset n05189591 right of privacy n05189819 right of way n05189946 seat n05190106 use, enjoyment n05190356 usufruct n05190586 visitation right n05190804 power, powerfulness n05191486 preponderance n05191695 puissance n05191832 persuasiveness, strength n05192130 convincingness n05192240 irresistibility, irresistibleness n05192451 interest, interestingness n05192897 newsworthiness, news n05193160 topicality n05193338 color, colour, vividness n05193621 shrillness n05193781 stranglehold, chokehold, throttlehold n05194043 sway n05194151 influence n05194435 dead hand, dead hand of the past, mortmain n05194578 force n05194874 grip, grasp n05195175 tentacle n05195362 pressure n05195548 duress n05195653 heartbeat n05195796 lifeblood n05195920 wheel n05196054 repellent, repellant n05196220 hydrophobicity n05196375 control n05196582 authority, authorization, authorisation, potency, dominance, say-so n05197043 corporatism n05197232 hold n05197388 iron fist n05197574 rein n05197701 carte blanche n05197797 command n05197945 imperium n05198036 lordship n05198132 muscle n05198321 sovereignty n05198427 legal power, jurisdiction n05198622 disposal n05198756 free will, discretion n05198928 veto n05199151 self-determination n05199286 effectiveness, effectivity, effectualness, effectuality n05199680 incisiveness, trenchancy n05199869 efficacy, efficaciousness n05200169 ability n05200670 form n05200816 interoperability n05201060 magical ability, magical power n05201183 lycanthropy n05201342 Midas touch n05201452 penetration n05201659 physical ability n05201813 contractility n05202034 astringency, stypsis n05202284 voice n05202413 lung-power n05202497 capability, capableness n05202954 defensibility n05203207 executability n05203397 capacity n05203649 military capability, military strength, strength, military posture, posture n05204004 firepower n05204143 operating capability, performance capability n05204316 overkill n05204473 envelope n05204637 powerlessness, impotence, impotency n05204982 helplessness, weakness, impuissance n05205220 unpersuasiveness n05205340 uninterestingness n05205537 voicelessness n05205739 dullness n05206006 boringness, dreariness, insipidness, insipidity n05206237 tediousness, tedium, tiresomeness n05206445 drag n05206573 jejunity, jejuneness, tameness, vapidity, vapidness n05206829 ponderousness, heaviness n05207130 inability, unfitness n05207352 paper tiger n05207570 incapability, incapableness n05207846 incapacity n05207963 ineffectiveness, ineffectualness, ineffectuality n05208291 inefficacy, inefficaciousness n05208422 romanticism, romance n05208595 stardust n05208690 analyticity n05208796 compositeness n05208896 primality n05208988 selectivity n05209113 domesticity n05209324 infiniteness, infinitude, unboundedness, boundlessness, limitlessness n05209659 finiteness, finitude, boundedness n05209822 quantifiability, measurability n05210003 ratability n05210116 scalability n05210221 solubility n05210373 insolubility n05210534 stuff n05210717 comicality n05210820 hot stuff, voluptuousness n05211044 humor, humour n05211254 pathos, poignancy n05211451 tone n05211793 optimism n05211974 pessimism n05212168 epicurism n05212264 gourmandism n05212362 brachycephaly, brachycephalism n05212493 dolichocephaly, dolichocephalism n05212609 relativity n05212808 response n05212973 responsiveness n05213201 unresponsiveness, deadness n05213693 frigidity, frigidness n05213894 resistance n05214121 subjectivism n05214211 fair use n05214374 fruition n05214469 vascularity n05214599 extension n05214851 snootiness n05214976 totipotency, totipotence n05215257 ulteriority n05215483 solvability, solubility n05215699 unsolvability, insolubility n05215921 memorability n05216102 woodiness, woodsiness n05216240 waxiness n05216365 body, organic structure, physical structure n05217061 life form n05217168 human body, physical body, material body, soma, build, figure, physique, anatomy, shape, bod, chassis, frame, form, flesh n05217688 person n05217859 body, dead body n05218119 cadaver, corpse, stiff, clay, remains n05218533 cremains n05218630 mummy n05218788 live body n05218899 apparatus n05219097 system n05219297 juvenile body n05219420 child's body n05219561 adult body n05219724 male body n05219923 female body n05220126 adult female body, woman's body n05220306 adult male body, man's body n05220461 body part n05221526 corpus n05221649 adnexa, annexa n05221895 area, region n05222467 dilator n05222591 groove, vallecula n05222790 partition n05222940 septum n05223110 nasal septum n05223248 costal groove n05223370 fissure n05223550 sulcus n05223823 fissure of Rolando, Rolando's fissure, central sulcus, sulcus centralis n05224080 fissure of Sylvius, Sylvian fissure, lateral cerebral sulcus, sulcus lateralis cerebri n05224358 parieto-occipital sulcus, parieto-occipital fissure n05224585 calcarine sulcus, calcarine fissure n05224755 hilus, hilum n05224966 erogenous zone n05225090 external body part n05225439 arthromere n05225602 structure, anatomical structure, complex body part, bodily structure, body structure n05226937 birth canal n05227079 bulb n05227209 carina n05227438 carina fornicis n05227572 fornix, trigonum cerebrale n05227868 fornix n05228020 mamillary body, mammillary body, corpus mamillare n05228264 cauda n05228374 keel n05228496 chiasma, chiasm, decussation n05228732 cingulum n05228881 optic chiasma, optic chiasm, chiasma opticum n05229049 optic radiation, radiatio optica n05229198 concha n05229341 nasal concha n05229468 filament, filum n05229622 fiber, fibre n05229805 germ n05229990 infundibulum n05230171 interstice n05230357 landmark n05230603 craniometric point n05231264 acanthion n05231397 asterion n05231592 auriculare, auricular point n05231769 bregma n05231940 condylion n05232074 coronion n05232221 crotaphion n05232345 dacryon n05232503 entomion n05232691 glabella, mesophyron n05232972 gnathion n05233100 gonion n05233238 inion n05233420 jugale, jugal point n05233601 lambda n05233741 mandibular notch n05233875 mastoidale n05234016 metopion n05234162 nasion n05234315 obelion n05234438 ophryon n05234593 orbitale, orbital point n05234737 pogonion n05234911 prosthion, prostheon, alveolar point n05235100 pterion n05235217 rhinion n05235350 sphenion n05235461 stephanion n05235607 symphysion n05235745 limbus n05235879 rib n05236029 blade n05236152 radicle n05236322 plexus, rete n05236582 aortic plexus n05236709 autonomic plexus, plexus autonomici n05236848 nerve plexus n05237227 system n05237755 body covering n05238036 sheath, case n05238282 skin, tegument, cutis n05239039 pressure point n05239243 integument n05239437 skin graft n05239589 buff n05239680 dewlap n05239808 epithelium, epithelial tissue n05240076 exuviae n05240211 epidermis, cuticle n05240522 endothelium n05240710 mesothelium n05240850 neuroepithelium n05241072 skin cell n05241218 epidermal cell n05241374 melanoblast n05241485 melanocyte n05241662 prickle cell n05241827 epithelial cell n05242070 columnar cell, columnar epithelial cell n05242239 spongioblast n05242396 cuboidal cell, cuboidal epithelial cell n05242525 goblet cell n05242622 hair cell n05242752 Kupffer's cell n05242928 squamous cell n05243077 stratum corneum, corneum, horny layer n05243259 stratum lucidum n05243435 stratum granulosum n05243704 stratum germinativum, stratum basale, malpighian layer, rete Malpighii n05243879 dermis, corium, derma n05244045 mantle, pallium n05244239 plaque n05244421 amyloid plaque, amyloid protein plaque n05244619 arterial plaque n05244755 dental plaque, bacterial plaque n05244934 macule, macula n05245192 freckle, lentigo n05245387 liver spot n05245521 plague spot n05245626 whitehead, milium n05245775 blackhead, comedo n05245906 pore n05246089 aortic orifice n05246215 stoma n05246511 tube, tube-shaped structure n05246796 tubule n05246969 microtubule n05247057 salpinx n05247178 nephron, uriniferous tubule n05247369 malpighian body, malpighian corpuscle, renal corpuscle n05247621 Bowman's capsule, glomerular capsule, capsula glomeruli n05247804 glomerulus n05248006 tomentum, tomentum cerebri n05248181 passage, passageway n05248553 meatus n05248667 auditory meatus, acoustic meatus, ear canal, auditory canal, external auditory canal n05248921 deltoid tuberosity, deltoid eminence n05249094 nasal meatus n05249232 spinal canal, vertebral canal, canalis vertebralis n05249420 anastomosis, inosculation n05249636 orifice, opening, porta n05250190 porta hepatis n05250310 spiracle n05250420 blowhole n05250550 stigma n05250659 duct, epithelial duct, canal, channel n05251537 ductule, ductulus n05251655 canaliculus n05251789 canal of Schlemm, Schlemm's canal, sinus venosus sclerae n05252016 venous sinus, sinus n05252259 cavernous sinus, sinus cavernosus n05252402 coronary sinus, sinus coronarius n05252567 sigmoid sinus, sinus sigmoideus n05252705 straight sinus, tentorial sinus, sinus rectus n05252834 transverse sinus, sinus transversus n05252970 sinus n05253165 ethmoid sinus, ethmoidal sinus, sinus ethmoidales n05253338 frontal sinus n05253443 maxillary sinus n05253561 paranasal sinus, sinus paranasales, nasal sinus n05253829 sinusoid n05253951 locule, loculus n05254077 lumen n05254197 ampulla n05254393 hair, pilus n05254627 ingrown hair n05254795 hair n05255435 headful n05255578 body hair n05255692 down, pile n05255939 lanugo n05256085 mane, head of hair n05256220 hairline n05256358 part, parting n05256562 widow's peak n05256702 cowlick n05256862 hairdo, hairstyle, hair style, coiffure, coif n05257393 beehive n05257476 bouffant n05257593 haircut n05257737 lock, curl, ringlet, whorl n05257967 sausage curl n05258051 forelock n05258177 quiff n05258299 crimp n05258462 pin curl n05258627 spit curl, kiss curl n05258743 dreadlock n05258889 Afro, Afro hairdo n05258985 bang, fringe n05259109 bob n05259240 wave n05259426 finger wave n05259512 braid, plait, tress, twist n05259726 chignon n05259823 queue n05259914 pigtail n05259991 marcel n05260127 pageboy n05260240 pompadour n05260380 ponytail n05260533 permanent wave, permanent, perm n05260714 brush cut n05260821 crew cut, flattop n05260928 mohawk, mohawk haircut n05261088 roach n05261203 scalp lock n05261310 thatch n05261404 facial hair n05261566 beard, face fungus, whiskers n05261894 fuzz n05261999 imperial, imperial beard n05262120 beaver n05262185 mustache, moustache n05262422 soup-strainer, toothbrush n05262534 mustachio, moustachio, handle-bars n05262698 walrus mustache, walrus moustache n05262802 sideburn, burnside, mutton chop, side-whiskers n05263029 goatee n05263183 stubble n05263316 vandyke beard, vandyke n05263448 soul patch, Attilio n05263587 pubic hair, bush, crotch hair n05263732 minge n05263850 body substance n05264081 solid body substance n05264247 scab n05264417 eschar n05264545 fundus n05264756 funiculus n05264913 node n05265038 nodule n05265139 smear, cytologic smear, cytosmear n05265417 alimentary tract smear n05265736 esophageal smear n05265861 gastric smear n05265981 oral smear n05266096 paraduodenal smear, duodenal smear n05266239 cervical smear, Pap smear, Papanicolaou smear n05266486 lower respiratory tract smear, bronchoscopic smear, sputum smear n05266759 vaginal smear n05266879 specimen n05267073 cytologic specimen n05267211 isthmus, band n05267345 tissue n05267548 animal tissue n05268112 flesh n05268255 areolar tissue n05268383 beta cell n05268510 capillary bed n05268619 parenchyma n05268797 interstitial tissue n05268965 adipose tissue, fat, fatty tissue n05269401 flab n05269495 atheroma n05269668 cellulite n05269784 puppy fat n05269901 bone, os n05271383 anklebone, astragal, astragalus, talus n05271607 bare bone n05271685 cuboid bone n05271814 carpal bone, carpal, wrist bone n05272110 carpal tunnel n05272276 scaphoid bone, os scaphoideum, navicular n05272423 lunate bone, semilunar bone, os lunatum n05272545 triquetral, triquetral bone, os triquetrum, cuneiform bone, pyramidal bone n05272745 pisiform, pisiform bone, os pisiforme n05272891 trapezium, trapezium bone, os trapezium n05273073 trapezoid, trapezoid bone, os trapezoideum n05273223 capitate, capitate bone, os capitatum n05273408 hamate, hamate bone, unciform bone, os hamatum n05273555 cartilage bone n05273684 centrum n05273822 cheekbone, zygomatic bone, zygomatic, malar, malar bone, jugal bone, os zygomaticum n05274105 clavicle, collarbone n05274247 coccyx, tail bone n05274446 dentine, dentin n05274590 ethmoid, ethmoid bone n05274808 heelbone, calcaneus, os tarsi fibulare n05274959 hipbone, innominate bone n05275162 hyoid, hyoid bone, os hyoideum n05275315 ilium n05275466 ischium, ischial bone, os ischii n05275651 long bone, os longum n05275905 lower jaw, mandible, mandibula, mandibular bone, submaxilla, lower jawbone, jawbone, jowl n05276290 ramus n05276425 raphe, rhaphe n05276566 palatine raphe n05276668 mandibular joint, temporomandibular joint, articulatio temporomandibularis n05276860 membrane bone n05277100 mentum n05277261 metacarpal, metacarpal bone n05277405 metatarsal n05277532 nasal, nasal bone, os nasale n05277728 ossicle, bonelet, ossiculum n05277941 auditory ossicle n05278152 palatine, palatine bone, os palatinum n05278395 patella, kneecap, kneepan n05278584 phalanx n05278714 pubis, pubic bone, os pubis n05278922 punctum n05279026 rib, costa n05279321 round bone n05279407 sacrum n05279688 scapula, shoulder blade, shoulder bone n05279953 glenoid fossa, glenoid cavity n05280154 glenoid fossa, mandibular fossa n05280365 acromion, acromial process n05280512 sesamoid bone, sesamoid, os sesamoideum n05280698 short bone, os breve n05280831 socket n05280998 sphenoid bone, sphenoid, os sphenoidale n05281189 sternum, breastbone n05281452 gladiolus, corpus sternum n05281584 manubrium n05281691 xiphoid process n05281874 tarsal, tarsal bone n05282000 temporal bone, os temporale n05282247 primary dentition n05282339 secondary dentition n05282433 dentition, teeth n05282652 diastema n05282746 tooth n05283326 pulp cavity n05283498 chopper, pearly n05283649 carnassial tooth n05283816 turbinate bone, turbinate, turbinal n05284020 tympanic bone n05284132 upper jaw, upper jawbone, maxilla, maxillary n05284333 vertebra n05284617 intervertebral disc, intervertebral disk n05284851 zygoma, zygomatic arch, arcus zygomaticus n05285101 hip socket n05285275 eye socket, orbit, cranial orbit, orbital cavity n05285480 tooth socket, alveolus n05285623 marrow, bone marrow n05285835 red marrow, red bone marrow n05286008 yellow marrow, yellow bone marrow n05286167 axolemma n05286272 basilar membrane n05286412 cambium n05286536 connective tissue n05287090 collagen n05287368 elastic tissue n05287607 endoneurium n05287731 elastin n05287882 lymphatic tissue, lymphoid tissue n05288091 cartilage, gristle n05288396 meniscus, semilunar cartilage n05288593 fibrocartilage n05288739 hyaline cartilage n05288912 erectile tissue n05289057 muscle, muscular tissue n05289297 muscle, musculus n05289601 contractile organ, contractor n05289743 striated muscle tissue n05289861 skeletal muscle, striated muscle n05290756 head n05290897 voluntary muscle n05291010 abductor, abductor muscle n05291230 musculus abductor digiti minimi manus n05291373 musculus abductor digiti minimi pedis n05291495 musculus abductor hallucis n05291604 musculus abductor pollicis n05291728 adductor, adductor muscle n05291945 musculus adductor brevis n05292073 musculus adductor longus n05292200 musculus adductor magnus, great adductor muscle n05292359 musculus adductor hallucis n05292468 pronator n05292587 supinator n05292736 levator n05292856 anconeous muscle, musculus anconeus n05293040 antagonistic muscle n05293268 agonist n05293420 antagonist n05293597 articular muscle n05293773 musculus articularis cubiti n05293944 musculus articularis genus n05294068 cheek muscle, buccinator muscle, musculus buccinator n05294256 masseter n05294374 platysma n05294606 extensor muscle, extensor n05294819 quadriceps, quadriceps femoris, musculus quadriceps femoris, quad n05294995 fibrous tissue n05295160 trabecula n05295381 ligament n05295593 falciform ligament n05295740 round ligament of the uterus, ligamentum teres uteri n05296001 perineurium n05296127 perimysium n05296253 tendon, sinew n05296503 flexor muscle, flexor n05296639 articulatory system n05296775 nervous tissue, nerve tissue n05296968 ganglion n05297163 autonomic ganglion n05297363 otic ganglion, otoganglion n05297523 organ n05298159 primordium, anlage n05298313 vital organ, vitals n05298421 effector n05298572 external organ n05298729 internal organ, viscus n05298988 viscera, entrails, innards n05299178 sense organ, sensory receptor, receptor n05299687 interoceptor, enteroceptor n05299814 exteroceptor n05299927 third eye, pineal eye n05300128 baroreceptor n05300231 chemoreceptor n05300397 thermoreceptor n05300507 auditory system n05300675 auditory apparatus n05300926 visual system n05301072 tongue, lingua, glossa, clapper n05301392 articulator n05301526 glottis n05301752 epiglottis n05301908 mouth n05302307 trap, cakehole, hole, maw, yap, gob n05302422 os n05302499 mouth, oral cavity, oral fissure, rima oris n05302899 buccal cavity n05303020 incompetent cervix n05303232 cervix, uterine cervix, cervix uteri n05303402 cavity, bodily cavity, cavum n05304252 antrum n05304341 cloaca n05304603 vestibule n05304795 vestibule of the ear n05304932 gingiva, gum n05305136 tastebud, taste bud, gustatory organ n05305389 taste cell, gustatory cell n05305614 speech organ, vocal organ, organ of speech n05305806 lip n05306055 overlip n05306122 underlip n05306190 front tooth, anterior n05306390 bucktooth n05306476 back tooth, posterior n05306604 malposed tooth n05306708 permanent tooth, adult tooth n05306894 primary tooth, deciduous tooth, baby tooth, milk tooth n05307091 canine, canine tooth, eyetooth, eye tooth, dogtooth, cuspid n05307358 premolar, bicuspid n05307521 cusp n05307641 incisor n05307773 molar, grinder n05307952 wisdom tooth n05308141 crown n05308310 root, tooth root n05308481 root canal n05308655 enamel, tooth enamel n05308810 cementum, cement n05308950 pulp n05309050 tonsil, palatine tonsil, faucial tonsil, tonsilla n05309245 uvula n05309392 soft palate, velum n05309591 hard palate n05309725 palate, roof of the mouth n05309965 ala n05310206 alveolar arch n05310351 alveolar ridge, gum ridge, alveolar process n05310596 caul, veil, embryonic membrane n05310790 fetal membrane n05311054 eye, oculus, optic n05311795 naked eye n05312040 peeper n05312149 oculus dexter, OD n05312227 oculus sinister, OS n05312306 simple eye, stemma, ocellus n05312427 compound eye n05312614 ommatidium n05312782 cell membrane, cytomembrane, plasma membrane n05313115 choroid, choroid coat n05313344 ciliary body n05313535 eyebrow, brow, supercilium n05313679 protective fold n05313822 eyelid, lid, palpebra n05314075 canthus n05314255 epicanthus, epicanthic fold n05314462 nasal canthus n05314549 temporal canthus n05314639 nictitating membrane, third eyelid n05314834 haw n05314919 eyelash, lash, cilium n05315095 conjunctiva n05315382 bulbar conjunctiva, conjunctival layer of bulb, tunica conjunctiva bulbi n05315612 palpebra conjunctiva, conjunctival layer of eyelids, tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum n05315855 pinguecula n05316025 eyeball, orb n05316175 ocular muscle, eye muscle n05316407 abducens muscle, lateral rectus muscle, lateral rectus, rectus lateralis n05316590 rectus n05316674 inferior rectus muscle, inferior rectus, rectus inferior n05316850 medial rectus muscle, medial rectus, rectus medialis n05317013 superior rectus muscle, superior rectus, rectus superior n05317191 capsule n05317354 cornea n05317603 pterygium n05317815 arcus, arcus senilis n05317960 uvea n05318137 uveoscleral pathway n05318263 aqueous humor, aqueous humour n05318407 vitreous humor, vitreous humour, vitreous body n05318606 diaphragm, midriff n05318831 eardrum, tympanum, tympanic membrane, myringa n05319028 endocranium n05319144 endosteum n05319279 ependyma n05319419 fertilization membrane n05319588 hyaloid membrane, hyaloid n05319760 intima n05319936 iris n05320183 pupil n05320362 lens, crystalline lens, lens of the eye n05320636 lens cortex, cortex n05320764 lens nucleus, nucleus n05320899 ear n05321144 organ of hearing n05321307 inner ear, internal ear, labyrinth n05321664 membranous labyrinth n05321917 bony labyrinth, osseous labyrinth n05322103 endolymph n05322247 perilymph n05322432 utricle, utriculus n05322570 saccule, sacculus n05322735 modiolus n05322855 organ of Corti n05323036 vestibular apparatus, vestibular system n05323228 semicircular canal n05323454 stretch receptor n05323588 earlobe, ear lobe n05323723 external ear, outer ear n05323889 auricle, pinna, ear n05324134 tragus n05324276 cauliflower ear n05324388 perforated eardrum n05324553 umbo n05324691 mediastinum n05324888 middle ear, tympanic cavity, tympanum n05325153 Eustachian tube, auditory tube n05325378 fenestra n05325606 fenestra ovalis, fenestra vestibuli, oval window, fenestra of the vestibule n05325786 fenestra rotunda, fenestra cochleae, round window, fenestra of the cochlea n05325943 malleus, hammer n05326060 lamella n05326200 lens capsule n05326340 incus, anvil n05326465 stapes, stirrup n05326624 cochlea n05326900 meninx, meninges n05327134 mucous membrane, mucosa n05327373 periosteum n05327652 perithelium n05327767 gland, secretory organ, secretor, secreter n05328115 oil gland n05328232 sebaceous gland, sebaceous follicle, glandulae sebaceae n05328508 Meibomian gland, tarsal gland n05328695 Montgomery's tubercle n05328867 exocrine gland, exocrine, duct gland n05329215 digestive system, gastrointestinal system, systema alimentarium, systema digestorium n05329533 endocrine system n05329735 endocrine gland, endocrine, ductless gland n05330244 thyroid gland, thyroid n05330365 parathyroid gland, parathyroid n05330518 sweat duct n05330659 sweat gland, sudoriferous gland n05330848 apocrine gland n05331035 eccrine gland n05331171 adrenal gland, adrenal, suprarenal gland n05331404 prostate gland, prostate n05331653 lacrimal gland, lachrymal gland, tear gland n05331812 lacrimal duct, lachrymal duct, tear duct n05331988 lacrimal sac, tear sac, dacryocyst n05332225 lacrimal bone n05332438 nasolacrimal duct n05332569 thymus gland, thymus n05332802 kidney n05333259 excretory organ, urinary organ n05333467 spleen, lien n05333777 artery, arteria, arterial blood vessel n05335310 alveolar artery, arteria alveolaris n05335515 inferior alveolar artery, arteria alveolaris inferior n05335700 superior alveolar artery, arteria alveolaris superior n05335850 angular artery, arteria angularis n05335971 aorta n05336246 ascending aorta n05336377 aortic arch n05336487 descending aorta n05336635 abdominal aorta n05336748 thoracic aorta n05336893 appendicular artery, arteria appendicularis n05337055 arcuate artery, arteria arcuata n05337178 arcuate artery of the kidney n05337301 arteriole, arteriola, capillary artery n05337485 artery of the penis bulb, arteria bulbi penis n05337663 artery of the vestibule bulb, arteria bulbi vestibuli n05337855 ascending artery, arteria ascendens n05338025 auricular artery, arteria auricularis n05338166 axillary artery, arteria axillaris n05338410 basilar artery, arteria basilaris n05338614 brachial artery, arteria brachialis n05338847 radial artery, arteria radialis n05339047 bronchial artery n05339168 buccal artery, arteria buccalis n05339357 carotid artery, arteria carotis n05339583 common carotid artery, common carotid n05339751 external carotid artery, external carotid n05339946 internal carotid artery n05340121 carotid body n05340317 celiac trunk, celiac artery, truncus celiacus, arteria celiaca n05340599 central artery of the retina, arteria centralis retinae n05340795 cerebellar artery, arteria cerebelli n05340972 inferior cerebellar artery n05341089 superior cerebellar artery n05341206 cerebral artery, arteria cerebri n05341416 anterior cerebral artery n05341641 middle cerebral artery n05341789 posterior cerebral artery n05341920 cervical artery, areteria cervicalis n05342070 choroidal artery, arteria choroidea n05342214 ciliary artery, arteria ciliaris n05342374 circle of Willis n05342499 circumflex artery n05342673 circumflex artery of the thigh, arteria circumflexa femoris n05342854 circumflex humeral artery, arteria circumflexa humeri n05343037 circumflex iliac artery, arteria circumflexa ilium n05343218 circumflex scapular artery, arteria circumflexa scapulae n05343408 colic artery, arteria colica n05343542 communicating artery, arteria communicans n05343718 coronary artery, arteria coronaria n05343941 atrial artery n05344073 right coronary artery n05344213 left coronary artery n05344350 cystic artery, arteria cystica n05344514 digital arteries, arteria digitalis n05344697 epigastric artery, arteria epigastrica n05344848 ethmoidal artery, arteria ethmoidalis n05345038 facial artery, arteria facialis, external maxillary artery n05345247 femoral artery, arteria femoralis n05345421 popliteal artery, arteria poplitea n05345581 gastric artery, arteria gastrica n05345783 right gastric artery, ateria gastrica dextra n05345978 left gastric artery, arteria gastrica sinistra n05346191 short gastric artery, arteria gastrica breves, vasa brevis n05346406 gluteal artery, arteria glutes n05346585 hepatic artery, arteria hepatica n05346714 ileal artery, intestinal artery, arteria ileum n05346892 ileocolic artery, arteria ileocolica n05347146 iliac artery, arteria iliaca n05347359 common iliac artery n05347465 external iliac artery n05347631 internal iliac artery, hypogastric artery n05347871 iliolumbar artery, arteria iliolumbalis n05348054 infraorbital artery, arteria infraorbitalis n05348269 innominate artery n05348540 intercostal artery, arteria intercostalis n05348698 jejunal artery, intestinal artery n05348884 labial artery, arteria labialis n05349101 inferior labial artery, arteria labialis inferior n05349273 superior labial artery, arteria labialis superior n05349445 labyrinthine artery, artery of the labyrinth, internal auditory artery n05349659 lacrimal artery, arteria lacrimalis n05349906 laryngeal artery, arteria laryngea n05350061 lienal artery, splenic artery, arteria lienalis n05350256 lingual artery, arteria lingualis n05350453 lumbar artery, arteria lumbalis n05350679 maxillary artery, arteria maxillaris n05350900 internal maxillary artery n05351058 meningeal artery, arteria meningea n05351278 anterior meningeal artery n05351442 middle meningeal artery n05351572 posterior meningeal artery n05351746 mesenteric artery, arteria mesenterica n05351968 inferior mesenteric artery n05352112 superior mesenteric artery n05352291 metacarpal artery, arteria metacarpea n05352433 metatarsal artery, arteria metatarsea n05352601 musculophrenic artery, arteria musculophrenica n05352754 nutrient artery, arteria nutricia n05352896 ophthalmic artery, arteria ophthalmica n05353070 ovarian artery, arteria ovarica n05353241 palatine artery, arteria palatina n05353364 pancreatic artery, arteria pancreatica n05353507 perineal artery, arteria perinealis n05353683 pudendal artery, arteria pudenda n05353819 pulmonary artery, arteria pulmonalis n05354026 pulmonary trunk, truncus pulmonalis n05354238 rectal artery, arteria rectalis n05354381 renal artery, arteria renalis n05354580 subclavian artery, arteria subclavia n05354744 temporal artery n05354955 anterior temporal artery, arteria temporalis anterior n05355146 intermediate temporal artery, arteria temporalis intermedia n05355341 posterior temporal artery, arteria temporalis posterior n05355527 testicular artery, internal spermatic artery, arteria testicularis n05355706 ulnar artery, arteria ulnaris n05355890 uterine artery, arteria uterina n05356083 vaginal artery, arteria vaginalis n05356291 vertebral artery, arteria vertebralis n05356442 accessory cephalic vein, vena cephalica accessoria n05356657 accessory hemiazygos vein, accessory hemiazygous vein, vena hemiazygos accessoria n05356889 accessory vertebral vein, vena vertebralis accessoria n05357160 accompanying vein, vena comitans n05357366 anastomotic vein, vena anastomotica n05357500 angular vein, vena angularis n05357682 anterior vertebral vein, vena vertebralis anterior n05357867 appendicular vein, vena appendicularis n05358036 arcuate vein of the kidney, vena arcuata renis n05358226 auricular vein, vena auricularis n05358345 axillary vein, vena axillaris n05358507 azygos vein, azygous vein, vena azygos n05358764 basal vein, vena basalis n05358944 basilic vein, vena basilica n05359124 basivertebral vein, vena basivertebralis n05359347 brachial vein, vena brachialis n05359516 brachiocephalic vein, innominate vein, vena brachiocephalica n05359695 bronchial vein, vena bronchialis n05359828 cardinal vein n05360042 anterior cardinal vein n05360170 posterior cardinal vein n05360297 common cardinal vein n05360470 central veins of liver, venae centrales hepatis n05360678 central vein of retina, vena centrales retinae n05360880 central vein of suprarenal gland, vena centralis glandulae suprarenalis n05361123 cephalic vein, vena cephalica n05361278 cerebellar vein, vena cerebellum n05361391 cerebral vein, vena cerebri n05361640 anterior cerebral vein, vena cerebri anterior n05361805 anterior facial vein, vena facialis anterior n05362016 great cerebral vein, vena cerebri magna n05362197 inferior cerebral vein, venae cerebrum inferior n05362405 internal cerebral vein, vena cerebrum internus n05362593 middle cerebral vein, vena cerebri media n05362745 deep middle cerebral vein n05362912 superficial middle cerebral vein n05363064 superior cerebral vein, vena cerebrum superior n05363270 cervical vein, deep cervical vein, vena cervicalis profunda n05363428 choroid vein, vena choroidea n05363559 ciliary veins, venae ciliares n05363676 circumflex vein, vena circumflexa n05363868 circumflex iliac vein, vena circumflexa ilium n05364000 circumflex femoral vein, vena circumflexus femoris n05364184 clitoral vein, vena clitoridis n05364345 colic vein, vena colica n05364448 common facial vein n05364612 conjunctival veins, venae conjunctivales n05364730 costoaxillary vein n05364905 cutaneous vein, vena cutanea n05365059 cystic vein, vena cystica n05365164 digital vein, vena digitalis n05365284 diploic vein, vena diploica n05365420 dorsal scapular vein, vena scapularis dorsalis n05365633 dorsal root, dorsal horn n05365838 emissary vein, vena emissaria n05366043 epigastric vein n05366206 inferior epigastric vein, vena epigastrica inferior n05366341 superficial epigastric vein, vena epigastrica superficialis n05366485 superior epigastric veins, venae epigastricae superiores n05366640 episcleral veins, venae episclerales n05366812 esophageal veins, oesophageal veins, venae esophageae n05367003 ethmoidal vein, vena ethmoidalis n05367165 external nasal vein, vena nasalis externa n05367341 facial vein, vena facialis n05367508 femoral vein, vena femoralis n05367735 gastric vein, vena gastrica n05367912 gastroomental vein, gastroepiploic vein, vena gastroomentalis n05368100 genicular vein, vena genus n05368278 glans n05368444 glans clitoridis n05368594 glans penis n05368739 gluteal vein, vena gluteus n05368874 hemizygos vein, hemizygous vein, vena hemizygos n05369092 hemorrhoidal vein, rectal vein, vena rectalis n05369254 hepatic vein, vena hepatica n05369404 hypogastric vein, internal iliac vein n05369566 ileocolic vein, vena ileocolica n05369757 external iliac vein n05369924 common iliac vein n05370125 iliac vein, vena iliaca n05370293 iliolumbar vein, vena iliolumbalis n05370410 intercapitular vein, vena intercapitalis n05370636 intercostal vein, vena intercostalis n05370781 intervertebral vein, vena intervertebralis n05370918 jugular vein, vena jugularis, jugular n05371144 anterior jugular vein n05371301 external jugular vein n05371482 internal jugular vein n05371663 labial vein, vena labialis n05371829 inferior labial vein, vena labialis inferior n05371977 superior labial vein, vena labialis superior n05372125 labial vein, vena labialis n05372290 labyrinthine vein, internal auditory vein n05372428 lacrimal vein, vena lacrimalis n05372593 laryngeal vein, vena laryngea n05372725 left gastric vein, vena gastrica sinistra n05372924 lingual vein, vena lingualis n05373145 lumbar vein, vena lumbalis n05373300 maxillary vein, vena maxillaris n05373495 meningeal veins, venae meningeae n05373616 mesenteric vein, vena mesenterica n05373790 metacarpal vein, vena metacarpus n05373924 metatarsal vein, vena metatarsus n05374101 musculophrenic vein, vena musculophrenica n05374280 nasofrontal vein, vena nasofrontalis n05374475 oblique vein of the left atrium, vena obliqua atrii sinistri n05374658 obturator vein, vena obturatoria n05374861 occipital vein, vena occipitalis n05374980 ophthalmic vein, vena ophthalmica n05375169 inferior ophthalmic vein n05375322 superior ophthalmic vein n05375530 ovarian vein, vena ovarica n05375729 palatine vein, vena palatina n05375881 pancreatic vein, venae pancreatica n05376050 paraumbilical vein, vena paraumbilicalis n05376219 parotid vein n05376391 pectoral vein, vena pectoralis n05376541 perforating vein, vena perforantis n05376721 pericardial vein, vena pericardiaca n05376844 peroneal vein, fibular vein, vena peroneus n05377098 pharyngeal vein, vena pharyngeus n05377252 phrenic vein, vena phrenica n05377371 popliteal vein, vena poplitea n05377515 portal system n05377665 portal vein, hepatic portal vein, portal, vena portae n05377833 posterior vein of the left ventricle, vena posterior ventriculi sinistri n05378022 prepyloric vein, vena pylorica n05378137 pudendal vein, venae pudendum n05378234 pulmonary vein, vena pulmonalis n05378458 inferior pulmonary vein, vena pulmanalis inferior n05378654 superior pulmonary vein, vena pulmonalis superior n05378850 pyloric vein, right gastric vein, vena gastrica-dextra n05379039 radial vein, vena radialis n05379247 renal vein, vena renalis n05379438 retromandibular vein, vena retromandibularis, posterior facial vein n05379635 sacral vein, vena sacralis n05379734 saphenous vein, vena saphena n05379944 long saphenous vein, great saphenous vein n05380122 short saphenous vein n05380252 scleral veins, venae sclerales n05380404 scrotal vein, vena scrotalis n05380532 sigmoid vein, vena sigmoideus n05380697 spinal vein, vena spinalis n05380822 splenic vein, vena lienalis n05381036 stellate venule n05381148 sternocleidomastoid vein, vena sternocleidomastoidea n05381325 stylomastoid vein, vena stylomastoidea n05381491 subclavian vein, vena subclavia n05381666 sublingual vein, vena sublingualis n05381779 supraorbital vein, vena supraorbitalis n05381956 supratrochlear vein, vena supratrochlearis n05382135 temporal vein, vena temporalis n05382316 deep temporal vein n05382432 middle temporal vein n05382589 superficial temporal vein n05382729 testicular vein, vena testicularis n05382855 thalamostriate vein n05383004 thoracoepigastric vein, vena thoracoepigastrica n05383216 superior thalamostriate vein n05383348 inferior thalamostriate vein, striate vein n05383467 thoracic vein, vena thoracica n05383598 thyroid vein, vena thyroidea n05383791 inferior thyroid vein n05383956 middle thyroid vein n05384128 superior thyroid vein n05384300 tibial vein, vena tibialis n05384446 tracheal vein, vena trachealis n05384560 tympanic vein n05384691 ulnar vein, vena ulnaris n05384817 umbilical vein, vena umbilicalis n05384999 uterine vein n05385161 gallbladder, gall bladder n05385363 hypochondrium n05385534 liver n05386139 Haversian canal n05386309 hepatic lobe n05386426 hepatic duct n05386544 inguinal canal, canalis inguinalis n05386845 common bile duct, bile duct n05387028 biliary ductule n05387167 pancreas n05387395 pancreatic duct n05387544 lung n05387842 alveolar bed n05387959 lobe of the lung n05388115 pleura n05388311 parietal pleura n05388437 visceral pleura n05388527 pleural cavity n05388665 pleural space n05388805 heart, pump, ticker n05389182 athlete's heart n05389310 biauriculate heart n05389460 pacemaker, cardiac pacemaker, sinoatrial node, SA node n05389625 cusp, leaflet n05389762 flap n05389939 cardiac muscle, heart muscle n05390233 papillary muscle n05390479 atrioventricular bundle, bundle of His, atrioventricular trunk, truncus atrioventricularis n05390761 atrioventricular node n05391000 myocardium n05391118 Purkinje fiber n05391269 Purkinje network, Purkinje's tissue, Purkinje's system n05391540 area of cardiac dullness n05391763 ventricle, heart ventricle n05391977 left ventricle n05392157 right ventricle n05392348 auricle, atrial auricle, auricula atrii n05392562 auricula, auricular appendage, auricular appendix n05392744 chamber n05392906 cranial cavity, intracranial cavity n05393023 atrium n05393230 atrium cordis, atrium of the heart n05393429 right atrium, right atrium of the heart, atrium dextrum n05393629 left atrium, left atrium of the heart, atrium sinistrum n05393813 mitral valve, bicuspid valve, left atrioventricular valve n05393996 tricuspid valve, right atrioventricular valve n05394277 atrioventricular valve n05394526 aortic valve n05394707 pulmonary valve n05394904 semilunar valve n05395098 heart valve, cardiac valve n05395286 valve n05395548 valvule, valvelet, valvula n05395690 stomach, tummy, tum, breadbasket n05396071 epigastrium n05396229 cardia n05396366 lymphatic system, systema lymphaticum n05396690 thoracic duct n05396807 lymph vessel, lymphatic vessel n05397032 lacteal n05397178 vascular structure n05397333 vessel, vas n05397468 liquid body substance, bodily fluid, body fluid, humor, humour n05398023 extracellular fluid, ECF n05398298 interstitial fluid n05398462 intracellular fluid n05398609 juice, succus n05398760 cancer juice n05398871 karyolymph n05399034 milk n05399243 mother's milk n05399356 colostrum, foremilk n05399486 amniotic cavity n05399627 amniotic fluid, amnionic fluid, waters n05399847 blood n05400445 arterial blood n05400601 blood group, blood type n05400860 A, type A, group A n05400978 B, type B, group B n05401096 AB, type AB, group AB n05401229 O, type O, group O n05401411 Rh-positive blood type, Rh positive n05401587 Rh-negative blood type, Rh-negative blood, Rh negative n05401753 gore n05401851 lifeblood n05401951 bloodstream, blood stream n05402091 clot, coagulum n05402333 blood clot, grume n05402472 cord blood n05402576 menorrhea, menstrual blood, menstrual flow n05402788 venous blood n05402961 whole blood n05403149 serum, blood serum n05403427 plasma, plasm, blood plasma n05403702 antiserum n05403849 chyle n05404074 lymph n05404336 semen, seed, seminal fluid, ejaculate, cum, come n05404598 ink n05404728 secretion n05405139 lacrimal secretion, lachrymal secretion n05405324 tear, teardrop n05405554 lacrimal apparatus n05405751 perspiration, sweat, sudor n05405946 digestive juice, digestive fluid n05406128 gastric juice, gastric acid n05406397 pancreatic juice n05406570 bile, gall n05406782 black bile, melancholy n05406958 yellow bile, choler n05407119 hormone, endocrine, internal secretion n05407772 intestinal juice n05407890 noradrenaline, norepinephrine n05408113 adrenocorticotropic hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, ACTH, adrenocorticotropin, adrenocorticotrophin, corticotropin, corticotrophin n05408388 epinephrine, epinephrin, adrenaline, Adrenalin n05408684 gastrointestinal hormone, GI hormones n05408908 gastrin n05409136 cholecystokinin n05409426 secretin n05409663 ghrelin n05409945 motilin n05410131 glucagon n05410315 gonadotropin, gonadotrophin, gonadotropic hormone, gonadotrophic hormone n05410646 insulin n05410901 Lente Insulin, Lente Iletin n05411049 recombinant human insulin, Humulin n05411338 melatonin n05411430 neurohormone n05411571 oxytocin, Pitocin n05411785 parathyroid hormone, parathormone n05412053 relaxin n05412242 releasing hormone, RH, releasing factor, hypothalamic releasing hormone, hypothalamic releasing factor n05412649 somatotropin, somatotrophin, somatotropic hormone, somatotrophic hormone, STH, human growth hormone, growth hormone n05412912 Protropin n05413102 thymosin n05413241 thyroid hormone n05413465 calcitonin, thyrocalcitonin n05413647 thyroxine, thyroxin, tetraiodothyronine, T n05413873 triiodothyronine, liothyronine, T n05414147 vasopressin, antidiuretic hormone, ADH, Pitressin n05414534 autacoid, autocoid n05414724 histamine n05414931 prostaglandin n05415200 synovia, synovial fluid n05415395 mucus, mucous secretion n05415815 phlegm, sputum n05416048 snot n05416128 booger n05416198 saliva, spit, spittle n05416545 salivary duct n05416678 drool, dribble, drivel, slobber n05416861 tobacco juice n05416979 sebum n05417162 smegma n05417272 lochia n05417472 pus, purulence, suppuration, ichor, sanies, festering n05417698 gleet n05417821 leukorrhea, leucorrhea n05417975 blood vessel n05418177 ductus arteriosus n05418432 patent ductus arteriosus n05418585 vasa vasorum n05418717 vein, vena, venous blood vessel n05421414 venation, venous blood system n05421586 varicose vein n05421723 vena bulbi penis n05421900 vena canaliculi cochleae n05421997 vein of penis n05422135 venae dorsales penis superficiales n05422317 venae dorsales penis profunda n05422457 vena profunda penis n05422574 vena bulbi vestibuli n05422668 vena cava n05422852 inferior vena cava, postcava n05423095 superior vena cava, precava n05423319 venae profundae clitoridis n05423443 vena dorsalis clitoridis profunda n05423595 venae dorsales clitoridis superficiales n05423779 venae palpebrales n05423882 venae interlobulares renis n05424074 venae interlobulares hepatis n05424199 venae renis n05424351 venae labiales anteriores, anterior labial veins n05424504 venae labiales posteriores, posterior labial veins n05424679 venter n05424796 venter n05424963 ventral root, ventral horn, anterior root, anterior horn n05425207 vertebral vein, vena vertebralis n05425436 vesical vein, vena vesicalis n05425581 vestibular vein, vena vestibularis n05425703 vortex vein, vorticose vein, vena vorticosum n05425910 capillary, capillary vessel n05426087 venule, venula, capillary vein n05426243 membrane, tissue layer n05426989 retina n05427346 ganglion cell, gangliocyte n05427570 sarcolemma n05427739 peritoneum n05427946 peritoneal cavity, greater peritoneal sac n05428136 bursa omentalis, omental bursa, lesser peritoneal cavity n05428331 endocardium n05428473 pericardium n05428645 epicardium, visceral pericardium n05428794 parietal pericardium n05428974 pericardial cavity, pericardial space n05429195 mesentery n05429404 mesocolon n05429525 omentum n05429658 greater omentum, gastrocolic omentum, caul n05429840 lesser omentum n05429994 submucosa n05430095 lymph node, lymph gland, node n05430300 axillary node n05430454 Peyer's patch, Peter's gland n05430628 somatic cell, vegetative cell n05431177 neoplastic cell n05431285 cancer cell n05431402 blastema n05431585 energid, protoplast n05431762 pronucleus n05431926 zygote, fertilized ovum n05432230 heterozygote n05432420 homozygote n05432623 parthenote n05432736 protoplasm, living substance n05432948 cytoplasm, cytol n05433400 cytoplast n05433496 cytoskeleton n05433709 cytosol n05433856 ectoplasm n05433953 endoplasm n05434053 hyaloplasm, ground substance n05434203 lysosome n05434361 microsome n05434557 Golgi body, Golgi apparatus, Golgi complex, dictyosome n05434784 nucleoplasm, karyoplasm n05434927 nucleus, cell nucleus, karyon n05435277 nucleolus, nucleole n05435477 nucleolus organizer, nucleolus organiser, nucleolar organizer, nucleolar organiser n05435722 germ plasm, plasm n05435855 sex chromatin n05436080 chromatin, chromatin granule n05436381 achromatin n05436548 linin n05436752 gene, cistron, factor n05437600 dominant gene n05437785 allele, allelomorph n05438130 dominant allele, dominant n05438315 recessive allele, recessive n05438483 genetic marker n05438642 homeotic gene n05438778 homeobox, homeobox gene n05438956 lethal gene n05439100 linkage group, linked genes n05439286 modifier, modifier gene n05439413 mutant gene n05439582 haplotype n05439810 cystic fibrosis transport regulator, CFTR n05439942 nonallele n05440046 operator gene n05440207 operon n05440410 oncogene, transforming gene n05440555 polygene n05440756 proto-oncogene n05440875 recessive gene n05441053 regulatory gene, regulator gene n05441224 repressor gene n05441338 structural gene n05441468 suppressor, suppresser, suppressor gene, suppresser gene n05441686 transgene n05441806 tumor suppressor gene n05441929 X-linked gene n05442022 Y-linked gene, holandric gene n05442131 chromosome n05442594 X chromosome n05442789 XX n05442916 XXX n05443050 XXY n05443211 XY n05443333 XYY n05443484 Y chromosome n05443651 sex chromosome n05443966 autosome, somatic chromosome n05444175 chromatid n05444324 centromere, kinetochore n05444610 acentric chromosome n05444709 acrocentric chromosome n05444876 karyotype n05445099 metacentric chromosome n05445247 telocentric chromosome n05445389 mitochondrion, chondriosome n05445546 sarcosome n05445668 organelle, cell organelle, cell organ n05446006 aster n05446181 centriole n05446394 ribosome n05446767 centrosome, central body n05446971 sarcoplasm n05447087 vacuole n05447218 sclera, sclerotic coat n05447423 semipermeable membrane n05447599 bone cell n05447757 embryonic cell, formative cell n05447962 blastocyte n05448053 ameloblast n05448149 osteoblast, bone-forming cell n05448257 erythroblast n05448400 fibroblast n05448501 neuroblast n05448597 myelocyte n05448704 myeloblast n05448827 sideroblast n05448928 megakaryocyte n05449073 osteoclast n05449196 osteocyte n05449268 blood cell, blood corpuscle, corpuscle n05449538 akaryocyte, akaryote, acaryote n05449661 megalocyte, macrocyte n05449797 megaloblast n05449959 leukocyte, leucocyte, white blood cell, white cell, white blood corpuscle, white corpuscle, WBC n05450370 packed cells n05450617 histiocyte n05450740 macrophage n05450888 phagocyte, scavenger cell n05451099 fixed phagocyte n05451265 free phagocyte n05451384 lymphocyte, lymph cell n05451695 B cell, B lymphocyte n05451981 T cell, T lymphocyte n05452204 helper T cell, helper cell, CD4 T cell, CD4 cell n05452516 killer T cell, killer cell, cytotoxic T cell, CD8 T cell, CD8 cell n05452765 lymphoblast n05452845 plasma cell, plasmacyte n05453057 plasmablast n05453145 granulocyte n05453267 monocyte n05453412 monoblast n05453523 basophil, basophile n05453657 neutrophil, neutrophile n05453815 microphage n05453943 eosinophil, eosinophile n05454070 red blood cell, RBC, erythrocyte n05454452 acanthocyte n05454578 microcyte n05454702 reticulocyte n05454833 sickle cell n05454978 siderocyte n05455113 spherocyte n05455206 target cell n05455375 fovea, fovea centralis n05455563 parafovea n05455690 macula, macula lutea, macular area, yellow spot n05455912 visual cell n05456082 blind spot, optic disc, optic disk n05456257 cone, cone cell, retinal cone n05456456 rod, rod cell, retinal rod n05456622 fat cell, adipose cell n05456732 reproductive cell, germ cell, sex cell n05456945 gamete n05457201 anisogamete n05457343 isogamete n05457469 sperm, sperm cell, spermatozoon, spermatozoan n05457795 acrosome n05457973 ovum, egg cell n05458173 ootid n05458300 ovule n05458412 gametocyte n05458576 oocyte n05458703 polar body n05458859 spermatocele n05458990 spermatocyte n05459101 spermatid n05459232 muscle cell, muscle fiber, muscle fibre n05459457 Leydig cell, Leydig's cell n05459590 Sertoli cell, Sertoli's cell n05459769 striated muscle cell, striated muscle fiber n05459953 myofibril, myofibrilla, sarcostyle n05460163 sarcomere n05460291 smooth muscle n05460473 smooth muscle, involuntary muscle n05460759 smooth muscle cell n05460870 immune system n05461179 integumentary system n05461349 reticuloendothelial system, RES n05461610 mononuclear phagocyte system, MPS, system of macrophages n05461816 muscular structure, musculature, muscle system n05462057 musculoskeletal system n05462315 nervous system, systema nervosum n05462674 neural structure n05463449 reflex arc n05463533 center, centre, nerve center, nerve centre n05463873 auditory center n05464104 nerve fiber, nerve fibre n05464378 medullated nerve fiber, myelinated nerve fiber n05464534 Ranvier's nodes, nodes of Ranvier n05464685 medullary sheath, myelin sheath n05464939 neurolemma, neurilemma n05465071 Schwann cell n05465228 effector n05465392 end organ n05465567 nerve cell, neuron n05465868 brain cell n05466005 Golgi's cell, Golgi cell n05466244 Purkinje cell n05466393 end-plate, endplate, motor end plate n05466575 osmoreceptor n05466696 motor neuron, efferent neuron, motor nerve fiber, motoneuron n05466892 sensory neuron, afferent neuron n05467054 neuroglia, glia n05467432 neurogliacyte, neuroglial cell, glial cell n05467619 astroglia, macroglia n05467758 astrocyte n05467922 fibrous astrocyte n05468098 protoplasmic astrocyte n05468211 microglia n05468351 microgliacyte n05468523 oligodendroglia, oligodendria n05468739 oligodendrocyte n05468849 axon, axone n05469032 nerve ending, nerve end n05469240 free nerve ending n05469424 Pacinian corpuscle n05469664 proprioceptor n05469861 dendrite n05470013 hybridoma n05470189 process, outgrowth, appendage n05471181 caruncle, caruncula n05471427 wattle, lappet n05471629 condyle n05471837 condylar process, condyloid process, mandibular condyle n05472032 coronoid process, processus coronoideus n05472205 coronoid process of the mandible n05472394 lateral condyle n05472538 medial condyle n05472681 epicondyle n05472846 lateral epicondyle n05472959 fimbria n05473104 apophysis n05473318 spicule, spiculum n05473507 osteophyte n05473593 papilla n05473735 papilla n05473928 synapse n05474195 neuromuscular junction, myoneural junction n05474346 nerve, nervus n05474738 motor nerve, efferent nerve, efferent n05474976 motor fiber, efferent fiber n05475134 sensory nerve, afferent nerve, afferent n05475397 sensory fiber, afferent fiber n05475562 lemniscus, fillet n05475681 fiber bundle, fibre bundle, fascicle, fasciculus n05475878 nerve pathway, tract, nerve tract, pathway n05476094 commissure n05476256 cranial nerve n05476592 depressor, depressor nerve n05476754 peduncle, cerebral peduncle n05476915 hemisphere, cerebral hemisphere n05477112 left hemisphere, left brain n05477305 pyriform area, piriform area, pyriform lobe, piriform lobe n05477510 right hemisphere, right brain n05477686 rhinencephalon, olfactory brain n05477946 olfactory nerve, nervii olfactorii, first cranial nerve n05478139 olfactory bulb n05478336 optic nerve, nervus opticus, second cranial nerve, optic tract n05478526 oculomotor, oculomotor nerve, nervus oculomotorius, third cranial nerve n05478684 trochlear, trochlear nerve, trochlearis, fourth cranial nerve n05478896 trigeminal, trigeminal nerve, trigeminus, nervus trigeminus, fifth cranial nerve n05479108 abducent, abducent nerve, abducens, abducens nerve, nervus abducens, sixth cranial nerve n05479314 facial, facial nerve, nervus facialis, seventh cranial nerve n05479503 acoustic nerve, auditory nerve, vestibulocochlear nerve, nervus vestibulocochlearis, eighth cranial nerve n05479786 glossopharyngeal nerve, nervus glossopharyngeus, ninth cranial nerve n05480076 vagus, vagus nerve, nervus vagus, pneumogastric, pneumogastric nerve, tenth cranial nerve, wandering nerve n05480401 accessory nerve, spinal accessory, nervus accessorius, eleventh cranial nerve n05480607 hypoglossal, hypoglossal nerve, nervus hypoglosus, twelfth cranial nerve n05480794 central nervous system, CNS, systema nervosum centrale n05481095 brain, encephalon n05481549 neencephalon, neoencephalon n05481746 neopallium, neocortex n05481870 archipallium, paleocortex n05481997 metencephalon n05482129 paleencephalon, paleoencephalon, palaeencephalon n05482328 leptomeninges n05482529 dura mater, dura n05482676 arachnoid, arachnoid membrane n05482800 pia mater n05482922 subarachnoid space n05483122 neuropil, neuropile n05483388 grey matter, gray matter, grey substance, gray substance, substantia grisea n05483677 white matter, substantia alba n05483890 pituitary, pituitary gland, pituitary body, hypophysis n05484198 hypophyseal stalk n05484355 anterior pituitary, anterior pituitary gland, adenohypophysis n05484573 pars distilis, pars anterior n05484711 pars intermedia n05484862 posterior pituitary, posterior pituitary gland, neurohypophysis, pars nervosa n05485098 pineal gland, pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis n05485314 islands of Langerhans, isles of Langerhans, islets of Langerhans n05485554 cerebellum n05485856 cerebellar hemisphere n05485988 dentate nucleus n05486159 vermis, vermis cerebelli n05486319 paleocerebellum n05486510 cerebral cortex, cerebral mantle, pallium, cortex n05486920 cortical area, cortical region n05487224 association area, association cortex n05487423 geniculate body n05487694 lateral geniculate body, corpus geniculatum laterale, lateral geniculate n05487941 medial geniculate body, corpus geniculatum mediale, medial geniculate n05488223 auditory area, auditory cortex n05488385 Broca's area, Broca's center, Broca's gyrus, Broca's convolution, convolution of Broca n05488615 Brodmann's area n05488750 frontal gyrus n05488909 temporal gyrus n05489070 parietal gyrus n05489231 occipital gyrus n05489394 language area, language zone n05489640 motor area, motor region, motor cortex, Rolando's area, excitable area n05489810 sensorium n05489998 sensorimotor area, sensorimotor region n05490204 visual area, visual cortex n05490370 Wernicke's area, Wernicke's center n05490578 cortex n05490799 medulla n05490983 adrenal cortex n05491154 renal cortex n05491308 adrenal medulla n05491461 corpus callosum n05491612 pyramidal tract, pyramidal motor system, corticospinal tract n05491993 cerebrum n05492259 fold, plica n05492426 gyrus, convolution n05492655 central gyrus n05492806 precentral gyrus n05493002 precordium n05493141 postcentral gyrus n05493303 lobe n05493650 lobule n05493758 frontal lobe, frontal cortex n05493992 prefrontal lobe, prefrontal cortex n05494130 parietal lobe, parietal cortex n05494365 occipital lobe, occipital cortex n05494617 striate cortex, striate area, first visual area, area 17 of Brodmann, Brodmann's area 17 n05494933 temporal lobe, temporal ccortex n05495172 medulla oblongata, medulla, bulb n05495571 amygdala, amygdaloid nucleus, corpus amygdaloideum n05495981 forebrain, prosencephalon n05496261 hippocampus n05496592 cingulate gyrus, gyrus cinguli n05496802 telencephalon n05496990 diencephalon, interbrain, betweenbrain, thalmencephalon n05497363 basal ganglion n05497741 caudate nucleus, caudate n05497922 claustrum n05498048 lenticular nucleus, lentiform nucleus n05498300 pallidum, globus pallidus, paleostriatum n05498460 putamen n05498581 subthalamic nucleus n05498773 limbic system, visceral brain, limbic brain n05499044 subthalamus n05499172 thalamus n05499379 hypothalamus n05499542 corpus striatum, striatum, striate body n05499828 midbrain, mesencephalon n05500006 substantia nigra, nucleus niger, locus niger n05500312 superior colliculus n05500465 inferior colliculus n05500594 hindbrain, rhombencephalon n05500812 myelencephalon n05500992 pons, pons Varolii n05501185 brainstem, brain-stem, brain stem n05501485 reticulum n05501711 neural network, neural net n05501932 nucleus n05502090 reticular formation, RF n05502375 reticular activating system, RAS n05502556 ventricle n05502855 fourth ventricle n05503009 third ventricle n05503196 lateral ventricle n05503401 cerebral aqueduct, Sylvian aqueduct, aqueductus cerebri n05503555 radiation n05503705 spinal cord, medulla spinalis n05504107 spinal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid n05504336 peripheral nervous system, systema nervosum periphericum n05504532 autonomic nervous system, ANS n05504807 radial nerve, nervus radialis, musculospiral nerve n05505131 sympathetic nervous system n05505479 splanchnic nerve n05505679 parasympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic n05506034 brachial plexus, plexus brachialis n05506229 cardiac plexus, plexus cardiacus n05506369 carotid plexus, plexus caroticus n05506507 cervical plexus, plexus cervicalis n05506648 choroid plexus, plexus choroideus n05506832 coccygeal plexus, plexus coccygeus n05506976 hypogastric plexus, plexus hypogastricus n05507109 lumbar plexus, plexus lumbalis n05507268 lumbar plexus, plexus lumbalis n05507427 lumbosacral plexus n05507642 mesenteric plexus, plexus mesentericus n05507756 myenteric plexus, plexus myentericus n05507977 periarterial plexus, plexus periarterialis n05508113 plexus dentalis n05508211 pterygoid plexus n05508403 pulmonary plexis, plexus pulmonalis n05508534 sacral plexus, plexus sacralis n05508735 solar plexus, coeliac plexus, plexus celiacus, abdominal nerve plexus n05508943 pit of the stomach, epigastric fossa n05509146 reproductive system, genital system n05509452 urogenital system, urogenital apparatus, urinary system, urinary apparatus, genitourinary system, genitourinary apparatus, systema urogenitale, apparatus urogenitalis n05509889 respiratory system, systema respiratorium n05510173 respiratory tract, airway n05510358 lower respiratory tract n05510506 upper respiratory tract n05510702 sensory system n05510907 tract n05511061 urinary tract n05511286 vascular system n05511618 circulatory system, cardiovascular system n05511975 fetal circulation, foetal circulation n05512139 bladder, vesica n05512337 urinary bladder n05512505 introitus n05512670 urethral orifice, external orifice n05512835 ureter n05513020 urethra n05513302 reproductive organ, sex organ n05513529 female reproductive system n05513807 male reproductive system n05514081 genitalia, genital organ, genitals, private parts, privates, crotch n05514272 pudendum n05514410 female genitalia, female genitals, female genital organ, fanny n05514717 female internal reproductive organ n05514905 male genitalia, male genitals, male genital organ, family jewels n05515157 male internal reproductive organ n05515287 ovary n05515545 ovotestis n05515670 sac n05516067 target organ n05516230 taret organ n05516366 acinus n05516554 bursa n05516711 cisterna, cistern n05516848 pouch, pocket n05517145 cheek pouch n05517268 marsupium n05517406 scrotum n05517578 vesicle, cyst n05517837 blister, bulla, bleb n05518094 follicle n05518257 hair follicle n05518449 Graafian follicle n05518614 corpus luteum n05518870 Fallopian tube, uterine tube, oviduct n05519085 uterus, womb n05519401 uterine cavity n05519559 cervical canal, canalis cervicis uteri n05519707 decidua n05519820 endometrium n05520168 myometrium n05520292 liposome n05520479 umbilical cord, umbilical n05520699 placenta n05520965 afterbirth n05521111 vagina n05521514 cunt, puss, pussy, slit, snatch, twat n05521636 vulva n05521934 hymen, maidenhead, virginal membrane n05522148 imperforate hymen n05522283 mons, mons veneris, mons pubis n05522456 labium n05522674 labia majora n05522784 pudendal cleft, urogenital cleft, rima pudendi, rima vulvae, pudendal cleavage, pudendal slit, vulvar slit n05522998 labia minora n05523108 vestibule of the vagina n05523269 erectile organ n05523420 clitoris, clit, button n05523629 Cowper's gland, bulbourethral gland n05523859 Bartholin's gland n05524062 cervical glands, cervical glands of the uterus, glandulae cervicales uteri n05524243 seminiferous tubule n05524430 gonad, sex gland n05524615 testis, testicle, orchis, ball, ballock, bollock, nut, egg n05525100 cobblers n05525252 male reproductive gland n05525391 undescended testis, undescended testicle n05525628 epididymis n05525807 rete testis n05525970 vasa efferentia n05526175 vas deferens, ductus deferens n05526384 penis, phallus, member n05526713 cock, prick, dick, shaft, pecker, peter, tool, putz n05526860 micropenis, microphallus n05526957 prepuce, foreskin n05527085 prepuce, foreskin n05527216 seminal duct n05527389 ejaculatory duct n05527597 seminal vesicle n05527848 spermatic cord n05528060 respiratory organ n05528245 book lung n05528395 alveolus, air sac, air cell n05528604 nasal cavity n05528854 nasopharynx n05529012 oropharynx n05529159 laryngopharynx n05529286 pharyngeal tonsil, adenoid, Luschka's tonsil, third tonsil, tonsilla pharyngealis, tonsilla adenoidea n05529729 larynx, voice box n05530092 arytenoid, arytaenoid, arytenoid cartilage n05530296 thyroid cartilage, Adam's apple n05530429 vocal cord, vocal fold, vocal band, plica vocalis n05530657 false vocal cord, false vocal fold, superior vocal cord, ventricular fold, vestibular fold n05530871 true vocal cord, true vocal fold, inferior vocal cord, inferior vocal fold n05531161 cartilaginous structure n05531379 cartilaginous tube n05531511 bronchus, bronchial tube n05531666 bronchiole n05531814 trachea, windpipe n05532050 trachea n05532225 alimentary canal, alimentary tract, digestive tube, digestive tract, gastrointestinal tract, GI tract n05532641 enteron n05532795 digestive gland n05532944 salivary gland n05533212 parotid gland n05533392 sublingual gland, sublingual salivary gland n05533635 submaxillary gland, submaxillary salivary gland, submandibular gland, submandibular salivary gland, mandibular gland n05533948 esophagus, oesophagus, gorge, gullet n05534174 epicardia n05534333 intestine, bowel, gut n05534578 hindgut n05534712 small intestine n05534955 duodenum n05535095 pylorus n05535247 jejunum n05535367 ileum n05535484 large intestine n05535869 colon n05536178 megacolon n05536370 cecum, caecum, blind gut n05536638 ileocecal valve n05536858 transverse colon n05537060 ascending colon n05537243 descending colon n05537417 sigmoid colon, sigmoid flexure n05537576 appendix, vermiform appendix, vermiform process, cecal appendage n05537806 rectum n05538016 anus n05538215 arse, arsehole, asshole, bunghole n05538338 imperforate anus n05538494 perineum n05538625 head, caput n05539012 poll n05539138 human head n05539370 bullethead n05539454 attic, bean, bonce, noodle, noggin, dome n05539595 pate, poll, crown n05539717 tonsure n05539834 epicranium n05539947 scalp n05540121 skull n05540407 calvaria, skullcap n05540513 cranium, braincase, brainpan n05540976 occiput n05541097 sinciput n05541231 frontal bone, os frontale, forehead n05541509 frontal eminence n05541645 parietal bone n05541872 occipital bone n05542052 occipital protuberance n05542193 mastoid, mastoid process, mastoid bone, mastoidal n05542416 styloid process n05542539 pterygoid process n05542686 tuberosity, tubercle, eminence n05542893 suture, sutura, fibrous joint n05543177 synovial joint, articulatio synovialis, diarthrosis n05543425 anterior fontanelle n05543541 sphenoid fontanelle, sphenoid fontanel, sphenoidal fontanelle, sphenoidal fontanel n05543917 coronal suture, sutura coronalis n05544078 frontal suture, sutura frontalis n05544264 intermaxillary suture, sutura intermaxillaris n05544432 internasal suture, sutura internasalis n05544575 lamboid suture, sutura lamboidea n05544725 occipitomastoid suture n05544906 parietomastoid suture n05545047 sagittal suture, interparietal suture, sutura sagittalis n05545212 fontanelle, fontanel, soft spot n05545439 foramen, hiatus n05545611 interventricular foramen, foramen of Monro, Monro's foramen n05545879 foramen magnum n05546040 jaw n05546298 chop n05546383 zygomatic process n05546540 neck, cervix n05546997 frill, ruff n05547149 frill n05547313 bull neck n05547396 nape, scruff, nucha n05547508 throat, pharynx n05547904 fauces n05548032 fistula, sinus n05548203 bypass n05548314 portacaval shunt n05548521 shunt n05548726 tubular cavity n05548840 shoulder n05549061 shoulder, shoulder joint, articulatio humeri n05549350 deltoid, deltoid muscle, musculus deltoideus n05549576 armpit, axilla, axillary cavity, axillary fossa n05549830 torso, trunk, body n05550330 serratus, serratus muscles n05550494 anterior serratus muscle, serratus anterior, musculus serratus anterior, serratus magnus n05550688 posterior serratus muscle, serratus posterior, musculus serratus posterior n05550908 serratus posterior inferior n05551142 serratus posterior superior n05551318 side n05551494 female chest, bust n05551617 male chest n05551711 pectoral, pectoral muscle, pectoralis, musculus pectoralis, pecs n05551939 pectoralis major, musculus pectoralis major, greater pectoral muscle n05552106 pectoralis minor, musculus pectoralis minor, smaller pectoral muscle n05552287 intercostal, intercostal muscle, musculus intercostalis n05552467 depressor, depressor muscle n05552607 thorax, chest, pectus n05553049 chest cavity, thoracic cavity n05553288 breast, chest n05553486 bosom n05553618 thorax n05553768 rib cage n05553897 cleavage n05554051 lactiferous duct n05554189 mammary gland, mamma n05554405 breast, bosom, knocker, boob, tit, titty n05554653 nipple, mammilla, mamilla, pap, teat, tit n05554804 areola, ring of color n05555017 areola n05555167 nabothian gland n05555294 vestibular gland n05555473 middle, midriff, midsection n05555688 waist, waistline n05555840 wasp waist n05555917 belly, paunch n05556071 pot, potbelly, bay window, corporation, tummy n05556204 spare tire, love handle n05556325 hip n05556472 haunch n05556595 navel, umbilicus, bellybutton, belly button, omphalos, omphalus n05556943 abdomen, venter, stomach, belly n05557339 abdominal, abdominal muscle, ab n05557500 dorsum n05557723 underbelly, underbody n05557839 external oblique muscle, musculus obliquus externus abdominis, abdominal external oblique muscle, oblique n05558078 transversus abdominis muscle, transverse muscle of abdomen, musculus transversalis abdominis, transversus abdominis n05558345 abdominal cavity, abdomen n05558555 pubes, pubic region, loins n05558717 back, dorsum n05559023 small n05559122 latissimus dorsi, lat n05559256 buttocks, nates, arse, butt, backside, bum, buns, can, fundament, hindquarters, hind end, keister, posterior, prat, rear, rear end, rump, stern, seat, tail, tail end, tooshie, tush, bottom, behind, derriere, fanny, ass n05559727 buttock, cheek n05559908 extremity, appendage, member n05560244 limb n05560631 stump n05560787 leg n05561390 crus n05561507 leg n05561707 pin, peg, stick n05561834 bowleg, bow leg, bandyleg, bandy leg, genu varum, tibia vara n05562015 shank's mare, shanks' mare, shank's pony, shanks' pony n05562161 spindlelegs, spindleshanks n05562249 thigh n05562595 lap n05562756 shank n05562902 shin n05563034 vertebrate foot, pedal extremity n05563266 foot, human foot, pes n05563770 arm n05564229 cubitus n05564323 forearm n05564590 hand, manus, mitt, paw n05565064 fist, clenched fist n05565192 hooks, meat hooks, maulers n05565337 right, right hand n05565548 left, left hand n05565696 palm, thenar n05565937 thenar n05566097 digit, dactyl n05566366 minimus n05566504 finger n05566919 extremity n05567117 fingertip n05567217 thumb, pollex n05567381 index, index finger, forefinger n05567489 ring finger, annualry n05567604 middle finger n05567727 little finger, pinkie, pinky n05567875 sciatic nerve, nervus ischiadicus n05568104 femoral nerve, nervus femoralis, anterior crural nerve n05568349 saphenous nerve, nervus saphenus n05568550 phrenic nerve, nervus phrenicus n05568767 ulnar nerve, cubital nerve, nervus ulnaris n05569053 spinal nerve, nervus spinalis n05569427 cervical nerve n05569577 coccygeal nerve, nervus coccygeus n05569690 lumbar nerve n05569835 sacral nerve n05569979 thoracic nerve n05570129 gluteus, gluteus muscle, gluteal muscle, glute n05570396 gluteus maximus n05570500 gluteus medius n05570600 gluteus minimus n05570704 hamstring, hamstring tendon n05570839 sphincter, anatomical sphincter, sphincter muscle n05571132 cardiac sphincter n05571341 esophagogastric junction, oesophagogastric junction n05571501 physiological sphincter n05571713 anal sphincter, sphincter ani, musculus sphincter ani n05571904 musculus sphincter ani externus n05572057 musculus sphincter ani internus n05572227 urethral sphincter, musculus sphincter urethrae n05572396 bladder sphincter, musculus sphincter vesicae n05572629 musculus sphincter ductus choledochi n05572782 musculus sphincter ductus pancreatici n05572940 pupillary sphincter, musculus sphincter pupillae n05573099 pyloric sphincter, pyloric valve, musculus sphincter pylori n05573306 tensor n05573474 tensor tympani n05573602 knee, knee joint, human knee, articulatio genus, genu n05573895 femur, thighbone, femoris n05574151 trochanter n05574332 calf, sura n05574519 mid-calf n05574633 gastrocnemius, gastrocnemius muscle n05574862 psoas n05575002 rhomboid, rhomboid muscle n05575185 rhomboideus major muscle, greater rhomboid muscle, musculus rhomboideus major n05575374 rhomboid minor muscle, lesser rhomboid muscle, musculus rhomboideus minor n05575582 soleus, soleus muscle n05575743 splenius, splenius muscle n05575960 peroneus n05576074 pterygoid muscle n05576194 ball n05576421 flatfoot, splayfoot, pes planus n05576573 arch n05576827 metatarsal arch n05576950 instep n05577060 sunken arch, fallen arch n05577190 sole n05577304 tiptoe n05577410 toe n05577654 toe n05577741 big toe, great toe, hallux n05577866 hammertoe n05577969 little toe n05578095 heel n05578251 gliding joint, articulatio plana n05578442 ankle, ankle joint, mortise joint, articulatio talocruralis n05578740 Achilles tendon, tendon of Achilles n05578911 girdle n05579053 musculus biceps femoris, femoral biceps n05579239 biceps n05579436 biceps brachii, musculus biceps brachii, biceps humeri n05579604 triceps n05579753 triceps brachii, musculus triceps brachii n05579944 elbow, elbow joint, human elbow, cubitus, cubital joint, articulatio cubiti n05580286 interphalangeal joint n05580416 hinge joint, ginglymus, ginglymoid joint n05580662 funny bone, crazy bone n05580929 lamina n05581161 lamina arcus vertebrae n05581349 plate n05581514 horny structure, unguis n05581693 nail n05581932 cuticle n05582038 half-moon, lunula, lunule n05582191 matrix n05582305 matrix, intercellular substance, ground substance n05582513 fascia, facia n05582690 aponeurosis n05582859 graft, transplant n05583158 autograft, autoplasty n05583386 homograft, allograft n05583624 heterograft, xenograft n05583822 scar tissue n05584008 adhesion n05584152 stroma n05584265 fingernail n05584390 thumbnail n05584486 toenail n05584605 ingrown toenail, onyxis n05584746 hangnail, agnail n05584928 wrist, carpus, wrist joint, radiocarpal joint, articulatio radiocarpea n05585205 knuckle, knuckle joint, metacarpophalangeal joint n05585383 skeletal system, skeleton, frame, systema skeletale n05585665 skeletal structure n05585999 column n05586111 pectoral girdle n05586280 shoulder girdle, pectoral arch n05586446 endoskeleton n05586759 exoskeleton n05587034 appendicular skeleton n05587288 axial skeleton n05587531 axial muscle n05587628 transverse process n05587814 hemal arch, haemal arch n05587997 neural arch, vertebral arch n05588174 spinal column, vertebral column, spine, backbone, back, rachis n05588551 cervical vertebra, neck bone n05588746 atlas, atlas vertebra n05588840 axis, axis vertebra n05588991 odontoid process n05589132 thoracic vertebra, dorsal vertebra n05589378 lumbar vertebra n05589596 sacral vertebra n05589756 coccygeal vertebra, caudal vertebra n05589896 sartorius, sartorius muscle, musculus sartorius n05590144 scalenus, scalene muscle, musculus scalenus n05590366 sternocleidomastoid, sternocleidomastoid muscle, sternocleido mastoideus, musculus sternocleidomastoideus n05590740 teres, teres muscle n05590939 teres major, teres major muscle, musculus teres major n05591096 teres minor, teres minor muscle, musculus teres minor n05591256 tibialis, tibialis muscle, musculus tibialis n05591503 tibialis anticus, tibialis anterior n05591661 tibialis posticus, tibialis posterior n05591770 trapezius, trapezius muscle, cowl muscle, musculus trapezius n05591999 true rib n05592126 costa n05592302 costal cartilage n05592504 epiphysis n05592733 diaphysis, shaft n05592870 metaphysis n05593017 arm bone n05593181 humerus n05593318 radius n05593476 ulna, elbow bone n05593654 olecranon, olecranon process n05593871 metacarpus n05594037 leg bone n05594201 fibula, calf bone n05594367 tibia, shinbone, shin bone, shin n05594568 metatarsus n05594822 tarsus n05595083 joint, articulation, articulatio n05595531 ball-and-socket joint, spheroid joint, cotyloid joint, enarthrodial joint, enarthrosis, articulatio spheroidea n05595837 head n05596004 hip, hip joint, coxa, articulatio coxae n05596224 acetabulum, cotyloid cavity n05596442 pelvis, renal pelvis n05596651 pelvis, pelvic girdle, pelvic arch, hip n05597050 pelvic cavity n05597188 pivot joint, rotary joint, rotatory joint, articulatio trochoidea n05597436 crotch, fork n05597594 loins n05597734 groin, inguen n05597980 quick n05598147 nose, olfactory organ n05598707 beak, honker, hooter, nozzle, snoot, snout, schnozzle, schnoz n05598868 conk n05598982 hawk nose n05599084 proboscis n05599203 bridge n05599398 pug nose n05599501 Roman nose, hooknose n05599617 chin, mentum n05599769 double chin, buccula n05599874 dimple n05600030 lantern jaw n05600109 nostril, anterior naris n05600270 posterior naris n05600431 naris n05600637 face, human face n05601198 face n05601357 countenance, physiognomy, phiz, visage, kisser, smiler, mug n05601662 pudding face, pudding-face n05601758 feature, lineament n05602132 facial muscle n05602304 temporalis muscle, temporal muscle, temporalis, musculus temporalis n05602548 brow, forehead n05602683 temple n05602835 cheek n05602982 jowl n05603160 jaw n05603342 ridge n05603475 supraorbital ridge, supraorbital torus, superciliary ridge, superciliary arch n05603650 excrescence n05603854 vegetation n05604022 rudiment n05604254 wall, paries n05604434 abdominal wall n05604535 humor, humour n05604854 pericardial sac n05604950 rotator cuff n05605192 respiratory center n05605498 spindle n05605762 syncytium n05605944 serous membrane, serosa n05606247 synovial membrane, synovium n05606429 tunica albuginea testes n05606528 albuginea n05606633 tunic, tunica, adventitia n05606801 celom, coelom, celoma n05607001 cornu n05607126 corona n05607271 ruga n05607402 tentorium n05607602 mast cell, mastocyte, labrocyte n05607863 stem cell n05608044 hematopoeitic stem cell n05608206 target cell n05608419 McBurney's point n05608615 zona pellucida n05608868 receptor n05609111 alpha receptor, alpha-adrenergic receptor, alpha-adrenoceptor n05609524 beta receptor, beta-adrenergic receptor, beta-adrenoceptor n05609884 pharyngeal recess n05610008 rima n05610198 rima glottidis, rima vocalis, true glottis, glottis vera n05610365 rima vestibuli, rima respiratoria, false glottis, glottis spuria n05610520 telomere n05610734 vomer n05610919 Wormian bone, sutural bone n05611062 zone, zona n05611221 zonule, zonula n05611302 mind, head, brain, psyche, nous n05611684 noddle n05611822 place n05612067 public knowledge, general knowledge n05612241 common knowledge n05612358 episteme n05612531 ancient history n05612706 light n05612809 open, surface n05613043 tabula rasa n05613170 ego n05613274 unconscious mind, unconscious n05613478 subconscious mind, subconscious n05613625 superego n05613794 id n05613962 astuteness, profundity, profoundness, depth, deepness n05614175 sagacity, sagaciousness, judgment, judgement, discernment n05614476 eye n05614657 common sense, good sense, gumption, horse sense, sense, mother wit n05615028 logic n05615147 nous n05615258 road sense n05615373 judiciousness n05615500 discretion, discreetness, circumspection, prudence n05615749 confidentiality n05615869 caution, precaution, care, forethought n05616092 injudiciousness, indiscreetness n05616246 ability, power n05616786 know-how n05616955 bag of tricks n05617107 wisdom, sapience n05617310 leadership n05617467 generalship n05617606 intelligence n05618056 brain, brainpower, learning ability, mental capacity, mentality, wit n05618293 breadth, comprehensiveness, largeness n05618607 capaciousness, roominess n05618849 mind, intellect n05619059 nonverbal intelligence n05619226 verbal intelligence n05619345 mental quickness, quickness, quick-wittedness n05619553 nimbleness, mental dexterity n05619743 brilliance, genius n05619903 coruscation n05620050 pyrotechnics n05620190 scintillation n05620294 precociousness, precocity n05620468 acuteness, acuity, sharpness, keenness n05620754 steel trap n05620955 brightness, cleverness, smartness n05621178 craft, craftiness, cunning, foxiness, guile, slyness, wiliness n05621439 shrewdness, astuteness, perspicacity, perspicaciousness n05621808 insightfulness, acumen n05621946 knowingness n05622076 street smarts n05622196 wits, marbles n05622456 aptitude n05622617 bilingualism n05622723 instinct, inherent aptitude n05622956 capacity, mental ability n05623181 capability, capableness, potentiality n05623444 perfectibility n05623628 compass, range, reach, grasp n05623818 sight, ken n05623937 natural ability n05624042 endowment, gift, talent, natural endowment n05624254 bent, knack, hang n05624461 flair, genius n05624615 raw talent n05624700 creativity, creativeness, creative thinking n05625066 fecundity, fruitfulness n05625210 flight n05625373 genius, wizardry n05625465 imagination, imaginativeness, vision n05625879 imaginary place, mythical place, fictitious place n05626524 afterworld n05626618 Annwfn, Annwn n05626767 Asgard n05626929 Atlantis n05627083 Brobdingnag n05627222 cloud-cuckoo-land n05627385 Cockaigne n05627514 El Dorado, eldorado n05627682 fairyland, faerie, faery n05627785 Heaven n05628031 Abraham's bosom, bosom of Abraham n05628193 Celestial City, City of God, Heavenly City, Holy City n05628403 Elysium, Elysian Fields n05628565 Elysium n05628658 Eden, Garden of Eden n05628939 Paradise n05629104 Promised Land n05629204 Valhalla, Walhalla n05629381 Hell, Hades, infernal region, netherworld, Scheol, underworld n05629682 Hell, perdition, Inferno, infernal region, nether region, pit n05630145 Houyhnhnms n05630277 Gehenna, Tartarus n05630409 hellfire, red region n05630539 Laputa n05630734 Lilliput n05630874 limbo n05631076 limbo n05631175 Midgard n05631304 never-never land, dreamland, dreamworld n05631449 purgatory n05631681 Ruritania n05631841 spirit world n05632056 Utopia, Zion, Sion n05632175 wonderland n05632272 fancy n05632446 fantasy, phantasy n05632732 pipe dream, dream n05632927 fantasy life, phantasy life n05633044 fantasy world, phantasy world, fairyland n05633228 paracosm n05633385 invention, innovation, excogitation, conception, design n05633672 inventiveness, ingeniousness, ingenuity, cleverness n05633860 resource, resourcefulness, imagination n05634059 armory, armoury, inventory n05634219 concoction n05634457 contrivance n05634613 originality n05634767 innovativeness n05634910 unconventionality n05635055 novelty, freshness n05635188 aviation, airmanship n05635321 eristic n05635448 falconry n05635624 fortification n05635764 homiletics n05635841 horology n05635970 minstrelsy n05636048 musicianship n05636171 enology, oenology n05636294 puppetry n05636402 taxidermy n05636554 telescopy n05636666 ventriloquism, ventriloquy n05636887 skill, science n05637106 nose n05637222 virtuosity n05637356 bravura n05637558 skill, accomplishment, acquirement, acquisition, attainment n05637965 hand n05638063 craft, craftsmanship, workmanship n05638374 horsemanship n05638486 literacy n05638606 marksmanship n05638700 mastership n05638778 mixology n05638882 superior skill n05638987 art, artistry, prowess n05639431 numeracy n05639556 oarsmanship n05639651 salesmanship n05639832 seamanship n05639941 boatmanship n05640040 showmanship n05640184 soldiering, soldiership n05640339 swordsmanship n05640433 skillfulness n05640729 expertness, expertise n05640924 handiness n05641089 professionalism n05641205 sophistication n05641432 coordination n05641556 coordination n05641720 incoordination n05641834 versatility n05641959 command, control, mastery n05642175 adeptness, adroitness, deftness, facility, quickness n05642553 touch n05642678 finishing touch, capstone, copestone n05642815 dexterity, manual dexterity, sleight n05642947 fluency n05643072 disfluency n05643190 proficiency, technique n05643491 brushwork n05643611 musketry n05643722 housecraft n05643807 priestcraft n05643908 stagecraft n05644016 tradecraft n05644334 watercraft n05644423 woodcraft n05644527 efficiency n05644727 economy n05644922 inability n05645199 block, mental block n05645465 writer's block n05645597 stupidity n05645854 denseness, dumbness, slow-wittedness n05646039 dullness, obtuseness n05646218 retardation, mental retardation, backwardness, slowness, subnormality n05646535 abnormality, mental defectiveness n05646723 feeblemindedness n05646828 moronity, mental deficiency n05646926 idiocy, amentia n05647015 imbecility n05647156 folly, foolishness, craziness, madness n05647451 vacuousness n05647643 inaptitude n05647772 talentlessness n05647867 incapability, incapableness n05648011 imperfectibility n05648146 incapacity n05648247 unskillfulness n05648459 awkwardness, clumsiness, ineptness, ineptitude, maladroitness, slowness n05648756 rustiness n05648953 inefficiency n05649116 amateurishness n05649256 illiteracy, analphabetism n05649385 uncreativeness n05649538 fruitlessness n05649628 unoriginality n05649785 triteness, staleness n05649960 camp n05650180 conventionality n05650329 faculty, mental faculty, module n05650579 attention n05650820 language, speech n05651068 lexis n05651242 vocabulary, lexicon, mental lexicon n05651399 memory, retention, retentiveness, retentivity n05651680 reason, understanding, intellect n05651971 sense, sensation, sentience, sentiency, sensory faculty n05652396 modality, sense modality, sensory system n05652593 volition, will n05652843 velleity n05652926 sensitivity, sensitiveness, sensibility n05653327 acuteness n05653475 hypersensitivity n05653575 responsiveness, reactivity n05653710 excitability, irritability n05653848 exteroception n05654052 interoception n05654201 photosensitivity, radiosensitivity n05654362 sight, vision, visual sense, visual modality n05654783 stigmatism n05654873 somatosense n05655119 touch, sense of touch, skin senses, touch modality, cutaneous senses n05655482 achromatic vision n05655567 acuity, visual acuity, sharp-sightedness n05655810 twenty-twenty, 20/20 n05655966 oxyopia n05656042 binocular vision n05656160 central vision n05656294 color vision, chromatic vision, trichromacy n05656418 distance vision n05656537 eyesight, seeing, sightedness n05656722 foveal vision n05656803 monocular vision n05656890 near vision n05656997 night vision, night-sight, scotopic vision, twilight vision n05657166 daylight vision, photopic vision n05657373 peripheral vision n05657515 stereoscopic vision, stereoscopy n05657718 hearing, audition, auditory sense, sense of hearing, auditory modality n05657999 ear n05658106 absolute pitch, perfect pitch n05658226 taste, gustation, sense of taste, gustatory modality n05658603 smell, sense of smell, olfaction, olfactory modality n05658826 nose n05658985 kinesthesis, kinaesthesis, kinesthesia, kinaesthesia, kinesthetics, muscle sense, sense of movement n05659260 kinanesthesia n05659365 equilibrium, labyrinthine sense, vestibular sense, sense of balance, sense of equilibrium n05659621 proprioception n05659856 somesthesia, somesthesis, somaesthesia, somaesthesis, somatesthesia, somataesthesis, somatosensory system, somatic sensory system, somatic sense n05660268 method n05660631 scientific method n05660801 experimental method n05660937 teaching method, pedagogics, pedagogy n05661118 Socratic method, maieutic method n05661294 method of choice n05661400 methodology n05661551 mnemonics n05661668 solution n05661825 silver bullet n05661996 system, system of rules n05662532 accounting n05662876 discipline n05663104 frame of reference, frame n05663275 vocabulary n05663491 gambling system n05663671 government n05663878 honor system n05664069 logic, logical system, system of logic n05664344 Aristotelian logic n05664487 merit system n05664640 point system n05664803 spoils system n05664986 organon n05665146 technique n05665421 antialiasing n05665625 Benday process n05665769 bonding n05665984 emulation n05666176 terminal emulation n05666324 immunofluorescence n05666530 photomechanics n05666700 simulation, computer simulation n05667086 technicolor n05667196 practice n05667404 custom, tradition n05667613 convention, normal, pattern, rule, formula n05667951 mores n05668095 code of conduct, code of behavior n05668359 universal n05668581 courtly love n05668725 knight errantry n05668915 protocol n05669034 habit, wont n05669181 Hadith n05669350 institution n05669618 levirate n05669797 heritage n05669934 cognitive state, state of mind n05670343 enthusiasm n05670512 Anglomania n05670615 balletomania n05670710 concern n05670972 worldly concern, earthly concern, world, earth n05671217 interestedness n05671325 matter, affair, thing n05671526 least n05671676 personal business, personal matters, affairs n05671842 dirty linen, dirty laundry n05671974 part n05672178 point of honor n05672286 cult of personality n05672391 amnesia, memory loss, blackout n05672698 paramnesia n05672862 anterograde amnesia, posttraumatic amnesia n05673088 retrograde amnesia n05673209 forgetfulness n05673323 senior moment n05673439 selective amnesia n05673710 posthypnotic amnesia n05673908 forgetfulness n05674134 obliviousness, oblivion n05674319 transient global amnesia n05674584 set, readiness n05674927 ivory tower n05675130 consciousness n05675437 stream of consciousness n05675601 self, ego n05675715 anima n05675905 awareness, consciousness, cognizance, cognisance, knowingness n05676476 incognizance n05676605 self-awareness n05676755 orientation n05676911 self-consciousness n05677097 unselfconsciousness n05677340 feel n05677504 sense n05677744 sense of direction n05677850 sense of responsibility n05677952 awareness, sentience n05678148 sensibility, esthesia, aesthesia n05678300 waking n05678474 wakefulness n05678745 arousal n05678855 vigil n05678932 unconsciousness n05679305 automatic pilot, autopilot n05679611 unknowingness, unawareness n05679800 blackout n05679906 grogginess, stupor, stupefaction, semiconsciousness n05680193 coma, comatoseness n05680423 diabetic coma, Kussmaul's coma n05680573 hepatic coma n05680684 electrosleep n05680839 semicoma n05680982 insensibility n05681117 sleeping n05681252 hebetude n05681334 trance n05681543 semitrance n05681701 hypnotic trance n05681855 religious trance, ecstatic state n05682055 narcosis n05682196 nitrogen narcosis n05682431 subconsciousness n05682570 curiosity, wonder n05682798 desire to know, lust for learning, thirst for knowledge n05682950 interest, involvement n05683197 curiousness, inquisitiveness n05683390 nosiness, prying, snoopiness n05683582 confusion, mental confusion, confusedness, muddiness, disarray n05684003 disorientation n05684249 culture shock n05684440 distraction n05684561 daze, fog, haze n05684739 half-cock n05684839 jamais vu n05685030 bewilderment, obfuscation, puzzlement, befuddlement, mystification, bafflement, bemusement n05685363 perplexity n05685538 mystery, enigma, secret, closed book n05685879 tangle, snarl, maze n05686086 dilemma, quandary n05686272 double bind n05686481 cognitive factor n05686690 divine guidance, inspiration n05686955 difficulty n05687338 trouble, problem n05687654 pressure point n05687832 can of worms n05687958 deep water n05688030 growing pains n05688169 hydra n05688397 matter n05688486 facer n05688630 killer n05688770 kink n05688907 pisser n05688990 pitfall, booby trap n05689109 snorter n05689249 hindrance, hinderance, deterrent, impediment, balk, baulk, check, handicap n05689645 albatross, millstone n05689801 bind n05689909 diriment impediment n05690091 drag n05690269 obstacle, obstruction n05690684 straitjacket n05690916 barrier, roadblock n05691144 hang-up, hitch, rub, snag n05691241 hurdle n05691376 stymie, stymy n05691492 ideological barrier n05691689 iron curtain n05691963 language barrier n05692094 bamboo curtain n05692234 color bar, colour bar, color line, colour line, Jim Crow n05692419 determinant, determiner, determinative, determining factor, causal factor n05692758 clincher, decisive factor n05692910 influence n05693206 imponderable n05693383 imprint n05693537 morale builder n05693669 pestilence, canker n05693919 support n05694232 anchor, mainstay, keystone, backbone, linchpin, lynchpin n05694527 lifeline n05694791 temptation, enticement n05695002 forbidden fruit n05695232 bait, come-on, hook, lure, sweetener n05695446 allurement n05695554 equivalent n05695806 counterpart, opposite number, vis-a-vis n05696020 match n05696199 mismatch n05696297 complement n05696425 substitute, replacement n05696701 ersatz n05696803 successor n05696941 succedaneum n05697135 certainty n05697363 assurance, self-assurance, confidence, self-confidence, authority, sureness n05697789 certitude, cocksureness, overconfidence n05697976 reliance, trust n05698247 doubt, uncertainty, incertitude, dubiety, doubtfulness, dubiousness n05698620 mental reservation, reservation, arriere pensee n05698791 misgiving, mistrust, distrust, suspicion n05698982 incredulity, disbelief, skepticism, mental rejection n05699172 indecision, indecisiveness, irresolution n05699434 hesitation, vacillation, wavering n05699600 peradventure n05699770 suspense n05699906 morbidity, morbidness n05700087 preoccupation, preoccupancy, absorption, engrossment n05700401 obsession, fixation n05700625 abstractedness, abstraction n05700793 reverie, revery n05700925 dream n05701107 brown study n05701209 absentmindedness n05701363 process, cognitive process, mental process, operation, cognitive operation n05701738 process, unconscious process n05701944 basic cognitive process n05702275 attention, attending n05702602 attention span n05702726 attentiveness, heed, regard, paying attention n05703070 clock-watching n05703205 ear n05703307 eye n05703429 notice, observation, observance n05703803 notice n05703956 mind n05704096 advertence, advertency n05704266 concentration, engrossment, absorption, immersion n05704550 mental note n05704694 focus, focusing, focussing, focal point, direction, centering n05705075 particularism n05705184 specialism n05705355 study n05705484 hang-up n05705583 hobbyhorse n05705722 watchfulness, wakefulness, vigilance, alertness n05706076 jealousy n05706228 inattention n05706375 inattentiveness, heedlessness n05706547 distraction n05706629 disregard, neglect n05706815 oversight, inadvertence n05706954 omission n05707146 pretermission n05707269 exception, exclusion, elision n05707495 intuition n05707718 feeling, intuitive feeling n05707885 sprachgefuhl n05708030 gnosis n05708207 insight, sixth sense n05708322 immediacy, immediate apprehension n05708432 perception n05708658 apperception n05708818 constancy, perceptual constancy n05709148 brightness constancy n05709343 color constancy, colour constancy n05709507 shape constancy n05709766 size constancy n05710020 perception n05710210 discernment, perceptiveness n05710356 penetration, insight n05710481 cognizance n05710573 remark n05710687 detection, sensing n05710860 visual perception, beholding, seeing n05711084 contrast n05711206 face recognition n05711308 object recognition n05711414 visual space n05711503 auditory perception, sound perception n05711674 speech perception n05711791 musical perception n05711915 melody, tonal pattern n05712076 sensation, esthesis, aesthesis, sense experience, sense impression, sense datum n05712426 threshold, limen n05712559 absolute threshold n05712698 pain threshold n05712892 difference threshold, differential threshold, difference limen, differential limen n05713101 just-noticeable difference, jnd n05713347 masking n05713524 vision, visual sensation n05713737 smell, odor, odour, olfactory sensation, olfactory perception n05714161 scent n05714332 musk n05714466 aroma, fragrance, perfume, scent n05714745 incense n05714894 malodor, malodour, stench, stink, reek, fetor, foetor, mephitis n05715150 niff, pong n05715283 taste, taste sensation, gustatory sensation, taste perception, gustatory perception n05715864 relish, flavor, flavour, sapidity, savor, savour, smack, nip, tang n05716342 lemon n05716462 vanilla n05716577 sweet, sweetness, sugariness n05716744 sour, sourness, tartness n05716961 acidity, acidulousness n05717115 bitter, bitterness n05717266 acridity n05717342 salt, saltiness, salinity n05717549 astringency, astringence n05717747 finish n05717953 flatness n05718118 mellowness n05718254 sound, auditory sensation n05718556 music, euphony n05718935 music n05719325 piano music n05719466 music of the spheres n05719605 tone, pure tone n05719804 harmonic n05719958 fundamental, fundamental frequency, first harmonic n05720093 overtone, partial, partial tone n05720248 noise, dissonance, racket n05720521 dub n05720602 synesthesia, synaesthesia n05720826 chromesthesia, chromaesthesia n05721019 colored hearing, colored audition n05721180 somesthesia, somaesthesia, somatesthesia, somatic sensation n05721500 feeling n05721728 constriction, tightness n05721990 tactual sensation, tactility, touch perception, skin perceptiveness n05722208 kinesthesia, kinaesthesia, feeling of movement n05722427 touch, touch sensation, tactual sensation, tactile sensation, feeling n05722754 pins and needles n05722868 prickling, tingle, tingling n05723080 creepiness n05723210 cutaneous sensation, haptic sensation, skin sensation n05723417 tickle n05723563 itch, itchiness, itching n05723811 pruritus n05724019 pruritus ani n05724121 pruritus vulvae n05724234 topognosia, topognosis n05724357 urtication n05724475 pressure, pressure sensation n05724694 pain, pain sensation, painful sensation n05724965 mittelschmerz n05725137 phantom limb pain n05725269 twinge n05725378 temperature n05725527 heat, warmth n05725676 cold, coldness n05725879 comfort zone n05726093 believing n05726237 doublethink n05726345 structure n05726596 arrangement, organization, organisation, system n05727220 classification system n05727427 Dewey decimal classification, Dewey decimal system, decimal system of classification n05727808 contrivance n05728024 coordinate system, frame of reference, reference system, reference frame n05728271 Cartesian coordinate system n05728493 data structure n05728678 design, plan n05729036 distribution, statistical distribution n05729362 equidistribution n05729483 genetic map n05729609 kinship system n05729875 lattice n05730046 living arrangement n05730163 redundancy n05730365 topology, network topology n05730591 bus topology, bus n05730724 loop topology, loop n05730930 star topology, star n05731062 mesh topology, mesh n05731223 physical topology n05731405 logical topology n05731568 unitization, unitisation, chunking n05731779 configuration, constellation n05732086 space lattice, crystal lattice, Bravais lattice n05732273 hierarchical structure, hierarchical data structure n05732446 hierarchical classification system n05732614 file system, filing system n05732756 classification, categorization, categorisation, sorting n05733090 grouping, pigeonholing n05733221 rating system, scoring system n05733361 ABO blood group system, ABO system, ABO group n05733583 appraisal, assessment n05733864 critical appraisal, critical analysis n05734018 criticism, critique n05734288 examen n05734381 knock, roast n05734477 self-criticism n05734559 attribution, ascription n05734909 attribution, ascription n05735145 zoomorphism n05735256 animatism n05735478 imputation n05735680 externalization, externalisation n05735789 cross-classification, cross-division n05736002 subsumption n05736149 evaluation, valuation, rating n05736468 overvaluation n05736593 undervaluation n05736736 pricing n05736893 price gouging n05737025 reevaluation n05737153 mark, grade, score n05737532 grade point n05737752 percentile, centile n05737982 decile n05738204 quartile n05738404 bond rating n05738625 assay, check n05738894 countercheck, double check n05739043 diagnostic test, diagnostic assay n05739400 Apgar score n05739613 agglutination test n05739965 heterophil test n05740162 Widal test, Widal's test n05740300 bioassay, bio-assay n05740560 immunoassay, immunochemical assay n05740804 radioimmunoassay n05740929 biopsy n05741139 cloze procedure, cloze test n05741340 fecal occult test, faecal occult test, stool test n05741578 GI series n05741765 glucose tolerance test n05741949 complement fixation test n05742241 Wassermann test, Wasserman reaction, Wassermann n05742551 blood test n05742703 PSA blood test n05742962 chorionic villus sampling, chorionic villus biopsy n05743174 needle biopsy n05743296 Pap test, Papanicolaou test, smear test n05743496 paternity test n05743770 PKU test n05743870 pregnancy test n05744010 Friedman test, rabbit test n05744288 Queckenstedt's test n05744421 radioactive iodine test n05744620 radioactive iodine excretion test n05744792 radioactive iodine uptake test, RAIU n05744976 Rubin test n05745098 skin test n05745369 Dick test n05745486 patch test n05745648 Schick test n05745744 scratch test n05745907 tuberculin test, tuberculin skin test n05746163 Mantoux test n05746424 tine test n05746708 intradermal test, subcutaneous test n05746868 tissue typing n05747056 Snellen test n05747160 stress test n05747322 treadmill test n05747495 acid test n05747582 reappraisal, revaluation, review, reassessment n05747815 stocktaking, stock-taking n05747937 underevaluation n05748054 discrimination, secernment n05748285 differentiation, distinction n05748614 contradistinction n05748786 line, dividing line, demarcation, contrast n05749042 Rubicon, point of no return n05749210 hairsplitting, word-splitting n05749402 individualization, individualisation, individuation n05749619 taste, appreciation, discernment, perceptiveness n05750027 virtu, vertu, connoisseurship n05750163 vogue, trend, style n05750471 New Look n05750657 fashion n05750948 cut n05751063 haute couture, high fashion, high style n05751173 fad, craze, furor, furore, cult, rage n05751430 retro n05751533 bandwagon n05751707 delicacy, discretion n05751794 culture n05752020 counterculture n05752179 mass culture n05752296 flower power n05752422 letters n05752544 learning, acquisition n05752921 conditioning n05753207 developmental learning n05753379 digestion n05753564 education n05753954 internalization, internalisation, incorporation n05754197 introjection n05754519 introjection n05754730 imprinting n05754899 language learning n05755007 audio lingual acquisition n05755156 memorization, memorisation, committal to memory n05755393 rote, rote learning n05755486 accommodation n05755714 assimilation n05755883 study, work n05756203 transfer, transfer of training, carry-over n05756414 generalization, generalisation, stimulus generalization, stimulus generalisation n05756698 irradiation n05756888 physical education n05757049 acculturation, assimilation n05757234 mastering n05757423 self-education, self-cultivation n05757536 school, schooling n05757731 special education n05757902 vocational training, vocational education n05758059 experience n05758382 familiarization, familiarisation n05758548 woodcraft n05758692 extinction, experimental extinction n05758907 aversive conditioning n05759017 conditioned emotional response, CER, conditioned emotion n05759182 classical conditioning n05759487 instrumental conditioning n05759696 operant conditioning n05759949 counter conditioning n05760202 memory, remembering n05760611 short-term memory, STM, immediate memory n05760751 working memory n05760877 long-term memory, LTM n05761044 episodic memory, personal memory n05761160 semantic memory n05761277 motor memory, muscle memory n05761380 retrieval n05761559 recall, recollection, reminiscence n05761918 remembrance, recollection, anamnesis n05762149 mind n05762258 reconstruction, reconstructive memory n05762483 reproduction, reproductive memory n05762671 regurgitation n05762848 reminiscence n05762998 recognition, identification n05763412 identity n05763767 speaker identification, talker identification n05763916 association, connection, connexion n05764197 colligation n05764365 overlap, convergence, intersection n05764613 crossroads n05764779 interface n05764973 retrospection n05765159 representational process n05765415 symbol, symbolization, symbolisation, symbolic representation n05765901 typification, exemplification n05766077 picture n05766247 interpretation, interpreting, rendition, rendering n05766698 broad interpretation, judicial activism n05766984 depicting, depiction, portraying, portrayal n05767245 mirror n05767386 anthropomorphism, theanthropism n05767580 theanthropism n05767733 imagination, imaging, imagery, mental imagery n05768107 mind's eye n05768252 vision n05768415 picturing, envisioning n05768553 dream, dreaming n05768806 dream, dreaming n05769062 nightmare n05769156 wet dream n05769314 chimera, chimaera n05769471 reverie, revery, daydream, daydreaming, oneirism, air castle, castle in the air, castle in Spain n05769726 woolgathering n05769833 evocation n05769930 pretense, pretence, make-believe n05770058 search n05770257 hunt n05770391 pursuit, pursuance, quest n05770664 higher cognitive process n05770926 thinking, thought, thought process, cerebration, intellection, mentation n05771532 free association n05771679 suggestion n05771836 construction, mental synthesis n05772044 crystallization n05772215 gestation n05772356 reasoning, logical thinking, abstract thought n05772667 analysis, analytic thinking n05773049 argumentation, logical argument, argument, line of reasoning, line n05773407 line of thought n05773548 train of thought, thread n05773776 line of inquiry, line of questioning n05773923 conjecture n05774129 deduction, deductive reasoning, synthesis n05774415 generalization, generalisation, induction, inductive reasoning n05774614 inference, illation n05775081 prediction, anticipation, prevision n05775293 projection n05775407 prophecy, prognostication, vaticination n05775695 crystal gazing n05775829 prevision n05775919 retrovision n05776015 prefiguration, foreshadowing, adumbration n05776212 divination, foretelling, soothsaying, fortune telling n05776592 arithmancy n05776679 dowse, dowsing, rhabdomancy n05776875 geomancy n05777149 hydromancy n05777298 lithomancy n05777439 necromancy n05777599 oneiromancy n05777722 onomancy n05777830 palmistry, palm reading, chiromancy, chirology n05778029 pyromancy n05778131 astrology, star divination n05778646 horoscopy n05778749 alchemy n05778954 pseudoscience n05779116 syllogism n05779371 theorization, theorisation n05779568 ideology n05779712 supposition, supposal n05779923 presupposition n05780104 abstraction, generalization, generalisation n05780339 analogy n05780563 corollary n05780718 derivation n05780885 deduction, entailment, implication n05781145 extrapolation n05781347 presumption n05781541 conclusion n05781663 non sequitur n05781800 breakdown, partitioning n05781953 cost-benefit analysis n05782140 dissection n05782245 elimination, reasoning by elimination n05782448 reductionism n05782563 reductionism n05782713 systems analysis n05782884 resolution, resolving n05783041 factorization, factorisation, factoring n05783357 diagonalization, diagonalisation n05783658 ratiocination n05783768 regress, reasoning backward n05783940 synthesis, synthetic thinking n05784152 trend analysis n05784242 cogitation, study n05784482 lucubration n05784560 mysticism n05784699 ideation n05784831 consideration n05785067 deliberation, weighing, advisement n05785311 exploration n05785508 contemplation, reflection, reflexion, rumination, musing, thoughtfulness n05785885 meditation, speculation n05786184 meditation n05786372 think n05786655 introspection, self-contemplation, self-examination n05786871 soul-searching, self-analysis n05787005 examen, examination n05787175 inwardness n05787498 outwardness n05787848 omphaloskepsis, navel-gazing n05788029 retrospect n05788149 decision making, deciding n05788552 determination n05788713 eclecticism, eclectic method n05788924 groupthink n05789089 settlement, resolution, closure n05789432 judgment, judgement, judging n05789666 prejudgment, prejudgement n05789808 reversal, change of mind, flip-flop, turnabout, turnaround n05790012 reconsideration, second thought, afterthought, rethink n05790242 choice, pick, selection n05790452 pleasure n05790572 cull, reject n05790758 favorite, favourite n05790944 option, alternative, choice n05791311 obverse n05791452 preference, druthers n05791602 wish n05791764 way n05791864 default option, default n05792010 possibility, possible action, opening n05792192 possible n05792312 impossibility, impossible action n05792446 impossible n05792575 Hobson's choice n05792691 soft option n05792842 excogitation n05793000 explanation n05793210 rationale, principle n05793554 basis, base, foundation, fundament, groundwork, cornerstone n05793907 meat and potatoes n05794057 key n05794189 natural history n05794403 rationalization, rationalisation n05794618 raison d'etre n05794694 planning, preparation, provision n05795044 agreement, arrangement n05795244 collusion n05795334 prearrangement n05795460 reservation n05795654 upgrade n05795835 applecart n05795957 mens rea, malice aforethought n05796222 premeditation n05796423 calculation, deliberation n05796617 premeditation, forethought n05796750 problem solving n05796937 convergent thinking n05797177 divergent thinking, out-of-the-box thinking n05797473 inspiration n05797597 inquiry, enquiry, research n05797899 nature study n05798043 experiment, experimentation n05798315 empirical research n05798413 control experiment n05798569 control condition, control n05798863 condition, experimental condition n05799071 pilot experiment n05799212 trial, trial run, test, tryout n05799581 field trial, field test n05799761 alpha test n05799952 beta test n05800153 road test n05800272 testament n05800387 test drive n05800527 trial balloon n05800611 probe, investigation n05800838 fishing expedition n05800998 poll, opinion poll, public opinion poll, canvass n05801286 exit poll n05801465 straw vote, straw poll n05801594 heraldry n05802185 calculation, computation, figuring, reckoning n05802547 extrapolation n05802730 interpolation n05802912 conversion n05803095 data conversion n05803212 digitization, digitisation n05803379 estimate, estimation, approximation, idea n05803747 credit rating, credit n05803938 guess, guesswork, guessing, shot, dead reckoning n05804136 guesstimate, guestimate n05804274 overestimate, overestimation, overrating, overreckoning n05804491 underestimate, underestimation, underrating, underreckoning n05804793 knowing n05805012 know n05805157 cognizance, ken n05805277 prevision, foresight, farsightedness, prospicience n05805475 understanding, apprehension, discernment, savvy n05805902 comprehension n05806231 incomprehension n05806380 self-knowledge n05806498 smattering n05806623 appreciation, grasp, hold n05806855 grasping n05807012 sense n05807147 hindsight n05807306 insight, brainstorm, brainwave n05807540 realization, realisation, recognition n05807933 light n05808102 revelation n05808218 discovery, breakthrough, find n05808442 flash n05808557 linguistic process, language n05808794 reading n05809082 speed-reading n05809192 content, cognitive content, mental object n05809745 tradition n05809878 world, reality n05810143 otherworld n05810250 real world, real life n05810440 deja vu n05810561 life, living n05810768 reliving, re-experiencing n05810948 object n05811214 food, food for thought, intellectual nourishment n05811380 pabulum n05811466 antipathy n05811662 bugbear, hobgoblin n05811884 execration n05812038 center, centre, center of attention, centre of attention n05812370 conversation piece n05812485 crosshairs n05812646 cynosure n05812813 eye-catcher n05812921 hallucination n05813109 infatuation n05813229 love, passion n05813457 noumenon, thing-in-itself n05813626 reminder n05813822 memento, souvenir n05813912 memento mori n05814019 shades of n05814162 universe, universe of discourse n05814291 topic, subject, issue, matter n05814650 issue n05814952 gut issue, hot-button issue n05815075 paramount issue n05815267 pocketbook issue, bread-and-butter issue n05815412 quodlibet n05815517 area n05815691 blind spot n05815890 remit n05816154 res judicata, res adjudicata n05816287 information n05816622 datum, data point n05816790 reading, meter reading, indication n05817145 acquaintance, familiarity, conversance, conversancy n05817396 fact n05817743 case n05817845 detail, item, point n05818182 particular, specific n05818388 general n05818620 matter of fact n05818741 observation n05818978 scientific fact n05819149 reason n05819338 score n05819453 truth n05819644 home truth n05819773 verity n05819890 minutia n05820023 nook and cranny, nooks and crannies n05820170 respect, regard n05820325 sticking point n05820462 technicality, trifle, triviality n05820620 example, illustration, instance, representative n05821102 apology, excuse n05821246 exception n05821486 precedent, case in point n05821646 quintessence n05821775 sample n05822001 coupon n05822085 cross section n05822239 specimen n05822337 grab sample n05822507 random sample n05822612 tasting n05822746 circumstance, condition, consideration n05823054 justification n05823317 mitigating circumstance n05823517 background, background knowledge n05823747 descriptor n05823932 evidence, grounds n05824313 predictor n05824514 probable cause n05824739 proof, cogent evidence n05824985 reductio ad absurdum, reductio n05825245 confirmation, verification, check, substantiation n05825688 bed check n05825802 crosscheck n05825942 parity check, redundancy check, odd-even check n05826092 checksum n05826291 establishment, validation n05826469 disproof, falsification, refutation n05826722 confutation n05826832 counterexample n05826914 lead, track, trail n05827129 tip-off n05827253 evocation, induction, elicitation n05827509 kick n05827684 stimulation, stimulus, stimulant, input n05828102 turn-on n05828263 turnoff, negative stimulation n05828425 conditioned stimulus n05828552 reinforcing stimulus, reinforcer, reinforcement n05828820 positive reinforcing stimulus, positive reinforcer n05829012 negative reinforcing stimulus, negative reinforcer n05829213 discriminative stimulus, cue n05829342 positive stimulus n05829480 negative stimulus n05829656 bonus, fillip n05829782 joy, delight, pleasure n05830059 annoyance, bother, botheration, pain, infliction, pain in the neck, pain in the ass n05830527 nuisance n05830832 abatable nuisance n05831057 attractive nuisance n05831270 mixed nuisance n05831412 private nuisance n05831566 public nuisance, common nuisance n05831784 irritant, thorn n05831939 plague n05832113 aversive stimulus n05832264 concern, worry, headache, vexation n05832621 bugaboo n05832745 burden, load, encumbrance, incumbrance, onus n05833022 business n05833169 dead weight n05833252 fardel n05833371 imposition n05833511 pill n05833683 grief, sorrow n05833840 idea, thought n05834567 inspiration n05834758 source, seed, germ n05834946 taproot n05835162 muse n05835292 mother n05835449 afflatus n05835568 cogitation n05835747 concept, conception, construct n05836275 conceptualization, conceptualisation, conceptuality n05836468 perception n05836598 notion n05836714 mumpsimus n05836921 preoccupation n05837128 self-absorption n05837271 layout n05837370 trap, snare n05837651 iron trap n05837743 speed trap n05837850 idea n05837957 judgment, judgement, mind n05838176 decision, determination, conclusion n05838530 predetermination n05838765 category n05839024 kind, sort, form, variety n05839547 breed n05839663 pigeonhole n05839776 rubric n05839910 way n05840076 description n05840188 type n05840431 nature n05840650 version, variant, variation, edition n05841029 antitype n05841151 art form n05841351 architectural style, style of architecture, type of architecture n05841624 Bauhaus n05841740 Byzantine architecture n05841985 classical architecture, Greco-Roman architecture n05842191 Greek architecture n05842290 Roman architecture n05842387 Gothic, Gothic architecture n05842706 Romanesque, Romanesque architecture n05843042 Norman architecture n05843236 perpendicular, perpendicular style, English-Gothic, English-Gothic architecture n05843513 Tudor architecture n05843687 Moorish, Moorish architecture n05843895 Victorian architecture n05844105 style n05844282 flavor, flavour n05844433 charm n05844545 strangeness n05844663 color, colour n05844881 species n05845013 genus n05845140 brand, make n05845332 genre n05845419 like, ilk n05845562 manner n05845652 model n05845749 stripe n05845888 like, the like, the likes of n05846054 rule, regulation n05846355 restriction, limitation n05846626 narrowness n05846932 rule, formula n05847320 metarule n05847438 algorithm, algorithmic rule, algorithmic program n05847658 sorting algorithm n05847753 stemmer, stemming algorithm n05847956 heuristic, heuristic rule, heuristic program n05848182 lateral thinking n05848357 recursion n05848541 guidepost, guideline, rule of thumb n05848691 cy pres, rule of cy pres, cy pres doctrine n05848912 working principle, working rule n05849040 property, attribute, dimension n05849284 quality, character, lineament n05849667 texture n05849789 feature, characteristic n05850212 feature of speech, feature n05850432 invariant n05850624 aspect, facet n05850823 attraction, attractor, attracter, attractive feature, magnet n05851131 badge n05851330 centerpiece, centrepiece n05851517 contour n05851744 excellence, excellency n05852007 external n05852125 peculiarity, distinctive feature, distinguishing characteristic n05852287 calling card n05852430 safety feature n05852553 side n05852819 downside n05852973 hand n05853100 sector, sphere n05853273 department n05853449 surface n05853636 attention n05853820 tourist attraction n05853924 foil, enhancer n05854150 abstraction, abstract n05854474 absolute n05854812 teacher n05855004 thing n05855125 quantity n05855517 quantum n05855748 quantum n05855904 term n05856066 numerical quantity n05856217 zero, zero point n05856388 value n05856589 eigenvalue, eigenvalue of a matrix, eigenvalue of a square matrix, characteristic root of a square matrix n05856867 scale value n05856979 average n05857165 vote, voter turnout n05857346 operand n05857459 variable, variable quantity n05857781 argument n05857974 arity n05858093 independent variable, experimental variable n05858317 factor n05858407 correlate, correlative n05858551 degree of freedom n05858699 dependent variable n05858936 constant, constant quantity, invariable n05859071 parameter, parametric quantity n05859277 parameter n05859477 degree of freedom n05859630 product, mathematical product n05859811 factorial n05859991 multiple n05860200 double n05860377 triple n05860498 quadruple n05860639 lowest common multiple, least common multiple, lcm n05860869 grand total n05860975 subtotal n05861067 sum, amount, total n05861317 degree n05861463 degree of a term n05861579 degree of a polynomial n05861716 first degree n05861855 polynomial, multinomial n05862113 biquadratic, biquadratic polynomial, quartic polynomial n05862268 homogeneous polynomial n05862410 monic polynomial n05862501 quadratic, quadratic polynomial n05862613 quantic n05862721 series n05862970 power series n05863106 convergence, convergency n05863302 divergence, divergency n05863480 geometric series n05863583 Fourier series n05863736 predictor variable n05863919 proportional n05864047 infinitesimal n05864177 random variable, variate, variant, stochastic variable, chance variable n05864351 scalar n05864481 tensor n05864577 vector n05864758 vector product, cross product n05864884 scalar product, inner product, dot product n05865034 vector sum, resultant n05865174 radius vector n05865311 radius vector n05865454 be-all and end-all, be all and end all n05865652 plot element n05865774 McGuffin, MacGuffin n05865998 point n05866199 attractor, attracter n05866489 strange attractor, chaotic attractor n05866653 intersection, intersection point, point of intersection n05866822 metacenter, metacentre n05867283 vertex n05867413 part, section, division n05868051 beginning n05868272 middle n05868477 end n05868779 high point n05868954 component, constituent, element, factor, ingredient n05869407 leaven, leavening n05869584 whole n05869857 unit n05870055 one n05870180 compound n05870365 complex, composite n05870615 hybrid n05870790 syndrome n05870916 law, natural law n05871140 divine law n05871245 dictate n05871362 fundamentals, basics, fundamental principle, basic principle, bedrock n05871618 logic n05871792 pleasure principle, pleasure-pain principle, pleasure-unpleasure principle n05872098 reality principle n05872362 insurrectionism n05872477 principle n05872742 rudiment, first rudiment, first principle, alphabet, ABC, ABC's, ABCs n05872982 law, law of nature n05873884 lexicalized concept n05874017 all-or-none law n05874232 principle, rule n05874716 Archimedes' principle, law of Archimedes n05874941 Avogadro's law, Avogadro's hypothesis n05875148 Bernoulli's law, law of large numbers n05875392 Benford's law n05875723 Bose-Einstein statistics n05875988 Boyle's law, Mariotte's law n05876148 Coulomb's Law n05876469 Dalton's law, Dalton's law of partial pressures, law of partial pressures n05876912 distribution law n05877178 Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law, Boltzmann distribution law n05877412 equilibrium law, law of chemical equilibrium n05877718 Fechner's law, Weber-Fechner law n05877991 Fermi-Dirac statistics n05878229 Gay-Lussac's law, Charles's law, law of volumes n05878440 Gestalt law of organization, Gestalt principle of organization n05878771 Henry's law n05879003 Hooke's law n05879204 Hubble's law, Hubble law n05879441 Kepler's law, Kepler's law of planetary motion n05879693 Kepler's first law n05879856 Kepler's second law, law of areas, law of equal areas n05880187 Kepler's third law, harmonic law n05880432 Kirchhoff's laws n05880715 law of averages n05880854 law of constant proportion, law of definite proportions n05881102 law of diminishing returns n05881303 law of effect n05881578 law of equivalent proportions, law of reciprocal proportions n05881867 law of gravitation, Newton's law of gravitation n05882226 law of multiple proportions, Dalton's law n05882537 law of mass action n05882793 law of thermodynamics n05883035 second law of thermodynamics n05883296 third law of thermodynamics n05883473 zeroth law of thermodynamics n05883688 Le Chatelier's principle, Le Chatelier's law, Le Chatelier principle, Le Chatelier-Braun principle n05883992 Gresham's Law n05884433 Mendel's law n05884736 law of segregation n05884984 law of independent assortment n05885187 mass-energy equivalence n05885412 Naegele's rule n05885622 Newton's law of motion, Newton's law, law of motion n05885822 first law of motion, Newton's first law of motion, Newton's first law n05886039 second law of motion, Newton's second law of motion, Newton's second law n05886266 third law of motion, Newton's third law of motion, Newton's third law, law of action and reaction n05886455 Ohm's law n05886613 Pascal's law, Pascal's law of fluid pressures n05886939 Pauli exclusion principle, exclusion principle n05887156 periodic law, Mendeleev's law n05887365 Planck's law n05887712 Planck's radiation law n05887911 big-bang theory, big bang theory n05888215 nebular hypothesis n05888377 planetesimal hypothesis n05888572 steady state theory, continuous creation theory n05888929 hypothesis, possibility, theory n05889575 hypothetical n05889762 gemmule n05889896 fact n05890021 mean sun n05890249 model, theoretical account, framework n05890642 Copernican system n05890809 Ptolemaic system n05890963 M-theory n05891232 string theory n05891426 audit program, audit programme n05891572 outline, schema, scheme n05891783 speculation, conjecture n05892096 assumption, supposition, supposal n05892427 prerequisite, requirement n05892651 requirement, demand n05892880 precondition n05892991 academic requirement n05893143 language requirement n05893261 essential condition, sine qua non n05893356 given, presumption, precondition n05893512 basic assumption, constatation, self-evident truth n05893653 misconception n05893916 fallacy, false belief n05894143 logical fallacy n05894311 hysteron proteron n05894460 ignoratio elenchi n05894631 pathetic fallacy n05894814 petitio principii, petitio n05894972 post hoc, post hoc ergo propter hoc n05895138 sophism, sophistry, sophistication n05895373 paralogism n05895465 error, erroneous belief n05895588 self-deception, self-deceit n05895723 mistake, misunderstanding, misapprehension n05896059 illusion, fantasy, phantasy, fancy n05896379 bubble n05896515 will-o'-the-wisp, ignis fatuus n05896618 wishful thinking n05896733 delusion, hallucination n05896998 autism n05897255 infantile autism n05897553 apparition, phantom, phantasm, phantasma, fantasm, shadow n05897825 unidentified flying object, UFO, flying saucer n05898035 Flying Dutchman n05898171 ghost, shade, spook, wraith, specter, spectre n05898430 disorientation, freak out n05898568 plan, program, programme n05899087 program, programme n05899442 master plan n05899621 Apollo program n05899831 Gemini program n05900010 Mercury program n05900263 defense program, defense policy, defence program, defence policy n05900430 educational program n05900583 rehabilitation program n05900716 space program n05900888 Superfund program, Superfund n05901248 vocational rehabilitation program n05901410 tax program, tax policy n05901508 policy n05901840 activism n05902014 beggar-my-neighbor policy, beggar-my-neighbour policy, beggar-my-neighbor strategy, beggar-my-neighbour strategy n05902327 blueprint, design, pattern n05902545 plan of action n05902786 battle plan n05902872 system n05903112 credit system n05903229 legal system n05903445 bail n05903738 jury system n05903878 patent system n05904010 tax system n05904135 voting system, electoral system n05904313 uninominal system, uninominal voting system, single-member system, scrutin uninomial system, scrutin uninominal voting system n05904616 list system, scrutin de liste, scrutin de liste system n05904918 pricing system n05905027 promotion system n05905152 tactic, tactics, maneuver, manoeuvre n05905348 scheme, strategy n05905706 travel plan, itinerary n05905802 contrivance, stratagem, dodge n05906080 plant n05906305 pump-and-dump scheme n05906554 wangle, wangling n05906734 counterterrorism n05906867 game plan n05906998 game plan n05907251 house of cards, bubble n05907479 playbook n05907682 plot, secret plan, game n05908000 pyramid scheme n05908391 counterplot, counterplan n05908520 intrigue, machination n05908727 priestcraft n05908882 conspiracy, cabal n05909097 Gunpowder Plot n05909306 waiting game n05909384 wheeze n05909585 regimen, regime n05909730 academic program n05909921 training program n05910070 biofeedback n05910328 preemployment training program n05910453 project, projection n05910577 moneymaker, money-spinner, cash cow n05910712 vocational program n05910810 works program n05910940 agenda, docket, schedule n05911124 menu, fare n05911255 pension plan, pension account, retirement plan, retirement savings plan, retirement savings account, retirement account, retirement program n05911560 401-k plan, 401-k n05912012 individual retirement account, IRA n05912243 Keogh plan n05912399 employee savings plan n05912552 road map, guideline n05912814 stock purchase plan n05912969 employee stock ownership plan, ESOP n05913160 figment n05913275 generalization, generalisation, generality n05913538 principle, rule n05913842 pillar n05913994 pillar of Islam n05914234 shahadah n05914359 salat, salaat, salah, salaah n05914591 sawm n05914851 zakat n05915034 hajj, haj, hadj n05915356 yang n05915584 yin n05915811 feng shui n05916155 suggestion n05916306 inkling, intimation, glimmering, glimmer n05916520 posthypnotic suggestion n05916739 impression, feeling, belief, notion, opinion n05917174 presence n05917328 reaction n05917477 effect n05917675 first blush n05917869 sound effect n05917994 special effect n05918171 stage effect n05918267 theorem n05918379 Bayes' theorem n05918704 Bayes' postulate n05919034 intuition, hunch, suspicion n05919263 heart, bosom n05919431 prescience, prevision n05919549 notion, whim, whimsy, whimsey n05919866 meaning, substance n05920159 burden n05920272 theme, motif n05920482 topos n05920651 semantics n05920791 significance, import, implication n05921123 kernel, substance, core, center, centre, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, marrow, meat, nub, pith, sum, nitty-gritty n05921685 bare bones n05921868 hypostasis n05922014 quiddity, haecceity n05922175 quintessence n05922305 stuff n05922450 tenor, strain n05922651 drift, purport n05922809 undertone, undercurrent n05922949 reference, denotation, extension n05923314 reference n05923566 connotation n05923696 ideal n05923983 value n05924165 introject n05924408 idealization, idealisation n05924519 paragon, idol, perfection, beau ideal n05924730 gold standard n05924920 criterion, standard n05925177 design criteria n05925366 exemplar, example, model, good example n05925702 beauty, beaut n05925862 ego ideal n05926049 keynote n05926150 kink n05926236 wisdom n05926358 reconditeness, abstruseness, abstrusity, profoundness, profundity n05926676 representation, mental representation, internal representation n05927169 instantiation n05927364 antitype n05927586 stereotype n05927813 schema, scheme n05928118 image, mental image n05928391 imagination image, thought-image n05928513 interpretation, reading, version n05928733 reinterpretation n05928840 phantasmagoria n05929008 character, role, theatrical role, part, persona n05929363 bit part, minor role n05929461 soubrette n05929582 heavy n05929670 hero n05929780 ingenue n05929887 title role, name part n05930010 psychosexuality n05930136 percept, perception, perceptual experience n05930386 figure n05930574 ground n05930736 form, shape, pattern n05931152 fractal n05931341 gestalt n05931512 grid n05931658 Amsler grid n05931827 kaleidoscope n05931980 mosaic n05932062 strand n05932282 sonata form n05932477 visual percept, visual image n05932709 eye candy n05932891 field, field of view n05933054 sight n05933246 view, aspect, prospect, scene, vista, panorama n05933638 visual field, field of vision, field of regard n05933834 background, ground n05934029 coast n05934123 exposure n05934278 foreground n05934396 glimpse n05934550 middle distance n05934673 side view n05934780 tableau n05934852 microscopic field n05934962 operative field n05935060 memory n05935292 recollection n05935381 engram, memory trace n05935535 confabulation n05935717 screen memory n05935871 memory image n05936016 memory picture n05936130 afterimage, aftersensation n05936300 aftertaste n05936381 visual image, visualization, visualisation n05936561 fusion, optical fusion n05936704 mental picture, picture, impression n05936995 auditory image n05937112 model, example n05937417 lodestar, loadstar n05937524 prototype, paradigm, epitome, image n05937878 concentrate n05938014 imago n05938170 type specimen, holotype n05938314 microcosm n05938400 original, archetype, pilot n05938633 pacesetter, pacemaker n05938795 pattern n05938976 template, templet, guide n05939109 prefiguration n05939244 prodigy n05939432 appearance n05939636 illusion, semblance n05939809 irradiation n05939948 three-D, 3-D, 3D n05940090 phantom limb n05940214 mirage n05940302 front n05940414 blur, fuzz n05940688 unsoundness n05940869 abstractionism, unrealism n05941037 concretism, concrete representation n05941210 shape, embodiment n05941423 belief n05942104 apophatism n05942338 cataphatism n05942579 doctrine of analogy, analogy n05942888 conviction, strong belief, article of faith n05943066 faith, trust n05943300 doctrine, philosophy, philosophical system, school of thought, ism n05944686 philosophy n05944958 expectation, outlook, prospect n05945227 fetishism, fetichism n05945383 geneticism n05945508 meliorism n05945642 opinion, sentiment, persuasion, view, thought n05946089 autotelism n05946234 originalism n05946406 pacifism, pacificism n05946582 predestinarianism n05946687 religion, faith, religious belief n05948264 cult, cultus, religious cult n05948537 cult n05948716 ecclesiasticism n05948857 mysticism, religious mysticism n05949088 quietism n05949266 Sufism n05949336 nature worship n05949472 revealed religion n05949603 eyes n05949726 public opinion, popular opinion, opinion, vox populi n05949937 preconception, prepossession, parti pris, preconceived opinion, preconceived idea, preconceived notion n05950234 taboo, tabu n05950475 irrational hostility n05950559 pole n05950733 promise, hope n05950982 rainbow n05951072 foretaste n05951180 possibility n05951323 anticipation, expectancy n05951566 apprehension, misgiving n05951692 revolutionism n05951820 sacerdotalism n05951969 spiritualism n05952199 spiritual world, spiritual domain, unseen n05952367 suffragism n05952490 supernaturalism n05952678 superstition, superstitious notion n05952829 supremacism n05952979 theory n05953263 egoism n05953416 patchwork, hodgepodge, jumble n05953614 theosophy n05953804 theosophism n05953881 anthroposophy n05954100 Kabbalah, Kabbala, Kabala, Cabbalah, Cabbala, Cabala, Qabbalah, Qabbala n05954366 Kabbalism, Cabalism n05954481 thought n05954672 totemism n05954807 tribalism n05954894 values n05955095 vampirism n05955186 mainstream n05955323 principle n05955593 accounting principle, accounting standard n05955848 chivalry, knightliness n05956019 ethic, moral principle, value-system, value orientation n05956287 Chartism n05956489 Hellenism n05956651 legal principle, judicial principle, judicial doctrine n05956906 jus sanguinis n05957078 jus soli n05957238 preemption, pre-emption n05957428 relation back, relation n05957737 scruple n05957913 Golden Rule n05958114 Athanasian Creed n05958208 abolitionism n05958337 absolutism n05958427 amoralism n05958549 animalism n05958712 animism n05958919 antiestablishmentarianism, antiestablishmentism n05959082 asceticism n05959263 British empiricism n05959407 contextualism n05959578 creationism n05959785 creation science n05959954 creed, credo n05960121 divine right, divine right of kings n05960464 dogma n05960698 dualism n05960925 dynamism n05961141 epicureanism n05961278 establishmentarianism, establishmentism n05961429 ethicism n05961608 expansionism n05961745 experimentalism n05961867 formalism n05962043 functionalism n05962166 Girondism n05962252 gospel n05962414 gymnosophy n05962602 imitation n05962785 mimesis n05962936 individualism, laissez faire n05963101 individualism n05963299 rugged individualism n05963494 internationalism n05963744 unilateralism n05963973 one-way street n05964098 irredentism, irridentism n05964322 literalism n05964445 majority rule, democracy n05964643 monism n05964805 multiculturalism n05965022 nationalism n05965195 nationalism n05965388 nihilism n05965586 pacifism, pacificism, passivism n05965749 pluralism n05965933 populism n05966129 predestination, foreordination, preordination, predetermination n05966602 presentism n05966798 election n05966958 rationalism, freethinking n05967097 reformism n05967191 humanism, secular humanism n05967402 humanitarianism, humanism n05967588 egalitarianism, equalitarianism n05967773 feminism n05967894 juju n05967977 magic, thaumaturgy n05968209 mojo n05968288 occultism n05968450 occultism n05968553 reincarnationism n05968710 secessionism n05968835 secularism n05968971 aesthetic, esthetic n05969194 Aristotelianism, peripateticism n05969537 conceptualism n05969758 Confucianism n05970012 deconstruction, deconstructionism n05970311 empiricism, empiricist philosophy, sensationalism n05970564 environmentalism n05970755 existentialism, existential philosophy, existentialist philosophy n05971086 determinism n05971394 fatalism n05971621 formalism n05971913 hereditarianism n05972103 idealism n05972264 intuitionism n05972417 logicism n05972585 materialism, physicalism n05972781 mechanism n05973007 mentalism n05973198 nativism n05973372 naturalism n05973603 Neoplatonism n05974156 nominalism n05974363 operationalism n05974564 Platonism, realism n05974798 pragmatism n05975051 instrumentalism n05975258 probabilism n05975473 rationalism n05975659 realism, naive realism n05975846 relativism n05976065 Scholasticism n05976257 semiotics, semiology n05976471 sensualism, sensationalism n05976649 solipsism n05976805 spiritualism n05976948 Stoicism n05977135 subjectivism n05977340 Taoism, Daoism n05977619 teleology n05977800 traditionalism n05977977 vitalism n05978159 conjuring, conjuration, conjury, invocation n05978370 old wives' tale n05978472 exorcism, dispossession n05978623 evocation, summoning n05978812 sorcery, black magic, black art, necromancy n05979198 theurgy n05979350 witchcraft, witchery n05979454 enchantment, bewitchment n05979595 diabolism, demonism, Satanism n05979800 white magic n05979909 unbelief, disbelief n05980051 agnosticism, skepticism, scepticism n05980256 atheism n05980412 heresy, unorthodoxy n05980750 iconoclasm n05980875 goal, end n05981230 aim, object, objective, target n05981546 bourn, bourne n05981648 end-all n05981768 destination, terminus n05981936 grail n05982024 no-goal n05982152 purpose, intent, intention, aim, design n05982720 intention n05982915 mind, idea n05983122 cross-purpose n05983217 final cause n05983347 sake n05983463 view n05983654 will n05983801 business n05983943 occasions n05984066 point n05984182 thing n05984287 education n05984584 experience n05984936 acculturation, culture n05985126 meme n05985381 lore, traditional knowledge n05985602 folklore n05985999 eruditeness, erudition, learnedness, learning, scholarship, encyclopedism, encyclopaedism n05986295 letters n05986395 enlightenment n05986594 foundation, grounding n05986822 centralism n05986948 containment n05987283 moderationism n05987397 obscurantism n05987522 Thatcherism n05987650 ultramontanism n05987835 edification, sophistication n05987969 satori n05988097 disenchantment, disillusion, disillusionment n05988282 ignorance n05988498 dark, darkness n05988743 ignorantness, nescience, unknowing, unknowingness n05988956 inexperience, rawness n05989265 unenlightenment n05989386 illiteracy n05989479 theory n05990089 theory of gravitation, theory of gravity, gravitational theory, Newton's theory of gravitation n05990480 principle of relativity n05990738 Occam's Razor, Ockham's Razor, principle of parsimony, law of parsimony n05990981 principle of equivalence n05991242 principle of liquid displacement n05991441 principle of superposition, Huygens' principle of superposition n05991776 principle of superposition, superposition principle, superposition n05992015 mass-action principle, mass action n05992274 localization of function, localisation of function, localization principle, localisation principle, localization, localisation n05992624 lateralization, lateralisation, laterality n05992804 blastogenesis n05992949 preformation, theory of preformation n05993235 dialectical materialism n05993367 positivism, logical positivism n05993622 Comtism n05993844 scientific theory n05994484 field theory n05994706 organicism n05994935 economic theory n05995220 consumerism n05995355 Keynesianism n05995576 liberalism n05995726 Malthusianism, Malthusian theory n05995898 monetarism n05996110 Stevens' law, power law, Stevens' power law n05996353 Weber's law n05996646 discipline, subject, subject area, subject field, field, field of study, study, bailiwick n05997361 communications, communication theory n05997659 major n05997814 region, realm n05998052 frontier n05998225 genealogy n05998356 allometry n05998526 bibliotics n05998724 ology n05998893 symbology n05998994 grey area, gray area n05999134 territory n05999266 knowledge domain, knowledge base, domain n05999455 metaknowledge n05999540 scientific knowledge n05999797 science, scientific discipline n06000400 natural science n06000644 mathematics, math, maths n06003682 pure mathematics n06004067 arithmetic n06004599 algorism n06004685 geometry n06005399 affine geometry n06005518 elementary geometry, parabolic geometry, Euclidean geometry n06005692 Euclid's axiom, Euclid's postulate, Euclidean axiom n06005999 Euclid's first axiom n06006117 Euclid's second axiom n06006243 Euclid's third axiom n06006364 Euclid's fourth axiom n06006458 Euclid's fifth axiom, parallel axiom n06006609 fractal geometry n06006777 non-Euclidean geometry n06007046 hyperbolic geometry n06007381 elliptic geometry, Riemannian geometry n06007642 numerical analysis n06007859 spherical geometry n06008007 spherical trigonometry n06008148 triangulation n06008382 analytic geometry, analytical geometry, coordinate geometry n06008609 axis n06008896 coordinate axis n06009086 origin n06009233 x-axis n06009334 y-axis n06009433 z-axis n06009537 major axis n06009685 semimajor axis n06009857 minor axis n06009988 semiminor axis n06010105 principal axis, optic axis n06010381 optic axis n06010583 inertial reference frame, inertial frame n06010737 space-time, space-time continuum n06010930 coordinate, co-ordinate n06011092 Cartesian coordinate n06011446 dimension n06011589 abscissa n06011692 ordinate n06011793 intercept n06011903 polar coordinate n06012108 plane geometry n06012225 solid geometry n06012340 projective geometry, descriptive geometry n06012513 trigonometry, trig n06012726 algebra n06012998 quadratics n06013126 linear algebra n06013298 vector algebra n06013471 decomposition, vector decomposition n06013584 matrix algebra n06013741 calculus, infinitesimal calculus n06014043 analysis n06014278 Fourier analysis, harmonic analysis n06014435 differential calculus, method of fluxions n06014730 derived function, derivative, differential coefficient, differential, first derivative n06015053 partial derivative, partial n06015271 integral calculus n06015505 integral n06015700 indefinite integral n06015863 definite integral n06015978 calculus of variations n06016121 set theory n06016276 interval n06016462 closed interval, bounded interval n06016600 open interval, unbounded interval n06016746 sub-interval n06016853 group, mathematical group n06017053 subgroup n06017193 group theory n06017334 Galois theory n06017472 Abelian group, commutative group n06017594 topology, analysis situs n06017895 metamathematics n06018022 applied mathematics, applied math n06018267 linear programming n06018465 statistics n06020737 statistical method, statistical procedure n06021013 least squares, method of least squares n06021247 multivariate analysis n06021499 statistic n06021761 average, norm n06022076 demographic n06022291 deviation n06022509 moment n06022727 nonparametric statistic, distribution free statistic n06023022 parametric statistic n06023243 age norm n06023369 outlier n06023476 mean deviation, mean deviation from the mean n06023675 mode, modal value n06023821 median, median value n06023969 mean, mean value n06024230 arithmetic mean, first moment, expectation, expected value n06024431 geometric mean n06024576 harmonic mean n06024761 second moment n06024936 variance n06025172 standard deviation n06025287 covariance n06025521 frequency distribution n06025689 normal distribution, Gaussian distribution n06025854 Poisson distribution n06026088 normal curve, bell-shaped curve, Gaussian curve, Gaussian shape n06026276 population, universe n06026508 subpopulation n06026635 sample distribution, sample, sampling n06026885 random sample n06027051 stratified sample, representative sample, proportional sample n06027264 regression, simple regression, regression toward the mean, statistical regression n06027613 multiple regression, multiple correlation n06027843 multicollinearity n06028021 regression analysis n06028260 regression equation, regression of y on x n06028566 regression coefficient n06028904 linear regression, rectilinear regression n06029118 curvilinear regression n06029306 regression line, regression curve n06029547 time series n06029676 vital statistics n06029830 correlational analysis n06030049 correlation matrix n06030196 factor analysis n06030601 analysis of variance, ANOVA n06030906 correlation table n06031248 correlation, correlational statistics n06031657 curvilinear correlation, nonlinear correlation, skew correlation n06031866 partial correlation n06032066 first-order correlation n06032246 correlation coefficient, coefficient of correlation, correlation n06032752 covariation n06032898 positive correlation, direct correlation n06033172 negative correlation, indirect correlation n06033427 product-moment correlation coefficient, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient n06033692 multiple correlation coefficient n06033889 biserial correlation coefficient, biserial correlation n06034101 nonparametric statistics n06034301 rank-order correlation coefficient, rank-order correlation, rank-difference correlation coefficient, rank-difference correlation n06034611 Kendall test n06034870 Kendall partial rank correlation n06035014 coefficient of concordance n06035213 tau coefficient of correlation, Kendall's tau, Kendall rank correlation n06035413 phi coefficient, phi correlation, fourfold point correlation n06035674 split-half correlation, chance-half correlation n06035918 tetrachoric correlation coefficient, tetrachoric correlation n06036157 spurious correlation n06036506 binomial n06036697 binomial distribution, Bernoulli distribution n06036939 binomial theorem n06037108 probability theory, theory of probability n06037298 life science, bioscience n06037666 biology, biological science n06041466 biomedical science n06041600 biometrics, biometry, biostatistics n06041805 craniology n06041955 dermatoglyphics n06042187 dietetics n06042312 macrobiotics n06042486 eugenics n06042690 dysgenics, cacogenics n06042905 euthenics n06043075 medicine, medical specialty n06045562 medical science n06045847 phrenology n06046037 aeromedicine, aerospace medicine, aviation medicine n06046245 allergology n06046383 anesthesiology n06046528 angiology n06046692 bacteriology n06046898 biomedicine n06047096 biomedicine n06047275 cardiology n06047430 dentistry, dental medicine, odontology n06047923 cosmetic dentistry n06048052 dental surgery n06048184 endodontics, endodontia n06048373 exodontics, exodontia n06048552 orthodontics, orthodontia, orthodonture, dental orthopedics, dental orthopaedics n06048851 periodontics, periodontia n06049091 prosthetics n06049250 prosthodontics, prosthodontia n06049500 dermatology n06049673 emergency medicine n06049850 endocrinology n06050024 epidemiology n06050257 forensic medicine, forensic pathology n06050490 gastroenterology n06050650 geriatrics, gerontology n06050901 gynecology, gynaecology n06051134 hematology, haematology n06051380 hygiene, hygienics n06051542 immunology n06051925 immunochemistry, chemoimmunology n06052165 immunopathology n06052300 internal medicine, general medicine n06052521 nephrology n06052685 nuclear medicine n06052864 neurology, clinical neurology n06053101 neuropsychiatry n06053280 nosology, diagnostics n06053439 obstetrics, OB, tocology, midwifery n06053854 fetology, foetology n06053982 perinatology n06054266 oncology n06054446 ophthalmology n06054700 otology n06054892 pharmacology, pharmacological medicine, materia medica n06055300 pharmacy, pharmaceutics n06055529 pharmacokinetics n06055692 posology n06055824 psychopharmacology n06055946 psychiatry, psychopathology, psychological medicine n06056787 alienism n06056923 psychotherapy, psychotherapeutics, mental hygiene n06057172 clinical psychology n06057326 Freudian psychology n06057435 Jungian psychology n06057539 anatomy, general anatomy n06059125 clinical anatomy, applied anatomy n06059282 comparative anatomy n06059412 dental anatomy n06059540 developmental anatomy n06059709 functional anatomy, physiological anatomy, morphophysiology n06059865 gross anatomy, macroscopic anatomy n06060049 microscopic anatomy n06060208 neuroanatomy n06060336 osteology n06060463 regional anatomy, topographic anatomy, topology n06060732 audiology, audiometry n06060845 pathology n06061631 pediatrics, paediatrics, pediatric medicine, pedology n06061917 neonatology n06062076 podiatry, chiropody n06062225 proctology n06062407 radiology n06062655 rheumatology n06062842 rhinolaryngology, otorhinolaryngology, otolaryngology n06063072 serology n06063275 space medicine n06063417 sports medicine n06063588 surgery n06064106 orthopedics, orthopaedics n06064345 therapeutics n06064462 toxicology n06064683 thoracic medicine n06064838 traumatology, accident surgery n06065020 tropical medicine n06065208 urology, urogenital medicine n06065423 veterinary medicine n06065640 virology n06065819 agronomy, scientific agriculture n06066072 agrobiology n06066267 agrology n06066414 biogeography n06066555 botany, phytology n06069747 mycology n06069886 pomology n06069996 cryobiology n06070179 cryonics n06070503 cytology n06070738 cytogenetics n06070929 ecology, bionomics, environmental science n06071426 embryology n06071722 exobiology, space biology, astrobiology n06071934 forestry n06072145 silviculture n06072275 entomology, bugology n06072476 lepidopterology, lepidoptery n06072619 ethology n06072776 herpetology n06072912 ichthyology n06073067 malacology n06073215 mammalogy n06073331 oology n06073494 ornithology n06073647 primatology n06073748 protozoology n06073888 paleontology, palaeontology, fossilology n06074189 paleoanthropology, palaeoanthropology, human paleontology, human palaeontology n06074372 paleobotany, palaeobotany n06074507 phycology, algology n06074613 pteridology n06074728 paleodendrology, palaeodendrology n06074860 paleozoology, palaeozoology n06075016 paleomammalogy n06075112 paleornithology, palaeornithology n06075218 functional genomics n06075378 structural genomics n06075527 genetics, genetic science n06077087 genomics n06077276 proteomics n06077413 histology n06077648 microbiology n06077916 molecular genetics n06078088 molecular biology n06078327 morphology n06078511 neurobiology n06078724 paleobiology, palaeobiology n06078978 neurology n06079247 pharmacogenetics n06079439 teratology n06079620 biochemistry n06080192 enzymology n06080361 zymology, zymurgy n06080522 physiology n06081602 neurophysiology n06081833 neuroscience n06082025 brain science n06082136 cognitive neuroscience n06082310 hemodynamics n06082459 kinesiology n06082610 myology n06082709 paleoecology, palaeoecology n06082834 radiobiology n06082972 sociobiology n06083243 zoology, zoological science n06084469 chemistry, chemical science n06088995 organic chemistry n06089314 inorganic chemistry n06089447 physical chemistry n06089728 phytochemistry n06089857 electrochemistry n06090064 femtochemistry n06090304 geochemistry n06090397 photochemistry n06090540 radiochemistry, nuclear chemistry n06090678 surface chemistry n06090869 physics, natural philosophy n06094587 physics, physical science n06094774 acoustics n06095022 astronomy, uranology n06096451 astrodynamics n06096600 astrometry n06096759 radio astronomy n06096913 aeronautics, astronautics n06097231 avionics n06097478 biophysics n06097594 celestial mechanics n06097775 astrophysics n06097983 selenology n06098088 solar physics n06098195 cosmology, cosmogony, cosmogeny n06098687 cryogenics, cryogeny n06098876 crystallography n06099107 electromagnetism, electromagnetics n06099269 electronics n06100101 electrostatics n06100236 mechanics n06100555 nuclear physics, atomic physics, nucleonics n06100778 optics n06101180 catoptrics n06101333 holography n06101551 particle physics, high-energy physics, high energy physics n06101849 plasma physics n06101973 quantum physics n06102116 quasiparticle n06102316 rheology n06102476 atomism, atomic theory, atomist theory, atomistic theory n06102865 holism, holistic theory n06103270 atomic theory n06103422 Bohr theory n06103746 Rutherford atom n06104073 conservation n06104372 conservation of charge, conservation of electricity n06104578 conservation of energy, law of conservation of energy, first law of thermodynamics n06104844 conservation of mass, conservation of matter, law of conservation of mass, law of conservation of matter n06105107 conservation of momentum n06105314 parity, conservation of parity, space-reflection symmetry, mirror symmetry n06105609 cell theory, cell doctrine n06105873 wave theory, undulatory theory, wave theory of light n06106084 corpuscular theory, corpuscular theory of light n06106305 kinetic theory, kinetic theory of gases n06106502 relativity, theory of relativity, relativity theory, Einstein's theory of relativity n06106820 general relativity, general theory of relativity, general relativity theory, Einstein's general theory of relativity n06107083 special relativity, special theory of relativity, special relativity theory, Einstein's special theory of relativity n06107436 supersymmetry n06107660 quantum theory n06107850 wave mechanics n06108079 uncertainty principle, indeterminacy principle n06108339 kinetic theory of heat n06108487 germ theory n06108643 information theory n06108850 theory of dissociation, theory of electrolytic dissociation, Arrhenius theory of dissociation n06109227 theory of evolution, theory of organic evolution, evolutionism n06109487 theory of indicators, Ostwald's theory of indicators n06109771 theory of inheritance n06109972 Mendelism, Mendelianism n06110091 Darwinism n06110267 neo-Darwinism n06110426 Lamarckism n06110598 Neo-Lamarckism n06110823 thermochemistry n06111003 punctuated equilibrium, theory of punctuated equilibrium n06111253 harmonics n06111335 classical mechanics, Newtonian mechanics n06111479 solid-state physics n06111728 statistical mechanics n06111961 quantum mechanics n06112223 quantum field theory n06112505 quantum electrodynamics, QED n06112681 quantum chromodynamics, QCD n06113009 fluid mechanics, hydraulics n06113170 pneumatics n06113301 statics n06113415 hydrostatics n06113597 dynamics, kinetics n06113777 kinematics n06113914 hydrodynamics, hydrokinetics n06114069 magnetohydrodynamics n06114246 ballistics n06114351 aeromechanics, aerodynamics n06114578 thermodynamics n06114849 thermostatics, thermodynamics of equilibrium n06115004 electron optics n06115179 microelectronics n06115322 thermionics n06115476 earth science n06115701 geology n06117202 hypsography n06117395 paleogeology, palaeogeology n06117562 geophysics, geophysical science n06117855 morphology, geomorphology n06118146 orology, orography n06118236 stratigraphy n06118370 tectonics, plate tectonics, plate tectonic theory n06118563 meteorology n06119226 aerology n06119377 climatology n06119496 bioclimatology n06119608 nephology n06119729 hydrology n06119904 oceanography, oceanology n06120111 hydrography n06120317 limnology n06120496 seismology n06120653 volcanology, vulcanology n06120769 magnetism, magnetics n06120881 geodesy n06121113 mineralogy n06121375 petrology, lithology n06121554 speleology, spelaeology n06121690 petroleum geology n06121854 economic geology n06122033 mining geology n06122178 geography, geographics n06122445 physical geography, physiography n06122578 topography n06122747 topology n06122976 economic geography n06123126 cosmography n06123363 architecture n06124395 architectonics, tectonics n06124532 landscape architecture n06124706 urban planning n06124864 interior design n06125041 engineering, engineering science, applied science, technology n06125698 metallurgy n06125996 powder metallurgy n06126177 aeronautical engineering n06126336 bionics n06126523 biotechnology, bioengineering, ergonomics n06126761 biotechnology, biotech n06127057 bioremediation n06127209 genetic engineering, gene-splicing, recombinant DNA technology n06127460 chemical engineering n06127683 civil engineering n06127873 hydraulic engineering n06128024 electrical engineering, EE n06128307 telecommunication n06128570 computer science, computing n06132724 object n06133018 logic n06133203 artificial intelligence, AI n06133503 machine translation, MT n06133654 robotics n06133802 animatronics n06133935 telerobotics n06134075 architectural engineering n06134271 industrial engineering, industrial management n06134510 information technology, IT n06134716 mechanical engineering n06134899 nanotechnology n06135095 tribology n06135335 nuclear engineering n06135503 naval engineering n06135659 rocketry n06135806 metrology n06135915 nutrition n06136105 futurology, futuristics n06136258 psychology, psychological science n06137759 abnormal psychology, psychopathology n06137918 associationism, association theory n06138099 atomism n06138347 applied psychology, industrial psychology n06138582 cognitive psychology n06138789 comparative psychology, animal psychology n06138941 developmental psychology, genetic psychology, child psychology n06139135 differential psychology n06139285 experimental psychology, psychonomics n06139491 psychophysics n06139764 behaviorism, behaviourism, behavioristic psychology, behaviouristic psychology n06140054 functionalism n06140268 memory n06140437 problem solving n06140587 psycholinguistics n06140799 physiological psychology, neuropsychology, psychophysiology n06141023 psychometry, psychometrics, psychometrika n06141197 reflexology n06141324 Gestalt psychology, configurationism n06141561 social psychology n06141768 psychodynamics n06141962 group dynamics n06142118 information science, informatics, information processing, IP n06142412 natural language processing, NLP, human language technology n06142598 cybernetics n06142861 cognitive science n06143154 social science n06143454 civics n06143546 anthropology n06144081 archeology, archaeology n06144762 Assyriology n06144855 Egyptology n06144970 Sumerology n06145062 micropaleontology n06145158 marine archeology, marine archaeology, underwater archeology, underwater archaeology n06145326 paleoclimatology, palaeoclimatology n06145446 paleogeography, palaeogeography n06145586 paleography n06145729 paleopathology, palaeopathology n06145897 paletiology, palaetiology n06146053 epigraphy n06146142 paleology, palaeology n06146260 protohistory, protoanthropology n06146407 protoarcheology, protoarchaeology n06146546 ethnography, descriptive anthropology n06146760 paleoethnography, palaeoethnography n06146880 ethnology n06147141 physical anthropology n06147308 craniometry n06147522 social anthropology, cultural anthropology n06147770 garbology n06147873 mythology n06148002 ritualism n06148148 politics, political science, government n06148748 geopolitics n06148915 geostrategy n06149038 realpolitik, practical politics n06149192 politics, political sympathies n06149344 home economics, home ec, domestic science, household arts n06149484 economics, economic science, political economy n06150222 game theory, theory of games n06150449 econometrics n06150633 finance n06150933 macroeconomics n06151108 microeconomics n06151282 supply-side economics n06151550 proxemics n06151693 sociology n06151942 criminology n06152125 demography, human ecology n06152311 psephology n06152460 penology, poenology n06152631 sociometry n06152734 strategics n06152821 systematics n06152973 biosystematics, biosystematy n06153186 taxonomy n06153402 cladistics, cladistic analysis n06153698 thanatology n06153846 humanistic discipline, humanities, liberal arts, arts n06154464 neoclassicism n06154724 classicism, classicalism n06155075 Romanticism, Romantic Movement n06155432 English n06155567 history n06155891 historicism n06156015 art history n06156169 iconology n06156346 chronology n06156521 glottochronology n06156752 history n06156968 fine arts, beaux arts n06157326 performing arts n06158057 Occidentalism n06158185 Orientalism, Oriental Studies n06158346 philosophy n06159473 ethics, moral philosophy n06159777 bioethics n06159924 neuroethics n06160055 casuistry n06160244 casuistry n06160418 eudemonism, endaemonism n06160596 hedonism n06160781 probabilism n06161048 etiology, aetiology n06161223 aesthetics, esthetics n06161606 axiology n06161718 jurisprudence, law, legal philosophy n06162042 contract law n06162223 corporation law n06162377 matrimonial law n06162528 patent law n06162653 metaphysics n06162847 ontology n06162979 ontology n06163223 cosmology n06163396 dialectics n06163548 dialectic n06163751 logic n06164665 symbolic logic, mathematical logic, formal logic n06165000 Boolean logic, Boolean algebra n06165147 propositional logic, propositional calculus n06165364 predicate calculus, functional calculus n06165623 quantification n06165823 modal logic n06166046 alethic logic n06166166 deontic logic n06166274 epistemic logic n06166394 doxastic logic n06166494 fuzzy logic n06166644 modal logic n06166748 epistemology n06166898 methodology, methodological analysis n06167106 phenomenology n06167328 philosophical doctrine, philosophical theory n06168152 structuralism, structural sociology n06168334 structuralism, structural anthropology n06168552 computational linguistics n06168703 dialect geography, linguistic geography n06168855 etymology n06169050 historical linguistics, diachronic linguistics, diachrony n06169285 literary study n06169488 literature, lit n06169667 comparative literature n06169806 literary criticism, lit crit n06169932 poetics n06170025 prosody, metrics n06170371 classics n06170498 rhetoric n06170892 library science n06171040 linguistics, philology n06171265 dialectology n06171388 musicology n06171524 Sinology n06171650 stemmatology, stemmatics n06172071 trivium n06172294 quadrivium n06172502 cryptanalysis, cryptanalytics, cryptography, cryptology n06172789 linguistics n06174404 grammar n06175829 descriptive grammar n06175967 prescriptive grammar n06176107 syntax, sentence structure, phrase structure n06176322 syntax n06176519 generative grammar n06176837 orthoepy n06177033 phonetics n06177450 phonology, phonemics n06177729 morphology, sound structure, syllable structure, word structure n06177923 affixation n06178042 morphology n06178238 inflectional morphology, accidence n06178380 derivational morphology n06178510 compound morphology n06178660 morphophonemics n06178812 lexicology n06178995 onomastics n06179145 toponymy, toponomy n06179290 neurolinguistics n06179492 pragmatics n06179574 lexicostatistics n06179792 semantics n06179985 deixis n06180282 formal semantics n06180412 lexical semantics n06180548 cognitive semantics, conceptual semantics, semasiology n06180720 sound law n06180890 Grimm's law n06181034 Verner's law n06181123 sociolinguistics n06181284 structuralism, structural linguistics n06181448 synchronic linguistics n06181584 descriptive linguistics n06181893 prescriptive linguistics n06182144 theology, divinity n06182757 angelology n06182866 apologetics n06183004 ecclesiology n06183162 eschatology n06183398 hermeneutics n06183518 homiletics n06183652 liturgics, liturgiology n06183745 theodicy n06183899 theology, theological system n06184270 Christian theology n06184574 Christology n06184733 liberation theology n06184963 natural theology n06185138 Jesuitism, Jesuitry n06185302 patristics, patrology n06185458 polemics n06185581 states' rights n06185748 nullification n06185955 teaching, precept, commandment n06186166 mitzvah, mitsvah n06186301 theological doctrine n06187013 Christology n06187154 antinomianism n06187350 Thomism n06187529 utilitarianism n06187756 Arianism n06187960 Athanasianism n06188146 Boehmenism, Behmenism n06188292 consubstantiation n06188603 Episcopalianism n06188721 Erastianism, Byzantinism, Caesaropapism n06188889 Hinayanism n06188989 Jansenism n06189241 Mahayanism n06189341 Marcionism n06189551 millenarianism, millenarism, millenniumism, chiliasm n06189776 Monophysitism n06190060 Monothelitism n06190305 Nestorianism n06190554 Pelagianism n06190809 Quakerism n06191018 rationalism n06191212 reincarnation n06191483 Rosicrucianism n06191687 soteriology n06191854 synergism n06192027 total depravity n06192186 transcendentalism, transcendental philosophy n06192411 transubstantiation n06192665 universalism n06192789 vertebrate paleontology n06192908 Virgin Birth, Nativity n06193203 attitude, mental attitude n06193727 credence, acceptance n06194030 fatalism n06194216 recognition n06194409 culture n06194736 cyberculture n06194894 Kalashnikov culture n06195096 mosaic culture n06195249 defensive, defensive attitude n06195418 hardball n06195555 high horse n06195698 southernism n06195839 mentality, outlook, mindset, mind-set n06196071 paternalism n06196284 position, stance, posture n06196442 hard line n06196584 inclination, disposition, tendency n06197215 direction n06197503 tenor n06197664 drift, trend, movement n06197958 evolutionary trend n06198083 neoteny n06198313 gravitation n06198505 Call n06198708 denominationalism n06198876 devices n06199142 sympathy, understanding n06199446 favoritism, favouritism n06199561 proclivity, propensity, leaning n06199702 bent, set n06199893 literalism n06200010 perseveration n06200178 predisposition n06200344 predilection, preference, orientation n06200617 favor, favour n06200741 disfavor, disfavour, dislike, disapproval n06200929 doghouse n06201042 reprobation n06201136 partiality, partisanship n06201476 anthropocentrism, anthropocentricity n06201667 ethnocentrism n06201778 Eurocentrism n06201908 bias, prejudice, preconception n06202296 tilt n06202429 sectionalism, provincialism, localism n06202553 unfairness n06202686 impartiality, nonpartisanship n06202907 disinterestedness n06203030 fairness, fair-mindedness, candor, candour n06203222 experimenter bias n06203472 homophobia n06203603 Islamophobia n06203758 racism n06203956 anti-Semitism, antisemitism n06204126 white supremacy n06204289 tendentiousness n06204406 tolerance n06204623 broad-mindedness n06204820 liberality, liberalness n06205018 disinterest, neutrality n06205154 intolerance n06205411 narrow-mindedness, narrowness n06205698 parochialism n06205827 pettiness n06205937 provincialism n06206021 sectarianism, denominationalism n06206210 bigotry, dogmatism n06206334 fanaticism, fanatism, zealotry n06206470 religionism n06206576 zero tolerance n06206800 respect, esteem, regard n06207029 estimate, estimation n06207199 reputation, report n06207437 disrespect n06207561 reverence n06207733 irreverence n06207874 profaneness n06208021 orientation n06208265 wavelength n06208409 experimentalism n06208614 reorientation n06208751 position, view, perspective n06209101 bird's eye view, panoramic view n06209242 futurism n06209419 vanguard, forefront, cutting edge n06209770 cityscape n06209940 landscape n06210171 paradigm n06210363 point of view, viewpoint, stand, standpoint n06210791 light n06210964 sight n06211078 slant, angle n06211206 complexion n06211389 Weltanschauung, world view n06211529 clockwork universe n06211702 straddle n06211811 orthodoxy n06211963 conformity, conformism n06212155 conventionality n06212302 legalism n06212422 unorthodoxy, heterodoxy, heresy n06212650 nonconformity, nonconformism, nonconformance n06212839 political orientation, ideology, political theory n06213688 absolutism, totalitarianism, totalism n06213890 anarchism n06214020 autocracy n06214164 Machiavellianism n06214379 centrism, moderatism n06214580 collectivism n06214744 communism n06215043 Castroism n06215152 Leninism, Marxism-Leninism n06215495 Maoism n06215618 Marxism n06215977 Trotskyism n06216160 conservatism, conservativism n06216408 neoconservatism n06216634 reaction n06216805 segregationism n06216948 constitutionalism n06217103 democracy n06217318 social democracy n06217464 domino theory n06217657 elitism n06217806 extremism n06217944 fascism n06218162 federalism n06218308 imperialism n06218459 leftism n06218623 liberalism n06218824 meritocracy n06219009 neoliberalism n06219185 libertarianism n06219300 monarchism n06219415 Negritude n06219613 Orleanism n06219711 progressivism n06219875 radicalism n06220041 Jacobinism n06220199 reactionism n06220299 republicanism n06220449 rightism n06220616 socialism n06220819 Fabianism n06220955 guild socialism n06221119 utopian socialism n06221224 theocracy n06221323 Utopianism n06221485 dovishness n06221659 peace advocacy n06221790 hawkishness n06221974 militarism n06222236 warmongering, war advocacy n06222336 religious orientation n06222508 agnosticism n06222731 Docetism n06222959 Gnosticism n06223204 Mandaeanism, Mandeanism n06223468 atheism, godlessness n06223669 theism n06223922 deism, free thought n06224136 monotheism n06224305 polytheism n06224439 tritheism n06224657 paganism, pagan religion, heathenism n06224831 druidism n06224975 pantheism n06225235 pantheism n06225357 cargo cult n06225505 macumba n06225667 obeah, obi n06225855 Rastafarianism n06226057 Christianity, Christian religion n06226934 Adventism, Second Adventism n06227121 Seventh-Day Adventism n06227263 Catholicism, Catholicity n06227453 anti-Catholicism n06227562 Romanism, Roman Catholicism, papism n06227708 Albigensianism, Catharism n06228086 Donatism n06228346 Eastern Catholicism n06228549 Protestantism n06229106 Anglicanism n06229240 Anglo-Catholicism, High Anglicanism n06229410 Tractarianism, Puseyism n06229586 Arminianism n06229853 Calvinism n06230060 Christian Science n06230208 Lutheranism n06230358 Unitarianism n06230502 Trinitarianism n06230613 Congregationalism n06230809 Mennonitism n06231030 evangelicalism n06231191 revivalism n06231328 fundamentalism n06231494 Methodism n06231680 Wesleyanism, Wesleyism n06231794 Anabaptism n06232047 Baptistic doctrine n06232166 Mormonism n06232298 pentecostalism n06232499 Presbyterianism n06232635 Puritanism n06232880 Judaism n06234104 Orthodox Judaism n06234257 Hasidism, Hassidism, Chasidism, Chassidism n06234415 Chabad, Chabad Hasidism n06234619 Conservative Judaism n06234728 Reform Judaism n06234825 Islam, Islamism, Mohammedanism, Muhammadanism, Muslimism n06235829 Mahdism n06235977 Salafism, Salafi movement n06236309 Shiism n06236492 Ismailism n06236602 Wahhabism, Wahabism n06236802 Hinduism, Hindooism n06237865 Brahmanism, Brahminism n06238036 Darsana n06238265 Mimamsa n06238574 Vedanta n06238831 Krishnaism n06238931 Shivaism, Sivaism n06239076 Shaktism, Saktism n06239215 Vaishnavism, Vaisnavism, Vishnuism n06239361 yoga n06239655 Jainism n06239931 Sikhism n06240244 Buddhism n06240865 Mahayana, Mahayana Buddhism n06241156 Theravada, Theravada Buddhism n06241576 Hinayana, Hinayana Buddhism n06241825 Lamaism, Tibetan Buddhism n06242048 Zen, Zen Buddhism n06242237 Shingon n06242427 Tantra, Tantrism n06242780 Yogacara n06242970 Tao n06243096 Taoism, Hsuan Chiao n06243347 Shinto, Shintoism n06243575 Manichaeism, Manichaeanism n06243963 Mithraism, Mithraicism n06244149 Zoroastrianism, Mazdaism n06244445 Parsiism, Parseeism n06244552 Bahaism n06244852 shamanism, Asian shamanism n06245084 shamanism n06245286 Vedism n06245462 Wicca n06245674 obiism n06245816 voodoo, vodoun, voodooism, hoodooism n06246076 amateurism n06246241 anagoge n06246361 dynamical system n06246529 chaos n06246700 condensation n06246896 level, layer, stratum n06247181 transference n06247484 countertransference n06247701 restraint n06247867 floodgate n06248043 military science n06248214 escapology n06248361 graphology n06248530 numerology n06248693 protology n06248863 theogony n06248968 tactics n06249177 strategy n06249421 closure, law of closure n06249685 common fate, law of common fate n06249910 descriptivism n06250061 descriptivism n06250208 good continuation, continuation, law of continuation n06250444 prescriptivism n06250597 prescriptivism n06250771 proximity, law of proximity n06251033 similarity, law of similarity n06251295 wrinkle n06251424 wrinkle n06251553 Zurvanism n06251781 transmission n06252138 communication, communicating n06252743 intercommunication n06252954 conveyance, imparting, impartation n06253140 dissemination, airing, public exposure, spreading n06253371 circulation n06253518 propagation, extension n06253690 message n06254007 broadcast n06254239 cipher, cypher n06254371 heliogram n06254475 medium n06254669 medium n06254915 ether, aether n06255081 vehicle n06255354 air, airwave n06255613 paper n06255777 sheet, piece of paper, sheet of paper n06256041 signature n06256229 leaf, folio n06256494 flyleaf n06256591 interleaf n06256697 page n06257141 tear sheet n06257250 full page n06257372 half page n06257484 recto n06257569 verso n06257653 title page n06257772 half title, bastard title n06257909 sports page n06258031 spread, spread head, spreadhead, facing pages n06258228 center spread, centre spread n06258361 centerfold, centrefold n06258541 foldout, gatefold n06258680 pagination, folio, page number, paging n06258852 stationery, letter paper n06259027 letterhead n06259166 notepaper n06259297 Post-It n06259487 foolscap n06259584 style sheet n06259736 worksheet n06259898 channel, transmission channel n06260121 channel, communication channel, line n06260518 band n06260628 frequency band, waveband n06260817 back channel n06261060 lens n06261260 liaison, link, contact, inter-group communication n06261464 channels n06261586 medium, mass medium n06261744 multimedia, multimedia system n06261922 hypermedia, hypermedia system, interactive multimedia, interactive multimedia system n06262176 hypertext n06262567 film, cinema, celluloid n06262943 silver screen n06263020 gutter press n06263202 free press n06263369 press, public press n06263609 print media n06263762 storage medium, data-storage medium n06263895 magnetic storage medium, magnetic medium, magnetic storage n06264176 broadcast medium, broadcasting n06264398 mail, mail service, postal service, post n06264812 airmail, airpost n06264932 snail mail n06265142 rural free delivery, RFD n06265272 first class, 1st class, first-class mail, 1st-class mail n06265475 express, express mail n06265636 poste restante n06265815 pony express n06265983 parcel post n06266077 bulk mail n06266296 direct mail n06266417 journalism, news media n06266633 Fleet Street n06266710 photojournalism n06266878 news photography n06266973 rotogravure n06267145 newspaper, paper n06267564 daily n06267655 gazette n06267758 school newspaper, school paper n06267893 tabloid, rag, sheet n06267991 yellow journalism, tabloid, tab n06268096 article n06268357 column n06268567 column, editorial, newspaper column n06268784 feature, feature article n06269014 magazine article n06269130 news article, news story, newspaper article n06269396 piece n06269674 morceau n06269785 offprint, reprint, separate n06269956 paper n06270129 think piece n06270308 reissue, reprint, reprinting n06270541 new edition n06270690 article of faith, credendum n06270879 lead, lead-in, lede n06271055 opening line n06271192 lead, lead story n06271288 personal n06271403 sidebar n06271514 agony column n06271620 samizdat, underground press n06271778 telecommunication, telecom n06272290 telephone, telephony n06272612 voice mail, voicemail n06272803 call, phone call, telephone call n06273207 call-back n06273294 collect call n06273414 call forwarding n06273555 call-in n06273743 call waiting n06273890 crank call n06273986 local call n06274092 long distance, long-distance call, trunk call n06274292 toll call n06274408 conference call n06274546 wake-up call n06274760 three-way calling n06274921 telegraphy n06275095 cable, cablegram, overseas telegram n06275219 letter telegram n06275353 wireless n06275471 radiotelegraph, radiotelegraphy, wireless telegraphy n06275634 mail n06275977 third-class mail, third class n06276141 junk mail n06276287 phone message, telephone message n06276401 radiogram n06276501 radiotelephone, radiotelephony, wireless telephone n06276697 broadcasting n06276902 Rediffusion n06277025 multiplex n06277135 radio, radiocommunication, wireless n06277280 television, telecasting, TV, video n06277803 video, picture n06277992 video n06278136 audio, sound n06278338 cable television, cable n06278475 high-definition television, HDTV n06278662 electronic communication n06278830 digital communication, data communication n06279071 asynchronous transfer mode, ATM n06279326 electronic mail, e-mail, email n06279805 freemail n06279939 emoticon n06280162 smiley n06280244 smoking gun n06280347 spam, junk e-mail n06280477 messaging, electronic messaging n06280604 prompt, command prompt n06280816 fiber optics, fiberoptics, fibre optics, fibreoptics n06281040 reception n06281175 signal detection, detection n06281295 modulation n06281594 amplitude modulation, AM n06281721 frequency modulation, FM n06281848 phase modulation, PM n06281959 pulse modulation n06282093 pulse-time modulation n06282209 demodulation n06282383 contagion, infection n06282651 language, linguistic communication n06283459 usage n06283647 dead language n06283764 words n06283912 source language n06284067 object language, target language n06284225 language unit, linguistic unit n06284573 slot n06284777 discourse n06284898 context, linguistic context, context of use n06285090 sentence n06285435 simple sentence n06285559 complex sentence n06285789 loose sentence n06285940 periodic sentence n06286100 compound sentence n06286230 sentential function n06286395 word n06287620 anagram n06287859 anaphor n06288024 antonym, opposite word, opposite n06288350 back-formation n06288527 blend, portmanteau word, portmanteau n06288947 charade n06289074 cognate, cognate word n06289250 content word, open-class word n06289472 contraction n06289693 deictic, deictic word n06290051 derivative n06290246 diminutive n06290401 dirty word n06290539 disyllable, dissyllable n06290637 form, word form, signifier, descriptor n06291122 four-letter word, four-letter Anglo-Saxon word n06291318 function word, closed-class word n06291603 guide word, guideword, catchword n06291809 head, head word n06292000 headword n06292154 headword, head word n06292290 heteronym n06292478 holonym, whole name n06292649 homonym n06292836 hypernym, superordinate, superordinate word n06292973 hyponym, subordinate, subordinate word n06293106 key word n06293229 loanblend, loan-blend, hybrid n06293460 loanword, loan n06293655 Latinism n06293746 meronym, part name n06293898 metonym n06294147 antigram n06294309 monosyllable, monosyllabic word n06294441 neologism, neology, coinage n06294584 nonce word, hapax legomenon n06294716 oxytone n06294828 palindrome n06294941 primitive n06295113 primitive n06295235 plural, plural form n06299916 singular, singular form n06300058 ghost word n06300193 root, root word, base, stem, theme, radical n06300445 etymon, root n06300632 citation form, main entry word, entry word n06300823 lexical entry, dictionary entry n06301012 Beatitude n06301302 logion n06301445 calque, calque formation, loan translation n06301672 paroxytone n06301792 partitive n06301953 polysemant, polysemantic word, polysemous word n06302083 polysyllable, polysyllabic word n06302269 proparoxytone n06302381 quantifier n06302542 quantifier, logical quantifier n06302755 existential quantifier, existential operator n06302967 universal quantifier n06303150 reduplication n06303315 retronym n06303540 substantive n06303682 synonym, equivalent word n06303888 term n06304059 terminology, nomenclature, language n06304338 trisyllable n06304425 troponym, manner name n06304576 vocable, spoken word n06304671 syllable n06305029 ultima n06305109 penult, penultima, penultimate n06305223 antepenult, antepenultima, antepenultimate n06305385 jawbreaker n06305474 sesquipedalian, sesquipedalia n06305610 reduplication n06305716 direct antonym n06305838 indirect antonym n06306034 lexeme n06306233 morpheme n06306480 formative n06306606 allomorph n06306842 free morpheme, free form n06306945 bound morpheme, bound form n06307152 combining form n06308049 affix n06308304 prefix n06308436 classifier n06308674 alpha privative n06308765 ending, termination n06308987 suffix, postfix n06309131 inflectional ending, inflectional suffix n06309272 infix n06309383 grammatical category, syntactic category n06309684 substitution class, paradigm n06309931 subject n06310125 subject n06310237 object n06310449 prepositional object, object of a preposition n06310578 direct object, object of the verb n06310713 indirect object n06310848 retained object n06310945 case, grammatical case n06311160 nominative, nominative case, subject case n06311334 oblique, oblique case n06311557 accusative, accusative case, objective case n06311723 dative, dative case n06311852 genitive, genitive case, possessive, possessive case n06312001 attributive genitive, attributive genitive case n06312237 vocative, vocative case n06312418 ablative, ablative case n06312612 ablative absolute n06312767 adjunct n06312966 constituent, grammatical constituent n06313300 immediate constituent n06313457 syntagma, syntagm n06313651 construction, grammatical construction, expression n06314036 misconstruction n06314144 clause n06314423 main clause, independent clause n06314595 coordinate clause n06314808 subordinate clause, dependent clause n06315096 relative clause n06315301 restrictive clause n06315454 nonrestrictive clause, descriptive clause n06315638 complement n06315755 involution n06315873 parenthetical expression, parenthetical n06316048 phrase n06316376 predicator n06316480 noun phrase, nominal phrase, nominal n06316626 predicate, verb phrase n06316813 predicate n06317107 split infinitive n06317247 prepositional phrase n06317351 pronominal phrase, pronominal n06317464 part of speech, form class, word class n06317672 major form class n06317862 noun n06318062 verb n06318352 gerund n06318513 auxiliary verb n06318722 modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary, modal verb, modal n06318904 infinitive n06319029 adjective n06319157 adverb n06319293 noun n06319575 collective noun n06319710 mass noun n06319799 count noun n06319881 generic noun n06320004 proper noun, proper name n06320153 common noun n06320314 verbal noun, deverbal noun n06320440 adnoun n06320569 verb n06320801 modifier, qualifier n06321054 intensifier, intensive n06321702 adjective n06321932 descriptive adjective, qualifying adjective n06322157 relational adjective, classifying adjective n06322357 pertainym n06322468 positive, positive degree n06322693 comparative, comparative degree n06323284 superlative, superlative degree n06323612 adverb n06323822 dangling modifier, misplaced modifier n06324086 dangling participle n06324355 adverbial n06324475 determiner, determinative n06324669 article n06324864 definite article n06325001 indefinite article n06325145 preposition n06325370 pronoun n06325576 anaphoric pronoun n06325678 demonstrative pronoun, demonstrative n06325826 conjunction, conjunctive, connective, continuative n06326054 coordinating conjunction n06326226 subordinating conjunction, subordinate conjunction n06326406 particle n06326526 number n06326797 person n06327136 personal pronoun n06327261 reciprocal pronoun n06327551 relative pronoun n06327718 first person n06327870 second person n06328022 third person n06328207 reflexive pronoun, reflexive n06328386 reflexive verb n06328643 gender, grammatical gender n06328996 feminine n06329165 masculine n06329313 neuter n06329506 tense n06329734 present, present tense n06329909 historical present n06330037 aorist n06330262 past, past tense n06330401 future, future tense n06330528 participle, participial n06330764 phrasal verb n06331014 present participle n06331154 past participle, perfect participle n06331281 transitive verb, transitive verb form, transitive n06331477 doubly transitive verb, doubly transitive verb form n06331641 intransitive verb, intransitive verb form, intransitive n06331803 semantic role, participant role n06332136 affected role, patient role, patient n06332364 agentive role, agent n06332545 benefactive role, beneficiary n06332731 instrumental role, instrument n06332919 locative role, locative n06333095 recipient role, recipient n06333285 resultant role, result n06333478 temporal role, temporal n06333653 name n06334377 agnomen n06334512 assumed name, fictitious name, Doing Business As, DBA n06334778 eponym n06334985 eponym n06335162 extension, filename extension, file name extension n06335532 filename, file name, computer filename, computer file name n06335832 patronymic, patronym n06336149 matronymic, metronymic n06336285 street name n06336363 street name n06336537 street name n06336723 street name n06336904 surname, family name, cognomen, last name n06337111 maiden name n06337202 middle name n06337307 first name, given name, forename n06337458 Christian name, baptismal name n06337594 praenomen n06337693 nickname, moniker, cognomen, sobriquet, soubriquet, byname n06338003 nickname n06338158 alias, assumed name, false name n06338278 pseudonym, anonym, nom de guerre n06338485 misnomer n06338571 stage name n06338653 pen name, nom de plume n06338744 writer's name, author's name n06338908 appellation, denomination, designation, appellative n06339244 pet name, hypocorism n06339416 title, title of respect, form of address n06340047 Aga, Agha n06340182 Defender of the Faith n06340395 Don n06340563 Dona n06340707 Frau n06340838 Fraulein n06340977 Hakham n06341127 Herr n06341249 Miss n06341340 Mister, Mr, Mr. n06341431 Mrs, Mrs. n06341525 Ms, Ms. n06341609 Rabbi n06341773 Reverend n06341862 Senor n06342015 Senora n06342182 Senorita n06342362 Signora n06342490 Signorina n06342623 Very Reverend n06342781 Lordship n06342977 Ladyship n06343117 title n06343364 baronetcy n06343440 viscountcy n06343520 title n06343838 place name, toponym n06343971 heading, header, head n06344329 crossheading, crosshead n06344461 headline, newspaper headline n06344691 lemma n06344846 masthead n06344998 rubric n06345131 running head, running headline n06345320 subheading, subhead n06345441 running title n06345566 dropline, drop line, stepped line, stagger head, staggered head, stephead n06345773 screamer n06345878 streamer, banner n06345993 title, statute title, rubric n06346220 title n06346461 title n06346681 credit n06346891 caption, legend n06347037 subtitle n06347122 mistranslation n06347225 pony, trot, crib n06347388 retroversion n06347588 subtitle, caption n06347811 supertitle, surtitle n06347996 line of poetry, line of verse n06348215 acatalectic n06348373 Alexandrine n06348500 catalectic n06348685 hypercatalectic n06348885 by-line, credit line n06349030 dateline n06349220 written communication, written language, black and white n06349597 transcription, written text n06349828 transliteration n06349952 phonetic transcription n06350127 shorthand, stenography, tachygraphy n06350274 longhand, running hand, cursive, cursive script n06350592 minuscule n06350777 copperplate n06350918 italic n06351086 round hand n06351202 orthography, writing system n06351613 script n06351888 Aramaic, Aramaic script n06352117 Armenian, Armenian alphabet n06352301 Avestan n06352446 Babylonian n06352618 Brahmi n06352782 Devanagari, Devanagari script, Nagari, Nagari script n06352954 Pahlavi n06353089 Uighur, Uigur, Uygur n06353225 uncial n06353445 spelling n06353653 misspelling n06353757 coding system n06353934 code n06354204 access, access code n06354481 back door, backdoor n06354626 area code n06354774 bar code, Universal Product Code n06355078 color code n06355183 cryptogram, cryptograph, secret writing n06355307 cipher, cypher, cryptograph, secret code n06355459 Morse, Morse code, international Morse code n06355705 ZIP code, ZIP, postcode, postal code n06355894 code, computer code n06356299 argument, parameter n06356515 address, computer address, reference n06356755 American Standard Code for Information Interchange, ASCII n06357078 ASCII character set n06357304 binary code n06357424 error correction code, ECC n06357632 cyclic redundancy check n06357814 firmware, microcode n06357985 machine code, machine language n06358159 object code n06358311 operation code, order code n06358513 source code n06358747 URL, uniform resource locator, universal resource locator n06358900 web page, webpage n06359096 home page, homepage n06359193 web site, website, internet site, site n06359467 chat room, chatroom n06359657 portal site, portal n06359877 writing n06360314 written word n06360599 bigram n06360723 trigram n06360850 tetragram n06360996 Tetragrammaton n06361218 picture writing n06361314 alphabetic writing, alphabetic script n06361446 boustrophedon n06361635 cuneiform n06361770 syllabary, syllabic script n06361934 Linear A n06362059 Linear B n06362172 ideography n06362260 hieratic, hieratic script n06362441 hieroglyph, hieroglyphic n06362628 point system n06362792 braille n06362953 writing, written material, piece of writing n06363778 writing n06364004 patristics, patrology n06364149 rewrite, revision, rescript n06364329 literary composition, literary work n06364641 literature n06365102 literature n06365357 historiography n06365467 matter n06365808 prescription n06366002 prescription n06366130 acrostic n06366269 belles-lettres, belles lettres n06366391 dialogue, dialog n06366581 allegory n06366879 euphuism n06367107 fiction n06367373 fictionalization, fictionalisation n06367571 nonfiction, nonfictional prose n06367702 dystopia n06367879 novel n06368142 detective novel, mystery novel n06368321 dime novel, penny dreadful n06368425 fantasy, phantasy n06368628 science fiction n06368814 cyberpunk n06368962 novelette, novella n06369077 roman a clef n06369216 romance n06369405 Gothic romance n06369554 bodice ripper n06369690 roman fleuve n06369829 story n06370178 utopia n06370268 adventure story, heroic tale n06370403 thriller n06370522 saga n06370792 mystery, mystery story, whodunit n06370985 detective story n06371145 murder mystery n06371267 love story, romance n06371413 legend, fable n06371734 Arthurian legend n06371999 short story n06372095 fable, parable, allegory, apologue n06372428 Aesop's fables n06372572 Pilgrim's Progress n06372680 myth n06372925 Gotterdammerung, Ragnarok, Twilight of the Gods n06373090 parable n06373314 plot n06373513 action n06373645 storyline, plot line n06373747 climax, culmination n06373991 anticlimax, bathos n06374148 tearjerker n06374241 interior monologue n06374408 stream of consciousness n06374587 criticism, literary criticism n06374834 explication de texte n06375008 textual criticism n06375215 new criticism n06375329 higher criticism n06375471 lower criticism n06375624 Masorah, Masora n06376014 analysis n06376154 drama n06376572 prose n06376776 prose poem n06376860 polyphonic prose n06377000 hagiology n06377133 lucubration n06377275 pastoral n06377442 poem, verse form n06377971 abecedarius n06378104 Alcaic, Alcaic verse n06378298 ballad, lay n06378427 ballade n06378524 blank verse n06378627 clerihew n06378917 couplet n06379094 dithyramb n06379253 doggerel, doggerel verse, jingle n06379439 eclogue, bucolic, idyll, idyl n06379568 elegy, lament n06379721 epic poem, heroic poem, epic, epos n06380055 Aeneid n06380256 Divine Comedy, Divina Commedia n06380373 free verse, vers libre n06380495 haiku n06380603 limerick n06380726 lyric, lyric poem n06380879 rondeau, rondel n06381134 roundel n06381274 rondelet n06381372 sonnet n06381594 tanka n06381761 terza rima n06381869 verse, rhyme n06382072 Iliad n06382193 Odyssey n06382345 Nibelungenlied n06382506 chanson de geste n06382590 rhapsody n06382716 Petrarchan sonnet, Italian sonnet n06382923 octave n06383016 sestet n06383107 Shakespearean sonnet, Elizabethan sonnet, English sonnet n06383334 Spenserian sonnet n06383523 epos n06383659 ode n06383819 epithalamium n06383934 Horatian ode, Sapphic ode n06384034 Pindaric ode, Pindaric n06384165 choral ode n06384269 canto n06384371 envoy, envoi n06384480 quatrain n06384593 elegiac stanza n06384708 verse, verse line n06384995 iambic n06385080 Adonic, Adonic line n06385244 versicle n06385434 sursum corda n06385582 response n06385728 closed couplet n06385842 heroic couplet n06385997 heroic stanza n06386156 heroic verse, heroic meter, heroic n06386345 mock-heroic n06386440 Spenserian stanza n06386693 strophe n06386832 antistrophe n06387053 potboiler n06387204 tushery n06387332 dictation n06387538 cookie n06387727 session cookie n06387864 precision cookie n06387980 text, textual matter n06388579 text n06388777 machine-displayable text n06388918 machine-readable text n06389109 typescript n06389230 erasure n06389398 margin n06389553 space, blank space, place n06389753 indentation, indention, indent, indenture n06389947 word order n06390051 core dump n06390227 dump n06390423 fair copy n06390512 copy, written matter n06390688 front matter, prelims n06390805 back matter, end matter n06390962 draft, draft copy n06391171 electronic text n06391347 soft copy n06391566 hard copy n06391766 installment, instalment n06391902 fascicle, fascicule n06392001 section, subdivision n06392660 above n06392787 sports section n06392935 article, clause n06393253 arbitration clause n06393424 deductible n06393620 double indemnity n06393800 escalator clause, escalator n06394051 joker n06394282 reserve clause n06394564 rider n06394701 body n06394865 book n06396142 chapter n06396330 episode n06396468 spot n06396644 spot n06396812 insert n06396930 introduction n06397171 exordium n06397307 narration n06397476 opening n06397645 teaser n06397789 salutation n06397903 foreword, preface, prolusion n06398090 preamble n06398270 prolegomenon n06398401 conclusion, end, close, closing, ending n06398760 epilogue, epilog n06398963 epilogue, epilog n06399126 peroration n06399337 appendix n06399503 sequel, continuation n06399631 addendum, supplement, postscript n06399870 shirttail n06399995 paragraph n06400271 passage n06400510 excerpt, excerption, extract, selection n06400849 chrestomathy n06401004 locus classicus n06401107 place n06401222 purple passage n06401328 transition n06401526 flashback n06401787 flash-forward n06402031 diary, journal n06402202 web log, blog n06402425 capitalization, capitalisation n06402565 typing, typewriting n06402770 double-spacing n06402871 single-spacing n06402970 triple-spacing n06403107 touch typing, touch system n06403291 printing n06403393 handwriting, hand, script n06403679 hieroglyph, hieroglyphic n06403852 skywriting n06403969 calligraphy, penmanship, chirography n06404147 scribble, scratch, scrawl, cacography n06404322 chicken scratch n06404416 squiggle n06404582 signature n06404806 allograph n06404907 autograph, John Hancock n06405020 countersignature, countersign n06405198 endorsement, indorsement n06405423 blank endorsement, endorsement in blank n06405589 sign manual n06405699 inscription, lettering n06405891 Rosetta Stone n06406177 superscription n06406317 dedication, inscription n06406547 epigraph n06406625 epitaph n06406757 epitaph n06406865 festschrift n06406979 manuscript, ms n06407094 autograph n06407221 manuscript, holograph n06407372 codex, leaf-book n06407514 palimpsest n06407733 scroll, roll n06407915 Dead Sea scrolls n06408239 Megillah n06408442 Torah n06408651 treatise n06408779 adaptation, version n06408990 modernization n06409085 dissertation, thesis n06409290 tract, pamphlet n06409448 monograph n06409562 essay n06409752 composition, paper, report, theme n06409937 term paper n06410070 disquisition n06410187 memoir n06410283 thanatopsis n06410391 review, critique, critical review, review article n06410655 book review n06410776 notice n06410904 book n06411592 authority n06411753 curiosa n06411883 formulary, pharmacopeia n06412213 last word n06412350 trade book, trade edition n06412497 best seller, bestseller n06412610 bestiary n06412771 catechism n06413020 cookbook, cookery book n06413130 instruction book n06413260 pop-up book, pop-up n06413459 storybook n06413579 tome n06413666 volume n06413889 booklet, brochure, folder, leaflet, pamphlet n06414151 blue book n06414267 ticket book n06414372 textbook, text, text edition, schoolbook, school text n06414727 crammer n06414849 introduction n06414948 primer n06415061 reader n06415186 McGuffey Eclectic Readers n06415323 speller n06415419 notebook n06415584 commonplace book n06415688 jotter n06415791 workbook n06415922 copybook n06416049 appointment book, appointment calendar n06416206 catalog, catalogue n06416452 phrase book n06416598 playbook n06416766 playbook n06416946 prayer book, prayerbook n06417096 breviary n06417279 missal n06417467 Psalter, Book of Psalms n06417598 reference book, reference, reference work, book of facts n06418006 review copy n06418146 songbook n06418258 hymnal, hymnbook, hymnary n06418375 prayer wheel n06418558 source book n06418693 wordbook n06418901 dictionary, lexicon n06419234 bilingual dictionary n06419354 desk dictionary, collegiate dictionary n06419503 etymological dictionary n06419628 gazetteer n06419757 learner's dictionary, school dictionary n06419912 pocket dictionary, little dictionary n06420053 spell-checker, spelling checker n06420219 unabridged dictionary, unabridged n06420424 Oxford English Dictionary, O.E.D., OED n06420573 onomasticon n06420678 vocabulary n06420781 glossary, gloss n06421016 thesaurus, synonym finder n06421154 word finder, wordfinder n06421301 handbook, enchiridion, vade mecum n06421538 hornbook n06421685 manual n06421844 consuetudinary, consuetudinal n06422032 grimoire n06422144 instruction manual, instructions, book of instructions, operating instructions n06422364 reference manual n06422488 sex manual n06422643 bible n06422740 guidebook, guide n06422912 field guide n06423090 roadbook n06423233 baedeker n06423378 travel guidebook, itinerary n06423496 reckoner, ready reckoner n06423619 directory n06423754 phonebook, phone book, telephone book, telephone directory n06423994 ballistic identification, ballistic fingerprinting, bullet fingerprinting n06424275 biometric identification, biometric authentication, identity verification n06424869 key n06425065 number, identification number n06425404 business card n06425534 bank identification number, BIN, ABA transit number n06425808 license number, registration number n06425960 Social Security number n06426111 phone number, telephone number, number n06426279 almanac n06426468 annual, yearly, yearbook n06426655 almanac, farmer's calendar n06426865 ephemeris n06427086 atlas, book of maps, map collection n06427240 dialect atlas, linguistic atlas n06427387 encyclopedia, cyclopedia, encyclopaedia, cyclopaedia n06427710 book of knowledge n06427831 editing, redaction n06428105 copy editing n06428216 deletion, excision, cut n06428537 correction n06428646 erasure n06428792 rewriting, revising n06428976 revision, revisal, revise, rescript n06429145 rewording, recasting, rephrasing n06429316 paraphrase, paraphrasis n06429483 translation n06429590 sacred text, sacred writing, religious writing, religious text n06430309 screed n06430385 scripture, sacred scripture n06430537 canon n06430784 Adi Granth, Granth, Granth Sahib n06430996 Avesta, Zend-Avesta n06431156 Bhagavad-Gita, Bhagavadgita, Gita n06431496 Mahabharata, Mahabharatam, Mahabharatum n06431740 Bible, Christian Bible, Book, Good Book, Holy Scripture, Holy Writ, Scripture, Word of God, Word n06432376 Genesis, Book of Genesis n06432715 Exodus, Book of Exodus n06433035 Leviticus, Book of Leviticus n06433249 Numbers, Book of Numbers n06433475 Deuteronomy, Book of Deuteronomy n06433672 mezuzah, mezuza n06433923 Joshua, Josue, Book of Joshua n06434165 Judges, Book of Judges n06434368 Ruth, Book of Ruth n06434650 I Samuel, 1 Samuel n06434826 II Samuel, 2 Samuel n06435004 I Kings, 1 Kings n06435198 II Kings, 2 Kings n06435394 Paralipomenon n06435651 I Chronicles, 1 Chronicles n06435916 II Chronicles, 2 Chronicles n06436183 Ezra, Book of Ezra n06436443 Nehemiah, Book of Nehemiah n06436717 Esther, Book of Esther n06436939 Job, Book of Job n06437137 Psalms, Book of Psalms n06437308 Proverbs, Book of Proverbs n06437531 Ecclesiastes, Book of Ecclesiastes n06437824 Song of Songs, Song of Solomon, Canticle of Canticles, Canticles n06438126 Isaiah, Book of Isaiah n06438290 Jeremiah, Book of Jeremiah n06438477 Lamentations, Book of Lamentations n06438748 Ezekiel, Ezechiel, Book of Ezekiel n06438995 Daniel, Book of Daniel, Book of the Prophet Daniel n06439253 Hosea, Book of Hosea n06439408 Joel, Book of Joel n06439560 Amos, Book of Amos n06439712 Obadiah, Abdias, Book of Obadiah n06439924 Jonah, Book of Jonah n06440102 Micah, Micheas, Book of Micah n06440313 Nahum, Book of Nahum n06440489 Habakkuk, Habacuc, Book of Habakkuk n06440663 Zephaniah, Sophonias, Book of Zephaniah n06440937 Haggai, Aggeus, Book of Haggai n06441195 Zechariah, Zacharias, Book of Zachariah n06441464 Malachi, Malachias, Book of Malachi n06441607 Matthew, Gospel According to Matthew n06441803 Mark, Gospel According to Mark n06441973 Luke, Gospel of Luke, Gospel According to Luke n06442239 John, Gospel According to John n06442405 Acts of the Apostles, Acts n06442616 Epistle n06443163 Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans, Epistle to the Romans, Romans n06443398 First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians, First Epistle to the Corinthians, I Corinthians n06443658 Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians, Second Epistle to the Corinthians, II Corinthians n06443922 Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians, Epistle to the Galatians, Galatians n06444148 Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians, Epistle to the Ephesians, Ephesians n06444458 Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians, Epistle to the Philippians, Philippians n06444711 Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians, Epistle to the Colossians, Colossians n06444959 First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians, First Epistle to the Thessalonians, I Thessalonians n06445214 Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians, Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, II Thessalonians n06445473 First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy, First Epistle to Timothy, I Timothy n06445729 Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy, Second Epistle to Timothy, II Timothy n06445989 Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Titus, Epistle to Titus, Titus n06446217 Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Philemon, Epistle to Philemon, Philemon n06446476 Epistle to the Hebrews, Hebrews n06446711 Epistle of James, James n06446860 First Epistle of Peter, I Peter n06447039 Second Epistle of Peter, II Peter n06447221 First Epistle of John, I John n06447400 Second Epistel of John, II John n06447582 Third Epistel of John, III John n06447763 Epistle of Jude, Jude n06447897 Revelation, Revelation of Saint John the Divine, Apocalypse, Book of Revelation n06448283 family Bible n06448397 Septuagint n06448594 Vulgate n06448868 Douay Bible, Douay Version, Douay-Rheims Bible, Douay-Rheims Version, Rheims-Douay Bible, Rheims-Douay Version n06449095 Authorized Version, King James Version, King James Bible n06449254 Revised Version n06449361 New English Bible n06449477 American Standard Version, American Revised Version n06449620 Revised Standard Version n06449735 Old Testament n06451891 Torah, Pentateuch, Laws n06452223 Torah n06452363 Tanakh, Tanach, Hebrew Scripture n06452601 Prophets, Nebiim n06453119 Haftorah, Haftarah, Haphtorah, Haphtarah n06453324 Hagiographa, Ketubim, Writings n06453723 Testament n06453849 New Testament n06455138 Gospel, Gospels, evangel n06455497 Synoptic Gospels, Synoptics n06455682 Word of God n06455775 Book of Mormon n06455990 prayer n06456276 Agnus Dei n06456384 Angelus n06456515 Ave Maria, Hail Mary n06456642 Canticle of Simeon, Nunc dimittis n06456759 Evening Prayer, evensong n06456945 Kol Nidre n06457045 service book n06457171 Book of Common Prayer n06457442 Litany n06457612 Lord's Prayer n06457796 Paternoster n06457952 Apocrypha n06458685 Additions to Esther n06458836 Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Children n06459016 Susanna, Book of Susanna n06459173 Bel and the Dragon n06459323 Baruch, Book of Baruch n06459450 Letter of Jeremiah, Epistle of Jeremiah n06459681 Tobit, Book of Tobit n06459834 Judith, Book of Judith n06459978 I Esdra, 1 Esdras n06460167 II Esdras, 2 Esdras n06460295 Ben Sira, Sirach, Ecclesiasticus, Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach n06460524 Wisdom of Solomon, Wisdom n06460776 I Maccabees, 1 Maccabees n06460926 II Maccabees, 2 Maccabees n06461077 sapiential book, wisdom book, wisdom literature n06461406 Pseudepigrapha n06461609 Koran, Quran, al-Qur'an, Book n06461830 sura n06462002 Fatiha, Fatihah n06462219 Talmudic literature n06462396 Talmud n06462656 Gemara n06462807 Mishna, Mishnah n06463011 Haggadah, Haggada, Hagada n06463170 Halakah, Halaka, Halacha n06463347 Sanskrit literature n06463559 Hastinapura n06463786 Purana n06464024 Ramayana n06464241 tantra n06464419 Vedic literature, Veda n06464838 Samhita n06465008 Rig-Veda n06465139 Sama-Veda n06465255 Atharva-Veda n06465351 Yajur-Veda n06465457 Brahmana n06465623 Aranyaka n06465780 Vedanga n06466030 Ayurveda n06466253 Upanishad n06466479 mantra n06466677 psalm n06466787 Psalm n06467007 summary, sum-up n06467445 summarization, summarisation n06467680 argument, literary argument n06467868 capitulation n06467996 compendium n06468123 condensation, abridgement, abridgment, capsule n06468328 conspectus n06468403 curriculum vitae, CV, resume n06468523 line score n06468640 brief n06468749 apercu n06468818 epitome n06468951 outline, synopsis, abstract, precis n06469223 overview n06469377 recapitulation, recap, review n06469597 roundup n06469694 sketch, survey, resume n06469874 summation, summing up, rundown n06470073 document, written document, papers n06470688 articles of incorporation n06470922 ballot n06471069 brevet n06471242 capitulation n06471345 certificate, certification, credential, credentials n06471737 charter n06472025 commercial document, commercial instrument n06472242 confession n06472409 confession n06472607 Augsburg Confession n06472824 copula, copulative, linking verb n06473041 frequentative n06473168 copyright, right of first publication n06473381 enclosure, inclosure n06473563 form n06473837 application form n06473940 claim form n06474030 order form n06474122 questionnaire n06474289 personality inventory, personality assessment n06474603 self-report personality inventory, self-report inventory n06474972 California Personality Inventory, CPI n06475307 Eysenck Personality Inventory, EPI n06475589 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, MMPI n06475933 Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, 16 PF n06476200 requisition, requisition form n06476384 tax form n06476475 telegraph form n06476573 absentee ballot n06476741 certificate of incorporation n06476899 bank charter n06477003 Magna Carta, Magna Charta, The Great Charter n06477209 royal charter n06477371 card, identity card n06477645 donor card n06477818 keycard n06477970 membership card n06478097 union card n06478199 library card, borrower's card n06478331 ration card n06478452 birth certificate n06478582 diploma, sheepskin n06478734 Higher National Diploma, HND n06478988 commission, military commission n06479204 bill of health n06479374 registration n06479494 teaching certificate, teacher's certificate n06479665 legal document, legal instrument, official document, instrument n06480506 derivative instrument, derivative n06480723 futures contract n06480991 stock-index futures n06481156 negotiable instrument n06481320 list, listing n06482401 item, point n06482868 agenda item n06482978 incidental n06483061 inventory item n06483171 line item n06483339 news item n06483454 place, position n06483702 postposition n06483992 preposition n06484279 topicalization n06484696 ammunition n06484887 factoid n06485001 factoid n06485178 papyrus n06485261 agenda, agendum, order of business n06485431 A-list n06485593 docket n06485800 order of the day n06485933 order paper, order book n06486042 network programming n06486161 batting order, card, lineup n06486405 cleanup, cleanup position, cleanup spot n06486630 bibliography n06486874 bill n06487050 bill of entry n06487172 bill of goods n06487260 blacklist, black book, shitlist n06487395 calendar n06487610 calorie chart n06487729 canon n06487897 catalog, catalogue n06488224 discography n06488325 library catalog, library catalogue n06488473 card catalog, card catalogue n06488629 parts catalog, parts catalogue n06488763 seed catalog, seed catalogue n06488880 character set n06489070 checklist n06489190 class list, honours list n06489410 clericalism n06489560 codex n06489659 contents, table of contents n06489847 corrigenda n06489968 credits n06490173 criminal record, record n06490451 directory n06490627 distribution list n06490743 subdirectory n06490887 enumeration, numbering n06491026 FAQ n06491168 free list n06491277 grocery list n06491371 grocery list, shopping list n06491561 hit list n06491665 hit parade n06491786 index n06492040 concordance n06492188 key n06492320 key word n06492438 key n06492569 parts inventory n06492664 inventory, stock list n06492811 mailing list n06492939 menu, bill of fare, card, carte du jour, carte n06493158 masthead, flag n06493392 menu, computer menu n06493579 drop-down menu n06493721 hierarchical menu, cascading menu, submenu n06493926 necrology n06494016 playlist, play list n06494153 portfolio n06494373 posting n06494538 price list n06494646 push-down list, push-down stack, stack n06494816 queue n06495000 roll, roster n06495220 death-roll n06495328 schedule n06495516 shopping list n06495625 short list, shortlist n06495824 sick list n06495948 slate, ticket n06496116 standing n06496299 wish list n06496397 timetable n06496499 timetable n06496624 muster roll n06496773 church roll n06496862 rota n06497013 waiting list n06497117 a la carte n06497233 prix fixe n06497331 table d'hote n06497459 alphabet n06497872 Roman alphabet, Latin alphabet n06498569 Hebrew alphabet, Hebraic alphabet, Hebrew script n06499244 Greek alphabet n06499796 Cyrillic alphabet, Cyrillic n06500062 Arabic alphabet n06500262 alphanumerics, alphanumeric characters n06500448 phonetic alphabet, sound alphabet n06500639 visible speech n06500765 manual alphabet, finger alphabet n06500937 passport n06501141 patent, patent of invention n06501311 platform, political platform, political program, program n06501622 plank n06501748 ship's papers n06501918 manifest n06502054 push-down queue n06502192 cadaster, cadastre n06502378 written record, written account n06502858 blotter, day book, police blotter, rap sheet, charge sheet n06503034 casebook n06503224 chronology n06503386 Domesday Book, Doomsday Book n06503551 dossier n06503724 entry n06503884 log n06504049 logbook n06504155 log n06504326 bell book n06504462 note n06504662 paper trail n06504838 timecard n06504965 timeline n06505154 time sheet n06505252 nolle prosequi, nol pros n06505434 notebook entry n06505517 transcript, copy n06505705 memorabilia n06505799 jotting, jot n06505935 marginalia n06506037 scholium, scholia n06506191 memo, memorandum, memoranda n06506315 minute n06506430 aide-memoire, position paper n06506603 corker n06506757 reminder n06506926 check register n06507041 register, registry n06507330 studbook n06507454 rent-roll n06507592 won-lost record n06507711 blue book n06507815 stub, check stub, counterfoil n06507941 card, scorecard n06508112 minutes, proceedings, transactions n06508299 minute book n06508417 Congressional Record n06508579 Hansard n06508816 file, data file n06509075 Combined DNA Index System n06509210 computer file n06509513 backup file n06509675 binary file n06509902 master file, main file n06510103 disk file n06510271 transaction file, detail file n06510478 input file, input data n06510663 output file n06510836 read-only file n06510977 text file, document n06511242 ASCII text file n06511396 mug file, mug book n06511560 resignation n06511762 abdication, stepping down n06511874 resolution, declaration, resolve n06512099 Declaration of Independence n06512324 joint resolution n06512580 application n06512857 job application n06512943 credit application n06513043 loan application n06513154 mortgage application n06513255 patent application n06513366 request, petition, postulation n06513624 memorial n06513764 solicitation, appeal, collection, ingathering n06513953 whip-round n06514093 history, account, chronicle, story n06514529 ancient history n06514621 etymology n06514786 folk etymology n06514880 case history n06515054 family history n06515297 medical history, medical record, anamnesis n06515489 historical document, historical paper, historical record n06515662 annals, chronological record n06515827 biography, life, life story, life history n06516087 autobiography n06516242 hagiography n06516404 profile n06516495 memoir n06516595 statement, financial statement n06516782 bank statement n06516955 bill, account, invoice n06517345 electric bill n06517447 hotel bill n06517547 medical bill, doctor's bill n06517663 phone bill, telephone bill n06517779 reckoning, tally n06517867 tax bill n06517942 check, chit, tab n06518068 coupon, voucher n06518253 book token n06518420 meal ticket, luncheon voucher n06518565 twofer n06518719 ticket n06519077 commutation ticket, season ticket n06519253 plane ticket, airplane ticket n06519369 pass n06519480 transfer n06519607 railroad ticket, train ticket n06519728 theater ticket, theatre ticket n06519846 bus ticket n06519936 round-trip ticket, return ticket n06520092 day return n06520222 receipt n06520429 stub, ticket stub n06520571 rain check n06520742 bill of lading, waybill n06520944 contract n06521878 adhesion contract, contract of adhesion n06522119 aleatory contract n06522357 bilateral contract n06522501 charter n06522633 conditional contract n06522784 cost-plus contract n06522941 gambling contract n06523132 lease n06523353 marriage contract, marriage settlement n06523473 output contract n06523641 policy, insurance policy, insurance n06523842 purchase contract, purchase agreement n06523969 quasi contract n06524111 requirements contract n06524278 sealed instrument, contract under seal, special contract n06524454 service contract n06524552 severable contract n06524767 subcontract n06524935 conspiracy, confederacy n06525132 fair-trade agreement n06525406 conspiracy of silence n06525588 covenant n06525813 unilateral contract n06526004 debenture n06526124 floater, floating policy n06526291 partnership n06526486 articles of agreement, shipping articles n06526619 concession, grant n06526811 franchise n06526961 labor contract, labor agreement, collective agreement n06527170 yellow-dog contract n06527320 employment contract, employment agreement n06527447 distribution agreement n06527576 licensing agreement n06527710 merger agreement, acquisition agreement n06527851 sale, sales agreement n06528191 conditional sale n06528403 sale in gross, contract of hazard n06528557 sheriff's sale, execution sale, judicial sale, forced sale n06528783 appraisal, estimate, estimation n06528992 overestimate, overestimation, overvaluation, overappraisal n06529219 order, purchase order n06529630 credit order, bill-me order n06529798 open account n06529879 indent n06529996 market order n06530143 production order n06530255 reorder n06530412 stop order, stop-loss order n06530586 stop payment n06530703 mail order n06530789 power of attorney n06530976 stock power n06531141 proxy n06531327 stock symbol n06531481 letters of administration n06531657 letters testamentary n06531908 working papers, work papers, work permit n06532095 act, enactment n06532330 law n06532763 nullity n06532910 anti-drug law n06533039 anti-racketeering law, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, RICO Act, RICO n06533297 antitrust legislation, antitrust law n06533484 statute of limitations n06533648 fundamental law, organic law, constitution n06533863 Articles of Confederation n06534132 United States Constitution, U.S. Constitution, US Constitution, Constitution, Constitution of the United States n06534548 public law n06534659 Roman law, Justinian code, civil law, jus civile n06534918 Salic law n06535035 case law, precedent, common law n06535222 legislation, statute law n06535476 enabling legislation n06535652 occupational safety and health act, federal job safety law n06535980 advice and consent n06536227 statute book n06536389 translation, interlingual rendition, rendering, version n06536737 worksheet n06536853 bill, measure n06537124 appropriation bill n06537323 bill of attainder n06537562 bottle bill n06537701 farm bill n06537832 trade bill n06537951 bylaw n06538105 blue law n06538215 blue sky law n06538412 gag law n06538525 game law n06538655 homestead law n06538785 poor law n06538895 Riot Act n06539076 riot act n06539178 criminal law n06539502 court order n06539770 decree, edict, fiat, order, rescript n06540284 consent decree n06540527 curfew n06540702 decree nisi n06540863 divestiture n06541167 imperial decree n06541301 ukase n06541381 legal separation, judicial separation n06541578 pragmatic sanction, pragmatic n06541726 programma n06541820 prohibition n06542047 prohibition, ban, proscription n06542267 stay n06542569 stay of execution n06542742 banning-order n06542830 injunction, enjoining, enjoinment, cease and desist order n06543246 mandatory injunction n06543389 permanent injunction, final injunction n06543536 temporary injunction, interlocutory injunction n06543781 brief, legal brief n06543949 amicus curiae brief n06544142 will, testament n06544432 probate, probate will n06544657 codicil n06544841 living will n06545137 deed, deed of conveyance, title n06545528 assignment n06545728 bill of sale n06545843 deed poll n06545960 enfeoffment n06546157 mortgage deed n06546261 title deed n06546408 trust deed, deed of trust n06546633 conveyance n06546783 quitclaim, quitclaim deed n06546931 muniments n06547059 warrant n06547321 search warrant n06547615 bench warrant, arrest warrant n06547832 pickup n06547992 death warrant n06548110 cachet, lettre de cachet n06548317 reprieve n06548498 commutation n06548671 tax return, income tax return, return n06548991 amended return n06549115 declaration of estimated tax, estimated tax return n06549318 false return n06549407 information return n06549566 joint return n06549661 license, licence, permit n06550046 building permit n06550206 driver's license, driver's licence, driving license, driving licence n06550381 fishing license, fishing licence, fishing permit n06550552 hunting license, hunting licence, hunting permit, game license n06550763 learner's permit n06550891 letter of marque, letters of marque, letter of mark and reprisal n06551070 liquor license, liquor licence n06551226 on-license n06551339 marriage license, marriage licence, wedding license, wedding licence n06551498 occupation license, occupation licence n06551627 patent, letters patent n06551784 opinion, legal opinion, judgment, judgement n06552116 concurring opinion n06552320 dissenting opinion n06552470 majority opinion n06552639 pardon, amnesty n06552814 acquittance, release n06552984 writ, judicial writ n06553472 assize n06553631 certiorari, writ of certiorari n06553846 execution, writ of execution n06554078 execution, execution of instrument n06554373 habeas corpus, writ of habeas corpus n06554531 venire facias n06554675 mandamus, writ of mandamus n06554981 attachment n06555191 fieri facias n06555341 scire facias n06555570 sequestration n06555695 writ of detinue n06555847 writ of election n06555971 writ of error n06556150 writ of prohibition n06556343 writ of right n06556481 mandate, authorization, authorisation n06556692 summons, process n06557047 subpoena, subpoena ad testificandum n06557317 subpoena duces tecum n06557585 gag order n06557827 garnishment n06558088 interdict, interdiction n06558277 citation n06558434 monition, process of monition n06558678 ticket n06558893 speeding ticket n06559004 parking ticket n06559114 bill of Particulars n06559365 pleading n06559832 affirmative pleading n06560021 alternative pleading, pleading in the alternative n06560254 answer n06560758 evasive answer n06560939 nolo contendere, non vult n06561138 plea n06561343 counterplea n06561461 dilatory plea n06561744 insanity plea, plea of insanity n06561942 charge, complaint n06562217 complaint n06562436 libel n06562615 defective pleading n06562802 demurrer n06562993 rebutter, rebuttal n06563168 replication n06563324 rejoinder n06563478 special pleading n06563640 surrebutter, surrebuttal n06563801 surrejoinder n06563950 plea bargain, plea bargaining n06564387 legislative act, statute n06564640 fair-trade act n06564887 Stamp Act n06565201 enabling act, enabling clause n06565397 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, FISA n06565788 ordinance n06565919 special act n06566077 software, software program, computer software, software system, software package, package n06566805 alpha software n06566949 authoring language n06567143 beta software n06567400 compatible software n06567531 compatible software n06567689 computer-aided design, CAD n06567865 freeware n06567960 groupware n06568134 operating system, OS n06568422 DOS, disk operating system n06568552 MS-DOS, Microsoft disk operating system n06568706 UNIX, UNIX system, UNIX operating system n06568855 Linux n06568978 program, programme, computer program, computer programme n06569966 anti-virus program n06570110 application, application program, applications programme n06570520 active application n06570647 applet n06570805 frame n06570963 binary, binary program n06571301 browser, web browser n06571538 Internet Explorer, Explorer, IE n06571639 Konqueror n06571724 lynx n06571790 Mosaic n06571862 Netscape n06571938 Opera n06572011 natural language processor, natural language processing application n06572204 disambiguator n06572482 job n06572654 word processor, word processing system n06572857 loop n06573020 malevolent program n06573223 patch n06573337 assembler, assembly program n06573472 checking program n06573600 compiler, compiling program n06573934 C compiler n06574027 Fortran compiler n06574132 LISP compiler n06574231 Pascal compiler n06574334 debugger n06574473 driver, device driver n06574680 diagnostic program n06574841 editor program, editor n06575092 input program n06575227 interface, user interface n06575505 command line interface, CLI n06575681 graphical user interface, GUI n06575932 interpreter, interpretive program n06576153 job control n06576265 library program n06576376 linkage editor n06576539 monitor program, monitoring program n06576727 text editor n06576893 object program, target program n06577063 source program n06577232 output program n06577369 parser n06577585 tagger, tagging program n06577781 sense tagger n06577916 part-of-speech tagger, pos tagger n06578060 relocatable program n06578203 reusable program n06578323 Web Map Service, Web Map Server n06578527 MapQuest n06578654 search engine n06578905 Google n06579127 Yahoo n06579294 Ask Jeeves n06579452 self-adapting program n06579592 snapshot program n06579715 spider, wanderer n06579952 spreadsheet n06580103 sort program, sorting program n06580219 stored program n06580351 supervisory program, supervisor, executive program n06580543 syntax checker n06580646 system program, systems program, systems software n06580866 trace program n06581068 text-matching n06581268 translator, translating program n06581410 utility program, utility, service program n06581823 Windows n06581959 decision table n06582085 flow chart, flowchart, flow diagram, flow sheet n06582267 logic diagram, logical diagram n06582403 routine, subroutine, subprogram, procedure, function n06582761 call n06582986 function call n06583178 cataloged procedure n06583354 contingency procedure n06583518 dump routine n06583645 input routine n06583790 library routine n06583929 output routine n06584049 random number generator n06584162 recursive routine n06584256 reusable routine n06584376 supervisory routine, executive routine n06584536 tracing routine n06584702 utility routine, service routine n06584891 instruction, command, statement, program line n06585203 logic bomb, slag code n06585552 trojan, trojan horse n06585816 virus, computer virus n06586098 worm n06586355 command line n06586471 link n06586672 hyperlink n06586886 macro, macro instruction n06587048 system error n06587217 system call, supervisor call instruction n06587399 toggle n06587596 shareware n06587790 shrink-wrapped software n06587980 spyware n06588139 supervisory software n06588326 software documentation, documentation n06588511 electronic database, on-line database, computer database, electronic information service n06588785 database management system, DBMS n06588998 relational database management system n06589151 object-oriented database management system n06589352 hypertext system n06589574 publication n06590065 read n06590210 impression, printing n06590446 edition n06590601 limited edition n06590723 variorum, variorum edition n06590885 proof, test copy, trial impression n06591108 galley proof n06591224 foundry proof n06591342 mackle n06591442 collection, compendium n06591609 anthology n06591815 album, record album n06592078 concept album n06592281 rock opera n06592421 tribute album, benefit album n06592576 divan, diwan n06592699 florilegium, garland, miscellany n06592844 omnibus n06592991 archives n06593099 compilation, digest n06593296 periodical n06593542 digest n06593668 pictorial n06593803 series, serial, serial publication n06594130 semiweekly n06594258 weekly n06594376 semimonthly n06594505 monthly n06594625 quarterly n06594751 bimonthly n06594904 biweekly n06595056 organ n06595220 house organ n06595351 magazine, mag n06595797 tip sheet n06596025 dope sheet, scratch sheet n06596179 colour supplement n06596364 comic book n06596474 news magazine n06596607 pulp, pulp magazine n06596727 slick, slick magazine, glossy n06596845 trade magazine n06596978 issue, number n06597204 edition n06597349 extra n06597466 journal n06597617 annals n06597758 review n06597930 literary review n06598030 reading, reading material n06598244 bumf, bumph n06598445 perusal, perusing, poring over, studying n06598648 browse, browsing n06598746 skim, skimming n06598915 message, content, subject matter, substance n06599655 latent content n06599788 subject, topic, theme n06600139 bone of contention n06600282 precedent n06600421 didacticism n06600684 digression, aside, excursus, divagation, parenthesis n06600903 declarative sentence, declaratory sentence n06601053 run-on sentence n06601217 topic sentence n06601327 meaning, significance, signification, import n06601973 lexical meaning n06602148 grammatical meaning n06602324 symbolization, symbolisation n06602472 sense, signified n06602801 word meaning, word sense, acceptation n06602935 intension, connotation n06603130 referent n06603242 referent n06603366 relatum n06603494 referent n06603651 antecedent n06603816 denotatum n06603927 designatum n06604066 effect, essence, burden, core, gist n06604209 alpha and omega n06604319 ambiguity n06604548 loophole n06604743 amphibology, amphiboly n06604963 parisology n06605046 euphemism n06605396 dysphemism n06605682 shucks n06605780 double entendre n06605897 intent, purport, spirit n06606044 moral, lesson n06606191 nuance, nicety, shade, subtlety, refinement n06606464 overtone n06606618 bottom line n06606694 crux, crux of the matter n06606808 point n06607067 rallying point n06607204 talking point n06607339 nonsense, bunk, nonsensicality, meaninglessness, hokum n06607809 absurdity, absurdness, ridiculousness n06608035 amphigory, nonsense verse n06608143 balderdash, fiddle-faddle, piffle n06608277 buzzword, cant n06608405 cobblers n06608525 crock n06608617 fa la, fal la n06608728 gibberish, gibber n06608977 incoherence, incoherency, unintelligibility n06609176 word salad n06609296 jabberwocky n06609403 mummery, flummery n06609503 palaver, hot air, empty words, empty talk, rhetoric n06609672 rigmarole, rigamarole n06609785 shmegegge, schmegegge n06609909 stuff, stuff and nonsense, hooey, poppycock n06610063 abracadabra n06610143 babble, babbling, lallation n06610332 blather, blatherskite n06610436 double Dutch n06610557 bill of goods n06610779 humbug, snake oil n06610897 double talk n06610992 jabber, jabbering, gabble n06611147 baloney, boloney, bilgewater, bosh, drool, humbug, taradiddle, tarradiddle, tommyrot, tosh, twaddle n06611376 bullshit, bull, Irish bull, horseshit, shit, crap, dogshit n06611681 bunk, bunkum, buncombe, guff, rot, hogwash n06611856 chickenshit n06611998 folderol, rubbish, tripe, trumpery, trash, wish-wash, applesauce, codswallop n06612174 pap, pablum n06612266 drivel, garbage n06612420 mumbo jumbo n06612538 analects, analecta n06612649 clipping, newspaper clipping, press clipping, cutting, press cutting n06612865 cut, track n06613056 quotation, quote, citation n06613340 epigraph n06613448 mimesis n06613576 misquotation, misquote n06613686 movie, film, picture, moving picture, moving-picture show, motion picture, motion-picture show, picture show, pic, flick n06614628 telefilm n06614729 scene, shot n06614901 outtake n06615026 feature, feature film n06615216 final cut n06615348 travelogue, travelog n06615458 home movie n06615561 attraction n06615736 counterattraction n06615818 collage film n06615927 coming attraction n06616035 Western, horse opera n06616216 shoot-'em-up n06616314 short subject n06616464 cartoon, animated cartoon, toon n06616703 newsreel n06616806 documentary, docudrama, documentary film, infotainment n06617011 cinema verite n06617165 film noir n06617413 skin flick n06617527 peepshow n06617644 rough cut n06617752 silent movie, silent picture, silents n06617866 slow motion n06618035 dissolve n06618234 cut n06618427 jump n06618549 jump cut n06618653 spaghetti Western n06618822 talking picture, talkie n06618937 three-D, 3-D, 3D n06619065 show n06619428 broadcast, program, programme n06619751 rebroadcast n06619850 news program, news show, news n06620063 rerun n06620227 talk show, chat show n06620467 phone-in n06620579 television program, TV program, television show, TV show n06620790 colorcast, colourcast n06620906 pilot program, pilot film, pilot n06621061 game show, giveaway n06621215 quiz program n06621323 film clip n06621447 serial, series n06621681 cliffhanger n06621771 episode, installment, instalment n06621917 sustaining program n06622020 soap opera n06622252 tetralogy n06622366 radio broadcast n06622449 simulcast n06622595 telecast n06622709 telegram, wire n06622877 night letter n06622993 airmail n06623100 air mail n06623207 surface mail n06623316 registered mail, registered post n06623481 special delivery n06623614 correspondence n06623788 Kamasutra n06623997 sutra n06624161 letter, missive n06624724 business letter n06624816 covering letter, cover letter n06624967 crank letter n06625062 encyclical, encyclical letter n06625217 fan letter n06625329 personal letter n06625465 form letter n06625601 open letter n06625739 chain letter n06625850 pastoral n06625965 round robin n06626060 airmail letter, air letter, aerogram, aerogramme n06626183 epistle n06626286 note, short letter, line, billet n06626446 excuse n06626618 love letter, billet doux n06626743 dead letter, dead mail n06626860 letter of intent n06627006 card n06627260 birthday card n06627357 get-well card n06627450 greeting card n06627623 Christmas card n06627722 Easter card n06627816 Valentine n06627938 postcard, post card, postal card, mailing-card n06628125 lettercard n06628228 picture postcard n06628328 sympathy card n06628450 Mass card n06628663 spiritual bouquet n06628861 acknowledgment, acknowledgement n06629392 farewell, word of farewell n06629610 adieu, adios, arrivederci, auf wiedersehen, au revoir, bye, bye-bye, cheerio, good-by, goodby, good-bye, goodbye, good day, sayonara, so long n06629858 bon voyage, send-off n06630017 greeting, salutation n06630459 well-wishing n06630627 regard, wish, compliments n06630852 reception, response n06631050 hail n06631140 pax, kiss of peace n06631322 welcome n06631506 cordial reception, hospitality n06631661 inhospitality n06631833 glad hand n06631921 aloha, ciao n06632097 handshake, shake, handshaking, handclasp n06632358 salute n06632511 hello, hullo, hi, howdy, how-do-you-do n06632671 good morning, morning n06632807 good afternoon, afternoon n06632947 good night n06633041 salute, military greeting n06633205 calling card, visiting card, card n06633363 apology n06633596 mea culpa n06633692 condolence, commiseration n06633896 congratulation, felicitation n06634095 refusal n06634239 declination, regrets n06634376 information, info n06634960 misinformation n06635104 blowback n06635313 disinformation n06635509 material n06635759 rehash n06635944 details, inside information n06636113 dope, poop, the skinny, low-down n06636259 fact n06636524 record, record book, book n06636806 format, formatting, data format, data formatting n06637149 high-level formatting n06637350 low-level formatting, initialization, initialisation n06637677 gen n06637824 database n06637973 relational database n06638254 Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System, MEDLARS n06638527 object-oriented database n06638739 subdata base n06638868 lexical database n06639023 machine readable dictionary, MRD, electronic dictionary n06639204 WordNet, Princeton WordNet n06639428 wordnet n06639563 basics, rudiments n06639674 index, index number, indicant, indicator n06640016 body mass index, BMI n06640317 business index n06640533 Dow Jones, Dow-Jones Industrial Average n06640848 Standard and Poor's, Standard and Poor's Index n06640977 leading indicator n06641181 price index, price level n06641423 retail price index n06641524 producer price index, wholesale price index n06641654 consumer price index, CPI, cost-of-living index n06641818 short account n06641924 stock index, stock market index n06642138 news, intelligence, tidings, word n06642356 news n06642518 nuts and bolts n06642672 intelligence, intelligence information n06642899 military intelligence n06643120 good word n06643185 latest n06643303 update n06643408 evidence n06643763 clue, clew, cue n06643883 DNA fingerprint, genetic fingerprint n06644105 face recognition, facial recognition, automatic face recognition n06644393 fingerprint n06644658 finger scan, finger scanning n06644823 loop n06644916 thumbprint n06645039 footprint, footmark, step n06645266 footprint evidence n06645458 iris scanning n06645623 signature recognition n06645831 retinal scanning n06646022 voiceprint n06646243 sign, mark n06646531 token n06646628 trace, vestige, tincture, shadow n06646854 footprint n06647036 trace n06647206 record n06647614 proof n06647864 mathematical proof n06647960 logical proof n06648046 demonstration, monstrance n06648207 testimony, testimonial n06648462 good authority n06648590 testament n06648724 argument, statement n06649108 counterargument n06649223 pro n06649325 con n06649426 case n06649567 clincher, determiner, determining factor n06649704 adducing n06649786 last word n06649915 attestation n06650070 confirmation n06650238 reinforcement, reenforcement n06650431 documentation, certification, corroboration n06650701 guidance, counsel, counseling, counselling, direction n06651047 career counseling n06651145 cynosure n06651302 genetic counseling n06651463 marriage counseling n06651577 tip, lead, steer, confidential information, wind, hint n06651854 insider information n06652064 rule n06652242 rule, prescript n06652614 rubric n06652712 rubric n06652878 order, rules of order, parliamentary law, parliamentary procedure n06653160 interpellation n06653363 rule of evidence n06653727 best evidence rule n06653911 estoppel n06654074 exclusionary rule n06654275 fruit of the poisonous tree n06654490 hearsay rule n06654639 parol evidence rule n06654791 res ipsa loquitur n06654977 standing order n06655074 Miranda rule n06655388 principle, precept n06655569 higher law n06655683 moral principle n06655805 golden rule n06655927 GIGO n06656143 categorical imperative n06656274 hypothetical imperative n06656408 policy n06656741 economic policy n06656961 fiscal policy n06657109 New Deal n06657202 control n06657464 price control n06657646 ceiling, roof, cap n06657913 glass ceiling n06658118 floor, base n06658269 price floor n06658441 wage floor n06658545 perestroika n06658786 protectionism n06658994 social policy n06659168 apartheid n06659397 glasnost n06659530 social action n06659685 affirmative action n06660009 fence mending n06660224 trade barrier, import barrier n06660396 quota n06660520 embargo, trade embargo, trade stoppage n06660668 nativism n06660816 party line n06660942 foreign policy n06661243 brinkmanship n06661396 imperialism n06661562 intervention, interference n06661747 nonintervention, noninterference n06661923 nonaggression n06662057 manifest destiny n06662193 isolationism n06662366 Monroe Doctrine n06662522 Truman doctrine n06662712 neutralism n06662850 regionalism n06663018 trade policy, national trading policy n06663168 open-door policy, open door n06663308 zero-tolerance policy n06663463 Zionism n06663617 ethic, ethical code n06663785 caveat emptor n06663940 dictate n06664051 regulation, ordinance n06664213 age limit n06664353 assize n06664473 speed limit n06664594 canon n06664845 etiquette n06664981 protocol n06665108 protocol, communications protocol n06665370 file transfer protocol, FTP n06665612 anonymous ftp, anonymous file transfer protocol n06665847 hypertext transfer protocol, HTTP n06666030 musical instrument digital interface, MIDI n06666210 transmission control protocol, TCP n06666486 transmission control protocol/internet protocol, TCP/IP n06666729 punctilio n06666829 closure, cloture, gag rule, gag law n06667027 closure by compartment, guillotine n06667169 point of order n06667317 code, codification n06667625 Bushido n06667792 legal code n06668019 penal code n06668147 United States Code, U. S. Code n06668432 building code n06668611 dress code n06668813 fire code n06669013 omerta n06669193 sanitary code, health code n06669384 Highway Code n06669513 double standard n06669673 double standard of sexual behavior n06669864 equation n06670137 linear equation n06670240 quadratic equation, quadratic n06670390 biquadratic equation, biquadratic n06670521 differential equation n06670711 Maxwell's equations n06670866 partial differential equation n06671013 Schrodinger equation, Schrodinger wave equation n06671150 simultaneous equations n06671339 wave equation n06671484 advice n06671637 recommendation n06671818 indication n06672040 referral n06672297 admonition, monition, warning, word of advice n06672752 example, deterrent example, lesson, object lesson n06672953 secret, arcanum n06673142 secret n06673435 confidence n06673671 esoterica n06673770 cabala, cabbala, cabbalah, kabala, kabbala, kabbalah, qabala, qabalah n06674028 open secret n06674188 password, watchword, word, parole, countersign n06674385 trade secret n06674542 propaganda n06674791 agitprop n06674947 course catalog, course catalogue, prospectus n06675122 source n06675338 specification n06675581 source materials n06675691 voucher n06675799 working papers n06675979 well, wellspring, fountainhead n06676109 copy n06676254 filler n06676416 course of study, program, programme, curriculum, syllabus n06676709 crash course, crash program, crash programme n06677089 reading program n06677194 degree program n06677302 printing, printing process n06677974 typography, composition n06678146 print n06678302 print n06678506 small print, fine print n06678664 relief printing, letterpress n06678784 intaglio printing, intaglio, gravure n06679041 process printing n06679167 photogravure n06679308 rotogravure n06679457 planographic printing, planography n06679726 collotype, collotype printing, photogelatin process n06680002 lithography n06680195 photolithography n06680333 chromolithography n06680431 photo-offset printing, photo-offset n06680570 offset, offset printing n06680818 offset lithography n06680913 letterset printing n06681035 carbon process n06681177 news n06681454 business news n06681551 report, news report, story, account, write up n06681976 newsletter, newssheet n06682152 market letter n06682290 bulletin n06682494 news bulletin, newsflash, flash, newsbreak n06682683 information bulletin n06682794 dispatch, despatch, communique n06682952 urban legend n06683183 exclusive, scoop n06683359 newscast n06683513 radio news n06683595 sportscast n06683692 television news n06683784 coverage, reporting, reportage n06684052 hard news n06684153 soft news n06684262 stop press n06684383 commitment, dedication n06684572 oath, swearing n06684798 affirmation n06685040 profession n06685198 giving n06685456 guarantee, warrant, warrantee, warranty n06685754 security, surety n06685860 deposit n06685975 stock warrant n06686174 guarantee n06686467 safety net n06686573 full faith and credit n06686736 approval, commendation n06687178 approbation n06687358 sanction, countenance, endorsement, indorsement, warrant, imprimatur n06687701 O.K., OK, okay, okey, okeh n06687883 visa n06688059 nihil obstat n06688274 recognition, credit n06688522 memorial, commemoration, remembrance n06688751 ovation, standing ovation n06688913 salute, salutation n06689125 connivance, secret approval, tacit consent n06689297 permission n06689554 all clear n06689667 consent n06689829 dismissal n06689948 green light n06690114 leave n06690226 pass, liberty chit n06690408 pass, laissez passer n06690647 boarding card, boarding pass n06690770 hall pass n06690928 ticket-of-leave n06691083 pass, passport n06691267 safe-conduct, safeguard n06691442 encouragement n06691684 acclaim, acclamation, plaudits, plaudit, eclat n06691989 applause, hand clapping, clapping n06692238 hand n06692369 handclap n06692464 round n06692572 cheer n06692740 banzai n06692834 bravo n06692973 hurrah, hooray n06693086 salvo n06693198 praise, congratulations, kudos, extolment n06693502 praise n06693655 hallelujah n06693744 rave n06693870 superlative n06694149 encomium, eulogy, panegyric, paean, pean n06694359 eulogy, eulogium n06694540 recommendation, testimonial, good word n06694796 character, reference, character reference n06695110 puff n06695227 compliment n06695424 trade-last n06695579 flattery n06695753 adulation n06695862 blandishment, cajolery, palaver n06696025 blarney, coaxing, soft soap, sweet talk n06696181 puffery n06696308 unction, smarm, fulsomeness n06696483 award, accolade, honor, honour, laurels n06696991 aliyah n06697195 tribute, testimonial n06697331 academic degree, degree n06697703 associate degree, associate n06697935 Associate in Arts, AA n06698031 Associate in Applied Science, AAS n06698150 Associate in Nursing, AN n06698252 bachelor's degree, baccalaureate n06698640 Bachelor of Arts, BA, Artium Baccalaurens, AB n06698775 Bachelor of Arts in Library Science, ABLS n06698902 Bachelor of Arts in Nursing, BAN n06699012 Bachelor of Divinity, BD n06699115 Bachelor of Literature, BLitt n06699225 Bachelor of Medicine, MB n06699366 Bachelor of Music, BMus n06699465 Bachelor of Naval Science, BNS n06699579 Bachelor of Science, BS, SB n06699685 Bachelor of Science in Architecture, BSArch n06699811 Bachelor of Science in Engineering n06699926 Bachelor of Theology, ThB n06700030 honours, honours degree n06700169 first, first-class honours degree n06700325 double first n06700447 master's degree n06700844 Master of Architecture, MArch n06701001 Master of Arts, MA, Artium Magister, AM n06701128 Master of Arts in Library Science, MALS n06701251 Master of Arts in Teaching, MAT n06701359 Master in Business, Master in Business Administration, MBA n06701495 Master of Divinity, MDiv n06701596 Master of Education, MEd n06701698 Master of Fine Arts, MFA n06701800 Master of Literature, MLitt n06701906 Master of Library Science, MLS n06702020 Master in Public Affairs n06702139 Master of Science, MS, SM, MSc n06702247 Master of Science in Engineering n06702358 Master of Theology, ThM n06702458 doctor's degree, doctorate n06702888 Doctor of Dental Medicine, DMD n06703002 Doctor of Dental Surgery, DDS n06703114 Doctor of Divinity, DD n06703213 Doctor of Education, EdD, DEd n06703321 Doctor of Medicine, MD n06703420 Doctor of Music, DMus, MusD n06703522 Doctor of Musical Arts, AMusD n06703632 Doctor of Optometry, OD n06703733 Doctor of Osteopathy, DO n06703834 Doctor of Arts, D.A. n06703953 Doctor of Philosophy n06704115 Ph.D., PhD n06704295 DPhil n06704366 Doctor of Public Health, DPH n06704482 Doctor of Theology, ThD n06704582 Doctor of Sacred Theology, STD n06704740 law degree n06704898 Bachelor of Laws, LLB n06704990 Master of Laws, LLM n06705079 honorary degree, honoris causa n06705306 Doctor of Arts, ArtsD n06705398 Doctor of Fine Arts n06705495 Doctor of Humane Letters n06705595 Doctor of Humanities n06705698 Doctor of Laws, LLD n06705787 Doctor of Science, DS, ScD n06705891 pennant, crown n06705984 cachet, seal, seal of approval n06706125 citation, commendation n06706317 mention, honorable mention n06706504 letter, varsity letter n06706676 decoration, laurel wreath, medal, medallion, palm, ribbon n06707178 Medal of Honor, Congressional Medal of Honor n06707382 Distinguished Service Medal n06707555 Distinguished Service Cross n06707709 Navy Cross n06707846 Distinguished Flying Cross n06708007 Air Medal n06708167 Silver Star Medal, Silver Star n06708304 Bronze Star Medal, Bronze Star n06708475 Order of the Purple Heart, Purple Heart n06708664 Oak Leaf Cluster n06708866 Victoria Cross n06708970 Distinguished Conduct Medal n06709112 Distinguished Service Order n06709245 Croix de Guerre n06709349 Medaille Militaire n06709442 trophy n06709533 disapproval n06709692 disapprobation, condemnation n06709998 censure, animadversion n06710152 demonization, demonisation n06710330 interdict n06710546 criticism, unfavorable judgment n06710960 brickbat n06711030 faultfinding, carping n06711159 fire, attack, flak, flack, blast n06711404 thrust n06711539 potshot n06711705 counterblast n06711855 rebuke, reproof, reproval, reprehension, reprimand n06712325 sermon, preaching n06712498 slating n06712625 static n06712761 stricture n06712833 chiding, scolding, objurgation, tongue-lashing n06713026 what for n06713099 wig, wigging n06713187 castigation, earful, bawling out, chewing out, upbraiding, going-over, dressing down n06713377 berating, blowing up n06713512 reproach n06713650 self-reproach, self-reproof n06713752 blame, rap n06713930 lecture, speech, talking to n06714184 curtain lecture n06714288 correction, chastening, chastisement n06714420 admonition, admonishment, monition n06714552 respects n06714697 ad-lib n06714874 courtesy n06714976 disrespect, discourtesy n06715223 abuse, insult, revilement, contumely, vilification n06715638 derision n06715786 ridicule n06715927 contempt, scorn n06716117 fleer n06716234 jeer, jeering, mockery, scoff, scoffing n06716483 sneer, leer n06716675 sneer n06716796 put-down, squelch, squelcher, takedown n06716992 stultification, befooling n06717170 disparagement, depreciation, derogation n06718269 cold water n06718434 denigration, belittling n06718543 aspersion, slur n06718862 ethnic slur n06719203 detraction, petty criticism n06719299 sour grapes n06719404 condescension, disdain, patronage n06719579 defamation, calumny, calumniation, obloquy, traducement, hatchet job n06719974 character assassination, assassination, blackwash n06720137 mud n06720216 smear, vilification, malignment n06720371 libel n06720600 slander n06720784 name calling, names n06720964 name, epithet n06721081 smear word n06721269 low blow n06721342 scurrility, billingsgate n06721461 stinger, cut n06721604 vituperation, invective, vitriol n06721813 impudence, cheek, impertinence n06721949 sass, sassing, backtalk, back talk, lip, mouth n06722186 interpolation, insertion n06722453 statement n06723452 statement n06723635 amendment n06723908 thing n06724066 truth, true statement n06724323 gospel, gospel truth n06724437 antinomy n06724559 paradox n06724763 description, verbal description n06724942 job description n06725067 specification, spec n06725249 computer architecture n06725467 neural network, neural net n06725680 network architecture n06725877 declaration n06726158 announcement, proclamation, annunciation, declaration n06726478 bastardization n06726671 edict n06726761 bull, papal bull n06726939 promulgation n06727133 confession n06727224 manifesto, pronunciamento n06727416 Communist Manifesto n06727616 pronouncement, dictum, say-so n06727758 Bill of Rights n06728034 First Amendment n06728331 Fifth Amendment n06728726 Fourteenth Amendment n06728998 Eighteenth Amendment n06729251 Nineteenth Amendment n06729499 assertion, averment, asseveration n06729864 claim n06730068 cause of action n06730241 dibs n06730371 pretension n06730563 claim n06730780 accusation, charge n06731069 countercharge n06731186 allegation, allegement n06731378 contention n06731510 submission n06731697 ipse dixit, ipsedixitism n06731802 formula, expression n06732013 formula n06732169 mathematical statement n06732350 avowal, avouchment, affirmation n06732581 reassertion, reaffirmation n06732710 testimony n06732925 profession, professing n06733119 protestation n06733227 postulation, predication n06733476 threat n06733682 commination n06733782 menace n06733939 evidence n06734322 exhibit n06734467 testimony n06734702 witness n06734823 corpus delicti n06735077 direct evidence n06735261 res gestae n06735533 circumstantial evidence, indirect evidence n06735731 corroborating evidence n06735922 hearsay evidence n06736083 state's evidence n06736217 declaration n06736405 attestation n06736529 affidavit n06736769 verification n06736946 subornation n06737112 bid, bidding n06737394 contract, declaration n06737628 takeout n06737758 overbid, overcall n06738008 preemptive bid, pre-empt, preempt n06738162 word n06738281 explanation, account n06738823 explicandum, explanandum n06739013 explanans n06739180 simplification n06739345 oversimplification, simplism n06739509 accounting n06739676 value statement n06739782 representation n06739990 reason n06740183 justification n06740402 cause, reason, grounds n06740644 defense, defence, vindication n06740919 apology, apologia n06741099 alibi n06741305 excuse, alibi, exculpation, self-justification n06741728 extenuation, mitigation n06741993 exposition n06742173 exposition n06742426 exposition, expounding n06742630 construal n06742772 philosophizing n06742932 moralizing, moralization, moralisation n06743230 preachification n06743362 explication n06743506 solution, answer, result, resolution, solvent n06743867 denouement n06744000 gloss, rubric n06744154 deriving, derivation, etymologizing n06744396 definition n06744663 contextual definition n06745015 dictionary definition n06745156 explicit definition n06745285 ostensive definition n06745422 recursive definition n06745628 redefinition n06745861 stipulative definition n06746005 answer, reply, response n06746347 rescript n06746471 feedback n06746580 announcement, promulgation n06747008 advisory n06747190 Annunciation n06747369 banns n06747484 handout, press release, release n06747670 notice n06747907 caveat n06748133 obituary, obit, necrology n06748270 Parallel Lives n06748466 program, programme n06748703 playbill n06748841 racecard n06748969 prediction, foretelling, forecasting, prognostication n06749267 extropy n06749468 fortunetelling n06749594 horoscope n06749729 meteorology, weather forecasting n06749881 prognosis, forecast n06750154 prophecy, divination n06750339 oracle n06750514 financial forecast n06750698 weather forecast, weather outlook n06750804 proposition n06751142 particular, particular proposition n06751367 universal, universal proposition n06751572 negation n06751742 converse n06751833 lemma n06751974 term n06752293 theorem n06752410 categorem, categoreme n06752695 syncategorem, syncategoreme n06753030 conclusion, ratiocination n06753299 postulate, posit n06753550 axiom n06753800 premise, premiss, assumption n06754184 major premise, major premiss n06754415 minor premise, minor premiss, subsumption n06754658 major term n06754816 minor term n06754972 middle term n06755156 specious argument n06755342 vicious circle n06755454 thesis n06755568 condition, precondition, stipulation n06755776 boundary condition n06755947 provision, proviso n06756111 scenario n06756267 quotation n06756407 falsehood, falsity, untruth n06756680 dodge, dodging, scheme n06756831 lie, prevarication n06757057 fib, story, tale, tarradiddle, taradiddle n06757289 fairytale, fairy tale, fairy story, cock-and-bull story, song and dance n06757479 jactitation n06757676 whopper, walloper n06757771 white lie n06757891 fabrication, fiction, fable n06758135 canard n06758225 misrepresentation, deceit, deception n06758584 half-truth n06758698 facade, window dressing n06758835 exaggeration, overstatement, magnification n06759063 understatement n06759256 snow job n06759349 pretense, pretence, feigning, dissembling n06759602 bluff n06759776 pretext, stalking-horse n06759974 putoff n06760076 hypocrisy, lip service n06760249 crocodile tears n06760508 subterfuge, blind n06760722 trickery, hocus-pocus, slickness, hanky panky, jiggery-pokery, skulduggery, skullduggery n06760969 fraudulence, duplicity n06761099 evasion, equivocation n06761342 circumlocution, indirect expression n06761482 doublespeak n06761603 hedge, hedging n06761798 quibble, quiddity, cavil n06761994 fine print, small print n06762245 weasel word n06762380 reservation, qualification n06762602 cautious statement n06762711 comment, commentary n06763052 Midrash n06763273 note, annotation, notation n06763681 citation, cite, acknowledgment, credit, reference, mention, quotation n06764244 footnote, footer n06764380 nota bene, NB, N.B. n06764623 postscript, PS n06764751 photo credit n06764867 cross-reference, cross-index n06765044 remark, comment, input n06765531 gambit, ploy n06765656 fatwah n06765887 obiter dictum, dictum n06766092 obiter dictum, passing comment n06766190 mention, reference n06766544 allusion n06766654 retrospection n06766812 name-dropping n06767035 observation, reflection, reflexion n06767287 Parkinson's law n06767512 Parkinson's law n06767693 rib n06767777 wisecrack, crack, sally, quip n06767922 shot, shaft, slam, dig, barb, jibe, gibe n06768259 cheap shot n06768394 conversation stopper, stopper n06768528 rhetorical question n06768735 misstatement n06768901 restatement n06769032 demythologization, demythologisation n06769238 mythologization, mythologisation n06769392 error, mistake n06769578 corrigendum n06769670 misprint, erratum, typographical error, typo, literal error, literal n06769883 malapropism, malaprop n06770028 slip of the tongue n06770164 spoonerism n06770275 agreement, understanding n06770875 condition, term n06771159 bargain, deal n06771424 working agreement n06771526 gentlemen's agreement n06771653 written agreement n06771957 submission n06772094 submission n06772260 covenant, compact, concordat n06772461 entente, entente cordiale n06772583 oral contract n06772837 indenture n06773006 indenture n06773150 obligation n06773347 debt n06773434 treaty, pact, accord n06773684 alliance n06773857 commercial treaty n06773976 peace, peace treaty, pacification n06774192 Peace of Westphalia n06774316 convention n06774468 Chemical Weapons Convention n06774650 Geneva Convention n06774871 Lateran Treaty n06775086 North Atlantic Treaty n06775218 SALT I n06775409 SALT II n06775602 Treaty of Versailles n06775812 sentimentalism n06775969 treacle, mush, slop, glop n06776138 wit, humor, humour, witticism, wittiness n06776679 jeu d'esprit n06776783 bon mot, mot n06776877 esprit de l'escalier n06776986 pungency, bite n06777164 sarcasm, irony, satire, caustic remark n06777687 repartee n06777794 banter, raillery, give-and-take, backchat n06777961 badinage n06778032 persiflage n06778102 joke, gag, laugh, jest, jape n06778777 punch line, laugh line, gag line, tag line n06778925 belly laugh, sidesplitter, howler, thigh-slapper, scream, wow, riot n06779096 dirty joke, dirty story, blue joke, blue story n06779210 ethnic joke n06779310 funny story, good story, funny remark, funny n06779511 in-joke n06779642 one-liner n06779713 shaggy dog story n06779839 sick joke n06779914 sight gag, visual joke n06780069 caricature, imitation, impersonation n06780309 parody, lampoon, spoof, sendup, mockery, takeoff, burlesque, travesty, charade, pasquinade, put-on n06780678 cartoon, sketch n06780882 fun, play, sport n06781151 jocosity, jocularity n06781281 waggery, waggishness n06781383 drollery, clowning, comedy, funniness n06781581 pun, punning, wordplay, paronomasia n06781811 ribaldry n06781878 topper n06782019 opinion, view n06782383 adverse opinion n06782680 guess, conjecture, supposition, surmise, surmisal, speculation, hypothesis n06783155 divination n06783265 side, position n06783442 approximation n06783598 estimate n06783768 question, head n06784003 problem n06784317 question of fact, matter of fact n06784470 question of law, matter of law n06784639 puzzle, puzzler, mystifier, teaser n06784966 case n06785101 homework problem n06785223 riddle, conundrum, enigma, brain-teaser n06785367 poser, stumper, toughie, sticker n06785541 Gordian knot n06785654 crossword puzzle, crossword n06785840 koan n06786012 sudoku n06786209 word square, acrostic n06786358 pons asinorum n06786486 rebus n06786629 direction, instruction n06787037 misdirection n06787150 address, destination, name and address n06787429 return address n06787602 markup n06787835 markup language n06788007 standard generalized markup language, SGML n06788262 hypertext markup language, hypertext mark-up language, HTML n06788463 toponymy, toponomy n06788565 prescription n06788785 recipe, formula n06788897 rule n06789080 stage direction n06789215 style n06789411 religious doctrine, church doctrine, gospel, creed n06789801 ahimsa n06790042 dogma, tenet n06790235 ecumenism, ecumenicism, ecumenicalism n06790557 Immaculate Conception, Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary n06790845 Incarnation n06791017 Nicene Creed n06791195 real presence n06791372 signal, signaling, sign n06792188 starting signal, start n06792364 storm signal n06792526 storm cone n06792645 radio beam, beam n06792818 tickler, tickler file n06792950 ticktack n06793091 time signal n06793231 sign n06793426 poster, posting, placard, notice, bill, card n06793817 show bill, show card, theatrical poster n06793959 flash card, flashcard n06794110 street sign n06794216 address n06794374 signpost, guidepost n06794537 fingerpost, fingerboard n06794666 mark, stigma, brand, stain n06794980 demerit n06795168 dog-ear n06795290 bar sinister, bend sinister n06795438 earmark n06795543 brand n06795657 cloven hoof, cloven foot n06795746 token, item n06795967 type n06796119 postage, postage stamp, stamp n06796333 trading stamp n06796506 animal communication n06796642 birdcall, call, birdsong, song n06796942 bell-like call n06797047 two-note call n06797169 indication, indicant n06797671 indication n06797947 contraindication n06798187 symptom n06798336 signalization, signalisation n06798472 pointing out n06798558 manifestation n06798750 mark, print n06799142 mintmark n06799260 stroke n06799485 downstroke n06799588 upstroke n06799688 flick n06799754 hoofprint, hoof mark, hoof-mark n06799897 line n06800344 dotted line n06800532 ascender n06800698 bar line n06800871 descender n06801033 squiggle, curlicue n06801138 spectrum line n06801313 trend line n06801418 underscore, underline n06801580 contour, contour line n06801740 isometric line, isometric n06801865 thalweg n06801965 graduation n06802138 guideline n06802258 hairline n06802347 hair stroke n06802444 glimpse n06802571 harbinger, forerunner, predecessor, herald, precursor n06802785 hint, clue n06802880 smoke n06803023 air alert n06803157 alarm, alert, warning signal, alarum n06803478 burglar alarm n06803636 distress signal, distress call n06803845 SOS n06803954 Mayday n06804097 all clear n06804199 bugle call n06804388 recall n06804483 taps, lights-out n06804606 curfew n06804728 reveille, wake-up signal n06804847 retreat n06804988 retreat n06805128 drumbeat n06805297 tattle, singing, telling n06805497 tattoo n06805665 telegraphic signal, radiotelegraphic signal n06805826 dot, dit n06805962 dash, dah n06806098 whistle, whistling n06806318 high sign n06806469 symbol n06807056 nose n06807198 numeral, number n06807501 Arabic numeral, Hindu numeral, Hindu-Arabic numeral n06807657 Roman numeral n06807849 symbolism n06807971 crossbones n06808121 horn of plenty, cornucopia n06808271 death's head n06808408 lingam n06808493 notation, notational system n06808720 mathematical notation n06809074 numeration system, number system, number representation system, system of numeration n06809291 oriflamme n06809421 positional notation, positional representation system n06809756 pound, pound sign n06809905 binary notation n06810020 binary numeration system, pure binary numeration system, binary number system, binary system n06810238 octal numeration system, octal number system n06810407 decimal notation n06810544 octal notation n06810691 algorism n06810790 decimal numeration system, decimal number system, decimal system n06810997 duodecimal notation n06811109 duodecimal number system, duodecimal system n06811283 hexadecimal notation, sexadecimal notation n06811419 hexadecimal number system, sexadecimal number system, hexadecimal system n06811625 sign n06811867 equal sign n06811986 plus sign n06812085 minus sign n06812188 radical sign n06812289 decimal point, percentage point, point n06812417 exponent, power, index n06812631 logarithm, log n06812794 antilogarithm, antilog n06812915 common logarithm n06813004 natural logarithm, Napierian logarithm n06813115 mantissa, fixed-point part n06813310 characteristic n06813506 fixed-point notation, fixed-point representation system n06813700 floating-point notation, floating-point representation system n06814021 infix notation n06814236 parenthesis-free notation n06814443 prefix notation, Lukasiewicz notation, Polish notation n06814655 postfix notation, suffix notation, reverse Polish notation n06814870 musical notation n06815458 lead sheet n06815621 piano music n06815714 score, musical score n06815970 obbligato, obligato n06816106 sheet music n06816335 tablature n06816445 choreography n06816555 Labanotation n06816785 chemical notation n06816935 formula, chemical formula n06817173 molecular formula n06817312 structural formula n06817459 empirical formula n06817623 written symbol, printed symbol n06817782 mark n06818121 arrow, pointer n06818317 broad arrow n06818439 call mark, call number, pressmark n06818603 caret n06818747 check mark, check, tick n06818970 character, grapheme, graphic symbol n06819557 allograph n06819698 readout, read-out n06819824 check character n06820023 superscript, superior n06820212 subscript, inferior n06820425 ASCII character n06820601 control character, ASCII control character n06820837 backspace character n06820964 diacritical mark, diacritic n06821279 ditto mark, ditto n06821422 dollar mark, dollar sign n06821581 dollar, dollar mark, dollar sign n06821770 shaft n06821889 phonogram n06822034 point, head n06822198 accent, accent mark n06822476 stress mark n06822576 acute accent, acute, ague n06822707 grave accent, grave n06822831 breve n06822958 cedilla n06823102 circumflex n06823259 hacek, wedge n06823440 macron n06823561 tilde n06823760 umlaut, dieresis, diaeresis n06823925 ligature n06824041 monogram n06824227 capital, capital letter, uppercase, upper-case letter, majuscule n06824757 small letter, lowercase, lower-case letter, minuscule n06824955 small capital, small cap n06825120 type n06825273 type family n06825399 font, fount, typeface, face, case n06825736 unicameral script n06825863 bicameral script n06825996 typewriter font, constant-width font, fixed-width font, monospaced font n06826214 proportional font n06826407 font cartridge, cartridge font n06826589 Gothic, black letter n06826726 modern, modern font, Bodoni, Bodoni font n06826974 old style, old style font n06827219 boldface, bold face, bold n06827344 italic n06827503 roman, roman type, roman letters, roman print n06827679 screen font, raster font n06827947 sans serif, Helvetica n06828061 serif, seriph n06828199 percent sign, percentage sign n06828389 asterisk, star n06828529 dagger, obelisk n06828662 double dagger, double obelisk, diesis n06828818 letter, letter of the alphabet, alphabetic character n06830561 ascender n06830708 descender n06830838 digraph, digram n06830997 initial n06831177 A, a n06831284 B, b n06831391 C, c n06831498 D, d n06831605 E, e n06831712 F, f n06831819 G, g n06831926 H, h n06832033 I, i n06832140 J, j n06832248 K, k n06832356 L, l n06832464 M, m n06832572 N, n n06832680 O, o n06832788 P, p n06832896 Q, q n06833004 R, r n06833112 S, s n06833220 T, t n06833328 U, u n06833436 V, v n06833544 W, w, double-u n06833663 X, x, ex n06833776 Y, y, wye n06833890 Z, z, zee, zed, ezed, izzard n06834138 alpha n06834245 beta n06834351 gamma n06834458 delta n06834565 epsilon n06834674 zeta n06834780 eta n06834885 theta n06834992 iota n06835098 kappa n06835206 lambda n06835315 mu n06835420 nu n06835525 xi n06835630 omicron n06835740 pi n06835845 rho n06835951 sigma n06836059 tau n06836165 upsilon n06836275 phi n06836381 chi, khi n06836493 psi n06836599 omega n06836714 aleph n06836822 beth n06836929 gimel n06837037 daleth n06837146 he n06837251 waw n06837357 zayin n06837465 heth n06837572 teth n06837679 yodh n06837787 kaph n06837895 lamedh n06838005 mem n06838112 nun n06838219 samekh n06838329 ayin n06838437 pe n06838543 sadhe n06838652 qoph n06838760 resh n06838868 sin n06838975 shin n06839083 taw n06839190 space, blank n06839411 polyphone, polyphonic letter n06839637 block letter, block capital n06839737 scarlet letter n06839858 phonetic symbol n06840047 mathematical symbol n06840187 rune, runic letter n06840442 thorn n06840530 pictograph n06840648 ideogram, ideograph n06840890 logogram, logograph n06841159 radical n06841287 stenograph n06841365 punctuation, punctuation mark n06841873 ampersand n06841987 apostrophe n06842165 brace n06842290 bracket, square bracket n06842452 bracket, angle bracket n06842660 colon n06842852 comma n06843017 exclamation mark, exclamation point n06843148 hyphen, dash n06843393 parenthesis n06843520 period, point, full stop, stop, full point n06843838 suspension point n06844040 question mark, interrogation point n06844199 quotation mark, quote, inverted comma n06844427 single quote n06844509 double quotes n06844594 scare quote n06844739 semicolon n06844903 solidus, slash, virgule, diagonal, stroke, separatrix n06845076 swung dash n06845199 company name n06845303 domain name n06845599 trade name, brand name, brand, marque n06851516 label, recording label n06851742 trademark n06855035 authentication, hallmark, assay-mark n06855207 stamp, impression n06855432 imprint, embossment n06855563 imprint n06855817 revenue stamp, stamp n06855985 seal n06856189 phylactery, tefillin n06856487 white feather n06856568 scale, musical scale n06856884 flourish, fanfare, tucket n06857122 glissando n06857264 swoop, slide n06857487 gamut n06857591 roulade n06857726 tonic, keynote n06857867 supertonic n06857986 mediant n06858144 subdominant n06858266 dominant n06858384 submediant n06858539 subtonic, leading tone n06858674 pedal point, pedal n06858779 interval, musical interval n06859056 tone, whole tone, step, whole step n06859175 semitone, half step n06859309 quarter tone, quarter-tone n06859401 octave, musical octave n06859504 third n06859674 fourth n06859800 fifth n06859925 sixth n06860049 seventh n06860177 trill, shake n06860323 diatonic scale n06860481 ecclesiastical mode, Gregorian mode, church mode, medieval mode n06860699 Greek mode n06860826 major scale, major diatonic scale n06861020 minor scale, minor diatonic scale n06861196 chromatic scale n06861315 gapped scale n06861435 pentatonic scale, pentatone n06861630 mode, musical mode n06861860 staff, stave n06862059 staff line n06862202 space n06862399 ledger line, leger line n06862562 clef n06862805 treble clef, treble staff, G clef n06862954 bass clef, F clef n06863086 alto clef, viola clef n06863209 C clef n06863326 soprano clef n06863442 tenor clef n06863618 key signature, signature n06863751 key, tonality n06864014 atonality, atonalism n06864192 major key, major mode n06864308 minor key, minor mode n06864407 tonic key, home key n06864524 time signature, musical time signature n06864725 measure, bar n06864900 double bar n06865049 alla breve n06865177 rest n06865345 note, musical note, tone n06865953 slur n06866124 tie n06866332 C n06866442 C major, C major scale, scale of C major n06866599 sharp n06866757 double sharp n06866919 flat n06867057 double flat n06867218 natural, cancel n06867345 accidental n06867510 fermata n06867675 solmization, solmisation n06867880 tonic solfa, solfa n06868043 solfa syllable n06868309 do, doh, ut n06868445 re, ray n06868582 mi n06868709 fa n06868844 sol, soh, so n06868986 la, lah n06869129 ti, te, si n06869271 segno n06869428 sforzando n06869610 arpeggio n06869742 sforzando n06869815 middle C n06869951 chord n06870211 common chord, triad n06870349 seventh chord n06870437 passing note, passing tone n06870576 whole note, semibreve n06870726 whole rest n06870844 half note, minim n06870965 half rest n06871127 quarter note, crotchet n06871262 quarter rest n06871384 eighth note, quaver n06871534 sixteenth note, semiquaver n06871675 thirty-second note, demisemiquaver n06871828 sixty-fourth note, hemidemisemiquaver n06871983 grace note, appoggiatura, acciaccatura n06872122 singing voice n06872354 bass, bass voice, basso n06872479 basso profundo n06872562 baritone, baritone voice n06872676 tenor, tenor voice n06872785 countertenor, alto n06872905 contralto, alto n06873017 mezzo-soprano, mezzo n06873139 soprano n06873252 visual communication n06873571 visual signal n06873927 watch fire n06874019 light n06874185 traffic light, traffic signal, stoplight n06874391 green light, go-ahead n06874497 red light n06874571 red light, warning light n06874688 idiot light n06874837 yellow light n06874930 flare, flash n06875094 flag, signal flag n06875288 pennant n06875392 code flag, nautical signal flag n06875552 blue peter n06875697 sign language, signing n06875883 finger spelling, fingerspelling n06876007 ASL, American sign language n06876144 sign n06876309 gesture, motion n06876771 gesticulation n06876892 body language n06877008 beck n06877078 facial expression, facial gesture n06877381 gape n06877509 rictus n06877578 grimace, face n06877742 pout, moue, wry face n06877849 frown, scowl n06877990 simper n06878071 smile, smiling, grin, grinning n06878404 laugh n06878580 smirk n06878706 snarl n06878803 straight face n06878934 wink n06879056 wince n06879180 demonstration, demo n06879521 display, show n06879766 eye contact n06880013 big stick n06880134 gaudery, pomp n06880249 expression, manifestation, reflection, reflexion n06880533 exemplification, illustration n06880664 emblem, allegory n06881224 cupid n06881360 donkey n06881494 dove n06881563 eagle n06881662 elephant n06881798 fasces n06882009 national flag, ensign n06882138 hammer and sickle n06882244 red flag n06882333 Star of David, Shield of David, Magen David, Mogen David, Solomon's seal n06882561 badge n06882953 merit badge n06883073 insignia n06883274 Agnus Dei, Paschal Lamb n06883383 maple-leaf n06883460 medallion n06883565 spread eagle n06883725 swastika, Hakenkreuz n06883956 mantle n06884097 Crown n06884337 British Crown n06884520 caduceus n06884670 insignia of rank n06884790 shoulder flash n06884954 service stripe, hashmark, hash mark n06885083 identification n06885389 positive identification n06885906 negative identification n06886273 facial profiling n06886488 fingerprint n06886655 linguistic profiling n06886818 profiling n06887055 green card n06887278 ID, I.D. n06887441 personal identification number, PIN, PIN number n06887599 projection n06887726 display n06887962 acting out n06888174 array n06888345 screening, showing, viewing n06888506 preview n06888674 preview, prevue, trailer n06888848 sneak preview n06888944 sight n06889138 spectacle n06889330 ostentation, fanfare, flash n06889591 bravado, bluster n06889701 exhibitionism n06889875 ritz n06890000 splurge n06890128 pedantry n06890254 flourish, brandish n06890373 flourish n06890470 flourish n06890577 flourish n06890688 paraph n06890846 flaunt n06891022 presentation n06891339 unveiling n06891493 performance, public presentation n06892016 act, routine, number, turn, bit n06892358 show-stopper, showstopper, stopper n06892534 benefit n06892657 benefit concert n06892775 concert n06892979 rock concert n06893065 pianism n06893183 play reading n06893285 premiere n06893441 recital n06893565 rendition, rendering n06893772 song and dance n06893885 theatrical performance, theatrical, representation, histrionics n06894111 matinee n06894243 spectacular n06894371 world premiere n06894544 artificial language n06895176 Antido n06895266 Arulo n06895396 Basic English n06895601 Blaia Zimondal n06895684 Esperantido n06895791 Esperanto n06895940 Europan n06896059 Idiom Neutral n06896304 Interlingua n06896500 Ido n06896623 Latinesce n06896716 Latino n06896856 Latino sine flexione n06896961 Lingualumina n06897042 Lingvo Kosmopolita n06897129 Monario n06897205 Nov-Esperanto n06897306 Novial n06897381 Nov-Latin n06897474 Occidental n06897553 Optez n06897627 Pasigraphy n06897797 Ro n06897976 Romanal n06898052 Solresol n06898129 Volapuk n06898352 programming language, programing language n06898794 algebraic language n06898972 algorithmic language n06899110 application-oriented language, problem-oriented language n06899310 assembly language n06899446 command language, query language, search language n06899633 computer language, computer-oriented language, machine language, machine-oriented language n06899845 high-level language n06900005 job-control language n06900156 metalanguage n06900282 multidimensional language n06900507 object language, target language n06900684 object-oriented programming language, object-oriented programing language n06901053 Java n06901163 one-dimensional language n06901333 stratified language n06901471 syntax language n06901591 unstratified language n06901764 ALGOL n06901936 LISP, list-processing language n06902109 LISP program n06902193 Prolog, logic programing, logic programming n06902362 FORTRAN n06902521 FORTRAN program n06902611 COBOL n06902696 C n06902831 C program n06902909 BASIC n06903115 Pascal n06903255 upgrade n06903396 native language n06903519 indigenous language n06903699 substrate, substratum n06903972 superstrate, superstratum n06904171 natural language, tongue n06904748 mother tongue, maternal language, first language n06904943 tone language, tonal language n06905141 contour language n06905243 register language n06905358 creole n06905513 Haitian Creole n06905680 pidgin n06905828 Chinook Jargon, Oregon Jargon n06906028 Sango n06906116 lingua franca, interlanguage, koine n06906439 Amerind, Amerindian language, American-Indian language, American Indian, Indian n06906971 Algonquian, Algonquin, Algonquian language n06907567 Atakapa, Atakapan, Attacapa, Attacapan n06907728 Athapaskan, Athapascan, Athabaskan, Athabascan, Athapaskan language n06908048 Abnaki n06908159 Algonkian, Algonkin n06908291 Arapaho, Arapahoe n06908401 Biloxi n06908494 Blackfoot n06908605 Catawba n06908700 Cheyenne n06908801 Chiwere n06908968 Iowa, Ioway n06909079 Missouri n06909190 Oto, Otoe n06909298 Cree n06909391 Crow n06909478 Dakota n06909571 Delaware n06909672 Dhegiha n06909848 Fox n06909932 Hidatsa, Gros Ventre n06910039 Hunkpapa n06910134 Illinois n06910238 Haida n06910323 Kansa, Kansas n06910423 Kickapoo n06910517 Malecite, Maleseet n06910639 Massachuset, Massachusetts n06910755 Menomini, Menominee n06910868 Micmac n06910958 Mohican, Mahican n06911067 Nanticoke n06911180 Ofo n06911265 Oglala, Ogalala n06911366 Ojibwa, Ojibway, Chippewa n06911484 Omaha n06911575 Osage n06911666 Pamlico n06911758 Ponca, Ponka n06911857 Potawatomi n06911962 Powhatan n06912056 Quapaw n06912149 Shawnee n06912248 Alabama n06912340 Chickasaw n06912436 Choctaw, Chahta n06912537 Hitchiti n06912638 Koasati n06912737 Muskogee n06912838 Santee n06912931 Seminole n06913025 Tlingit n06913121 Tutelo n06913214 Winnebago n06913313 Muskhogean, Muskhogean language, Muskogean, Muskogean language n06913635 Na-Dene n06913768 Mosan n06913948 Chemakuan n06914069 Chemakum n06914167 Salish, Salishan n06914331 Skagit n06914423 Wakashan, Wakashan language n06914612 Kwakiutl n06914709 Nootka n06914802 Shoshone n06914930 Comanche n06915031 Hopi n06915124 Paiute n06915221 Ute n06915313 Shoshonean, Shoshonean language, Shoshonian, Shoshonian language n06915601 Caddo, Caddoan, Caddoan language n06915821 Arikara, Aricara n06915927 Pawnee n06916021 Wichita n06916117 Cherokee n06916217 Cayuga n06916313 Mohawk n06916409 Seneca n06916505 Oneida n06916601 Onondaga n06916701 Tuscarora n06916803 Iroquoian, Iroquois, Iroquoian language n06917083 Quechua, Quechuan, Quechuan language, Kechua, Kechuan n06917280 Guarani n06917392 Maraco, Maracan language n06917497 Tupi n06917602 Tupi-Guarani, Tupi-Guarani language n06917764 Arawak, Arawakan n06917926 Carib, Caribbean language n06918042 Eskimo-Aleut, Eskimo-Aleut language n06918215 Eskimo, Esquimau n06918312 Aleut n06918396 Uto-Aztecan, Uto-Aztecan language n06918640 Pima n06918734 Aztecan n06918832 Nahuatl n06918932 Cahita n06919023 Tatahumara n06919122 Zapotec, Zapotecan n06919215 Maya, Mayan, Mayan language n06919433 Apache n06919548 Chiricahua Apache n06919630 San Carlos Apache n06919712 Navaho, Navajo n06919818 Hupa n06919911 Mattole n06920010 Chipewyan, Chippewyan, Chippewaian n06920129 Siouan, Siouan language n06920497 Tanoan, Tanoan language n06920665 Kiowa n06920756 Hokan, Hoka n06920994 Chimariko n06921092 Esselen n06921186 Kulanapan n06921300 Pomo n06921392 Quoratean n06921506 Karok n06921593 Shastan n06921755 Achomawi n06921853 Atsugewi n06921951 Shasta n06922045 Yuman n06922389 Akwa'ala n06922485 Cochimi n06922579 Cocopa, Cocopah n06922681 Diegueno n06922777 Havasupai n06922875 Kamia n06922965 Kiliwa, Kiliwi n06923066 Maricopa n06923182 Mohave, Mojave n06923283 Walapai, Hualapai, Hualpai n06923398 Yavapai n06923492 Yuma n06923580 Yanan n06923704 Yahi n06923792 Yana n06923880 Penutian n06924214 Copehan n06924376 Patwin n06924468 Wintun n06924560 Costanoan n06924659 Mariposan, Yokuts n06924790 Moquelumnan, Miwok n06924895 Pujunan, Maidu n06924996 Chinookan, Chinook n06925103 Kalapooian, Kalapuyan n06925214 Kusan n06925305 Shahaptian, Sahaptin n06925435 Nez Perce n06925538 Takilman, Takelma n06925644 Tsimshian n06925743 Kekchi n06925833 Mam n06925917 Yucatec, Yucateco n06926020 Quiche n06926112 Cakchiquel n06926212 Altaic, Altaic language n06926458 Turki, Turkic, Turko-Tatar, Turkic language n06926798 Turkish n06926889 Turkmen, Turkoman, Turcoman n06927007 Azerbaijani n06927128 Kazak, Kazakh n06927228 Tatar n06927363 Uzbek, Uzbeg, Uzbak, Usbek, Usbeg n06927486 Uighur, Uigur, Uygur n06927645 Yakut n06927736 Kirghiz, Kirgiz, Khirghiz n06927851 Karakalpak n06927952 Chuvash n06928047 Chagatai, Jagatai, Jaghatai, Eastern Turki n06928234 Chukchi, Chukchi language n06928430 Tungusic, Tungusic language n06928610 Tungus, Tunguz, Evenki, Ewenki n06928744 Manchu n06928839 Mongolian, Mongolic, Mongolic language n06929008 Khalkha, Khalka, Kalka n06929171 Korean n06929279 Japanese n06929459 Ryukyuan n06929618 Sinitic, Sinitic language n06929742 Chinese n06930093 Mandarin, Mandarin Chinese, Mandarin dialect, Beijing dialect n06930298 Wu, Wu dialect, Shanghai dialect n06930427 Yue, Yue dialect, Cantonese, Cantonese dialect n06930633 Min, Min dialect, Fukien, Fukkianese, Hokkianese, Amoy, Taiwanese n06930804 Hakka, Hakka dialect n06930934 Sino-Tibetan, Sino-Tibetan language n06931199 Tibeto-Burman, Tibeto-Burman language n06931499 Qiang, Qiangic n06931605 Bai, Baic n06931724 Himalayish n06931891 Kamarupan n06932130 Karen, Karenic n06932265 Lolo-Burmese, Burmese-Yi n06932435 Burmese n06932537 Loloish n06932734 Lisu n06932803 Hani, Akha n06932879 Lahu n06932948 Lolo, Yi n06933022 Kachin, Kachinic n06933185 Jinghpo, Jinghpaw, Chingpo n06933279 Kuki, Chin, Kuki-Chin n06933429 Naga n06933546 Mikir-Meithei n06933689 Bodo-Garo, Barish n06933824 Miri, Mirish, Abor, Dafla n06933931 Tibetan n06934020 Newari n06934132 Kadai, Kam-Tai, Kadai language n06934309 Kam-Sui n06934389 Tai n06934848 White Tai n06934933 Red Tai n06935016 Tai Dam, Black Tai n06935111 Tai Nuea, Chinese Shan, Dehong Dai n06935223 Tai Long, Shan n06935314 Tai Lue, Xishuangbanna Dai n06935417 Tai Yuan, Kam Muang n06935513 Khuen n06935594 Lao n06935741 Khamti n06935823 Southern Tai n06935911 Tay n06935990 Nung n06936070 Tho n06936149 Thai, Siamese, Central Thai n06936290 Bouyei, Buyi n06936379 Zhuang n06936461 Yay n06936540 Saek n06936620 Austro-Asiatic, Austro-Asiatic language, Munda-Mon-Khmer n06936823 Munda n06936948 Mon-Khmer n06937098 Hmong, Hmong language, Miao n06937229 Vietnamese, Annamese, Annamite n06937348 Khmer n06937441 Mon n06937531 Austronesian, Austronesian language n06937768 Malayo-Polynesian, Polynesian n06937985 Oceanic, Eastern Malayo-Polynesian n06938190 Tongan n06938294 Tahitian n06938386 Maori n06938493 Hawaiian n06938623 Fijian n06938729 Western Malayo-Polynesian n06938887 Malay n06939051 Malaysian, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Kebangsaan n06939198 Indonesian, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa n06939431 Javanese n06939542 Sundanese n06939656 Balinese n06939756 Philippine, Filipino n06940001 Tagalog n06940109 Cebuan, Cebuano n06940290 Australian, Aboriginal Australian n06940502 Dyirbal, Jirrbal n06940601 Walbiri, Warlpiri n06940701 Formosan n06940854 Tayalic, Atayalic n06940969 Tsouic n06941041 Paiwanic n06941115 Papuan, Papuan language n06941341 Khoisan, Khoisan language n06941479 Khoikhoin, Khoikhoi, Hottentot n06941644 Indo-European, Indo-European language, Indo-Hittite n06942094 Proto-Indo European, PIE n06942252 Albanian n06942419 Gheg, Gheg dialect n06942550 Tosk, Tosk dialect n06942699 Armenian, Armenian language n06942874 Illyrian n06943027 Thraco-Phrygian n06943221 Thracian n06943378 Phrygian n06943558 Balto-Slavic, Balto-Slavic language, Balto-Slavonic n06943771 Slavic, Slavic language, Slavonic, Slavonic language n06944156 Old Church Slavonic, Old Church Slavic, Church Slavic, Old Bulgarian n06944348 Russian n06944480 Belarusian, Byelorussian, White Russian n06944623 Ukrainian n06944720 Polish n06944820 Slovak n06944911 Czech n06945010 Slovene n06945095 Serbo-Croat, Serbo-Croatian n06945344 Sorbian, Lusatian n06945473 Macedonian n06945569 Bulgarian n06945679 Baltic, Baltic language n06946017 Old Prussian n06946199 Lithuanian n06946355 Latvian, Lettish n06946497 Germanic, Germanic language n06946823 West Germanic, West Germanic language n06947032 English, English language n06947479 American English, American language, American n06947658 African American Vernacular English, AAVE, African American English, Black English, Black English Vernacular, Black Vernacular, Black Vernacular English, Ebonics n06948017 cockney n06948149 geordie n06948260 King's English, Queen's English n06948396 Received Pronunciation n06948761 Middle English n06948943 East Midland n06949121 West Midland n06949207 Northern n06949326 Kentish n06949407 Southwestern, West Saxon n06949506 Modern English n06949591 Old English, Anglo-Saxon n06949762 West Saxon n06949852 Anglian n06949946 Kentish, Jutish n06950049 Oxford English n06950209 Scottish, Scots, Scots English n06950400 Lallans, Scottish Lallans n06950528 German, High German, German language n06950886 Old High German n06950973 Middle High German n06951067 Yiddish n06952115 Pennsylvania Dutch n06952249 Low German, Plattdeutsch n06952400 Old Saxon n06952480 Middle Low German n06952572 Dutch n06952705 Flemish, Flemish dialect n06952861 Afrikaans, Taal, South African Dutch n06953054 Proto-Norse n06953167 Old Norse n06953332 Old Icelandic n06953471 Edda n06953731 Scandinavian, Scandinavian language, Nordic, Norse, North Germanic, North Germanic language n06954048 Danish n06954183 Icelandic n06954303 Norwegian n06954461 Bokmal, Bokmaal, Dano-Norwegian n06954640 Riksmal, Riksmaal n06954768 Nynorsk, New Norwegian, Landsmal, Landsmaal n06954925 Swedish n06955087 Faroese, Faeroese n06955242 Frisian n06955418 Old Frisian n06955560 East Germanic, East Germanic language n06955706 Gothic n06955931 Ural-Altaic n06956129 Uralic, Uralic language n06956287 Finno-Ugric, Finno-Ugrian n06956544 Fennic, Finnic, Non-Ugric n06956794 Udmurt, Votyak n06956896 Permic n06957042 Komi, Zyrian n06957140 Volgaic n06957287 Cheremis, Cheremiss, Mari n06957403 Mordva, Mordvin, Mordvinian n06957524 Baltic-Finnic n06957768 Livonian n06957896 Estonian, Esthonian n06958063 Karelian, Carelian n06958178 Ludian n06958255 Finnish, Suomi n06958417 Veps, Vepse, Vepsian n06958522 Ingrian n06958615 Ugric, Ugrian n06958836 Hungarian, Magyar n06959018 Khanty, Ostyak n06959140 Mansi, Vogul n06959261 Lappic, Lappish n06959427 Lapp, Sami, Saami, Same, Saame n06959584 Samoyedic, Samoyed n06959788 Nenets, Nentsi, Nentsy, Yurak-Samoyed n06959932 Enets, Entsi, Entsy, Yenisei, Yenisei-Samoyed, Yeniseian n06960083 Nganasan n06960180 Selkup, Ostyak-Samoyed n06960298 Celtic, Celtic language n06960566 Gaelic, Goidelic, Erse n06960778 Irish, Irish Gaelic n06960948 Old Irish n06961033 Middle Irish n06961122 Scottish Gaelic, Scots Gaelic n06961221 Manx n06961399 Brythonic, Brittanic n06961557 Welsh, Cymric n06961681 Cornish n06961771 Breton n06961853 Italic, Italic language n06962060 Osco-Umbrian n06962244 Umbrian n06962350 Oscan n06962454 Sabellian n06962600 Latin n06962954 Old Latin n06963082 classical Latin n06963292 Low Latin n06963429 Vulgar Latin n06963571 Late Latin, Biblical Latin n06963704 Medieval Latin n06963822 Neo-Latin, New Latin n06963951 Romance, Romance language, Latinian language n06964247 Italian n06964485 Old Italian n06964600 Sardinian n06964788 Tuscan n06964901 French n06965249 Langue d'oil, Langue d'oil French n06965406 Langue d'oc, Langue d'oc French n06965580 Old French n06965698 Norman-French, Norman French, Old North French n06965834 Anglo-French, Anglo-Norman n06965961 Canadian French n06966070 Walloon n06966190 Provencal, Occitan n06966310 Portuguese n06966454 Galician n06966695 Basque n06966825 Spanish n06967185 Castilian n06967282 Judeo-Spanish, Ladino n06967428 Mexican Spanish n06967529 Catalan n06967710 Rhaeto-Romance, Rhaeto-Romanic n06967935 Friulian, Friuli n06968052 Ladin n06968174 Romansh, Rumansh n06968343 Romanian, Rumanian n06968454 Elamitic, Elamite, Susian n06968601 Kassite, Cassite n06968707 Tocharian n06968909 Turfan, East Tocharian, Turfan dialect n06969018 Kuchean, West Tocharian, Kuchean dialect n06969129 Sanskrit, Sanskritic language n06969705 Sindhi n06969822 Romany, Gypsy n06969916 Urdu n06970103 Hindi n06970373 Hindustani, Hindoostani, Hindostani n06970510 Bihari n06970645 Magadhan n06970784 Assamese, Asamiya n06970946 Bengali, Bangla n06971123 Oriya n06971281 Marathi, Mahratti n06971454 Gujarati, Gujerati n06971605 Punjabi, Panjabi n06971741 Sinhalese, Singhalese, Sinhala n06971872 Indo-Iranian, Indo-Iranian language n06972090 Indic, Indo-Aryan n06972311 Dard, Dardic, Dardic language n06972558 Shina n06972654 Khowar n06972756 Kafiri n06972874 Kashmiri n06972985 Nepali n06973092 Prakrit n06973334 Pali n06973505 Prakrit n06973610 Iranian, Iranian language n06973941 Avestan, Zend n06974047 Gathic n06974127 Persian, Farsi n06974283 Dari, Dari Persian n06974390 Tajiki, Tajik, Tadzhik n06974558 Kurdish n06974687 Balochi, Baluchi n06974846 Pahlavi, Pehlevi n06975007 Parthian n06975132 Pashto, Pashtu, Paxto, Afghani, Afghan n06975368 Ossete n06975469 Scythian n06975594 Anatolian, Anatolian language n06975902 Hittite n06976087 Lycian n06976161 Luwian, Luvian n06976244 Lydian n06976318 Palaic n06976392 Greek, Hellenic, Hellenic language n06976680 Modern Greek, New Greek n06976833 Romaic, Demotic n06976959 Katharevusa n06977087 Late Greek n06977190 Medieval Greek, Middle Greek, Byzantine Greek n06977328 Koine n06977434 Ancient Greek n06977610 Attic, Ionic, Ionic dialect, Classical Greek n06977800 Aeolic, Aeolic dialect, Eolic n06977948 Arcadic, Arcadic dialect n06978068 Doric, Doric dialect n06978180 Caucasian, Caucasian language n06978422 Chechen n06978527 Circassian n06978656 Abkhazian, Abkhasian n06978766 Georgian n06978904 Ubykh n06979014 Dravidian, Dravidic, Dravidian language n06979249 South Dravidian n06979492 Irula n06979645 Kota, Kotar n06979743 Toda n06979853 Badaga n06979957 Kannada, Kanarese n06980085 Tulu n06980175 Malayalam n06980315 Tamil n06980465 South-Central Dravidian n06980721 Telugu n06980837 Savara n06980971 Gondi n06981085 Pengo n06981187 Manda n06981289 Kui n06981401 Kuvi n06981498 Central Dravidian n06981706 Kolami n06981818 Naiki n06981920 Parji n06982022 Ollari n06982125 Gadaba n06982221 North Dravidian n06982391 Kurux n06982487 Malto n06982581 Brahui n06982697 Hausa, Haussa n06982855 Bole, Bolanci n06982989 Angas n06983114 Ron, Bokkos, Daffo n06983225 Bade n06983320 Warji n06983416 Zaar, Sayanci n06983521 West Chadic n06983795 Tera, Pidlimdi, Yamaltu n06983895 Bura, Pabir n06983997 Higi, Kapsiki n06984101 Mandara, Wandala n06984247 Matakam, Mafa n06984351 Sukur n06984446 Daba, Kola, Musgoi n06984556 Bata n06984650 Kotoko n06984746 Musgu, Munjuk, Mulwi n06984858 Gidar n06984953 Biu-Mandara n06985310 Somrai, Sibine n06985404 Nancere n06985490 Kera n06985573 Dangla, Dangaleat n06985722 Mokulu n06985807 Sokoro n06985892 East Chadic n06986100 Masa n06986276 Chad, Chadic, Chadic language n06986558 Afroasiatic, Afro-Asiatic, Afroasiatic language, Afrasian, Afrasian language, Hamito-Semitic n06986894 Semitic n06987124 Hebrew n06987409 Modern Hebrew n06987525 Akkadian n06987659 Assyrian Akkadian, Assyrian n06987812 Amharic, Ethiopian language n06988057 Arabic, Arabic language n06988307 Aramaic n06988540 Biblical Aramaic n06988684 Assyrian Neo-Aramaic, Assyrian n06988808 Mandaean, Mandean n06988913 Maltese, Maltese language, Malti n06989146 Canaanitic, Canaanitic language n06989325 Canaanite n06989473 Phoenician n06989657 Punic n06989769 Ugaritic n06989869 Hamitic, Hamitic language n06990000 Egyptian n06990193 Demotic, Demotic script n06990371 Coptic n06990544 Berber n06990741 Tuareg n06990836 Cushitic n06991004 Somali n06991117 Omotic n06991277 Niger-Kordofanian, Niger-Kordofanian language n06991622 Kordofanian n06991764 Niger-Congo n06991980 Bantu, Bantoid language n06992600 Chichewa n06992709 ChiMwini n06992807 Chishona n06992929 Fang n06993015 Gikuyu n06993108 Giriama n06993225 Herero n06993348 Kamba n06993445 Kichaga, Chaga, Chagga n06993573 Kinyarwanda n06993647 Kiswahili n06993719 Kongo n06993870 Luba, Tshiluba n06993977 LuGanda n06994089 Luyia n06994157 Mashi n06994225 Mwera n06994329 Nguni n06994488 Ndebele, Matabele n06994608 Swazi n06994700 Xhosa n06994792 Zulu n06994918 Nyamwezi n06995016 Pokomo n06995135 Shona n06995222 Sotho n06995439 Umbundu n06995526 Sesotho, Basuto n06995664 Tswana, Setswana, Sechuana n06995792 Swahili n06996029 Tonga n06996160 Gur, Voltaic n06996309 West African n06996510 Fula, Ful, Fulani, Peul n06996755 Serer n06996894 Wolof n06997012 Mande n06997168 Kwa n06997368 Yoruba, Aku n06997486 Akan n06997587 Ewe n06997697 Nilo-Saharan, Nilo-Saharan language n06997938 Chari-Nile n06998108 Nilotic, Nilotic language n06998322 Dinka n06998392 Luo n06998460 Masai n06998530 Saharan n06998631 Songhai n06998748 artwork, art, graphics, nontextual matter n06999045 graphic design n06999233 illustration n06999436 picture, pictorial matter n06999647 figure, fig n06999802 chart n07000065 plot n07000195 graph, graphical record n07000716 frequency-response curve, frequency-response characteristic n07000941 curve n07001065 characteristic curve, characterisic function n07001294 organization chart n07001446 color chart n07001547 color circle, color wheel n07001717 bar chart, bar graph n07001865 histogram n07002022 eye chart n07002146 flip chart n07002312 pie chart n07002459 star chart n07002599 profile n07002863 population profile n07002992 tabulation, tabular matter n07003119 drawing n07003352 comic strip, cartoon strip, strip, funnies n07003568 frame n07003672 ballistocardiogram n07003807 echoencephalogram n07003935 echocardiogram n07004057 electrocardiogram, cardiogram, EKG, ECG n07004241 electroencephalogram, encephalogram, EEG n07004422 electromyogram, EMG n07004564 electroretinogram n07004738 Laffer curve n07004962 learning curve n07005158 myogram n07005270 radiation pattern, radiation diagram, pattern n07005523 lobe n07005715 major lobe n07005897 tachogram n07006018 thermogram n07006119 dramaturgy, dramatic art, dramatics, theater, theatre n07006712 stage n07006951 production n07007171 theatrical production, staging n07007341 coup de theatre n07007444 coup de theatre n07007556 summer stock n07007684 dramatic composition, dramatic work n07007945 play, drama, dramatic play n07008544 afterpiece n07008680 fragment n07008849 Grand Guignol n07008947 hiatus n07009042 snatch, bit n07009161 theater of the absurd n07009421 prologue n07009538 playlet n07009640 act n07009808 scene n07009946 script, book, playscript n07010275 promptbook, prompt copy n07010393 continuity n07010541 dialogue, dialog n07010692 duologue n07010821 actor's line, speech, words n07011075 aside n07011209 cue n07011387 monologue n07011529 soliloquy n07011689 throwaway n07011803 prompt, prompting n07012025 libretto n07012135 scenario n07012279 screenplay n07012414 shooting script n07012534 line n07012979 line n07013269 orphan n07013400 spiel, patter, line of gab n07013549 string n07013736 string of words, word string, linguistic string n07013933 substring n07014029 act n07014187 lipogram n07014320 effusion, gush, outburst, blowup, ebullition n07014596 acting out n07014752 cry n07014854 explosion n07014997 flare n07015151 collocation n07015242 high-five n07015400 closet drama n07015510 comedy n07015841 black comedy n07015928 commedia dell'arte n07016098 dark comedy n07016250 farce, farce comedy, travesty n07016428 high comedy n07016542 low comedy n07016648 melodrama n07016797 seriocomedy, tragicomedy n07016948 tragedy n07017161 tragicomedy n07017379 situation comedy, sitcom n07017534 special n07017733 situation comedy, sitcom n07017877 slapstick n07017999 burlesque n07018211 exode n07018313 miracle play n07018444 morality play n07018604 mystery play n07018724 Passion play n07018824 satyr play n07018931 play n07019172 musical, musical comedy, musical theater n07019396 curtain raiser n07019500 galanty show, shadow show, shadow play n07019633 puppet show, puppet play n07019743 minstrel show n07019866 revue, review n07020017 follies n07020121 Ziegfeld Follies n07020239 variety show, variety n07020423 vaudeville, music hall n07020538 dance n07020763 choreography n07020895 music n07024607 pizzicato n07024705 monophony, monophonic music, monody n07024929 polyphony, polyphonic music, concerted music n07025151 polytonality, polytonalism n07025302 popularism n07025419 counterpoint n07025604 black music, African-American music n07025900 classical music, classical, serious music n07026239 chamber music n07026352 opera n07026646 comic opera, opera bouffe, bouffe, opera comique n07026827 grand opera n07026920 musical drama n07027090 operetta, light opera n07027180 harmony, musical harmony n07027458 harmonization, harmonisation n07027651 reharmonization, reharmonisation n07027805 four-part harmony n07027942 preparation n07028221 resolution n07028373 tune, melody, air, strain, melodic line, line, melodic phrase n07028797 leitmotiv, leitmotif n07028964 theme song n07029088 signature, signature tune, theme song n07029247 theme, melodic theme, musical theme, idea n07029581 obbligato, obligato n07029682 motif, motive n07029819 statement n07030012 variation n07030174 inversion n07030376 augmentation n07030549 diminution n07030718 part, voice n07030976 part music n07031144 homophony n07031276 primo n07031401 secondo n07031534 voice part n07031636 canto n07031752 accompaniment, musical accompaniment, backup, support n07032026 descant, discant n07032206 vamp n07032292 bass, bass part n07032426 ground bass n07032556 figured bass, basso continuo, continuo, thorough bass n07032753 crossover n07033007 religious music, church music n07033245 antiphon, antiphony n07033433 gradual n07033613 Mass n07033753 Mass n07033913 Requiem n07034035 Shema n07034409 processional, prosodion n07034516 antiphonary, antiphonal n07034634 chant n07034865 Hallel n07035061 Hare Krishna n07035153 plainsong, plainchant, Gregorian chant n07035305 cantus firmus n07035420 religious song n07035598 spiritual, Negro spiritual n07035747 carol, Christmas carol n07035870 hymn, anthem n07036203 doxology n07036328 chorale, choral n07036443 canticle n07036546 Dies Irae n07036699 hymeneal n07036768 Internationale n07036862 paean, pean n07037059 Magnificat n07037232 recessional n07037384 Te Deum n07037465 musical composition, opus, composition, piece, piece of music n07038400 musical arrangement, arrangement n07038615 orchestration n07038767 instrumental music n07038910 instrumentation n07039056 realization, realisation n07039238 recapitulation n07039478 finale, coda n07039620 intermezzo n07039770 allegro n07039949 allegretto n07040148 andante n07040292 intermezzo n07040413 introit n07040543 prelude n07040693 chorale prelude n07040820 overture n07040939 solo n07041125 voluntary n07041344 postlude n07041451 duet, duette, duo n07041595 trio n07041688 quartet, quartette n07041795 quintet, quintette n07041902 sextet, sextette, sestet n07042023 septet, septette n07042137 octet, octette n07042249 cantata, oratorio n07042405 Messiah n07042498 bagatelle n07042586 divertimento, serenade n07042735 keen n07042862 canon n07043026 enigma canon, enigmatic canon, enigmatical canon, riddle canon n07043275 concerto n07043389 concerto grosso n07043518 etude n07043675 fugue n07043824 pastorale, pastoral, idyll, idyl n07043968 rondo, rondeau n07044088 sonata n07044276 piano sonata n07044353 toccata n07044543 fantasia n07044680 sonatina n07044760 symphony, symphonic music n07044917 passage, musical passage n07045245 intro n07045353 phrase, musical phrase n07045519 ligature n07045637 ostinato n07045788 riff n07045928 cadence n07046030 plagal cadence, amen cadence n07046218 cadenza n07046339 movement n07046543 largo n07046737 larghetto n07046917 scherzo n07047011 suite n07047165 partita n07047275 partita n07047373 symphonic poem, tone poem n07047505 medley, potpourri, pastiche n07047679 nocturne, notturno n07047804 adagio n07048000 song, vocal n07048627 study n07048782 antiphony n07048928 anthem n07049055 national anthem n07049205 Marseillaise n07049291 The Star-Spangled Banner n07049514 aria n07049634 arietta, short aria n07049713 ballad, lay n07049849 minstrelsy n07049931 barcarole, barcarolle n07050042 chantey, chanty, sea chantey, shanty n07050177 refrain, chorus n07050379 tra-la, tra-la-la n07050503 ditty n07050619 dirge, coronach, lament, requiem, threnody n07050827 drinking song n07050952 folk song, folksong, folk ballad n07051185 blues n07051441 fado n07051517 blue note n07051620 lied n07051728 love song, love-song n07051851 lullaby, cradlesong, berceuse n07051975 lyric, words, language n07052291 stanza n07052619 love lyric n07052700 oldie, golden oldie n07052799 partsong n07052925 madrigal n07053089 round, troll n07053364 prothalamion, prothalamium n07053491 roundelay n07053606 scolion, banquet song n07053732 serenade n07053884 torch song n07053993 work song n07054122 shivaree, chivaree, charivari, callithump, callathump, belling n07054336 ballet n07054433 dance music n07054994 beguine n07055103 bolero n07055203 carioca n07055295 conga n07055401 flamenco n07055502 gavotte n07055612 habanera n07055720 hornpipe n07055805 jig, gigue n07055923 landler n07056021 mazurka n07056113 minuet n07056265 paso doble n07056406 pavane, pavan n07056504 polka n07056593 quadrille n07056680 reel n07056764 rumba, rhumba n07056895 samba n07057001 saraband n07057095 schottische n07057196 serialism, serial music n07057385 syncopation n07057539 twelve-tone music, 12-tone music, twelve-tone system, 12-tone system n07057829 tango n07057948 tarantella n07058064 techno n07058184 waltz n07058296 marching music, march n07058468 military march, military music, martial music n07058668 quickstep n07058762 pibroch n07058871 processional march, recessional march n07059028 funeral march, dead march n07059150 wedding march n07059255 popular music, popular music genre n07059626 disco, disco music n07059821 macumba n07059962 pop music, pop n07060167 folk music, ethnic music, folk n07060440 country music, country and western, C and W n07060697 dance music, danceroom music, ballroom music n07060844 ragtime, rag n07060976 jazz n07061180 kwela n07061334 gospel, gospel singing n07061677 doo-wop n07061968 soul n07062190 bluegrass n07062315 hillbilly music n07062451 square-dance music n07062550 zydeco n07062697 jazz n07063101 bop, bebop n07063249 boogie, boogie-woogie n07063413 cool jazz n07063585 funk n07063775 hot jazz n07063921 modern jazz, new jazz, neo jazz n07064055 rap, rap music, hip-hop n07064315 rhythm and blues, R and B n07064537 rockabilly n07064715 rock 'n' roll, rock'n'roll, rock-and-roll, rock and roll, rock, rock music n07065149 heavy metal, heavy metal music n07065333 progressive rock, art rock n07065562 psychedelic rock, acid rock n07065740 punk rock, punk n07065932 trad n07066042 swing, swing music, jive n07066285 reggae n07066459 skiffle n07066659 expressive style, style n07067591 address n07067760 catch n07067876 analysis n07068048 bathos n07068133 black humor, black humour n07068324 Gongorism n07068473 conceit n07068631 development n07068844 device n07069002 doctorspeak n07069074 ecobabble n07069210 eloquence, fluency, smoothness n07069517 euphuism n07069632 Eurobabble n07069747 flatness n07069948 formulation, expression n07070321 gobbledygook n07070429 grandiosity, magniloquence, ornateness, grandiloquence, rhetoric n07070779 headlinese n07070883 honorific n07071017 jargon n07071250 journalese n07071366 legalese n07071483 manner of speaking, speech, delivery n07071942 music genre, musical genre, genre, musical style n07072195 officialese n07072337 pathos n07072434 prose n07072587 psychobabble n07072698 rhetoric n07072838 saltiness, coarseness n07073071 self-expression n07073208 articulation, voice n07073447 archaism, archaicism n07075006 boilerplate n07075172 colloquialism n07080778 mot juste n07080868 verbalization, verbalisation n07081043 verbalization, verbalisation n07081177 parlance, idiom n07081345 Americanism n07081473 Anglicism, Briticism, Britishism n07081646 Gallicism n07081739 wording, diction, phrasing, phraseology, choice of words, verbiage n07082025 paralanguage, paralinguistic communication n07082198 tongue n07082346 sharp tongue n07082444 shibboleth n07082573 tone, tone of voice n07082819 note n07082972 roundness, rotundity n07083136 undertone n07083246 elocution n07083441 barrage, bombardment, outpouring, onslaught n07083732 prosody, inflection n07083958 modulation, inflection n07084166 intonation, modulation, pitch contour n07084428 intonation pattern n07084560 monotone, drone, droning n07084747 monotone n07084927 singsong n07085072 caesura n07085210 enjambment, enjambement n07085375 stress, emphasis, accent n07085786 accentuation n07085961 tonic accent, pitch accent n07086088 word stress, word accent n07086215 sentence stress n07086323 rhythm, speech rhythm n07086518 rhythm, beat, musical rhythm n07086861 backbeat n07086972 downbeat n07087102 upbeat, offbeat n07087223 syncopation n07087346 recitative n07087508 arioso n07087641 transition, modulation n07087777 bombast, fustian, rant, claptrap, blah n07087940 sesquipedality n07088053 sensationalism, luridness n07088319 technobabble n07088438 terseness n07088645 turn of phrase, turn of expression n07088868 conceit n07089024 conciseness, concision, pithiness, succinctness n07089276 crispness n07089431 brevity n07089531 laconism, laconicism n07089622 vein n07089751 verboseness, verbosity n07090019 verbiage, verbalism n07090108 prolixity, prolixness, windiness, long-windedness, wordiness n07090379 circumlocution, periphrasis, ambage n07090573 turgidity, turgidness, flatulence n07090721 repetitiveness, repetitiousness n07090938 redundancy n07091087 pleonasm n07091214 tautology n07091385 tautology n07091587 abbreviation n07091737 apocope n07091902 acronym n07092158 writing style, literary genre, genre n07092356 form n07092592 poetry, poesy, verse n07093158 heroic poetry, epic poetry n07093273 poetry n07093489 versification n07093603 versification n07093759 versification n07093895 poetic rhythm, rhythmic pattern, prosody n07094093 meter, metre, measure, beat, cadence n07094355 catalexis n07094508 scansion n07094621 sprung rhythm n07094731 common measure, common meter n07094843 metrical foot, foot, metrical unit n07095148 dactyl n07095280 iamb, iambus n07095390 anapest, anapaest n07095516 amphibrach n07095653 trochee n07095775 spondee n07095895 pyrrhic, dibrach n07096029 tetrameter n07096142 pentameter n07096237 hexameter n07096330 octameter n07096425 octosyllable n07096569 decasyllable n07096661 rhyme, rime n07096995 internal rhyme n07097094 alliteration, initial rhyme, beginning rhyme, head rhyme n07097346 assonance, vowel rhyme n07097548 consonance, consonant rhyme n07097707 double rhyme n07097831 rhyme royal n07097965 ottava rima n07098093 eye rhyme n07098193 rhetorical device n07098989 anacoluthia, anacoluthon n07099135 asyndeton n07099271 repetition n07099598 anadiplosis, reduplication n07099752 epanalepsis n07099844 epanodos n07099965 epanodos n07100113 epiphora, epistrophe n07100253 gemination n07100387 ploce n07100522 polyptoton n07100678 epanaphora, anaphora n07100815 anaphora n07100942 symploce n07101140 anastrophe, inversion n07101250 antiphrasis n07101406 antithesis n07101557 antinomasia n07101649 apophasis n07101778 aposiopesis n07101937 apostrophe n07102034 catachresis n07102271 chiasmus n07102373 climax n07102483 conversion n07102593 dramatic irony n07102802 ecphonesis, exclamation n07102945 emphasis n07103106 enallage n07103258 epanorthosis n07103402 epiplexis n07103558 hendiadys n07103671 hypallage n07103802 hyperbaton n07103912 hypozeugma n07104020 hypozeuxis n07104149 hysteron proteron n07104292 litotes, meiosis n07104574 onomatopoeia n07104733 paralepsis, paraleipsis, paralipsis, preterition n07104912 paregmenon n07105045 polysyndeton n07105238 prolepsis n07105342 wellerism n07105475 trope, figure of speech, figure, image n07106113 conceit n07106246 irony n07106502 hyperbole, exaggeration n07106651 kenning n07106800 metaphor n07107083 dead metaphor, frozen metaphor n07107381 mixed metaphor n07107522 synesthetic metaphor n07107676 metonymy n07107896 metalepsis n07108010 oxymoron n07108123 personification, prosopopoeia n07108282 simile n07108453 synecdoche n07108657 syllepsis n07108807 zeugma n07109019 auditory communication n07109196 speech, speech communication, spoken communication, spoken language, language, voice communication, oral communication n07109730 words n07109847 utterance, vocalization n07110457 speech n07110615 voice, vocalization, vocalisation, vocalism, phonation, vox n07111047 phone, speech sound, sound n07111510 morphophoneme n07111711 phoneme n07111933 allophone n07112103 ablaut n07112282 grade, gradation n07112364 diphthong n07112550 vowel, vowel sound n07112805 accentual system, prosodic system n07112942 consonant system, consonantal system n07113080 morphophonemic system n07113192 phonemic system n07113337 phonological system, phonologic system n07113491 syllabicity n07113625 tense system n07113732 tone system, tonal system n07113903 vowel system, vocalism n07114023 schwa, shwa n07114154 murmur vowel, murmur n07114284 stem vowel, thematic vowel n07114409 semivowel, glide n07114535 palatal n07114712 vowel n07114870 vowel point n07115021 consonant n07115381 consonant n07115493 alveolar consonant, dental consonant, alveolar, dental n07115684 obstruent n07115914 stop consonant, stop, occlusive, plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, plosive n07116304 implosion n07116443 plosion, explosion n07116641 affrication n07116758 aspirate n07116869 aspiration n07117007 labial consonant, labial n07117193 labiodental consonant, labiodental n07117333 bilabial n07117472 labial stop n07117595 glottal stop, glottal plosive, glottal catch n07117788 epenthesis n07118002 nasalization, nasalisation n07118210 suction stop, click n07118367 continuant consonant, continuant n07118554 fricative consonant, fricative, spirant n07118747 sibilant, sibilant consonant n07118990 affricate, affricate consonant, affricative n07119211 nasal consonant, nasal n07119358 orinasal phone, orinasal n07119521 lingual n07119643 liquid n07119776 geminate n07119897 surd, voiceless consonant n07120025 velar, velar consonant n07120176 guttural, guttural consonant, pharyngeal, pharyngeal consonant n07120364 sonant, voiced sound n07120524 cry, outcry, call, yell, shout, vociferation n07121157 cry, yell n07121361 bellow, bellowing, holla, holler, hollering, hollo, holloa, roar, roaring, yowl n07121904 blue murder n07122018 catcall n07122118 clamor, clamoring, clamour, clamouring, hue and cry n07122409 halloo n07122555 hoot n07122639 hosanna n07122730 noise n07123012 scream, screaming, shriek, shrieking, screech, screeching n07123288 whoop n07123404 war cry, war whoop, rallying cry, battle cry n07123552 yelling, shouting n07123710 yodel n07123870 boo, hoot, Bronx cheer, hiss, raspberry, razzing, razz, snort, bird n07124172 blasphemy n07124340 obscenity, smut, vulgarism, filth, dirty word n07124736 bawdry, bawdy n07124928 scatology n07125096 curse, curse word, expletive, oath, swearing, swearword, cuss n07125367 croak, croaking n07125523 exclamation, exclaiming n07125786 devil, deuce, dickens n07125958 ejaculation, interjection n07126116 expostulation n07126228 expletive n07126383 groan, moan n07126521 hem, ahem n07126734 howl, howling, ululation n07127006 laugh, laughter n07127252 mumble n07127350 cachinnation n07127451 cackle n07127563 chortle, chuckle n07127693 giggle n07127790 guffaw, belly laugh n07127911 hee-haw, horselaugh, ha-ha, haw-haw n07128060 snicker, snort, snigger n07128225 titter n07128322 paging n07128527 profanity n07128692 pronunciation, orthoepy n07128946 pronunciation n07129202 sibilation, assibilation n07129422 exultation, rejoicing, jubilation n07129602 sigh, suspiration n07129758 snarl n07129867 speaking, speech production n07130050 speech n07130183 sputter, splutter n07130341 whisper, whispering, susurration, voicelessness n07130580 stage whisper n07130774 rasp, rasping n07130918 mispronunciation n07131022 homograph n07131169 homophone n07131366 homophony n07131511 accent, speech pattern n07131741 drawl n07131854 articulation n07132226 retroflection, retroflexion n07132415 enunciation, diction n07132634 mumbling n07132729 syncope, syncopation n07132937 sandhi n07133143 thickness n07133313 tongue twister n07133477 trill n07133701 conversation n07134179 crossfire n07134287 phatic speech, phatic communication n07134445 intercourse, social intercourse n07134575 communion, sharing n07134706 exchange n07134850 chat, confab, confabulation, schmooze, schmoose n07135080 chitchat, chit-chat, chit chat, small talk, gab, gabfest, gossip, tittle-tattle, chin wag, chin-wag, chin wagging, chin-wagging, causerie n07135450 gossiping, gossipmongering n07135627 scandalmongering n07135734 talk, talking n07136098 cant, pious platitude n07136206 dialogue, dialog, duologue n07136315 heart-to-heart n07136469 shmooze n07136578 shop talk n07136711 wind, malarkey, malarky, idle words, jazz, nothingness n07136940 yak, yack, yakety-yak, chatter, cackle n07137129 prate, prattle, idle talk, blether, chin music n07137315 nothings n07137461 sweet nothings, honeyed words n07137622 commerce n07137733 colloquy n07137807 detail n07137950 dilation n07138085 discussion, treatment, discourse n07138504 indirect discourse n07138736 direct discourse, direct quotation n07138915 consideration n07139151 expatiation n07139316 talk n07139532 reconsideration n07139700 exhortation n07139873 expression, verbal expression, verbalism n07140237 cold turkey n07140348 congratulation, felicitation n07140659 discussion, give-and-take, word n07140978 argument, argumentation, debate n07141319 logomachy n07141437 parley n07141537 rap n07141644 rap session n07141789 second-hand speech n07141922 table talk n07142005 telephone conversation n07142107 tete-a-tete n07142242 pillow talk n07142365 deliberation n07142566 conference, group discussion n07142924 bull session n07143044 colloquy n07143137 consultation n07143450 sidebar n07143624 consultation, audience, interview n07143869 panel discussion n07144039 postmortem, post-mortem n07144190 public discussion, ventilation n07144416 huddle, powwow n07144571 backgrounder n07144834 press conference, news conference n07145026 pretrial, pretrial conference n07145314 round table, roundtable, round-table conference n07145508 session n07145783 teach-in n07145958 teleconference, teleconferencing n07146190 sitting n07146300 clinic n07146534 reading clinic n07146640 basketball clinic n07146784 baseball clinic n07146980 hockey clinic n07147116 executive session, closed session n07147267 hearing n07147511 confirmation hearing n07147733 skull session n07147902 special session n07148022 tutorial n07148192 negotiation, dialogue, talks n07148573 diplomacy, diplomatic negotiations n07148828 dollar diplomacy n07148938 power politics, gunboat diplomacy n07149107 recognition n07149348 shuttle diplomacy n07149582 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, SALT n07149836 bargaining n07150023 collective bargaining n07150138 haggle, haggling, wrangle, wrangling n07150328 holdout n07150499 horse trading n07150644 mediation n07150850 arbitration n07151122 conciliation n07151285 umpirage n07151380 saying, expression, locution n07151892 anatomical reference, anatomical n07152027 southernism n07152151 sound bite n07152259 motto, slogan, catchword, shibboleth n07152463 catchphrase, catch phrase n07152590 mantra n07152752 war cry, rallying cry, battle cry, cry, watchword n07152948 maxim, axiom n07153130 aphorism, apothegm, apophthegm n07153385 gnome n07153502 Murphy's Law, Sod's Law n07153641 moralism n07153727 epigram, quip n07153838 proverb, adage, saw, byword n07154046 platitude, cliche, banality, commonplace, bromide n07154243 truism n07154330 idiom, idiomatic expression, phrasal idiom, set phrase, phrase n07154666 ruralism, rusticism n07154760 agrapha n07154868 sumpsimus n07155081 non-standard speech n07155426 baby talk, babytalk n07155531 baby talk, babytalk, motherese n07155661 dialect, idiom, accent n07156091 eye dialect n07156219 patois n07156375 localism n07156497 regionalism n07156693 idiolect n07156819 monologue n07157000 telegraphese n07157123 vernacular n07157273 slang, cant, jargon, lingo, argot, patois, vernacular n07159276 rhyming slang n07159467 slang, slang expression, slang term n07159791 spell, magic spell, magical spell, charm n07160116 incantation, conjuration n07160296 invocation n07160424 hex, jinx, curse, whammy n07160635 dictation n07160752 soliloquy, monologue n07160883 speech act n07161429 proposal, proposition n07161613 contract offer n07161741 marriage proposal, proposal of marriage, marriage offer, proposal n07161912 proposition n07162059 question n07162194 proposal n07162424 counterproposal n07162545 hypothesis n07162680 suggestion, proposition, proffer n07162975 introduction n07163110 re-introduction n07163272 first reading n07163381 second reading n07163593 motion, question n07163803 previous question n07163988 hint, intimation, breath n07164163 touch, trace, ghost n07164349 overture, advance, approach, feeler n07164546 offer, offering n07164972 counteroffer n07165086 bid, tender n07165298 overbid n07165410 buyout bid n07165506 prospectus n07165778 preliminary prospectus, red herring n07166101 tender offer n07166281 reward n07166432 rights offering, rights issue n07166851 special n07167041 price n07167186 peace offering, olive branch n07167326 twofer n07167415 presentation n07167578 submission, entry n07167954 filing n07168131 command, bid, bidding, dictation n07168486 countermand n07168623 order n07168983 marching orders n07169098 summons n07169242 word n07169353 call up n07169480 commission, charge, direction n07169743 misdirection n07169848 commandment n07169970 Decalogue, Ten Commandments n07170080 directive n07170282 Presidential Directive n07170467 injunction n07170572 behest n07170660 open sesame n07170753 interpretation n07171206 clarification, elucidation, illumination n07171513 disambiguation n07171666 lexical disambiguation n07171785 eisegesis n07171940 exegesis n07172117 ijtihad n07172557 text n07172756 expansion, enlargement, elaboration n07172979 embellishment, embroidery n07173258 literal interpretation n07173389 letter n07173585 version n07173766 reading n07173959 construction, twist n07174138 reconstruction n07174260 popularization, popularisation n07174433 misinterpretation, misunderstanding, mistaking n07174785 imbroglio n07174877 misconstrual, misconstruction n07175102 misreading n07175241 agreement n07175575 assent, acquiescence n07175863 informed consent n07176073 acceptance n07176243 concession, conceding, yielding n07176499 bye, pass n07176682 concurrence, concurrency n07176804 accord, conformity, accordance n07176962 connivance, collusion n07177111 cahoot n07177192 accession, assenting n07177437 accommodation n07177622 conclusion n07177772 reservation n07177924 settlement n07178182 out-of-court settlement n07178337 property settlement n07178525 accord and satisfaction n07178698 severance agreement n07178839 golden handshake n07178992 suicide pact n07179192 modus vivendi n07179342 compromise n07179609 Missouri Compromise n07179820 subscription n07179943 ratification, confirmation n07180183 harmony, concord, concordance n07180372 second, secondment, endorsement, indorsement n07180570 citation n07180787 disagreement n07181043 confrontation, encounter, showdown, face-off n07181208 dissidence n07181358 dissent n07181453 nonconformity n07181546 discord, dissension n07181713 confrontation n07181842 division, variance n07181935 dispute, difference, difference of opinion, conflict n07182367 straw man, strawman n07182485 argy-bargy, argle-bargle n07182614 firestorm n07182744 sparring n07182888 special pleading n07183000 collision n07183151 controversy, contention, contestation, disputation, disceptation, tilt, argument, arguing n07183660 polemic n07183853 gap n07184024 generation gap n07184149 quarrel, wrangle, row, words, run-in, dustup n07184391 fight n07184545 affray, altercation, fracas n07184652 batrachomyomachia n07184735 bicker, bickering, spat, tiff, squabble, pettifoggery, fuss n07184965 bust-up n07185076 offer, offering n07185325 request, asking n07185668 notification, notice n07185870 wish, indirect request n07186148 invitation n07186528 bidding, summons n07186661 invite n07186828 entreaty, prayer, appeal n07187150 adjuration n07187297 demagoguery, demagogy n07187486 flag waving, jingoism n07187638 supplication, plea n07187773 solicitation n07187996 beggary, begging, mendicancy n07188238 touch n07188385 importunity, urgency, urging n07188570 suit n07188685 courtship, wooing, courting, suit n07188979 bundling n07189130 prayer, petition, orison n07189411 benediction, blessing n07189562 benison n07189633 collect n07189779 commination n07189932 deprecation n07190039 grace, blessing, thanksgiving n07190188 intercession n07190290 invocation, supplication n07190474 rogation n07190584 requiescat n07190693 call n07190840 recall n07190941 charge, billing n07191162 presentment n07191279 demand n07191569 challenge n07191696 ultimatum n07191777 insistence, insisting n07191950 purism n07192129 call, claim n07192240 requisition n07192511 call n07192661 margin call, call n07192845 wage claim, pay claim n07192990 trick or treat n07193184 questioning, inquiring n07193405 challenge n07193596 question, inquiry, enquiry, query, interrogation n07193958 interrogation, examination, interrogatory n07194293 catechism n07194499 deposition n07194676 inquisition n07194811 third degree n07194950 cross-examination n07195241 direct examination n07195404 redirect examination, reexamination n07195630 cross-question n07195765 leading question n07195969 yes-no question n07196075 interview n07196405 job interview, employment interview n07196575 telephone interview n07196682 question, interrogation, interrogative, interrogative sentence n07197021 examination, exam, test n07197537 bar examination, bar exam n07197889 comprehensive examination, comprehensive, comp n07198119 entrance examination, entrance exam n07198276 final examination, final exam, final n07198437 litmus test n07198605 midterm examination, midterm exam, midterm n07198757 pop quiz n07198846 oral, oral exam, oral examination, viva voce, viva n07199013 preliminary examination, preliminary exam, prelim n07199191 quiz n07199328 test paper, examination paper, exam paper, question sheet n07199456 tripos n07199565 reply, response n07199814 non sequitur n07199922 rejoinder, retort, return, riposte, replication, comeback, counter n07200290 echo n07200421 echolalia n07200527 answer n07200692 Urim and Thummim n07200813 refutation, defense, defence n07201105 confutation n07201220 rebuttal n07201365 description n07201562 characterization, characterisation n07201804 word picture, word-painting, delineation, depiction, picture, characterization, characterisation n07202311 epithet n07202391 portrayal, portraiture, portrait n07202579 label n07202812 particularization, particularisation, detailing n07203016 sketch, vignette n07203126 affirmation, assertion, statement n07203388 representation n07203613 say-so n07203696 affirmative n07203900 yes n07204008 yea n07204110 declaration n07204240 denial, disaffirmation n07204401 denial n07204665 abnegation n07204822 naysaying n07204911 negative n07205104 no n07205210 nay n07205308 double negative n07205439 double negative n07205573 refusal n07205718 repudiation n07205946 disavowal, disclaimer n07206096 retraction, abjuration, recantation n07206302 withdrawal, backdown, climb-down n07206461 negation n07206596 contradiction n07206800 self-contradiction n07206887 contradiction, contradiction in terms n07207142 cancellation n07207273 rejection n07207410 repudiation, renunciation n07207680 disclaimer n07207860 disownment, disowning n07208000 rebuff, snub, repulse n07208184 short shrift, summary treatment n07208338 objection n07208565 challenge n07208708 complaint n07208930 complaint n07209089 demur, demurral, demurrer n07209305 dissent n07209533 exception n07209691 caption n07209868 exclamation n07209965 gripe, kick, beef, bitch, squawk n07210225 protest, protestation n07210553 protest n07210801 grievance n07210951 growling n07211092 grumble, grumbling, murmur, murmuring, mutter, muttering n07211374 jeremiad n07211503 kvetch n07211604 pet peeve n07211752 whimper, whine n07211950 lament, lamentation, plaint, wail n07212190 informing, making known n07212424 telling, apprisal, notification n07212612 notice n07212874 warning n07213079 dismissal, dismission, pink slip n07213232 revelation, divine revelation n07213395 disclosure, revelation, revealing n07213717 display n07213889 histrionics n07213989 production n07214150 sackcloth and ashes n07214267 divulgence, divulgement n07214432 discovery n07214642 discovery n07214894 giveaway n07214994 informing, ratting n07215185 leak, news leak n07215377 exposure n07215568 expose, unmasking n07215816 muckraking n07215948 admission n07216083 confession n07216228 self-accusation, self-condemnation n07216412 concession n07216615 sop n07216761 stipulation, judicial admission n07217117 takeaway n07217260 wage concession n07217349 presentation, introduction, intro n07217579 debut n07217673 reintroduction n07217782 briefing n07217924 report, account n07218299 megillah n07218470 report, study, written report n07218853 skinny n07219004 stuff n07219162 assay n07219297 case study n07219530 white book, white paper n07219636 blue book n07219751 green paper n07219923 progress report n07220045 position paper n07220178 medical report n07220300 report card, report n07220466 debriefing n07220586 anecdote n07220773 narration, recital, yarn n07221094 narrative, narration, story, tale n07221623 Canterbury Tales n07221756 recital n07221939 tall tale n07222050 folktale, folk tale n07222230 Arabian Nights' Entertainment, Arabian Nights, Thousand and One Nights n07222433 sob story, sob stuff n07222581 fairytale, fairy tale, fairy story n07222728 nursery rhyme n07222823 relation, telling, recounting n07223094 earful n07223170 gossip, comment, scuttlebutt n07223450 rumor, rumour, hearsay n07223635 grapevine, pipeline, word of mouth n07223811 scandal, dirt, malicious gossip n07223985 talk, talk of the town n07224151 warning n07224481 wake-up call n07224684 alarmism n07224774 alert, alerting n07224923 Emergency Alert System, EAS n07225167 caution, caveat n07225333 false alarm n07225450 forewarning, premonition n07225577 heads-up n07225696 strategic warning n07225857 tactical warning n07226015 threat n07226151 warning of attack n07226330 warning of war n07226545 promise n07226841 oath n07227055 bayat n07227158 Hippocratic oath n07227301 parole, word, word of honor n07227406 assurance n07227589 clean bill of health n07227772 assurance, pledge n07228105 plight, troth n07228211 betrothal, troth, engagement n07228349 pinning n07228531 ringing n07228630 rain check n07228751 vow n07228971 thanks n07229111 appreciation n07229245 thank you n07229341 bow, curtain call n07229530 boast, boasting, self-praise, jactitation n07229747 brag, bragging, crow, crowing, vaporing, line-shooting, gasconade n07230089 braggadocio, bluster, rodomontade, rhodomontade n07230227 vaunt n07230320 self-assertion n07230502 naming n07230796 acrophony n07230959 numeration n07231048 indication, denotation n07231199 specification n07231294 challenge n07231532 dare, daring n07231728 confrontation n07231840 call-out n07231943 defiance n07232053 calling into question, demand for explanation n07232189 demand for identification n07232275 gauntlet, gantlet n07232421 explanation n07232655 elucidation n07232811 explication n07232988 denunciation, denouncement n07233214 excoriation n07233304 fulmination, diatribe n07233415 tirade, philippic, broadside n07233542 damnation n07233634 execration, condemnation, curse n07233863 anathema n07233996 imprecation, malediction n07234230 accusation, accusal n07234657 recrimination n07234735 recital n07234881 recitation, recital, reading n07235218 recitation n07235335 indictment, bill of indictment n07235574 murder charge, murder indictment n07235696 true bill n07235790 impeachment n07235936 arraignment n07236077 allegation n07236307 blame game n07236466 grievance n07236627 lodgment, lodgement n07236759 plaint n07236957 imprecation n07237038 imputation n07237234 finger-pointing, fingerpointing n07237409 indictment n07237561 information n07237647 preferment n07237758 incrimination, inculpation, blame n07238102 implication n07238308 unspoken accusation, veiled accusation n07238455 insinuation, innuendo n07238589 self-incrimination n07238694 address, speech n07239183 allocution n07239327 colloquium n07239428 dithyramb n07239550 Gettysburg Address n07239788 impromptu n07239927 impromptu n07240077 inaugural address, inaugural n07240278 keynote n07240417 keynote speech, keynote address n07240549 lecture, public lecture, talk n07240763 litany n07240925 nominating speech, nominating address, nomination n07241205 oratory n07241551 oration n07241723 peroration n07241837 public speaking, speechmaking, speaking, oral presentation n07242104 debate, disputation, public debate n07242324 declamation n07242470 declamation n07242657 epideictic oratory n07242912 harangue, rant, ranting n07243114 screed n07243193 raving n07243306 stump speech n07243382 salutatory address, salutatory oration, salutatory n07243565 valediction, valedictory address, valedictory oration, valedictory n07243837 sermon, discourse, preaching n07244154 baccalaureate n07244305 kerygma, kerugma n07244433 Sermon on the Mount n07244613 evangelism n07244822 televangelism n07244949 homily, preachment n07245125 persuasion, suasion n07245472 arm-twisting n07245686 dissuasion n07245885 electioneering, bell ringing, canvassing n07246036 exhortation, incitement n07246215 pep talk n07246382 proselytism n07246469 sloganeering n07246582 suggestion, prompting n07246742 expostulation, remonstrance, remonstration, objection n07246932 weapon, artillery n07247071 promotion, publicity, promotional material, packaging n07247451 buildup n07247602 sensationalism n07247803 shocker n07247925 public relations, PR n07248060 endorsement, indorsement, blurb n07248320 book jacket, dust cover, dust jacket, dust wrapper n07248507 ballyhoo, hoopla, hype, plug n07248653 sales talk, sales pitch, pitch n07248801 ad, advertisement, advertizement, advertising, advertizing, advert n07249180 advertorial n07249336 mailer n07249426 newspaper ad, newspaper advertisement n07249585 classified ad, classified advertisement, classified n07249817 sales promotion n07249932 want ad n07250034 commercial, commercial message n07250198 infomercial, informercial n07250339 circular, handbill, bill, broadside, broadsheet, flier, flyer, throwaway n07250727 stuffer n07250868 teaser n07251003 top billing n07251148 white pages n07251373 yellow pages n07251619 abetment, abettal, instigation n07251779 cheering, shouting n07251984 promotion, furtherance, advancement n07252206 fostering, fosterage n07252378 goad, goading, prod, prodding, urging, spur, spurring n07252764 provocation, incitement n07252967 subornation n07253142 subornation of perjury n07253482 vote of confidence n07253637 discouragement n07253814 disheartenment n07253948 dissuasion n07254057 determent, deterrence, intimidation n07254267 resignation n07254456 abdication, stepping down n07254594 renunciation, renouncement n07254836 relinquishment, relinquishing n07255027 giving up, yielding, surrender n07255174 prohibition n07255299 interdiction n07255401 ban, banning, forbiddance, forbidding n07255628 test ban n07255791 psychic communication, psychical communication, anomalous communication n07255998 telepathy, thought transference n07256230 telegnosis n07256375 psychic phenomena, psychic phenomenon, parapsychology n07256695 clairvoyance, second sight, extrasensory perception, E.S.P., ESP n07256932 precognition, foreknowledge n07257045 telekinesis, psychokinesis n07257227 table rapping, table tapping, spirit rapping n07257393 table tipping, table tilting, table turning, table lifting n07257582 windsock, wind sock, sock, air sock, air-sleeve, wind sleeve, wind cone, drogue n07257815 post, stake n07258109 starting post n07258238 winning post n07258332 reference point, point of reference, reference n07258664 reference, source n07258964 republication n07259145 benchmark, bench mark n07259319 landmark n07259438 merestone, meerestone, mearstone n07259610 lubber's line, lubber line, lubber's mark, lubber's point n07259772 rule, linguistic rule n07259984 universal, linguistic universal n07260175 grammatical rule, rule of grammar n07260332 transformation n07260493 morphological rule, rule of morphology n07260623 standard, criterion, measure, touchstone n07261143 benchmark n07261300 earned run average, ERA n07261542 grade point average, GPA n07261782 procrustean standard, procrustean rule, procrustean bed n07261955 yardstick n07262108 target, mark n07262278 clout n07262354 drogue n07262462 white line n07262579 indicator n07262704 blinker, turn signal, turn indicator, trafficator n07262942 armband n07263053 rocket, skyrocket n07263220 electronic signal n07263358 blip, pip, radar target n07263503 radar echo n07263745 clutter n07263897 radar beacon, racon n07264086 radio beacon n07264213 beacon, beacon fire n07264384 star shell n07264484 Bengal light n07264615 Very light, Very-light n07264725 signal fire, signal light n07264820 input signal, input n07264925 output signal, output n07265075 printout n07265170 readout, read-out n07265276 fire alarm n07265381 foghorn, fogsignal n07265508 horn n07265619 red flag n07265789 siren n07265886 tocsin, alarm bell n07265990 stoplight, brake light n07266178 buoy n07266442 acoustic buoy n07266573 bell buoy, gong buoy n07266665 whistle buoy, whistling buoy n07266776 can, can buoy n07266879 conical buoy, nun, nun buoy n07266979 spar buoy n07267067 barber's pole n07267160 staff n07267309 crosier, crozier n07267461 mace n07267573 scepter, sceptre, verge, wand n07267702 bauble n07267795 tipstaff n07267931 cordon n07268035 wings n07268166 black belt n07268302 blue ribbon, cordon bleu n07268413 button n07268603 Emmy n07268759 Nobel prize n07268967 Academy Award, Oscar n07269163 Prix de Rome n07269430 Prix Goncourt n07269552 chevron, stripe, stripes, grade insignia n07269758 stripe n07269916 icon n07270179 marker, marking, mark n07270601 identifier n07270718 postmark n07270893 watermark n07271052 broad arrow n07271167 milestone, milepost n07271280 variable n07271478 placeholder n07271648 unknown, unknown quantity n07271791 peg, pin n07271942 spot, pip n07272084 logo, logotype n07272172 label n07272416 bookplate, ex libris n07272545 gummed label, sticker, paster n07272694 dog tag n07272807 dog tag n07272920 name tag n07273024 price tag n07273136 tag, ticket n07273416 tag n07273616 title bar n07273802 cairn n07273924 shrug n07274027 wave, waving, wafture n07274197 V sign n07274316 nod n07274425 bow, bowing, obeisance n07274730 sign of the cross n07274890 curtsy, curtsey n07275078 genuflection, genuflexion n07275275 kowtow, kotow n07275489 scrape, scraping n07275713 salaam n07275823 ground rule n07276018 sign n07276242 system command n07276414 walking papers, marching orders n07276538 wanted notice, wanted poster n07276732 International Wanted Notice, Red Notice n07277158 plagiarism n07277384 transcript n07277697 voice n07277915 Bach n07278014 Beethoven n07278146 Brahms n07278256 Chopin n07278365 Gilbert and Sullivan n07278510 Handel n07278582 Haydn n07278652 Mozart n07278775 Stravinsky n07278925 Wagner n07279045 language system n07279285 contact, touch n07279453 traffic n07279687 order n07279968 short order n07280072 recall, callback n07280295 uplink n07280424 capriccio n07280599 interrogation n07280754 motet n07280941 negation n07281099 packet n07281219 program music, programme music n07281375 incidental music n07281523 slanguage n07281635 Ta'ziyeh n07281871 sprechgesang, sprechstimme n07282006 vocal music, vocal n07282166 voice over n07282289 walk-through n07282497 yearbook n07282695 zinger n07282929 Das Kapital, Capital n07283065 Erewhon n07283198 Utopia n07283364 might-have-been n07283473 nonevent n07283608 happening, occurrence, occurrent, natural event n07284554 accompaniment, concomitant, attendant, co-occurrence n07284848 associate n07285036 avalanche n07285191 background n07285403 experience n07285872 appalling n07286014 augury, sign, foretoken, preindication n07286278 war cloud n07286368 omen, portent, presage, prognostic, prognostication, prodigy n07286799 auspice n07286905 foreboding n07286999 death knell n07287088 flash, flashing n07287288 good time, blast n07287472 loss n07287610 near-death experience n07287730 ordeal n07287812 out-of-body experience n07288024 taste n07288215 time n07288385 trip, head trip n07288485 vision n07288639 social event n07288801 miracle n07289014 trouble n07289358 treat n07289481 miracle n07289588 wonder, marvel n07289831 thing n07289956 episode n07290144 feast n07290278 drama, dramatic event n07290503 night terror n07290761 eventuality, contingency, contingence n07290905 beginning n07291215 casus belli n07291312 ending, conclusion, finish n07291794 end, last, final stage n07292118 endgame, end game n07292273 endgame, end game n07292418 homestretch n07292577 passing n07292694 result, resultant, final result, outcome, termination n07293080 denouement n07293180 deal n07293391 fair deal, square deal n07293475 raw deal n07293546 decision n07293678 decision n07293903 split decision n07294019 consequence, aftermath n07294260 corollary n07294423 deserts, comeuppance, comeupance n07294550 fruit n07294699 sequella n07294777 train n07294907 poetic justice, just deserts n07295047 offspring, materialization, materialisation n07295391 separation n07295507 sequel, subsequence n07295629 wages, reward, payoff n07295850 foregone conclusion, matter of course n07295955 worst n07296083 one-off n07296190 periodic event, recurrent event n07296428 change, alteration, modification n07297376 avulsion n07297633 break n07297811 mutation n07297927 sublimation n07298154 surprise n07298396 bombshell, thunderbolt, thunderclap n07298543 coup de theatre n07298624 eye opener n07298715 peripeteia, peripetia, peripety n07298982 shock, blow n07299203 blip n07299439 stunner n07299569 error, computer error n07299790 hardware error n07299965 disk error n07300092 software error, programming error n07300316 semantic error, run-time error, runtime error n07300494 syntax error n07300781 algorithm error n07300960 accident, stroke, fortuity, chance event n07301336 accident n07301543 collision n07301846 near miss n07301950 crash, wreck n07302164 prang n07302267 derailment n07302407 ground loop n07302542 collision, hit n07302836 fire n07303153 backfire n07303335 bonfire, balefire n07303466 brush fire n07303585 campfire n07303697 conflagration, inferno n07303839 forest fire n07303988 grassfire, prairie fire n07304096 smoulder, smolder n07304266 smudge n07304353 crown fire n07304507 ground fire n07304630 surface fire n07304753 wildfire n07304852 misfortune, bad luck n07305098 pity, shame n07305234 affliction n07305438 convulsion n07305551 embarrassment n07305760 disembarrassment n07305907 hell, blaze n07306032 calvary, martyrdom n07306160 onslaught n07306252 scandal, outrage n07306481 skeleton, skeleton in the closet, skeleton in the cupboard n07306680 Teapot Dome, Teapot Dome scandal n07306963 Watergate, Watergate scandal n07307172 chapter n07307297 idyll n07307477 incident n07307646 cause celebre n07307754 discharge n07307895 electrical discharge n07308042 nerve impulse, nervous impulse, neural impulse, impulse n07308308 action potential n07308450 spike n07308563 explosion, detonation, blowup n07308889 case, instance, example n07309223 humiliation, mortification n07309457 piece, bit n07309599 time, clip n07309781 movement, motion n07310338 crustal movement, tectonic movement n07310507 approach, approaching n07310642 passing, passage n07310839 deflection, deflexion n07310991 bending, bend n07311115 change of location, travel n07311540 fender-bender n07311661 ascension n07311822 Ascension, Ascension of Christ n07312018 Resurrection, Christ's Resurrection, Resurrection of Christ n07312221 circulation n07312503 creep n07312616 migration n07312829 migration n07313004 shrinking, shrinkage n07313241 compression, condensation, contraction n07313518 constriction, coarctation n07313636 injury, accidental injury n07313814 rupture, breach, break, severance, rift, falling out n07314078 schism n07314277 hap n07314427 mishap, misadventure, mischance n07314658 puncture n07314838 calamity, catastrophe, disaster, tragedy, cataclysm n07315350 act of God, force majeure, vis major, inevitable accident, unavoidable casualty n07315631 apocalypse n07315790 famine n07315965 the Irish Famine, the Great Hunger, the Great Starvation, the Great Calamity n07316242 kiss of death n07316403 meltdown n07316603 plague n07316724 visitation n07316856 break, good luck, happy chance n07316999 coincidence, happenstance n07317144 lottery n07317285 pileup n07317369 smash, smash-up n07317519 slip, trip n07317764 failure n07318133 downfall, ruin, ruination n07318299 flame-out n07318476 malfunction n07318618 blowout n07318824 stall n07319103 success n07319399 barnburner n07319549 Godspeed n07319652 miscarriage, abortion n07319774 miss, misfire n07319909 emergence, egress, issue n07320176 eruption n07320302 birth, nativity, nascency, nascence n07320622 delivery n07320734 live birth n07320894 blessed event, happy event n07321012 posthumous birth n07321142 posthumous birth n07321247 reincarnation, rebirth, renascence n07321387 transmigration n07321517 cycle of rebirth n07321657 moksa n07321772 appearance n07321967 reappearance n07322138 egress, emersion n07322341 ingress, immersion n07322550 Second Coming, Second Coming of Christ, Second Advent, Advent, Parousia n07322769 makeup, make-up n07323024 materialization, materialisation, manifestation n07323231 manifestation n07323436 apparition n07323605 epiphany n07323682 theophany n07323821 Word of God n07323922 origin, origination, inception n07324235 germination n07324380 genesis, generation n07324502 ground floor n07324673 emergence, outgrowth, growth n07324917 rise n07325102 crime wave n07325190 start n07325639 adrenarche n07325762 menarche n07325864 thelarche n07325990 onset, oncoming n07326108 dawn, morning n07326262 flying start, running start n07326369 opener n07326557 cause n07326880 antecedent n07327013 preliminary, overture, prelude n07327288 emanation, rise, procession n07327608 etiology, aetiology n07327805 factor n07328058 fundamental n07328305 parameter n07328436 unknown quantity n07328646 wild card n07328756 producer n07328942 creation, conception n07329169 alpha n07329363 opening, opening night, curtain raising n07329568 kickoff, send-off, start-off n07329737 racing start n07329833 flying start, running start n07330007 destiny, fate n07330250 inevitable n07330362 karma n07330560 kismet, kismat n07330666 predestination n07330828 annihilation, disintegration n07331013 eradication, obliteration n07331210 debilitation, enervation, enfeeblement, exhaustion n07331400 separation, breakup, detachment n07331600 diffusion n07331759 dispersion, scattering n07331932 Diaspora n07332148 dissipation n07332313 invasion n07332550 irradiation n07332691 extinction, extermination n07332864 Crucifixion n07332956 fatality, human death n07333162 finish n07333347 martyrdom n07333506 megadeath n07333649 passing, loss, departure, exit, expiration, going, release n07333971 wrongful death n07334206 doom, doomsday, day of reckoning, end of the world n07334490 destruction, demolition, wipeout n07334876 ravage, depredation n07335097 razing, wrecking n07335243 ruin, ruination n07335414 devastation, desolation n07335581 wrack, rack n07335716 disappearance n07335917 evanescence n07336104 vanishing n07336214 receding, fadeout n07336346 disappearance n07336612 adversity n07336763 hardship n07336999 knock n07337096 vagary n07337390 variation, fluctuation n07337694 vicissitude n07337935 allomerism n07338114 engagement, mesh, meshing, interlocking n07338358 flick n07338552 impact n07338681 blow, bump n07338970 slam n07339098 jolt, jar, jounce, shock n07339329 contact, impinging, striking n07339653 damage, equipment casualty n07339808 battle damage, combat casualty n07339941 operational damage, operational casualty n07340094 casualty n07340249 wound, injury, combat injury n07340453 blighty wound n07340592 flesh wound n07340725 personnel casualty, loss n07340895 sacrifice n07341038 cycle, oscillation n07341304 cardiac cycle n07341665 Carnot cycle, Carnot's ideal cycle n07341860 pass n07342049 repeat, repetition n07342383 sequence n07342495 cycle n07342772 merry-go-round n07343017 samsara n07343195 replay, rematch n07343363 recurrence, return n07343574 atavism, reversion, throwback n07343713 flashback n07343910 sunrise n07344015 sunset n07344120 ground swell, heavy swell n07344233 surf, breaker, breakers n07344368 wake, backwash n07344528 swash n07344663 ripple, rippling, riffle, wavelet n07344875 gravity wave, gravitation wave n07345066 sine wave n07345166 oscillation, vibration n07345441 ripple n07345593 wave, undulation n07345960 jitter n07346057 fluctuation n07346195 seiche n07346344 soliton, soliton wave, solitary wave n07346772 standing wave, stationary wave n07347051 traveling wave, travelling wave n07347224 sound wave, acoustic wave n07347373 air wave n07347468 transient n07347664 wave form, waveform, wave shape n07347846 shock wave, blast wave n07348041 sonic boom n07348258 swell, crestless wave n07348399 lift, rise n07348545 billow, surge n07348694 tidal wave n07348870 tidal wave n07349069 tidal wave n07349299 tsunami n07349532 roller, roll, rolling wave n07349679 periodic motion, periodic movement n07349880 harmonic motion n07350069 heave n07350192 recoil, repercussion, rebound, backlash n07350401 bounce, bouncing n07350567 resilience, resiliency n07350754 recoil, kick n07350893 seek n07351031 squeeze, wring n07351195 throw, stroke, cam stroke n07351380 instroke n07351497 outstroke n07351612 turning, turn n07351909 twist, wrench n07352048 undulation n07352190 wave, moving ridge n07352617 comber n07352693 whitecap, white horse n07352835 wave n07353075 shipwreck, wreck n07353232 capsizing n07353376 finish n07353716 draw, standoff, tie n07354009 dead heat n07354080 stalemate n07354243 photo finish n07354504 second-place finish, runner-up finish n07354628 third-place finish n07354731 win n07354911 first-place finish n07355014 omega, Z n07355194 conversion n07355347 Christianization, Christianisation n07355491 death, decease, expiry n07355887 decrease, lessening, drop-off n07356266 sinking n07356489 destabilization n07356676 increase n07356970 attrition n07357101 easing, moderation, relief n07357253 breath of fresh air n07357388 improvement, betterment, advance n07357679 refinement, elaboration n07357866 Assumption n07358060 deformation n07358377 Transfiguration, Transfiguration of Jesus n07358576 transition n07358768 ground swell n07358985 leap, jump, saltation n07359184 quantum leap, quantum jump n07359377 quantum jump n07359599 transformation, transmutation, shift n07359920 population shift n07360077 pyrolysis n07360211 sea change n07360293 sublimation n07360477 tin pest, tin disease, tin plague n07360647 infection, contagion, transmission n07360841 scene n07360957 sideshow n07361128 collapse n07361416 cave in, subsidence n07361576 killing, violent death n07361717 fatal accident, casualty n07361863 collateral damage n07362075 cessation, surcease n07362218 settling, subsiding, subsidence n07362386 drop, fall n07362699 free fall n07362830 gravitation n07363067 levitation n07363180 lightening n07363346 descent n07363545 set n07363668 shower, cascade n07363883 sinking n07364115 submergence, submerging, submersion, immersion n07364434 dip n07364573 foundering, going under n07364700 wobble n07364851 shimmy n07365024 flop, bust, fizzle n07365193 turkey, bomb, dud n07365432 debacle, fiasco n07365524 implosion n07365673 gravitational collapse n07365849 stop, halt n07366145 stand, standstill, tie-up n07366289 deviation, divergence, departure, difference n07366627 discrepancy, variance, variant n07366799 driftage n07366971 inflection, flection, flexion n07367091 malformation, miscreation n07367231 monstrosity n07367385 dislocation, disruption n07367548 break n07367708 snap n07367812 interruption, break n07368130 punctuation n07368256 suspension, respite, reprieve, hiatus, abatement n07368482 defervescence n07368646 eclipse, occultation n07368877 solar eclipse n07368993 lunar eclipse n07369099 annular eclipse n07369206 total eclipse n07369344 partial eclipse n07369470 augmentation n07369604 adjustment, accommodation, fitting n07369922 shakedown n07370125 entrance, entering n07370270 fall n07370410 climb, climbing, mounting n07370671 elevation, lift, raising n07370968 heave, heaving n07371168 liftoff n07371293 sound n07372565 fuss, trouble, bother, hassle n07372779 headway, head n07372959 trial, tribulation, visitation n07373277 union n07373481 amphimixis n07373602 fusion, merger, unification n07373803 combining, combine n07374152 recombination n07374357 recombination n07374633 consolidation n07374756 mix, mixture n07375053 concoction n07375214 conglomeration, conglobation n07375405 blend n07375525 rapid climb, rapid growth, zoom n07375635 takeoff n07375781 upheaval, uplift, upthrow, upthrust n07376008 uplifting n07376168 baa n07376257 bang, clap, eruption, blast, bam n07376454 bong n07376539 banging n07376621 bark n07376731 bark n07376836 bay n07376937 beat n07377082 beep, bleep n07377244 bell, toll n07377473 blare, blaring, cacophony, clamor, din n07377682 boom, roar, roaring, thunder n07377931 bleat n07378059 bray n07378163 bow-wow n07378234 buzz, bombilation, bombination n07378437 cackle n07378569 caterwaul n07378682 caw n07378781 chatter, chattering n07378952 chatter, chattering n07379094 cheep, peep n07379223 chink, click, clink n07379409 chirp n07379577 chirrup, twitter n07379695 chorus n07379852 chug n07379963 clack, clap n07380144 clang, clangor, clangour, clangoring, clank, clash, crash n07380473 clatter n07380686 click-clack n07380784 clickety-clack, clickety-click n07380934 clip-clop, clippety-clop, clop, clopping, clunking, clumping n07381100 cluck, clucking n07381231 cock-a-doodle-doo n07381329 coo n07381423 crack, cracking, snap n07381678 crackle, crackling, crepitation n07381864 creak, creaking n07382044 crepitation rale n07382286 crow n07382414 crunch n07382572 cry n07383092 decrepitation n07383257 ding n07383323 drip, dripping n07383475 drum n07383616 ding-dong n07383696 explosion n07383823 footfall, footstep, step n07384023 gargle n07384127 gobble n07384244 grate n07384344 grinding n07384473 growl, growling n07384614 grunt, oink n07384741 gurgle n07384898 hiss, hissing, hushing, fizzle, sibilation n07385249 honk n07385367 howl n07385548 howl n07385660 hubbub, uproar, brouhaha, katzenjammer n07385803 hum, humming n07385998 jingle, jangle n07386194 knell n07386370 knock, knocking n07386614 meow, mew, miaou, miaow, miaul n07386821 moo n07386920 mutter, muttering, murmur, murmuring, murmuration, mussitation n07387316 neigh, nicker, whicker, whinny n07387509 noise n07388706 pant n07388816 paradiddle, roll, drum roll n07388987 pat, rap, tap n07389170 patter n07389330 peal, pealing, roll, rolling n07389569 ping n07389757 pitter-patter n07389931 plonk n07390049 plop n07390205 plump n07390307 plunk n07390400 pop, popping n07390645 purr n07390762 quack n07390857 quaver n07390945 racket n07391079 rat-a-tat-tat, rat-a-tat, rat-tat n07391240 rattle, rattling, rale n07391516 report n07391682 rhonchus n07391863 ring, ringing, tintinnabulation n07392280 roar n07392373 rub-a-dub, rataplan, drumbeat n07392483 rumble, rumbling, grumble, grumbling n07392783 rustle, rustling, whisper, whispering n07392982 scrape, scraping, scratch, scratching n07393161 screech, screeching, shriek, shrieking, scream, screaming n07393500 scrunch n07393589 shrilling n07393756 sigh n07393919 sizzle n07393988 skirl n07394115 slam n07394236 snap n07394478 snore n07394588 song n07394814 spatter, spattering, splatter, splattering, sputter, splutter, sputtering n07395104 splash, plash n07395303 splat n07395446 squawk n07395623 squeak n07395777 squeal n07395867 squish n07395957 stridulation n07396120 strum n07396233 susurration, susurrus n07396414 swish n07396530 swoosh, whoosh n07396658 tapping n07396822 throbbing n07396945 thump, thumping, clump, clunk, thud n07397230 thrum n07397355 thunder n07397552 thunderclap n07397641 thunk n07397761 tick, ticking n07397955 ticktock, tocktact, tictac n07398097 ting, tinkle n07398276 toot n07398362 tootle n07398560 tramp n07398659 trample, trampling n07398873 twang n07399027 tweet n07399137 vibrato n07399336 tremolo n07399452 voice n07399620 vroom n07399735 water hammer n07399829 whack n07399917 whir, whirr, whirring, birr n07400156 whistle, whistling n07400361 whiz n07400552 yip, yelp, yelping n07400701 zing n07400831 news event n07400906 pulse, pulsation, heartbeat, beat n07401236 diastole n07401409 systole n07401604 extrasystole n07401726 throb, throbbing, pounding n07401960 high tide, high water, highwater n07402147 ebb, reflux n07402271 low tide, low water n07402393 ebbtide n07402519 tide n07402873 direct tide n07403030 flood tide, flood, rising tide n07403300 neap tide, neap n07403459 springtide n07403601 leeward tide, lee tide n07403779 slack water, slack tide n07403920 tidal bore, bore, eagre, aegir, eager n07404114 tidal flow, tidal current n07404261 undertow, sea puss, sea-puss, sea purse, sea-purse, sea-poose n07404443 riptide, rip current n07404584 rip, riptide, tide rip, crosscurrent, countercurrent n07404798 undertide, undercurrent n07404944 slide n07405137 avalanche n07405292 lahar n07405411 landslide, landslip n07405579 mudslide n07405652 Plinian eruption n07405817 rockslide n07405893 flow, flowing n07406350 backflow, backflowing n07406474 regurgitation n07406601 airflow, air flow, flow of air n07406765 current, stream n07407137 freshet, spate n07407272 overflow, runoff, overspill n07407459 dripping, drippage n07407593 torrent, violent stream n07407777 discharge, outpouring, run n07407970 flux, fluxion n07408086 airburst n07408171 blast n07408288 bomb blast n07408386 nuclear explosion, atomic explosion n07408519 backblast, back-blast n07408621 backfire n07408796 big bang n07408965 blowback, backfire n07409121 fragmentation n07409255 inflation n07409475 ricochet, carom n07409592 touch, touching n07409930 concussion n07410021 rap, strike, tap n07410207 knock, bash, bang, smash, belt n07410526 pounding, buffeting n07410613 sideswipe n07410745 slap, smack n07410883 deflection, deflexion, refraction n07411011 simple harmonic motion n07411160 reversal, turn around n07411350 yaw, swerve n07411490 concussion n07411645 twinkle, scintillation, sparkling n07411851 shimmer, play n07412092 flash n07412310 flicker, spark, glint n07412478 gleam, gleaming, glimmer n07412668 glitter, sparkle, coruscation n07412876 heat flash n07412993 lightning n07413237 heat lightning n07413452 sheet lighting n07413629 streak n07413714 brush, light touch n07413815 stroke n07413899 concentration n07414068 explosion n07414222 jump, leap n07414370 runup, run-up n07414566 waxing n07414740 convergence n07414922 meeting, encounter n07415167 conjunction, alignment n07415396 inferior conjunction n07415561 superior conjunction n07415730 conversion, transition, changeover n07415962 glycogenesis n07416107 isomerization, isomerisation n07416308 rectification n07416441 transmutation n07416714 juncture, occasion n07417043 climax, flood tide n07417298 conjuncture n07417405 emergency, exigency, pinch n07417644 crisis n07417851 landmark, turning point, watershed n07418146 Fall of Man n07418497 road to Damascus n07418716 milestone n07418822 pass, head, straits n07418963 reality check n07419233 compaction, compression, concretion, densification n07419408 rarefaction n07419599 conservation, preservation n07419792 recovery n07419960 remission, remittal, subsidence n07420217 resolution n07420354 curse, torment n07420435 fire n07420538 detriment, hurt n07420671 expense n07420770 damage, harm, impairment n07420991 pulsation, pulsing, pulse, impulse n07421316 breakdown, equipment failure n07421580 brake failure n07421669 engine failure n07421749 misfire, dud n07421859 outage n07422036 power outage, power failure n07422244 fault n07422506 blackout n07422629 flame-out n07422800 dwindling, dwindling away n07423001 waning n07423248 fading away n07423365 turn, turn of events, twist n07423560 development n07423818 phenomenon n07423899 complication, ramification n07424109 revolution n07424436 Cultural Revolution, Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution n07424797 green revolution n07425011 mutation, genetic mutation, chromosomal mutation n07425427 sex change n07425577 deletion n07425726 inversion n07425903 transposition n07426108 mutagenesis n07426241 insertional mutagenesis n07426406 point mutation, gene mutation n07426573 reversion n07426732 saltation n07426893 degeneration, retrogression n07427060 atrophy, withering n07427224 strengthening n07427337 weakening n07427534 attenuation, fading n07427728 fall, downfall n07427951 anticlimax n07428111 abiotrophy n07428257 cataplasia n07428450 perturbation, disturbance n07428797 magnetic storm n07428954 earthquake, quake, temblor, seism n07429276 shock, seismic disturbance n07429484 tremor, earth tremor, microseism n07429637 aftershock n07429782 foreshock n07429870 seaquake, submarine earthquake n07429976 invasion, encroachment, intrusion n07430211 noise, interference, disturbance n07430480 background, background signal n07430770 background noise, ground noise n07430964 surface noise n07431119 background radiation n07431247 crosstalk, XT n07431369 fadeout n07431502 jitter n07431683 static, atmospherics, atmospheric static n07431852 white noise n07432034 radio noise n07432119 seepage, ooze, oozing n07432337 exudation, transudation n07432559 drip, trickle, dribble n07432835 intravenous drip n07432973 eddy, twist n07433145 whirlpool, vortex, maelstrom n07433336 Charybdis n07433510 dismemberment, taking apart n07433662 mutilation n07433868 emission n07433973 distortion, deformation n07434102 warp, warping n07434209 plunge n07434320 precipitation n07434473 fertilization, fertilisation, fecundation, dressing n07434678 top dressing n07434782 dissilience n07434942 outburst, burst, flare-up n07435149 salvo n07435273 outbreak, eruption, irruption n07435533 epidemic n07435713 pandemic n07435891 recrudescence n07436100 jet, squirt, spurt, spirt n07436352 rush n07436475 volcanic eruption, eruption n07436661 escape, leak, leakage, outflow n07436986 fertilization, fertilisation, fecundation, impregnation n07437372 pollination, pollenation n07437575 cross-fertilization, cross-fertilisation n07437870 allogamy n07437990 self-fertilization, self-fertilisation n07438190 superfecundation n07438396 superfetation n07438655 autogamy n07438792 cross-pollination n07438983 self-pollination n07439167 cleistogamy n07439284 flap, flapping, flutter, fluttering n07439570 flush, gush, outpouring n07439883 radiation n07440045 adaptive radiation n07440240 rush, spate, surge, upsurge n07440411 debris surge, debris storm n07440617 onrush n07440852 springtide n07440979 rotation, revolution, gyration n07441373 dextrorotation, clockwise rotation n07441494 levorotation, counterclockwise rotation n07441619 axial rotation, axial motion, roll n07441902 orbital rotation, orbital motion n07442068 whirl, commotion n07442288 spin n07442439 backspin n07442569 English, side n07442744 topspin n07442874 wallow n07443010 run, ladder, ravel n07443210 relaxation, loosening, slackening n07443539 thaw n07443761 substitution, permutation, transposition, replacement, switch n07444100 business cycle, trade cycle n07444278 daily variation n07444392 diurnal variation n07444495 tide n07444668 shift, displacement n07444882 amplitude n07445010 luxation n07445149 subluxation n07445265 progress, progression, advance n07445480 rise, rising, ascent, ascension n07445896 spread, spreading n07446270 stampede n07446404 translation n07446533 spray n07446599 spritz n07446744 angelus bell, angelus n07446920 bell ringing n07447022 return, coming back n07447177 volution n07447261 affair, occasion, social occasion, function, social function n07447641 party n07448038 bash, do, brawl n07448121 birthday party n07448232 bunfight, bun-fight n07448394 ceilidh n07448608 cocktail party n07448717 dance n07448885 ball, formal n07449037 cotillion, cotilion n07449157 masked ball, masquerade ball, fancy-dress ball n07449316 promenade, prom n07449452 barn dance n07449548 hop, record hop n07449676 rave n07449862 fete, feast, fiesta n07450055 luau n07450229 house party n07450343 jolly n07450463 tea party n07450549 whist drive n07450651 celebration, jubilation n07450842 ceremony, ceremonial, ceremonial occasion, observance n07451338 circumstance n07451463 funeral n07451687 burial, entombment, inhumation, interment, sepulture n07451903 sky burial n07452074 wedding, wedding ceremony, nuptials, hymeneals n07452251 pageant, pageantry n07452348 dedication n07452559 rededication n07452699 opening n07452841 commemoration, memorialization, memorialisation n07453063 military ceremony n07453195 initiation, induction, installation n07453638 coronation, enthronement, enthronization, enthronisation, investiture n07453924 bar mitzvah n07454196 bat mitzvah, bath mitzvah, bas mitzvah n07454452 exercise n07454632 fire walking n07454758 commencement, commencement exercise, commencement ceremony, graduation, graduation exercise n07455007 formality, formalities n07455151 Maundy n07455301 potlatch n07455640 fundraiser n07455760 photo opportunity, photo op n07455984 sleepover n07456188 contest, competition n07456638 athletic contest, athletic competition, athletics n07456906 bout n07457016 decathlon n07457126 Olympic Games, Olympics, Olympiad n07457311 Special Olympics n07457485 Winter Olympic Games, Winter Olympics n07457599 preliminary, prelim n07457722 pentathlon n07457834 championship n07457936 chicken n07458099 cliffhanger n07458212 dogfight n07458453 race n07458892 automobile race, auto race, car race n07459066 Grand Prix n07459157 rally n07459249 bicycle race n07459363 Tour de France n07459523 boat race n07459642 burnup n07459778 chariot race n07459868 dog racing n07459992 sailing-race, yacht race n07460104 footrace, foot race, run n07460403 funrun, fun run n07460546 marathon n07460651 freestyle n07460793 cross country n07460904 Iditarod, Iditarod Trail Dog Sled Race n07461050 three-day event n07461288 heat n07461411 horse race n07461650 claiming race n07461831 selling race n07461956 harness race, harness racing n07462119 Kentucky Derby n07462269 Preakness n07462405 Belmont Stakes n07462547 stake race n07462693 steeplechase n07462808 Grand National n07462917 obstacle race n07463029 steeplechase n07463171 thoroughbred race n07463323 potato race n07463470 sack race n07463607 scratch race n07463733 ski race, skiing race n07463872 downhill n07463950 slalom n07464083 relay, relay race n07464234 repechage n07464402 torch race n07464568 World Cup n07464725 tournament, tourney n07464969 elimination tournament n07465159 open n07465290 playoff n07465448 series n07465657 home stand n07465781 World Series n07465960 boxing match n07466108 chess match n07466195 cockfight n07466322 cricket match n07466415 diving, diving event n07466557 field event n07466832 final n07467027 cup final n07467212 quarterfinal n07467393 semifinal, semi n07467579 round robin n07467704 field trial n07467846 meet, sports meeting n07468116 gymkhana n07468244 race meeting n07468456 regatta n07468534 swimming meet, swim meet n07468692 track meet n07468861 track event n07469043 dash n07469162 hurdles, hurdling, hurdle race n07469325 mile n07469476 high jump n07469609 long jump, broad jump n07469772 pole vault, pole vaulting, pole jump, pole jumping n07469975 shot put n07470110 hammer throw n07470285 discus n07470420 javelin n07470545 swimming event n07470671 match n07471037 tennis match n07471126 test match, match game, matched game n07471246 wrestling match n07471371 fall, pin n07471514 takedown n07471708 sparring match n07471806 prizefight, prize fight n07471972 triple jump, hop-step-and-jump n07472168 tug-of-war n07472327 tournament n07472460 joust, tilt n07472657 race n07472808 arms race n07472929 political campaign, campaign, run n07473207 governor's race, campaign for governor n07473332 senate campaign, senate race n07473441 victory, triumph n07474006 independence n07474185 landslide n07474318 last laugh n07474533 Pyrrhic victory n07474645 slam, sweep n07474809 grand slam n07474911 little slam, small slam n07475035 checkmate n07475107 runaway, blowout, romp, laugher, shoo-in, walkaway n07475242 service break n07475364 defeat, licking n07475762 walk-in, waltz n07475870 reverse, reversal, setback, blow, black eye n07476092 whammy n07476177 heartbreaker n07476282 lurch n07476404 rout n07476495 shutout, skunk n07476623 thrashing, walloping, debacle, drubbing, slaughter, trouncing, whipping n07476851 waterloo n07476952 whitewash n07477066 spelling bee, spelldown, spelling contest n07477231 trial n07477413 bite n07477587 boom, bonanza, gold rush, gravy, godsend, manna from heaven, windfall, bunce n07477945 crash, collapse n07478169 loss of consciousness n07478318 faint, swoon, syncope, deliquium n07478531 Fall n07478718 shipwreck n07478874 crash n07479144 head crash n07479366 spike n07479525 supervention n07479628 zap n07479799 zizz n07479926 affect n07480068 emotion n07480356 thing n07480521 glow n07480666 faintness n07480790 soul, soulfulness n07480896 passion, passionateness n07481084 infatuation n07481223 wildness, abandon n07481375 ardor, ardour, fervor, fervour, fervency, fire, fervidness n07481625 storminess n07481785 zeal n07481951 sentiment n07482128 sentimentality n07482267 mawkishness, bathos n07482368 razbliuto n07482521 complex n07482782 Oedipus complex, Oedipal complex n07483005 Electra complex n07483120 inferiority complex n07483305 ambivalence, ambivalency n07483439 conflict n07483622 apathy n07483782 emotionlessness, impassivity, impassiveness, phlegm, indifference, stolidity, unemotionality n07484109 languor, lassitude, listlessness n07484265 desire n07484547 ambition, aspiration, dream n07484792 American Dream n07484929 emulation n07485047 nationalism n07485203 bloodlust n07485281 temptation n07485475 craving n07485626 appetite, appetency, appetence n07485916 stomach n07486055 sweet tooth n07486145 addiction n07486229 wish, wishing, want n07486527 velleity n07486628 longing, yearning, hungriness n07486922 hankering, yen n07487063 pining n07487177 wishfulness n07487276 wistfulness n07487375 nostalgia n07487493 lovesickness n07487594 homesickness n07487695 sex, sexual urge n07487955 sexual desire, eros, concupiscence, physical attraction n07488340 love, sexual love, erotic love n07488567 aphrodisia n07488676 anaphrodisia n07488788 passion n07488875 sensuality, sensualness, sensualism n07489059 amorousness, eroticism, erotism, sexiness, amativeness n07489294 fetish n07489548 libido n07489714 lecherousness, lust, lustfulness n07489925 nymphomania n07490042 satyriasis n07490138 the hots n07490214 prurience, pruriency, lasciviousness, carnality, lubricity n07490451 urge, itch n07490579 caprice, impulse, whim n07490713 pleasure, pleasance n07491038 delight, delectation n07491286 entrancement, ravishment n07491476 amusement n07491591 Schadenfreude n07491708 enjoyment n07491895 joie de vivre n07491981 gusto, relish, zest, zestfulness n07492170 pleasantness n07492368 afterglow n07492516 comfort n07492655 consolation, solace, solacement n07492928 cold comfort n07493095 silver lining, bright side n07493280 relief, alleviation, assuagement n07493527 sexual pleasure n07493682 algolagnia, algophilia n07493830 sadism n07494018 sadomasochism n07494175 masochism n07494363 pain, painfulness n07494682 growing pains n07494787 unpleasantness n07494972 pang, stab, twinge n07495156 guilt pang n07495236 mental anguish n07495327 suffering, hurt n07495551 agony, torment, torture n07495878 throes n07495973 discomfort, soreness, irritation n07496166 chafing n07496291 intertrigo n07496463 distress, hurt, suffering n07496755 anguish, torment, torture n07496924 self-torture, self-torment n07497019 tsoris n07497122 wound n07497473 liking n07497797 fondness, fancy, partiality n07497976 captivation, enchantment, enthrallment, fascination n07498210 preference, penchant, predilection, taste n07498455 acquired taste n07498614 weakness n07498769 mysophilia n07498854 inclination n07499113 leaning, propensity, tendency n07499276 stomach n07499449 undertow n07499615 friendliness n07499830 amicability, amicableness n07499930 good will, goodwill n07500042 brotherhood n07500159 approval n07500414 favor, favour n07500612 approbation n07500741 admiration, esteem n07500957 Anglophilia n07501093 hero worship n07501194 philhellenism n07501326 philogyny n07501420 worship, adoration n07501545 dislike n07501922 disinclination n07502099 Anglophobia n07502241 unfriendliness n07502387 alienation, disaffection, estrangement n07502576 isolation n07502669 antipathy, aversion, distaste n07502829 disapproval n07502980 contempt, disdain, scorn, despite n07503260 disgust n07503430 abhorrence, abomination, detestation, execration, loathing, odium n07503716 creepy-crawlies n07503849 scunner n07503987 repugnance, repulsion, revulsion, horror n07504111 nausea n07504258 technophobia n07504343 gratitude n07504529 gratefulness, thankfulness, appreciativeness n07504711 ingratitude, ungratefulness n07504841 concern n07505047 care n07505207 solicitude, solicitousness n07505347 softheartedness, tenderness n07505538 unconcern n07505676 indifference n07505871 distance, aloofness n07506031 withdrawal, detachment n07506149 heartlessness, coldheartedness, hardheartedness n07506382 cruelty, mercilessness, pitilessness, ruthlessness n07506569 shame n07506797 conscience n07506962 self-disgust, self-hatred n07507098 embarrassment n07507329 self-consciousness, uneasiness, uncomfortableness n07507560 shamefacedness, sheepishness n07507742 chagrin, humiliation, mortification n07507912 confusion, discombobulation n07508092 abashment, bashfulness n07508232 discomfiture, discomposure, disconcertion, disconcertment n07508486 pride, pridefulness n07508705 self-esteem, self-pride n07508806 ego, egotism, self-importance n07508996 amour propre, conceit, self-love, vanity n07509131 humility, humbleness n07509325 meekness, submission n07509474 self-depreciation n07509572 astonishment, amazement n07509827 devastation n07509996 wonder, wonderment, admiration n07510184 awe n07510348 surprise n07510495 stupefaction n07510625 daze, shock, stupor n07510923 expectation n07511080 anticipation, expectancy n07511238 suspense n07511380 fever n07511524 buck fever n07511626 gold fever n07511733 hope n07511906 levity n07512039 gaiety, playfulness n07512147 gravity, solemnity n07512315 earnestness, seriousness, sincerity n07512465 sensitivity, sensitiveness n07512719 oversensitiveness n07512848 sensibility n07513035 feelings n07513247 insight, perceptiveness, perceptivity n07513413 sensuousness n07513508 agitation n07513711 unrest n07513795 fidget, fidgetiness, restlessness n07514071 impatience n07514189 stewing n07514345 stir n07514520 tumult, turmoil n07514600 electricity n07514782 sensation n07514968 calmness n07515169 placidity, placidness n07515328 coolness, imperturbability, imperturbableness n07515560 tranquillity, tranquility, quietness, quietude n07515790 peace, peacefulness, peace of mind, repose, serenity, heartsease, ataraxis n07515974 easiness, relaxation n07516222 languor, dreaminess n07516354 anger, choler, ire n07516756 dudgeon, high dudgeon n07516905 wrath n07516997 fury, rage, madness n07517292 lividity n07517417 infuriation, enragement n07517550 umbrage, offense, offence n07517737 indignation, outrage n07517869 huffiness n07518000 dander, hackles n07518132 bad temper, ill temper n07518261 annoyance, chafe, vexation n07518468 pique, temper, irritation n07518663 frustration n07518878 aggravation, exasperation n07519040 harassment, torment n07519253 fear, fearfulness, fright n07519773 alarm, dismay, consternation n07519983 creeps n07520112 frisson, shiver, chill, quiver, shudder, thrill, tingle n07520411 horror n07520507 hysteria n07520612 panic, terror, affright n07520925 swivet n07521039 fear, reverence, awe, veneration n07521437 scare, panic attack n07521563 stage fright n07521674 apprehension, apprehensiveness, dread n07522043 trepidation n07522128 foreboding, premonition, presentiment, boding n07522418 shadow n07522536 presage n07522632 suspense n07522729 timidity, timidness, timorousness n07523016 cold feet n07523180 shyness n07523286 diffidence, self-doubt, self-distrust n07523485 hesitance, hesitancy n07523649 unassertiveness n07523760 intimidation n07523905 anxiety n07524242 worry, trouble n07524529 concern, care, fear n07524760 anxiousness, disquiet n07524918 insecurity n07525057 edginess, uneasiness, inquietude, disquietude n07525259 willies n07525367 sinking, sinking feeling n07525555 scruple, qualm, misgiving n07525760 jitteriness, jumpiness, nervousness, restiveness n07526002 angst n07526182 fearlessness, bravery n07526338 security n07526505 confidence n07526757 happiness n07527061 bonheur n07527167 gladness, gladfulness, gladsomeness n07527352 joy, joyousness, joyfulness n07527656 elation, high spirits, lightness n07527817 exultation, jubilance, jubilancy, jubilation n07528097 triumph n07528212 exhilaration, excitement n07528470 bang, boot, charge, rush, flush, thrill, kick n07528807 intoxication n07528976 titillation n07529096 euphoria, euphory n07529245 gaiety, merriment n07529377 hilarity, mirth, mirthfulness, glee, gleefulness n07529563 rejoicing n07529683 jocundity, jocularity n07529817 belonging n07530000 comfortableness n07530124 closeness, intimacy n07530322 togetherness n07530478 cheerfulness, blitheness n07530723 buoyancy, perkiness n07530866 carefreeness, insouciance, lightheartedness, lightsomeness n07531105 contentment n07531255 satisfaction n07531536 pride n07531713 complacency, complacence, self-complacency, self-satisfaction n07531998 smugness n07532112 fulfillment, fulfilment n07532276 gloat, gloating, glee n07532440 sadness, unhappiness n07532832 dolefulness n07532945 heaviness n07533097 melancholy n07533257 gloom, gloominess, somberness, sombreness n07533492 heavyheartedness n07533607 pensiveness, brooding n07533735 world-weariness, Weltschmerz n07533877 woe, woefulness n07533978 misery n07534108 forlornness, loneliness, desolation n07534278 weepiness, tearfulness n07534430 sorrow n07534700 attrition, contrition, contriteness n07534847 broken heart n07535010 grief, heartache, heartbreak, brokenheartedness n07535209 mournfulness, sorrowfulness, ruthfulness n07535430 plaintiveness n07535532 dolor, dolour n07535670 sorrow, regret, rue, ruefulness n07536074 compunction, remorse, self-reproach n07536245 guilt, guilty conscience, guilt feelings, guilt trip n07536437 survivor guilt n07536870 repentance, penitence, penance n07537068 cheerlessness, uncheerfulness n07537259 chill, pall n07537376 joylessness n07537485 depression n07537668 downheartedness, dejectedness, low-spiritedness, lowness, dispiritedness n07537973 demoralization, demoralisation n07538142 helplessness n07538272 self-pity n07538395 despondency, despondence, heartsickness, disconsolateness n07538674 oppression, oppressiveness n07538812 weight n07538965 discontentment, discontent, discontentedness n07539259 disgruntlement n07539367 dysphoria n07539511 dissatisfaction n07539790 boredom, ennui, tedium n07539962 blahs n07540081 fatigue n07540424 displeasure n07540602 disappointment, letdown n07540866 frustration, defeat n07541053 hope n07541316 hopefulness n07541449 encouragement n07541558 optimism n07541760 sanguinity, sanguineness n07541923 despair n07542249 hopelessness n07542433 resignation, surrender n07542560 defeatism n07542675 discouragement, disheartenment, dismay n07542881 intimidation n07543033 pessimism n07543204 cynicism n07543288 love n07543732 agape, agape love n07543910 agape n07544039 filial love n07544129 ardor, ardour n07544213 amorousness, enamoredness n07544351 puppy love, calf love, crush, infatuation n07544491 devotion, devotedness n07544647 affection, affectionateness, fondness, tenderness, heart, warmness, warmheartedness, philia n07545161 attachment, fond regard n07545303 protectiveness n07545415 regard, respect n07545594 soft spot n07545717 benevolence n07545833 beneficence n07545957 heartstrings n07546125 lovingness, caring n07546279 warmheartedness, warmth n07546389 loyalty n07546465 hate, hatred n07546844 misanthropy n07546973 misogamy n07547064 misogyny, misogynism n07547219 misology n07547293 misoneism n07547397 misocainea n07547473 misopedia n07547547 murderousness n07547674 despisal, despising n07547805 hostility, enmity, ill will n07548100 animosity, animus, bad blood n07548224 class feeling n07548366 antagonism n07548567 aggression, aggressiveness n07548695 belligerence, belligerency n07548860 warpath n07548978 resentment, bitterness, gall, rancor, rancour n07549265 heartburning n07549401 sulkiness, huffishness n07549536 grudge, score, grievance n07549716 envy, enviousness n07549979 covetousness n07550079 jealousy, green-eyed monster n07550204 penis envy n07550369 malevolence, malignity n07550551 maleficence n07550666 malice, maliciousness, spite, spitefulness, venom n07550891 vindictiveness, vengefulness n07551052 temper, mood, humor, humour n07551418 peeve n07551498 sulk, sulkiness n07551691 good humor, good humour, good temper, amiability n07551890 jollity, jolliness, joviality n07552087 ill humor, ill humour, distemper n07552252 moodiness n07552367 moroseness, glumness, sullenness n07552549 irascibility, short temper, spleen, quick temper n07552729 irritability, crossness, fretfulness, fussiness, peevishness, petulance, choler n07553016 testiness, touchiness, tetchiness n07553176 pet n07553301 sympathy, fellow feeling n07553590 kindheartedness, kind-heartedness n07553741 compassion, compassionateness n07553964 commiseration, pity, ruth, pathos n07554224 mellowness n07554342 tenderness, tenderheartedness n07554500 mercifulness, mercy n07554640 forgiveness n07554758 compatibility n07554856 empathy n07555014 enthusiasm n07555184 eagerness, avidity, avidness, keenness n07555402 ardor, ardour, elan, zeal n07555647 exuberance n07555775 technophilia n07555863 food, solid food n07556406 comfort food n07556637 comestible, edible, eatable, pabulum, victual, victuals n07556872 tuck n07556970 course n07557165 dainty, delicacy, goody, kickshaw, treat n07557434 dish n07560193 fast food n07560331 finger food n07560422 ingesta n07560542 kosher n07560652 fare n07560903 diet n07561112 diet n07561590 dietary n07561730 allergy diet n07561848 balanced diet n07562017 bland diet, ulcer diet n07562172 clear liquid diet n07562379 diabetic diet n07562495 dietary supplement n07562651 carbohydrate loading, carbo loading n07562881 fad diet n07562984 gluten-free diet n07563207 high-protein diet n07563366 high-vitamin diet, vitamin-deficiency diet n07563509 leftovers n07563642 light diet n07563800 liquid diet n07564008 low-calorie diet n07564101 low-fat diet n07564292 low-sodium diet, low-salt diet, salt-free diet n07564515 macrobiotic diet n07564629 reducing diet, obesity diet n07564796 soft diet, pap, spoon food n07564971 vegetarianism n07565083 menu n07565161 chow, chuck, eats, grub n07565259 board, table n07565458 training table n07565608 mess n07565725 ration n07565945 field ration n07566092 K ration n07566231 C-ration n07566340 foodstuff, food product n07566863 starches n07567039 breadstuff n07567139 coloring, colouring, food coloring, food colouring, food color, food colour n07567390 concentrate n07567611 tomato concentrate n07567707 meal n07567980 kibble n07568095 cornmeal, Indian meal n07568241 farina n07568389 matzo meal, matzoh meal, matzah meal n07568502 oatmeal, rolled oats n07568625 pea flour n07568706 pinole n07568818 roughage, fiber n07568991 bran n07569106 flour n07569423 plain flour n07569543 wheat flour n07569644 whole wheat flour, graham flour, graham, whole meal flour n07569873 soybean meal, soybean flour, soy flour n07570021 semolina n07570141 blood meal n07570237 gluten n07570447 corn gluten n07570530 corn gluten feed n07570635 wheat gluten n07570720 nutriment, nourishment, nutrition, sustenance, aliment, alimentation, victuals n07571324 cuisine, culinary art n07571547 dim sum n07571765 haute cuisine n07571903 nouvelle cuisine n07572134 rechauffe n07572206 gastronomy n07572353 commissariat, provisions, provender, viands, victuals n07572519 food cache n07572616 larder n07572712 fresh food, fresh foods n07572858 frozen food, frozen foods n07572957 canned food, canned foods, canned goods, tinned goods n07573103 canned meat, tinned meat n07573241 Fanny Adams n07573347 Spam n07573453 dehydrated food, dehydrated foods n07573563 square meal n07573696 meal, repast n07574176 potluck n07574426 refection n07574504 refreshment n07574602 breakfast n07574780 continental breakfast, petit dejeuner n07574923 brunch n07575076 lunch, luncheon, tiffin, dejeuner n07575226 business lunch n07575392 high tea n07575510 tea, afternoon tea, teatime n07575726 dinner n07575984 supper n07576182 buffet n07576311 TV dinner n07576438 picnic n07576577 cookout n07576781 barbecue, barbeque n07576969 clambake n07577144 fish fry n07577244 wiener roast, weenie roast n07577374 bite, collation, snack n07577538 nosh n07577657 nosh-up n07577772 ploughman's lunch n07577918 coffee break, tea break n07578093 banquet, feast, spread n07578363 helping, portion, serving n07578879 taste, mouthful n07579076 morsel, bit, bite n07579276 swallow, sup n07579399 chew, chaw, cud, quid, plug, wad n07579575 entree, main course n07579688 piece de resistance n07579787 plate n07579917 adobo n07580053 side dish, side order, entremets n07580253 special n07580359 casserole n07580470 chicken casserole n07580592 chicken cacciatore, chicken cacciatora, hunter's chicken n07580782 roast, joint n07581132 confit n07581249 antipasto n07581346 appetizer, appetiser, starter n07581607 canape n07581775 cocktail n07581931 fruit cocktail n07582027 crab cocktail n07582152 shrimp cocktail n07582277 hors d'oeuvre n07582441 relish n07582609 dip n07582811 bean dip n07582892 cheese dip n07582970 clam dip n07583066 guacamole n07583197 soup n07583865 soup du jour n07583978 alphabet soup n07584110 consomme n07584228 madrilene n07584332 bisque n07584423 borsch, borsh, borscht, borsht, borshch, bortsch n07584593 broth n07584727 liquor, pot liquor, pot likker n07584859 barley water n07584938 bouillon n07585015 beef broth, beef stock n07585107 chicken broth, chicken stock n07585208 broth, stock n07585474 stock cube n07585557 chicken soup n07585644 cock-a-leekie, cocky-leeky n07585758 gazpacho n07585906 gumbo n07585997 julienne n07586099 marmite n07586179 mock turtle soup n07586318 mulligatawny n07586485 oxtail soup n07586604 pea soup n07586718 pepper pot, Philadelphia pepper pot n07586894 petite marmite, minestrone, vegetable soup n07587023 potage, pottage n07587111 pottage n07587206 turtle soup, green turtle soup n07587331 eggdrop soup n07587441 chowder n07587618 corn chowder n07587700 clam chowder n07587819 Manhattan clam chowder n07587962 New England clam chowder n07588111 fish chowder n07588193 won ton, wonton, wonton soup n07588299 split-pea soup n07588419 green pea soup, potage St. Germain n07588574 lentil soup n07588688 Scotch broth n07588817 vichyssoise n07588947 stew n07589458 bigos n07589543 Brunswick stew n07589724 burgoo n07589872 burgoo n07589967 olla podrida, Spanish burgoo n07590068 mulligan stew, mulligan, Irish burgoo n07590177 purloo, chicken purloo, poilu n07590320 goulash, Hungarian goulash, gulyas n07590502 hotchpotch n07590611 hot pot, hotpot n07590752 beef goulash n07590841 pork-and-veal goulash n07590974 porkholt n07591049 Irish stew n07591162 oyster stew n07591236 lobster stew n07591330 lobscouse, lobscuse, scouse n07591473 fish stew n07591586 bouillabaisse n07591813 matelote n07591961 paella n07592094 fricassee n07592317 chicken stew n07592400 turkey stew n07592481 beef stew n07592558 stew meat n07592656 ragout n07592768 ratatouille n07592922 salmi n07593004 pot-au-feu n07593107 slumgullion n07593199 smorgasbord n07593471 viand n07593549 convenience food n07593774 ready-mix n07593972 brownie mix n07594066 cake mix n07594155 lemonade mix n07594250 self-rising flour, self-raising flour n07594406 delicatessen, delicatessen food n07594511 takeout, takeout food, takeaway n07594737 choice morsel, tidbit, titbit n07594840 savory, savoury n07595051 calf's-foot jelly n07595180 caramel, caramelized sugar n07595368 lump sugar n07595499 sugarloaf, sugar loaf, loaf sugar n07595649 cane sugar n07595751 castor sugar, caster sugar n07595914 powdered sugar n07596046 granulated sugar n07596160 icing sugar n07596258 beet sugar n07596362 corn sugar n07596452 brown sugar n07596566 demerara, demerara sugar n07596684 sweet, confection n07596967 confectionery n07597145 confiture n07597263 sweetmeat n07597365 candy, confect n07598256 candy bar n07598335 carob, carob powder, Saint-John's-bread n07598529 carob bar n07598622 hardbake n07598734 hard candy n07598928 barley-sugar, barley candy n07599068 brandyball n07599161 jawbreaker n07599242 lemon drop n07599383 sourball n07599468 patty n07599554 peppermint patty n07599649 bonbon n07599783 brittle, toffee, toffy n07599911 peanut brittle n07599998 chewing gum, gum n07600177 gum ball n07600285 bubble gum n07600394 butterscotch n07600506 candied fruit, succade, crystallized fruit n07600696 candied apple, candy apple, taffy apple, caramel apple, toffee apple n07600895 crystallized ginger n07601025 grapefruit peel n07601175 lemon peel n07601290 orange peel n07601407 candied citrus peel n07601572 candy cane n07601686 candy corn n07601809 caramel n07601999 chocolate n07602279 bitter chocolate, baking chocolate, cooking chocolate n07602454 chocolate candy n07602650 center, centre n07602829 chocolate liquor n07602996 cocoa butter n07603177 cocoa powder n07603411 choc n07603511 chocolate bar n07603613 Hershey bar n07603722 bittersweet chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, dark chocolate n07603930 couverture n07604043 Dutch-processed cocoa n07604182 jimmies, sprinkles n07604307 milk chocolate n07604587 white chocolate n07604840 nonpareil n07604956 comfit n07605040 cotton candy, spun sugar, candyfloss n07605198 dragee n07605282 dragee n07605380 fondant n07605474 fudge n07605597 chocolate fudge n07605693 divinity, divinity fudge n07605804 penuche, penoche, panoche, panocha n07605944 gumdrop n07606058 jujube n07606191 honey crisp n07606278 mint, mint candy n07606419 horehound n07606538 peppermint, peppermint candy n07606669 jelly bean, jelly egg n07606764 kiss, candy kiss n07606933 molasses kiss n07607027 meringue kiss n07607138 chocolate kiss n07607280 Scotch kiss n07607361 licorice, liquorice n07607492 Life Saver n07607605 lollipop, sucker, all-day sucker n07607707 lozenge n07607832 cachou n07607967 cough drop, troche, pastille, pastil n07608098 marshmallow n07608245 marzipan, marchpane n07608339 nougat n07608429 nougat bar n07608533 nut bar n07608641 peanut bar n07608721 popcorn ball n07608866 praline n07608980 rock candy n07609083 rock candy, rock n07609215 sugar candy n07609316 sugarplum n07609407 taffy n07609549 molasses taffy n07609632 truffle, chocolate truffle n07609728 Turkish Delight n07609840 dessert, sweet, afters n07610295 ambrosia, nectar n07610502 ambrosia n07610620 baked Alaska n07610746 blancmange n07610890 charlotte n07611046 compote, fruit compote n07611148 dumpling n07611267 flan n07611358 frozen dessert n07611733 junket n07611839 mousse n07611991 mousse n07612137 pavlova n07612273 peach melba n07612367 whip n07612530 prune whip n07612632 pudding n07612996 pudding, pud n07613158 syllabub, sillabub n07613266 tiramisu n07613480 trifle n07613671 tipsy cake n07613815 jello, Jell-O n07614004 charlotte russe n07614103 apple dumpling n07614198 ice, frappe n07614348 water ice, sorbet n07614500 ice cream, icecream n07614730 ice-cream cone n07614825 chocolate ice cream n07614942 choc-ice n07615052 Neapolitan ice cream n07615190 peach ice cream n07615289 sherbert, sherbet n07615460 strawberry ice cream n07615569 tutti-frutti n07615671 vanilla ice cream n07615774 ice lolly, lolly, lollipop, popsicle n07615954 ice milk n07616046 frozen yogurt n07616174 snowball n07616265 snowball n07616386 parfait n07616487 ice-cream sundae, sundae n07616590 split n07616748 banana split n07616906 frozen pudding n07617051 frozen custard, soft ice cream n07617188 pudding n07617344 flummery n07617447 fish mousse n07617526 chicken mousse n07617611 chocolate mousse n07617708 plum pudding, Christmas pudding n07617839 carrot pudding n07617932 corn pudding n07618029 steamed pudding n07618119 duff, plum duff n07618281 vanilla pudding n07618432 chocolate pudding n07618587 brown Betty n07618684 Nesselrode, Nesselrode pudding n07618871 pease pudding n07619004 custard n07619208 creme caramel n07619301 creme anglais n07619409 creme brulee n07619508 fruit custard n07619594 quiche n07619786 quiche Lorraine n07619881 tapioca n07620047 tapioca pudding n07620145 roly-poly, roly-poly pudding n07620327 suet pudding n07620485 spotted dick n07620597 Bavarian cream n07620689 maraschino, maraschino cherry n07620822 frosting, icing, ice n07621001 glaze n07621140 meringue n07621264 nonpareil n07621388 whipped cream n07621497 zabaglione, sabayon n07621618 garnish n07621776 topping n07621976 streusel n07622061 baked goods n07622261 crumb n07622473 breadcrumb n07622587 cracker crumbs n07622708 pastry n07623136 pastry, pastry dough n07623263 pie crust, pie shell n07623363 dowdy, pandowdy n07623475 frangipane n07623576 streusel n07623664 tart n07623834 apple tart n07623933 tart n07624130 apple tart n07624239 lobster tart n07624339 tartlet n07624466 turnover n07624666 apple turnover n07624757 knish n07624924 pirogi, piroshki, pirozhki n07625061 samosa n07625201 timbale, timbale case n07625324 timbale n07625493 pie n07625831 deep-dish pie, cobbler n07625977 shoofly pie n07626094 mince pie n07626174 apple pie n07626287 lemon meringue pie n07626405 blueberry pie n07626501 rhubarb pie n07626602 pecan pie n07626721 pumpkin pie n07626833 squash pie n07626959 French pastry n07627086 napoleon n07627223 patty shell, bouchee n07627310 patty n07627380 sausage roll n07627478 toad-in-the-hole n07627564 vol-au-vent n07627693 strudel n07627790 baklava n07627931 puff paste, pate feuillete n07628068 phyllo n07628181 puff batter, pouf paste, pate a choux n07628328 profiterole n07628470 puff n07628576 cream puff, chou n07628691 eclair n07628779 chocolate eclair n07628870 cake n07629697 applesauce cake n07629797 baba n07629898 baba au rhum, rum baba n07629988 birthday cake n07630089 cheesecake n07630220 chiffon cake n07630294 chocolate cake n07630398 coconut cake n07630512 coffeecake, coffee cake n07630667 babka n07630782 crumb cake n07630909 crumpet n07631023 cupcake n07631109 devil's food, devil's food cake n07631212 Eccles cake n07631350 fruitcake n07631511 Christmas cake n07631672 simnel n07631834 gateau n07631926 ice-cream cake, icebox cake n07632037 sponge cake n07632240 angel cake, angel food cake n07632357 jellyroll, Swiss roll n07632515 Madeira cake, Madeira sponge n07632679 Twinkie n07632802 wedding cake, bridecake n07632980 white cake n07633064 spice cake n07633146 gingerbread n07633229 pound cake n07633369 layer cake n07633511 torte n07633640 petit four n07633743 prune cake n07633861 jumble, jumbal n07633960 savarin n07634048 Boston cream pie n07634141 upside-down cake, skillet cake n07634306 honey cake n07634406 marble cake n07634514 genoise n07634605 seedcake, seed cake n07634751 teacake n07634901 teacake, tea biscuit n07635044 Sally Lunn n07635155 cookie, cooky, biscuit n07635746 dog biscuit n07635827 butter cookie n07635934 spice cookie n07636020 shortbread, shortbread cookie n07636126 almond cookie, almond crescent n07636271 brownie n07636384 gingersnap, ginger snap, snap, ginger nut n07636534 macaroon n07636669 ratafia, ratafia biscuit n07636779 coconut macaroon n07636869 kiss n07636957 ladyfinger n07637045 anise cookie n07637178 molasses cookie n07637292 oreo, oreo cookie n07637398 raisin-nut cookie n07637508 refrigerator cookie n07637652 raisin cookie n07637737 fruit bar n07637949 apricot bar n07638039 date bar n07638128 sugar cookie n07638226 oatmeal cookie n07638317 chocolate chip cookie, Toll House cookie n07638439 fortune cookie n07638574 gingerbread man n07638676 friedcake n07638898 doughboy n07639069 doughnut, donut, sinker n07639188 raised doughnut n07639344 Berlin doughnut, bismark, jelly doughnut n07639475 fastnacht n07639577 cruller, twister n07639716 French fritter, beignet n07639855 fritter n07640014 apple fritter n07640105 corn fritter n07640203 pancake, battercake, flannel cake, flannel-cake, flapcake, flapjack, griddlecake, hotcake, hot cake n07640560 yeast cake n07640653 buckwheat cake n07640749 buttermilk pancake n07640844 blini, bliny n07640991 blintz, blintze n07641138 crape, crepe, French pancake n07641256 crepe Suzette n07641380 pfannkuchen, german pancake n07641581 potato pancake, latke n07641699 waffle n07641807 Belgian waffle n07641928 fish cake, fish ball n07642070 rock cake n07642182 Victoria sandwich, Victoria sponge n07642361 fish stick, fish finger n07642471 conserve, preserve, conserves, preserves n07642742 apple butter n07642833 chowchow n07642933 jam n07643026 lemon curd, lemon cheese n07643200 strawberry jam, strawberry preserves n07643306 jelly n07643474 apple jelly n07643577 crabapple jelly n07643679 grape jelly n07643764 marmalade n07643891 orange marmalade n07643981 gelatin, jelly n07644244 gelatin dessert n07644382 bird, fowl n07644706 poultry n07644967 chicken, poulet, volaille n07645242 broiler n07645384 capon n07645469 fryer, frier, pullet n07645631 roaster n07645769 Oven Stuffer, Oven Stuffer Roaster n07645886 spatchcock n07646067 hen n07646163 Rock Cornish hen n07646284 guinea hen n07646403 squab, dove n07646578 duck n07646718 duckling n07646821 goose n07646927 wildfowl n07647115 grouse n07647321 quail n07647496 partridge n07647602 pheasant n07647731 turkey n07647870 drumstick n07648036 turkey leg, turkey drumstick n07648150 chicken leg, chicken drumstick n07648267 second joint, thigh n07648408 breast, white meat n07648549 wing n07648717 turkey wing n07648814 chicken wing n07648913 buffalo wing n07648997 barbecued wing n07649096 giblet, giblets n07649202 medallion n07649342 oyster n07649463 parson's nose, pope's nose n07649582 loaf n07649854 meat n07650449 game n07650637 dark meat n07650792 mess n07650903 mince n07651025 puree n07651159 raw meat n07651245 gobbet n07651325 red meat n07651454 variety meat, organs n07651774 offal n07651905 heart n07652052 liver n07652207 calves' liver, calf's liver n07652310 chicken liver n07652401 goose liver n07652488 sweetbread, sweetbreads n07652585 brain n07652696 calf's brain n07652788 stomach sweetbread n07652881 neck sweetbread, throat sweetbread n07652995 tongue n07653126 beef tongue n07653217 calf's tongue n07653311 venison n07653394 cut, cut of meat n07653982 chop n07654148 barbecue, barbeque n07654298 biryani, biriani n07654438 cold cuts n07654538 chine n07654667 piece, slice n07654886 cutlet, scallop, scollop, escallop n07655067 escalope de veau Orloff n07655263 saute n07655337 fillet, filet, fish fillet, fish filet n07655505 leg n07655626 side, side of meat n07655790 side of beef n07655898 forequarter n07655988 hindquarter n07656077 cut of beef n07656452 chuck n07656645 chuck short ribs n07656741 rib n07656866 entrecote n07656961 sparerib n07657068 shank n07657233 foreshank n07657337 hindshank n07657440 shin, shin bone n07657547 brisket n07657664 plate n07657757 flank n07657903 steak n07658058 fish steak n07658168 beefsteak n07658461 flank steak n07658580 minute steak n07658678 loin n07658814 beef loin n07658958 sirloin n07659196 wedge bone n07659308 flat bone n07659425 pin bone n07659560 sirloin tip n07659684 sirloin steak n07659793 tenderloin, undercut n07659968 beef tenderloin n07660065 fillet, filet n07660283 pork tenderloin n07660361 Chateaubriand n07660463 Delmonico steak, club steak n07660590 tournedos n07660686 filet mignon n07660800 porterhouse, porterhouse steak n07661002 T-bone steak n07661165 blade n07661273 blade roast n07661357 neck n07661486 beef neck n07661583 shoulder n07661711 pot roast n07661845 short ribs n07661950 rib roast, standing rib roast n07662156 round n07662275 round steak n07662406 top round n07662517 bottom round n07662618 rump steak n07662719 strip steak, New York strip n07662833 rump n07662978 rump roast n07663118 aitchbone n07663220 tripe n07663360 honeycomb tripe n07663492 buffalo n07663592 beef, boeuf n07663796 beef roast, roast beef n07663899 patty, cake n07664007 ground beef, hamburger n07664121 chopped steak, chop steak, chopsteak, hamburger steak, beef patty n07664266 bully beef, corned beef, corn beef n07664379 pastrami n07664468 carbonado n07664582 halal n07664770 jerky, jerked meat, jerk n07664936 beef jerky n07665013 biltong n07665146 pemmican, pemican n07665308 veal, veau n07665438 veal parmesan, veal parmigiana n07665595 cut of veal n07665713 scrag, scrag end n07665844 veal roast, roast veal n07665983 breast of veal n07666071 fricandeau n07666176 veal cordon bleu n07666303 calves' feet n07666406 horsemeat, horseflesh n07666521 rabbit, hare n07666733 mouton, mutton n07666847 mutton chop n07666933 scrag n07667042 cut of mutton n07667151 lamb n07667326 cut of lamb n07667480 breast of lamb, poitrine d'agneau n07667636 saddle n07667778 saddle of lamb n07667872 loin of lamb n07667974 lamb chop, lamb-chop, lambchop n07668073 rack n07668215 lamb roast, roast lamb n07668356 rack of lamb, crown roast n07668481 ham hock n07668588 leg of lamb, gigot n07668702 pork, porc n07668902 cut of pork n07669098 cochon de lait, suckling pig n07669211 flitch, side of bacon n07669367 gammon n07669470 pork loin n07669588 side of pork n07669713 pork belly n07669788 pork roast, roast pork n07669891 ham, jambon, gammon n07670044 Virginia ham n07670147 picnic ham, picnic shoulder n07670254 porkchop n07670328 prosciutto n07670433 bacon n07670657 bacon strip n07670731 rind n07670902 bacon rind n07670995 Canadian bacon n07671107 salt pork n07671269 fatback n07671363 sowbelly n07671459 spareribs n07671581 pigs' feet, pigs' knuckles n07671722 chitterlings, chitlins, chitlings n07671845 cracklings n07671953 haslet n07672135 edible fat n07672421 lard n07672583 marbling n07672687 shortening n07672790 suet n07672914 margarine, margarin, oleo, oleomargarine, marge n07673145 cooking oil n07673249 drippings n07673397 vegetable oil, oil n07673872 sweet oil n07674001 canola oil, canola n07674161 coconut oil, copra oil n07674267 corn oil n07674393 cottonseed oil n07674508 olive oil n07674617 palm oil n07674749 peanut oil, groundnut oil n07674912 salad oil n07675040 safflower oil n07675156 sesame oil n07675262 soybean oil, soyabean oil n07675411 sunflower oil, sunflower-seed oil n07675535 walnut oil n07675627 sausage n07675962 sausage meat n07676121 blood sausage, blood pudding, black pudding n07676273 bologna, Bologna sausage n07676425 chipolata n07676520 chorizo n07676602 frank, frankfurter, hotdog, hot dog, dog, wiener, wienerwurst, weenie n07676855 Vienna sausage n07676967 polony n07677071 headcheese n07677255 knackwurst, knockwurst n07677360 liver pudding, liver sausage, liverwurst n07677480 pepperoni n07677593 pork sausage n07677747 salami n07677860 banger n07677982 bratwurst, brat n07678065 linguica n07678193 saveloy n07678313 souse n07678428 lunch meat, luncheon meat n07678586 mincemeat n07678729 stuffing, dressing n07678953 turkey stuffing n07679034 oyster stuffing, oyster dressing n07679140 forcemeat, farce n07679356 bread, breadstuff, staff of life n07680168 anadama bread n07680313 bap n07680416 barmbrack n07680517 breadstick, bread-stick n07680655 grissino n07680761 brown bread, Boston brown bread n07680932 bun, roll n07681264 tea bread n07681355 caraway seed bread n07681450 challah, hallah n07681691 cinnamon bread n07681805 cracked-wheat bread n07681926 cracker n07682197 crouton n07682316 dark bread, whole wheat bread, whole meal bread, brown bread n07682477 English muffin n07682624 flatbread n07682808 garlic bread n07682952 gluten bread n07683039 graham bread n07683138 Host n07683265 flatbrod n07683360 bannock n07683490 chapatti, chapati n07683617 pita, pocket bread n07683786 loaf of bread, loaf n07683973 heel n07684084 French loaf n07684164 matzo, matzoh, matzah, unleavened bread n07684289 nan, naan n07684422 onion bread n07684517 raisin bread n07684600 quick bread n07684938 banana bread n07685031 date bread n07685118 date-nut bread n07685218 nut bread n07685303 oatcake n07685399 Irish soda bread n07685546 skillet bread, fry bread n07685730 rye bread n07685918 black bread, pumpernickel n07686021 Jewish rye bread, Jewish rye n07686202 limpa n07686299 Swedish rye bread, Swedish rye n07686461 salt-rising bread n07686634 simnel n07686720 sour bread, sourdough bread n07686873 toast n07687053 wafer n07687211 white bread, light bread n07687381 baguet, baguette n07687469 French bread n07687626 Italian bread n07687789 cornbread n07688021 corn cake n07688130 skillet corn bread n07688265 ashcake, ash cake, corn tash n07688412 hoecake n07688624 cornpone, pone n07688757 corn dab, corn dodger, dodger n07688898 hush puppy, hushpuppy n07689003 johnnycake, johnny cake, journey cake n07689217 Shawnee cake n07689313 spoon bread, batter bread n07689490 cinnamon toast n07689624 orange toast n07689757 Melba toast n07689842 zwieback, rusk, Brussels biscuit, twice-baked bread n07690019 frankfurter bun, hotdog bun n07690152 hamburger bun, hamburger roll n07690273 muffin, gem n07690431 bran muffin n07690511 corn muffin n07690585 Yorkshire pudding n07690739 popover n07690892 scone n07691091 drop scone, griddlecake, Scotch pancake n07691237 cross bun, hot cross bun n07691424 coffee ring n07691539 brioche n07691650 crescent roll, croissant n07691758 hard roll, Vienna roll n07691863 soft roll n07691954 kaiser roll n07692114 Parker House roll n07692248 clover-leaf roll n07692405 onion roll n07692517 bialy, bialystoker n07692614 sweet roll, coffee roll n07692887 bear claw, bear paw n07693048 cinnamon roll, cinnamon bun, cinnamon snail n07693223 honey bun, sticky bun, caramel bun, schnecken n07693439 pinwheel roll n07693590 danish, danish pastry n07693725 bagel, beigel n07693889 onion bagel n07693972 biscuit n07694169 rolled biscuit n07694268 drop biscuit n07694403 baking-powder biscuit n07694516 buttermilk biscuit, soda biscuit n07694659 shortcake n07694839 hardtack, pilot biscuit, pilot bread, sea biscuit, ship biscuit n07695012 wafer n07695097 brandysnap n07695187 saltine n07695284 soda cracker n07695410 oyster cracker n07695504 water biscuit n07695652 graham cracker n07695742 pretzel n07695878 soft pretzel n07695965 sandwich n07696403 sandwich plate n07696527 butty n07696625 ham sandwich n07696728 chicken sandwich n07696839 club sandwich, three-decker, triple-decker n07696977 open-face sandwich, open sandwich n07697100 hamburger, beefburger, burger n07697313 cheeseburger n07697408 tunaburger n07697537 hotdog, hot dog, red hot n07697699 Sloppy Joe n07697825 bomber, grinder, hero, hero sandwich, hoagie, hoagy, Cuban sandwich, Italian sandwich, poor boy, sub, submarine, submarine sandwich, torpedo, wedge, zep n07698250 gyro n07698401 bacon-lettuce-tomato sandwich, BLT n07698543 Reuben n07698672 western, western sandwich n07698782 wrap n07698915 pasta, alimentary paste n07699430 farfalle, bowtie pasta n07699584 noodle n07699682 orzo n07699815 egg noodle n07699914 spaghetti n07700003 spaghetti n07700095 spaghettini n07700167 tortellini n07700255 ziti n07700348 rigatoni n07700439 fedelline n07700539 linguine, linguini n07700638 fettuccine, fettuccini n07700766 fettuccine Alfredo n07700868 vermicelli n07700964 macaroni n07701053 lasagna, lasagne n07701147 penne n07701244 ravioli, cappelletti n07701372 tagliatelle n07701457 manicotti n07701597 couscous n07701715 gnocchi n07701912 matzo ball, matzoh ball, matzah ball n07702057 won ton, wonton n07702193 dumpling, dumplings n07702362 health food n07702509 junk food n07702642 breakfast food n07702796 cereal n07702957 muesli n07703053 Pablum n07703177 hot cereal n07703333 mush, cornmeal mush n07703515 atole n07703599 hasty pudding n07703743 polenta n07703889 hasty pudding n07704054 gruel n07704205 congee, jook n07704305 skilly n07704428 grits, hominy grits n07704579 kasha n07704656 frumenty n07704755 cold cereal, dry cereal n07704994 granola n07705137 granola bar n07705221 raisin bran n07705303 corn flake n07705386 bran flake n07705473 wheatflake n07705557 puffed rice n07705633 puffed wheat n07705711 produce, green goods, green groceries, garden truck n07705931 edible fruit n07707451 vegetable, veggie, veg n07708124 julienne, julienne vegetable n07708260 eater n07708398 raw vegetable, rabbit food n07708512 crudites n07708685 celery stick n07708798 legume n07709046 pulse n07709172 potherb n07709333 greens, green, leafy vegetable n07709701 chop-suey greens n07709881 bean curd, tofu n07710007 solanaceous vegetable n07710283 root vegetable n07710616 potato, white potato, Irish potato, murphy, spud, tater n07710952 baked potato n07711080 french fries, french-fried potatoes, fries, chips n07711232 home fries, home-fried potatoes n07711371 jacket potato n07711471 jacket n07711569 mashed potato n07711683 potato skin, potato peel, potato peelings n07711799 Uruguay potato n07711907 yam n07712063 sweet potato n07712267 yam n07712382 snack food n07712559 chip, crisp, potato chip, Saratoga chip n07712748 corn chip n07712856 tortilla chip n07712959 nacho n07713074 eggplant, aubergine, mad apple n07713267 pieplant, rhubarb n07713395 cruciferous vegetable n07713763 mustard, mustard greens, leaf mustard, Indian mustard n07713895 cabbage, chou n07714078 kale, kail, cole n07714188 collards, collard greens n07714287 Chinese cabbage, celery cabbage, Chinese celery n07714448 bok choy, bok choi n07714571 head cabbage n07714802 red cabbage n07714895 savoy cabbage, savoy n07714990 broccoli n07715103 cauliflower n07715221 brussels sprouts n07715407 broccoli rabe, broccoli raab n07715561 squash n07715721 summer squash n07716034 yellow squash n07716203 crookneck, crookneck squash, summer crookneck n07716358 zucchini, courgette n07716504 marrow, vegetable marrow n07716649 cocozelle n07716750 pattypan squash n07716906 spaghetti squash n07717070 winter squash n07717410 acorn squash n07717556 butternut squash n07717714 hubbard squash n07717858 turban squash n07718068 buttercup squash n07718195 cushaw n07718329 winter crookneck squash n07718472 cucumber, cuke n07718671 gherkin n07718747 artichoke, globe artichoke n07718920 artichoke heart n07719058 Jerusalem artichoke, sunchoke n07719213 asparagus n07719330 bamboo shoot n07719437 sprout n07719616 bean sprout n07719756 alfalfa sprout n07719839 beet, beetroot n07719980 beet green n07720084 sugar beet n07720185 mangel-wurzel n07720277 chard, Swiss chard, spinach beet, leaf beet n07720442 pepper n07720615 sweet pepper n07720875 bell pepper n07721018 green pepper n07721118 globe pepper n07721195 pimento, pimiento n07721325 hot pepper n07721456 chili, chili pepper, chilli, chilly, chile n07721678 jalapeno, jalapeno pepper n07721833 chipotle n07721942 cayenne, cayenne pepper n07722052 tabasco, red pepper n07722217 onion n07722390 Bermuda onion n07722485 green onion, spring onion, scallion n07722666 Vidalia onion n07722763 Spanish onion n07722888 purple onion, red onion n07723039 leek n07723177 shallot n07723330 salad green, salad greens n07723559 lettuce n07723753 butterhead lettuce n07723968 buttercrunch n07724078 Bibb lettuce n07724173 Boston lettuce n07724269 crisphead lettuce, iceberg lettuce, iceberg n07724492 cos, cos lettuce, romaine, romaine lettuce n07724654 leaf lettuce, loose-leaf lettuce n07724819 celtuce n07724943 bean, edible bean n07725158 goa bean n07725255 lentil n07725376 pea n07725531 green pea, garden pea n07725663 marrowfat pea n07725789 snow pea, sugar pea n07725888 sugar snap pea n07726009 split-pea n07726095 chickpea, garbanzo n07726230 cajan pea, pigeon pea, dahl n07726386 field pea n07726525 mushy peas n07726672 black-eyed pea, cowpea n07726796 common bean n07727048 kidney bean n07727140 navy bean, pea bean, white bean n07727252 pinto bean n07727377 frijole n07727458 black bean, turtle bean n07727578 fresh bean n07727741 flageolet, haricot n07727868 green bean n07728053 snap bean, snap n07728181 string bean n07728284 Kentucky wonder, Kentucky wonder bean n07728391 scarlet runner, scarlet runner bean, runner bean, English runner bean n07728585 haricot vert, haricots verts, French bean n07728708 wax bean, yellow bean n07728804 shell bean n07729000 lima bean n07729142 Fordhooks n07729225 sieva bean, butter bean, butterbean, civet bean n07729384 fava bean, broad bean n07729485 soy, soybean, soya, soya bean n07729828 green soybean n07729926 field soybean n07730033 cardoon n07730207 carrot n07730320 carrot stick n07730406 celery n07730562 pascal celery, Paschal celery n07730708 celeriac, celery root n07730855 chicory, curly endive n07731006 radicchio n07731122 coffee substitute n07731284 chicory, chicory root n07731436 Postum n07731587 chicory escarole, endive, escarole n07731767 Belgian endive, French endive, witloof n07731952 corn, edible corn n07732168 sweet corn, green corn n07732302 hominy n07732433 lye hominy n07732525 pearl hominy n07732636 popcorn n07732747 cress n07732904 watercress n07733005 garden cress n07733124 winter cress n07733217 dandelion green n07733394 gumbo, okra n07733567 kohlrabi, turnip cabbage n07733712 lamb's-quarter, pigweed, wild spinach n07733847 wild spinach n07734017 tomato n07734183 beefsteak tomato n07734292 cherry tomato n07734417 plum tomato n07734555 tomatillo, husk tomato, Mexican husk tomato n07734744 mushroom n07734879 stuffed mushroom n07735052 salsify n07735179 oyster plant, vegetable oyster n07735294 scorzonera, black salsify n07735404 parsnip n07735510 pumpkin n07735687 radish n07735803 turnip n07735981 white turnip n07736087 rutabaga, swede, swedish turnip, yellow turnip n07736256 turnip greens n07736371 sorrel, common sorrel n07736527 French sorrel n07736692 spinach n07736813 taro, taro root, cocoyam, dasheen, edda n07736971 truffle, earthnut n07737081 edible nut n07737594 bunya bunya n07737745 peanut, earthnut, goober, goober pea, groundnut, monkey nut n07737980 water chestnut n07738105 freestone n07738224 cling, clingstone n07738353 peel, skin n07738570 banana peel, banana skin n07738760 lemon peel, lemon rind n07738905 orange peel, orange rind n07739035 windfall n07739125 apple n07739344 crab apple, crabapple n07739506 eating apple, dessert apple n07739923 Baldwin n07740033 Cortland n07740115 Cox's Orange Pippin n07740220 Delicious n07740342 Golden Delicious, Yellow Delicious n07740461 Red Delicious n07740597 Empire n07740744 Grimes' golden n07740855 Jonathan n07740954 McIntosh n07741138 Macoun n07741235 Northern Spy n07741357 Pearmain n07741461 Pippin n07741623 Prima n07741706 Stayman n07741804 Winesap n07741888 Stayman Winesap n07742012 cooking apple n07742224 Bramley's Seedling n07742313 Granny Smith n07742415 Lane's Prince Albert n07742513 Newtown Wonder n07742605 Rome Beauty n07742704 berry n07743224 bilberry, whortleberry, European blueberry n07743384 huckleberry n07743544 blueberry n07743723 wintergreen, boxberry, checkerberry, teaberry, spiceberry n07743902 cranberry n07744057 lingonberry, mountain cranberry, cowberry, lowbush cranberry n07744246 currant n07744430 gooseberry n07744559 black currant n07744682 red currant n07744811 blackberry n07745046 boysenberry n07745197 dewberry n07745357 loganberry n07745466 raspberry n07745661 saskatoon, serviceberry, shadberry, juneberry n07745803 lanseh, lansa, lansat, lanset n07745940 strawberry n07746038 sugarberry, hackberry n07746186 persimmon n07746334 acerola, barbados cherry, surinam cherry, West Indian cherry n07746551 carambola, star fruit n07746749 ceriman, monstera n07746910 carissa plum, natal plum n07747055 citrus, citrus fruit, citrous fruit n07747455 section n07747607 orange n07747811 temple orange n07747951 mandarin, mandarin orange n07748157 clementine n07748276 satsuma n07748416 tangerine n07748574 tangelo, ugli, ugli fruit n07748753 bitter orange, Seville orange, sour orange n07748912 sweet orange n07749095 Jaffa orange n07749192 navel orange n07749312 Valencia orange n07749446 kumquat n07749582 lemon n07749731 lime n07749870 key lime n07749969 grapefruit n07750146 pomelo, shaddock n07750299 citrange n07750449 citron n07750586 almond n07750736 Jordan almond n07750872 apricot n07751004 peach n07751148 nectarine n07751280 pitahaya n07751451 plum n07751737 damson, damson plum n07751858 greengage, greengage plum n07751977 beach plum n07752109 sloe n07752264 Victoria plum n07752377 dried fruit n07752514 dried apricot n07752602 prune n07752664 raisin n07752782 seedless raisin, sultana n07752874 seeded raisin n07752966 currant n07753113 fig n07753275 pineapple, ananas n07753448 anchovy pear, river pear n07753592 banana n07753743 passion fruit n07753980 granadilla n07754155 sweet calabash n07754279 bell apple, sweet cup, water lemon, yellow granadilla n07754451 breadfruit n07754684 jackfruit, jak, jack n07754894 cacao bean, cocoa bean n07755089 cocoa n07755262 canistel, eggfruit n07755411 melon n07755619 melon ball n07755707 muskmelon, sweet melon n07755929 cantaloup, cantaloupe n07756096 winter melon n07756325 honeydew, honeydew melon n07756499 Persian melon n07756641 net melon, netted melon, nutmeg melon n07756838 casaba, casaba melon n07756951 watermelon n07757132 cherry n07757312 sweet cherry, black cherry n07757511 bing cherry n07757602 heart cherry, oxheart, oxheart cherry n07757753 blackheart, blackheart cherry n07757874 capulin, Mexican black cherry n07757990 sour cherry n07758125 amarelle n07758260 morello n07758407 cocoa plum, coco plum, icaco n07758582 gherkin n07758680 grape n07758950 fox grape n07759194 Concord grape n07759324 Catawba n07759424 muscadine, bullace grape n07759576 scuppernong n07759691 slipskin grape n07759816 vinifera grape n07760070 emperor n07760153 muscat, muscatel, muscat grape n07760297 ribier n07760395 sultana n07760501 Tokay n07760673 flame tokay n07760755 Thompson Seedless n07760859 custard apple n07761141 cherimoya, cherimolla n07761309 soursop, guanabana n07761461 bullock's heart, Jamaica apple n07761611 sweetsop, annon, sugar apple n07761777 ilama n07761954 pond apple n07762114 papaw, pawpaw n07762244 papaya n07762373 kai apple n07762534 ketembilla, kitembilla, kitambilla n07762740 ackee, akee n07762913 durian n07763107 feijoa, pineapple guava n07763290 genip, Spanish lime n07763483 genipap, genipap fruit n07763629 kiwi, kiwi fruit, Chinese gooseberry n07763792 loquat, Japanese plum n07763987 mangosteen n07764155 mango n07764315 sapodilla, sapodilla plum, sapota n07764486 sapote, mammee, marmalade plum n07764630 tamarind, tamarindo n07764847 avocado, alligator pear, avocado pear, aguacate n07765073 date n07765208 elderberry n07765361 guava n07765517 mombin n07765612 hog plum, yellow mombin n07765728 hog plum, wild plum n07765862 jaboticaba n07765999 jujube, Chinese date, Chinese jujube n07766173 litchi, litchi nut, litchee, lichi, leechee, lichee, lychee n07766409 longanberry, dragon's eye n07766530 mamey, mammee, mammee apple n07766723 marang n07766891 medlar n07767002 medlar n07767171 mulberry n07767344 olive n07767549 black olive, ripe olive n07767709 green olive n07767847 pear n07768068 bosc n07768139 anjou n07768230 bartlett, bartlett pear n07768318 seckel, seckel pear n07768423 plantain n07768590 plumcot n07768694 pomegranate n07768858 prickly pear n07769005 garambulla n07769102 Barbados gooseberry, blade apple n07769306 quandong, quandang, quantong, native peach n07769465 quandong nut n07769584 quince n07769731 rambutan, rambotan n07769886 pulasan, pulassan n07770034 rose apple n07770180 sorb, sorb apple n07770289 sour gourd n07770439 sour gourd, monkey bread n07770571 edible seed n07770763 pumpkin seed n07770869 betel nut, areca nut n07771082 beechnut n07771212 walnut n07771405 black walnut n07771539 English walnut n07771731 brazil nut, brazil n07771891 butternut n07772026 souari nut n07772147 cashew, cashew nut n07772274 chestnut n07772413 chincapin, chinkapin, chinquapin n07772631 water chinquapin n07772788 hazelnut, filbert, cobnut, cob n07772935 coconut, cocoanut n07773238 coconut, coconut meat n07773428 coconut milk, coconut water n07773572 copra n07773700 dika nut n07773827 dika bread n07774032 groundnut, potato bean, wild bean n07774182 grugru nut n07774295 hickory nut n07774479 cola extract n07774596 macadamia nut n07774719 pecan n07774842 pine nut, pignolia, pinon nut n07775050 pistachio, pistachio nut n07775197 sunflower seed n07775375 fish n07775905 saltwater fish n07776545 freshwater fish n07776866 seafood n07777189 bream, sea bream n07777358 bream, freshwater bream n07777512 freshwater bass, bass n07777735 largemouth bass n07777840 smallmouth bass n07777945 sea bass, bass n07778103 striped bass, striper n07778224 grouper n07778342 croaker n07778494 whiting n07778680 whiting n07778810 cusk n07778938 dolphinfish, mahimahi n07779123 carp n07779263 buffalofish n07779375 pike n07779535 muskellunge n07779664 pickerel n07779747 monkfish n07779895 sucker n07780038 catfish, mudcat n07780173 perch n07780307 sunfish n07780486 crappie n07780627 tuna, tuna fish, tunny n07780874 albacore n07781022 bonito n07781207 bluefin, bluefin tuna n07781319 mackerel n07781497 Spanish mackerel n07781689 pompano n07781801 squid, calamari, calamary n07781972 blowfish, sea squab, puffer, pufferfish n07782204 fugu n07782365 octopus n07782475 escargot, snail n07782668 periwinkle, winkle n07782804 whelk n07782939 panfish n07783102 stockfish n07783210 shellfish n07783550 mussel n07783667 anchovy n07783827 anchovy paste n07783967 eel n07784197 smoked eel n07784274 elver n07784367 mullet, grey mullet, gray mullet n07784522 herring n07784810 kingfish n07784991 lingcod n07785138 kipper, kippered herring n07785235 bloater n07785342 pickled herring n07785487 rollmops n07785631 alewife n07785783 bluefish n07785887 swordfish n07786005 butterfish n07786164 huitre, oyster n07786337 oysters Rockefeller n07786484 bluepoint, blue point n07786686 clam n07786856 quahaug, quahog, hard-shell clam, round clam n07787108 littleneck, littleneck clam n07787270 cherrystone, cherrystone clam n07787429 soft-shell clam, steamer, steamer clam, long-neck clam n07787613 cockle n07787715 crab, crabmeat n07787980 blue crab n07788106 crab legs n07788198 soft-shell crab, soft-shelled crab n07788340 Japanese crab n07788435 Alaska king crab, Alaskan king crab, king crab, Alaska crab n07788609 Dungeness crab n07788730 stone crab n07788885 crayfish, crawfish, crawdad, ecrevisse n07789063 cod, codfish n07789240 pollack, pollock n07789382 schrod, scrod n07789541 haddock n07789745 finnan haddie, finnan haddock, finnan, smoked haddock n07789911 salt cod n07790081 porgy, scup n07790246 scup n07790400 flatfish n07790601 flounder n07790800 yellowtail flounder n07790935 plaice n07791039 turbot n07791145 sand dab n07791274 sole, fillet of sole n07791434 grey sole, gray sole n07791535 lemon sole, English sole n07791663 lemon sole, winter flounder n07791808 halibut n07791937 flitch n07792027 hake n07792117 redfish, rosefish, ocean perch n07792219 rockfish n07792383 sailfish n07792470 weakfish n07792640 limpet n07792725 lobster n07792926 American lobster, Northern lobster, Maine lobster n07793133 European lobster n07793260 spiny lobster, langouste, rock lobster, crayfish n07793521 Norwegian lobster, langoustine, scampo n07793685 lobster tail n07793795 coral n07793946 tomalley n07794063 sardine, pilchard n07794159 prawn, shrimp n07794353 river prawn n07794452 trout n07794605 rainbow trout n07794744 sea trout, salmon trout n07794893 brook trout, speckled trout n07795019 lake trout n07795133 whitefish n07795317 whitefish n07795459 lake herring, cisco n07795598 rock salmon n07795751 salmon n07796005 Atlantic salmon n07796165 red salmon, sockeye, sockeye salmon n07796321 chinook salmon, chinook, king salmon n07796468 silver salmon, coho salmon, coho, cohoe n07796649 smoked salmon n07796750 lox n07796877 Scandinavian lox n07796970 Nova Scotia lox, Nova lox, Nova Scotia salmon, Nova salmon, Nova style salmon n07797189 snapper n07797357 red snapper n07797518 red rockfish n07797641 scallop, scollop, escallop n07797913 sea scallop n07798025 bay scallop n07798147 kippered salmon n07798233 red herring, smoked herring n07798357 shad n07798554 smelt n07798728 American smelt, rainbow smelt n07798872 European smelt, sparling n07798985 sprat, brisling n07799132 whitebait n07799278 roe, hard roe n07799447 milt, soft roe n07799579 caviar, caviare n07799738 beluga caviar n07799874 shad roe n07800004 smoked mackerel n07800091 feed, provender n07800487 cattle cake n07800636 creep feed n07800740 fodder n07801007 feed grain n07801091 eatage, forage, pasture, pasturage, grass n07801342 silage, ensilage n07801508 oil cake n07801709 oil meal n07801779 alfalfa n07801892 broad bean, horse bean n07802026 hay n07802152 timothy n07802246 stover n07802417 grain, food grain, cereal n07802767 grist n07802863 groats n07802963 millet n07803093 barley, barleycorn n07803213 pearl barley n07803310 buckwheat n07803408 bulgur, bulghur, bulgur wheat n07803545 wheat, wheat berry n07803779 cracked wheat n07803895 stodge n07803992 wheat germ n07804152 oat n07804323 rice n07804543 brown rice n07804657 white rice, polished rice n07804771 wild rice, Indian rice n07804900 paddy n07805006 slop, slops, swill, pigswill, pigwash n07805254 mash n07805389 chicken feed, scratch n07805478 cud, rechewed food n07805594 bird feed, bird food, birdseed n07805731 petfood, pet-food, pet food n07805872 mast n07805966 dog food n07806043 cat food n07806120 canary seed n07806221 salad n07806633 tossed salad n07806774 green salad n07806879 Caesar salad n07807002 salmagundi n07807171 salad nicoise n07807317 combination salad n07807472 chef's salad n07807594 potato salad n07807710 pasta salad n07807834 macaroni salad n07807922 fruit salad n07808022 Waldorf salad n07808166 crab Louis n07808268 herring salad n07808352 tuna fish salad, tuna salad n07808479 chicken salad n07808587 coleslaw, slaw n07808675 aspic n07808806 molded salad n07808904 tabbouleh, tabooli n07809096 ingredient, fixings n07809368 flavorer, flavourer, flavoring, flavouring, seasoner, seasoning n07810531 bouillon cube n07810633 beef tea, Bovril n07810745 lemon zest n07810825 orange zest n07810907 condiment n07811416 herb n07812046 fines herbes n07812184 spice n07812497 peppermint oil n07812662 spearmint oil n07812790 lemon oil n07812913 wintergreen oil, oil of wintergreen n07813107 salt, table salt, common salt n07813324 celery salt n07813409 garlic salt n07813495 onion salt n07813579 seasoned salt n07813717 sour salt n07813833 five spice powder n07814007 allspice n07814203 cinnamon n07814390 stick cinnamon n07814487 clove n07814634 cumin, cumin seed n07814790 fennel n07814925 ginger, gingerroot n07815163 ginger, powdered ginger n07815294 mace n07815424 nutmeg n07815588 pepper, peppercorn n07815839 black pepper n07815956 white pepper n07816052 sassafras n07816164 basil, sweet basil n07816296 bay leaf n07816398 borage n07816575 hyssop n07816726 caraway n07816839 chervil n07817024 chives n07817160 comfrey, healing herb n07817315 coriander, Chinese parsley, cilantro n07817465 coriander, coriander seed n07817599 costmary n07817758 fennel, common fennel n07817871 fennel, Florence fennel, finocchio n07818029 fennel seed n07818133 fenugreek, fenugreek seed n07818277 garlic, ail n07818422 clove, garlic clove n07818572 garlic chive n07818689 lemon balm n07818825 lovage n07818995 marjoram, oregano n07819166 mint n07819303 mustard seed n07819480 mustard, table mustard n07819682 Chinese mustard n07819769 nasturtium n07819896 parsley n07820036 salad burnet n07820145 rosemary n07820297 rue n07820497 sage n07820683 clary sage n07820814 savory, savoury n07820960 summer savory, summer savoury n07821107 winter savory, winter savoury n07821260 sweet woodruff, waldmeister n07821404 sweet cicely n07821610 tarragon, estragon n07821758 thyme n07821919 turmeric n07822053 caper n07822197 catsup, ketchup, cetchup, tomato ketchup n07822323 cardamom, cardamon, cardamum n07822518 cayenne, cayenne pepper, red pepper n07822687 chili powder n07822845 chili sauce n07823004 chili vinegar n07823105 chutney, Indian relish n07823280 steak sauce n07823369 taco sauce n07823460 salsa n07823591 mint sauce n07823698 cranberry sauce n07823814 curry powder n07823951 curry n07824191 lamb curry n07824268 duck sauce, hoisin sauce n07824383 horseradish n07824502 marinade n07824702 paprika n07824863 Spanish paprika n07824988 pickle n07825194 dill pickle n07825312 chowchow n07825399 bread and butter pickle n07825496 pickle relish n07825597 piccalilli n07825717 sweet pickle n07825850 applesauce, apple sauce n07825972 soy sauce, soy n07826091 Tabasco, Tabasco sauce n07826250 tomato paste n07826340 angelica n07826453 angelica n07826544 almond extract n07826653 anise, aniseed, anise seed n07826930 Chinese anise, star anise, star aniseed n07827130 juniper berries n07827284 saffron n07827410 sesame seed, benniseed n07827554 caraway seed n07827750 poppy seed n07827896 dill, dill weed n07828041 dill seed n07828156 celery seed n07828275 lemon extract n07828378 monosodium glutamate, MSG n07828642 vanilla bean n07828807 vanilla, vanilla extract n07828987 vinegar, acetum n07829248 cider vinegar n07829331 wine vinegar n07829412 sauce n07830493 anchovy sauce n07830593 hot sauce n07830690 hard sauce n07830841 horseradish sauce, sauce Albert n07830986 bolognese pasta sauce n07831146 carbonara n07831267 tomato sauce n07831450 tartare sauce, tartar sauce n07831663 wine sauce n07831821 marchand de vin, mushroom wine sauce n07831955 bread sauce n07832099 plum sauce n07832202 peach sauce n07832307 apricot sauce n07832416 pesto n07832592 ravigote, ravigotte n07832741 remoulade sauce n07832902 dressing, salad dressing n07833333 sauce Louis n07833535 bleu cheese dressing, blue cheese dressing n07833672 blue cheese dressing, Roquefort dressing n07833816 French dressing, vinaigrette, sauce vinaigrette n07833951 Lorenzo dressing n07834065 anchovy dressing n07834160 Italian dressing n07834286 half-and-half dressing n07834507 mayonnaise, mayo n07834618 green mayonnaise, sauce verte n07834774 aioli, aioli sauce, garlic sauce n07834872 Russian dressing, Russian mayonnaise n07835051 salad cream n07835173 Thousand Island dressing n07835331 barbecue sauce n07835457 hollandaise n07835547 bearnaise n07835701 Bercy, Bercy butter n07835823 bordelaise n07835921 bourguignon, bourguignon sauce, Burgundy sauce n07836077 brown sauce, sauce Espagnole n07836269 Espagnole, sauce Espagnole n07836456 Chinese brown sauce, brown sauce n07836600 blanc n07836731 cheese sauce n07836838 chocolate sauce, chocolate syrup n07837002 hot-fudge sauce, fudge sauce n07837110 cocktail sauce, seafood sauce n07837234 Colbert, Colbert butter n07837362 white sauce, bechamel sauce, bechamel n07837545 cream sauce n07837630 Mornay sauce n07837755 demiglace, demi-glaze n07837912 gravy, pan gravy n07838073 gravy n07838233 spaghetti sauce, pasta sauce n07838441 marinara n07838551 mole n07838659 hunter's sauce, sauce chausseur n07838811 mushroom sauce n07838905 mustard sauce n07839055 Nantua, shrimp sauce n07839172 Hungarian sauce, paprika sauce n07839312 pepper sauce, Poivrade n07839478 roux n07839593 Smitane n07839730 Soubise, white onion sauce n07839864 Lyonnaise sauce, brown onion sauce n07840027 veloute n07840124 allemande, allemande sauce n07840219 caper sauce n07840304 poulette n07840395 curry sauce n07840520 Worcester sauce, Worcestershire, Worcestershire sauce n07840672 coconut milk, coconut cream n07840804 egg, eggs n07841037 egg white, white, albumen, ovalbumin n07841345 egg yolk, yolk n07841495 boiled egg, coddled egg n07841639 hard-boiled egg, hard-cooked egg n07841800 Easter egg n07841907 Easter egg n07842044 chocolate egg n07842130 candy egg n07842202 poached egg, dropped egg n07842308 scrambled eggs n07842433 deviled egg, stuffed egg n07842605 shirred egg, baked egg, egg en cocotte n07842753 omelet, omelette n07842972 firm omelet n07843117 French omelet n07843220 fluffy omelet n07843348 western omelet n07843464 souffle n07843636 fried egg n07843775 dairy product n07844042 milk n07844604 milk n07844786 sour milk n07844867 soya milk, soybean milk, soymilk n07845087 formula n07845166 pasteurized milk n07845335 cows' milk n07845421 yak's milk n07845495 goats' milk n07845571 acidophilus milk n07845702 raw milk n07845775 scalded milk n07845863 homogenized milk n07846014 certified milk n07846143 powdered milk, dry milk, dried milk, milk powder n07846274 nonfat dry milk n07846359 evaporated milk n07846471 condensed milk n07846557 skim milk, skimmed milk n07846688 semi-skimmed milk n07846802 whole milk n07846938 low-fat milk n07847047 buttermilk n07847198 cream n07847453 clotted cream, Devonshire cream n07847585 double creme, heavy whipping cream n07847706 half-and-half n07847827 heavy cream n07847917 light cream, coffee cream, single cream n07848093 sour cream, soured cream n07848196 whipping cream, light whipping cream n07848338 butter n07848645 stick n07848771 clarified butter, drawn butter n07848936 ghee n07849026 brown butter, beurre noisette n07849186 Meuniere butter, lemon butter n07849336 yogurt, yoghurt, yoghourt n07849506 blueberry yogurt n07849619 raita n07849733 whey n07849912 curd n07850083 curd n07850219 clabber n07850329 cheese n07850957 cheese rind n07851054 paring n07851298 cream cheese n07851443 double cream n07851554 mascarpone n07851641 triple cream, triple creme n07851767 cottage cheese, pot cheese, farm cheese, farmer's cheese n07851926 process cheese, processed cheese n07852045 bleu, blue cheese n07852229 Stilton n07852302 Roquefort n07852376 gorgonzola n07852452 Danish blue n07852532 Bavarian blue n07852614 Brie n07852712 brick cheese n07852833 Camembert n07852919 cheddar, cheddar cheese, Armerican cheddar, American cheese n07853125 rat cheese, store cheese n07853232 Cheshire cheese n07853345 double Gloucester n07853445 Edam n07853560 goat cheese, chevre n07853648 Gouda, Gouda cheese n07853762 grated cheese n07853852 hand cheese n07853946 Liederkranz n07854066 Limburger n07854184 mozzarella n07854266 Muenster n07854348 Parmesan n07854455 quark cheese, quark n07854614 ricotta n07854707 string cheese n07854813 Swiss cheese n07854982 Emmenthal, Emmental, Emmenthaler, Emmentaler n07855105 Gruyere n07855188 sapsago n07855317 Velveeta n07855413 nut butter n07855510 peanut butter n07855603 marshmallow fluff n07855721 onion butter n07855812 pimento butter n07855907 shrimp butter n07856045 lobster butter n07856186 yak butter n07856270 spread, paste n07856756 cheese spread n07856895 anchovy butter n07856992 fishpaste n07857076 garlic butter n07857170 miso n07857356 wasabi n07857598 snail butter n07857731 hummus, humus, hommos, hoummos, humous n07857959 pate n07858114 duck pate n07858197 foie gras, pate de foie gras n07858336 tapenade n07858484 tahini n07858595 sweetening, sweetener n07858841 aspartame n07858978 honey n07859142 saccharin n07859284 sugar, refined sugar n07859583 syrup, sirup n07859796 sugar syrup n07859951 molasses n07860103 sorghum, sorghum molasses n07860208 treacle, golden syrup n07860331 grenadine n07860447 maple syrup n07860548 corn syrup n07860629 miraculous food, manna, manna from heaven n07860805 batter n07860988 dough n07861158 bread dough n07861247 pancake batter n07861334 fritter batter n07861421 sop, sops n07861557 coq au vin n07861681 chicken provencale n07861813 chicken and rice n07861983 moo goo gai pan n07862095 arroz con pollo n07862244 bacon and eggs n07862348 barbecued spareribs, spareribs n07862461 beef Bourguignonne, boeuf Bourguignonne n07862611 beef Wellington, filet de boeuf en croute n07862770 bitok n07862946 boiled dinner, New England boiled dinner n07863107 Boston baked beans n07863229 bubble and squeak n07863374 pasta n07863547 cannelloni n07863644 carbonnade flamande, Belgian beef stew n07863802 cheese souffle n07863935 chicken Marengo n07864065 chicken cordon bleu n07864198 Maryland chicken n07864317 chicken paprika, chicken paprikash n07864475 chicken Tetrazzini n07864638 Tetrazzini n07864756 chicken Kiev n07864934 chili, chili con carne n07865105 chili dog n07865196 chop suey n07865484 chow mein n07865575 codfish ball, codfish cake n07865700 coquille n07865788 coquilles Saint-Jacques n07865911 Cornish pasty n07866015 croquette n07866151 cottage pie n07866277 rissole n07866409 dolmas, stuffed grape leaves n07866571 egg foo yong, egg fu yung n07866723 egg roll, spring roll n07866868 eggs Benedict n07867021 enchilada n07867164 falafel, felafel n07867324 fish and chips n07867421 fondue, fondu n07867616 cheese fondue n07867751 chocolate fondue n07867883 fondue, fondu n07868045 beef fondue, boeuf fondu bourguignon n07868200 French toast n07868340 fried rice, Chinese fried rice n07868508 frittata n07868684 frog legs n07868830 galantine n07868955 gefilte fish, fish ball n07869111 haggis n07869291 ham and eggs n07869391 hash n07869522 corned beef hash n07869611 jambalaya n07869775 kabob, kebab, shish kebab n07869937 kedgeree n07870069 souvlaki, souvlakia n07870167 lasagna, lasagne n07870313 seafood Newburg n07870478 lobster Newburg, lobster a la Newburg n07870620 shrimp Newburg n07870734 Newburg sauce n07870894 lobster thermidor n07871065 lutefisk, lutfisk n07871234 macaroni and cheese n07871335 macedoine n07871436 meatball n07871588 porcupine ball, porcupines n07871720 Swedish meatball n07871810 meat loaf, meatloaf n07871940 meat pie n07872170 pasty n07872284 pork pie n07872381 tourtiere n07872492 mostaccioli n07872593 moussaka n07872748 osso buco n07872915 marrowbone n07873057 marrow, bone marrow n07873198 pheasant under glass n07873348 pigs in blankets n07873464 pilaf, pilaff, pilau, pilaw n07873679 bulgur pilaf n07873807 pizza, pizza pie n07874063 sausage pizza n07874159 pepperoni pizza n07874259 cheese pizza n07874343 anchovy pizza n07874441 Sicilian pizza n07874531 poi n07874674 pork and beans n07874780 porridge n07874995 oatmeal, burgoo n07875086 loblolly n07875152 potpie n07875267 rijsttaffel, rijstaffel, rijstafel n07875436 risotto, Italian rice n07875560 roulade n07875693 fish loaf n07875835 salmon loaf n07875926 Salisbury steak n07876026 sauerbraten n07876189 sauerkraut n07876281 scallopine, scallopini n07876460 veal scallopini n07876550 scampi n07876651 Scotch egg n07876775 Scotch woodcock n07876893 scrapple n07877062 shepherd's pie n07877187 spaghetti and meatballs n07877299 Spanish rice n07877411 steak and kidney pie n07877575 kidney pie n07877675 steak tartare, tartar steak, cannibal mound n07877849 pepper steak n07877961 steak au poivre, peppered steak, pepper steak n07878145 beef Stroganoff n07878283 stuffed cabbage n07878479 kishke, stuffed derma n07878647 stuffed peppers n07878785 stuffed tomato, hot stuffed tomato n07878926 stuffed tomato, cold stuffed tomato n07879072 succotash n07879174 sukiyaki n07879350 sashimi n07879450 sushi n07879560 Swiss steak n07879659 tamale n07879821 tamale pie n07879953 tempura n07880080 teriyaki n07880213 terrine n07880325 Welsh rarebit, Welsh rabbit, rarebit n07880458 schnitzel, Wiener schnitzel n07880583 tortilla n07880751 taco n07880880 chicken taco n07880968 burrito n07881117 beef burrito n07881205 quesadilla n07881310 tostada n07881404 tostada n07881525 bean tostada n07881625 refried beans, frijoles refritos n07881800 beverage, drink, drinkable, potable n07882420 wish-wash n07882497 concoction, mixture, intermixture n07882886 mix, premix n07883031 filling n07883156 lekvar n07883251 potion n07883384 elixir n07883510 elixir of life n07883661 philter, philtre, love-potion, love-philter, love-philtre n07883860 chaser n07883980 draft, draught, potation, tipple n07884182 quaff n07884266 round, round of drinks n07884413 pledge, toast n07884567 alcohol, alcoholic drink, alcoholic beverage, intoxicant, inebriant n07885223 drink n07885705 proof spirit n07885832 libation n07885937 libation n07886057 home brew, homebrew n07886176 hooch, hootch n07886317 kava, kavakava n07886463 aperitif n07886572 brew, brewage n07886849 beer n07887099 draft beer, draught beer n07887192 suds n07887304 Munich beer, Munchener n07887461 bock, bock beer n07887634 lager, lager beer n07887967 light beer n07888058 Oktoberfest, Octoberfest n07888229 Pilsner, Pilsener n07888378 shebeen n07888465 Weissbier, white beer, wheat beer n07888709 Weizenbier n07888816 Weizenbock n07888909 malt n07889193 wort n07889274 malt, malt liquor n07889510 ale n07889814 bitter n07889990 Burton n07890068 pale ale n07890226 porter, porter's beer n07890352 stout n07890540 Guinness n07890617 kvass n07890750 mead n07890890 metheglin n07890970 hydromel n07891095 oenomel n07891189 near beer n07891309 ginger beer n07891433 sake, saki, rice beer n07891613 nipa n07891726 wine, vino n07892418 vintage n07892512 red wine n07892813 white wine n07893253 blush wine, pink wine, rose, rose wine n07893425 altar wine, sacramental wine n07893528 sparkling wine n07893642 champagne, bubbly n07893792 cold duck n07893891 Burgundy, Burgundy wine n07894102 Beaujolais n07894298 Medoc n07894451 Canary wine n07894551 Chablis, white Burgundy n07894703 Montrachet n07894799 Chardonnay, Pinot Chardonnay n07894965 Pinot noir n07895100 Pinot blanc n07895237 Bordeaux, Bordeaux wine n07895435 claret, red Bordeaux n07895595 Chianti n07895710 Cabernet, Cabernet Sauvignon n07895839 Merlot n07895962 Sauvignon blanc n07896060 California wine n07896165 Cotes de Provence n07896287 dessert wine n07896422 Dubonnet n07896560 jug wine n07896661 macon, maconnais n07896765 Moselle n07896893 Muscadet n07896994 plonk n07897116 retsina n07897200 Rhine wine, Rhenish, hock n07897438 Riesling n07897600 liebfraumilch n07897750 Rhone wine n07897865 Rioja n07897975 sack n07898117 Saint Emilion n07898247 Soave n07898333 zinfandel n07898443 Sauterne, Sauternes n07898617 straw wine n07898745 table wine n07898895 Tokay n07899003 vin ordinaire n07899108 vermouth n07899292 sweet vermouth, Italian vermouth n07899434 dry vermouth, French vermouth n07899533 Chenin blanc n07899660 Verdicchio n07899769 Vouvray n07899899 Yquem n07899976 generic, generic wine n07900225 varietal, varietal wine n07900406 fortified wine n07900616 Madeira n07900734 malmsey n07900825 port, port wine n07900958 sherry n07901176 Manzanilla n07901264 Amontillado n07901355 Marsala n07901457 muscat, muscatel, muscadel, muscadelle n07901587 liquor, spirits, booze, hard drink, hard liquor, John Barleycorn, strong drink n07902121 neutral spirits, ethyl alcohol n07902336 aqua vitae, ardent spirits n07902443 eau de vie n07902520 moonshine, bootleg, corn liquor n07902698 bathtub gin n07902799 aquavit, akvavit n07902937 arrack, arak n07903101 bitters n07903208 brandy n07903543 applejack n07903643 Calvados n07903731 Armagnac n07903841 Cognac n07903962 grappa n07904072 kirsch n07904190 marc n07904293 slivovitz n07904395 gin n07904637 sloe gin n07904760 geneva, Holland gin, Hollands n07904865 grog n07904934 ouzo n07905038 rum n07905296 demerara, demerara rum n07905386 Jamaica rum n07905474 schnapps, schnaps n07905618 pulque n07905770 mescal n07905979 tequila n07906111 vodka n07906284 whiskey, whisky n07906572 blended whiskey, blended whisky n07906718 bourbon n07906877 corn whiskey, corn whisky, corn n07907037 firewater n07907161 Irish, Irish whiskey, Irish whisky n07907342 poteen n07907429 rye, rye whiskey, rye whisky n07907548 Scotch, Scotch whiskey, Scotch whisky, malt whiskey, malt whisky, Scotch malt whiskey, Scotch malt whisky n07907831 sour mash, sour mash whiskey n07907943 liqueur, cordial n07908411 absinth, absinthe n07908567 amaretto n07908647 anisette, anisette de Bordeaux n07908812 benedictine n07908923 Chartreuse n07909129 coffee liqueur n07909231 creme de cacao n07909362 creme de menthe n07909504 creme de fraise n07909593 Drambuie n07909714 Galliano n07909811 orange liqueur n07909954 curacao, curacoa n07910048 triple sec n07910152 Grand Marnier n07910245 kummel n07910379 maraschino, maraschino liqueur n07910538 pastis n07910656 Pernod n07910799 pousse-cafe n07910970 Kahlua n07911061 ratafia, ratafee n07911249 sambuca n07911371 mixed drink n07911677 cocktail n07912093 Dom Pedro n07912211 highball n07912499 eye opener n07912619 nightcap n07912726 hair of the dog n07912834 shandygaff, shandy n07912933 stirrup cup n07913081 sundowner n07913180 mixer n07913300 bishop n07913393 Bloody Mary n07913537 Virgin Mary, bloody shame n07913644 bullshot n07913774 cobbler n07913882 collins, Tom Collins n07914006 cooler n07914128 refresher n07914271 smoothie n07914413 daiquiri, rum cocktail n07914586 strawberry daiquiri n07914686 NADA daiquiri n07914777 spritzer n07914887 flip n07914995 gimlet n07915094 gin and tonic n07915213 grasshopper n07915366 Harvey Wallbanger n07915491 julep, mint julep n07915618 manhattan n07915800 Rob Roy n07915918 margarita n07916041 martini n07916183 gin and it n07916319 vodka martini n07916437 old fashioned n07916582 pink lady n07916773 posset n07916872 syllabub, sillabub n07916970 sangaree, sangria n07917133 Sazerac n07917272 screwdriver n07917392 sidecar n07917507 Scotch and soda n07917618 sling n07917791 brandy sling n07917874 gin sling n07917951 rum sling n07918028 sour n07918193 whiskey sour, whisky sour n07918309 stinger n07918454 whiskey neat, whisky neat n07918601 whiskey on the rocks, whisky on the rocks n07918706 swizzle n07918879 hot toddy, toddy n07919055 Tom and Jerry n07919165 zombie, zombi n07919310 fizz n07919441 Irish coffee n07919572 cafe au lait n07919665 cafe noir, demitasse n07919787 decaffeinated coffee, decaf n07919894 drip coffee n07920052 espresso n07920222 caffe latte, latte n07920349 cappuccino, cappuccino coffee, coffee cappuccino n07920540 iced coffee, ice coffee n07920663 instant coffee n07920872 mocha, mocha coffee n07920989 mocha n07921090 cassareep n07921239 Turkish coffee n07921360 chocolate milk n07921455 cider, cyder n07921615 hard cider n07921834 scrumpy n07921948 sweet cider n07922041 mulled cider n07922147 perry n07922299 pruno n07922512 rotgut n07922607 slug n07922764 cocoa, chocolate, hot chocolate, drinking chocolate n07922955 criollo n07923034 ice-cream soda, ice-cream float, float n07923176 root beer float n07923297 milkshake, milk shake, shake n07923495 eggshake n07923576 frappe n07923665 frappe n07923748 juice n07924033 fruit juice, fruit crush n07924276 nectar n07924366 apple juice n07924443 cranberry juice n07924560 grape juice n07924655 must n07924747 grapefruit juice n07924834 orange juice n07924955 frozen orange juice, orange-juice concentrate n07925116 pineapple juice n07925229 lemon juice n07925327 lime juice n07925423 papaya juice n07925500 tomato juice n07925608 carrot juice n07925708 V-8 juice n07925808 koumiss, kumis n07925966 fruit drink, ade n07926127 lacing n07926250 lemonade n07926346 limeade n07926442 orangeade n07926540 malted milk n07926642 malted, malt, malted milk n07926785 mate n07926920 mulled wine n07927070 negus n07927197 soft drink n07927512 pop, soda, soda pop, soda water, tonic n07927716 birch beer n07927836 bitter lemon n07927931 cola, dope n07928163 cream soda n07928264 egg cream n07928367 ginger ale, ginger pop n07928488 orange soda n07928578 phosphate n07928696 Coca Cola, Coke n07928790 Pepsi, Pepsi Cola n07928887 root beer n07928998 sarsaparilla n07929172 tonic, tonic water, quinine water n07929351 coffee bean, coffee berry, coffee n07929519 coffee, java n07929940 cafe royale, coffee royal n07930062 fruit punch n07930205 milk punch n07930315 mimosa, buck's fizz n07930433 pina colada n07930554 punch n07930864 cup n07931001 champagne cup n07931096 claret cup n07931280 wassail n07931452 planter's punch n07931612 White Russian n07931733 fish house punch n07931870 May wine n07932039 eggnog n07932176 glogg n07932323 cassiri n07932454 spruce beer n07932614 rickey n07932762 gin rickey n07932841 tea, tea leaf n07933154 tea bag n07933274 tea n07933530 tea-like drink n07933652 cambric tea n07933799 cuppa, cupper n07933891 herb tea, herbal tea, herbal n07934032 tisane n07934152 camomile tea n07934282 ice tea, iced tea n07934373 sun tea n07934530 black tea n07934678 congou, congo, congou tea, English breakfast tea n07934800 Darjeeling n07934908 orange pekoe, pekoe n07935043 souchong, soochong n07935152 green tea n07935288 hyson n07935379 oolong n07935504 water n07935737 bottled water n07935878 branch water n07936015 spring water n07936093 sugar water n07936177 tap water n07936263 drinking water n07936459 ice water n07936548 soda water, carbonated water, club soda, seltzer, sparkling water n07936745 mineral water n07936979 seltzer n07937069 Vichy water n07937203 brine n07937344 perishable, spoilable n07937461 couscous n07937621 ramekin, ramequin n07937786 rugulah, rugelach, ruggelach n07938007 multivitamin, multivitamin pill n07938149 vitamin pill n07938313 soul food n07938427 slop n07938594 mold, mould n07938773 arrangement n07939159 straggle n07939382 array n07939638 classification, categorization, categorisation n07939880 dichotomy, duality n07940121 trichotomy n07940242 clone, clon n07940448 kingdom n07940552 kingdom n07940865 subkingdom n07941045 mineral kingdom n07941170 biological group n07941405 genotype n07941574 biotype n07941729 community, biotic community n07941945 biome n07942152 people n07943300 peoples n07943480 age group, age bracket, cohort n07943646 ancients n07943870 aged, elderly n07944050 young, youth n07944242 baffled n07944408 blind n07944618 blood n07944754 brave n07944900 timid, cautious n07945077 business people, businesspeople n07945236 country people, countryfolk n07945369 country people, countryfolk n07945490 damned n07945657 dead n07945818 living n07945949 deaf n07946135 defeated, discomfited n07946288 disabled, handicapped n07946516 the halt n07946694 doomed, lost n07946851 enemy n07946969 episcopacy, episcopate n07947069 estivation, aestivation n07947255 folk, folks, common people n07947675 gentlefolk n07947789 grass roots n07947958 free, free people n07948098 home folk n07948183 homebound n07948314 homeless n07948518 initiate, enlightened n07948754 uninitiate n07948971 mentally retarded, retarded, developmentally challenged n07949160 network army n07949463 nationality n07949796 peanut gallery n07950090 pocket n07950295 retreated n07950418 sick n07950592 slain n07950685 tradespeople n07950786 wounded, maimed n07950920 social group n07951464 collection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage n07953367 armamentarium n07953499 art collection n07953603 backlog n07953827 battery n07954014 block n07954211 book, rule book n07954441 book n07954576 bottle collection n07954731 bunch, lot, caboodle n07954863 coin collection n07954946 collage n07955057 content n07955280 ensemble, tout ensemble n07955455 corpus n07955566 crop n07955726 tenantry n07955841 loan collection n07955961 findings n07956112 flagging n07956250 flinders n07956426 pack n07956552 disk pack, disc pack n07956721 pack of cards, deck of cards, deck n07956887 hand, deal n07957193 long suit n07957327 bridge hand n07957456 chicane n07957546 strong suit n07957655 poker hand n07957855 royal flush n07957986 straight flush n07958099 full house n07958196 flush n07958294 straight n07958407 pair n07958501 herbarium n07958642 stamp collection n07958727 statuary n07958820 Elgin Marbles n07959016 sum, summation, sum total n07959269 agglomeration n07959393 edition n07959659 electron shell n07959863 gimmickry n07959943 bunch, clump, cluster, clustering n07960384 knot n07960569 nuclear club n07960666 swad n07960769 tuft, tussock n07960928 wisp n07961016 ball, clod, glob, lump, clump, chunk n07961270 gob n07961379 clew n07961480 pile, heap, mound, agglomerate, cumulation, cumulus n07961956 compost heap, compost pile n07962124 mass n07962295 dunghill, midden, muckheap, muckhill n07962405 logjam n07962500 shock n07962628 scrapheap n07962707 shock n07962991 slagheap n07963087 stack n07963208 haystack, hayrick, rick n07963330 haycock n07963494 pyre, funeral pyre n07963613 woodpile n07963711 combination n07963987 amalgam n07964144 color scheme, colour scheme n07964324 complexion n07964495 combination n07964809 combination in restraint of trade n07965085 body n07965817 public n07965937 world, domain n07966140 society n07966421 migration n07966570 minority n07966719 sector n07966927 business, business sector n07967129 big business n07967382 ethnic group, ethnos n07967736 ethnic minority n07967982 race n07968354 color, colour, people of color, people of colour n07968550 master race, Herrenvolk n07968702 interest, interest group n07968974 special interest n07969192 vested interest n07969366 military-industrial complex n07969695 kin, kin group, kinship group, kindred, clan, tribe n07970079 mishpocha, mishpachah n07970301 kith n07970406 family, family unit n07970721 family, family line, folk, kinfolk, kinsfolk, sept, phratry n07971023 folks n07971141 people n07971298 homefolk n07971449 house n07971582 dynasty n07972279 name, gens n07972425 feudalism, feudal system n07972674 patriarchy, patriarchate n07972888 matriarchy, matriarchate n07973088 meritocracy n07973241 building n07973373 broken home n07973487 nuclear family, conjugal family n07973653 extended family n07973782 foster family n07973868 foster home n07974025 class, stratum, social class, socio-economic class n07974766 age class n07974850 fringe n07975026 gathering, assemblage n07975909 bee n07976069 carload n07976181 congregation n07976420 contingent n07976596 floor n07976725 love feast n07976851 quilting bee n07976936 pair n07977108 hit parade n07977237 Judaica n07977344 kludge n07977592 library, program library, subroutine library n07977870 library n07978055 bibliotheca n07978170 public library n07978276 rental collection n07978423 mythology n07978924 classical mythology n07979425 Greek mythology n07983170 Roman mythology n07983856 Norse mythology n07984805 Nag Hammadi, Nag Hammadi Library n07985135 singleton n07985223 pair, brace n07985384 team n07985533 relay n07985628 couple, twosome, duo, duet n07985825 trilogy n07985948 room n07986066 trio, threesome, triad, trinity n07986198 trio, triad, triplet, triple n07986381 trip wire n07986617 Trimurti n07986771 triplicity, trigon n07986982 triumvirate n07987135 troika n07987216 turnout n07987380 quartet, quartette, foursome n07987580 quintet, quintette, fivesome n07987689 sextet, sextette, sixsome n07987794 septet, septette, sevensome n07987903 octet, octette, eightsome n07988010 quadrumvirate n07988089 quartet, quartette, quadruplet, quadruple n07988229 quintet, quintette, quintuplet, quintuple n07988369 sextet, sextette, sestet n07988490 septet, septette n07988604 octet, octette n07988716 Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Tweedledee and Tweedledum n07988857 couple, mates, match n07989083 power couple n07989220 DINK n07989373 marriage, married couple, man and wife n07989620 Bronte sisters n07989741 Marx Brothers n07989973 same-sex marriage n07990158 mixed marriage n07990377 association n07990648 antibiosis n07990824 brood n07990956 flock n07991169 flock, fold n07991272 flock n07991364 congregation, fold, faithful n07991579 bevy n07991780 covert n07991868 covey n07991994 exaltation n07992116 gaggle n07992222 wisp n07992308 clade n07992450 taxonomic group, taxonomic category, taxon n07993109 biota, biology n07993279 fauna, zoology n07993526 petting zoo n07993643 avifauna n07993776 wildlife n07993929 animal group n07994331 herd n07994555 herd n07994752 gam n07994818 remuda n07994941 pack n07995074 wolf pack n07995164 pod n07995278 pride n07995365 clowder n07995453 school, shoal n07995617 caste n07995856 colony n07996010 colony n07996149 swarm, cloud n07996412 infestation, plague n07996598 warren n07996689 set n07997338 chess set n07997486 manicure set n07997581 Victoriana n07997703 class, category, family n07998206 brass family n07998323 violin family n07998450 woodwind family n07998573 stamp n07998712 union, sum, join n07998904 direct sum n07999068 intersection, product, Cartesian product n07999291 sex n07999471 field n07999584 field n07999699 set n08000118 domain, domain of a function n08000304 image, range, range of a function n08000644 universal set n08000881 locus n08001083 subgroup n08001209 subset n08001344 null set n08001441 Mandelbrot set n08001685 mathematical space, topological space n08002015 broadcasting company n08002125 bureau de change n08002269 car company, auto company n08002384 dot-com, dot com, dot com company n08002578 drug company, pharmaceutical company, pharma n08002717 East India Company n08003035 electronics company n08003173 film company n08003306 indie n08003427 food company n08003525 furniture company n08003619 mining company n08003717 shipping company n08003839 steel company n08003935 subsidiary company, subsidiary n08004089 transportation company n08004210 trucking company n08004342 subspace n08004443 null space n08004548 manifold n08004695 metric space n08004953 Euclidean space n08005123 Hilbert space n08005260 field n08005580 field n08005761 bit field n08005877 scalar field n08005954 solution, root n08006094 bracket n08006250 income bracket, tax bracket, income tax bracket n08006405 price bracket n08006511 declension n08006741 conjugation n08006868 conjugation n08006989 denomination n08007204 histocompatibility complex n08007430 job lot n08007534 suite n08007667 bedroom suite, bedroom set n08007777 diningroom suite, diningroom set n08007897 livingroom suite, livingroom set n08008017 package, bundle, packet, parcel n08008254 wisp n08008335 organization, organisation n08009239 adhocracy n08009478 affiliate n08009659 bureaucracy n08009834 nongovernmental organization, NGO n08010191 Alcoholics Anonymous, AA n08010364 Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades n08010559 Abu Sayyaf, Bearer of the Sword n08010942 Aksa Martyrs Brigades, al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades, Martyrs of al-Aqsa n08011266 Alex Boncayao Brigade, ABB, Revolutionary Proletarian Army, RPA-ABB n08011523 al-Fatah, Fatah, al-Asifa n08012028 al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, Islamic Group n08012384 al Itihaad al Islamiya, al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, Islamic Unity, AIAI n08012765 al-Jihad, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Islamic Jihad, Vanguards of Conquest n08013176 al-Ma'unah n08013453 al-Muhajiroun n08013653 Al Nathir n08013845 al-Qaeda, Qaeda, al-Qa'ida, al-Qaida, Base n08014202 al-Rashid Trust n08014615 al Sunna Wal Jamma, Followers of the Phrophet n08014860 al-Tawhid, Al Tawhid, Divine Unity n08015116 al-Ummah n08015321 Ansar al Islam, Ansar al-Islam, Supporters of Islam n08015731 Armata Corsa, Corsican Army n08016035 Armed Islamic Group, GIA n08016385 Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia, ASALA, Orly Group, 3rd October Organization n08016900 Army for the Liberation of Rwanda, ALIR, Former Armed Forces, FAR, Interahamwe n08017257 Asbat al-Ansar, Band of Partisans n08017614 Aum Shinrikyo, Aum, Supreme Truth n08017974 Baader Meinhof Gang, Baader-Meinhof Gang n08018189 Basque Homeland and Freedom, Basque Fatherland and Liberty, Euskadi ta Askatasuna, ETA n08018666 Black September Movement n08018983 Chukaku-Ha n08019281 Continuity Irish Republican Army, CIRA, Continuity Army Council n08019523 Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, DFLP, Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, PDFLP n08019913 East Turkistan Islamic Movement, East Turkestan Islamic Movement n08020242 Fatah Revolutionary Council, Fatah-RC, Abu Nidal Organization, ANO, Arab Revolutionary Brigades, Black September, Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims n08020785 Fatah Tanzim, Tanzim n08021129 First of October Antifascist Resistance Group, GRAPO n08021464 Force 17 n08021785 Forces of Umar Al-Mukhtar, Umar al-Mukhtar Forces n08022087 Greenpeace n08022259 Hamas, Islamic Resistance Movement n08022666 Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami, Harakat ul-Jihad-I-Islami, HUJI n08022972 Harkat-ul-Mujahidin, HUM, Harkat ul-Ansar, HUA, Harkat ul-Mujahedeen, Al Faran, Movement of Holy Warriors n08023374 Hizballah, Hezbollah, Hizbollah, Hizbullah, Lebanese Hizballah, Party of God, Islamic Jihad, Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine, Revolutionary Justice Organization, Organization of the Oppressed on Earth n08023843 Hizb ut-Tahrir, Freedom Party n08024096 International Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusaders n08024408 Irish National Liberation Army, INLA, People's Liberation Army, People's Republican Army, Catholic Reaction Force n08024732 Irish Republican Army, IRA, Provisional Irish Republican Army, Provisional IRA, Provos n08025112 Islamic Army of Aden, IAA, Islamic Army of Aden-Abyan, Aden-Abyan Islamic Army n08025497 Islamic Great Eastern Raiders-Front, IBDA-C n08025835 Islamic Group of Uzbekistan, IMU, Islamic Party of Turkestan n08026197 Jaish-i-Mohammed, Jaish-e-Muhammad, JEM, Army of Muhammad n08026539 Jamaat ul-Fuqra, Fuqra, Tanzimul Fuqra n08026904 Japanese Red Army, JRA, Anti-Imperialist International Brigade n08027314 Jayshullah n08027518 Jemaah Islamiyah, JI, Islamic Group, Islamic Community, Malaysian Mujahidin Group, Malaysia Militant Group n08027920 Jerusalem Warriors n08028148 Jund-ul-Islam, Soldiers of God n08028397 Kahane Chai, Kach n08028623 Kaplan Group, Association of Islamic Groups and Communities, Caliphate State n08028999 Khmer Rouge, KR, Party of Democratic Kampuchea, Communist Party of Kampuchea n08029421 Ku Klux Klan, Klan, KKK n08029784 klavern n08029908 Kurdistan Workers Party, Kurdistan Labor Pary, Partiya Karkeran Kurdistan, PPK n08030185 Contras n08030379 Pesh Merga n08030481 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi n08030711 Lashkar-e-Omar, Al Qanoon n08031020 Lashkar-e-Taiba, Lashkar-e-Toiba, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, LET, Army of the Pure, Army of the Righteous n08031386 Laskar Jihad, Holy War Warriors n08031663 Lautaro Youth Movement, Lautaro Faction of the United Popular Action Movement, Lautaro Popular Rebel Forces n08032023 Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, LTTE, Tamil Tigers, Tigers, World Tamil Association, World Tamil Movement n08032594 Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, FIG, Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya, Libyan Fighting Group, Libyan Islamic Group n08032955 Lord's Resistance Army n08033194 Loyalist Volunteer Force n08033454 Maktab al-Khidmat, MAK n08033829 Manuel Rodriquez Patriotic Front n08034028 Moranzanist Patriotic Front n08034299 Moro Islamic Liberation Front n08034579 Mujahedeen Kompak n08034778 Mujahidin-e Khalq Organization, MKO, MEK, People's Mujahidin of Iran n08035233 National Liberation Army, ELN, Nestor Paz Zamora Commission, CNPZ n08035601 National Liberation Army, ELN n08036005 National Liberation Front of Corsica, FLNC n08036293 New People's Army, NPA n08036669 Orange Order, Association of Orangemen n08036849 Orange Group, OV n08037118 Palestine Islamic Jihad, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, PIJ, Harakat al-Jihad al-Islami al-Filastini n08037503 Palestine Liberation Front, PLF, Jabat al-Tahrir al-Filistiniyyah n08037861 Palestinian Hizballah n08038131 Pentagon Gang n08038379 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, PFLP n08038748 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, PFLP-GC n08038995 Popular Struggle Front, PSF n08039312 15 May Organization n08039601 People against Gangsterism and Drugs, PAGAD n08040008 Puka Inti, Sol Rojo, Red Sun n08040257 Qassam Brigades, Salah al-Din Battalions, Iz Al-Din Al-Qassam Battalions n08040522 Qibla n08040762 Real IRA, Real Irish Republican Army, RIRA, Dissident Irish Republican Army n08041106 Red Army Faction, RAF n08041484 Red Brigades, Brigate Rosse, BR n08041840 Red Hand Defenders, RHD n08042183 Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarios de Colombia, FARC n08042536 Revolutionary Organization 17 November, 17 November n08042856 Revolutionary People's Liberation Party, Revolutionary People's Liberation Front n08043169 Revolutionary People's Struggle, ELA n08043499 Revolutionary Proletarian Nucleus, Revolutionary Proletarian Initiative Nuclei, NIPR n08043848 Revolutionary United Front, RUF n08044265 Salafist Group, Salafast Group for Call and Combat, GSPC n08044676 Shining Path, Sendero Luminoso, SL n08045140 Sipah-e-Sahaba n08045428 Tareekh e Kasas, Movement for Revenge n08045681 Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Anaru, MRTA n08046032 Tupac Katari Guerrilla Army, EGTK n08046346 Turkish Hizballah n08046759 Ulster Defence Association, UDA n08047032 United Self-Defense Force of Colombia, United Self-Defense Group of Colombia, Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia, AUC n08047501 Markaz-ud-Dawa-wal-Irshad, MDI n08047747 Red Cross n08047890 Salvation Army n08048042 Tammany Hall, Tammany Society, Tammany n08048300 Umma Tameer-e-Nau, UTN n08048625 fiefdom n08048743 line of defense, line of defence n08048948 line organization, line organisation n08049125 National Trust, NT n08049401 association n08049989 British Commonwealth, Commonwealth of Nations n08050385 polity n08050484 quango, quasi-NGO n08050678 government, authorities, regime n08051384 authoritarian state, authoritarian regime n08051565 bureaucracy n08051739 ancien regime n08051946 court, royal court n08052135 Court of Saint James's n08052227 Porte, Sublime Porte n08052330 Downing Street n08052413 empire n08052549 federal government n08052690 government-in-exile n08052874 local government n08053003 military government, stratocracy n08053121 palace n08053260 papacy, pontificate n08053407 Soviets n08053576 institution, establishment n08053905 medical institution n08054076 clinic n08054226 extended care facility n08054417 hospital n08054613 eye clinic n08054721 financial institution, financial organization, financial organisation n08055150 issuer n08055321 giro n08055516 clearing house n08055718 lending institution n08055824 charity n08055964 community chest n08056128 soup kitchen n08056231 enterprise n08056471 giant n08056601 collective n08056747 collective farm n08056873 kibbutz n08057068 kolkhoz n08057206 agency n08057460 brokerage n08057633 carrier, common carrier n08057816 chain n08058098 company n08058937 conglomerate, empire n08059125 large cap n08059250 small cap n08059412 corporation, corp n08059870 firm, house, business firm n08060193 franchise, dealership n08060446 manufacturer, maker, manufacturing business n08060694 partnership n08060878 copartnership n08061042 business, concern, business concern, business organization, business organisation n08061609 apparel chain n08061695 discount chain n08061801 restaurant chain n08061905 distributor n08062092 direct mailer n08062206 retail chain n08062326 accounting firm n08062464 consulting firm, consulting company n08062623 publisher, publishing house, publishing firm, publishing company n08062842 publishing conglomerate, publishing empire n08062970 newspaper, paper, newspaper publisher n08063129 newsroom n08063303 magazine, magazine publisher n08063446 dealer n08063650 car dealer n08063738 computer dealer n08063836 jewelry dealer, jewelry store n08063947 truck dealer n08064039 law firm n08064130 defense, defence, defense force, defence force n08064372 bastion n08064523 defense, defence, defense team, defense lawyers n08064742 prosecution n08064888 planting n08065093 commercial enterprise n08065234 industry n08065937 processor n08066095 armorer, armourer n08066186 aluminum business, aluminum industry n08066317 apparel industry, garment industry, fashion industry, fashion business, rag trade n08066491 banking industry, banking system n08066644 bottler n08066763 car manufacturer, car maker, carmaker, auto manufacturer, auto maker, automaker n08066965 computer business n08067077 automobile industry n08067218 aviation n08067342 chemical industry n08067460 coal industry n08067565 computer industry n08067683 construction industry, housing industry n08067801 electronics industry n08067951 entertainment industry, show business, show biz n08068151 film industry, movie industry n08068375 Bollywood n08068457 filmdom, screenland, screen n08068597 Hollywood n08068691 growth industry n08068788 lighting industry n08068924 munitions industry, arms industry n08069050 oil industry, refining industry, oil business n08069241 oil company n08069342 packaging company, packaging concern n08069487 pipeline company n08069627 printing concern, printing business, printing company n08069768 plastics industry n08069878 brokerage, brokerage firm, securities firm n08070130 bucket shop n08070236 commodity brokerage n08070341 marriage brokerage, marriage mart n08070465 insurance company, insurance firm, insurer, insurance underwriter, underwriter n08070674 pension fund n08070850 investment company, investment trust, investment firm, fund n08071229 hedge fund, hedgefund n08071516 mutual fund, mutual fund company, open-end fund, open-end investment company n08071756 index fund n08071908 closed-end fund, closed-end investment company n08072104 face-amount certificate company n08072287 Real Estate Investment Trust, REIT n08072536 unit investment trust, unit trust n08072837 market, securities industry n08073130 bear market n08073243 bull market n08073355 the City n08073468 Wall Street, the Street n08073601 money market n08073700 service industry n08073844 management consulting n08073992 shipbuilder n08074109 shipbuilding industry n08074225 shoe industry n08074330 sign industry n08074421 signage n08074582 steel industry n08074691 sunrise industry n08074879 tobacco industry n08075009 toy industry, toy business n08075140 trucking industry n08075287 agriculture n08075388 brotherhood, fraternity, sodality n08075647 sisterhood n08075847 establishment n08075929 corporate investor n08076075 target company, takeover target n08076253 raider n08076455 sleeping beauty n08076578 underperformer n08076705 white knight n08076833 white squire n08076946 auction house n08077035 A-team n08077177 battery n08077292 administrative unit, administrative body n08077711 company n08077842 coronary care unit n08078020 family, household, house, home, menage n08078453 menage a trois n08078644 flying squad n08078819 major-league team, major-league club n08078976 minor-league team, minor-league club n08079151 farm team, farm club n08079319 baseball team n08079613 baseball club, ball club, club, nine n08079852 basketball team, five n08080025 football team, eleven n08080386 hockey team n08080510 junior varsity, JV n08080652 varsity, first team n08080762 second string n08080947 police squad, squad n08081142 powerhouse n08081244 offense, offence n08081403 defense, defence, defending team n08081668 religion, faith, organized religion n08082236 Christendom, Christianity n08082602 church, Christian church n08082899 church n08083083 Armenian Church, Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church n08083320 Catholic Church n08083599 Roman Catholic, Western Church, Roman Catholic Church, Church of Rome, Roman Church n08085159 Albigenses, Cathars, Cathari n08085359 Nestorian Church n08085535 Rome n08085648 Curia n08085824 Sacred College, College of Cardinals n08086050 Old Catholic Church n08086219 Eastern Church, Byzantine Church n08086356 Orthodox Church, Orthodox Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Eastern Church, Eastern Orthodox n08086646 Greek Orthodox Church, Greek Church n08086821 Russian Orthodox Church n08086987 Uniat Church, Uniate Church n08087203 Coptic Church n08087319 Pentecostal religion n08087570 Protestant Church, Protestant n08087776 Christian Church, Disciples of Christ n08087981 Anglican Church, Anglican Communion, Church of England n08088472 Episcopal Church, Protestant Episcopal Church n08088675 Church of Ireland n08088792 Episcopal Church, Episcopal Church of Scotland n08088963 High Church, High Anglican Church n08089205 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Mormon Church, Mormons n08089420 Baptist Church, Baptists n08089627 Baptist denomination n08089797 American Baptist Convention, Northern Baptist Convention n08089955 Southern Baptist Convention n08090083 Arminian Baptist, General Baptist n08090329 Calvinistic Baptist, Particular Baptist n08090547 Church of the Brethren, Dunkers, Dippers n08090803 Christian Science, Church of Christ Scientist n08090973 Congregational Church n08091152 Congregational Christian Church n08091290 Evangelical and Reformed Church n08091412 United Church of Christ n08091575 Jehovah's Witnesses n08091744 Lutheran Church n08091891 Presbyterian Church n08092040 Unitarian Church n08092190 Arminian Church n08092340 Methodist Church, Methodists n08092539 Methodist denomination n08092713 Wesleyan Methodist Church, Wesleyan Methodists n08092855 Evangelical United Brethren Church n08092960 United Methodist Church n08093111 Anabaptist denomination n08093269 Mennonite Church n08093421 Unification Church n08093653 Abecedarian n08093813 Amish sect n08094013 Judaism, Hebraism, Jewish religion n08094262 Sanhedrin n08094386 Karaites n08094659 Orthodox Judaism, Jewish Orthodoxy n08094866 Hasidim, Hassidim, Hasidism, Chasidim, Chassidim n08095160 Conservative Judaism n08095426 Reform Judaism n08095647 Islam, Muslimism n08096027 Islamism n08096301 Shiah, Shia, Shiah Islam n08096474 Sunni, Sunni Islam n08096624 Hinduism, Hindooism n08096950 Brahmanism, Brahminism n08097072 Shivaism, Sivaism n08097222 Shaktism, Saktism n08097391 Vaishnavism, Vaisnavism n08097531 Haredi n08097766 Hare Krishna, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON n08098192 Jainism n08098346 Taoism n08098499 Taoism n08098708 Buddhism n08099029 Zen, Zen Buddhism n08099264 Mahayana n08099475 Hinayana n08099647 Tantrism n08099825 Khalsa n08100033 Scientology, Church of Scientology n08100320 Shinto n08100481 Kokka Shinto, Kokka n08100656 Shuha Shinto, Shua n08100778 established church n08100907 vicariate, vicarship n08101085 variety n08101410 breed, strain, stock n08101755 bloodstock n08101846 pedigree n08101937 lineage, line, line of descent, descent, bloodline, blood line, blood, pedigree, ancestry, origin, parentage, stemma, stock n08102282 side n08102402 genealogy, family tree n08102555 phylum n08103299 subphylum n08103457 superphylum n08103635 phylum n08103777 class n08106661 subclass n08106798 superclass n08106934 order n08107191 suborder n08107343 superorder n08107499 family n08108304 superfamily n08108450 form family n08108627 subfamily n08108784 tribe n08108972 genus n08109624 subgenus n08109772 monotype n08109940 type genus n08110197 form genus n08110373 species n08110648 subspecies, race n08110866 endangered species n08111027 fish species n08111157 form, variant, strain, var. n08111419 type n08111599 type species n08111783 civilization, civilisation n08112096 profession n08112402 legal profession, bar, legal community n08112630 health profession n08112829 medical profession, medical community n08112976 nursing n08113073 businessmen, business community n08113197 community of scholars n08113322 economics profession n08113443 priesthood n08113634 pastorate n08113710 prelacy, prelature n08113797 ministry n08113910 rabbinate n08114004 ministry n08114152 Foreign Office n08114287 Home Office n08114400 French Foreign Office, Quai d'Orsay n08114581 Free French, Fighting French n08114861 department, section n08115204 academic department n08115602 anthropology department, department of anthropology n08115778 art department n08115912 biology department, department of biology n08116073 chemistry department, department of chemistry n08116240 department of computer science n08116398 economics department, department of economics n08116565 English department, department of English n08116734 history department, department of history n08116879 linguistics department, department of linguistics n08117052 mathematics department, department of mathematics n08117225 philosophy department, department of philosophy n08117379 physics department, department of physics n08117540 music department, department of music n08117702 psychology department, department of psychology n08117872 sociology department, department of sociology n08118039 business department n08118260 advertising department, advertising division n08118414 editorial department n08118592 city desk, city room n08118725 sports desk n08118849 parts department n08118991 personnel department, personnel office, personnel, staff office n08119226 plant department, building department n08119397 purchasing department n08119525 sales department, sales division, sales force n08119698 service department n08119821 government department n08120079 payroll, payroll department n08120235 treasury n08120384 local department, department of local government n08120624 corrections, department of corrections n08120910 security, security department n08121117 fire department n08121301 fire brigade n08121394 fire brigade, fire company n08121542 police department n08121694 sanitation department n08121867 Special Branch n08122009 State Department n08122141 federal department, federal office, department of the federal government n08122358 Atomic Energy Commission, AEC n08122596 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC n08122768 Manhattan Project n08122960 Environmental Protection Agency, EPA n08123167 executive department n08123696 executive agency n08123970 Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA n08124256 Food and Drug Administration, FDA n08124496 Council of Economic Advisors n08124649 Center for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC n08124971 Central Intelligence Agency, CIA n08125420 Counterterrorist Center, CTC n08125722 Nonproliferation Center, NPC n08125993 Interstate Commerce Commission, ICC n08126290 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA n08126483 National Archives and Records Administration, NARA n08126716 National Labor Relations Board, NLRB n08126921 National Science Foundation, NSF n08127166 Postal Rate Commission n08127304 United States Postal Service, US Postal Service, USPS n08127557 United States Postal Inspection Service, US Postal Inspection Service n08127760 National Security Council, NSC n08128004 Council on Environmental Policy n08128159 Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Chiefs n08128492 Office of Management and Budget, OMB n08128645 United States Trade Representative, US Trade Representative n08128837 White House, EXEC n08128964 Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Department, Agriculture, USDA n08129268 Department of Commerce, Commerce Department, Commerce, DoC n08129621 Bureau of the Census, Census Bureau n08129883 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA n08130292 National Climatic Data Center, NCDC n08130476 National Weather Service n08130712 Technology Administration n08131005 National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST n08131254 National Technical Information Service, NTIS n08131530 Department of Defense, Defense Department, United States Department of Defense, Defense, DoD n08132046 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA n08132323 Department of Defense Laboratory System, LABLINK n08132637 Department of Education, Education Department, Education n08132955 Department of Energy, Energy Department, Energy, DOE n08133189 Department of Energy Intelligence, DOEI n08133536 Department of Health and Human Services, Health and Human Services, HHS n08133855 United States Public Health Service, PHS n08134081 National Institutes of Health, NIH n08134415 Federal Communications Commission, FCC n08134649 Social Security Administration, SSA n08134807 Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security n08135062 Department of Housing and Urban Development, Housing and Urban Development, HUD n08135342 Department of Justice, Justice Department, Justice, DoJ n08135770 Bureau of Justice Assistance, BJA n08136027 Bureau of Justice Statistics, BJS n08136260 Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI n08136502 Immigration and Naturalization Service, INS n08136767 United States Border Patrol, US Border Patrol n08137028 Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, FLETC n08137251 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, FinCEN n08137495 Department of Labor, Labor Department, Labor, DoL n08137738 Department of State, United States Department of State, State Department, State, DoS n08138079 Foggy Bottom n08138259 Bureau of Diplomatic Security, DS n08138466 Foreign Service n08138686 Bureau of Intelligence and Research, INR n08139000 Department of the Interior, Interior Department, Interior, DoI n08139270 United States Fish and Wildlife Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS n08139637 National Park Service n08139795 Department of the Treasury, Treasury Department, Treasury, United States Treasury n08140219 Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, ATF n08140506 Financial Management Service n08140767 Office of Intelligence Support, OIS n08141092 Criminal Investigation Command, CID n08141374 Drug Enforcement Administration, Drug Enforcement Agency, DEA n08141664 Federal Bureau of Prisons, BoP n08141951 Federal Judiciary n08142170 National Institute of Justice, NIJ n08142370 United States Marshals Service, US Marshals Service, Marshals n08142801 Comptroller of the Currency n08142972 Bureau of Customs, Customs Bureau, Customs Service, USCB n08143163 Bureau of Engraving and Printing n08143321 Internal Revenue Service, IRS n08143486 Inland Revenue, IR n08143653 Department of Transportation, Transportation, DoT n08143926 Federal Aviation Agency, FAA n08144122 Department of Veterans Affairs, VA n08144308 Transportation Security Administration, TSA n08144524 Department of Commerce and Labor n08144720 Department of Health Education and Welfare n08144907 Navy Department n08145092 War Department n08145277 United States Post Office, US Post Office, Post Office, PO n08145553 post office, local post office n08145701 general delivery, poste restante n08145871 generally accepted accounting principles, GAAP n08146135 instrumentality n08146410 neonatal intensive care unit, NICU n08146593 intensive care unit, ICU n08146782 denomination n08147019 communion n08147188 Protestant denomination n08147670 brethren n08147794 order, monastic order n08148067 Augustinian order n08148294 Augustinian Canons n08148388 Augustinian Hermits n08148512 Austin Friars n08148601 Benedictine order, order of Saint Benedict n08148827 Carmelite order, Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel n08149004 Carthusian order n08149160 Dominican order n08149314 Franciscan order n08149473 Society of Jesus, Jesuit order n08149781 sect, religious sect, religious order n08150377 Religious Society of Friends, Society of Friends, Quakers n08150576 Shakers, United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing n08150770 Assemblies of God n08150892 Waldenses, Vaudois n08151096 Zurvanism n08151229 cult n08151490 cult n08151753 cargo cult n08152069 macumba n08152198 obeah, obi n08152353 Rastafarian n08152507 voodoo n08152657 sainthood n08152787 clergy n08153022 cardinalate n08153102 laity, temporalty n08153337 pantheon n08153437 royalty, royal family, royal line, royal house n08153874 Ordnance Survey n08154012 Bourbon, Bourbon dynasty n08154213 Capetian dynasty n08154363 Carolingian dynasty, Carlovingian dynasty n08154548 Flavian dynasty n08154703 Han, Han dynasty n08154960 Hanover, House of Hanover, Hanoverian line n08155302 Habsburg, Hapsburg n08155518 Hohenzollern n08155765 Lancaster, House of Lancaster, Lancastrian line n08156054 Liao, Liao dynasty n08156200 Merovingian, Merovingian dynasty n08156392 Ming, Ming dynasty n08156505 Ottoman, Ottoman dynasty n08156685 Plantagenet, Plantagenet line n08156948 Ptolemy, Ptolemaic dynasty n08157182 Qin, Qin dynasty, Ch'in, Ch'in dynasty n08157405 Qing, Qing dynasty, Ch'ing, Ch'ing dynasty, Manchu, Manchu dynasty n08157672 Romanov, Romanoff n08157809 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha n08158089 Seljuk n08158314 Shang, Shang dynasty n08158460 Stuart n08158741 Sung, Sung dynasty, Song, Song dynasty n08158920 Tang, Tang dynasty n08159031 Tudor, House of Tudor n08159331 Umayyad, Ommiad, Omayyad n08159464 Valois n08159591 Wei, Wei dynasty n08159740 Windsor, House of Windsor n08159924 York, House of York n08160146 Yuan, Yuan dynasty, Mongol dynasty n08160276 citizenry, people n08160586 Achaean, Arcado-Cyprians n08160697 Aeolian n08160808 Dorian n08160947 Ionian n08161068 electorate n08161258 governed n08161477 senate n08161591 United States Senate, U.S. Senate, US Senate, Senate n08161757 Congress, United States Congress, U.S. Congress, US Congress n08161971 United States House of Representatives, U.S. House of Representatives, US House of Representatives, House of Representatives, U.S. House, US House n08162245 Government Accounting Office, GAO, United States Government Accounting Office n08162575 House of Burgesses n08162691 House of Commons, British House of Commons n08162860 House of Lords, British House of Lords n08163025 house n08163273 legislature, legislative assembly, legislative body, general assembly, law-makers n08163702 legislative council n08163792 assembly n08164110 Areopagus n08164261 States General n08164464 Estates General n08164585 administration, governance, governing body, establishment, brass, organization, organisation n08165353 top brass n08165455 executive n08165650 Bush administration n08165760 Clinton administration n08165866 Bush administration n08165979 Reagan administration n08166083 Carter administration n08166187 judiciary, bench n08166318 judiciary, judicature, judicatory, judicial system n08166552 nation, land, country n08166931 commonwealth country n08167046 developing country n08167249 Dominion n08167365 estate of the realm, estate, the three estates n08167779 first estate, Lords Spiritual n08167953 second estate, Lords Temporal n08168117 third estate, Commons n08168241 fourth estate n08168367 foreign country n08168531 tribe, federation of tribes n08168737 Free World n08168831 Third World n08168978 state, nation, country, land, commonwealth, res publica, body politic n08169573 Reich n08169677 Holy Roman Empire n08169919 Hohenzollern empire, Second Reich n08170070 Weimar Republic n08170255 Third Reich, Nazi Germany n08170374 rogue state, renegade state, rogue nation n08170535 suzerain n08170686 member n08170978 allies n08171094 bloc, axis n08171210 Allies n08171415 Central Powers n08171592 Allies n08171792 Axis n08171992 entente, entente cordiale n08172103 Arab League n08172695 Europe n08172877 Asia n08173030 North America n08173165 Central America n08173289 South America n08173515 European Union, EU, European Community, EC, European Economic Community, EEC, Common Market, Europe n08174167 Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, SHAPE n08174398 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO n08174995 Allied Command Atlantic, ACLANT n08175233 Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic, SACLANT n08175498 Allied Command Europe, ACE n08175700 Supreme Allied Commander Europe, SACEUR n08175875 Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, OPCW n08176077 Organization of American States, OAS n08176901 Pan American Union n08177030 Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries, OPEC n08177487 sea power n08177592 world power, major power, great power, power, superpower n08177781 hegemon n08177863 church-state n08177958 city state, city-state n08178085 welfare state n08178321 puppet government, puppet state, pupet regime n08178547 state n08178741 population n08178935 overpopulation n08179033 overspill n08179205 poor people, poor n08179455 rich people, rich n08179689 populace, public, world n08179879 population n08180067 home front n08180190 multitude, masses, mass, hoi polloi, people, the great unwashed n08180484 admass n08180639 labor, labour, working class, proletariat n08180944 labor force, labor pool n08181075 lumpenproletariat n08181267 organized labor n08181375 Laurel and Hardy n08181540 lower class, underclass n08181658 middle class, bourgeoisie n08181820 booboisie n08181930 commonalty, commonality, commons n08182105 petit bourgeois, petite bourgeoisie, petty bourgeoisie n08182283 peasantry n08182379 crowd n08182716 multitude, throng, concourse n08182892 hive n08182962 horde, host, legion n08183046 ruck, herd n08183290 army n08183398 crush, jam, press n08183541 traffic jam, snarl-up n08183698 gridlock n08183802 host, legion n08183920 Roman Legion n08184052 Sabaoth n08184217 drove, horde, swarm n08184335 drove n08184439 huddle n08184600 mob, rabble, rout n08184730 lynch mob n08184861 company n08185063 attendance n08185211 limited company, Ltd., Ld. n08185369 holding company n08185501 bank holding company n08185643 multibank holding company n08185758 utility, public utility, public utility company, public-service corporation n08186047 service n08186221 telephone company, telephone service, phone company, phone service, telco n08186393 power company, power service, electric company, light company n08186546 water company, waterworks n08186655 gas company, gas service n08186761 bus company, bus service n08186898 livery company n08187033 company, troupe n08187370 opera company n08187460 theater company n08187569 stock company, repertory company n08187707 ballet company n08187837 chorus n08187988 chorus, Greek chorus n08188235 ensemble n08188449 chorus, chorus line n08188638 choir n08188814 choir, consort n08188967 husking bee, cornhusking n08189089 corps de ballet, ensemble n08189211 circus n08189371 minstrel show n08189581 minstrelsy n08189659 unit, social unit n08190292 command n08190482 enemy n08190609 task force n08190754 army unit n08191230 army, regular army, ground forces n08191532 naval unit n08191701 navy, naval forces n08191987 United States Navy, US Navy, USN, Navy n08192361 coastguard n08192557 United States Coast Guard, U. S. Coast Guard, US Coast Guard n08192817 Marines n08192970 United States Marine Corps, United States Marines, Marine Corps, US Marine Corps, USMC n08193212 Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, NAWCWPNS n08193448 Naval Special Warfare, NSW n08193645 Naval Surface Warfare Center, NSWC n08193854 Naval Underwater Warfare Center, NUWC n08194074 United States Naval Academy, US Naval Academy n08194266 Office of Naval Intelligence, ONI n08194546 Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, MCIA n08194815 Air Corps n08194927 United States Air Force Academy, US Air Force Academy n08195132 Royal Air Force, RAF n08195229 Luftwaffe, German Luftwaffe n08195323 League of Nations n08195636 Peace Corps n08195797 air unit n08196024 air force, airforce n08196230 United States Air Force, U. S. Air Force, US Air Force, Air Force, USAF n08196622 Air Combat Command, ACC n08196892 Air Force Space Command, AFSPC n08197149 Air National Guard, ANG n08197386 Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Air Force ISR, AFISR n08197742 armor, armour n08197895 guerrilla force, guerilla force n08198137 military service, armed service, service n08198398 military unit, military force, military group, force n08199025 military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine n08206460 military reserve, reserve n08206663 mujahidin, mujahedin, mujahedeen, mujahadeen, mujahadin, mujahideen, mujahadein n08207001 Mujahedeen Khalq n08207095 Pentagon n08207209 paramilitary, paramilitary force, paramilitary unit, paramilitary organization, paramilitary organisation n08207540 fedayeen n08207672 Fedayeen Saddam, Saddam's Martyrs n08207863 force n08208016 force, personnel n08208444 task force n08208560 team, squad n08209076 hit squad n08209187 death squad n08209386 Sparrow Unit n08209519 bench n08209687 police, police force, constabulary, law n08210042 Europol, European Law Enforcement Organisation n08210254 gendarmerie, gendarmery n08210411 Mutawa'een, Mutawa n08210670 Royal Canadian Mounted Police, RCMP, Mounties n08210835 Scotland Yard, New Scotland Yard n08210982 security force, private security force n08211169 vice squad n08211290 military police, MP n08211475 shore patrol n08211584 secret police n08211760 Gestapo n08211924 Schutzstaffel, SS n08212146 SA, Sturmabteilung, Storm Troops n08212347 work force, workforce, manpower, hands, men n08212527 corps, army corps n08212740 Women's Army Corps, WAC n08212920 Reserve Officers Training Corps, ROTC n08213079 corps n08213205 division n08213424 Special Forces, U. S. Army Special Forces, United States Army Special Forces n08213671 battle group n08213817 regiment n08213978 brigade n08214083 battalion n08214272 company n08214470 platoon n08214698 platoon n08214832 section n08214966 den n08215044 platoon n08215248 detachment n08215495 vanguard, van n08215603 guard n08215801 bodyguard n08215989 yeomanry n08216176 patrol n08216295 picket n08216408 press gang n08216535 provost guard n08216647 rearguard n08216795 section n08216900 section n08217135 brass section, brass n08217302 string section, strings n08217450 violin section n08217557 percussion section, percussion, rhythm section n08217738 trumpet section n08217865 reed section n08218004 clarinet section n08218122 squad n08218212 complement, full complement n08218393 shift n08218592 day shift, day watch n08218713 evening shift n08218832 night shift, graveyard shift n08218965 relay n08219059 ship's company, company n08219226 division, naval division n08219330 division, air division n08219493 wing n08219628 air group n08219768 squadron n08219923 escadrille n08220089 squadron n08220228 squadron n08220367 escadrille n08220440 flight n08220534 flight n08220620 flight n08220714 division n08220891 division n08221348 division n08221747 form division n08221897 audience n08222203 gallery n08222293 audience n08222571 readership n08222750 viewing audience, TV audience, viewers n08222871 grandstand n08222966 house n08223137 claque n08223263 following, followers n08223475 faithful n08223581 fandom n08223688 parish n08223802 community n08224274 community n08224413 convent n08224580 house n08224684 Ummah, Umma, Muslim Ummah, Islamic Ummah, Islam Nation n08224985 speech community n08225090 neighborhood, neighbourhood n08225334 hood n08225426 street n08225581 municipality n08225736 municipal government n08225853 commission plan n08226018 state government n08226127 totalitarian state, totalitation regime n08226335 city, metropolis n08226514 town, townspeople, townsfolk n08226699 village, small town, settlement n08226838 moshav n08226978 hamlet, crossroads n08227088 cooperative n08227214 club, social club, society, guild, gild, lodge, order n08227916 family, fellowship n08228229 koinonia n08228405 athenaeum, atheneum n08228538 bookclub n08228665 chapter n08228838 chapter n08228980 American Legion n08229134 Veterans of Foreign Wars, VFW n08229275 chess club n08229362 country club n08229467 fraternity, frat n08229605 glee club n08229694 golf club n08229779 hunt, hunt club n08229887 investors club n08230009 jockey club n08230110 racket club n08230219 rowing club n08230294 slate club n08230477 sorority n08230590 tennis club n08230679 turnverein n08230785 yacht club, boat club n08230906 yakuza n08231065 yoke n08231184 league, conference n08231499 major league, big league, majors n08231678 minor league, minors, bush league n08231874 baseball league n08231999 little league n08232160 little-league team n08232299 basketball league n08232410 bowling league n08232496 football league n08232603 hockey league n08232706 Ivy League n08233056 union, labor union, trade union, trades union, brotherhood n08233426 industrial union, vertical union n08233627 Teamsters Union n08233762 United Mine Workers of America, United Mine Workers n08233913 American Federation of Labor, AFL n08234103 American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, AFL-CIO n08234298 Congress of Industrial Organizations, CIO n08234493 craft union n08234628 credit union n08234792 company union n08234935 open shop n08235076 closed shop n08235173 union shop n08235343 secret society n08235513 Freemasonry, Masonry n08235623 Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, National Volunteers Association n08235828 service club n08236027 Lions Club, International Association of Lions clubs n08236251 Rotary Club, Rotary International n08236438 consortium, pool, syndicate n08236621 trust, corporate trust, combine, cartel n08236963 drug cartel n08237202 Medellin cartel n08237400 Cali cartel n08237699 oil cartel n08237863 cast, cast of characters, dramatis personae n08238048 ensemble, supporting players n08238156 constituency n08238313 electoral college n08238463 class, form, grade, course n08238660 class, year n08238909 graduating class n08239024 master class n08239152 section, discussion section n08239383 senior class n08239488 junior class n08239590 sophomore class n08239706 freshman class n08239808 class, division n08240022 revolving door n08240169 set, circle, band, lot n08240484 car pool n08240633 clique, coterie, ingroup, inner circle, pack, camp n08240966 Bloomsbury Group n08241309 bohemia n08241512 kitchen cabinet, brain trust n08241654 loop n08241798 cabal, faction, junto, camarilla n08241964 military junta, junta n08242100 cadre n08242223 core, nucleus, core group n08242428 portfolio n08242675 professional association n08242799 gang, crew, work party n08243081 detail n08243248 chain gang n08243340 ground crew, ground-service crew n08243492 road gang n08243570 section gang n08243695 stage crew n08243851 Fabian Society n08244062 gang, pack, ring, mob n08244346 nest n08244532 sleeper nest n08244747 youth gang n08244895 demimonde n08245059 underworld n08245172 organized crime, gangland, gangdom n08245425 mafia, maffia n08245549 Mafia, Maffia, Sicilian Mafia n08245802 Mafia, Maffia, Cosa Nostra n08246036 Black Hand n08246185 Camorra n08246302 syndicate, crime syndicate, mob, family n08246502 yeomanry n08246613 musical organization, musical organisation, musical group n08247021 duet, duette, duo n08247152 trio n08247251 quartet, quartette n08247400 barbershop quartet n08247561 string quartet, string quartette n08247703 quintet, quintette n08247816 sextet, sextette, sestet n08247935 septet, septette n08248047 octet, octette n08248157 orchestra n08248411 chamber orchestra n08248521 gamelan n08248747 string orchestra n08248856 symphony orchestra, symphony, philharmonic n08249038 band n08249207 marching band n08249336 brass band n08249459 concert band, military band n08249608 jug band n08249752 pop group n08249854 indie n08249960 dance band, band, dance orchestra n08250168 big band n08250302 jazz band, jazz group, combo n08250409 mariachi n08250501 rock group, rock band n08250635 skiffle group n08250750 steel band n08250889 horde n08250978 Golden Horde n08251104 cohort n08251213 cohort n08251303 conspiracy, confederacy n08251493 Four Hundred n08251605 horsy set, horsey set n08251756 jet set n08251877 faction, sect n08252083 splinter group n08252211 social gathering, social affair n08252467 function n08252602 party n08253045 shindig, shindy n08253141 dance n08253268 ball n08253450 masquerade, masquerade party, masque, mask n08253640 banquet, feast n08253815 dinner, dinner party n08254055 gaudy n08254195 beanfeast n08254331 reception n08254540 at home n08254627 levee n08254741 tea n08254876 wedding reception n08254993 open house n08255109 housewarming n08255231 soiree n08255373 musical soiree, soiree musicale n08255508 garden party, lawn party, fete champetre n08255660 bachelor party n08255795 shower n08256005 stag party, smoker n08256151 hen party n08256229 slumber party n08256369 sociable, social, mixer n08256567 supper n08256735 wedding, wedding party n08256968 party, political party n08257779 American Labor Party n08257971 American Party, Know-Nothing Party n08258184 Anti-Masonic Party n08258358 Black Panthers n08258523 Communist Party n08258744 Conservative Party n08258974 Constitutional Union Party n08259156 Democratic Party n08259318 Democratic-Republican Party n08259611 Farmer-Labor Party n08259753 Federalist Party, American Federalist Party, Federal Party n08260002 Free Soil Party n08260220 Gironde n08260386 Green Party n08260498 Greenback Party n08260691 Kuomintang, Guomindang n08260961 labor party, labour party n08261162 Australian Labor Party n08261320 British Labour Party, Labour Party, Labour, Labor n08261589 Liberal Democrat Party n08261810 Liberal Party n08261958 Liberty Party n08262154 Militant Tendency n08262309 National Socialist German Workers' Party, Nazi Party n08262494 People's Party, Populist Party n08262695 Progressive Party, Bull Moose Party n08262937 Prohibition Party n08263113 Republican Party, GOP n08263303 Social Democratic Party n08263560 Socialist Labor Party n08263733 Socialist Party n08263870 States' Rights Democratic Party, Dixiecrats n08264110 war party n08264203 Whig Party n08264441 third party n08264583 machine, political machine n08264759 machine n08264897 party, company n08265252 fatigue party n08265347 landing party n08265469 party to the action, party to the transaction n08265614 rescue party n08265692 search party n08265790 stretcher party n08265912 war party n08266070 professional organization, professional organisation n08266235 table, tabular array n08266542 actuarial table, statistical table n08266669 mortality table n08266849 calendar n08267008 perpetual calendar n08267197 file allocation table n08267446 periodic table n08267640 matrix n08267956 dot matrix n08268085 square matrix n08268321 diagonal n08268636 main diagonal, principal diagonal n08268807 secondary diagonal n08268962 diagonal matrix n08269114 scalar matrix n08269257 identity matrix, unit matrix n08269396 determinant n08269506 Latin square n08269707 magic square n08269939 nonsingular matrix n08270067 real matrix n08270169 singular matrix n08270290 transpose n08270417 diagonal n08270662 Oort cloud n08270938 galaxy n08271042 galaxy, extragalactic nebula n08271457 spiral galaxy, spiral nebula n08271656 Andromeda galaxy n08271801 legion n08271941 foreign legion n08272086 French Foreign Legion n08272248 legion n08272352 echelon n08272460 phalanx n08272564 phalanx n08272652 score n08272774 threescore n08272860 synset n08272961 combination n08273167 crew n08273406 aircrew, air crew n08273531 bomber crew, bomber aircrew n08273645 merchant marine n08273736 crew n08273843 crowd, crew, gang, bunch n08274004 shock troops n08274126 SWAT team, SWAT squad, Special Weapons and Tactics team, Special Weapons and Tactics squad n08274354 troop n08274443 troop n08274565 troop, flock n08274718 troop, scout troop, scout group n08274826 outfit n08274923 academia, academe n08275081 Grub Street n08275185 school n08275497 Ashcan School, Eight n08275704 deconstructivism n08275843 historical school n08276053 pointillism n08276342 educational institution n08276539 preschool n08276720 school n08277393 school n08277612 junior school n08277709 infant school n08277805 academy n08278032 yeshiva, yeshivah n08278169 college n08278324 college n08278589 correspondence school n08278707 crammer n08278822 dancing school n08278924 direct-grant school n08279184 driving school n08279298 academy n08279424 police academy n08279524 military academy n08279665 naval academy n08279800 air force academy n08279943 Plato's Academy n08280124 academy, honorary society n08280462 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences n08280649 Academy of Television Arts and Sciences n08280813 French Academy n08281029 National Academy of Sciences n08281205 Royal Academy, Royal Academy of Arts n08281409 Royal Society, Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge n08281682 business college n08281812 business school n08281963 dental school, school of dentistry n08282109 finishing school n08282257 flying school n08282364 junior college n08282542 community college n08282696 graduate school, grad school n08282950 language school n08283051 law school, school of law n08283180 madrasa, madrasah n08283507 medical school, school of medicine n08283649 music school, school of music n08283757 nursing school, school of nursing n08283866 pesantran, pesantren n08284054 religious school n08284221 church school, parochial school n08284370 riding school n08284481 secondary school, lyceum, lycee, Gymnasium, middle school n08284847 secretarial school n08284994 seminary n08285109 seminary n08285246 technical school, tech n08285407 polytechnic institute, polytechnic, engineering school n08285594 trade school, vocational school n08285719 trainband n08285896 training college n08286039 training school n08286163 university n08286342 gown n08286569 university n08286801 multiversity n08286946 Open University n08287182 varsity n08287335 veterinary school n08287436 conservatory n08287586 staff, faculty n08287844 culture, civilization, civilisation n08288189 open society n08288390 tribal society n08288518 hunting and gathering tribe, hunting and gathering society n08288753 subculture n08288977 suburbia n08289089 youth culture n08289282 hip-hop n08289449 youth subculture n08289841 flower people, hippies, hipsters n08290156 Aegean civilization, Aegean civilisation, Aegean culture n08290435 Helladic civilization, Helladic civilisation, Helladic culture n08290616 Indus civilization n08290763 Minoan civilization, Minoan civilisation, Minoan culture n08290928 Cycladic civilization, Cycladic civilisation, Cycladic culture, Cyclades n08291157 Mycenaean civilization, Mycenaean civilisation, Mycenaean culture n08291338 Paleo-American culture, Paleo-Amerind culture, Paleo-Indian culture n08291582 Clovis culture n08291813 Folsom culture n08292051 Western culture, Western civilization n08292298 psychedelia n08292418 Rastafari, Rastas n08292756 fleet n08293003 armada n08293088 Spanish Armada, Invincible Armada n08293238 battle fleet n08293336 fleet n08293490 fleet n08293684 motor pool n08293831 fleet n08293982 alliance, coalition, alignment, alinement n08294395 nonalignment, nonalinement n08294581 popular front n08294696 world organization, world organisation, international organization, international organisation, global organization n08295138 Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS n08295580 United Nations, UN n08295894 deliberative assembly n08296059 General Assembly n08296196 United Nations Secretariat n08296332 Security Council, SC n08296500 Trusteeship Council, TC n08296720 Economic and Social Council, ECOSOC n08296911 Economic and Social Council commission, ECOSOC commission n08297284 Commission on Human Rights n08297464 Commission on Narcotic Drugs n08297646 Commission on the Status of Women n08297863 Economic Commission for Africa n08298074 Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East n08298319 Economic Commission for Europe n08298521 Economic Commission for Latin America n08298737 Population Commission n08298918 Social Development Commission n08299107 Statistical Commission n08299307 International Court of Justice, World Court n08299493 United Nations agency, UN agency n08299911 United Nations Children's Fund, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, UNICEF n08300190 Food and Agriculture Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO n08300429 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT n08300641 International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA n08300783 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank, IBRD n08301005 International Civil Aviation Organization, ICAO n08301155 International Development Association, IDA n08301307 International Finance Corporation, IFC n08301525 International Labor Organization, International Labour Organization, ILO n08301709 International Maritime Organization, IMO n08301871 International Monetary Fund, IMF n08302052 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO n08302257 United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, DCCP n08302468 United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Centre for International Crime Prevention n08302724 World Health Organization, WHO n08302919 World Meteorological Organization, WMO n08303097 sterling area, sterling bloc, scheduled territories n08303275 confederation, confederacy, federation n08303504 federation n08303692 nation n08303862 Creek Confederacy n08304135 Hanseatic League n08304744 enosis n08304895 union n08305114 league n08305277 Iroquois League, League of Iroquois, Five Nations, Six Nations n08305568 customs union n08305766 Benelux n08305942 ally n08306047 caste n08306194 caste n08306371 jati n08306665 varna n08306959 brahman, brahmin n08307145 rajanya n08307267 vaisya n08307440 sudra, shudra n08307589 meeting, group meeting n08308039 board meeting, committee meeting n08308156 camp meeting n08308313 caucus n08308410 conclave n08308497 conference n08308800 congress n08308922 Congress of Racial Equality, CORE n08309086 convention n08309226 Constitutional Convention n08309409 council n08309611 encounter group n08309754 forum n08309854 plenum n08310034 psychotherapy group n08310168 stockholders meeting n08310309 covey n08310389 meeting, get together n08310722 North Atlantic Council, NAC n08310949 council n08311282 city council n08311409 executive council n08311522 panchayat, panchayet, punchayet n08311687 privy council n08311848 divan, diwan n08311933 works council n08312241 town meeting n08312359 summit, summit meeting n08312462 town meeting n08312559 council n08312988 ecumenical council n08313592 Nicaea, First Council of Nicaea n08313790 Constantinople, First Council of Constantinople n08313983 Ephesus, Council of Ephesus n08314153 Chalcedon, Council of Chalcedon n08314327 Constantinople, Second Council of Constantinople n08314501 Constantinople, Third Council of Constantinople n08314715 Nicaea, Second Council of Nicaea n08314901 Constantinople, Fourth Council of Constantinople n08315194 Lateran Council n08315442 First Lateran Council n08315682 Second Lateran Council n08315860 Third Lateran Council n08316019 Fourth Lateran Council n08316346 Lyons, First Council of Lyons n08316564 Lyons, Second Council of Lyons n08316748 Vienne, Council of Vienne n08316965 Constance, Council of Constance n08317139 Council of Basel-Ferrara-Florence n08317340 Fifth Lateran Council n08317529 Council of Trent n08317885 Vatican Council n08318032 First Vatican Council, Vatican I n08318216 Second Vatican Council, Vatican II n08318423 Continental Congress n08318691 congress n08318777 diet n08318904 chamber n08319061 chamber of commerce n08319198 parliament n08319408 British Parliament n08319539 Dail Eireann, Dail n08319679 Knesset, Knesseth n08319777 Oireachtas n08319908 Seanad Eireann, Seanad n08320052 Duma n08320201 soviet n08320385 Palestine Liberation Organization, PLO n08320923 Palestine National Authority, Palestinian National Authority, Palestine Authority n08321218 Sinn Fein n08321469 Red Guard n08321621 syndicalism n08321807 indaba n08321956 Jirga n08322187 Loya Jirga n08322430 powwow n08322520 synod n08322625 world council n08322756 blue ribbon commission, blue ribbon committee n08322981 board n08323301 appeal board, appeals board, board of appeals n08323471 board of selectmen n08323658 board of regents n08323825 board of trustees n08323980 Federal Reserve Board n08324107 governing board n08324274 secretariat, secretariate n08324514 committee, commission n08325124 election commission n08325237 fairness commission n08325386 planning commission n08325530 conservancy n08325686 committee, citizens committee n08325851 select committee n08325993 subcommittee n08326114 vigilance committee n08326266 welcoming committee n08326383 standing committee n08326487 Ways and Means Committee n08326706 steering committee n08326850 ethics committee, ethics panel n08326976 finance committee n08327090 politburo n08327212 political action committee, PAC n08327390 presidium, praesidium n08327616 symposium n08327816 seminar n08327906 colloquium n08328088 Potsdam Conference n08328327 Yalta Conference n08328563 research colloquium n08328700 Bench n08328876 border patrol n08329010 harbor patrol n08329113 patrol n08329322 court, royal court n08329453 court, tribunal, judicature n08330106 appellate court, appeals court, court of appeals n08330298 circuit court of appeals n08330514 circuit n08330843 assizes, court of assize, court of assize and nisi prius n08331011 chancery, court of chancery n08331121 consistory n08331213 criminal court n08331357 drumhead court-martial n08331525 court-martial n08331762 special court-martial n08331960 divorce court n08332090 family court, domestic relations court, court of domestic relations n08332330 federal court n08332485 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, F.I.S.C. n08332896 inferior court, lower court n08333030 Inquisition n08333224 Spanish Inquisition n08333639 Roman Inquisition, Congregation of the Inquisition n08333868 juvenile court n08333995 kangaroo court n08334087 military court n08334319 moot court n08334451 night court n08334581 Old Bailey n08334693 provost court n08334873 police court n08335087 probate court n08335253 quarter sessions n08335414 Rota n08335599 Star Chamber n08335751 superior court n08335886 Supreme Court, Supreme Court of the United States, United States Supreme Court n08336188 supreme court, state supreme court, high court n08336355 traffic court n08336490 trial court n08336627 repertoire, repertory n08336844 repertory, repertoire n08337108 representation n08337324 agency, federal agency, government agency, bureau, office, authority n08338847 independent agency n08339454 intelligence, intelligence service, intelligence agency n08339706 military intelligence, military intelligence agency n08339939 United States intelligence agency n08340153 Intelligence Community, National Intelligence Community, United States Intelligence Community, IC n08340753 Advanced Research and Development Activity, ARDA n08340989 Defense Intelligence Agency, DIA n08341330 Defense Logistics Agency n08341551 Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service, DRMS n08341798 Defense Technical Information Center, DTIC n08342039 international intelligence agency n08342419 Canadian Security Intelligence Service, CSIS n08342670 Central Intelligence Machinery, CIM n08342888 Communications Security Establishment, CSE n08343102 Criminal Intelligence Services of Canada, CISC n08343324 Department of Justice Canada, DoJC n08343534 Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, Inter-Services Intelligence, ISI n08343905 Foreign Intelligence Service, Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki, SVR n08344301 International Relations and Security Network, ISN n08344551 international law enforcement agency n08344756 Interpol n08344917 Iraqi Intelligence Service, IIS, Iraqi Mukhabarat n08345189 Republican Guard n08345366 Haganah n08345613 Israeli Defense Force, IDF n08345770 Sayeret Matkal, Sayeret Mat'kal, sayeret n08346031 Special Air Service, SAS n08346286 A'man n08346490 Mossad n08346655 Secret Intelligence Service, MI, Military Intelligence Section 6 n08346905 Security Intelligence Review Committee, SIRC n08347206 Security Service, MI, Military Intelligence Section 5 n08347457 Shin Bet, General Security Services n08347704 National Reconnaissance Office, NRO n08348091 National Security Agency, NSA n08348400 United States Secret Service, US Secret Service, USSS, Secret Service, SS n08348815 law enforcement agency n08349138 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA n08349350 organ n08349548 admiralty n08349681 Patent and Trademark Office Database, Patent Office n08349916 central bank n08350244 European Central Bank n08350470 Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve, Fed, FRS n08350919 Federal Reserve Bank, reserve bank n08351107 Federal Trade Commission, FTC n08351380 Office of Inspector General, OIG n08351532 General Services Administration, GSA n08351777 Federal Protective Service, FPS n08352035 Bank of England n08352134 Bundesbank n08352218 Bank of Japan n08352303 office, office staff n08352473 research staff n08352613 sales staff n08352720 security staff n08352848 service staff, maintenance staff n08352994 Small Business Administration, SBA n08353244 redevelopment authority n08353406 regulatory agency, regulatory authority n08353563 Selective Service, Selective Service System, SSS n08353734 weather bureau n08353912 advertising agency, ad agency n08354065 credit bureau n08354243 detective agency n08354352 employment agency, employment office n08354523 placement office, placement center n08354678 hiring hall n08354842 mercantile agency, commercial agency n08355075 news agency, press agency, wire service, press association, news organization, news organisation n08355324 syndicate n08355506 service agency, service bureau, service firm n08355692 travel agency n08355791 United States government, United States, U.S. government, US Government, U.S. n08356074 executive branch, Executive Office of the President n08356375 legislative branch n08356573 United States Government Printing Office, US Government Printing Office, Government Printing Office, GPO n08356903 judicial branch n08357129 Capital, Washington n08357258 civil service n08357448 Whitehall n08357529 county council n08357647 diplomatic service, diplomatic corps, corps diplomatique n08357784 government officials, officialdom n08357992 quorum n08358165 minyan n08358332 rally, mass meeting n08358492 pep rally n08358594 cell, cadre n08358824 sleeper cell n08358963 terrorist cell, radical cell n08359316 operational cell n08359432 intelligence cell n08359581 auxiliary cell n08359753 fifth column, Trojan horse n08359949 political unit, political entity n08360248 amphictyony n08360430 lunatic fringe n08360540 revolutionary group n08360672 underground, resistance n08360849 Maquis n08361001 autocracy, autarchy n08361172 constitutionalism n08361329 democracy, republic, commonwealth n08361612 diarchy, dyarchy n08361720 gerontocracy n08361817 gynecocracy, gynarchy n08361924 hegemony n08362302 mobocracy, ochlocracy n08362455 oligarchy n08362775 plutocracy n08362917 republic n08363106 technocracy n08363428 theocracy n08363622 hierocracy n08363711 parliamentary democracy n08363812 monarchy n08364044 parliamentary monarchy n08364143 capitalism, capitalist economy n08364367 venture capitalism n08364548 black economy n08364757 industrialism n08364959 market economy, free enterprise, private enterprise, laissez-faire economy n08365222 mixed economy n08365344 non-market economy n08365484 state capitalism n08365672 state socialism n08365855 communism n08366071 International n08366202 socialism, socialist economy n08366440 Nazism, Naziism, national socialism n08366664 Falange n08366753 economy, economic system n08367100 managed economy n08367339 mercantilism, mercantile system n08367579 communist economy n08367683 pluralism n08367880 political system, form of government n08368308 Bolshevism, collectivism, sovietism n08368516 revisionism n08368631 revisionism n08368757 ecosystem n08368907 generation n08369142 posterity n08369220 descendants, posterity n08369406 coevals, contemporaries, generation n08369615 beat generation, beats, beatniks n08369920 Beatles n08370204 teddy boys n08370505 punks n08370878 rockers, bikers n08371200 skinheads, bootboys n08371574 mods n08371838 baby boom, baby-boom generation n08372020 generation X, gen X n08372190 peer group n08372299 moiety n08372411 tribe, folk n08372574 totem n08372715 tableau, tableau vivant n08372847 Tribes of Israel, Twelve Tribes of Israel n08373055 Lost Tribes n08373244 venation n08373380 vernation n08373544 combination n08373723 combination n08373818 Fibonacci sequence n08373969 phyle n08374049 colony, settlement n08374653 frontier settlement, outpost n08374773 Plantation n08375031 proprietary colony n08375154 commonwealth n08375369 commune n08375526 lobby, pressure group, third house n08375722 National Rifle Association, NRA n08375912 lobby n08376051 hierarchy, power structure, pecking order n08376250 chain, concatenation n08376526 catena n08376823 daisy chain n08376948 cordon n08377085 course, line n08377332 cycle n08377454 electromotive series, electromotive force series, electrochemical series n08377806 hierarchy n08378066 celestial hierarchy n08378180 data hierarchy n08378356 taxonomy n08378555 class structure n08378698 caste system n08378819 social organization, social organisation, social structure, social system, structure n08379353 racial segregation n08379455 petty apartheid n08379630 de facto segregation n08379782 de jure segregation n08379882 purdah, sex segregation n08380017 ulema, ulama n08380340 segregation, separatism n08380606 white separatism n08380768 directorate, board of directors n08380975 staggered board of directors n08381165 management n08381296 house n08381436 leadership, leaders n08381636 advisory board, planning board n08381820 cabinet n08382056 British Cabinet n08382297 shadow cabinet n08382570 United States Cabinet, US Cabinet n08383067 draft board n08383185 Kashag n08383310 stock company n08383417 joint-stock company n08383690 closed corporation, close corporation, private corporation, privately held corporation n08383909 family business n08384041 closely held corporation n08384201 shell corporation, shell entity n08384342 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, FDIC n08384539 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Freddie Mac, FHLMC n08384738 Federal National Mortgage Association, Fannie Mae, FNMA n08384900 conventicle n08385009 date, appointment, engagement n08385280 visit n08385490 blind date n08385602 double date n08385717 tryst, rendezvous n08385849 luncheon meeting, lunch meeting n08385989 power breakfast n08386143 revival, revival meeting n08386280 argosy n08386365 upper class, upper crust n08386555 elite, elite group n08386853 chosen, elect n08387035 cream, pick n08387213 gentry, aristocracy n08387354 intelligentsia, clerisy n08387495 culturati n08387603 literati n08387685 landed gentry, squirearchy n08387806 ruling class, people in power n08387930 society, high society, beau monde, smart set, bon ton n08388074 few n08388207 nobility, aristocracy n08388503 noblesse n08388636 peerage, baronage n08388783 baronetage n08388871 knighthood n08388966 samurai n08389094 ninja n08389297 artillery, artillery unit n08389438 musketry n08389572 battery n08389710 cavalry n08389900 horse cavalry n08390012 mechanized cavalry n08390157 infantry, foot n08390374 paratroops n08390511 militia, reserves n08390731 militia n08391021 home guard n08391206 territorial, territorial reserve n08391387 National Guard, home reserve n08391696 National Guard Bureau, NGB n08391953 Territorial Army n08392137 terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO n08394423 standing army n08394535 Union Army n08394657 Confederate Army, Army of the Confederacy n08394811 Continental Army n08394922 United States Army, US Army, U. S. Army, Army, USA n08395298 United States Army Rangers n08395465 United States Military Academy, US Military Academy n08395682 Army Intelligence, AI n08395991 Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, BMDO n08396207 Defense Information Systems Agency, DISA n08396537 National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, NGA n08396760 Casualty Care Research Center, CCRC n08396990 Army National Guard, ARNG n08397255 military personnel, soldiery, troops n08397489 friendly n08397675 hostile n08397856 cavalry, horse cavalry, horse n08398036 garrison n08398179 rank and file, rank n08398467 coven n08398580 sabbat, witches' Sabbath n08398773 assortment, mixture, mixed bag, miscellany, miscellanea, variety, salmagundi, smorgasbord, potpourri, motley n08399287 grab bag n08399378 witches' brew, witches' broth, witch's brew n08399586 range n08399818 selection n08399977 odds and ends, oddments, melange, farrago, ragbag, mishmash, mingle-mangle, hodgepodge, hotchpotch, gallimaufry, omnium-gatherum n08400191 alphabet soup n08400331 litter n08400452 batch, clutch n08400605 schmeer, schmear, shmear n08400772 batch n08400870 clutch n08400965 membership, rank n08401248 branch, subdivision, arm n08401554 clientele, patronage, business n08401711 rank and file n08401819 rabble, riffraff, ragtag, ragtag and bobtail n08401970 smart money n08402147 trash, scum n08402222 convocation n08402339 alma mater n08402442 deputation, commission, delegation, delegacy, mission n08402693 diplomatic mission n08402828 embassy n08402944 High Commission n08403082 legation, foreign mission n08403225 mission, missionary post, missionary station, foreign mission n08403435 press corps n08403631 occupational group, vocation n08403787 opposition n08403907 Iraqi National Congress, INC n08404188 Opposition n08404373 commando n08404549 contingent, detail n08404735 general staff n08404895 headquarters n08405124 headquarters staff n08405267 high command, supreme headquarters n08405490 posse, posse comitatus n08405603 kingdom n08405723 empire n08405873 Mogul empire n08406036 Second Empire n08406160 rogue's gallery n08406259 galere, rogue's gallery n08406361 hard core n08406486 foundation n08406619 charity n08406825 philanthropic foundation n08407000 private foundation n08407140 public charity n08407330 institute n08407449 sisterhood, sistership n08407619 exhibition, exposition, expo n08407839 art exhibition n08407969 retrospective n08408115 peepshow, raree-show n08408267 fair n08408418 book fair, bookfair n08408557 fair n08408709 side n08408900 working group, working party n08409130 expedition n08409323 Lewis and Clark Expedition n08409617 senior high school, senior high, high, highschool, high school n08409835 junior high school, junior high n08409969 preparatory school, prep school n08410092 choir school, schola cantorum n08410282 public school n08410454 charter school n08410688 public school n08410891 Eton College n08411031 Winchester College n08411170 private school n08411369 Catholic school n08411483 dance school n08411585 day school n08411701 boarding school n08411849 day school n08411970 night school n08412136 kindergarten n08412265 nursery school n08412362 playschool, play group n08412492 Sunday school, Sabbath school n08412620 normal school, teachers college n08412749 grade school, grammar school, elementary school, primary school n08412958 grammar school n08413092 secondary modern school n08413248 comprehensive school, composite school n08413408 school board, board of education n08413529 zoning board n08413681 zoning commission n08413834 immigration n08414040 inspectorate n08414119 jury n08414381 panel n08414608 panel, venire n08414807 jury, panel n08414964 grand jury n08415127 hung jury n08415272 petit jury, petty jury n08415469 special jury, blue ribbon jury n08415661 spearhead n08415774 bevy n08415983 firing line n08416137 immigrant class n08416328 left, left wing n08416523 center n08416652 right, right wing n08416890 religious right n08417099 hard right n08417178 old guard n08417281 pro-choice faction n08417436 pro-life faction n08417572 old school n08417673 convoy n08417801 convoy n08417920 seance, sitting, session n08418103 aggregate, congeries, conglomeration n08418316 agent bank n08418420 commercial bank, full service bank n08418631 national bank n08418763 state bank n08418885 lead bank, agent bank n08419033 member bank n08419163 merchant bank, acquirer n08419354 acquirer n08419562 acquirer n08419774 transfer agent n08419984 nondepository financial institution n08420278 depository financial institution, bank, banking concern, banking company n08420839 finance company n08421100 consumer finance company, small loan company n08421291 industrial bank, industrial loan company n08421441 captive finance company n08421644 sales finance company n08421807 commercial finance company, commercial credit company n08421975 Farm Credit System, FCS n08422247 hawala n08422524 thrift institution n08422714 savings and loan, savings and loan association n08422930 building society n08423057 savings bank n08423298 Home Loan Bank n08423490 Federal Home Loan Bank System n08423634 Federal Housing Administration, FHA n08423840 child welfare agency, child welfare service n08424044 Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC n08424222 trust company, trust corporation n08424501 mutual savings bank, MSB n08424662 federal savings bank, FSB n08424769 firing squad, firing party n08424951 market n08425173 black market n08425303 traffic n08425556 air traffic n08425657 commuter traffic n08425777 pedestrian traffic, foot traffic n08425888 vehicular traffic, vehicle traffic n08426111 automobile traffic, car traffic n08426211 bicycle traffic n08426298 bus traffic n08426378 truck traffic n08426461 formation n08426816 military formation n08426993 open order n08427163 close order n08427282 extended order n08427453 sick call, sick parade n08427629 caravan, train, wagon train n08427918 cavalcade n08428019 march n08428252 hunger march n08428383 motorcade n08428485 parade n08428623 callithump, callathump, callithump parade n08428756 file, single file, Indian file n08428944 snake dance n08429052 column n08429167 cortege, retinue, suite, entourage n08429346 Praetorian Guard n08429482 cortege n08429556 recession, recessional n08429744 backfield n08429899 secondary n08430054 linemen n08430203 line n08430568 line n08430940 line of march n08431048 line of succession n08431205 lineup n08431345 picket line n08431437 row n08431600 serration n08431721 terrace n08431942 rank n08432149 conga line n08432264 trap line n08432345 queue, waiting line n08432606 breadline, bread line n08432714 checkout line n08432820 chow line n08432974 gas line n08433077 reception line n08433245 ticket line n08433343 unemployment line n08433447 row n08433575 column n08433727 aviation, air power n08433861 dragnet n08434029 machinery n08434259 network, web n08434622 espionage network n08434704 old boy network n08435024 support system n08435246 nonlinear system n08435388 system, scheme n08435937 subsystem n08436036 organism n08436203 syntax n08436288 body n08436452 shebang n08436562 craft, trade n08436759 vegetation, flora, botany n08437317 browse n08437515 brush, brushwood, coppice, copse, thicket n08437721 brake n08437847 canebrake n08437968 spinney n08438067 growth n08438223 scrub, chaparral, bush n08438384 stand n08438533 forest, wood, woods n08438840 bosk n08438928 grove n08439022 jungle n08439126 rain forest, rainforest n08439268 temperate rain forest n08439369 tropical rain forest, selva n08439476 underbrush, undergrowth, underwood n08439694 shrubbery n08439808 garden n08439955 staff n08440382 line personnel n08440499 management personnel n08440630 dictatorship, absolutism, authoritarianism, Caesarism, despotism, monocracy, one-man rule, shogunate, Stalinism, totalitarianism, tyranny n08441039 police state n08441203 law, jurisprudence n08453108 administrative law n08453299 canon law, ecclesiastical law n08453464 civil law n08453722 common law, case law, precedent n08454003 international law, law of nations n08454191 maritime law, marine law, admiralty law n08454445 law of the land n08454818 martial law n08455037 mercantile law, commercial law, law merchant n08455271 military law n08455520 Mosaic law, Law of Moses n08455829 shariah, shariah law, sharia, sharia law, Islamic law n08456178 hudud, hudood n08456347 statutory law n08456474 securities law n08456619 tax law n08456727 bureaucracy, bureaucratism n08456888 menagerie n08456993 ordering, order, ordination n08457369 genetic code n08457543 genome n08457789 triplet code n08457976 series n08458504 series n08458833 nexus n08458912 progression, patterned advance n08459087 rash, blizzard n08459252 sequence n08459648 string, train n08459908 succession n08460152 cascade n08460395 parade n08460585 streak, run n08460769 losing streak n08460847 winning streak n08460924 arithmetic progression n08461172 geometric progression n08461424 harmonic progression n08461595 stream, flow, current n08461875 wave train n08461981 panoply n08462066 bank n08462205 stockpile n08462320 data, information n08462534 accounting data n08462721 metadata n08462858 raw data n08462964 ana n08463063 mail, post n08463345 fan mail n08463509 hate mail n08463647 mailing n08463817 sampler n08463969 treasure n08464098 treasure trove n08464324 trinketry n08464449 troponymy, troponomy n08464601 movement, social movement, front n08465118 deco, art deco n08465312 art nouveau n08465558 avant-garde, vanguard, van, new wave n08465776 constructivism n08466010 suprematism n08466175 cubism n08466412 dada, dadaism n08466643 artistic movement, art movement n08467258 expressionism n08467576 neoexpressionism n08467757 supra expressionism n08467871 fauvism n08468084 futurism n08468261 Hudson River school, romantic realism n08468499 imagism n08468721 lake poets n08468958 luminism n08469233 minimalism, minimal art, reductivism n08469457 naturalism, realism n08469678 needy n08469785 neoromanticism n08469917 New Wave, Nouvelle Vague n08470034 secession, sezession n08470210 surrealism n08470507 symbolism n08470710 Boy Scouts n08470928 Boy Scouts of America n08471185 Girl Scouts n08471369 Civil Rights movement n08471589 common front n08471799 cultural movement n08471949 ecumenism, oecumenism n08472120 falun gong n08472335 political movement n08472590 Enlightenment, Age of Reason n08472890 labor movement, trade union movement, labor n08473173 Industrial Workers of the World, IWW, I.W.W. n08473482 unionism, trade unionism n08473623 reform movement n08473787 religious movement n08474120 Akhbari n08474341 Usuli n08474623 Counter Reformation n08474875 ecumenical movement n08475070 Gallicanism n08475332 Lubavitch, Lubavitch movement, Chabad-Lubavitch, Chabad n08475586 Oxford movement n08475722 Pietism n08475929 Reformation, Protestant Reformation n08476165 Taliban, Taleban n08476425 Northern Alliance, United Front n08476629 Nation of Islam n08476829 humanism n08476988 analytical cubism n08477077 synthetic cubism n08477164 unconfessed n08477307 unemployed people, unemployed n08477511 wolf pack n08477634 womanhood, woman, fair sex n08477912 womankind n08478018 camp n08478171 hobo camp, jungle n08478261 record company n08478371 reunion n08478482 mover, public mover, moving company, removal firm, removal company n08478702 think tank, think factory n08478851 vestry n08479095 Jewry n08479202 Zionism, Zionist movement n08479407 Zhou, Zhou dynasty, Chou, Chou dynasty, Chow, Chow dynasty n08479615 muster n08479795 rap group n08479894 rave-up n08479986 registration, enrollment n08480135 table n08480303 World Council of Churches n08480512 number n08480662 vote n08480847 blue n08481009 grey, gray n08481184 host n08481369 pool n08481604 typing pool n08481715 shipper n08481832 center n08481983 diaspora n08482113 flank, wing n08482271 head n08482577 local authority n08482700 rear n08482866 smithereens n08483136 chosen people n08483265 Azeri n08483353 Bengali n08483500 Berbers, Arab-Berbers n08483650 Dagestani n08483788 Flemish n08483935 Hebrews, Israelites n08484239 Maori n08484386 Mayas n08484522 Mbundu, Ovimbundu n08484648 Pathan, Pashtun n08484810 Tajik, Tadzhik n08484986 Walloons n08485160 Ferdinand and Isabella n08485281 Medici n08485434 Committee for State Security, KGB, Soviet KGB n08485598 Federal Security Bureau, FSB, Federal Security Service n08485830 Russian agency n08485977 Wicca n08486075 William and Mary n08486189 wine tasting n08486306 wing n08486538 Wise Men, Magi n08486971 World Trade Organization, WTO n08487149 Association for the Advancement of Retired Persons, AARP n08487319 National Association of Realtors n08487504 Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN n08487953 Abkhaz, Abkhas n08488081 Achomawi n08488250 Akwa'ala n08488411 Aleut n08488675 Circassian n08488833 Inca, Inka n08489121 Quechua, Kechua n08489285 Xhosa n08489392 Zulu n08489497 here n08489627 there n08489765 somewhere n08489890 bilocation n08490039 seat n08490199 home n08490402 base, home n08490531 aclinic line, magnetic equator n08490685 agonic line n08490840 isogonic line, isogonal line, isogone n08491027 address n08491245 mailing address n08491410 box number n08491531 post-office box number, PO box number, PO Box No, box number n08491710 street address n08491826 administrative district, administrative division, territorial division n08492354 aerie, aery, eyrie, eyry n08492461 agora n08492546 air lane, flight path, airway, skyway n08492747 traffic pattern, approach pattern, pattern n08493064 territory, soil n08493261 Andalusia, Andalucia n08493493 Appalachia n08493705 flight path n08493825 wing n08493961 approach path, approach, glide path, glide slope n08494133 ambiance, ambience n08494231 amusement park, funfair, pleasure ground n08494459 Antarctic, Antarctic Zone, South Frigid Zone n08494676 Antarctic Circle n08494782 Adelie Land, Terre Adelie, Adelie Coast n08494987 apex, solar apex, apex of the sun's way n08495249 antapex n08495420 apogee n08495617 apoapsis, point of apoapsis n08495908 aphelion n08496095 apojove n08496199 aposelene, apolune n08496334 apron n08496477 Arctic, Arctic Zone, North Frigid Zone n08496655 polar circle n08496798 Arctic Circle n08497107 arena n08497294 area, country n08498163 high country n08498279 ascending node n08498424 node n08498580 node n08498732 antinode n08498888 asteroid belt n08499057 atmosphere, air n08499357 bed ground, bed-ground, bedground n08499504 biosphere n08499680 back of beyond n08499840 colony, dependency n08500079 Crown Colony n08500213 depth n08500433 outer space, space n08500819 interplanetary space n08500989 interstellar space n08501114 frontier n08501275 heliopause n08501565 heliosphere n08501729 holding pattern n08501887 intergalactic space n08502051 deep space n08502171 aerospace n08502317 airspace n08502507 backwater n08502672 backwoods, back country, boondocks, hinterland n08502797 Bad Lands, Badlands n08503004 banana republic n08503238 Barbary n08503477 Barbary Coast n08503639 Barbary Coast n08503921 Bithynia n08504151 Nicaea n08504375 Nubia n08504594 barren, waste, wasteland n08504851 heath, heathland n08505018 bush n08505110 outback n08505265 Never-Never n08505402 frontier n08505573 desert n08506347 semidesert n08506496 oasis n08506641 battlefield, battleground, field of battle, field of honor, field n08506932 Armageddon n08507109 Camlan n08507255 minefield n08507381 beat, round n08507558 beginning, origin, root, rootage, source n08508105 derivation n08508361 spring n08508449 fountainhead, headspring, head n08508629 headwater n08508736 wellhead, wellspring n08508834 jumping-off place, point of departure n08509111 jungle n08509251 concrete jungle n08509442 zone n08509786 belt n08510030 Bible Belt n08510169 fatherland, homeland, motherland, mother country, country of origin, native land n08510350 birthplace, place of birth n08510456 birthplace, cradle, place of origin, provenance, provenience n08510666 side, face n08511017 beam-ends n08511241 bottom, underside, undersurface n08511473 underbelly n08511570 foot n08511777 base n08511970 bottom n08512182 rock bottom n08512259 boundary, bound, bounds n08512736 boundary line, border, borderline, delimitation, mete n08513072 bourn, bourne n08513163 borderland, border district, march, marchland n08513417 narco-state n08513718 place, property n08514034 center, centre n08514233 colony n08514412 nerve center, nerve centre n08514592 circumference, circuit n08514865 fence line n08514975 Green Line n08515126 Line of Control n08515349 property line n08515457 state line, state boundary n08515581 Mason-Dixon line, Mason and Dixon line, Mason and Dixon's line n08515817 district line n08515911 county line n08516002 city line n08516080 balk, baulk n08516260 balkline, baulk-line, string line n08516431 bomb site n08516584 bowels n08516660 bowling green n08516767 breadbasket n08516885 breeding ground n08517010 bridgehead n08517127 brink n08517204 broadcast area n08517327 buffer state, buffer country n08517449 bull's eye, bull n08517554 bus route n08517676 bus stop n08517825 checkpoint n08517966 cabstand, taxistand, taxi rank n08518171 campsite, campground, camping site, camping ground, bivouac, encampment, camping area n08518374 campus n08518505 capital n08518747 capital n08518940 river basin, basin, watershed, drainage basin, catchment area, catchment basin, drainage area n08519299 detention basin n08519444 retention basin n08519624 Caucasia, Caucasus n08519916 Transcaucasia n08520190 celestial equator, equinoctial circle, equinoctial line, equinoctial n08520401 celestial point n08520728 equinoctial point, equinox n08520958 vernal equinox n08521112 autumnal equinox n08521267 celestial sphere, sphere, empyrean, firmament, heavens, vault of heaven, welkin n08521623 cemetery, graveyard, burial site, burial ground, burying ground, memorial park, necropolis n08521816 center, centre, midpoint n08522287 center of buoyancy, centre of buoyancy, center of immersion, centre of immersion n08522518 center of gravity, centre of gravity n08522742 center of flotation, centre of flotation n08522872 center of mass, centre of mass n08523064 barycenter n08523217 centroid n08523340 trichion, crinion n08523483 center, centre, middle, heart, eye n08524021 center stage, centre stage n08524130 city center, city centre, central city n08524262 core n08524404 navel, navel point n08524572 storm center, storm centre n08524735 city, metropolis, urban center n08537708 megalopolis n08537837 city district n08538426 precinct n08538584 police precinct n08538730 voting precinct, election district n08538917 polling place, polling station n08539072 business district, downtown n08539276 outskirts n08539457 environs, purlieu n08539557 Tin Pan Alley n08539717 conurbation, urban sprawl, sprawl n08539893 subtopia n08540016 borough n08540193 burgh n08540266 pocket borough n08540416 rotten borough n08540532 borough n08540770 canton n08540903 city n08541130 city limit, city limits n08541288 clearing, glade n08541454 Coats Land n08541609 commune n08541841 zone, geographical zone n08542081 climatic zone n08542304 commons, common land n08542403 commonwealth n08542634 confluence, meeting n08542884 congressional district n08543081 financial center n08543223 hub n08543496 civic center, municipal center, down town n08543625 inner city n08543776 chokepoint n08543916 Corn Belt n08544125 corncob, corn cob n08544275 corner n08544419 corner n08544593 corner n08544719 cornfield, corn field n08544813 country, state, land n08546183 county n08546870 county n08547048 county palatine n08547143 county seat, county courthouse n08547300 county town, shire town n08547468 cow pasture n08547544 crest n08547655 timber line, timberline, tree line n08547816 snow line n08547938 crossing n08548065 cross section n08548239 culmination n08548415 profile n08548605 soil profile n08548733 department n08548924 descending node n08549070 development n08549292 ghetto n08549480 housing development n08549733 housing estate n08549911 housing project, public housing n08550076 dig, excavation, archeological site n08550364 abbacy n08550455 archbishopric n08550560 archdeaconry n08550664 bailiwick n08550766 caliphate n08550862 archdiocese n08550966 diocese, bishopric, episcopate n08551177 disaster area n08551296 eparchy, exarchate n08551420 theater of war, theatre of war n08551628 field, field of operations, theater, theater of operations, theatre, theatre of operations n08551984 zone of interior n08552138 district, territory, territorial dominion, dominion n08553132 enclave n08553280 federal district n08553424 palatinate n08553535 residential district, residential area, community n08553887 planned community n08554040 retirement community, retirement complex n08554206 uptown n08554346 red-light district n08554440 suburb, suburbia, suburban area n08554762 exurbia n08554872 addition n08555001 bedroom community n08555102 faubourg n08555333 stockbroker belt n08555443 tenement district n08555569 airspace, air space n08555710 crawlspace, crawl space n08555883 disk space, disc space n08556065 disk overhead, overhead n08556266 swap space, swap file n08556386 distance n08556491 domain, demesne, land n08556950 archduchy n08557057 barony n08557131 duchy, dukedom n08557271 earldom n08557396 emirate n08557482 empire, imperium n08557754 fiefdom n08557864 grand duchy n08557976 viscounty n08558082 khanate n08558155 kingdom, realm n08558289 Camelot n08558488 principality, princedom n08558661 Kingdom of God n08558770 sheikdom, sheikhdom n08558882 suzerainty n08558963 residence, abode n08559155 domicile, legal residence n08559508 home, place n08559766 home away from home, home from home n08559922 business address n08560027 dump, garbage dump, trash dump, rubbish dump, wasteyard, waste-yard, dumpsite n08560295 dude ranch n08560415 honeymoon resort n08560560 eitchen midden, midden, kitchen midden n08560785 earshot, earreach, hearing n08560952 view, eyeshot n08561081 north n08561230 northeast n08561351 east n08561462 southeast n08561583 south n08561714 southwest n08561835 west n08561946 northwest n08562067 Earth, earth n08562243 eastern hemisphere, orient n08562454 Old World n08562620 East, Orient n08562757 Far East n08562990 northland n08563085 southland n08563180 East, eastern United States n08563478 Southeast, southeastern United States n08563627 Southwest, southwestern United States n08563990 Northeast, northeastern United States n08564139 Northwest, northwestern United States n08564307 Midwest, middle west, midwestern United States n08564739 Pacific Northwest n08565006 Rustbelt n08565214 ecliptic n08565506 Eden, paradise, nirvana, heaven, promised land, Shangri-la n08565701 edge, border n08565894 end n08566028 end, terminal n08566554 end point, endpoint, termination, terminus n08566707 end n08566884 end n08567072 Enderby Land n08567235 environment, environs, surroundings, surround n08567600 Finger Lakes n08567877 finish, destination, goal n08568142 medium n08568256 setting, scene n08568430 scenario n08568579 element n08568719 equator n08568978 extremity n08569165 extreme point, extreme, extremum n08569319 fairway n08569482 farmland, farming area n08569591 fault line n08569777 field n08569998 field n08570242 field of fire n08570402 grounds n08570533 bent n08570634 hayfield, meadow n08570758 playing field, athletic field, playing area, field n08571139 medical center n08571275 midfield n08571459 finishing line, finish line n08571642 firebreak, fireguard n08571799 firing line n08571898 flea market n08572020 Fleet Street n08572162 flies n08572335 focus n08572467 forefront, head n08572726 foul line n08572877 foul line n08573010 foul line n08573140 baseline n08573258 Frigid Zone, polar zone, polar region n08573472 front, front end, forepart n08573674 battlefront, front, front line n08573842 garbage heap, junk heap, rubbish heap, scrapheap, trash heap, junk pile, trash pile, refuse heap n08574038 toxic waste dump, toxic waste site, toxic dumpsite n08574216 gathering place n08574314 geographical area, geographic area, geographical region, geographic region n08578032 epicenter, epicentre n08578174 dust bowl n08578364 biogeographical region n08578517 benthos, benthic division, benthonic zone n08578706 geographic point, geographical point n08578951 ghetto n08579134 goal line n08579266 goldfield n08579352 grainfield, grain field n08579487 great circle n08579780 green, putting green, putting surface n08580011 greenbelt, greenway n08580134 ground n08580326 ground zero n08580447 ground zero n08580583 habitat, home ground n08580803 habitation n08580944 half-mast, half-staff n08581122 Harley Street n08581299 hatchery n08581503 haunt, hangout, resort, repair, stamping ground n08581699 hearth, fireside n08581897 heartland n08582065 hunting ground n08582157 D-layer, D region n08582337 Appleton layer, F layer, F region n08582613 Heaviside layer, Kennelly-Heaviside layer, E layer, E region n08582837 hell, hell on earth, hellhole, snake pit, the pits, inferno n08583095 hemisphere n08583292 hemline n08583455 heronry n08583554 hipline n08583682 hipline n08583793 drop n08583994 dead drop n08584218 hideout, hideaway, den n08584361 lurking place n08584449 hiding place n08584618 high, heights n08584787 hilltop, brow n08584914 hole-in-the-wall n08585056 holy place, sanctum, holy n08585158 home n08585298 point source n08585447 trail head, trailhead n08585540 home range, home territory n08585657 horizon, apparent horizon, visible horizon, sensible horizon, skyline n08585846 horizon, celestial horizon n08586036 horse latitude n08586218 hot spot, hotspot n08586330 hot spot, hotspot n08586509 hour angle n08586688 hour circle n08586825 see n08586978 junkyard n08587086 justiciary n08587174 reservation, reserve n08587328 Indian reservation n08587439 preserve n08587571 shooting preserve n08587709 school district n08587828 shire n08587985 industrial park n08588152 inside, interior n08588294 inside, interior n08588486 belly n08588596 midland n08588699 midst, thick n08588840 penetralia n08588916 ionosphere n08589140 irredenta, irridenta n08589351 isobar n08589532 isochrone n08589670 isoclinic line, isoclinal n08589801 isogram, isopleth, isarithm n08590055 isohel n08590172 isotherm n08590369 jurisdiction n08590719 turf n08590909 key, paint n08591269 kingdom n08591399 lair, den n08591486 launching site n08591592 lawn n08591680 layer n08592165 lead n08592352 lee, lee side, leeward n08592494 limb n08592656 limit, demarcation, demarcation line n08592898 upper limit n08593014 lower limit n08593130 limit n08593262 line n08593924 line n08594286 line n08594543 flight line n08594714 line of battle n08594886 salient n08595054 battle line n08595171 line of flight n08595299 line of march n08595398 line of sight, line of vision n08595531 latitude n08595720 latitude, line of latitude, parallel of latitude, parallel n08595958 lunar latitude n08596076 littoral, litoral, littoral zone, sands n08596214 loading zone, loading area n08596336 load line, Plimsoll line, Plimsoll mark, Plimsoll n08596519 Lombard Street n08596668 longitude n08596830 Whitehall n08597023 Trafalgar Square n08597176 lookout, observation post n08597323 Maghreb, Mahgrib n08597579 magnetic pole n08597727 mandate, mandatory n08597973 market cross n08598132 maximum n08598301 grassland n08598568 mecca n08598696 melting pot n08598823 meridian, line of longitude n08599174 observer's meridian n08599292 prime meridian n08599488 Greenwich Meridian n08599662 magnetic meridian n08599792 dateline, date line, International Date Line n08599976 meteorological observation post, weather station n08600147 midair n08600274 minimum n08600443 monument n08600618 mud flat n08600760 nadir n08600992 national park n08602037 Acadia National Park n08602254 Arches National Park n08602456 Badlands National Park n08602650 Big Bend n08602822 Big Bend National Park n08602997 Biscayne National Park n08603158 Bryce Canyon National Park n08603308 Canyonlands National Park n08603525 Capitol Reef National Park n08603704 Carlsbad Caverns National Park n08603924 Channel Islands National Park n08604085 Crater Lake National Park n08604283 Denali National Park n08604487 Everglades National Park n08604721 Gates of the Arctic National Park n08604891 Grand Canyon National Park n08605123 Grand Teton National Park n08605261 Great Smoky Mountains National Park n08605493 Guadalupe Mountains National Park n08605720 Haleakala National Park n08605863 Hawaii Volcanoes National Park n08606012 Hot Springs National Park n08606206 Isle Royal National Park n08606370 Katmai National Park n08606502 Kenai Fjords National Park n08606688 Kings Canyon National Park n08606869 Kobuk Valley National Park n08607066 Lake Clark National Park n08607231 Lassen Volcanic National Park n08607408 Mammoth Cave National Park n08607575 Mesa Verde National Park n08607752 Mount Ranier National Park n08607957 North Cascades National Park n08608157 Olympic National Park n08608314 Petrified Forest National Park n08608505 Platt National Park n08608641 Redwood National Park n08608813 Rocky Mountain National Park n08608986 Sequoia National Park n08609131 Shenandoah National Park n08609278 Theodore Roosevelt Memorial National Park n08609487 Virgin Islands National Park n08609685 Voyageurs National Park n08609858 Wind Cave National Park n08610023 windward n08610141 Wrangell-St. Elias National Park n08610305 Yellowstone National Park n08610646 Yosemite National Park n08610810 Zion National Park n08610975 nesting place n08611063 no-go area n08611218 no man's land n08611339 nombril n08611421 no-parking zone n08611532 north celestial pole n08611662 northern hemisphere n08611836 North Pole n08611954 old country n08612049 orbit, celestial orbit n08612340 orbit, electron orbit n08612498 geosynchronous orbit n08612644 geostationary orbit n08612786 outline, lineation n08613000 coastline n08613078 paper route, paper round n08613202 profile n08613345 silhouette n08613472 outside, exterior n08613593 outside, exterior n08613733 outdoors, out-of-doors, open air, open n08613985 outstation, outpost n08614104 overlook n08614229 paddy, paddy field, rice paddy n08614357 panhandle n08614545 parade ground n08614632 fairground n08614746 midway n08614900 fairway n08615001 parish n08615149 park, parkland n08615374 park, commons, common, green n08615638 parking lot, car park, park, parking area n08615810 parking space, parking zone n08615926 parts n08616050 pasture, pastureland, grazing land, lea, ley n08616311 path, route, itinerary n08616872 beeline n08616985 circuit n08617311 crosscut n08617399 supply line, supply route n08617516 line of fire n08617622 migration route, flyway n08617751 fairway n08617873 patriarchate n08617963 peak, crown, crest, top, tip, summit n08618379 periapsis, point of periapsis n08618669 perigee n08618831 perihelion n08619006 perijove n08619112 periselene, perilune n08619250 pesthole n08619343 picnic area, picnic ground n08619457 pinnacle n08619524 prairie n08619620 public square, square n08619795 plaza, place, piazza n08619949 toll plaza n08620061 point n08620763 abutment n08620881 pole n08621099 pole, celestial pole n08621283 pole position n08621393 polls n08621472 pride of place n08621598 position, place n08622201 position n08622340 pressure point n08622586 military position, position n08622763 anomaly n08622950 site, situation n08623260 active site n08623424 close quarters n08623568 locus n08623676 locus of infection n08623800 restriction site n08623927 setting n08624095 juxtaposition n08624196 lie n08624385 post, station n08624656 pitch n08624891 landmark n08625073 right n08625297 stage right, right stage n08625462 left n08625684 stage left, left stage n08625846 back, rear n08626080 front n08626283 municipality n08626522 new town n08626758 perch n08626845 potter's field n08626947 prefecture n08627161 premises n08627316 protectorate, associated state n08627554 quadrant n08627665 quadrant n08627805 quadrant, quarter-circle n08627919 quarter n08628141 kasbah, casbah n08628308 medina n08628414 Queen Maud Land n08628578 radius n08628746 rain shadow n08628921 range, reach n08629199 range n08629508 rear, backside, back end n08629746 rearward n08629922 red line n08630039 region, part n08630985 region n08631531 possession n08631750 antipodes n08631945 rifle range, rifle shot n08632096 unknown, unknown region, terra incognita n08632258 staging area n08632423 open, clear n08632678 rhumb line, rhumb, loxodrome n08632894 declination, celestial latitude, dec n08633191 right ascension, RA, celestial longitude n08633683 waterfront n08633851 seafront n08633957 port n08637771 entrepot, transshipment center n08638033 free port n08638141 home port n08638260 outport n08638442 port of entry, point of entry n08639058 seaport, haven, harbor, harbour n08639367 coaling station n08639479 port of call n08639586 free port, free zone n08639776 anchorage, anchorage ground n08639951 treaty port n08640111 mooring, moorage, berth, slip n08640300 roads, roadstead n08640392 dockyard n08640531 resort, resort hotel, holiday resort n08640739 resort area, playground, vacation spot n08640962 rough n08641113 vicinity, locality, neighborhood, neighbourhood, neck of the woods n08641744 gold coast n08641944 'hood n08642037 place n08642145 block, city block n08642331 neighborhood n08642517 proximity n08642632 presence, front n08642870 rendezvous n08643015 retreat n08643267 ashram n08643386 ashram n08643499 Camp David n08643648 nook n08643729 nest n08643806 pleasance n08643933 safety, refuge n08644045 harborage, harbourage n08644213 danger n08644327 danger line n08644426 rookery n08644552 Rubicon n08644722 country, rural area n08645033 countryside n08645104 scrubland n08645212 weald n08645318 wold n08645420 safari park n08645571 sanctum, sanctum sanctorum n08645749 sandlot n08645847 savanna, savannah n08645963 scene n08646188 light n08646306 darkness, dark, shadow n08646486 field of honor n08646566 stage n08646787 scenery n08646902 landscape n08647049 seascape n08647121 separation n08647264 schoolyard n08647354 churchyard, God's acre n08647457 scour n08647616 seat, place n08647945 seat n08648153 section, plane section n08648322 section n08648658 sector n08648781 service area n08648917 showplace n08649067 shrubbery n08649167 side n08649345 side n08649711 bedside n08649873 blind side n08649984 dockside n08650073 east side n08650157 hand n08650305 north side n08650391 shipside n08650507 south side n08650593 west side n08650677 scrimmage line, line of scrimmage n08650919 service line, baseline n08651104 sideline, out of bounds n08651247 site, land site n08651735 skyline n08651832 slum, slum area n08652036 shantytown n08652156 skid road n08652256 skid row n08652376 ski resort n08652480 solitude n08652551 southern hemisphere n08652717 South Pole n08652854 south celestial pole n08652970 space n08653314 air n08653474 vacuum, vacuity n08653570 sphere, sphere of influence n08653706 stand n08653873 start, starting line, scratch, scratch line n08654029 touchline n08654127 yard line n08654260 eparchy n08654360 state, province n08655464 American state n08656590 station n08656750 Stonehenge n08656893 stop n08657100 stopover, way station n08657249 stratum n08657748 Strand n08657887 substrate, substratum n08658001 superstrate, superstratum n08658118 horizon n08658309 soil horizon n08658469 A-horizon, A horizon n08658612 B-horizon, B horizon n08658776 C-horizon, C horizon n08658918 geological horizon n08659076 seam, bed n08659242 coal seam n08659331 coalface n08659446 field n08659663 coalfield n08659759 gasfield n08659861 oilfield n08659993 corner n08660146 substrate, substratum n08660339 surface n08660817 tank farm n08660934 target, target area n08661063 ground zero n08661170 tax haven n08661277 tee, teeing ground n08661467 toxic site, toxic waste area, Superfund site n08661697 orphan site n08661878 Temperate Zone n08662155 North Temperate Zone n08662288 South Temperate Zone n08662427 terreplein n08662570 testing ground, laboratory n08662914 theme park n08663051 three-mile limit n08663156 tip n08663354 top, top side, upper side, upside n08663703 desktop n08663774 rooftop n08663860 top n08664184 head n08664365 tiptop n08664443 topographic point, place, spot n08665101 pool, puddle n08665281 Torrid Zone, tropical zone, tropics n08665504 town n08671168 burg n08671293 boom town n08671382 cow town, cowtown n08671509 ghost town n08671644 hometown n08671822 Main Street n08672073 market town n08672199 township, town n08672397 ward n08672562 settlement n08672738 village, hamlet n08673039 kampong, campong n08673131 kraal n08673273 pueblo n08673395 tract, piece of land, piece of ground, parcel of land, parcel n08674251 subdivision n08674344 subtropics, semitropics n08674464 mine field n08674563 terrain n08674739 plot, plot of land, plot of ground, patch n08674970 lot n08675145 tropic n08675538 Tropic of Cancer n08675665 Tropic of Capricorn n08675795 trust territory, trusteeship n08675967 urban area, populated area n08676253 barrio n08676349 barrio n08676499 used-car lot n08676622 vacant lot, building site n08676760 Van Allen belt n08676951 vanishing point n08677075 vantage n08677250 vantage point, viewpoint n08677424 veld, veldt n08677525 venue n08677628 venue, locale, locus n08677801 vertex, peak, apex, acme n08677991 vertical circle n08678151 viceroyalty n08678253 Victoria Land n08678405 village green n08678515 warren, rabbit warren n08678615 watering place, watering hole, spa n08678783 waterline, water line, water level n08679011 water line, watermark n08679167 high-water mark n08679269 low-water mark n08679369 watershed, water parting, divide n08679562 continental divide n08679807 Great Divide n08679972 direction, way n08680237 trade route n08680363 Silk Road n08680571 Northwest Passage n08680888 bearing, heading, aim n08681084 tack n08681222 course, trend n08681422 east-west direction n08681534 north-south direction n08681649 qibla n08681777 tendency, trend n08681966 wave front, wavefront n08682188 Wilkes Land n08682389 western hemisphere, occident, New World n08682575 West, Occident n08682819 West, western United States n08683177 Wild West n08683286 wheatfield, wheat field n08683383 whereabouts n08683548 wilderness, wild n08683841 winner's circle n08683986 tape n08684107 wire n08684191 workspace n08684294 yard n08684572 tiltyard n08684676 yard n08684769 zenith n08685019 exaltation n08685188 zodiac n08685677 sign of the zodiac, star sign, sign, mansion, house, planetary house n08686129 Aries, Aries the Ram, Ram n08686332 Taurus, Taurus the Bull, Bull n08686495 Gemini, Gemini the Twins, Twins n08686658 Cancer, Cancer the Crab, Crab n08686821 Leo, Leo the Lion, Lion n08686979 Virgo, Virgo the Virgin, Virgin n08687150 Libra, Libra the Balance, Balance, Libra the Scales n08687345 Scorpio, Scorpio the Scorpion, Scorpion n08687525 Sagittarius, Sagittarius the Archer, Archer n08687709 Capricorn, Capricorn the Goat, Goat n08687884 Aquarius, Aquarius the Water Bearer, Water Bearer n08688076 Pisces, Pisces the Fishes, Fish n08688247 zone n08688424 buffer zone, buffer n08688590 combat zone, combat area n08688779 war zone n08689028 bridgehead, foothold n08689357 airhead n08689449 beachhead n08689646 combat zone, tenderloin n08689771 turf n08689873 danger zone n08689947 demilitarized zone, DMZ n08690194 drop zone, dropping zone n08690352 kill zone, killing zone n08690479 killing field n08690665 enterprise zone n08690792 outskirt, fringe n08690974 strike zone n08691188 tidal zone n08691276 time zone n08691445 transit zone n08691669 national capital n08695198 provincial capital n08695539 state capital n08696737 Continent n08696931 European country, European nation n08697827 Scandinavian country, Scandinavian nation n08698038 Balkans n08698126 Balkan country, Balkan nation, Balkan state n08698379 African country, African nation n08699426 East Africa n08699654 Namibia, Republic of Namibia, South West Africa n08700133 Windhoek n08700255 Asian country, Asian nation n08701161 Cappadocia n08701296 Galatia n08701410 Phrygia n08701555 Colossae n08701719 Pontus n08701942 Asia Minor, Anatolia n08702402 South American country, South American nation n08702805 North American country, North American nation n08703035 Central American country, Central American nation n08703454 Afghanistan, Islamic State of Afghanistan n08703972 Herat n08704116 Jalalabad n08704237 Kabul, capital of Afghanistan n08704409 Kandahar, Qandahar n08704554 Mazar-i-Sharif n08704665 Illyria n08704822 Albania, Republic of Albania n08705091 Tirana, Albanian capital n08705251 Durres, Durazzo n08705397 Algeria, Algerie, Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria n08706058 Algiers, Algerian capital n08706247 Annaba n08706399 Batna n08706502 Blida n08706663 Oran n08706823 Constantine n08707035 Djanet n08707145 Hippo, Hippo Regius n08707332 Reggane n08707431 Timgad n08707587 Timimoun n08707710 Numidia n08707917 Angola, Republic of Angola n08708304 Luanda, Angolan capital n08708481 Huambo, Nova Lisboa n08708609 Lobito n08708742 Anguilla n08708870 Aran Islands n08709038 Caribbean n08709399 Cayman Islands n08709593 George Town n08709704 Antigua and Barbuda n08709945 Antigua n08710113 Barbuda n08710219 Redonda n08710325 St. John's, Saint John's, capital of Antigua and Barbuda n08710535 Bengal n08710678 Bermuda, Bermudas n08710873 Hamilton n08710951 Bermuda Triangle n08711143 Bouvet Island n08711300 Montserrat n08711468 Patagonia n08711655 Triple Frontier n08711974 Argentina, Argentine Republic n08712698 Bahia Blanca n08712876 Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina n08713136 Cordoba, Cordova n08713285 Moron n08713405 Rosario n08713539 Vicente Lopez n08713655 pampas n08713772 Balkan Peninsula, Balkans n08714132 Bulgaria, Republic of Bulgaria n08714458 Sofia, Serdica, Bulgarian capital n08714624 Dobrich, Tolbukhin n08714795 Plovdiv, Philippopolis n08714966 Varna n08715110 Southeast Asia n08715390 Myanmar, Union of Burma, Burma n08715777 Yangon, Rangoon n08715952 Mandalay n08716076 Moulmein, Mawlamyine n08716219 Burundi, Republic of Burundi n08716517 Bujumbura, Usumbura, capital of Burundi n08716738 Cambodia, Kingdom of Cambodia, Kampuchea n08717059 Phnom Penh, Pnom Penh, Cambodian capital n08717209 Cameroon, Republic of Cameroon, Cameroun n08717510 Yaounde, capital of Cameroon n08717629 Douala n08717730 Cape Verde Islands n08717915 Cape Verde, Republic of Cape Verde n08718094 Praia, Cidade de Praia, capital of Cape Verde n08718253 Sao Tiago Island n08718391 Falkland Islands n08718577 Central African Republic, Central Africa n08718801 Bangui, capital of Central Africa n08718962 Ceylon n08719100 Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Ceylon n08719465 Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka n08719705 Kandy n08719892 Eelam, Tamil Eelam n08720037 Chad, Republic of Chad, Tchad n08720280 N'Djamena, Ndjamena, Fort-Lamy, capital of Chad n08720481 Chile, Republic of Chile n08721145 Antofagasta n08721286 Chiloe n08721449 Concepcion n08721559 Gran Santiago, Santiago, Santiago de Chile, capital of Chile n08721796 Punta Arenas n08721961 Temuco n08722084 Valparaiso n08722270 Vina del Mar n08722394 Tierra del Fuego n08722645 Cape Horn n08722844 Manchuria n08723006 China, People's Republic of China, mainland China, Communist China, Red China, PRC, Cathay n08724545 Turkistan, Turkestan n08724726 Beijing, Peking, Peiping, capital of Red China n08724972 Forbidden City n08725161 Chongqing, Chungking n08725336 Guangdong, Kwangtung, Guangdong province n08725454 Guangzhou, Kuangchou, Kwangchow, Canton n08725692 Gansu, Kansu, Gansu province n08725926 Hebei, Hopei, Hopeh, Hebei province n08726072 Hunan, Hunan province n08726305 Szechwan, Sichuan, Szechuan, Szechwan province n08726463 Yunnan, Yunnan province n08726582 Lanzhou, Lanchou, Lanchow n08726745 Luda, Luta n08727003 Dalian, Talien, Dairen n08727230 Luoyang, Loyang n08727396 Lushun, Port Arthur n08727606 Hangzhou, Hangchow n08727806 Nanchang, Nan-chang n08727945 Nanning, Nan-ning n08728066 Nanjing, Nanking n08728268 Shanghai n08728462 Shenyang, Mukden, Moukden, Fengtien n08728595 Taiyuan n08728749 Tangshan n08728882 Tianjin, Tientsin, T'ien-ching n08729094 Grand Canal n08729283 Wuhan n08729452 Xian, Sian, Singan, Changan, Hsian n08729626 Xinjiang, Sinkiang, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region n08729971 Inner Mongolia, Nei Monggol n08730218 Hohhot n08730354 Taiwan, Formosa n08730550 Taiwan, China, Nationalist China, Republic of China n08730895 Taipei, Taipeh, capital of Taiwan n08731057 Taichung n08731148 Hong Kong n08731423 Macao, Macau n08731606 Indochina, Indochinese peninsula n08731953 French Indochina n08732116 Colombia, Republic of Colombia n08732807 Barranquilla n08732979 Bogota, capital of Colombia n08733163 Cali n08733291 Medellin n08733415 Cartagena n08733563 Soledad n08733690 Comoro Islands, Iles Comores n08733897 Comoros, Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros n08734044 Congo, Republic of the Congo, French Congo n08734250 Brazzaville n08734385 Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zaire, Belgian Congo n08734853 Goma n08735008 Kananga, Luluabourg n08735164 Kinshasa, Leopoldville n08735345 Lubumbashi, Elisabethville n08735564 Mesoamerica n08735705 Central America n08736107 Costa Rica, Republic of Costa Rica n08736376 San Jose, capital of Costa Rica n08736517 Ivory Coast, Cote d'Ivoire, Republic of Cote d'Ivoire n08736779 Abidjan n08736956 Yamoussukro n08737041 Guatemala, Republic of Guatemala n08737376 Guatemala City, capital of Guatemala n08737521 Belize, British Honduras n08737716 Honduras, Republic of Honduras n08738014 Tegucigalpa, Honduran capital n08738151 San Pedro Sula n08738272 El Salvador, Republic of El Salvador, Salvador n08738531 San Salvador, Salvadoran capital n08738715 Santa Ana n08738820 Nicaragua, Republic of Nicaragua n08739047 Managua, capital of Nicaragua, Nicaraguan capital n08739206 Panama, Republic of Panama n08739512 Panama City, capital of Panama, Panamanian capital n08739669 Colon, Aspinwall n08739829 Panama Canal Zone, Canal Zone n08740022 Yucatan, Yucatan Peninsula n08740230 Yucatan n08740367 Merida n08740483 Campeche n08740617 Campeche n08740729 Cancun n08740875 Mexico, United Mexican States n08742205 Acapulco, Acapulco de Juarez n08742455 Chihuahua n08742578 Chihuahua n08742743 Ciudad Juarez, Juarez n08742892 Ciudad Victoria n08743003 Coahuila n08743125 Culiacan n08743229 Durango, Victoria de Durango n08743370 Guadalajara n08743557 Hermosillo n08743691 Leon n08743786 Matamoros n08743945 Mazatlan n08744105 Mexicali n08744236 Mexico City, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexican capital, capital of Mexico n08744509 Monterrey n08744626 Nogales n08744750 Oaxaca, Oaxaca de Juarez n08744871 Orizaba n08745011 Puebla, Puebla de Zaragoza, Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza n08745249 Quintana Roo n08745407 San Luis Potosi n08745513 Santa Maria del Tule n08745687 Tabasco n08745800 Tepic n08745901 Tampico n08746023 Torreon n08746147 Tijuana n08746363 Tuxtla Gutierrez n08746475 Veracruz n08746636 Villahermosa, Villa Hermosa n08746797 Guadalupe Island n08746942 Caribbean Island n08747054 West Indies, the Indies n08747494 British West Indies n08747737 Antilles n08747887 French West Indies n08748076 Greater Antilles n08748280 Lesser Antilles, Caribees n08748499 Netherlands Antilles n08748794 Aruba n08748917 Bonaire n08749042 Curacao n08749167 Saba n08749312 Saint Eustatius, St. Eustatius n08749447 Leeward Islands n08749650 Saint Martin, St. Martin, Saint Maarten, St. Maarten n08749864 Windward Islands, Windward Isles n08750151 Cuba n08750334 Cuba, Republic of Cuba n08750612 Havana, capital of Cuba, Cuban capital n08750822 Santiago de Cuba, Santiago n08750986 Guantanamo n08751126 Guadeloupe n08751317 Hispaniola, Haiti, Hayti n08751494 Haiti, Republic of Haiti n08751885 Port-au-Prince, Haitian capital n08752021 Dominican Republic n08752293 Santo Domingo, Ciudad Trujillo, capital of the Dominican Republic n08752671 Santiago de los Caballeros, Santiago n08752814 Puerto Rico, Porto Rico n08752974 Puerto Rico, Porto Rico, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, PR n08753294 San Juan n08753412 Culebra n08753561 Vieques n08753729 Jamaica n08753933 Jamaica n08754238 Kingston, capital of Jamaica, Jamaican capital n08754388 Montego Bay n08754529 Virgin Islands n08754814 British Virgin Islands n08755003 United States Virgin Islands, American Virgin Islands, VI n08755214 Barbados n08755436 Barbados n08755664 Bridgetown, capital of Barbados n08755852 Trinidad n08756052 Tobago n08756202 Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago n08756511 Port of Spain, Port-of-Spain, capital of Trinidad and Tobago n08756735 Cyprus n08756884 Cyprus, Republic of Cyprus n08757132 Nicosia, capital of Cyprus n08757264 Czech Republic n08757569 Czechoslovakia n08757791 Pilsen, Plzen n08757926 Prague, Praha, Prag, Czech capital n08758172 Austerlitz n08758334 Brno, Brunn n08758487 Ostrava n08758679 Moravia n08758882 Bohemia n08759013 Slovakia, Slovak Republic n08759263 Bratislava, capital of Slovakia, Pressburg, Pozsony n08759420 Benin, Republic of Benin, Dahomey n08759684 Porto Novo, capital of Benin n08759852 Cotonou n08759986 Togo, Togolese Republic n08760228 Lome, capital of Togo n08760393 northern Europe n08760510 Scandinavia n08760856 Scandinavia, Scandinavian Peninsula n08761039 Jutland, Jylland n08761244 Denmark, Kingdom of Denmark, Danmark n08761697 Zealand, Seeland, Sjaelland n08761868 Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, Danish capital n08762104 Arhus, Aarhus n08762243 Aalborg, Alborg n08762380 Viborg n08762495 Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti, Afars and Issas n08762823 Djibouti, capital of Djibouti n08763010 Dominica n08763193 Dominica, Commonwealth of Dominica n08763387 Roseau n08763500 Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Spanish Guinea n08763765 Malabo n08763932 Bioko n08764107 Norway, Kingdom of Norway, Norge, Noreg n08764561 Svalbard n08764717 Spitsbergen, Spitzbergen n08764899 Lofoten n08765069 Oslo, Christiania, capital of Norway n08765315 Bergen n08765460 Stavanger n08765623 Trondheim, Nidaros n08765771 Lindesnes, Naze n08765890 Sweden, Kingdom of Sweden, Sverige n08766236 Stockholm, capital of Sweden n08766455 Malmo n08766571 Lund n08766667 Goteborg, Goeteborg, Gothenburg n08766846 Uppsala, Upsala n08766988 Germany, Federal Republic of Germany, Deutschland, FRG n08768647 East Germany, German Democratic Republic n08768881 West Germany, Federal Republic of Germany n08769179 Saxony, Sachsen, Saxe n08769329 Lower Saxony n08769439 Aachen, Aken, Aix-la-Chapelle n08769645 Berlin, German capital n08769836 West Berlin n08770013 Bremen n08770274 Bremerhaven n08770518 Chemnitz, Karl-Marx-Stadt n08770718 Dortmund n08770932 Dresden n08771116 Leipzig n08771277 Solingen n08771400 Weimar n08771596 Bavaria n08771841 Hameln, Hamelin n08772028 Hohenlinden n08772137 Bonn n08772307 Cologne, Koln n08772551 Braunschweig, Brunswick n08772667 Dusseldorf n08772794 Essen n08772922 Frankfurt on the Main, Frankfurt, Frankfort n08773098 Halle, Halle-an-der-Saale n08773336 Hamburg n08773679 Hannover, Hanover n08773880 Lubeck n08774073 Mannheim n08774227 Munich, Muenchen n08774374 Nuremberg, Nurnberg n08774546 Potsdam n08774704 Rostock n08774912 Stuttgart n08775053 Wiesbaden n08775179 Wurzburg, Wuerzburg n08775297 Rhineland, Rheinland n08775439 Palatinate, Pfalz n08775597 Brandenburg n08775784 Prussia, Preussen n08776138 Ruhr, Ruhr Valley n08776320 Thuringia n08776435 East Timor n08776687 Ecuador, Republic of Ecuador n08777130 Guayaquil n08777233 Quito, capital of Ecuador n08777348 Galapagos Islands, Galapagos n08777544 Eritrea, State of Eritrea n08777815 Asmara, Asmera n08777919 Massawa n08778061 Ethiopia, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Yaltopya, Abyssinia n08778401 Addis Ababa, New Flower, capital of Ethiopia n08778597 Fiji Islands, Fijis n08778936 Viti Levu n08779042 Vanua Levu n08779149 Fiji, Republic of Fiji n08779375 Suva n08779504 Finland, Republic of Finland, Suomi n08779830 Karelia n08780018 Helsinki, Helsingfors, capital of Finland, Finnish capital n08780282 Espoo n08780380 Tampere, Tammerfors n08780510 Aland islands, Aaland islands, Ahvenanmaa n08780720 Mariehamn, Maarianhamina n08780881 Greece, Hellenic Republic, Ellas n08782319 Greece n08782490 Achaea n08782627 Aegean island n08782847 Aegina, Aigina n08782976 Chios, Khios n08783149 Cyclades, Kikladhes n08783286 Dodecanese, Dhodhekanisos n08783444 Doris n08783583 Lesbos, Lesvos, Mytilene n08783812 Rhodes, Rodhos n08784104 Aeolis, Aeolia n08784333 Crete, Kriti n08784581 Knossos, Cnossos, Cnossus n08784746 Ithaca, Ithaki n08784905 Egadi Islands, Aegadean Isles, Aegadean Islands, Isole Egadi, Aegates n08785132 Athos, Mount Athos n08785343 Athens, Athinai, capital of Greece, Greek capital n08785743 Areopagus n08785958 Dipylon gate, Dipylon n08786161 Actium n08786283 Attica n08786432 Corinth, Korinthos n08786660 Argos n08786855 Delphi n08787049 Mycenae n08787240 Sparta n08787466 Epirus n08787695 Laconia n08787878 Lycia n08788004 Lydia n08788190 Nemea n08788326 Ephesus n08788588 Patras, Patrai n08788887 Troy, Ilion, Ilium n08789076 Thebes n08789243 Boeotia n08789447 Plataea n08789605 Thessaloniki, Salonika, Salonica, Thessalonica n08789835 Stagira, Stagirus n08789970 Thessalia, Thessaly n08790199 Cynoscephalae n08790353 Arcadia n08790495 Peloponnese, Peloponnesus, Peloponnesian Peninsula n08790748 Lemnos, Limnos n08790953 Olympia n08791167 Middle East, Mideast, Near East n08791978 Mashriq n08792083 Fertile Crescent n08792295 Israel n08792548 Israel, State of Israel, Yisrael, Zion, Sion n08793310 Acre, Akko, Akka, Accho n08793489 West Bank n08793746 Nablus n08793914 Galilee n08794193 Nazareth n08794366 Gaza Strip, Gaza n08794574 Golan Heights, Golan n08794798 Jerusalem, capital of Israel n08795232 Bethlehem, Bayt Lahm, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Bethlehem-Judah n08795492 Caesarea n08795654 Sodom n08795880 sodom n08795974 Gomorrah, Gomorrha n08796219 Calvary, Golgotha n08796351 Zion, Sion n08796707 Cotswolds, Cotswold Hills n08796844 Cheviots, Cheviot Hills n08797013 Pennines, Pennine Chain n08797254 Seven Hills of Rome n08797412 Palatine n08797619 Wailing Wall n08797840 Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv-Yalo, Tel Aviv-Jaffa n08798062 Hefa, Haifa n08798195 Jaffa, Joppa, Yafo n08798382 Palestine, Canaan, Holy Land, Promised Land n08798771 Palestine n08799123 Judah, Juda n08799271 Judea, Judaea n08799462 Samaria n08799706 Philistia n08799958 Roman Republic n08800258 Roman Empire n08800676 Byzantine Empire, Byzantium, Eastern Roman Empire n08800911 Western Roman Empire, Western Empire n08801099 Byzantium n08801364 Italian Peninsula n08801546 Ticino, Tessin n08801678 Italy, Italian Republic, Italia n08803382 Italian region n08803883 Pompeii n08804049 Herculaneum n08804154 Abruzzi, Abruzzi e Molise n08804319 Aquila, L'Aquila, Aquila degli Abruzzi n08804487 Basilicata, Lucania n08804662 Bolzano n08804845 Brescia n08804962 Calabria n08805122 Campania n08805386 Ferrara n08805565 Naples, Napoli n08805801 Messina n08805953 Capri n08806142 Ischia n08806311 Emilia-Romagna n08806458 Bologna n08806617 Friuli-Venezia Giulia n08806735 Latium, Lazio n08806897 Rome, Roma, Eternal City, Italian capital, capital of Italy n08807554 Lateran n08807716 Anzio n08807894 Brindisi n08808077 Tivoli, Tibur n08808292 Liguria n08808452 Genoa, Genova n08808614 Lombardy, Lombardia n08808792 Cremona n08808979 La Spezia n08809165 Milan, Milano n08809384 Marche, Marches n08809492 Molise n08809596 Papal States n08809749 Piedmont, Piemonte n08809910 Pisa n08810051 Syracuse, Siracusa n08810220 Turin, Torino n08810358 Puglia, Apulia n08810505 Bari n08810631 Sardinia, Sardegna n08810786 Sardinia, Sardegna n08810999 Sicily, Sicilia n08811215 Sicily, Sicilia n08811473 Palermo n08811653 Cape Passero, Passero Cape n08811812 Agrigento, Acragas n08811982 Tuscany, Toscana n08812166 Firenze, Florence n08812399 Trentino-Alto Adige n08812552 Trento, Trent n08812732 Umbria n08812842 Valle D'Aosta n08812952 Veneto, Venezia-Euganea, Venetia n08813156 Padua, Padova, Patavium n08813264 Venice, Venezia n08813586 Grand Canal n08813699 Verona n08813807 Etruria n08813978 Romania, Roumania, Rumania n08814333 Brasov n08814474 Bucharest, Bucharesti, Bucuresti, capital of Romania n08814664 Constantina n08814781 Transylvania n08815046 Rwanda, Rwandese Republic, Ruanda n08815346 Kigali, capital of Rwanda n08815513 Yugoslavia n08815858 Croatia, Republic of Croatia, Hrvatska n08816236 Serbia and Montenegro, Union of Serbia and Montenegro, Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Jugoslavija n08816807 Kosovo n08816969 Serbia, Srbija n08817235 Montenegro, Crna Gora n08817418 Belgrade, Beograd, capital of Serbia and Montenegro n08817630 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosna i Hercegovina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bosnia n08818135 Bosnia n08818247 Sarajevo n08818444 Slovenia, Republic of Slovenia, Slovenija n08818736 Ljubljana n08818835 Dubrovnik, Ragusa n08819016 Split n08819128 Zagreb n08819223 Dalmatia n08819397 Greenland, Gronland, Kalaallit Nunaat n08819683 Baffin Island n08819883 Labrador n08820121 Canada n08821187 Acadia n08821319 Laurentian Plateau, Laurentian Highlands, Canadian Shield n08821578 Maritime Provinces, Maritimes, Canadian Maritime Provinces n08821885 Canadian province n08822202 Alberta n08822427 Banff n08822546 Calgary n08822742 Edmonton n08822855 British Columbia n08823156 Nanaimo n08823314 Victoria n08823480 Vancouver n08823728 Vancouver Island n08823968 Manitoba n08824152 Winnipeg n08824323 Churchill n08824484 New Brunswick n08824654 Fredericton n08824771 Saint John, St. John n08824937 Newfoundland and Labrador n08825211 Newfoundland n08825321 Saint John's, St. John's n08825477 Northwest Territories n08825664 Nunavut n08825987 Arctic Archipelago n08826150 Yellowknife n08826306 Nova Scotia n08826699 Cape Breton Island n08826841 Nova Scotia n08827002 Halifax n08827126 Ontario n08827486 Ottawa, Canadian capital, capital of Canada n08827689 Hamilton n08827853 Kingston n08828013 Sault Sainte Marie n08828151 Sudbury n08828296 Thunder Bay n08828432 Toronto n08828627 Windsor n08828750 Prince Edward Island n08828928 Charlottetown n08829071 Quebec n08829317 Quebec, Quebec City n08829533 Montreal n08829775 Saskatchewan n08830005 Regina n08830116 Saskatoon n08830256 Dawson n08830456 Yukon, Yukon Territory n08830720 Klondike n08830882 Whitehorse n08831004 Australia, Commonwealth of Australia n08832269 Canberra, Australian capital, capital of Australia n08832447 Australian state n08832691 Queensland n08832877 Brisbane n08833130 New South Wales n08833295 Sydney n08833524 Wagga Wagga n08833682 Victoria n08833809 Melbourne n08833981 Tasmania n08834123 Tasmania n08834280 Hobart n08834408 South Australia n08834543 Adelaide n08834654 Western Australia n08834806 Perth n08834916 Northern Territory n08835058 Darwin n08835188 Norfolk Island n08835390 Nullarbor Plain n08835675 Aleutian Islands, Aleutians n08835875 Oceania, Oceanica n08836165 Australasia n08836329 Austronesia n08836630 Melanesia n08836886 Micronesia n08837048 Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia, TT n08837457 Kolonia n08837552 Mariana Islands, Marianas, Ladrone Islands n08837864 Northern Marianas, Northern Mariana Islands n08838070 Saipan n08838319 Guam, GU n08838556 Wake Island, Wake n08838716 Caroline Islands n08838887 Marshall Islands n08839092 Marshall Islands, Republic of the Marshall Islands n08839296 Bikini n08839475 Eniwetok n08839714 Kwajalein n08839916 Gilbert Islands n08840200 Tuvalu, Ellice Islands n08840374 Tuvalu n08840657 Funafuti n08840749 Kiribati, Republic of Kiribati n08840964 Tarawa, Bairiki n08841075 Gilbert and Ellice Islands n08841209 Nauru, Nauru Island, Pleasant Island n08841483 Nauru, Republic of Nauru n08841667 Polynesia n08841956 Malay Archipelago, East Indies, East India n08842258 Sunda Islands n08842427 Greater Sunda Islands n08842583 Lesser Sunda Islands, Nusa Tenggara n08842819 Bismarck Archipelago n08843085 Admiralty Islands n08843215 Borneo, Kalimantan n08843571 Bougainville n08843735 Guadalcanal n08843958 New Britain n08844108 New Caledonia n08844279 New Guinea n08844557 Papua New Guinea, Independent State of Papua New Guinea n08844923 Papua n08845053 Port Moresby, capital of Papua New Guinea n08845225 New Ireland n08845366 Austria-Hungary n08845555 Austria, Republic of Austria, Oesterreich n08846135 Tyrol, Tirol n08846324 Vienna, Austrian capital, capital of Austria n08846626 Graz n08846739 Linz, Lentia n08846885 Salzburg n08847024 Innsbruck n08847165 Wagram n08847268 Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Bahamas, Bahama Islands n08847570 Nassau, capital of the Bahamas n08847694 Arabian Peninsula, Arabia n08848094 Bahrain, State of Bahrain, Bahrein n08848421 Bahrain, Bahrain Island, Bahrein, Bahrein Island n08848568 Manama, capital of Bahrain n08848731 Bangladesh, People's Republic of Bangladesh, Bangla Desh, East Pakistan n08849226 Dhaka, Dacca, capital of Bangladesh n08849372 Chittagong n08849549 Flanders n08849753 Belgium, Kingdom of Belgium, Belgique n08850450 Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgian capital, capital of Belgium n08850663 Aalst n08850741 Antwerpen, Antwerp, Anvers n08851034 Bruges, City of Bridges n08851364 Charleroi n08851500 Gent, Gand, Ghent n08851687 Liege, Luik n08851830 Namur n08852065 Waterloo n08852209 Bhutan, Kingdom of Bhutan n08852389 Botswana, Republic of Botswana n08852685 Gaborone, capital of Botswana n08852843 Bolivia, Republic of Bolivia n08853308 La Paz, capital of Bolivia n08853510 Santa Cruz n08853612 Sucre n08853741 Brazil, Federative Republic of Brazil, Brasil n08854725 Acre n08854855 Belem, Para, Feliz Lusitania, Santa Maria de Belem, St. Mary of Bethlehem n08855126 Belo Horizonte n08855308 Brasilia, Brazilian capital, capital of Brazil n08855505 Curitiba n08855609 Joao Pessoa n08855763 Governador Valadares n08855909 Limeira n08856037 Natal n08856162 Osasco n08856266 Rio de Janeiro, Rio n08856475 Recife, Pernambuco n08856630 Santos n08856793 Sao Bernardo do Campo n08856945 Sao Goncalo n08857099 Sao Joao de Meriti n08857260 Sao Jose dos Campos n08857405 Sao Louis n08857529 Sao Paulo n08857682 British Empire n08858248 British Isles n08858529 British East Africa n08858713 British West Africa n08858942 Great Britain, GB n08859173 Ireland, Hibernia, Emerald Isle n08860001 Erin n08860123 United Kingdom, UK, U.K., Britain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Great Britain n08871007 England n08872936 Albion n08873067 Anglia n08873147 Blighty n08873269 Lancaster n08873412 Lake District, Lakeland n08873622 London, Greater London, British capital, capital of the United Kingdom n08874273 City of London, the City n08874469 Home Counties n08874703 Greenwich n08874920 Bloomsbury n08875057 Soho n08875202 Wembley n08875369 West End n08875547 Westminster, City of Westminster n08875843 Buckingham Palace n08875972 Downing Street n08876139 Pall Mall n08876278 Houses of Parliament n08876435 Westminster Abbey n08876773 Wimbledon n08876975 Manchester n08877208 Hull, Kingston-upon Hull n08877382 Liverpool n08877613 Birmingham, Brummagem n08877807 Oxford n08878016 Cambridge n08878202 Bath n08878367 Blackpool n08878533 Brighton n08878708 Bristol n08878885 Cheddar n08879028 Leeds n08879197 Leicester n08879388 Newcastle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne n08879680 Portsmouth, Pompey n08879867 Coventry n08880083 Gloucester n08880223 Reading n08880375 Sheffield n08880529 Stratford-on-Avon, Stratford-upon-Avon n08880713 Sunderland n08880859 Winchester n08881017 Worcester n08881153 Avon n08881256 Berkshire n08881398 Cornwall n08881549 Cumbria n08881674 Cumbria n08881944 Devon, Devonshire n08882061 Essex n08882224 Gloucestershire n08882365 Hampshire n08882530 New Forest n08882807 Hertfordshire n08882934 Kent n08883179 Somerset n08883309 East Sussex n08883476 Hastings n08883643 West Sussex n08883772 Canterbury n08884012 Leicestershire, Leicester n08884191 Lincolnshire n08884328 Northumberland n08884513 Flodden n08884673 East Anglia n08884806 Lancashire n08884961 Surrey n08885099 Marston Moor n08885211 Yorkshire n08885380 North Yorkshire n08885490 West Yorkshire n08885631 South Yorkshire n08885773 Northamptonshire n08885921 Northampton n08886037 Naseby n08886147 Northumbria n08886277 West Country n08886432 Sussex n08886636 Wessex n08886814 Hadrian's Wall n08887013 Channel Island n08887238 Jersey, island of Jersey n08887344 Guernsey, island of Guernsey n08887463 Scilly Islands, Isles of Scilly n08887716 Man, Isle of Man n08887841 Northern Ireland n08888181 Ulster n08888367 Bangor n08888479 Belfast, capital of Northern Ireland n08888676 Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Irish Republic, Eire n08889191 Dublin, Irish capital, capital of Ireland n08889400 Cork n08889521 Galway n08889657 Limerick n08889784 Tara n08889944 Waterford n08890097 Scotland n08891415 Caledonia n08891595 Highlands, Highlands of Scotland n08891889 Lowlands, Lowlands of Scotland n08892058 Galloway n08892186 Aberdeen n08892327 Ayr n08892428 Balmoral Castle n08892596 Edinburgh n08892766 Lothian Region n08892971 Glasgow n08893223 Hebrides, Hebridean Islands, Hebridean Isles, Western Islands, Western Isles n08893492 Inner Hebrides n08893717 Isle of Skye n08893868 Islay n08894011 Mull n08894133 Staffa n08894319 Outer Hebrides n08894456 Wales, Cymru, Cambria n08895148 Aberdare n08895254 Bangor n08895386 Cardiff n08895497 Newport n08895623 Sealyham n08895771 Swansea n08895928 Anglesey, Anglesey Island, Anglesea, Anglesea Island, Mona n08896092 Brunei, Negara Brunei Darussalam n08896327 sultanate n08896440 Burkina Faso, Upper Volta n08896645 Sinai, Sinai Peninsula n08896831 Egyptian Empire, Egypt n08897065 Egypt, Arab Republic of Egypt, United Arab Republic n08897843 Lower Egypt n08898002 Upper Egypt n08898187 Alexandria, El Iskandriyah n08898457 Aswan, Assuan, Assouan n08898633 Cairo, Al Qahira, El Qahira, Egyptian capital, capital of Egypt n08898941 El Alamein n08899149 Giza, El Giza, Gizeh n08899351 Memphis n08899478 Nag Hammadi n08899577 Luxor, El-Aksur n08899776 Thebes n08900047 Saqqara, Saqqarah, Sakkara n08900204 Suez n08900377 Suez Canal n08900535 India, Republic of India, Bharat n08902097 Assam n08902196 Karnataka, Mysore n08902321 Manipur n08902422 Hindustan n08902569 Sikkim n08902753 Kanara, Canara n08902894 Punjab n08903049 New Delhi, Indian capital, capital of India n08903220 Delhi, Old Delhi n08903352 Bangalore n08903487 Jabalpur, Jubbulpore n08903636 Kolkata, Calcutta n08903872 Mumbai, Bombay n08904115 Agra n08904269 Hyderabad n08904392 Chennai, Madras n08904533 Lucknow n08904731 Mysore n08904858 Salem n08904954 Andhra Pradesh n08905085 Bihar n08905186 Goa n08905313 Gujarat, Gujerat n08905467 Tamil Nadu, Madras n08905646 Uttar Pradesh n08905751 Gujarat, Gujerat n08905936 Maharashtra n08906053 Orissa n08906169 Nilgiri Hills n08906272 West Bengal n08906374 Nepal, Kingdom of Nepal n08906809 Kathmandu, Katmandu, capital of Nepal n08906952 Tibet, Thibet, Xizang, Sitsang n08907377 Lhasa, Lassa, capital of Tibet, Forbidden City n08907606 Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Dutch East Indies n08908248 Java n08908509 Bali n08908739 Timor n08908954 Sumatra n08909107 Celebes, Sulawesi n08909233 Moluccas, Spice Islands n08909537 Indonesian Borneo, Kalimantan n08909719 Jakarta, Djakarta, capital of Indonesia n08909933 Bandung n08910106 Medan n08910230 Semarang, Samarang n08910394 Gulf States n08910668 Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Persia n08911421 Teheran, Tehran, capital of Iran, Iranian capital n08911602 Abadan n08911726 Bam n08911868 Mashhad, Meshed n08912012 Isfahan, Esfahan, Aspadana n08912153 Rasht, Resht n08912279 Shiraz n08912427 Tabriz n08912559 Urmia, Orumiyeh n08912703 Qum n08912842 Persia, Persian Empire n08913085 Persepolis n08913242 Elam, Susiana n08913434 Iraq, Republic of Iraq, Al-Iraq, Irak n08914193 Baghdad, Bagdad, capital of Iraq n08914413 Basra, Basia n08914573 Kerbala, Karbala, Kerbela n08914850 Kirkuk n08915017 Mosul n08915159 Levant n08915372 Macedon, Macedonia, Makedonija n08915660 Philippi n08915784 Thrace n08916111 Edirne, Adrianople, Adrianopolis n08916316 Mesopotamia n08916832 Babylon n08917503 Babylonia, Chaldaea, Chaldea n08917881 Chaldea, Chaldaea n08918248 Sumer n08918800 Ur n08918944 Assyria n08919241 Assur, Asur, Ashur n08919475 Nineveh n08919693 Phoenicia, Phenicia n08919949 Carthage n08920207 Utica n08920381 Japan, Japanese Islands, Japanese Archipelago n08920722 Hokkaido, Ezo, Yezo n08920924 Honshu, Hondo n08921392 Kyushu n08921613 Shikoku n08921850 Japan, Nippon, Nihon n08923177 Asahikawa n08923348 Tokyo, Tokio, Yeddo, Yedo, Edo, Japanese capital, capital of Japan n08923586 Nagano n08923755 Nagoya n08923884 Omiya n08924023 Osaka n08924238 Yokohama n08924400 Okinawa n08924560 Naha City n08924691 Ryukyu Islands n08924913 Kobe n08925093 Kyoto n08925287 Hiroshima n08925552 Sapporo n08925700 Kitakyushu n08925830 Fukuoka n08925957 Nagasaki n08926231 Toyohashi n08926381 Toyonaki n08926543 Toyota n08926681 Asama, Mount Asama n08926877 Volcano Islands n08927068 Iwo Jima n08927186 Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan n08927548 Amman, capital of Jordan n08927678 Al Aqabah, Aqaba, Akaba n08927836 Jericho n08928083 Az Zarqa, Zarqa n08928193 Kenya, Republic of Kenya n08928582 Nairobi, capital of Kenya n08928742 Kisumu n08928933 Mombasa n08929102 Nakuru n08929243 Kuwait, State of Kuwait, Koweit n08929555 Kuwait, Kuwait City, Koweit, capital of Kuwait n08929722 Gaul, Gallia n08929922 France, French Republic n08932568 Paris, City of Light, French capital, capital of France n08933084 Left Bank, Latin Quarter n08933287 Montmartre n08933437 Clichy, Clichy-la-Garenne n08933621 Orly n08933770 Quai d'Orsay n08933940 Right Bank n08934067 Ile-St-Louis n08934174 Champs Elysees n08934313 Avignon n08934532 Bordeaux n08934694 Brest n08934868 Calais n08935212 Cannes n08935381 Chablis n08935516 Chartres n08935674 Cherbourg n08935848 Dijon n08935978 Dunkirk, Dunkerque n08936180 Grenoble n08936303 Le Havre n08936476 Lille n08936647 Lyon, Lyons n08936833 Marseille, Marseilles n08936996 Nancy n08937109 Nantes n08937251 Nice n08937414 Orleans n08937594 Rheims, Reims n08937850 Strasbourg, Strassburg n08937995 Toulon n08938163 Toulouse n08938351 Tours n08938478 Valenciennes n08938619 Versailles n08938819 Vichy n08939028 Vienne n08939201 Riviera n08939437 French Riviera, Cote d'Azur n08939562 French region n08940209 Alsace, Alsatia, Elsass n08940371 Anjou n08940517 Aquitaine, Aquitania n08940670 Artois n08940835 Auvergne n08940936 Basse-Normandie, Lower-Normandy n08941057 Bourgogne, Burgundy n08941208 Bretagne, Brittany, Breiz n08941426 Centre n08941535 Champagne, Champagne-Ardenne n08941681 Ardennes n08941895 Corse, Corsica n08942091 Corse, Corsica n08942277 Franche-Comte n08942392 Gascogne, Gascony n08942508 Haute-Normandie, Upper-Normandy n08942629 Ile-de-France n08942780 Languedoc-Roussillon n08942965 Limousin n08943104 Lorraine, Lothringen n08943242 Martinique n08943461 Mayenne n08943601 Midi n08943699 Midi-Pyrenees n08943810 Nord-Pas-de-Calais n08943926 Pays de la Loire n08944089 Picardie, Picardy n08944224 Poitou-Charentes, Poitou n08944378 Rhone-Alpes n08944561 Normandie, Normandy n08944818 Orleanais n08944960 Provence n08945110 Lyonnais n08945277 Savoy n08945529 Gabon, Gabonese Republic, Gabun n08945705 Libreville, capital of Gabon n08945821 Gambia, The Gambia, Republic of The Gambia n08946042 Banjul, capital of Gambia n08946187 Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Gold Coast n08946564 Accra, capital of Ghana n08946715 Kumasi n08946812 Tamale n08946909 Grenada n08947180 St. George's, capital of Grenada n08947319 Guinea, Republic of Guinea, French Guinea n08947617 Conakry, Konakri, capital of Guinea n08947772 Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guinea-Bissau, Guine-Bissau, Portuguese Guinea n08948027 Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau n08948155 Guiana n08948346 Guyana, Co-operative Republic of Guyana, British Guiana n08948704 Georgetown, Stabroek n08948958 Demerara n08949093 Netherlands, The Netherlands, Kingdom of The Netherlands, Nederland, Holland n08949737 Amsterdam, Dutch capital, capital of The Netherlands n08950035 Apeldoorn n08950230 Arnhem n08950407 The Hague, 's Gravenhage, Den Haag n08950649 Eindhoven n08950787 Nijmegen n08950907 Rotterdam n08951077 Leiden, Leyden n08951278 Utrecht n08951385 Friesland n08951513 Friesland n08951777 Frisia n08951957 Frisian Islands n08952190 Hungary, Republic of Hungary, Magyarorszag n08952423 Budapest, Hungarian capital, capital of Hungary n08952628 Faroe Islands, Faeroe Islands, Faroes, Faeroes n08952856 Faroe Islands, Faeroe Islands, Faroes, Faeroes n08953029 Thorshavn n08953151 Iceland n08953324 Iceland, Republic of Iceland n08953596 Reykjavik, capital of Iceland n08953829 Orkney Islands n08954057 Shetland, Shetland Islands, Zetland n08954269 Thule, ultima Thule n08954443 Thule n08954611 Korea, Korean Peninsula, Dae-Han-Min-Gook, Han-Gook n08954975 Chosen n08955082 North Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, D.P.R.K., DPRK n08955397 Pyongyang, capital of North Korea n08955626 South Korea, Republic of Korea n08955951 Seoul, capital of South Korea n08956140 Inchon, Incheon, Chemulpo n08956305 Kwangju n08956461 Taegu, Tegu n08956574 Pusan n08956760 Laos, Lao People's Democratic Republic n08957064 Vientiane, Laotian capital, capital of Laos n08957212 Lappland, Lapland n08957381 Lebanon, Lebanese Republic n08957806 Bayrut, Beirut, capital of Lebanon n08957993 Tarabulus, Tripoli, Tarabulus Ash-Sham, Trablous n08958212 Sayda, Saida, Sidon n08958334 Sur, Tyre n08958535 Byblos n08958830 Lesotho, Kingdom of Lesotho, Basutoland n08959105 Maseru, capital of Lesotho n08959254 Liberia, Republic of Liberia n08959495 Monrovia, Liberian capital, capital of Liberia n08959683 Libya, Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya n08960099 Tripoli, Tarabulus Al-Gharb, capital of Libya n08960363 Benghazi n08960548 Liechtenstein, Principality of Liechtenstein n08960843 Vaduz, capital of Liechtenstein n08960987 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Luxemburg n08961402 Luxembourg-Ville, Luxembourg, Luxemburg, Luxembourg City, capital of Luxembourg n08961630 Macedonia n08961852 Skopje, Skoplje, Uskub n08961970 Madagascar n08962187 Madagascar, Republic of Madagascar, Malagasy Republic n08962465 Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar n08962610 Malawi, Republic of Malawi, Nyasaland n08962951 Blantyre n08963095 Lilongwe, capital of Malawi n08963244 Zomba n08963369 Malaysia, Malaya n08963813 Kuala Lumpur n08963969 Putrajaya, capital of Malaysia n08964099 East Malaysia n08964288 Sabah, North Borneo n08964474 Sarawak n08964647 West Malaysia n08964810 Malay Peninsula n08965055 Maldives, Maldive Islands n08965251 Maldives, Republic of Maldives n08965475 Male n08965598 Mali, Republic of Mali, French Sudan n08965958 Bamako n08966085 Timbuktu n08966239 Malta n08966408 Malta, Republic of Malta n08966647 Valletta, Valetta, capital of Malta n08966820 Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mauritanie, Muritaniya n08967176 Nouakchott n08967329 Mauritius n08967484 Mauritius, Republic of Mauritius n08967688 Port Louis n08967868 Monaco, Principality of Monaco n08968125 Monaco-Ville n08968225 Monte Carlo n08968390 Tartary, Tatary n08968677 Mongolia n08968879 Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic, Outer Mongolia n08969123 Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar, Urga, Kulun, capital of Mongolia n08969291 Morocco, Kingdom of Morocco, Maroc, Marruecos, Al-Magrib n08969798 Casablanca n08969948 El Aaium n08970064 Fez, Fes n08970189 Marrakesh, Marrakech n08970318 Oujda n08970445 Rabat, capital of Morocco n08970611 Tangier, Tangiers n08970833 Western Sahara, Spanish Sahara n08971025 Mozambique, Republic of Mozambique, Mocambique n08971404 Beira n08971554 Maputo, capital of Mozambique n08971693 Natal, KwaZulu-Natal n08971914 New Zealand, New Zealand Islands n08972148 North Island n08972335 South Island n08972521 New Zealand n08972920 Auckland n08973064 Christchurch n08973202 Wellington, capital of New Zealand n08973330 Niger, Republic of Niger n08973647 Niamey, capital of Niger n08973776 Nigeria, Federal Republic of Nigeria n08974171 Abuja, capital of Nigeria, Nigerian capital n08974330 Ibadan n08974468 Katsina n08974604 Lagos n08974818 Maiduguri, Yerwa-Maiduguri n08974974 Zaria n08975106 Oman, Sultanate of Oman, Muscat and Oman n08975435 Muscat, Masqat, capital of Oman n08975617 Kashmir, Cashmere, Jammu and Kashmir n08975902 Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, West Pakistan n08976799 Faisalabad, Lyallpur n08976913 Hyderabad n08977035 Islamabad, capital of Pakistan n08977211 Karachi n08977428 Lahore n08977527 Peshawar n08977665 Rawalpindi n08977845 Sind n08977948 Palau, Palau Islands, Belau, Pelew n08978161 Palau, Republic of Palau, TT n08978343 Paraguay, Republic of Paraguay n08978667 Asuncion, capital of Paraguay n08978821 Parthia n08979054 Peru, Republic of Peru n08979590 Arequipa n08979740 Cuzco, Cusco n08979878 Lima, capital of Peru n08980119 Machu Picchu n08980300 Philippines, Philippine Islands n08980640 Cebu n08980814 Luzon n08980920 Mindanao n08981123 Mindoro n08981244 Philippines, Republic of the Philippines n08981746 Manila, capital of the Philippines n08981922 Caloocan n08982037 Cebu, Cebu City n08982181 Quezon City n08982289 Pinatubo, Mount Pinatubo n08982452 Visayan Islands, Bisayas n08982587 Poland, Republic of Poland, Polska n08983105 Warszawa, Warsaw, capital of Poland n08983274 Bydgoszcz, Bromberg n08983413 Cracow, Krakow, Krakau n08983556 Czestochowa n08983742 Gdansk, Danzig n08984010 Katowice n08984122 Lodz n08984223 Lublin n08984332 Wroclaw, Breslau n08984457 Zabrze n08984567 Iberian Peninsula, Iberia n08984788 Portugal, Portuguese Republic n08985345 Azores, Acores n08985559 Madeira n08985724 Madeira Islands, Madeiras n08985958 Braga n08986066 Lisbon, Lisboa, capital of Portugal n08986374 Porto, Oporto n08986526 Setubal n08986691 Qatar, Qatar Peninsula, Katar, Katar Peninsula n08986905 Qatar, State of Qatar, Katar, State of Katar n08987262 Doha, Bida, El Beda, capital of Qatar n08987423 Saint Kitts and Nevis, Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Christopher-Nevis, St. Christopher-Nevis, St. Kitts and Nevis n08987879 Saint Christopher, St. Christopher, Saint Kitts, St. Kitts n08988068 Basseterre n08988216 Nevis n08988333 Sombrero n08988453 Saint Lucia, St. Lucia n08988609 Saint Lucia, St. Lucia n08988861 Castries n08989031 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Vincent and the Grenadines n08989324 Saint Vincent, St. Vincent n08989556 Kingstown n08989697 French Polynesia, French Oceania n08989941 Tahiti n08990203 Papeete n08990344 Society Islands n08990522 Tuamotu Archipelago, Paumotu Archipelago, Low Archipelago n08990701 Tubuai Islands, Austral Islands n08990844 Gambier Islands n08990999 Marquesas Islands, Iles Marquises n08991182 Samoa, Samoan Islands n08991491 Samoa, Independent State of Samoa, Western Samoa, Samoa i Sisifo n08991752 Apia, capital of Western Samoa n08991878 American Samoa, Eastern Samoa, AS n08992067 Pago Pago, Pango Pango n08992181 San Marino, Republic of San Marino n08992508 San Marino, capital of San Marino n08992648 Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tome e Principe, Sao Thome e Principe, St. Thomas and Principe n08993037 Sao Tome n08993144 Principe n08993288 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia n08993871 Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia n08994090 Mecca n08994339 Medina, Al Madinah n08994540 Dhahran n08994834 Jeddah, Jed'dah, Jiddah, Jidda n08995013 Tabuk n08995120 Taif n08995242 Nejd, Najd n08995515 Hejaz, Hedjaz, Hijaz n08995862 Senegal, Republic of Senegal n08996118 Dakar, capital of Senegal n08996284 Seychelles, Seychelles islands n08996483 Seychelles, Republic of Seychelles n08996714 Victoria, capital of Seychelles n08996871 Sierra Leone, Republic of Sierra Leone n08997132 Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone n08997310 Singapore, Singapore Island n08997487 Singapore, Republic of Singapore n08997801 Singapore, capital of Singapore n08997976 Solomons, Solomon Islands n08998233 Solomon Islands n08998451 Honiara n08998560 Somalia n08998853 Mogadishu, Mogadiscio, capital of Somalia n08999049 Hargeisa n08999154 Somali peninsula, Horn of Africa n08999482 South Africa, Republic of South Africa n09000272 Pretoria, capital of South Africa n09000462 Cape Town n09000665 Johannesburg n09000854 Kimberley n09001007 Durban n09001184 Free State, Orange Free State n09001373 Transvaal n09001580 Cape Province, Cape of Good Hope Province, Cape Colony n09001881 Witwatersrand, Rand, Reef n09002096 Cape of Good Hope n09002195 Cape of Good Hope n09002325 Bloemfontein n09002433 Soweto n09002630 Rus n09002814 Russia n09003284 Soviet Union, Russia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR n09003918 Muscovy n09004068 Moscow, capital of the Russian Federation, Russian capital n09004358 Astrakhan n09004495 Cherepovets n09004625 Chechnya, Chechenia, Chechen Republic n09004992 Grozny, Groznyy n09005153 Kaluga n09005273 Khabarovsk n09005457 Khabarovsk n09005611 Kursk n09005712 Siberia n09006205 Soviet Socialist Republic n09006413 Russia, Russian Federation n09007471 European Russia n09007613 Asian Russia n09007723 Soviet Russia, Russia, Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic n09008130 Nizhnyi Novgorod, Nizhni Novgorod, Gorki, Gorky, Gorkiy n09008333 Kazan n09008454 St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Peterburg, Petrograd, Saint Petersburg n09008723 Murmansk n09008993 Nalchik n09009174 Novgorod n09009372 Perm, Molotov n09009490 Rostov, Rostov on Don, Rostov na Donu n09009693 Saratov n09009816 Smolensk n09009978 Ufa n09010085 Volgograd, Stalingrad, Tsaritsyn n09010300 Novosibirsk n09010453 Chelyabinsk n09010565 Omsk n09010670 Vladivostok n09010785 Novaya Zemlya, Nova Zembla n09010974 Kola Peninsula n09011151 Belarus, Republic of Belarus, Byelarus, Byelorussia, Belorussia, White Russia n09011518 Minsk, capital of Belarus n09011679 Homyel, Homel, Gomel n09011820 Pinsk n09011922 Lubavitch n09012101 Baltic State, Baltic Republic n09012297 Estonia, Esthonia, Republic of Estonia n09012530 Tallinn, Tallin, capital of Estonia n09012735 Tartu n09012898 Livonia n09013074 Latvia, Republic of Latvia n09013353 Riga, capital of Latvia n09013603 Liepaja n09013724 Daugavpils n09013830 Lithuania, Republic of Lithuania, Lietuva n09014066 Klaipeda, Memel n09014273 Vilnius, Vilna, Vilno, Wilno, capital of Lithuania n09014470 Kaunas, Kovna, Kovno n09014586 Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Moldavia n09014850 Kishinev, Chisinau, capital of Moldova n09014979 Ukraine, Ukrayina n09015460 Crimea n09015653 Colchis n09015907 Kyyiv, Kiev, capital of the Ukraine n09016099 Donetsk, Donetske, Stalino n09016232 Donets Basin, Donbass, Donbas n09016365 Chernobyl n09016539 Dneprodzerzhinsk n09016698 Dnipropetrovsk, Yekaterinoslav n09016860 Kharkov, Kharkiv n09017005 Odessa, Odesa n09017168 Sebastopol, Sevastopol n09017301 Yalta n09017526 Armenia, Republic of Armenia, Hayastan n09018030 Yerevan, Jerevan, Erivan, capital of Armenia n09018162 Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani Republic, Azerbajdzhan, Azerbajdzhan Republic n09018426 Baku, capital of Azerbaijan n09018647 Iberia n09018848 Georgia, Sakartvelo n09019194 Tbilisi, Tiflis, capital of Georgia n09019355 Abkhaz, Abkhazia n09019592 Adzhar, Adzharia n09019726 Kazakhstan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakstan, Kazakh, Kazak n09020119 Astana, Akmola, capital of Kazakhstan n09020299 Almaty, Alma-Ata n09020440 Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Kirghizia, Kirgizia, Kirghiz, Kirgiz, Kirghizstan, Kirgizstan n09020792 Bishkek, Biskek, Frunze, capital of Kyrgyzstan n09020961 Tajikistan, Republic of Tajikistan, Tadzhikistan, Tadzhik, Tadjik, Tajik n09021313 Dushanbe, Dusanbe, Dyushambe, Stalinabad, capital of Tajikistan n09021503 Turkmenistan, Turkomen, Turkmen, Turkmenia n09021812 Ashkhabad, capital of Turkmenistan n09021958 Kamchatka Peninsula n09022132 Taimyr Peninsula, Taymyr Peninsula n09022265 Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbek n09022538 Tashkent, Taskent, capital of Uzbek n09022667 Samarkand, Samarcand n09022831 Latin America n09023118 Andorra, Principality of Andorra n09023321 Spain, Kingdom of Spain, Espana n09024467 Madrid, capital of Spain, Spanish capital n09024668 Balearic Islands n09024844 Majorca n09024972 Canary Islands, Canaries n09025189 Barcelona n09025451 Cadiz n09025584 Cartagena n09025728 Cordoba, Cordova n09025863 Granada n09026204 Jerez, Jerez de la Frontera n09026360 Leon n09026499 Logrono n09026614 Malaga n09026780 Oviedo n09026911 San Sebastian n09027089 Sevilla, Seville n09027292 Toledo n09027460 Aragon n09027679 Zaragoza, Saragossa n09027853 Castile, Castilla n09028062 Catalonia n09028204 Galicia n09028367 Leon n09028477 Valencia n09028643 Tenerife n09028841 Gibraltar, Rock of Gibraltar, Calpe n09029242 Sudan, Soudan n09029457 Sudan, Republic of the Sudan, Soudan n09029884 Darfur n09030096 Kordofan n09030210 Khartoum, capital of Sudan n09030382 Nyala n09030467 Port Sudan n09030596 Omdurman n09030752 Suriname, Republic of Suriname, Surinam, Dutch Guiana, Netherlands Guiana n09031061 Paramaribo, capital of Suriname n09031233 Swaziland, Kingdom of Swaziland n09031501 Mbabane, capital of Swaziland n09031653 Switzerland, Swiss Confederation, Suisse, Schweiz, Svizzera n09032191 Swiss canton n09032321 Bern, Berne, capital of Switzerland n09032483 Basel, Basle, Bale n09032604 Geneva, Geneve, Genf n09032843 Interlaken n09032981 Lausanne n09033117 Zurich n09033333 Syria, Syrian Arab Republic n09033813 Aram n09033936 Dimash, Damascus, capital of Syria n09034286 Halab, Aleppo, Alep n09034402 Al Ladhiqiyah, Latakia n09034550 Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania n09034967 Dar es Salaam, capital of Tanzania n09035153 Dodoma n09035305 Tanganyika n09035458 Zanzibar n09035632 Mbeya n09035735 Mwanza n09035852 Tabora n09035951 Tanga n09036098 Serengeti, Serengeti Plain n09036295 Serengeti National Park n09036452 Thailand, Kingdom of Thailand, Siam n09036880 Bangkok, capital of Thailand, Krung Thep n09037133 Tonga, Kingdom of Tonga, Friendly Islands n09037394 Tunisia, Republic of Tunisia n09037838 Tunis, capital of Tunisia n09037991 Ariana n09038079 Ehadhamen n09038170 Gafsa n09038272 Sfax, Safaqis n09038439 Sousse, Susa, Susah n09038597 Ottoman Empire, Turkish Empire n09038990 Kurdistan n09039260 Iraqi Kurdistan n09039411 Turkey, Republic of Turkey n09040299 Abydos n09040475 Adana, Seyhan n09040601 Ankara, Turkish capital, capital of Turkey, Angora n09040839 Antalya, Adalia n09040998 Antioch, Antakya, Antakiya n09041199 Chalcedon, Kadikoy n09041371 Dardanelles, Canakkale Bogazi, Hellespont n09041582 Halicarnassus n09041785 Istanbul, Stambul, Stamboul, Constantinople n09042213 Bursa, Brusa n09042322 Izmir, Smyrna n09042451 Pergamum n09042675 Sardis n09042924 Ionia n09043052 Uganda, Republic of Uganda n09043411 Buganda n09043556 Entebbe n09043802 Jinja n09043926 Kampala, capital of Uganda n09044094 Gulu n09044190 United Arab Emirates n09044536 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates's capital n09044714 Dubai n09044862 United States, United States of America, America, the States, US, U.S., USA, U.S.A. n09048127 East Coast n09048303 West Coast n09048460 Colony n09048880 New England n09049303 Mid-Atlantic states n09049599 Gulf States n09049909 slave state n09050089 free state n09050244 Confederacy, Confederate States, Confederate States of America, South, Dixie, Dixieland n09050730 South n09051235 Deep South n09051609 Old South n09051726 Sunbelt n09051898 Tidewater, Tidewater region n09052100 Piedmont n09052314 Union, North n09052652 North n09052835 Carolina, Carolinas n09053019 Dakota n09053185 Alabama, Heart of Dixie, Camellia State, AL n09053801 Montgomery, capital of Alabama n09053947 Birmingham, Pittsburgh of the South n09054110 Decatur n09054233 Gadsden n09054350 Huntsville n09054480 Mobile n09054616 Selma n09054797 Tuscaloosa n09054915 Tuskegee n09055015 Alaska, Last Frontier, AK n09055786 Juneau, capital of Alaska n09055906 Anchorage n09056055 Nome n09056278 Sitka n09056476 Skagway n09056677 Valdez n09056837 Seward Peninsula n09057021 Alexander Archipelago n09057170 Admiralty Island n09057311 Arizona, Grand Canyon State, AZ n09057930 Flagstaff n09058071 Mesa n09058219 Nogales n09058376 Phoenix, capital of Arizona n09058635 Prescott n09058735 Sun City n09058841 Tucson n09059125 Yuma n09059274 Arkansas, Land of Opportunity, AR n09059741 Fayetteville n09059876 Fort Smith n09060024 Hot Springs n09060176 Jonesboro n09060280 Little Rock, capital of Arkansas n09060480 Pine Bluff n09060615 Texarkana n09060768 California, Golden State, CA, Calif. n09062015 Anaheim n09062184 Disneyland n09062320 Bakersfield n09062478 Barstow n09062585 Berkeley n09062791 Beverly Hills n09062961 Chula Vista n09063125 Eureka n09063259 Fresno n09063477 Long Beach n09063673 Los Angeles, City of the Angels n09063950 Hollywood n09064080 Monterey n09064264 Oakland n09064468 Palo Alto n09064594 Pasadena n09064729 Redding n09064861 Riverside n09064966 Sacramento, capital of California n09065191 San Bernardino n09065328 San Diego n09065557 San Francisco n09065899 Nob Hill n09066017 San Jose n09066249 San Mateo n09066375 San Pablo n09066534 Santa Ana n09066665 Santa Barbara n09066799 Santa Clara n09066948 Santa Catalina, Catalina Island n09067138 Santa Cruz n09067277 Colorado, Centennial State, CO n09067721 Boulder n09067878 Colorado Springs n09068107 Denver, Mile-High City, capital of Colorado n09068320 Pueblo n09068444 Connecticut, Nutmeg State, Constitution State, CT n09068805 Connecticut n09068921 Bridgeport n09069072 Farmington n09069190 Hartford, capital of Connecticut n09069415 New Haven n09069569 New London n09069752 Waterbury n09069862 Delaware, Diamond State, First State, DE n09070120 Delaware n09070233 Dover, capital of Delaware n09070363 Wilmington n09070487 District of Columbia, D.C., DC n09070793 Washington, Washington D.C., American capital, capital of the United States n09071246 Potomac n09071349 Capitol Hill, the Hill n09071571 Georgetown n09071690 Florida, Sunshine State, Everglade State, FL n09072611 Daytona Beach n09072810 Fort Lauderdale n09073034 Fort Myers n09073138 Gainesville n09073258 Jacksonville n09073442 Key West n09073584 Melbourne n09073697 Miami n09073938 Miami Beach n09074140 Orlando n09074285 Palm Beach n09074431 Panama City n09074596 Pensacola n09074707 Sarasota n09074834 St. Augustine, Saint Augustine n09075007 St. Petersburg, Saint Petersburg n09075170 Tallahassee, capital of Florida n09075329 Tampa n09075496 West Palm Beach n09075688 Walt Disney World n09075842 Georgia, Empire State of the South, Peach State, GA n09076421 Georgia n09076533 Albany n09076675 Atlanta, capital of Georgia n09076982 Athens n09077111 Augusta n09077266 Brunswick n09077410 Columbus n09077556 Macon n09077681 Oxford n09077821 Savannah n09077977 Valdosta n09078102 Vidalia n09078231 Hawaii, Hawai'i, Aloha State, HI n09078654 Hilo n09078784 Honolulu, capital of Hawaii, Hawaiian capital n09079001 Waikiki n09079153 Hawaiian Islands, Sandwich Islands n09079505 Hawaii, Hawaii Island n09079747 Kahoolawe, Kahoolawe Island n09079875 Kauai, Kauai Island n09080006 Lanai, Lanai Island n09080146 Maui, Maui Island n09080273 Molokai, Molokai Island n09080415 Nihau, Nihau Island n09080554 Oahu, Oahu Island n09080782 Pearl Harbor n09080989 Midway Islands n09081213 Idaho, Gem State, ID n09081560 Boise, capital of Idaho n09081688 Coeur d'Alene n09081830 Idaho Falls n09081955 Lewiston n09082058 Nampa n09082158 Pocatello n09082273 Sun Valley n09082395 Twin Falls n09082540 Illinois, Prairie State, Land of Lincoln, IL n09082988 Cairo n09083151 Carbondale n09083255 Champaign n09083390 Chicago, Windy City n09083659 Decatur n09083795 East Saint Louis n09083949 Moline n09084075 Peoria n09084196 Rockford n09084298 Rock Island n09084483 Springfield, capital of Illinois n09084615 Urbana n09084750 Indiana, Hoosier State, IN n09085089 Bloomington n09085209 Evansville n09085334 Fort Wayne n09085441 Gary n09085593 Indianapolis, capital of Indiana n09085830 Lafayette n09085967 Muncie n09086070 South Bend n09086173 Iowa, Hawkeye State, IA n09086509 Council Bluffs n09086635 Davenport n09086793 Cedar Rapids n09086894 Clinton n09086995 Des Moines, capital of Iowa n09087126 Dubuque n09087247 Mason City n09087352 Ottumwa n09087450 Sioux City n09087599 Kansas, Sunflower State, KS n09087996 Dodge City n09088151 Abilene n09088301 Hays n09088396 Kansas City n09088556 Lawrence n09088718 Salina n09088815 Topeka, capital of Kansas n09088989 Wichita n09089139 Kentucky, Bluegrass State, KY n09089524 Bowling Green n09089631 Frankfort, capital of Kentucky n09089782 Lexington n09089923 Louisville n09090128 Owensboro n09090271 Paducah n09090389 Bluegrass, Bluegrass Country, Bluegrass Region n09090559 Louisiana Purchase n09090825 Louisiana, Pelican State, LA n09091285 Alexandria n09091398 Baton Rouge, capital of Louisiana n09091538 Lafayette n09091668 Monroe n09091774 Morgan City n09091909 New Orleans n09092352 Shreveport n09092497 Maine, Pine Tree State, ME n09092822 Augusta, capital of Maine n09092948 Bangor n09093072 Brunswick n09093187 Lewiston n09093315 Orono n09093472 Portland n09093608 Maryland, Old Line State, Free State, MD n09093980 Maryland n09094093 Aberdeen n09094217 Annapolis, capital of Maryland n09094381 Baltimore n09094581 Fort Meade, Fort George Gordon Meade, Fort George G. Meade n09094791 Frederick n09094919 Hagerstown n09095023 Massachusetts, Bay State, Old Colony, MA n09095606 Massachusetts, Massachusetts Bay Colony n09095751 Boston, Hub of the Universe, Bean Town, Beantown, capital of Massachusetts n09096089 Boston Harbor n09096190 Beacon Hill n09096343 Breed's Hill n09096498 Charlestown n09096664 Cambridge n09096903 Concord n09097079 Gloucester n09097283 Lexington n09097461 Medford n09097599 Pittsfield n09097707 Springfield n09097871 Worcester n09098027 Cape Ann n09098184 Cape Cod n09098358 Cape Cod Canal n09098488 Martha's Vineyard n09098592 Nantucket n09098721 Plymouth n09098885 Plymouth Colony n09099098 Plymouth Rock n09099264 Salem n09099411 Williamstown n09099526 Michigan, Wolverine State, Great Lakes State, MI n09100080 Alpena n09100223 Ann Arbor n09100394 Detroit, Motor City, Motown n09100690 Flint n09100837 Grand Rapids n09100982 Houghton n09101127 Jackson n09101233 Kalamazoo n09101318 Lansing, capital of Michigan n09101495 Marquette n09101639 Monroe n09101753 Saginaw n09101882 Traverse City n09102016 Minnesota, Gopher State, North Star State, MN n09102415 Bemidji n09102517 Duluth n09102655 Hibbing n09102781 Mankato n09102883 Minneapolis n09103112 Rochester n09103217 Saint Cloud, St. Cloud n09103377 Saint Paul, St. Paul, capital of Minnesota n09103648 Twin Cities n09103803 Virginia n09103943 Mississippi, Magnolia State, MS n09104474 Biloxi n09104604 Columbus n09104737 Greenville n09104894 Hattiesburg n09105003 Jackson, capital of Mississippi n09105156 Meridian n09105260 Natchez n09105390 Tupelo n09105494 Vicksburg n09105821 Missouri, Show Me State, MO n09106393 Cape Girardeau n09106502 Columbia n09106614 Hannibal n09106770 Independence n09106912 Jefferson City, capital of Missouri n09107098 Kansas City n09107305 Poplar Bluff n09107412 Saint Joseph, St. Joseph n09107626 Saint Louis, St. Louis, Gateway to the West n09107950 Sedalia n09108055 Springfield n09108164 Montana, Treasure State, MT n09108586 Bozeman n09108728 Billings n09108884 Butte n09109012 Great Falls n09109180 Helena, capital of Montana n09109333 Missoula n09109444 Nebraska, Cornhusker State, NE n09109771 Grand Island n09109882 Lincoln, capital of Nebraska n09110099 North Platte n09110229 Omaha n09110422 Nevada, Silver State, Battle Born State, Sagebrush State, NV n09110784 Carson City, capital of Nevada n09110939 Las Vegas n09111168 Reno n09111366 New Hampshire, Granite State, NH n09111636 New Hampshire n09111754 Concord, capital of New Hampshire n09111955 Manchester n09112123 Portsmouth n09112282 New Jersey, Jersey, Garden State, NJ n09112742 New Jersey n09112857 Atlantic City n09113022 Trenton, capital of New Jersey n09113207 Bayonne n09113333 Camden n09113479 Jersey City n09113611 Morristown n09113762 Newark n09113901 New Brunswick n09114020 Paterson n09114128 Princeton n09114262 Cape May n09114401 Liberty Island, Bedloe's Island n09114696 New Mexico, Land of Enchantment, NM n09115315 Albuquerque n09115478 Carlsbad n09115646 Farmington n09115756 Gallup n09115886 Las Cruces n09116010 Los Alamos n09116214 Roswell n09116318 Santa Fe, capital of New Mexico n09116488 Silver City n09116599 Taos n09116709 Manhattan Island n09116876 New Amsterdam n09117118 New Netherland n09117351 New York, New York State, Empire State, NY n09118181 New York n09118313 Albany, capital of New York n09118505 Buffalo n09118639 Cooperstown n09118817 Erie Canal n09119070 New York State Barge Canal n09119277 New York, New York City, Greater New York n09119989 Bronx n09120087 Brooklyn n09120207 Coney Island n09120353 Ellis Island n09120594 Manhattan n09120939 Fifth Avenue n09121101 Seventh Avenue n09121230 Central Park n09121334 Harlem n09121458 Hell's Kitchen, Hell's Half Acre n09121619 SoHo, South of Houston n09121814 Ithaca n09121936 Bowery n09122086 Broadway, Great White Way n09122258 Park Avenue, Park Ave. n09122397 off-Broadway n09122542 Times Square n09122779 Wall Street, Wall St. n09122968 Greenwich Village, Village n09123182 Queens n09123281 Staten Island n09123387 East River n09123538 Harlem River n09123662 Verrazano Narrows n09123809 West Point n09124039 Long Island n09124252 Elmont n09124399 Kennedy, Kennedy Interrnational, Kennedy International Airport n09124589 Binghamton n09124732 Kingston n09124845 Newburgh n09125016 Niagara Falls n09125203 Rochester n09125354 Schenectady n09125528 Syracuse n09125629 Utica n09125727 Saratoga Springs n09125881 Watertown n09125984 borscht circuit, borsht circuit, borscht belt, borsht belt n09126305 North Carolina, Old North State, Tar Heel State, NC n09126895 North Carolina n09127014 Cape Fear n09127161 Cape Flattery n09127274 Cape Froward n09127461 Cape Hatteras n09127701 Hatteras Island n09127844 Raleigh, capital of North Carolina n09128040 Asheville n09128201 Chapel Hill n09128372 Charlotte, Queen City n09128536 Durham n09128691 Fayetteville n09128808 Goldsboro n09128947 Greensboro n09129062 Greenville n09129187 Wilmington n09129324 Winston-Salem n09129442 North Dakota, Peace Garden State, ND n09129719 Bismarck, capital of North Dakota n09129926 Fargo n09130076 Ohio, Buckeye State, OH n09130452 Akron n09130599 Athens n09130714 Cleveland n09130883 Cincinnati n09131001 Columbus, capital of Ohio n09131205 Dayton n09131324 Mansfield n09131428 Toledo n09131553 Youngstown n09131654 Oklahoma, Sooner State, OK n09132053 Bartlesville n09132163 Enid n09132266 Lawton n09132367 McAlester n09132474 Muskogee n09132597 Oklahoma City, capital of Oklahoma n09132778 Tulsa n09133010 Oregon, Beaver State, OR n09133364 Bend n09133500 Eugene n09133643 Klamath Falls n09133775 Medford n09133895 Portland n09134202 Salem, capital of Oregon n09134386 Pennsylvania, Keystone State, PA n09134882 Pennsylvania n09134999 Allentown n09135142 Altoona n09135246 Bethlehem n09135447 Erie n09135590 Gettysburg n09135733 Harrisburg, capital of Pennsylvania n09135894 Hershey n09135993 Chester n09136182 Philadelphia, City of Brotherly Love n09136582 Pittsburgh n09136929 Scranton n09137032 Rhode Island, Little Rhody, Ocean State, RI n09137334 Rhode Island n09137451 Providence, capital of Rhode Island n09137682 Newport n09137869 South Carolina, Palmetto State, SC n09138239 South Carolina n09138358 Columbia, capital of South Carolina n09138538 Charleston n09138676 Florence n09138808 Greenville n09138935 South Dakota, Coyote State, Mount Rushmore State, SD n09139380 Aberdeen n09139508 Pierre, capital of South Dakota n09139698 Rapid City n09139849 Sioux Falls n09139993 Black Hills n09140148 Tennessee, Volunteer State, TN n09140569 Chattanooga n09140674 Columbia n09140781 Jackson n09140882 Johnson City n09140993 Knoxville n09141119 Memphis n09141297 Nashville, capital of Tennessee n09141526 Texas, Lone-Star State, TX n09142674 Abilene n09142771 Amarillo n09142887 Arlington n09143017 Austin, capital of Texas n09143205 Beaumont n09143321 Brownsville n09143549 Bryan n09143649 Corpus Christi n09143786 Dallas n09143973 Del Rio n09144117 El Paso n09144323 Fort Worth n09144484 Galveston n09144605 Galveston Island n09144730 Garland n09144851 Houston n09145083 Laredo n09145217 Lubbock n09145341 Lufkin n09145437 McAllen n09145553 Midland n09145655 Odessa n09145751 Paris n09145851 Plano n09145970 San Angelo n09146111 San Antonio n09146324 Sherman n09146451 Texarkana n09146584 Tyler n09146681 Victoria n09146813 Waco n09146912 Wichita Falls n09147046 Utah, Beehive State, Mormon State, UT n09147504 Ogden n09147618 Provo n09147737 Salt Lake City, capital of Utah n09147964 Vermont, Green Mountain State, VT n09148259 Montpelier, capital of Vermont n09148422 Bennington n09148529 Brattleboro n09148662 Burlington n09148871 Rutland n09148970 Virginia, Old Dominion, Old Dominion State, VA n09149934 Virginia n09150047 Richmond, capital of Virginia n09150284 Blacksburg n09150448 Jamestown n09150662 Newport News n09150863 Norfolk n09151114 Lynchburg n09151216 Portsmouth n09151411 Roanoke n09151516 Virginia Beach n09151800 Bull Run n09151963 Chancellorsville n09152080 Fredericksburg n09152218 Petersburg n09152401 Spotsylvania n09152570 Yorktown n09152769 Mount Vernon n09152944 Washington, Evergreen State, WA n09153570 Aberdeen n09153710 Bellingham n09153873 Kennewick n09154000 Olympia, capital of Washington n09154178 Seattle n09154607 Spokane n09154731 Tacoma n09154905 Vancouver n09155065 Walla Walla n09155199 Yakima n09155306 West Virginia, Mountain State, WV n09155692 Beckley n09155798 Charleston, capital of West Virginia n09155986 Clarksburg n09156095 Fayetteville n09156241 Huntington n09156395 Harpers Ferry, Harper's Ferry n09156666 Morgantown n09156889 Parkersburg n09157021 Wheeling n09157163 Wisconsin, Badger State, WI n09157555 Appleton n09157657 Eau Claire n09157766 Green Bay n09157896 La Crosse n09158024 Madison, capital of Wisconsin n09158268 Milwaukee n09158501 Racine n09158649 Superior n09158789 Watertown n09158897 Wausau n09159003 Wyoming, Equality State, WY n09159546 Casper n09159675 Cheyenne, capital of Wyoming n09159859 Jackson n09159958 Lander n09160056 Laramie n09160168 Rock Springs n09160295 Uruguay n09160571 Montevideo, capital of Uruguay n09160775 Vanuatu, Republic of Vanuatu, New Hebrides n09160968 Port Vila, Vila, capital of Vanuatu n09161090 Holy See, The Holy See, State of the Vatican City n09161452 Vatican City, Citta del Vaticano n09161615 Guiana Highlands n09161803 Venezuela, Republic of Venezuela n09162276 Caracas, capital of Venezuela n09162414 Ciudad Bolivar n09162581 Cumana n09162803 Maracaibo n09162955 Maracay n09163077 Valencia n09163192 Vietnam, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Viet Nam, Annam n09163584 North Vietnam n09163844 South Vietnam n09164095 Hanoi, capital of Vietnam n09164241 Ho Chi Minh City, Saigon n09164417 Haiphong n09164561 Yemen, Republic of Yemen n09164903 Aden n09165146 Hodeida, Al-Hudaydah n09165294 Mukalla, Al-Mukalla n09165464 Sana, Sanaa, Sana'a n09165613 Zambia, Republic of Zambia, Northern Rhodesia n09165996 Lusaka, capital of Zambia n09166127 Low Countries n09166304 Lusitania n09166534 Silesia, Slask, Slezsko, Schlesien n09166756 Big Sur n09166902 Silicon Valley n09167101 Zimbabwe, Republic of Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia n09167505 Harare, Salisbury, capital of Zimbabwe n09167652 Bulawayo n09167767 Arabian Desert, Great Arabian Desert n09168020 Arabian Desert, Eastern Desert n09168193 Atacama Desert n09168336 Australian Desert, Great Australian Desert n09168592 Black Rock Desert n09168707 Chihuahuan Desert n09168915 Colorado Desert n09169038 Dasht-e-Kavir, Kavir Desert, Great Salt Desert n09169188 Dasht-e-Lut, Lut Desert n09169303 Death Valley n09169557 Gibson Desert n09169690 Gila Desert n09169801 Gobi, Gobi Desert n09169930 Great Sandy Desert n09170109 Great Victoria Desert n09170294 Kalahari, Kalahari Desert n09170475 Kara Kum, Qara Qum, Turkestan Desert n09170633 Kyzyl Kum, Kizil Kum, Qizil Qum n09170788 Libyan Desert n09170996 Mojave, Mojave Desert, Mohave, Mohave Desert n09171204 Namib Desert n09171376 Nefud, An Nefud, Nafud, An Nafud n09171560 Negev, Negev Desert n09171674 Nubian Desert n09171853 Painted Desert n09171984 Patagonian Desert n09172111 Rub al-Khali, Ar Rimsal, Dahna, Great Sandy Desert n09172283 Sahara, Sahara Desert n09172480 Sub-Saharan Africa, Black Africa n09172634 Simpson Desert n09172751 Sinai, Sinai Desert n09172910 Sonoran Desert n09173023 Syrian Desert n09173288 Taklimakan Desert, Taklamakan Desert n09173417 Thar Desert, Great Indian Desert n09173623 Cameroon n09173777 Citlaltepetl, Mount Orizaba, Mt Orizaba, Pico de Orizaba n09174015 Colima, Nevado de Colima, Volcan de Colima n09174166 Cotacachi n09174301 Cotopaxi n09174457 Demavend n09174566 El Misti n09174718 Etna, Mount Etna, Mt Etna n09174908 Fuego n09175016 Fuji, Mount Fuji, Fujiyama, Fujinoyama, Fuji-san n09175322 Galeras, Pasto n09175459 Guallatiri n09175617 Huainaputina n09175767 Klyuchevskaya n09175915 Krakatau, Krakatao, Krakatoa n09176159 New Siberian Islands n09176342 Lascar n09176446 Mauna Kea n09176608 Mauna Loa n09176732 Nyamuragira n09176844 Nyiragongo n09176955 Purace n09177103 Sangay n09177249 Tupungatito n09177385 Mount Saint Helens, Mount St. Helens, Mt. St. Helens n09177647 Scythia n09177883 Vesuvius, Mount Vesuvius, Mt. Vesuvius n09178141 North Africa n09178310 West Africa n09178481 Dar al-Islam, House of Islam n09178596 Dar al-harb, House of War n09178727 life n09178821 rational motive n09178999 reason, ground n09179264 occasion n09179382 score, account n09179606 why, wherefore n09179776 incentive, inducement, motivator n09179962 moral force, dynamic n09180118 disincentive, deterrence n09180259 irrational motive n09180431 urge, impulse n09180616 abience n09180791 adience n09180967 death instinct, death wish, Thanatos n09181114 irrational impulse n09181330 compulsion, irresistible impulse n09181557 mania, passion, cacoethes n09181889 agromania n09181993 dipsomania, alcoholism, potomania n09182142 egomania n09182273 kleptomania n09182401 logorrhea, logomania n09182524 monomania, possession n09182650 necrophilia, necrophilism, necromania n09182784 phaneromania n09182929 pyromania n09183031 trichotillomania n09183140 wanderlust, itchy feet n09183255 compulsion, obsession n09183532 onomatomania n09183693 ethical motive, ethics, morals, morality n09183971 hedonism n09184136 conscience, scruples, moral sense, sense of right and wrong n09184405 wee small voice, small voice, voice of conscience n09184543 sense of shame, sense of duty n09184668 Inner Light, Light, Light Within, Christ Within n09184834 psychic energy, mental energy n09184975 incitement, incitation, provocation n09185280 signal n09185440 libidinal energy n09185612 cathexis, charge n09185865 acathexis n09186064 Aare, Aar, Aare River n09186225 Abukir, Abukir Bay n09186359 abyss, abysm n09186592 abyssal zone n09186709 Acheron, River Acheron n09186928 achondrite n09187036 acicula n09187204 Aconcagua n09187407 Adams, Mount Adams n09187594 Adam's Peak, Samanala n09187743 Adige, River Adige n09187923 Adirondacks, Adirondack Mountains n09188094 Admiralty Range n09188229 adjunct n09188383 Adriatic, Adriatic Sea n09188609 Aegean, Aegean Sea n09188894 Aegospotami, Aegospotamos n09189157 aerie, aery, eyrie, eyry n09189289 aerolite n09189411 Africa n09190918 agent n09191427 airborne transmission n09191635 air bubble n09191707 Aire, River Aire, Aire River n09191875 Alabama, Alabama River n09192122 Alaska Peninsula n09192280 Alaska Range n09192462 Aldebaran n09192566 Algol n09192708 Alleghenies, Allegheny Mountains n09192973 Allegheny, Allegheny River n09193282 alluvial sediment, alluvial deposit, alluvium, alluvion n09193551 alluvial flat, alluvial plain n09193705 alp n09193772 Alpha Centauri, Rigil Kent, Rigil n09193933 Alpha Crucis n09194052 alpha particle n09194227 Alpine glacier, Alpine type of glacier n09194357 Alps, the Alps n09194710 Altai Mountains, Altay Mountains n09194938 Altair n09195098 altocumulus, altocumulus cloud n09195235 altostratus, altostratus cloud n09195372 Amazon, Amazon River n09195615 America n09195796 American Falls n09195958 ammonite, ammonoid n09196103 Amur, Amur River, Heilong Jiang, Heilong n09196302 Ancohuma n09196454 Andaman Sea n09196611 Andes n09197271 Andromeda n09197432 Angara, Angara River, Tunguska, Upper Tunguska n09197660 Angel, Angel Falls n09197815 anion n09197945 Annapurna, Anapurna n09198106 Antarctica, Antarctic continent n09198574 Antarctic Ocean n09198755 Antarctic Peninsula, Palmer Peninsula n09198997 Antares n09199101 anthill, formicary n09199219 antibaryon n09199341 antilepton n09199498 antimeson n09199581 antimuon, positive muon n09199728 antineutrino n09199817 antineutron n09199904 antiparticle n09200193 antiproton n09200317 antiquark n09200419 antitauon, tau-plus particle n09200527 Antlia n09200649 Apalachicola, Apalachicola River n09200874 Apennines n09201031 aperture n09201189 Apollo asteroid n09201301 Appalachians, Appalachian Mountains n09201714 Apus n09201840 Aquarius n09201998 aquifer n09202142 Aquila n09202285 Ara n09202405 Arabian Sea n09202603 Arafura Sea n09202810 Araguaia, Araguaia River, Araguaya, Araguaya River n09203032 Ararat, Mount Ararat, Mt. Ararat n09203217 Aras, Araxes n09203481 Arauca n09203677 archeological remains n09203827 archipelago n09204977 Arctic Ocean n09205334 Arcturus n09205509 arete n09205607 Argo n09205890 Argun, Argun River, Ergun He n09206133 Aries n09206289 Aristarchus n09206375 Arkansas, Arkansas River n09206693 Arno, Arno River, River Arno n09206896 arroyo n09206985 ascent, acclivity, rise, raise, climb, upgrade n09207288 Asia n09208496 asterism n09208702 asteroid n09209025 asthenosphere n09209132 Atacama Trench n09209263 Atlantic, Atlantic Ocean n09210236 Atlantic Coast n09210346 Atlas Mountains n09210604 atmosphere n09210862 atoll n09211056 Auriga, Charioteer n09211266 Australia n09211735 Australian Alps n09211944 Avon, River Avon, Upper Avon, Upper Avon River n09212151 Avon, River Avon n09212360 backwater n09212572 badlands n09212690 Baffin Bay n09212935 Balaton, Lake Balaton, Plattensee n09213076 Balkans, Balkan Mountains, Balkan Mountain Range n09213254 Baltic, Baltic Sea n09213434 bank n09213565 bank n09213828 bank, cant, camber n09214060 bar n09214269 barbecue pit n09214422 Barents Sea n09214581 barrier n09214760 barrier island n09214916 barrier reef n09215023 baryon, heavy particle n09215315 base n09215437 basin n09215664 bay, embayment n09216442 Bay of Bengal n09216588 Bay of Biscay n09216781 Bay of Fundy n09216968 Bay of Naples n09217086 bayou n09217230 beach n09217414 beachfront n09217508 Beaufort Sea n09217638 bed, bottom n09217867 bed n09218044 bedrock n09218159 beehive, hive n09218315 honeycomb n09218494 belay n09218641 ben n09218782 Bering Sea n09218963 Bering Strait n09219078 Berkshires, Berkshire Hills n09219233 berm n09219349 Beta Centauri n09219467 Beta Crucis n09219592 beta particle n09219731 Betelgeuse, Alpha Orionis n09219858 Big Dipper, Dipper, Plough, Charles's Wain, Wain, Wagon n09220046 Bighorn, Bighorn River n09220239 bight n09220434 Bight of Benin n09220574 Big Sioux River n09220770 billabong n09220922 billabong n09221070 binary star, binary, double star n09221424 biological agent, biohazard n09221571 bird's nest, bird nest, birdnest n09221723 Biscayne Bay n09221900 Bismarck Sea n09222051 bit, chip, flake, fleck, scrap n09222406 black body, blackbody, full radiator n09222742 Black Forest, Schwarzwald n09222880 Black Hills n09223177 black hole n09223325 Black Sea, Euxine Sea n09223487 bladder stone, cystolith n09223591 blade n09223725 blanket, mantle n09223911 blood-brain barrier n09224193 Blue Nile n09224325 Blue Ridge Mountains, Blue Ridge n09224566 blue sky, blue, blue air, wild blue yonder n09224725 bluff n09224828 b-meson n09224911 body n09225146 body of water, water n09225943 bog, peat bog n09226209 Bo Hai, Po Hai n09226367 bolt-hole n09226498 bonanza n09226591 Bonete n09226738 Bootes n09226869 borrow pit n09226997 boson n09227219 Bosporus n09227428 bottomland, bottom n09227530 bottom quark, beauty quark n09227683 Bougainville Trench n09227839 boulder, bowlder n09228055 brae n09228144 Brahmaputra, Brahmaputra River n09228324 branch n09228492 branched chain n09228619 Brazos, Brazos River n09228801 breach n09228928 Brenner Pass n09229158 brickbat n09229249 Bristol Channel n09229409 brook, creek n09229641 brooklet n09229709 bubble n09229941 bullet hole n09230041 burrow, tunnel n09230202 butte n09230361 Buzzards Bay n09230500 Cachi n09230646 Caelum n09230768 calculus, concretion n09231117 caldera n09231263 Callisto n09231361 Caloosahatchee, Caloosahatchee River n09231587 Cam, River Cam, Cam River n09231761 Cambrian Mountains n09231890 Canadian, Canadian River n09232165 Canadian Falls, Horseshoe Falls n09232317 canal n09232526 Canandaigua Lake, Lake Canandaigua n09232687 Cancer n09232841 Canis Major, Great Dog n09232989 Canis Minor, Little Dog n09233134 Canopus n09233284 Cantabrian Mountains n09233446 canyon, canon n09233603 canyonside n09233715 cape, ness n09234104 Cape Canaveral, Cape Kennedy n09234374 Cape Cod Bay n09234491 Cape Fear River n09234654 Capella n09234756 Cape Sable n09234885 Cape Sable n09235053 Cape Trafalgar n09235244 Cape York n09235469 Cape York Peninsula n09235713 Capricornus, Capricorn n09235894 Caribbean, Caribbean Sea n09236077 Carina n09236251 Carlsbad Caverns n09236423 Carpathians, Carpathian Mountains n09236766 carpet n09236957 cascade n09237076 Cascades, Cascade Range, Cascade Mountains n09237404 Caspian, Caspian Sea n09237627 Cassiopeia n09237749 Castor, Alpha Geminorum n09237918 cataract n09238030 Cataract Canyon n09238143 catch n09238294 cation n09238425 Catskills, Catskill Mountains n09238674 Caucasus, Caucasus Mountains n09238926 cave n09239302 cavern n09239451 cavern n09239581 Cayuga Lake, Lake Cayuga n09239740 celestial body, heavenly body n09240051 Centaurus, Centaur n09240272 Cepheus n09240409 Ceres n09240507 Cetus n09240621 chain, chemical chain n09240889 Chamaeleon, Chameleon n09241047 Changtzu n09241247 channel n09241712 Chao Phraya n09241929 chap n09242037 Charles, Charles River n09242232 charm quark n09242389 chasm n09242514 Chattahoochee, Chattahoochee River n09242767 Baikal, Lake Baikal, Baykal, Lake Baykal n09242956 Lake Chelan n09243100 Coeur d'Alene Lake n09243209 Lake Tahoe n09243405 Chesapeake Bay n09243615 Chimborazo n09243769 chink n09243906 chip, cow chip, cow dung, buffalo chip n09244022 Chiron n09244191 chondrite n09244331 chondrule n09244469 chromosphere n09244683 Chukchi Peninsula n09244831 Chukchi Sea n09244972 Cimarron, Cimarron River n09245212 cinder, clinker n09245370 Circinus n09245515 cirque, corrie, cwm n09245650 cirrocumulus, cirrocumulus cloud n09245833 cirrostratus, cirrostratus cloud n09245964 cirrus, cirrus cloud n09246134 clast n09246292 clastic rock n09246464 cliff, drop, drop-off n09246660 Clinch River n09246883 closed chain, ring n09247071 closed universe n09247410 cloud n09247847 cloud bank n09247942 Clyde n09248153 coast n09248294 coastal plain n09248399 coastland n09248477 Coast Range, Coast Mountains n09248724 Cocytus, River Cocytus n09248914 coffee grounds n09249034 col, gap n09249155 collector n09249272 collision course n09249418 Colorado, Colorado River n09250016 Colorado, Colorado River n09250165 Colorado Plateau n09250551 Columba, Dove n09250678 Columbia, Columbia River n09251002 coma n09251229 Coma Berenices n09251407 comet n09251689 commemorative n09251832 Communism Peak, Mount Communism, Stalin Peak, Mount Garmo n09252078 Congo, Congo River, Zaire River n09252273 Connecticut, Connecticut River n09252586 consolidation n09252766 Constance, Lake Constance, Bodensee n09252970 constellation n09254614 continent n09255070 continental glacier n09255207 continental shelf n09255343 continental slope, bathyal zone, bathyal district n09255519 contrail, condensation trail n09255768 Cook Strait n09255921 Coosa, Coosa River n09256182 Copernicus n09256272 coprolite n09256360 coprolith, fecalith, faecalith, stercolith n09256479 coral reef n09256663 Coral Sea n09256815 core n09256895 core n09257011 corner n09257141 Corona Borealis n09257280 Coropuna n09257429 Corvus, Crow n09257563 couple n09257761 cove n09257843 cove n09257949 covering, natural covering, cover n09258587 Crab Nebula n09258715 crack, cleft, crevice, fissure, scissure n09259025 crag n09259104 cranny n09259219 crater n09259376 Crater n09259500 craton n09259677 crevasse n09259746 Cross-Florida Waterway, Okeechobee Waterway n09260010 crust, Earth's crust n09260218 crust, incrustation, encrustation n09260466 crystal, crystallization n09260744 crystallite n09260907 cultivated land, farmland, plowland, ploughland, tilled land, tillage, tilth n09261138 Cumberland, Cumberland River n09261407 Cumberland Gap n09261604 Cumberland Mountains, Cumberland Plateau n09261772 cumulonimbus, cumulonimbus cloud, thundercloud n09261960 cumulus, cumulus cloud n09262082 Cuquenan, Cuquenan Falls, Kukenaam, Kukenaam Falls n09262233 curtain n09262371 cutting n09262490 Cygnus n09262690 dale n09262798 dander n09262955 dandruff n09263087 Danube, Danube River, Danau n09263479 Darling, Darling River n09263619 Dead Sea n09263811 deep n09263912 defile, gorge n09264021 Deimos n09264116 Delaware, Delaware River n09264425 Delaware Bay n09264599 dell, dingle n09264680 Delphinus n09264803 delta n09265025 delta ray n09265134 Demerara n09265274 Denali Fault n09265392 Deneb n09265492 Denebola n09265620 descent, declivity, fall, decline, declination, declension, downslope n09265910 desideratum n09266052 Detroit River n09266287 deuteron n09266453 Dhaulagiri n09266604 diapir n09266790 diffuse nebula, gaseous nebula n09266946 dipole n09267128 dipole molecule n09267227 direct transmission n09267490 discard n09267602 distributary n09267758 ditch n09267854 divot n09268007 divot n09268236 Dnieper, Dnieper River n09268480 dog shit, dog do, doggy do, dog turd n09268592 Dolomite Alps n09268778 Don, Don River n09268927 Donner Pass n09269174 Dorado n09269341 down n09269472 downhill n09269573 down quark n09269717 Draco, Dragon n09269882 draw n09269972 dregs, settlings n09270160 drey n09270233 drift n09270414 drift ice n09270508 drink n09270657 drumlin n09270735 dune, sand dune n09270894 Earth, earth, world, globe n09271291 East China Sea n09271415 Ebro, Ebro River n09271558 Elbe, Elbe River n09271774 electric dipole, electric doublet n09271904 electron, negatron n09272085 elementary particle, fundamental particle n09272468 eliminator n09272595 Elizabeth River n09272773 El Libertador n09272927 El Muerto n09273130 ember, coal n09273291 enclosure, natural enclosure n09273447 English Channel n09273681 enterolith n09273776 envelope n09273928 Epsilon Aurigae n09274032 Eridanus n09274152 escarpment, scarp n09274305 esker n09274500 estuary n09274739 Euphrates, Euphrates River n09275016 Eurasia n09275335 Europa n09275473 Europe n09276872 evening star, Hesperus, Vesper n09277010 Everest, Mount Everest, Mt. Everest n09277279 Everglades n09277432 exosphere n09277538 expanse n09277686 extraterrestrial object, estraterrestrial body n09277913 Eyre, Lake Eyre n09278162 Eyre Peninsula n09278295 fallow n09278432 fatigue crack n09278537 fault, faulting, geological fault, shift, fracture, break n09278997 feeder, tributary, confluent, affluent n09279161 fermion n09279345 filing n09279458 finding n09279727 Fingal's Cave n09279870 fireball n09279986 fireball n09280113 fire pit n09280236 firestone n09280380 firth n09280573 Firth of Clyde n09280731 Firth of Forth n09280913 fishpond n09280995 fixed star n09281104 fjord, fiord n09281252 flare star n09281411 flat n09281545 Flint, Flint River n09281777 floater n09281914 floodplain, flood plain n09282084 floor n09282208 floor n09282363 floor n09282534 flowage n09282724 foam, froth n09283066 folium n09283193 fomite, vehicle n09283405 foothill n09283514 footwall n09283623 ford, crossing n09283767 foreland n09283866 foreshore n09284015 forest, woodland, timberland, timber n09284308 Fornax n09284433 Forth, Forth River n09284589 fossil n09284917 Fountain of Youth n09285128 Fox River n09285254 fragment n09285648 free electron n09285828 Galan n09285979 Galilean satellite, Galilean n09286200 gallstone, bilestone n09286318 Galveston Bay n09286478 Galway Bay n09286630 Ganges, Ganges River n09286843 Gan Jiang, Kan River n09287033 Ganymede n09287124 Garonne, Garonne River n09287289 Gasherbrum n09287415 gauge boson n09287613 Gemini n09287817 geode n09287968 geological formation, formation n09288635 geyser n09288769 giant star, giant n09288946 Gila, Gila River n09289177 glacial boulder n09289331 glacier n09289596 glen n09289709 globule n09289802 gluon n09289913 Golden Gate n09290121 Gondwanaland n09290350 gopher hole n09290444 gorge n09290626 Gosainthan n09290777 grain n09291027 Grand Canyon n09291185 Grand River n09291340 Grand Teton n09291513 granule n09291633 graviton n09291781 Great Attractor n09292007 Great Australian Bight n09292189 Great Bear, Ursa Major n09292348 Great Barrier Reef n09292545 Great Dividing Range, Eastern Highlands n09292751 Great Lakes n09293011 Great Plains, Great Plains of North America n09293340 Great Rift Valley n09293613 Great Salt Lake n09293744 Great Slave Lake n09293917 Great Smoky Mountains n09294066 Green, Green River n09294285 Greenland Sea n09294413 Green Mountains n09294599 greenwood n09294716 grinding n09294877 grotto, grot n09294984 grounds n09295210 growler n09295338 growth n09295455 Grus, Crane n09295576 Guadalupe Mountains n09295790 Guantanamo Bay n09295946 gulch, flume n09296053 gulf n09296121 gulf n09296695 Gulf Coast n09296804 Gulf of Aden n09296937 Gulf of Alaska n09297104 Gulf of Antalya n09297240 Gulf of Aqaba, Gulf of Akaba n09297423 Gulf of Bothnia n09297584 Gulf of California, Sea of Cortes n09297729 Gulf of Campeche, Golfo de Campeche, Bay of Campeche n09297920 Gulf of Carpentaria, Carpentaria n09298100 Gulf of Corinth, Gulf of Lepanto n09298267 Gulf of Finland n09298410 Gulf of Guinea n09298569 Gulf of Martaban n09298698 Gulf of Mexico, Golfo de Mexico n09298974 Gulf of Ob, Bay of Ob n09299125 Gulf of Oman n09299265 Gulf of Riga n09299397 Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Gulf of St. Lawrence n09299584 Gulf of Sidra n09299727 Gulf of Suez n09299885 Gulf of Tehuantepec n09300030 Gulf of Thailand, Gulf of Siam n09300199 Gulf of Venice n09300306 gully n09300483 gut n09300559 guyot n09300674 hadron n09300905 hail n09301044 hairball, hair ball, trichobezoar n09301249 Hampton Roads n09301461 Handies Peak n09301625 hanging wall n09301738 Hangzhou Bay n09301844 head n09302031 head n09302127 headstream n09302263 Hercules n09302400 heterocyclic ring, heterocycle n09302616 highland, upland n09302804 high sea, international waters n09303008 hill n09303528 hillside n09303647 Himalayas, Himalaya Mountains, Himalaya n09304164 Hindu Kush, Hindu Kush Mountains n09304376 hogback, horseback n09304465 hole n09304750 hole, hollow n09305031 hollow, holler n09305229 holystone n09305358 hood, cap n09305479 Hook of Holland, Hoek van Holland n09305646 horsepond n09305728 horst n09305898 hot spring, thermal spring n09306031 Housatonic, Housatonic River n09306257 Huang He, Hwang Ho, Yellow River n09306497 Huascaran n09306642 Hubbard, Mount Hubbard n09306840 Hudson, Hudson River n09307031 Hudson Bay n09307140 Humber n09307300 hunk, lump n09307552 Hydra, Snake n09307719 hydrogen ion n09307902 hydrosphere n09308116 Hydrus n09308242 hyperon n09308398 ice n09308572 iceberg, berg n09308743 icecap, ice cap n09308918 icefall n09309046 ice field n09309168 ice floe, floe n09309292 ice mass n09309456 Iguazu, Iguazu Falls, Iguassu, Iguassu Falls, Victoria Falls n09309666 IJssel, IJssel river n09309820 IJsselmeer n09310011 Illampu n09310162 Illimani n09310314 Illinois River n09310460 impairer n09310616 inclined fault n09310806 inclusion body, cellular inclusion, inclusion n09311067 index fossil, guide fossil n09311259 Indian Ocean n09311710 Indigirka, Indigirka River n09311885 indirect transmission n09312094 indumentum, indument n09312231 Indus, Indus River n09312516 Indus n09312645 inessential, nonessential n09312843 infectious agent, infective agent n09312999 inferior planet n09313159 ingrowth n09313241 Inland Passage, Inside Passage n09313454 Inland Sea n09313716 inlet, recess n09314013 inside track n09314128 intermediate vector boson n09314263 interplanetary dust n09314398 interplanetary gas n09314603 interplanetary medium n09314829 interstellar medium n09314964 intrusion n09315057 Io n09315159 ion n09315455 Ionian Sea n09315624 Irish Sea n09315762 iron filing n09315870 Irrawaddy, Irrawaddy River n09316066 Irtish, Irtish River, Irtysh, Irtysh River n09316312 Isere, Isere River n09316454 island n09319456 isle, islet n09319604 isthmus n09319902 Isthmus of Corinth n09320111 Isthmus of Kra n09320239 Isthmus of Panama, Isthmus of Darien n09320485 Isthmus of Suez n09320611 Isthmus of Tehuantepec n09320826 jag n09320985 James, James River n09321180 James, James River n09321338 James Bay n09321527 Japan Trench n09321694 Jebel Musa, Abila, Abyla n09321901 Jordan, Jordan River n09322087 Jovian planet, gas giant n09322349 J particle, psi particle n09322454 Jupiter n09322701 K2, Godwin Austen, Mount Godwin Austen, Dapsang n09322930 Kamet n09323085 Kanawha, Kanawha River n09323221 Kanchenjunga, Mount Kanchenjunga, Kanchanjanga, Kinchinjunga n09323470 Kansas, Kansas River, Kaw River n09323660 kaon, kappa-meson, k-meson, K particle n09323824 Karakoram, Karakoram Range, Karakorum Range, Mustagh, Mustagh Range n09324118 Kara Sea n09324322 Karelian Isthmus n09324474 Kasai, Kasai River, River Kasai n09324859 Kattegatt n09325038 kettle hole, kettle n09325246 Keuka Lake, Lake Keuka n09325395 key, cay, Florida key n09325530 Khyber Pass n09325824 kidney stone, urinary calculus, nephrolith, renal calculus n09325963 Kilimanjaro, Mount Kilimanjaro n09326139 Kissimmee, Kissimmee River n09326299 Kivu, Lake Kivu n09326467 Klamath, Klamath River n09326662 knoll, mound, hillock, hummock, hammock n09326844 Kodiak, Kodiak Island n09327077 kopje, koppie n09327201 Korea Bay n09327361 Korean Strait, Korea Strait n09327538 Kuiper belt, Edgeworth-Kuiper belt n09327705 Kuiper belt object, KBO n09327881 Kunlun, Kunlan Shan, Kunlun Mountains, Kuenlun, Kuenlun Mountains n09328148 Kura, Kura River n09328311 Labrador-Ungava Peninsula, Labrador Peninsula n09328596 Labrador Sea n09328746 lagoon, laguna, lagune n09328904 lake n09330061 Lake Albert, Lake Albert Nyanza, Mobuto Lake n09330233 Lake Aral, Aral Sea n09330378 lake bed, lake bottom n09330467 Lake Chad, Chad n09330604 Lake Champlain, Champlain n09330913 Lake Edward n09331066 Lake Erie, Erie n09331251 lakefront n09331328 Lake Geneva, Lake Leman n09331535 Lake Huron, Huron n09331654 Lake Ilmen, Ilmen n09331819 Lake Ladoga, Ladoga n09332050 Lake Michigan, Michigan n09332246 Lake Nasser, Nasser n09332394 Lake Nyasa, Lake Malawi n09332598 Lake Onega, Onega n09332770 Lake Ontario, Ontario n09332890 lakeside, lakeshore n09332976 Lake St. Clair, Lake Saint Clair n09333171 Lake Superior, Superior n09333334 Lake Tana, Lake Tsana n09333512 Lake Tanganyika, Tanganyika n09333706 Lake Urmia, Urmia, Daryacheh-ye Orumiyeh n09333905 Lake Vanern, Vanern n09334049 Lake Victoria, Victoria Nyanza n09334266 lambda particle, lambda hyperon n09334396 land, dry land, earth, ground, solid ground, terra firma n09335240 land, ground, soil n09335693 landfall n09335809 landfill n09335916 landmass, land mass n09336052 Laptev Sea n09336271 Large Magellanic Cloud n09336416 Lascaux n09336555 lather n09336702 Laudo n09336853 Laurasia n09337048 leak n09337253 ledge, shelf n09337406 lees n09337531 Lehigh River n09337686 Lena, Lena River n09337833 Leo n09338013 lepton n09338243 Lepus n09338361 lethal agent n09338453 Lethe, River Lethe n09338712 Lhotse n09338910 Liaodong Peninsula, Liaodong Bandao n09339109 Libra n09339272 Ligurian Sea n09339414 liman n09339512 Limpopo, Crocodile River n09339668 liposomal delivery vector n09339810 lithosphere, geosphere n09340024 Little Bear, Ursa Minor n09340203 Little Bighorn, Little Bighorn River, Little Horn n09340452 Little Dipper, Dipper n09340644 Little Missouri, Little Missouri River n09340935 Little Sioux River n09341145 Little Wabash, Little Wabash River n09341319 llano n09341465 Llano Estacado n09341673 Llullaillaco n09341874 loch n09341987 loch n09342141 Loch Achray n09342245 Loch Linnhe n09342386 Loch Ness n09342563 lodestar, loadstar n09342729 Logan, Mount Logan n09342937 Loire, Loire River n09343123 Loire Valley n09343266 long chain, long-chain molecule n09343422 Long Island Sound n09343587 lough n09343660 lough n09343761 Lower California, Baja California n09343943 lower mantle n09344050 Lower Peninsula n09344198 lowland n09344324 lunar crater n09344449 Lupus n09344559 Lyra n09344724 maar n09344863 Mackenzie, Mackenzie River n09345002 mackerel sky n09345127 Madeira, Madeira River n09345265 Magdalena, Magdalena River n09345503 Magellanic Cloud n09345693 magnetic dipole n09345792 magnetic monopole n09345932 main, briny n09346120 mainland n09346284 Makalu n09346450 mantle n09346613 mare, maria n09346735 mare clausum n09346874 mare liberum n09347008 mare nostrum n09347116 mare's tail n09347208 Marmara, Sea of Marmara, Marmara Denizi, Marmora, Sea of Marmora n09347445 Mars, Red Planet n09347779 marsh, marshland, fen, fenland n09348055 mass n09348236 Massachusetts Bay n09348460 massif n09348643 Massif Central n09348827 mat n09348949 matchwood n09349055 matrix n09349192 Matterhorn n09349425 McKinley, Mount McKinley, Mt. McKinley, Denali n09349648 meander n09349797 mechanism n09350045 Mediterranean, Mediterranean Sea n09350524 Mekong, Mekong River n09350776 Menai Strait n09350922 Mendenhall Glacier, Great Mendenhall Glacier n09351086 Mensa n09351257 Mercedario n09351408 Mercury n09351547 mere n09351647 Merrimack, Merrimack River n09351905 mesa, table n09352108 Mesabi Range n09352282 meson, mesotron n09352578 mesosphere n09352721 metal filing n09352849 meteorite n09353109 meteoroid, meteor n09353338 meteor swarm n09353437 Meuse, Meuse River n09353603 micelle n09353815 microfossil n09353918 micrometeorite, micrometeoroid, micrometeor n09354142 Microscopium n09354283 Mid-Atlantic Ridge n09354511 midstream n09354608 mid-water n09354780 Milk, Milk River n09354984 Milky Way, Milky Way Galaxy, Milky Way System n09355261 millpond n09355397 Minamata Bay n09355623 minor planet, planetoid n09355850 mire, quagmire, quag, morass, slack n09356080 Mississippi, Mississippi River n09356320 Missouri, Missouri River n09356639 Mobile, Mobile River n09356781 Mobile Bay n09356929 Mohawk River n09357080 Mohorovicic discontinuity, Moho n09357346 molehill n09357447 monocline n09357580 Monongahela, Monongahela River n09357847 Mont Blanc, Monte Bianco n09358096 Monterey Bay n09358226 moon n09358358 Moon, moon n09358550 moon n09358751 moor, moorland n09358907 moraine n09359031 Moray Firth n09359150 Moreau River n09359312 Moreton Bay n09359471 morning star, daystar, Phosphorus, Lucifer n09359631 motor n09359803 mountain, mount n09360122 mountain peak n09361517 mountainside, versant n09361681 Mount Bartle Frere n09361816 Mount Carmel n09362050 Mount Elbert n09362207 mouse nest, mouse's nest n09362316 mouth n09362469 mouth n09362666 Mozambique Channel n09362820 mud puddle n09362945 mull n09363064 multiple star n09363214 muon, negative muon, mu-meson n09363420 Murray, Murray River n09363620 Murrumbidgee, Murrumbidgee River n09363810 Musca n09363970 must n09364086 mutagen n09364249 Muztag, Muztagh n09364426 Nacimiento n09364582 nacreous cloud, mother-of-pearl cloud n09364778 Namoi, Namoi River n09364954 Nan, Nan River n09365128 Nanda Devi n09365288 Nanga Parbat n09365443 Nan Ling n09365587 Nares Deep n09365730 Narragansett Bay n09365863 narrow n09366017 natural depression, depression n09366317 natural elevation, elevation n09366597 natural order n09366762 nature n09366940 nebula n09367137 nebule n09367203 necessity, essential, requirement, requisite, necessary n09367733 neck n09367827 Neckar, Neckar River n09367991 need, want n09368224 neighbor, neighbour n09368479 Neosho, Neosho River n09368699 Neptune n09369039 neritic zone n09369169 nest n09369412 neutrino n09369520 neutron n09369692 neutron star n09369844 Neva, Neva River n09370006 neve n09370168 New River n09370383 New York Bay n09370552 Niagara, Niagara River n09370773 Niagara, Niagara Falls n09371028 nidus n09371151 Niger, Niger River n09371360 Nile, Nile River n09371686 nimbus, nimbus cloud, rain cloud n09371816 Niobrara, Niobrara River n09371941 nodule n09372176 Norma n09372313 normal fault, gravity fault, common fault n09372504 North America n09373016 North Atlantic n09373175 North Channel n09373333 Northern Cross n09373485 North Pacific n09373623 North Peak n09373716 North Platte, North Platte River n09374036 North Sea n09374306 Norwegian Sea n09374493 nova n09374646 nub, stub n09374773 nubbin n09374886 nucleon n09375085 nucleus n09375223 nucleus n09375481 nugget n09375606 nullah n09375693 Nuptse n09375891 Ob, Ob River n09376078 obliterator n09376198 ocean n09376526 ocean floor, sea floor, ocean bottom, seabed, sea bottom, Davy Jones's locker, Davy Jones n09376786 oceanfront n09376866 Octans n09376979 Oder, Oder River n09377125 offing n09377315 Ohio, Ohio River n09377511 oil-water interface n09377657 Ojos del Salado n09377861 Okeechobee, Lake Okeechobee n09378014 Okefenokee Swamp n09378178 Old Faithful n09378349 Olduvai Gorge n09378529 Olympus, Mount Olympus, Mt. Olympus, Olimbos n09378801 Omega Centauri n09378929 open chain n09379111 opening, gap n09379572 Ophiuchus n09379705 Orange, Orange River n09379868 ore bed n09379938 Orinoco, Orinoco River n09380117 Orion, Hunter n09380299 Osage, Osage River n09380446 Osaka Bay n09380588 Outaouais, Ottawa, Ottawa river n09380817 Ouachita, Ouachita River n09381048 Ouse, Ouse River n09381242 outcrop, outcropping, rock outcrop n09381480 outer planet n09381781 outthrust n09381880 overburden n09382019 oxbow n09382099 oxbow n09382191 oxbow lake n09382362 Ozarks, Ozark Mountains, Ozark Plateau n09382570 ozone hole n09382726 ozone layer, ozonosphere n09382990 Pacific, Pacific Ocean n09383793 Pacific Coast n09383901 pack ice, ice pack n09383998 Pallas n09384106 pallasite n09384223 Pamir Mountains, the Pamirs n09384532 Pangaea, Pangea n09384771 Para, Para River n09384921 Parana, Parana River n09385137 paring, sliver, shaving n09385416 Parnaiba, Parnahiba n09385586 Parnassus, Mount Parnassus, Liakoura n09385911 part, piece n09386422 particle, subatomic particle n09386842 pass, mountain pass, notch n09387222 path, track, course n09387624 Paulo Afonso, Paulo Afonso Falls n09387764 Pavo n09387880 Pearl River n09388023 pebble n09388121 Pecos, Pecos River n09388318 Pee Dee, Pee Dee River n09388530 Pegasus n09388653 peneplain, peneplane n09388848 peninsula n09389601 Penobscot, Penobscot River n09389746 Penobscot Bay n09389867 perforation n09389999 Perejil n09390146 permafrost n09390236 Perseus n09390424 Persian Gulf, Arabian Gulf n09390680 petrifaction n09390873 Phobos n09390967 Phoenix n09391089 photoelectron n09391223 photon n09391386 photosphere n09391524 Pictor n09391644 piedmont n09391774 Piedmont glacier, Piedmont type of glacier n09391996 Pike's Peak n09392162 Pillars of Hercules n09392402 pinetum n09392507 Ping, Ping River n09392656 pion, pi-meson n09392824 Pisces n09392961 Pissis n09393108 pit, cavity n09393403 placer n09393524 plage n09393605 plain, field, champaign n09394007 planet, major planet n09394646 planet n09394797 planetary nebula n09395086 planetesimal n09395266 plasmid, plasmid DNA n09395457 plate, crustal plate n09395592 Platte, Platte River n09395763 Pleiades n09395899 Pluto n09396150 Po, Po River n09396275 Pobeda Peak, Pobedy Peak n09396465 point n09396608 polar glacier n09396712 Polaris, North Star, pole star, polar star, polestar n09397001 polder n09397150 Pollux n09397268 polynya n09397391 pond, pool n09397607 pool, puddle n09397896 positron, antielectron n09398076 pothole, chuckhole n09398217 Potomac, Potomac River n09398533 Poyang n09398677 precipice n09398769 primary n09398935 prion n09399198 virino n09399485 Procyon n09399592 promontory, headland, head, foreland n09399899 protein molecule n09400037 proton n09400190 Proxima, Proxima Centauri n09400337 Prudhoe Bay n09400485 pruning n09400584 ptyalith n09400667 Puget Sound n09400826 pulp, mush n09400987 pulsar n09401159 Puppis n09401340 Purus, Purus River n09401474 Pyrenees n09401613 Pyxis n09401750 Quaoar n09401834 quark n09402370 quasar, quasi-stellar radio source n09402553 Queen Charlotte Sound n09402704 quickener, invigorator, enlivener n09402944 quicksand n09403086 rabbit burrow, rabbit hole n09403211 radiator n09403333 radio source n09403427 rainbow n09403581 Rakaposhi n09403734 range, mountain range, range of mountains, chain, mountain chain, chain of mountains n09405078 rangeland n09405169 Ranier, Mount Ranier, Mt. Ranier, Mount Tacoma n09405396 rapid n09405515 Rappahannock, Rappahannock River n09405683 rathole n09405787 ravine n09405949 Red, Red River n09406198 red dwarf, red dwarf star n09406368 red giant, red giant star n09406551 Red Sea n09406793 reef n09406944 Regulus n09407043 relaxer n09407194 relict n09407346 remains n09407541 repressor, represser n09407632 Republican, Republican River n09407867 reservoir, source n09408105 restriction fragment n09408250 retardant, retardent, retardation n09408412 Reticulum n09408540 Rhine, Rhine River, Rhein n09408795 Rhodope Mountains n09408977 Rhone, Rhone River n09409203 ribbon, thread n09409512 ridge n09409752 ridge, ridgeline n09409898 ridge n09410026 rift n09410101 rift n09410224 rift valley n09410365 Rigel, Beta Orionis n09410460 rill n09410558 Rio de la Plata, La Plata, Plata River n09410724 Rio Grande, Rio Bravo n09410928 rip, rent, snag, split, tear n09411189 riparian forest n09411295 ripple mark n09411430 river n09415584 riverbank, riverside n09415671 riverbed, river bottom n09415793 river boulder n09415938 rivulet, rill, run, runnel, streamlet n09416076 rock, stone n09416570 Rockies, Rocky Mountains n09416890 roof n09417097 round n09417240 Ross Sea n09417365 row n09417560 Ruhr, Ruhr River n09417668 Rushmore, Mount Rushmore, Mt. Rushmore n09417926 Russell's body, cancer body n09418059 Russian River n09418169 Saale, Saale River n09418331 Sabine, Sabine River n09418484 Sacramento Mountains n09418629 Sacramento River n09418810 saddleback, saddle n09418954 Sagitta n09419112 Sagittarius n09419281 Saint Francis, Saint Francis River, St. Francis, St. Francis River n09419536 Saint John, Saint John River, St. John, St. John River n09419783 Saint Johns, Saint Johns River, St. Johns, St. Johns River n09420030 Saint Lawrence, Saint Lawrence River, St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence River n09420273 Sajama n09420423 Salmon, Salmon River n09420550 salt flat, salt plain n09420689 salt lick, lick n09420794 salt marsh n09420911 Salton Sea n09421031 saltpan n09421191 Sambre, Sambre River n09421425 sample n09421604 San Andreas Fault n09421799 sandbank n09421951 sandbar, sand bar n09422048 San Diego Bay n09422190 sandpit n09422294 San Fernando Valley n09422486 San Francisco Bay n09422631 sanitary landfill n09422751 San Joaquin River n09422964 San Joaquin Valley n09423112 San Juan Hill n09423379 San Juan Mountains n09423617 Sao Francisco n09423754 Saone, Saone River n09423943 Sargasso Sea n09424118 Saronic Gulf, Gulf of Aegina n09424270 satellite n09424489 satisfier n09424642 Saturn n09424865 Savannah, Savannah River n09425019 sawpit n09425159 Sayan Mountains n09425344 scablands n09425607 scale, scurf, exfoliation n09425835 Scheldt, Scheldt River n09426038 scintilla n09426143 Scorpius, Scorpio n09426307 scraping n09426494 Sculptor n09426621 scurf n09426788 sea n09427752 seamount n09427876 Sea of Azov, Sea of Azof, Sea of Azoff n09428036 Sea of Japan, East Sea n09428171 Sea of Okhotsk n09428293 seashore, coast, seacoast, sea-coast n09428628 seaside, seaboard n09428741 section n09428967 sediment, deposit n09429194 Sedna n09429387 segment n09429630 seif dune n09429752 Seine, Seine River n09429934 Selkirk Mountains n09430100 Seneca Lake, Lake Seneca n09430259 Serpens n09430416 Sete Quedas, Guaira, Guaira Falls n09430615 seven seas n09430771 Severn, River Severn, Severn River n09430990 Severn, Severn River n09431133 Seyhan, Seyhan River n09431283 shag n09431409 Shari, Shari River, Chari, Chari River n09431569 Shasta, Mount Shasta n09431744 Shenandoah River n09431902 Sherman, Mount Sherman n09432060 sheet n09432163 shelf ice, ice shelf n09432283 shell n09432430 shell, eggshell n09432549 Shenandoah Valley n09432785 Sherwood Forest n09432990 shiner n09433134 shoal, shallow n09433312 shoal n09433442 shore n09433721 shore boulder n09433839 shoreline n09433952 shortener n09434125 sialolith, salivary calculus n09434237 siderite n09434345 sierra n09434469 Sierra Madre Occidental n09434661 Sierra Madre Oriental n09434845 Sierra Nevada, Sierra Nevada Mountains, High Sierra n09435065 Sierra Nevada n09435232 sill n09435405 silva, sylva n09435512 Sinai, Mount Sinai n09435739 sinkhole, sink, swallow hole n09435965 Sirius, Dog Star, Canicula, Sothis n09436132 Skagens Odde, Skaw n09436299 Skagerrak, Skagerak n09436444 ski slope n09436531 skim n09436708 sky n09436906 slack, slack water n09437098 slash n09437241 slice n09437369 slit n09437454 slope, incline, side n09437887 slot n09438055 slough n09438212 slough n09438313 slough n09438408 Small Magellanic Cloud n09438554 Snake, Snake River n09438844 snowcap n09438940 snowdrift n09439032 snowfield n09439120 soap bubble n09439213 soapsuds, suds, lather n09439433 solar system n09439879 Solent n09440036 Solway Firth n09440186 sound n09440400 South America n09440948 South Atlantic n09441107 South China Sea n09441352 Southern Cross, Crux, Crux Australis n09441587 South Pacific n09441725 South Platte, South Platte River n09441875 South Sea n09442001 South Sea Islands n09442146 spall, spawl n09442341 spark n09442496 Spica n09442595 spit, tongue n09442723 splint n09442838 splinter, sliver n09443136 split n09443281 spoor n09443453 spring, fountain, outflow, outpouring, natural spring n09443641 spume n09443753 stalactite n09443921 stalagmite n09444100 star n09444783 star n09444942 starlet n09445008 steep n09445088 St. Elias Range, St. Elias Mountains n09445289 steppe n09445435 stepping stone n09445566 steps n09445780 Sterope, Asterope n09445910 storm cloud n09446012 straight chain n09446115 strait, sound n09446617 Strait of Georgia n09446747 Strait of Gibraltar n09446868 Strait of Hormuz, Strait of Ormuz n09447047 Strait of Magellan n09447335 Strait of Messina n09447450 Strait of Dover, Strait of Calais, Pas de Calais n09447666 strand n09447806 strange particle n09447917 strange quark, squark n09448090 stratosphere n09448251 stratus, stratus cloud n09448361 stream, watercourse n09448690 streambed, creek bed n09448829 stressor n09448945 stretch n09449127 strike-slip fault n09449282 string, cosmic string n09449510 strip n09449657 stub n09449773 Styx, River Styx n09449949 subcontinent n09450163 sun, Sun n09450454 sun n09450553 Sun River n09450708 supergiant n09450866 superior planet n09451103 supernatant n09451237 supernova n09451378 superstring n09451517 surface, Earth's surface n09451864 Suriname River, Surinam River n09452017 Susquehanna, Susquehanna River n09452291 swale n09452395 swamp, swampland n09452653 swath, belt n09452760 swell n09452866 swimming hole n09453008 tableland, plateau n09453288 Taconic Mountains n09453566 Tagus, Tagus River n09453718 Takakkaw n09453887 Tallapoosa, Tallapoosa River n09454153 talus, scree n09454265 Tampa Bay n09454412 tangle n09454642 tarn n09454744 tar pit n09454925 tartar, calculus, tophus n09455046 Tasman Sea n09455206 tauon, tau-minus particle n09455306 Taurus n09455524 Telescopium n09455640 Tennessee, Tennessee River n09455910 tent n09455998 teratogen n09456207 terrace, bench n09456369 terrestrial planet n09456614 territorial waters n09456860 Teton Range n09457020 Thames, River Thames, Thames River n09457199 thermion n09457367 thermosphere n09457507 thrust fault, overthrust fault, reverse fault n09457693 thunderhead n09457851 Tiber, Tevere n09457979 tidal basin n09458079 tidal river, tidewater river, tidal stream, tidewater stream n09458269 tideland n09458372 tidewater n09458494 tideway n09458587 Tien Shan, Tyan Shan n09458791 Tigris, Tigris River n09458967 Timor Sea n09459114 Tirich Mir n09459269 Titan n09459393 Tocantins, Tocantins River n09459557 Tombigbee, Tombigbee River n09459812 top quark, truth quark n09459979 tor n09460046 tor n09460139 Torres Strait n09460312 trail n09460516 transducing vector, gene delivery vector n09460680 transmission mechanism n09460888 Transylvanian Alps n09461069 Trapezium n09461170 tree farm n09461315 trench, deep, oceanic abyss n09461515 Trent, River Trent, Trent River n09461724 Triangulum, Triangle n09461864 Triangulum Australe, Southern Triangle n09462049 Trinity River n09462231 Triton n09462312 Trondheim Fjord, Trondheim Fiord n09462452 tropopause n09462600 troposphere n09462773 trough n09462924 Tucana n09463078 Tugela, Tugela Falls n09463226 tundra n09463362 Tunguska, Lower Tunguska n09463547 Tunguska, Stony Tunguska n09463721 Tupungato n09463919 turf, sod, sward, greensward n09464098 turning n09464221 twilight zone n09464335 Twin, Twin Falls n09464486 twinkler n09464652 Tyrolean Alps n09464805 Tyne, River Tyne, Tyne River n09464962 Tyrrhenian Sea n09465135 Ulugh Muztagh, Ulugh Muz Tagh n09465290 Uncompahgre Peak n09465459 unit, building block n09465795 unit cell n09465984 United States waters, U.S. waters n09466280 universe, existence, creation, world, cosmos, macrocosm n09466678 uphill n09466757 upper mantle n09466863 Upper Peninsula n09467043 up quark n09467185 Urals, Ural Mountains n09467417 Uranus n09467696 urolith n09467765 Urubupunga, Urubupunga Falls n09467921 Uruguay River n09468237 vagabond n09468447 valence electron n09468604 valley, vale n09468959 variable n09469152 variable star, variable n09469285 vector, transmitter n09469744 vector-borne transmission n09469912 Vega n09470027 vehicle-borne transmission n09470222 vein, mineral vein n09470343 Vela n09470550 vent, volcano n09470762 Venus n09471224 Vesta n09471349 vesture n09471481 Vetluga, Vetluga River n09471638 Victoria, Victoria Falls n09471865 viral delivery vector n09471976 Virgo n09472135 Vistula, Vistula River n09472268 Volans n09472413 volcanic crater, crater n09472597 volcano n09473239 Volga, Volga River n09473397 Volkhov, Volkhov River n09473558 Volta n09473685 Vulpecula n09473808 Wabash, Wabash River n09474010 wadi n09474162 wall n09474412 wall n09474557 wallow n09474663 wall rock n09474765 warren, rabbit warren n09474895 wash, dry wash n09475044 wasp's nest, wasps' nest, hornet's nest, hornets' nest n09475179 watercourse n09475292 waterfall, falls n09475716 water gap n09475827 water hole n09475925 waterside n09476011 water system n09476123 water table, water level, groundwater level n09476331 waterway n09476521 weakener n09476717 weakly interacting massive particle, WIMP n09477037 web n09477319 webbing n09477427 Weddell Sea n09477567 Weisshorn n09477718 Weser, Weser River n09477890 wetland n09478047 Wheeler Peak n09478210 whinstone, whin n09478355 White, White River n09478569 white dwarf, white dwarf star n09478678 White Nile n09478810 White Sea n09478962 white water, whitewater n09479072 Whitney, Mount Whitney n09479238 Wight, Isle of Wight n09479424 Wilderness n09479635 Willamette, Willamette River n09479811 Wilson, Mount Wilson n09479962 wind gap n09480077 window n09480241 Windward Passage n09480428 Winnipeg, Lake Winnipeg n09480556 Wisconsin, Wisconsin River n09480699 wonderland n09480809 world n09480959 wormcast n09481036 wormhole n09481120 xenolith n09481285 Yalu, Yalu River n09481523 Chang Jiang, Changjiang, Chang, Yangtze, Yangtze River, Yangtze Kiang n09481754 Yazoo, Yazoo River n09481958 Yellow Sea, Huang Hai n09482131 Yellowstone, Yellowstone River n09482330 Yenisei, Yenisei River, Yenisey, Yenisey River n09482566 Yerupaja n09482715 Yosemite, Yosemite Falls n09482916 Yukon, Yukon River n09483129 Zambezi, Zambezi River n09483340 Zhu Jiang, Canton River, Chu Kiang, Pearl River n09483519 Zuider Zee n09483738 imaginary being, imaginary creature n09484313 hypothetical creature n09484465 extraterrestrial being, extraterrestrial, alien n09484664 mythical being n09486424 Augeas n09486639 Alcyone, Halcyon n09486781 Arjuna n09487022 legendary creature n09487252 abominable snowman, yeti n09487385 Bigfoot, Sasquatch n09487546 Demogorgon n09487692 doppelganger n09487821 Loch Ness monster, Nessie n09488006 sea serpent n09488117 bogeyman, bugbear, bugaboo, boogeyman, booger n09488259 Death n09488448 Gargantua n09488584 Grim Reaper, Reaper n09488711 giant n09488995 hobbit n09489146 Maxwell's demon n09489601 mermaid n09489697 merman n09489790 Martian n09489889 Argus n09490054 Cadmus n09490210 Calypso n09490352 sea nymph n09490572 Cyclops n09490756 giantess n09490825 ogre n09490961 ogress n09491038 Humpty Dumpty n09491222 Jack Frost n09491324 Mammon n09491504 Scylla n09491784 Stentor n09491966 monster n09492123 mythical monster, mythical creature n09492733 amphisbaena n09492877 basilisk n09493043 centaur n09493204 Cerberus, hellhound n09493374 Charon n09493562 Chimera, Chimaera n09493807 Chiron n09493983 Circe n09494149 cockatrice n09494280 Dardanus n09494388 dragon, firedrake n09494609 Fafnir n09494764 Ganymede n09494951 Geryon n09495103 Gorgon n09495382 Grace n09495619 Aglaia n09495732 Euphrosyne n09495849 Thalia n09495962 gryphon, griffin, griffon n09496099 Harpy n09496261 Hydra n09496460 Hyperborean n09496673 Hypnos n09496802 leviathan n09496918 Niobe n09497163 Perseus n09497364 Andromeda n09497641 Cepheus n09497775 Cassiopeia n09497913 Medusa n09498072 Stheno n09498186 Euryale n09498301 manticore, mantichora, manticora, mantiger n09498497 Midas n09498697 Sisyphus n09499056 Minotaur n09499230 Morpheus n09499338 Narcissus n09499494 Nemean lion n09499657 Nibelung n09499854 Nibelung n09500003 Bellerophon n09500217 Paris n09500398 Patroclus n09500625 Pegasus n09500936 phoenix n09501198 Python n09501322 roc n09501427 salamander n09501527 Sarpedon n09501737 Siegfried n09502080 Sigurd n09502298 Sphinx n09502481 troll n09502700 Typhoeus n09502906 Typhon n09503121 werewolf, wolfman, lycanthrope, loup-garou n09503282 witch n09503486 wyvern, wivern n09503682 nature n09503877 supernatural, occult n09504135 spiritual being, supernatural being n09504464 theurgy n09504603 first cause, prime mover, primum mobile n09504790 control n09504915 destiny, fate n09505153 spiritual leader n09505418 deity, divinity, god, immortal n09506216 daemon, demigod n09506337 Fury, Eumenides, Erinyes n09506598 Alecto n09506674 Megaera n09506751 Tisiphone n09506830 sea god n09506973 sun god n09507097 Celtic deity n09507639 Amaethon n09507756 Ana n09507909 Angus Og, Aengus, Oengus, Angus n09508076 Arawn n09508228 Arianrhod, Arianrod n09508368 Boann n09508474 Brigit n09508666 Dagda n09508809 Danu, Dana n09508975 Don n09509119 Dylan n09509232 Epona n09509375 Fomor, Fomorian n09509546 Gwydion n09509678 Gwyn n09509770 Lir, Ler n09509911 Llew Llaw Gyffes n09510073 LLud n09510164 Llyr n09510305 Lug, Lugh n09510419 Manannan n09510527 Manawydan, Manawyddan n09510643 Morrigan, Morrigu n09510746 Tuatha De Danann, Tuatha De n09510904 Egyptian deity n09511368 Amen, Amon, Amun n09511519 Amen-Ra, Amon-Ra, Amun Ra n09511712 Anubis, Anpu n09511875 Aten, Aton n09512028 Bast n09512157 Geb, Keb n09512266 Horus n09512391 Isis n09512516 Khepera n09512611 Min n09512692 Nephthys n09512835 Nut n09512913 Osiris n09513065 Ptah n09513216 Ra, Re n09513430 Sekhet, Eye of Ra n09513569 Set, Seth n09513744 Thoth n09513902 Semitic deity n09515027 Adad n09515131 Adapa n09515269 Anshar n09515473 Antum n09515570 Anu n09515712 Anunnaki, Enuki n09515877 Apsu n09515988 Aruru n09516146 Ashur, Ashir n09516323 Astarte, Ashtoreth n09516498 Ishtar, Mylitta n09516700 Baal n09516881 Bel n09517057 Dagon n09517209 Dagan n09517342 Damkina, Damgalnunna n09517492 Dumuzi, Tammuz n09517628 Ea n09517890 Enki n09518020 Enlil, En-lil n09518145 Ereshkigal, Eresh-kigal, Ereshkigel n09518306 Girru n09518451 Gula n09518578 Igigi n09518683 Inanna n09518782 Ki n09518908 Kishar n09519075 Lilith n09519192 Mama n09519288 Marduk, Merodach, Baal Merodach, Bel-Merodach n09519454 Moloch, Molech n09519596 Nabu, Nebo n09519748 Nammu n09519901 Namtar, Namtaru n09520103 Nanna n09520223 Nergal n09520367 Nina n09520498 Ningal n09520617 Ningirsu n09520752 Ningishzida n09520880 Ninkhursag, Ninhursag, Ninkharsag n09521051 Nintu, Nintoo n09521157 Ninurta, Ninib n09521395 Nusku n09521521 Ramman n09521648 Sarpanitu, Zirbanit, Zarpanit n09521763 Shamash n09521994 Sin n09522121 Tashmit, Tashmitum n09522222 Tiamat n09522344 Utnapishtim n09522498 Utu, Utug n09522615 Zu, Zubird n09522735 Enkidu n09522837 Gilgamish n09522978 Hindu deity n09524027 Aditi n09524151 Aditya n09524263 Agni n09524440 Asura n09524555 Ahura n09524671 Asvins n09524840 Bhaga n09524921 Brahma n09525065 Brihaspati n09525170 Bhumi Devi n09525279 Devi n09525486 Chandi n09525579 Dharma n09525746 Durga n09525874 Dyaus, Dyaus-pitar n09525961 Ganesh, Ganesa, Ganesha, Ganapati n09526107 Garuda n09526221 Gauri n09526367 Hanuman n09526497 Indra n09526606 Ka n09526703 Kali n09526808 Kama n09526913 Mara n09527001 Kartikeya, Karttikeya n09527091 Lakshmi n09527185 Marut n09527291 Mitra n09527454 Parjanya n09527560 Parvati, Anapurna, Annapurna n09527707 Prajapati n09527825 Praxiteles n09527924 Pushan n09528032 Rahu n09528135 Ribhus, Rhibhus n09528237 Rudra n09528380 Sarasvati n09528475 Savitar n09528587 Shakti, Sakti n09528727 Siva, Shiva n09528919 Bairava n09529013 Skanda n09529083 Soma n09529201 Surya n09529364 Uma n09529454 Ushas n09529573 Vajra n09529644 Varuna n09529933 Vayu n09529999 Vishnu n09530141 Yama n09530238 avatar n09530515 Jagannath, Jagannatha, Jagganath, Juggernaut n09530629 Kalki n09530721 Krishna n09530867 Rama n09531186 Ramachandra n09531296 Sita n09531409 Balarama n09531515 Parashurama n09531630 Persian deity n09531826 Mithras, Mithra n09531955 Ormazd, Ormuzd, Ahura Mazda n09532101 Ahriman n09532214 Buddha, Siddhartha, Gautama, Gautama Siddhartha, Gautama Buddha n09532384 Bodhisattva, Boddhisatva n09532553 Maitreya n09532691 Avalokitesvara, Avalokiteshvara n09532837 Arhat, Arhant, lohan n09532942 Buddha n09533048 Chinese deity n09533301 Chang Kuo, Chang Kuo-lao n09533406 Wen Ch'ang, Wen-Ti n09533498 Taoist Trinity n09533668 Tien-pao, Heavenly Jewel n09533790 Ling-pao, Mystic Jewel n09533910 Shen-pao, Spiritual Jewel n09534058 Chuang-tzu n09534187 Kwan-yin, Kuan Yin n09534428 Japanese deity n09534675 Amaterasu, Amaterasu Omikami n09534843 Hachiman n09534918 Hotei n09535001 Izanagi n09535130 Izanami n09535255 Kami n09535409 Kwannon n09535504 Ninigi, Ninigino-Mikoto n09535622 goddess n09535708 earth-god, earth god n09535809 earth-goddess, earth goddess n09535940 earth mother n09536058 God, Supreme Being n09536363 Godhead, Lord, Creator, Maker, Divine, God Almighty, Almighty, Jehovah n09536584 eon, aeon n09536789 Trinity, Holy Trinity, Blessed Trinity, Sacred Trinity n09536973 Father, Father-God, Fatherhood n09537144 Son, Word, Logos n09537325 Messiah n09537502 Messiah n09537660 messiah, christ n09537781 Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Paraclete n09538021 hypostasis, hypostasis of Christ n09538318 Yahweh, YHWH, Yahwe, Yahveh, YHVH, Yahve, Wahvey, Jahvey, Jahweh, Jehovah, JHVH n09538544 Allah n09538633 demiurge n09538757 faun n09538915 angel n09539183 archangel n09539394 Gabriel n09539517 Michael n09539640 Raphael n09539730 cherub n09539872 seraph n09540055 guardian spirit, guardian angel n09540241 genius loci n09540329 divine messenger n09540430 fairy, faery, faerie, fay, sprite n09540739 elf, hob, gremlin, pixie, pixy, brownie, imp n09540939 fairy godmother n09541125 gnome, dwarf n09541346 undine n09541434 leprechaun n09541526 sandman n09541661 Morgan le Fay n09541809 Puck, Robin Goodfellow n09541919 evil spirit n09542170 bad fairy n09542258 bogey, bogy, bogie n09542339 devil, fiend, demon, daemon, daimon n09542541 cacodemon, cacodaemon n09542697 eudemon, eudaemon, good spirit n09542868 incubus n09543021 succubus, succuba n09543154 dybbuk, dibbuk n09543353 Satan, Old Nick, Devil, Lucifer, Beelzebub, the Tempter, Prince of Darkness n09543673 ghoul n09543748 goblin, hob, hobgoblin n09543924 kelpy, kelpie n09544109 vampire, lamia n09544262 banshee, banshie n09544433 genie, jinni, jinnee, djinni, djinny, djinn n09544746 shaitan, shaytan n09544876 eblis n09545000 houri n09545171 familiar, familiar spirit n09545324 spirit, disembodied spirit n09545755 trickster n09545976 ghost n09546145 poltergeist n09546280 Oberson n09546453 Titania n09546604 tooth fairy n09546772 water sprite, water nymph, water spirit n09546905 peri n09547111 apparition, phantom, phantasm, phantasma, fantasm, specter, spectre n09547353 Flying Dutchman n09547528 presence n09547629 Adonis n09547903 Greco-Roman deity, Graeco-Roman deity n09548111 satyr, forest god n09548316 Silenus n09548489 silenus n09548632 nymph n09549047 Echo n09549216 Hesperides, Atlantides n09549416 Hyades n09549643 Oread n09549758 Pleiades n09549983 Sterope, Asterope n09550125 water nymph n09550278 Daphne n09550443 naiad n09550585 Nereid n09550758 Thetis n09550899 Oceanid n09551040 dryad, wood nymph n09551152 Salmacis n09551260 hamadryad n09551356 Greek deity n09552681 Roman deity n09553347 Olympian, Olympic god n09553490 Aeolus n09553599 Aether n09553767 Apollo, Phoebus, Phoebus Apollo n09554019 Pythius n09554132 Aphrodite, Cytherea n09554297 Hero n09554505 Leander n09554701 Pygmalion n09554910 Galatea n09555127 Venus, Urania n09555236 Ares n09555391 Eris n09555514 Thanatos n09555653 Mors n09555785 Mars n09555962 Nyx n09556121 Rhea Silvia, Rea Silvia n09556305 Romulus n09556580 Remus n09556697 Artemis, Cynthia n09556915 Boreas n09557130 Diana n09557289 Ate n09557387 Athena, Athene, Pallas, Pallas Athena, Pallas Athene n09557632 Minerva n09557770 Chaos n09557965 Cronus n09558177 Dido n09558388 Saturn n09558569 Demeter n09558756 Ceres n09558898 Dionysus n09559071 Doris n09559201 Aesculapius, Asclepius, Asklepios n09559404 Bacchus n09559573 Erebus n09559769 Nox, Night n09559896 Eros n09560061 Cupid, Amor n09560196 Daedalus, Daedal n09560426 Damon and Pythias n09560762 Gaea, Gaia, Ge n09560940 Hebe n09561137 Helios n09561320 Icarus n09561593 Sol n09561755 Hecate n09561970 Hephaestus, Hephaistos n09562166 Vulcan n09562319 Hermes n09562526 Hermaphroditus n09562704 Mercury n09562883 Hygeia n09563042 Panacea n09563183 Hera, Here n09563425 Io n09563619 Janus n09563805 Juno n09563998 Hestia n09564177 Vesta n09564371 Hymen n09564480 Hyperion n09564680 Minos n09564889 Ariadne n09565099 Moirai, Moirae n09565334 Parcae n09565503 Clotho, Klotho n09565639 Lachesis n09565787 Atropos n09565914 Momus, Momos n09565999 Muse n09566320 Calliope n09566436 Clio n09566544 Erato n09566667 Euterpe n09566791 Melpomene n09566904 Polyhymnia n09567044 Terpsichore n09567180 Thalia n09567309 Urania n09567421 Nemesis n09567560 Nereus n09567767 Nike n09567913 Victoria n09568051 Ouranos, Uranus n09568241 Pan, goat god n09568488 Faunus n09568643 Pasiphae n09568776 Pontus, Pontos n09568927 Poseidon n09569142 Proteus n09569330 Neptune n09569467 Persephone, Despoina, Kore, Cora n09569709 Procrustes n09569985 Proserpina, Proserpine n09570114 Phaethon n09570298 Pluto, Hades, Aides, Aidoneus n09570522 Dis, Orcus n09570630 Pythia, Pythoness n09570794 Priapus n09570957 Rhadamanthus n09571090 Selene n09571249 Luna n09571390 Eos n09571581 Eurydice n09571693 Orion n09571914 Orpheus n09572113 Aurora n09572249 Tellus n09572425 Titan n09572825 Titaness n09573145 Triton n09573262 Tyche n09573405 Fortuna n09573561 Zephyr n09573682 Zeus n09573966 Jupiter, Jove n09574226 Jupiter Fulgur, Jupiter Fulminator, Lightning Hurler n09574350 Jupiter Tonans, Thunderer n09574446 Jupiter Pluvius, Rain-giver n09574544 Jupiter Optimus Maximus, Best and Greatest n09574657 Jupiter Fidius, Protector of Boundaries n09574767 Oceanus n09574926 Cocus n09575033 Crius n09575140 Iapetus n09575316 vestal virgin n09575548 Atlas n09575701 Epimetheus n09575902 Prometheus n09576164 Thea, Theia n09576338 Rhea n09576548 Ops n09576746 Sylvanus, Silvanus n09576914 Agdistis n09577004 Themis n09577155 Mnemosyne n09577308 Phoebe n09577467 Tethys n09577601 Psyche n09577833 Leto, Latona n09578005 Hercules, Heracles, Herakles, Alcides n09578248 Pandora n09578465 Norse deity n09579070 Aesir n09579198 Andvari n09579345 Vanir n09579491 Balder, Baldr n09579714 Bragi, Brage n09579848 Elli n09579994 Forseti n09580125 Frey, Freyr n09580354 Freya, Freyja n09580521 Frigg, Frigga n09580673 Heimdall, Heimdal, Heimdallr n09580829 Hel, Hela n09580971 Hoenir n09581129 Hoth, Hothr, Hoder, Hodr, Hodur n09581338 Idun, Ithunn n09581526 Jotun, Jotunn n09581680 Loki n09581859 Mimir n09582019 Nanna n09582122 Njord, Njorth n09582343 Norn, weird sister n09582616 Urd, Urth n09582726 Verdandi, Verthandi n09582845 Skuld n09582949 Odin n09583196 Sif n09583321 Sigyn n09583506 Thor n09583723 Tyr, Tyrr n09583888 Ull, Ullr n09584079 Vali n09584218 Vitharr, Vithar, Vidar n09584405 Fenrir n09584559 Volund n09584725 Yggdrasil, Ygdrasil n09584933 Ymir n09585218 Wayland, Wayland the Smith, Wieland n09585434 Teutonic deity n09585650 Donar n09585757 Nerthus, Hertha n09585889 Wotan n09586011 Anglo-Saxon deity n09586231 Tiu n09586326 Woden, Wodan n09586442 Wyrd, Weird n09586553 Adam n09586743 Eve n09586994 Cain n09587217 Abel n09587409 Seth n09587565 fictional character, fictitious character, character n09589323 Ajax n09589444 Aladdin n09589585 Argonaut n09589748 Babar n09589876 Beatrice n09589996 Beowulf n09590205 Bluebeard n09590377 Bond, James Bond n09590495 Brunhild, Brunnhilde, Brynhild n09590772 Valkyrie n09590980 Brer Rabbit n09591155 Bunyan, Paul Bunyan n09591450 John Henry n09591676 Cheshire cat n09591814 Chicken Little n09591973 Cinderella n09592147 Colonel Blimp n09592272 Dracula n09592384 Jason n09592563 Medea n09592734 Laertes n09592848 Odysseus n09593044 Ulysses n09593144 Penelope n09593416 Theseus n09593651 Tantalus n09593937 Phrygian deity n09594093 Cybele, Dindymene, Great Mother, Magna Mater, Mater Turrita n09594298 Achilles n09594604 Aeneas n09594756 Atreus n09594906 Agamemnon n09595059 Menelaus n09595240 Iphigenia n09595545 Clytemnestra n09595717 Aegisthus n09595957 Orestes n09596186 Cassandra n09596374 Antigone n09596547 Creon n09596733 Jocasta n09596884 Electra n09597141 Laocoon n09597478 Laius n09597628 Myrmidon n09597798 Oedipus, King Oedipus, Oedipus Rex n09598066 Tiresias n09598270 Peleus n09598370 Don Quixote n09598491 El Cid n09598598 Fagin n09598750 Falstaff, Sir John Falstaff n09598888 Father Brown n09599023 Faust, Faustus n09599195 Frankenstein n09599401 Frankenstein, Frankenstein's monster n09599633 Goofy n09599728 Gulliver n09599891 Hamlet n09600031 Hector n09600188 Helen, Helen of Troy n09600439 Horatio Hornblower, Captain Horatio Hornblower n09600624 Iago n09600764 Inspector Maigret, Commissaire Maigret n09600901 Kilroy n09601049 Lear, King Lear n09601219 Leda n09601429 Lilliputian n09601571 Marlowe, Philip Marlowe n09601769 Mephistopheles n09601906 Micawber, Wilkins Micawber n09602048 Mother Goose n09602162 Mr. Moto n09602258 Othello n09602383 Pangloss n09602484 Pantaloon n09602610 Pantaloon n09602716 Perry Mason n09602828 Peter Pan n09602964 Pied Piper, Pied Piper of Hamelin n09603120 Pierrot n09603258 Pluto n09603353 Huckleberry Finn, Huck Finn n09603471 Rip van Winkle n09603667 Ruritanian n09603761 Tarzan, Tarzan of the Apes n09603919 Tom Sawyer n09604014 Uncle Remus n09604227 Uncle Tom n09604345 Uncle Sam n09604451 Sherlock Holmes, Holmes n09604574 Simon Legree n09604706 Sinbad the Sailor, Sinbad n09604868 Snoopy n09604981 self n09605110 number one n09605289 adult, grownup n09606009 adventurer, venturer n09606380 anomalist n09606527 anomaly, unusual person n09606873 anachronism n09607055 Ananias n09607208 apache n09607280 applicant, applier n09607630 appointee, appointment n09607782 argonaut n09607903 Ashkenazi n09608002 attendant, attender, attendee, meeter n09608377 auctioneer n09608520 behaviorist, behaviourist n09608709 benefactor, helper n09609155 benefactress n09609232 capitalist n09609561 captor, capturer n09609746 caster n09609871 changer, modifier n09610093 coadjutor n09610173 cofounder n09610255 color-blind person n09610405 commoner, common man, common person n09610660 communicator n09611548 Conservative Jew n09611722 conservator n09611884 constituent n09612131 contestee n09612291 contester n09612447 Contra n09612580 contrapuntist n09612700 contrarian n09612848 consumer n09613118 contadino n09613191 contestant n09613559 coon n09613690 cosigner, cosignatory n09613853 cosigner n09614047 coward n09614315 creator n09614684 defender, guardian, protector, shielder n09615211 defender, withstander n09615336 discussant n09615465 disputant, controversialist, eristic n09615807 engineer, applied scientist, technologist n09616573 enologist, oenologist, fermentologist n09616722 ensign n09616922 entertainer n09617161 eulogist, panegyrist n09617292 excavator n09617435 ex-gambler n09617508 ex-mayor n09617577 experimenter n09617696 experimenter n09617867 expert n09618760 exponent n09618880 ex-president n09618957 face n09619168 female, female person n09619452 finisher n09619605 finisher n09619734 finisher n09619824 individualist n09620078 inhabitant, habitant, dweller, denizen, indweller n09620794 native, indigen, indigene, aborigine, aboriginal n09621232 native n09621359 innocent, inexperienced person n09621545 intellectual, intellect n09622049 juvenile, juvenile person n09622302 lover n09622745 lover n09622928 loved one n09623038 leader n09624168 male, male person n09624559 mediator, go-between, intermediator, intermediary, intercessor n09624899 mediatrix n09624980 money handler, money dealer n09625213 monochromat n09625309 naprapath n09625401 national, subject n09625676 nativist n09625789 nonreligious person n09626031 nonworker n09626238 peer, equal, match, compeer n09626589 perceiver, percipient, observer, beholder n09627017 percher n09627117 precursor, forerunner n09627263 preteen, preteenager n09627462 primitive, primitive person n09627807 prize winner, lottery winner n09627906 recipient, receiver n09628382 religious person n09629065 religionist n09629246 sensualist n09629477 ticket agent, booking clerk n09629643 ticket holder n09629752 traveler, traveller n09630641 unfortunate, unfortunate person n09631129 unwelcome person, persona non grata n09631463 unpleasant person, disagreeable person n09632274 unskilled person n09632518 worker n09633969 wrongdoer, offender n09634494 African n09635534 Black African n09635635 Afrikaner, Afrikander, Boer n09635823 Aryan, Indo-European n09635973 Aryan n09636106 person of color, person of colour n09636339 Black, Black person, blackamoor, Negro, Negroid n09636796 Negress n09636890 Black race, Negroid race, Negro race n09637013 African-American, African American, Afro-American, Black American n09637211 Black man n09637339 Black woman n09637435 soul brother n09637512 colored person, colored n09637684 darky, darkie, darkey n09637837 boy n09638009 nigger, nigga, spade, coon, jigaboo, nigra n09638245 Tom, Uncle Tom n09638454 mulatto n09638569 quadroon n09638722 octoroon n09638875 White, White person, Caucasian n09639237 White race, White people, Caucasoid race, Caucasian race n09639382 Circassian n09639543 Abkhaz, Abkhazian, Abkhas, Abkhasian n09639719 paleface n09639919 Semite n09640220 Babylonian n09640327 Chaldean, Chaldaean, Chaldee n09640490 Assyrian n09640577 Kassite, Cassite n09640715 Elamite n09640859 Phoenician n09641002 white man n09641130 white woman n09641226 white trash, poor white trash n09641422 whitey, honky, honkey, honkie n09641578 WASP, white Anglo-Saxon Protestant n09641757 Asian, Asiatic n09642821 Asian American n09642917 coolie, cooly n09643078 Oriental, oriental person n09643421 Yellow race, Mongoloid race, Mongolian race n09643545 yellow man n09643670 yellow woman n09643799 gook, slant-eye n09644008 Evenki, Ewenki n09644152 Mongol, Mongolian n09644332 Tatar n09644518 Udmurt, Votyak n09644657 Tatar, Tartar, Mongol Tatar n09644820 Amerindian, Native American n09645091 Indian, American Indian, Red Indian n09645788 brave n09645871 Abnaki, Abenaki n09645996 Achomawi n09646112 Akwa'ala n09646220 Alabama n09646432 Algonkian, Algonkin n09646608 Algonquian, Algonquin n09647473 Anasazi n09647680 Atakapa, Attacapan n09647834 Athapaskan, Athapascan, Athabaskan, Athabascan n09648176 Indian race, Amerindian race n09648309 Mayan, Maya n09648743 Nahuatl n09648911 Aztec n09649067 Olmec n09649249 Toltec n09649372 Zapotec, Zapotecan n09649554 Plains Indian, Buffalo Indian n09649926 Apache n09650250 Arapaho, Arapahoe n09650456 Arikara, Aricara n09650609 Atsugewi n09650729 Biloxi n09650839 Blackfoot n09650989 Brule n09651123 Caddo n09651418 Cakchiquel n09651537 Catawba n09651653 Cayuga n09651790 Cherokee n09651968 Cheyenne n09652149 Chickasaw n09652278 Chimakum n09652398 Chimariko n09652535 Chinook n09652746 Chipewyan n09652900 Choctaw n09653014 Cochimi n09653144 Cocopa, Cocopah n09653295 Coeur d'Alene n09653438 Comanche n09653616 Conoy n09653805 Costanoan n09653971 Cree n09654079 Creek n09654259 Crow n09654374 Dakota n09654518 Delaware n09654687 Dhegiha n09654898 Diegueno n09655018 Erie n09655213 Esselen n09655354 Essene n09655466 Eyeish n09655569 Fox n09655709 Haida n09655891 Halchidhoma n09656077 Havasupai n09656205 Hidatsa, Gros Ventre n09656378 Hitchiti n09656547 Hopi n09656673 Hokan, Hoka n09657206 Hunkpapa n09657489 Hupa n09657615 Illinois n09657748 Iowa, Ioway n09657887 Iroquois n09658254 Kalapooia, Kalapuya, Calapooya, Calapuya n09658398 Kamia n09658543 Kansa, Kansas n09658670 Karok n09658815 Kekchi n09658921 Kichai n09659039 Kickapoo n09659188 Kiliwa, Kiliwi n09659327 Kiowa n09659447 Koasati n09659605 Kusan n09659711 Kwakiutl n09659866 Maidu n09660010 Malecite n09660138 Mam n09660240 Maricopa n09660373 Massachuset, Massachusetts n09660524 Mattole n09660645 Menomini, Menominee n09660820 Miniconju n09660958 Missouri n09661107 Miami n09661258 Micmac, Mikmaq n09661397 Miwok n09661543 Mohave, Mojave n09661731 Mohawk n09661873 Mohican, Mahican n09662038 Muskhogean, Muskogean n09662325 Muskogee n09662530 Nanticoke n09662661 Navaho, Navajo n09662804 Nez Perce n09662951 Nootka n09663121 Ofo n09663248 Oglala, Ogalala n09663472 Ojibwa, Ojibway, Chippewa n09663628 Omaha, Maha n09663786 Osage n09663999 Oneida n09664121 Onondaga n09664295 Oto, Otoe n09664450 Ottawa n09664556 Paiute, Piute n09664766 Pamlico n09664908 Passamaquody n09665075 Patwin n09665218 Pawnee n09665367 Penobscot n09665545 Penutian n09665897 Pima n09666039 Pomo n09666206 Ponca, Ponka n09666349 Potawatomi n09666476 Powhatan n09666622 Pueblo n09666883 kachina n09666974 Quapaw n09667097 Quiche n09667205 Redskin, Injun, red man n09667358 Salish n09667572 Santee, Santee Sioux, Santee Dakota, Eastern Sioux n09667715 Sauk, Sac n09667927 Seminole n09668058 Seneca n09668199 Shahaptian, Sahaptin, Sahaptino n09668437 Shasta n09668562 Shawnee n09668729 Shoshone, Shoshoni n09668988 Sihasapa n09669125 Sioux, Siouan n09669631 Teton, Lakota, Teton Sioux, Teton Dakota n09669942 Skagit n09670051 Takelma n09670170 Taos n09670280 Taracahitian n09670415 Cahita n09670521 Tarahumara n09670637 Tlingit n09670772 Tsimshian n09670909 Tuscarora n09671089 Tutelo n09671202 Two Kettle n09671334 Ute n09671453 Wakashan n09671641 Wampanoag n09671808 Walapai, Hualapai, Hualpai n09671974 Wichita n09672105 Winnebago n09672314 Wintun n09672455 Yahi n09672590 Yana n09672725 Yavapai n09672840 Yokuts n09672963 Yucatec, Yucateco n09673091 Yuma n09673232 Zuni n09673341 Indian race n09673495 Indian n09673779 Assamese n09673916 Dravidian n09674307 Badaga n09674412 Gadaba n09674521 Gond n09674631 Kanarese, Canarese n09674786 Kolam n09674908 Kota, Kotar n09675045 Kui n09675156 Malto n09675283 Savara n09675393 Tamil n09675529 Telugu n09675673 Toda n09675799 Tulu n09675922 Gujarati, Gujerati n09676021 Kashmiri n09676127 Oriya n09676247 Punjabi, Panjabi n09676374 Maratha, Mahratta n09676490 Aborigine, Abo, Aboriginal, native Australian, Australian Aborigine n09676746 Slavic people, Slavic race n09676884 Slav n09677168 Acadian n09677280 Cajun n09677427 Anabaptist n09677561 Mennonite n09677713 Amish n09677830 Dunker, Dunkard, Tunker n09678009 Christian n09678581 Christian Scientist n09678747 Adventist, Second Adventist n09678917 gentile n09679028 gentile, non-Jew, goy n09679170 gentile n09679316 Protestant n09679708 Friend, Quaker n09679925 Catholic n09680136 non-Catholic n09680235 Anglican Catholic n09680387 Greek Catholic n09680504 Roman Catholic n09680657 papist n09680908 Old Catholic n09681107 Uniat, Uniate, Uniate Christian n09681234 Copt n09681351 Jew, Hebrew, Israelite n09681973 Jewess n09682122 kike, hymie, sheeny, yid n09682291 Muslim, Moslem n09682803 Islamist n09682967 Almoravid n09683180 Jihadist n09683306 Shiite, Shi'ite, Shiite Muslim, Shi'ite Muslim, Shia Muslim n09683559 Sunnite, Sunni, Sunni Muslim n09683757 Buddhist n09683924 Zen Buddhist n09684082 Mahayanist n09684226 Hinayanist n09684352 Lamaist n09684476 Tantrist n09684609 Hindu, Hindoo n09684901 swami n09685006 chela n09685085 Jainist n09685233 Hare Krishna n09685398 Shaktist n09685564 Shivaist n09685711 Vaishnava n09685806 Shintoist n09685922 Rastafarian, Rasta n09686051 Mithraist n09686146 Zoroastrian n09686262 Eurafrican n09686401 Eurasian n09686536 European n09687775 sahib n09687940 memsahib n09688008 Celt, Kelt n09688233 Gael n09688366 Briton n09688487 Gaul n09688596 Galatian n09688804 Frank n09689000 Salian Frank, Salian n09689152 Teuton n09689435 Afghan, Afghanistani n09689631 Kafir n09689739 Pathan, Pashtun, Pushtun, Pashtoon n09689958 Albanian n09690083 Algerian n09690208 Altaic n09690371 Armenian n09690496 Andorran n09690621 Angolan n09690762 Angolese n09690864 Anguillan n09691024 Antiguan n09691149 Argentinian n09691279 Australian, Aussie n09691435 Austronesian n09691604 Austrian n09691729 Bahamian n09691858 Bahraini, Bahreini n09691994 Bangladeshi n09692125 Basotho n09692250 Basque n09692430 Bengali n09692624 Bantu n09692915 Herero n09693100 Hutu n09693244 Luba, Chiluba n09693372 Sotho n09693618 Tswana, Bechuana, Batswana n09693809 Tutsi, Watutsi, Watusi n09693982 Barbadian n09694109 Belgian n09694269 Beninese n09694392 Bermudan, Bermudian n09694529 Bhutanese, Bhutani n09694664 Bolivian n09694771 Bornean n09694894 Brazilian n09695019 Carioca n09695132 Tupi n09695257 Guarani n09695379 Maraco n09695514 Bruneian n09695620 Bulgarian n09695747 Burmese n09695871 Burundian n09695979 Byelorussian, Belorussian, White Russian n09696124 Byzantine n09696280 Cambodian, Kampuchean n09696456 Cameroonian n09696585 Canadian n09696763 French Canadian n09696944 Canuck n09697070 Carthaginian n09697246 Cebuan n09697401 Central American n09697650 Chadian n09697771 Chewa, Cewa, Chichewa n09697986 Chilean n09698108 Chinese n09698337 chink, Chinaman n09698517 Colombian n09698644 Congolese n09698788 Costa Rican n09698901 Cuban n09699020 Cypriot, Cypriote, Cyprian n09699200 Czechoslovakian, Czechoslovak, Czech n09699403 Czech n09699536 Slovak n09699642 Dane n09699763 Dutch, Dutch people n09699918 Frisian n09700017 Zealander n09700125 Djiboutian n09700253 East Indian n09700371 Ecuadorian, Ecuadoran n09700492 Egyptian n09700706 Copt n09700823 Salvadoran, Salvadorian, Salvadorean n09700964 Britisher, Briton, Brit n09701148 English person n09701603 Englishman n09701833 Englishwoman n09701977 Anglo-Saxon n09702134 Anglo-Saxon n09702541 Anglo-Indian n09702673 Angle n09702836 Saxon n09703101 West Saxon n09703181 Jute n09703344 Lombard, Langobard n09703485 limey, John Bull n09703573 pommy, pom n09703708 Cantabrigian n09703809 Cornishman n09703932 Cornishwoman n09704057 Lancastrian n09704157 Lancastrian n09704283 Geordie n09704368 Hanoverian n09704509 Liverpudlian, Scouser n09704630 Londoner n09704770 Cockney n09704876 Mancunian n09705003 Oxonian n09705124 Ethiopian n09705287 Ewe n09705471 Fulani, Fula, Fulah, Fellata, Fulbe n09705671 Amhara n09705784 Eritrean n09705909 Fijian n09706029 Finn n09706132 Fleming n09706255 Komi n09706396 Cheremis, Cheremiss, Mari n09706548 Ingrian, Inger, Ingerman n09706746 Karelian, Carelian n09706911 Ostyak, Khanty n09707061 Livonian n09707166 Latvian n09707289 Lithuanian n09707400 Mordva, Mordvin, Mordvinian n09707587 Nganasan n09707735 Selkup, Ostyak-Samoyed n09707887 Samoyed n09707992 Veps, Vepse, Vepsian n09708118 Vogul, Mansi n09708247 Yeniseian n09708405 Frenchman, Frenchwoman, French person n09708648 frog, Gaul n09708750 Parisian n09708889 Parisienne n09709001 Breton n09709155 Savoyard n09709229 Angevin, Angevine n09709332 Balkan n09709441 Castillian n09709531 Creole n09709673 Creole n09709795 Cretan n09709916 Minoan n09710041 Gabonese n09710164 Greek, Hellene n09710619 Achaean, Achaian n09710753 Aeolian, Eolian n09710886 Dorian n09711009 Ionian n09711132 Athenian n09711320 Corinthian n09711435 Laconian n09711530 Lesbian n09711661 Spartan n09711754 Arcadian n09711870 Theban n09711978 Theban n09712090 Thracian n09712195 Guatemalan n09712324 Guyanese n09712448 Haitian n09712570 Honduran n09712696 Malay, Malayan n09712967 Moro n09713108 Netherlander, Dutchman, Hollander n09713260 Norman n09713357 Palestinian, Palestinian Arab n09713501 Hindu, Hindoo, Hindustani n09713764 Hmong, Miao n09713985 Hungarian, Magyar n09714120 Icelander n09714264 Indonesian n09714429 Irani, Iranian, Persian n09714694 Iraqi, Iraki n09714952 Irish person, Irelander n09715165 Irishman n09715303 Irishwoman n09715427 Dubliner n09715521 Paddy, Mick, Mickey n09715685 Israelite n09715833 Israeli n09715974 sabra n09716047 Italian n09716439 wop, dago, ginzo, Guinea, greaseball n09716643 Etruscan n09716837 Neopolitan n09716933 Roman n09717047 Roman n09717233 Sabine n09717454 Venetian n09717566 Sicilian n09717696 Tuscan n09717789 Oscan n09717917 Samnite n09718092 Jamaican n09718217 Japanese, Nipponese n09718518 Ryukyuan n09718652 Jap, Nip n09718811 Jordanian n09718936 Korean n09719105 North Korean n09719207 South Korean n09719309 Kenyan n09719430 Kurd n09719653 Kuwaiti n09719794 Lao, Laotian n09720033 Lapp, Lapplander, Sami, Saami, Same, Saame n09720256 Latin American, Latino n09720406 spic, spik, spick n09720595 Lebanese n09720702 Levantine n09720842 Liberian n09720967 Libyan n09721088 Liechtensteiner n09721244 Luxemburger, Luxembourger n09721444 Macedonian n09721647 Madagascan n09721759 Malawian n09721883 Malaysian n09722064 Sabahan n09722159 Maldivian, Maldivan n09722279 Malian n09722399 Mauritanian n09722530 Mauritian n09722658 Mexican n09722817 Chicano n09722898 greaser, wetback, taco n09723067 Mexican-American, Mexicano n09723228 Montserratian n09723361 Moor n09723564 Moroccan n09723689 Mozambican n09723819 Namibian n09723944 Nauruan n09724066 Nepalese, Nepali n09724234 Gurkha n09724365 Gurkha n09724533 New Zealander, Kiwi n09724656 Nicaraguan n09724785 Nigerian n09725000 Hausa, Haussa n09725124 Nigerien n09725229 North American n09725402 Norwegian, Norseman, Norse n09725546 Nova Scotian, bluenose n09725653 Omani n09725772 Pakistani n09725935 Brahui n09726037 Sindhi n09726120 Panamanian n09726246 Paraguayan n09726374 Parthian n09726499 Peruvian n09726621 South American Indian n09726811 Carib, Carib Indian n09726970 Quechua, Kechua n09727191 Inca, Inka, Incan n09727323 Inca n09727440 Filipino n09727627 Pole n09727747 polack n09727826 Polynesian n09728009 Portuguese n09728137 Qatari, Katari n09728285 Romanian, Rumanian n09728403 Russian n09728850 Great Russian n09729062 Muscovite n09729156 Georgian n09729271 Samoan n09729387 Saudi, Saudi Arabian n09729530 Arab, Arabian n09729945 San Marinese n09730077 Sarawakian n09730204 Scandinavian, Norse, Northman n09730383 Viking n09730533 Scot, Scotsman, Scotchman n09730732 Scotswoman, Scotchwoman n09730824 Senegalese n09730951 Seychellois n09731082 Siberian n09731225 Sierra Leonean n09731343 Slovene n09731436 South African n09731571 South American n09731906 Spaniard n09732047 Sinhalese, Singhalese n09732170 Sudanese n09732293 Swazi n09732441 Swede n09732544 British, British people, Brits n09732668 English, English people n09732778 Irish, Irish people n09732903 French, French people n09733028 Sherpa n09733243 Spanish, Spanish people n09733333 Swiss, Swiss people n09733459 Syrian n09733580 Damascene n09733707 Khmer n09733793 Tahitian n09733899 Taiwanese n09734006 Tajik, Tadzhik n09734185 Tanzanian n09734294 Thai, Tai, Siamese n09734450 Tibetan n09734535 Togolese n09734639 Tuareg n09734760 Tunisian n09734885 Turk n09735023 Tyrolean n09735113 Ottoman, Ottoman Turk, Osmanli n09735258 Turki n09735542 Azerbaijani n09735654 Chuvash n09735790 effendi n09735913 Karakalpak n09736035 Kazak, Kazakh n09736181 Kazakhstani n09736312 Kirghiz, Kirgiz, Khirghiz n09736485 Turkoman, Turkmen, Turcoman n09736633 Uighur, Uigur, Uygur n09736798 Uzbek, Uzbeg, Uzbak, Usbek, Usbeg n09736945 Ugandan n09737050 Ukranian n09737161 Yakut n09737297 Tungusic n09737453 Tungus, Evenk n09737653 Manchu n09737835 Khalkha, Khalka, Kalka n09737981 Edo n09738121 Igbo n09738275 Yoruba n09738400 American n09738708 American n09740085 American Revolutionary leader n09740724 Anglo-American n09740856 Alabaman, Alabamian n09740954 Alaskan n09741074 Alaska Native, Alaskan Native, Native Alaskan n09741233 Arizonan, Arizonian n09741331 Arkansan, Arkansawyer n09741432 Bay Stater n09741526 Bostonian n09741612 Californian n09741722 Carolinian n09741816 Coloradan n09741904 Connecticuter n09741999 Delawarean, Delawarian n09742101 Floridian n09742188 Franco-American n09742315 German American n09742443 Georgian n09742569 Hawaiian n09742690 Native Hawaiian n09742844 Idahoan n09742927 Illinoisan n09743016 Indianan, Hoosier n09743112 Iowan n09743192 Kansan n09743275 Kentuckian, Bluegrass Stater n09743383 Louisianan, Louisianian n09743487 Mainer, Down Easter n09743601 Marylander n09743690 Michigander, Wolverine n09743792 Minnesotan, Gopher n09743891 Mississippian n09743986 Missourian n09744075 Montanan n09744161 Nebraskan, Cornhusker n09744262 Nevadan n09744346 New Hampshirite, Granite Stater n09744462 New Jerseyan, New Jerseyite, Garden Stater n09744587 New Mexican n09744679 New Yorker n09744834 North Carolinian, Tarheel n09744945 North Dakotan n09745041 Ohioan, Buckeye n09745132 Oklahoman, Sooner n09745229 Oregonian, Beaver n09745324 Pennsylvanian, Keystone Stater n09745438 Rhode Islander n09745535 South Carolinian n09745636 South Dakotan n09745732 Tennessean, Volunteer n09745834 Texan n09745933 Utahan n09746014 Vermonter n09746101 Virginian n09746189 Washingtonian n09746314 Washingtonian n09746438 West Virginian n09746536 Wisconsinite, Badger n09746637 Wyomingite n09746725 Puerto Rican n09746819 Yankee, Yank, Yankee-Doodle n09746936 Uruguayan n09747062 Venezuelan n09747191 Vietnamese, Annamese n09747329 Welshman, Welsh, Cambrian, Cymry n09747495 Gambian n09747618 Maltese n09747722 German n09747969 Teuton n09748101 East German n09748239 Kraut, Krauthead, Boche, Jerry, Hun n09748408 Berliner n09748541 West Berliner n09748648 Prussian n09748770 Junker n09748889 Ghanian n09749011 Gibraltarian n09749142 Glaswegian n09749260 Grenadian n09749386 Guinean n09749509 Rwandan n09749614 Singaporean n09749753 Slovenian n09749880 Somalian, Somali n09750046 Sri Lankan n09750157 Sumatran n09750282 Papuan n09750410 Tongan n09750524 Trojan, Dardan, Dardanian n09750641 Walloon n09750770 Yemeni n09750891 Yugoslav, Jugoslav, Yugoslavian, Jugoslavian n09751076 Serbian, Serb n09751256 Croatian, Croat n09751403 Sorbian n09751496 Xhosa n09751622 Zairese, Zairean n09751772 Zambian n09751895 Zimbabwean n09752023 Zulu n09752246 Aries, Ram n09752381 Taurus, Bull n09752519 Gemini, Twin n09752657 Cancer, Crab n09752795 Leo, Lion n09752927 Virgo, Virgin n09753065 Libra, Balance n09753204 Scorpio, Scorpion n09753348 Sagittarius, Archer n09753498 Capricorn, Goat n09753642 Aquarius, Water Bearer n09753792 Pisces, Fish n09753930 abandoned person n09754051 abator n09754152 abbe n09754217 abbess, mother superior, prioress n09754404 abbot, archimandrite n09754541 abjurer n09754633 abnegator n09754780 abominator, loather n09754907 abridger, abbreviator n09755086 abstractor, abstracter n09755241 absconder n09755398 absolutist n09755555 absolver n09755657 abdicator n09755788 abecedarian n09755893 aberrant n09756049 abettor, abetter n09756195 abhorrer n09756400 abiogenist n09756500 able seaman, able-bodied seaman n09756637 abolitionist, emancipationist n09756961 abomination n09757076 autochthon n09757175 abortionist n09757311 abrogator n09757449 abseiler, rappeller n09757653 absentee n09757836 AWOL n09757944 abstainer, abstinent, nondrinker n09758173 abstainer, ascetic n09758424 abstractionist, abstract artist n09758643 abuser, maltreater n09758781 abutter n09758885 academic administrator n09759069 academician, academic, faculty member n09759311 academician, schoolman n09759501 academician n09759684 acceptor n09759875 accessory, accessary n09760080 accessory after the fact n09760290 accessory before the fact n09760476 accessory during the fact n09760609 companion n09760735 accommodation endorser n09760913 accompanist, accompanyist n09761068 accomplice, confederate n09761310 accordionist n09761403 accountant, comptroller, controller n09761753 account executive, account representative, registered representative, customer's broker, customer's man n09762011 accused n09762101 defendant, suspect n09762385 accuser n09762509 ace, adept, champion, sensation, maven, mavin, virtuoso, genius, hotshot, star, superstar, whiz, whizz, wizard, wiz n09762821 achiever, winner, success, succeeder n09763272 acid head n09763349 acolyte n09763668 acoustician n09763784 acquaintance, friend n09764201 acquirer n09764381 acrobat n09764598 aerialist n09764732 action officer n09764900 active n09765118 active citizen n09765278 actor, histrion, player, thespian, role player n09767197 actor, doer, worker n09767592 actor's agent, theatrical agent n09767700 actress n09768753 adder n09768830 addict n09769076 addict, nut, freak, junkie, junky n09769345 addressee n09769525 adducer n09769636 adjudicator n09769803 adjunct n09769929 adjuster, adjustor, claims adjuster, claims adjustor, claim agent n09770179 adjutant, aide, aide-de-camp n09770359 adjutant general n09770472 administrator, executive n09770743 administrator n09770949 administrator, decision maker n09771204 admiral, full admiral n09771435 admirer, adorer n09771664 admirer n09771855 admonisher, monitor, reminder n09772029 adolescent, stripling, teenager, teen n09772330 adoptee n09772448 adoptive parent, adopter n09772606 adulterator n09772746 adulterer, fornicator n09772930 adulteress, fornicatress, hussy, jade, loose woman, slut, strumpet, trollop n09773076 advancer n09773169 adventuress n09773245 adversary, antagonist, opponent, opposer, resister n09773682 adverse witness, hostile witness n09773962 advertiser, advertizer, adman n09774167 advisee n09774266 adviser, advisor, consultant n09774783 advocate, advocator, proponent, exponent n09775663 advocate, counsel, counselor, counsellor, counselor-at-law, pleader n09775907 aeronautical engineer n09776079 aerospace engineer n09776186 aerophile n09776261 affiant n09776346 affiliate n09776522 affine n09776642 affluent n09776807 aficionado n09776933 aficionado n09777012 agent, factor, broker n09777353 agent n09777870 buck sergeant n09777975 business agent n09778144 literary agent n09778266 agent-in-place n09778392 agent provocateur, provocateur n09778537 aggravator, annoyance n09778676 aggressor n09778783 agitator, fomenter n09778927 agnostic n09779124 agnostic, doubter n09779280 agonist n09779461 agony aunt n09779623 agricultural laborer, agricultural labourer n09779790 agriculturist, agriculturalist, cultivator, grower, raiser n09780120 agronomist n09780249 aide, auxiliary n09780395 air attache n09780547 aircraftsman, aircraftman n09780676 aircrewman n09780828 air force officer, commander n09780984 airhead n09781171 air marshal, sky marshal n09781398 air traveler, air traveller n09781504 alarmist n09781650 albino n09781804 alcalde n09781921 alchemist n09782167 alcoholic, alky, dipsomaniac, boozer, lush, soaker, souse n09782397 alderman n09782589 Aleut, Aleutian n09782730 Alexandrian n09782855 alexic n09782946 Ali Baba n09783130 alien absconder n09783369 alienator n09783537 alienee, grantee n09783653 alienist n09783776 alienor n09783884 aliterate, aliterate person n09784043 algebraist n09784160 allegorizer, allegoriser n09784306 allergist n09784443 alleviator n09784564 alliterator n09784707 allocator, distributor n09784870 all-rounder, all arounder n09785042 ally, friend n09785236 almoner, medical social worker n09785409 alphabetizer, alphabetiser n09785580 almsgiver n09785659 alpinist n09785786 Alsatian n09785891 altar boy n09785992 alter ego n09786115 alto n09786226 alto saxophonist, altoist n09786338 alumnus, alumna, alum, graduate, grad n09786585 amateur n09786760 amateur n09786922 amalgamator n09787076 Amazon n09787293 amazon, virago n09787390 maenad n09787534 ambassador, embassador n09787765 ambassador n09787878 ambassadress n09787955 ambulance chaser n09788073 ambusher n09788237 amicus curiae, friend of the court n09788521 amigo n09788611 amnesic, amnesiac n09788761 amora n09789150 amoralist n09789304 amorist n09789449 amputator n09789566 amputee n09789668 anagnost n09789898 analogist n09790047 analphabet, analphabetic n09790188 analysand n09790278 analyst, psychoanalyst n09790482 analyst n09790666 credit analyst n09790865 financial analyst, securities analyst n09791014 industry analyst n09791151 oil-industry analyst n09791248 market analyst n09791419 market strategist n09791530 analyst n09791816 anarchist, nihilist, syndicalist n09792125 anathema, bete noire n09792237 anatomist n09792555 ancestor, ascendant, ascendent, antecedent, root n09792896 ancestress n09792969 anchor, anchorman, anchorperson n09793141 ancient n09793248 ancient, antediluvian n09793352 anecdotist, raconteur n09793495 anesthesiologist, anesthetist, anaesthetist n09793717 angel, backer n09793830 angiologist n09793946 angler, troller n09794081 angler n09794211 anglophile, anglophil n09794320 anglophobe n09794426 animal fancier n09794550 animator n09794668 animist n09794797 annalist n09794917 annihilator n09795010 annotator n09795124 announcer n09795334 announcer n09795556 annuitant n09795639 anointer n09795751 anorexic, anorectic n09795894 antediluvian, antediluvian patriarch n09796062 anthologist n09796185 anthropoid, ape n09796323 anthropologist n09796809 anti n09796974 anti-American n09797113 anticipator, anticipant n09797257 antinomian n09797375 antipope n09797606 antiquary, antiquarian, archaist n09797742 anti-Semite, Jew-baiter n09797873 Anzac n09797998 ape-man n09798096 aphakic n09798244 aphasic n09798404 aphorist n09798534 apologist, vindicator, justifier n09798811 Apostle n09799213 Apostle, Apostelic Father n09799461 apostle n09799607 apostolic delegate n09799808 Appalachian n09799920 apparatchik n09800056 apparatchik n09800249 appeaser n09800469 appellant, plaintiff in error n09800631 apple polisher, bootlicker, fawner, groveller, groveler, truckler n09800964 appointee n09801102 apprehender n09801275 April fool n09801371 aquanaut, oceanaut n09801533 aspirant, aspirer, hopeful, wannabe, wannabee n09801864 apprentice, learner, prentice n09802050 appraiser, valuator n09802239 appraiser, authenticator n09802445 appreciator n09802641 appropriator n09802844 approver n09802951 Arabist n09803060 Aramean, Aramaean n09803247 Arawak, Arawakan n09803429 arbiter, arbitrator, umpire n09803800 arbitrageur, arbitrager, arb n09804053 arbiter, supreme authority n09804230 archaist n09804343 archdeacon n09804518 archduchess n09804658 archduke n09804806 archeologist, archaeologist n09805151 archbishop n09805324 archer, bowman n09805475 architect, designer n09806944 archivist n09807075 archpriest, hierarch, high priest, prelate, primate n09807379 Areopagite n09807495 Argive n09807609 arianist n09807754 aristocrat, blue blood, patrician n09808080 Aristotelian, Aristotelean, Peripatetic n09808351 arithmetician n09808466 armchair liberal n09808591 armiger n09808686 armiger, armor-bearer n09808794 armorer, armourer, artificer n09808949 armorer, armourer n09809134 arms manufacturer n09809279 army attache n09809427 army brat n09809538 army engineer, military engineer n09809749 army officer n09809925 arranger, adapter, transcriber n09810166 arrival, arriver, comer n09810364 arrogator n09810633 arrowsmith n09810707 arsonist, incendiary, firebug n09810867 art critic n09810983 art dealer n09811112 art director n09811281 art editor n09811414 art historian n09811568 arthritic n09811712 articulator n09811852 artilleryman, cannoneer, gunner, machine gunner n09812068 illustrator n09812338 artist, creative person n09813126 artiste n09813219 artist's model, sitter n09813351 art student n09813441 art teacher n09813522 ascender n09813632 ass n09813696 assassin, assassinator, bravo n09814084 assassin n09814252 assayer n09814381 assemblyman n09814488 assemblywoman n09814567 assenter n09814660 asserter, declarer, affirmer, asseverator, avower n09815076 assessee n09815188 asshole, bastard, cocksucker, dickhead, shit, mother fucker, motherfucker, prick, whoreson, son of a bitch, SOB n09815455 assignee n09815677 assignor n09815790 assistant, helper, help, supporter n09816654 assistant professor n09816771 associate n09817174 associate n09817386 associate professor n09817536 asthmatic n09817694 astrogator n09817816 astrologer, astrologist n09818022 astronaut, spaceman, cosmonaut n09818343 astronomer, uranologist, stargazer n09819291 astrophysicist n09819477 cosmographer, cosmographist n09819667 cosmologist n09819860 atavist, throwback n09820044 atheist n09820263 athlete, jock n09821086 attache n09821253 attacker, aggressor, assailant, assaulter n09821831 attendant, attender, tender n09822640 attester, attestant n09822830 attorney general n09822955 auditor n09823153 auditor n09823287 augur, auspex n09823502 aunt, auntie, aunty n09823683 au pair n09823832 au pair girl n09823927 auteur n09824065 authoress n09824135 authoritarian, dictator n09824361 authority n09824609 authority n09824978 authority figure n09825096 authorizer, authoriser n09825296 autobiographer n09825413 autodidact n09825519 automaton, zombi, zombie n09825750 automobile mechanic, auto-mechanic, car-mechanic, mechanic, grease monkey n09825939 automotive engineer n09826074 avenger, retaliator n09826204 aviator, aeronaut, airman, flier, flyer n09826605 aviatrix, airwoman, aviatress n09826698 avower n09826821 ayah n09826945 ayatollah n09827166 baas n09827246 babu, baboo n09827363 baby, babe, sister n09827519 baby n09827683 baby, babe, infant n09828216 baby n09828403 baby boomer, boomer n09828600 baby buster, buster n09828760 baby doctor, pediatrician, pediatrist, paediatrician n09828988 baby farmer n09829122 babyminder, baby minder, minder n09829305 babysitter, baby-sitter, sitter n09829506 bacchant n09829650 bacchante n09829798 bacchant, bacchanal n09829923 bachelor, unmarried man n09830080 bachelor girl, bachelorette n09830194 back n09830400 backbencher n09830553 back judge n09830629 backpacker, packer n09830759 backroom boy, brain truster n09830926 backscratcher n09831057 backseat driver n09831166 backslapper n09831303 backstroker n09831411 bacteriologist n09831731 bad egg n09831856 bad guy n09831962 bad person n09832321 bag, old bag n09832456 baggage n09832538 baggageman n09832633 bag lady n09832762 bagman n09832873 Bahai n09832978 bailee n09833111 bailiff n09833275 bailor n09833441 bairn n09833536 baker, bread maker n09833651 baker n09833751 balancer n09833896 baldhead, baldpate, baldy n09833997 balker, baulker, noncompliant n09834159 ball boy n09834258 ball-buster, ball-breaker n09834378 ball carrier, runner n09834592 ballerina, danseuse n09834699 ballet dancer n09834885 ballet master n09835017 ballet mistress n09835153 balletomane n09835230 ball hawk n09835348 balloonist n09835506 ballplayer, baseball player n09836057 bulimic n09836160 bullfighter, toreador n09836343 banderillero n09836519 matador n09836658 novillero n09836786 picador n09836976 torero n09837088 bandit, brigand n09837201 bandleader n09837360 bandmaster n09837459 bandsman n09837580 bank commissioner n09837720 banker n09837824 banker n09837981 bank examiner n09838117 bank guard n09838200 bank manager n09838295 bank robber n09838370 bankrupt, insolvent n09838511 bantamweight n09838621 bantamweight n09838701 Baptist n09838895 barber n09839022 bard n09839085 bar fly n09839167 bargainer n09839343 bargain hunter n09839436 baritone, barytone n09839515 barker n09839702 barmaid n09839774 barnburner n09839860 barnstormer, stunt flier, stunt pilot n09840050 barnstormer, playactor, play-actor, trouper n09840217 baron, big businessman, business leader, king, magnate, mogul, power, top executive, tycoon n09840435 baron n09840520 baron n09840639 baronet, Bart n09840871 barrator, barrater n09840963 barrister n09841188 bartender, barman, barkeep, barkeeper, mixologist n09841400 barterer n09841515 baseball coach, baseball manager n09841696 base runner, runner n09841865 basileus n09841955 basketball coach n09842047 basketball player, basketeer, cager n09842288 basketweaver, basketmaker n09842395 Basket Maker n09842528 bass, basso n09842629 bassist n09842716 bassoonist n09842823 bastard, by-blow, love child, illegitimate child, illegitimate, whoreson n09843048 baster, tacker n09843200 baster n09843309 baroness n09843443 bat boy n09843602 bather n09843716 batman n09843824 baton twirler, twirler n09843956 batter, hitter, slugger, batsman n09844221 batting coach n09844356 battle-ax, battle-axe n09844457 Bavarian n09844566 bawler n09844685 beachcomber n09844770 beadle n09844898 beadsman, bedesman n09845016 bean counter n09845191 bear n09845401 beard n09845589 beast, wolf, savage, brute, wildcat n09845737 beater n09845849 beatnik, beat n09845999 beautician, cosmetician n09846142 beauty consultant n09846265 bedfellow n09846355 bedfellow n09846469 Bedouin, Beduin n09846586 bedwetter, bed wetter, wetter n09846755 beekeeper, apiarist, apiculturist n09846894 beer drinker, ale drinker n09847010 beggar, mendicant n09847267 beggarman n09847344 beggarwoman n09847425 begum n09847543 beldam, beldame n09847629 bel esprit n09847727 believer, worshiper, worshipper n09848110 theist n09848285 Taoist, Tao n09848489 believer, truster n09848775 bellboy, bellman, bellhop n09848916 bell captain n09849012 belle n09849167 bell founder n09849256 bell ringer n09849349 bellwether n09849462 belly dancer, exotic belly dancer, exotic dancer n09849598 beloved, dear, dearest, honey, love n09849801 belt maker n09849874 bench warmer n09849990 benedick, benedict n09850121 beneficiary, donee n09850317 Berber n09850457 bereaved, bereaved person n09850642 berk n09850760 berserker, berserk n09850974 besieger n09851087 besieger n09851165 best, topper n09851371 best friend n09851465 best man n09851575 betrothed n09851719 better n09851876 bettor, better, wagerer, punter n09852081 taker n09852179 bey n09852289 bey n09852430 B-girl, bar girl n09852558 bibliographer n09852679 bibliophile, booklover, book lover n09852826 bibliopole, bibliopolist n09852979 bibliotist n09853087 bidder n09853184 bidder n09853305 bigamist n09853467 big brother n09853541 Big Brother n09853645 bigot n09853881 big shot, big gun, big wheel, big cheese, big deal, big enchilada, big fish, head honcho n09854218 big sister n09854290 bilingual, bilingualist n09854421 billiard player n09854510 bill poster, poster, bill sticker n09854708 bimbo n09854813 bimetallist n09854915 biochemist n09855433 biographer n09855630 biologist, life scientist n09856267 biophysicist n09856401 bird fancier n09856500 bird watcher, birder n09856671 birth n09856827 birth-control campaigner, birth-control reformer n09857007 bisexual, bisexual person n09857200 bishop n09857852 biter n09857957 Black and Tan n09858165 black belt n09858299 blackmailer, extortioner, extortionist n09858560 black marketeer n09858733 Black Muslim n09858913 Black Panther n09859038 Blackshirt n09859152 blacksmith n09859285 blade n09859412 blasphemer n09859557 blaster, chargeman n09859684 bleacher n09859818 bleeding heart n09859975 blind date n09860130 blind person n09860248 blocker n09860415 blogger n09860506 blond, blonde n09860653 blood brother n09860813 blood donor n09860940 blubberer n09861059 bludgeoner n09861166 blue baby n09861287 bluecoat n09861395 bluejacket, navy man, sailor, sailor boy n09861599 bluestocking, bas bleu n09861718 bluffer, four-flusher n09861863 boatbuilder n09861946 boatman, boater, waterman n09862183 boatswain, bos'n, bo's'n, bosun, bo'sun n09862345 boarder n09862479 boarder n09862621 bobby n09862713 bobbysoxer, bobby-socker n09862845 bodybuilder, muscle builder, muscle-builder, musclebuilder, muscleman n09863031 bodyguard, escort n09863238 body servant n09863339 boffin n09863500 bohemian n09863620 Bohemian n09863749 Bolshevik, Marxist, red, bolshie, bolshy n09863936 Bolshevik, Bolshevist n09864252 bombardier n09864429 bombardier n09864536 bomber n09864632 bombshell n09864761 bondholder n09864891 bondman, bondsman n09864968 bondman, bondsman n09865068 bondwoman, bondswoman, bondmaid n09865162 bondwoman, bondswoman, bondmaid n09865279 bondsman, bondswoman n09865398 bond servant n09865547 bonesetter n09865672 book agent n09865744 bookbinder n09865838 bookdealer, book seller n09865954 booker, booking agent n09866115 bookkeeper n09866222 bookmaker, bookie n09866354 bookmaker n09866473 bookseller n09866559 bookworm n09866661 booster, shoplifter, lifter n09866817 bootblack, shoeblack n09866922 bootlegger, moonshiner n09867069 bootmaker, boot maker n09867154 borderer n09867311 border patrolman n09867437 bore, dullard n09867633 borrower n09867818 born-again Christian n09867956 boss, hirer n09868157 Boswell n09868270 botanist, phytologist, plant scientist n09868703 bottom dog n09868782 bottom feeder n09868899 boulevardier n09869009 bouncer, chucker-out n09869171 bounder, leaper n09869317 bounty hunter n09869447 bounty hunter n09869578 Bourbon n09869706 Bourbon n09869830 bourgeois, burgher n09869961 bowler n09870096 bowler n09870208 boxer, pugilist n09870746 Boxer n09870926 boy n09871095 slugger, slogger n09871229 cub, lad, laddie, sonny, sonny boy n09871364 boyfriend, fellow, beau, swain, young man n09871580 ex-boyfriend n09871681 Boy Scout n09871867 boy scout n09871952 boy wonder n09872066 bragger, braggart, boaster, blowhard, line-shooter, vaunter n09872285 bracero n09872464 brachycephalic n09872557 brahman, brahmin n09872782 brahman, brahmin n09872996 brainworker, brain-worker n09873135 brakeman n09873242 brass hat n09873348 brawler n09873473 breadwinner n09873604 breaker, ledgeman n09873769 breaststroker n09873899 breeder, stock breeder n09874014 brewer n09874118 brewer, beer maker n09874260 briber, suborner n09874428 brick n09874518 bricklayer n09874618 bride n09874725 bride n09874862 bridesmaid, maid of honor n09875025 bridge agent n09875188 bridge partner n09875353 bridge player, hand n09875540 brigadier, brigadier general n09875663 broad n09875786 broadcaster n09875979 broadcast journalist n09876152 broker-dealer n09876308 broth of a boy, broth of a man n09876454 brother, blood brother n09876701 Brother n09876892 brother n09877124 brother, comrade n09877288 brother-in-law n09877370 Brownie n09877443 Brownshirt n09877587 browser n09877750 Brummie, Brummy n09877856 brunet, brunette n09877951 buddy, brother, chum, crony, pal, sidekick n09878179 bugler n09878275 builder, constructor n09878559 builder n09878702 bull, bruiser, strapper, Samson n09878921 bull n09879144 bull, cop, copper, fuzz, pig n09879297 bully, tough, hooligan, ruffian, roughneck, rowdy, yob, yobo, yobbo n09879552 bully n09879616 bullyboy n09879744 bungler, blunderer, fumbler, bumbler, stumbler, sad sack, botcher, butcher, fuckup n09880075 bunkmate n09880189 bunny, bunny girl n09880338 bunter n09880427 bureaucrat, administrative official n09880646 burgess, burgher n09880741 burglar n09880881 burgomaster n09881009 burgrave n09881133 burgrave n09881265 bursar n09881358 busboy, waiter's assistant n09881519 bushman n09881613 Bushman n09881748 bushwhacker n09881895 business editor n09882007 businessman, man of affairs n09882615 businesswoman n09882716 businessperson, bourgeois n09883047 business traveler n09883174 busker n09883362 busman, bus driver n09883452 buster n09883630 buster, bronco buster, broncobuster n09883740 buster n09883807 busybody, nosy-parker, nosey-parker, quidnunc n09883947 butch, dike, dyke n09884133 butcher, slaughterer n09884305 butcher n09884391 butcher, meatman n09884509 butler, pantryman n09884666 butt, goat, laughingstock, stooge n09884815 butter n09884934 butterfingers n09885059 buttinsky n09885145 buyer, purchaser, emptor, vendee n09885334 bystander n09885416 Cabalist, Kabbalist n09885534 cabalist, kabbalist n09885676 cabalist n09885769 cabin boy n09885866 cabinetmaker, furniture maker n09886010 cabinet minister n09886220 cad, bounder, blackguard, dog, hound, heel n09886403 caddie, golf caddie n09886540 cadet, plebe n09886700 caffeine addict, caffein addict n09886807 Cairene n09886911 caitiff n09887034 calculator, reckoner, figurer, estimator, computer n09887378 number cruncher n09887496 caliph, calif, kaliph, kalif, khalif, khalifah n09887850 caller, company n09888017 caller, caller-up, phoner, telephoner n09888269 caller n09888429 caller n09888635 caller, caller-out n09888832 caller n09888978 caller n09889065 call girl n09889170 calligrapher, calligraphist n09889346 Calvinist, Genevan n09889539 cameraman, camera operator, cinematographer n09889691 campaigner, candidate, nominee n09889941 camper n09890072 Campfire Girl n09890192 camp follower n09890296 camp follower n09890411 campmate n09890507 Canaanite n09890662 canary n09890749 candidate, prospect n09890894 candlemaker n09890987 candy striper n09891079 cannibal, man-eater, anthropophagus, anthropophagite n09891300 cannon fodder, fodder, fresh fish n09891470 canoeist, paddler n09891613 canon n09891730 canonist n09891864 cantor, hazan n09892066 canvasser n09892156 Capetian n09892262 capitalist n09892410 capo n09892513 captain, headwaiter, maitre d'hotel, maitre d' n09892693 captain, senior pilot n09892831 captain, skipper n09893015 captain, police captain, police chief n09893191 captain n09893344 captain, chieftain n09893502 captive n09893600 captive n09893746 carbineer, carabineer, carabinier n09893916 cardholder n09894040 cardholder n09894143 cardinal n09894445 cardiologist, heart specialist, heart surgeon n09894654 card player n09894909 cardsharp, card sharp, cardsharper, card sharper, sharper, sharpie, sharpy, card shark n09895138 career girl n09895222 careerist n09895480 career man n09895561 caregiver n09895701 caretaker n09895902 caretaker n09896084 carhop n09896170 caricaturist n09896311 carillonneur n09896401 caroler, caroller n09896520 Carolingian, Carlovingian n09896685 carpenter n09896826 carper, niggler n09896973 carpetbagger n09897170 carpet knight n09897350 carrier, immune carrier n09897603 carrier, newsboy n09897696 carrier, bearer, toter n09897914 carter n09898020 Cartesian n09898107 Carthusian n09898215 cartographer, map maker n09898346 cartoonist n09898692 cartwright n09898797 Casanova n09898892 case n09899134 case officer n09899289 cashier n09899438 castaway, shipwreck survivor n09899534 castrato n09899671 casualty, injured party n09899782 casualty n09899929 casuist, sophist n09900153 cat n09900284 Catalan n09900391 cataleptic n09900499 cataloger, cataloguer n09900711 catalyst n09900873 catamite n09900981 catch, match n09901143 catcher, backstop n09901337 catechist n09901502 catechumen, neophyte n09901642 caterer n09901786 Catholicos n09901921 cat fancier n09902017 cattleman, cow man, beef man n09902128 Cavalier, Royalist n09902256 cavalier, chevalier n09902353 cavalryman, trooper n09902611 cavalryman, trooper n09902731 caveman, cave man, cave dweller, troglodyte n09902851 celebrant n09902954 celebrant, celebrator, celebrater n09903153 celebrity, famous person n09903367 celibate n09903501 cellist, violoncellist n09903639 censor n09903936 censor n09904057 census taker, enumerator n09904208 centenarian n09904321 center, snapper n09904556 center n09904708 center n09904837 centrist, middle of the roader, moderate, moderationist n09905050 centurion n09905185 certified public accountant, CPA n09905530 chachka, tsatske, tshatshke, tchotchke, tchotchkeleh n09905697 chain-smoker n09905842 chairman of the board n09905965 Chaldean, Chaldaean, Chaldee n09906079 chamberlain n09906195 chamberlain n09906293 chambermaid, fille de chambre n09906449 chameleon n09906538 champion, fighter, hero, paladin n09906704 champion, champ, title-holder n09906848 chancellor n09906986 chancellor, premier, prime minister n09907196 Prime Minister, PM, premier n09907408 Chancellor of the Exchequer, Chancellor n09907566 chandler n09907717 wax-chandler n09907804 chandler n09907919 changeling n09908025 chap, fellow, feller, fella, lad, gent, blighter, cuss, bloke n09908273 chaperon, chaperone n09908508 chaplain n09908678 chapman n09908769 prison chaplain n09908853 chauffeur n09908986 chauffeuse n09909060 character, eccentric, type, case n09909363 character actor n09909477 character witness n09909660 charcoal burner n09909760 charge n09909929 charge d'affaires n09910084 charge of quarters n09910222 charioteer n09910374 charmer, beguiler n09910556 chartered accountant n09910719 charter member n09910840 chartist, technical analyst n09911051 Chartist n09911226 charwoman, char, cleaning woman, cleaning lady, woman n09911465 chatelaine n09911570 chatterer, babbler, prater, chatterbox, magpie, spouter n09911849 chauvinist, jingoist, jingo, flag-waver, hundred-percenter, patrioteer n09912075 chauvinist n09912243 antifeminist n09912431 male chauvinist, sexist n09912598 cheapjack n09912681 cheapskate, tightwad n09912765 chebab n09912907 Chechen n09912995 checker n09913110 checker n09913240 check girl, hatcheck girl n09913329 cheerer n09913455 cheerleader n09913593 cheerleader n09913741 cheesemonger n09913824 chemist n09915434 Cheops, Khufu n09915577 cherub n09915651 chess master n09915834 chess player n09915964 chewer n09916109 chichi n09916209 Chief Constable n09916348 chief executive officer, CEO, chief operating officer n09916601 chief financial officer, CFO n09916788 chief justice n09917214 chief of staff n09917345 chief petty officer n09917481 Chief Secretary n09917593 child, kid, youngster, minor, shaver, nipper, small fry, tiddler, tike, tyke, fry, nestling n09918248 child, kid n09918554 child, baby n09918762 child n09918867 child prodigy, infant prodigy, wonder child n09919061 chimneysweeper, chimneysweep, sweep n09919200 chiropractor n09919297 chiropodist, foot doctor, podiatrist n09919451 chit n09919690 choirboy n09919771 choirmaster, precentor, cantor n09919899 choker n09920106 choragus n09920283 choreographer n09920771 chorister n09920901 chorus girl, showgirl, chorine n09921034 chosen n09921168 chronicler n09921291 Chukchi n09921409 chump, fool, gull, mark, patsy, fall guy, sucker, soft touch, mug n09921673 chutzpanik n09921792 Church Father, Father of the Church, Father n09922485 churchgoer, church member n09922659 churchwarden n09922799 church officer n09923003 cicerone n09923101 cigarette smoker n09923186 cigar smoker n09923263 Cinderella n09923418 cipher, cypher, nobody, nonentity n09923561 circus acrobat n09923673 citizen n09923996 city editor n09924106 city father n09924195 city man n09924313 city slicker, city boy n09924437 civic leader, civil leader n09924540 civil engineer n09924742 civilian n09924854 civil libertarian n09924996 civil rights leader, civil rights worker, civil rights activist n09925459 civil servant n09925592 claimant n09925824 claim jumper n09925953 clairvoyant n09926088 clapper, applauder n09926246 clarinetist, clarinettist n09926426 classic n09926519 classicist n09926656 classicist, classical scholar n09926862 classifier n09926991 claustrophobe n09927089 cleaner n09927305 cleaner, dry cleaner n09927451 clergyman, reverend, man of the cloth n09928136 cleric, churchman, divine, ecclesiastic n09928364 clericalist n09928451 clerk n09928845 clever Dick, clever clogs n09929005 cliff dweller n09929202 climatologist n09929298 climber n09929577 clinician n09929770 clip artist n09929861 cloakmaker, furrier n09929988 clock watcher n09930102 clocksmith, clockmaker n09930257 closer, finisher n09930464 closer n09930628 closet queen n09930772 clothier, haberdasher n09930876 clown, buffoon, goof, goofball, merry andrew n09931165 clown, buffoon n09931267 clumsy person n09931418 coach, private instructor, tutor n09931640 coach, manager, handler n09931989 line coach n09932098 pitching coach n09932227 coachbuilder n09932336 coachman n09932429 coalman n09932508 coal miner, collier, pitman n09932616 coaster n09932706 coaster n09932788 coastguardsman n09932892 coauthor, joint author n09933020 cobber n09933098 cobbler, shoemaker n09933235 cocaine addict n09933324 cocksucker n09933411 codefendant, co-defendant n09933613 codetalker, windtalker n09933842 codger, old codger n09933972 co-beneficiary n09934085 co-discoverer n09934213 co-ed, college girl n09934337 cog n09934488 cognitive neuroscientist n09934647 cognitive scientist n09934774 coiffeur n09934846 coiffeuse n09934921 coiner, minter, moneyer n09935107 coiner n09935233 coiner n09935351 cold fish n09935434 collaborator, cooperator, partner, pardner n09935793 collaborator, collaborationist, quisling n09935990 colleague, confrere, fellow n09936215 colleague, co-worker, fellow worker, workfellow n09936362 collector, gatherer, accumulator n09936620 collector, aggregator n09936825 colleen n09936892 college student, university student n09937056 collegian, college man, college boy n09937250 colonel n09937489 Colonel Blimp, Blimp n09937688 colonial n09937802 colonialist n09937903 colonizer, coloniser n09938080 coloratura, coloratura soprano n09938272 color bearer, standard-bearer n09938449 color guard n09938554 color sergeant n09938672 colorist n09938851 Colossian n09938991 colossus, behemoth, giant, heavyweight, titan n09939154 columnist, editorialist n09939313 combatant, battler, belligerent, fighter, scrapper n09939827 combat pilot n09940026 comber n09940146 comedian, comic n09940725 comedian n09940818 comedienne n09940987 comedienne n09941089 comer n09941172 comfort woman, ianfu n09941383 commander n09941571 commander n09941787 commander in chief, generalissimo n09941964 commanding officer, commandant, commander n09942275 commando, ranger n09942431 commentator, reviewer n09942587 commercial artist n09942697 commissar, political commissar n09942871 commissionaire n09942970 commissioned officer n09943239 commissioned military officer n09943541 commissioned naval officer n09943811 commissioner n09944022 commissioner n09944160 committee member n09944337 committeeman n09944430 committeewoman n09944529 couch potato n09944677 councilman n09944763 council member, councillor n09944931 councilwoman n09945021 commodore n09945223 communicant n09945319 communist, commie n09945603 Communist n09945745 commuter n09945905 companion, comrade, fellow, familiar, associate n09946278 companion, fellow traveler, fellow traveller n09946437 company man n09946574 company operator n09946672 comparative anatomist n09946814 compere n09946957 compiler n09947127 complexifier n09947232 composer n09949946 compositor, typesetter, setter, typographer n09950150 Comptroller General n09950318 Comptroller of the Currency n09950457 compulsive n09950728 computational linguist n09950917 computer expert, computer guru n09951070 computer scientist n09951274 computer user n09951524 Comrade n09951616 concert-goer, music lover n09951717 concessionaire, concessioner n09951835 conchologist n09951953 concierge n09952163 conciliator, make-peace, pacifier, peacemaker, reconciler n09952393 concubine, courtesan, doxy, paramour n09952539 conductor, music director, director n09953052 conductor n09953178 conditioner n09953275 conductress n09953350 confectioner, candymaker n09953483 confederate, collaborator, henchman, partner in crime n09953615 Confederate n09953775 Confederate soldier n09953965 conferee n09954081 conferee n09954246 conferrer n09954355 confessor n09954479 confessor n09954639 confidant, intimate n09954804 confidante n09954879 confidence man, con man, con artist n09955015 swindler, defrauder, chiseller, chiseler, gouger, scammer, grifter n09955406 Confucian, Confucianist n09955517 congregant n09955643 Congregationalist n09955781 congressman, congresswoman, representative n09955944 rep n09956035 connection n09956147 connection n09956387 connoisseur, cognoscente n09956578 conqueror, vanquisher n09956780 conquistador n09957013 conscientious objector, CO n09957156 conservative, conservativist n09957523 Conservative n09957614 conformist n09957834 nonconformist, recusant n09958133 Nonconformist, chapelgoer n09958292 Anglican n09958447 consignee n09958569 consigner, consignor n09958724 consort n09958892 conspirator, coconspirator, plotter, machinator n09959142 constable n09959258 constable, police constable n09959387 constitutionalist n09959527 construction worker, hard hat n09959658 constructivist n09959797 consul n09960001 consumptive, lunger, tubercular n09960117 contact, middleman n09960315 contemplative n09960417 contemporary, coeval n09960545 contortionist n09960688 contractor n09960891 contractor n09961012 contractor, declarer n09961198 contralto n09961331 contributor n09961469 control freak n09961605 convalescent n09961739 convener n09961889 conventioneer n09961999 conversationalist, conversationist, schmoozer n09962214 Converso n09962414 convert n09962612 conveyancer n09962789 conveyer, conveyor n09962966 convict, con, inmate, yard bird, yardbird n09963159 convict n09963320 cook n09963574 chef n09963680 cookie, cooky n09963773 cooper, barrel maker n09963914 coordinator n09964064 copartner n09964202 copilot, co-pilot n09964315 coppersmith n09964411 copycat, imitator, emulator, ape, aper n09964659 copy editor, copyreader, text editor n09964805 copyist, scribe, scrivener n09965021 copywriter n09965134 coquette, flirt, vamp, vamper, minx, tease, prickteaser n09965424 cordon bleu n09965515 coreligionist n09965625 corespondent, co-respondent n09965787 cornerback n09965905 cornhusker n09965985 coroner, medical examiner n09966139 corporal n09966255 corporate executive, business executive n09966470 corporatist n09966554 correspondent, letter writer n09966710 correspondent, newspaperman, newspaperwoman, newswriter, pressman n09966941 corsair, Barbary pirate n09967063 cosmetician n09967159 cosmetologist n09967270 cosmetic surgeon, plastic surgeon n09967406 cosmopolitan, cosmopolite n09967555 Cossack n09967816 cost accountant n09967967 co-star n09968128 costermonger, barrow-man, barrow-boy n09968259 costumier, costumer, costume designer n09968433 cotenant n09968549 cottager, cottage dweller n09968652 cotter, cottier n09968741 cotter, cottar n09968845 counselor, counsellor n09969062 counselor, counsellor n09969218 count n09969375 count palatine n09969491 counter n09969589 counterdemonstrator n09969718 counterperson, counterwoman, counterman n09969869 counterrevolutionist, counter-revolutionist, counterrevolutionary n09970088 counterterrorist n09970192 counterspy, mole n09970295 countertenor n09970402 countess n09970493 country doctor n09970699 compatriot n09970822 compromiser n09970963 countryman n09971047 countrywoman n09971135 countryman, ruralist n09971273 countrywoman n09971385 county agent, agricultural agent, extension agent n09971595 coureur de bois n09971682 courser n09971839 courtier n09972010 cousin, first cousin, cousin-german, full cousin n09972157 couturier, fashion designer, clothes designer, designer n09972458 cover girl, pin-up, lovely n09972587 cow n09972661 cowboy, cowpuncher, puncher, cowman, cattleman, cowpoke, cowhand, cowherd n09972946 cowboy n09973072 cowboy, rodeo rider n09973209 vaquero, buckaroo, buckeroo n09973422 cowgirl n09973490 coxcomb, cockscomb n09973624 coxswain, cox n09973749 coyote n09973903 coyote n09974054 crab, crabby person n09974177 crack addict, binger n09974278 cracker n09974496 crackpot, crank, nut, nut case, fruitcake, screwball n09974648 craftsman, artisan, journeyman, artificer n09975425 craftsman, crafter n09975630 craftsman n09975806 crammer n09975933 crammer n09976024 crapshooter n09976119 crawler, creeper n09976283 crazy, loony, looney, nutcase, weirdo n09976429 creature, wight n09976551 creature, tool, puppet n09976728 creditor n09976917 creep, weirdo, weirdie, weirdy, spook n09977082 crewman n09977178 crewman, crew member n09977326 cricketer n09977520 crier n09977660 criminal, felon, crook, outlaw, malefactor n09978442 criminologist n09978566 crimp, crimper n09978697 criollo n09978889 cripple n09979072 critic n09979321 critic n09979589 critic n09979913 Croesus n09979985 crofter n09980090 crooner, balladeer n09980275 crossbencher n09980458 cross-examiner, cross-questioner n09980658 crossing guard n09980805 crossover voter, crossover n09980985 croupier n09981092 crown prince n09981183 crown princess n09981278 crown princess n09981365 Crusader n09981540 cryptanalyst, cryptographer, cryptologist n09981740 crystallographer n09981834 cub, greenhorn, rookie n09981939 Cub Scout n09982013 cubist n09982152 cuckold n09982277 cuirassier n09982370 cultist n09982525 cultist n09982760 cultural attache n09982873 cunt, bitch n09983053 cupbearer n09983214 cur n09983314 curandera n09983444 curandero n09983572 curate, minister of religion, minister, parson, pastor, rector n09983889 curator, conservator n09984047 curmudgeon n09984187 currier n09984298 custodian, keeper, steward n09984659 customer, client n09984960 customer agent n09985075 client n09985207 cutler n09985279 cutter n09985470 cutter, carver n09985577 cutthroat n09985683 cybernaut n09985809 cyberpunk n09985978 cyborg, bionic man, bionic woman n09986189 cyclist, bicyclist, bicycler, wheeler n09986450 cymbalist n09986532 cynic, faultfinder n09986700 Cynic n09986904 cytogeneticist n09987045 cytologist n09987161 czar n09987239 czar, tsar, tzar n09987573 czarina, tsarina, tzarina, czaritza, tsaritsa n09987696 dabbler, dilettante, sciolist n09987927 dacoit, dakoit n09988063 dad, dada, daddy, pa, papa, pappa, pop n09988216 dairymaid, milkmaid n09988311 dairyman n09988392 dairyman, dairy farmer n09988493 Dalai Lama, Grand Lama n09988597 dalesman n09988703 dallier, dillydallier, dilly-dallier, mope, lounger n09988918 Dalmatian n09989045 dame, doll, wench, skirt, chick, bird n09989168 damsel, demoiselle, damoiselle, damosel, damozel n09989290 dame, madam, ma'am, lady, gentlewoman n09989502 dancer, professional dancer, terpsichorean n09990415 dancer, social dancer n09990690 clog dancer n09990777 dancing-master, dance master n09990904 dancing partner n09991026 dandy, dude, fop, gallant, sheik, beau, swell, fashion plate, clotheshorse n09991285 Daniel n09991406 danseur, danseur noble n09991530 daredevil, madcap, hothead, swashbuckler, lunatic, harum-scarum n09991740 dark horse n09991867 darling, favorite, favourite, pet, dearie, deary, ducky n09992138 darner n09992238 dart player n09992331 Darwinian n09992429 dastard n09992538 date, escort n09992746 dauber n09992837 daughter, girl n09993040 daughter-in-law n09993122 dauphin n09993252 dawdler, drone, laggard, lagger, trailer, poke n09993651 day boarder n09993822 dayboy n09993901 daydreamer, woolgatherer n09994119 lotus-eater, stargazer n09994319 daygirl n09994400 day laborer, day labourer n09994520 deacon n09994673 deacon, Protestant deacon n09994808 deaconess n09994878 deadeye n09994943 dead person, dead soul, deceased person, deceased, decedent, departed n09995253 decipherer n09995398 decoder, decipherer n09995573 decoy, steerer n09995757 deer hunter n09995829 deipnosophist n09995925 dropout n09996039 dropout n09996149 deadbeat dad n09996304 deadhead n09996481 deaf person n09996636 dealer n09996784 dean n09996920 dean n09997068 dean, doyen n09997212 debaser, degrader n09997404 debater, arguer n09997622 debtor, debitor n09997834 debutante, deb n09997939 decadent n09998101 deceiver, cheat, cheater, trickster, beguiler, slicker n09998788 deckhand, roustabout n09998907 decorator, ornamentalist n09999036 deep-sea diver n09999135 defamer, maligner, slanderer, vilifier, libeler, backbiter, traducer n09999443 defaulter n09999532 defaulter, deadbeat n09999683 defaulter n09999795 defeatist, negativist n10000007 defecator, voider, shitter n10000158 defense attorney, defense lawyer n10000294 defense contractor n10000459 deist, freethinker n10000616 delayer n10000787 delegate n10000945 delinquent, juvenile delinquent n10001058 deliverer n10001217 deliveryman, delivery boy, deliverer n10001481 demagogue, demagog, rabble-rouser n10001647 demander n10001764 demigod, superman, Ubermensch n10001882 demimondaine n10002031 democrat, populist n10002151 Democrat n10002257 demographer, demographist, population scientist n10002477 demon n10002644 demoniac n10002760 demonstrator, protester n10002982 demonstrator, sales demonstrator n10003120 demonstrator n10003283 denier n10003476 den mother n10003575 den mother n10003782 dental assistant n10003870 dental hygienist n10004019 dental technician, denturist n10004171 dental surgeon n10004282 dentist, tooth doctor, dental practitioner n10004539 departer, leaver, goer n10004718 department head n10004804 dependant, dependent n10005006 depositor n10005163 depressive n10005280 deputy, lieutenant n10005548 deputy, deputy sheriff n10005721 deputy, surrogate n10005934 deputy n10006081 derelict n10006177 dermatologist, skin doctor n10006337 dervish n10006511 descendant, descendent n10006748 descender n10006842 deserter, defector n10007109 deserter, apostate, renegade, turncoat, recreant, ratter n10007511 designated driver n10007684 designated hitter n10007809 designer, intriguer n10007995 desk clerk, hotel desk clerk, hotel clerk n10008123 desk officer n10008254 desk sergeant, deskman, station keeper n10008388 desperado, desperate criminal n10008535 desperate n10008716 destroyer, ruiner, undoer, waster, uprooter n10009162 detainee, political detainee n10009276 detective, investigator, tec, police detective n10009484 detective n10009671 detractor, disparager, depreciator, knocker n10009926 deus ex machina n10010062 developer n10010243 deviationist n10010400 devil's advocate n10010525 devil worshiper n10010632 devisee n10010767 devisor n10010864 devourer n10010977 diabetic n10011074 diagnostician, pathologist n10011360 dialectician n10011486 diarist, diary keeper, journalist n10011659 dichromat n10011785 dick, gumshoe, hawkshaw n10011902 dictator, potentate n10012244 dictator n10012377 dieter n10012484 dietician, dietitian, nutritionist n10012713 diemaker, diesinker, die-sinker n10012815 differentiator, discriminator n10012989 digger n10013114 dimwit, nitwit, half-wit, doofus n10013242 diner n10013399 dingbat n10013614 dining-room attendant, restaurant attendant n10013811 diocesan n10013927 diplomat, diplomatist n10014658 diplomat n10014771 diplomate n10014939 director, manager, managing director n10015215 director, theater director, theatre director n10015485 director n10015607 Director of Central Intelligence, DCI n10015792 dirty old man n10015897 disbeliever, nonbeliever, unbeliever n10016103 disciple, adherent n10016954 disentangler, unraveler, unraveller n10017190 dishwasher n10017272 disk jockey, disc jockey, dj n10017422 dispatcher n10017664 dispatch rider n10017794 dispenser n10017890 displaced person, DP, stateless person n10018021 dissenter, dissident, protester, objector, contestant n10018373 disturber n10018532 political dissident n10018653 distiller n10018747 distortionist n10018861 distributor, distributer n10019072 district attorney, DA n10019187 district manager n10019308 ditch digger, mud digger n10019406 diver, plunger n10019552 diver, frogman, underwater diver n10019733 divergent thinker n10019888 divider n10020031 diviner n10020366 divorcee, grass widow n10020533 ex-wife, ex n10020670 divorce lawyer n10020807 docent n10020890 doctor, doc, physician, MD, Dr., medico n10021892 doctor, Dr. n10022111 Doctor of the Church, Doctor n10022645 dodderer n10022759 dodger, fox, slyboots n10022908 dodo, fogy, fogey, fossil n10023039 dog n10023129 dog catcher n10023264 doge n10023381 dogfighter n10023506 dog in the manger n10023656 dogmatist, doctrinaire n10023885 dogsbody n10024025 dolichocephalic n10024119 domestic, domestic help, house servant n10024362 domestic partner, significant other, spousal equivalent, spouse equivalent n10024621 domestic prelate n10024784 dominatrix n10024937 Dominican n10025060 dominus, dominie, domine, dominee n10025195 Don n10025295 don, father n10025391 Donatist n10025487 Don Juan n10025635 donna n10025730 donor, giver, presenter, bestower, conferrer n10026058 donor n10026261 Don Quixote n10026367 don't-know n10026553 doorkeeper, doorman, door guard, hall porter, porter, gatekeeper, ostiary n10026763 doorkeeper, ostiary, ostiarius n10026976 dosser, street person n10027105 dotard n10027246 double, image, look-alike n10027476 double agent n10027590 double-crosser, double-dealer, two-timer, betrayer, traitor n10027798 double dipper n10027953 doubting Thomas n10028123 dove, peacenik n10028289 dowager n10028402 down-and-out n10028541 doyenne n10028638 draft dodger, draft evader n10028765 draftee, conscript, inductee n10028977 drafter n10029068 draftsman, drawer n10029269 draftsman, draughtsman, draftsperson n10029429 dragoman n10029729 dragon, tartar n10029831 dragoon n10029985 redcoat, lobsterback n10030147 drama critic, theater critic n10030277 dramatist, playwright n10032190 draper n10032342 drawee n10032524 drawer n10032676 drawing card, draw, attraction, attractor, attracter n10032884 drawler n10032987 dreamer n10033082 dresser, actor's assistant n10033225 dresser n10033412 dressmaker, modiste, needlewoman, seamstress, sempstress n10033572 dressmaker's model n10033663 dribbler, driveller, slobberer, drooler n10033888 dribbler n10034020 drill master, drill instructor n10034201 drinker, imbiber, toper, juicer n10034614 drinker n10034785 driveller, jabberer n10034906 driver n10035314 driver n10035430 driver n10035655 dropkicker n10035809 drudge, peon, navvy, galley slave n10035952 drug addict, junkie, junky n10036135 drug baron, drug lord n10036266 drug user, substance abuser, user n10036444 Druid n10036574 drum major n10036692 drum majorette, majorette n10036802 drum majorette, majorette n10036929 drummer n10037080 drunk n10037194 drunk-and-disorderly n10037385 drunkard, drunk, rummy, sot, inebriate, wino n10037588 Druze, Druse n10037922 dry, prohibitionist n10038119 dry nurse n10038226 dualist n10038320 duce n10038409 duchess n10038547 duck hunter n10038620 duke n10038778 duke n10038929 dueler, dueller, duelist, duellist n10039164 duenna n10039271 duffer n10039391 dumbbell, dummy, dope, boob, booby, pinhead n10039569 dummy, silent person n10039663 dunce, dunderhead, numskull, blockhead, bonehead, lunkhead, hammerhead, knucklehead, loggerhead, muttonhead, shithead, dumbass, fuckhead n10039946 dunker n10040049 dunker n10040240 Dutch uncle n10040344 dwarf, midget, nanus n10040515 dyer n10040617 dyslectic n10040698 dyspeptic n10040789 dynamiter, dynamitist n10040945 eager beaver, busy bee, live wire, sharpie, sharpy n10041093 Eagle Scout n10041195 ear doctor, ear specialist, otologist n10041373 earl n10041539 Earl Marshal n10041684 early bird n10041787 early bird n10041887 earner, wage earner n10042074 easterner n10042186 East-sider n10042300 eater, feeder n10042690 eavesdropper n10042845 eccentric, eccentric person, flake, oddball, geek n10043024 eclectic, eclecticist n10043163 ecologist n10043331 economic libertarian n10043491 econometrician, econometrist n10043643 economist, economic expert n10044470 economizer, economiser n10044682 ectomorph n10044763 edger n10044879 editor, editor in chief n10045361 subeditor n10045454 educationist, educationalist n10045713 educator, pedagogue, pedagog n10046387 Edwardian n10046527 effecter, effector n10046717 efficiency expert, efficiency engineer n10046870 egalitarian, equalitarian n10047030 egghead n10047199 egocentric, egoist n10047371 egomaniac n10047459 egotist, egoist, swellhead n10047822 Egyptologist n10048001 ejaculator n10048117 ejaculator n10048218 elder, senior n10048367 elder n10048485 elder statesman n10048612 elder statesman n10048729 eldest hand, elder hand n10048836 elected official n10049017 electrical engineer n10049363 electrician, lineman, linesman n10049522 electrocutioner n10049648 electrologist n10049788 electroplater n10049896 electrotherapist n10050043 elegist n10050163 elevator girl n10050261 elevator man, elevator boy, liftman n10050432 elevator operator n10050558 elitist n10050712 Elizabethan n10050880 elocutionist n10051026 emancipator, manumitter n10051215 embalmer n10051337 embezzler, defalcator, peculator n10051552 embroiderer n10051683 embroideress n10051761 embryologist n10051861 emeritus n10051975 emigrant, emigre, emigree, outgoer n10052128 Emile n10052244 eminence grise n10052497 emir, amir, emeer, ameer n10052694 emissary, envoy n10052843 emotional person n10053004 emperor n10053439 empress n10053591 empiricist n10053708 employable n10053808 employee n10054657 employer n10054875 employment agent n10054975 empty nester n10055085 enchanter n10055181 conjurer, conjuror, conjure man n10055297 enchantress, witch n10055410 enchantress, temptress, siren, Delilah, femme fatale n10055566 encyclopedist, encyclopaedist n10055730 endomorph n10055847 enemy, foe, foeman, opposition n10056103 energizer, energiser, vitalizer, vitaliser, animator n10056398 end n10056611 end man n10056719 end man, corner man n10056914 endocrinologist n10057114 endodontist n10057271 endorser, indorser n10057491 end user n10057595 enfant terrible n10057714 engineer, locomotive engineer, railroad engineer, engine driver n10057918 English teacher, English professor n10058027 engraver n10058155 engraver n10058411 enjoyer n10058585 enlisted man n10058777 enlisted person n10058962 enlisted woman n10059067 enophile, oenophile n10059162 enrollee n10059323 ENT man, ear-nose-and-throat doctor, otolaryngologist, otorhinolaryngologist, rhinolaryngologist n10059582 enthusiast, partisan, partizan n10059904 entomologist, bugologist, bug-hunter n10060075 entrant n10060175 entrant n10060352 entrepreneur, enterpriser n10060621 environmentalist, conservationist n10060904 Green n10061043 envoy, envoy extraordinary, minister plenipotentiary n10061195 enzymologist n10061323 eparch n10061431 eparch n10061554 Ephesian n10061656 epicure, gourmet, gastronome, bon vivant, epicurean, foodie n10061882 epidemiologist n10062042 epigone, epigon n10062176 epileptic n10062275 Episcopalian n10062385 epistemologist n10062492 equerry n10062594 equerry n10062716 erotic n10062785 escalader n10062905 escapee n10062996 escapist, dreamer, wishful thinker n10063177 escapologist, escape expert n10063340 eschatologist n10063461 escort n10063635 Eskimo, Esquimau, Inuit n10063919 espionage agent n10064046 Esquire, Esq n10064229 esquire n10064405 essayist, litterateur n10064537 esthete, aesthete n10064669 esthetician, aesthetician n10064831 esthetician, aesthetician n10064977 etcher n10065066 ethicist, ethician n10065261 ethnarch n10065547 ethnic n10065643 ethnographer n10065758 ethnologist n10065911 ethologist n10066059 etiologist, aetiologist n10066206 Etonian n10066314 etymologist n10066452 eunuch, castrate n10066624 evacuee n10066732 evaluator, judge n10067011 evangelist, revivalist, gospeler, gospeller n10067305 Evangelist n10067600 event planner n10067793 everyman n10067867 evolutionist n10067968 examiner, inspector n10068234 examiner, tester, quizzer n10068425 exarch n10068537 exarch n10068682 exarch n10068804 excogitator n10068928 Excellency n10069120 exchanger, money changer n10069296 executant n10069427 executioner, public executioner n10069645 executive, executive director n10069869 executive officer n10069981 executive secretary n10070108 executive vice president n10070219 executor n10070377 executrix n10070449 exegete n10070563 exhibitor, exhibitioner, shower n10070711 exhibitionist, show-off n10070942 exhibitionist, flasher n10071139 exile, deportee n10071332 exile, expatriate, expat n10071557 existentialist, existentialist philosopher, existential philosopher n10071912 exodontist n10072054 exorcist, exorciser n10072187 exorcist n10072346 expert witness n10072546 exploiter, user n10072708 explorer, adventurer n10073634 exporter n10073762 expositor, expounder n10073851 expressionist n10073992 expurgator, bowdlerizer, bowdleriser n10074249 ex-spouse n10074339 exterminator, terminator, eradicator n10074578 extern, medical extern n10074735 extremist n10074841 extrovert, extravert n10075063 eyeful n10075185 eyeglass wearer n10075299 eyewitness n10075416 Fabian n10075529 fabulist n10075693 facilitator n10075802 factotum n10075899 faddist n10076033 fagot, faggot, fag, fairy, nance, pansy, queen, queer, poof, poove, pouf n10076224 fairy godmother n10076307 fakir, fakeer, faqir, faquir n10076483 falangist, phalangist n10076604 falconer, hawker n10076778 faller n10076957 falsifier n10077106 familiar n10077278 family doctor n10077394 family man n10077504 famulus n10077593 fan, buff, devotee, lover n10077879 fanatic, fiend n10078131 fancier, enthusiast n10078333 fancy man, paramour n10078415 fantasist n10078529 fantast, futurist n10078643 fare n10078719 farm boy n10078806 farmer, husbandman, granger, sodbuster n10079210 farmerette n10079310 farm girl n10079399 farmhand, fieldhand, field hand, farm worker n10079677 farrier, horseshoer n10079769 Farsi n10079893 fascist n10080117 fascista n10080206 fashion consultant, fashionmonger n10080337 fastener n10080508 fatalist, determinist, predestinarian, predestinationist n10080784 fat cat n10080869 father, male parent, begetter n10081204 Father, Padre n10081456 father n10081670 father figure, father surrogate n10081842 father-figure n10082043 father-in-law n10082146 fatso, fatty, fat person, roly-poly, butterball n10082299 Fauntleroy, Little Lord Fauntleroy n10082423 Fauve, fauvist n10082562 favorite son n10082687 featherweight n10082805 featherweight n10082886 featherweight n10082997 federalist n10083097 Federalist n10083264 fellah n10083358 fellow, dude, buster n10083526 fellow n10083677 fellow traveler, fellow traveller n10083823 female aristocrat n10084043 female offspring n10084181 female sibling n10084295 female child, girl, little girl n10084635 feminist, women's rightist, women's liberationist, libber n10085101 fence n10085217 fencer, swordsman n10085344 fence-sitter n10085449 ferryman n10085548 fetishist n10085736 feudal lord, seigneur, seignior n10085869 fiance, groom-to-be n10085970 fiancee, bride-to-be n10086074 fiduciary n10086383 fielder, fieldsman n10086568 fielder n10086744 field judge n10086821 field marshal n10087080 field-grade officer, field officer, FO n10087255 fifth columnist, saboteur n10087434 fighter pilot n10087574 file clerk, filing clerk, filer n10087736 filer n10087868 filibuster, filibusterer n10088101 filicide n10088200 film director, director n10088390 film maker, filmmaker, film producer, movie maker n10089484 film star, movie star n10089615 finagler, wangler n10089779 finalist n10089892 finance minister, minister of finance n10090020 financier, moneyman n10090498 finder, discoverer, spotter n10090745 finder n10090864 fingerprint expert, fingerprint specialist, fingerprint man n10091012 fink, snitch, snitcher, stoolpigeon, stool pigeon, stoolie, sneak, sneaker, canary n10091256 fieldworker n10091349 fire chief, fire marshal n10091450 fire-eater, fire-swallower n10091564 fire-eater, hothead n10091651 fireman, firefighter, fire fighter, fire-eater n10091861 fire marshall n10091997 fire walker n10092098 fire warden, forest fire fighter, ranger n10092299 fire watcher n10092488 first baseman, first sacker n10092643 firstborn, eldest n10092794 first lady n10092880 first lady n10092978 first lieutenant, 1st lieutenant n10093167 first offender n10093264 first-nighter n10093396 first-rater n10093475 first sergeant, sergeant first class n10093658 fisherman, fisher n10093818 fishmonger, fishwife n10093908 fitter n10094046 fixer, influence peddler n10094236 flag captain n10094320 flagellant n10094444 flagellant n10094584 flag officer n10094782 flak catcher, flak, flack catcher, flack n10094954 flamen n10095061 flanker n10095265 flanker back, flanker n10095420 flapper n10095550 flash in the pan n10095664 flatfoot, patrolman n10095769 flatmate n10095869 flatterer, adulator n10096016 fleet admiral, five-star admiral n10096126 flibbertigibbet, foolish woman n10096217 flier, flyer n10096375 flight engineer n10096508 flight surgeon n10096620 floater n10096725 floater n10096855 floater n10096964 flogger, scourger n10097154 floor leader n10097262 floorwalker, shopwalker n10097477 flop, dud, washout n10097590 Florentine n10097705 florist n10097842 flower girl n10097995 flower girl n10098092 flunky, flunkey, stooge, yes-man n10098245 flutist, flautist, flute player n10098388 fly-by-night n10098517 flyweight n10098624 flyweight n10098710 foe, enemy n10098862 folk dancer n10099002 folk poet n10099093 folk singer, jongleur, minstrel, poet-singer, troubadour n10099278 folk writer n10099375 follower n10100124 follower n10100314 fondler n10100514 food faddist n10100620 food manufacturer n10100761 fool, sap, saphead, muggins, tomfool n10101078 foot n10101202 football coach n10101308 football hero n10101427 football official n10101634 football player, footballer n10101981 footman n10102130 footpad, padder n10102222 forager n10102369 forebear, forbear n10102506 forecaster, predictor, prognosticator, soothsayer n10102800 forefather, father, sire n10102969 forefather n10103155 foremother n10103228 foreign agent n10103315 foreign correspondent n10103485 foreigner, alien, noncitizen, outlander n10103794 foreign minister, secretary of state n10103921 foreigner, outsider n10104064 boss n10104209 foreman, chief, gaffer, honcho, boss n10104487 foreman n10104592 foreperson n10104756 forester, tree farmer, arboriculturist n10104888 forewoman n10104983 forewoman, forelady n10105085 forger, counterfeiter n10105260 forger n10105359 fortune hunter n10105462 fortuneteller, fortune teller n10105618 forty-niner n10105733 forward n10105906 foster-brother, foster brother n10106080 foster-child, foster child, fosterling n10106242 foster-daughter, foster daughter n10106387 foster-father, foster father n10106509 foster-mother, foster mother n10106642 foster-nurse n10106752 foster-parent, foster parent n10106995 foster-sister, foster sister n10107173 foster-son, foster son n10107303 founder, beginner, founding father, father n10107604 Founding Father n10107778 founder n10107883 foundling, abandoned infant n10108018 foundress n10108089 four-minute man n10108240 fowler n10108348 fox hunter n10108464 framer n10108606 framer n10108719 Francophile, Francophil n10108832 Francophobe n10108937 franc-tireur n10109050 franklin n10109197 fraternal twin, dizygotic twin n10109342 fratricide n10109443 freak, monster, monstrosity, lusus naturae n10109662 free agent, free spirit, freewheeler n10109826 free agent n10109985 freedman, freedwoman n10110093 freedom rider n10110287 freeholder n10110421 freelancer, freelance, free-lance, free lance, independent, self-employed person n10110731 free-liver n10110893 freeloader n10111023 freeman, freewoman n10111144 Freemason, Mason n10111358 free trader n10111463 freight agent n10111601 French teacher n10111688 freshman, fresher n10111779 Freudian n10111903 friar, mendicant n10112129 monk, monastic n10112434 Benedictine n10112591 friend n10113072 frontiersman, backwoodsman, mountain man n10113249 frontierswoman n10113362 frontbencher n10113583 front man, front, figurehead, nominal head, straw man, strawman n10113753 front-runner, favorite, favourite n10113869 frotteur n10113997 fruiterer n10114114 fruit grower n10114209 frump, dog n10114384 fry cook n10114476 fucker n10114550 fucker n10114662 fuddy-duddy n10114897 fugitive, fugitive from justice n10115082 fugitive, runaway, fleer n10115271 fugleman n10115430 fullback n10115603 fuller n10115748 full professor n10115840 fumigator n10115946 funambulist, tightrope walker n10116093 functional illiterate n10116246 functionalist n10116370 fundamentalist n10116478 fundraiser n10116579 fusilier n10116702 futurist n10116905 gadabout n10117017 gadgeteer n10117154 gaffer n10117267 gagman, gagster, gagwriter n10117415 gagman, standup comedian n10117511 gainer n10117739 gainer, weight gainer n10117851 gal n10117957 Galilean, Galilaean n10118113 galley slave n10118208 gallows bird n10118301 galoot n10118382 galvanizer, galvaniser, inspirer n10118587 galvanizer, galvaniser n10118743 gambist n10118844 gambler n10119200 gambler, risk taker n10119351 gamekeeper, game warden n10119491 games-master, games-mistress n10119609 gamine n10119685 gamine n10119775 gandy dancer n10119874 ganger n10119953 gangsta n10120085 gangster, mobster n10120330 garbage man, garbageman, garbage collector, garbage carter, garbage hauler, refuse collector, dustman n10120533 gardener, nurseryman n10120671 gardener n10120816 garmentmaker, garment-worker, garment worker n10121026 garment cutter n10121144 garnishee n10121246 garroter, garrotter, strangler, throttler, choker n10121467 gasbag, windbag n10121595 gas fitter n10121714 gasman n10121800 gastroenterologist n10121952 gatecrasher, crasher, unwelcome guest n10122128 gatekeeper n10122300 gatherer n10122441 gaucho n10122531 gawker n10122645 gay man, shirtlifter n10122765 gazetteer n10122858 geisha, geisha girl n10123026 gem cutter n10123122 gendarme n10123214 genealogist n10123312 Genevan n10123415 Genoese n10123517 genre painter n10123615 geek n10123711 geezer n10123844 general, full general n10125561 general, superior general n10125697 general manager n10125786 general officer n10126009 general practitioner, GP n10126177 generator, source, author n10126424 geneticist n10126708 genitor n10126806 progenitor, primogenitor n10126926 genius, mastermind, brain, brainiac, Einstein n10127186 gent n10127273 gentleman n10127420 gentleman-at-arms n10127555 geographer n10127689 geologist n10127916 geomancer n10128016 geometer, geometrician n10128163 geometry teacher n10128254 Germanist n10128381 gerontologist, geriatrician n10128519 geophysicist n10128748 ghostwriter, ghost n10128909 giant, goliath, behemoth, monster, colossus n10129133 giant, hulk, heavyweight, whale n10129338 Gibson girl n10129464 gigolo n10129585 gilder n10129719 gillie n10129825 girl, miss, missy, young lady, young woman, fille n10130447 girl n10130584 girl Friday n10130686 girlfriend, girl, lady friend n10130877 girlfriend n10131016 Girl Scout n10131151 girl wonder n10131268 Girondist, Girondin n10131515 gitana n10131590 gitano n10131663 giver n10131815 gladiator n10132035 glassblower n10132145 glass cutter, glass-cutter, glassworker, glazier, glazer n10132305 glass cutter, glass-cutter n10132422 glassmaker n10132502 gleaner n10132641 gleaner n10132775 globetrotter, world traveler n10132887 glossarist n10132988 glutton, gourmand, gourmandizer, trencherman n10133210 Gnostic n10133307 god n10133458 gonif, goniff, ganef, ganof n10133644 government agent n10133850 G-man, FBI agent, government man n10134001 goalkeeper, goalie, goaltender, netkeeper, netminder n10134178 goat herder, goatherd n10134282 gobbler n10134396 godchild n10134552 goddaughter n10134627 godfather n10134760 godfather n10134870 godmother n10134982 godparent n10135129 godson n10135197 gofer n10135297 goffer, gopher n10135411 Gog and Magog n10135709 go-getter, whizz-kid, whiz-kid, ball of fire n10135842 goldbeater, gold-beater n10135953 goldbrick, goof-off, ne'er-do-well, good-for-nothing, no-account, good-for-naught n10136146 goldbrick n10136283 gold digger n10136463 gold miner, gold digger, gold panner n10136615 goldsmith, goldworker, gold-worker n10136775 golem n10136959 golfer, golf player, linksman n10137367 golf pro, professional golfer n10137498 golf widow n10137632 goliard n10137825 gondolier, gondoliere n10137936 goner, toast n10138114 Gongorist n10138242 good egg n10138369 good guy n10138472 good old boy, good ole boy, good ol' boy n10138767 good person n10139077 good Samaritan n10139206 goody-goody n10139347 gossip, gossiper, gossipmonger, rumormonger, rumourmonger, newsmonger n10139651 gossip columnist n10139774 Goth n10139944 Gothic romancer n10140051 gouger n10140169 governess n10140314 governor n10140597 governor general n10140683 grabber n10140783 grader n10140929 graduate nurse, trained nurse n10141109 graduate student, grad student, postgraduate n10141268 grain merchant n10141364 grammarian, syntactician n10141590 grandchild n10141732 granddaughter n10141811 grand dragon n10141930 grand duchess n10142060 grand duke n10142166 grande dame n10142290 grandee n10142391 grandfather, gramps, granddad, grandad, granddaddy, grandpa n10142537 Grand Inquisitor n10142747 grandma, grandmother, granny, grannie, gran, nan, nanna n10142946 grandmaster n10143085 grand mufti n10143172 grandparent n10143299 grandson n10143371 grandstander n10143530 granny n10143595 grantee n10143725 granter n10143889 grantor n10144055 graphic designer, designer n10144188 graphologist, handwriting expert n10144338 grass widower, divorced man n10144468 gravedigger n10144571 graverobber, ghoul, body snatcher n10144730 graverobber n10144838 gravida n10144962 grazier n10145081 great n10145239 great-aunt, grandaunt n10145340 great grandchild n10145480 great granddaughter n10145590 great grandmother n10145682 great grandfather n10145774 great grandparent n10145902 great grandson n10146002 great-nephew, grandnephew n10146104 great-niece, grandniece n10146209 great-uncle, granduncle n10146313 Grecian n10146416 Green Beret n10146559 greengrocer n10146682 greenskeeper n10146816 grenadier, grenade thrower n10146927 greeter, saluter, welcomer n10147121 gringo n10147262 grinner n10147352 griot n10147488 grip n10147619 groaner n10147710 grocer n10147849 grocery boy n10147935 groom, bridegroom n10148035 groom, bridegroom n10148165 groomsman n10148305 grouch, grump, crank, churl, crosspatch n10148542 groundling n10148663 groundsman, groundskeeper, groundkeeper n10148825 group captain n10148991 groupie n10149128 growler n10149241 grunt n10149436 grunter n10149527 guarantor, surety, warrantor, warranter n10149720 guard n10149867 prison guard, jailer, jailor, gaoler, screw, turnkey n10150071 guard n10150281 guard n10150415 guardsman n10150556 guerrilla, guerilla, irregular, insurgent n10150794 guesser n10150940 guest, invitee n10151133 guest n10151261 guest of honor n10151367 guest worker, guestworker n10151570 guide n10151760 guitarist, guitar player n10151957 gulper, guzzler n10152083 gunman, gunslinger, hired gun, gun, gun for hire, triggerman, hit man, hitman, torpedo, shooter n10152306 gunnery sergeant n10152440 gunrunner, arms-runner n10152528 gunsmith n10152616 guru n10152763 guru n10152889 Guru n10153009 gutter n10153155 guvnor n10153266 guzzler n10153414 guy, cat, hombre, bozo n10153594 gymnast n10153724 gymnosophist n10153865 gym rat n10154013 gynecologist, gynaecologist, woman's doctor n10154186 Gypsy, Gipsy, Romany, Rommany, Romani, Roma, Bohemian n10154601 hack, drudge, hacker n10154740 hack, hack writer, literary hack n10154871 hacker n10155140 hacker n10155222 hacker, cyber-terrorist, cyberpunk n10155485 hag, beldam, beldame, witch, crone n10155600 haggler n10155692 hagiographer, hagiographist, hagiologist n10155849 hairdresser, hairstylist, stylist, styler n10156173 hairsplitter n10156284 hajji, hadji, haji n10156425 hajji n10156629 hakim, hakeem n10156726 hakim n10156831 Hakka n10157016 halberdier n10157128 halfback n10157271 half blood n10157378 half-caste n10157549 half-breed n10157744 fathead, goof, goofball, bozo, jackass, goose, cuckoo, twat, zany n10158010 ham, ham actor n10158139 ham n10158222 Ham n10158319 Haman n10158506 hand n10158608 handler n10158756 handicapped person n10159045 animal trainer, handler n10159186 handmaid, handmaiden n10159289 handyman, jack of all trades, odd-job man n10159434 hanger n10159533 hang glider n10159615 hangman n10159714 haranguer n10159852 Hanoverian n10160012 harasser, harrier n10160188 hardliner n10160280 harlequin n10160412 harmonizer, harmoniser n10160624 harmonizer, harmoniser n10160770 harpist, harper n10160913 harpooner, harpooneer n10161047 harpsichordist n10161178 harasser n10161273 harridan n10161363 harvester, reaper n10161521 has-been, back-number n10161622 hash head n10161695 Hasid, Hassid, Chasid, Chassid n10161867 hatchet man, enforcer n10162016 hatchet man, iceman n10162104 hatemonger n10162194 hater n10162354 hatmaker, hatter, milliner, modiste n10162507 hauler, haulier n10162644 hawk, war hawk n10162780 head n10162991 head, chief, top dog n10163354 head n10163452 headhunter, head-shrinker n10163593 headhunter n10163723 headliner, star n10163900 head linesman n10164025 headman, tribal chief, chieftain, chief n10164233 headmaster, schoolmaster, master n10164397 headmistress n10164492 head nurse n10164605 head of household n10164747 head of state, chief of state n10164997 headsman, headman n10165109 health professional, primary care provider, PCP, health care provider, caregiver n10165448 hearer, listener, auditor, attender n10165673 audile n10165808 motile n10165957 hearing examiner, hearing officer n10166189 heartbreaker n10166313 heartthrob n10166394 heathen, pagan, gentile, infidel n10166626 paynim n10166762 heaver n10166902 heavy hitter n10167042 heavyweight n10167152 heavyweight n10167252 heavyweight n10167361 heavy n10167448 Hebraist n10167565 heckler, badgerer n10167740 hedger n10167838 hedger n10168012 hedger, equivocator, tergiversator n10168183 hedonist, pagan, pleasure seeker n10168368 Hegelian n10168457 Heidelberg man, Homo heidelbergensis n10168584 heir, inheritor, heritor n10168837 heir apparent n10169008 heir-at-law n10169147 heiress, inheritress, inheritrix n10169241 heir presumptive n10169419 hellion, heller, devil n10169607 hellhound n10169678 hell-kite, hell-rooster, gamecock n10169796 helmsman, steersman, steerer n10169937 hierarch n10170060 hire n10170172 hired help n10170359 histologist n10170598 helpmate, helpmeet n10170681 hematologist, haematologist n10170866 hemiplegic n10170989 hemophiliac, haemophiliac, bleeder, hemophile, haemophile n10171219 herald, trumpeter n10171456 herbalist, herb doctor n10171567 herder, herdsman, drover n10171755 heretic, misbeliever, religious outcast n10171953 heretic n10172080 hermaphrodite, intersex, gynandromorph, androgyne, epicene, epicene person n10172448 hermit, recluse, solitary, solitudinarian, troglodyte n10172668 herpetologist n10172793 protagonist, agonist n10172942 antihero n10173086 hero n10173305 heroine n10173410 heroine n10173579 heroin addict n10173665 hero worshiper, hero worshipper n10173771 Herr n10173895 heterosexual, heterosexual person, straight person, straight n10174148 hewer n10174253 highbinder n10174330 highbrow n10174445 high commissioner n10174589 highflier, highflyer n10174695 Highlander, Scottish Highlander, Highland Scot n10174845 Highlander n10174971 high-muck-a-muck, pooh-bah n10175090 Highness n10175248 high priest n10175418 high roller n10175507 highjacker, highwayman, hijacker, road agent n10175725 highjacker, hijacker n10175963 highway engineer n10176111 hiker, tramp, tramper n10176357 hillbilly, bushwhacker n10176475 hippie, hippy, hipster, flower child n10176679 hired hand, hand, hired man n10176913 hireling, pensionary n10177014 hisser n10177150 historian, historiographer n10178077 hitchhiker n10178216 hitter, striker n10178464 Hittite n10178611 hoarder n10178821 hobbledehoy n10178917 hobbler, limper n10179069 hobbyist n10179207 hockey coach n10179291 hockey player, ice-hockey player n10179527 hod carrier, hodman n10179649 hog, pig n10179817 hoister n10179911 holder, bearer n10180178 holder n10180580 holdout n10180791 holdover, hangover n10180923 holdup man, stickup man n10181026 Holy Roller n10181137 Holy Roman Emperor n10181445 homeboy n10181547 homeboy n10181656 homebuilder, home-builder, housebuilder, house-builder n10181799 home buyer n10181878 homegirl n10181990 home help n10182190 homeless, homeless person n10182402 homeopath, homoeopath n10182499 homeowner, householder n10182628 Home Secretary, Secretary of State for the Home Department n10182812 homophobe n10182913 homosexual, homophile, homo, gay n10183157 homunculus n10183347 honest woman n10183556 honker n10183757 honoree n10183931 honor guard, guard of honor n10184081 hood, hoodlum, goon, punk, thug, tough, toughie, strong-armer n10184290 hoodoo n10184403 hoofer, stepper n10184505 hooker n10184683 hooker n10184822 Hooray Henry n10184946 hope n10185148 hoper n10185327 hopper n10185483 hornist n10185591 horse doctor n10185682 horseman, horse fancier n10185793 horseman, equestrian, horseback rider n10186068 horse trader n10186143 horsewoman n10186216 horse wrangler, wrangler n10186350 horticulturist, plantsman n10186578 hosier n10186686 hospital chaplain n10186774 host, innkeeper, boniface n10186950 hosteller n10187059 hostess n10187130 host n10187356 host n10187491 hostess n10187557 hostage, surety n10187710 hotdog, hot dog n10187842 hotel detective, house detective, house dick n10187990 hotelier, hotelkeeper, hotel manager, hotelman, hosteller n10188146 hotspur n10188226 housebreaker, cat burglar n10188369 housefather n10188472 house guest, houseguest n10188576 house husband, househusband n10188715 housekeeper n10188856 housemaster n10188957 housemate n10189059 housemother n10189179 house painter n10189278 house physician, resident, resident physician n10189597 house sitter n10189776 housewife, homemaker, lady of the house, woman of the house n10189975 housewrecker, housebreaker n10190122 housing commissioner n10190231 Houyhnhnm n10190373 Huayna Capac n10190516 huckster, cheap-jack n10190644 huckster n10190745 huddler n10190871 huddler n10191001 hugger n10191089 Huguenot n10191192 humanist n10191388 humanist, humanitarian n10191613 humanitarian, do-gooder, improver n10191802 hummer n10191943 humorist, humourist n10192412 humpback, hunchback, crookback n10192588 Hun n10192704 hunger marcher n10192839 hunk n10192926 hunted person n10193026 hunter, huntsman n10193419 hunter-gatherer n10193543 hunting guide n10193650 huntress n10193719 hunter n10193864 hurdler n10193967 husband, hubby, married man n10194231 ex-husband, ex n10194341 hussar n10194463 Hussite n10194566 hustler, wheeler dealer, operator n10194775 hydrologist n10194865 hydromancer n10194969 hygienist n10195056 hyperope n10195155 hypertensive n10195261 hypnotist, hypnotizer, hypnotiser, mesmerist, mesmerizer n10195487 hypochondriac n10195593 hypocrite, dissembler, dissimulator, phony, phoney, pretender n10195942 hypotensive n10196046 hysteric n10196133 Iberian n10196283 Iberian n10196404 iceman n10196490 ice-skater n10196617 ichthyologist n10196725 iconoclast n10196845 iconoclast, image breaker n10196965 idealist, dreamer n10197182 identical twin, monozygotic twin, monozygous twin n10197392 ideologist, ideologue n10197525 idiot, imbecile, cretin, moron, changeling, half-wit, retard n10197780 idiot savant n10197967 idler, loafer, do-nothing, layabout, bum n10198437 idol, matinee idol n10198602 idolater, idolizer, idoliser, idol worshiper n10198759 idolatress n10198832 idolizer, idoliser n10198958 ignoramus, know nothing, uneducated person n10199103 illiterate, illiterate person, nonreader n10199251 imam, imaum n10199489 immigrant n10199644 immortal n10199783 immune n10199902 immunologist n10200047 imp, scamp, monkey, rascal, rapscallion, scalawag, scallywag n10200246 imperialist n10200365 impersonator, imitator n10200531 import, importee n10200781 important person, influential person, personage n10201366 importer n10201535 imposter, impostor, pretender, fake, faker, fraud, sham, shammer, pseudo, pseud, role player n10201956 impressionist n10202085 inamorata n10202225 inamorato n10202363 incompetent, incompetent person n10202531 incubus n10202624 incumbent, officeholder n10202763 incurable n10202854 index case n10203016 indexer n10203135 Indian agent n10203298 Indian chief, Indian chieftain n10203682 Indian giver n10203839 individual n10203949 inductee n10204177 industrialist n10204833 infanticide n10204921 infantryman, marcher, foot soldier, footslogger n10205138 doughboy n10205231 inferior n10205344 infernal n10205457 infielder n10205714 infiltrator n10205833 infiltrator n10205985 informant, source n10206173 informer, betrayer, rat, squealer, blabber n10206506 ingenue n10206629 ingenue n10206763 ingrate, thankless wretch, ungrateful person n10206887 initiate, learned person, pundit, savant n10207077 polymath n10207169 in-law, relative-in-law n10207370 inmate n10207514 inoculator, vaccinator n10207681 inpatient, inmate n10207831 inquirer, enquirer, questioner, querier, asker n10208189 inquiry agent n10208287 inquisitor, interrogator n10208432 Inquisitor n10208583 insider n10208748 insomniac, sleepless person n10208847 inspector n10208950 inspector general n10209082 instigator, initiator n10209246 instigator, provoker, inciter, instigant, firebrand n10209539 instructress n10209616 instrument, pawn, cat's-paw n10209731 insurance broker, insurance agent, general agent, underwriter n10209888 insured, insured person n10210137 insurgent, insurrectionist, freedom fighter, rebel n10210512 intelligence analyst n10210648 interior designer, designer, interior decorator, house decorator, room decorator, decorator n10210911 interlocutor, conversational partner n10211036 interlocutor, middleman n10211203 intern, interne, houseman, medical intern n10211463 internal auditor n10211666 International Grandmaster n10211830 internationalist n10211962 internationalist n10212074 internee n10212231 internist n10212338 internuncio n10212501 interpreter, translator n10212780 interpreter n10213034 intervenor n10213180 interviewee n10213319 interviewer n10213429 introvert n10213652 intruder, interloper, trespasser n10214062 invader, encroacher n10214230 invalid, shut-in n10214390 invalidator, voider, nullifier n10214637 inventor, discoverer, artificer n10215623 investigator n10215815 investment adviser, investment advisor n10215953 investment banker, underwriter n10216106 investor n10216403 invigilator n10216560 iron man, ironman n10216690 ironmonger, hardwareman n10216839 ironside n10216928 ironworker n10217038 irredentist, irridentist n10217208 irreligionist n10217335 Islamist n10217436 islander, island-dweller n10217552 Ismaili, Ismailian n10217684 isolationist n10217831 itinerant, gypsy, gipsy n10218043 Ivy Leaguer n10218164 Jack of all trades n10218292 Jacksonian n10218390 Jacob n10218692 Jacobean n10218802 Jacobin n10218989 Jacobite n10219121 jail bird, jailbird, gaolbird n10219240 Jane Doe n10219380 Janissary n10219453 janissary n10219577 janitor n10219680 Jansenist n10219778 Japheth n10219879 Jat n10220080 Javanese, Javan n10220228 jawan n10220360 jaywalker n10220486 jazz musician, jazzman n10220807 Jeffersonian n10220924 Jekyll and Hyde n10221040 jerk, dork n10221162 jerry-builder n10221312 jester, fool, motley fool n10221520 Jesuit n10221656 jewel, gem n10221777 jeweler, jeweller n10221956 jewelry maker, jeweler, jeweller n10222170 jezebel n10222259 jilt n10222353 jimdandy, jimhickey, crackerjack n10222497 jobber, middleman, wholesaler n10222716 job candidate n10222822 jobholder n10222949 Job n10223069 Job's comforter n10223177 jockey n10223294 jockey n10223459 jogger n10223606 John Doe n10223744 John Doe, Joe Blow, Joe Bloggs, man in the street n10223869 joiner n10223994 joiner n10224098 joker, jokester n10224295 joker, turkey n10224446 jonah, jinx n10224578 journalist n10225118 Judas n10225219 judge, justice, jurist n10225787 judge advocate n10225931 judge advocate n10226060 judge advocate general n10226219 Judith n10226413 juggler n10226556 juggernaut, steamroller n10226803 jumper n10226993 jumper n10227166 Jungian n10227266 junior n10227393 junior n10227490 Junior, Jr, Jnr n10227601 junior featherweight n10227698 junior lightweight n10227793 junior middleweight n10227889 junior welterweight n10227985 jurist, legal expert n10228278 juror, juryman, jurywoman n10228468 justice of the peace n10228592 justiciar, justiciary n10228712 kachina n10228864 kaffir, kafir, caffer, caffre n10229034 Kalon Tripa n10229193 kamikaze n10229338 Kaiser n10229498 keeper n10229721 kerb crawler n10229883 keyboardist n10229983 Keynesian n10230097 khan n10230216 Khedive n10230335 kibbutznik n10230432 kibitzer n10230580 kicker n10230736 kiddy n10230801 kidnapper, kidnaper, abductor, snatcher n10231087 killer, slayer n10231361 killer bee n10231515 king, male monarch, Rex n10233248 kingmaker n10233445 King of England, King of Great Britain n10234340 King of France n10234867 King of the Germans n10235024 king, queen, world-beater n10235142 kingpin, top banana, bigwig n10235269 King's Counsel n10235385 Counsel to the Crown n10235549 relative, relation n10236114 blood relation, blood relative, cognate, sib n10236304 kin, kinsperson, family n10236521 enate, matrikin, matrilineal kin, matrisib, matrilineal sib n10236663 agnate, patrikin, patrilineal kin, patrisib, patrilineal sib n10236842 kink n10236946 kinsman n10237069 kinswoman n10237196 kisser, osculator n10237315 kissing cousin, kissing kin n10237464 kitchen help n10237556 kitchen police, KP n10237676 Klansman, Ku Kluxer, Kluxer n10237799 kleptomaniac n10237935 klutz n10238029 knacker n10238127 knacker n10238272 kneeler n10238375 knight n10238749 knight bachelor, bachelor-at-arms, bachelor n10238898 knight banneret, knight of the square flag, banneret n10239089 Knight of the Round Table n10239217 knight-errant n10239329 Knight Templar, Templar n10239501 Knight Templar n10239619 knitter n10239761 knocker n10239928 knocker n10240082 knower, apprehender n10240235 know-it-all, know-all n10240417 kolkhoznik n10240514 kook, odd fellow, odd fish, queer bird, queer duck, odd man out n10240715 koto player n10240821 Kshatriya n10240921 kvetch n10241024 labor coach, birthing coach, doula, monitrice n10241300 laborer, manual laborer, labourer, jack n10242032 labor leader n10242328 Labourite n10242439 lacer n10242573 lackey, flunky, flunkey n10242682 lacrosse player n10242791 Lady, noblewoman, peeress n10243137 lady n10243273 lady-in-waiting n10243384 ladylove, dulcinea n10243483 lady's maid n10243582 laird n10243664 lama n10243791 Lamarckian n10243872 lamb, dear n10243988 lamb n10244108 lame duck n10244226 laminator n10244359 lamplighter n10244503 lampoon artist n10244665 lance corporal n10244818 lancer n10244913 land agent n10245029 landgrave n10245156 landlady n10245236 landlord n10245341 landlubber, lubber, landsman n10245507 landlubber, landsman, landman n10245639 landowner, landholder, property owner n10245863 landscape architect, landscape gardener, landscaper, landscapist n10246176 landscapist n10246317 langlaufer n10246395 languisher n10246511 lapidary, lapidist n10246703 lapidary, lapidarist n10246913 larcenist, larcener n10247044 large person n10247176 lascar n10247250 lasher n10247358 lass, lassie, young girl, jeune fille n10247519 latchkey child n10247720 latecomer n10247800 lather n10247880 Latin n10248008 Latin n10248091 Latinist n10248198 latitudinarian n10248377 Jehovah's Witness n10248542 Latter-Day Saint, Mormon n10248711 laudator, lauder, extoller n10248876 laugher n10249011 laureate n10249191 law agent n10249270 lawgiver, lawmaker n10249459 lawman, law officer, peace officer n10249869 law student n10249950 lawyer, attorney n10250527 layman, layperson, secular n10250712 lay reader n10250873 lay witness n10251002 Lazarus n10251125 Lazarus n10251329 lazybones n10251417 leading lady n10251517 leading man n10251612 leaker n10251779 learner, scholar, assimilator n10252075 leaseholder, lessee n10252222 lector, lecturer, reader n10252354 lector, reader n10252547 lecturer n10252674 leech, parasite, sponge, sponger n10252921 left-handed pitcher, left-hander, left hander, lefthander, lefty, southpaw n10253122 left-hander, lefty, southpaw n10253296 legal representative n10253479 legate, official emissary n10253611 legatee n10253703 legionnaire, legionary n10253887 Legionnaire n10253995 legislator n10254392 lender, loaner n10254585 leper n10254670 leper, lazar n10254761 lepidopterist, lepidopterologist, butterfly collector n10254965 lesbian, tribade, gay woman n10255096 lessor, lease giver n10255207 letter n10255348 letterer n10255459 letterman n10255567 leveler, leveller n10255728 leviathan n10255915 Levite n10256080 lexicographer, lexicologist n10256537 liar, prevaricator n10256756 liberal, liberalist, progressive n10257084 liberal n10257221 liberator n10257402 libertarian n10257524 libertarian n10257647 libertine, debauchee, rounder n10257948 librarian, bibliothec n10258152 librettist n10258304 licensed practical nurse, LPN, practical nurse n10258493 licensee n10258602 licenser n10258786 licentiate n10258896 lie-abed, slugabed n10259016 lieder singer n10259094 liege, liege lord n10259225 lieutenant, police lieutenant n10259348 lieutenant n10259527 lieutenant n10259780 lieutenant colonel, light colonel n10259997 lieutenant commander n10260166 lieutenant general n10260322 lieutenant governor n10260473 lieutenant junior grade, lieutenant JG n10260706 life n10260800 lifeguard, lifesaver n10260943 life peer n10261041 lifer n10261211 life tenant n10261388 lighterman, bargeman, bargee n10261511 light flyweight n10261624 light heavyweight, cruiserweight n10261762 light heavyweight n10261862 light heavyweight n10261977 light middleweight n10262093 lighthouse keeper n10262183 lightning rod n10262343 light-o'-love, light-of-love n10262445 lightweight n10262561 lightweight n10262655 lightweight n10262764 light welterweight n10262880 lilliputian n10263002 linebacker, line backer n10263146 limnologist n10263259 line judge n10263411 lineman n10263580 lineman n10263684 linendraper n10263790 line officer n10263931 linesman n10264120 line worker n10264219 linguist, polyglot n10264437 linguist, linguistic scientist n10264928 linkboy, linkman n10265070 lion, social lion n10265200 lion-hunter n10265281 lion-hunter n10265390 lip reader n10265532 liquidator, receiver n10265801 lisper n10265891 lister n10266016 literary critic n10266328 literate, literate person n10266486 lithographer n10266744 lithomancer n10266848 litigant, litigator n10267166 litterer, litterbug, litter lout n10267311 little brother n10267437 Little John n10267561 little leaguer n10267719 Little Red Riding Hood n10267865 little sister n10267941 liturgist n10268058 liveborn infant n10268180 liver n10268299 liver n10268422 liveryman n10268505 loader n10268629 lobbyist n10268827 lobsterman n10268930 locator, locater n10269078 lockmaster, lockman, lockkeeper n10269199 locksmith n10269289 locum tenens, locum n10269458 lodger, boarder, roomer n10269611 logical positivist n10269785 logician, logistician n10270109 logomach, logomachist n10270232 loiterer, lingerer n10270383 Lolita n10270468 lollipop lady, lollipop woman n10270628 loner, lone wolf, lone hand n10270777 longbowman n10270878 longer, thirster, yearner n10271124 long shot n10271216 lookout, lookout man, sentinel, sentry, watch, spotter, scout, picket n10271451 loon n10271525 loose cannon n10271677 Lord, noble, nobleman n10272171 Lord Chancellor, Lord High Chancellor n10272375 Lord of Misrule n10272499 Lord Privy Seal n10272657 Lorelei n10272782 loser n10272913 loser, also-ran n10273064 failure, loser, nonstarter, unsuccessful person n10273352 old maid n10273438 underboss n10273572 underdog n10273669 Lot n10273906 Lot's wife n10274173 Lothario n10274318 loudmouth, blusterer n10274474 lounge lizard, lizard n10274639 lout, clod, stumblebum, goon, oaf, lubber, lummox, lump, gawk n10274815 lowerclassman, underclassman n10274985 low-birth-weight baby, low-birth-weight infant n10275249 Lowlander, Scottish Lowlander, Lowland Scot n10275395 loyalist, stalwart n10275534 Lubavitcher n10275676 Luddite n10275848 Luddite n10275940 luger, slider n10276045 lumberman, lumberjack, logger, feller, faller n10276238 luminary, leading light, guiding light, notable, notability n10276477 lumper n10276659 light n10276764 lunatic, madman, maniac n10276942 bedlamite n10277027 pyromaniac n10277132 luncher n10277231 lunger n10277352 lurker, skulker, lurcher n10277509 luthier n10277638 lutist, lutanist, lutenist n10277815 Lutheran n10277912 lyricist, lyrist n10278128 ma, mama, mamma, mom, momma, mommy, mammy, mum, mummy n10278263 macaroni n10278456 macebearer, mace, macer n10278568 Machiavellian n10278666 machine n10278805 machine politician, ward-heeler, political hack, hack n10279018 machinist, mechanic, shop mechanic n10279219 macho n10279317 Mackem n10279392 macroeconomist, macroeconomic expert n10279540 macushla n10279669 madam, brothel keeper n10279778 madame n10279867 madrigalist n10279964 madwoman n10280034 maenad n10280130 maestro, master n10280364 mafioso n10280495 mafioso n10280598 magdalen n10280674 magician, prestidigitator, conjurer, conjuror, illusionist n10280945 magistrate n10281176 magnifico n10281276 magpie, scavenger, pack rat n10281432 magus n10281546 magus n10281637 maharaja, maharajah n10281770 maharani, maharanee n10281896 mahatma n10282014 Mahdi n10282262 Mahdist n10282374 mahout n10282482 maid, maiden n10282672 maid, maidservant, housemaid, amah n10282845 maiden aunt n10282920 mailer n10283037 mailman, postman, mail carrier, letter carrier, carrier n10283170 major n10283366 major n10283546 major-domo, seneschal n10283663 major-general n10283824 majority leader n10283931 major leaguer, big leaguer n10284064 maker, shaper n10284763 malacologist n10284871 malahini n10284965 malcontent n10285135 male aristocrat n10285313 male child, boy n10285762 transgressor n10285938 male offspring, man-child n10286084 male sibling n10286200 malfeasant n10286282 malik n10286539 malingerer, skulker, shammer n10286749 Malthusian n10286855 maltster, maltman n10286989 mammalogist n10287082 mammy n10287213 man, adult male n10288516 man n10288763 man n10288964 adonis n10289039 man n10289176 man n10289338 management consultant n10289462 manageress n10289534 managing editor n10289671 mandarin n10289766 mandarin n10289863 mandarin n10289969 mandatary, mandatory n10290099 mandator n10290223 Mandaean, Mandean n10290422 maneuverer, manoeuvrer n10290541 maniac n10290684 manic-depressive n10290813 Manichaean, Manichean, Manichee n10290919 manicurist n10291110 manipulator n10291240 mannequin, manikin, mannikin, manakin, fashion model, model n10291469 man-at-arms n10291580 manikin, mannikin, homunculus n10291730 man jack n10291822 man of action, man of deeds n10291942 man of letters n10292052 man of means, rich man, wealthy man n10292192 manservant n10292316 manufacturer, producer n10292622 Maoist n10292714 map-reader n10292824 Maquis, Maquisard n10292969 marathoner, marathon runner, road runner, long-distance runner n10293172 marauder, predator, vulture, piranha n10293332 marcher, parader n10293502 marcher n10293590 marchioness, marquise n10293773 marchioness n10293861 margrave n10294020 margrave n10294139 Marine, devil dog, leatherneck, shipboard soldier n10294318 marine n10294421 marine engineer, naval engineer n10294602 mariner, seaman, tar, Jack-tar, Jack, old salt, seafarer, gob, sea dog n10294953 marksman, sharpshooter, crack shot n10295190 maroon n10295371 marquess n10295479 marquis, marquess n10295597 Marrano n10295819 married n10295951 marshal, marshall n10296176 marshal, marshall n10296444 martinet, disciplinarian, moralist n10296618 martyr, sufferer n10296832 martyr n10297140 Marxist n10297234 mascot n10297367 masochist n10297531 mason, stonemason n10297655 Masorete, Massorete, Masorite n10297841 masquerader, masker, masquer n10297983 massager n10298202 masseur n10298271 masseuse n10298343 mass murderer n10298482 master, professional n10298647 master n10298798 master n10298912 master, captain, sea captain, skipper n10299125 master-at-arms n10299250 master of ceremonies, emcee, host n10299583 master sergeant n10299700 masturbator, onanist n10299875 matchmaker, matcher, marriage broker n10300041 mate, first mate n10300154 mate n10300303 mate n10300500 mater n10300654 material n10300829 materialist n10300963 materialist n10301089 material witness n10301261 mathematician n10302446 math teacher, mathematics teacher n10302576 matriarch, materfamilias n10302700 matriarch n10302816 matricide n10302905 matriculate n10303037 matron n10303186 matron n10303310 matron n10303385 matron of honor n10303513 mauler n10303654 maverick, rebel n10303814 mayor, city manager n10304018 mayoress n10304086 mayoress n10304160 May queen, queen of the May n10304278 meanie, meany, unkind person n10304383 measurer n10304505 meat packer, packer n10304650 mechanical engineer n10304783 mechanist n10304914 medalist, medallist, medal winner n10305062 medalist, medallist n10305192 meddler n10305391 media consultant, media guru n10305523 medical assistant n10305635 medical officer, medic n10305802 medical practitioner, medical man n10306004 medical scientist n10306181 medical student, medico n10306279 medium, spiritualist, sensitive n10306496 megalomaniac n10306595 melancholic, melancholiac n10306716 Melkite, Melchite n10306890 Melkite, Melchite n10307114 melter n10307234 member, fellow member n10308066 nonmember n10308168 board member n10308275 clansman, clanswoman, clan member n10308394 club member n10308504 memorizer, memoriser n10308653 Mendelian n10308732 mender, repairer, fixer n10308938 menial n10309009 mensch, mensh n10309147 Menshevik n10309347 mentioner n10309496 mentor, wise man n10309614 mercenary, soldier of fortune n10309785 mercer n10309896 merchant, merchandiser n10310404 Merovingian n10310516 meshuggeneh, meshuggener n10310647 mesne lord n10310783 Mesoamerican n10310903 mesomorph n10311021 messenger, courier n10311243 bearer n10311375 messenger boy, errand boy n10311506 messmate n10311661 mestiza n10311823 mestizo, ladino n10311995 metalhead n10312077 metallurgist, metallurgical engineer n10312287 meteorologist n10312491 meter maid n10312600 Methodist n10312773 Wesleyan n10312890 metic n10313000 Metis n10313146 metropolitan n10313239 metropolitan n10313441 mezzo-soprano, mezzo n10313580 microbiologist n10313724 microeconomist, microeconomic expert n10313872 microscopist n10314054 middle-aged man n10314182 middlebrow n10314305 middleweight n10314422 middleweight n10314517 middleweight n10314627 midinette n10314703 midshipman n10314836 midwife, accoucheuse n10314952 migrant, migrator n10315217 mikado, tenno n10315382 Milady n10315456 Milanese n10315561 miler n10315730 miles gloriosus n10315837 militant, activist n10316013 militarist, warmonger n10316164 military adviser, military advisor n10316360 military attache n10316527 military chaplain, padre, Holy Joe, sky pilot n10316683 military governor n10316862 military leader n10317007 military officer, officer n10317500 military policeman, MP n10317717 militiaman n10317884 milkman n10317963 mill agent n10318087 miller n10318193 mill-girl n10318293 mill-hand, factory worker n10318414 millenarian, millenarist, chiliast n10318607 millionairess n10318686 millwright n10318802 milord n10318892 mime, mimer, mummer, pantomimer, pantomimist n10319163 mimic, mimicker n10319313 minder n10319580 mind reader, telepathist, thought-reader n10319796 miner, mineworker n10319996 mineralogist n10320106 miniaturist n10320230 minimalist n10320354 minimalist n10320484 mining engineer n10320612 minion n10320695 minister, diplomatic minister n10320863 minister, government minister n10321126 ministrant n10321233 minority leader n10321340 minor leaguer, bush leaguer n10321474 minstrel n10321632 Minuteman n10321754 miracle man, miracle worker n10321882 misanthrope, misanthropist n10322084 miser n10322238 misfit n10322391 misleader n10322546 misogamist n10322648 misogynist, woman hater n10322801 missing link, ape-man n10322957 missionary n10323182 missionary, missioner n10323529 missus, missis n10323634 mistress n10323752 mistress, kept woman, fancy woman n10323999 mixed-blood n10324201 mnemonist n10324357 mod n10324560 model, poser n10324851 model, role model n10325013 hero n10325243 ideal, paragon, nonpareil, saint, apotheosis, nonesuch, nonsuch n10325549 class act n10325656 humdinger n10325774 modeler, modeller n10325957 moderationist n10326087 moderator n10326257 moderator n10326392 moderator n10326551 modern n10326643 modernist n10326776 modifier n10326883 Mogul, Moghul n10327002 Mohammedan, Muhammedan, Muhammadan n10327143 molecular biologist n10327333 molester n10327475 moll, gun moll, gangster's moll n10327583 mollycoddle n10327696 Mon n10327824 monarchist, royalist n10327987 Monegasque, Monacan n10328123 monetarist n10328328 moneygrubber n10328437 moneymaker n10328560 mongoloid n10328696 Mongoloid n10328782 monogamist, monogynist n10328941 monolingual n10329035 monologist n10329143 monomaniac n10329251 Monophysite n10329337 monopolist, monopolizer, monopoliser n10329579 monotheist n10329675 Monsieur n10329789 Monsignor n10329945 monster, fiend, devil, demon, ogre n10330189 moocher, mooch, cadger, scrounger n10330439 Moonie n10330593 moonlighter n10330722 mopper n10330835 moppet n10330931 moralist n10331098 morosoph n10331167 morris dancer n10331258 mortal enemy n10331347 mortgagee, mortgage holder n10331569 mortgagor, mortgager n10331841 mortician, undertaker, funeral undertaker, funeral director n10332016 mossback n10332110 moss-trooper n10332257 most valuable player, MVP n10332385 mother, female parent n10332861 mother n10332953 mother n10333044 mother figure n10333165 mother hen n10333317 mother-in-law n10333439 mother's boy, mamma's boy, mama's boy n10333601 mother's daughter n10333719 mother's son n10333838 motorcycle cop, motorcycle policeman, speed cop n10334009 motorcyclist n10334101 motorist, automobilist n10334255 motorman n10334335 motormouth n10334461 Mound Builder n10334567 mountaineer, mountain climber n10334782 mountebank, charlatan n10334957 mounter, climber n10335123 mounter n10335246 mourner, griever, sorrower, lamenter n10335563 mouse n10335679 mouth n10335801 mouthpiece, mouth n10335931 mover n10336234 mover n10336411 moviegoer, motion-picture fan n10336537 muckraker, mudslinger n10336730 muezzin, muazzin, muadhdhin n10336904 muffin man n10337020 mufti n10337134 muggee n10337300 mugger n10337488 mugwump, independent, fencesitter n10337645 Mugwump n10337789 mujahid n10337913 mujtihad n10338094 muleteer, mule skinner, mule driver, skinner n10338231 Mullah, Mollah, Mulla n10338391 muncher n10338498 muralist n10338628 murderee n10338707 murderer, liquidator, manslayer n10339179 murderess n10339251 murder suspect n10339350 muscleman, muscle n10339504 muser, muller, ponderer, ruminator n10339717 musher n10339856 music critic n10339966 musician n10340312 musician, instrumentalist, player n10341243 musicologist n10341343 music teacher n10341446 musketeer n10341573 Muslimah n10341660 mutant, mutation, variation, sport n10341955 mutilator, maimer, mangler n10342180 mutineer n10342367 mute, deaf-mute, deaf-and-dumb person n10342543 mutterer, mumbler, murmurer n10342770 muzhik, moujik, mujik, muzjik n10342893 muzzler n10342992 Mycenaen n10343088 mycologist n10343211 mycophagist, mycophage n10343355 myope n10343449 myrmidon n10343554 mystic, religious mystic n10343869 mythologist n10344004 nabob n10344121 naif n10344203 nailer n10344319 namby-pamby n10344443 name, figure, public figure n10344656 name dropper n10344774 namer n10344922 namesake n10345015 nan n10345100 nanny, nursemaid, nurse n10345302 narc, nark, narcotics agent n10345422 narcissist, narcist n10345556 narcoleptic n10345659 nark, copper's nark n10345804 narrator, storyteller, teller n10346015 nationalist n10346198 nationalist leader n10346392 natural n10346514 naturalist, natural scientist n10346955 naturalist n10347110 naturopath n10347204 nautch girl n10347298 naval attache n10347446 naval commander n10347593 naval officer n10347883 navigator n10348365 navigator n10348526 Navy SEAL, SEAL n10348752 nawab, nabob n10348874 oblate n10348989 obsessive n10349090 obsessive-compulsive n10349243 obstructionist, obstructor, obstructer, resister, thwarter n10349551 naysayer n10349670 Nazarene n10349750 Nazarene n10349836 Nazarene, Ebionite n10350220 Nazi, German Nazi n10350484 nazi n10350666 Neapolitan n10350774 nebbish, nebbech n10350896 necessitarian n10351064 necker n10351152 necromancer n10351281 needleworker n10351491 negativist n10351625 neglecter n10351874 negotiator, negotiant, treater n10352208 negotiatress, negotiatrix n10352299 neighbor, neighbour n10352557 neoclassicist n10352663 neoconservative, neocon n10352782 neoliberal n10352898 neologist n10353016 neonate, newborn, newborn infant, newborn baby n10353269 Neoplatonist n10353355 nephew n10353475 nepotist n10353598 nerd n10353734 Nestorian n10353813 neurasthenic n10353928 neurobiologist n10354053 neurolinguist n10354265 neurologist, brain doctor n10354580 neuroscientist n10354754 neurosurgeon, brain surgeon n10354898 neurotic, psychoneurotic, mental case n10355142 neutral n10355306 neutralist n10355449 newcomer, fledgling, fledgeling, starter, neophyte, freshman, newbie, entrant n10355688 newcomer n10355806 New Dealer n10355942 New Englander, Yankee n10356066 newlywed, honeymooner n10356213 newsagent, newsdealer, newsvendor, newsstand operator n10356344 newscaster n10356450 newspaper editor n10356592 newspaper columnist n10356749 newspaper critic n10356877 newsreader, news reader n10357012 Newtonian n10357112 New Waver n10357207 next friend n10357349 next of kin n10357484 nibbler n10357613 niece n10357737 niggard, skinflint, scrooge, churl n10357907 night owl, nighthawk, nightbird n10358032 night porter n10358124 night rider, nightrider n10358322 night watchman n10358420 nihilist n10358575 NIMBY n10358794 nincompoop, poop, ninny n10358889 ninja n10359117 niqaabi n10359300 Nisei n10359422 nitpicker n10359546 Nobelist, Nobel Laureate n10359659 NOC n10359759 nomad n10359988 nominalist n10360101 nominator n10360253 nonagenarian n10360366 noncandidate n10360578 noncombatant n10360747 noncommissioned officer, noncom, enlisted officer n10361060 nondescript n10361194 nondriver n10361296 nonparticipant n10361390 nonpartisan, nonpartizan n10361525 nonperson, unperson n10361901 nonreader n10362003 nonresident n10362195 non-resistant, passive resister n10362319 nonsmoker n10362428 normalizer, normaliser n10362557 Northern Baptist n10362682 Northerner n10362765 nosher, snacker n10362917 no-show, nonattender, truant n10363017 no-show n10363149 notary, notary public n10363360 noticer n10363445 noticer n10363573 novelist n10363913 novice, beginner, tyro, tiro, initiate n10364198 novitiate, novice n10364333 Nubian n10364502 nuclear chemist, radiochemist n10364643 nuclear physicist n10365399 nude, nude person n10365514 nudger n10365701 nudist, naturist n10365846 nudnik, nudnick n10365984 nullifier n10366145 nullipara n10366276 number theorist n10366383 numerologist n10366484 numen n10366692 Numidian n10366779 numismatist, numismatologist, coin collector n10366966 nurse n10367409 nurser n10367548 nursing aide, nurse's aide n10367694 nurse-midwife n10367819 nurse practitioner, NP, nurse clinician n10368009 nun n10368113 nuncio, papal nuncio n10368291 nursling, nurseling, suckling n10368414 nutter, wacko, whacko n10368528 nymph, houri n10368624 nymphet n10368711 nympholept n10368798 nymphomaniac, nympho n10368920 oarsman, rower n10369095 oarswoman n10369166 obliger, accommodator n10369317 oboist n10369417 obscurantist n10369528 observer, commentator n10369699 obstetrician, accoucheur n10369845 Occidental n10369955 occupier n10370122 oceanographer n10370286 octogenarian n10370381 occultist n10370603 odalisque n10370683 odds-maker, handicapper n10370881 odist n10370955 wine lover n10371052 offerer, offeror n10371221 office-bearer n10371330 office boy n10371450 officeholder, officer n10371741 officer, ship's officer n10372076 official n10372373 official, functionary n10373390 officiant n10373525 Federal, Fed, federal official n10373639 Federal, Federal soldier, Union soldier n10373801 agent, federal agent n10373998 offspring, progeny, issue n10374282 ogler n10374415 oiler n10374541 oilman n10374652 oilman n10374762 oil painter n10374849 oil tycoon n10374943 old-age pensioner n10375052 old boy n10375129 old boy n10375214 old boy, old man n10375314 old lady n10375402 old man n10375506 old man, greybeard, graybeard, Methuselah n10375690 old man n10375794 old master n10376523 oldster, old person, senior citizen, golden ager n10376890 old-timer, oldtimer, gaffer, old geezer, antique n10377021 old woman n10377185 oligarch n10377291 Olympian n10377394 ombudsman n10377542 omnivore n10377633 oncologist n10377732 oneiromancer n10377865 one of the boys n10378026 onlooker, looker-on n10378113 onomancer n10378213 operagoer n10378290 opera star, operatic star n10378412 operator, manipulator n10378780 operator n10378952 operator n10379073 ophthalmologist, eye doctor, oculist n10379278 opium addict, opium taker n10379376 opportunist, self-seeker n10379620 opposition, opponent, opposite n10379758 oppressor n10380000 optician, lens maker n10380126 optimist n10380305 optometrist, oculist n10380499 Orangeman n10380672 orator, speechmaker, rhetorician, public speaker, speechifier n10381100 orchestrator n10381214 ordainer n10381369 orderer, systematizer, systematiser, systemizer, systemiser, systematist n10381698 orderer n10381804 orderly, hospital attendant n10381981 orderly n10382157 orderly sergeant n10382302 ordinand n10382380 ordinary n10382480 ordinary n10382597 organ donor n10382710 organ-grinder n10382825 organist n10383094 organization man n10383237 organizer, organiser, arranger n10383505 organizer, organiser, labor organizer n10383689 orientalist n10383816 originator, conceiver, mastermind n10384054 Orleanist n10384214 ornithologist, bird watcher n10384392 orphan n10384496 orphan n10384610 orthodontist n10384772 Orthodox Jew n10384935 orthoepist n10385159 orthopedist, orthopaedist n10385354 orthoptist n10385455 osteologist, osteologer n10385566 osteopath, osteopathist n10385707 ostrich n10385923 Ostrogoth n10386071 ouster, ejector n10386196 out-and-outer n10386312 outcast, castaway, pariah, Ishmael n10386515 outcaste n10386618 outdoorsman n10386754 outdoorswoman n10386874 outfielder n10386984 outfielder n10387196 right fielder n10387324 right-handed pitcher, right-hander n10387476 center fielder, centerfielder n10387586 left fielder n10387712 outfitter n10387836 outlier n10387936 outpatient n10388082 outrider n10388192 outsider n10388321 overachiever n10388440 overlord, master, lord n10388647 overnighter n10388732 overseer, superintendent n10388924 owner, proprietor n10389398 owner, possessor n10389760 owner-driver n10389865 owner-occupier n10389976 oyabun n10390050 pachuco n10390199 pacifist, pacificist, disarmer n10390427 packer, bagger, boxer n10390600 packrat n10390698 padrone n10390807 padrone n10390902 pagan n10391086 page, varlet n10391248 page n10391416 page, pageboy n10391513 pain, pain in the neck, nuisance n10391653 painter n10393909 painter n10394141 palatine, palsgrave n10394329 palatine n10394434 Paleo-American, Paleo-Amerind, Paleo-Indian n10394673 paleographer, paleographist n10394786 paleontologist, palaeontologist, fossilist n10395073 pallbearer, bearer n10395209 palmist, palmister, chiromancer n10395390 pamperer, spoiler, coddler, mollycoddler n10395605 pamphleteer n10395828 Panchen Lama n10395926 panderer n10396106 panelist, panellist n10396337 panhandler n10396462 pansexual n10396594 pantheist n10396727 paparazzo n10396908 paperboy n10397001 paperhanger, paperer n10397142 paperhanger n10397275 paper-pusher n10397392 papoose, pappoose n10397482 parachutist, parachuter, parachute jumper n10397694 paragrapher n10397886 paralegal, legal assistant n10398033 paralytic n10398176 paramedic, paramedical n10398370 paranoid, paranoiac n10398487 paraplegic n10398624 paraprofessional n10398806 parapsychologist n10399019 paratrooper, para n10399130 pardoner n10399299 pardoner, forgiver, excuser n10399491 parent n10399895 parer n10400003 paretic n10400108 parishioner n10400205 park commissioner n10400309 parliamentarian n10400437 Parliamentarian, Member of Parliament n10400618 parliamentary agent n10400826 parlormaid, parlourmaid n10400998 parodist, lampooner n10401204 parricide n10401331 parrot n10401468 Parsee, Parsi n10401639 partaker, sharer n10401829 participant n10402086 partisan, zealot, drumbeater n10402285 partitionist n10402417 partner n10402603 part-owner n10402709 part-timer n10402824 party n10403162 party boss, political boss, boss n10403366 party girl n10403490 partygoer n10403633 party man, party liner n10403768 pasha, pacha n10403876 passenger, rider n10404242 passer, forward passer n10404426 passer n10404550 passer n10404672 passerby, passer-by, passer n10404810 passive source n10404998 paster n10405107 past master n10405229 past master n10405320 pastry cook n10405410 patentee n10405540 pater n10405694 patient n10406072 patrial n10406266 patriarch n10406391 patriarch n10406765 patriarch, paterfamilias n10406905 patriarch n10407105 patrician n10407221 patricide n10407310 patriot, nationalist n10407552 patroller n10407726 patron, frequenter n10407954 patron, sponsor, supporter n10408324 patron n10408438 patroness, patronne n10408552 patron saint n10408809 patternmaker n10408939 patzer n10409011 pauper n10409161 pavement artist n10409322 pawer n10409459 pawnbroker n10409634 payee n10409752 payer, remunerator n10410035 paymaster n10410125 peacekeeper n10410246 peacekeeper n10410440 peanut n10410531 pearl diver, pearler n10410668 peasant, provincial, bucolic n10410815 peasant, barbarian, boor, churl, Goth, tyke, tike n10410996 peasant n10411163 pedaler, pedaller n10411356 pedant, bookworm, scholastic n10411551 peddler, pedlar, packman, hawker, pitchman n10411867 pederast, paederast, child molester n10412055 pedestrian, walker, footer n10412554 pedodontist n10412669 pedophile, paedophile n10412784 peeler n10412910 peer n10413276 peer of the realm n10413429 pelter n10413588 pendragon n10413688 penetrator n10413834 penitent n10414084 penny pincher n10414239 penologist n10414379 pen pal, pen-friend n10414507 penpusher, pencil pusher n10414612 pensioner, pensionary n10414768 pentathlete n10414865 Pentecostal, Pentecostalist n10415037 percussionist n10415230 perfectionist n10415439 perfecter n10415638 performer, performing artist n10416270 perfumer n10416364 peri n10416444 perinatologist n10416567 periodontist n10416732 peripatetic n10416828 perisher n10416909 perjurer, false witness n10417045 peroxide blond, peroxide blonde n10417168 perpetrator, culprit n10417288 peshmerga n10417424 personality n10417551 personal representative n10417682 personage n10417843 persona grata n10417969 persona non grata n10418101 personification n10418302 embodiment, incarnation, avatar n10418577 deification n10418735 perspirer, sweater n10418841 persuader, inducer n10419047 pervert, deviant, deviate, degenerate n10419472 pessimist n10419630 pest, blighter, cuss, pesterer, gadfly n10419785 Peter Pan n10419916 petit bourgeois n10420031 petitioner, suppliant, supplicant, requester n10420277 petit juror, petty juror n10420392 petroleum geologist, oil geologist n10420507 pet sitter, critter sitter n10420649 petter, fondler n10420809 petty officer, PO, P.O. n10421016 Pharaoh, Pharaoh of Egypt n10421183 Pharisee n10421339 pharisee n10421470 pharmacist, druggist, chemist, apothecary, pill pusher, pill roller n10421753 pharmacologist, pharmaceutical chemist n10421956 philanthropist, altruist n10422405 philatelist, stamp collector n10422540 philhellene, philhellenist, Graecophile n10422759 Philippian n10422871 Philistine n10423031 philistine, anti-intellectual, lowbrow n10423225 philologist, philologue n10423514 philomath n10423589 philosopher n10425946 philosopher n10426184 philosophizer, philosophiser n10426363 phlebotomist n10426454 phonetician n10426630 phonologist n10426749 photographer, lensman n10427103 photographer's model n10427223 photojournalist n10427359 photometrist, photometrician n10427467 phrenologist, craniologist n10427658 Phrygian n10427764 physical therapist, physiotherapist n10428004 physicist n10429965 physiologist n10430554 phytochemist n10430665 pianist, piano player n10431122 piano maker n10431224 piano teacher n10431330 pickaninny, piccaninny, picaninny n10431514 picker n10431625 picker, chooser, selector n10431770 picket n10431907 pickpocket, cutpurse, dip n10432053 pickup n10432189 picnicker, picknicker n10432320 pied piper n10432441 pilgrim n10432532 pilgrim n10432674 Pilgrim, Pilgrim Father n10432875 pill n10432957 pillar, mainstay n10433077 pill head n10433164 pilot, airplane pilot n10433452 pilot n10433610 Piltdown man, Piltdown hoax n10433737 pimp, procurer, panderer, pander, pandar, fancy man, ponce n10434054 pinchgut n10434160 pinch hitter n10434321 pinko, pink n10434424 pioneer n10434725 pioneer, innovator, trailblazer, groundbreaker n10434947 pipe major n10435041 piper, bagpiper n10435169 pipe smoker n10435251 pip-squeak, squirt, small fry n10435367 pirate, buccaneer, sea robber, sea rover n10435716 pisser, urinator n10435855 pistoleer n10435988 pitcher, hurler, twirler n10436334 pitchman n10436458 pituitary dwarf, hypophysial dwarf, Levi-Lorrain dwarf n10436707 pivot, pivot man n10436851 place-kicker, placekicker n10437014 placeman, placeseeker n10437137 placer miner n10437262 plagiarist, plagiarizer, plagiariser, literary pirate, pirate n10437590 plainclothesman n10437698 plainsman n10437852 plaintiff, complainant n10438042 plaiter n10438172 planner, contriver, deviser n10438470 plant n10438619 planter, plantation owner n10438728 planter n10438842 plasterer n10438952 plaster saint n10439087 platelayer, tracklayer n10439203 plater n10439373 platinum blond, platinum blonde n10439523 platitudinarian n10439629 Platonist n10439727 playboy, man-about-town, Corinthian n10439851 player, participant n10440387 player n10440580 player n10440717 playgoer, theatergoer, theatregoer n10440886 playmaker n10441037 playmate, playfellow n10441124 pleaser n10441251 plebeian, pleb n10441410 pledge n10441534 pledgee n10441694 pledger n10441819 pledge taker n10441962 plenipotentiary n10442093 plier, plyer n10442232 plodder, slowpoke, stick-in-the-mud, slowcoach n10442417 plodder, slogger n10442573 plotter, mapper n10442705 plowboy, ploughboy n10442815 plowman, ploughman, plower n10442923 plowwright, ploughwright n10443032 plumber, pipe fitter n10443170 plunderer, pillager, looter, spoiler, despoiler, raider, freebooter n10443482 pluralist n10443659 pluralist n10443830 pluralist n10443955 plutocrat n10444058 poacher n10444194 poet n10447255 poetess n10447359 poet laureate n10447585 poet laureate n10447828 poilu n10447924 pointillist n10448065 point man n10448157 point man n10448322 pointsman n10448455 point woman n10448568 poisoner n10448670 polemicist, polemist, polemic n10448834 police commissioner n10448983 policeman, police officer, officer n10449412 police matron, policewoman n10449521 police sergeant, sergeant n10449664 policyholder n10449845 policy maker n10450038 political prisoner n10450161 political scientist n10450303 politician, politico, pol, political leader n10451263 politician n10451450 politician n10451590 pollster, poll taker, headcounter, canvasser n10451858 polluter, defiler n10452024 poltroon, craven, recreant n10452151 polyandrist n10452260 polygamist n10452432 polygynist n10452535 polytheist n10452631 pomologist n10452752 ponce n10452892 pontifex n10453061 pooler n10453184 pool player n10453265 poor devil, wretch n10453357 poor person, have-not n10453533 pope, Catholic Pope, Roman Catholic Pope, pontiff, Holy Father, Vicar of Christ, Bishop of Rome n10454645 popinjay n10454752 popularizer, populariser, vulgarizer, vulgariser n10454972 pork butcher n10455094 pornographer, porn merchant n10455305 porter, Pullman porter n10455447 porter n10455619 portraitist, portrait painter, portrayer, limner n10455821 portwatcher, port watcher n10455915 poseur, poser n10456070 poseuse n10456138 positivist, rationalist n10456391 posseman n10456514 possible n10456603 postdiluvian n10456696 postdoc, post doc n10456874 poster boy n10456950 poster child n10457214 poster girl n10457293 postmature infant n10457444 postulator n10457597 postulator n10457777 posturer n10457903 private citizen n10458024 probable n10458111 problem solver, solver, convergent thinker n10458356 pro-lifer n10458519 proprietress n10458596 prosthetist n10458696 prosthodontist n10458834 provincial n10459116 postal clerk, mail clerk n10459212 postilion, postillion n10459414 Postimpressionist, Post-impressionist n10459575 postmaster n10459687 postmistress n10459764 postmaster general n10459882 postulant n10460033 potboy, potman n10460193 pothead n10460286 potholer, spelunker, speleologist, spelaeologist n10460501 pothunter n10460599 pothunter n10460720 pothunter n10460806 potter, thrower, ceramicist, ceramist n10461060 poultryman, poulterer n10461169 powderer n10461280 powder monkey n10461424 power, force n10461747 influence n10462005 Moloch n10462217 power broker, powerbroker n10462429 powerhouse, human dynamo, ball of fire, fireball n10462588 power user n10462751 power worker, power-station worker n10462860 practitioner, practician n10463028 praetor, pretor n10463259 Praetorian Guard, Praetorian n10463386 pragmatist n10463582 pragmatist n10463714 prankster, cut-up, trickster, tricker, hoaxer, practical joker n10463943 prattler n10464052 prayer, supplicant n10464178 preacher, preacher man, sermonizer, sermoniser n10464432 prebendary n10464542 preceptor, don n10464711 predecessor n10464870 preemptor, pre-emptor n10465002 preemptor, pre-emptor n10465128 prefect n10465248 Pre-Raphaelite n10465451 premature baby, preterm baby, premature infant, preterm infant, preemie, premie n10465635 presbyope n10465831 presbyter n10465922 Presbyterian n10466060 preschooler, kindergartner, kindergartener n10466198 presenter, sponsor n10466387 presenter n10466564 presentist n10466759 preservationist n10466918 preserver n10467052 preserver n10467179 president n10467395 President of the United States, United States President, President, Chief Executive n10468559 president n10468750 president, prexy n10468962 president, chairman, chairwoman, chair, chairperson n10469346 presiding officer n10469511 pre-Socratic n10469611 press agent, publicity man, public relations man, PR man n10469786 press lord n10469874 press photographer n10469979 Pretender n10470132 preterist n10470314 prevailing party n10470460 prey, quarry, target, fair game n10470779 priest n10471250 priest, non-Christian priest n10471570 priestess n10471640 prima ballerina n10471732 prima donna, diva n10471859 prima donna n10471948 primary care physician n10472129 primigravida, gravida I n10472274 primipara, para I n10472447 primordial dwarf, hypoplastic dwarf, true dwarf, normal dwarf n10472690 primus n10472799 prince n10473273 Elector n10473453 prince charming n10473562 prince consort n10473718 princeling n10473789 princeling n10473917 Prince of Wales n10474064 princess n10474343 princess royal n10474446 principal, dealer n10474645 principal, school principal, head teacher, head n10474950 principal n10475163 principal investigator, PI n10475297 printer, pressman n10475584 printer's devil n10475687 printmaker, graphic artist n10475835 print seller n10475940 prior n10476086 prisoner, captive n10476331 prisoner of war, POW n10476467 private, buck private, common soldier n10476671 private detective, PI, private eye, private investigator, operative, shamus, sherlock n10476928 privateer, privateersman n10477077 prizefighter, gladiator n10477465 probability theorist n10477585 probationer, parolee n10477713 probationer, student nurse n10477839 probation officer n10477955 processor n10478118 process-server n10478293 proconsul n10478462 proconsul n10478626 procrastinator, postponer, cunctator n10478827 proctologist n10478960 proctor, monitor n10479135 procurator n10479328 procurer, securer n10479493 procuress n10479561 prodigal, profligate, squanderer n10479783 prodigy n10480018 producer n10480253 professional, professional person n10480583 professional, pro n10480730 professor, prof n10481003 profiteer n10481167 profit taker n10481268 programmer, computer programmer, coder, software engineer n10481561 projectionist n10481711 proletarian, prole, worker n10481929 promisee n10482054 promiser, promisor n10482220 promoter, booster, plugger n10482414 prompter, theater prompter n10482587 promulgator n10482768 proofreader, reader n10482921 propagandist n10483138 propagator, disseminator n10483274 propagator n10483395 property man, propman, property master n10483530 prophet, prophesier, oracle, seer, vaticinator n10483799 prophetess n10483890 prophet n10484526 proposer, mover n10484739 propositus n10484858 prosecutor, public prosecutor, prosecuting officer, prosecuting attorney n10485168 proselyte n10485298 prospector n10485440 prostitute, cocotte, whore, harlot, bawd, tart, cyprian, fancy woman, working girl, sporting lady, lady of pleasure, woman of the street n10485883 protectionist n10485989 protege n10486166 protegee n10486236 protozoologist n10486349 provider n10486468 provost n10486561 provost marshal n10486679 prowler, sneak, stalker n10486909 proxy, placeholder, procurator n10487026 prude, puritan n10487182 pruner, trimmer n10487363 psalmist n10487592 psephologist n10487710 pseudohermaphrodite n10488016 psychiatrist, head-shrinker, shrink n10488309 psychic n10488513 spirit rapper n10488656 psycholinguist n10488865 psychologist n10489426 psychophysicist n10489564 sociopath, psychopath n10489818 psychopomp n10489944 psychotherapist, clinical psychologist n10490141 psychotic, psychotic person, psycho n10490330 pteridologist n10490421 publican, tavern keeper n10490557 public defender n10490699 publicist, publicizer, publiciser n10490965 public relations person n10491136 public servant n10491309 publisher n10491575 publisher, newspaper publisher n10491869 puddler n10491998 pudge n10492086 puerpera n10492202 puller, tugger, dragger n10492447 puller n10492627 puncher n10492727 punching bag n10492894 punk rocker, punk n10493093 punster n10493199 punter n10493419 punter n10493528 puppet ruler, puppet leader n10493685 puppeteer n10493835 puppy, pup n10493922 purchasing agent n10494037 purist n10494195 puritan n10494373 Puritan n10494643 purser n10494778 pursued, chased n10494935 pursuer, chaser n10495167 pursuer n10495299 purveyor n10495421 pusher, shover n10495555 pusher, drug peddler, peddler, drug dealer, drug trafficker n10495756 pusher, thruster n10495880 pushover n10495975 pussycat n10496081 putter n10496193 putterer, potterer n10496393 putz n10496489 Pygmy, Pigmy n10496626 pygmy, pigmy n10496715 pyrographer n10496825 pyromancer n10496927 python n10497046 pythoness n10497135 qadi n10497202 quack n10497373 quadripara n10497534 quadriplegic n10497645 quadruplet, quad n10497775 quaestor n10497946 quaffer n10498046 quaker, trembler n10498196 qualifier n10498422 quarreler, quarreller n10498551 quarryman, quarrier n10498699 quarter n10498816 quarterback, signal caller, field general n10498986 quartermaster n10499110 quartermaster general n10499232 Quebecois n10499355 queen, queen regnant, female monarch n10499631 Queen of England n10499857 queen n10500217 queen n10500419 queen consort n10500506 queen dowager n10500603 queen mother n10500717 queen regent n10500824 Queen's Counsel n10500942 question master, quizmaster n10501097 Quetzalcoatl n10501203 quibbler, caviller, caviler, pettifogger n10501453 quick study, sponge n10501635 quietist n10501747 quintipara n10501908 quintuplet, quint, quin n10502046 quitter n10502204 quoter n10502329 rabbi n10502576 racer, race driver, automobile driver n10502762 racetrack tout n10502950 racist, racialist n10503138 racker n10503247 racketeer n10503452 radical n10503710 radio announcer n10503818 radiobiologist n10503965 radiographer n10504090 radiologic technologist n10504206 radiologist, radiotherapist n10504426 radio operator n10504545 raftsman, raftman, rafter n10504664 ragamuffin, tatterdemalion n10504805 ragpicker n10504956 ragsorter n10505085 railbird n10505206 rail-splitter, splitter n10505347 rainmaker n10505459 rainmaker n10505613 raiser n10505732 raja, rajah n10505816 Rajput, Rajpoot n10505942 rake, rakehell, profligate, rip, blood, roue n10506094 rambler n10506220 rambler n10506336 ramrod n10506417 rancher n10506544 ranch hand n10506642 rani, ranee n10506762 ranker n10506915 ranker n10507070 ranter, raver n10507230 raper, rapist n10507380 rape suspect n10507482 rapper n10507565 rapporteur n10507692 rare bird, rara avis n10507783 Raskolnikov, Rodya Raskolnikov n10508008 rat-catcher, disinfestation officer n10508141 ratepayer n10508272 raver n10508379 raw recruit n10508475 reactionary, ultraconservative, extreme right-winger n10508710 reader n10508862 reader n10509063 reading teacher n10509161 realist n10509389 realist n10509605 realist n10509810 real estate broker, real estate agent, estate agent, land agent, house agent n10510078 Realtor n10510245 rear admiral n10510339 reasoner, ratiocinator n10510546 rebutter, disprover, refuter, confuter n10510818 receiver, pass receiver, pass catcher n10510974 receiver n10511069 receptionist n10511239 recidivist, backslider, reversionist n10511425 recidivist, repeater, habitual criminal n10511649 recitalist n10511771 reciter n10511856 record-breaker, record-holder n10511960 recorder n10512109 recorder player n10512201 recruit, enlistee n10512372 recruit, military recruit n10512562 recruiter n10512708 recruiter n10512859 recruiting-sergeant n10512982 rectifier n10513120 redact, redactor, reviser, rewriter, rewrite man n10513386 redcap n10513509 redcap n10513623 redeemer n10513823 redhead, redheader, red-header, carrottop n10513938 redneck, cracker n10514051 reeler n10514121 reenactor n10514255 referral n10514429 referee, ref n10514643 referee n10514784 refiner n10514962 refinisher, renovator, restorer, preserver n10515194 reformer, reformist, crusader, social reformer, meliorist n10515863 Reform Jew n10516016 refugee n10516117 regent n10516294 regent, trustee n10516422 regicide n10516527 registered nurse, RN n10516692 registrant n10516874 registrar, record-keeper, recorder n10517032 registrar n10517137 registrar n10517283 Regius professor n10517405 regular, habitue, fixture n10517583 regular n10517743 regular n10517826 regulator n10518003 reincarnation n10518194 reliever, relief pitcher, fireman n10518349 reliever, allayer, comforter n10518602 religious n10518945 eremite n10519126 anchorite, hermit n10519291 cenobite, coenobite n10519494 religious leader n10519884 remittance man n10519984 remover n10520109 Renaissance man n10520286 Renaissance man, generalist n10520544 renegade n10520675 rent collector n10520804 renter n10520964 rentier n10521100 repairman, maintenance man, service man n10521288 repatriate n10521470 repeater n10521662 reporter, newsman, newsperson n10521853 newswoman n10521928 repository, secretary n10522035 representative n10522324 reprobate, miscreant n10522495 republican n10522633 Republican n10522759 rescuer, recoverer, saver n10522956 research director, director of research n10523076 research worker, researcher, investigator n10523341 reservist n10523519 resident, occupant, occupier n10524076 resident commissioner n10524223 respecter n10524413 respondent, responder, answerer n10524711 respondent n10524869 restaurateur, restauranter n10524973 rester n10525134 restrainer, controller n10525436 retailer, retail merchant n10525617 retiree, retired person n10525785 retreatant n10525878 returning officer n10526096 reveler, reveller, merrymaker n10526300 drunken reveler, drunken reveller, bacchanal, bacchant n10526441 revenant n10526534 revenant n10526633 revenuer n10526795 reversioner n10526927 reviewer, referee, reader n10527147 revisionist n10527334 revolutionist, revolutionary, subversive, subverter n10527915 rheumatic n10528023 rheumatologist n10528148 Rhodesian man, Homo rhodesiensis n10528295 Rhodes scholar n10528493 rhymer, rhymester, versifier, poetizer, poetiser n10528816 rhythm and blues musician n10528969 ribald n10529103 Richard Roe n10529231 rich person, wealthy person, have n10529555 millionaire n10529684 billionaire n10529823 multi-billionaire n10529965 rider n10530150 rider n10530288 disreputable person n10530383 riding master n10530475 Riff, Riffian n10530571 rifleman n10530677 rifleman n10530769 rigger n10530862 rigger, oil rigger n10530959 right-hander, right hander, righthander n10531109 right-hand man, chief assistant, man Friday n10531227 rightist, right-winger n10531445 ringer n10531557 ringer, dead ringer, clone n10531694 ring girl n10531838 ringleader n10531948 ringmaster n10532058 rioter n10532252 ripper n10532393 Rip van Winkle n10532479 Rip van Winkle n10532576 riser n10532751 ritualist n10532886 ritualist n10533013 rival, challenger, competitor, competition, contender n10533541 riveter, rivetter n10533681 road builder n10533780 road hog, roadhog n10533874 roadman, road mender n10533983 roarer, bawler, bellower, screamer, screecher, shouter, yeller n10534277 roaster n10534389 roaster n10534586 robber n10534748 robbery suspect n10534849 Robert's Rules of Order n10535047 Robin Hood n10535196 Robinson Crusoe n10535366 rock n10535604 rock climber, cragsman n10535706 rocker n10535881 rocker, rock 'n' roll musician n10536021 rocker n10536134 rocket engineer, rocket scientist n10536274 rocket scientist n10536416 rock star n10536728 rogue, knave, rascal, rapscallion, scalawag, scallywag, varlet n10536897 roisterer n10537018 rollerblader n10537107 roller-skater n10537240 Roman Emperor, Emperor of Rome n10537708 Romanov, Romanoff n10537822 romantic n10537906 romanticist, romantic n10538082 Romeo n10538154 romper n10538272 roofer n10538398 room clerk n10538518 roommate, roomie, roomy n10538629 ropemaker, rope-maker, roper n10538733 roper n10538853 roper n10539015 ropewalker, ropedancer n10539160 rosebud n10539278 Rosicrucian n10539462 Rosicrucian n10539616 Rotarian n10539715 rotter, dirty dog, rat, skunk, stinker, stinkpot, bum, puke, crumb, lowlife, scum bag, so-and-so, git n10540114 Mountie n10540252 Rough Rider n10540413 roughrider n10540526 Roundhead n10540656 roundhead n10540735 roundsman n10540872 router n10540984 rover, scouter n10541106 rubberneck, rubbernecker n10541229 ruler, swayer n10541833 civil authority, civil officer n10541983 dynast n10542054 rug merchant n10542138 Rumpelstiltskin n10542401 Shylock n10542499 rumrunner n10542608 runner n10542761 runner n10542888 runner n10543057 runner-up, second best n10543161 running back n10543420 running mate n10543544 runt, shrimp, peewee, half-pint n10543713 ruralist n10543795 rusher n10543937 rusher n10544067 rusher n10544232 rustic n10544480 rustler, cattle thief n10544615 Sabbatarian n10544748 saboteur, wrecker, diversionist n10544940 sachem, sagamore n10545087 sachem n10545187 sacred cow n10545296 sacrificer n10545415 saddler n10545524 Sadducee n10545682 sadhu, saddhu n10545792 sadist n10545940 sadomasochist n10546062 safebreaker, safecracker, cracksman n10546202 sage n10546428 sailing master, navigator n10546561 sailmaker n10546633 sailor, crewman n10546850 saint, holy man, holy person, angel n10547145 saint n10548227 salesclerk, shop clerk, clerk, shop assistant n10548419 salesgirl, saleswoman, saleslady n10548537 salesman n10548681 salesperson, sales representative, sales rep n10548976 saloon keeper n10549062 salter, salt merchant n10549165 salter n10549315 salutatorian, salutatory speaker n10549510 salvager, salvor n10549648 Samaritan n10549763 samurai n10549925 sandbagger n10550090 sandboy n10550252 sandwichman n10550369 sangoma n10550468 sannup n10550551 sannyasi, sannyasin, sanyasi n10550673 Santa Claus, Santa, Kriss Kringle, Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, St. Nick n10550951 Tristan, Tristram n10551265 Iseult, Isolde n10551576 sapper n10551751 sapper n10551898 Saracen n10552019 Saracen n10552203 Saracen n10552285 Sardinian n10552393 Sassenach n10552486 Satanist, diabolist n10552639 satellite, planet n10552742 satirist, ironist, ridiculer n10552980 satyr, lecher, lech, letch n10553140 satrap n10553235 saunterer, stroller, ambler n10553402 savage, barbarian n10553627 saver n10553805 savior, saviour, rescuer, deliverer n10554024 Savoyard n10554141 sawyer n10554243 saxophonist, saxist n10554455 scab, strikebreaker, blackleg, rat n10554666 scalawag, scallywag n10554846 scalper n10555059 scandalmonger n10555156 scanner n10555311 scapegoat, whipping boy n10555430 scapegrace, black sheep n10555538 Scaramouch, Scaramouche n10555679 scaremonger, stirrer n10555825 scatterbrain, forgetful person n10555936 scenarist n10556033 scene painter n10556124 sceneshifter, shifter n10556235 scene-stealer n10556401 scenic artist, scene painter n10556518 schemer, plotter n10556704 schizophrenic n10556825 schlemiel, shlemiel n10556953 schlepper, shlepper, schlep, shlep n10557094 schlimazel, shlimazel n10557246 schlockmeister, shlockmeister n10557404 schmuck, shmuck, schmo, shmo n10557517 schnook, shnook n10557699 schnorrer, shnorrer n10557854 scholar, scholarly person, bookman, student n10558773 scholar n10558896 Scholastic n10559009 scholiast n10559192 schoolboy n10559288 schoolchild, school-age child, pupil n10559508 schoolfriend n10559603 schoolgirl n10559683 Schoolman, medieval Schoolman n10559840 schoolmarm, schoolma'am, schoolmistress, mistress n10559996 schoolmaster n10560106 schoolmate, classmate, schoolfellow, class fellow n10560247 school superintendent n10560352 schoolteacher, school teacher n10560548 science teacher n10560637 scientist n10561222 scion n10561320 scoffer, flouter, mocker, jeerer n10561613 scoffer, gorger n10561736 scofflaw n10561861 scold, scolder, nag, nagger, common scold n10562135 scorekeeper, scorer n10562283 scorer n10562391 scorer n10562509 scourer n10562645 scourer n10562749 scout, pathfinder, guide n10562968 scout, talent scout n10563183 Scout n10563314 scoutmaster n10563403 scrambler n10563610 scratch n10563711 scratcher n10563826 scratcher n10563940 scrawler, scribbler n10564098 screen actor, movie actor n10564224 screener n10564400 screenwriter, film writer n10564541 screwballer n10564660 scribe, scribbler, penman n10564800 scrimshanker n10564905 scriptwriter n10565048 scrubber n10565197 scrub nurse n10565302 scrutinizer, scrutiniser n10565502 scrutineer, canvasser n10565667 scuba diver n10565764 sculler n10565951 scullion n10566072 sculptor, sculpturer, carver, statue maker n10566893 sculptress n10566966 Scythian n10567096 sea king n10567172 sea lawyer n10567268 sealer n10567401 searcher n10567613 Sea Scout n10567722 seasonal worker, seasonal n10567848 seasoner n10567979 secessionist n10568083 second n10568200 second baseman, second sacker n10568358 second cousin n10568443 seconder n10568608 second fiddle, second banana n10568754 second hand n10568915 second-in-command n10569011 second lieutenant, 2nd lieutenant n10569179 second-rater, mediocrity n10569411 secret agent, intelligence officer, intelligence agent, operative n10569744 secretary, secretarial assistant n10570019 secretary n10570429 Attorney General, United States Attorney General, US Attorney General n10570704 Secretary of Agriculture, Agriculture Secretary n10570961 Secretary of Commerce, Commerce Secretary n10571202 Secretary of Defense, Defense Secretary n10571435 Secretary of Education, Education Secretary n10571670 Secretary of Energy, Energy Secretary n10571907 Secretary of Health and Human Services n10572185 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development n10572469 Secretary of Labor, Labor Secretary n10572706 Secretary of State n10572889 Secretary of the Interior, Interior Secretary n10573129 Secretary of the Treasury, Treasury Secretary n10573349 Secretary of Transportation, Transportation Secretary n10573596 Secretary of Veterans Affairs n10573829 Secretary General n10573957 sectarian, sectary, sectarist n10574154 Section Eight n10574311 section hand n10574425 section man n10574538 secularist n10574723 secundigravida, gravida II n10574840 security consultant n10574958 security director n10575089 seducer, ladies' man, lady killer n10575241 seducer n10575387 seductress n10575463 seeded player, seed n10575594 seeder, cloud seeder n10575705 seedsman, seedman n10575787 seeker, searcher, quester n10576071 seer n10576223 segregate n10576316 segregator, segregationist n10576513 seismologist n10576676 selectman n10576818 selectwoman n10576962 selfish person n10577182 self-starter n10577284 seller, marketer, vender, vendor, trafficker n10577710 selling agent n10577820 semanticist, semiotician n10578021 semifinalist n10578162 seminarian, seminarist n10578349 semiprofessional, semipro n10578471 senator n10578656 sendee n10578762 sender, transmitter n10578952 Senhor n10579062 senior n10579176 senior chief petty officer, SCPO n10579369 senior master sergeant, SMSgt n10579549 senior vice president n10579676 sentimentalist, romanticist n10579835 sensationalist, ballyhoo artist n10580030 separatist, separationist n10580304 Sephardi, Sephardic Jew n10580437 septuagenarian n10580535 serf, helot, villein n10580772 sergeant n10581094 sergeant at arms, serjeant-at-arms n10581278 sergeant major, command sergeant major n10581464 serial killer, serial murderer n10581648 spree killer n10581772 sericulturist n10581890 serjeant-at-law, serjeant, sergeant-at-law, sergeant n10582032 serologist n10582154 servant, retainer n10582507 servant girl, serving girl n10582604 server n10582746 serviceman, military man, man, military personnel n10583250 servitor n10583387 settler, colonist n10583790 settler n10583916 settler n10584021 settlor, trustor n10584318 sewer n10584501 sewing-machine operator n10584617 sexagenarian n10584729 sex kitten, sexpot, sex bomb n10584853 sex object n10584973 sex offender n10585077 sex symbol n10585217 sexton, sacristan n10585359 shadow n10585496 Shah, Shah of Iran n10585628 shaheed n10585773 Shaker n10585976 shaker, mover and shaker n10586166 Shakespearian, Shakespearean n10586265 shanghaier, seizer n10586444 sharecropper, cropper, sharecrop farmer n10586557 shark n10586674 shark n10586793 sharpshooter n10586903 shaver n10586998 Shavian n10587089 shearer n10587227 shearer n10587378 shedder, spiller n10587536 she-devil n10587605 sheepherder, shepherd, sheepman n10587806 sheepman n10587894 sheep n10588074 sheep n10588182 shegetz n10588357 sheik, tribal sheik, sheikh, tribal sheikh, Arab chief n10588519 sheika, sheikha n10588601 sheller n10588724 shelver n10588860 Shem n10588965 shepherd n10589066 shepherdess n10589140 sheriff n10589243 shiksa, shikse n10589402 shill n10589566 shingler n10589666 ship-breaker n10589785 ship broker n10589930 shipbuilder, ship builder n10590042 ship chandler n10590146 shipmate n10590239 shipowner n10590339 shipper n10590452 shipping agent n10590537 shipping clerk n10590638 ship's chandler n10590764 shipwright, shipbuilder, ship builder n10590903 shirtmaker n10590977 shocker n10591072 shogun n10591239 Shona n10591347 shoofly n10591481 shooter n10591678 shooter, crap-shooter n10591811 shopaholic n10591949 shop boy n10592049 shop girl n10592152 shopkeeper, tradesman, storekeeper, market keeper n10592397 shopper n10592595 shopper n10592811 shop steward, steward n10592986 shortstop n10593115 shot, shooter n10593392 gunman, gun n10593521 shot putter n10593618 shoveler, shoveller n10593745 showman, promoter, impresario n10594043 showman n10594147 shrew, termagant n10594284 Shudra, Sudra n10594408 shuffler n10594523 shuffler n10594634 shutterbug n10594715 shy person, shrinking violet n10594857 shyster, pettifogger n10595012 Siamese twin, conjoined twin n10595164 sibling, sib n10595361 sibyl n10595551 sibyl n10595647 sick person, diseased person, sufferer n10596272 side judge n10596348 sidesman n10596517 sightreader n10596689 sightseer, excursionist, tripper, rubberneck n10596899 signaler, signaller n10597091 signalman n10597234 signer, signatory n10597505 signer n10597642 sign painter n10597745 signor, signior n10597889 signora n10598013 signore n10598181 signorina n10598349 Sikh n10598459 silent partner, sleeping partner n10598641 silly n10598749 silversmith, silverworker, silver-worker n10598904 addle-head, addlehead, loon, birdbrain n10599068 Simeon n10599215 simperer n10599354 simpleton, simple n10599806 singer, vocalist, vocalizer, vocaliser n10601078 sinner, evildoer n10601234 Sinologist n10601362 sipper n10601451 sir n10601526 Sir n10601644 sirdar n10601725 sire n10601840 Siren n10602119 sirrah n10602258 sister n10602470 Sister n10602695 Beguine n10602985 sister, sis n10603242 half sister, half-sister, stepsister n10603378 sissy, pantywaist, pansy, milksop, Milquetoast n10603528 waverer, vacillator, hesitator, hesitater n10603766 sister-in-law n10603851 sitar player n10603959 sitter n10604089 sitting duck, easy mark n10604180 six-footer n10604275 sixth-former n10604380 skateboarder n10604491 skater n10604634 skeptic, sceptic, doubter n10604880 sketcher n10604979 skidder n10605088 skidder, slider, slipper n10605253 skier n10605375 ski jumper n10605510 skimmer n10605608 Skinnerian n10605737 skinny-dipper n10605848 skirmisher n10605985 skilled worker, trained worker, skilled workman n10607291 skin-diver, aquanaut n10607478 skinhead n10607706 skinner n10607824 skipper n10607933 skivvy, slavey n10608073 skycap n10608188 skydiver n10608385 slacker, shirker n10608658 slammer n10608803 slapper, spanker n10609092 slasher n10609198 slattern, slut, slovenly woman, trollop n10609325 slave n10609556 slave, striver, hard worker n10609686 slave n10609871 slave driver n10609960 slave driver, Simon Legree n10610096 slaveholder, slave owner, slaver n10610201 slaver, slave dealer, slave trader n10610333 sledder n10610465 sleeper, slumberer n10610699 sleeper n10610850 sleeper n10611117 Sleeping Beauty n10611267 sleeping beauty n10611361 sleepwalker, somnambulist, noctambulist n10611541 sleepyhead n10611613 sleuth, sleuthhound n10611729 slicer n10611869 slicker n10611988 slinger n10612104 slip n10612210 slob, sloven, pig, slovenly person n10612373 sloganeer n10612518 slopseller, slop-seller n10612645 slouch n10612803 sloucher n10612931 sluggard, slug n10613052 small businessman n10613198 small-for-gestational-age infant, SGA infant n10613387 smallholder n10613505 small person n10613738 small farmer n10613839 smarta n10613996 smasher, stunner, knockout, beauty, ravisher, sweetheart, peach, lulu, looker, mantrap, dish n10614225 smasher n10614363 smiler n10614507 smirker n10614629 smith, metalworker n10614812 smith n10614976 smoker, tobacco user n10615179 smoothie, smoothy, sweet talker, charmer n10615334 smuggler, runner, contrabandist, moon curser, moon-curser n10615584 snake charmer n10615702 snake, snake in the grass n10615808 snarer n10615929 snatcher n10616048 sneak n10616204 sneak thief, pilferer, snitcher n10616379 sneerer, scorner n10616578 sneezer n10616670 sniffer n10616779 sniffler, sniveler n10616899 sniper n10617024 snob, prig, snot, snoot n10617193 snoop, snooper n10617397 snorer n10617501 snorter n10617665 snowboarder n10617814 snuffer, snuff user n10617904 snuffer n10618007 snuffler n10618146 sobersides n10618234 sob sister n10618342 soccer player n10618465 social anthropologist, cultural anthropologist n10618685 social climber, climber n10618848 socialist n10619176 collectivist, leftist, left-winger n10619409 socialite n10619492 socializer, socialiser n10619642 social scientist n10619888 social secretary n10620027 social worker, caseworker, welfare worker n10620212 Socinian n10620437 sociobiologist n10620586 sociolinguist n10620758 sociologist n10621140 sod n10621294 soda jerk, soda jerker n10621400 sodalist n10621514 sodomite, sodomist, sod, bugger n10621738 softy, softie n10621847 sojourner n10621941 solderer n10622053 soldier n10623175 solicitor n10623354 solicitor, canvasser n10623533 solicitor general n10623650 soloist n10623806 sommelier, wine waiter, wine steward n10623949 somniloquist n10624074 son, boy n10624310 songster n10624437 songstress n10624540 songwriter, songster, ballad maker n10624915 son-in-law n10625000 sonneteer n10625099 Sophist n10625285 sophisticate, man of the world n10625438 sophomore, soph n10625546 soprano n10625860 sorcerer, magician, wizard, necromancer, thaumaturge, thaumaturgist n10626194 shaman, priest-doctor n10626439 medicine man n10626540 sorceress n10626630 sorehead n10626722 sort n10626867 sorter n10626994 soubrette n10627082 soul, psyche n10627252 soul mate n10627349 sounding board n10627557 soundman n10627714 sourdough n10627899 sourpuss, picklepuss, gloomy Gus, pouter n10628097 Southern Baptist n10628222 Southerner n10628368 Rebel, Reb, Johnny Reb, Johnny, greyback n10628644 sovereign, crowned head, monarch n10629020 sower n10629142 space cadet n10629329 spacewalker n10629449 space writer n10629545 spammer n10629647 Spanish American, Hispanic American, Hispanic n10629820 sparer n10629939 sparring partner, sparring mate n10630093 spastic n10630188 speaker, talker, utterer, verbalizer, verbaliser n10631131 native speaker n10631309 Speaker n10631512 spearhead n10631654 speechwriter n10631765 special agent n10631941 specialist, specializer, specialiser n10632576 specialist, medical specialist n10633298 specifier n10633450 spectator, witness, viewer, watcher, looker n10634075 speculator, plunger n10634316 speculator n10634464 speech therapist n10634596 speeder, speed demon n10634723 speed freak n10634849 speedskater, speed skater n10634990 spellbinder n10635149 speller, good speller, poor speller n10635275 spender, disburser, expender n10635460 spendthrift, spend-all, spender, scattergood n10635625 big spender, high roller n10635788 sphinx n10635907 spindlelegs, spindleshanks n10636014 spin doctor, spinmeister n10636340 spinner, spinster, thread maker n10636488 spinster, old maid n10636598 spirit n10636746 spitfire n10636874 spitter, expectorator n10637038 spiv n10637229 splicer n10637360 splicer n10637483 split end n10637635 splitter, divider n10637839 splitter n10637961 spoiler n10638136 spoilsport, killjoy, wet blanket, party pooper n10638310 spokesman n10638385 spokesperson, interpreter, representative, voice n10638734 spokeswoman n10638813 sponger n10638922 sport, sportsman, sportswoman n10639047 sport n10639238 sport, summercater n10639359 sporting man, outdoor man n10639469 sporting man n10639637 sports announcer, sportscaster, sports commentator n10639817 sports editor n10639925 sports fan, fan, rooter n10640084 sports writer, sportswriter n10640195 spotter n10640327 spotter n10640446 spot-welder, spot welder n10640620 spouse, partner, married person, mate, better half n10640968 sprawler n10641112 sprayer n10641223 sprog n10641301 sprog n10641413 sprinter n10641551 spurner n10641755 spy, undercover agent n10642151 spy n10642388 spymaster n10642499 squabbler n10642596 square dancer n10642705 square shooter, straight shooter, straight arrow n10642845 square, square toes n10642988 square, lame n10643095 squatter n10643218 squatter, homesteader, nester n10643400 squaw n10643476 squaw man n10643584 squeeze n10643727 squinter, squint-eye n10643837 squire n10643937 squire n10644062 squire, gallant n10644179 stabber n10644301 stableman, stableboy, groom, hostler, ostler n10644469 stacker n10644598 staff member, staffer n10644839 staff officer n10645017 staff sergeant n10645223 stage director n10645392 stagehand, stage technician n10645611 stage manager, stager n10645854 staggerer, totterer, reeler n10646032 stainer n10646140 stakeholder n10646325 Stalinist n10646433 stalker n10646528 stalker n10646641 stalking-horse n10646780 stammerer, stutterer n10646942 stamper, stomper, tramper, trampler n10647168 stamper n10647359 stamp dealer n10647475 standard-bearer n10647582 standardizer, standardiser n10647745 standee n10648033 stander n10648237 stand-in, substitute, relief, reliever, backup, backup man, fill-in n10648696 star, principal, lead n10648909 starer n10649047 starets n10649197 starlet n10649308 starter, dispatcher n10649438 starter n10649574 starting pitcher n10649724 starveling n10649823 stater n10649962 state's attorney, state attorney n10650076 state senator n10650162 statesman, solon, national leader n10652511 stateswoman n10652605 state treasurer n10652703 stationer, stationery seller n10652837 stationmaster, station agent n10652954 statistician, actuary n10653238 statistician, mathematical statistician n10653388 stay-at-home, homebody n10653529 steamfitter n10653679 steelmaker, steelworker, steelman n10653793 steeplejack n10653903 stemmer n10654015 stenographer, amanuensis, shorthand typist n10654211 stentor n10654321 stepbrother, half-brother, half brother n10654461 stepchild n10654596 stepdaughter n10654701 stepfather n10654827 stepmother n10654932 stepparent n10655075 stepson n10655169 stevedore, loader, longshoreman, docker, dockhand, dock worker, dockworker, dock-walloper, lumper n10655442 steward n10655594 steward, flight attendant n10655730 steward n10655875 stewardess, air hostess, hostess n10655986 stickler n10656120 stiff n10656223 stifler, smotherer n10656488 stigmatic, stigmatist n10656706 stillborn infant n10656832 stinter n10656969 stipendiary, stipendiary magistrate n10657165 stippler n10657306 stitcher n10657444 stockbroker n10657556 stockjobber n10657681 stocktaker, stock-taker n10657835 stock trader n10657969 stockholder, shareholder, shareowner n10658122 stockholder of record n10658304 stockist n10658501 stockman, stock raiser, stock farmer n10658676 Stoic n10658867 stoic, unemotional person n10659042 stoker, fireman n10659188 stone breaker n10659294 stonecutter, cutter n10659393 stoner, lapidator n10659571 stonewaller n10659762 stooper n10659961 stooper n10660128 store detective n10660250 storm trooper n10660333 storyteller, fibber, fabricator n10660471 stowaway n10660621 strafer n10660729 straggler, strayer n10660883 straight man, second banana n10661002 stranger, alien, unknown n10661216 stranger n10661334 straphanger n10661464 straphanger n10661563 strategist, strategian n10661732 straw boss, assistant foreman n10661865 strider n10662046 stringer n10662162 stringer n10662306 streaker n10662474 street cleaner, street sweeper n10662649 street fighter, tough n10662819 street fighter n10662952 street urchin, guttersnipe n10663137 street arab, gamin, throwaway n10663315 streetwalker, street girl, hooker, hustler, floozy, floozie, slattern n10663549 stretcher-bearer, litter-bearer n10663659 strike leader n10663745 striker n10663858 striker n10663996 striker n10664076 striper n10664235 strip miner n10664340 stripper, striptease artist, striptease, stripteaser, exotic dancer, ecdysiast, peeler n10664656 stripper, stemmer, sprigger n10664850 stroke n10665006 strongman n10665190 strongman n10665302 struggler n10665455 Stuart n10665587 stud, he-man, macho-man n10665698 student, pupil, educatee n10666259 student teacher, practice teacher n10666464 study n10666615 stuffed shirt n10666752 stumblebum, palooka n10666846 double, stunt man, stunt woman n10667041 stumbler, tripper n10667187 stupid, stupid person, stupe, dullard, dolt, pudding head, pudden-head, poor fish, pillock n10667477 stylist n10667596 stylite n10667709 subaltern n10667863 subcontractor n10668024 subdeacon n10668280 subdivider n10668450 subduer, surmounter, overcomer n10668666 subject, case, guinea pig n10669009 subjectivist n10669125 subjugator n10669236 sublieutenant n10669357 submariner n10669486 submitter n10669727 submitter n10669876 subnormal n10669991 subordinate, subsidiary, underling, foot soldier n10670310 subscriber, contributor n10670483 subscriber, reader n10670668 subscriber, endorser, indorser, ratifier n10670885 subsidizer, subsidiser n10671042 substitute, reserve, second-stringer n10671300 subtracter n10671387 suburbanite n10671467 subvocalizer, subvocaliser n10671613 successor, heir n10671736 successor, replacement n10671898 succorer, succourer n10672066 sucker n10672192 suer, petitioner n10672371 Sufi n10672540 suffragan, suffragan bishop n10672662 suffragette n10672908 suffragist n10673296 sugar daddy n10673451 suggester, proposer n10673669 suicide, felo-de-se n10673776 suicide bomber n10673946 suit n10674130 suitor, suer, wooer n10674315 sultan, grand Turk n10674471 Sumerian n10674592 summercaters n10674713 sumo wrestler n10674896 sun n10675010 sunbather n10675142 sundowner n10675258 sun worshiper n10675346 supercargo n10675481 supergrass, grass n10675609 super heavyweight n10675721 superintendent, super n10675876 superior n10676018 superior, higher-up, superordinate n10676214 supermarketer, supermarketeer n10676319 supermodel n10676434 supermom n10676569 supernumerary, spear carrier, extra n10676682 supernumerary n10676877 supervisor n10677271 supplier, provider n10677604 supply officer n10677713 supporter, protagonist, champion, admirer, booster, friend n10678472 suppressor, suppresser n10678662 supremacist n10678841 suprematist n10678937 supremo n10679054 surfer, surfboarder n10679174 surgeon, operating surgeon, sawbones n10679503 Surgeon General n10679610 Surgeon General n10679723 surpriser n10679845 surrealist n10679998 surrenderer, yielder n10680153 surrogate, alternate, replacement n10680370 surrogate mother n10680609 surveyor n10680796 surveyor n10680910 survivalist n10681060 survivor n10681194 survivor, subsister n10681383 suspect n10681557 sutler, victualer, victualler, provisioner n10681748 Svengali n10681891 Svengali n10682038 swaggerer n10682169 swagman, swagger, swaggie n10682380 swearer n10682501 swearer n10682599 sweater girl n10682713 sweeper n10682850 sweetheart n10682953 sweetheart, sweetie, steady, truelove n10683126 swimmer, natator, bather n10683349 swimmer n10683593 swineherd, pigman n10683675 swinger, tramp n10683801 swinger n10683927 swing voter, floating voter n10684146 switcher, whipper n10684311 switch-hitter n10684446 switch-hitter n10684538 switchman n10684630 swot, grind, nerd, wonk, dweeb n10684827 sycophant, toady, crawler, lackey, ass-kisser n10685123 syllogist, syllogizer, syllogiser n10685300 sylph n10685398 sylph n10685480 sylvan, silvan n10685587 symbolic logician n10685685 symbolist n10685853 symbolist, symbolizer, symboliser n10686073 sympathizer, sympathiser, well-wisher n10686313 sympathizer, sympathiser, comforter n10686517 symphonist n10686598 symposiast n10686694 syncopator n10686885 syndic n10687025 syndicator n10687135 synonymist n10687231 synthesist, synthesizer, synthesiser n10687427 syphilitic n10687516 system administrator n10687728 systems analyst n10687826 tablemate, dining companion n10687922 tacker n10688070 tackle n10688238 tackler n10688356 tactician n10688491 Tagalog n10688671 tagalong, hanger-on n10688811 tagger n10688975 tagger n10689104 tail, shadow, shadower n10689306 tailback n10689429 tailgater n10689564 tailor, seamster, sartor n10689784 taker n10689878 talent n10690002 talent agent n10690095 talking head n10690268 tallyman, tally clerk n10690421 tallyman n10690538 tamer n10690648 tanker, tank driver n10690742 tanner n10690849 tantalizer, tantaliser n10691052 taoiseach n10691148 tap dancer, tapper n10691318 tapper, wiretapper, phone tapper n10691485 tapper n10691600 tapper n10691764 tapster, tapper n10691937 Tartuffe, Tartufe n10692090 Tarzan n10692269 taskmaster n10692405 taskmistress n10692482 taster, taste tester, taste-tester, sampler n10692696 tattletale, tattler, taleteller, talebearer, telltale, blabbermouth n10692883 tax assessor, assessor n10693052 tax collector, taxman, exciseman, collector of internal revenue, internal revenue agent n10693235 taxer n10693334 taxi dancer n10693459 taxidermist, animal stuffer, stuffer n10693646 taxidriver, taximan, cabdriver, cabman, cabby, hack driver, hack-driver, livery driver n10693824 taxonomist, taxonomer, systematist n10694163 taxpayer n10694258 teacher, instructor n10694849 teacher's pet n10694939 teaching fellow n10695050 teammate, mate n10695192 teamster, trucker, truck driver n10695333 teamster n10695450 tearaway n10695555 tease, teaser, annoyer, vexer n10695822 teaser n10695917 techie, tekki n10696101 technical sergeant n10696251 technician n10696508 technician n10696672 technocrat n10696755 technocrat n10696888 technophile n10697013 technophobe n10697135 Ted, Teddy boy n10697282 teetotaler, teetotaller, teetotalist n10697420 telecaster n10697519 telegrapher, telegraphist, telegraph operator n10697782 teleologist n10697879 telepathist, thought-reader, mental telepathist, mind reader n10698064 telephone operator, telephonist, switchboard operator n10698241 televangelist n10698368 television reporter, television newscaster, TV reporter, TV newsman n10698550 television star, TV star n10698649 Tell, William Tell n10698970 teller, cashier, bank clerk n10699099 teller, vote counter n10699262 tellurian, earthling, earthman, worldling n10699415 temp, temporary, temporary worker n10699558 temporizer, temporiser n10699752 tempter n10699981 term infant n10700105 toiler n10700201 tenant, renter n10700517 tenant n10700640 tenant n10700840 tenant farmer n10700963 tenderfoot n10701096 tennis coach n10701180 tennis player n10701644 tennis pro, professional tennis player n10701783 tenor n10701962 tenor saxophonist, tenorist n10702077 tentmaker n10702167 termer n10702307 territorial n10702483 terror, brat, little terror, holy terror n10702615 terror, scourge, threat n10702781 terrorist n10703221 tertigravida, gravida III n10703336 testator, testate n10703480 testatrix n10703553 test driver n10703692 testee, examinee n10703905 testifier, deponent, deposer n10704098 test pilot n10704238 test-tube baby n10704516 Teutonist n10704712 Texas Ranger, Ranger n10704886 thane n10705100 thane n10705211 thatcher n10705345 Thatcherite n10705448 theatrical producer n10705615 theologian, theologist, theologizer, theologiser n10706812 theorist, theoretician, theorizer, theoriser, idealogue n10707134 theosophist n10707233 therapist, healer n10707616 Thessalian n10707707 Thessalonian n10707804 thief, stealer n10708292 thinker, creative thinker, mind n10708454 thinker n10708797 thin person, skin and bones, scrag n10708976 third baseman, third sacker n10709131 third party n10709256 third-rater n10709358 thoroughbred n10709435 thrall n10709529 thrower n10709745 throwster, thrower n10709876 thrush n10709979 thunderbird n10710171 thurifer n10710259 ticket collector, ticket taker n10710403 tier, tier up n10710509 tier n10710632 tiger n10710778 tight end n10710913 tiler n10711005 tiller n10711144 tilter n10711253 timberman n10711370 timekeeper n10711483 timekeeper, timer n10711641 timeserver n10711766 Timorese n10711852 tinker n10712055 tinker, tinkerer n10712229 tinkerer, fiddler n10712374 tinsmith, tinner n10712474 tinter n10712573 tipper n10712690 tippler, social drinker n10712835 tipster, tout n10713012 tither n10713124 titterer, giggler n10713254 T-man n10713367 toast n10713502 toaster, wassailer n10713686 toastmaster, symposiarch n10713843 toast mistress n10713923 tobacconist n10714054 Tobagonian n10714195 tobogganist n10714317 Todd, Sweeney Todd n10714465 toddler, yearling, tot, bambino n10714577 toff, nob n10714684 tollkeeper, tollman, tollgatherer, toll collector, toll taker, toll agent, toller n10714851 toller, bell ringer, ringer n10715030 tomboy, romp, hoyden n10715136 Tom Thumb n10715211 Tom Thumb n10715347 toolmaker n10715447 top banana n10715544 topper n10715671 topper n10715789 torchbearer n10715881 torch singer n10716005 tormentor, tormenter, persecutor n10716286 tort-feasor, tortfeasor n10716389 torturer n10716576 Tory n10716698 Tory n10716864 Tory n10717055 tosser n10717196 tosser, jerk-off, wanker n10717337 totalitarian n10717461 totemist n10717589 toucher n10717772 touch-typist n10717921 tough guy, plug-ugly n10718040 tour guide n10718131 tourist, tourer, holidaymaker n10718349 tout, touter n10718509 tout, ticket tout n10718665 tovarich, tovarisch n10718794 tower of strength, pillar of strength n10718952 towhead n10719036 town clerk n10719132 town crier, crier n10719267 townsman, towner n10719395 townee n10719573 townie, towny n10719692 townsman n10719807 toxicologist n10719972 tracer n10720097 tracker n10720197 track star n10720267 Tractarian n10720453 trader, bargainer, dealer, monger n10720964 trade unionist, unionist, union member n10721124 traditionalist, diehard n10721321 traffic cop n10721470 dealer n10721612 tragedian n10721708 tragedian n10721819 tragedienne n10721919 trailblazer n10722029 trail boss n10722137 trainbandsman n10722239 trainbearer n10722385 trainee n10722575 trainer n10722758 trainman, railroader, railroad man, railwayman, railway man n10722965 traitor, treasonist n10723230 traitress n10723300 tramp, hobo, bum n10723474 trampler n10723597 transactor n10723731 transalpine n10723873 transcendentalist n10723984 transcriber n10724132 transcriber n10724272 transcriber n10724372 transfer, transferee n10724570 transferee n10724699 transferer, transferrer n10724999 transferor n10725149 transient n10725280 translator, transcriber n10725438 transmigrante n10725613 transplanter n10725734 transsexual, transexual n10725893 transsexual, transexual n10726031 transvestite, cross-dresser n10726233 trapper n10726388 Trappist, Cistercian n10726524 trapshooter n10726669 travel agent n10726786 traveling salesman, travelling salesman, commercial traveler, commercial traveller, roadman, bagman n10727016 traverser n10727171 trawler n10727256 treasurer, financial officer n10727458 Treasury, First Lord of the Treasury n10727623 tree hugger n10727818 tree surgeon, arborist n10727944 trekker n10728117 trencher n10728233 trend-setter, taste-maker, fashion arbiter n10728361 trial attorney, trial lawyer n10728523 trial judge n10728624 tribesman n10728727 tribologist n10728828 tribune n10728998 trier, attempter, essayer n10729175 trier n10729330 trifler n10729442 trigonometrician n10729567 Trilby n10729711 Trinidadian n10729801 triplet n10729923 tripper n10730077 tritheist n10730262 triumvir n10730416 trombonist, trombone player n10730542 trooper n10730615 trouper n10730728 trooper, state trooper n10730820 trophy wife n10731013 Trotskyite, Trotskyist, Trot n10731244 troublemaker, trouble maker, troubler, mischief-maker, bad hat n10731560 troubleshooter, trouble shooter n10731732 truant, hooky player n10731848 trudger, plodder, slogger n10732010 trumpeter, cornetist n10732212 trustbuster n10732314 trustee, legal guardian n10732521 trusty n10732644 tub-thumper n10732748 tucker n10732854 Tudor n10732967 tumbler n10733117 tuner, piano tuner n10733225 turncock n10733350 turner n10733487 turner n10733574 turner n10733705 turtler n10733820 tutee n10733891 tv announcer, television announcer n10733999 twaddler n10734129 twerp, twirp, twit n10734235 twiddler, fiddler n10734394 twin n10734568 twiner n10734741 two-timer n10734891 Tyke n10734963 tympanist, timpanist n10735173 typist n10735298 tyrant, autocrat, despot n10735564 tyrant n10735707 tyrant n10735852 ugly duckling n10735984 umpire, ump n10736091 uncle n10736259 uncle n10736394 underachiever, underperformer, nonachiever n10736602 undergraduate, undergrad n10736788 undersecretary n10736926 underseller n10737103 understudy, standby n10737264 undesirable n10737431 undoer, opener, unfastener, untier n10737717 undoer n10737860 unemployed person n10737964 unicorn n10738111 unicyclist n10738215 unilateralist n10738321 uniocular dichromat n10738515 union representative n10738670 Unitarian n10738787 Trinitarian n10738871 Arminian n10738968 universal agent, general agent n10739135 universal donor n10739297 UNIX guru n10739391 Unknown Soldier n10739512 unmarried woman n10739636 unpleasant woman, disagreeable woman n10739881 untouchable, Harijan n10740017 upbraider, reprover, reproacher, rebuker n10740219 upholder, maintainer, sustainer n10740482 upholsterer n10740594 upsetter n10740732 upstager n10740868 upstart, parvenu, nouveau-riche, arriviste n10741152 upstart n10741258 urban guerrilla n10741367 urchin n10741493 urologist n10741590 user n10741821 usher, guide n10742005 usherette n10742111 usher, doorkeeper n10742269 usufructuary n10742384 usurer, loan shark, moneylender, shylock n10742546 usurper, supplanter n10742736 utilitarian n10742881 utility man n10742997 utility man n10743124 utilizer, utiliser n10743356 Utopian n10743543 utterer n10743675 utterer, vocalizer, vocaliser n10743941 uxor, ux. n10744078 uxoricide n10744164 vacationer, vacationist n10744456 vaccinee n10744544 vagrant, drifter, floater, vagabond n10744844 Vaisya n10745006 valedictorian, valedictory speaker n10745181 valentine n10745332 valet, valet de chambre, gentleman, gentleman's gentleman, man n10745613 valetudinarian n10745770 valley girl n10745894 valuer n10746056 vandal n10746195 Vandal n10746346 vanisher n10746460 varnisher n10746581 vassal, liege, liegeman, liege subject, feudatory n10746799 vaudevillian n10746931 vaulter, pole vaulter, pole jumper n10747119 vegetarian n10747294 Vedist n10747424 vegan n10747548 venerator n10747672 venter n10747815 ventriloquist n10747965 venture capitalist n10748142 venturer, merchant-venturer n10748309 verger n10748506 vermin, varmint n10748620 very important person, VIP, high-up, dignitary, panjandrum, high muckamuck n10748804 vestal n10748889 vestryman n10749004 vestrywoman n10749123 veteran, old-timer, oldtimer, old hand, warhorse, old stager, stager n10749353 veteran, vet, ex-serviceman n10749528 veteran, veteran soldier n10749715 veterinarian, veterinary, veterinary surgeon, vet n10749928 vibist, vibraphonist n10750031 vicar n10750188 vicar n10750365 vicar n10750524 vicar apostolic n10750640 vicar-general n10750788 vice admiral n10750911 vice chairman n10751026 vice chancellor n10751152 vicegerent n10751265 vice president, V.P. n10751527 Vice President of the United States n10751710 vice-regent n10751785 viceroy, vicereine n10752020 vicereine n10752093 victim n10752480 victim, dupe n10752719 victimizer, victimiser n10752930 victor, master, superior n10753061 Victorian n10753182 victualer, victualler n10753339 vigilante, vigilance man n10753442 villager n10753546 villain, scoundrel n10753779 villain, baddie n10753917 villainess n10753989 vintager n10754088 vintner, winemaker, wine maker n10754189 vintner, wine merchant n10754281 violator, debaucher, ravisher n10754449 violator, lawbreaker, law offender n10754578 violinist, fiddler n10754920 violin maker n10755080 violist n10755164 virago n10755257 virgin n10755394 virologist n10755512 virtuoso n10755648 Visayan, Bisayan n10755815 viscount n10755926 viscountess n10756061 viscountess n10756148 viscount n10756261 Visigoth n10756433 visionary, illusionist, seer n10756641 visionary n10756837 visiting fireman n10756937 visiting nurse n10757050 visiting professor n10757193 visitor, visitant n10757492 visualizer, visualiser n10757625 visually impaired person n10757817 vitalist n10757918 vital principle, life principle n10758121 viticulturist n10758207 vivisectionist n10758337 vixen, harpy, hellcat n10758445 vizier n10758589 vociferator n10758713 voice n10758847 voicer n10758949 voicer n10759047 volleyball player n10759151 volunteer, unpaid worker n10759331 volunteer, military volunteer, voluntary n10759543 voluptuary, sybarite n10759702 vomiter, spewer n10759820 votary n10759982 votary n10760199 votary n10760340 voter, elector n10760622 vouchee n10760763 voucher, verifier n10760951 vower n10761190 voyager n10761326 voyeur, Peeping Tom, peeper n10761519 vulcanizer, vulcaniser n10761693 vulgarian n10761858 vulgarizer, vulgariser n10761962 Wac n10762064 waddler n10762212 waffler n10762342 wag, wit, card n10762480 Wagnerian n10762607 wagoner, waggoner n10762693 wagonwright, waggonwright, wainwright n10762792 Wahhabi, Wahabi n10763075 waif, street child n10763245 wailer n10763383 waiter, server n10763620 waitress n10763725 waiter n10763878 waker n10763985 waker, rouser, arouser n10764128 walk-in n10764296 walk-in n10764465 walking delegate n10764622 walk-on n10764719 wallah n10764907 wallflower n10765000 walloper n10765098 walloper n10765189 wallpaperer, wall-paperer n10765305 wally n10765435 Walter Mitty n10765587 waltzer n10765679 wanderer, roamer, rover, bird of passage n10765885 Wandering Jew n10766025 wanter, needer n10766260 wanton n10766409 war baby n10766492 warbler n10766626 war bride n10766718 war correspondent n10766899 war criminal n10767020 ward n10767154 warden n10767265 warder n10767432 wardress n10767519 warehouser, warehouseman n10767654 war god, god of war n10767762 warlock n10767837 warlord n10768022 warner n10768148 warrantee n10768272 warrantee n10768391 warrant officer n10768505 warrener n10768585 warrior n10768810 war widow n10768903 washer n10769084 washerman, laundryman n10769188 washwoman, washerwoman, laundrywoman, laundress n10769321 wassailer, carouser n10769459 wastrel, waster n10769607 watchdog n10769782 watcher n10769905 watchmaker, horologist, horologer n10770059 watchman, watcher, security guard n10770309 water boy, waterer n10770433 water dog, water rat n10770545 watercolorist, watercolourist n10770767 waterer n10770891 water witch, dowser, rhabdomancer n10771066 Wave n10771270 waver n10771392 wayfarer, journeyer n10771539 wayfarer n10771636 weakling, doormat, wuss n10771809 wearer n10771990 weasel n10772092 weatherman, weather forecaster n10772190 weaver n10772289 webmaster n10772392 wedding guest n10772472 weekender n10772580 weekend warrior n10772721 weekend warrior n10772937 weeder n10773040 weeper n10773126 weeper, crier n10773277 weigher n10773394 weightlifter, lifter n10773527 welcher, welsher n10773665 welder n10773800 welfare case, charity case n10773901 welterweight n10774018 welterweight n10774113 welterweight n10774223 wencher n10774329 westerner n10774440 West Indian n10774756 West-sider n10774870 wet nurse, wet-nurse, wetnurse, amah n10775003 wetter n10775128 whaler n10775245 wharf rat n10775379 wheedler, coaxer n10775536 wheeler n10775660 wheelwright, wheeler n10775771 whiffer n10775911 Whig n10776052 Whig n10776141 Whig n10776339 whiner, complainer, moaner, sniveller, crybaby, bellyacher, grumbler, squawker n10776766 whip, party whip n10776887 whipper-in n10776987 whippersnapper, jackanapes, lightweight n10777147 whirling dervish, whirler n10777299 whisperer n10777400 whistle blower, whistle-blower, whistleblower n10777768 whistler n10777894 whited sepulcher, whited sepulchre n10778044 whiteface n10778148 Carmelite, White Friar n10778345 Dominican, Black Friar, Blackfriar, friar preacher n10778553 Franciscan, Grey Friar n10778711 Augustinian n10778888 Austin Friar n10778999 white hope, great white hope n10779238 white separatist n10779416 white slave n10779504 white slaver n10779610 white supremacist n10779775 whittler n10779897 whoremaster, whoremonger n10779995 whoremaster, whoremonger, john, trick n10780105 Wiccan, witch n10780185 wicket-keeper n10780284 widow, widow woman n10780506 widower, widowman n10780632 wife, married woman n10781236 wiggler, wriggler, squirmer n10781460 wigmaker n10781547 wildcatter n10781684 wild man, feral man n10781817 wimp, chicken, crybaby n10781984 winder n10782135 wing n10782248 wingback n10782362 wing commander n10782471 winger n10782632 wingman n10782791 winner n10782940 winner, victor n10783145 window cleaner n10783240 window dresser, window trimmer n10783352 window washer n10783438 wine taster n10783539 winker n10783646 wiper n10783734 wireman, wirer n10783881 wire-puller n10784015 wirer n10784113 wise guy, smart aleck, wiseacre, wisenheimer, weisenheimer n10784281 junior n10784436 wisp n10784544 witch doctor n10784675 witch-hunter n10784795 withdrawer n10784922 withdrawer n10785085 withdrawer n10785203 withdrawer n10785333 withdrawer n10785480 withdrawer n10785574 withholder n10785695 withholder n10785869 withstander n10786033 witness, witnesser, informant n10786270 witness, attestant, attestor, attestator n10786517 witness n10786755 wittol n10786892 Wobbly n10786992 wog n10787197 wolf, woman chaser, skirt chaser, masher n10787364 wolf boy n10787470 woman, adult female n10788852 woman n10789118 womanizer, womaniser, philanderer n10789415 wonder boy, golden boy n10789534 wonderer, marveller n10789709 wonderer n10789820 wonder woman n10789963 woodcarver, carver n10790077 woodcutter n10790192 woodworker, woodsman, woodman n10790384 woodsman, woodman n10790479 wool stapler, woolsorter n10790596 wool stapler n10790671 wordmonger n10790813 word-painter n10790918 wordsmith n10791002 workaholic n10791115 working girl n10791221 workman, workingman, working man, working person n10791820 workmate n10791890 worldling n10792028 worm, louse, insect, dirt ball n10792178 worrier, fuss-budget, fusspot, worrywart n10792335 worshiper, worshipper n10792506 worthy n10792746 wrangler n10792856 wrecker n10793019 wrester n10793168 wrestler, grappler, matman n10793492 wretch n10793570 wright n10793799 write-in candidate, write-in n10794014 writer, author n10801291 writer n10801561 Wykehamist n10801697 xylophonist n10801802 yakuza n10801893 Yahoo n10802043 yachtsman, yachtswoman n10802147 yanker, jerker n10802283 Yankee, Yank, Northerner n10802507 yard bird, yardbird n10802621 yardie n10802842 yardman n10802953 yardman n10803031 yardmaster, trainmaster, train dispatcher n10803193 yawner n10803282 yenta n10803463 yenta n10803586 yeoman n10803691 yeoman, yeoman of the guard, beefeater n10803838 yodeller n10803978 yogi n10804102 yokel, rube, hick, yahoo, hayseed, bumpkin, chawbacon n10804287 young buck, young man n10804406 young person, youth, younker, spring chicken n10804636 young Turk n10804732 Young Turk n10804923 yuppie n10805113 zany n10805274 Zealot n10805501 Zionist n10805638 zombi, zombie, living dead n10805783 zombi, zombie, snake god n10805932 zombi, zombie, zombi spirit, zombie spirit n10806113 zoo keeper n10806222 zoologist, animal scientist n10806612 Zurvan n10806693 Aalto, Alvar Aalto, Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto n10806841 Aaron n10807016 Aaron, Henry Louis Aaron, Hank Aaron n10807197 Abel, Niels Abel, Niels Henrik Abel n10807317 Abelard, Peter Abelard, Pierre Abelard n10807487 Abraham, Ibrahim n10807858 Acheson, Dean Acheson, Dean Gooderham Acheson n10808045 Adam, Robert Adam n10808200 Adams, John Adams, President Adams, President John Adams n10808353 Adams, John Quincy Adams, President Adams, President John Quincy Adams n10808539 Adams, Sam Adams, Samuel Adams n10808756 Adenauer, Konrad Adenauer n10808886 Adrian, Edgar Douglas Adrian, Baron Adrian n10809086 Aeschylus n10809223 Aesop n10809317 Agassiz, Louis Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz n10809576 Agee, James Agee n10809675 Agricola, Gnaeus Julius Agricola n10809857 Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa n10810046 Agrippina, Agrippina the Elder n10810215 Agrippina, Agrippina the Younger n10810397 Ahab n10810549 Aiken, Conrad Aiken, Conrad Potter Aiken n10810671 Ailey, Alvin Ailey n10810818 a Kempis, Thomas a Kempis n10810923 Akhenaton, Akhenaten, Ikhanaton, Amenhotep IV n10811118 Alaric n10811228 Albee, Edward Albee, Edward Franklin Albeen n10811352 Albers, Josef Albers n10811540 Albert, Prince Albert, Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel n10811708 Alberti, Leon Battista Alberti n10811900 Alcaeus n10812047 Alcibiades n10812225 Alcott, Louisa May Alcott n10812360 Alexander, Alexander the Great n10812550 Alexander I, Czar Alexander I, Aleksandr Pavlovich n10812800 Alexander II, Czar Alexander II, Alexander the Liberator n10813049 Alexander III, Czar Alexander III n10813204 Alexander VI, Pope Alexander VI, Borgia, Rodrigo Borgia n10813374 Alfred, Alfred the Great n10813527 Alger, Horatio Alger n10813711 Algren, Nelson Algren n10813813 Al-hakim n10813986 Alhazen, Alhacen, al-Haytham, Ibn al-Haytham, Al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham n10814328 Ali n10814574 Ali, Muhammad Ali, Cassius Clay, Cassius Marcellus Clay n10814776 Allen, Ethan Allen n10814953 Allen, Woody Allen, Allen Stewart Konigsberg n10815113 Allen, Gracie Allen, Grace Ethel Cecile Rosalie Allen, Gracie n10815343 Alonso, Alicia Alonso n10815477 Amati, Nicolo Amati, Nicola Amati n10815648 Ambrose, Saint Ambrose, St. Ambrose n10816136 Amos n10816223 Amundsen, Roald Amundsen n10816424 Anaxagoras n10816644 Anaximander n10816890 Anaximenes n10817102 Andersen, Hans Christian Andersen n10817244 Anderson, Carl Anderson, Carl David Anderson n10817458 Anderson, Marian Anderson n10817607 Anderson, Maxwell Anderson n10817717 Anderson, Philip Anderson, Philip Warren Anderson, Phil Anderson n10817935 Anderson, Sherwood Anderson n10818088 Andrew, Saint Andrew, St. Andrew, Saint Andrew the Apostle n10818312 Andrews, Roy Chapman Andrews n10818469 Anne n10818715 Anouilh, Jean Anouilh n10818860 Anselm, Saint Anselm, St. Anselm n10819134 Anthony, Susan Anthony, Susan B. Anthony, Susan Brownell Anthony n10819285 Antichrist n10819533 Antigonus, Antigonus Cyclops, Monophthalmos n10819755 Antoninus, Aurelius, Marcus Aurelius, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus Annius Verus n10820053 Antonius Pius n10820163 Antony, Anthony, Mark Antony, Mark Anthony, Antonius, Marcus Antonius n10820444 Apollinaire, Guillaume Apollinaire, Wilhelm Apollinaris de Kostrowitzki n10820613 Appleton, Edward Appleton, Sir Edward Victor Appleton n10820790 Aquinas, Thomas Aquinas, Saint Thomas, St. Thomas, Saint Thomas Aquinas, St. Thomas Aquinas n10821218 Arafat, Yasser Arafat n10821379 Aragon, Louis Aragon n10821514 Archimedes n10821699 Arendt, Hannah Arendt n10821867 Aristarchus n10822027 Aristarchus of Samos n10822211 Aristophanes n10822338 Aristotle n10822567 Arius n10822786 Arminius, Armin, Hermann n10822962 Arminius, Jacobus Arminius, Jacob Harmensen, Jakob Hermandszoon n10823199 Armstrong, Louis Armstrong, Satchmo n10823369 Armstrong, Neil Armstrong n10823529 Arnold, Benedict Arnold n10823760 Arnold, Matthew Arnold n10823894 Arnold of Brescia n10824146 Arp, Jean Arp, Hans Arp n10824352 Arrhenius, Svante August Arrhenius n10824541 Artaxerxes I, Artaxerxes n10824710 Artaxerxes II, Artaxerxes n10824888 Arthur, King Arthur n10825180 Arthur, Chester A. Arthur, Chester Alan Arthur, President Arthur n10825407 Asanga n10825554 Asch, Sholem Asch, Shalom Asch, Sholom Asch n10825718 Ashe, Arthur Ashe, Arthur Robert Ashe n10825923 Ashton, Sir Frederick Ashton n10826033 Ashurbanipal, Assurbanipal, Asurbanipal n10826204 Asimov, Isaac Asimov n10826352 Astaire, Fred Astaire n10826557 Astor, John Jacob Astor n10826717 Astor, Nancy Witcher Astor, Viscountess Astor n10826952 Ataturk, Kemal Ataturk, Kemal Pasha, Mustafa Kemal n10827155 Athanasius, Saint Athanasius, St. Athanasius, Athanasius the Great n10827513 Athelstan n10827678 Attila, Attila the Hun, Scourge of God, Scourge of the Gods n10827873 Attlee, Clement Attlee, Clement Richard Attlee, 1st Earl Attlee n10828091 Auchincloss, Louis Auchincloss, Louis Stanton Auchincloss n10828233 Auden, W. H. Auden, Wystan Hugh Auden n10828368 Audubon, John James Audubon n10828573 Augustine, Saint Augustine, St. Augustine, Augustine of Hippo n10828990 Augustus, Gaius Octavianus, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus, Octavian n10829293 Austen, Jane Austen n10829450 Averroes, ibn-Roshd, Abul-Walid Mohammed ibn-Ahmad Ibn-Mohammed ibn-Roshd n10829733 Avicenna, ibn-Sina, Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina n10830046 Avogadro, Amedeo Avogadro n10830229 Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach n10830456 Bacon, Francis Bacon, Sir Francis Bacon, Baron Verulam, 1st Baron Verulam, Viscount St. Albans n10830731 Bacon, Roger Bacon n10831003 Baedeker, Karl Baedeker n10831136 Bailey, Nathan Bailey, Nathaniel Bailey n10831363 Bailey, Pearl Bailey, Pearl Mae Bailey n10831483 Bakunin, Mikhail Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin n10831656 Balanchine, George Balanchine n10831860 Balboa, Vasco Nunez de Balboa n10832085 Baldwin, Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley n10832251 Baldwin, James Baldwin, James Arthur Baldwin n10832415 Balenciaga, Cristobal Balenciaga n10832568 Balfour, Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour n10832731 Ball, Lucille Ball n10832908 Balthazar, Balthasar n10833111 Balzac, Honore Balzac, Honore de Balzac n10833304 Bankhead, Tallulah Bankhead n10833425 Banks, Sir Joseph Banks n10833595 Bannister, Roger Bannister, Sir Roger Gilbert Bannister n10833805 Banting, F. G. Banting, Sir Frederick Grant Banting n10834011 Baraka, Imamu Amiri Baraka, LeRoi Jones n10834176 Barany, Robert Barany n10834337 Barbarossa, Khayr ad-Din n10834439 Barber, Samuel Barber n10834543 Bardeen, John Bardeen n10834690 Barkley, Alben Barkley, Alben William Barkley n10834869 Barnum, P. T. Barnum, Phineas Taylor Barnum n10835022 Barrie, James Barrie, J. M. Barrie, James Matthew Barrie, Sir James Matthew Barrie n10835218 Barrymore, Maurice Barrymore, Herbert Blythe n10835450 Barrymore, Georgiana Barrymore, Georgiana Emma Barrymore n10835709 Barrymore, Lionel Barrymore n10835866 Barrymore, Ethel Barrymore n10836029 Barrymore, John Barrymore n10836184 Barth, John Barth, John Simmons Barth n10836308 Barth, Karl Barth n10836413 Barthelme, Donald Barthelme n10836555 Bartholdi, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi n10836725 Bartholin, Caspar Bartholin n10836862 Bartlett, John Bartlett n10837023 Bartlett, Robert Bartlett, Robert Abram Bartlett, Captain Bob n10837258 Bartok, Bela Bartok n10837461 Baruch n10837567 Baruch, Bernard Baruch, Bernard Mannes Baruch n10837737 Baryshnikov, Mikhail Baryshnikov n10837918 Basil, St. Basil, Basil of Caesarea, Basil the Great, St. Basil the Great n10838288 Bathsheba n10838484 Baudelaire, Charles Baudelaire, Charles Pierre Baudelaire n10838665 Baum, Frank Baum, Lyman Frank Brown n10838802 Bayard, Seigneur de Bayard, Chevalier de Bayard, Pierre Terrail, Pierre de Terrail n10838997 Bayes, Thomas Bayes n10839131 Beadle, George Beadle, George Wells Beadle n10839329 Beaumont, Francis Beaumont n10839469 Beaumont, William Beaumont n10839617 Beauvoir, Simone de Beauvoir n10839791 Beaverbrook, 1st Baron Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken n10840021 Becket, Thomas a Becket, Saint Thomas a Becket, St. Thomas a Becket n10840354 Beckett, Samuel Beckett n10840563 Becquerel, Henri Becquerel, Antoine Henri Becquerel n10840769 Bede, Saint Bede, St. Bede, Baeda, Saint Baeda, St. Baeda, Beda, Saint Beda, St. Beda, the Venerable Bede n10841065 Beecher, Henry Ward Beecher n10841241 Beerbohm, Max Beerbohm, Sir Henry Maxmilian Beerbohm n10841405 Beethoven, van Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven n10841657 Begin, Menachem Begin n10841880 Behrens, Peter Behrens n10842030 Belisarius n10842213 Bell, Alexander Bell, Alexander Graham Bell n10842376 Bell, Vanessa Bell, Vanessa Stephen n10842575 Bell, Melville Bell, Alexander Melville Bell n10842730 Bellarmine, Bellarmino, Cardinal Bellarmine, Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmine n10842923 Bellini, Vincenzo Bellini n10843035 Belloc, Hilaire Belloc, Joseph Hilaire Peter Belloc n10843228 Bellow, Saul Bellow, Solomon Bellow n10843425 Belshazzar n10843705 Benchley, Robert Benchley, Robert Charles Benchley n10843858 Benedict, Saint Benedict, St. Benedict n10844031 Benedict XIV, Prospero Lambertini n10844231 Benedict XV, Giacomo della Chiesa n10844401 Benedict, Ruth Benedict, Ruth Fulton n10844527 Benet, William Rose Benet n10844667 Benet, Stephen Vincent Benet n10844805 Ben Gurion, David Ben Gurion, David Grun n10845050 Benjamin n10845248 Bennett, Floyd Bennett n10845424 Benny, Jack Benny, Benjamin Kubelsky n10845603 Bentham, Jeremy Bentham n10845763 Benton, Thomas Hart Benton, Old Bullion n10845926 Benton, Thomas Hart Benton n10846089 Berg, Alban Berg n10846224 Bergman, Ingmar Bergman n10846400 Bergman, Ingrid Bergman n10846504 Bergson, Henri Bergson, Henri Louis Bergson n10846693 Beria, Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria n10846913 Bering, Vitus Bering, Behring, Vitus Behring n10847125 Berkeley, Bishop Berkeley, George Berkeley n10847330 Berlage, Hendrik Petrus Berlage n10847454 Berlin, Irving Berlin, Israel Baline n10847653 Berlioz, Hector Berlioz, Louis-Hector Berlioz n10847793 Bernard, Claude Bernard n10847994 Bernhardt, Sarah Bernhardt, Henriette Rosine Bernard n10848122 Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini n10848356 Bernoulli, Jakob Bernoulli, Jacques Bernoulli, James Bernoulli n10848500 Bernoulli, Johann Bernoulli, Jean Bernoulli, John Bernoulli n10848641 Bernoulli, Daniel Bernoulli n10848802 Bernstein, Leonard Bernstein n10848946 Berra, Lawrence Peter Berra, Yogi, Yogi Berra n10849083 Berry, Chuck Berry, Charles Edward Berry n10849213 Bertillon, Alphonse Bertillon n10849323 Bertolucci, Bernardo Bertolucci n10849435 Berzelius, Jons Jakob Berzelius n10849625 Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel n10849873 Bessemer, Sir Henry Bessemer n10850049 Best, C. H. Best, Charles Herbert Best n10850273 Bethe, Hans Bethe, Hans Albrecht Bethe n10850469 Bethune, Mary McLeod Bethune n10850667 Beveridge, William Henry Beveridge, First Baron Beveridge n10850964 Bevin, Ernest Bevin n10851139 Bierce, Ambrose Bierce, Ambrose Gwinett Bierce n10851282 Binet, Alfred Binet n10851452 bin Laden, Osama bin Laden, Usama bin Laden n10851599 Bismarck, von Bismarck, Otto von Bismarck, Prince Otto von Bismarck, Prince Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck, Iron Chancellor n10851865 Bizet, Georges Bizet n10851987 Black, Shirley Temple Black, Shirley Temple n10852130 Black, Joseph Black n10852320 Black Hawk, Makataimeshekiakiak n10852506 Blair, Tony Blair, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair n10852669 Blake, William Blake n10852803 Bleriot, Louis Bleriot n10852961 Bligh, William Bligh, Captain Bligh n10853244 Blitzstein, Marc Blitzstein n10853413 Bloch, Ernest Bloch n10853628 Blok, Alexander Alexandrovich Blok, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Blok n10853767 Bloomfield, Leonard Bloomfield n10853932 Blucher, von Blucher, G. L. von Blucher, Gebhard Leberecht von Blucher n10854146 Boccaccio, Giovanni Boccaccio n10854265 Bodoni, Gianbattista Bodoni n10854397 Boehme, Jakob Boehme, Bohme, Jakob Bohme, Boehm, Jakob Boehm, Behmen, Jakob Behmen n10854627 Boell, Heinrich Boell, Heinrich Theodor Boell n10854777 Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius n10855047 Bogart, Humphrey Bogart, Humphrey DeForest Bogart n10855200 Bohr, Niels Bohr, Niels Henrik David Bohr n10855431 Boleyn, Anne Boleyn n10855604 Bolivar, Simon Bolivar, El Libertador n10855834 Boltzmann, Ludwig Boltzmann n10855987 Bond, Julian Bond n10856215 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer n10856486 Boniface, Saint Boniface, St. Boniface, Winfred, Wynfrith, Apostle of Germany n10856799 Boniface VIII, Benedetto Caetani n10857001 Bonney, William H. Bonney, Billie the Kid n10857159 Bontemps, Arna Wendell Bontemps n10857271 Boole, George Boole n10857418 Boone, Daniel Boone n10857540 Booth, John Wilkes Booth n10857697 Borges, Jorge Borges, Jorge Luis Borges n10857849 Borgia, Cesare Borgia n10858018 Borgia, Lucrezia Borgia, Duchess of Ferrara n10858164 Born, Max Born n10858333 Borodin, Aleksandr Borodin, Aleksandr Porfirevich Borodin n10858468 Bosch, Hieronymus Bosch, Jerom Bos n10858577 Bose, Satyendra N. Bose, Satyendra Nath Bose n10858872 Boswell, James Boswell n10859012 Botticelli, Sandro Botticelli, Alessandro di Mariano dei Filipepi n10859194 Bougainville, Louis Antoine de Bougainville n10859369 Boulez, Pierre Boulez n10859485 Bowditch, Nathaniel Bowditch n10859669 Bowdler, Thomas Bowdler n10859857 Bowie, Jim Bowie, James Bowie n10860108 Boyle, Robert Boyle n10860347 Boyle, Kay Boyle n10860444 Bradbury, Ray Bradbury, Ray Douglas Bradbury n10860589 Bradford, William Bradford n10860807 Bradley, Omar Bradley, Omar Nelson Bradley n10860999 Bradley, Thomas Bradley, Tom Bradley n10861174 Bradstreet, Anne Bradstreet, Anne Dudley Bradstreet n10861329 Brady, James Buchanan Brady, Diamond Jim Brady, Diamond Jim n10861535 Brady, Mathew B. Brady n10861741 Bragg, Braxton Bragg n10861926 Brahe, Tycho Brahe n10862113 Brahms, Johannes Brahms n10862281 Braille, Louis Braille n10862507 Bramante, Donato Bramante, Donato d'Agnolo Bramante n10862676 Brancusi, Constantin Brancusi n10862822 Brandt, Willy Brandt n10862999 Braque, Georges Braque n10863124 Braun, von Braun, Wernher von Braun, Wernher Magnus Maximilian von Braun n10863440 Braun, Eva Braun n10863552 Brecht, Bertolt Brecht n10863717 Breuer, Marcel Lajos Breuer n10863896 Brezhnev, Leonid Brezhnev, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev n10864064 Bridges, Harry Bridges n10864204 Bridget, Saint Bridget, St. Bridget, Brigid, Saint Brigid, St. Brigid, Bride, Saint Bride, St. Bride n10864428 Brinton, Daniel Garrison Brinton n10864635 Britten, Benjamin Britten, Edward Benjamin Britten, Lord Britten of Aldeburgh n10864858 Broca, Pierre-Paul Broca n10865140 Brockhouse, Bertram Brockhouse n10865329 Broglie, de Broglie, Louis Victor de Broglie n10865567 Bronte, Charlotte Bronte n10865700 Bronte, Emily Bronte, Emily Jane Bronte, Currer Bell n10865860 Bronte, Anne Bronte n10865990 Brooke, Rupert Brooke n10866090 Brooks, Van Wyck Brooks n10866217 Brown, John Brown n10866385 Brown, Robert Brown n10866571 Browne, Charles Farrar Browne, Artemus Ward n10866738 Browne, Hablot Knight Browne, Phiz n10866883 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning n10867064 Browning, Robert Browning n10867238 Browning, John M. Browning, John Moses Browning n10867473 Bruce, Robert the Bruce, Robert I n10867708 Bruce, David Bruce, Sir David Bruce n10867933 Bruch, Max Bruch n10868025 Bruckner, Anton Bruckner n10868177 Brueghel, Breughel, Bruegel, Pieter Brueghel, Pieter Breughel, Pieter Bruegel, Breughel the Elder, Pieter Brueghel the Elder n10868397 Brummell, George Bryan Brummell, Beau Brummell n10868562 Brunelleschi, Filippo Brunelleschi n10868738 Bruno, Giordano Bruno n10868980 Bruno, Saint Bruno, St. Bruno n10869207 Brutus, Marcus Junius Brutus n10869385 Bryan, William Jennings Bryan, Great Commoner, Boy Orator of the Platte n10869683 Buber, Martin Buber n10869931 Buchanan, James Buchanan, President Buchanan n10870072 Buchner, Eduard Buchner n10870235 Buck, Pearl Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker Buck n10870440 Budge, Don Budge, John Donald Budge n10870691 Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin n10870897 Bullfinch, Charles Bullfinch n10871129 Bultmann, Rudolf Bultmann, Rudolf Karl Bultmann n10871270 Bunche, Ralph Bunche, Ralph Johnson Bunche n10871424 Bunsen, Robert Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm Bunsen n10871655 Bunuel, Luis Bunuel n10871756 Bunyan, John Bunyan n10871926 Burbage, Richard Burbage n10872105 Burbank, Luther Burbank n10872287 Burger, Warren Burger, Warren E. Burger, Warren Earl Burger n10872505 Burgess, Anthony Burgess n10872624 Burgoyne, John Burgoyne, Gentleman Johnny n10872839 Burk, Martha Jane Burk, Burke, Martha Jane Burke, Calamity Jane n10873059 Burke, Edmund Burke n10873303 Burnett, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett n10873505 Burnham, Daniel Hudson Burnham n10873679 Burns, Robert Burns n10873783 Burns, George Burns, Nathan Birnbaum n10873937 Burnside, A. E. Burnside, Ambrose Everett Burnside n10874162 Burr, Aaron Burr n10874393 Burroughs, Edgar Rice Burroughs n10874540 Burroughs, William Seward Burroughs n10874706 Burroughs, William Burroughs, William S. Burroughs, William Seward Burroughs n10874921 Burt, Cyril Burt, Cyril Lodowic Burt n10875107 Burton, Richard Burton n10875249 Burton, Richard Burton, Sir Richard Burton, Sir Richard Francis Burton n10875468 Bush, George Bush, George H.W. Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush, President Bush n10875681 Bush, Vannevar Bush n10875910 Bush, George Bush, George W. Bush, George Walker Bush, President Bush, President George W. Bush, Dubyuh, Dubya n10876160 Bushnell, David Bushnell, Father of the Submarine n10876419 Butler, Samuel Butler n10876513 Butler, Samuel Butler n10876661 Butterfield, William Butterfield n10876798 Byrd, Richard E. Byrd, Richard Evelyn Byrd, Admiral Byrd n10877015 Byrd, William Byrd n10877253 Byron, Lord George Gordon Byron, Sixth Baron Byron of Rochdale n10877456 Cabell, James Branch Cabell n10877584 Cabot, John Cabot, Giovanni Cabato n10877841 Cabot, Sebastian Cabot n10878161 Caesar, Julius Caesar, Gaius Julius Caesar n10878375 Caesar, Sid Caesar, Sidney Caesar n10878530 Cage, John Cage, John Milton Cage Jr. n10878672 Cagliostro, Count Alessandro di Cagliostro, Giuseppe Balsamo n10878844 Cagney, Jimmy Cagney, James Cagney n10879009 Calder, Alexander Calder n10879155 Calderon, Calderon de la Barca, Pedro Calderon de la Barca n10879364 Caldwell, Erskine Caldwell, Erskine Preston Caldwell n10879551 Caligula, Gaius, Gaius Caesar n10879789 Calixtus II, Guy of Burgundy n10880024 Calixtus III, Borgia, Alfonso Borgia n10880189 Callas, Maria Callas, Maria Meneghini Callas n10880398 Calvin, John Calvin, Jean Cauvin, Jean Caulvin, Jean Chauvin n10880669 Calvin, Melvin Calvin n10880841 Calvino, Italo Calvino n10880981 Campbell, Joseph Campbell n10881092 Camus, Albert Camus n10881269 Canetti, Elias Canetti n10881382 Canute, Cnut, Knut, Canute the Great n10881616 Capek, Karel Capek n10881784 Capone, Al Capone, Alphonse Capone, Scarface n10881986 Capra, Frank Capra n10882089 Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio n10882293 Carducci, Giosue Carducci n10882436 Carew, Thomas Carew n10882588 Carl XVI Gustav, Carl XVI Gustaf n10882706 Carlyle, Thomas Carlyle n10882846 Carmichael, Hoagy Carmichael, Hoagland Howard Carmichael n10882988 Carnegie, Andrew Carnegie n10883202 Carnegie, Dale Carnegie n10883380 Carnot, Sadi Carnot, Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot n10883533 Carothers, Wallace Carothers, Wallace Hume Carothers n10883688 Carrel, Alexis Carrel n10883871 Carrere, John Merven Carrere n10884061 Carroll, Lewis Carroll, Dodgson, Reverend Dodgson, Charles Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson n10884369 Carson, Kit Carson, Christopher Carson n10884597 Carson, Rachel Carson, Rachel Louise Carson n10884831 Carter, Jimmy Carter, James Earl Carter, James Earl Carter Jr., President Carter n10885006 Carter, Howard Carter n10885176 Cartier, Jacques Cartier n10885352 Cartwright, Edmund Cartwright n10885487 Caruso, Enrico Caruso n10885603 Carver, George Washington Carver n10885831 Casals, Pablo Casals n10885994 Casanova, Giovanni Jacopo Casanova, Casanova de Seingalt, Giovanni Jacopo Casanova de Seingalt n10886222 Cash, Johnny Cash, John Cash n10886361 Caspar, Gaspar n10886558 Cassirer, Ernst Cassirer n10886763 Cassius, Cassius Longinus, Gaius Cassius Longinus n10886929 Castro, Fidel Castro, Fidel Castro Ruz n10887137 Cather, Willa Cather, Willa Sibert Cather n10887290 Catherine I n10887420 Catherine II, Catherine, Catherine the Great n10887593 Catherine of Aragon, Catherine n10887790 Catherine de Medicis n10887981 Catullus, Gaius Valerius Catullus n10888151 Cavell, Edith Cavell, Edith Louisa Cavell n10888401 Cavendish, Henry Cavendish n10888644 Caxton, William Caxton n10888788 Cellini, Benvenuto Cellini n10888891 Celsius, Anders Celsius n10889032 Cervantes, Miguel de Cervantes, Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra n10889316 Cezanne, Paul Cezanne n10889533 Chagall, Marc Chagall n10889689 Chamberlain, Neville Chamberlain, Arthur Neville Chamberlain n10889905 Chambers, William Chambers, Sir William Chambers n10890032 Champlain, Samuel de Champlain n10890211 Champollion, Jean Francois Champollion n10890437 Chandler, Raymond Chandler, Raymond Thornton Chandler n10890637 Chaplin, Charlie Chaplin, Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin n10890868 Chapman, John Chapman, Johnny Appleseed n10891029 Chain, Ernst Boris Chain, Sir Ernst Boris Chain n10891271 Capet, Hugh Capet n10891428 Cattell, James McKeen Cattell n10891569 Cattell, Ray Cattell, R. B. Cattell, Raymond B. Cattell, Raymond Bernard Cattell n10891830 Charcot, Jean Martin Charcot n10891981 Charlemagne, Carolus, Charles, Charles I, Charles the Great n10892218 Charles, Jacques Charles, Jacques Alexandre Cesar Charles n10892416 Charles, Prince Charles n10892564 Charles, Charles I, Charles Stuart n10892786 Charles, Charles II n10892947 Charles, Charles II, Charles I, Charles the Bald n10893153 Charles, Charles VII n10893433 Charles, Charles IX n10893606 Chase, Salmon P. Chase, Salmon Portland Chase n10893830 Chateaubriand, Francois Rene Chateaubriand, Vicomte de Chateaubriand n10894065 Chaucer, Geoffrey Chaucer n10894208 Chavez, Cesar Chavez, Cesar Estrada Chavez n10894365 Chavez, Carlos Chavez n10894522 Cheever, John Cheever n10894652 Chekhov, Chekov, Anton Chekhov, Anton Chekov, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich Chekov n10894905 Cherubini, Luigi Cherubini, Maria Luigi Carlo Zenobio Cherubini n10895073 Chesterfield, Fourth Earl of Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope n10895274 Chesterton, G. K. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith Chesterton n10895549 Chevalier, Maurice Chevalier n10895688 Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Chung-cheng n10896046 Chippendale, Thomas Chippendale n10896255 Chirico, Giorgio de Chirico n10896452 Chomsky, Noam Chomsky, A. Noam Chomsky n10896644 Chopin, Frederic Francois Chopin n10896823 Chopin, Kate Chopin, Kate O'Flaherty Chopin n10896987 Christie, Agatha Christie, Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie n10897154 Christopher, Saint Christopher, St. Christopher n10897312 Churchill, Winston Churchill, Winston S. Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill n10897594 Churchill, John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, First Duke of Marlborough n10897796 Ciardi, John Ciardi, John Anthony Ciardi n10897946 Cicero, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Tully n10898133 Cimabue, Giovanni Cimabue n10898308 Cincinnatus, Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus n10898549 Clark, Joe Clark, Charles Joseph Clark n10898693 Clark, Kenneth Clark, Kenneth Bancroft Clark n10898929 Clark, Mark Clark, Mark Wayne Clark n10899164 Clark, William Clark n10899414 Claudius, Claudius I, Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus n10899747 Clausewitz, Karl von Clausewitz n10899951 Clay, Henry Clay, the Great Compromiser n10900146 Clay, Lucius Clay, Lucius DuBignon Clay n10900366 Cleanthes n10900524 Clemenceau, Georges Clemenceau, Georges Eugene Benjamin Clemenceau n10900730 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Mark Twain n10900953 Clement III, Guibert of Ravenna n10901192 Clement VII, Giulio de' Medici n10901420 Clement XI, Giovanni Francesco Albani n10901589 Clement XIV, Lorenzo Ganganelli n10901827 Cleopatra n10902051 Cleveland, Grover Cleveland, Stephen Grover Cleveland, President Cleveland n10902232 Cline, Martin Cline n10902409 Clinton, DeWitt Clinton n10902591 Clinton, Bill Clinton, William Jefferson Clinton, President Clinton n10902752 Clinton, Hilary Clinton, Hilary Rodham Clinton n10902934 Clive, Robert Clive, Baron Clive, Baron Clive of Plassey n10903172 Clovis, Clovis I n10903413 Coca, Imogene Coca n10903570 Cochise n10903722 Cochran, Jacqueline Cochran n10903918 Cockcroft, Sir John Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas Cockcroft n10904107 Cocteau, Jean Cocteau n10904270 Cody, William F. Cody, William Frederick Cody, Buffalo Bill, Buffalo Bill Cody n10904463 Cohan, George M. Cohan, George Michael Cohan n10904639 Cohn, Ferdinand Julius Cohn n10904821 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Coleridge n10904992 Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle Claudine Colette n10905159 Collins, Wilkie Collins, William Wilkie Collins n10905315 Columbus, Christopher Columbus, Cristoforo Colombo, Cristobal Colon n10905568 Comenius, John Amos Comenius, Jan Amos Komensky n10905703 Compton, Arthur Compton, Arthur Holly Compton n10906048 Comstock, Anthony Comstock n10906234 Comte, Auguste Comte, Isidore Auguste Marie Francois Comte n10906462 Conan Doyle, A. Conan Doyle, Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle n10906638 Condorcet, Marquis de Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat n10906822 Confucius, Kongfuze, K'ung Futzu, Kong the Master n10907103 Congreve, William Congreve n10907236 Connolly, Maureen Catherine Connolly, Little Mo Connolly n10907501 Connors, Jimmy Conors, James Scott Connors n10907647 Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Teodor Josef Konrad Korzeniowski n10907851 Constable, John Constable n10907962 Constantine, Constantine I, Constantine the Great, Flavius Valerius Constantinus n10908313 Cook, James Cook, Captain Cook, Captain James Cook n10908534 Cooke, Jay Cooke n10908756 Cooke, Alistair Cooke, Alfred Alistair Cooke n10908919 Coolidge, Calvin Coolidge, President Coolidge n10909127 Cooper, James Fenimore Cooper n10909303 Cooper, Gary Cooper, Frank Cooper n10909471 Cooper, Peter Cooper n10909724 Copernicus, Nicolaus Copernicus, Mikolaj Kopernik n10909929 Copland, Aaron Copland n10910076 Copley, John Copley, John Singleton Copley n10910305 Coppola, Francis Ford Coppola n10910421 Corbett, Jim Corbett, James John Corbett, Gentleman Jim n10910580 Corday, Charlotte Corday, Marie Anne Charlotte Corday d'Armont n10910769 Cordoba, Francisco Fernandez Cordoba, Cordova, Francisco Fernandez de Cordova n10910948 Corelli, Arcangelo Corelli n10911104 Corneille, Pierre Corneille n10911288 Cornell, Ezra Cornell n10911534 Cornell, Katherine Cornell n10911687 Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, First Marquess Cornwallis n10911948 Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille Corot n10912079 Correggio, Antonio Allegri da Correggio n10912243 Cortes, Cortez, Hernando Cortes, Hernando Cortez, Hernan Cortes, Hernan Cortez n10912451 Cosimo de Medici, Cosimo the Elder n10912626 Coue, Emile Coue n10912802 Coulomb, Charles Augustin de Coulomb n10913010 Couperin, Francois Couperin n10913203 Courbet, Gustave Courbet n10913355 Court, Margaret Court n10913503 Cousteau, Jacques Costeau, Jacques Yves Costeau n10913641 Coward, Noel Coward, Sir Noel Pierce Coward n10913871 Cowper, William Cowper n10914006 Cowper, William Cowper n10914134 Craigie, William A. Craigie, Sir William Alexander Craigie n10914331 Crane, Hart Crane, Harold Hart Crane n10914447 Crane, Stephen Crane n10914548 Crawford, Joan Crawford n10914658 Crawford, Thomas Crawford n10914779 Crazy Horse, Tashunca-Uitco n10915025 Crichton, James Crichton, The Admirable Crichton n10915173 Crick, Francis Crick, Francis Henry Compton Crick n10915373 Crispin, Saint Crispin, St. Crispin n10915566 Crockett, Davy Crockett, David Crockett n10915772 Croesus n10915862 Crohn, Burrill Bernard Crohn n10916105 Cromwell, Oliver Cromwell, Ironsides n10916325 Cronyn, Hume Cronyn, Hume Blake Cronyn n10916505 Crookes, William Crookes, Sir William Crookes n10916731 Crosby, Bing Crosby, Harry Lillis Crosby n10916887 Crouse, Russel Crouse n10916993 Culbertson, Ely Culbertson n10917164 Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, Butcher Cumberland n10917377 cummings, e. e. cummings, Edward Estlin Cummings n10917554 Cunningham, Merce Cunningham n10917703 Curie, Marie Curie, Madame Curie, Marya Sklodowska n10917999 Curie, Pierre Curie n10918119 Curl, Robert Curl, Robert F. Curl, Robert Floyd Curl Jr. n10918358 Currier, Nathaniel Currier n10918558 Curtis, William Curtis n10918679 Curtiss, Glenn Curtiss, Glenn Hammond Curtiss n10918834 Cushing, Harvey Cushing, Harvery Williams Cushing n10919061 Custer, George Armstrong Custer, General Custer n10919278 Cuvier, Georges Cuvier, Baron Georges Cuvier, Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert Cuvier n10919496 Cynewulf, Cynwulf n10919598 Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac n10919886 Cyril, Saint Cyril, St. Cyril n10920051 Cyrus, Cyrus the Younger n10920207 Cyrus II, Cyrus the Elder, Cyrus the Great n10920366 Czerny, Karl Czerny n10920582 da Gamma, Vasco da Gamma, Gamma n10920832 Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre n10921009 Daimler, Gottlieb Daimler n10921218 Dali, Salvador Dali n10921324 Dalton, John Dalton n10921571 Damocles n10921879 Damon n10922019 Daniel n10922239 Dante, Dante Alighieri n10922501 Danton, Georges Jacques Danton n10922772 Darius I, Darius the Great n10922968 Darius III n10923146 Darrow, Clarence Darrow, Clarence Seward Darrow n10923313 Darwin, Charles Darwin, Charles Robert Darwin n10923521 Daumier, Honore Daumier n10923700 David n10924072 David, Jacques Louis David n10924231 David, Saint David, St. David n10924347 Davis, Bette Davis n10924452 Davis, Dwight Davis, Dwight Filley Davis n10924649 Davis, Jefferson Davis n10924828 Davis, Miles Davis, Miles Dewey Davis Jr. n10924987 Davis, Stuart Davis n10925132 Davy, Humphrey Davy, Sir Humphrey Davy n10925402 Davys, John Davys, Davis, John Davis n10925584 Dawes, William Dawes n10925772 Day, Clarence Day, Clarence Shepard Day Jr. n10925939 Dayan, Moshe Dayan n10926066 Dean, James Dean, James Byron Dean n10926238 De Bakey, Michael Ellis De Bakey n10926429 Debs, Eugene V. Debs, Eugene Victor Debs n10926597 Debussy, Claude Debussey, Claude Achille Debussy n10926773 Decatur, Stephen Decatur n10926917 Decius n10927104 Deere, John Deere n10927270 Defoe, Daniel Defoe n10927424 De Forest, Lee De Forest, Father of Radio n10927687 Degas, Edgar Degas, Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas n10927824 de Gaulle, General de Gaulle, Charles de Gaulle, General Charles de Gaulle, Charles Andre Joseph Marie de Gaulle n10928140 Dekker, Decker, Thomas Dekker, Thomas Decker n10928299 de Kooning, Willem de Kooning n10928498 Delacroix, Eugene Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix n10928645 de la Mare, Walter de la Mare, Walter John de la Mare n10928810 Delbruck, Max Delbruck n10928978 Delibes, Leo Delibes, Clement Philibert Leo Delibes n10929116 Delilah n10929316 Delius, Frederick Delius n10929437 Delorme, Philibert Delorme, de l'Orme, Philibert de l'Orme n10929657 Demetrius, Demetrius I, Demetrius Poliorcetes n10929886 de Mille, Agnes de Mille, Agnes George de Mille n10930099 DeMille, Cecil B. DeMille, Cecil Blount DeMille n10930296 Democritus n10930428 Demosthenes n10930591 Dempsey, Jack Dempsey, William Harrison Dempsey, Manassa Mauler n10930778 Deng Xiaoping, Teng Hsiao-ping, Teng Hsiaoping n10930913 De Niro, Robert De Niro n10931059 Depardieu, Gerard Depardieu n10931167 De Quincey, Thomas De Quincey n10931333 Derain, Andre Derain n10931452 Derrida, Jacques Derrida n10931634 de Saussure, Ferdinand de Saussure, Saussure n10931854 Descartes, Rene Descartes n10932140 De Sica, Vittorio De Sica n10932244 de Valera, Eamon de Valera n10932495 deVries, De Vries, Hugo deVries, Hugo De Vries n10932696 Dewar, Sir James Dewar n10932898 Dewey, John Dewey n10933084 Dewey, George Dewey, Admiral Dewey n10933266 Dewey, Melvil Dewey, Melville Louis Kossuth Dewey n10933449 Diaghilev, Sergei Diaghilev, Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev n10933658 Diana, Princess Diana, Princess of Wales, Lady Diana Frances Spencer n10933929 Diane de Poitiers, Duchesse de Valentinois n10934154 Dias, Diaz, Bartholomeu Dias, Bartholomeu Diaz n10934410 Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles John Huffam Dickens n10934611 Dickinson, Emily Dickinson n10934758 Diderot, Denis Diderot n10935025 Didion, Joan Didion n10935128 Diesel, Rudolf Diesel, Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel n10935304 Dietrich, Marlene Dietrich, Maria Magdalene von Losch n10935567 DiMaggio, Joe DiMaggio, Joseph Paul DiMaggio n10935745 Dinesen, Isak Dinesen, Blixen, Karen Blixen, Baroness Karen Blixen n10935968 Diocletian, Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletian n10936279 Diogenes n10936424 Dionysius, Dionysius the Elder n10936567 Diophantus n10936716 Dior, Christian Dior n10936894 Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac n10937126 Disney, Walt Disney, Walter Elias Disney n10937364 Disraeli, Benjamin Disraeli, First Earl of Beaconsfield n10937611 Dix, Dorothea Dix, Dorothea Lynde Dix n10937882 Doctorow, E. L. Doctorow, Edgard Lawrence Doctorow n10938019 Dolby, Ray M. Dolby n10938199 Domingo, Placido Domingo n10938363 Dominic, Saint Dominic, St. Dominic, Domingo de Guzman n10938640 Domino, Fats Domino, Antoine Domino n10938821 Domitian, Titus Flavius Domitianus n10939040 Donatello, Donato di Betto Bardi n10939187 Donatus, Aelius Donatus n10939360 Donizetti, Gaetano Donizetti n10939475 Don Juan n10939630 Donkin, Bryan Donkin n10939856 Donne, John Donne n10940053 Doolittle, Jimmy Doolittle, James Harold Doolittle n10940315 Doppler, Christian Johann Doppler n10940474 Dos Passos, John Dos Passos, John Roderigo Dos Passos n10940669 Dostoyevsky, Dostoevski, Dostoevsky, Feodor Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Feodor Dostoevski, Fyodor Dostoevski, Feodor Dostoevsky, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky, Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski, Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky n10941206 Douglas, Stephen A. Douglas, Stephen Arnold Douglas, Little Giant n10941515 Douglass, Frederick Douglass n10941714 Dowding, Hugh Dowding, Baron Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding, Dowdy n10941992 Dowland, John Dowland n10942144 Down, John L. H. Down n10942279 Downing, Andrew Jackson Downing n10942473 D'Oyly Carte, Richard D'Oyly Carte n10942675 Draco n10942866 Drake, Francis Drake, Sir Francis Drake n10943115 Dreiser, Theodore Dreiser, Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser n10943256 Drew, John Drew n10943405 Dreyfus, Alfred Dreyfus n10943659 Dryden, John Dryden n10943811 Du Barry, Comtesse Du Barry, Marie Jeanne Becu n10944013 Du Bois, W. E. B. Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois n10944238 Duchamp, Marcel Duchamp n10944468 Dufy, Raoul Dufy n10944593 Dukas, Paul Dukas n10944686 Dulles, John Foster Dulles n10944902 Dumas, Alexandre Dumas n10945048 du Maurier, George du Maurier, George Louis Palmella Busson du Maurier n10945263 du Maurier, Daphne du Maurier, Dame Daphne du Maurier n10945415 Duncan, Isadora Duncan n10945546 Duns Scotus, John Duns Scotus n10945699 Durant, Will Durant, William James Durant n10945825 Durante, Jimmy Durante n10945977 Durer, Albrecht Durer n10946134 Durkheim, Emile Durkheim n10946286 Durrell, Lawrence Durrell, Lawrence George Durrell n10946481 Duse, Eleonora Duse n10946624 Duvalier, Francois Duvalier, Papa Doc n10946750 Duvalier, Jean-Claude Duvalier, Baby Doc n10946961 Dvorak, Antonin Dvorak n10947108 Dylan, Bob Dylan n10947259 Eames, Charles Eames n10947403 Earhart, Amelia Earhart n10947628 Eastman, George Eastman n10947922 Eccles, John Eccles, Sir John Carew Eccles n10948117 Eck, Johann Eck, Johann Maier Eck, Johann Maier n10948312 Eckhart, Johannes Eckhart, Meister Eckhart n10948478 Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington n10948656 Eddy, Mary Baker Eddy, Mary Morse Baker Eddy n10948798 Ederle, Gertrude Ederle, Gertrude Caroline Ederle n10948993 Edgar n10949192 Edison, Thomas Edison, Thomas Alva Edison n10949424 Edmund I n10949586 Edmund II, Edmund Ironside n10949782 Edward, Black Prince n10949952 Edward, Prince Edward, Edward Antony Richard Louis n10950092 Edward, Edward I n10950219 Edward, Edward II n10950448 Edward, Edward III n10950786 Edward, Edward IV n10951017 Edward, Edward V n10951278 Edward, Edward VI n10951459 Edward, Edward VII, Albert Edward n10951697 Edward, Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor n10951948 Edwards, Jonathan Edwards n10952143 Edward the Confessor, Saint Edward the Confessor, St. Edward the Confessor n10952421 Edward the Elder n10952629 Edward the Martyr, Saint Edward the Martyr, St. Edward the Martyr n10952919 Edwin n10953035 Edwy, Eadwig n10953188 Egbert n10953344 Eglevsky, Andre Eglevsky n10953473 Ehrenberg, Ilya Ehrenberg, Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenberg n10953605 Ehrlich, Paul Ehrlich n10953797 Eichmann, Adolf Eichmann, Karl Adolf Eichmann n10954039 Eiffel, Alexandre Gustave Eiffel n10954180 Eigen, Manfred Eigen n10954328 Eijkman, Christiaan Eijkman n10954498 Einstein, Albert Einstein n10954819 Einthoven, Willem Einthoven n10954966 Eisenhower, Dwight Eisenhower, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Dwight David Eisenhower, Ike, President Eisenhower n10955282 Eisenstaedt, Alfred Eisenstaedt n10955483 Eisenstein, Sergei Eisenstein, Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein n10955748 Ekman, Vagn Walfrid Ekman n10955920 Eleanor of Aquitaine n10956134 Elgar, Sir Edward Elgar, Sir Edward William Elgar n10956377 El Greco, Greco, Domenikos Theotocopoulos n10956612 Elijah n10956883 Eliot, George Eliot, Mary Ann Evans n10957072 Eliot, T. S. Eliot, Thomas Stearns Eliot n10957330 Elizabeth, Elizabeth I n10957748 Elizabeth, Elizabeth II n10958010 Ellington, Duke Ellington, Edward Kennedy Ellington n10958182 Ellison, Ralph Ellison, Ralph Waldo Ellison n10958381 Ellsworth, Oliver Ellsworth n10958552 Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson n10958703 Empedocles n10958885 Endecott, Endicott, John Endecott, John Endicott n10959074 Enesco, Georges Enesco, George Enescu n10959223 Engels, Friedrich Engels n10959374 Epictetus n10959479 Epicurus n10959664 Epstein, Jacob Epstein, Sir Jacob Epstein n10959857 Erasmus, Desiderius Erasmus, Gerhard Gerhards, Geert Geerts n10960230 Eratosthenes n10960439 Erlenmeyer, Richard August Carl Emil Erlenmeyer n10960561 Ernst, Max Ernst n10960772 Erving, Julius Erving, Julius Winfield Erving, Dr. J n10960922 Esaki, Leo Esaki n10961087 Esau n10961372 Esther n10961650 Ethelbert n10961816 Ethelred, Ethelred I n10962041 Ethelred, Ethelred II, Ethelred the Unready n10962302 Euclid n10962423 Eugene, Prince Eugene of Savoy n10962611 Euler, Leonhard Euler n10962712 Euripides n10962837 Eusebius, Eusebius of Caesarea n10963050 Eustachio, Bartolommeo Eustachio n10963254 Evans, Arthur Evans, Sir Arthur John Evans n10963467 Evans, Herbert McLean Evans n10963642 Evers, Medgar Evers, Medgar Wiley Evers n10963815 Evert, Chris Evert, Chrissie Evert, Christine Marie Evert n10964052 Eyck, van Eyck, Jan van Eyck n10964261 Eysenck, Hans Eysenck, H. J. Eysenck, Hans Jurgen Eysenck n10964520 Ezekiel, Ezechiel n10964660 Ezra n10964829 Faberge, Peter Carl Faberge n10965019 Fahd, Fahd ibn Abdel Aziz al-Saud n10965151 Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit n10965361 Fairbanks, Douglas Fairbanks, Douglas Elton Fairbanks, Julius Ullman n10965550 Fairbanks, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. n10965700 Faisal, Faisal ibn Abdel Aziz al-Saud n10965836 Falla, Manuel de Falla n10965966 Fallopius, Gabriele Fallopius, Fallopio, Gabriello Fallopio n10966145 Fallot, Etienne-Louis Arthur Fallot n10966318 Faraday, Michael Faraday n10966496 Farmer, Fannie Farmer, Fannie Merritt Farmer n10966665 Farmer, James Leonard Farmer n10966842 Farouk I, Faruk I n10966982 Farragut, David Glasgow Farragut n10967152 Farrell, Eileen Farrell n10967311 Farrell, James Thomas Farrell n10967447 Fatima, Fatimah n10967633 Faulkner, William Faulkner, William Cuthbert Faulkner, Falkner, William Falkner n10967872 Fawkes, Guy Fawkes n10968058 Fechner, Gustav Theodor Fechner n10968257 Feifer, Jules Feifer n10968401 Fellini, Federico Fellini n10968504 Ferber, Edna Ferber n10968640 Ferdinand I, Ferdinand the Great n10968835 Ferdinand I n10968956 Ferdinand II n10969118 Ferdinand III n10969305 Ferdinand, King Ferdinand, Ferdinand of Aragon, Ferdinand V, Ferdinand the Catholic n10969799 Fermat, Pierre de Fermat n10969986 Fermi, Enrico Fermi n10970279 Feynman, Richard Feynman, Richard Phillips Feynman n10970488 Fiedler, Arthur Fiedler n10970603 Fielding, Henry Fielding n10970718 Fields, W. C. Fields, William Claude Dukenfield n10970864 Fillmore, Millard Fillmore, President Fillmore n10971080 Finnbogadottir, Vigdis Finnbogadottir n10971264 Firth, J. R. Firth, John Rupert Firth n10971528 Fischer, Bobby Fischer, Robert James Fischer n10971697 Fischer, Emil Hermann Fischer n10971852 Fischer, Hans Fischer n10971981 Fitzgerald, Ella Fitzgerald n10972094 Fitzgerald, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald n10972298 Fitzgerald, Edward Fitzgerald n10972495 Flaminius, Gaius Flaminius n10972697 Flaubert, Gustave Flaubert n10972825 Fleming, Alexander Fleming, Sir Alexander Fleming n10972985 Fleming, Ian Fleming, Ian Lancaster Fleming n10973164 Fletcher, John Fletcher n10973339 Flinders, Matthew Flinders, Sir Matthew Flinders n10973497 Florey, Howard Florey, Sir Howard Walter Florey n10973722 Florio, John Florio n10973873 Flory, Paul John Flory n10974033 Fonda, Henry Fonda n10974136 Fonda, Jane Fonda n10974271 Fontanne, Lynn Fontanne n10974455 Fonteyn, Dame Margot Fonteyn n10974592 Ford, Henry Ford n10974740 Ford, Gerald Ford, Gerald R. Ford, Gerald Rudolph Ford, President Ford n10974971 Ford, Ford Madox Ford, Ford Hermann Hueffer n10975101 Ford, Edsel Bryant Ford n10975202 Ford, Henry Ford II n10975304 Ford, John Ford n10975404 Forester, C. S. Forester, Cecil Scott Forester n10975583 Fosbury, Dick Fosbury, Richard D. Fosbury n10975796 Foster, Stephen Foster, Stephen Collins Foster n10976004 Foucault, Jean Bernard Leon Foucault n10976256 Fourier, Charles Fourier, Francois Marie Charles Fourier n10976468 Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, Baron Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier n10976708 Fowler, Henry Watson Fowler n10976862 Fox, George Fox n10976997 Fox, Charles James Fox n10977159 Fragonard, Jean Honore Fragonard n10977368 France, Anatole France, Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault n10977542 Francis II, Emperor Francis II n10977660 Francis Ferdinand, Franz Ferdinand n10977881 Francis Joseph, Franz Joseph, Francis Joseph I, Franz Josef I n10978098 Francis of Assisi, Saint Francis of Assisi, St. Francis of Assisi, Saint Francis, St. Francis, Giovanni di Bernardone n10978422 Franck, James Franck n10978693 Franck, Cesar Franck n10978842 Franco, Francisco Franco, El Caudillo, General Franco n10979079 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin n10979535 Franklin, John Hope Franklin n10979694 Frazer, James George Frazer, Sir James George Frazer n10979887 Frederick I, Frederick Barbarossa, Barbarossa n10980097 Frederick I n10980256 Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II n10980448 Frederick II, Frederick the Great n10980681 Frederick William, Great Elector n10980893 Frederick William I n10981089 Frederick William II n10981251 Frederick William III n10981409 Frederick William IV n10981569 Fremont, John C. Fremont, John Charles Fremont n10981750 French, Daniel Chester French n10981961 Fresnel, Augustin Jean Fresnel n10982127 Freud, Sigmund Freud n10982295 Frick, Henry Clay Frick n10982450 Friedan, Betty Friedan, Betty Naomi Friedan, Betty Naomi Goldstein Friedan n10982658 Friedman, Milton Friedman n10982870 Frisch, Karl von Frisch n10983007 Frisch, Ragnar Frisch, Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch n10983172 Frisch, Otto Frisch, Otto Robert Frisch n10983503 Frobisher, Sir Martin Frobisher n10983758 Froebel, Friedrich Froebel, Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel n10983931 Frost, Robert Frost, Robert Lee Frost n10984126 Fry, Christopher Fry n10984257 Fry, Roger Fry, Roger Eliot Fry n10984418 Frye, Northrop Frye, Herman Northrop Frye n10984589 Fuchs, Klaus Fuchs, Emil Klaus Julius Fuchs n10984876 Fuentes, Carlos Fuentes n10984979 Fugard, Athol Fugard n10985160 Fulbright, William Fulbright, James William Fulbright n10985440 Fuller, Buckminster Fuller, R. Buckminster Fuller, Richard Buckminster Fuller n10985653 Fuller, Melville W. Fuller, Melville Weston Fuller n10985838 Fulton, Robert Fulton n10986022 Funk, Casimir Funk n10986272 Furnivall, Frederick James Furnivall n10986437 Gable, Clark Gable, William Clark Gable n10986562 Gabor, Dennis Gabor n10986710 Gaboriau, Emile Gaboriau n10986866 Gagarin, Yuri Gagarin, Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin n10987044 Gainsborough, Thomas Gainsborough n10987176 Galahad, Sir Galahad n10987358 Galbraith, John Galbraith, John Kenneth Galbraith n10987565 Galen n10987724 Galileo, Galileo Galilei n10988059 Gallaudet, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet n10988261 Galois, Evariste Galois n10988466 Galsworthy, John Galsworthy n10988570 Galton, Francis Galton, Sir Francis Galton n10988887 Galvani, Luigi Galvani n10989099 Gamow, George Gamow n10989339 Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi n10989610 Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Indira Nehru Gandhi, Mrs. Gandhi n10989801 Garbo, Greta Garbo, Greta Louisa Gustafsson n10989977 Garcia Lorca, Frederico Garcia Lorca, Lorca n10990212 Gardiner, Samuel Rawson Gardiner n10990371 Gardner, Erle Stanley Gardner n10990509 Gardner, Isabella Stewart Gardner n10990733 Garfield, James Garfield, James A. Garfield, James Abraham Garfield, President Garfield n10990963 Garibaldi, Giuseppe Garibaldi n10991165 Garland, Judy Garland n10991303 Garnier, Jean Louis Charles Garnier n10991415 Garrick, David Garrick n10991583 Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison n10991740 Gaskell, Elizabeth Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn Stevenson Gaskell n10991936 Gates, Bill Gates, William Henry Gates n10992192 Gatling, Richard Jordan Gatling n10992336 Gaudi, Antonio Gaudi, Gaudi i Cornet, Antonio Gaudi i Cornet n10992528 Gauguin, Paul Gauguin n10992675 Gauss, Karl Gauss, Karl Friedrich Gauss n10992933 Gawain, Sir Gawain n10993098 Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac n10993350 Gehrig, Lou Gehrig, Henry Louis Gehrig n10993507 Geiger, Hans Geiger n10993636 Geisel, Theodor Seuss Geisel, Dr. Seuss n10993777 Gell-Mann, Murray Gell-Mann n10993936 Genet, Jean Genet n10994097 Genet, Edmund Charles Edouard Genet, Citizen Genet n10994308 Genghis Khan, Jinghis Khan, Jenghiz Khan, Temujin n10994500 Genseric, Gaiseric n10994660 Geoffrey of Monmouth n10994906 George, George I n10995115 George, George II n10995292 George, George III n10995592 George, George IV n10995850 George, George V n10996090 George, George VI n10996285 George, Saint George, St. George n10996533 Geraint, Sir Geraint n10996677 Geronimo n10996876 Gershwin, George Gershwin n10997068 Gershwin, Ira Gershwin n10997234 Gesell, Arnold Gesell, Arnold Lucius Gesell n10997405 Gesner, Konrad von Gesner n10997553 Giacometti, Alberto Giacometti n10997742 Gibbon, Edward Gibbon n10997888 Gibbs, Josiah Willard Gibbs n10997997 Gibran, Kahlil Gibran n10998117 Gibson, Althea Gibson n10998305 Gibson, Mel Gibson, Mel Columcille Gerard Gibson n10998474 Gibson, C. D. Gibson, Charles Dana Gibson n10998651 Gide, Andre Gide, Andre Paul Guillaume Gide n10998860 Gielgud, Sir John Gielgud, Arthur John Gielgud n10999048 Gilbert, Cass Gilbert n10999202 Gilbert, Humphrey Gilbert, Sir Humphrey Gilbert n10999410 Gilbert, William Gilbert n10999584 Gilbert, William Gilbert, William S. Gilbert, William Schwenk Gilbert, Sir William Gilbert n10999873 Gilgamesh n11000012 Gillespie, Dizzy Gillespie, John Birks Gillespie n11000172 Gillette, King Camp Gilette n11000349 Gilman, Charlotte Anna Perkins Gilman n11000469 Gilmer, Elizabeth Merriwether Gilmer, Dorothy Dix n11000660 Ginsberg, Allen Ginsberg n11000786 Giotto, Giotto di Bondone n11001053 Girard, Stephen Girard n11001211 Giraudoux, Jean Giraudoux, Hippolyte Jean Giraudoux n11001422 Gish, Lillian Gish n11001567 Gjellerup, Karl Gjellerup n11001668 Gladstone, William Gladstone, William Ewart Gladstone n11001848 Glaser, Donald Glaser, Donald Arthur Glaser n11002040 Glendower, Owen Glendower n11002191 Glenn, John Glenn, John Herschel Glenn Jr. n11002422 Glinka, Mikhail Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka n11002548 Gluck, Christoph Willibald von Gluck n11002684 Godard, Jean Luc Godard n11002895 Goddard, Robert Hutchings Goddard n11003068 Godel, Kurt Godel n11003276 Godiva, Lady Godiva n11003599 Godunov, Boris Godunov, Boris Fyodorovich Godunov n11003724 Goebbels, Joseph Goebbels, Paul Joseph Goebbels n11003918 Goethals, George Washington Goethals n11004106 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe n11004333 Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol n11004485 Goldberg, Rube Goldberg, Reuben Lucius Goldberg n11004731 Golding, William Golding, Sir William Gerald Golding n11004861 Goldman, Emma Goldman n11005050 Goldmark, Peter Goldmark, Peter Carl Goldmark n11005320 Goldoni, Carlo Goldoni n11005429 Goldsmith, Oliver Goldsmith n11005571 Goldwyn, Sam Goldwyn, Samuel Goldwyn n11005780 Golgi, Camillo Golgi n11005972 Goliath n11006128 Gombrowicz, Witold Gombrowicz n11006231 Gompers, Samuel Gompers n11006431 Goncourt, Edmond de Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de Goncourt n11006689 Goncourt, Jules de Goncourt, Jules Alfred Huot de Goncourt n11006889 Gongora, Luis de Gongora y Argote n11007059 Gonne, Maud Gonne n11007181 Goodall, Jane Goodall n11007332 Goodman, Benny Goodman, Benjamin David Goodman, King of Swing n11007620 Goodyear, Charles Goodyear n11007750 Gorbachev, Mikhail Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev n11007993 Gordimer, Nadine Gordimer n11008173 Gordius n11008313 Gore, Al Gore, Albert Gore Jr. n11008462 Gorgas, William Crawford Gorgas n11008647 Goring, Goering, Hermann Goring, Hermann Goering, Hermann Wilhelm Goring n11008870 Gorky, Maksim Gorky, Gorki, Maxim Gorki, Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov, Aleksey Maximovich Peshkov n11009115 Goudy, Frederic Goudy, Frederic William Goudy n11009273 Gould, Jay Gould n11009495 Gould, Stephen Jay Gould n11009635 Gounod, Charles Francois Gounod n11009773 Goya, Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Goya, Francisco de Goya, Francisco Jose de Goya, Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes n11010019 Graf, Steffi Graf, Stephanie Graf n11010187 Graham, Martha Graham n11010385 Graham, Billy Graham, William Franklin Graham n11010557 Grahame, Kenneth Grahame n11010697 Grainger, Percy Grainger, Percy Aldridge Grainger, George Percy Aldridge Grainger n11010936 Gram, Hans C. J. Gram n11011123 Grant, Ulysses Grant, Ulysses S. Grant, Ulysses Simpson Grant, Hiram Ulysses Grant, President Grant n11011398 Grant, Cary Grant n11011559 Grant, Duncan Grant, Duncan James Corrow Grant n11011764 Granville-Barker, Harley Granville-Barker n11012042 Grappelli, Stephane Grappelli n11012153 Grass, Gunter Grass, Gunter Wilhelm Grass n11012300 Graves, Robert Graves, Robert Ranke Graves n11012474 Gray, Asa Gray n11012676 Gray, Robert Gray n11012846 Gray, Thomas Gray n11012993 Gray, Louis Harold Gray n11013191 Greeley, Horace Greeley n11013324 Green, William Green n11013574 Greenberg, Joseph Greenberg n11013743 Greene, Graham Greene, Henry Graham Greene n11013876 Gregory, Gregory I, Saint Gregory I, St. Gregory I, Gregory the Great n11014212 Gregory, Gregory VII, Hildebrand n11014450 Gregory, Gregory XII, Angelo Correr n11014652 Gregory, Gregory XIII, Ugo Buoncompagni n11014833 Gregory, Gregory XVI, Bartolomeo Alberto Capillari n11015080 Gregory, Gregory Nazianzen, Gregory of Nazianzen, St. Gregory of Nazianzen n11015420 Gresham, Sir Thomas Gresham n11015525 Gretzky, Wayne Gretzky n11015650 Grey, Charles Grey, Second Earl Grey n11015872 Grey, Lady Jane Grey n11016075 Grey, Zane Grey n11016199 Grieg, Edvard Grieg, Edvard Hagerup Grieg n11016374 Griffith, D. W. Griffith, David Lewelyn Wark Griffith n11016563 Grimm, Jakob Grimm, Jakob Ludwig Karl Grimm n11016841 Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Wilhelm Karl Grimm n11017020 Gris, Jaun Gris n11017118 Gromyko, Andrei Gromyko, Andrei Andreyevich Gromyko n11017295 Gropius, Walter Gropius n11017454 Grotius, Hugo Grotius, Huig de Groot n11017661 Groves, Leslie Richard Groves n11017831 Guarneri, Guarnieri, Guarnerius, Andrea Guarneri n11017987 Guarneri, Guarnieri, Guarnerius, Guiseppe Guarneri n11018153 Guevara, Ernesto Guevara, Che Guevara n11018439 Guinevere, Guenevere n11018683 Guest, Edgar Guest, Edgar Albert Guest n11018862 Guggenheim, Meyer Guggenheim n11019073 Guggenheim, Solomon Guggenheim n11019269 Guinness, Alec Guinness, Sir Alec Guinness n11019425 Gustavus, Gustavus I n11019570 Gustavus, Gustavus II, Gustavus Adolphus n11019900 Gustavus, Gustavus III n11020069 Gustavus, Gustavus IV n11020225 Gustavus, Gustavus V n11020375 Gustavus, Gustavus VI n11020513 Gutenberg, Johann Gutenberg, Johannes Gutenberg n11020721 Guthrie, Woody Guthrie, Woodrow Wilson Guthrie n11020888 Gwynn, Gywn, Gynne, Nell Gwynn, Nell Gywn, Nell Gwynne, Eleanor Gwynn, Eleanor Gwyn, Eleanor Gwynne n11021100 Habakkuk n11021178 Haber, Fritz Haber n11021342 Hadrian, Publius Aelius Hadrianus, Adrian n11021667 Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Haeckel n11021916 Haggai, Aggeus n11022001 Haggard, Rider Haggard, Sir Henry Rider Haggard n11022160 Hahn, Otto Hahn n11022309 Haile Selassie, Ras Tafari Makonnen, Ras Tafari n11022465 Haldane, Richard Haldane, Richard Burdon Haldane, First Viscount Haldane of Cloan n11022669 Haldane, Elizabeth Haldane, Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane n11022848 Haldane, John Haldane, John Scott Haldane n11023070 Haldane, J. B. S. Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson Haldane n11023327 Hale, Edward Everett Hale n11023442 Hale, George Ellery Hale n11023623 Hale, Nathan Hale n11023883 Halevy, Fromental Halevy, Jacques Francois Fromental Elie Halevy n11024033 Haley, Alex Haley n11024226 Haley, Bill Haley, William John Clifton Haley Jr. n11024419 Hall, Asaph Hall n11024582 Hall, Charles Francis Hall n11024731 Hall, Charles Martin Hall n11024908 Hall, G. Stanley Hall, Granville Stanley Hall n11025125 Hall, Radclyffe Hall, Marguerite Radclyffe Hall n11025326 Halley, Edmond Halley, Edmund Halley n11025508 Hals, Frans Hals n11025668 Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton n11025926 Hamilton, Alice Hamilton n11026078 Hamilton, Lady Emma Hamilton, Amy Lyon n11026231 Hamilton, William Rowan Hamilton, Sir William Rowan Hamilton n11026372 Hammarskjold, Dag Hammarskjold, Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjold n11026597 Hammerstein, Oscar Hammerstein, Oscar Hammerstein II n11026816 Hammett, Dashiell Hammett, Samuel Dashiell Hammett n11026981 Hammurabi, Hammurapi n11027127 Hampton, Lionel Hampton n11027294 Hamsun, Knut Hamsun, Knut Pedersen n11027416 Hancock, John Hancock n11027631 Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frederick Handel, Georg Friedrich Handel n11027885 Handy, W. C. Handy, William Christopher Handy n11028074 Hanks, Tom Hanks, Thomas J. Hanks n11028196 Hannibal n11028446 Harding, Warren Harding, Warren Gamaliel Harding, President Harding n11028675 Hardy, Thomas Hardy n11028780 Hardy, Oliver Hardy n11029005 Hargreaves, James Hargreaves n11029132 Harlow, Jean Harlow, Harlean Carpenter n11029298 Harmsworth, Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, Viscount Northcliffe n11029454 Harold I, King Harold I, Harold Harefoot, Harefoot n11029637 Harold II, King Harold II n11029888 Harriman, E. H. Harriman, Edward Henry Harriman n11030025 Harriman, Averell Harriman, William Averell Harriman n11030260 Harris, Benjamin Harris n11030395 Harris, Bomber Harris, Sir Arthur Travers Harris n11030679 Harris, Frank Harris, James Thomas Harris n11030855 Harris, Townsend Harris n11031016 Harris, Zellig Harris, Zellig Sabbatai Harris n11031257 Harris, Joel Harris, Joel Chandler Harris n11031420 Harrison, William Henry Harrison, President Harrison, President William Henry Harrison n11031668 Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, President Harrison, President Benjamin Harrison n11031842 Harrison, George Harrison n11031995 Harrison, Rex Harrison, Sir Rex Harrison, Reginald Carey Harrison n11032158 Harrod, Charles Henry Harrod n11032359 Harrod, Charles Digby Harrod n11032541 Hart, Lorenz Hart, Lorenz Milton Hart n11032700 Hart, Moss Hart n11032840 Harte, Bret Harte n11033003 Hartley, David Hartley n11033159 Harvard, John Harvard n11033358 Harvey, William Harvey n11033631 Hasdrubal n11033870 Hasek, Jaroslav Hasek n11033992 Hassam, Childe Hassam, Frederick Childe Hassam n11034167 Hassel, Odd Hassel n11034307 Hastings, Thomas Hastings n11034485 Hathaway, Anne Hathaway n11034596 Havel, Vaclav Havel n11034874 Hawking, Stephen Hawking, Stephen William Hawking n11035017 Hawkins, Coleman Hawkins n11035132 Hawkins, Hawkyns, Sir John Hawkins, Sir John Hawkyns n11035363 Haworth, Sir Walter Norman Haworth n11035618 Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne n11035780 Haydn, Joseph Haydn, Franz Joseph Haydn n11035957 Hayek, Friedrich August von Hayek n11036140 Hayes, Rutherford B. Hayes, Rutherford Birchard Hayes, President Hayes n11036405 Hayes, Helen Hayes n11036521 Hays, Arthur Garfield Hays n11036668 Hays, Will Hays, William Harrison Hays n11036911 Haywood, Big Bill Haywood, William Dudley Haywood n11037157 Hazlitt, William Hazlitt n11037278 Hearst, William Randolph Hearst n11037495 Heaviside, Oliver Heaviside n11037836 Hebbel, Friedrich Hebbel, Christian Friedrich Hebbel n11037966 Hecht, Ben Hecht n11038084 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel n11038293 Heidegger, Martin Heidegger n11038505 Heinlein, Robert A. Heinlein, Robert Anson Heinlein n11038657 Heinz, Henry John Heinz n11038810 Heisenberg, Werner Karl Heisenberg n11038978 Heller, Joseph Heller n11039188 Hellman, Lillian Hellman n11039344 Helmholtz, Hermann von Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, Baron Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz n11039577 Heloise n11039690 Heming, Hemminge, John Heming, John Hemminge n11039860 Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway n11040024 Hendrix, Jimi Hendrix, James Marshall Hendrix n11040240 Henry, Joseph Henry n11040381 Henry, Patrick Henry n11040596 Henry, William Henry n11040800 Henry I, Henry Beauclerc n11040985 Henry II n11041236 Henry II n11041447 Henry III n11041660 Henry III n11041814 Henry IV, Bolingbroke, Henry Bolingbroke n11042036 Henry IV n11042165 Henry IV, Henry of Navarre, Henry the Great n11042482 Henry V n11042691 Henry VI n11043040 Henry VII, Henry Tudor n11043389 Henry VII n11043519 Henry VIII n11043836 Henson, Jim Henson n11043980 Hepburn, Katharine Hepburn, Katharine Houghton Hepburn n11044168 Hepworth, Barbara Hepworth, Dame Barbara Hepworth n11044295 Heraclitus n11044517 Herbart, Johann Friedrich Herbart n11044629 Herbert, Victor Herbert n11044789 Herder, Johann Gottfried von Herder n11044939 Herman, Woody Herman, Woodrow Charles Herman n11045106 Hero, Heron, Hero of Alexandria n11045353 Herod, Herod the Great n11045569 Herodotus n11045796 Herrick, Robert Herrick n11045898 Herschel, William Herschel, Sir William Herschel, Sir Frederick William Herschel n11046169 Herschel, John Herschel, Sir John Herschel, Sir John Frederick William Herschel n11046457 Hershey, Milton Snavely Hershey n11046722 Hertz, Gustav Hertz, Gustav Ludwig Hertz n11046934 Hertz, Heinrich Hertz, Heinrich Rudolph Hertz n11047139 Herzberg, Gerhard Herzberg n11047333 Hesiod n11047521 Hess, Victor Hess, Victor Franz Hess n11047701 Hess, Rudolf Hess, Walther Richard Rudolf Hess n11047961 Hess, Walter Hess, Walter Rudolf Hess n11048109 Hess, Dame Myra Hess n11048205 Hesse, Hermann Hesse n11048389 Hevesy, George Charles Hevesy de Hevesy n11048586 Heyerdahl, Thor Hyerdahl n11048739 Heyrovsky, Joroslav Heyrovsky n11048879 Heyse, Paul Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse n11049001 Heyward, DuBois Heyward, Edwin DuBois Hayward n11049128 Hezekiah, Ezekias n11049278 Hiawatha n11049443 Hickock, Wild Bill Hickock, James Butler Hickock n11049608 Higginson, Thomas Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Storrow Higginson n11049835 Hilbert, David Hilbert n11049938 Hill, Benny Hill, Alfred Hawthorne n11050057 Hill, J. J. Hill, James Jerome Hill n11050183 Hillary, Edmund Hillary, Sir Edmund Hillary, Sir Edmund Percival Hillary n11050436 Hillel n11050537 Himmler, Heinrich Himmler n11050723 Hinault, Bernard Hinault n11050870 Hindemith, Paul Hindemith n11051070 Hindenburg, Paul von Hindenburg, Paul Ludwig von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg n11051376 Hipparchus n11051632 Hippocrates n11051822 Hirohito, Michinomiya Hirohito n11052043 Hirschfeld, Al Hirschfeld n11052186 Hirschsprung, Harold Hirschsprung n11052299 Hitchcock, Alfred Hitchcock, Sir Alfred Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph Hitchcock n11052498 Hitchings, George Herbert Hitchings n11052672 Hitler, Adolf Hitler, Der Fuhrer n11052843 Hoagland, Hudson Hoagland n11052955 Hobbes, Thomas Hobbes n11053218 Hobbs, Sir Jack Hobbs, John Berry Hobbs n11053344 Ho Chi Minh, Nguyen Tat Thanh n11053559 Hodgkin, Alan Hodgkin, Sir Alan Hodgkin, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin n11053817 Hodgkin, Dorothy Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin n11054034 Hodgkin, Thomas Hodgkin n11054173 Hoffa, Jimmy Hoffa, James Riddle Hoffa n11054442 Hoffman, Dustin Hoffman n11054563 Hoffman, Malvina Hoffman n11054670 Hoffmann, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann n11054856 Hoffmann, Roald Hoffmann n11055042 Hoffmann, August Wilhelm von Hoffmann n11055154 Hoffmann, Josef Hoffmann n11055296 Hoffmannsthal, Hugo von Hoffmannsthal n11055454 Hogan, Ben Hogan, William Benjamin Hogan n11055612 Hogarth, William Hogarth n11055807 Hogg, James Hogg n11055915 Hokusai, Katsushika Hokusai n11056060 Holbein, Hans Holbein, Holbein the Elder n11056195 Holbein, Hans Holbein, Holbein the Younger n11056466 Hollerith, Herman Hollerith n11056654 Holly, Buddy Holly, Charles Hardin Holley n11056799 Holmes, Arthur Holmes n11056947 Holmes, Oliver Wendell Holmes n11057076 Holmes, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. n11057221 Holofernes n11057381 Homer n11057548 Homer, Winslow Homer n11057679 Honegger, Arthur Honegger n11057925 Hooke, Robert Hooke n11058335 Hooker, Richard Hooker n11058436 Hooker, Joseph Hooker, Fighting Joe Hooker n11058633 Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Herbert Clark Hoover, President Hoover n11058914 Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover, John Edgar Hoover n11059079 Hoover, William Hoover, William Henry Hoover n11059263 Hope, Bob Hope, Leslie Townes Hope n11059438 Hopkins, Anthony Hopkins, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Sir Anthony Philip Hopkins n11059593 Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins n11059772 Hopkins, Gerard Manley Hopkins n11059875 Hopkins, Johns Hopkins n11060103 Hopkins, Mark Hopkins n11060241 Hopkinson, Francis Hopkinson n11060416 Horace n11060535 Horne, Lena Horne, Lena Calhoun Horne n11060688 Horne, Marilyn Horne n11060805 Horney, Karen Horney, Karen Danielsen Horney n11060937 Horowitz, Vladimir Horowitz n11061089 Horta, Victor Horta n11061225 Hosea n11061317 Houdini, Harry Houdini, Erik Weisz n11061552 Houghton, Henry Oscar Houghton n11061734 Housman, A. E. Housman, Alfred Edward Housman n11061853 Houston, Sam Houston, Samuel Houston n11062111 Howard, Catherine Howard n11062285 Howard, Leslie Howard, Leslie Howard Stainer n11062424 Howe, Elias Howe n11062649 Howe, Julia Ward Howe n11062801 Howe, Gordie Howe, Gordon Howe n11062963 Howe, Irving Howe n11063061 Howells, William Dean Howells n11063182 Hoyle, Edmond Hoyle n11063309 Hoyle, Fred Hoyle, Sir Fred Hoyle n11063535 Hubbard, L. Ron Hubbard n11063687 Hubble, Edwin Hubble, Edwin Powell Hubble n11063944 Hubel, David Hubel n11064106 Hudson, Henry Hudson n11064330 Hudson, W. H. Hudson, William Henry Hudson n11064472 Huggins, Sir William Huggins n11064662 Hughes, Charles Evans Hughes n11064834 Hughes, Howard Hughes, Howard Robard Hughes n11065101 Hughes, Langston Hughes, James Langston Hughes n11065229 Hughes, Ted Hughes, Edward James Hughes n11065345 Hugo, Victor Hugo, Victor-Marie Hugo n11065562 Hull, Cordell Hull n11065718 Hull, Isaac Hull n11065938 Humboldt, Baron Alexander von Humboldt, Baron Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt n11066209 Humboldt, Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt, Baron Karl Wilhelm von Humboldt n11066425 Hume, David Hume n11066621 Humperdinck, Engelbert Humperdinck n11066772 Hunt, Leigh Hunt, James Henry Leigh Hunt n11066938 Hunt, Richard Morris Hunt n11067047 Hunt, Holman Hunt, William Holman Hunt n11067184 Huntington, Collis Potter Huntington n11067396 Huntington, Samuel Huntington n11067604 Huntington, George Huntington n11067745 Hurok, Sol Hurok, Solomon Hurok n11067885 Huss, John Huss, Hus, Jan Hus n11068196 Hussein, Husain, Husayn, ibn Talal Hussein, King Hussein n11068401 Hussein, Husain, Husayn, Saddam Hussein, Saddam, Saddam bin Hussein at-Takriti n11068630 Husserl, Edmund Husserl n11068760 Huston, John Huston n11068922 Hutchins, Robert Maynard Hutchins n11069085 Hutchinson, Anne Hutchinson n11069261 Hutton, James Hutton n11069430 Hutton, Sir Leonard Hutton n11069534 Huxley, Thomas Huxley, Thomas Henry Huxley n11069746 Huxley, Aldous Huxley, Aldous Leonard Huxley n11069974 Huxley, Andrew Huxley, Andrew Fielding Huxley n11070218 Huygens, Christiaan Huygens, Christian Huygens n11070387 Hypatia n11070531 Ibert, Jacques Francois Antoine Ibert n11070644 Ibsen, Henrik Ibsen, Henrik Johan Ibsen n11070855 Iglesias, Julio Iglesias n11070994 Ignatius, Saint Ignatius, St. Ignatius n11071177 Ignatius of Loyola, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, St. Ignatius of Loyola, Loyola n11071467 Indiana, Robert Indiana n11071574 Inge, William Inge n11071677 Inge, William Ralph Inge, Gloomy Dean n11071838 Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres n11071960 Innocent III, Lotario di Segni n11072189 Innocent VIII, Giovanni Battista Cibo n11072396 Innocent XI, Benedetto Odescalchi n11072673 Innocent XII, Antonio Pignatelli n11072887 Ionesco, Eugene Ionesco n11073061 Irenaeus, Saint Irenaeus, St. Irenaeus n11073324 Irving, John Irving n11073453 Irving, Washington Irving n11073586 Isaac n11073795 Isabella, Queen Isabella, Isabella I, Isabella the Catholic n11074140 Isaiah n11074284 Isherwood, Christopher Isherwood, Christopher William Bradshaw Isherwood n11074573 Ishmael n11074769 Isocrates n11074870 Issachar n11075021 Ivan III, Ivan III Vasilievich, Ivan the Great n11075219 Ivan IV, Ivan Iv Vasilievich, Ivan the Terrible n11075352 Ivanov, Lev Ivanov n11075452 Ives, James Ives, James Merritt Ives n11075670 Ives, Charles Edward Ives n11075823 Jackson, Andrew Jackson, Old Hickory n11076079 Jackson, Thomas Jackson, Thomas J. Jackson, Thomas Jonathan Jackson, Stonewall Jackson n11076359 Jackson, Helen Hunt Jackson, Helen Maria Fiske Hunt Jackson n11076566 Jackson, Jesse Jackson, Jesse Louis Jackson n11076820 Jackson, Mahalia Jackson n11076965 Jackson, Michael Jackson, Michael Joe Jackson n11077195 Jackson, Glenda Jackson n11077369 Jack the Ripper n11077484 Jacob, Francois Jacob n11077649 Jacobi, Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi n11077762 Jacobs, Aletta Jacobs n11077927 Jacobs, Jane Jacobs n11078059 Jacobs, W. W. Jacobs, William Wymark Jacobs n11078203 Jacquard, Joseph M. Jacquard, Joseph Marie Jacquard n11078404 Jaffar, Jafar, Jaffar Umar Thalib, Jafar Umar Thalib n11078650 Jagger, Mick Jagger, Michael Philip Jagger n11078774 Jakobson, Roman Jakobson, Roman Osipovich Jakobson n11078982 James, Saint James, St. James, Saint James the Apostle, St. James the Apostle n11079252 James, Henry James n11079392 James, William James n11079544 James, Jesse James n11079802 James, James I, King James, King James I n11080174 James, James II n11080351 James, James IV n11080601 Jamison, Judith Jamison n11080745 Jansen, Cornelis Jansen, Cornelius Jansenius n11080884 Jarrell, Randall Jarrell n11080987 Jaspers, Karl Jaspers, Karl Theodor Jaspers n11081111 Jay, John Jay n11081353 Jeanne d'Arc, Joan of Arc, Saint Joan n11081673 Jeffers, Robinson Jeffers, John Robinson Jeffers n11081828 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, President Jefferson n11082135 Jenner, Edward Jenner n11082353 Jenny, William Le Baron Jenny n11082535 Jensen, Johannes Vilhelm Jensen n11082652 Jeroboam, Jeroboam I n11082842 Jeremiah n11083064 Jerome, Saint Jerome, St. Jerome, Hieronymus, Eusebius Hieronymus, Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus n11083527 Jespersen, Otto Jespersen, Jens Otto Harry Jespersen n11083656 Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth, the Nazarene, Jesus Christ, Christ, Savior, Saviour, Good Shepherd, Redeemer, Deliverer n11084110 El Nino n11084200 Jevons, William Stanley Jevons n11084409 Jewison, Norman Jewison n11084514 Jezebel n11084789 Jimenez, Juan Ramon Jimenez n11084895 Jimenez de Cisneros, Francisco Jimenez de Cisneros n11085113 Jinnah, Muhammad Ali Jinnah n11085267 Joachim, Joseph Joachim n11085402 Job n11085559 Joel n11085633 Joffre, Joseph Jacques Cesaire Joffre n11085813 Joffrey, Robert Joffrey n11085924 John, Saint John, St. John, Saint John the Apostle, St. John the Apostle, John the Evangelist, John the Divine n11086279 John, King John, John Lackland n11086607 John XXIII, Angelo Guiseppe Roncalli n11086774 John Chrysostom, St. John Chrysostom n11087091 John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster n11087359 John the Baptist, St. John the Baptist n11087612 John Paul I, Albino Luciano n11087767 John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla n11087931 Johns, Jasper Johns n11088059 Johnson, Andrew Johnson, President Johnson, President Andrew Johnson n11088346 Johnson, Lyndon Johnson, Lyndon Baines Johnson, LBJ, President Johnson, President Lyndon Johnson n11088622 Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Dr. Johnson n11088771 Johnston, J. E. Johnston, Joseph Eggleston Johnston n11088969 Joliot, Jean-Frederic Joliot, Joliot-Curie, Jean-Frederic Joliot-Curie n11089318 Joliot-Curie, Irene Joliot-Curie n11089484 Jolliet, Louis Jolliet, Joliet, Louis Joliet n11089669 Jolson, Al Jolson, Asa Yoelson n11089868 Jonah n11090136 Jones, Daniel Jones n11090235 Jones, Inigo Jones n11090378 Jones, John Paul Jones n11090512 Jones, Bobby Jones, Robert Tyre Jones n11090631 Jones, Casey Jones, John Luther Jones n11090884 Jones, Mother Jones, Mary Harris Jones n11091084 Jong, Erica Jong n11091184 Jonson, Ben Jonson, Benjamin Jonson n11091374 Joplin, Scott Joplin n11091545 Joplin, Janis Joplin n11091706 Joseph n11091863 Joseph n11092126 Joseph, Chief Joseph n11092292 Josephus, Flavius Josephus, Joseph ben Matthias n11092541 Joshua n11092740 Joule, James Prescott Joule n11092938 Jowett, Benjamin Jowett n11093116 Joyce, James Joyce, James Augustine Aloysius Joyce n11093325 Juan Carlos, Juan Carlos Victor Maria de Borbon y Borbon n11093469 Judah n11093674 Judas, Judas Iscariot n11093848 Judas Maccabaeus n11094055 Jude, Saint Jude, St. Jude, Judas, Thaddaeus n11094312 Julian, Julian the Apostate, Flavius Claudius Julianus n11094611 Jung, Carl Jung, Carl Gustav Jung n11094780 Junkers, Hugo Junkers n11094928 Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de Jussieu n11095123 Justinian, Justinian I, Justinian the Great n11095391 Juvenal, Decimus Junius Juvenalis n11095587 Kachaturian, Aram Kachaturian n11095731 Kafka, Franz Kafka n11095907 Kahn, Louis Isadore Kahn n11096033 Kalinin, Mikhail Kalinin, Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin n11096192 Kamehameha I, Kamehameha the Great n11096338 Kandinsky, Wassily Kandinsky, Kandinski, Wassily Kandinski n11096508 Kant, Immanuel Kant n11096645 Karlfeldt, Erik Axel Karlfeldt n11096801 Karloff, Boris Karloff, William Henry Pratt n11096991 Karpov, Anatoli Karpov, Anatoli Yevgenevich Karpov n11097208 Karsavina, Tamara Karsavina n11097335 Kasparov, Gary Kasparov, Gary Weinstein n11097525 Kastler, Alfred Kastler n11097625 Kaufman, George S. Kaufman, George Simon Kaufman n11097820 Kaunda, Kenneth Kaunda, Kenneth David Kaunda n11098039 Kazan, Elia Kazan, Elia Kazanjoglous n11098223 Kean, Edmund Kean n11098380 Keaton, Buster Keaton, Joseph Francis Keaton n11098601 Keats, John Keats n11098707 Keble, John Keble n11098876 Kekule, Friedrich August Kekule, Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz n11099085 Keller, Helen Keller, Helen Adams Keller n11099438 Kellogg, W. K. Kellogg, Will Keith Kellog n11099729 Kelly, Gene Kelly, Eugene Curran Kelly n11099923 Kelly, Grace Kelly, Grace Patricia Kelly, Princess Grace of Monaco n11100139 Kelly, Emmett Kelly, Weary Willie n11100260 Kelvin, First Baron Kelvin, William Thompson n11100462 Kendall, Edward Kendall, Edward Calvin Kendall n11100619 Kendrew, Sir John Cowdery Kendrew n11100798 Kennan, George F. Kennan, George Frost Kennan n11101000 Kennedy, Jack Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, JFK, President Kennedy, President John F. Kennedy n11101250 Kennelly, A. E. Kennelly, Arthur Edwin Kennelly n11101576 Kent, Rockwell Kent n11101700 Kenyata, Jomo Kenyata n11101843 Keokuk n11101986 Kepler, Johannes Kepler, Johan Kepler n11102144 Kerensky, Aleksandr Feodorovich Kerensky n11102353 Kern, Jerome Kern, Jerome David Kern n11102493 Kerouac, Jack Kerouac, Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac n11102674 Kesey, Ken Kesey, Ken Elton Kesey n11102878 Kettering, Charles Kettering, Charles Franklin Kettering n11103104 Key, Francis Scott Key n11103397 Keynes, John Maynard Keynes n11103648 Khachaturian, Aram Khachaturian, Aram Ilich Khachaturian n11103864 Khama, Sir Seretse Khama n11104008 Khomeini, Ruholla Khomeini, Ayatollah Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini n11104287 Khrushchev, Nikita Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev n11104458 Kidd, William Kidd, Captain Kidd n11104676 Kierkegaard, Soren Kierkegaard, Soren Aabye Kierkegaard n11104896 Kieslowski, Krzysztof Kieslowski n11105054 King, Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King Jr. n11105298 King, B. B. King, Riley B King n11105463 King, Billie Jean King, Billie Jean Moffitt King n11105609 Kinsey, Alfred Charles Kinsey n11105778 Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Joseph Rudyard Kipling n11105945 Kirchhoff, G. R. Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert Kirchhoff n11106170 Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner n11106290 Kissinger, Henry Kissinger, Henry Alfred Kissinger n11106479 Kitchener, Herbert Kitchener, Horatio Herbert Kitchener, First Earl Kitchener of Khartoum n11106652 Klaproth, Martin Heinrich Klaproth n11106830 Klee, Paul Klee n11106943 Klein, Calvin Klein, Calvin Richard Klein n11107110 Klein, Melanie Klein n11107308 Klein, Felix Klein n11107436 Kleist, Heinrich von Kleist, Bernd Heinrich Wilhelm von Kleist n11107635 Klimt, Gustav Klimt n11107757 Kline, Franz Kline, Franz Joseph Kline n11107901 Klinefelter, Harry F. Klinefelter, Harry Fitch Kleinfelter n11108084 Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock n11108195 Knox, John Knox n11108400 Koch, Robert Koch n11108584 Koestler, Arthur Koestler n11108767 Konoe, Fumimaro Konoe, Prince Fumimaro Konoe, Konoye, Fumimaro Konoye, Prince Fumimaro Konoye n11109027 Koopmans, Tjalling Koopmans, Tjalling Charles Koopmans n11109192 Korbut, Olga Korbut n11109289 Korchnoi, Viktor Korchnoi, Viktor Lvovich Korchnoi n11109424 Korda, Sir Alexander Korda, Sandor Kellner n11109563 Korzybski, Alfred Korzybski, Alfred Habdank Skarbek Korzybski n11109728 Kosciusko, Thaddeus Kosciusko, Kosciuszko, Tadeusz Andrzej Bonawentura Kosciuszko n11109970 Koussevitzky, Serge Koussevitzky, Sergei Aleksandrovich Koussevitzky n11110205 Krafft-Ebing, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Baron Richard von Krafft-Ebing n11110396 Krasner, Lee Krasner n11110617 Krebs, Hans Adolf Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf Krebs n11110791 Kreisler, Fritz Kreisler n11110917 Kroeber, Alfred Kroeber, Alfred Louis Kroeber n11111085 Kronecker, Leopold Kronecker n11111194 Kropotkin, Prince Peter Kropotkin, Pyotr Alexeyevich Kropotkin n11111335 Kroto, Harold Kroto, Harold W. Kroto, Sir Harold Walter Kroto n11111577 Kruger, Oom Paul Kruger, Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kruger n11111710 Krupp, Friedrich Krupp n11111845 Krupp, Alfred Krupp n11112058 Kublai Khan, Kubla Khan, Kublai Kaan n11112377 Kubrick, Stanley Kubrick n11112488 Kuhn, Richard Kuhn n11112628 Kuiper, Gerard Kuiper, Gerard Peter Kuiper n11112907 Kurosawa, Akira Kurosawa n11113077 Kutuzov, Mikhail Ilarionovich Kutuzov, Prince of Smolensk n11113266 Kuznets, Simon Kuznets n11113489 Kyd, Kid, Thomas Kyd, Thomas Kid n11113601 Laban, Rudolph Laban n11113732 Labrouste, Henri Labrouste n11113898 Lachaise, Gaston Lachaise n11114056 Lafayette, La Fayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette n11114285 Laffer, Arthur Laffer n11114423 Laffite, Lafitte, Jean Laffite, Jean Lafitte n11114637 La Fontaine, Jean de La Fontaine n11114791 Lamarck, Jean Baptiste de Lamarck, Chevalier de Lamarck n11115029 Lamb, Charles Lamb, Elia n11115131 Lambert, Constant Lambert, Leonard Constant Lambert n11115293 Lancelot, Sir Lancelot n11115558 Land, Din Land, Edwin Herbert Land n11115785 Landau, Lev Davidovich Landau n11115929 Landowska, Wanda Landowska n11116117 Landsteiner, Karl Landsteiner n11116284 Laney, Lucy Craft Laney n11116466 Lange, Dorothea Lange n11116642 Langley, Samuel Pierpoint Langley n11116875 Langmuir, Irving Langmuir n11117108 Langtry, Lillie Langtry, Jersey Lillie, Emilie Charlotte le Breton n11117307 Lao-tzu, Lao-tse, Lao-zi n11117451 Laplace, Marquis de Laplace, Pierre Simon de Laplace n11117744 Lardner, Ring Lardner, Ringgold Wilmer Lardner n11117931 La Rochefoucauld, Francois de La Rochefoucauld n11118072 Larousse, Pierre Larousse, Pierre Athanase Larousse n11118205 LaSalle, Sieur de LaSalle, Rene-Robert Cavelier n11118362 Lasso, Orlando di Lasso, Roland de Lassus n11118481 La Tour, Georges de La Tour n11118602 Latrobe, Benjamin Henry Latrobe n11118886 Lauder, Harry Lauder, Sir Harry MacLennan Lauder n11119061 Laughton, Charles Laughton n11119190 Laurel, Stan Laurel, Arthur Stanley Jefferson Laurel n11119476 Laurens, Henry Laurens n11119634 Laver, Rod Laver, Rodney George Laver n11119917 Lavoisier, Antoine Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier n11120146 Lawrence, D. H. Lawrence, David Herbert Lawrence n11120368 Lawrence, E. O. Lawrence, Ernest Orlando Lawrence n11120530 Lawrence, Gertrude Lawrence n11120633 Lawrence, Sir Thomas Lawrence n11120834 Lawrence, T. E. Lawrence, Thomas Edward Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia n11121108 Lawrence, Saint Lawrence, St. Lawrence, Laurentius n11121451 Leacock, Stephen Leacock, Stephen Butler Leacock n11121640 Leakey, Louis Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett Leakey n11121876 Leakey, Mary Leakey, Mary Douglas Leakey n11122114 Leakey, Richard Leakey, Richard Erskine Leakey n11122439 Lear, Edward Lear n11122579 Leary, Tim Leary, Timothy Leary, Timothy Francis Leary n11122825 le Carre, John le Carre, David John Moore Cornwell n11122977 le Chatelier, Henry le Chatelier n11123124 Le Corbusier, Charles Edouard Jeanneret n11123262 Ledbetter, Huddie Leadbetter, Leadbelly n11123439 Le Duc Tho n11123590 Lee, Robert E. Lee, Robert Edward Lee n11123762 Lee, Henry Lee, Lighthorse Harry Lee n11123894 Lee, Richard Henry Lee n11124088 Lee, Tsung Dao Lee n11124300 Lee, Bruce Lee, Lee Yuen Kam n11124472 Lee, Gypsy Rose Lee, Rose Louise Hovick n11124647 Lee, Spike Lee, Shelton Jackson Lee n11124831 Le Gallienne, Eva Le Gallienne n11124961 Leger, Fernand Leger n11125080 Lehar, Franz Lehar n11125193 Leibniz, Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz n11125546 Leigh, Vivien Leigh n11125646 Lemaitre, Georges Henri Lemaitre, Edouard Lemaitre n11125840 Lemmon, Jack Lemmon, John Uhler n11125957 Lenard, Philipp Lenard n11126081 Lendl, Ivan Lendl n11126295 L'Enfant, Charles L'Enfant, Pierre Charles L'Enfant n11126490 Lenin, Vladimir Lenin, Nikolai Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Vladimir Ilich Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov n11126783 Lennon, John Lennon n11127011 Le Notre, Andre Le Notre n11127188 Leo I, St. Leo I, Leo the Great n11127419 Leo III n11127565 Leo IX, Bruno, Bruno of Toul n11127752 Leo X, Giovanni de'Medici n11127996 Leo XIII, Gioacchino Pecci, Giovanni Vincenzo Pecci n11128236 Leonard, Elmore Leonard, Elmore John Leonard, Dutch Leonard n11128394 Leonardo, Leonardo da Vinci, da Vinci n11128673 Leonidas n11128834 Leontief, Wassily Leontief n11129017 Lermontov, Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov n11129130 Lerner, Alan Jay Lerner n11129286 Lesseps, Ferdinand de Lesseps, Vicomte Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps n11129478 Lessing, Doris Lessing, Doris May Lessing n11129665 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing n11129808 Leuwenhoek, Leeuwenhoek, Anton van Leuwenhoek, Anton van Leeuwenhoek n11130113 Levi-Strauss, Claude Levi-Strauss n11130291 Lewis, C. S. Lewis, Clive Staples Lewis n11130474 Lewis, Sinclair Lewis, Harry Sinclair Lewis n11130661 Lewis, John L. Lewis, John Llewelly Lewis n11130940 Lewis, Meriwether Lewis n11131135 Lewis, Carl Lewis, Frederick Carleton Lewis n11131358 Lewis, Jerry Lee Lewis n11131505 Libby, Willard Frank Libby n11131658 Lichtenstein, Roy Lichtenstein n11131808 Lie, Trygve Lie, Trygve Halvden Lie n11131981 Liliuokalani, Lydia Kamekeha Paki Liliuokalani n11132117 Lillie, Beatrice Lillie, Lady Peel n11132245 Lin, Maya Lin n11132462 Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, President Lincoln, President Abraham Lincoln n11132768 Lind, Jenny Lind, Swedish Nightingale n11132948 Lindbergh, Charles Lindbergh, Charles A. Lindbergh, Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Lucky Lindy n11133197 Lindsay, Vachel Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel Lindsay n11133387 Lindsay, Howard Lindsay n11133551 Linnaeus, Carolus Linnaeus, Carl von Linne, Karl Linne n11133778 Lipchitz, Jacques Lipchitz n11133938 Lipmann, Fritz Albert Lipmann n11134115 Li Po n11134196 Lippi, Fra Filippo Lippi n11134339 Lippi, Filippino Lippi n11134466 Lippmann, Gabriel Lippmann n11134620 Lippmann, Walter Lippmann n11134730 Lipscomb, William Nunn Lipscom Jr. n11134895 Lister, Joseph Lister, Baron Lister n11135044 Liston, Sonny Liston, Charles Liston n11135236 Liszt, Franz Liszt n11135371 Littre, Maximilien Paul Emile Littre n11135488 Livermore, Mary Ashton Rice Livermore n11135610 Livingston, Robert R. Livingston n11135797 Livingstone, David Livingstone n11135991 Livy, Titus Livius n11136214 Lloyd, Harold Lloyd, Harold Clayton Lloyd n11136405 Lloyd Webber, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Baron Lloyd Webber of Sydmonton n11136622 Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky n11136798 Locke, John Locke n11136973 Lodge, Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge n11137175 Loeb, Jacques Loeb n11137334 Loewe, Frederick Loewe n11137506 Loewi, Otto Loewi n11137748 London, Jack London, John Griffith Chaney n11137928 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow n11138085 Loos, Adolf Loos n11138180 Loren, Sophia Loren, Sofia Scicolone n11138301 Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Lorentz n11138449 Lorenz, Konrad Lorenz, Konrad Zacharias Lorenz n11138681 Lorenzo de'Medici, Lorenzo the Magnificent n11138924 Lorre, Peter Lorre, Laszlo Lowestein n11139092 Louis I, Louis the Pious n11139253 Louis II, Louis le Begue, Louis the Stammerer, Louis the German n11139403 Louis III n11139520 Louis IV, Louis d'Outremer n11139619 Louis V, Louis le Faineant n11139739 Louis VI, Louis the Far, Louis the Wideawake, Louis the Bruiser n11139927 Louis VII n11140100 Louis VIII n11140243 Louis IX, Saint Louis, St. Louis n11140461 Louis X, Louis le Hutin, Louis the Quarreller n11140582 Louis XI n11140745 Louis XII n11140862 Louis XIII n11141019 Louis XIV, Sun King, Louis the Great n11141289 Louis XV n11141495 Louis XVI n11141709 Louis, Joe Louis, Joseph Louis Barrow n11141882 Lovelace, Richard Lovelace n11141981 Lovell, Sir Bernard Lovell, Sir Alfred Charles Bernard Lovell n11142155 Low, David Low, Sir David Low, Sir David Alexander Cecil Low n11142368 Lowell, Abbott Lawrence Lowell n11142517 Lowell, Amy Lowell n11142614 Lowell, Percival Lowell n11142788 Lowell, Robert Lowell, Robert Traill Spence Lowell Jr. n11142922 Lowry, Malcolm Lowry, Clarence Malcolm Lowry n11143044 Lowry, L. S. Lowry, Laurence Stephen Lowry n11143163 Lozier, Clemence Sophia Harned Lozier n11143331 Lubitsch, Ernst Lubitsch n11143458 Lucas, George Lucas n11143600 Lucullus, Licinius Lucullus, Lucius Licinius Lucullus n11143806 Luce, Clare Booth Luce n11143933 Luce, Henry Luce, Henry Robinson Luce n11144068 Lucretius, Titus Lucretius Carus n11144291 Luculus, Lucius Licinius Luculus n11144431 Lugosi, Bela Lugosi, Bela Ferenc Blasko n11144604 Luke, Saint Luke, St. Luke n11144860 Lully, Jean Baptiste Lully, Lulli, Giambattista Lulli n11145085 Lully, Raymond Lully, Ramon Lully n11145199 Lunt, Alfred Lunt n11145364 Luther, Martin Luther n11145563 Lutyens, Sir Edwin Lutyens, Sir Edwin Landseer Luytens n11145730 Lyly, John Lyly n11145850 Lysander n11146010 Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich Lysenko n11146193 Lysimachus n11146407 Lysippus n11146494 Lytton, First Baron Lytton, Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton n11146670 MacArthur, Douglas MacArthur n11146914 Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, First Baron Macaulay, Lord Macaulay n11147099 Macbeth n11147185 MacDowell, Edward MacDowell n11147348 MacGregor, Robert MacGregor, Rob Roy n11147533 Mach, Ernst Mach n11147729 Machiavelli, Niccolo Machiavelli n11147924 Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Mackenzie n11148152 MacLeish, Archibald MacLeish n11148259 Macleod, John Macleod, John James Rickard Macleod n11148486 Madison, James Madison, President Madison n11148748 Madonna, Madonna Louise Ciccone n11148899 Maeterlinck, Count Maurice Maeterlinck n11149016 Magellan, Ferdinand Magellan, Fernao Magalhaes n11149243 Maginot, Andre Maginot n11149373 Magritte, Rene Magritte n11149483 Mahan, Alfred Thayer Mahan n11149630 Mahler, Gustav Mahler n11149762 Mailer, Norman Mailer n11149867 Maillol, Aristide Maillol n11149995 Maimonides, Moses Maimonides, Rabbi Moses Ben Maimon n11150224 Maintenon, Marquise de Maintenon, Francoise d'Aubigne, Madame de Maintenon n11150471 Maitland, Frederic William Maitland n11150634 Major, John Major, John R. Major, John Roy Major n11150809 Makarios III n11150973 Malachi, Malachias n11151084 Malamud, Bernard Malamud n11151189 Malcolm X, Malcolm Little n11151322 Malebranche, Nicolas de Malebranche n11151436 Malevich, Kazimir Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich Malevich n11151579 Malinowski, Bronislaw Malinowski, Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski n11151798 Mallarme, Stephane Mallarme n11151932 Mallon, Mary Mallon, Typhoid Mary n11152122 Malone, Edmund Malone, Edmond Malone n11152331 Malory, Thomas Malory, Sir Thomas Malory n11152544 Malpighi, Marcello Malpighi n11152758 Malraux, Andre Malraux n11152856 Malthus, Thomas Malthus, Thomas Robert Malthus n11153094 Mamet, David Mamet n11153200 Mandela, Nelson Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela n11153456 Mandelbrot, Benoit Mandelbrot n11153615 Mandelstam, Osip Mandelstam, Osip Emilevich Mandelstam, Mandelshtam n11153783 Manes n11153887 Manet, Edouard Manet n11154023 Mann, Thomas Mann n11154174 Mann, Horace Mann n11154355 Mansart, Francois Mansart n11154489 Mansfield, Katherine Mansfield, Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp n11154646 Manson, Sir Patrick Manson n11154857 Mantegna, Andrea Mantegna n11155013 Mantell, Gideon Algernon Mantell n11155196 Mantle, Mickey Mantle, Mickey Charles Mantle n11155331 Manzoni, Alessandro Manzoni n11155444 Mao, Mao Zedong, Mao Tsetung n11155577 Marat, Jean Paul Marat n11155814 Marceau, Marcel Marceau n11155943 Marciano, Rocco Marciano, Rocky Marciano n11156122 Marconi, Guglielmo Marconi n11156333 Marcuse, Herbert Marcuse n11156548 Marie Antoinette n11156812 Marini, Giambattista Marini, Marino, Giambattista Marino n11156943 Mark, Saint Mark, St. Mark n11157140 Markova, Dame Alicia Markova, Lilian Alicia Marks n11157275 Markov, Andrei Markov, Markoff, Andre Markoff n11157422 Marks, Simon Marks, First Baron Marks of Broughton n11157580 Marley, Robert Nesta Marley, Bob Marley n11157719 Marlowe, Christopher Marlowe n11157954 Marquand, John Marquand, John Philip Marquand n11158156 Marquette, Jacques Marquette, Pere Jacques Marquette n11158364 Marquis, Don Marquis, Donald Robert Perry Marquis n11158533 Marsh, Ngaio Marsh n11158651 Marsh, Reginald Marsh n11158754 Marshall, John Marshall n11158982 Marshall, George Marshall, George Catlett Marshall n11159214 Marshall, E. G. Marshall n11159318 Marstan, John Marstan n11159418 Marti, Jose Julian Marti n11159595 Martial n11159698 Martin, Dean Martin, Dino Paul Crocetti n11159819 Martin, Mary Martin n11159920 Martin, Steve Martin n11160055 Martin, St. Martin n11160200 Martin V, Oddone Colonna n11160361 Marvell, Andrew Marvell n11160457 Marx, Karl Marx n11160676 Marx, Julius Marx, Groucho n11160861 Marx, Leonard Marx, Chico n11161045 Marx, Arthur Marx, Harpo n11161228 Marx, Herbert Marx, Zeppo n11161412 Mary, Virgin Mary, The Virgin, Blessed Virgin, Madonna n11161664 Mary I, Mary Tudor, Bloody Mary n11162010 Mary II n11162206 Mary Queen of Scots, Mary Stuart n11162582 Mary Magdalene, St. Mary Magdalene, Mary Magdalen, St. Mary Magdalen n11162793 Masefield, John Masefield, John Edward Masefield n11162915 Mason, A. E. W. Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley Mason n11163041 Mason, James Mason, James Neville Mason n11163160 Mason, George Mason n11163342 Masoud, Ahmad Shah Masoud n11163582 Massasoit n11163709 Massenet, Jules Emile Frederic Massenet n11163859 Massine, Leonide Fedorovitch Massine, Leonid Fyodorovich Myasin n11164058 Masters, Edgar Lee Masters n11164163 Mata Hari, Margarete Gertrud Zelle n11164332 Mathias, Bob Mathias, Robert Bruce Mathias n11164505 Matisse, Henri Matisse, Henri Emile Benoit Matisse n11164671 Matthew, Saint Matthew, St. Matthew, Saint Matthew the Apostle, St. Matthew the Apostle, Levi n11164970 Maugham, Somerset Maugham, W. Somerset Maugham, William Somerset Maugham n11165164 Mauldin, Bill Mauldin, William Henry Mauldin n11165339 Maupassant, Guy de Maupassant, Henri Rene Albert Guy de Maupassant n11165519 Mauriac, Francois Mauriac, Francois Charles Mauriac n11165712 Maurois, Andre Maurois, Emile Herzog n11165854 Mauser, von Mauser, P. P. von Mauser, Peter Paul Mauser n11166060 Maxim, Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim n11166251 Maximian, Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus, Herculius n11166504 Maxwell, J. C. Maxwell, James Clerk Maxwell n11166732 Mayakovski, Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovski n11166877 Mayer, Louis B. Mayer, Louis Burt Mayer n11167088 Mayer, Marie Goeppert Mayer n11167269 Mays, Willie Mays, Willie Howard Mays Jr., Say Hey Kid n11167418 Mazzini, Giuseppe Mazzini n11167595 McCarthy, Joseph McCarthy, Joseph Raymond McCarthy n11167792 McCarthy, Mary McCarthy, Mary Therese McCarthy n11167952 McCartney, Paul McCartney, Sir James Paul McCartney n11168218 McCauley, Mary McCauley, Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley, Molly Pitcher n11168513 McCormick, John McCormick n11168645 McCormick, Cyrus McCormick, Cyrus Hall McCormick n11168839 McCullers, Carson McCullers, Carson Smith McCullers n11168974 McGraw, John McGraw, John Joseph McGraw n11169135 McGuffey, William Holmes McGuffey n11169294 McKim, Charles Follen McKim n11169418 McKinley, William McKinley, President McKinley n11169595 McLuhan, Marshall McLuhan, Herbert Marshall McLuhan n11169764 McMaster, John Bach McMaster n11169943 McPherson, Aimee Semple McPherson n11170123 Mead, George Herbert Mead n11170248 Mead, Margaret Mead n11170438 Meade, George Gordon Meade n11170604 Meade, James Edward Meade n11170764 Meany, George Meany n11170913 Medawar, Peter Medawar, Sir Peter Brian Medawar n11171157 Meiji Tenno, Mutsuhito n11171298 Meir, Golda Meir n11171409 Meissner, Fritz W. Meissner n11171513 Meissner, Georg Meissner n11171614 Meitner, Lise Meitner n11171851 Melanchthon, Philipp Melanchthon, Philipp Schwarzerd n11172045 Melba, Dame Nellie Melba, Helen Porter Mitchell n11172181 Melchior n11172411 Melchior, Lauritz Melchior, Lauritz Lebrecht Hommel Melchior n11172609 Mellon, Andrew Mellon, Andrew W. Mellon, Andrew William Mellon n11172795 Melville, Herman Melville n11172929 Menander n11173031 Mencken, H. L. Mencken, Henry Louis Mencken n11173199 Mendel, Gregor Mendel, Johann Mendel n11173475 Mendeleyev, Mendeleev, Dmitri Mendeleyev, Dmitri Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev, Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev n11173778 Mendelsohn, Erich Mendelsohn n11173917 Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy n11174119 Meniere, Prosper Meniere n11174354 Menninger, Charles Menninger, Charles Frederick Menninger n11174563 Menninger, Karl Menninger, Karl Augustus Menninger n11174730 Menninger, William Menninger, William Claire Menninger n11174901 Menotti, Gian Carlo Menotti n11175040 Menuhin, Yehudi Menuhin, Sir Yehudi Menuhin n11175243 Mercator, Gerardus Mercator, Gerhard Kremer n11175445 Mercer, John Mercer n11175605 Merckx, Eddy Merckx n11175748 Mercouri, Melina Mercouri, Anna Amalia Mercouri n11175875 Meredith, George Meredith n11176005 Meredith, James Meredith, James Howard Meredith n11176230 Mergenthaler, Ottmar Mergenthaler n11176388 Merlin n11176527 Merman, Ethel Merman n11176669 Merton, Robert Merton, Robert King Merton n11176797 Merton, Thomas Merton n11176932 Mesmer, Franz Anton Mesmer, Friedrich Anton Mesmer n11177151 Metchnikoff, Elie Metchnikoff, Metchnikov, Elie Metchnikov, Ilya Ilich Metchnikov n11177370 Methuselah n11177532 Metternich, Klemens Metternich, Prince Klemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar von Metternich n11177695 Meyerbeer, Giacomo Meyerbeer, Jakob Liebmann Beer n11177873 Meyerhof, Otto Meyerhof, Otto Fritz Meyerhof n11178059 Micah, Micheas n11178161 Michelangelo, Michelangelo Buonarroti n11178393 Michelson, A. A. Michelson, Albert Michelson, Albert Abraham Michelson n11178631 Michener, James Michener, James Albert Michener n11178781 Middleton, Thomas Middleton n11178922 Mies Van Der Rohe, Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe n11179124 Milhaud, Darius Milhaud n11179287 Mill, John Mill, John Stuart Mill n11179502 Mill, James Mill n11179666 Millais, Sir John Everett Millais n11179797 Millay, Edna Millay, Edna Saint Vincent Millay n11179923 Miller, Arthur Miller n11180029 Miller, Henry Miller, Henry Valentine Miller n11180209 Miller, Glenn Miller, Alton Glenn Miller n11180357 Millet, Jean Francois Millet n11180476 Millikan, Robert Andrews Millikan n11180643 Mills, Robert Mills n11180812 Milne, A. A. Milne, Alan Alexander Milne n11180952 Miltiades n11181073 Milton, John Milton n11181255 Minkowski, Hermann Minkowski n11181438 Minuit, Peter Minuit, Minnewit, Peter Minnewit n11181634 Mirabeau, Comte de Mirabeau, Honore-Gabriel Victor Riqueti n11181835 Miro, Joan Miro n11181937 Mitchell, Arthur Mitchell n11182098 Mitchell, John Mitchell n11182275 Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell, Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell n11182479 Mitchell, Maria Mitchell n11182621 Mitchell, William Mitchell, Billy Mitchell n11182825 Mitchell, R. J. Mitchell, Reginald Joseph Mitchell n11182966 Mitchum, Robert Mitchum n11183074 Mitford, Nancy Mitford, Nancy Freeman Mitford n11183211 Mitford, Jessica Mitford, Jessica Lucy Mitford n11183387 Mithridates, Mithridates VI, Mithridates the Great n11183605 Mitterrand, Francois Mitterrand, Francois Maurice Marie Mitterrand n11183791 Mobius, August F. Mobius, August Ferdinand Mobius n11183955 Modigliani, Amedeo Modigliano n11184092 Mohammed, Mohammad, Muhammad, Mahomet, Mahound n11184273 Mohammed Ali, Mehemet Ali, Muhammad Ali n11184531 Mohorovicic, Andrija Mohorovicic n11184694 Moliere, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin n11184825 Molnar, Ferenc Molnar n11184927 Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov n11185044 Mommsen, Theodor Mommsen n11185175 Mondrian, Piet Mondrian n11185392 Monet, Claude Monet n11185500 Monk, Thelonious Monk, Thelonious Sphere Monk n11185680 Monnet, Jean Monnet n11185816 Monod, Jacques Monod, Jacques Lucien Monod n11186042 Monroe, James Monroe, President Monroe n11186207 Monroe, Marilyn Monroe, Norma Jean Baker n11186356 Montagu, Ashley Montagu n11186511 Montaigne, Michel Montaigne, Michel Eyquem Montaigne n11186685 Montespan, Marquise de Montespan, Francoise-Athenais de Rochechouart n11186911 Montesquieu, Baron de la Brede et de Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat n11187154 Montessori, Maria Montesorri n11187364 Monteverdi, Claudio Monteverdi n11187471 Montez, Lola Montez, Marie Dolores Eliza Rosanna Gilbert n11187601 Montezuma II n11187754 Montfort, Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester n11187930 Montgolfier, Josef Michel Montgolfier n11188123 Montgolfier, Jacques Etienne Montgolfier n11188316 Montgomery, Bernard Law Montgomery, Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein n11188613 Montgomery, L. M. Montgomery, Lucy Maud Montgomery n11188742 Moody, Dwight Lyman Moody n11188852 Moody, Helen Wills Moody, Helen Wills, Helen Newington Wills n11189054 Moon, Sun Myung Moon n11189274 Moore, Henry Moore, Henry Spencer Moore n11189432 Moore, Marianne Moore, Marianne Craig Moore n11189579 Moore, Thomas Moore n11189709 Moore, G. E. Moore, George Edward Moore n11189829 Moore, Dudley Moore, Dudley Stuart John Moore n11190024 Moore, Douglas Moore n11190183 More, Thomas More, Sir Thomas More n11190446 Morgan, J. P. Morgan, John Pierpont Morgan n11190592 Morgan, Daniel Morgan n11190774 Morgan, Henry Morgan, Sir Henry Morgan n11190954 Morgan, Thomas Hunt Morgan n11191113 Morgan, Lewis Henry Morgan n11191251 Morley, E. W. Morley, Edward Morley, Edward Williams Morley n11191475 Mormon n11191653 Morris, Gouverneur Morris n11191848 Morris, Robert Morris n11192067 Morris, William Morris n11192195 Morris, Esther Morris, Esther Hobart McQuigg Slack Morris n11192349 Morrison, Toni Morrison, Chloe Anthony Wofford n11192533 Morrison, Jim Morrison, James Douglas Morrison n11192666 Morse, Samuel Morse, Samuel F. B. Morse, Samuel Finley Breese Morse n11192901 Mortimer, Roger de Mortimer n11193058 Morton, Jelly Roll Morton, Ferdinand Joseph La Menthe Morton n11193250 Mosander, Carl Gustaf Mossander n11193392 Moses n11193645 Moses, Grandma Moses, Anna Mary Robertson Moses n11193814 Mossbauer, Rudolf Ludwig Mossbauer n11193928 Motherwell, Robert Motherwell n11194062 Mott, Lucretia Coffin Mott n11194205 Moynihan, Daniel Patrick Moynihan n11194355 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart n11194587 Mubarak, Hosni Mubarak n11194749 Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad n11194910 Muir, John Muir n11195073 Mullah Omar, Mullah Mohammed Omar n11195295 Muller, Hermann Joseph Muller n11195452 Muller, Max Muller, Friedrich Max Muller n11195619 Muller, Johann Muller, Regiomontanus n11195771 Muller, Johannes Peter Muller n11195913 Muller, Karl Alex Muller n11196046 Muller, Paul Hermann Muller n11196208 Munch, Edvard Munch n11196305 Munchhausen, Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchhausen, Munchausen, Baron Munchausen n11196627 Munro, H. H. Munro, Hector Hugh Munro, Saki n11196764 Murdoch, Iris Murdoch, Dame Jean Iris Murdoch n11196934 Murdoch, Rupert Murdoch, Keith Rupert Murdoch n11197099 Murray, James Murray, James Augustus Murray, James Augustus Henry Murray, Sir James Murray, Sir James Augustus Murray, Sir James Augustus Henry Murray n11197417 Murray, Gilbert Murray, George Gilbert Aime Murphy n11197633 Murillo, Bartolome Esteban Murillo n11197743 Murrow, Edward R. Murrow, Edward Roscoe Murrow n11197944 Musial, Stan Musial, Stanley Frank Musial, Stan the Man n11198094 Musset, Alfred de Musset, Louis Charles Alfred de Musset n11198253 Mussolini, Benito Mussolini, Il Duce n11198375 Mussorgsky, Moussorgsky, Modest Mussorgsky, Modest Moussorgsky, Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich Moussorgsky n11198608 Muybridge, Eadweard Muybridge, Edward James Muggeridge n11198861 Myrdal, Gunnar Myrdal, Karl Gunnar Myrdal n11198981 Nabokov, Vladimir Nabokov, Vladimir vladimirovich Nabokov n11199137 Nahum n11199234 Naismith, James Naismith n11199394 Nanak, Guru Nanak n11199727 Nansen, Fridtjof Nansen n11199943 Naomi, Noemi n11200090 Napier, John Napier n11200276 Napoleon, Napoleon I, Napoleon Bonaparte, Bonaparte, Little Corporal n11200492 Napoleon III, Emperor Napoleon III, Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte n11200686 Nash, Ogden Nash n11200812 Nasser, Gamal Abdel Nasser n11200949 Nast, Thomas Nast n11201061 Nation, Carry Nation, Carry Amelia Moore Nation n11201264 Natta, Giulio Natta n11201386 Sanchez, Ilich Sanchez, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, Carlos, Carlos the Jackal, Salim, Andres Martinez, Taurus, Glen Gebhard, Hector Hevodidbon, Michael Assat n11201740 Navratilova, Martina Navratilova n11201941 Nazimova, Alla Nazimova n11202063 Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar II, Nebuchadrezzar, Nebuchadrezzar II n11202322 Nicholas V, Tomasso Parentucelli n11202477 Nimrod n11202581 Neel, Louis Eugene Felix Neel n11202722 Nefertiti n11202833 Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru n11203059 Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount Nelson, Admiral Nelson, Lord Nelson n11203287 Nernst, Walther Hermann Nernst n11203472 Nero, Nero Claudius Caesar Drusus Germanicus, Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus n11203795 Neruda, Pablo Neruda, Reyes, Neftali Ricardo Reyes n11203920 Nervi, Pier Luigi Nervi n11204069 Nerva, Marcus Cocceius Nerva n11204276 Nestor n11204409 Nestorius n11204689 Nevelson, Louise Nevelson n11204855 Newcomb, Simon Newcomb n11204962 Newman, John Henry Newman, Cardinal Newman n11205246 Newman, Paul Newman, Paul Leonard Newman n11205375 Newton, Isaac Newton, Sir Isaac Newton n11205647 Ney, Michel Ney, Duc d'Elchingen n11205797 Nicholas, Saint Nicholas, St. Nicholas n11205975 Nicholas I, Czar Nicholas I n11206150 Nicholas II n11206356 Nicklaus, Jack Nicklaus, Jack William Nicklaus n11206544 Nicolson, Harold Nicolson, Sir Harold George Nicolson n11206705 Niebuhr, Barthold George Niebuhr n11206885 Niebuhr, Reinhold Niebuhr n11207006 Nielsen, Carl Nielsen, Carl August Nielsen n11207125 Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche n11207410 Nightingale, Florence Nightingale, Lady with the Lamp n11207585 Nijinsky, Vaslav Nijinsky, Waslaw Nijinsky n11207768 Nilsson, Brigit Nilsson, Marta Brigit Nilsson n11207929 Nimitz, Chester Nimitz, Chester William Nimitz, Admiral Nimitz n11208172 Nixon, Richard Nixon, Richard M. Nixon, Richard Milhous Nixon, President Nixon n11208431 Noah n11208688 Nobel, Alfred Nobel, Alfred Bernhard Nobel n11208917 Noether, Emmy Noether n11209019 Noguchi, Hideyo Noguchi n11209201 Noguchi, Isamu Noguchi n11209306 Norman, Greg Norman, Gregory John Norman n11209428 Norman, Jessye Norman n11209543 Norris, Frank Norris, Benjamin Franklin Norris Jr. n11209675 Norrish, Ronald George Wreyford Norrish n11209790 North, Frederick North, Second Earl of Guilford n11209990 Northrop, John Howard Northrop n11210105 Nostradamus, Michel de Notredame n11210291 Noyes, Alfred Noyes n11210383 Nuffield, William Richard Morris, First Viscount Nuffield n11210610 Nureyev, Rudolf Nureyev n11210806 Oakley, Annie Oakley n11210963 Oates, Joyce Carol Oates n11211071 Oates, Titus Oates n11211236 Obadiah, Abdias n11211322 O'Brien, Edna O'Brien n11211419 O'Casey, Sean O'Casey n11211517 Occam, William of Occam, Ockham, William of Ockham n11211696 Ochoa, Severo Ochoa n11211870 Ochs, Adolph Simon Ochs n11211987 O'Connor, Flannery O'Connor, Mary Flannery O'Connor n11212120 Odets, Clifford Odets n11212226 Odoacer, Odovacar, Odovakar n11212426 Oersted, Hans Christian Oersted n11212534 Offenbach, Jacques Offenbach n11212669 O'Flaherty, Liam O'Flaherty n11212786 Ogden, C. K. Ogden, Charles Kay Ogden n11212988 O'Hara, John Henry O'Hara n11213094 Ohm, Georg Simon Ohm n11213216 O'Keeffe, Georgia Okeeffe n11213323 Oken, Lorenz Oken, Okenfuss, Lorenz Okenfuss n11213552 Olaf II, Olav II, Saint Olaf, Saint Olav, St. Olaf, St. Olav n11213726 Oldenburg, Claes Oldenburg, Claes Thure Oldenburg n11213966 Oldfield, Barney Oldfield, Berna Eli Oldfield n11214153 Oliver, Joseph Oliver, King Oliver n11214320 Olivier, Laurence Olivier, Sir Laurence Kerr Olivier, Baron Olivier of Birghton n11214513 Olmsted, Frederick Law Olmsted n11214707 Omar Khayyam n11214926 Ondaatje, Michael Ondaatje, Philip Michael Ondaatje n11215070 O'Neill, Eugene O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone O'Neill n11215205 Ono, Yoko Ono n11215384 Onsager, Lars Onsager n11215541 Oort, Jan Hendrix Oort n11215724 Opel, Wilhelm von Opel n11215909 Oppenheimer, Robert Oppenheimer n11216100 Orbison, Roy Orbison n11216264 Orczy, Baroness Emmusca Orczy n11216386 Orff, Carl Orff n11216562 Origen n11216797 Ormandy, Eugene Ormandy n11216922 Orozco, Jose Orozco, Jose Clemente Orozco n11217072 Orr, Bobby Orr, Robert Orr n11217182 Ortega, Daniel Ortega, Daniel Ortega Saavedra n11217312 Ortega y Gasset, Jose Ortega y Gasset n11217479 Orwell, George Orwell, Eric Blair, Eric Arthur Blair n11217668 Osborne, John Osborne, John James Osborne n11217789 Osman I, Othman I n11218054 Ostwald, Wilhelm Ostwald n11218153 Oswald, Lee Harvey Oswald n11218290 Otis, Elisha Graves Otis n11218473 O'Toole, Peter O'Toole, Peter Seamus O'Toole n11218625 Otto I, Otho I, Otto the Great n11218776 Ovid, Publius Ovidius Naso n11218938 Owen, Sir Richard Owen n11219121 Owen, Robert Owen n11219293 Owens, Jesse Owens, James Cleveland Owens n11219502 Ozawa, Seiji Ozawa n11219635 Paderewski, Ignace Paderewski, Ignace Jan Paderewski n11219851 Paganini, Niccolo Paganini n11219992 Page, Thomas Nelson Page n11220149 Page, Sir Frederick Handley Page n11220319 Paget, Sir James Paget n11220461 Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shah Pahlavi, Pahlevi, Mohammed Reza Pahlevi n11220664 Paige, Satchel Paige, Leroy Robert Paige n11220836 Paine, Tom Paine, Thomas Paine n11221107 Paine, Robert Treat Paine n11221268 Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina n11221389 Palgrave, Francis Turner Palgrave n11221495 Palladio, Andrea Palladio n11221650 Palmer, Arnold Palmer, Arnold Daniel Palmer n11221778 Panini n11221956 Panofsky, Erwin Panofsky n11222054 Paracelsus, Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus, Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim n11222457 Pareto, Vilfredo Pareto n11222655 Park, Mungo Park n11222759 Parker, Dorothy Parker, Dorothy Rothschild Parker n11222914 Parker, Charlie Parker, Yardbird Parker, Bird Parker, Charles Christopher Parker n11223119 Parkinson, C. Northcote Parkinson, Cyril Northcote Parkinson n11223294 Parkinson, James Parkinson n11223396 Parks, Rosa Parks n11223642 Parmenides n11223929 Parnell, Charles Stewart Parnell n11224046 Parr, Catherine Parr n11224173 Parrish, Maxfield Parrish, Maxfield Frederick Parrish n11224309 Parsons, Talcott Parsons n11224419 Pascal, Blaise Pascal n11224654 Pasternak, Boris Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich Pasternak n11224877 Pasteur, Louis Pasteur n11225165 Paterson, William Patterson n11225350 Paton, Alan Paton, Alan Stewart Paton n11225469 Patrick, Saint Patrick, St. Patrick n11225661 Paul, Saint Paul, St. Paul, Apostle Paul, Paul the Apostle, Apostle of the Gentiles, Saul, Saul of Tarsus n11226126 Paul III, Alessandro Farnese n11226427 Paul VI, Giovanni Battista Montini n11226614 Paul, Alice Paul n11226713 Pauli, Wolfgang Pauli n11226933 Pauling, Linus Pauling, Linus Carl Pauling n11227101 Pavarotti, Luciano Pavarotti n11227206 Pavlov, Ivan Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov n11227400 Pavlova, Anna Pavlova n11227499 Paxton, Joseph Paxton, Sir Joseph Paxton n11227618 Peabody, Elizabeth Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer Peabody n11227796 Peary, Robert Peary, Robert E. Peary, Robert Edwin Peary n11228039 Peel, Robert Peel, Sir Robert Peel n11228153 Pei, I. M. Pei, Ieoh Ming Pei n11228298 Peirce, Charles Peirce, Charles Sanders Peirce n11228486 Peirce, Benjamin Peirce n11228691 Pelagius n11228956 Penn, William Penn n11229095 Pepin, Pepin III, Pepin the Short n11229323 Pepys, Samuel Pepys n11229499 Percy, Sir Henry Percy, Hotspur, Harry Hotspur n11229662 Percy, Walker Percy n11229801 Pericles n11230021 Peron, Juan Domingo Peron n11230158 Perry, Oliver Hazard Perry, Commodore Perry n11230402 Perry, Matthew Calbraith Perry n11230669 Perry, Ralph Barton Perry n11230780 Pershing, John Joseph Pershing, Black Jack Pershing n11230977 Perutz, Max Perutz, Max Ferdinand Perutz n11231157 Peter, Simon Peter, Saint Peter, St. Peter, Saint Peter the Apostle, St. Peter the Apostle n11231433 Peter I, Czar Peter I, Peter the Great n11231683 Petrarch, Petrarca, Francesco Petrarca n11231821 Petronius, Gaius Petronius, Petronius Arbiter n11231943 Phidias, Pheidias n11232050 Philemon n11232229 Philemon n11232475 Philip, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh n11232615 Philip II, Philip II of Spain n11232837 Philip II, Philip II of Macedon n11232989 Philip II, Philip Augustus n11233211 Philip V n11233383 Philip VI, Philip of Valois n11233595 Phintias, Pythias n11233934 Photius n11234152 Piaf, Edith Piaf, Edith Giovanna Gassion, Little Sparrow n11234292 Piaget, Jean Piaget n11234472 Pickett, George Edward Pickett n11234643 Pickford, Mary Pickford, Gladys Smith n11234813 Pierce, Franklin Pierce, President Pierce n11234951 Picasso, Pablo Picasso n11235112 Pilate, Pontius Pilate n11235263 Pincus, Gregory Pincus, Gregory Goodwin Pincus n11235510 Pindar n11235619 Pinter, Harold Pinter n11235787 Pirandello, Luigi Pirandello n11235926 Piston, Walter Piston n11236043 Pitman, Sir Isaac Pitman n11236188 Pitot, Henri Pitot n11236317 Pitt, William Pitt, First Earl of Chatham, Pitt the Elder n11236497 Pitt, William Pitt, Second Earl of Chatham, Pitt the Younger n11236663 Pitt, George Pitt, George Dibdin Pitt, George Dibdin-Pitt n11236852 Pius II, Aeneas Silvius, Enea Silvio Piccolomini n11237075 Pius V, Antonio Ghislieri n11237275 Pius VI, Giovanni Angelo Braschi, Giannangelo Braschi n11237550 Pius VII, Barnaba Chiaramonti, Luigi Barnaba Gregorio Chiaramonti n11237868 Pius IX, Giovanni Mastai-Ferretti, Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti n11238092 Pius X, Giuseppe Sarto, Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto n11238303 Pius XI, Achille Ratti, Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti n11238511 Pius XII, Eugenio Pacelli n11238726 Pizarro, Francisco Pizarro n11238906 Planck, Max Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck n11239143 Plath, Sylvia Plath n11239271 Plato n11239443 Plautus, Titus Maccius Plautus n11239567 Pliny, Pliny the Elder, Gaius Plinius Secundus n11239765 Pliny, Pliny the Younger, Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus n11239989 Plotinus n11240139 Plutarch n11240249 Pocahontas, Matoaka, Rebecca Rolfe n11240480 Poe, Edgar Allan Poe n11240609 Poitier, Sidney Poitier n11240733 Polk, James Polk, James K. Polk, James Knox Polk, President Polk n11240996 Pollack, Sydney Pollack n11241106 Pollock, Jackson Pollock n11241300 Polo, Marco Polo n11241455 Polycarp, Saint Polycarp, St. Polycarp n11241655 Pompadour, Marquise de Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson n11241854 Pompey, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, Pompey the Great n11242077 Ponce de Leon, Juan Ponce de Leon n11242321 Pons, Lily Pons, Alice-Josephine Pons n11242469 Ponselle, Rosa Ponselle, Rosa Melba Ponselle n11242596 Pontiac n11242743 Pope, Alexander Pope n11242849 Popper, Karl Popper, Sir Karl Raimund Popper n11243102 Porter, William Sydney Porter, O. Henry n11243268 Porter, Cole Porter, Cole Albert Porter n11243424 Porter, Katherine Anne Porter n11243562 Post, C. W. Post, Charles William Post n11243720 Post, Emily Post, Emily Price Post n11243907 Post, Wiley Post n11244061 Potemkin, Potyokin, Grigori Potemkin, Grigori Potyokin, Grigori Aleksandrovich Potemkin n11244419 Poulenc, Francis Poulenc n11244550 Pound, Ezra Pound, Ezra Loomis Pound n11244765 Poussin, Nicolas Poussin n11244887 Powell, Cecil Frank Powell n11245110 Powell, Colin Powell, Colin luther Powell n11245382 Powhatan, Wahunsonacock n11245590 Powys, John Cowper Powys n11245744 Powys, Theodore Francis Powys n11245902 Powys, Llewelyn Powys n11246040 Presley, Elvis Presley, Elvis Aron Presley n11246255 Priam n11246408 Price, Leontyne Price, Mary Leontyne Price n11246542 Priestley, Joseph Priestley n11246718 Prokhorov, Aleksandr Prokhorov, Aleksandr Mikjailovich Prokhorov n11247002 Prokofiev, Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev n11247155 Proudhon, Pierre Joseph Proudhon n11247298 Proust, Marcel Proust n11247413 Ptolemy, Claudius Ptolemaeus n11247644 Ptolemy I n11247897 Ptolemy II n11248077 Puccini, Giacomo Puccini n11248232 Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin n11248426 Pulitzer, Joseph Pulitzer n11248599 Purcell, Henry Purcell n11248777 Purkinje, Jan Evangelista Purkinje, Johannes Evangelista Purkinje n11248997 Pusey, Edward Pusey, Edward Bouverie Pusey n11249191 Pushkin, Alexander Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin n11249322 Putin, Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin n11249559 Pyle, Howard Pyle n11249712 Pynchon, Thomas Pynchon n11249890 Pyrrhus n11250056 Pythagoras n11250287 Qaddafi, Qadhafi, Khadafy, Gaddafi, Muammar al-Qaddafi, Muammar el-Qaddafi n11250581 Qin Shi Huang Ti, Ch'in Shih Huang Ti n11250833 Quincy, Josiah Quincy n11250991 Quine, W. V. Quine, Willard Van Orman Quine n11251225 Rabelais, Francois Rabelais n11251384 Rachel n11251531 Rachmaninoff, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff, Rachmaninov, Sergei Rachmaninov, Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov n11251788 Racine, Jean Racine, Jean Baptiste Racine n11251995 Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan n11252222 Raffles, Sir Thomas Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles n11252392 Rain-in-the-Face n11252627 Raleigh, Walter Raleigh, Sir Walter Raleigh, Ralegh, Walter Ralegh, Sir Walter Ralegh n11252915 Rameau, Jean-Philippe Rameau n11253097 Rameses, Ramesses, Ramses n11253248 Rameses II, Ramesses II, Ramses II, Rameses the Great, Ramesses the Great, Ramses the Great n11253455 Ramon y Cajal, Santiago Ramon y Cajal n11253630 Rand, Ayn Rand n11253802 Rankin, Jeannette Rankin n11254028 Raphael, Raffaello Santi, Raffaello Sanzio n11254213 Rask, Rasmus Christian Rask n11254393 Rasmussen, Kund Johan Victor Rasmussen n11254683 Rasputin, Grigori Efimovich Rasputin n11254950 Rattigan, Terence Rattigan, Sir Terence Mervyn Rattigan n11255085 Ravel, Maurice Ravel n11255211 Rayleigh, Third Baron Rayleigh, Lord Rayleigh, John William Strutt n11255460 Reagan, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Wilson Reagan, President Reagan n11255619 Reaumur, Rene Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur n11255775 Rebecca, Rebekah n11255917 Red Cloud n11256125 Redford, Robert Redford, Charles Robert Redford n11256335 Reed, Walter Reed n11256494 Reed, John Reed n11256765 Rehnquist, William Rehnquist, William Hubbs Rehnquist n11257031 Reich, Steve Reich, Stephen Michael Reich n11257159 Reich, Wilhelm Reich n11257395 Reichstein, Tadeus Reichstein n11257547 Reid, Thomas Reid n11257697 Reiter, Hans Conrad Julius Reiter n11257932 Rembrandt, Rembrandt van Rijn, Rembrandt van Ryn, Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn n11258096 Renoir, Pierre Auguste Renoir n11258214 Respighi, Ottorino Respighi n11258353 Reuben n11258501 Revere, Paul Revere n11258769 Reynolds, Sir Joshua Reynolds n11258924 Rhine, J. B. Rhine, Joseph Banks Rhine n11259054 Rhodes, Cecil Rhodes, Cecil J. Rhodes, Cecil John Rhodes n11259457 Ricardo, David Ricardo n11259635 Rice, Elmer Rice, Elmer Leopold Rice, Elmer Reizenstein n11259777 Rice, Sir Tim Rice, Timothy Miles Bindon Rice n11259950 Richard I, Richard Coeur de Lion, Richard the Lionheart, Richard the Lion-Hearted n11260325 Richard II n11260622 Richard III n11260945 Richards, I. A. Richards, Ivor Armstrong Richards n11261184 Richardson, Ralph Richardson, Sir Ralph David Richardson n11261364 Richardson, Henry Hobson Richardson n11261483 Richelieu, Duc de Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richelieu n11261698 Richler, Mordecai Richler n11261804 Rickenbacker, Eddie Rickenbacker, Edward Vernon Rickenbacker n11261986 Rickover, Hyman Rickover, Hyman George Rickover n11262168 Riemann, Bernhard Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann n11262340 Riesman, David Riesman, David Riesman Jr. n11262468 Riley, James Whitcomb Riley n11262574 Rilke, Rainer Maria Rilke n11262765 Rimbaud, Arthur Rimbaud, Jean Nicholas Arthur Rimbaud n11262929 Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov, Rimski-Korsakov, Nikolai Andreyevich Rimski-Korsakov n11263180 Ringling, Charles Ringling n11263337 Rittenhouse, David Rittenhouse n11263558 Ritz, Cesar Ritz n11263687 Rivera, Diego Rivera n11263803 Robbins, Jerome Robbins n11264002 Robert, Henry M. Robert, Henry Martyn Robert n11264193 Roberts, Bartholomew Roberts n11264343 Roberts, Kenneth Roberts n11264508 Roberts, Oral Roberts n11264614 Roberts, Richard J. Roberts, Richard John Roberts n11264828 Robertson, Oscar Robertson, Oscar Palmer Robertson n11264973 Robeson, Paul Robeson, Paul Bustill Robeson n11265183 Robespierre, Maxmillien Marie Isidore de Robespierre n11265416 Robinson, Edward G. Robinson, Edward Goldenberg Robinson n11265591 Robinson, Edwin Arlington Robinson n11265731 Robinson, Jackie Robinson, Jack Roosevelt Robinson n11265914 Robinson, James Harvey Robinson n11266117 Robinson, Lennox Robinson, Esme Stuart Lennox Robinson n11266279 Robinson, Ray Robinson, Sugar Ray Robinson, Walker Smith n11266524 Robinson, Robert Robinson, Sir Robert Robinson n11266703 Rochambeau, Comte de Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur n11266920 Rock, John Rock n11267113 Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller, John Davison Rockefeller n11267343 Rockingham, Second Marquis of Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth n11267568 Rockwell, Norman Rockwell n11267745 Rodgers, Richard Rodgers n11267949 Rodin, Auguste Rodin, Francois Auguste Rene Rodin n11268118 Roebling, John Roebling, John Augustus Roebling n11268326 Roentgen, Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen, Rontgen, Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen n11268523 Rogers, Carl Rogers n11268667 Rogers, Ginger Rogers, Virginia McMath, Virginia Katherine McMath n11268883 Rogers, Will Rogers, William Penn Adair Rogers n11269085 Roget, Peter Mark Roget n11269236 Rollo, Rolf, Hrolf n11269367 Romberg, Sigmund Romberg n11269515 Rommel, Erwin Rommel, Desert Fox n11269697 Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, President Roosevelt, President Theodore Roosevelt n11270023 Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, F. D. Roosevelt, President Roosevelt, President Franklin Roosevelt, FDR n11270380 Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt n11270577 Ross, Betsy Ross, Betsy Griscom Ross n11270772 Ross, Nellie Ross, Nellie Tayloe Ross n11270948 Ross, Sir Ronald Ross n11271094 Ross, James Clark Ross, Sir James Clark Ross n11271349 Ross, John Ross, Sir John Ross n11271563 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel Rossetti n11271720 Rossini, Giloacchino Antonio Rossini n11271859 Rostand, Edmond Rostand n11272030 Roth, Philip Roth, Philip Milton Roth n11272198 Rothko, Mark Rothko n11272415 Rothschild n11272523 Rous, Peyton Rous, Francis Peyton Rous n11272689 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Rousseau n11272972 Rousseau, Henri Rousseau, Le Douanier Rousseau n11273104 Rubens, Peter Paul Rubens, Sir Peter Paul Rubens n11273286 Rubinstein, Anton Rubenstein, Anton Gregor Rubinstein, Anton Grigorevich Rubinstein n11273479 Rubinstein, Arthur Rubinstein, Artur Rubinstein n11273679 Rundstedt, von Rundstedt, Karl Rudolf Gerd von Rundstedt n11273907 Runyon, Damon Runyon, Alfred Damon Runyon n11274103 Rupert, Prince Rupert n11274269 Rush, Benjamin Rush n11274454 Rushdie, Salman Rushdie, Ahmed Salman Rushdie n11274714 Ruskin, John Ruskin n11274812 Russell, Bertrand Russell, Bertrand Arthur William Russell, Earl Russell n11275035 Russell, George William Russell, A.E. n11275170 Russell, Henry Russell, Henry Norris Russell n11275344 Russell, Lillian Russell n11275495 Russell, Bill Russell, William Felton Russell n11275636 Russell, Ken Russell, Henry Kenneth Alfred Russell n11275772 Russell, Charles Taze Russell n11275952 Ruth n11276100 Ruth, Babe Ruth, George Herman Ruth, Sultan of Swat n11276285 Rutherford, Ernest Rutherford, First Baron Rutherford, First Baron Rutherford of Nelson n11276549 Rutherford, Daniel Rutherford n11276676 Rutledge, John Rutledge n11276971 Saarinen, Eero Saarinen n11277096 Saarinen, Eliel Saarinen n11277279 Sabin, Albert Sabin, Albert Bruce Sabin n11277500 Sacagawea, Sacajawea n11277680 Sacco, Nicola Sacco n11277900 Sadat, Anwar Sadat, Anwar el-Sadat n11278120 Sade, de Sade, Comte Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade, Marquis de Sade n11278351 Saint-Saens, Charles Camille Saint-Saens n11278498 Sakharov, Andrei Sakharov, Andrei Dimitrievich Sakharov n11278756 Saladin, Salah-ad-Din Yusuf ibn-Ayyub n11278980 Salinger, J. D. Salinger, Jerome David Salinger n11279109 Salk, Jonas Salk, Jonas Edward Salk n11279300 Salome n11279433 Salomon, Haym Salomon n11279648 Samson n11279874 Samuel n11280013 Sand, George Sand, Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin, Baroness Dudevant n11280213 Sandburg, Carl Sandburg n11280405 Sanger, Margaret Sanger, Margaret Higgins Sanger n11280653 Sanger, Frederick Sanger, Fred Sanger n11280905 Santa Anna, Santa Ana, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana n11281174 Sapir, Edward Sapir n11281345 Sappho n11281555 Sarah n11281682 Sarazen, Gene Sarazen n11281837 Sargent, John Singer Sargent n11281995 Sarnoff, David Sarnoff n11282154 Saroyan, William Saroyan n11282286 Sartre, Jean-Paul Sartre n11282434 Satie, Erik Satie, Erik Alfred Leslie Satie n11282613 Saul n11282802 Savonarola, Girolamo Savonarola n11283158 Sax, Adolphe Sax n11283300 Saxe, Hermann Maurice Saxe, comte de Saxe, Marshal Saxe n11283517 Saxo Grammaticus n11283682 Sayers, Dorothy Sayers, Dorothy L. Sayers, Dorothy Leigh Sayers n11283843 Scheele, Karl Scheele, Karl Wilhelm Scheele n11284024 Schiaparelli, Elsa Schiaparelli n11284216 Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli n11284409 Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller n11284541 Schleiden, Matthias Schleiden, M. J. Schleiden n11284742 Schlesinger, Arthur Schlesinger, Arthur Meier Schlesinger n11284884 Schlesinger, Arthur Schlesinger, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Arthur Meier Schlesinger Jr. n11285091 Schliemann, Heinrich Schliemann n11285282 Schmidt, Helmut Schmidt, Helmut Heinrich Waldemar Schmidt n11285456 Schnabel, Artur Schnabel n11285692 Schonbein, Christian Schonbein, Christian Friedrich Schonbein n11285902 Schonberg, Arnold Schonberg, Schoenberg, Arnold Schoenberg n11286117 Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft n11286354 Schopenhauer, Arthur Schopenhauer n11286476 Schrodinger, Erwin Schrodinger n11286618 Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Peter Schubert, Franz Seraph Peter Schubert n11286820 Schulz, Charles Schulz, Charles M. Schulz, Charles Munroe Schulz n11287016 Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Alexander Schumann n11287186 Schumann, Clara Josephine Schumann n11287437 Schumann-Heink, Ernestine Schumann-Heink n11287570 Schumpeter, Joseph Schumpeter, Joseph Alois Schumpeter n11287734 Schwann, Theodor Schwann n11287964 Schweitzer, Albert Schweitzer n11288216 Scipio, Scipio Africanus, Scipio Africanus Major, Publius Cornelius Scipio, Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major, Scipio the Elder n11288528 Scopes, John Scopes, John Thomas Scopes n11288818 Scorsese, Martin Scorsese n11288930 Scott, Dred Scott n11289161 Scott, Walter Scott, Sir Walter Scott n11289307 Scott, Winfield Scott n11289491 Scott, Robert Scott, Robert Falcon Scott n11289709 Scott, George C. Scott n11289830 Scriabin, Aleksandr Scriabin, Aleksandr Nikolayevich Scriabin n11289999 Scribe, Augustin Eugene Scribe n11290107 Scripps, James Edmund Scripps n11290272 Scripps, Edward Wyllis Scripps n11290477 Seaborg, Glenn T. Seaborg, Glenn Theodore Seaborg n11290653 Seaman, Elizabeth Seaman, Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman, Nellie Bly n11290864 Seeger, Alan Seeger n11290984 Seeger, Pete Seeger, Peter Seeger n11291179 Segal, George Segal n11291284 Segovia, Andres Segovia n11291451 Seles, Monica Seles n11291575 Seleucus, Seleucus I, Seleucus I Nicator n11291824 Selkirk, Selcraig, Alexander Selkirk, Alexander Selcraig n11292105 Sellers, Peter Sellers n11292207 Selznick, David O. Selznick, David Oliver Selznick n11292391 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus Seneca n11292662 Senefelder, Alois Senefelder, Aloys Senefelder n11292809 Sennacherib n11293008 Sennett, Mack Sennett n11293157 Sequoya, Sequoyah, George Guess n11293334 Serkin, Rudolf Serkin n11293470 Serra, Junipero Serra, Miguel Jose Serra n11293636 Service, Robert William Service n11293805 Sessions, Roger Sessions, Roger Huntington Sessions n11293972 Seton, Elizabeth Seton, Saint Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton, Mother Seton n11294202 Seurat, Georges Seurat, Georges Pierre Seurat n11294349 Seward, William Henry Seward n11294582 Sexton, Anne Sexton n11294680 Seymour, Jane Seymour n11294834 Shah Jahan n11295033 Shahn, Ben Shahn, Benjamin Shahn n11295196 Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, Shakspere, William Shakspere, Bard of Avon n11295464 Shankar, Ravi Shankar n11295619 Shannon, Claude Shannon, Claude E. Shannon, Claude Elwood Shannon n11295828 Shapley, Harlow Shapley n11295936 Shaw, G. B. Shaw, George Bernard Shaw n11296139 Shaw, Anna Howard Shaw n11296279 Shaw, Henry Wheeler Shaw, Josh Billings n11296429 Shaw, Artie Shaw, Arthur Jacob Arshawsky n11296602 Shawn, Ted Shawn n11296775 Shearer, Moira Shearer n11296914 Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley n11297032 Shelley, Mary Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Mary Godwin Wollstonecraft Shelley n11297263 Shepard, Alan Shepard, Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr. n11297457 Shepard, Sam Shepard n11297595 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Sheridan n11297756 Sherman, Roger Sherman n11297983 Sherman, William Tecumseh Sherman n11298240 Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott Sherrington n11298403 Sherwood, Robert Emmet Sherwood n11298519 Shevchenko, Taras Grigoryevich Shevchenko n11298634 Shirer, William Lawrence Shirer n11298810 Shockley, William Shockley, William Bradford Shockley n11299030 Shostakovich, Dmitri Shostakovich, Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich n11299212 Shute, Nevil Shute, Nevil Shute Norway n11299367 Sibelius, Jean Sibelius, Johan Julius Christian Sibelius n11299501 Siddons, Sarah Siddons, Sarah Kemble Siddons n11299672 Sidney, Sir Philip Sidney n11299770 Siemens, Ernst Werner von Siemens n11299890 Siemens, Karl Wilhelm Siemens, Sir Charles William Siemens n11300089 Sikorsky, Igor Sikorsky, Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky n11300326 Sills, Beverly Sills, Belle Miriam Silverman n11300465 Silverstein, Shel Silverstein, Shelby Silverstein n11300678 Simenon, Georges Simenon, Georges Joseph Christian Simenon n11300893 Simon, Herb Simon, Herbert A. Simon, Herbert Alexander Simon n11301129 Simon, Neil Simon, Marvin Neil Simon n11301279 Simon, Paul Simon n11301414 Simon, St. Simon, Simon Zelotes, Simon the Zealot, Simon the Canaanite n11301597 Simpson, Sir James Young Simpson n11301809 Simpson, Mrs. Simpson, Wallis Warfield Simpson, Wallis Warfield Windsor, Duchess of Windsor n11302062 Sinatra, Frank Sinatra, Francis Albert Sinatra n11302224 Sinclair, Clive Sinclair, Sir Clive Marles Sinclair n11302449 Sinclair, Upton Sinclair, Upton Beall Sinclair n11302615 Singer, Isaac Bashevis Singer n11302772 Singer, Isaac M. Singer, Isaac Merrit Singer n11302962 Siqueiros, David Siqueiros, David Alfaro Siqueiros n11303132 Siraj-ud-daula n11303522 Sitter, Willem de Sitter n11303698 Sitting Bull n11304011 Sitwell, Dame Edith Sitwell, Dame Edith Louisa Sitwell n11304139 Sixtus IV, Francesco della Rovere n11304354 Skeat, Walter William Skeat n11304461 Skinner, Fred Skinner, B. F. Skinner, Burrhus Frederic Skinner n11304669 Skinner, Cornelia Otis Skinner n11304811 Skinner, Otis Skinner n11304912 Smalley, Richard Smalley, Richard E. Smalley, Richard Errett Smalley n11305159 Smetana, Bedrich Smetana n11305258 Smith, Adam Smith n11305402 Smith, John Smith, Captain John Smith n11305611 Smith, Joseph Smith n11305745 Smith, Bessie Smith n11305851 Smith, Julia Evelina Smith n11306008 Smith, Kate Smith, Kathryn Elizabeth Smith n11306175 Smith, David Smith, David Roland Smith n11306297 Smith, Ian Smith, Ian Douglas Smith n11306473 Smollett, Tobias Smollett, Tobias George Smollett n11306619 Smuts, Jan Christian Smuts n11306760 Snead, Sam Snead, Samuel Jackson Snead n11306920 Snellen, Hermann Snellen n11307082 Snow, C. P. Snow, Charles Percy Snow, Baron Snow of Leicester n11307262 Socinus, Faustus Socinus, Fausto Paolo Sozzini n11307422 Socrates n11307587 Soddy, Frederick Soddy n11307759 Solomon n11307937 Solvay, Ernest Solvay n11308120 Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn n11308396 Sondheim, Stephen Sondheim n11308520 Sontag, Susan Sontag n11308624 Sophocles n11308739 Sorensen, Soren Peter Lauritz Sorensen n11308877 Soufflot, Jacques Germain Soufflot n11308988 Sousa, John Philip Sousa, March King n11309164 Southey, Robert Southey n11309318 Soutine, Chaim Soutine n11309449 Spallanzani, Lazzaro Spallanzani n11309613 Spark, Muriel Spark, Dame Muriel Spark, Muriel Sarah Spark n11309772 Spassky, Boris Spassky, Boris Vasilevich Spassky n11309958 Speer, Albert Speer n11310081 Speke, John Speke, John Hanning Speke n11310321 Spencer, Herbert Spencer n11310523 Spender, Stephen Spender, Sir Stephen Harold Spender n11310679 Spengler, Oswald Spengler n11310833 Spenser, Edmund Spenser n11311011 Sperry, Elmer Ambrose Sperry n11311173 Spielberg, Steven Spielberg n11311287 Spillane, Mickey Spillane, Frank Morrison Spillane n11311450 Spinoza, de Spinoza, Baruch de Spinoza, Benedict de Spinoza n11311623 Spock, Benjamin Spock n11311817 Spode, Josiah Spode n11311959 Stael, Madame de Stael, Baronne Anne Louise Germaine Necker de Steal-Holstein n11312120 Stalin, Joseph Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili n11312362 Standish, Miles Standish, Myles Standish n11312556 Stanford, Leland Stanford n11312709 Stanislavsky, Konstantin Stanislavsky, Konstantin Sergeyevich Stanislavsky, Konstantin Sergeevich Alekseev n11313011 Stanley, Henry M. Stanley, Sir Henry Morton Stanley, John Rowlands n11313357 Stanley, Francis Edgar Stanley n11313507 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady Stanton n11313726 Starr, Ringo Starr, Starkey, Richard Starkey n11313911 St. Denis, Saint Denis, Ruth Saint Denis, Ruth St. Denis n11314119 Steele, Sir Richrd Steele n11314219 Steen, Jan Steen n11314315 Steffens, Lincoln Steffens, Joseph Lincoln Steffens n11314514 Steichen, Edward Jean Steichen n11314666 Stein, Gertrude Stein n11314792 Steinbeck, John Steinbeck, John Ernst Steinbeck n11314969 Steinberg, Saul Steinberg n11315140 Steinem, Gloria Steinem n11315249 Steiner, Rudolf Steiner n11315379 Steinman, David Barnard Steinman n11315580 Steinmetz, Charles Proteus Steinmetz n11315760 Steinway, Henry Steinway, Henry Engelhard Steinway, Heinrich Engelhard Steinway n11316003 Stella, Frank Stella, Frank Philip Stella n11316141 Steller, Georg Wilhelm Steller n11316249 Stendhal, Marie Henri Beyle n11316429 Stengel, Casey Stengel, Charles Dillon Stengel n11316567 Stephen, Sir Leslie Stephen n11316669 Stephenson, George Stephenson n11316828 Stern, Isaac Stern n11316970 Sterne, Laurence Sterne n11317086 Steuben, Baron Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin von Steuben n11317309 Stevens, George Stevens n11317416 Stevens, Wallace Stevens n11317519 Stevens, Smitty Stevens, S. Smith Stevens, Stanley Smith Stevens n11317749 Stevenson, Adlai Stevenson, Adlai Ewing Stevenson n11317897 Stevenson, Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson n11318039 Stewart, Dugald Stewart n11318171 Stewart, Jimmy Stewart, James Maitland Stewart n11318348 Stieglitz, Alfred Stieglitz n11318462 Stilwell, Joseph Warren Stilwell, Vinegar Joe Stilwell, Uncle Joe n11318692 Stockton, Frank Stockton, Francis Richard Stockton n11318824 Stoker, Bram Stoker, Abraham Stoker n11318967 Stokowski, Leopold Stokowski, Leopold Antoni Stanislaw Stokowski n11319134 Stone, Edward Durell Stone n11319244 Stone, Harlan Fiske Stone n11319413 Stone, I. F. Stone, Isidor Feinstein Stone n11319570 Stone, Lucy Stone n11319704 Stone, Oliver Stone n11319810 Stone, Harlan Stone, Harlan F. Stone, Harlan Fisk Stone n11320044 Stopes, Marie Stopes, Marie Charlotte Carmichael Stopes n11320245 Stoppard, Tom Stoppard, Sir Tom Stoppard, Thomas Straussler n11320405 Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe n11320631 Strachey, Lytton Strachey, Giles Lytton Strachey n11320821 Stradivari, Antonio Stradivari, Stradivarius, Antonius Stradivarius n11321051 Strasberg, Lee Strasberg, Israel Strassberg n11321296 Strauss, Johann Strauss, Strauss the Elder n11321428 Strauss, Johann Strauss, Strauss the Younger n11321647 Strauss, Richard Strauss n11321841 Stravinsky, Igor Stravinsky, Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky n11322068 Streep, Meryl Streep n11322178 Streisand, Barbra Streisand, Barbra Joan Streisand n11322344 Strickland, William Strickland n11322481 Strindberg, August Strindberg, Johan August Strindberg n11322627 Stroheim, Erich von Stroheim n11322758 Stuart, Gilbert Stuart, Gilbert Charles Stuart n11322937 Stubbs, William Stubbs n11323094 Stuyvesant, Peter Stuyvesant, Petrus Stuyvesant n11323316 Styron, William Styron n11323448 Suckling, Sir John Suckling n11323580 Sue, Eugene Sue n11323721 Suharto n11323849 Sukarno, Achmad Sukarno n11324090 Sulla, Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix n11324212 Sullivan, Arthur Sullivan, Arthur Seymour Sullivan, Sir Arthur Sullivan n11324428 Sullivan, Anne Sullivan, Anne Mansfield Sullivan n11324619 Sullivan, Ed Sullivan, Edward Vincent Sullivan n11324785 Sullivan, Harry Stack Sullivan n11324902 Sullivan, Louis Sullivan, Louis Henry Sullivan, Louis Henri Sullivan n11325146 Sully, Duc de Sully, Maxmilien de Bethune n11325265 Sully, Thomas Sully n11325419 Sumner, William Graham Sumner n11325534 Sunday, Billy Sunday, William Ashley Sunday n11325663 Sun Yat-sen, Sun Yixian n11325867 Sutherland, Joan Sutherland, Dame Joan Sutherland n11326008 Sverdrup, Otto Neumann Sverdrup n11326154 Swammerdam, Jan Swammerdam n11326433 Swanson, Gloria Swanson, Gloria May Josephine Svensson n11326591 Swedenborg, Svedberg, Emanuel Swedenborg, Emanuel Svedberg n11326730 Sweet, Henry Sweet n11326869 Swift, Jonathan Swift, Dean Swift n11326999 Swift, Gustavus Franklin Swift n11327163 Swinburne, Algernon Charles Swinburne n11327273 Sydenham, Thomas Sydenham, English Hippocrates n11327398 Sylvester II, Gerbert n11327544 Symonds, John Addington Symonds n11327650 Symons, Arthur Symons n11327744 Synge, J. M. Synge, John Millington Synge, Edmund John Millington Synge n11327964 Szell, George Szell n11328085 Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi n11328289 Szilard, Leo Szilard n11328524 Tacitus, Publius Cornelius Tacitus, Gaius Cornelius Tacitus n11328714 Taft, William Howard Taft, President Taft n11328930 Taft, Lorado Taft n11329030 Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore, Sir Rabindranath Tagore n11329281 Talbot, Fox Talbot, William Henry Fox Talbot n11329507 Tallchief, Maria Tallchief n11329690 Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand n11329808 Tallis, Thomas Tallis n11330026 Tamerlane, Tamburlaine, Timur, Timur Lenk n11330228 Tamm, Igor Tamm, Igor Yevgeneevich Tamm n11330346 Tancred n11330504 Tandy, Jessica Tandy n11330692 Taney, Roger Taney, Roger Brooke Taney n11330963 Tange, Kenzo Tange n11331063 Tanguy, Yves Tanguy n11331192 Tappan, Arthur Tappan n11331300 Tarantino, Quentin Tarantino, Quentin Jerome Tarantino n11331442 Tarbell, Ida Tarbell, Ida M. Tarbell, Ida Minerva Tarbell n11331669 Tarkovsky, Andrei Tarkovsky, Andrei Arsenevich Tarkovsky n11331804 Tarquin, Tarquin the Proud, Tarquinius, Tarquinius Superbus, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus n11332068 Tasman, Abel Tasman, Abel Janszoon Tasman n11332250 Tasso, Torquato Tasso n11332423 Tate, Allen Tate, John Orley Allen Tate n11332572 Tati, Jacques Tati, Jacques Tatischeff n11332688 Tatum, Art Tatum, Arthur Tatum n11332892 Tatum, Edward Lawrie Tatum n11333071 Tawney, Richard Henry Tawney n11333237 Taylor, Zachary Taylor, President Taylor n11333390 Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor n11333601 Taylor, Deems Taylor, Joseph Deems Taylor n11333762 Tchaikovsky, Peter Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky n11334003 Teach, Edward Teach, Thatch, Edward Thatch, Blackbeard n11334215 Teasdale, Sara Teasdale n11334317 Tebaldi, Renata Tebaldi n11334428 Tecumseh, Tecumtha n11334609 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin n11334773 Te Kanawa, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Dame Kiri Janette Te Kanawa n11334925 Telemann, Georg Philipp Telemann n11335041 Teller, Edward Teller n11335226 Tenniel, Sir John Tenniel n11335330 Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, First Baron Tennyson, Alfred Lord Tennyson n11335491 Tenzing Norgay n11335695 Terence, Publius Terentius Afer n11335878 Teresa, Mother Teresa, Theresa, Mother Theresa, Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu n11336176 Teresa of Avila, Saint Teresa of Avila n11336364 Tereshkova, Valentina Tereshkova, Valentina Vladmirovna Tereshkova n11336544 Terry, Dame Ellen Terry, Dame Alice Ellen Terry n11336668 Tertullian, Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus n11336850 Tesla, Nikola Tesla n11337202 Thackeray, William Makepeace Thackeray n11337331 Thales, Thales of Miletus n11337629 Tharp, Twyla Tharp n11337779 Thatcher, Margaret Thatcher, Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven, Iron Lady n11337999 Themistocles n11338172 Theodosius, Theodosius I, Theodosius the Great, Flavius Theodosius n11338484 Theophrastus n11338667 Thespis n11338796 Thomas, Saint Thomas, St. Thomas, doubting Thomas, Thomas the doubting Apostle n11339041 Thomas, Dylan Thomas, Dylan Marlais Thomas n11339155 Thomas, Lowell Thomas, Lowell Jackson Thomas n11339361 Thomas, Norman Thomas, Norman Mattoon Thomas n11339534 Thomas, Seth Thomas n11339669 Thompson, Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford n11339905 Thompson, Homer Thompson, Homer A. Thompson, Homer Armstrong Thompson n11340146 Thomson, Joseph John Thomson, Sir Joseph John Thomson n11340411 Thomson, George Paget Thomson, Sir George Paget Thomson n11340642 Thomson, Elihu Thomson n11340824 Thomson, Virgil Thomson, Virgil Garnett Thomson n11340992 Thoreau, Henry David Thoreau n11341137 Thorndike, Edward Lee Thorndike n11341267 Thorndike, Dame Sybil Thorndike n11341374 Thornton, William Thornton n11341479 Thorpe, Jim Thorpe, James Francis Thorpe n11341614 Thucydides n11341760 Thurber, James Thurber, James Grover Thurber n11341970 Tiberius, Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar Augustus n11342191 Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo n11342301 Tiffany, Louis Comfort Tiffany n11342440 Tilden, Big Bill Tilden, William Tatem Tilden Jr. n11342618 Tillich, Paul Tillich, Paul Johannes Tillich n11342766 Timothy n11342905 Tinbergen, Jan Tinbergen n11343040 Tinbergen, Nikolaas Tinbergen n11343208 Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti n11343333 Tirso de Molina, Gabriel Tellez n11343507 Titian, Tiziano Vecellio n11343625 Tito, Marshal Tito, Josip Broz n11343847 Titus, Titus Vespasianus Augustus, Titus Flavius Vespasianus n11343998 Titus n11344092 Tobey, Mark Tobey n11344235 Tobin, James Tobin n11344337 Tocqueville, Alexis de Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Maurice de Tocqueville n11344549 Todd, Sir Alexander Robertus Todd, Lord Todd n11344733 Tojo, Tojo Hideki, Tojo Eiki n11345017 Toklas, Alice B. Toklas n11345181 Tolkien, J.R.R. Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien n11345378 Tolstoy, Leo Tolstoy, Count Lev Nikolayevitch Tolstoy n11345539 Tombaugh, Clyde Tombaugh, Clyde William Tombaugh n11345705 Tonegawa Susumu n11345878 Torquemada, Tomas de Torquemada n11346110 Torricelli, Evangelista Torricelli n11346257 Toscanini, Arturo Toscanini n11346391 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec n11346568 Tourette, Gilles de la Tourette, Georges Gilles de la Tourette n11346710 Town, Ithiel Town n11346873 Townes, Charles Townes, Charles Hard Townes n11347080 Townsend, Francis Everett Townsend n11347317 Toynbee, Arnold Toynbee, Arnold Joseph Toynbee n11347519 Tracy, Spencer Tracy n11347674 Tradescant, John Tradescant n11347834 Trajan, Marcus Ulpius Traianus n11348047 Traubel, Helen Traubel n11348160 Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree n11348356 Trevelyan, George Otto Trevelyan, Sir George Otto Trevelyan n11348584 Trevelyan, George Macaulay Trevelyan n11348812 Trevino, Lee Trevino, Lee Buck Trevino, Supermex n11348946 Trevithick, Richard Trevithick n11349092 Trilling, Lionel Trilling n11349207 Trollope, Anthony Trollope n11349318 Trotsky, Leon Trotsky, Lev Davidovich Bronstein n11349635 Truffaut, Francois Truffaut n11349739 Truman, Harry Truman, Harry S Truman, President Truman n11350059 Trumbo, Dalton Trumbo n11350286 Trumbull, John Trumbull n11350393 Trumbull, John Trumbull n11350514 Trumbull, Jonathan Trumbull n11350705 Truth, Sojourner Truth n11350959 Tubman, Harriet Tubman n11351212 Tuchman, Barbara Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim Tuchman n11351347 Tucker, Sophie Tucker n11351529 Tucker, Benjamin Ricketson Tucker n11351677 Tudor, Antony Tudor n11351832 Tunney, Gene Tunney, James Joseph Tunney n11352035 Turgenev, Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev n11352192 Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques Turgot n11352498 Turing, Alan Turing, Alan Mathison Turing n11352701 Turner, Frederick Jackson Turner n11352883 Turner, Joseph Mallord William Turner n11353078 Turner, Henry Hubert Turner n11353195 Turner, Nat Turner n11353412 Turpin, Dick Turpin n11353510 Tussaud, Marie Tussaud, Madame Tussaud, Marie Grosholtz n11353847 Tutankhamen n11354001 Tutu, Desmond Tutu n11354145 Tyler, John Tyler, President Tyler n11354333 Tyndale, William Tyndale, Tindale, William Tindale, Tindal, William Tindal n11354743 Tyndall, John Tyndall n11355082 Tyson, Mike Tyson, Michael Gerald Tyson n11355247 Tzara, Tristan Tzara, Samuel Rosenstock n11355428 Uhland, Johann Ludwig Uhland n11355537 Ulanova, Galina Ulanova, Galina Sergeevna Ulanova n11355669 Ulfilas, Bishop Ulfilas, Ulfila, Bishop Ulfila, Wulfila, Bishop Wulfila n11356018 ultramontane n11356183 Undset, Sigrid Undset n11356283 Untermeyer, Louis Untermeyer n11356392 Updike, John Updike, John Hoyer Updike n11356512 Upjohn, Richard Upjohn n11356636 Urban II, Odo, Odo of Lagery, Otho, Otho of Lagery n11356822 Urban V, Guillaume de Grimoard n11357086 Urban VI, Bartolomeo Prignano n11357332 Urban VIII, Maffeo Barberini n11357514 Urey, Harold Urey, Harold Clayton Urey n11357660 Uriah n11357879 Ussher, James Ussher, Usher, James Usher n11358065 Ustinov, Sir Peter Ustinov, Peter Alexander Ustinov n11358225 Utrillo, Maurice Utrillo n11358374 Van Allen, James Alfred Van Allen n11358598 Vanbrugh, John Vanbrugh, Sir John Vanbrigh n11358719 Van Buren, Martin Van Buren, President Van Buren n11358863 Vancouver, George Vancouver n11359037 Van de Graaff, Robert Van de Graaff, Robert Jemison Van de Graaff n11359187 Vanderbilt, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Commodore Vanderbilt n11359412 van der Waals, Johannes van der Waals, Johannes Diderik van der Waals n11359558 van de Velde, Henri van de Velde, Henri Clemens van de Velde n11359697 Van Doren, Carl Van Doren, Carl Clinton Van Doren n11359867 Vandyke, Van Dyck, Anthony Vandyke, Sir Anthony Vandyke n11360022 van Gogh, Vincent van Gogh, Gogh n11360175 Van Vleck, John Van Vleck, John Hasbrouck Van Vleck n11360311 Vanzetti, Bartolomeo Vanzetti n11360534 Varese, Edgar Varese n11360744 Vargas, Getulio Dornelles Vargas n11360895 Vargas Llosa, Mario Vargas Llosa, Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa n11361039 Varro, Marcus Terentius Varro n11361142 Vasarely, Viktor Vasarely n11361288 Vasari, Giorgio Vasari n11361423 Vaughan, Sarah Vaughan n11361585 Vaughan Williams, Ralph Vaughan Williams n11361757 Vaux, Calvert Vaux n11361913 Veblen, Oswald Veblen n11362022 Veblen, Thorstein Veblen, Thorstein Bunde Veblen n11362195 Vega, Lope de Vega, Lope Felix de Vega Carpio n11362329 Velazquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez n11362452 Venn, John Venn n11362573 Ventner, Craig Ventner, J. Craig Ventner n11362885 Venturi, Robert Venturi, Robert Charles Venturi n11363020 Verdi, Giuseppe Verdi, Guiseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi n11363164 Verlaine, Paul Verlaine n11363269 Vermeer, Jan Vermeer, Jan van der Meer n11363412 Verne, Jules Verne n11363552 Verner, Karl Adolph Verner n11363657 Vernier, Paul Vernier n11363791 Veronese, Paolo Veronese, Paola Caliari n11363930 Verrazano, Giovanni da Verrazano, Verrazzano, Giovanni da Verrazzano n11364135 Versace, Gianni Versace n11364243 Verwoerd, Hendrik Verwoerd, Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd n11364419 Vesalius, Andreas Vesalius n11364570 Vesey, Denmark Vesey n11364799 Vespasian, Titus Flavius Sabinus Vespasianus n11365100 Vespucci, Amerigo Vespucci, Americus Vespucius n11365300 Vestris, Gaetan Vestris n11365516 Victor Emanuel II n11365674 Victor Emanuel III n11365857 Victoria, Queen Victoria n11366109 Vidal, Gore Vidal, Eugene Luther Vidal n11366232 Vigee-Lebrun, Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun, Marie Louise Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun n11366405 Villa, Pancho Villa, Francisco Villa, Doroteo Arango n11366548 Villa-Lobos, Heitor Villa-Lobos n11366658 Villard, Henry Villard n11366787 Villon, Francois Villon n11366895 Vinogradoff, Sir Paul Gavrilovich Vinogradoff n11367035 Vinson, Frederick Moore Vinson n11367195 Virchow, Rudolf Virchow, Rudolf Karl Virchow n11367436 Virgil, Vergil, Publius Vergilius Maro n11367581 Visconti, Luchino Visconti, Don Luchino Visconti Conte di Modrone n11367725 Vitus, St. Vitus n11367910 Vivaldi, Antonio Vivaldi, Antonio Lucio Vivaldi n11368076 Vizcaino, Sebastian Vizcaino n11368240 Vlaminck, Maurice de Vlaminck n11368368 Volta, Count Alessandro Volta, Conte Alessandro Volta, Conte Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta n11368638 Voltaire, Arouet, Francois-Marie Arouet n11368841 Vonnegut, Kurt Vonnegut n11369035 von Neumann, Neumann, John von Neumann n11369251 von Sternberg, Josef von Sternberg n11369444 Voznesenski, Andrei Voznesenski n11369551 Vuillard, Edouard Vuillard, Jean Edouard Vuillard n11369676 Wade, Virginia Wade n11369834 Wagner, Richard Wagner, Wilhelm Richard Wagner n11370068 Wagner, Otto Wagner n11370201 Wain, John Wain, John Barrington Wain n11370314 Waite, Morrison Waite, Morrison R. Waite, Morrison Remick Waite n11370554 Wajda, Andrzej Wajda n11370654 Waldheim, Kurt Waldheim n11370990 Walesa, Lech Walesa n11371125 Walker, Alice Walker, Alice Malsenior Walker n11371254 Walker, John Walker n11371443 Wallace, Alfred Russel Wallace n11371622 Wallace, Edgar Wallace, Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace n11371778 Wallace, Sir William Wallace n11372054 Wallenstein, Albrecht Eusebius Wenzel von Wallenstein n11372242 Waller, Fats Waller, Thomas Wright Waller n11372372 Walpole, Robert Walpole, Sir Robert Walpole, First Earl of Orford n11372599 Walpole, Horace Walpole, Horatio Walpole, Fourth Earl of Orford n11372799 Walter, Bruno Walter n11372896 Walton, E. T. S. Walton, Ernest Walton, Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton n11373099 Walton, Izaak Walton n11373231 Walton, William Walton, Sir William Walton, Sir William Turner Walton n11373379 Wanamaker, John Wanamaker n11373550 Warburg, Aby Warburg, Aby Moritz Warburg n11373672 Warburg, Otto Heinrich Warburg n11373897 Ward, Montgomery Ward, Aaron Montgomery Ward n11374085 Ward, Mrs. Humphrey Ward, Mary Augusta Arnold Ward n11374281 Ward, Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth n11374448 Warhol, Andy Warhol n11374589 Warner, Charles Dudley Warner n11374789 Warren, Earl Warren n11374952 Warren, Robert Penn Warren n11375087 Warwick, Earl of Warwick, Richard Neville, Kingmaker n11375418 Washington, George Washington, President Washington n11375677 Washington, Booker T. Washington, Booker Taliaferro Washington n11375909 Wassermann, August von Wassermann n11376069 Waters, Ethel Waters n11376201 Watson, James Watson, James Dewey Watson n11376400 Watson, John Broadus Watson n11376565 Watson, Thomas Augustus Watson n11376742 Watt, James Watt n11376939 Watteau, Jean Antoine Watteau n11377043 Watts, Isaac Watts n11377168 Waugh, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Arthur Saint John Waugh n11377315 Wavell, Archibald Percival Wavell, First Earl Wavell n11377564 Wayne, Anthony Wayne, Mad Anthony Wayne n11377712 Wayne, John Wayne, Duke Wayne n11377851 Webb, Sidney Webb, Sidney James Webb, First Baron Passfield n11378087 Webb, Beatrice Webb, Martha Beatrice Potter Webb n11378254 Weber, E. H. Weber, Ernst Heinrich Weber n11378462 Weber, Carl Maria von Weber, Baron Karl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber n11378662 Weber, Max Weber n11378805 Weber, Max Weber n11378929 Weber, Wilhelm Eduard Weber n11379108 Webster, Noah Webster n11379217 Webster, Daniel Webster n11379336 Webster, John Webster n11379436 Wedgwood, Josiah Wedgwood n11379536 Wegener, Alfred Lothar Wegener n11379691 Weil, Andre Weil n11379812 Weil, Simone Weil n11379908 Weill, Kurt Weill n11380035 Weinberg, Steven Weinberg n11380159 Weismann, August Friedrich Leopold Weismann n11380429 Weizmann, Chaim Weizmann, Chaim Azriel Weizmann n11380655 Weld, Theodore Dwight Weld n11380768 Welles, Orson Welles, George Orson Welles n11380923 Wellington, Duke of Wellington, First Duke of Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Iron Duke n11381193 Wells, H. G. Wells, Herbert George Wells n11381457 Welty, Eudora Welty n11381583 Werfel, Franz Werfel n11381684 Wernicke, Karl Wernicke n11381824 Wesley, John Wesley n11381964 Wesley, Charles Wesley n11382112 West, Benjamin West n11382278 West, Mae West n11382398 West, Rebecca West, Dame Rebecca West, Cicily Isabel Fairfield n11382555 Westinghouse, George Westinghouse n11382688 Weston, Edward Weston n11382795 Wharton, Edith Wharton, Edith Newbold Jones Wharton n11382930 Wheatley, Phillis Wheatley n11383100 Wheatstone, Sir Charles Wheatstone n11383278 Wheeler, Sir Mortimer Wheeler, Sir Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler n11383425 Whistler, James Abbott McNeill Whistler n11383546 White, Andrew D. White, Andrew Dickson White n11383767 White, E. B. White, Elwyn Brooks White n11383917 White, Stanford White n11384022 White, T. H. White, Theodore Harold White n11384159 White, Patrick White, Patrick Victor Martindale White n11384291 White, Edward White, Edward D. White, Edward Douglas White Jr. n11384566 Whitehead, Alfred North Whitehead n11384755 Whitman, Marcus Whitman n11384986 Whitman, Walt Whitman n11385126 Whitney, Eli Whitney n11385277 Whittier, John Greenleaf Whittier n11385442 Whittle, Frank Whittle, Sir Frank Whittle n11385611 Wiener, Norbert Wiener n11385748 Wiesel, Elie Wiesel, Eliezer Wiesel n11386005 Wiesenthal, Samuel Wiesenthal n11386138 Wigner, Eugene Wigner, Eugene Paul Wigner n11386346 Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde n11386503 Wilder, Billy Wilder, Samuel Wilder n11386692 Wilder, Thornton Wilder, Thornton Niven Wilder n11386853 Wilhelm II, Kaiser Wilhelm, Kaiser Bill n11387060 Wilkes, Charles Wilkes n11387179 Wilkes, John Wilkes n11387362 Wilkins, Maurice Wilkins, Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins n11387539 Wilkins, George Hubert Wilkins n11387692 Wilkins, Roy Wilkins n11387806 Wilkinson, Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson n11387973 Willard, Emma Hart Willard n11388141 Willard, Frances Elizabeth Caroline Willard n11388321 Willebrand, von Willebrand, E. A. von Willebrand, Erik von Willebrand, Erik Adolf von Willebrand n11388538 William I, William the Conqueror n11388841 William II, William Rufus n11389003 William III, William of Orange n11389301 William IV, Sailor King n11389481 Williams, Tennessee Williams, Thomas Lanier Williams n11389619 Williams, Roger Williams n11389901 Williams, Ted Williams, Theodore Samuel Williams n11390058 Williams, William Carlos Williams n11390170 Williams, Sir Bernard Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen Williams n11390364 Williams, Hank Williams, Hiram Williams, Hiram King Williams n11390549 Willis, Thomas Willis n11390692 Wilmut, Ian Wilmut n11390855 Wilson, Woodrow Wilson, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, President Wilson n11391123 Wilson, Edmund Wilson n11391234 Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees Wilson n11391379 Wilson, E. O. Wilson, Edward Osborne Wilson n11391587 Wilson, James Wilson n11391759 Wilson, John Tuzo Wilson n11391915 Wilson, Robert Woodrow Wilson n11392082 Wilson, Alexander Wilson n11392210 Wilson, Sir Angus Wilson, Angus Frank Johnstone Wilson n11392368 Wilson, Harriet Wilson n11392539 Winckelmann, Johann Winckelmann, Johann Joachim Winckelmann n11392754 Windaus, Adolf Windaus n11392913 Winslow, Edward Winslow n11393124 Wise, Isaac Mayer Wise n11393315 Wise, Stephen Samuel Wise n11393446 Wister, Owen Wister n11393546 Witherspoon, John Witherspoon n11393828 Wittgenstein, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Ludwig Josef Johan Wittgenstein n11394042 Wodehouse, P. G. Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville Wodehouse n11394214 Wolf, Friedrich August Wolf n11394398 Wolf, Hugo Wolf n11394491 Wolfe, Thomas Wolfe, Thomas Clayton Wolfe n11394657 Wolfe, Tom Wolfe, Thomas Wolfe, Thomas Kennerly Wolfe Jr. n11394848 Wolff, Kaspar Friedrich Wolff n11394954 Wollaston, William Hyde Wollaston n11395199 Wollstonecraft, Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin n11395466 Wood, Grant Wood n11395609 Wood, Mrs. Henry Wood, Ellen Price Wood n11395773 Wood, Sir Henry Wood, Sir Henry Joseph Wood n11395895 Wood, Natalie Wood n11396000 Woodbury, Helen Laura Sumner Woodbury n11396128 Woodhull, Victoria Clafin Woodhull n11396338 Woodward, Bob Woodward, Robert Woodward, Robert Burns Woodward n11396535 Woodward, C. Vann Woodward, Comer Vann Woodward n11396667 Woolf, Virginia Woolf, Adeline Virginia Stephen Woolf n11396943 Woollcott, Alexander Woollcott n11397094 Woolley, Sir Leonard Woolley, Sir Charles Leonard Woolley n11397271 Woolworth, Frank Winfield Woolworth n11397488 Worcester, Joseph Emerson Worcester n11397657 Wordsworth, William Wordsworth n11397885 Worth, Charles Frederick Worth n11398094 Wouk, Herman Wouk n11398195 Wren, Sir Christopher Wren n11398344 Wright, Frances Wright, Fanny Wright n11398489 Wright, Frank Lloyd Wright n11398611 Wright, Orville Wright n11398783 Wright, Wilbur Wright n11398955 Wright, Richard Wright n11399123 Wright, Willard Huntington Wright, S. S. Van Dine n11399274 Wurlitzer, Rudolf Wurlitzer n11399446 Wyatt, Sir Thomas Wyatt, Wyat, Sir Thomas Wyat n11399620 Wyatt, James Wyatt n11399716 Wycherley, William Wycherley n11399866 Wycliffe, John Wycliffe, Wickliffe, John Wickliffe, Wyclif, John Wyclif, Wiclif, John Wiclif n11400126 Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth n11400230 Wykeham, William of Wykeham n11400490 Wyler, William Wyler n11400594 Wylie, Elinor Morton Hoyt Wylie n11400704 Wynette, Tammy Wynette, Tammy Wynetter Pugh n11400837 Wyszynski, Stefan Wyszynski n11401009 Xavier, Saint Francis Xavier n11401194 Xenophanes n11401282 Xenophon n11401418 Xerxes I, Xerxes the Great n11401617 Yale, Elihu Yale n11401797 Yamamoto, Isoroku Yamamoto n11401947 Yamani, Ahmed Zoki Yamani n11402120 Yang Chen Ning, Chen N. Yang n11402341 Yastrzemski, Carl Yastrzemski n11402463 Yeats, William Butler Yeats, W. B. Yeats n11402626 Yerkes, Robert M. Yerkes, Robert Mearns Yerkes n11402801 Yersin, Alexandre Yersin, Alexandre Emile Jean Yersin n11403015 Yevtushenko, Yevgeni Yevtushenko, Yevgeni Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko n11403220 Young, Brigham Young n11403456 Young, Cy Young, Danton True Young n11403600 Young, Edward Young n11403692 Young, Pres Young, Lester Willis Young n11403828 Young, Thomas Young n11404140 Young, Whitney Young, Whitney Moore Young Jr. n11404280 Young, Loretta Young n11404402 Yukawa, Hideki Yukawa n11404666 Zaharias, Babe Zaharias, Didrikson, Babe Didrikson, Mildred Ella Didrikson, Mildred Ella Didrikson Zaharias n11404871 Zangwill, Israel Zangwill n11404971 Zanuck, Darryl Zanuck, Darryl Francis Zanuck n11405176 Zapata, Emiliano Zapata n11405319 Zechariah, Zacharias n11405437 Zeeman, Pieter Zeeman n11405684 Zeno, Zeno of Citium n11405826 Zeno, Zeno of Elea n11406023 Zephaniah, Sophonias n11406141 Zeppelin, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin n11406314 Zhou En-lai, Chou En-lai n11406460 Zhukov, Georgi Zhukov, Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov n11406700 Ziegfeld, Flo Ziegfeld, Florenz Ziegfeld n11406906 Ziegler, Karl Waldemar Ziegler n11407048 Zimbalist, Efrem Zimbalist n11407175 Zinnemann, Fred Zinnemann n11407302 Zinsser, Hans Zinsser n11407465 Zinzendorf, Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf n11407591 Zola, Emile Zola n11407715 Zoroaster, Zarathustra n11407865 Zsigmondy, Richard Adolph Zsigmondy n11408041 Zukerman, Pinchas Zukerman n11408148 Zweig, Stefan Zweig n11408243 Zwingli, Ulrich Zwingli, Huldreich Zwingli n11408414 Zworykin, Vladimir Kosma Zworykin n11408559 natural phenomenon n11408733 levitation n11408914 metempsychosis, rebirth n11409059 chemical phenomenon n11409329 allotropy, allotropism n11409538 exchange n11409689 photoconductivity, photoconduction n11409892 superconductivity n11410023 photochemical exchange n11410172 photoemission n11410298 crystallization, crystallisation, crystallizing n11410527 efflorescence, bloom n11410625 consequence, effect, outcome, result, event, issue, upshot n11411501 aftereffect n11411610 aftermath, wake, backwash n11411839 bandwagon effect n11412179 brisance n11412334 butterfly effect n11412592 by-product, byproduct n11412727 change n11412993 coattails effect n11413263 Coriolis effect n11413661 dent n11413800 dominance n11414041 domino effect n11414257 harvest n11414411 impact, wallop n11414608 influence n11414874 perturbation n11415084 variation n11415342 purchase n11415492 wind n11415608 knock-on effect n11415721 outgrowth, branch, offshoot, offset n11415842 product n11416087 placebo effect n11416534 position effect n11416722 repercussion, reverberation n11416988 response n11417129 reaction n11417387 side effect, fallout n11417561 engine n11417672 geological phenomenon n11418011 endogeny n11418138 luck, fortune, chance, hazard n11418460 luck, fortune n11418750 organic phenomenon n11419404 physical phenomenon n11420139 aberration, distortion, optical aberration n11420376 abiogenesis, autogenesis, autogeny, spontaneous generation n11420631 absorption band n11420831 spectrum n11421214 absorption spectrum n11421401 actinic radiation, actinic ray n11421618 action spectrum n11421822 activation energy, energy of activation n11422114 aerodynamic force n11422277 aerodynamic lift, lift n11422446 ground effect n11422597 aerosol n11422822 affinity, chemical attraction n11423028 air pocket, pocket, air hole n11423197 slipstream, airstream, race, backwash, wash n11423356 airstream n11423471 alluvial fan, alluvial cone n11423607 alpha radiation, alpha ray n11423756 alpha rhythm, alpha wave n11423952 alternating current, AC, alternating electric current n11424194 alternation of generations, heterogenesis, xenogenesis n11424400 alternative energy n11424589 metagenesis, digenesis n11424704 amperage n11424816 annual ring, growth ring n11424938 antitrades n11425088 apparent motion, motion, apparent movement, movement n11425401 acoustic phenomenon n11425580 atmospheric phenomenon n11425989 atomic energy, nuclear energy n11426125 atomic power, nuclear power n11426288 atomic spectrum n11426530 attraction, attractive force n11426778 affinity n11426914 repulsion, repulsive force n11427067 aureole, corona n11427241 aurora n11427501 aurora australis, southern lights n11427619 aurora borealis, northern lights n11427736 autofluorescence n11427842 bad luck, mischance, mishap n11428023 beam, beam of light, light beam, ray, ray of light, shaft, shaft of light, irradiation n11428379 beam, ray, electron beam n11428567 cathode ray n11428699 beta radiation, beta ray, electron radiation n11428862 beta rhythm, beta wave n11429057 binding energy, separation energy n11429238 bioelectricity n11429356 bise, bize n11429458 atmospheric pressure, air pressure, pressure n11429661 black-body radiation, blackbody radiation n11429968 blood pressure n11430483 systolic pressure n11430659 diastolic pressure n11430863 arterial pressure n11431058 venous pressure n11431191 boundary layer n11431302 brainwave, brain wave, cortical potential n11431617 calm air, calm n11431754 breeze, zephyr, gentle wind, air n11432155 sea breeze n11432262 breath n11432387 light air n11432508 light breeze n11432632 gentle breeze n11432758 moderate breeze n11432887 fresh breeze n11433013 strong breeze n11433140 Brownian movement, Brownian motion, pedesis n11433297 brush discharge n11433435 candlelight, candle flame n11433546 capacitance, electrical capacity, capacity n11433698 elastance, electrical elastance n11433806 capillarity, capillary action n11434016 catastrophe, cataclysm n11434150 nuclear winter n11434448 continental drift n11434594 centrifugal force n11434747 centripetal force n11434899 chaos n11435028 charge, electric charge n11435358 electrostatic charge n11435541 electrostatic field n11435661 pyroelectricity n11435871 positive charge n11436019 negative charge n11436163 chatter mark n11436283 chemical bond, bond n11436491 valency n11436585 cohesion n11436748 covalent bond n11436929 cross-link, cross-linkage n11437111 hydrogen bond n11437344 ionic bond, electrovalent bond, electrostatic bond n11437577 ionizing radiation n11437823 double bond n11437957 coordinate bond, dative bond n11438105 metallic bond n11438260 peptide bond, peptide linkage n11438468 chemical energy n11438612 chinook, chinook wind, snow eater n11438756 harmattan n11438904 chromatic aberration n11439031 circulation n11439312 systemic circulation n11439446 pulmonary circulation n11439566 vitelline circulation n11439690 cloud n11439924 cold wave n11440012 cold weather n11440123 Coriolis force n11440521 freeze, frost n11440691 corona n11440802 corona discharge, corona, corposant, St. Elmo's fire, Saint Elmo's fire, Saint Elmo's light, Saint Ulmo's fire, Saint Ulmo's light, electric glow n11441077 cosmic background radiation, CBR, cosmic microwave background radiation, CMBR, cosmic microwave background, CMB n11441416 cosmic dust n11441561 cosmic radiation n11441707 cosmic ray n11441980 dust cloud n11442073 mushroom, mushroom cloud, mushroom-shaped cloud n11442298 counterglow, gegenschein n11442524 crosswind n11442630 fohn, foehn n11442752 khamsin n11442894 Santa Ana n11443057 high wind n11443173 headwind n11443283 katabatic wind, catabatic wind n11443409 tailwind n11443532 current, electric current n11443721 cyclone n11443929 cyclosis, streaming n11444038 daylight n11444117 death n11444371 decalescence n11444643 decay, decomposition n11444816 dehiscence n11445187 delta rhythm, delta wave n11445395 deposit, sedimentation, alluviation n11445564 desquamation, peeling, shedding n11445753 exfoliation n11445960 mother lode, champion lode n11446067 lode, load n11446242 condensation, condensate n11446459 sweat n11446598 diapedesis n11446771 dichroism n11446934 diffraction n11447153 direct current, DC, direct electric current n11447319 signal n11447532 interrupt n11447691 doldrums n11447851 drift, impetus, impulsion n11448013 dust devil n11448153 dust storm, duster, sandstorm, sirocco n11448343 east wind, easter, easterly n11448475 northwest wind, northwester n11448593 southwester, sou'wester n11448714 southeaster, sou'easter n11448835 elastic energy, elastic potential energy n11449002 electrical phenomenon n11449419 electrical power, electric power, wattage n11449561 load n11449658 electric field n11449784 dielectric heating n11449907 electricity n11450453 galvanism n11450566 electricity, electrical energy n11450869 electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic wave, nonparticulate radiation n11451310 Hertzian wave n11451442 electromagnetic spectrum n11451944 emission spectrum n11452079 energy n11452218 energy, free energy n11452750 energy level, energy state n11453016 power n11453210 rest energy n11453420 work n11453735 epiphenomenon n11453860 event n11454042 facilitation n11454310 flare n11454470 flashover n11454591 flood, inundation, deluge, alluvion n11454953 debacle n11455092 flash flood, flashflood n11455236 floodhead n11455386 Noah's flood, Noachian deluge, Noah and the Flood, the Flood n11455695 focus, focal point n11455901 food chain n11456083 food pyramid n11456273 food web, food cycle n11456462 fair weather, sunshine, temperateness n11456615 fata morgana n11456760 field, field of force, force field n11457057 line of force, field line n11457283 electrical line of force n11457392 magnetic line of force n11457496 fine spray n11457586 fine structure n11457841 firelight n11457944 firestorm n11458102 fluorescence n11458314 fog n11458514 fogbank n11458624 force n11459200 forked lightning, chain lightning n11459369 friar's lantern, ignis fatuus, jack-o'-lantern, will-o'-the-wisp n11459538 friction, rubbing n11459748 fringe, interference fringe n11459907 gene expression n11460063 grinding, abrasion, attrition, detrition n11460281 grip, traction, adhesive friction n11460488 front n11460728 warm front n11460829 cold front, polar front n11460962 squall line n11461080 occluded front, occlusion n11461268 greenhouse effect, greenhouse warming n11461563 inversion n11461684 frost heave, frost heaving n11461825 gale n11462013 moderate gale, near gale n11462152 fresh gale n11462276 strong gale n11462401 whole gale n11462526 storm, violent storm n11462951 northeaster, noreaster n11463073 gamma radiation, gamma ray n11463265 gaslight n11463371 radiance, glow, glowing n11463544 glow n11463647 sky glow n11463746 good luck, fluke, good fortune n11463895 serendipity n11464027 gravitational field n11464143 gravity, gravitation, gravitational attraction, gravitational force n11464784 solar gravity n11464926 gun smoke n11465017 gust, blast, blow n11465297 bluster n11465425 sandblast n11465530 hail n11465688 hailstorm n11465775 half-light n11465888 haze n11466043 heat, heat energy n11466337 geothermal energy n11466458 histocompatibility n11466701 hot weather n11466834 scorcher n11466909 sultriness n11467018 hurricane n11467202 hydroelectricity n11467318 hysteresis n11467543 ice fog, pogonip n11467650 ice storm, silver storm n11467786 incandescence, glow n11467996 incidence n11468172 induction, inductance n11468442 mutual induction n11468578 self-induction n11468763 inertia n11468973 moment of inertia n11469108 angular acceleration n11469265 angular velocity n11469481 infrared, infrared light, infrared radiation, infrared emission n11469691 infrared spectrum n11469827 interreflection n11470008 jet propulsion n11470139 jet stream n11470348 juice n11470492 kinetic energy, K.E. n11470621 heat of dissociation n11470765 heat of formation n11470933 heat of solution n11471097 latent heat, heat of transformation n11471359 heat of condensation n11471578 heat of fusion n11471828 heat of solidification n11471977 heat of sublimation n11472131 heat of vaporization, heat of vaporisation n11472352 specific heat n11472503 heat ray n11472612 heat wave n11472699 high beam n11472820 infrared ray n11472960 lamplight n11473033 levanter n11473138 leverage, purchase n11473291 life n11473488 biology n11473685 aerobiosis n11473807 life cycle n11473954 light, visible light, visible radiation n11474637 line n11474774 elves n11475067 jet, blue jet, reverse lightning n11475279 lightning n11475476 line spectrum n11475682 Lorentz force n11475992 sprites, red sprites n11476231 atmospheric electricity n11476430 luminescence n11476619 bioluminescence n11476767 chemiluminescence n11476939 luminous energy n11477041 magnetosphere n11477269 solar magnetic field n11477384 magnetic field, magnetic flux, flux n11477582 radiation field n11477710 beat n11477921 resonance n11478171 sympathetic vibration n11478299 resonance n11478514 nuclear resonance n11478682 magnetic resonance n11478898 nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR, proton magnetic resonance n11479058 magnetism, magnetic attraction, magnetic force n11479368 electromagnetism n11479640 antiferromagnetism n11479816 diamagnetism n11480091 ferrimagnetism n11480284 ferromagnetism n11480521 paramagnetism n11480698 mechanical phenomenon n11480930 sound n11481209 ultrasound n11481334 trajectory, flight n11481487 ballistics, ballistic trajectory n11481627 gravity-assist n11481824 mass defect, mass deficiency n11482013 mechanical energy n11482140 thaw, thawing, warming n11482312 microwave n11482579 midnight sun n11482706 mist n11482873 mistral n11482985 moment n11483179 moment of a couple n11483354 dipole moment n11483472 electric dipole moment n11483580 magnetic dipole moment n11483829 magnetic moment, moment of a magnet n11483990 meteor, shooting star n11484260 bolide, fireball n11484375 mirage n11484570 monsoon n11484741 monsoon n11484861 moonbeam, moon ray, moon-ray n11484975 moonlight, moonshine, Moon n11485186 starlight n11485264 sunburst n11485367 sunlight, sunshine, sun n11485582 sunbeam, sunray n11485681 laser beam n11485774 low beam n11485907 particle beam n11486049 ion beam, ionic beam n11486178 necrobiosis, cell death n11486381 apoptosis, programmed cell death, caspase-mediated cell death n11486708 necrosis, mortification, gangrene, sphacelus n11486983 myonecrosis n11487078 brain death, cerebral death n11487298 neutron radiation n11487424 halo n11487533 solar halo, parhelic circle, parhelic ring n11487732 parhelion, mock sun, sundog n11487950 north wind, northerly, norther, boreas n11488160 nuclear propulsion n11488387 ocean current n11488601 El Nino n11488828 El Nino southern oscillation n11489070 equatorial current n11489230 North Equatorial Current n11489383 South Equatorial Current n11489536 Gulf stream n11489686 Japan current, Kuroshio current, Kuroshio n11489878 Peruvian current, Humboldt current n11490058 opacity n11490257 optical opacity n11490335 radiopacity, radio-opacity n11490463 optical illusion n11490638 optical phenomenon n11490934 pea soup, pea-souper n11491026 phosphorescence n11491194 photoelectricity n11491308 piezoelectricity, piezoelectric effect, piezo effect n11491619 pleochroism n11491816 pleomorphism n11492014 polarization, polarisation n11492240 depolarization, depolarisation n11492388 polymorphism n11492643 dimorphism n11492833 polymorphism, pleomorphism n11493083 dimorphism n11493266 polymorphism n11493452 single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP n11493827 electric potential, potential, potential difference, potential drop, voltage n11494076 evoked potential n11494287 resting potential n11494472 potential energy, P.E. n11494638 precipitation, downfall n11494935 gas pressure n11495041 pressure, pressure level, force per unit area n11495607 head n11495708 barometric pressure n11495822 compartment pressure n11495964 overpressure n11496157 sea-level pressure n11496296 hydrostatic head n11496503 intraocular pressure, IOP n11496746 oil pressure n11496881 osmotic pressure n11497173 radiation pressure, corpuscular-radiation pressure n11497378 sound pressure, instantaneous sound pressure n11497586 prevailing wind n11497777 propulsion n11497888 puff, puff of air, whiff n11498040 pull n11498203 push, thrust n11498461 reaction n11498679 rocket propulsion n11498850 reaction propulsion n11499091 radiant energy n11499284 radiation n11499510 corpuscular radiation, particulate radiation n11499817 radio wave, radio emission, radio radiation n11500122 sky wave n11500349 ionospheric wave n11500458 ground wave n11500570 radio signal n11500679 mass spectrum n11500816 microwave spectrum n11500968 radio spectrum, radio-frequency spectrum n11501230 carrier wave, carrier n11501381 rain, rainfall n11501649 raindrop n11501737 rainstorm n11501864 line storm, equinoctial storm n11501988 thundershower n11502102 downpour, cloudburst, deluge, waterspout, torrent, pelter, soaker n11502322 drizzle, mizzle n11502497 shower, rain shower n11502695 recognition n11503060 reflection, reflexion n11503287 refraction n11503482 double refraction, birefringence n11503644 resistance n11503813 conductance n11503968 electric resistance, electrical resistance, impedance, resistance, resistivity, ohmic resistance n11504225 ohmage n11504313 reactance n11504478 acoustic resistance, acoustic impedance, acoustic reactance n11504750 reluctance n11504898 drag, retarding force n11505057 sonic barrier, sound barrier n11505210 windage n11505318 rejection n11505546 rejuvenation, greening n11505769 resolving power, resolution n11505952 resolution n11506167 scattering, sprinkle, sprinkling n11506349 scintillation n11506549 sex linkage n11506738 shear n11507000 meteor shower, meteor stream n11507174 short wave n11507321 medium wave n11507511 long wave n11507655 simoom, simoon, samiel n11507797 skin effect n11507951 sleet n11508092 smoke, fume n11508303 smother n11508382 snow, snowfall n11508578 flurry, snow flurry n11508808 whiteout n11509066 snowflake, flake n11509204 virga n11509377 ice crystal, snow mist, diamond dust, poudrin, ice needle, frost snow, frost mist n11509570 blizzard, snowstorm n11509697 solar energy, solar power n11509968 insolation n11510067 solar radiation n11510223 solar flare, flare n11510411 solar prominence n11510571 solar wind n11510714 sound spectrum, acoustic spectrum n11510896 speech spectrum n11511004 sunspot, macula n11511176 facula n11511327 facula n11511405 south wind, souther, southerly n11511523 discharge, spark, arc, electric arc, electric discharge n11511765 distortion n11512144 nonlinear distortion, amplitude distortion n11512331 projection, acoustic projection, sound projection n11512650 electrical conduction n11512818 conduction, conductivity n11512992 propagation n11513179 Doppler effect, Doppler shift n11513357 red shift, redshift n11513631 wave front n11513761 spherical aberration n11513880 spillover n11514008 squall n11514171 line squall n11514288 electrical disturbance n11514462 static electricity n11514559 dynamic electricity, current electricity n11514672 thermoelectricity n11514805 stress n11515051 tension n11515325 strain n11515526 breaking point n11515644 overstrain n11515734 streamer n11515849 torchlight n11515935 twilight n11516113 interaction, fundamental interaction n11516439 electromagnetic interaction n11516659 gravitational interaction n11516819 strong interaction, strong force, color force n11517041 supertwister n11517210 weak interaction, weak force n11517494 suction n11517656 sunrise n11517776 sunset n11517898 afterglow n11517999 surface tension n11518168 interfacial tension, interfacial surface tension n11518330 syzygy n11518494 tempest n11518645 thermal n11518743 thermionic current n11518915 theta rhythm, theta wave n11519121 thunderbolt, bolt, bolt of lightning n11519253 thunderstorm, electrical storm, electric storm n11519450 tornado, twister n11519702 torsion, torque n11519799 tossup, toss-up, even chance n11519949 trade wind, trade n11520120 antitrade wind, antitrade n11520271 tramontane, tramontana n11520435 transgression n11520619 transparency, transparence n11520821 trichroism n11520989 turbulence, turbulency n11521145 typhoon n11521267 turbulent flow n11521404 sea n11521534 head sea n11521665 streamline flow n11521824 laminar flow n11521940 ultraviolet, ultraviolet radiation, ultraviolet light, ultraviolet illumination, UV n11522206 sunray, sun-ray n11522325 ultraviolet spectrum n11522448 draft, draught n11522649 updraft n11522730 downdraft n11522815 van der Waal's forces n11523031 vapor pressure, vapour pressure n11523256 virtual image n11523369 visible spectrum, color spectrum n11523538 voltage, electromotive force, emf n11523736 magnetomotive force n11523839 life force, vital force, vitality, elan vital n11524110 volcanism n11524213 waterpower n11524324 waterspout n11524451 wave n11524662 weather, weather condition, conditions, atmospheric condition n11525303 elements n11525480 west wind, wester n11525614 prevailing westerly, westerly n11525779 whirlwind n11525955 wind, air current, current of air n11526894 wind generation, wind power n11527014 windstorm n11527177 X ray, X-ray, X-radiation, roentgen ray n11527386 X-ray diffraction n11527556 zodiacal light n11527767 chop n11527967 flotation, floatation n11528225 parallax n11528427 Tyndall effect n11528636 heliocentric parallax, annual parallax n11528841 stellar parallax n11528939 geocentric parallax, diurnal parallax n11529158 horizontal parallax n11529295 pulsation n11529441 solar parallax n11529603 Plantae, kingdom Plantae, plant kingdom n11530008 microflora n11530149 plant cell n11530283 cell wall n11530512 crop n11530715 endemic n11530860 holophyte n11530990 non-flowering plant n11531090 plantlet n11531193 wilding n11531334 semi-climber n11531457 Thallophyta n11531701 thallophyte n11531916 button n11532017 thallus n11532194 crustose thallus n11532351 cap, pileus n11532547 calyptra n11532682 volva n11532816 ascocarp n11533026 acervulus n11533212 basidiocarp n11533365 peridium n11533472 ascoma n11533622 apothecium n11533772 cleistothecium, cleistocarp n11533999 domatium n11534161 podetium n11534360 seta n11534434 Tracheophyta, division Tracheophyta n11534677 plant order n11536087 ornamental n11536230 pot plant n11536369 acrogen n11536567 apomict n11536673 aquatic n11536778 Bryophyta, division Bryophyta n11537327 bryophyte, nonvascular plant n11537506 moss n11537665 moss family n11537886 moss genus n11538123 Anthoceropsida, class Anthoceropsida n11538341 Anthocerotales, order Anthocerotales n11538582 Anthocerotaceae, family Anthocerotaceae n11538716 Anthoceros, genus Anthoceros n11538820 hornwort n11538935 Bryopsida, class Bryopsida, Musci, class Musci n11539289 acrocarp, acrocarpous moss n11539467 pleurocarp, pleurocarpous moss n11539675 Andreaeales, order Andreaeales n11539825 Andreaea, genus Andreaea n11540000 Bryales, order Bryales n11540230 Dicranales, order Dicranales n11540439 Dicranaceae, family Dicranaceae n11540631 Dicranum, genus Dicranum n11540747 Eubryales, order Eubryales n11540970 Bryaceae, family Bryaceae n11541111 Bryum, genus Bryum n11541322 Mniaceae, family Mniaceae n11541579 Mnium, genus Mnium n11541713 Sphagnales, order Sphagnales n11541919 genus Sphagnum n11542137 sphagnum, sphagnum moss, peat moss, bog moss n11542341 Hepaticopsida, class Hepaticopsida, Hepaticae, class Hepaticae n11542640 liverwort, hepatic n11542920 Jungermanniales, order Jungermanniales n11543105 leafy liverwort, scale moss n11543264 Jungermanniaceae, family Jungermanniaceae n11543429 Marchantiales, order Marchantiales n11543602 Marchantiaceae, family Marchantiaceae n11543792 Marchantia, genus Marchantia n11544015 hepatica, Marchantia polymorpha n11544131 Sphaerocarpales, order Sphaerocarpales n11544314 Sphaerocarpaceae, family Sphaerocarpaceae n11544540 Sphaerocarpus, genus Sphaerocarpus, Sphaerocarpos, genus Sphaerocarpos n11544769 Pteridophyta, division Pteridophyta n11545214 genus Pecopteris n11545350 pecopteris n11545524 pteridophyte, nonflowering plant n11545714 fern n11547562 fern ally n11547737 agamete n11547855 spore n11548465 basidiospore n11548594 endospore n11548728 carpospore n11548870 chlamydospore n11549009 conidium, conidiospore n11549138 conidiophore n11549245 oospore n11549391 oosphere n11549487 resting spore n11549638 teliospore n11549779 tetraspore n11549895 zoospore n11550022 fern seed n11550205 fructification n11550340 gleba n11550474 hymenium n11550620 pycnidium n11550725 sporocarp, spore case n11550890 stipule n11551044 tepal n11551211 Spermatophyta, division Spermatophyta n11551659 Phanerogamae n11551898 Cryptogamia n11552133 cryptogam n11552386 spermatophyte, phanerogam, seed plant n11552594 seedling n11552686 balsam n11552806 annual n11552976 biennial n11553240 perennial n11553419 escape n11553522 hygrophyte n11553634 neophyte n11553763 gymnosperm family n11554175 gymnosperm genus n11555413 monocot family, liliopsid family n11556187 liliid monocot family n11556857 monocot genus, liliopsid genus n11561228 liliid monocot genus n11562747 dicot family, magnoliopsid family n11564258 magnoliid dicot family n11564734 hamamelid dicot family n11565040 caryophylloid dicot family n11565385 dilleniid dicot family n11566230 asterid dicot family n11566682 rosid dicot family n11567411 dicot genus, magnoliopsid genus n11571907 magnoliid dicot genus n11573173 hamamelid dicot genus n11573660 caryophylloid dicot genus n11575425 dilleniid dicot genus n11579418 asterid dicot genus n11585340 rosid dicot genus n11590783 fungus family n11592146 fungus genus n11594676 fungus order n11595312 Gymnospermae, class Gymnospermae, Gymnospermophyta, division Gymnospermophyta n11596108 gymnosperm n11596344 progymnosperm n11596486 Gnetopsida, class Gnetopsida, Gnetophytina, subdivision Gnetophytina, Gnetophyta n11596845 Gnetales, order Gnetales n11597126 Gnetaceae, family Gnetaceae n11597396 genus Gnetum n11597657 gnetum, Gnetum gnemon n11597924 Ephedraceae, family Ephedraceae n11598100 Catha, genus Catha n11598287 Catha edulis n11598452 genus Ephedra n11598686 ephedra, joint fir n11598886 mahuang, Ephedra sinica n11598991 Welwitschiaceae, family Welwitschiaceae n11599165 genus Welwitschia, genus Welwitchia n11599324 welwitschia, Welwitschia mirabilis n11599694 Cycadopsida, class Cycadopsida, Cycadophytina, subdivision Cycadophytina, Cycadophyta, subdivision Cycadophyta n11600139 Cycadales, order Cycadales n11600372 cycad n11600671 Cycadaceae, family Cycadaceae, cycad family n11600900 Cycas, genus Cycas n11601177 sago palm, Cycas revoluta n11601333 false sago, fern palm, Cycas circinalis n11601487 Zamiaceae, family Zamiaceae, zamia family n11601757 genus Zamia n11601918 zamia n11602091 coontie, Florida arrowroot, Seminole bread, Zamia pumila n11602304 genus Ceratozamia n11602478 ceratozamia n11602671 genus Dioon n11602873 dioon n11603045 genus Encephalartos n11603246 encephalartos n11603462 kaffir bread, Encephalartos caffer n11603630 genus Macrozamia n11603835 macrozamia n11604046 burrawong, Macrozamia communis, Macrozamia spiralis n11604225 Bennettitales, order Bennettitales n11604393 Bennettitaceae, family Bennettitaceae n11604576 Bennettitis, genus Bennettitis n11604698 Pteridospermopsida, class Pteridospermopsida n11604904 Cycadofilicales, order Cycadofilicales, Lyginopteridales, order Lyginopteridales n11605147 Pteridospermae, group Pteridospermae, Pteridospermaphyta, group Pteridospermaphyta n11605396 Lyginopteris, genus Lyginopteris n11605542 seed fern, pteridosperm n11605708 Coniferopsida, class Coniferopsida, Coniferophytina, subdivision Coniferophytina, Coniferophyta n11606379 Cordaitales, order Cordaitales n11606661 Cordaitaceae, family Cordaitaceae n11606846 Cordaites, genus Cordaites n11607071 Pinopsida, class Pinopsida, Pinophytina, subdivision Pinophytina n11607392 Coniferales, order Coniferales n11607739 Pinaceae, family Pinaceae, pine family n11608055 Pinus, genus Pinus n11608250 pine, pine tree, true pine n11608885 pine n11609122 knotty pine n11609251 white pine n11609362 yellow pine n11609475 pinon, pinyon n11609684 nut pine n11609862 pinon pine, Mexican nut pine, Pinus cembroides n11610047 Rocky mountain pinon, Pinus edulis n11610215 single-leaf, single-leaf pine, single-leaf pinyon, Pinus monophylla n11610437 bishop pine, bishop's pine, Pinus muricata n11610602 California single-leaf pinyon, Pinus californiarum n11610823 Parry's pinyon, Pinus quadrifolia, Pinus parryana n11611087 spruce pine, Pinus glabra n11611233 black pine, Pinus nigra n11611356 pitch pine, northern pitch pine, Pinus rigida n11611561 pond pine, Pinus serotina n11611758 stone pine, umbrella pine, European nut pine, Pinus pinea n11612018 Swiss pine, Swiss stone pine, arolla pine, cembra nut tree, Pinus cembra n11612235 cembra nut, cedar nut n11612349 Swiss mountain pine, mountain pine, dwarf mountain pine, mugho pine, mugo pine, Pinus mugo n11612575 ancient pine, Pinus longaeva n11612923 white pine n11613219 American white pine, eastern white pine, weymouth pine, Pinus strobus n11613459 western white pine, silver pine, mountain pine, Pinus monticola n11613692 southwestern white pine, Pinus strobiformis n11613867 limber pine, Pinus flexilis n11614039 whitebark pine, whitebarked pine, Pinus albicaulis n11614250 yellow pine n11614420 ponderosa, ponderosa pine, western yellow pine, bull pine, Pinus ponderosa n11614713 Jeffrey pine, Jeffrey's pine, black pine, Pinus jeffreyi n11615026 shore pine, lodgepole, lodgepole pine, spruce pine, Pinus contorta n11615259 Sierra lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta murrayana n11615387 loblolly pine, frankincense pine, Pinus taeda n11615607 jack pine, Pinus banksiana n11615812 swamp pine n11615967 longleaf pine, pitch pine, southern yellow pine, Georgia pine, Pinus palustris n11616260 shortleaf pine, short-leaf pine, shortleaf yellow pine, Pinus echinata n11616486 red pine, Canadian red pine, Pinus resinosa n11616662 Scotch pine, Scots pine, Scotch fir, Pinus sylvestris n11616852 scrub pine, Virginia pine, Jersey pine, Pinus virginiana n11617090 Monterey pine, Pinus radiata n11617272 bristlecone pine, Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine, Pinus aristata n11617631 table-mountain pine, prickly pine, hickory pine, Pinus pungens n11617878 knobcone pine, Pinus attenuata n11618079 Japanese red pine, Japanese table pine, Pinus densiflora n11618290 Japanese black pine, black pine, Pinus thunbergii n11618525 Torrey pine, Torrey's pine, soledad pine, grey-leaf pine, sabine pine, Pinus torreyana n11618750 Larix, genus Larix n11618861 larch, larch tree n11619136 larch n11619227 American larch, tamarack, black larch, Larix laricina n11619455 western larch, western tamarack, Oregon larch, Larix occidentalis n11619687 subalpine larch, Larix lyallii n11619845 European larch, Larix decidua n11620016 Siberian larch, Larix siberica, Larix russica n11620248 Pseudolarix, genus Pseudolarix n11620389 golden larch, Pseudolarix amabilis n11620560 Abies, genus Abies n11620673 fir, fir tree, true fir n11620912 fir n11621029 silver fir n11621281 amabilis fir, white fir, Pacific silver fir, red silver fir, Christmas tree, Abies amabilis n11621547 European silver fir, Christmas tree, Abies alba n11621727 white fir, Colorado fir, California white fir, Abies concolor, Abies lowiana n11621950 balsam fir, balm of Gilead, Canada balsam, Abies balsamea n11622184 Fraser fir, Abies fraseri n11622368 lowland fir, lowland white fir, giant fir, grand fir, Abies grandis n11622591 Alpine fir, subalpine fir, Abies lasiocarpa n11622771 Santa Lucia fir, bristlecone fir, Abies bracteata, Abies venusta n11622988 Cedrus, genus Cedrus n11623105 cedar, cedar tree, true cedar n11623304 cedar, cedarwood n11623556 red cedar n11623685 pencil cedar n11623815 cedar of Lebanon, Cedrus libani n11623967 deodar, deodar cedar, Himalayan cedar, Cedrus deodara n11624192 Atlas cedar, Cedrus atlantica n11624367 Picea, genus Picea n11624531 spruce n11624840 spruce n11625003 Norway spruce, Picea abies n11625223 weeping spruce, Brewer's spruce, Picea breweriana n11625391 Engelmann spruce, Engelmann's spruce, Picea engelmannii n11625632 white spruce, Picea glauca n11625804 black spruce, Picea mariana, spruce pine n11626010 Siberian spruce, Picea obovata n11626152 Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis n11626409 oriental spruce, Picea orientalis n11626585 Colorado spruce, Colorado blue spruce, silver spruce, Picea pungens n11626826 red spruce, eastern spruce, yellow spruce, Picea rubens n11627028 Tsuga, genus Tsuga n11627168 hemlock, hemlock tree n11627364 hemlock n11627512 eastern hemlock, Canadian hemlock, spruce pine, Tsuga canadensis n11627714 Carolina hemlock, Tsuga caroliniana n11627908 mountain hemlock, black hemlock, Tsuga mertensiana n11628087 western hemlock, Pacific hemlock, west coast hemlock, Tsuga heterophylla n11628284 Pseudotsuga, genus Pseudotsuga n11628456 douglas fir n11628678 douglas fir n11628793 green douglas fir, douglas spruce, douglas pine, douglas hemlock, Oregon fir, Oregon pine, Pseudotsuga menziesii n11629047 big-cone spruce, big-cone douglas fir, Pseudotsuga macrocarpa n11629211 genus Cathaya n11629354 Cathaya n11629501 Cupressaceae, family Cupressaceae, cypress family n11630017 cedar, cedar tree n11630351 Cupressus, genus Cupressus n11630489 cypress, cypress tree n11630890 cypress n11631159 gowen cypress, Cupressus goveniana n11631405 pygmy cypress, Cupressus pigmaea, Cupressus goveniana pigmaea n11631619 Santa Cruz cypress, Cupressus abramsiana, Cupressus goveniana abramsiana n11631854 Arizona cypress, Cupressus arizonica n11631985 Guadalupe cypress, Cupressus guadalupensis n11632167 Monterey cypress, Cupressus macrocarpa n11632376 Mexican cypress, cedar of Goa, Portuguese cypress, Cupressus lusitanica n11632619 Italian cypress, Mediterranean cypress, Cupressus sempervirens n11632794 Athrotaxis, genus Athrotaxis n11632929 King William pine, Athrotaxis selaginoides n11633116 Austrocedrus, genus Austrocedrus n11633284 Chilean cedar, Austrocedrus chilensis n11633459 Callitris, genus Callitris n11633633 cypress pine n11633863 Port Jackson pine, Callitris cupressiformis n11633999 black cypress pine, red cypress pine, Callitris endlicheri, Callitris calcarata n11634243 white cypress pine, Callitris glaucophylla, Callitris glauca n11634393 stringybark pine, Callitris parlatorei n11634526 Calocedrus, genus Calocedrus n11634736 incense cedar, red cedar, Calocedrus decurrens, Libocedrus decurrens n11634970 Chamaecyparis, genus Chamaecyparis n11635152 southern white cedar, coast white cedar, Atlantic white cedar, white cypress, white cedar, Chamaecyparis thyoides n11635433 Oregon cedar, Port Orford cedar, Lawson's cypress, Lawson's cedar, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana n11635709 Port Orford cedar n11635830 yellow cypress, yellow cedar, Nootka cypress, Alaska cedar, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis n11636068 Cryptomeria, genus Cryptomeria n11636204 Japanese cedar, Japan cedar, sugi, Cryptomeria japonica n11636389 Juniperus, genus Juniperus n11636566 juniper n11636835 juniper berry n11637015 pencil cedar, pencil cedar tree n11637247 eastern red cedar, red cedar, red juniper, Juniperus virginiana n11637482 Bermuda cedar, Juniperus bermudiana n11637659 east African cedar, Juniperus procera n11637810 southern red cedar, Juniperus silicicola n11637991 dwarf juniper, savin, Juniperus sabina n11638109 common juniper, Juniperus communis n11638378 ground cedar, dwarf juniper, Juniperus communis depressa n11638525 creeping juniper, Juniperus horizontalis n11638698 Mexican juniper, drooping juniper, Juniperus flaccida n11638902 Libocedrus, genus Libocedrus n11639084 incense cedar n11639306 kawaka, Libocedrus plumosa n11639445 pahautea, Libocedrus bidwillii, mountain pine n11639609 Taxodiaceae, subfamily Taxodiaceae, redwood family n11639863 genus Metasequoia n11640132 metasequoia, dawn redwood, Metasequoia glyptostrodoides n11640471 genus Sequoia n11640645 sequoia, redwood n11640898 redwood n11641034 California redwood, coast redwood, Sequoia sempervirens n11641275 Sequoiadendron, genus Sequoiadendron n11641494 giant sequoia, big tree, Sierra redwood, Sequoiadendron giganteum, Sequoia gigantea, Sequoia Wellingtonia n11641788 Taxodium, genus Taxodium n11641963 bald cypress, swamp cypress, pond bald cypress, southern cypress, Taxodium distichum n11642243 pond cypress, bald cypress, Taxodium ascendens n11642430 Montezuma cypress, Mexican swamp cypress, Taxodium mucronatum n11642622 Ahuehuete, Tule tree n11642912 Tetraclinis, genus Tetraclinis n11643022 sandarac, sandarac tree, Tetraclinis articulata, Callitris quadrivalvis n11643354 sandarac, sandarach n11643506 sandarac, citronwood n11643684 Thuja, genus Thuja n11643835 arborvitae n11644046 western red cedar, red cedar, canoe cedar, Thuja plicata n11644226 American arborvitae, northern white cedar, white cedar, Thuja occidentalis n11644462 Oriental arborvitae, Thuja orientalis, Platycladus orientalis n11644712 Thujopsis, genus Thujopsis n11644872 hiba arborvitae, Thujopsis dolobrata n11645041 genus Keteleeria n11645163 keteleeria n11645271 Araucariaceae, family Araucariaceae, araucaria family n11645590 Wollemi pine n11645783 genus Araucaria n11645914 araucaria n11646167 monkey puzzle, chile pine, Araucaria araucana n11646344 norfolk island pine, Araucaria heterophylla, Araucaria excelsa n11646517 new caledonian pine, Araucaria columnaris n11646694 bunya bunya, bunya bunya tree, Araucaria bidwillii n11646955 hoop pine, Moreton Bay pine, Araucaria cunninghamii n11647131 Agathis, genus Agathis n11647306 kauri pine, dammar pine n11647548 kauri n11647703 kauri, kaury, Agathis australis n11647868 amboina pine, amboyna pine, Agathis dammara, Agathis alba n11648039 dundathu pine, queensland kauri, smooth bark kauri, Agathis robusta n11648268 red kauri, Agathis lanceolata n11648428 Cephalotaxaceae, family Cephalotaxaceae, plum-yew family n11648617 Cephalotaxus, genus Cephalotaxus n11648776 plum-yew n11649012 Torreya, genus Torreya n11649150 California nutmeg, nutmeg-yew, Torreya californica n11649359 stinking cedar, stinking yew, Torrey tree, Torreya taxifolia n11649597 Phyllocladaceae, family Phyllocladaceae n11649749 Phyllocladus, genus Phyllocladus n11649878 celery pine n11650160 celery top pine, celery-topped pine, Phyllocladus asplenifolius n11650307 tanekaha, Phyllocladus trichomanoides n11650430 Alpine celery pine, Phyllocladus alpinus n11650558 yellowwood, yellowwood tree n11650759 gymnospermous yellowwood n11650919 angiospermous yellowwood n11651133 yellowwood n11651259 Podocarpaceae, family Podocarpaceae, podocarpus family n11651731 Podocarpus, genus Podocarpus n11652039 podocarp n11652217 yacca, yacca podocarp, Podocarpus coriaceus n11652376 brown pine, Rockingham podocarp, Podocarpus elatus n11652578 cape yellowwood, African yellowwood, Podocarpus elongatus n11652753 South-African yellowwood, Podocarpus latifolius n11652966 alpine totara, Podocarpus nivalis n11653126 totara, Podocarpus totara n11653323 Afrocarpus, genus Afrocarpus n11653570 common yellowwood, bastard yellowwood, Afrocarpus falcata n11653728 Dacrycarpus, genus Dacrycarpus n11653904 kahikatea, New Zealand Dacryberry, New Zealand white pine, Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, Podocarpus dacrydioides n11654124 Dacrydium, genus Dacrydium n11654293 rimu, imou pine, red pine, Dacrydium cupressinum n11654438 tarwood, tar-wood, Dacrydium colensoi n11654667 Falcatifolium, genus Falcatifolium n11654984 common sickle pine, Falcatifolium falciforme n11655152 yellow-leaf sickle pine, Falcatifolium taxoides n11655407 Halocarpus, genus Halocarpus n11655592 tarwood, tar-wood, New Zealand mountain pine, Halocarpus bidwilli, Dacrydium bidwilli n11655764 Lagarostrobus, genus Lagarostrobus n11655974 westland pine, silver pine, Lagarostrobus colensoi n11656123 huon pine, Lagarostrobus franklinii, Dacrydium franklinii n11656380 Lepidothamnus, genus Lepidothamnus n11656549 Chilean rimu, Lepidothamnus fonkii n11656771 mountain rimu, Lepidothamnus laxifolius, Dacridium laxifolius n11656974 Microstrobos, genus Microstrobos n11657153 Tasman dwarf pine, Microstrobos niphophilus n11657314 Nageia, genus Nageia n11657585 nagi, Nageia nagi n11657763 Parasitaxus, genus Parasitaxus n11657904 parasite yew, Parasitaxus ustus n11658104 Prumnopitys, genus Prumnopitys n11658331 miro, black pine, Prumnopitys ferruginea, Podocarpus ferruginea n11658544 matai, black pine, Prumnopitys taxifolia, Podocarpus spicata n11658709 plum-fruited yew, Prumnopitys andina, Prumnopitys elegans n11658872 Retrophyllum, genus Retrophyllum n11659068 Saxe-gothea, Saxegothea, genus Saxe-gothea, genus Saxegothea n11659248 Prince Albert yew, Prince Albert's yew, Saxe-gothea conspicua n11659500 Sundacarpus, genus Sundacarpus n11659627 Sundacarpus amara, Prumnopitys amara, Podocarpus amara n11659909 Sciadopityaceae, family Sciadopityaceae n11660121 Sciadopitys, genus Sciadopitys n11660300 Japanese umbrella pine, Sciadopitys verticillata n11660537 Taxopsida, class Taxopsida, Taxophytina, subdivision Taxophytina n11660848 Taxales, order Taxales n11660979 Taxaceae, family Taxaceae, yew family n11661207 Taxus, genus Taxus n11661372 yew n11661707 yew n11661909 Old World yew, English yew, Taxus baccata n11662128 Pacific yew, California yew, western yew, Taxus brevifolia n11662371 Japanese yew, Taxus cuspidata n11662585 Florida yew, Taxus floridana n11662764 Austrotaxus, genus Austrotaxus n11662937 New Caledonian yew, Austrotaxus spicata n11663136 Pseudotaxus, genus Pseudotaxus n11663263 white-berry yew, Pseudotaxus chienii n11663449 Ginkgopsida, class Ginkgopsida, Ginkgophytina, class Ginkgophytina, subdivision Ginkgophytina, subdivision Ginkgophyta n11663813 Ginkgoales, order Ginkgoales n11664090 Ginkgoaceae, family Ginkgoaceae, ginkgo family n11664301 genus Ginkgo n11664418 ginkgo, gingko, maidenhair tree, Ginkgo biloba n11664677 Pteropsida, subdivision Pteropsida n11664929 Angiospermae, class Angiospermae, Magnoliophyta, division Magnoliophyta, Anthophyta, division Anthophyta n11665372 angiosperm, flowering plant n11665648 angiocarp n11665781 Dicotyledones, class Dicotyledones, Dicotyledonae, class Dicotyledonae, Magnoliopsida, class Magnoliopsida n11666854 dicot, dicotyledon, magnoliopsid, exogen n11667112 Magnoliidae, subclass Magnoliidae, ranalian complex n11667562 Monocotyledones, class Monocotyledones, Monocotyledonae, class Monocotyledonae, Liliopsida, class Liliopsida n11668117 monocot, monocotyledon, liliopsid, endogen n11668340 Alismatidae, subclass Alismatidae n11668573 Arecidae, subclass Arecidae n11668952 Commelinidae, subclass Commelinidae n11669335 flower, bloom, blossom n11669786 floret, floweret n11669921 flower n11672269 bloomer n11672400 wildflower, wild flower n11674019 apetalous flower n11674105 flower head n11674332 inflorescence n11674603 ray flower, ray floret n11674798 catkin, ament n11674914 bud n11675025 rosebud n11675096 stamen n11675245 anther n11675404 gynostegium n11675537 pollen n11675738 pollinium n11675842 reproductive structure n11676500 pistil n11676743 gynobase n11676850 gynophore n11676963 simple pistil n11677045 compound pistil n11677144 pistillode n11677259 style n11677485 stylopodium n11677603 stigma n11677743 carpel n11677902 carpophore n11678010 cornstalk, corn stalk n11678123 filament n11678199 funicle, funiculus n11678299 petiolule n11678377 mericarp n11678493 hilum n11678635 ovary n11678768 ovule n11679085 chalaza n11679250 nucellus n11679378 micropyle n11679528 amphitropous ovule n11679652 anatropous ovule n11679779 campylotropous ovule n11679909 orthotropous ovule n11680032 stoma, stomate, pore n11680277 germ pore n11680457 germ tube n11680596 pollen tube n11680838 placenta n11680995 placentation n11681255 apical placentation n11681393 axile placentation n11681554 basal placentation n11681692 free central placentation n11681865 lamellate placentation n11682003 marginal placentation, ventral placentation n11682166 parietal placentation n11682349 testa, episperm, seed coat n11682512 endosperm n11682659 gemma n11682842 cone, strobilus, strobile n11683105 fir cone n11683216 galbulus n11683331 pinecone n11683443 septum n11683556 shell n11683747 nutshell n11683838 nectary, honey gland n11683989 seed n11684264 pericarp, seed vessel n11684499 epicarp, exocarp n11684654 mesocarp n11684739 stone, pit, endocarp n11685091 pip n11685179 capsule n11685400 bilocular capsule n11685512 boll n11685621 silique, siliqua n11685766 silicle n11685876 peristome n11686049 haustorium n11686195 cataphyll n11686398 cotyledon, seed leaf n11686503 embryo n11686652 perisperm n11686780 monocarp, monocarpic plant, monocarpous plant n11686912 sporophyte n11687071 gametophyte n11687266 megagametophyte n11687432 megasporangium, macrosporangium n11687553 megasporophyll n11687681 microgametophyte n11687789 microspore n11687964 microsporangium n11688069 microsporophyll n11688199 megaspore, macrospore n11688378 archespore, archesporium n11688552 daughter cell n11688750 mother cell n11688958 spore mother cell n11689054 archegonium n11689197 bonduc nut, nicker nut, nicker seed n11689367 Job's tears n11689483 oilseed, oil-rich seed n11689678 castor bean n11689815 cottonseed n11689957 candlenut n11690088 peach pit n11690169 cherry stone n11690254 hypanthium, floral cup, calyx tube n11690455 petal, flower petal n11690612 sepal n11690737 mentum n11690893 floral leaf n11691046 corolla n11691332 corona n11691523 calyx n11691857 lip n11691990 hull n11692108 epicalyx, false calyx, calycle, calyculus n11692265 perianth, chlamys, floral envelope, perigone, perigonium n11692604 pappus n11692792 thistledown n11692952 Ranales, order Ranales, Ranunculales, order Ranunculales n11693566 Annonaceae, family Annonaceae, custard-apple family n11693812 Annona, genus Annona n11693981 custard apple, custard apple tree n11694300 cherimoya, cherimoya tree, Annona cherimola n11694469 ilama, ilama tree, Annona diversifolia n11694664 soursop, prickly custard apple, soursop tree, Annona muricata n11694866 bullock's heart, bullock's heart tree, bullock heart, Annona reticulata n11695085 sweetsop, sweetsop tree, Annona squamosa n11695285 pond apple, pond-apple tree, Annona glabra n11695485 Asimina, genus Asimina n11695599 pawpaw, papaw, papaw tree, Asimina triloba n11695813 Cananga, genus Cananga, Canangium, genus Canangium n11695974 ilang-ilang, ylang-ylang, Cananga odorata n11696211 ilang-ilang n11696338 Oxandra, genus Oxandra n11696450 lancewood, lancewood tree, Oxandra lanceolata n11696606 lancewood n11696776 Xylopia, genus Xylopia n11696935 Guinea pepper, negro pepper, Xylopia aethiopica n11697158 Berberidaceae, family Berberidaceae, barberry family n11697388 Berberis, genus Berberis n11697560 barberry n11697802 American barberry, Berberis canadensis n11698042 common barberry, European barberry, Berberis vulgaris n11698245 Japanese barberry, Berberis thunbergii n11698433 Caulophyllum, genus Caulophyllum n11698562 blue cohosh, blueberry root, papooseroot, papoose root, squawroot, squaw root, Caulophyllum thalictrioides, Caulophyllum thalictroides n11698895 Epimedium, genus Epimedium n11699071 barrenwort, bishop's hat, Epimedium grandiflorum n11699283 Mahonia, genus Mahonia n11699442 Oregon grape, Oregon holly grape, hollygrape, mountain grape, holly-leaves barberry, Mahonia aquifolium n11699751 Oregon grape, Mahonia nervosa n11699915 Podophyllum, genus Podophyllum n11700058 mayapple, May apple, wild mandrake, Podophyllum peltatum n11700279 May apple n11700401 Calycanthaceae, family Calycanthaceae, calycanthus family, strawberry-shrub family n11700676 Calycanthus, genus Calycanthus n11700864 allspice n11701066 Carolina allspice, strawberry shrub, strawberry bush, sweet shrub, Calycanthus floridus n11701302 spicebush, California allspice, Calycanthus occidentalis n11701492 Chimonanthus, genus Chimonanthus n11701698 Japan allspice, Japanese allspice, winter sweet, Chimonanthus praecox n11701903 Ceratophyllaceae, family Ceratophyllaceae n11702081 Ceratophyllum, genus Ceratophyllum n11702252 hornwort n11702428 Cercidiphyllaceae, family Cercidiphyllaceae n11702566 Cercidiphyllum, genus Cercidiphyllum n11702713 katsura tree, Cercidiphyllum japonicum n11702999 Lardizabalaceae, family Lardizabalaceae, lardizabala family n11703205 Lardizabala, genus Lardizabala n11703386 Lauraceae, family Lauraceae, laurel family n11703669 laurel n11703935 Laurus, genus Laurus n11704093 true laurel, bay, bay laurel, bay tree, Laurus nobilis n11704401 Cinnamomum, genus Cinnamomum n11704620 camphor tree, Cinnamomum camphora n11704791 cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon tree, Cinnamomum zeylanicum n11705052 cinnamon, cinnamon bark n11705171 cassia, cassia-bark tree, Cinnamomum cassia n11705387 cassia bark, Chinese cinnamon n11705573 Saigon cinnamon, Cinnamomum loureirii n11705776 cinnamon bark n11705921 Lindera, genus Lindera n11706120 Benzoin, genus Benzoin n11706325 spicebush, spice bush, American spicebush, Benjamin bush, Lindera benzoin, Benzoin odoriferum n11706629 Persea, genus Persea n11706761 avocado, avocado tree, Persea Americana n11706942 laurel-tree, red bay, Persea borbonia n11707109 genus Sassafras n11707229 sassafras, sassafras tree, Sassafras albidum n11707511 sassafras oil n11707668 Umbellularia, genus Umbellularia n11707827 California laurel, California bay tree, Oregon myrtle, pepperwood, spice tree, sassafras laurel, California olive, mountain laurel, Umbellularia californica n11708181 Magnoliaceae, family Magnoliaceae, magnolia family n11708442 Illicium, genus Illicium n11708658 anise tree n11708857 purple anise, Illicium floridanum n11709045 star anise, Illicium anisatum n11709205 star anise, Chinese anise, Illicium verum n11709450 genus Magnolia n11709674 magnolia n11710008 magnolia n11710136 southern magnolia, evergreen magnolia, large-flowering magnolia, bull bay, Magnolia grandiflora n11710393 umbrella tree, umbrella magnolia, elkwood, elk-wood, Magnolia tripetala n11710658 earleaved umbrella tree, Magnolia fraseri n11710827 cucumber tree, Magnolia acuminata n11710987 large-leaved magnolia, large-leaved cucumber tree, great-leaved macrophylla, Magnolia macrophylla n11711289 saucer magnolia, Chinese magnolia, Magnolia soulangiana n11711537 star magnolia, Magnolia stellata n11711764 sweet bay, swamp bay, swamp laurel, Magnolia virginiana n11711971 manglietia, genus Manglietia n11712153 Liriodendron, genus Liriodendron n11712282 tulip tree, tulip poplar, yellow poplar, canary whitewood, Liriodendron tulipifera n11712621 tulipwood, true tulipwood, whitewood, white poplar, yellow poplar n11712827 Menispermaceae, family Menispermaceae, moonseed family n11713034 Menispermum, genus Menispermum n11713164 moonseed n11713370 common moonseed, Canada moonseed, yellow parilla, Menispermum canadense n11713628 Cocculus, genus Cocculus n11713763 Carolina moonseed, Cocculus carolinus n11713960 Myristicaceae, family Myristicaceae, nutmeg family n11714150 Myristica, genus Myristica n11714382 nutmeg, nutmeg tree, Myristica fragrans n11714618 Nymphaeaceae, family Nymphaeaceae, water-lily family n11714853 water lily n11715207 Nymphaea, genus Nymphaea n11715430 water nymph, fragrant water lily, pond lily, Nymphaea odorata n11715678 European white lily, Nymphaea alba n11715810 lotus, white lotus, Egyptian water lily, white lily, Nymphaea lotus n11716041 blue lotus, Nymphaea caerulea n11716167 blue lotus, Nymphaea stellata n11716285 Nuphar, genus Nuphar n11716422 spatterdock, cow lily, yellow pond lily, Nuphar advena n11716698 southern spatterdock, Nuphar sagittifolium n11716877 yellow water lily, Nuphar lutea n11717007 Nelumbonaceae, subfamily Nelumbonaceae n11717239 Nelumbo, genus Nelumbo n11717399 lotus, Indian lotus, sacred lotus, Nelumbo nucifera n11717577 water chinquapin, American lotus, yanquapin, Nelumbo lutea n11717820 Cabombaceae, subfamily Cabombaceae, water-shield family n11718096 Cabomba, genus Cabomba n11718296 water-shield, fanwort, Cabomba caroliniana n11718521 Brasenia, genus Brasenia n11718681 water-shield, Brasenia schreberi, water-target n11718911 Paeoniaceae, family Paeoniaceae, peony family n11719120 Paeonia, genus Paeonia n11719286 peony, paeony n11719468 Ranunculaceae, family Ranunculaceae, buttercup family, crowfoot family n11720088 Ranunculus, genus Ranunculus n11720353 buttercup, butterflower, butter-flower, crowfoot, goldcup, kingcup n11720643 meadow buttercup, tall buttercup, tall crowfoot, tall field buttercup, Ranunculus acris n11720891 water crowfoot, water buttercup, Ranunculus aquatilis n11721124 common buttercup, Ranunculus bulbosus n11721337 lesser celandine, pilewort, Ranunculus ficaria n11721642 lesser spearwort, Ranunculus flammula n11721844 sagebrush buttercup, Ranunculus glaberrimus n11722036 greater spearwort, Ranunculus lingua n11722199 mountain lily, Mount Cook lily, Ranunculus lyalii n11722342 western buttercup, Ranunculus occidentalis n11722466 creeping buttercup, creeping crowfoot, Ranunculus repens n11722621 cursed crowfoot, celery-leaved buttercup, Ranunculus sceleratus n11722769 Aconitum, genus Aconitum n11722982 aconite n11723227 monkshood, helmetflower, helmet flower, Aconitum napellus n11723452 wolfsbane, wolfbane, wolf's bane, Aconitum lycoctonum n11723655 Actaea, genus Actaea n11723770 baneberry, cohosh, herb Christopher n11723986 baneberry n11724109 red baneberry, redberry, red-berry, snakeberry, Actaea rubra n11724363 white baneberry, white cohosh, white bead, doll's eyes, Actaea alba n11724529 Adonis, genus Adonis n11724660 pheasant's-eye, Adonis annua n11724822 genus Anemone n11725015 anemone, windflower n11725311 Alpine anemone, mountain anemone, Anemone tetonensis n11725480 Canada anemone, Anemone Canadensis n11725623 thimbleweed, Anemone cylindrica n11725821 wood anemone, Anemone nemorosa n11725973 wood anemone, snowdrop, Anemone quinquefolia n11726145 longheaded thimbleweed, Anemone riparia n11726269 snowdrop anemone, snowdrop windflower, Anemone sylvestris n11726433 Virginia thimbleweed, Anemone virginiana n11726569 Anemonella, genus Anemonella n11726707 rue anemone, Anemonella thalictroides n11726925 genus Aquilegia n11727091 columbine, aquilegia, aquilege n11727358 meeting house, honeysuckle, Aquilegia canadensis n11727540 blue columbine, Aquilegia caerulea, Aquilegia scopulorum calcarea n11727738 granny's bonnets, Aquilegia vulgaris n11727976 Caltha, genus Caltha n11728099 marsh marigold, kingcup, meadow bright, May blob, cowslip, water dragon, Caltha palustris n11728350 Cimicifuga, genus Cimicifuga n11728530 bugbane n11728769 American bugbane, summer cohosh, Cimicifuga americana n11728945 black cohosh, black snakeroot, rattle-top, Cimicifuga racemosa n11729142 fetid bugbane, foetid bugbane, Cimicifuga foetida n11729315 genus Clematis n11729478 clematis n11729860 pine hyacinth, Clematis baldwinii, Viorna baldwinii n11730015 blue jasmine, blue jessamine, curly clematis, marsh clematis, Clematis crispa n11730205 pipestem clematis, Clematis lasiantha n11730312 curly-heads, Clematis ochreleuca n11730458 golden clematis, Clematis tangutica n11730602 scarlet clematis, Clematis texensis n11730750 leather flower, Clematis versicolor n11730933 leather flower, vase-fine, vase vine, Clematis viorna n11731157 virgin's bower, old man's beard, devil's darning needle, Clematis virginiana n11731411 traveler's joy, traveller's joy, old man's beard, Clematis vitalba n11731659 purple clematis, purple virgin's bower, mountain clematis, Clematis verticillaris n11731861 Coptis, genus Coptis n11732052 goldthread, golden thread, Coptis groenlandica, Coptis trifolia groenlandica n11732309 Consolida, genus Consolida n11732567 rocket larkspur, Consolida ambigua, Delphinium ajacis n11732857 genus Delphinium n11733054 delphinium n11733312 larkspur n11733424 Eranthis, genus Eranthis n11733548 winter aconite, Eranthis hyemalis n11733769 Helleborus, genus Helleborus n11733904 hellebore n11734093 stinking hellebore, bear's foot, setterwort, Helleborus foetidus n11734300 Christmas rose, winter rose, black hellebore, Helleborus niger n11734493 lenten rose, black hellebore, Helleborus orientalis n11734698 green hellebore, Helleborus viridis n11734872 genus Hepatica n11735053 hepatica, liverleaf n11735325 Hydrastis, genus Hydrastis n11735570 goldenseal, golden seal, yellow root, turmeric root, Hydrastis Canadensis n11735822 Isopyrum, genus Isopyrum n11735977 false rue anemone, false rue, Isopyrum biternatum n11736216 Laccopetalum, genus Laccopetalum n11736362 giant buttercup, Laccopetalum giganteum n11736569 genus Nigella n11736694 nigella n11736851 love-in-a-mist, Nigella damascena n11737009 fennel flower, Nigella hispanica n11737125 black caraway, nutmeg flower, Roman coriander, Nigella sativa n11737316 Pulsatilla, genus Pulsatilla n11737534 pasqueflower, pasque flower n11737752 American pasqueflower, Eastern pasque flower, wild crocus, lion's beard, prairie anemone, blue tulip, American pulsatilla, Pulsatilla patens, Anemone ludoviciana n11738063 Western pasqueflower, Pulsatilla occidentalis, Anemone occidentalis n11738203 European pasqueflower, Pulsatilla vulgaris, Anemone pulsatilla n11738378 Thalictrum, genus Thalictrum n11738547 meadow rue n11738832 Trautvetteria, genus Trautvetteria n11738997 false bugbane, Trautvetteria carolinensis n11739199 Trollius, genus Trollius n11739365 globeflower, globe flower n11739530 Winteraceae, family Winteraceae, winter's bark family n11739809 Drimys, genus Drimys n11739978 winter's bark, winter's bark tree, Drimys winteri n11740208 Pseudowintera, genus Pseudowintera, Wintera, genus Wintera n11740414 pepper shrub, Pseudowintera colorata, Wintera colorata n11740655 Myricales, order Myricales n11740824 Myricaceae, family Myricaceae, wax-myrtle family n11741010 Myrica, genus Myrica n11741175 sweet gale, Scotch gale, Myrica gale n11741350 wax myrtle n11741575 bay myrtle, puckerbush, Myrica cerifera n11741797 bayberry, candleberry, swamp candleberry, waxberry, Myrica pensylvanica n11742003 bayberry wax, bayberry tallow n11742175 Comptonia, genus Comptonia n11742310 sweet fern, Comptonia peregrina, Comptonia asplenifolia n11742531 Leitneriaceae, family Leitneriaceae, corkwood family n11742745 Leitneria, genus Leitneria n11742878 corkwood, corkwood tree, Leitneria floridana n11743109 Juncaceae, family Juncaceae, rush family n11743294 rush n11743570 Juncus, genus Juncus n11743772 bulrush, bullrush, common rush, soft rush, Juncus effusus n11744011 jointed rush, Juncus articulatus n11744108 toad rush, Juncus bufonius n11744251 hard rush, Juncus inflexus n11744355 salt rush, Juncus leseurii n11744471 slender rush, Juncus tenuis n11744583 plant family n11744859 plant genus n11745817 zebrawood, zebrawood tree n11746060 zebrawood n11746224 Connaraceae, family Connaraceae, zebrawood family n11746419 Connarus, genus Connarus n11746600 Connarus guianensis n11746776 Leguminosae, family Leguminosae, Fabaceae, family Fabaceae, legume family, pea family n11747468 legume, leguminous plant n11748002 legume n11748330 Arachis, genus Arachis n11748501 peanut, peanut vine, Arachis hypogaea n11748811 peanut n11748936 Brya, genus Brya n11749112 granadilla tree, granadillo, Brya ebenus n11749273 cocuswood, cocoswood, granadilla wood n11749462 Centrolobium, genus Centrolobium n11749603 arariba, Centrolobium robustum n11749742 Coumarouna, genus Coumarouna, Dipteryx, genus Dipteryx n11749920 tonka bean, tonka bean tree, Coumarouna odorata, Dipteryx odorata n11750173 tonka bean, coumara nut n11750359 Hymenaea, genus Hymenaea n11750508 courbaril, Hymenaea courbaril n11750745 courbaril copal n11750855 genus Melilotus n11750989 melilotus, melilot, sweet clover n11751213 white sweet clover, white melilot, Melilotus alba n11751347 yellow sweet clover, Melilotus officinalis n11751598 Swainsona, genus Swainsona n11751765 darling pea, poison bush n11751974 smooth darling pea, Swainsona galegifolia n11752168 hairy darling pea, Swainsona greyana, Swainsona grandiflora n11752404 Trifolium, genus Trifolium n11752578 clover, trefoil n11752798 alpine clover, Trifolium alpinum n11752937 hop clover, shamrock, lesser yellow trefoil, Trifolium dubium n11753143 crimson clover, Italian clover, Trifolium incarnatum n11753355 red clover, purple clover, Trifolium pratense n11753562 buffalo clover, Trifolium reflexum, Trifolium stoloniferum n11753700 white clover, dutch clover, shamrock, Trifolium repens n11753936 Mimosaceae, family Mimosaceae n11754188 Mimosoideae, subfamily Mimosoideae n11754633 genus Mimosa n11754893 mimosa n11755110 sensitive plant, Mimosa sensitiva n11755319 sensitive plant, touch-me-not, shame plant, live-and-die, humble plant, action plant, Mimosa pudica n11755694 genus Acacia n11756092 acacia n11756329 shittah, shittah tree n11756522 shittimwood n11756669 wattle n11756870 black wattle, Acacia auriculiformis n11757017 gidgee, stinking wattle, Acacia cambegei n11757190 catechu, Jerusalem thorn, Acacia catechu n11757433 black catechu, catechu n11757653 silver wattle, mimosa, Acacia dealbata n11757851 huisache, cassie, mimosa bush, sweet wattle, sweet acacia, scented wattle, flame tree, Acacia farnesiana n11758122 lightwood, Acacia melanoxylon n11758276 golden wattle, Acacia pycnantha n11758483 fever tree, Acacia xanthophloea n11758628 Adenanthera, genus Adenanthera n11758799 coralwood, coral-wood, red sandalwood, Barbados pride, peacock flower fence, Adenanthera pavonina n11759049 genus Albizia, genus Albizzia n11759224 albizzia, albizia n11759404 silk tree, Albizia julibrissin, Albizzia julibrissin n11759609 siris, siris tree, Albizia lebbeck, Albizzia lebbeck n11759853 rain tree, saman, monkeypod, monkey pod, zaman, zamang, Albizia saman n11760128 Anadenanthera, genus Anadenanthera n11760294 Anadenanthera colubrina, Piptadenia macrocarpa n11760560 genus Calliandra n11760785 calliandra n11761007 Enterolobium, genus Enterolobium n11761202 conacaste, elephant's ear, Enterolobium cyclocarpa n11761484 genus Inga n11761650 inga n11761836 ice-cream bean, Inga edulis n11762018 guama, Inga laurina n11762237 Leucaena, genus Leucaena n11762433 lead tree, white popinac, Leucaena glauca, Leucaena leucocephala n11762706 Lysiloma, genus Lysiloma n11762927 wild tamarind, Lysiloma latisiliqua, Lysiloma bahamensis n11763142 sabicu, Lysiloma sabicu n11763340 sabicu, sabicu wood n11763473 Parkia, genus Parkia n11763625 nitta tree n11763874 Parkia javanica n11764072 Piptadenia, genus Piptadenia n11764231 Pithecellobium, genus Pithecellobium, Pithecolobium, genus Pithecolobium n11764478 manila tamarind, camachile, huamachil, wild tamarind, Pithecellobium dulce n11764814 cat's-claw, catclaw, black bead, Pithecellodium unguis-cati n11765099 Prosopis, genus Prosopis n11765277 mesquite, mesquit n11765568 honey mesquite, Western honey mesquite, Prosopis glandulosa n11765859 algarroba, Prosopis juliflora, Prosopis juliiflora n11766046 algarroba, algarrobilla, algarobilla n11766189 screw bean, screwbean, tornillo, screwbean mesquite, Prosopis pubescens n11766432 screw bean n11766609 Apocynaceae, family Apocynaceae, dogbane family n11767196 Apocynum, genus Apocynum n11767354 dogbane n11767630 common dogbane, spreading dogbane, rheumatism weed, Apocynum androsaemifolium n11767877 Indian hemp, rheumatism weed, Apocynum cannabinum n11768108 Rocky Mountain dogbane, Apocynum pumilum n11768242 Acocanthera, genus Acocanthera, Acokanthera, genus Acokanthera n11768505 winter sweet, poison arrow plant, Acocanthera oblongifolia, Acocanthera spectabilis n11768816 bushman's poison, ordeal tree, Acocanthera oppositifolia, Acocanthera venenata n11769002 Adenium, genus Adenium n11769176 impala lily, mock azalia, desert rose, kudu lily, Adenium obesum, Adenium multiflorum n11769483 genus Allamanda n11769621 allamanda n11769803 common allamanda, golden trumpet, Allamanda cathartica n11770013 Alstonia, genus Alstonia n11770256 dita, dita bark, devil tree, Alstonia scholaris n11770526 Amsonia, genus Amsonia n11770753 blue star, Amsonia tabernaemontana n11770969 Beaumontia, genus Beaumontia n11771147 Nepal trumpet flower, Easter lily vine, Beaumontia grandiflora n11771383 genus Carissa n11771539 carissa n11771746 hedge thorn, natal plum, Carissa bispinosa n11771924 natal plum, amatungulu, Carissa macrocarpa, Carissa grandiflora n11772154 Catharanthus, genus Catharanthus n11772408 periwinkle, rose periwinkle, Madagascar periwinkle, old maid, Cape periwinkle, red periwinkle, cayenne jasmine, Catharanthus roseus, Vinca rosea n11772702 Holarrhena, genus Holarrhena n11772879 ivory tree, conessi, kurchi, kurchee, Holarrhena pubescens, Holarrhena antidysenterica n11773138 Mandevilla, genus Mandevilla, Dipladenia, genus Dipladenia n11773408 white dipladenia, Mandevilla boliviensis, Dipladenia boliviensis n11773628 Chilean jasmine, Mandevilla laxa n11773860 Nerium, genus Nerium n11773987 oleander, rose bay, Nerium oleander n11774279 Plumeria, genus Plumeria, Plumiera n11774513 frangipani, frangipanni n11774795 pagoda tree, temple tree, Plumeria acutifolia n11774972 West Indian jasmine, pagoda tree, Plumeria alba n11775160 genus Rauwolfia, genus Rauvolfia n11775340 rauwolfia, rauvolfia n11775626 snakewood, Rauwolfia serpentina n11775780 genus Strophanthus n11775959 strophanthus n11776234 Strophanthus kombe n11776337 Tabernaemontana, genus Tabernaemontana n11776511 crape jasmine, crepe jasmine, crepe gardenia, pinwheel flower, East Indian rosebay, Adam's apple, Nero's crown, coffee rose, Tabernaemontana divaricate n11776861 Thevetia, genus Thevetia n11777080 yellow oleander, Thevetia peruviana, Thevetia neriifolia n11777365 Trachelospermum, genus Trachelospermum n11777552 star jasmine, confederate jasmine, Trachelospermum jasminoides n11777779 Vinca, genus Vinca n11777929 periwinkle n11778092 myrtle, Vinca minor n11778257 large periwinkle, Vinca major n11778391 Arales, order Arales n11778534 Araceae, family Araceae, arum family n11779300 arum, aroid n11779801 genus Arum n11780018 arum n11780148 cuckoopint, lords-and-ladies, jack-in-the-pulpit, Arum maculatum n11780424 black calla, Arum palaestinum n11780589 Acorus, genus Acorus n11780747 Acoraceae, subfamily Acoraceae n11780930 sweet flag, calamus, sweet calamus, myrtle flag, flagroot, Acorus calamus n11781176 calamus n11781301 calamus oil n11781430 Aglaonema, genus Aglaonema n11781658 Chinese evergreen, Japanese leaf, Aglaonema modestum n11781850 genus Alocasia n11782036 alocasia, elephant's ear, elephant ear n11782266 giant taro, Alocasia macrorrhiza n11782522 genus Amorphophallus n11782761 amorphophallus n11782878 pungapung, telingo potato, elephant yam, Amorphophallus paeonifolius, Amorphophallus campanulatus n11783162 devil's tongue, snake palm, umbrella arum, Amorphophallus rivieri n11783488 krubi, titan arum, Amorphophallus titanum n11783723 genus Anthurium n11783920 anthurium, tailflower, tail-flower n11784126 flamingo flower, flamingo plant, Anthurium andraeanum, Anthurium scherzerianum n11784323 Arisaema, genus Arisaema n11784497 jack-in-the-pulpit, Indian turnip, wake-robin, Arisaema triphyllum, Arisaema atrorubens n11784825 green dragon, Arisaema dracontium n11785100 Arisarum, genus Arisarum n11785276 friar's-cowl, Arisarum vulgare n11785475 genus Caladium n11785668 caladium n11785875 Caladium bicolor n11786017 Calla, genus Calla n11786131 wild calla, water arum, Calla palustris n11786365 Colocasia, genus Colocasia n11786539 taro, taro plant, dalo, dasheen, Colocasia esculenta n11786843 taro, cocoyam, dasheen, eddo n11786983 genus Cryptocoryne n11787190 cryptocoryne, water trumpet n11787391 Dieffenbachia, genus Dieffenbachia n11787625 dumb cane, mother-in-law plant, mother-in-law's tongue, Dieffenbachia sequine n11787892 genus Dracontium n11788039 dracontium n11788223 Dracunculus, genus Dracunculus n11788382 dragon arum, green dragon, Dracunculus vulgaris n11788536 Epipremnum, genus Epipremnum n11788727 golden pothos, pothos, ivy arum, Epipremnum aureum, Scindapsus aureus n11788926 Lysichiton, genus Lysichiton, Lysichitum, genus Lysichitum n11789066 skunk cabbage, Lysichiton americanum n11789280 genus Monstera n11789438 monstera n11789589 ceriman, Monstera deliciosa n11789796 genus Nephthytis n11789962 nephthytis n11790089 Nephthytis afzelii n11790239 Orontium, genus Orontium n11790390 golden club, Orontium aquaticum n11790624 Peltandra, genus Peltandra n11790788 arrow arum n11790936 green arrow arum, tuckahoe, Peltandra virginica n11791155 genus Philodendron n11791341 philodendron n11791446 genus Pistia n11791569 pistia, water lettuce, water cabbage, Pistia stratiotes, Pistia stratoites n11791819 Scindapsus, genus Scindapsus, genus Pothos n11792029 pothos n11792155 genus Spathiphyllum n11792341 spathiphyllum, peace lily, spathe flower n11792598 Symplocarpus, genus Symplocarpus n11792742 skunk cabbage, polecat weed, foetid pothos, Symplocarpus foetidus n11793032 Syngonium, genus Syngonium n11793252 Xanthosoma, genus Xanthosoma n11793403 yautia, tannia, spoonflower, malanga, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, Xanthosoma atrovirens n11793651 Zantedeschia, genus Zantedeschia n11793779 calla lily, calla, arum lily, Zantedeschia aethiopica n11794024 pink calla, Zantedeschia rehmanii n11794139 golden calla n11794267 Lemnaceae, family Lemnaceae, duckweed family n11794519 duckweed n11794791 Lemna, genus Lemna n11795049 common duckweed, lesser duckweed, Lemna minor n11795216 star-duckweed, Lemna trisulca n11795366 Spirodela, genus Spirodela n11795580 great duckweed, water flaxseed, Spirodela polyrrhiza n11795774 Wolffia, genus Wolffia n11796005 watermeal n11796188 common wolffia, Wolffia columbiana n11796318 Wolffiella, genus Wolffiella n11796573 mud midget, bogmat, Wolffiella gladiata n11796744 Araliaceae, family Araliaceae, ivy family n11797016 genus Aralia n11797321 aralia n11797508 American angelica tree, devil's walking stick, Hercules'-club, Aralia spinosa n11797722 wild sarsaparilla, false sarsaparilla, wild sarsparilla, Aralia nudicaulis n11797981 American spikenard, petty morel, life-of-man, Aralia racemosa n11798270 bristly sarsaparilla, bristly sarsparilla, dwarf elder, Aralia hispida n11798496 Japanese angelica tree, Aralia elata n11798688 Chinese angelica, Chinese angelica tree, Aralia stipulata n11798851 Hedera, genus Hedera n11798978 ivy, common ivy, English ivy, Hedera helix n11799158 Meryta, genus Meryta n11799331 puka, Meryta sinclairii n11799520 Panax, genus Panax n11799732 ginseng, nin-sin, Panax ginseng, Panax schinseng, Panax pseudoginseng n11800020 American ginseng, sang, Panax quinquefolius n11800236 ginseng n11800359 Schefflera, genus Schefflera n11800565 umbrella tree, Schefflera actinophylla, Brassaia actinophylla n11800799 Aristolochiales, order Aristolochiales n11801038 Aristolochiaceae, family Aristolochiaceae, birthwort family n11801247 Aristolochia, genus Aristolochia n11801392 birthwort, Aristolochia clematitis n11801665 Dutchman's-pipe, pipe vine, Aristolochia macrophylla, Aristolochia durior n11801891 Virginia snakeroot, Virginia serpentaria, Virginia serpentary, Aristolochia serpentaria n11802076 Asarum, genus Asarum n11802212 wild ginger n11802410 Canada ginger, black snakeroot, Asarum canadense n11802586 heartleaf, heart-leaf, Asarum virginicum n11802800 heartleaf, heart-leaf, Asarum shuttleworthii n11802995 asarabacca, Asarum europaeum n11803118 Rafflesiaceae, family Rafflesiaceae n11803277 Hydnoraceae, family Hydnoraceae n11803475 Caryophyllidae, subclass Caryophyllidae n11804082 Caryophyllales, order Caryophyllales, Chenopodiales, order-Chenopodiales n11804433 Centrospermae, group Centrospermae n11804604 Caryophyllaceae, family Caryophyllaceae, carnation family, pink family n11805255 caryophyllaceous plant n11805380 Agrostemma, genus Agrostemma n11805544 corn cockle, corn campion, crown-of-the-field, Agrostemma githago n11805837 Arenaria, genus Arenaria n11805956 sandwort n11806219 mountain sandwort, mountain starwort, mountain daisy, Arenaria groenlandica n11806369 pine-barren sandwort, longroot, Arenaria caroliniana n11806521 seabeach sandwort, Arenaria peploides n11806679 rock sandwort, Arenaria stricta n11806814 thyme-leaved sandwort, Arenaria serpyllifolia n11806975 Cerastium, genus Cerastium n11807108 mouse-ear chickweed, mouse eared chickweed, mouse ear, clammy chickweed, chickweed n11807367 field chickweed, field mouse-ear, Cerastium arvense n11807525 snow-in-summer, love-in-a-mist, Cerastium tomentosum n11807696 Alpine mouse-ear, Arctic mouse-ear, Cerastium alpinum n11807849 Dianthus, genus Dianthus n11807979 pink, garden pink n11808299 sweet William, Dianthus barbatus n11808468 carnation, clove pink, gillyflower, Dianthus caryophyllus n11808721 china pink, rainbow pink, Dianthus chinensis n11808932 Japanese pink, Dianthus chinensis heddewigii n11809094 maiden pink, Dianthus deltoides n11809271 cheddar pink, Diangus gratianopolitanus n11809437 button pink, Dianthus latifolius n11809594 cottage pink, grass pink, Dianthus plumarius n11809754 fringed pink, Dianthus supurbus n11809922 genus Drypis n11810030 drypis n11810190 Gypsophila, genus Gypsophila n11810358 baby's breath, babies'-breath, Gypsophila paniculata n11810559 Hernaria, genus Hernaria n11810728 rupturewort, Hernaria glabra n11810918 Illecebrum, genus Illecebrum n11811059 coral necklace, Illecebrum verticullatum n11811308 genus Lychnis n11811473 lychnis, catchfly n11811706 ragged robin, cuckoo flower, Lychnis flos-cuculi, Lychins floscuculi n11811921 scarlet lychnis, maltese cross, Lychins chalcedonica n11812094 mullein pink, rose campion, gardener's delight, dusty miller, Lychnis coronaria n11812358 Minuartia, genus Minuartia n11812573 Moehringia, genus Moehringia n11812910 sandwort, Moehringia lateriflora n11813077 sandwort, Moehringia mucosa n11813309 Paronychia, genus Paronychia n11813490 whitlowwort n11813830 Petrocoptis, genus Petrocoptis n11814059 Sagina, genus Sagina n11814238 pearlwort, pearlweed, pearl-weed n11814440 Saponaria, genus Saponaria n11814584 soapwort, hedge pink, bouncing Bet, bouncing Bess, Saponaria officinalis n11814824 Scleranthus, genus Scleranthus n11814996 knawel, knawe, Scleranthus annuus n11815194 genus Silene n11815491 silene, campion, catchfly n11815721 moss campion, Silene acaulis n11815918 wild pink, Silene caroliniana n11816121 red campion, red bird's eye, Silene dioica, Lychnis dioica n11816336 white campion, evening lychnis, white cockle, bladder campion, Silene latifolia, Lychnis alba n11816649 fire pink, Silene virginica n11816829 bladder campion, Silene uniflora, Silene vulgaris n11817000 Spergula, genus Spergula n11817160 corn spurry, corn spurrey, Spergula arvensis n11817329 Spergularia, genus Spergularia n11817501 sand spurry, sea spurry, Spergularia rubra n11817774 Stellaria, genus Stellaria n11817914 chickweed n11818069 common chickweed, Stellaria media n11818271 stitchwort, greater stitchwort, starwort, Stellaria holostea n11818515 Vaccaria, genus Vaccaria n11818636 cowherb, cow cockle, Vaccaria hispanica, Vaccaria pyramidata, Saponaria vaccaria n11818945 Aizoaceae, family Aizoaceae, Tetragoniaceae, family Tetragoniaceae, carpetweed family n11819354 Carpobrotus, genus Carpobrotus n11819509 Hottentot fig, Hottentot's fig, sour fig, Carpobrotus edulis, Mesembryanthemum edule n11819751 Dorotheanthus, genus Dorotheanthus n11819912 livingstone daisy, Dorotheanthus bellidiformis n11820191 papilla n11820323 genus Lithops n11820463 lithops, living stone, stoneface, stone-face, stone plant, stone life face, flowering stone n11820751 Mesembryanthemum, genus Mesembryanthemum n11820965 fig marigold, pebble plant n11821184 ice plant, icicle plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum n11821415 Molluga, genus Molluga n11821534 carpetweed, Indian chickweed, Molluga verticillata n11821777 Pleiospilos, genus Pleiospilos n11821929 living granite, living rock, stone mimicry plant n11822167 Tetragonia, genus Tetragonia n11822300 New Zealand spinach, Tetragonia tetragonioides, Tetragonia expansa n11822557 Amaranthaceae, family Amaranthaceae, amaranth family n11822849 Amaranthus, genus Amaranthus n11823043 amaranth n11823305 amaranth n11823436 tumbleweed, Amaranthus albus, Amaranthus graecizans n11823572 love-lies-bleeding, velvet flower, tassel flower, Amaranthus caudatus n11823756 prince's-feather, gentleman's-cane, prince's-plume, red amaranth, purple amaranth, Amaranthus cruentus, Amaranthus hybridus hypochondriacus, Amaranthus hybridus erythrostachys n11824146 pigweed, Amaranthus hypochondriacus n11824344 thorny amaranth, Amaranthus spinosus n11824548 Alternanthera, genus Alternanthera n11824747 alligator weed, alligator grass, Alternanthera philoxeroides n11825013 Celosia, genus Celosia n11825211 red fox, Celosia argentea n11825351 cockscomb, common cockscomb, Celosia cristata, Celosia argentea cristata n11825535 Froelichia, genus Froelichia n11825749 cottonweed n11825988 Gomphrena, genus Gomphrena n11826198 globe amaranth, bachelor's button, Gomphrena globosa n11826416 Iresine, genus Iresine n11826569 bloodleaf n11826715 beefsteak plant, beef plant, Iresine herbstii, Iresine reticulata n11826999 Telanthera, genus Telanthera n11827169 Batidaceae, family Batidaceae, saltwort family n11827348 Batis, genus Batis n11827541 saltwort, Batis maritima n11827775 Chenopodiaceae, family Chenopodiaceae, goosefoot family n11828113 Chenopodium, genus Chenopodium n11828247 goosefoot n11828577 lamb's-quarters, pigweed, wild spinach, Chenopodium album n11828804 American wormseed, Mexican tea, Spanish tea, wormseed, Chenopodium ambrosioides n11828973 good-king-henry, allgood, fat hen, wild spinach, Chenopodium bonus-henricus n11829205 Jerusalem oak, feather geranium, Mexican tea, Chenopodium botrys, Atriplex mexicana n11829435 strawberry blite, strawberry pigweed, Indian paint, Chenopodium capitatum n11829672 oak-leaved goosefoot, oakleaf goosefoot, Chenopodium glaucum n11829922 sowbane, red goosefoot, Chenopodium hybridum n11830045 nettle-leaved goosefoot, nettleleaf goosefoot, Chenopodium murale n11830252 red goosefoot, French spinach, Chenopodium rubrum n11830400 stinking goosefoot, Chenopodium vulvaria n11830570 Atriplex, genus Atriplex n11830714 orach, orache n11830906 saltbush n11831100 garden orache, mountain spinach, Atriplex hortensis n11831297 desert holly, Atriplex hymenelytra n11831521 quail bush, quail brush, white thistle, Atriplex lentiformis n11831730 Bassia, genus Bassia, Kochia, genus Kochia n11831874 summer cypress, burning bush, fire bush, fire-bush, belvedere, Bassia scoparia, Kochia scoparia n11832108 Beta, genus Beta n11832214 beet, common beet, Beta vulgaris n11832480 beetroot, Beta vulgaris rubra n11832671 chard, Swiss chard, spinach beet, leaf beet, chard plant, Beta vulgaris cicla n11832899 mangel-wurzel, mangold-wurzel, mangold, Beta vulgaris vulgaris n11833073 sugar beet n11833208 Cycloloma, genus Cycloloma n11833373 winged pigweed, tumbleweed, Cycloloma atriplicifolium n11833577 genus Halogeton n11833749 halogeton, Halogeton glomeratus n11833999 barilla, Halogeton souda n11834148 Salicornia, genus Salicornia n11834272 glasswort, samphire, Salicornia europaea n11834521 Salsola, genus Salsola n11834654 saltwort, barilla, glasswort, kali, kelpwort, Salsola kali, Salsola soda n11834890 Russian thistle, Russian tumbleweed, Russian cactus, tumbleweed, Salsola kali tenuifolia n11835114 Sarcobatus, genus Sarcobatus n11835251 greasewood, black greasewood, Sarcobatus vermiculatus n11835451 Spinacia, genus Spinacia n11835568 spinach, spinach plant, prickly-seeded spinach, Spinacia oleracea n11835806 Nyctaginaceae, family Nyctaginaceae, Allioniaceae, family Allioniaceae, four-o'clock family n11836137 Nyctaginia, genus Nyctaginia n11836327 scarlet musk flower, Nyctaginia capitata n11836556 Abronia, genus Abronia n11836722 sand verbena n11837020 snowball, sweet sand verbena, Abronia elliptica n11837204 sweet sand verbena, Abronia fragrans n11837351 yellow sand verbena, Abronia latifolia n11837562 beach pancake, Abronia maritima n11837743 beach sand verbena, pink sand verbena, Abronia umbellata n11837970 desert sand verbena, Abronia villosa n11838266 Allionia, genus Allionia n11838413 trailing four o'clock, trailing windmills, Allionia incarnata n11838741 genus Bougainvillea, Bougainvillaea, genus Bougainvillaea n11838916 bougainvillea n11839167 paper flower, Bougainvillea glabra n11839297 Mirabilis, genus Mirabilis n11839460 umbrellawort n11839568 four o'clock n11839823 common four-o'clock, marvel-of-Peru, Mirabilis jalapa, Mirabilis uniflora n11840067 California four o'clock, Mirabilis laevis, Mirabilis californica n11840246 sweet four o'clock, maravilla, Mirabilis longiflora n11840476 desert four o'clock, Colorado four o'clock, maravilla, Mirabilis multiflora n11840764 mountain four o'clock, Mirabilis oblongifolia n11841061 Pisonia, genus Pisonia n11841247 cockspur, Pisonia aculeata n11841368 Opuntiales, order Opuntiales n11841529 Cactaceae, family Cactaceae, cactus family n11842204 cactus n11842861 Acanthocereus, genus Acanthocereus n11843053 pitahaya cactus, pitahaya, Acanthocereus tetragonus, Acanthocereus pentagonus n11843285 Aporocactus, genus Aporocactus n11843441 rattail cactus, rat's-tail cactus, Aporocactus flagelliformis n11843709 Ariocarpus, genus Ariocarpus n11843896 living rock, Ariocarpus fissuratus n11844203 Carnegiea, genus Carnegiea n11844371 saguaro, sahuaro, Carnegiea gigantea n11844651 Cereus, genus Cereus n11844892 night-blooming cereus n11845019 genus Coryphantha n11845277 coryphantha n11845387 genus Echinocactus n11845557 echinocactus, barrel cactus n11845793 hedgehog cactus n11845913 golden barrel cactus, Echinocactus grusonii n11846087 Echinocereus, genus Echinocereus n11846312 hedgehog cereus n11846425 rainbow cactus n11846582 genus Epiphyllum n11846765 epiphyllum, orchid cactus n11846970 Ferocactus, genus Ferocactus n11847169 barrel cactus n11847414 Gymnocalycium, genus Gymnocalycium n11847615 Harrisia, genus Harrisia n11847841 Hatiora, genus Hatiora n11848009 Easter cactus, Hatiora gaertneri, Schlumbergera gaertneri n11848253 Hylocereus, genus Hylocereus n11848479 night-blooming cereus n11848610 Lemaireocereus, genus Lemaireocereus n11848867 chichipe, Lemaireocereus chichipe n11849017 Lophophora, genus Lophophora n11849271 mescal, mezcal, peyote, Lophophora williamsii n11849467 mescal button, sacred mushroom, magic mushroom n11849666 genus Mammillaria n11849871 mammillaria n11849983 feather ball, Mammillaria plumosa n11850136 Melocactus, genus Melocactus n11850337 Myrtillocactus, genus Myrtillocactus n11850521 garambulla, garambulla cactus, Myrtillocactus geometrizans n11850748 Pediocactus, genus Pediocactus n11850918 Knowlton's cactus, Pediocactus knowltonii n11851101 Nopalea, genus Nopalea n11851258 nopal n11851395 Opuntia, genus Opuntia n11851578 prickly pear, prickly pear cactus n11851839 cholla, Opuntia cholla n11852028 nopal, Opuntia lindheimeri n11852148 tuna, Opuntia tuna n11852255 Pereskia, genus Pereskia, Peireskia, genus Peireskia n11852531 Barbados gooseberry, Barbados-gooseberry vine, Pereskia aculeata n11852814 Rhipsalis, genus Rhipsalis n11853079 mistletoe cactus n11853191 Schlumbergera, genus Schlumbergera n11853356 Christmas cactus, Schlumbergera buckleyi, Schlumbergera baridgesii n11853644 Selenicereus, genus Selenicereus n11853813 night-blooming cereus n11853979 queen of the night, Selenicereus grandiflorus n11854232 Zygocactus, genus Zygocactus n11854479 crab cactus, Thanksgiving cactus, Zygocactus truncatus, Schlumbergera truncatus n11854760 Phytolaccaceae, family Phytolaccaceae, pokeweed family n11855122 Phytolacca, genus Phytolacca n11855274 pokeweed n11855435 Indian poke, Phytolacca acinosa n11855553 poke, pigeon berry, garget, scoke, Phytolacca americana n11855842 ombu, bella sombra, Phytolacca dioica n11856055 Agdestis, genus Agdestis n11856271 Ercilla, genus Ercilla n11856389 Rivina, genus Rivina n11856573 bloodberry, blood berry, rougeberry, rouge plant, Rivina humilis n11856815 Trichostigma, genus Trichostigma n11856981 Portulacaceae, family Portulacaceae, purslane family n11857320 purslane n11857528 genus Portulaca n11857696 portulaca n11857875 rose moss, sun plant, Portulaca grandiflora n11858077 common purslane, pussley, pussly, verdolagas, Portulaca oleracea n11858406 Calandrinia, genus Calandrinia n11858703 rock purslane n11858814 red maids, redmaids, Calandrinia ciliata n11859024 Claytonia, genus Claytonia n11859275 Carolina spring beauty, Claytonia caroliniana n11859472 spring beauty, Clatonia lanceolata n11859737 Virginia spring beauty, Claytonia virginica n11859981 Lewisia, genus Lewisia n11860208 siskiyou lewisia, Lewisia cotyledon n11860555 bitterroot, Lewisia rediviva n11860801 Montia, genus Montia n11861021 Indian lettuce n11861238 broad-leaved montia, Montia cordifolia n11861487 blinks, blinking chickweed, water chickweed, Montia lamprosperma n11861641 toad lily, Montia chamissoi n11861853 winter purslane, miner's lettuce, Cuban spinach, Montia perfoliata n11862089 Spraguea, genus Spraguea n11862300 pussy-paw, pussy-paws, pussy's-paw, Spraguea umbellatum, Calyptridium umbellatum n11862598 Talinum, genus Talinum n11862835 flame flower, flame-flower, flameflower, Talinum aurantiacum n11863242 narrow-leaved flame flower, Talinum augustissimum n11863467 pigmy talinum, Talinum brevifolium n11863717 rock pink, Talinum calycinum n11863877 jewels-of-opar, Talinum paniculatum n11864114 spiny talinum, Talinum spinescens n11864364 Rhoeadales, order Rhoeadales, Papaverales, order Papaverales n11864602 Capparidaceae, family Capparidaceae, caper family n11864906 Capparis, genus Capparis n11865071 caper n11865276 native pomegranate, Capparis arborea n11865429 caper tree, Jamaica caper tree, Capparis cynophallophora n11865574 caper tree, bay-leaved caper, Capparis flexuosa n11865738 native orange, Capparis mitchellii n11865874 common caper, Capparis spinosa n11866078 genus Cleome, Cleome n11866248 spiderflower, cleome n11866469 spider flower, spider plant, Cleome hassleriana n11866706 Rocky Mountain bee plant, stinking clover, Cleome serrulata n11866942 Crateva, genus Crateva n11867070 Polanisia, genus Polanisia n11867311 clammyweed, Polanisia graveolens, Polanisia dodecandra n11867525 Cruciferae, family Cruciferae, Brassicaceae, family Brassicaceae, mustard family n11868814 crucifer, cruciferous plant n11869351 cress, cress plant n11869689 watercress n11869890 Aethionema, genus Aethionema n11870044 stonecress, stone cress n11870212 Alliaria, genus Alliaria n11870418 garlic mustard, hedge garlic, sauce-alone, jack-by-the-hedge, Alliaria officinalis n11870607 Alyssum, genus Alyssum n11870747 alyssum, madwort n11870916 Anastatica, genus Anastatica n11871059 rose of Jericho, resurrection plant, Anastatica hierochuntica n11871294 Arabidopsis, genus Arabidopsis n11871496 Arabidopsis thaliana, mouse-ear cress n11871748 Arabidopsis lyrata n11871916 Arabis, genus Arabis n11872146 rock cress, rockcress n11872324 sicklepod, Arabis Canadensis n11872473 tower cress, tower mustard, Arabis turrita n11872658 tower mustard, tower cress, Turritis glabra, Arabis glabra n11872850 Armoracia, genus Armoracia n11872973 horseradish, horse radish, red cole, Armoracia rusticana n11873182 horseradish, horseradish root n11873396 Barbarea, genus Barbarea n11873612 winter cress, St. Barbara's herb, scurvy grass n11873845 Belle Isle cress, early winter cress, land cress, American cress, American watercress, Barbarea verna, Barbarea praecox n11874081 yellow rocket, rockcress, rocket cress, Barbarea vulgaris, Sisymbrium barbarea n11874300 Berteroa, genus Berteroa n11874423 hoary alison, hoary alyssum, Berteroa incana n11874707 Biscutella, genus Biscutella n11874878 buckler mustard, Biscutalla laevigata n11875100 Brassica, genus Brassica n11875523 wild cabbage, Brassica oleracea n11875691 cabbage, cultivated cabbage, Brassica oleracea n11875938 head cabbage, head cabbage plant, Brassica oleracea capitata n11876204 savoy cabbage n11876316 red cabbage n11876432 brussels sprout, Brassica oleracea gemmifera n11876634 cauliflower, Brassica oleracea botrytis n11876803 broccoli, Brassica oleracea italica n11876976 kale, kail, cole, borecole, colewort, Brassica oleracea acephala n11877193 collard n11877283 kohlrabi, Brassica oleracea gongylodes n11877473 turnip plant n11877646 turnip, white turnip, Brassica rapa n11877860 rutabaga, turnip cabbage, swede, Swedish turnip, rutabaga plant, Brassica napus napobrassica n11878101 broccoli raab, broccoli rabe, Brassica rapa ruvo n11878283 mustard n11878520 mustard oil n11878633 chinese mustard, indian mustard, leaf mustard, gai choi, Brassica juncea n11878808 Chinese cabbage, celery cabbage, napa, pe-tsai, Brassica rapa pekinensis n11879054 bok choy, bok choi, pakchoi, pak choi, Chinese white cabbage, Brassica rapa chinensis n11879291 tendergreen, spinach mustard, Brassica perviridis, Brassica rapa perviridis n11879505 black mustard, Brassica nigra n11879722 rape, colza, Brassica napus n11879895 rapeseed n11880032 rape oil, rapeseed oil, colza oil n11880218 Cakile, genus Cakile n11880411 sea-rocket, Cakile maritima n11880610 Camelina, genus Camelina, false flax n11880791 gold of pleasure, Camelina sativa n11881063 Capsella, genus Capsella n11881189 shepherd's purse, shepherd's pouch, Capsella bursa-pastoris n11881426 Cardamine, genus Cardamine n11881563 Dentaria, genus Dentaria n11881742 bittercress, bitter cress n11882074 lady's smock, cuckooflower, cuckoo flower, meadow cress, Cardamine pratensis n11882237 coral-root bittercress, coralroot, coralwort, Cardamine bulbifera, Dentaria bulbifera n11882426 crinkleroot, crinkle-root, crinkle root, pepper root, toothwort, Cardamine diphylla, Dentaria diphylla n11882636 American watercress, mountain watercress, Cardamine rotundifolia n11882821 spring cress, Cardamine bulbosa n11882972 purple cress, Cardamine douglasii n11883137 Cheiranthus, genus Cheiranthus n11883328 wallflower, Cheiranthus cheiri, Erysimum cheiri n11883628 prairie rocket n11883799 Cochlearia, genus Cochlearia n11883945 scurvy grass, common scurvy grass, Cochlearia officinalis n11884198 Crambe, genus Crambe n11884384 sea kale, sea cole, Crambe maritima n11884667 Descurainia, genus Descurainia n11884967 tansy mustard, Descurainia pinnata n11885148 Diplotaxis, genus Diplotaxis n11885292 wall rocket, Diplotaxis muralis, Diplotaxis tenuifolia n11885524 white rocket, Diplotaxis erucoides n11885697 genus Draba n11885856 draba n11886157 whitlow grass, shadflower, shad-flower, Draba verna n11886380 Eruca, genus Eruca n11886537 rocket, roquette, garden rocket, rocket salad, arugula, Eruca sativa, Eruca vesicaria sativa n11886788 Erysimum, genus Erysimum n11887119 wallflower n11887310 prairie rocket n11887476 Siberian wall flower, Erysimum allionii, Cheiranthus allionii n11887750 western wall flower, Erysimum asperum, Cheiranthus asperus, Erysimum arkansanum n11888061 wormseed mustard, Erysimum cheiranthoides n11888271 genus Heliophila n11888424 heliophila n11888621 Hesperis, genus Hesperis n11888800 damask violet, Dame's violet, sweet rocket, Hesperis matronalis n11889078 Hugueninia, genus Hugueninia n11889205 tansy-leaved rocket, Hugueninia tanacetifolia, Sisymbrium tanacetifolia n11889473 Iberis, genus Iberis n11889619 candytuft n11889847 Isatis, genus Isatis n11890022 woad n11890150 dyer's woad, Isatis tinctoria n11890329 Lepidium, genus Lepidium n11890507 common garden cress, garden pepper cress, pepper grass, pepperwort, Lepidium sativum n11890723 Lesquerella, genus Lesquerella n11890884 bladderpod n11891050 Lobularia, genus Lobularia n11891175 sweet alyssum, sweet alison, Lobularia maritima n11891395 Lunaria, genus Lunaria n11891541 honesty, silver dollar, money plant, satin flower, satinpod, Lunaria annua n11891838 Malcolmia, genus Malcolmia n11892029 Malcolm stock, stock n11892181 Virginian stock, Virginia stock, Malcolmia maritima n11892460 Matthiola, genus Matthiola n11892637 stock, gillyflower n11892817 brompton stock, Matthiola incana n11893004 Nasturtium, genus Nasturtium n11893131 common watercress, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, Nasturtium officinale n11893451 Physaria, genus Physaria n11893640 bladderpod n11893808 Pritzelago, genus Pritzelago n11893916 chamois cress, Pritzelago alpina, Lepidium alpina n11894173 Raphanus, genus Raphanus n11894327 radish plant, radish n11894558 jointed charlock, wild radish, wild rape, runch, Raphanus raphanistrum n11894770 radish, Raphanus sativus n11894958 radish n11895092 radish, daikon, Japanese radish, Raphanus sativus longipinnatus n11895270 Rorippa, genus Rorippa n11895472 marsh cress, yellow watercress, Rorippa islandica n11895714 great yellowcress, Rorippa amphibia, Nasturtium amphibium n11895980 genus Schizopetalon n11896141 schizopetalon, Schizopetalon walkeri n11896365 Sinapis, genus Sinapis n11896519 white mustard, Brassica hirta, Sinapis alba n11896722 field mustard, wild mustard, charlock, chadlock, Brassica kaber, Sinapis arvensis n11896904 genus Sisymbrium n11897116 hedge mustard, Sisymbrium officinale n11897342 Stanleya, genus Stanleya n11897466 desert plume, prince's-plume, Stanleya pinnata, Cleome pinnata n11897760 Stephanomeria, genus Stephanomeria n11897900 malheur wire lettuce, Stephanomeria malheurensis n11898079 Subularia, genus Subularia n11898271 awlwort, Subularia aquatica n11898474 Thlaspi, genus Thlaspi n11898639 pennycress n11898775 field pennycress, French weed, fanweed, penny grass, stinkweed, mithridate mustard, Thlaspi arvense n11899027 Thysanocarpus, genus Thysanocarpus n11899223 fringepod, lacepod n11899432 Turritis, genus Turritis n11899595 Vesicaria, genus Vesicaria n11899762 bladderpod n11899921 wasabi n11900058 Papaveraceae, family Papaveraceae, poppy family n11900569 poppy n11900986 Papaver, genus Papaver n11901294 Iceland poppy, Papaver alpinum n11901452 western poppy, Papaver californicum n11901597 prickly poppy, Papaver argemone n11901759 Iceland poppy, arctic poppy, Papaver nudicaule n11901977 oriental poppy, Papaver orientale n11902200 corn poppy, field poppy, Flanders poppy, Papaver rhoeas n11902389 opium poppy, Papaver somniferum n11902595 genus Argemone n11902709 prickly poppy, argemone, white thistle, devil's fig n11902982 Mexican poppy, Argemone mexicana n11903167 genus Bocconia n11903333 bocconia, tree celandine, Bocconia frutescens n11903525 Chelidonium, genus Chelidonium n11903671 celandine, greater celandine, swallowwort, swallow wort, Chelidonium majus n11903881 Corydalis, genus Corydalis n11904109 corydalis n11904274 climbing corydalis, Corydalis claviculata, Fumaria claviculata n11904477 Roman wormwood, rock harlequin, Corydalis sempervirens, Fumaria sempervirens n11904743 fumewort, fumeroot, Corydalis solida n11904896 Dendromecon, genus Dendromecon n11905035 bush poppy, tree poppy n11905236 Eschscholtzia, genus Eschscholtzia n11905392 California poppy, Eschscholtzia californica n11905584 Glaucium, genus Glaucium n11905749 horn poppy, horned poppy, yellow horned poppy, sea poppy, Glaucium flavum n11905989 Hunnemannia, genus Hunnemania n11906127 golden cup, Mexican tulip poppy, Hunnemania fumariifolia n11906359 Macleaya, genus Macleaya n11906514 plume poppy, bocconia, Macleaya cordata n11906713 Meconopsis, genus Meconopsis n11906917 blue poppy, Meconopsis betonicifolia n11907100 Welsh poppy, Meconopsis cambrica n11907267 Platystemon, genus Platystemon n11907405 creamcups, Platystemon californicus n11907554 Romneya, genus Romneya n11907689 matilija poppy, California tree poppy, Romneya coulteri n11907939 Sanguinaria, genus Sanguinaria n11908077 bloodroot, puccoon, redroot, tetterwort, Sanguinaria canadensis n11908431 Stylomecon, genus Stylomecon n11908549 wind poppy, flaming poppy, Stylomecon heterophyllum, Papaver heterophyllum n11908718 Stylophorum, genus Stylophorum n11908846 celandine poppy, wood poppy, Stylophorum diphyllum n11909048 Fumariaceae, family Fumariaceae, fumitory family n11909353 Fumaria, genus Fumaria n11909527 fumitory, fumewort, fumeroot, Fumaria officinalis n11909745 Adlumia, genus Adlumia n11909864 climbing fumitory, Allegheny vine, Adlumia fungosa, Fumaria fungosa n11910070 Dicentra, genus Dicentra n11910271 bleeding heart, lyreflower, lyre-flower, Dicentra spectabilis n11910460 Dutchman's breeches, Dicentra cucullaria n11910666 squirrel corn, Dicentra canadensis n11910835 Asteridae, subclass Asteridae n11911274 Campanulales, order Campanulales n11911591 Compositae, family Compositae, Asteraceae, family Asteraceae, aster family n11915214 composite, composite plant n11915658 compass plant, compass flower n11915899 everlasting, everlasting flower n11916268 genus Achillea n11916467 achillea n11916696 yarrow, milfoil, Achillea millefolium n11916965 sneezeweed yarrow, sneezewort, Achillea ptarmica n11917186 Acroclinium, genus Acroclinium n11917407 pink-and-white everlasting, pink paper daisy, Acroclinium roseum n11917633 Ageratina, genus Ageratina n11917835 white snakeroot, white sanicle, Ageratina altissima, Eupatorium rugosum n11918131 genus Ageratum n11918286 ageratum n11918473 common ageratum, Ageratum houstonianum n11918631 Amberboa, genus Amberboa n11918808 sweet sultan, Amberboa moschata, Centaurea moschata n11919026 genus Ambrosia n11919232 Ambrosiaceae, family Ambrosiaceae n11919447 ragweed, ambrosia, bitterweed n11919761 common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia n11919975 great ragweed, Ambrosia trifida n11920133 western ragweed, perennial ragweed, Ambrosia psilostachya n11920344 genus Ammobium n11920498 ammobium n11920663 winged everlasting, Ammobium alatum n11920867 Anacyclus, genus Anacyclus n11920998 pellitory, pellitory-of-Spain, Anacyclus pyrethrum n11921200 Anaphalis, genus Anaphalis n11921395 pearly everlasting, cottonweed, Anaphalis margaritacea n11921622 genus Andryala n11921792 andryala n11921949 Antennaria, genus Antennaria n11922192 ladies' tobacco, lady's tobacco, Antennaria plantaginifolia n11922374 cat's foot, cat's feet, pussytoes, Antennaria dioica n11922661 plantain-leaved pussytoes n11922755 field pussytoes n11922839 solitary pussytoes n11922926 mountain everlasting n11923016 Anthemis, genus Anthemis n11923174 mayweed, dog fennel, stinking mayweed, stinking chamomile, Anthemis cotula n11923397 yellow chamomile, golden marguerite, dyers' chamomile, Anthemis tinctoria n11923637 corn chamomile, field chamomile, corn mayweed, Anthemis arvensis n11923827 Antheropeas, genus Antheropeas n11924014 woolly daisy, dwarf daisy, Antheropeas wallacei, Eriophyllum wallacei n11924330 Arctium, genus Arctium n11924445 burdock, clotbur n11924661 common burdock, lesser burdock, Arctium minus n11924849 great burdock, greater burdock, cocklebur, Arctium lappa n11925140 Arctotis, genus Arctotis n11925303 African daisy n11925450 blue-eyed African daisy, Arctotis stoechadifolia, Arctotis venusta n11925720 Argyranthemum, genus Argyranthemum n11925898 marguerite, marguerite daisy, Paris daisy, Chrysanthemum frutescens, Argyranthemum frutescens n11926185 Argyroxiphium, genus Argyroxiphium n11926365 silversword, Argyroxiphium sandwicense n11926640 genus Arnica n11926833 arnica n11926976 heartleaf arnica, Arnica cordifolia n11927215 Arnica montana n11927509 arnica n11927616 Arnoseris, genus Arnoseris n11927740 lamb succory, dwarf nipplewort, Arnoseris minima n11927901 genus Artemisia n11928352 artemisia n11928549 wormwood n11928858 mugwort n11929027 sagebrush, sage brush n11929291 southernwood, Artemisia abrotanum n11929477 common wormwood, absinthe, old man, lad's love, Artemisia absinthium n11929743 sweet wormwood, Artemisia annua n11929880 California sagebrush, California sage, Artemisia californica n11930038 field wormwood, Artemisia campestris n11930203 tarragon, estragon, Artemisia dracunculus n11930353 sand sage, silvery wormwood, Artemisia filifolia n11930571 wormwood sage, prairie sagewort, Artemisia frigida n11930788 western mugwort, white sage, cudweed, prairie sage, Artemisia ludoviciana, Artemisia gnaphalodes n11930994 Roman wormwood, Artemis pontica n11931135 bud brush, bud sagebrush, Artemis spinescens n11931312 dusty miller, beach wormwood, old woman, Artemisia stelleriana n11931540 common mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris n11931756 genus Aster n11931918 aster n11932745 wood aster n11932927 whorled aster, Aster acuminatus n11933099 heath aster, Aster arenosus n11933257 heart-leaved aster, Aster cordifolius n11933387 white wood aster, Aster divaricatus n11933546 bushy aster, Aster dumosus n11933728 heath aster, Aster ericoides n11933903 white prairie aster, Aster falcatus n11934041 stiff aster, Aster linarifolius n11934239 goldilocks, goldilocks aster, Aster linosyris, Linosyris vulgaris n11934463 large-leaved aster, Aster macrophyllus n11934616 New England aster, Aster novae-angliae n11934807 Michaelmas daisy, New York aster, Aster novi-belgii n11935027 upland white aster, Aster ptarmicoides n11935187 Short's aster, Aster shortii n11935330 sea aster, sea starwort, Aster tripolium n11935469 prairie aster, Aster turbinellis n11935627 annual salt-marsh aster n11935715 aromatic aster n11935794 arrow leaved aster n11935877 azure aster n11935953 bog aster n11936027 crooked-stemmed aster n11936113 Eastern silvery aster n11936199 flat-topped white aster n11936287 late purple aster n11936369 panicled aster n11936448 perennial salt marsh aster n11936539 purple-stemmed aster n11936624 rough-leaved aster n11936707 rush aster n11936782 Schreiber's aster n11936864 small white aster n11936946 smooth aster n11937023 southern aster n11937102 starved aster, calico aster n11937195 tradescant's aster n11937278 wavy-leaved aster n11937360 Western silvery aster n11937446 willow aster n11937523 genus Ayapana n11937692 ayapana, Ayapana triplinervis, Eupatorium aya-pana n11937965 Baccharis, genus Baccharis n11938261 groundsel tree, groundsel bush, consumption weed, cotton-seed tree, Baccharis halimifolia n11938556 mule fat, Baccharis viminea n11938732 coyote brush, coyote bush, chaparral broom, kidney wort, Baccharis pilularis n11938977 Balsamorhiza, genus Balsamorhiza n11939180 balsamroot n11939380 Bellis, genus Bellis n11939491 daisy n11939699 common daisy, English daisy, Bellis perennis n11939887 Bidens, genus Bidens n11940006 bur marigold, burr marigold, beggar-ticks, beggar's-ticks, sticktight n11940349 Spanish needles, Bidens bipinnata n11940478 Spanish needles, beggar-ticks n11940599 tickseed sunflower, Bidens coronata, Bidens trichosperma n11940750 European beggar-ticks, trifid beggar-ticks, trifid bur marigold, Bidens tripartita n11940915 swampy beggar-ticks, Bidens connata n11941094 slender knapweed n11941178 Jersey knapweed n11941261 Boltonia, genus Boltonia n11941478 false chamomile n11941719 Brachycome, genus Brachycome n11941924 Swan River daisy, Brachycome Iberidifolia n11942144 Brickellia, genus Brickelia n11942366 Buphthalmum, genus Buphthalmum n11942487 oxeye n11942659 woodland oxeye, Buphthalmum salicifolium n11942875 Cacalia, genus Cacalia n11943133 Indian plantain n11943299 genus Calendula n11943407 calendula n11943660 common marigold, pot marigold, ruddles, Scotch marigold, Calendula officinalis n11943824 Callistephus, genus Callistephus n11943992 China aster, Callistephus chinensis n11944196 thistle n11944569 Carduus, genus Carduus n11944751 welted thistle, Carduus crispus n11944954 musk thistle, nodding thistle, Carduus nutans n11945228 Carlina, genus Carlina n11945367 carline thistle n11945514 stemless carline thistle, Carlina acaulis n11945783 common carline thistle, Carlina vulgaris n11945930 Carthamus, genus Carthamus n11946051 safflower, false saffron, Carthamus tinctorius n11946313 safflower seed n11946433 safflower oil n11946584 genus Catananche n11946727 catananche n11946918 blue succory, cupid's dart, Catananche caerulea n11947079 Centaurea, genus Centaurea n11947251 centaury n11947429 basket flower, Centaurea americana n11947629 dusty miller, Centaurea cineraria, Centaurea gymnocarpa n11947802 cornflower, bachelor's button, bluebottle, Centaurea cyanus n11948044 star-thistle, caltrop, Centauria calcitrapa n11948264 knapweed n11948469 sweet sultan, Centaurea imperialis n11948656 lesser knapweed, black knapweed, hardheads, Centaurea nigra n11948864 great knapweed, greater knapweed, Centaurea scabiosa n11949015 Barnaby's thistle, yellow star-thistle, Centaurea solstitialis n11949217 Chamaemelum, genus Chamaemelum n11949402 chamomile, camomile, Chamaemelum nobilis, Anthemis nobilis n11949707 genus Chaenactis n11949857 chaenactis n11950028 genus Chrysanthemum n11950345 chrysanthemum n11950686 corn marigold, field marigold, Chrysanthemum segetum n11950877 crown daisy, Chrysanthemum coronarium n11951052 chop-suey greens, tong ho, shun giku, Chrysanthemum coronarium spatiosum n11951271 chrysanthemum n11951385 Chrysopsis, genus Chrysopsis n11951511 golden aster n11951820 Maryland golden aster, Chrysopsis mariana n11951961 grass-leaved golden aster n11952058 sickleweed golden aster n11952153 Chrysothamnus, genus Chrysothamnus n11952346 goldenbush n11952541 rabbit brush, rabbit bush, Chrysothamnus nauseosus n11952900 Cichorium, genus Cichorium n11953038 chicory, succory, chicory plant, Cichorium intybus n11953339 endive, witloof, Cichorium endivia n11953610 chicory, chicory root n11953762 Cirsium, genus Cirsium n11953884 plume thistle, plumed thistle n11954161 Canada thistle, creeping thistle, Cirsium arvense n11954345 field thistle, Cirsium discolor n11954484 woolly thistle, Cirsium flodmanii n11954642 European woolly thistle, Cirsium eriophorum n11954798 melancholy thistle, Cirsium heterophylum, Cirsium helenioides n11955040 brook thistle, Cirsium rivulare n11955153 bull thistle, boar thistle, spear thistle, Cirsium vulgare, Cirsium lanceolatum n11955398 Cnicus, genus Cnicus n11955532 blessed thistle, sweet sultan, Cnicus benedictus n11955770 Conoclinium, genus Conoclinium n11955896 mistflower, mist-flower, ageratum, Conoclinium coelestinum, Eupatorium coelestinum n11956208 Conyza, genus Conyza n11956348 horseweed, Canadian fleabane, fleabane, Conyza canadensis, Erigeron canadensis n11956671 genus Coreopsis n11956850 coreopsis, tickseed, tickweed, tick-weed n11957162 subgenus Calliopsis n11957317 giant coreopsis, Coreopsis gigantea n11957514 sea dahlia, Coreopsis maritima n11957678 calliopsis, Coreopsis tinctoria n11957912 genus Cosmos n11958080 cosmos, cosmea n11958316 Cotula, genus Cotula n11958499 brass buttons, Cotula coronopifolia n11958742 Craspedia, genus Craspedia n11958888 billy buttons n11959104 Crepis, genus Crepis n11959259 hawk's-beard, hawk's-beards n11959489 Cynara, genus Cynara n11959632 artichoke, globe artichoke, artichoke plant, Cynara scolymus n11959862 cardoon, Cynara cardunculus n11960084 genus Dahlia n11960245 dahlia, Dahlia pinnata n11960540 Delairea, genus Delairea n11960673 German ivy, Delairea odorata, Senecio milkanioides n11960943 Dendranthema, genus Dendranthema n11961100 florist's chrysanthemum, florists' chrysanthemum, mum, Dendranthema grandifloruom, Chrysanthemum morifolium n11961266 Dimorphotheca, genus Dimorphotheca n11961446 cape marigold, sun marigold, star of the veldt n11961686 Doronicum, genus Doronicum n11961871 leopard's-bane, leopardbane n11962108 Echinacea, genus Echinacea n11962272 coneflower n11962500 Echinops, genus Echinops n11962667 globe thistle n11962853 Elephantopus, genus Elephantopus n11962994 elephant's-foot n11963158 Emilia, genus Emilia n11963305 tassel flower, Emilia coccinea, Emilia javanica, Emilia flammea, Cacalia javanica, Cacalia lutea n11963572 tassel flower, Emilia sagitta n11963755 Encelia, genus Encelia n11963932 brittlebush, brittle bush, incienso, Encelia farinosa n11964269 Enceliopsis, genus Enceliopsis n11964446 sunray, Enceliopsis nudicaulis n11964688 genus Engelmannia n11964848 engelmannia n11965054 genus Erechtites n11965218 fireweed, Erechtites hieracifolia n11965378 Erigeron, genus Erigeron n11965627 fleabane n11965962 blue fleabane, Erigeron acer n11966083 daisy fleabane, Erigeron annuus n11966215 orange daisy, orange fleabane, Erigeron aurantiacus n11966385 spreading fleabane, Erigeron divergens n11966617 seaside daisy, beach aster, Erigeron glaucous n11966896 Philadelphia fleabane, Erigeron philadelphicus n11967142 robin's plantain, Erigeron pulchellus n11967315 showy daisy, Erigeron speciosus n11967572 Eriophyllum, genus Eriophyllum n11967744 woolly sunflower n11967878 golden yarrow, Eriophyllum lanatum n11968104 Eupatorium, genus Eupatorium n11968335 hemp agrimony, Eupatorium cannabinum n11968519 dog fennel, Eupatorium capillifolium n11968704 Joe-Pye weed, spotted Joe-Pye weed, Eupatorium maculatum n11968931 boneset, agueweed, thoroughwort, Eupatorium perfoliatum n11969166 Joe-Pye weed, purple boneset, trumpet weed, marsh milkweed, Eupatorium purpureum n11969410 Felicia, genus Felicia n11969607 blue daisy, blue marguerite, Felicia amelloides n11969806 kingfisher daisy, Felicia bergeriana n11969977 genus Filago n11970101 cotton rose, cudweed, filago n11970298 herba impia, Filago germanica n11970429 genus Gaillardia n11970586 gaillardia n11970846 blanket flower, Indian blanket, fire wheel, fire-wheel, Gaillardia pulchella n11971094 genus Gazania n11971248 gazania n11971406 treasure flower, Gazania rigens n11971600 Gerbera, genus Gerbera n11971783 African daisy n11971927 Barberton daisy, Transvaal daisy, Gerbera jamesonii n11972141 Gerea, genus Gerea n11972291 desert sunflower, Gerea canescens n11972569 Gnaphalium, genus Gnaphalium n11972759 cudweed n11972959 chafeweed, wood cudweed, Gnaphalium sylvaticum n11973159 Grindelia, genus Grindelia n11973341 gumweed, gum plant, tarweed, rosinweed n11973634 Grindelia robusta n11973749 curlycup gumweed, Grindelia squarrosa n11973888 Gutierrezia, genus Gutierrezia n11974126 matchweed, matchbush n11974373 little-head snakeweed, Gutierrezia microcephala n11974557 rabbitweed, rabbit-weed, snakeweed, broom snakeweed, broom snakeroot, turpentine weed, Gutierrezia sarothrae n11974888 broomweed, broom-weed, Gutierrezia texana n11975100 Gynura, genus Gynura n11975254 velvet plant, purple velvet plant, royal velvet plant, Gynura aurantiaca n11975482 Haastia, genus Haastia n11975658 vegetable sheep, sheep plant, Haastia pulvinaris n11975853 Haplopappus, genus Haplopappus n11976170 goldenbush n11976314 camphor daisy, Haplopappus phyllocephalus n11976511 yellow spiny daisy, Haplopappus spinulosus n11976715 Hazardia, genus Hazardia n11976933 hoary golden bush, Hazardia cana n11977125 Helenium, genus Helenium n11977303 sneezeweed n11977512 autumn sneezeweed, Helenium autumnale n11977660 orange sneezeweed, owlclaws, Helenium hoopesii n11977887 rosilla, Helenium puberulum n11978035 genus Helianthus n11978233 sunflower, helianthus n11978551 swamp sunflower, Helianthus angustifolius n11978713 common sunflower, mirasol, Helianthus annuus n11978961 giant sunflower, tall sunflower, Indian potato, Helianthus giganteus n11979187 showy sunflower, Helianthus laetiflorus n11979354 Maximilian's sunflower, Helianthus maximilianii n11979527 prairie sunflower, Helianthus petiolaris n11979715 Jerusalem artichoke, girasol, Jerusalem artichoke sunflower, Helianthus tuberosus n11979964 Jerusalem artichoke n11980088 Helichrysum, genus Helichrysum n11980318 strawflower, golden everlasting, yellow paper daisy, Helichrysum bracteatum n11980577 genus Heliopsis n11980682 heliopsis, oxeye n11980867 Helipterum, genus Helipterum n11981192 strawflower n11981314 Heterotheca, genus Heterotheca n11981475 hairy golden aster, prairie golden aster, Heterotheca villosa, Chrysopsis villosa n11981817 Hieracium, genus Hieracium n11982115 hawkweed n11982342 king devil, yellow hawkweed, Hieracium praealtum n11982545 rattlesnake weed, Hieracium venosum n11982724 Homogyne, genus Homogyne n11982939 alpine coltsfoot, Homogyne alpina, Tussilago alpina n11983160 Hulsea, genus Hulsea n11983375 alpine gold, alpine hulsea, Hulsea algida n11983606 dwarf hulsea, Hulsea nana n11983739 Hyalosperma, genus Hyalosperma n11983910 Hypochaeris, genus Hypochaeris, Hypochoeris, genus Hypochoeris n11984144 cat's-ear, California dandelion, capeweed, gosmore, Hypochaeris radicata n11984397 genus Inula n11984542 inula n11984659 elecampane, Inula helenium n11984854 genus Iva n11985053 marsh elder, iva n11985321 burweed marsh elder, false ragweed, Iva xanthifolia n11985586 genus Krigia n11985739 krigia n11985903 dwarf dandelion, Krigia dandelion, Krigia bulbosa n11986091 Lactuca, genus Lactuca n11986306 lettuce n11986511 garden lettuce, common lettuce, Lactuca sativa n11986729 cos lettuce, romaine lettuce, Lactuca sativa longifolia n11986900 head lettuce, Lactuca sativa capitata n11987126 leaf lettuce, Lactuca sativa crispa n11987349 celtuce, stem lettuce, Lactuca sativa asparagina n11987511 prickly lettuce, horse thistle, Lactuca serriola, Lactuca scariola n11987722 Lagenophera, genus Lagenophera n11987956 Lasthenia, genus Lasthenia n11988132 goldfields, Lasthenia chrysostoma n11988419 Layia, genus Layia n11988596 tidytips, tidy tips, Layia platyglossa n11988774 Leontodon, genus Leontodon n11988893 hawkbit n11989087 fall dandelion, arnica bud, Leontodon autumnalis n11989266 Leontopodium, genus Leontopodium n11989393 edelweiss, Leontopodium alpinum n11989636 Leucanthemum, genus Leucanthemum n11989869 oxeye daisy, ox-eyed daisy, marguerite, moon daisy, white daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum n11990167 oxeye daisy, Leucanthemum maximum, Chrysanthemum maximum n11990313 shasta daisy, Leucanthemum superbum, Chrysanthemum maximum maximum n11990627 Pyrenees daisy, Leucanthemum lacustre, Chrysanthemum lacustre n11990804 Leucogenes, genus Leucogenes n11990920 north island edelweiss, Leucogenes leontopodium n11991080 Liatris, genus Liatris n11991263 blazing star, button snakeroot, gayfeather, gay-feather, snakeroot n11991549 dotted gayfeather, Liatris punctata n11991777 dense blazing star, Liatris pycnostachya n11991993 Ligularia, genus Ligularia n11992166 leopard plant n11992340 Lindheimera, genus Lindheimera n11992479 Texas star, Lindheimera texana n11992674 Lonas, genus Lonas n11992806 African daisy, yellow ageratum, Lonas inodora, Lonas annua n11993007 Machaeranthera, genus Machaeranthera n11993203 tahoka daisy, tansy leaf aster, Machaeranthera tanacetifolia n11993444 sticky aster, Machaeranthera bigelovii n11993675 Mojave aster, Machaeranthera tortifoloia n11993932 Madia, genus Madia n11994150 tarweed n11994336 common madia, common tarweed, Madia elegans n11994527 melosa, Chile tarweed, madia oil plant, Madia sativa n11994718 madia oil n11994827 Matricaria, genus Matricaria n11995092 sweet false chamomile, wild chamomile, German chamomile, Matricaria recutita, Matricaria chamomilla n11995396 pineapple weed, rayless chamomile, Matricaria matricarioides n11995683 Melampodium, genus Melampodium n11995840 blackfoot daisy, Melampodium leucanthum n11996092 Mikania, genus Mikania n11996251 climbing hempweed, climbing boneset, wild climbing hempweed, climbing hemp-vine, Mikania scandens n11996490 genus Mutisia n11996677 mutisia n11996792 Nabalus, genus Nabalus n11997032 rattlesnake root n11997160 white lettuce, cankerweed, Nabalus alba, Prenanthes alba n11997409 lion's foot, gall of the earth, Nabalus serpentarius, Prenanthes serpentaria n11997775 Olearia, genus Olearia n11997969 daisybush, daisy-bush, daisy bush n11998317 muskwood, Olearia argophylla n11998492 New Zealand daisybush, Olearia haastii n11998648 Onopordum, genus Onopordum, Onopordon, genus Onopordon n11998888 cotton thistle, woolly thistle, Scotch thistle, Onopordum acanthium, Onopordon acanthium n11999140 genus Othonna n11999278 othonna n11999455 Ozothamnus, genus Ozothamnus n11999656 cascade everlasting, Ozothamnus secundiflorus, Helichrysum secundiflorum n11999958 Packera, genus Packera n12000191 butterweed n12000356 golden groundsel, golden ragwort, Packera aurea, Senecio aureus n12000609 Parthenium, genus Parthenium n12000851 guayule, Parthenium argentatum n12001077 bastard feverfew, Parthenium hysterophorus n12001294 American feverfew, wild quinine, prairie dock, Parthenium integrifolium n12001565 Pericallis, genus Pericallis n12001707 cineraria, Pericallis cruenta, Senecio cruentus n12001924 florest's cineraria, Pericallis hybrida n12002197 Petasites, genus Petasites n12002428 butterbur, bog rhubarb, Petasites hybridus, Petasites vulgaris n12002651 winter heliotrope, sweet coltsfoot, Petasites fragrans n12002826 sweet coltsfoot, Petasites sagitattus n12002957 Picris, genus Picris n12003167 oxtongue, bristly oxtongue, bitterweed, bugloss, Picris echioides n12003407 Pilosella, genus Pilosella n12003696 hawkweed n12003814 orange hawkweed, Pilosella aurantiaca, Hieracium aurantiacum n12004120 mouse-ear hawkweed, Pilosella officinarum, Hieracium pilocella n12004310 Piqueria, genus Piqueria n12004547 stevia n12004686 Prenanthes, genus Prenanthes n12004987 rattlesnake root, Prenanthes purpurea n12005148 genus Pteropogon n12005329 pteropogon, Pteropogon humboltianum n12005500 Pulicaria, genus Pulicaria n12005656 fleabane, feabane mullet, Pulicaria dysenterica n12005869 Pyrethrum, genus Pyrethrum n12006081 Raoulia, genus Raoulia n12006306 sheep plant, vegetable sheep, Raoulia lutescens, Raoulia australis n12006503 Ratibida, genus Ratibida n12006766 coneflower n12006930 Mexican hat, Ratibida columnaris n12007196 long-head coneflower, prairie coneflower, Ratibida columnifera n12007406 prairie coneflower, Ratibida tagetes n12007560 genus Rhodanthe n12007766 Swan River everlasting, rhodanthe, Rhodanthe manglesii, Helipterum manglesii n12008017 Rudbeckia, genus Rudbeckia n12008252 coneflower n12008487 black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia hirta, Rudbeckia serotina n12008749 cutleaved coneflower, Rudbeckia laciniata n12009047 golden glow, double gold, hortensia, Rudbeckia laciniata hortensia n12009250 Santolina, genus Santolina n12009420 lavender cotton, Santolina chamaecyparissus n12009616 Sanvitalia, genus Sanvitalia n12009792 creeping zinnia, Sanvitalia procumbens n12010021 Saussurea, genus Saussurea n12010188 costusroot, Saussurea costus, Saussurea lappa n12010458 Scolymus, genus Scolymus n12010628 golden thistle n12010815 Spanish oyster plant, Scolymus hispanicus n12011067 Senecio, genus Senecio n12011370 nodding groundsel, Senecio bigelovii n12011620 dusty miller, Senecio cineraria, Cineraria maritima n12011838 threadleaf groundsel, Senecio doublasii n12012111 butterweed, ragwort, Senecio glabellus n12012253 ragwort, tansy ragwort, ragweed, benweed, Senecio jacobaea n12012510 arrowleaf groundsel, Senecio triangularis n12012755 groundsel, Senecio vulgaris n12012897 genus Scorzonera n12013035 black salsify, viper's grass, scorzonera, Scorzonera hispanica n12013323 Sericocarpus, genus Sericocarpus n12013511 white-topped aster n12013701 narrow-leaved white-topped aster n12013811 Seriphidium, genus Seriphidium n12014085 silver sage, silver sagebrush, grey sage, gray sage, Seriphidium canum, Artemisia cana n12014355 sea wormwood, Seriphidium maritimum, Artemisia maritima n12014524 big sagebrush, blue sage, Seriphidium tridentatum, Artemisia tridentata n12014739 Serratula, genus Serratula n12014923 sawwort, Serratula tinctoria n12015076 Silphium, genus Silphium n12015221 rosinweed, Silphium laciniatum n12015384 Silybum, genus Silybum n12015525 milk thistle, lady's thistle, Our Lady's mild thistle, holy thistle, blessed thistle, Silybum marianum n12015840 Solidago, genus Solidago n12015959 goldenrod n12016434 silverrod, Solidago bicolor n12016567 meadow goldenrod, Canadian goldenrod, Solidago canadensis n12016777 Missouri goldenrod, Solidago missouriensis n12016914 alpine goldenrod, Solidago multiradiata n12017127 grey goldenrod, gray goldenrod, Solidago nemoralis n12017326 Blue Mountain tea, sweet goldenrod, Solidago odora n12017511 dyer's weed, Solidago rugosa n12017664 seaside goldenrod, beach goldenrod, Solidago sempervirens n12017853 narrow goldenrod, Solidago spathulata n12018014 Boott's goldenrod n12018100 Elliott's goldenrod n12018188 Ohio goldenrod n12018271 rough-stemmed goldenrod n12018363 showy goldenrod n12018447 tall goldenrod n12018530 zigzag goldenrod, broad leaved goldenrod n12018640 Sonchus, genus Sonchus n12018760 sow thistle, milk thistle n12019035 milkweed, Sonchus oleraceus n12019190 Stenotus, genus Stenotus n12019375 stemless golden weed, Stenotus acaulis, Haplopappus acaulis n12019675 genus Stevia n12019827 stevia n12020048 Stokesia, genus Stokesia n12020184 stokes' aster, cornflower aster, Stokesia laevis n12020388 Tageteste, genus Tagetes n12020507 marigold n12020736 African marigold, big marigold, Aztec marigold, Tagetes erecta n12020941 French marigold, Tagetes patula n12021120 Tanacetum, genus Tanacetum n12021499 costmary, alecost, bible leaf, mint geranium, balsam herb, Tanacetum balsamita, Chrysanthemum balsamita n12021882 camphor dune tansy, Tanacetum camphoratum n12022054 painted daisy, pyrethrum, Tanacetum coccineum, Chrysanthemum coccineum n12022382 pyrethrum, Dalmatian pyrethrum, Dalmatia pyrethrum, Tanacetum cinerariifolium, Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium n12022719 pyrethrum n12022821 northern dune tansy, Tanacetum douglasii n12023108 feverfew, Tanacetum parthenium, Chrysanthemum parthenium n12023407 dusty miller, silver-lace, silver lace, Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum, Chrysanthemum ptarmiciflorum n12023726 tansy, golden buttons, scented fern, Tanacetum vulgare n12023996 Taraxacum, genus Taraxacum n12024176 dandelion, blowball n12024445 common dandelion, Taraxacum ruderalia, Taraxacum officinale n12024690 dandelion green n12024805 Russian dandelion, kok-saghyz, kok-sagyz, Taraxacum kok-saghyz n12025019 Tetraneuris, genus Tetraneuris n12025220 stemless hymenoxys, Tetraneuris acaulis, Hymenoxys acaulis n12025507 old man of the mountain, alpine sunflower, Tetraneuris grandiflora, Hymenoxys grandiflora n12025849 genus Tithonia n12026018 Mexican sunflower, tithonia n12026306 Townsendia, genus Townsendia n12026476 Easter daisy, stemless daisy, Townsendia Exscapa n12026764 Tragopogon, genus Tragopogon n12026981 yellow salsify, Tragopogon dubius n12027222 salsify, oyster plant, vegetable oyster, Tragopogon porrifolius n12027538 salsify, oyster plant n12027658 meadow salsify, goatsbeard, shepherd's clock, Tragopogon pratensis n12027864 Trilisa, genus Trilisa n12028012 wild vanilla, Trilisa odoratissima n12028196 Tripleurospermum, genus Tripleurospermum n12028424 scentless camomile, scentless false camomile, scentless mayweed, scentless hayweed, corn mayweed, Tripleurospermum inodorum, Matricaria inodorum n12028818 turfing daisy, Tripleurospermum oreades tchihatchewii, Matricaria oreades n12029039 turfing daisy, Tripleurospermum tchihatchewii, Matricaria tchihatchewii n12029326 Tussilago, genus Tussilago n12029635 coltsfoot, Tussilago farfara n12029929 genus Ursinia n12030092 ursinia n12030265 Verbesina, genus Verbesina n12030479 Actinomeris, genus Actinomeris n12030654 crownbeard, crown-beard, crown beard n12030908 wingstem, golden ironweed, yellow ironweed, golden honey plant, Verbesina alternifolia, Actinomeris alternifolia n12031139 cowpen daisy, golden crownbeard, golden crown beard, butter daisy, Verbesina encelioides, Ximenesia encelioides n12031388 gravelweed, Verbesina helianthoides n12031547 Virginia crownbeard, frostweed, frost-weed, Verbesina virginica n12031739 genus Vernonia n12031927 ironweed, vernonia n12032215 genus Wyethia n12032429 mule's ears, Wyethia amplexicaulis n12032686 white-rayed mule's ears, Wyethia helianthoides n12032939 Xanthium, genus Xanthium n12033139 cocklebur, cockle-bur, cockleburr, cockle-burr n12033310 genus Xeranthemum n12033504 xeranthemum n12033709 immortelle, Xeranthemum annuum n12033939 genus Zinnia n12034141 zinnia, old maid, old maid flower n12034384 white zinnia, Zinnia acerosa n12034594 little golden zinnia, Zinnia grandiflora n12034828 Loasaceae, family Loasaceae, loasa family n12035064 genus Loasa n12035213 loasa n12035423 Mentzelia, genus Mentzelia n12035631 blazing star, Mentzelia livicaulis, Mentzelia laevicaulis n12035907 bartonia, Mentzelia lindleyi n12036067 achene n12036226 samara, key fruit, key n12036368 bur, burr n12036533 Campanulaceae, family Campanulaceae, bellflower family n12036781 genus Campanula n12036939 campanula, bellflower n12037328 harebell, bluebell, Campanula rotundifolia n12037499 creeping bellflower, Campanula rapunculoides n12037691 Canterbury bell, cup and saucer, Campanula medium n12037864 southern harebell, Campanula divaricata n12038038 tall bellflower, Campanula americana n12038208 marsh bellflower, Campanula aparinoides n12038406 clustered bellflower, Campanula glomerata n12038585 peach bells, peach bell, willow bell, Campanula persicifolia n12038760 chimney plant, chimney bellflower, Campanula pyramidalis n12038898 rampion, rampion bellflower, Campanula rapunculus n12039122 throatwort, nettle-leaved bellflower, Campanula trachelium n12039317 tussock bellflower, spreading bellflower, Campanula carpatica n12039524 Orchidales, order Orchidales n12039743 Orchidaceae, family Orchidaceae, orchid family n12041446 orchid, orchidaceous plant n12043248 genus Orchis n12043444 orchis n12043673 male orchis, early purple orchid, Orchis mascula n12043836 butterfly orchid, butterfly orchis, Orchis papilionaceae n12044041 showy orchis, purple orchis, purple-hooded orchis, Orchis spectabilis n12044269 genus Aerides n12044467 aerides n12044571 genus Angrecum, Angraecum, genus Angraecum n12044784 angrecum n12045004 Anoectochilus, genus Anoectochilus n12045157 jewel orchid n12045352 Aplectrum, genus Aplectrum n12045514 puttyroot, adam-and-eve, Aplectrum hyemale n12045695 genus Arethusa n12045860 arethusa n12046028 bog rose, wild pink, dragon's mouth, Arethusa bulbosa n12046251 genus Bletia n12046428 bletia n12046620 Bletilla, genus Bletilla n12046815 Bletilla striata, Bletia striata n12047060 pseudobulb n12047173 genus Brassavola n12047345 brassavola n12047586 Brassia, genus Brassia n12047884 spider orchid, Brassia lawrenceana n12048056 spider orchid, Brassia verrucosa n12048231 genus Caladenia n12048399 caladenia n12048537 zebra orchid, Caladenia cairnsiana n12048772 genus Calanthe n12048928 calanthe n12049134 Calopogon, genus Calopogon n12049282 grass pink, Calopogon pulchellum, Calopogon tuberosum n12049412 genus Calypso n12049562 calypso, fairy-slipper, Calypso bulbosa n12049796 Catasetum, genus Catasetum n12050014 jumping orchid, Catasetum macrocarpum n12050295 genus Cattleya n12050533 cattleya n12050766 Cephalanthera, genus Cephalanthera n12050959 helleborine n12051103 red helleborine, Cephalanthera rubra n12051285 Cleistes, genus Cleistes n12051514 spreading pogonia, funnel-crest rosebud orchid, Cleistes divaricata, Pogonia divaricata n12051792 rosebud orchid, Cleistes rosea, Pogonia rosea n12052053 Coeloglossum, genus Coeloglossum n12052267 satyr orchid, Coeloglossum bracteatum n12052447 frog orchid, Coeloglossum viride n12052630 genus Coelogyne n12052787 coelogyne n12053138 Corallorhiza, genus Corallorhiza n12053405 coral root n12053690 spotted coral root, Corallorhiza maculata n12053962 striped coral root, Corallorhiza striata n12054195 early coral root, pale coral root, Corallorhiza trifida n12054499 Coryanthes, genus Coryanthes n12054678 helmetflower, helmet orchid n12054902 Cycnoches, genus Cycnoches n12055073 swan orchid, swanflower, swan-flower, swanneck, swan-neck n12055317 genus Cymbidium n12055516 cymbid, cymbidium n12055839 Cypripedium, genus Cypripedium n12056099 cypripedia n12056217 lady's slipper, lady-slipper, ladies' slipper, slipper orchid n12056601 moccasin flower, nerveroot, Cypripedium acaule n12056758 common lady's-slipper, showy lady's-slipper, showy lady slipper, Cypripedium reginae, Cypripedium album n12056990 ram's-head, ram's-head lady's slipper, Cypripedium arietinum n12057211 yellow lady's slipper, yellow lady-slipper, Cypripedium calceolus, Cypripedium parviflorum n12057447 large yellow lady's slipper, Cypripedium calceolus pubescens n12057660 California lady's slipper, Cypripedium californicum n12057895 clustered lady's slipper, Cypripedium fasciculatum n12058192 mountain lady's slipper, Cypripedium montanum n12058429 Dactylorhiza, genus Dactylorhiza n12058630 marsh orchid n12058822 common spotted orchid, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Dactylorhiza maculata fuchsii n12059090 genus Dendrobium n12059314 dendrobium n12059479 genus Disa n12059625 disa n12059851 Dracula, genus Dracula n12060118 Dryadella, genus Dryadella n12060380 Eburophyton, genus Eburophyton n12060546 phantom orchid, snow orchid, Eburophyton austinae n12060816 Encyclia, genus Encyclia n12061104 tulip orchid, Encyclia citrina, Cattleya citrina n12061380 butterfly orchid, Encyclia tampensis, Epidendrum tampense n12061614 butterfly orchid, butterfly orchis, Epidendrum venosum, Encyclia venosa n12061849 Epidendrum, genus Epidendrum n12062105 epidendron n12062227 Epipactis, genus Epipactis n12062468 helleborine n12062626 Epipactis helleborine n12062781 stream orchid, chatterbox, giant helleborine, Epipactis gigantea n12063066 Glossodia, genus Glossodia n12063211 tongueflower, tongue-flower n12063414 Goodyera, genus Goodyera n12063639 rattlesnake plantain, helleborine n12063887 Grammatophyllum, genus Grammatophyllum n12064183 Gymnadenia, genus Gymnadenia n12064389 fragrant orchid, Gymnadenia conopsea n12064591 short-spurred fragrant orchid, Gymnadenia odoratissima n12064814 Gymnadeniopsis, genus Gymnadeniopsis n12064996 Habenaria, genus Habenaria n12065316 fringed orchis, fringed orchid n12065649 frog orchid n12065777 rein orchid, rein orchis n12066018 bog rein orchid, bog candles, Habenaria dilatata n12066261 white fringed orchis, white fringed orchid, Habenaria albiflora n12066451 elegant Habenaria, Habenaria elegans n12066630 purple-fringed orchid, purple-fringed orchis, Habenaria fimbriata n12066821 coastal rein orchid, Habenaria greenei n12067029 Hooker's orchid, Habenaria hookeri n12067193 ragged orchid, ragged orchis, ragged-fringed orchid, green fringed orchis, Habenaria lacera n12067433 prairie orchid, prairie white-fringed orchis, Habenaria leucophaea n12067672 snowy orchid, Habenaria nivea n12067817 round-leaved rein orchid, Habenaria orbiculata n12068138 purple fringeless orchid, purple fringeless orchis, Habenaria peramoena n12068432 purple-fringed orchid, purple-fringed orchis, Habenaria psycodes n12068615 Alaska rein orchid, Habenaria unalascensis n12068824 Hexalectris, genus Hexalectris n12069009 crested coral root, Hexalectris spicata n12069217 Texas purple spike, Hexalectris warnockii n12069488 Himantoglossum, genus Himantoglossum n12069679 lizard orchid, Himantoglossum hircinum n12069821 genus Laelia n12070016 laelia n12070177 genus Liparis n12070381 liparis n12070583 twayblade n12070712 fen orchid, fen orchis, Liparis loeselii n12070950 Listera, genus Listera n12071259 broad-leaved twayblade, Listera convallarioides n12071477 lesser twayblade, Listera cordata n12071744 twayblade, Listera ovata n12071965 Malaxis, genus Malaxis n12072210 green adder's mouth, Malaxis-unifolia, Malaxis ophioglossoides n12072419 genus Masdevallia n12072722 masdevallia n12073007 genus Maxillaria n12073217 maxillaria n12073410 Miltonia, genus Miltonia n12073554 pansy orchid n12073744 genus Odontoglossum n12073991 odontoglossum n12074205 genus Oncidium n12074408 oncidium, dancing lady orchid, butterfly plant, butterfly orchid n12074678 Ophrys, genus Ophrys n12074867 bee orchid, Ophrys apifera n12075010 fly orchid, Ophrys insectifera, Ophrys muscifera n12075151 spider orchid n12075299 early spider orchid, Ophrys sphegodes n12075495 Paphiopedilum, genus Paphiopedilum n12075830 Venus' slipper, Venus's slipper, Venus's shoe n12076075 genus Phaius n12076223 phaius n12076381 Phalaenopsis, genus Phalaenopsis n12076577 moth orchid, moth plant n12076852 butterfly plant, Phalaenopsis amabilis n12077062 Pholidota, genus Pholidota n12077244 rattlesnake orchid n12077505 Phragmipedium, genus Phragmipedium n12077732 Platanthera, genus Platanthera n12077944 lesser butterfly orchid, Platanthera bifolia, Habenaria bifolia n12078172 greater butterfly orchid, Platanthera chlorantha, Habenaria chlorantha n12078451 prairie white-fringed orchid, Platanthera leucophea n12078596 Plectorrhiza, genus Plectorrhiza n12078747 tangle orchid n12078954 Pleione, genus Pleione n12079120 Indian crocus n12079352 genus Pleurothallis n12079523 pleurothallis n12079737 genus Pogonia n12079963 pogonia n12080199 Psychopsis, genus Psychopsis n12080395 butterfly orchid n12080588 Psychopsis krameriana, Oncidium papilio kramerianum n12080820 Psychopsis papilio, Oncidium papilio n12081022 Pterostylis, genus Pterostylis n12081215 helmet orchid, greenhood n12081488 Rhyncostylis, genus Rhyncostylis n12081649 foxtail orchid n12081851 Sarcochilus, genus Sarcochilus n12082131 orange-blossom orchid, Sarcochilus falcatus n12082357 Scaphosepalum, genus Scaphosepalum n12082593 Schomburgkia, genus Schomburgkia n12082764 Selenipedium, genus Selenipedium n12082980 genus Sobralia n12083113 sobralia n12083339 Spiranthes, genus Spiranthes n12083591 ladies' tresses, lady's tresses n12083847 screw augur, Spiranthes cernua n12084158 hooded ladies' tresses, Spiranthes romanzoffiana n12084400 western ladies' tresses, Spiranthes porrifolia n12084555 European ladies' tresses, Spiranthes spiralis n12084746 genus Stanhopea n12084890 stanhopea n12085117 genus Stelis n12085267 stelis n12085469 Trichoceros, genus Trichoceros n12085664 fly orchid n12085840 genus Vanda n12086012 vanda n12086192 blue orchid, Vanda caerulea n12086362 genus Vanilla n12086539 vanilla n12086778 vanilla orchid, Vanilla planifolia n12087032 vanillin n12087207 Burmanniaceae, family Burmanniaceae n12087408 Burmannia, genus Burmannia n12087650 Dioscoreaceae, family Dioscoreaceae, yam family n12087807 Dioscorea, genus Dioscorea n12087961 yam, yam plant n12088223 yam n12088327 white yam, water yam, Dioscorea alata n12088495 cinnamon vine, Chinese yam, Dioscorea batata n12088768 air potato, Dioscorea bulbifera n12088909 elephant's-foot, tortoise plant, Hottentot bread vine, Hottentot's bread vine, Dioscorea elephantipes n12089178 Hottentot bread, Hottentot's bread n12089320 wild yam, Dioscorea paniculata n12089496 cush-cush, Dioscorea trifida n12089625 Tamus, genus Tamus n12089846 black bryony, black bindweed, Tamus communis n12090041 Primulales, order Primulales n12090318 Primulaceae, family Primulaceae, primrose family n12090702 genus Primula n12090890 primrose, primula n12091213 English primrose, Primula vulgaris n12091377 cowslip, paigle, Primula veris n12091550 oxlip, paigle, Primula elatior n12091697 Chinese primrose, Primula sinensis n12091806 auricula, bear's ear, Primula auricula n12091953 polyanthus, Primula polyantha n12092127 Anagallis, genus Anagallis n12092262 pimpernel n12092417 scarlet pimpernel, red pimpernel, poor man's weatherglass, Anagallis arvensis n12092629 bog pimpernel, Anagallis tenella n12092766 Centunculus, genus Centunculus n12092930 chaffweed, bastard pimpernel, false pimpernel n12093088 genus Cyclamen n12093329 cyclamen, Cyclamen purpurascens n12093600 sowbread, Cyclamen hederifolium, Cyclamen neopolitanum n12093769 Glaux, genus Glaux n12093885 sea milkwort, sea trifoly, black saltwort, Glaux maritima n12094121 Hottonia, genus Hottonia n12094244 featherfoil, feather-foil n12094401 water gillyflower, American featherfoil, Hottonia inflata n12094612 water violet, Hottonia palustris n12094786 Lysimachia, genus Lysimachia n12095020 loosestrife n12095281 gooseneck loosestrife, Lysimachia clethroides Duby n12095412 yellow pimpernel, Lysimachia nemorum n12095543 fringed loosestrife, Lysimachia ciliatum n12095647 moneywort, creeping Jenny, creeping Charlie, Lysimachia nummularia n12095781 yellow loosestrife, garden loosestrife, Lysimachia vulgaris n12095934 swamp candles, Lysimachia terrestris n12096089 whorled loosestrife, Lysimachia quadrifolia n12096223 Samolus, genus Samolus n12096395 water pimpernel n12096563 brookweed, Samolus valerandii n12096674 brookweed, Samolus parviflorus, Samolus floribundus n12096798 Myrsinaceae, family Myrsinaceae, myrsine family n12097013 Myrsine, genus Myrsine n12097180 Ardisia, genus Ardisia n12097396 coralberry, spiceberry, Ardisia crenata n12097556 marlberry, Ardisia escallonoides, Ardisia paniculata n12097746 Plumbaginales, order Plumbaginales n12097927 Plumbaginaceae, family Plumbaginaceae, leadwort family, sea-lavender family n12098227 genus Plumbago n12098403 plumbago n12098524 leadwort, Plumbago europaea n12098665 Armeria, genus Armeria n12098827 thrift n12099031 cliff rose, sea pink, Armeria maritima n12099220 Limonium, genus Limonium n12099342 sea lavender, marsh rosemary, statice n12099556 Theophrastaceae, family Theophrastaceae n12099803 Jacquinia, genus Jacquinia n12099972 bracelet wood, Jacquinia armillaris n12100187 barbasco, joewood, Jacquinia keyensis n12100382 Graminales, order Graminales n12100538 Gramineae, family Gramineae, Graminaceae, family Graminaceae, Poaceae, family Poaceae, grass family n12101870 gramineous plant, graminaceous plant n12102133 grass n12103349 beach grass n12103476 bunchgrass, bunch grass n12103680 midgrass n12103894 shortgrass, short-grass n12104104 sword grass n12104238 tallgrass, tall-grass n12104384 lemongrass, lemon grass n12104501 herbage, pasturage n12104614 Aegilops, genus Aegilops n12104734 goat grass, Aegilops triuncalis n12104943 Agropyron, genus Agropyron n12105125 wheatgrass, wheat-grass n12105353 crested wheatgrass, crested wheat grass, fairway crested wheat grass, Agropyron cristatum n12105578 dog grass, couch grass, quackgrass, quack grass, quick grass, witch grass, witchgrass, Agropyron repens n12105828 bearded wheatgrass, Agropyron subsecundum n12105981 western wheatgrass, bluestem wheatgrass, Agropyron smithii n12106134 intermediate wheatgrass, Agropyron intermedium, Elymus hispidus n12106323 slender wheatgrass, Agropyron trachycaulum, Agropyron pauciflorum, Elymus trachycaulos n12106540 Agrostis, genus Agrostis n12106786 bent, bent grass, bent-grass n12107002 velvet bent, velvet bent grass, brown bent, Rhode Island bent, dog bent, Agrostis canina n12107191 cloud grass, Agrostis nebulosa n12107336 creeping bent, creeping bentgrass, Agrostis palustris n12107489 Alopecurus, genus Alopecurus n12107710 meadow foxtail, Alopecurus pratensis n12107970 foxtail, foxtail grass n12108249 Andropogon, genus Andropogon n12108432 broom grass n12108613 broom sedge, Andropogon virginicus n12108742 Arrhenatherum, genus Arrhenatherum n12108871 tall oat grass, tall meadow grass, evergreen grass, false oat, French rye, Arrhenatherum elatius n12109189 Arundo, genus Arundo n12109365 toetoe, toitoi, Arundo conspicua, Chionochloa conspicua n12109498 giant reed, Arundo donax n12109719 Avena, genus Avena n12109827 oat n12110085 cereal oat, Avena sativa n12110236 wild oat, wild oat grass, Avena fatua n12110352 slender wild oat, Avena barbata n12110475 wild red oat, animated oat, Avene sterilis n12110630 Bromus, genus Bromus n12110778 brome, bromegrass n12111043 awnless bromegrass, Bromus inermis n12111238 chess, cheat, Bromus secalinus n12111399 downy brome, downy bromegrass, downy cheat, downy chess, cheatgrass, drooping brome, Bromus tectorum n12111627 field brome, Bromus arvensis n12111744 Japanese brome, Japanese chess, Bromus japonicus n12111882 Bouteloua, genus Bouteloua n12112008 grama, grama grass, gramma, gramma grass n12112219 blue grama, Bouteloua gracilis n12112337 black grama, Bouteloua eriopoda n12112488 Buchloe, genus Buchloe n12112609 buffalo grass, Buchloe dactyloides n12112789 Calamagrostis, genus Calamagrostis n12112918 reed grass n12113195 feather reed grass, feathertop, Calamagrostis acutiflora n12113323 Australian reed grass, Calamagrostic quadriseta n12113471 Cenchrus, genus Cenchrus n12113657 burgrass, bur grass n12113790 sandbur, sandspur, field sandbur, Cenchrus tribuloides n12114010 buffel grass, Cenchrus ciliaris, Pennisetum cenchroides n12114226 Chloris, genus Chloris n12114397 finger grass n12114590 Rhodes grass, Chloris gayana n12114770 windmill grass, creeping windmill grass, star grass, Chloris truncata n12114981 Cortaderia, genus Cortaderia n12115180 pampas grass, Cortaderia selloana n12115383 plumed tussock, toe toe, toetoe, Cortaderia richardii, Arundo richardii n12115563 Cynodon, genus Cynodon n12115748 Bermuda grass, devil grass, Bahama grass, kweek, doob, scutch grass, star grass, Cynodon dactylon n12116058 giant star grass, Cynodon plectostachyum n12116267 Dactylis, genus Dactylis n12116429 orchard grass, cocksfoot, cockspur, Dactylis glomerata n12116583 Dactyloctenium, genus Dactyloctenium n12116734 Egyptian grass, crowfoot grass, Dactyloctenium aegypticum n12116881 Digitaria, genus Digitaria n12117017 crabgrass, crab grass, finger grass n12117235 smooth crabgrass, Digitaria ischaemum n12117326 large crabgrass, hairy finger grass, Digitaria sanguinalis n12117507 Echinochloa, genus Echinochloa n12117695 barnyard grass, barn grass, barn millet, Echinochloa crusgalli n12117912 Japanese millet, billion-dollar grass, Japanese barnyard millet, sanwa millet, Echinochloa frumentacea n12118223 Eleusine, genus Eleusine n12118414 yardgrass, yard grass, wire grass, goose grass, Eleusine indica n12118661 finger millet, ragi, ragee, African millet, coracan, corakan, kurakkan, Eleusine coracana n12118912 Elymus, genus Elymus n12119099 lyme grass n12119238 wild rye n12119390 giant ryegrass, Elymus condensatus, Leymus condensatus n12119539 sea lyme grass, European dune grass, Elymus arenarius, Leymus arenaria n12119717 Canada wild rye, Elymus canadensis n12119822 medusa's head, Elymus caput-medusae n12119947 Eragrostis, genus Eragrostis n12120114 love grass, bay grass n12120347 teff, teff grass, Eragrostis tef, Eragrostic abyssinica n12120578 weeping love grass, African love grass, Eragrostis curvula n12120812 Erianthus, genus Erianthus n12121033 plume grass n12121187 Ravenna grass, wool grass, Erianthus ravennae n12121405 Festuca, genus Festuca n12121610 fescue, fescue grass, meadow fescue, Festuca elatior n12121835 sheep fescue, sheep's fescue, Festuca ovina n12122018 silver grass n12122124 Glyceria, genus Glyceria n12122245 manna grass, sweet grass n12122442 reed meadow grass, Glyceria grandis n12122581 Holcus, genus Holcus n12122725 velvet grass, Yorkshire fog, Holcus lanatus n12122918 creeping soft grass, Holcus mollis n12123050 Hordeum, genus Hordeum n12123244 barley n12123450 common barley, Hordeum vulgare n12123648 barleycorn n12123741 barley grass, wall barley, Hordeum murinum n12123932 squirreltail barley, foxtail barley, squirreltail grass, Hordeum jubatum n12124172 little barley, Hordeum pusillum n12124358 Leymus, genus Leymus n12124505 Lolium, genus Lolium n12124627 rye grass, ryegrass n12124818 perennial ryegrass, English ryegrass, Lolium perenne n12125001 Italian ryegrass, Italian rye, Lolium multiflorum n12125183 darnel, tare, bearded darnel, cheat, Lolium temulentum n12125398 Muhlenbergia, genus Muhlenbergia n12125584 nimblewill, nimble Will, Muhlenbergia schreberi n12125782 Oryza, genus Oryza n12125890 rice n12126084 cultivated rice, Oryza sativa n12126238 Oryzopsis, genus Oryzopsis n12126360 ricegrass, rice grass n12126516 mountain rice, silkgrass, silk grass, Indian millet, Oryzopsis hymenoides n12126736 smilo, smilo grass, Oryzopsis miliacea n12126911 Panicum, genus Panicum n12127030 panic grass n12127237 witchgrass, witch grass, old witchgrass, old witch grass, tumble grass, Panicum capillare n12127460 switch grass, Panicum virgatum n12127575 broomcorn millet, hog millet, Panicum miliaceum n12127768 goose grass, Texas millet, Panicum Texanum n12127890 genus Paspalum n12128071 dallisgrass, dallis grass, paspalum, Paspalum dilatatum n12128306 Bahia grass, Paspalum notatum n12128490 knotgrass, Paspalum distichum n12128645 Pennisetum, genus Pennisetum n12128825 pearl millet, bulrush millet, cattail millet, Pennisetum glaucum, Pennisetum Americanum n12129134 fountain grass, Pennisetum ruppelii, Pennisetum setaceum n12129349 feathertop, feathertop grass, Pennistum villosum n12129525 Phalaris, genus Phalaris n12129738 reed canary grass, gardener's garters, lady's laces, ribbon grass, Phalaris arundinacea n12129986 canary grass, birdseed grass, Phalaris canariensis n12130160 hardinggrass, Harding grass, toowomba canary grass, Phalaris aquatica, Phalaris tuberosa n12130408 Phleum, genus Phleum n12130549 timothy, herd's grass, Phleum pratense n12130759 Phragmites, genus Phragmites n12130937 ditch reed, common reed, carrizo, Phragmites communis n12131216 Poa, genus Poa n12131405 bluegrass, blue grass n12131550 meadowgrass, meadow grass n12131767 Kentucky bluegrass, Kentucky blue, Kentucy blue grass, June grass, Poa pratensis n12132092 wood meadowgrass, Poa nemoralis, Agrostis alba n12132299 Saccharum, genus Saccharum n12132502 sugarcane, sugar cane, Saccharum officinarum n12132754 sugarcane, sugar cane n12132956 noble cane n12133151 munj, munja, Saccharum bengalense, Saccharum munja n12133332 Schizachyrium, genus Schizachyrium n12133462 broom beard grass, prairie grass, wire grass, Andropogon scoparius, Schizachyrium scoparium n12133682 bluestem, blue stem, Andropogon furcatus, Andropogon gerardii n12133870 Secale, genus Secale n12134025 rye, Secale cereale n12134300 Setaria, genus Setaria n12134486 bristlegrass, bristle grass n12134695 giant foxtail n12134836 yellow bristlegrass, yellow bristle grass, yellow foxtail, glaucous bristlegrass, Setaria glauca n12135049 green bristlegrass, green foxtail, rough bristlegrass, bottle-grass, bottle grass, Setaria viridis n12135270 foxtail millet, Italian millet, Hungarian grass, Setaria italica n12135576 Siberian millet, Setaria italica rubrofructa n12135729 German millet, golden wonder millet, Setaria italica stramineofructa n12135898 millet n12136206 cane n12136392 rattan, rattan cane n12136581 malacca n12136720 reed n12136944 genus Sorghum, Sorghum n12137120 sorghum n12137337 great millet, kaffir, kafir corn, kaffir corn, Sorghum bicolor n12137569 grain sorghum n12137791 durra, doura, dourah, Egyptian corn, Indian millet, Guinea corn n12137954 feterita, federita, Sorghum vulgare caudatum n12138110 hegari n12138248 kaoliang n12138444 milo, milo maize n12138578 shallu, Sorghum vulgare rosburghii n12138757 sorgo, sorgho, sweet sorghum, sugar sorghum n12138905 Johnson grass, Aleppo grass, means grass, evergreen millet, Sorghum halepense n12139196 broomcorn, Sorghum vulgare technicum n12139367 Spartina, genus Spartina n12139575 cordgrass, cord grass n12139793 salt reed grass, Spartina cynosuroides n12139921 prairie cordgrass, freshwater cordgrass, slough grass, Spartina pectinmata n12140137 Sporobolus, genus Sporobolus n12140358 dropseed, drop-seed n12140511 smut grass, blackseed, carpet grass, Sporobolus poiretii n12140759 sand dropseed, Sporobolus cryptandrus n12140903 rush grass, rush-grass n12141037 Stenotaphrum, genus Stenotaphrum n12141167 St. Augustine grass, Stenotaphrum secundatum, buffalo grass n12141385 grain n12141495 cereal, cereal grass n12141890 Triticum, genus Triticum n12142085 wheat n12142357 wheat berry n12142450 durum, durum wheat, hard wheat, Triticum durum, Triticum turgidum, macaroni wheat n12142750 soft wheat n12142874 common wheat, Triticum aestivum n12143065 spelt, Triticum spelta, Triticum aestivum spelta n12143215 emmer, starch wheat, two-grain spelt, Triticum dicoccum n12143405 wild wheat, wild emmer, Triticum dicoccum dicoccoides n12143572 Zea, genus Zea n12143676 corn, maize, Indian corn, Zea mays n12144117 corn n12144313 mealie n12144399 field corn n12144580 corn n12144742 sweet corn, sugar corn, green corn, sweet corn plant, Zea mays rugosa, Zea saccharata n12144987 dent corn, Zea mays indentata n12145148 flint corn, flint maize, Yankee corn, Zea mays indurata n12145325 soft corn, flour corn, squaw corn, Zea mays amylacea n12145477 popcorn, Zea mays everta n12145638 cornsilk, corn silk n12145802 Zizania, genus Zizania n12145919 wild rice, Zizania aquatica n12146100 genus Zoysia, Zoisia, genus Zoisia n12146311 zoysia n12146488 Manila grass, Japanese carpet grass, Zoysia matrella n12146654 Korean lawn grass, Japanese lawn grass, Zoysia japonica n12146823 mascarene grass, Korean velvet grass, Zoysia tenuifolia n12147031 Bambuseae, tribe Bambuseae n12147226 bamboo n12147539 bamboo n12147699 Bambusa, genus Bambusa n12147835 common bamboo, Bambusa vulgaris n12148079 Arundinaria, genus Arundinaria n12148253 giant cane, cane reed, Arundinaria gigantea n12148439 small cane, switch cane, Arundinaria tecta n12148610 Dendrocalamus, genus Dendrocalamus n12148757 giant bamboo, kyo-chiku, Dendrocalamus giganteus n12148962 Phyllostachys, genus Phyllostachys n12149144 fishpole bamboo, gosan-chiku, hotei-chiku, Phyllostachys aurea n12149350 black bamboo, kuri-chiku, Phyllostachys nigra n12149521 giant timber bamboo, madake, ku-chiku, Phyllostachys bambusoides n12149751 Cyperaceae, family Cyperaceae, sedge family n12150028 sedge n12150447 Cyperus, genus Cyperus n12150722 umbrella plant, umbrella sedge, Cyperus alternifolius n12150969 chufa, yellow nutgrass, earth almond, ground almond, rush nut, Cyperus esculentus n12151170 galingale, galangal, Cyperus longus n12151365 papyrus, Egyptian paper reed, Egyptian paper rush, paper rush, paper plant, Cyperus papyrus n12151615 nutgrass, nut grass, nutsedge, nut sedge, Cyperus rotundus n12151814 Carex, genus Carex n12152031 sand sedge, sand reed, Carex arenaria n12152251 cypress sedge, Carex pseudocyperus n12152406 Eriophorum, genus Eriophorum n12152532 cotton grass, cotton rush n12152722 common cotton grass, Eriophorum angustifolium n12152869 Scirpus, genus Scirpus n12153033 hardstem bulrush, hardstemmed bulrush, Scirpus acutus n12153224 wool grass, Scirpus cyperinus n12153393 Eleocharis, genus Eleocharis n12153580 spike rush n12153741 water chestnut, Chinese water chestnut, Eleocharis dulcis n12153914 needle spike rush, needle rush, slender spike rush, hair grass, Eleocharis acicularis n12154114 creeping spike rush, Eleocharis palustris n12154228 Pandanales, order Pandanales n12154426 Pandanaceae, family Pandanaceae, screw-pine family n12154628 genus Pandanus n12154773 pandanus, screw pine n12155009 textile screw pine, lauhala, Pandanus tectorius n12155126 pandanus n12155259 Typhaceae, family Typhaceae, cattail family n12155459 Typha, genus Typha n12155583 cattail n12155773 cat's-tail, bullrush, bulrush, nailrod, reed mace, reedmace, Typha latifolia n12156117 lesser bullrush, narrow-leaf cattail, narrow-leaved reedmace, soft flag, Typha angustifolia n12156308 Sparganiaceae, family Sparganiaceae, bur-reed family n12156484 Sparganium, genus Sparganium n12156679 bur reed n12156819 grain, caryopsis n12157056 kernel n12157179 rye n12157276 Cucurbitaceae, family Cucurbitaceae, gourd family n12157677 cucurbit n12157769 gourd, gourd vine n12158031 gourd n12158148 Cucurbita, genus Cucurbita n12158443 pumpkin, pumpkin vine, autumn pumpkin, Cucurbita pepo n12158798 squash, squash vine n12159055 summer squash, summer squash vine, Cucurbita pepo melopepo n12159388 yellow squash n12159555 marrow, marrow squash, vegetable marrow n12159804 zucchini, courgette n12159942 cocozelle, Italian vegetable marrow n12160125 cymling, pattypan squash n12160303 spaghetti squash n12160490 winter squash, winter squash plant n12160857 acorn squash n12161056 hubbard squash, Cucurbita maxima n12161285 turban squash, Cucurbita maxima turbaniformis n12161577 buttercup squash n12161744 butternut squash, Cucurbita maxima n12161969 winter crookneck, winter crookneck squash, Cucurbita moschata n12162181 cushaw, Cucurbita mixta, Cucurbita argyrosperma n12162425 prairie gourd, prairie gourd vine, Missouri gourd, wild pumpkin, buffalo gourd, calabazilla, Cucurbita foetidissima n12162758 prairie gourd n12162905 genus Bryonia n12163035 bryony, briony n12163279 white bryony, devil's turnip, Bryonia alba n12163456 red bryony, wild hop, Bryonia dioica n12163649 Citrullus, genus Citrullus n12163824 melon, melon vine n12164065 watermelon, watermelon vine, Citrullus vulgaris n12164215 Cucumis, genus Cucumis n12164363 sweet melon, muskmelon, sweet melon vine, Cucumis melo n12164656 cantaloupe, cantaloup, cantaloupe vine, cantaloup vine, Cucumis melo cantalupensis n12164881 winter melon, Persian melon, honeydew melon, winter melon vine, Cucumis melo inodorus n12165170 net melon, netted melon, nutmeg melon, Cucumis melo reticulatus n12165384 cucumber, cucumber vine, Cucumis sativus n12165608 Ecballium, genus Ecballium n12165758 squirting cucumber, exploding cucumber, touch-me-not, Ecballium elaterium n12166003 Lagenaria, genus Lagenaria n12166128 bottle gourd, calabash, Lagenaria siceraria n12166312 genus Luffa n12166424 luffa, dishcloth gourd, sponge gourd, rag gourd, strainer vine n12166793 loofah, vegetable sponge, Luffa cylindrica n12166929 angled loofah, sing-kwa, Luffa acutangula n12167075 loofa, loofah, luffa, loufah sponge n12167282 Momordica, genus Momordica n12167436 balsam apple, Momordica balsamina n12167602 balsam pear, Momordica charantia n12167749 Goodeniaceae, family Goodeniaceae, Goodenia family n12167955 Goodenia n12168126 Lobeliaceae, family Lobeliaceae, lobelia family n12168385 genus Lobelia n12168565 lobelia n12168750 cardinal flower, Indian pink, Lobelia cardinalis n12168898 Indian tobacco, bladderpod, Lobelia inflata n12169099 water lobelia, Lobelia dortmanna n12169320 great lobelia, blue cardinal flower, Lobelia siphilitica n12169526 Malvales, order Malvales n12169776 Malvaceae, family Malvaceae, mallow family n12170415 Malva, genus Malva n12170585 mallow n12171098 musk mallow, mus rose, Malva moschata n12171316 common mallow, Malva neglecta n12171503 tall mallow, high mallow, cheese, cheeseflower, Malva sylvestris n12171750 Abelmoschus, genus Abelmoschus n12171966 okra, gumbo, okra plant, lady's-finger, Abelmoschus esculentus, Hibiscus esculentus n12172364 okra n12172481 abelmosk, musk mallow, Abelmoschus moschatus, Hibiscus moschatus n12172715 Abutilon, genus Abutilon n12172906 flowering maple n12173069 velvetleaf, velvet-leaf, velvetweed, Indian mallow, butter-print, China jute, Abutilon theophrasti n12173407 Alcea, genus Alcea n12173664 hollyhock n12173912 rose mallow, Alcea rosea, Althea rosea n12174124 genus Althaea n12174311 althea, althaea, hollyhock n12174521 marsh mallow, white mallow, Althea officinalis n12174742 Callirhoe, genus Callirhoe n12174926 poppy mallow n12175181 fringed poppy mallow, Callirhoe digitata n12175370 purple poppy mallow, Callirhoe involucrata n12175598 clustered poppy mallow, Callirhoe triangulata n12175797 Gossypium, genus Gossypium n12175949 cotton, cotton plant n12176278 tree cotton, Gossypium arboreum n12176453 sea island cotton, tree cotton, Gossypium barbadense n12176709 Levant cotton, Gossypium herbaceum n12176953 upland cotton, Gossypium hirsutum n12177129 Peruvian cotton, Gossypium peruvianum n12177249 Egyptian cotton n12177455 wild cotton, Arizona wild cotton, Gossypium thurberi n12177592 genus Hibiscus n12177844 hibiscus n12178129 kenaf, kanaf, deccan hemp, bimli, bimli hemp, Indian hemp, Bombay hemp, Hibiscus cannabinus n12178358 kenaf, deccan hemp n12178494 Cuban bast, blue mahoe, mahoe, majagua, mahagua, Hibiscus elatus n12178780 sorrel tree, Hibiscus heterophyllus n12178896 rose mallow, swamp mallow, common rose mallow, swamp rose mallow, Hibiscus moscheutos n12179122 cotton rose, Confederate rose, Confederate rose mallow, Hibiscus mutabilis n12179391 China rose, Chinese hibiscus, Rose of China, shoeblack plant, shoe black, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis n12179632 roselle, rozelle, sorrel, red sorrel, Jamaica sorrel, Hibiscus sabdariffa n12179907 rose of Sharon, Hibiscus syriacus n12180168 mahoe, majagua, mahagua, balibago, purau, Hibiscus tiliaceus n12180456 flower-of-an-hour, flowers-of-an-hour, bladder ketmia, black-eyed Susan, Hibiscus trionum n12180714 Hoheria, genus Hoheria n12180885 lacebark, ribbonwood, houhere, Hoheria populnea n12181147 Iliamna, genus Iliamna n12181352 wild hollyhock, Iliamna remota, Sphaeralcea remota n12181612 mountain hollyhock, Iliamna ruvularis, Iliamna acerifolia n12181851 Kosteletzya, genus Kosteletzya n12182049 seashore mallow n12182276 salt marsh mallow, Kosteletzya virginica n12182414 Lavatera, genus Lavatera n12182615 tree mallow, velvetleaf, velvet-leaf, Lavatera arborea n12182858 Malacothamnus, genus Malacothamnus n12183026 chaparral mallow, Malacothamnus fasciculatus, Sphaeralcea fasciculata n12183318 genus Malope n12183452 malope, Malope trifida n12183636 Malvastrum, genus Malvastrum n12183816 false mallow n12183916 Malvaviscus, genus Malvaviscus n12184095 waxmallow, wax mallow, sleeping hibiscus n12184337 Napaea, genus Napaea n12184468 glade mallow, Napaea dioica n12184724 genus Pavonia n12184912 pavonia n12185078 Plagianthus, genus Plagianthus n12185254 ribbon tree, ribbonwood, Plagianthus regius, Plagianthus betulinus n12185526 New Zealand cotton n12185687 Radyera, genus Radyera n12185859 bush hibiscus, Radyera farragei, Hibiscus farragei n12186116 Sida, genus Sida n12186352 Virginia mallow, Sida hermaphrodita n12186554 Queensland hemp, jellyleaf, Sida rhombifolia n12186839 Indian mallow, Sida spinosa n12187030 Sidalcea, genus Sidalcea n12187247 checkerbloom, wild hollyhock, Sidalcea malviflora n12187450 Sphaeralcea, genus Sphaeralcea n12187663 globe mallow, false mallow n12187891 prairie mallow, red false mallow, Sphaeralcea coccinea, Malvastrum coccineum n12188120 Thespesia, genus Thespesia n12188289 tulipwood tree n12188484 tulipwood n12188635 portia tree, bendy tree, seaside mahoe, Thespesia populnea n12188985 Bombacaceae, family Bombacaceae n12189293 Bombax, genus Bombax n12189429 red silk-cotton tree, simal, Bombax ceiba, Bombax malabarica n12189620 Adansonia, genus Adansonia n12189779 cream-of-tartar tree, sour gourd, Adansonia gregorii n12189987 baobab, monkey-bread tree, Adansonia digitata n12190241 Ceiba, genus Ceiba n12190410 kapok, ceiba tree, silk-cotton tree, white silk-cotton tree, Bombay ceiba, God tree, Ceiba pentandra n12190712 Durio, genus Durio n12190869 durian, durion, durian tree, Durio zibethinus n12191075 genus Montezuma n12191240 Montezuma n12191461 Ochroma, genus Ochroma n12191587 balsa, Ochroma lagopus n12191813 balsa, balsa wood n12191965 Pseudobombax, genus Pseudobombax n12192132 shaving-brush tree, Pseudobombax ellipticum n12192373 Elaeocarpaceae, family Elaeocarpaceae, elaeocarpus family n12192722 Elaeocarpus, genus Elaeocarpus n12192877 quandong, quandong tree, Brisbane quandong, silver quandong tree, blue fig, Elaeocarpus grandis n12193205 silver quandong n12193334 quandong, blue fig n12193458 Aristotelia, genus Aristotelia n12193665 makomako, New Zealand wine berry, wineberry, Aristotelia serrata, Aristotelia racemosa n12193964 Muntingia, genus Muntingia n12194147 Jamaican cherry, calabur tree, calabura, silk wood, silkwood, Muntingia calabura n12194466 Sloanea, genus Sloanea n12194613 breakax, breakaxe, break-axe, Sloanea jamaicensis n12194776 Sterculiaceae, family Sterculiaceae, sterculia family n12195186 genus Sterculia n12195391 sterculia n12195533 Panama tree, Sterculia apetala n12195734 kalumpang, Java olives, Sterculia foetida n12195965 Brachychiton, genus Brachychiton n12196129 bottle-tree, bottle tree n12196336 flame tree, flame durrajong, Brachychiton acerifolius, Sterculia acerifolia n12196527 flame tree, broad-leaved bottletree, Brachychiton australis n12196694 kurrajong, currajong, Brachychiton populneus n12196954 Queensland bottletree, narrow-leaved bottletree, Brachychiton rupestris, Sterculia rupestris n12197211 Cola, genus Cola n12197359 kola, kola nut, kola nut tree, goora nut, Cola acuminata n12197601 kola nut, cola nut n12197765 genus Dombeya n12197901 dombeya n12198140 Firmiana, genus Firmiana n12198286 Chinese parasol tree, Chinese parasol, Japanese varnish tree, phoenix tree, Firmiana simplex n12198628 Fremontodendron, genus Fremontodendron, Fremontia, genus Fremontia n12198793 flannelbush, flannel bush, California beauty n12199030 Helicteres, genus Helicteres n12199266 screw tree n12199399 nut-leaved screw tree, Helicteres isora n12199564 Heritiera, genus Heritiera, Terrietia, genus Terrietia n12199790 red beech, brown oak, booyong, crow's foot, stave wood, silky elm, Heritiera trifoliolata, Terrietia trifoliolata n12199982 looking glass tree, Heritiera macrophylla n12200143 looking-glass plant, Heritiera littoralis n12200315 Hermannia, genus Hermannia n12200504 honey bell, honeybells, Hermannia verticillata, Mahernia verticillata n12200747 Pterospermum, genus Pterospermum n12200905 mayeng, maple-leaved bayur, Pterospermum acerifolium n12201166 Tarrietia, genus Tarrietia n12201331 silver tree, Tarrietia argyrodendron n12201456 Theobroma, genus Theobroma n12201580 cacao, cacao tree, chocolate tree, Theobroma cacao n12201761 Triplochiton, genus Triplochiton n12201938 obeche, obechi, arere, samba, Triplochiton scleroxcylon n12202234 obeche n12202352 Tiliaceae, family Tiliaceae, linden family n12202712 Tilia, genus Tilia n12202936 linden, linden tree, basswood, lime, lime tree n12203331 basswood, linden n12203529 American basswood, American lime, Tilia americana n12203699 small-leaved linden, small-leaved lime, Tilia cordata n12203896 white basswood, cottonwood, Tilia heterophylla n12204032 Japanese linden, Japanese lime, Tilia japonica n12204175 silver lime, silver linden, Tilia tomentosa n12204405 Entelea, genus Entelea n12204546 Corchorus, genus Corchorus n12204730 corchorus n12204925 Grewia, genus Grewia n12205104 phalsa, Grewia asiatica n12205308 Sparmannia, genus Sparmannia n12205460 African hemp, Sparmannia africana n12205694 herb, herbaceous plant n12212361 vegetable n12212690 simple n12212810 Rosidae, subclass Rosidae n12213197 Umbellales, order Umbellales n12213485 Proteales, order Proteales n12213635 Proteaceae, family Proteaceae, protea family n12214245 Bartle Frere, genus Bartle-Frere, green dinosaur n12214605 genus Protea n12214789 protea n12215022 honeypot, king protea, Protea cynaroides n12215210 honeyflower, honey-flower, Protea mellifera n12215373 genus Banksia n12215579 banksia n12215824 honeysuckle, Australian honeysuckle, coast banksia, Banksia integrifolia n12216028 Conospermum, genus Conospermum n12216215 smoke bush n12216382 Embothrium, genus Embothrium n12216628 Chilean firebush, Chilean flameflower, Embothrium coccineum n12216836 Guevina, genus Guevina n12216968 Chilean nut, Chile nut, Chile hazel, Chilean hazelnut, Guevina heterophylla, Guevina avellana n12217211 genus Grevillea n12217453 grevillea n12217586 silk oak n12217851 red-flowered silky oak, Grevillea banksii n12218054 silver oak, Grevillela parallela n12218274 silky oak, Grevillea robusta n12218490 beefwood, Grevillea striata n12218621 Hakea, genus Hakea n12218868 cushion flower, pincushion hakea, Hakea laurina n12219065 needlewood, needle-wood, needle wood, Hakea leucoptera n12219289 needlebush, needle-bush, needle bush, Hakea lissosperma n12219495 Knightia, genus Knightia n12219668 rewa-rewa, New Zealand honeysuckle n12219875 Lambertia, genus Lambertia n12220019 honeyflower, honey-flower, mountain devil, Lambertia formosa n12220247 Leucadendron, genus Leucadendron n12220496 silver tree, Leucadendron argenteum n12220654 genus Lomatia n12220829 lomatia n12220994 genus Macadamia n12221191 macadamia, macadamia tree n12221368 Macadamia integrifolia n12221522 macadamia nut, macadamia nut tree, Macadamia ternifolia n12221801 Queensland nut, Macadamia tetraphylla n12221943 Orites, genus Orites n12222090 prickly ash, Orites excelsa n12222334 Persoonia, genus Persoonia n12222493 geebung n12222715 Stenocarpus, genus Stenocarpus n12222900 wheel tree, firewheel tree, Stenocarpus sinuatus n12223160 scrub beefwood, beefwood, Stenocarpus salignus n12223405 Telopea, genus Telopea n12223569 waratah, Telopea Oreades n12223764 waratah, Telopea speciosissima n12223950 Xylomelum, genus Xylomelum n12224140 native pear, woody pear, Xylomelum pyriforme n12224309 Casuarinales, order Casuarinales n12224522 Casuarinaceae, family Casuarinaceae n12224669 genus Casuarina n12224978 casuarina n12225222 she-oak n12225349 beefwood n12225563 Australian pine, Casuarina equisetfolia n12225769 beefwood n12226009 Ericales, order Ericales n12226322 Ericaceae, family Ericaceae, heath family n12226932 heath n12227220 genus Erica n12227420 erica, true heath n12227658 tree heath, briar, brier, Erica arborea n12227909 briarroot n12228045 briarwood, brierwood, brier-wood n12228229 winter heath, spring heath, Erica carnea n12228387 bell heather, heather bell, fine-leaved heath, Erica cinerea n12228546 cross-leaved heath, bell heather, Erica tetralix n12228689 Cornish heath, Erica vagans n12228886 Spanish heath, Portuguese heath, Erica lusitanica n12229111 Prince-of-Wales'-heath, Prince of Wales heath, Erica perspicua n12229282 genus Andromeda n12229443 andromeda n12229651 bog rosemary, moorwort, Andromeda glaucophylla n12229887 marsh andromeda, common bog rosemary, Andromeda polifolia n12230146 genus Arbutus n12230347 arbutus n12230540 madrona, madrono, manzanita, Arbutus menziesii n12230794 strawberry tree, Irish strawberry, Arbutus unedo n12231031 Arctostaphylos, genus Arctostaphylos n12231192 bearberry n12231358 common bearberry, red bearberry, wild cranberry, mealberry, hog cranberry, sand berry, sandberry, mountain box, bear's grape, creashak, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi n12231709 alpine bearberry, black bearberry, Arctostaphylos alpina n12231918 manzanita n12232114 heartleaf manzanita, Arctostaphylos andersonii n12232280 Parry manzanita, Arctostaphylos manzanita n12232503 downy manzanita, woolly manzanita, Arctostaphylos tomentosa n12232683 Bruckenthalia, genus Bruckenthalia n12232851 spike heath, Bruckenthalia spiculifolia n12233094 genus Bryanthus n12233249 bryanthus n12233410 Calluna, genus Calluna n12233529 heather, ling, Scots heather, broom, Calluna vulgaris n12233759 Cassiope, genus Cassiope n12233998 white heather, Cassiope mertensiana n12234176 Chamaedaphne, genus Chamaedaphne n12234318 leatherleaf, Chamaedaphne calyculata n12234513 Daboecia, genus Daboecia n12234669 Connemara heath, St. Dabeoc's heath, Daboecia cantabrica n12234913 Epigaea, genus Epigaea n12235051 trailing arbutus, mayflower, Epigaea repens n12235263 Gaultheria, genus Gaultheria n12235479 creeping snowberry, moxie plum, maidenhair berry, Gaultheria hispidula n12235765 teaberry, wintergreen, checkerberry, mountain tea, groundberry, ground-berry, creeping wintergreen, Gaultheria procumbens n12236160 salal, shallon, Gaultheria shallon n12236363 Gaylussacia, genus Gaylussacia n12236546 huckleberry n12236768 black huckleberry, Gaylussacia baccata n12236977 dangleberry, dangle-berry, Gaylussacia frondosa n12237152 box huckleberry, Gaylussacia brachycera n12237350 genus Kalmia n12237486 kalmia n12237641 mountain laurel, wood laurel, American laurel, calico bush, Kalmia latifolia n12237855 swamp laurel, bog laurel, bog kalmia, Kalmia polifolia n12238073 sheep laurel, pig laurel, lambkill, Kalmia angustifolia n12238306 Ledum, genus Ledum n12238491 Labrador tea, crystal tea, Ledum groenlandicum n12238756 trapper's tea, glandular Labrador tea n12238913 wild rosemary, marsh tea, Ledum palustre n12239100 Leiophyllum, genus Leiophyllum n12239240 sand myrtle, Leiophyllum buxifolium n12239458 genus Leucothoe n12239647 leucothoe n12239880 dog laurel, dog hobble, switch-ivy, Leucothoe fontanesiana, Leucothoe editorum n12240150 sweet bells, Leucothoe racemosa n12240335 Loiseleuria, genus Loiseleuria n12240477 alpine azalea, mountain azalea, Loiseleuria procumbens n12240715 Lyonia, genus Lyonia n12240965 staggerbush, stagger bush, Lyonia mariana n12241192 maleberry, male berry, privet andromeda, he-huckleberry, Lyonia ligustrina n12241426 fetterbush, fetter bush, shiny lyonia, Lyonia lucida n12241699 Menziesia, genus Menziesia n12241880 false azalea, fool's huckleberry, Menziesia ferruginea n12242123 minniebush, minnie bush, Menziesia pilosa n12242287 Oxydendrum, genus Oxydendrum n12242409 sorrel tree, sourwood, titi, Oxydendrum arboreum n12242668 Phyllodoce, genus Phyllodoce n12242850 mountain heath, Phyllodoce caerulea, Bryanthus taxifolius n12243109 purple heather, Brewer's mountain heather, Phyllodoce breweri n12243292 Pieris, genus Pieris n12243459 andromeda, Japanese andromeda, lily-of-the-valley tree, Pieris japonica n12243693 fetterbush, mountain fetterbush, mountain andromeda, Pieris floribunda n12243927 genus Rhododendron n12244153 rhododendron n12244458 coast rhododendron, Rhododendron californicum n12244650 rosebay, Rhododendron maxima n12244819 swamp azalea, swamp honeysuckle, white honeysuckle, Rhododendron viscosum n12245067 subgenus Azalea, Azaleastrum, subgenus Azaleastrum n12245319 azalea n12245472 Vaccinium, genus Vaccinium n12245695 cranberry n12245885 American cranberry, large cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon n12246037 European cranberry, small cranberry, Vaccinium oxycoccus n12246232 blueberry, blueberry bush n12246641 huckleberry n12246773 farkleberry, sparkleberry, Vaccinium arboreum n12246941 low-bush blueberry, low blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium, Vaccinium pennsylvanicum n12247202 rabbiteye blueberry, rabbit-eye blueberry, rabbiteye, Vaccinium ashei n12247407 dwarf bilberry, dwarf blueberry, Vaccinium caespitosum n12247664 high-bush blueberry, tall bilberry, swamp blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum n12247963 evergreen blueberry, Vaccinium myrsinites n12248141 evergreen huckleberry, Vaccinium ovatum n12248359 bilberry, thin-leaved bilberry, mountain blue berry, Viccinium membranaceum n12248574 bilberry, whortleberry, whinberry, blaeberry, Viccinium myrtillus n12248780 bog bilberry, bog whortleberry, moor berry, Vaccinium uliginosum alpinum n12248941 dryland blueberry, dryland berry, Vaccinium pallidum n12249122 grouseberry, grouse-berry, grouse whortleberry, Vaccinium scoparium n12249294 deerberry, squaw huckleberry, Vaccinium stamineum n12249542 cowberry, mountain cranberry, lingonberry, lingenberry, lingberry, foxberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea n12249821 Clethraceae, family Clethraceae, white-alder family n12249993 Clethra, genus Clethra n12250180 sweet pepperbush, pepper bush, summer sweet, white alder, Clethra alnifolia n12250413 Diapensiaceae, family Diapensiaceae, diapensia family n12250708 Diapensiales, order Diapensiales n12250874 genus Diapensia n12251001 diapensia n12251137 genus Galax n12251278 galax, galaxy, wandflower, beetleweed, coltsfoot, Galax urceolata n12251577 Pyxidanthera, genus Pyxidanthera n12251740 pyxie, pixie, pixy, Pyxidanthera barbulata n12251997 genus Shortia n12252168 shortia n12252383 oconee bells, Shortia galacifolia n12252620 Epacridaceae, family Epacridaceae, epacris family n12252866 Australian heath n12253083 genus Epacris n12253229 epacris n12253487 common heath, Epacris impressa n12253664 common heath, blunt-leaf heath, Epacris obtusifolia n12253835 Port Jackson heath, Epacris purpurascens n12254014 Astroloma, genus Astroloma n12254168 native cranberry, groundberry, ground-berry, cranberry heath, Astroloma humifusum, Styphelia humifusum n12254478 Richea, genus Richea n12254667 Australian grass tree, Richea dracophylla n12254891 tree heath, grass tree, Richea pandanifolia n12255086 Styphelia, genus Styphelia n12255225 pink fivecorner, Styphelia triflora n12255452 Lennoaceae, family Lennoaceae n12255659 Pyrolaceae, family Pyrolaceae, wintergreen family n12255934 genus Pyrola n12256112 wintergreen, pyrola n12256325 false wintergreen, Pyrola americana, Pyrola rotundifolia americana n12256522 lesser wintergreen, Pyrola minor n12256708 wild lily of the valley, shinleaf, Pyrola elliptica n12256920 wild lily of the valley, Pyrola rotundifolia n12257140 Orthilia, genus Orthilia n12257343 Chimaphila, genus Chimaphila n12257570 pipsissewa, prince's pine n12257725 love-in-winter, western prince's pine, Chimaphila umbellata, Chimaphila corymbosa n12257920 Moneses, genus Moneses n12258101 one-flowered wintergreen, one-flowered pyrola, Moneses uniflora, Pyrola uniflora n12258380 Monotropaceae, family Monotropaceae n12258663 Monotropa, genus Monotropa n12258885 Indian pipe, waxflower, Monotropa uniflora n12259122 Hypopitys, genus Hypopitys n12259316 pinesap, false beachdrops, Monotropa hypopithys n12259615 Sarcodes, genus Sarcodes n12259788 snow plant, Sarcodes sanguinea n12260021 Fagales, order Fagales n12260208 Fagaceae, family Fagaceae, beech family n12260593 Fagus, genus Fagus n12260799 beech, beech tree n12261179 beech, beechwood n12261359 common beech, European beech, Fagus sylvatica n12261571 copper beech, purple beech, Fagus sylvatica atropunicea, Fagus purpurea, Fagus sylvatica purpurea n12261808 American beech, white beech, red beech, Fagus grandifolia, Fagus americana n12262018 weeping beech, Fagus pendula, Fagus sylvatica pendula n12262185 Japanese beech n12262327 Castanea, genus Castanea n12262553 chestnut, chestnut tree n12262905 chestnut n12263038 American chestnut, American sweet chestnut, Castanea dentata n12263204 European chestnut, sweet chestnut, Spanish chestnut, Castanea sativa n12263410 Chinese chestnut, Castanea mollissima n12263588 Japanese chestnut, Castanea crenata n12263738 Allegheny chinkapin, eastern chinquapin, chinquapin, dwarf chestnut, Castanea pumila n12263987 Ozark chinkapin, Ozark chinquapin, chinquapin, Castanea ozarkensis n12264254 Castanopsis, genus Castanopsis n12264512 oak chestnut n12264621 Chrysolepis, genus Chrysolepis n12264786 giant chinkapin, golden chinkapin, Chrysolepis chrysophylla, Castanea chrysophylla, Castanopsis chrysophylla n12265083 dwarf golden chinkapin, Chrysolepis sempervirens n12265266 Lithocarpus, genus Lithocarpus n12265394 tanbark oak, Lithocarpus densiflorus n12265600 Japanese oak, Lithocarpus glabra, Lithocarpus glaber n12265740 tanbark n12265900 Nothofagus, genus Nothofagus n12266217 southern beech, evergreen beech n12266528 myrtle beech, Nothofagus cuninghamii n12266644 Coigue, Nothofagus dombeyi n12266796 New Zealand beech n12266984 silver beech, Nothofagus menziesii n12267133 roble beech, Nothofagus obliqua n12267265 rauli beech, Nothofagus procera n12267411 black beech, Nothofagus solanderi n12267534 hard beech, Nothofagus truncata n12267677 acorn n12267841 cup n12267931 cupule, acorn cup n12268096 Quercus, genus Quercus n12268246 oak, oak tree n12268918 oak n12269099 fumed oak n12269241 live oak n12269406 coast live oak, California live oak, Quercus agrifolia n12269652 white oak n12270027 American white oak, Quercus alba n12270278 Arizona white oak, Quercus arizonica n12270460 swamp white oak, swamp oak, Quercus bicolor n12270741 European turkey oak, turkey oak, Quercus cerris n12270946 canyon oak, canyon live oak, maul oak, iron oak, Quercus chrysolepis n12271187 scarlet oak, Quercus coccinea n12271451 jack oak, northern pin oak, Quercus ellipsoidalis n12271643 red oak n12271933 southern red oak, swamp red oak, turkey oak, Quercus falcata n12272239 Oregon white oak, Oregon oak, Garry oak, Quercus garryana n12272432 holm oak, holm tree, holly-leaved oak, evergreen oak, Quercus ilex n12272650 holm oak n12272735 bear oak, Quercus ilicifolia n12272883 shingle oak, laurel oak, Quercus imbricaria n12273114 bluejack oak, turkey oak, Quercus incana n12273344 California black oak, Quercus kelloggii n12273515 American turkey oak, turkey oak, Quercus laevis n12273768 laurel oak, pin oak, Quercus laurifolia n12273939 California white oak, valley oak, valley white oak, roble, Quercus lobata n12274151 overcup oak, Quercus lyrata n12274358 bur oak, burr oak, mossy-cup oak, mossycup oak, Quercus macrocarpa n12274630 scrub oak n12274863 blackjack oak, blackjack, jack oak, Quercus marilandica n12275131 swamp chestnut oak, Quercus michauxii n12275317 Japanese oak, Quercus mongolica, Quercus grosseserrata n12275489 chestnut oak n12275675 chinquapin oak, chinkapin oak, yellow chestnut oak, Quercus muehlenbergii n12275888 myrtle oak, seaside scrub oak, Quercus myrtifolia n12276110 water oak, possum oak, Quercus nigra n12276314 Nuttall oak, Nuttall's oak, Quercus nuttalli n12276477 durmast, Quercus petraea, Quercus sessiliflora n12276628 basket oak, cow oak, Quercus prinus, Quercus montana n12276872 pin oak, swamp oak, Quercus palustris n12277150 willow oak, Quercus phellos n12277334 dwarf chinkapin oak, dwarf chinquapin oak, dwarf oak, Quercus prinoides n12277578 common oak, English oak, pedunculate oak, Quercus robur n12277800 northern red oak, Quercus rubra, Quercus borealis n12278107 Shumard oak, Shumard red oak, Quercus shumardii n12278371 post oak, box white oak, brash oak, iron oak, Quercus stellata n12278650 cork oak, Quercus suber n12278865 Spanish oak, Quercus texana n12279060 huckleberry oak, Quercus vaccinifolia n12279293 Chinese cork oak, Quercus variabilis n12279458 black oak, yellow oak, quercitron, quercitron oak, Quercus velutina n12279772 southern live oak, Quercus virginiana n12280060 interior live oak, Quercus wislizenii, Quercus wizlizenii n12280364 mast n12280487 Betulaceae, family Betulaceae, birch family n12280886 Betula, genus Betula n12281241 birch, birch tree n12281600 birch n12281788 yellow birch, Betula alleghaniensis, Betula leutea n12281974 American white birch, paper birch, paperbark birch, canoe birch, Betula cordifolia, Betula papyrifera n12282235 grey birch, gray birch, American grey birch, American gray birch, Betula populifolia n12282527 silver birch, common birch, European white birch, Betula pendula n12282737 downy birch, white birch, Betula pubescens n12282933 black birch, river birch, red birch, Betula nigra n12283147 sweet birch, cherry birch, black birch, Betula lenta n12283395 Yukon white birch, Betula neoalaskana n12283542 swamp birch, water birch, mountain birch, Western paper birch, Western birch, Betula fontinalis n12283790 Newfoundland dwarf birch, American dwarf birch, Betula glandulosa n12283981 Alnus, genus Alnus n12284262 alder, alder tree n12284665 alder n12284821 common alder, European black alder, Alnus glutinosa, Alnus vulgaris n12285049 grey alder, gray alder, Alnus incana n12285195 seaside alder, Alnus maritima n12285369 white alder, mountain alder, Alnus rhombifolia n12285512 red alder, Oregon alder, Alnus rubra n12285705 speckled alder, Alnus rugosa n12285900 smooth alder, hazel alder, Alnus serrulata n12286068 green alder, Alnus veridis n12286197 green alder, Alnus veridis crispa, Alnus crispa n12286372 Carpinaceae, subfamily Carpinaceae, family Carpinaceae n12286581 Carpinus, genus Carpinus n12286826 hornbeam n12286988 European hornbeam, Carpinus betulus n12287195 American hornbeam, Carpinus caroliniana n12287388 Ostrya, genus Ostrya n12287642 hop hornbeam n12287836 Old World hop hornbeam, Ostrya carpinifolia n12288005 Eastern hop hornbeam, ironwood, ironwood tree, Ostrya virginiana n12288188 Ostryopsis, genus Ostryopsis n12288422 Corylaceae, subfamily Corylaceae, family Corylaceae n12288598 Corylus, genus Corylus n12288823 hazelnut, hazel, hazelnut tree n12289115 hazel n12289310 American hazel, Corylus americana n12289433 cobnut, filbert, Corylus avellana, Corylus avellana grandis n12289585 beaked hazelnut, Corylus cornuta n12289744 Gentianales, order Gentianales n12290116 Gentianaceae, family Gentianaceae, gentian family n12290522 Centaurium, genus Centaurium n12290748 centaury n12290975 rosita, Centaurium calycosum n12291143 lesser centaury, Centaurium minus n12291292 tufted centaury, Centaurium scilloides n12291459 seaside centaury n12291564 broad leaved centaury n12291671 slender centaury n12291763 Eustoma, genus Eustoma n12291959 prairie gentian, tulip gentian, bluebell, Eustoma grandiflorum n12292285 Exacum, genus Exacum n12292463 Persian violet, Exacum affine n12292655 Frasera, genus Frasera n12292877 columbo, American columbo, deer's-ear, deer's-ears, pyramid plant, American gentian n12293180 green gentian, Frasera speciosa, Swertia speciosa n12293419 Gentiana, genus Gentiana n12293723 gentian n12294124 gentianella, Gentiana acaulis n12294331 closed gentian, blind gentian, bottle gentian, Gentiana andrewsii n12294542 explorer's gentian, Gentiana calycosa n12294723 closed gentian, blind gentian, Gentiana clausa n12294871 great yellow gentian, Gentiana lutea n12295033 marsh gentian, calathian violet, Gentiana pneumonanthe n12295237 soapwort gentian, Gentiana saponaria n12295429 striped gentian, Gentiana villosa n12295560 Gentianella, genus Gentianella n12295796 agueweed, ague weed, five-flowered gentian, stiff gentian, Gentianella quinquefolia, Gentiana quinquefolia n12296045 felwort, gentianella amarella n12296218 Gentianopsis, genus Gentianopsis n12296432 fringed gentian n12296735 Gentianopsis crinita, Gentiana crinita n12296929 Gentianopsis detonsa, Gentiana detonsa n12297110 Gentianopsid procera, Gentiana procera n12297280 Gentianopsis thermalis, Gentiana thermalis n12297507 tufted gentian, Gentianopsis holopetala, Gentiana holopetala n12297678 Halenia, genus Halenia n12297846 spurred gentian n12298003 genus Sabbatia n12298165 sabbatia n12298395 marsh pink, rose pink, bitter floom, American centaury, Sabbatia stellaris, Sabbatia Angularis n12298637 prairia Sabbatia, Texas star, Sabbatia campestris n12298783 Swertia, genus Swertia n12298958 marsh felwort, Swertia perennia n12299165 Salvadoraceae, family Salvadoraceae, Salvadora family n12299425 Salvadora, genus Salvadora n12299640 toothbrush tree, mustard tree, Salvadora persica n12299988 Oleaceae, family Oleaceae, olive family n12300441 Oleales, order Oleales n12300625 Olea, genus Olea n12300840 olive tree n12301038 olive n12301180 olive, European olive tree, Olea europaea n12301445 olive n12301613 black maire, Olea cunninghamii n12301766 white maire, Olea lanceolata n12301917 Chionanthus, genus Chionanthus n12302071 fringe tree n12302248 fringe bush, Chionanthus virginicus n12302418 genus Forestiera n12302565 forestiera n12302692 tanglebush, desert olive, Forestiera neomexicana n12302974 genus Forsythia n12303083 forsythia n12303349 Fraxinus, genus Fraxinus n12303462 ash, ash tree n12303921 ash n12304115 white ash, Fraxinus Americana n12304286 swamp ash, Fraxinus caroliniana n12304420 flowering ash, Fraxinus cuspidata n12304572 flowering ash, Fraxinus dipetala n12304703 European ash, common European ash, Fraxinus excelsior n12304899 Oregon ash, Fraxinus latifolia, Fraxinus oregona n12305089 black ash, basket ash, brown ash, hoop ash, Fraxinus nigra n12305293 manna ash, flowering ash, Fraxinus ornus n12305475 red ash, downy ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica n12305654 green ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica subintegerrima n12305819 blue ash, Fraxinus quadrangulata n12305986 mountain ash, Fraxinus texensis n12306089 pumpkin ash, Fraxinus tomentosa n12306270 Arizona ash, Fraxinus velutina n12306419 ash-key n12306519 Jasminum, genus Jasminum n12306717 jasmine n12306938 primrose jasmine, Jasminum mesnyi n12307076 winter jasmine, Jasminum nudiflorum n12307240 common jasmine, true jasmine, jessamine, Jasminum officinale n12307455 Arabian jasmine, Jasminum sambac n12307611 Ligustrum, genus Ligustrum n12307756 privet n12308112 Amur privet, Ligustrum amurense n12308259 ibolium privet, ibota privet, Ligustrum ibolium n12308447 Japanese privet, Ligustrum japonicum n12308664 Chinese privet, white wax tree, Ligustrum lucidum n12308907 Ligustrum obtusifolium n12309052 California privet, Ligustrum ovalifolium n12309277 common privet, Ligustrum vulgare n12309403 Osmanthus, genus Osmanthus n12309630 devilwood, American olive, Osmanthus americanus n12309850 Phillyrea, genus Phillyrea n12310021 mock privet n12310153 Syringa, genus Syringa n12310349 lilac n12310638 Himalayan lilac, Syringa emodi n12310840 Hungarian lilac, Syringa josikaea, Syringa josikea n12311045 Persian lilac, Syringa persica n12311224 Japanese tree lilac, Syringa reticulata, Syringa amurensis japonica n12311413 Japanese lilac, Syringa villosa n12311579 common lilac, Syringa vulgaris n12311800 manna n12311894 Haemodoraceae, family Haemodoraceae, bloodwort family n12312110 bloodwort n12312276 Haemodorum, genus Haemodorum n12312405 Anigozanthus, genus Anigozanthus n12312728 kangaroo paw, kangaroo's paw, kangaroo's-foot, kangaroo-foot plant, Australian sword lily, Anigozanthus manglesii n12313005 Hamamelidae, subclass Hamamelidae n12313574 Amentiferae, group Amentiferae n12313735 Hamamelidanthum, genus Hamamelidanthum n12313954 Hamamelidoxylon, genus Hamamelidoxylon n12314146 Hamamelites, genus Hamamelites n12314315 Hamamelidaceae, family Hamamelidaceae, witch-hazel family n12314652 Hamamelis, genus Hamamelis n12314808 witch hazel, witch hazel plant, wych hazel, wych hazel plant n12315060 Virginian witch hazel, Hamamelis virginiana n12315245 vernal witch hazel, Hamamelis vernalis n12315424 Corylopsis, genus Corylopsis n12315598 winter hazel, flowering hazel n12315818 genus Fothergilla, Fothergilla n12315999 fothergilla, witch alder n12316300 genus Liquidambar, Liquidambar n12316444 liquidambar n12316572 sweet gum, sweet gum tree, bilsted, red gum, American sweet gum, Liquidambar styraciflua n12316853 sweet gum, liquidambar n12316982 sweet gum, satin walnut, hazelwood, red gum n12317164 Parrotia, genus Parrotia n12317296 iron tree, iron-tree, ironwood, ironwood tree n12317487 ironwood n12317611 Parrotiopsis, genus Parrotiopsis n12317763 Juglandales, order Juglandales n12317919 Juglandaceae, family Juglandaceae, walnut family n12318164 Juglans, genus Juglans n12318378 walnut, walnut tree n12318615 walnut n12318782 California black walnut, Juglans californica n12318965 butternut, butternut tree, white walnut, Juglans cinerea n12319204 black walnut, black walnut tree, black hickory, Juglans nigra n12319414 English walnut, English walnut tree, Circassian walnut, Persian walnut, Juglans regia n12319687 Carya, genus Carya n12320010 hickory, hickory tree n12320285 hickory n12320414 water hickory, bitter pecan, water bitternut, Carya aquatica n12320627 pignut, pignut hickory, brown hickory, black hickory, Carya glabra n12320806 bitternut, bitternut hickory, bitter hickory, bitter pignut, swamp hickory, Carya cordiformis n12321077 pecan, pecan tree, Carya illinoensis, Carya illinoinsis n12321304 pecan n12321395 big shellbark, big shellbark hickory, big shagbark, king nut, king nut hickory, Carya laciniosa n12321669 nutmeg hickory, Carya myristicaeformis, Carya myristiciformis n12321873 shagbark, shagbark hickory, shellbark, shellbark hickory, Carya ovata n12322099 mockernut, mockernut hickory, black hickory, white-heart hickory, big-bud hickory, Carya tomentosa n12322359 Pterocarya, genus Pterocarya n12322501 wing nut, wing-nut n12322699 Caucasian walnut, Pterocarya fraxinifolia n12322887 Myrtales, order Myrtales, Thymelaeales, order Thymelaeales n12323411 Combretaceae, family Combretaceae, combretum family n12323665 dhawa, dhava n12323820 genus Combretum n12324056 combretum n12324222 hiccup nut, hiccough nut, Combretum bracteosum n12324388 bush willow, Combretum appiculatum n12324558 bush willow, Combretum erythrophyllum n12324756 Conocarpus, genus Conocarpus n12324906 button tree, button mangrove, Conocarpus erectus n12325093 Laguncularia, genus Laguncularia n12325234 white mangrove, Laguncularia racemosa n12325497 Elaeagnaceae, family Elaeagnaceae, oleaster family n12325667 Elaeagnus, genus Elaeagnus n12325787 oleaster n12326033 wild olive, Elaeagnus latifolia n12326178 silverberry, silver berry, silverbush, silver-bush, Elaeagnus commutata n12326369 Russian olive, silver berry, Elaeagnus augustifolia n12326604 Haloragidaceae, family Haloragidaceae, Haloragaceae, family Haloragaceae, water-milfoil family n12326842 Myriophyllum, genus Myriophyllum n12327022 water milfoil n12327209 Lecythidaceae, family Lecythidaceae n12327407 Grias, genus Grias n12327528 anchovy pear, anchovy pear tree, Grias cauliflora n12327718 Bertholletia, genus Bertholletia n12327846 brazil nut, brazil-nut tree, Bertholletia excelsa n12328026 Lythraceae, family Lythraceae, loosestrife family n12328241 Lythrum, genus Lythrum n12328398 loosestrife n12328567 purple loosestrife, spiked loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria n12328801 grass poly, hyssop loosestrife, Lythrum hyssopifolia n12329020 Lagerstroemia, genus Lagerstroemia n12329260 crape myrtle, crepe myrtle, crepe flower, Lagerstroemia indica n12329473 Queen's crape myrtle, pride-of-India, Lagerstroemia speciosa n12329744 pyinma n12329899 Myrtaceae, family Myrtaceae, myrtle family n12330239 myrtaceous tree n12330336 Myrtus, genus Myrtus n12330469 myrtle n12330587 common myrtle, Myrtus communis n12330751 Pimenta, genus Pimenta n12330891 bayberry, bay-rum tree, Jamaica bayberry, wild cinnamon, Pimenta acris n12331066 allspice, allspice tree, pimento tree, Pimenta dioica n12331263 allspice tree, Pimenta officinalis n12331415 Eugenia, genus Eugenia n12331655 sour cherry, Eugenia corynantha n12331788 nakedwood, Eugenia dicrana n12332030 Surinam cherry, pitanga, Eugenia uniflora n12332218 rose apple, rose-apple tree, jambosa, Eugenia jambos n12332422 genus Feijoa n12332555 feijoa, feijoa bush n12332718 Jambos, genus Jambos n12332866 Myrciaria, genus Myrciaria, Myrcia n12333053 jaboticaba, jaboticaba tree, Myrciaria cauliflora n12333397 Psidium, genus Psidium n12333530 guava, true guava, guava bush, Psidium guajava n12333771 guava, strawberry guava, yellow cattley guava, Psidium littorale n12333961 cattley guava, purple strawberry guava, Psidium cattleianum, Psidium littorale longipes n12334153 Brazilian guava, Psidium guineense n12334293 gum tree, gum n12334520 gumwood, gum n12334686 genus Eucalyptus n12334891 eucalyptus, eucalypt, eucalyptus tree n12335351 eucalyptus n12335483 flooded gum n12335664 mallee n12335800 stringybark n12335937 smoothbark n12336092 red gum, peppermint, peppermint gum, Eucalyptus amygdalina n12336224 red gum, marri, Eucalyptus calophylla n12336333 river red gum, river gum, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Eucalyptus rostrata n12336586 mountain swamp gum, Eucalyptus camphora n12336727 snow gum, ghost gum, white ash, Eucalyptus coriacea, Eucalyptus pauciflora n12336973 alpine ash, mountain oak, Eucalyptus delegatensis n12337131 white mallee, congoo mallee, Eucalyptus dumosa n12337246 white stringybark, thin-leaved stringybark, Eucalyptusd eugenioides n12337391 white mountain ash, Eucalyptus fraxinoides n12337617 blue gum, fever tree, Eucalyptus globulus n12337800 rose gum, Eucalypt grandis n12337922 cider gum, Eucalypt gunnii n12338034 swamp gum, Eucalypt ovata n12338146 spotted gum, Eucalyptus maculata n12338258 lemon-scented gum, Eucalyptus citriodora, Eucalyptus maculata citriodora n12338454 black mallee, black sally, black gum, Eucalytus stellulata n12338655 forest red gum, Eucalypt tereticornis n12338796 mountain ash, Eucalyptus regnans n12338979 manna gum, Eucalyptus viminalis n12339090 eucalyptus gum, eucalyptus kino, red gum n12339319 Syzygium, genus Syzygium n12339526 clove, clove tree, Syzygium aromaticum, Eugenia aromaticum, Eugenia caryophyllatum n12339831 clove n12339972 Nyssaceae, family Nyssaceae, sour-gum family, tupelo family n12340202 Nyssa, genus Nyssa n12340383 tupelo, tupelo tree n12340581 water gum, Nyssa aquatica n12340755 sour gum, black gum, pepperidge, Nyssa sylvatica n12340998 tupelo n12341126 Onagraceae, family Onagraceae, evening-primrose family n12341412 Circaea, genus Circaea n12341542 enchanter's nightshade n12341795 Alpine enchanter's nightshade, Circaea alpina n12341931 Circaea lutetiana n12342043 Epilobium, genus Epilobium n12342299 willowherb n12342498 fireweed, giant willowherb, rosebay willowherb, wickup, Epilobium angustifolium n12342852 California fuchsia, humming bird's trumpet, Epilobium canum canum, Zauschneria californica n12343092 hairy willowherb, codlins-and-cream, Epilobium hirsutum n12343306 genus Fuchsia n12343480 fuchsia n12343753 lady's-eardrop, ladies'-eardrop, lady's-eardrops, ladies'-eardrops, Fuchsia coccinea n12343951 konini, tree fuchsia, native fuchsia, Fuchsia excorticata n12344131 Oenothera, genus Oenothera n12344283 evening primrose n12344483 common evening primrose, German rampion, Oenothera biennis n12344700 sundrops, Oenothera fruticosa n12344837 Missouri primrose, Ozark sundrops, Oenothera macrocarpa n12344996 Punicaceae, family Punicaceae n12345136 Punica, genus Punica n12345280 pomegranate, pomegranate tree, Punica granatum n12345495 Rhizophoraceae, family Rhizophoraceae, mangrove family n12345709 Rhizophora, genus Rhizophora n12345899 mangrove, Rhizophora mangle n12346179 Thymelaeaceae, family Thymelaeaceae, daphne family n12346448 genus Daphne n12346578 daphne n12346813 garland flower, Daphne cneorum n12346986 spurge laurel, wood laurel, Daphne laureola n12347158 mezereon, February daphne, Daphne mezereum n12347380 mezereum n12347490 Dirca, genus Dirca n12347639 leatherwood, moosewood, moose-wood, wicopy, ropebark, Dirca palustris n12347892 Trapaceae, family Trapaceae n12348127 Trapa, genus Trapa n12348294 water chestnut, water chestnut plant, caltrop n12348518 water caltrop, Jesuits' nut, Trapa natans n12348635 ling, ling ko, Trapa bicornis n12348774 Melastomataceae, family Melastomataceae, Melastomaceae, family Melastomaceae, meadow-beauty family n12349091 Melastoma, genus Melastoma n12349315 Indian rhododendron, Melastoma malabathricum n12349491 Medinilla, genus Medinilla n12349711 Medinilla magnifica n12349916 Rhexia, genus Rhexia n12350032 deer grass, meadow beauty n12350234 Musales, order Musales n12350433 Cannaceae, family Cannaceae n12350578 genus Canna n12350758 canna n12350959 canna lily, Canna generalis n12351091 achira, indian shot, arrowroot, Canna indica, Canna edulis n12351287 Marantaceae, family Marantaceae, arrowroot family n12351477 genus Maranta n12351600 maranta n12351790 arrowroot, American arrowroot, obedience plant, Maranta arundinaceae n12351975 Musaceae, family Musaceae, banana family n12352150 Musa, genus Musa n12352287 banana, banana tree n12352639 dwarf banana, Musa acuminata n12352844 Japanese banana, Musa basjoo n12352990 plantain, plantain tree, Musa paradisiaca n12353203 edible banana, Musa paradisiaca sapientum n12353431 abaca, Manila hemp, Musa textilis n12353604 Ensete, genus Ensete n12353754 Abyssinian banana, Ethiopian banana, Ensete ventricosum, Musa ensete n12354068 Strelitziaceae, family Strelitziaceae, strelitzia family n12354374 Strelitzia, genus Strelitzia n12354619 bird of paradise, Strelitzia reginae n12354849 genus Ravenala n12355023 traveler's tree, traveller's tree, ravenala, Ravenala madagascariensis n12355320 Zingiberaceae, family Zingiberaceae, ginger family n12355594 Zingiber, genus Zingiber n12355760 ginger n12356023 common ginger, Canton ginger, stem ginger, Zingiber officinale n12356255 Curcuma, genus Curcuma n12356395 turmeric, Curcuma longa, Curcuma domestica n12356668 Alpinia, genus Alpinia, genus Zerumbet, genus Languas n12356960 galangal, Alpinia galanga n12357100 lesser galangal, Alpinia officinarum, Alpinia officinalis n12357343 red ginger, Alpinia purpurata n12357485 shellflower, shall-flower, shell ginger, Alpinia Zerumbet, Alpinia speciosa, Languas speciosa n12357802 Aframomum, genus Aframomum n12357968 grains of paradise, Guinea grains, Guinea pepper, melagueta pepper, Aframomum melegueta n12358173 Elettaria, genus Elettaria n12358293 cardamom, cardamon, Elettaria cardamomum n12358485 Dilleniidae, subclass Dilleniidae n12359026 Parietales, order Parietales, Hypericales, order Hypericales n12359578 Guttiferales, order Guttiferales n12359734 Begoniaceae, family Begoniaceae, begonia family n12359952 genus Begonia n12360108 begonia n12360534 fibrous-rooted begonia n12360684 tuberous begonia n12360817 rhizomatous begonia n12360958 Christmas begonia, blooming-fool begonia, Begonia cheimantha n12361135 angel-wing begonia, Begonia cocchinea n12361350 grape-leaf begonia, maple-leaf begonia, Begonia dregei n12361560 beefsteak begonia, kidney begonia, Begonia erythrophylla, Begonia feastii n12361754 star begonia, star-leaf begonia, Begonia heracleifolia n12361946 rex begonia, king begonia, painted-leaf begonia, beefsteak geranium, Begonia rex n12362274 wax begonia, Begonia semperflorens n12362514 Socotra begonia, Begonia socotrana n12362668 hybrid tuberous begonia, Begonia tuberhybrida n12362844 Dilleniaceae, family Dilleniaceae n12363110 genus Dillenia n12363301 dillenia n12363580 Hibbertia, genus Hibbertia n12363768 guinea gold vine, guinea flower n12363988 Guttiferae, family Guttiferae, Clusiaceae, family Clusiaceae, St John's wort family n12364379 Calophyllum, genus Calophyllum n12364604 poon n12364823 poon n12364940 calaba, Santa Maria tree, Calophyllum calaba n12365158 Maria, Calophyllum longifolium n12365285 laurelwood, lancewood tree, Calophyllum candidissimum n12365462 Alexandrian laurel, Calophyllum inophyllum n12365670 genus Clusia n12365900 clusia n12366053 wild fig, Clusia flava n12366186 waxflower, Clusia insignis n12366313 pitch apple, strangler fig, Clusia rosea, Clusia major n12366507 Garcinia, genus Garcinia n12366675 mangosteen, mangosteen tree, Garcinia mangostana n12366870 gamboge tree, Garcinia hanburyi, Garcinia cambogia, Garcinia gummi-gutta n12367122 Hypericaceae, family Hypericaceae n12367306 Hypericum, genus Hypericum n12367611 St John's wort n12368028 common St John's wort, tutsan, Hypericum androsaemum n12368257 great St John's wort, Hypericum ascyron, Hypericum pyramidatum n12368451 creeping St John's wort, Hypericum calycinum n12368637 orange grass, nitweed, pineweed, pine-weed, Hypericum gentianoides n12368847 St Andrews's cross, Hypericum crux andrae n12369066 low St Andrew's cross, Hypericum hypericoides n12369309 klammath weed, Hypericum perforatum n12369476 shrubby St John's wort, Hypericum prolificum, Hypericum spathulatum n12369665 St Peter's wort, Hypericum tetrapterum, Hypericum maculatum n12369845 marsh St-John's wort, Hypericum virginianum n12370011 Mammea, genus Mammea n12370174 mammee apple, mammee, mamey, mammee tree, Mammea americana n12370384 Mesua, genus Mesua n12370549 rose chestnut, ironwood, ironwood tree, Mesua ferrea n12370842 Actinidiaceae, family Actinidiaceae n12371002 Actinidia, genus Actinidia n12371202 bower actinidia, tara vine, Actinidia arguta n12371439 Chinese gooseberry, kiwi, kiwi vine, Actinidia chinensis, Actinidia deliciosa n12371704 silvervine, silver vine, Actinidia polygama n12371911 Canellaceae, family Canellaceae, canella family n12372124 genus Canella n12372233 wild cinnamon, white cinnamon tree, Canella winterana, Canella-alba n12372520 canella, canella bark, white cinnamon n12372708 Caricaceae, family Caricaceae, papaya family n12372932 Carica, genus Carica n12373100 papaya, papaia, pawpaw, papaya tree, melon tree, Carica papaya n12373361 Caryocaraceae, family Caryocaraceae n12373526 Caryocar, genus Caryocar n12373739 souari, souari nut, souari tree, Caryocar nuciferum n12374002 Cistaceae, family Cistaceae, rockrose family n12374238 Cistus, genus Cistus n12374418 rockrose, rock rose n12374705 white-leaved rockrose, Cistus albidus n12374862 common gum cistus, Cistus ladanifer, Cistus ladanum n12375107 labdanum, ladanum n12375294 genus Helianthemum n12375518 helianthemum, sunrose, sun rose n12375769 frostweed, frost-weed, frostwort, Helianthemum canadense, Crocanthemum canadense n12376073 rockrose, rock rose n12376240 rush rose, Helianthemum scoparium n12376382 Hudsonia, genus Hudsonia n12376553 false heather, golden heather, Hudsonia ericoides n12376740 beach heather, poverty grass, Hudsonia tomentosa n12376950 Dipterocarpaceae, family Dipterocarpaceae n12377198 dipterocarp n12377328 Shorea, genus Shorea n12377494 red lauan, red lauan tree, Shorea teysmanniana n12377658 red lauan n12377809 Flacourtiaceae, family Flacourtiaceae, flacourtia family n12378080 Flacourtia, genus Flacourtia n12378249 governor's plum, governor plum, Madagascar plum, ramontchi, batoko palm, Flacourtia indica n12378546 Dovyalis, genus Dovyalis n12378753 kei apple, kei apple bush, Dovyalis caffra n12378963 ketembilla, kitembilla, kitambilla, ketembilla tree, Ceylon gooseberry, Dovyalis hebecarpa n12379278 Hydnocarpus, genus Hydnocarpus, Taraktagenos, genus Taraktagenos, Taraktogenos, genus Taraktogenos n12379531 chaulmoogra, chaulmoogra tree, chaulmugra, Hydnocarpus kurzii, Taraktagenos kurzii, Taraktogenos kurzii n12379781 Hydnocarpus laurifolia, Hydnocarpus wightiana n12380029 hydnocarpus oil n12380197 genus Idesia n12380305 idesia, Idesia polycarpa n12380597 Kiggelaria, genus Kiggelaria n12380761 wild peach, Kiggelaria africana n12380926 genus Xylosma n12381095 xylosma, Xylosma congestum n12381321 Fouquieriaceae, family Fouquieriaceae n12381511 candlewood n12381666 Fouquieria, genus Fouquieria n12381931 ocotillo, coachwhip, Jacob's staff, vine cactus, Fouquieria splendens n12382233 boojum tree, cirio, Fouquieria columnaris, Idria columnaris n12382484 Ochnaceae, family Ochnaceae, ochna family n12382699 Ochna, genus Ochna n12382875 bird's-eye bush, Ochna serrulata n12383073 Passifloraceae, family Passifloraceae, passionflower family n12383256 Passiflora, genus Passiflora n12383402 passionflower, passionflower vine n12383737 granadilla, purple granadillo, Passiflora edulis n12383894 granadilla, sweet granadilla, Passiflora ligularis n12384037 granadilla, giant granadilla, Passiflora quadrangularis n12384227 maypop, Passiflora incarnata n12384375 Jamaica honeysuckle, yellow granadilla, Passiflora laurifolia n12384569 banana passion fruit, Passiflora mollissima n12384680 sweet calabash, Passiflora maliformis n12384839 love-in-a-mist, running pop, wild water lemon, Passiflora foetida n12385046 Resedaceae, family Resedaceae, mignonette family n12385219 genus Reseda n12385429 reseda n12385566 mignonette, sweet reseda, Reseda odorata n12385830 dyer's rocket, dyer's mignonette, weld, Reseda luteola n12386039 Tamaricaceae, family Tamaricaceae, tamarisk family n12386263 Tamarix, genus Tamarix n12386462 tamarisk n12386724 Myricaria, genus Myricaria n12386945 false tamarisk, German tamarisk, Myricaria germanica n12387103 halophyte n12387201 Violaceae, family Violaceae, violet family n12387478 Viola, genus Viola n12387633 viola n12387839 violet n12388143 field pansy, heartsease, Viola arvensis n12388293 American dog violet, Viola conspersa n12388444 sweet white violet, white violet, woodland white violet, Viola blanda n12388652 Canada violet, tall white violet, white violet, Viola canadensis n12388858 dog violet, heath violet, Viola canina n12388989 horned violet, tufted pansy, Viola cornuta n12389130 two-eyed violet, heartsease, Viola ocellata n12389317 sweet violet, garden violet, English violet, Viola odorata n12389501 bird's-foot violet, pansy violet, Johnny-jump-up, wood violet, Viola pedata n12389727 downy yellow violet, Viola pubescens n12389932 long-spurred violet, Viola rostrata n12390099 pale violet, striped violet, cream violet, Viola striata n12390314 hedge violet, wood violet, Viola sylvatica, Viola reichenbachiana n12390485 pansy, Viola tricolor hortensis n12390681 wild pansy, Johnny-jump-up, heartsease, love-in-idleness, pink of my John, Viola tricolor n12390914 Hybanthus, genus Hybanthus n12391111 Hymenanthera, genus Hymenanthera n12391280 Melicytus, genus Melicytus n12391477 Urticales, order Urticales n12391745 Urticaceae, family Urticaceae, nettle family n12392070 nettle n12392385 Urtica, genus Urtica n12392549 stinging nettle, Urtica dioica n12392765 Roman nettle, Urtica pipulifera n12392943 Boehmeria, genus Boehmeria n12393086 false nettle, bog hemp n12393269 ramie, ramee, Chinese silk plant, China grass, Boehmeria nivea n12393527 Helxine, genus Helxine, Soleirolia, genus Soleirolia n12393723 baby's tears, baby tears, Helxine soleirolia, Soleirolia soleirolii n12393942 Laportea, genus Laportea n12394118 wood nettle, Laportea canadensis n12394328 Australian nettle, Australian nettle tree n12394494 Parietaria, genus Parietaria n12394638 pellitory-of-the-wall, wall pellitory, pellitory, Parietaria difussa n12394861 Pilea, genus Pilea n12395068 richweed, clearweed, dead nettle, Pilea pumilla n12395289 artillery plant, Pilea microphylla n12395463 friendship plant, panamica, panamiga, Pilea involucrata n12395717 Pipturus, genus Pipturus n12395906 Queensland grass-cloth plant, Pipturus argenteus n12396091 Pipturus albidus n12396255 Cannabidaceae, family Cannabidaceae, hemp family n12396666 genus Cannabis n12396924 cannabis, hemp n12397210 marijuana, marihuana, ganja, Cannabis sativa n12397431 Indian hemp, Cannabis indica n12397594 Humulus, genus Humulus n12397864 hop, hops n12398174 common hop, common hops, bine, European hop, Humulus lupulus n12398384 American hop, Humulus americanus n12398526 Japanese hop, Humulus japonicus n12398682 Moraceae, family Moraceae, mulberry family n12398990 Morus, genus Morus n12399132 mulberry, mulberry tree n12399384 white mulberry, Morus alba n12399534 black mulberry, Morus nigra n12399656 red mulberry, Morus rubra n12399784 Maclura, genus Maclura n12399899 osage orange, bow wood, mock orange, Maclura pomifera n12400261 Artocarpus, genus Artocarpus n12400489 breadfruit, breadfruit tree, Artocarpus communis, Artocarpus altilis n12400720 jackfruit, jackfruit tree, Artocarpus heterophyllus n12400924 marang, marang tree, Artocarpus odoratissima n12401122 Ficus, genus Ficus n12401335 fig tree n12401684 fig, common fig, common fig tree, Ficus carica n12401893 caprifig, Ficus carica sylvestris n12402051 golden fig, Florida strangler fig, strangler fig, wild fig, Ficus aurea n12402348 banyan, banyan tree, banian, banian tree, Indian banyan, East Indian fig tree, Ficus bengalensis n12402596 pipal, pipal tree, pipul, peepul, sacred fig, bo tree, Ficus religiosa n12402840 India-rubber tree, India-rubber plant, India-rubber fig, rubber plant, Assam rubber, Ficus elastica n12403075 mistletoe fig, mistletoe rubber plant, Ficus diversifolia, Ficus deltoidea n12403276 Port Jackson fig, rusty rig, little-leaf fig, Botany Bay fig, Ficus rubiginosa n12403513 sycamore, sycamore fig, mulberry fig, Ficus sycomorus n12403862 Broussonetia, genus Broussonetia n12403994 paper mulberry, Broussonetia papyrifera n12404314 Cecropiaceae, family Cecropiaceae n12404484 Cecropia, genus Cecropia n12404729 trumpetwood, trumpet-wood, trumpet tree, snake wood, imbauba, Cecropia peltata n12404943 Ulmaceae, family Ulmaceae, elm family n12405209 Ulmus, genus Ulmus n12405714 elm, elm tree n12406155 elm, elmwood n12406304 winged elm, wing elm, Ulmus alata n12406488 American elm, white elm, water elm, rock elm, Ulmus americana n12406715 smooth-leaved elm, European field elm, Ulmus carpinifolia n12406902 cedar elm, Ulmus crassifolia n12407079 witch elm, wych elm, Ulmus glabra n12407222 Dutch elm, Ulmus hollandica n12407396 Huntingdon elm, Ulmus hollandica vegetata n12407545 water elm, Ulmus laevis n12407715 Chinese elm, Ulmus parvifolia n12407890 English elm, European elm, Ulmus procera n12408077 Siberian elm, Chinese elm, dwarf elm, Ulmus pumila n12408280 slippery elm, red elm, Ulmus rubra n12408466 Jersey elm, guernsey elm, wheately elm, Ulmus sarniensis, Ulmus campestris sarniensis, Ulmus campestris wheatleyi n12408717 September elm, red elm, Ulmus serotina n12408873 rock elm, Ulmus thomasii n12409016 Celtis, genus Celtis n12409231 hackberry, nettle tree n12409470 European hackberry, Mediterranean hackberry, Celtis australis n12409651 American hackberry, Celtis occidentalis n12409840 sugarberry, Celtis laevigata n12410032 Planera, genus Planera n12410205 Trema, genus Trema n12410381 Liliidae, subclass Liliidae n12410715 Liliales, order Liliales n12411084 Iridaceae, family Iridaceae, iris family n12411461 iridaceous plant n12411710 genus Iris n12411922 iris, flag, fleur-de-lis, sword lily n12412355 bearded iris n12412606 beardless iris n12412850 bulbous iris n12412987 orrisroot, orris n12413165 dwarf iris, Iris cristata n12413301 Dutch iris, Iris filifolia n12413419 Florentine iris, orris, Iris germanica florentina, Iris florentina n12413642 stinking iris, gladdon, gladdon iris, stinking gladwyn, roast beef plant, Iris foetidissima n12413880 German iris, Iris germanica n12414035 Japanese iris, Iris kaempferi n12414159 German iris, Iris kochii n12414329 Dalmatian iris, Iris pallida n12414449 Persian iris, Iris persica n12414602 yellow iris, yellow flag, yellow water flag, Iris pseudacorus n12414818 Dutch iris, Iris tingitana n12414932 dwarf iris, vernal iris, Iris verna n12415089 blue flag, Iris versicolor n12415272 southern blue flag, Iris virginica n12415401 English iris, Iris xiphioides n12415595 Spanish iris, xiphium iris, Iris xiphium n12415765 falls n12415911 Belamcanda, genus Belamcanda n12416073 blackberry-lily, leopard lily, Belamcanda chinensis n12416278 genus Crocus n12416423 crocus n12416703 saffron, saffron crocus, Crocus sativus n12416917 genus Freesia n12417062 freesia n12417273 genus Gladiolus n12417382 gladiolus, gladiola, glad, sword lily n12417686 Ixia, genus Ixia n12417836 corn lily n12418065 Sisyrinchium, genus Sisyrinchium n12418221 blue-eyed grass n12418356 Sparaxis, genus Sparaxis n12418507 wandflower, Sparaxis tricolor n12418680 Amaryllidaceae, family Amaryllidaceae, amaryllis family n12419037 amaryllis n12419217 genus Amaryllis n12419394 belladonna lily, naked lady, Amaryllis belladonna n12419592 Bomarea, genus Bomarea n12419878 salsilla, Bomarea edulis n12420124 salsilla, Bomarea salsilla n12420335 Haemanthus, genus Haemanthus n12420535 blood lily n12420722 Cape tulip, Haemanthus coccineus n12420991 genus Hippeastrum n12421137 hippeastrum, Hippeastrum puniceum n12421334 genus Narcissus n12421467 narcissus n12421683 daffodil, Narcissus pseudonarcissus n12421917 jonquil, Narcissus jonquilla n12422129 jonquil n12422230 paper white, Narcissus papyraceus n12422399 Strekelia, genus Strekelia n12422559 Jacobean lily, Aztec lily, Strekelia formosissima n12422751 Hypoxidaceae, family Hypoxidaceae n12422931 Hypoxis, genus Hypoxis n12423211 star grass n12423444 American star grass, Hypoxis hirsuta n12423565 Liliaceae, family Liliaceae, lily family n12425281 liliaceous plant n12426100 Lilium, genus Lilium n12426248 lily n12426623 mountain lily, Lilium auratum n12426749 Canada lily, wild yellow lily, meadow lily, wild meadow lily, Lilium canadense n12426978 Madonna lily, white lily, Annunciation lily, Lent lily, Lilium candidum n12427184 tiger lily, leopard lily, pine lily, Lilium catesbaei n12427391 Columbia tiger lily, Oregon lily, Lilium columbianum n12427566 tiger lily, devil lily, kentan, Lilium lancifolium n12427757 Easter lily, Bermuda lily, white trumpet lily, Lilium longiflorum n12427946 coast lily, Lilium maritinum n12428076 Turk's-cap, martagon, Lilium martagon n12428242 Michigan lily, Lilium michiganense n12428412 leopard lily, panther lily, Lilium pardalinum n12428587 wood lily, Lilium philadelphicum n12428747 Turk's-cap, Turk's cap-lily, Lilium superbum n12428915 genus Agapanthus n12429148 agapanthus, lily of the Nile n12429352 African lily, African tulip, blue African lily, Agapanthus africanus n12429589 genus Albuca n12429770 albuca n12429942 Aletris, genus Aletris n12430198 colicroot, colic root, crow corn, star grass, unicorn root n12430471 ague root, ague grass, Aletris farinosa n12430675 yellow colicroot, Aletris aurea n12430878 Alliaceae, family Alliaceae n12431128 Allium, genus Allium n12431434 alliaceous plant n12431861 wild onion n12432069 Hooker's onion, Allium acuminatum n12432356 wild leek, Levant garlic, kurrat, Allium ampeloprasum n12432574 Canada garlic, meadow leek, rose leek, Allium canadense n12432707 keeled garlic, Allium carinatum n12432808 onion, onion plant, Allium cepa n12433081 onion n12433178 shallot, eschalot, multiplier onion, Allium cepa aggregatum, Allium ascalonicum n12433429 shallot n12433540 tree onion, Egyptian onion, top onion, Allium cepa viviparum n12433769 nodding onion, nodding wild onion, lady's leek, Allium cernuum n12433952 Welsh onion, Japanese leek, Allium fistulosum n12434106 red-skinned onion, Allium haematochiton n12434239 leek, scallion, Allium porrum n12434483 daffodil garlic, flowering onion, Naples garlic, Allium neopolitanum n12434634 few-flowered leek, Allium paradoxum n12434775 garlic, Allium sativum n12434985 sand leek, giant garlic, Spanish garlic, rocambole, Allium scorodoprasum n12435152 chives, chive, cive, schnittlaugh, Allium schoenoprasum n12435338 ramp, wild leek, Allium tricoccum n12435486 crow garlic, false garlic, field garlic, stag's garlic, wild garlic, Allium vineale n12435649 wild garlic, wood garlic, Ramsons, Allium ursinum n12435777 garlic chive, Chinese chive, Oriental garlic, Allium tuberosum n12435965 round-headed leek, Allium sphaerocephalum n12436090 three-cornered leek, triquetrous leek, Allium triquetrum n12436260 Aloeaceae, family Aloeaceae, aloe family n12436490 genus Aloe n12436677 aloe n12436907 cape aloe, Aloe ferox n12437047 burn plant, Aloe vera n12437311 genus Kniphofia n12437513 kniphofia, tritoma, flame flower, flame-flower, flameflower n12437769 poker plant, Kniphofia uvaria n12437930 red-hot poker, Kniphofia praecox n12438046 Alstroemeriaceae, family Alstroemeriaceae n12438324 genus Alstroemeria n12438571 alstroemeria n12438783 Peruvian lily, lily of the Incas, Alstroemeria pelegrina n12438977 Amianthum, genus Amianthum n12439154 fly poison, Amianthum muscaetoxicum, Amianthum muscitoxicum n12439400 Anthericum, genus Anthericum n12439626 Saint-Bernard's-lily, Anthericum liliago n12439830 amber lily, Anthericum torreyi n12440128 Aphyllanthaceae, family Aphyllanthaceae n12440385 Aphyllanthes, genus Aphyllanthes n12440623 Asparagaceae, family Asparagaceae n12440869 genus Asparagus n12441183 asparagus, edible asparagus, Asparagus officinales n12441390 asparagus fern, Asparagus setaceous, Asparagus plumosus n12441552 smilax, Asparagus asparagoides n12441770 Asphodelaceae, family Asphodelaceae n12441958 asphodel n12442220 Asphodeline, genus Asphodeline n12442548 Jacob's rod n12442697 king's spear, yellow asphodel, Asphodeline lutea n12442865 Asphodelus, genus Asphodelus n12443144 genus Aspidistra n12443323 aspidistra, cast-iron plant, bar-room plant, Aspidistra elatio n12443547 Bessera, genus Bessera n12443736 coral drops, Bessera elegans n12443929 Blandfordia, genus Blandfordia n12444095 Christmas bells n12444261 Bloomeria, genus Bloomeria n12444490 golden star, golden stars, Bloomeria crocea n12444666 Bowiea, genus Bowiea n12444898 climbing onion, Bowiea volubilis n12445138 genus Brodiaea n12445387 brodiaea n12445628 elegant brodiaea, Brodiaea elegans n12445848 Calochortus, genus Calochortus n12446200 mariposa, mariposa tulip, mariposa lily n12446519 globe lily, fairy lantern n12446737 cat's-ear n12446908 white globe lily, white fairy lantern, Calochortus albus n12447121 yellow globe lily, golden fairy lantern, Calochortus amabilis n12447346 rose globe lily, Calochortus amoenus n12447581 star tulip, elegant cat's ears, Calochortus elegans n12447891 desert mariposa tulip, Calochortus kennedyi n12448136 yellow mariposa tulip, Calochortus luteus n12448361 sagebrush mariposa tulip, Calochortus macrocarpus n12448700 sego lily, Calochortus nuttallii n12449024 Camassia, genus Camassia, Quamassia, genus Quamassia n12449296 camas, camass, quamash, camosh, camash n12449526 common camas, Camassia quamash n12449784 Leichtlin's camas, Camassia leichtlinii n12449934 wild hyacinth, indigo squill, Camassia scilloides n12450099 Erythronium, genus Erythronium n12450344 dogtooth violet, dogtooth, dog's-tooth violet n12450607 white dogtooth violet, white dog's-tooth violet, blonde lilian, Erythronium albidum n12450840 yellow adder's tongue, trout lily, amberbell, Erythronium americanum n12451070 European dogtooth, Erythronium dens-canis n12451240 fawn lily, Erythronium californicum n12451399 glacier lily, snow lily, Erythronium grandiflorum n12451566 avalanche lily, Erythronium montanum n12451789 Fritillaria, genus Fritillaria n12451915 fritillary, checkered lily n12452256 mission bells, rice-grain fritillary, Fritillaria affinis, Fritillaria lanceolata, Fritillaria mutica n12452480 mission bells, black fritillary, Fritillaria biflora n12452673 stink bell, Fritillaria agrestis n12452836 crown imperial, Fritillaria imperialis n12453018 white fritillary, Fritillaria liliaceae n12453186 snake's head fritillary, guinea-hen flower, checkered daffodil, leper lily, Fritillaria meleagris n12453539 brown bells, Fritillaria micrantha, Fritillaria parviflora n12453714 adobe lily, pink fritillary, Fritillaria pluriflora n12453857 scarlet fritillary, Fritillaria recurva n12454021 Tulipa, genus Tulipa n12454159 tulip n12454436 dwarf tulip, Tulipa armena, Tulipa suaveolens n12454556 lady tulip, candlestick tulip, Tulipa clusiana n12454705 Tulipa gesneriana n12454793 cottage tulip n12454949 Darwin tulip n12455101 Colchicaceae, family Colchicaceae n12455342 Colchicum, genus Colchicum n12455540 autumn crocus, meadow saffron, naked lady, Colchicum autumnale n12455787 genus Gloriosa n12455950 gloriosa, glory lily, climbing lily, creeping lily, Gloriosa superba n12456278 Hemerocallidaceae, family Hemerocallidaceae n12456527 Hemerocallis, genus Hemerocallis n12456845 day lily, daylily n12457091 lemon lily, Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus, Hemerocallis flava n12457250 Hostaceae, family Hostaceae, Funkaceae, family Funkaceae n12457519 Hosta, genus Hosta, Funka, genus Funka n12457771 plantain lily, day lily n12458002 Hyacinthaceae, family Hyacinthaceae n12458224 genus Hyacinthus n12458383 hyacinth n12458550 common hyacinth, Hyacinthus orientalis n12458713 Roman hyacinth, Hyacinthus orientalis albulus n12458874 summer hyacinth, cape hyacinth, Hyacinthus candicans, Galtonia candicans n12459048 Hyacinthoides, genus Hyacinthoides n12459275 wild hyacinth, wood hyacinth, bluebell, harebell, Hyacinthoides nonscripta, Scilla nonscripta n12459471 Ornithogalum, genus Ornithogalum n12459629 star-of-Bethlehem n12459882 starflower, sleepy dick, summer snowflake, Ornithogalum umbellatum n12460146 bath asparagus, Prussian asparagus, Ornithogalum pyrenaicum n12460308 chincherinchee, wonder flower, Ornithogalum thyrsoides n12460549 Muscari, genus Muscari n12460697 grape hyacinth n12460957 common grape hyacinth, Muscari neglectum n12461109 tassel hyacinth, Muscari comosum n12461326 genus Scilla n12461466 scilla, squill n12461673 spring squill, Scilla verna, sea onion n12461809 Tofieldia, genus Tofieldia n12462032 false asphodel n12462221 Scotch asphodel, Tofieldia pusilla n12462401 Urginea, genus Urginea n12462582 sea squill, sea onion, squill, Urginea maritima n12462805 squill n12462951 Ruscus, genus Ruscus n12463134 butcher's broom, Ruscus aculeatus n12463322 Melanthiaceae, family Melanthiaceae n12463574 Narthecium, genus Narthecium n12463743 bog asphodel n12463975 European bog asphodel, Narthecium ossifragum n12464128 American bog asphodel, Narthecium americanum n12464278 Veratrum, genus Veratrum n12464476 hellebore, false hellebore n12464649 white hellebore, American hellebore, Indian poke, bugbane, Veratrum viride n12464903 Ruscaceae, family Ruscaceae n12465107 Tecophilaeacea, family Tecophilaeacea n12465321 Xerophyllum, genus Xerophyllum n12465557 squaw grass, bear grass, Xerophyllum tenax n12465796 Xanthorrhoeaceae, family Xanthorrhoeaceae, grass tree family n12466034 Xanthorroea, genus Xanthorroea n12466206 grass tree, Australian grass tree n12466450 Zigadenus, genus Zigadenus n12466727 death camas, zigadene n12467018 alkali grass, Zigadenus elegans n12467197 white camas, Zigadenus glaucus n12467433 poison camas, Zigadenus nuttalli n12467592 grassy death camas, Zigadenus venenosus, Zigadenus venenosus gramineus n12467811 Trilliaceae, family Trilliaceae, trillium family n12468081 genus Trillium n12468243 trillium, wood lily, wake-robin n12468545 prairie wake-robin, prairie trillium, Trillium recurvatum n12468719 dwarf-white trillium, snow trillium, early wake-robin n12468900 purple trillium, red trillium, birthroot, Trillium erectum n12469157 red trillium, toadshade, sessile trillium, Trillium sessile n12469372 Paris, genus Paris n12469517 herb Paris, Paris quadrifolia n12469725 Smilacaceae, subfamily Smilacaceae n12469936 Smilax, genus Smilax n12470092 sarsaparilla n12470329 sarsaparilla root n12470512 bullbrier, greenbrier, catbrier, horse brier, horse-brier, brier, briar, Smilax rotundifolia n12470907 rough bindweed, Smilax aspera n12471150 Convallariaceae, family Convallariaceae n12471366 Convallaria, genus Convallaria n12471544 lily of the valley, May lily, Convallaria majalis n12471825 genus Clintonia n12472024 clintonia, Clinton's lily n12472326 red Clintonia, Andrew's clintonia, Clintonia andrewsiana n12472559 yellow clintonia, heal all, Clintonia borealis n12472778 queen's cup, bride's bonnet, Clintonia uniflora n12473011 Liriope, genus Liriope n12473171 lilyturf, lily turf, Liriope muscari n12473405 Maianthemum, genus Maianthemum n12473608 false lily of the valley, Maianthemum canadense n12473840 false lily of the valley, Maianthemum bifolium n12474006 Polygonatum, genus Polygonatum n12474167 Solomon's-seal n12474418 great Solomon's-seal, Polygonatum biflorum, Polygonatum commutatum n12474620 Uvulariaceae, subfamily Uvulariaceae n12474828 Uvularia, genus Uvularia n12475035 bellwort, merry bells, wild oats n12475242 strawflower, cornflower, Uvularia grandiflora n12475450 Taccaceae, family Taccaceae n12475593 Tacca, genus Tacca n12475774 pia, Indian arrowroot, Tacca leontopetaloides, Tacca pinnatifida n12476036 Agavaceae, family Agavaceae, agave family, sisal family n12476510 agave, century plant, American aloe n12476902 genus Agave n12477163 American agave, Agave americana n12477401 sisal, Agave sisalana n12477583 maguey, cantala, Agave cantala n12477747 maguey, Agave atrovirens n12477983 Agave tequilana n12478131 cantala, Cebu maguey, manila maguey n12478283 Cordyline, genus Cordyline n12478506 ti, Cordyline terminalis n12478768 cabbage tree, grass tree, Cordyline australis n12479066 Dracenaceae, subfamily Dracenaceae, Dracaenaceae, subfamily Dracaenaceae n12479303 genus Dracaena n12479537 dracaena n12479689 dragon tree, Dracaena draco n12479821 Nolina, genus Nolina n12480004 bear grass, Nolina microcarpa n12480233 Polianthes, genus Polianthes n12480456 tuberose, Polianthes tuberosa n12480677 genus Sansevieria n12480895 sansevieria, bowstring hemp n12481150 African bowstring hemp, African hemp, Sansevieria guineensis n12481289 Ceylon bowstring hemp, Sansevieria zeylanica n12481458 mother-in-law's tongue, snake plant, Sansevieria trifasciata n12481641 bowstring hemp n12481806 genus Yucca n12482031 yucca n12482437 Spanish bayonet, Yucca aloifolia n12482668 Spanish bayonet, Yucca baccata n12482893 Joshua tree, Yucca brevifolia n12483091 Spanish dagger, Yucca carnerosana n12483282 soapweed, soap-weed, soap tree, Yucca elata n12483427 Adam's needle, Adam's needle-and-thread, spoonleaf yucca, needle palm, Yucca filamentosa n12483625 bear grass, Yucca glauca n12483841 Spanish dagger, Yucca gloriosa n12484029 bear grass, Yucca smalliana n12484244 Our Lord's candle, Yucca whipplei n12484413 Menyanthaceae, family Menyanthaceae, buckbean family n12484612 Menyanthes, genus Menyanthes n12484784 water shamrock, buckbean, bogbean, bog myrtle, marsh trefoil, Menyanthes trifoliata n12485122 Loganiaceae, family Loganiaceae n12485331 Logania, genus Logania n12485523 genus Buddleia n12485653 butterfly bush, buddleia n12485811 Gelsemium, genus Gelsemium n12485981 yellow jasmine, yellow jessamine, Carolina jasmine, evening trumpet flower, Gelsemium sempervirens n12486254 Linaceae, family Linaceae, flax family n12486397 Linum, genus Linum n12486574 flax n12486732 Physostigma, genus Physostigma n12486882 calabar-bean vine, Physostigma venenosum n12487058 calabar bean, ordeal bean n12487262 physostigmine n12487394 Caesalpiniaceae, family Caesalpiniaceae n12487647 Caesalpinioideae, subfamily Caesalpinioideae n12488121 Caesalpinia, genus Caesalpinia n12488454 bonduc, bonduc tree, Caesalpinia bonduc, Caesalpinia bonducella n12488709 divi-divi, Caesalpinia coriaria n12488914 divi-divi n12489046 Mysore thorn, Caesalpinia decapetala, Caesalpinia sepiaria n12489268 brazilwood, peachwood, peach-wood, pernambuco wood, Caesalpinia echinata n12489524 brazilwood n12489676 brazilian ironwood, Caesalpinia ferrea n12489815 bird of paradise, poinciana, Caesalpinia gilliesii, Poinciana gilliesii n12490054 pride of barbados, paradise flower, flamboyant tree, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Poinciana pulcherrima n12490330 Acrocarpus, genus Acrocarpus n12490490 shingle tree, Acrocarpus fraxinifolius n12490671 Bauhinia, genus Bauhinia n12490827 butterfly flower, Bauhinia monandra n12491017 mountain ebony, orchid tree, Bauhinia variegata n12491200 Brachystegia, genus Brachystegia n12491435 msasa, Brachystegia speciformis n12491626 genus Cassia, Cassia n12491826 cassia n12492106 golden shower tree, drumstick tree, purging cassia, pudding pipe tree, canafistola, canafistula, Cassia fistula n12492460 pink shower, pink shower tree, horse cassia, Cassia grandis n12492682 rainbow shower, Cassia javonica n12492900 horse cassia, Cassia roxburghii, Cassia marginata n12493090 Ceratonia, genus Ceratonia n12493208 carob, carob tree, carob bean tree, algarroba, Ceratonia siliqua n12493426 carob, carob bean, algarroba bean, algarroba, locust bean, locust pod n12493699 Cercidium, genus Cercidium n12493868 paloverde n12494115 Chamaecrista, genus Chamaecrista n12494358 partridge pea, sensitive pea, wild sensitive plant, Chamaecrista fasciculata, Cassia fasciculata n12494629 Delonix, genus Delonix n12494794 royal poinciana, flamboyant, flame tree, peacock flower, Delonix regia, Poinciana regia n12495146 locust tree, locust n12495396 locust n12495509 Gleditsia, genus Gleditsia n12495670 water locust, swamp locust, Gleditsia aquatica n12495895 honey locust, Gleditsia triacanthos n12496207 Gymnocladus, genus Gymnocladus n12496427 Kentucky coffee tree, bonduc, chicot, Gymnocladus dioica n12496735 Haematoxylum, genus Haematoxylum, Haematoxylon, genus Haematoxylon n12496949 logwood, logwood tree, campeachy, bloodwood tree, Haematoxylum campechianum n12497322 logwood n12497492 Parkinsonia, genus Parkinsonia n12497669 Jerusalem thorn, horsebean, Parkinsonia aculeata n12498055 palo verde, Parkinsonia florida, Cercidium floridum n12498316 Petteria, genus Petteria n12498457 Dalmatian laburnum, Petteria ramentacea, Cytisus ramentaceus n12498739 Poinciana, subgenus Poinciana n12498928 genus Senna n12499163 senna n12499439 ringworm bush, ringworm shrub, ringworm cassia, Senna alata, Cassia alata n12499757 avaram, tanner's cassia, Senna auriculata, Cassia auriculata n12499979 Alexandria senna, Alexandrian senna, true senna, tinnevelly senna, Indian senna, Senna alexandrina, Cassia acutifolia, Cassia augustifolia n12500309 wild senna, Senna marilandica, Cassia marilandica n12500518 sicklepod, Senna obtusifolia, Cassia tora n12500751 coffee senna, mogdad coffee, styptic weed, stinking weed, Senna occidentalis, Cassia occidentalis n12501035 Tamarindus, genus Tamarindus n12501202 tamarind, tamarind tree, tamarindo, Tamarindus indica n12501537 Papilionaceae, family Papilionacea n12501745 Papilionoideae, subfamily Papilionoideae n12503908 genus Amorpha n12504094 amorpha n12504306 leadplant, lead plant, Amorpha canescens n12504570 false indigo, bastard indigo, Amorpha californica n12504783 false indigo, bastard indigo, Amorpha fruticosa n12505032 Amphicarpaea, genus Amphicarpaea, Amphicarpa, genus Amphicarpa n12505253 hog peanut, wild peanut, Amphicarpaea bracteata, Amphicarpa bracteata n12505563 Anagyris, genus Anagyris n12505752 bean trefoil, stinking bean trefoil, Anagyris foetida n12505987 Andira, genus Andira n12506181 angelim, andelmin n12506341 cabbage bark, cabbage-bark tree, cabbage tree, Andira inermis n12506614 Anthyllis, genus Anthyllis n12506784 Jupiter's beard, silverbush, silver-bush, Anthyllis barba-jovis n12506991 kidney vetch, Anthyllis vulneraria n12507236 Apios, genus Apios n12507379 groundnut, groundnut vine, Indian potato, potato bean, wild bean, Apios americana, Apios tuberosa n12507670 Aspalathus, genus Aspalathus n12507823 rooibos, Aspalathus linearis, Aspalathus cedcarbergensis n12508077 Astragalus, genus Astragalus n12508309 milk vetch, milk-vetch n12508497 wild licorice, wild liquorice, Astragalus glycyphyllos n12508618 alpine milk vetch, Astragalus alpinus n12508762 purple milk vetch, Astragalus danicus n12508936 Baphia, genus Baphia n12509109 camwood, African sandalwood, Baphia nitida n12509297 Baptisia, genus Baptisia n12509476 wild indigo, false indigo n12509665 blue false indigo, Baptisia australis n12509821 white false indigo, Baptisia lactea n12509993 indigo broom, horsefly weed, rattle weed, Baptisia tinctoria n12510197 Butea, genus Butea n12510343 dhak, dak, palas, Butea frondosa, Butea monosperma n12510569 Cajanus, genus Cajanus n12510774 pigeon pea, pigeon-pea plant, cajan pea, catjang pea, red gram, dhal, dahl, Cajanus cajan n12511046 Canavalia, genus Canavalia n12511239 jack bean, wonder bean, giant stock bean, Canavalia ensiformis n12511488 sword bean, Canavalia gladiata n12511703 genus Caragana n12511856 pea tree, caragana n12512095 Siberian pea tree, Caragana arborescens n12512294 Chinese pea tree, Caragana sinica n12512460 Castanospermum, genus Castanospermum n12512674 Moreton Bay chestnut, Australian chestnut n12512947 Centrosema, genus Centrosema n12513172 butterfly pea, Centrosema virginianum n12513426 Cercis, genus Cercis n12513613 Judas tree, love tree, Circis siliquastrum n12513933 redbud, Cercis canadensis n12514138 western redbud, California redbud, Cercis occidentalis n12514324 Chamaecytisus, genus Chamaecytisus n12514592 tagasaste, Chamaecytisus palmensis, Cytesis proliferus n12514802 Chordospartium, genus Chordospartium n12514992 weeping tree broom n12515219 Chorizema, genus Chorizema n12515393 flame pea n12515597 Cicer, genus Cicer n12515711 chickpea, chickpea plant, Egyptian pea, Cicer arietinum n12515925 chickpea, garbanzo n12516040 Cladrastis, genus Cladrastis n12516165 Kentucky yellowwood, gopherwood, Cladrastis lutea, Cladrastis kentukea n12516432 genus Clianthus n12516584 glory pea, clianthus n12516828 desert pea, Sturt pea, Sturt's desert pea, Clianthus formosus, Clianthus speciosus n12517077 parrot's beak, parrot's bill, Clianthus puniceus n12517253 Clitoria, genus Clitoria n12517445 butterfly pea, Clitoria mariana n12517642 blue pea, butterfly pea, Clitoria turnatea n12517820 Codariocalyx, genus Codariocalyx n12518013 telegraph plant, semaphore plant, Codariocalyx motorius, Desmodium motorium, Desmodium gyrans n12518305 Colutea, genus Colutea n12518481 bladder senna, Colutea arborescens n12518725 genus Coronilla n12518879 coronilla n12519089 axseed, crown vetch, Coronilla varia n12519328 genus Crotalaria n12519563 crotalaria, rattlebox n12519824 American rattlebox, Crotalaria sagitallis n12520015 Indian rattlebox, Crotalaria spectabilis n12520223 Cyamopsis, genus Cyamopsis n12520406 guar, cluster bean, Cyamopsis tetragonolobus, Cyamopsis psoraloides n12520661 Cytisus, genus Cytisus n12520864 broom n12521186 white broom, white Spanish broom, Cytisus albus, Cytisus multiflorus n12521394 common broom, Scotch broom, green broom, Cytisus scoparius n12521624 witches' broom, witch broom, hexenbesen, staghead n12521847 Dalbergia, genus Dalbergia n12522188 rosewood, rosewood tree n12522493 rosewood n12522678 Indian blackwood, East Indian rosewood, East India rosewood, Indian rosewood, Dalbergia latifolia n12522894 sissoo, sissu, sisham, Dalbergia sissoo n12523141 kingwood, kingwood tree, Dalbergia cearensis n12523319 kingwood n12523475 Brazilian rosewood, caviuna wood, jacaranda, Dalbergia nigra n12523698 Honduras rosewood, Dalbergia stevensonii n12523850 cocobolo, Dalbergia retusa n12524010 granadilla wood n12524188 blackwood, blackwood tree n12524395 blackwood n12524518 Dalea, genus Dalea n12524633 smoke tree, Dalea spinosa n12524944 Daviesia, genus Daviesia n12525168 bitter pea n12525347 genus Derris n12525513 derris n12525753 derris root, tuba root, Derris elliptica n12525975 Desmanthus, genus Desmanthus n12526178 prairie mimosa, prickle-weed, Desmanthus ilinoensis n12526380 Desmodium, genus Desmodium n12526516 tick trefoil, beggar lice, beggar's lice n12526754 beggarweed, Desmodium tortuosum, Desmodium purpureum n12526946 Dipogon, genus Dipogon n12527081 Australian pea, Dipogon lignosus, Dolichos lignosus n12527391 Dolichos, genus Dolichos n12527569 genus Erythrina n12527738 coral tree, erythrina n12528109 kaffir boom, Cape kafferboom, Erythrina caffra n12528382 coral bean tree, Erythrina corallodendrum n12528549 ceibo, crybaby tree, cry-baby tree, common coral tree, Erythrina crista-galli n12528768 kaffir boom, Transvaal kafferboom, Erythrina lysistemon n12528974 Indian coral tree, Erythrina variegata, Erythrina Indica n12529220 cork tree, Erythrina vespertilio n12529353 Galega, genus Galega n12529500 goat's rue, goat rue, Galega officinalis n12529730 genus Gastrolobium n12529905 poison bush, poison pea, gastrolobium n12530208 Genista, genus Genista n12530439 broom tree, needle furze, petty whin, Genista anglica n12530629 Spanish broom, Spanish gorse, Genista hispanica n12530818 woodwaxen, dyer's greenweed, dyer's-broom, dyeweed, greenweed, whin, woadwaxen, Genista tinctoria n12531144 Geoffroea, genus Geoffroea n12531328 chanar, chanal, Geoffroea decorticans n12531552 genus Gliricidia n12531727 gliricidia n12532008 Glycine, genus Glycine n12532168 soy, soya, soybean, soya bean, soybean plant, soja, soja bean, Glycine max n12532564 soy, soybean, soya bean n12532720 Glycyrrhiza, genus Glycyrrhiza n12532886 licorice, liquorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra n12533190 wild licorice, wild liquorice, American licorice, American liquorice, Glycyrrhiza lepidota n12533437 licorice root n12533588 Halimodendron, genus Halimodendron n12533730 salt tree, Halimodendron halodendron, Halimodendron argenteum n12533992 Hardenbergia, genus Hardenbergia n12534208 Western Australia coral pea, Hardenbergia comnptoniana n12534453 Hedysarum, genus Hedysarum n12534625 sweet vetch, Hedysarum boreale n12534862 French honeysuckle, sulla, Hedysarum coronarium n12535101 Hippocrepis, genus Hippocrepis n12535254 horseshoe vetch, Hippocrepis comosa n12535461 genus Hovea n12535593 hovea, purple pea n12535820 Indigofera, genus Indigofera n12536040 indigo, indigo plant, Indigofera tinctoria n12536291 anil, Indigofera suffruticosa, Indigofera anil n12536455 Jacksonia, genus Jacksonia n12536665 Kennedia, genus Kennedia, Kennedya, genus Kennedya n12536871 coral pea n12537068 coral vine, Kennedia coccinea n12537253 scarlet runner, running postman, Kennedia prostrata n12537437 Lablab, genus Lablab n12537569 hyacinth bean, bonavist, Indian bean, Egyptian bean, Lablab purpureus, Dolichos lablab n12537988 Laburnum, genus Laburnum n12538209 Scotch laburnum, Alpine golden chain, Laburnum alpinum n12538380 common laburnum, golden chain, golden rain, Laburnum anagyroides n12538603 Lathyrus, genus Lathyrus n12539074 vetchling n12539306 wild pea n12539564 singletary pea, Caley pea, rough pea, wild winterpea, Lathyrus hirsutus n12539832 everlasting pea n12540001 broad-leaved everlasting pea, perennial pea, Lathyrus latifolius n12540250 beach pea, sea pea, Lathyrus maritimus, Lathyrus japonicus n12540488 black pea, Lathyrus niger n12540647 grass vetch, grass vetchling, Lathyrus nissolia n12540800 sweet pea, sweetpea, Lathyrus odoratus n12540966 marsh pea, Lathyrus palustris n12541157 common vetchling, meadow pea, yellow vetchling, Lathyrus pratensis n12541403 grass pea, Indian pea, khesari, Lathyrus sativus n12541606 pride of California, Lathyrus splendens n12541805 flat pea, narrow-leaved everlasting pea, Lathyrus sylvestris n12542043 Tangier pea, Tangier peavine, Lalthyrus tingitanus n12542240 heath pea, earth-nut pea, earthnut pea, tuberous vetch, Lathyrus tuberosus n12542466 spring vetchling, spring vetch, Lathyrus vernus n12542649 genus Lespedeza n12542910 bush clover, lespedeza n12543186 bicolor lespediza, ezo-yama-hagi, Lespedeza bicolor n12543455 japanese clover, japan clover, jap clover, Lespedeza striata n12543639 Korean lespedeza, Lespedeza stipulacea n12543826 sericea lespedeza, Lespedeza sericea, Lespedeza cuneata n12544027 Lens, genus Lens n12544240 lentil, lentil plant, Lens culinaris n12544539 lentil n12544646 Lonchocarpus, genus Lonchocarpus n12544862 cube n12545090 Lotus, genus Lotus n12545232 prairie bird's-foot trefoil, compass plant, prairie lotus, prairie trefoil, Lotus americanus n12545429 coral gem, Lotus berthelotii n12545635 bird's foot trefoil, bird's foot clover, babies' slippers, bacon and eggs, Lotus corniculatus n12545865 winged pea, asparagus pea, Lotus tetragonolobus n12546015 Lupinus, genus Lupinus n12546183 lupine, lupin n12546420 white lupine, field lupine, wolf bean, Egyptian lupine, Lupinus albus n12546617 tree lupine, Lupinus arboreus n12546832 yellow lupine, Lupinus luteus n12546962 wild lupine, sundial lupine, Indian beet, old-maid's bonnet, Lupinus perennis n12547215 bluebonnet, buffalo clover, Texas bluebonnet, Lupinus subcarnosus n12547503 Texas bluebonnet, Lupinus texensis n12547658 Macrotyloma, genus Macrotyloma n12547872 horse gram, horse grain, poor man's pulse, Macrotyloma uniflorum, Dolichos biflorus n12548134 Medicago, genus Medicago n12548280 medic, medick, trefoil n12548564 moon trefoil, Medicago arborea n12548804 sickle alfalfa, sickle lucerne, sickle medick, Medicago falcata n12549005 Calvary clover, Medicago intertexta, Medicago echinus n12549192 black medick, hop clover, yellow trefoil, nonesuch clover, Medicago lupulina n12549420 alfalfa, lucerne, Medicago sativa n12549649 genus Millettia n12549799 millettia n12549976 genus Mucuna, Stizolobium, genus Stizolobium n12550210 mucuna n12550408 cowage, velvet bean, Bengal bean, Benghal bean, Florida bean, Mucuna pruriens utilis, Mucuna deeringiana, Mucuna aterrima, Stizolobium deeringiana n12550788 cowage n12550968 Myroxylon, genus Myroxylon n12551173 tolu tree, tolu balsam tree, Myroxylon balsamum, Myroxylon toluiferum n12551457 Peruvian balsam, Myroxylon pereirae, Myroxylon balsamum pereirae n12551669 tolu, balsam of tolu, tolu balsam n12551877 balsam of Peru n12552081 Onobrychis, genus Onobrychis n12552309 sainfoin, sanfoin, holy clover, esparcet, Onobrychis viciifolia, Onobrychis viciaefolia n12552658 Ononis, genus Ononis n12552893 restharrow, rest-harrow, Ononis repens n12553114 restharrow, rest-harrow, Ononis spinosa n12553314 Ormosia, genus Ormosia n12553573 necklace tree n12553742 bead tree, jumby bean, jumby tree, Ormosia monosperma n12554029 jumby bead, jumbie bead, Ormosia coarctata n12554242 Oxytropis, genus Oxytropis n12554526 locoweed, crazyweed, crazy weed n12554729 purple locoweed, purple loco, Oxytropis lambertii n12554911 tumbleweed n12555069 Pachyrhizus, genus Pachyrhizus n12555255 yam bean, Pachyrhizus erosus n12555553 yam bean, potato bean, Pachyrhizus tuberosus n12555720 Parochetus, genus Parochetus n12555859 shamrock pea, Parochetus communis n12556030 Phaseolus, genus Phaseolus n12556307 bean, bean plant n12556533 bush bean n12556656 pole bean n12556793 common bean, common bean plant, Phaseolus vulgaris n12557064 kidney bean, frijol, frijole n12557280 green bean n12557438 haricot n12557556 wax bean n12557681 scarlet runner, scarlet runner bean, Dutch case-knife bean, runner bean, Phaseolus coccineus, Phaseolus multiflorus n12557995 shell bean, shell bean plant n12558230 lima bean, lima bean plant, Phaseolus limensis n12558425 sieva bean, butter bean, butter-bean plant, lima bean, Phaseolus lunatus n12558680 tepary bean, Phaseolus acutifolius latifolius n12558902 Pickeringia, genus Pickeringia n12559044 chaparral pea, stingaree-bush, Pickeringia montana n12559302 Piscidia, genus Piscidia n12559518 Jamaica dogwood, fish fuddle, Piscidia piscipula, Piscidia erythrina n12559842 Pisum, genus Pisum n12560016 pea, pea plant n12560282 pea n12560420 garden pea, garden pea plant, common pea, Pisum sativum n12560621 garden pea n12560775 edible-pod pea, edible-podded pea, Pisum sativum macrocarpon n12561038 snow pea, sugar pea n12561169 sugar snap pea, snap pea n12561309 field pea, field-pea plant, Austrian winter pea, Pisum sativum arvense, Pisum arvense n12561594 field pea n12561696 Platylobium, genus Platylobium n12561897 flat pea, Platylobium formosum n12562141 common flat pea, native holly, Playlobium obtusangulum n12562420 Platymiscium, genus Platymiscium n12562577 quira n12562785 roble, Platymiscium trinitatis n12563045 Panama redwood tree, Panama redwood, Platymiscium pinnatum n12563281 Panama redwood, quira n12563404 Podalyria, genus Podalyria n12563567 Pongamia, genus Pongamia n12563702 Indian beech, Pongamia glabra n12563913 Psophocarpus, genus Psophocarpus n12564083 winged bean, winged pea, goa bean, goa bean vine, Manila bean, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus n12564381 Psoralea, genus Psoralea n12564613 breadroot, Indian breadroot, pomme blanche, pomme de prairie, Psoralea esculenta n12564840 Pterocarpus, genus Pterocarpus n12565102 bloodwood tree, kiaat, Pterocarpus angolensis n12565368 padauk, padouk, amboyna, Pterocarpus indicus n12565590 amboyna, Andaman redwood n12565730 Burma padauk, Burmese rosewood, Pterocarpus macrocarpus n12565912 kino, Pterocarpus marsupium n12566112 East India kino, Malabar kino, kino gum n12566331 red sandalwood, red sanders, red sanderswood, red saunders, Pterocarpus santalinus n12566627 ruby wood, red sandalwood n12566809 Pueraria, genus Pueraria n12566954 kudzu, kudzu vine, Pueraria lobata n12567316 Retama, genus Retama n12567490 retem, raetam, juniper bush, juniper, Retama raetam, Genista raetam n12567768 Robinia, genus Robinia n12567950 bristly locust, rose acacia, moss locust, Robinia hispida n12568186 black locust, yellow locust, Robinia pseudoacacia n12568506 black locust n12568649 clammy locust, Robinia viscosa n12568865 Sabinea, genus Sabinea n12569037 carib wood, Sabinea carinalis n12569233 genus Sesbania n12569426 sesbania n12569616 Colorado River hemp, Sesbania exaltata n12569851 scarlet wisteria tree, vegetable hummingbird, Sesbania grandiflora n12570126 Sophora, genus Sophora n12570394 Japanese pagoda tree, Chinese scholartree, Chinese scholar tree, Sophora japonica, Sophora sinensis n12570703 mescal bean, coral bean, frijolito, frijolillo, Sophora secundiflora n12570972 kowhai, Sophora tetraptera n12571194 Spartium, genus Spartium n12571330 Spanish broom, weaver's broom, Spartium junceum n12571606 Strongylodon, genus Strongylodon n12571781 jade vine, emerald creeper, Strongylodon macrobotrys n12572021 Templetonia, genus Templetonia n12572188 coral bush, flame bush, Templetonia retusa n12572373 Tephrosia, genus Tephrosia n12572546 hoary pea n12572759 bastard indigo, Tephrosia purpurea n12572858 catgut, goat's rue, wild sweet pea, Tephrosia virginiana n12573078 Thermopsis, genus Thermopsis n12573256 bush pea n12573474 false lupine, golden pea, yellow pea, Thermopsis macrophylla n12573647 Carolina lupine, Thermopsis villosa n12573760 Tipuana, genus Tipuana n12573911 tipu, tipu tree, yellow jacaranda, pride of Bolivia n12574143 Trigonella, genus Trigonella n12574320 bird's foot trefoil, Trigonella ornithopodioides n12574470 fenugreek, Greek clover, Trigonella foenumgraecum n12574727 Ulex, genus Ulex n12574866 gorse, furze, whin, Irish gorse, Ulex europaeus n12575089 Vicia, genus Vicia n12575322 vetch n12575679 tare n12575812 tufted vetch, bird vetch, Calnada pea, Vicia cracca n12576029 broad bean, broad-bean, broad-bean plant, English bean, European bean, field bean, Vicia faba n12576323 broad bean, fava bean, horsebean n12576451 bitter betch, Vicia orobus n12576555 spring vetch, Vicia sativa n12576695 bush vetch, Vicia sepium n12576838 hairy vetch, hairy tare, Vicia villosa n12577000 Vigna, genus Vigna n12577362 moth bean, Vigna aconitifolia, Phaseolus aconitifolius n12577686 adzuki bean, adsuki bean, Vigna angularis, Phaseolus angularis n12577895 snailflower, snail-flower, snail flower, snail bean, corkscrew flower, Vigna caracalla, Phaseolus caracalla n12578255 mung, mung bean, green gram, golden gram, Vigna radiata, Phaseolus aureus n12578626 cowpea, cowpea plant, black-eyed pea, Vigna unguiculata, Vigna sinensis n12578916 cowpea, black-eyed pea n12579038 asparagus bean, yard-long bean, Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis, Vigna sesquipedalis n12579242 Viminaria, genus Viminaria n12579404 swamp oak, Viminaria juncea, Viminaria denudata n12579593 Virgilia, genus Virgilia n12579822 keurboom, Virgilia capensis, Virgilia oroboides n12580012 keurboom, Virgilia divaricata n12580204 genus Wisteria n12580457 wisteria, wistaria n12580654 Japanese wistaria, Wisteria floribunda n12580786 Chinese wistaria, Wisteria chinensis n12580896 American wistaria, American wisteria, Wisteria frutescens n12581110 silky wisteria, Wisteria venusta n12581230 Palmales, order Palmales n12581381 Palmae, family Palmae, Palmaceae, family Palmaceae, Arecaceae, family Arecaceae, palm family n12582231 palm, palm tree n12582665 sago palm n12582846 feather palm n12583126 fan palm n12583401 palmetto n12583529 Acrocomia, genus Acrocomia n12583681 coyol, coyol palm, Acrocomia vinifera n12583855 grugru, gri-gri, grugru palm, macamba, Acrocomia aculeata n12584057 genus Areca n12584191 areca n12584365 betel palm, Areca catechu n12584559 Arenga, genus Arenga n12584715 sugar palm, gomuti, gomuti palm, Arenga pinnata n12584970 Attalea, genus Attalea n12585137 piassava palm, pissaba palm, Bahia piassava, bahia coquilla, Attalea funifera n12585373 coquilla nut n12585512 Borassus, genus Borassus n12585629 palmyra, palmyra palm, toddy palm, wine palm, lontar, longar palm, Borassus flabellifer n12585967 bassine n12586110 genus Calamus n12586298 calamus n12586499 rattan, rattan palm, Calamus rotang n12586725 lawyer cane, Calamus australis n12586867 Caryota, genus Caryota n12586989 fishtail palm n12587132 wine palm, jaggery palm, kitul, kittul, kitul tree, toddy palm, Caryota urens n12587366 Ceroxylon, genus Ceroxylon n12587487 wax palm, Ceroxylon andicola, Ceroxylon alpinum n12587686 Cocos, genus Cocos n12587803 coconut, coconut palm, coco palm, coco, cocoa palm, coconut tree, Cocos nucifera n12588054 coir n12588156 Copernicia, genus Copernicia n12588320 carnauba, carnauba palm, wax palm, Copernicia prunifera, Copernicia cerifera n12588584 carnauba wax, carnauba n12588780 caranday, caranda, caranda palm, wax palm, Copernicia australis, Copernicia alba n12588989 genus Corozo n12589142 corozo, corozo palm n12589286 Corypha, genus Corypha n12589458 gebang palm, Corypha utan, Corypha gebanga n12589687 latanier, latanier palm n12589841 talipot, talipot palm, Corypha umbraculifera n12590117 Elaeis, genus Elaeis n12590232 oil palm n12590499 African oil palm, Elaeis guineensis n12590600 American oil palm, Elaeis oleifera n12590715 palm nut, palm kernel n12590842 Euterpe, genus Euterpe n12591017 cabbage palm, Euterpe oleracea n12591195 Livistona, genus Livistona n12591351 cabbage palm, cabbage tree, Livistona australis n12591523 Metroxylon, genus Metroxylon n12591702 true sago palm, Metroxylon sagu n12591897 Nipa, genus Nipa, Nypa, genus Nypa n12592058 nipa palm, Nipa fruticans n12592351 Orbignya, genus Orbignya n12592544 babassu, babassu palm, coco de macao, Orbignya phalerata, Orbignya spesiosa, Orbignya martiana n12592839 babassu nut n12592971 babassu oil, babacu oil n12593122 cohune palm, Orbignya cohune, cohune n12593341 cohune nut n12593508 cohune-nut oil, cohune oil, cohune fat n12593689 phoenicophorium, genus Phoenicophorium n12593826 phoenix, genus Phoenix n12593994 date palm, Phoenix dactylifera n12594165 phytelephas, genus Phytelephas n12594324 ivory palm, ivory-nut palm, ivory plant, Phytelephas macrocarpa n12594533 ivory nut, vegetable ivory, apple nut n12594746 Raffia, genus Raffia, Raphia, genus Raphia n12594989 raffia palm, Raffia farinifera, Raffia ruffia n12595305 raffia n12595452 jupati, jupaty, jupati palm, Raffia taedigera n12595699 bamboo palm, Raffia vinifera n12595801 Rhapis, genus Rhapis n12595964 lady palm n12596148 miniature fan palm, bamboo palm, fern rhapis, Rhapis excelsa n12596345 reed rhapis, slender lady palm, Rhapis humilis n12596525 Roystonea, genus Roystonea n12596709 royal palm, Roystonea regia n12596849 cabbage palm, Roystonea oleracea n12597006 Sabal, genus Sabal n12597134 cabbage palmetto, cabbage palm, Sabal palmetto n12597333 Serenoa, genus Serenoa n12597466 saw palmetto, scrub palmetto, Serenoa repens n12597640 Thrinax, genus Thrinax n12597798 thatch palm, thatch tree, silver thatch, broom palm, Thrinax parviflora n12598027 key palm, silvertop palmetto, silver thatch, Thrinax microcarpa, Thrinax morrisii, Thrinax keyensis n12598247 Plantaginales, order Plantaginales n12598409 Plantaginaceae, family Plantaginaceae, plantain family n12598629 Plantago, genus Plantago n12598826 plantain n12599185 English plantain, narrow-leaved plantain, ribgrass, ribwort, ripple-grass, buckthorn, Plantago lanceolata n12599435 broad-leaved plantain, common plantain, white-man's foot, whiteman's foot, cart-track plant, Plantago major n12599661 hoary plantain, Plantago media n12599874 fleawort, psyllium, Spanish psyllium, Plantago psyllium n12600095 rugel's plantain, broad-leaved plantain, Plantago rugelii n12600267 hoary plantain, Plantago virginica n12600417 Polygonales, order Polygonales n12600574 Polygonaceae, family Polygonaceae, buckwheat family n12600888 Polygonum, genus Polygonum n12601106 silver lace vine, China fleece vine, Russian vine, Polygonum aubertii n12601335 Fagopyrum, genus Fagopyrum n12601494 buckwheat, Polygonum fagopyrum, Fagopyrum esculentum n12601805 prince's-feather, princess feather, kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate, prince's-plume, Polygonum orientale n12602118 genus Eriogonum n12602262 eriogonum n12602434 umbrella plant, Eriogonum allenii n12602612 wild buckwheat, California buckwheat, Erigonum fasciculatum n12602850 Rheum, genus Rheum n12602980 rhubarb, rhubarb plant n12603273 Himalayan rhubarb, Indian rhubarb, red-veined pie plant, Rheum australe, Rheum emodi n12603449 pie plant, garden rhubarb, Rheum cultorum, Rheum rhabarbarum, Rheum rhaponticum n12603672 Chinese rhubarb, Rheum palmatum n12603784 Rumex, genus Rumex n12603959 dock, sorrel, sour grass n12604228 sour dock, garden sorrel, Rumex acetosa n12604460 sheep sorrel, sheep's sorrel, Rumex acetosella n12604639 bitter dock, broad-leaved dock, yellow dock, Rumex obtusifolius n12604845 French sorrel, garden sorrel, Rumex scutatus n12605019 Xyridales, order Xyridales, Commelinales, order Commelinales n12605315 Xyridaceae, family Xyridaceae, yellow-eyed grass family n12605519 Xyris, genus Xyris n12605683 yellow-eyed grass n12605872 tall yellow-eye, Xyris operculata n12605965 Commelinaceae, family Commelinaceae, spiderwort family n12606227 genus Commelina n12606438 commelina n12606545 spiderwort, dayflower n12606688 St.-Bruno's-lily, Paradisea liliastrum n12606797 Tradescantia, genus Tradescantia n12606907 Bromeliaceae, family Bromeliaceae, pineapple family n12607198 Ananas, genus Ananas n12607456 pineapple, pineapple plant, Ananas comosus n12607717 Bromelia n12607896 Tillandsia, genus Tillandsia n12608127 Spanish moss, old man's beard, black moss, long moss, Tillandsia usneoides n12608447 Mayacaceae, family Mayacaceae n12608620 Mayaca, genus Mayaca n12608778 Rapateaceae, family Rapateaceae n12608941 Eriocaulaceae, family Eriocaulaceae, pipewort family n12609128 Eriocaulon, genus Eriocaulon n12609379 pipewort, Eriocaulon aquaticum n12609638 Pontederiaceae, family Pontederiaceae, pickerelweed family n12609842 Pontederia, genus Pontederia n12609968 pickerelweed, pickerel weed, wampee, Pontederia cordata n12610186 Eichhornia, genus Eichhornia n12610328 water hyacinth, water orchid, Eichhornia crassipes, Eichhornia spesiosa n12610609 Heteranthera, genus Heteranthera n12610740 water star grass, mud plantain, Heteranthera dubia n12610933 Naiadales, order Naiadales, Alismales, order Alismales n12611243 Naiadaceae, family Naiadaceae, Najadaceae, family Najadaceae, naiad family n12611479 Naias, genus Naias, Najas, genus Najas n12611640 naiad, water nymph n12611815 Alismataceae, family Alismataceae, water-plantain family n12612020 Alisma, genus Alisma n12612170 water plantain, Alisma plantago-aquatica n12612410 Sagittaria, genus Sagittaria n12612640 common arrowhead n12612709 ribbon-leaved water plantain n12612811 narrow-leaved water plantain n12612913 Hydrocharitaceae, family Hydrocharitaceae, Hydrocharidaceae, family Hydrocharidaceae, frogbit family, frog's-bit family n12613285 Hydrocharis, genus Hydrocharis n12613408 frogbit, frog's-bit, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae n12613596 genus Hydrilla n12613706 hydrilla, Hydrilla verticillata n12613968 Limnobium, genus Limnobium n12614096 American frogbit, Limnodium spongia n12614317 Elodea, genus Elodea, pondweed, ditchmoss n12614477 waterweed n12614625 Canadian pondweed, Elodea canadensis n12614763 dense-leaved elodea, Elodea densa, Egeria densa n12614962 Egeria, genus Egeria n12615097 Vallisneria, genus Vallisneria n12615232 tape grass, eelgrass, wild celery, Vallisneria spiralis n12615427 Potamogetonaceae, family Potamogetonaceae, pondweed family n12615710 pondweed n12615986 Potamogeton, genus Potamogeton n12616248 curled leaf pondweed, curly pondweed, Potamogeton crispus n12616442 variously-leaved pondweed, Potamogeton gramineous n12616630 loddon pondweed, Potamogeton nodosus, Potamogeton americanus n12616825 Groenlandia, genus Groenlandia n12616996 frog's lettuce n12617140 Scheuchzeriaceae, family Scheuchzeriaceae, Juncaginaceae, family Juncaginaceae, arrow-grass family n12617384 Triglochin, genus Triglochin n12617559 arrow grass, Triglochin maritima n12617739 Zannichelliaceae, family Zannichelliaceae n12617950 Zannichellia, genus Zannichellia n12618146 horned pondweed, Zannichellia palustris n12618336 Zosteraceae, family Zosteraceae, eelgrass family n12618524 Zostera, genus Zostera n12618727 eelgrass, grass wrack, sea wrack, Zostera marina n12618942 Rosales, order Rosales n12619306 Rosaceae, family Rosaceae, rose family n12620031 Rosa, genus Rosa n12620196 rose, rosebush n12620546 hip, rose hip, rosehip n12620661 mountain rose, Rosa pendulina n12620779 ground rose, Rosa spithamaea n12620969 banksia rose, Rosa banksia n12621110 dog rose, Rosa canina n12621260 China rose, Bengal rose, Rosa chinensis n12621410 damask rose, summer damask rose, Rosa damascena n12621619 sweetbrier, sweetbriar, brier, briar, eglantine, Rosa eglanteria n12621836 brier, brierpatch, brier patch n12621945 Cherokee rose, Rosa laevigata n12622072 multiflora, multiflora rose, Japanese rose, baby rose, Rosa multiflora n12622297 musk rose, Rosa moschata n12622483 tea rose, Rosa odorata n12622653 genus Agrimonia n12622875 agrimonia, agrimony n12623077 harvest-lice, Agrimonia eupatoria n12623211 fragrant agrimony, Agrimonia procera n12623368 Amelanchier, genus Amelanchier n12623524 Juneberry, serviceberry, service tree, shadbush, shadblow n12623818 alderleaf Juneberry, alder-leaved serviceberry, Amelanchier alnifolia n12624055 Bartram Juneberry, Amelanchier bartramiana n12624249 Chaenomeles, genus Chaenomeles n12624381 flowering quince n12624568 japonica, maule's quince, Chaenomeles japonica n12624721 Japanese quince, Chaenomeles speciosa n12624873 Chrysobalanus, genus Chrysobalanus n12625003 coco plum, coco plum tree, cocoa plum, icaco, Chrysobalanus icaco n12625215 genus Cotoneaster n12625383 cotoneaster n12625670 Cotoneaster dammeri n12625823 Cotoneaster horizontalis n12626030 Crataegus, genus Crataegus n12626353 hawthorn, haw n12626674 parsley haw, parsley-leaved thorn, Crataegus apiifolia, Crataegus marshallii n12626878 scarlet haw, Crataegus biltmoreana n12627119 blackthorn, pear haw, pear hawthorn, Crataegus calpodendron, Crataegus tomentosa n12627347 cockspur thorn, cockspur hawthorn, Crataegus crus-galli n12627526 mayhaw, summer haw, Crataegus aestivalis n12627750 whitethorn, English hawthorn, may, Crataegus laevigata, Crataegus oxycantha n12628060 English hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna n12628356 red haw, downy haw, Crataegus mollis, Crataegus coccinea mollis n12628579 evergreen thorn, Crataegus oxyacantha n12628705 red haw, Crataegus pedicellata, Crataegus coccinea n12628872 Cydonia, genus Cydonia n12628986 quince, quince bush, Cydonia oblonga n12629187 Dryas, genus Dryas n12629305 mountain avens, Dryas octopetala n12629523 Eriobotrya, genus Eriobotrya n12629666 loquat, loquat tree, Japanese medlar, Japanese plum, Eriobotrya japonica n12629946 Fragaria, genus Fragaria n12630144 strawberry n12630478 garden strawberry, cultivated strawberry, Fragaria ananassa n12630641 wild strawberry, wood strawberry, Fragaria vesca n12630763 beach strawberry, Chilean strawberry, Fragaria chiloensis n12630999 Virginia strawberry, scarlet strawberry, Fragaria virginiana n12631224 Geum, genus Geum n12631331 avens n12631637 yellow avens, Geum alleppicum strictum, Geum strictum n12631813 bennet, white avens, Geum canadense n12631932 yellow avens, Geum macrophyllum n12632072 water avens, Indian chocolate, purple avens, chocolate root, Geum rivale n12632335 prairie smoke, purple avens, Geum triflorum n12632526 herb bennet, cloveroot, clover-root, wood avens, Geum urbanum n12632733 bennet, white avens, Geum virginianum n12632875 Heteromeles, genus Heteromeles n12633061 toyon, tollon, Christmasberry, Christmas berry, Heteromeles arbutifolia, Photinia arbutifolia n12633386 Malus, genus Malus n12633638 apple tree n12633866 applewood n12633994 apple, orchard apple tree, Malus pumila n12634211 wild apple, crab apple, crabapple n12634429 crab apple, crabapple, cultivated crab apple n12634734 Siberian crab, Siberian crab apple, cherry apple, cherry crab, Malus baccata n12634986 wild crab, Malus sylvestris n12635151 American crab apple, garland crab, Malus coronaria n12635359 Oregon crab apple, Malus fusca n12635532 Southern crab apple, flowering crab, Malus angustifolia n12635744 Iowa crab, Iowa crab apple, prairie crab, western crab apple, Malus ioensis n12635955 Bechtel crab, flowering crab n12636107 Mespilus, genus Mespilus n12636224 medlar, medlar tree, Mespilus germanica n12636430 Photinia, genus Photinia n12636705 Potentilla, genus Potentilla n12636885 cinquefoil, five-finger n12637123 silverweed, goose-tansy, goose grass, Potentilla anserina n12637319 Poterium, genus Poterium n12637485 salad burnet, burnet bloodwort, pimpernel, Poterium sanguisorba n12637729 Prunus, genus Prunus n12638218 plum, plum tree n12638556 wild plum, wild plum tree n12638753 Allegheny plum, Alleghany plum, sloe, Prunus alleghaniensis n12638964 American red plum, August plum, goose plum, Prunus americana n12639168 chickasaw plum, hog plum, hog plum bush, Prunus angustifolia n12639376 beach plum, beach plum bush, Prunus maritima n12639584 common plum, Prunus domestica n12639736 bullace, Prunus insititia n12639910 damson plum, damson plum tree, Prunus domestica insititia n12640081 big-tree plum, Prunus mexicana n12640284 Canada plum, Prunus nigra n12640435 plumcot, plumcot tree n12640607 apricot, apricot tree n12640839 Japanese apricot, mei, Prunus mume n12641007 common apricot, Prunus armeniaca n12641180 purple apricot, black apricot, Prunus dasycarpa n12641413 cherry, cherry tree n12641796 cherry n12641931 wild cherry, wild cherry tree n12642090 wild cherry n12642200 sweet cherry, Prunus avium n12642435 heart cherry, oxheart, oxheart cherry n12642600 gean, mazzard, mazzard cherry n12642734 Western sand cherry, Rocky Mountains cherry, Prunus besseyi n12642964 capulin, capulin tree, Prunus capuli n12643113 cherry laurel, laurel cherry, mock orange, wild orange, Prunus caroliniana n12643313 cherry plum, myrobalan, myrobalan plum, Prunus cerasifera n12643473 sour cherry, sour cherry tree, Prunus cerasus n12643688 amarelle, Prunus cerasus caproniana n12643877 morello, Prunus cerasus austera n12644057 marasca, marasca cherry, maraschino cherry, Prunus cerasus marasca n12644283 marasca n12644464 Amygdalaceae, family Amygdalaceae n12644713 Amygdalus, genus Amygdalus n12644902 almond tree n12645174 almond, sweet almond, Prunus dulcis, Prunus amygdalus, Amygdalus communis n12645530 bitter almond, Prunus dulcis amara, Amygdalus communis amara n12645754 almond oil, expressed almond oil, sweet almond oil n12645913 bitter almond oil n12646072 jordan almond n12646197 dwarf flowering almond, Prunus glandulosa n12646397 holly-leaved cherry, holly-leaf cherry, evergreen cherry, islay, Prunus ilicifolia n12646605 fuji, fuji cherry, Prunus incisa n12646740 flowering almond, oriental bush cherry, Prunus japonica n12646950 cherry laurel, laurel cherry, Prunus laurocerasus n12647231 Catalina cherry, Prunus lyonii n12647376 bird cherry, bird cherry tree n12647560 hagberry tree, European bird cherry, common bird cherry, Prunus padus n12647787 hagberry n12647893 pin cherry, Prunus pensylvanica n12648045 peach, peach tree, Prunus persica n12648196 nectarine, nectarine tree, Prunus persica nectarina n12648424 sand cherry, Prunus pumila, Prunus pumilla susquehanae, Prunus susquehanae, Prunus cuneata n12648693 Japanese plum, Prunus salicina n12648888 black cherry, black cherry tree, rum cherry, Prunus serotina n12649065 flowering cherry n12649317 oriental cherry, Japanese cherry, Japanese flowering cherry, Prunus serrulata n12649539 Japanese flowering cherry, Prunus sieboldii n12649723 blackthorn, sloe, Prunus spinosa n12649866 Sierra plum, Pacific plum, Prunus subcordata n12650038 rosebud cherry, winter flowering cherry, Prunus subhirtella n12650229 Russian almond, dwarf Russian almond, Prunus tenella n12650379 flowering almond, Prunus triloba n12650556 chokecherry, chokecherry tree, Prunus virginiana n12650805 chokecherry n12650915 western chokecherry, Prunus virginiana demissa, Prunus demissa n12651062 genus Pyracantha n12651229 Pyracantha, pyracanth, fire thorn, firethorn n12651465 Pyrus, genus Pyrus n12651611 pear, pear tree, Pyrus communis n12651821 fruit tree n12652876 fruitwood n12653056 Rubus, genus Rubus n12653218 bramble bush n12653436 lawyerbush, lawyer bush, bush lawyer, Rubus cissoides, Rubus australis n12653633 stone bramble, Rubus saxatilis n12653762 blackberry, blackberry bush n12654012 true blackberry, Rubus fruticosus n12654227 sand blackberry, Rubus cuneifolius n12654387 dewberry, dewberry bush, running blackberry n12654659 western blackberry, western dewberry, Rubus ursinus n12654857 boysenberry, boysenberry bush n12655062 loganberry, Rubus loganobaccus, Rubus ursinus loganobaccus n12655245 American dewberry, Rubus canadensis n12655351 Northern dewberry, American dewberry, Rubus flagellaris n12655498 Southern dewberry, Rubus trivialis n12655605 swamp dewberry, swamp blackberry, Rubus hispidus n12655726 European dewberry, Rubus caesius n12655869 raspberry, raspberry bush n12656229 red raspberry n12656369 wild raspberry, European raspberry, framboise, Rubus idaeus n12656528 American raspberry, Rubus strigosus, Rubus idaeus strigosus n12656685 black raspberry, blackcap, blackcap raspberry, thimbleberry, Rubus occidentalis n12656909 salmonberry, Rubus spectabilis n12657082 salmonberry, salmon berry, thimbleberry, Rubus parviflorus n12657294 cloudberry, dwarf mulberry, bakeapple, baked-apple berry, salmonberry, Rubus chamaemorus n12657509 flowering raspberry, purple-flowering raspberry, Rubus odoratus, thimbleberry n12657755 wineberry, Rubus phoenicolasius n12657940 Sorbus, genus Sorbus n12658118 mountain ash n12658308 rowan, rowan tree, European mountain ash, Sorbus aucuparia n12658481 rowanberry n12658603 American mountain ash, Sorbus americana n12658715 Western mountain ash, Sorbus sitchensis n12658846 service tree, sorb apple, sorb apple tree, Sorbus domestica n12659064 wild service tree, Sorbus torminalis n12659203 Spiraea, genus Spiraea n12659356 spirea, spiraea n12659539 bridal wreath, bridal-wreath, Saint Peter's wreath, St. Peter's wreath, Spiraea prunifolia n12659730 Rubiales, order Rubiales n12660009 Rubiaceae, family Rubiaceae, madder family n12660601 madderwort, rubiaceous plant n12660796 Rubia, genus Rubia n12661045 Indian madder, munjeet, Rubia cordifolia n12661227 madder, Rubia tinctorum n12661420 Asperula, genus Asperula n12661538 woodruff n12661661 dyer's woodruff, Asperula tinctoria n12661873 Calycophyllum, genus Calycophyllum n12662074 dagame, lemonwood tree, Calycophyllum candidissimum n12662223 Chiococca, genus Chiococca n12662379 blolly, West Indian snowberry, Chiococca alba n12662654 Coffea, genus Coffea n12662772 coffee, coffee tree n12663023 Arabian coffee, Coffea arabica n12663254 Liberian coffee, Coffea liberica n12663359 robusta coffee, Rio Nunez coffee, Coffea robusta, Coffea canephora n12663554 genus Cinchona, genus Chinchona n12663804 cinchona, chinchona n12664005 Cartagena bark, Cinchona cordifolia, Cinchona lancifolia n12664187 calisaya, Cinchona officinalis, Cinchona ledgeriana, Cinchona calisaya n12664469 cinchona tree, Cinchona pubescens n12664710 cinchona, cinchona bark, Peruvian bark, Jesuit's bark n12664897 Galium, genus Galium n12665048 bedstraw n12665271 sweet woodruff, waldmeister, woodruff, fragrant bedstraw, Galium odoratum, Asperula odorata n12665659 Northern bedstraw, Northern snow bedstraw, Galium boreale n12665857 yellow bedstraw, yellow cleavers, Our Lady's bedstraw, Galium verum n12666050 wild licorice, Galium lanceolatum n12666159 cleavers, clivers, goose grass, catchweed, spring cleavers, Galium aparine n12666369 wild madder, white madder, white bedstraw, infant's-breath, false baby's breath, Galium mollugo n12666602 genus Gardenia n12666768 gardenia n12666965 cape jasmine, cape jessamine, Gardenia jasminoides, Gardenia augusta n12667179 genus Genipa n12667406 genipa n12667582 genipap fruit, jagua, marmalade box, Genipa Americana n12667817 genus Hamelia n12667964 hamelia n12668131 scarlet bush, scarlet hamelia, coloradillo, Hamelia patens, Hamelia erecta n12668364 Mitchella, genus Mitchella n12668517 partridgeberry, boxberry, twinberry, Mitchella repens n12668732 Nauclea, genus Nauclea n12668917 opepe, Nauclea diderrichii, Sarcocephalus diderrichii n12669157 Pinckneya, genus Pinckneya n12669362 fever tree, Georgia bark, bitter-bark, Pinckneya pubens n12669641 Psychotria, genus Psychotria n12669803 lemonwood, lemon-wood, lemonwood tree, lemon-wood tree, Psychotria capensis n12670013 lemonwood n12670172 Sarcocephalus, genus Sarcocephalus n12670334 negro peach, Sarcocephalus latifolius, Sarcocephalus esculentus n12670558 Vangueria, genus Vangueria n12670758 wild medlar, wild medlar tree, medlar, Vangueria infausta n12670962 Spanish tamarind, Vangueria madagascariensis n12671157 Caprifoliaceae, family Caprifoliaceae, honeysuckle family n12671529 genus Abelia n12671651 abelia n12671898 Diervilla, genus Diervilla n12672083 bush honeysuckle, Diervilla lonicera n12672289 bush honeysuckle, Diervilla sessilifolia n12672497 Kolkwitzia, genus Kolkwitzia n12672631 beauty bush, Kolkwitzia amabilis n12672843 Leycesteria, genus Leycesteria n12673012 Himalaya honeysuckle, Leycesteria formosa n12673178 Linnaea, genus Linnaea n12673328 twinflower, Linnaea borealis n12673588 American twinflower, Linnaea borealis americana n12673755 Lonicera, genus Lonicera n12674120 honeysuckle n12674484 white honeysuckle, Lonicera albiflora n12674685 American fly honeysuckle, fly honeysuckle, Lonicera canadensis n12674895 Italian honeysuckle, Italian woodbine, Lonicera caprifolium n12675100 yellow honeysuckle, Lonicera dioica n12675299 yellow honeysuckle, Lonicera flava n12675515 hairy honeysuckle, Lonicera hirsuta n12675716 twinberry, Lonicera involucrata n12675876 Japanese honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica n12676134 Hall's honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica halliana n12676370 Morrow's honeysuckle, Lonicera morrowii n12676534 woodbine, Lonicera periclymenum n12676703 trumpet honeysuckle, coral honeysuckle, trumpet flower, trumpet vine, Lonicera sempervirens n12676940 bush honeysuckle, Tartarian honeysuckle, Lonicera tatarica n12677120 European fly honeysuckle, European honeysuckle, Lonicera xylosteum n12677331 swamp fly honeysuckle n12677427 Symphoricarpos, genus Symphoricarpos n12677612 snowberry, common snowberry, waxberry, Symphoricarpos alba n12677841 coralberry, Indian currant, Symphoricarpos orbiculatus n12678059 Sambucus, genus Sambucus n12678224 elder, elderberry bush n12678548 American elder, black elderberry, sweet elder, Sambucus canadensis n12678794 blue elder, blue elderberry, Sambucus caerulea n12679023 dwarf elder, danewort, Sambucus ebulus n12679201 bourtree, black elder, common elder, elderberry, European elder, Sambucus nigra n12679432 American red elder, red-berried elder, stinking elder, Sambucus pubens n12679593 European red elder, red-berried elder, Sambucus racemosa n12679712 Triostium, genus Triostium n12679876 feverroot, horse gentian, tinker's root, wild coffee, Triostium perfoliatum n12680125 Viburnum, genus Viburnum n12680402 cranberry bush, cranberry tree, American cranberry bush, highbush cranberry, Viburnum trilobum n12680652 wayfaring tree, twist wood, twistwood, Viburnum lantana n12680864 guelder rose, European cranberrybush, European cranberry bush, crampbark, cranberry tree, Viburnum opulus n12681141 arrow wood, southern arrow wood, Viburnum dentatum n12681376 arrow wood, Viburnum recognitum n12681579 black haw, Viburnum prunifolium n12681768 genus Weigela n12681893 weigela, Weigela florida n12682054 Dipsacaceae, family Dipsacaceae n12682264 Dipsacus, genus Dipsacus n12682411 teasel, teazel, teasle n12682668 common teasel, Dipsacus fullonum n12682882 fuller's teasel, Dipsacus sativus n12683096 wild teasel, Dipsacus sylvestris n12683248 genus Scabiosa n12683407 scabious, scabiosa n12683571 sweet scabious, pincushion flower, mournful widow, Scabiosa atropurpurea n12683791 field scabious, Scabiosa arvensis n12683950 Balsaminaceae, family Balsaminaceae, balsam family n12684153 genus Impatiens n12684379 jewelweed, lady's earrings, orange balsam, celandine, touch-me-not, Impatiens capensis n12684640 Geraniales, order Geraniales n12685214 Geraniaceae, family Geraniaceae, geranium family n12685431 geranium n12685679 genus Geranium n12685831 cranesbill, crane's bill n12686077 wild geranium, spotted cranesbill, Geranium maculatum n12686274 meadow cranesbill, Geranium pratense n12686496 Richardson's geranium, Geranium richardsonii n12686676 herb robert, herbs robert, herb roberts, Geranium robertianum n12686877 sticky geranium, Geranium viscosissimum n12687044 dove's foot geranium, Geranium molle n12687211 Pelargonium, genus Pelargonium n12687462 rose geranium, sweet-scented geranium, Pelargonium graveolens n12687698 fish geranium, bedding geranium, zonal pelargonium, Pelargonium hortorum n12687957 ivy geranium, ivy-leaved geranium, hanging geranium, Pelargonium peltatum n12688187 apple geranium, nutmeg geranium, Pelargonium odoratissimum n12688372 lemon geranium, Pelargonium limoneum n12688526 Erodium, genus Erodium n12688716 storksbill, heron's bill n12688903 redstem storksbill, alfilaria, alfileria, filaree, filaria, clocks, pin grass, pin clover, Erodium cicutarium n12689305 musk clover, muskus grass, white-stemmed filaree, Erodium moschatum n12689491 Texas storksbill, Erodium texanum n12689641 Erythroxylaceae, family Erythroxylaceae n12689808 Erythroxylon, genus Erythroxylon, Erythroxylum, genus Erythroxylum n12690046 Erythroxylon coca, coca, coca plant n12690240 Erythroxylon truxiuense n12690388 Burseraceae, family Burseraceae, torchwood family n12690653 incense tree n12691028 elemi, gum elemi n12691189 Bursera, genus Bursera n12691428 elephant tree, Bursera microphylla n12691661 gumbo-limbo, Bursera simaruba n12691834 Boswellia, genus Boswellia n12692024 Boswellia carteri n12692160 salai, Boswellia serrata n12692323 Commiphora, genus Commiphora n12692521 balm of gilead, Commiphora meccanensis n12692714 myrrh tree, Commiphora myrrha n12692875 myrrh, gum myrrh, sweet cicely n12693033 Protium, genus Protium n12693244 Protium heptaphyllum n12693352 Protium guianense n12693457 incense wood n12693590 Callitrichaceae, family Callitrichaceae n12693734 Callitriche, genus Callitriche n12693865 water starwort n12694048 Malpighiaceae, family Malpighiaceae n12694193 Malpighia, genus Malpighia n12694336 jiqui, Malpighia obovata n12694486 barbados cherry, acerola, Surinam cherry, West Indian cherry, Malpighia glabra n12694707 Meliaceae, family Meliaceae, mahogany family n12695144 mahogany, mahogany tree n12695572 mahogany n12695760 Melia, genus Melia n12695975 chinaberry, chinaberry tree, China tree, Persian lilac, pride-of-India, azederach, azedarach, Melia azederach, Melia azedarach n12696322 Azadirachta, genus Azadirachta n12696492 neem, neem tree, nim tree, margosa, arishth, Azadirachta indica, Melia Azadirachta n12696830 neem seed n12697021 Cedrela, genus Cedrela n12697152 Spanish cedar, Spanish cedar tree, Cedrela odorata n12697360 Chloroxylon, genus Chloroxylon n12697514 satinwood, satinwood tree, Chloroxylon swietenia n12697709 satinwood n12697883 Entandrophragma, genus Entandrophragma n12698027 African scented mahogany, cedar mahogany, sapele mahogany, Entandrophragma cylindricum n12698283 Flindersia, genus Flindersia n12698435 silver ash n12698598 native beech, flindosa, flindosy, Flindersia australis n12698774 bunji-bunji, Flindersia schottiana n12698905 Khaya, genus Khaya n12699031 African mahogany n12699157 genus Lansium n12699301 lanseh tree, langsat, langset, Lansium domesticum n12699485 Lovoa, genus Lovoa n12699618 African walnut, Lovoa klaineana n12699778 Swietinia, genus Swietinia n12699922 true mahogany, Cuban mahogany, Dominican mahogany, Swietinia mahogani n12700088 Honduras mahogany, Swietinia macrophylla n12700219 Toona, genus Toona n12700357 Philippine mahogany, Philippine cedar, kalantas, Toona calantas, Cedrela calantas n12700560 Philippine mahogany n12700711 cigar-box cedar n12700831 genus Turreae n12700996 turreae n12701178 Lepidobotryaceae, family Lepidobotryaceae n12701491 genus Lepidobotrys n12701666 lepidobotrys n12701901 Ruptiliocarpon, genus Ruptiliocarpon n12702124 caracolito, Ruptiliocarpon caracolito n12702443 Oxalidaceae, family Oxalidaceae, wood-sorrel family n12702706 genus Oxalis n12702948 oxalis, sorrel, wood sorrel n12703190 common wood sorrel, cuckoo bread, shamrock, Oxalis acetosella n12703383 Bermuda buttercup, English-weed, Oxalis pes-caprae, Oxalis cernua n12703557 creeping oxalis, creeping wood sorrel, Oxalis corniculata n12703716 goatsfoot, goat's foot, Oxalis caprina n12703856 violet wood sorrel, Oxalis violacea n12704041 oca, oka, Oxalis tuberosa, Oxalis crenata n12704191 Averrhoa, genus Averrhoa n12704343 carambola, carambola tree, Averrhoa carambola n12704513 bilimbi, Averrhoa bilimbi n12704636 Polygalaceae, family Polygalaceae, milkwort family n12704844 Polygala, genus Polygala n12705013 milkwort n12705220 senega, Polygala alba n12705458 orange milkwort, yellow milkwort, candyweed, yellow bachelor's button, Polygala lutea n12705698 flowering wintergreen, gaywings, bird-on-the-wing, fringed polygala, Polygala paucifolia n12705978 Seneca snakeroot, Seneka snakeroot, senga root, senega root, senega snakeroot, Polygala senega n12706240 senega n12706410 common milkwort, gand flower, Polygala vulgaris n12706644 Rutaceae, family Rutaceae, rue family n12707040 Ruta, genus Ruta n12707199 rue, herb of grace, Ruta graveolens n12707432 genus Citrus n12707781 citrus, citrus tree n12708293 orange, orange tree n12708520 orangewood n12708654 sour orange, Seville orange, bitter orange, bitter orange tree, bigarade, marmalade orange, Citrus aurantium n12708941 bergamot, bergamot orange, Citrus bergamia n12709103 pomelo, pomelo tree, pummelo, shaddock, Citrus maxima, Citrus grandis, Citrus decumana n12709349 citron, citron tree, Citrus medica n12709591 citronwood n12709688 grapefruit, Citrus paradisi n12709901 mandarin, mandarin orange, mandarin orange tree, Citrus reticulata n12710295 tangerine, tangerine tree n12710415 clementine, clementine tree n12710577 satsuma, satsuma tree n12710693 sweet orange, sweet orange tree, Citrus sinensis n12710917 temple orange, temple orange tree, tangor, king orange, Citrus nobilis n12711182 tangelo, tangelo tree, ugli fruit, Citrus tangelo n12711398 rangpur, rangpur lime, lemanderin, Citrus limonia n12711596 lemon, lemon tree, Citrus limon n12711817 sweet lemon, sweet lime, Citrus limetta n12711984 lime, lime tree, Citrus aurantifolia n12712149 Citroncirus, genus Citroncirus n12712320 citrange, citrange tree, Citroncirus webberi n12712488 Dictamnus, genus Dictamnus n12712626 fraxinella, dittany, burning bush, gas plant, Dictamnus alba n12712820 Fortunella, genus Fortunella n12713063 kumquat, cumquat, kumquat tree n12713358 marumi, marumi kumquat, round kumquat, Fortunella japonica n12713521 nagami, nagami kumquat, oval kumquat, Fortunella margarita n12713664 Phellodendron, genus Phellodendron n12713866 cork tree, Phellodendron amurense n12714114 Poncirus, genus Poncirus n12714254 trifoliate orange, trifoliata, wild orange, Poncirus trifoliata n12714550 Zanthoxylum, genus Zanthoxylum n12714755 prickly ash n12714949 toothache tree, sea ash, Zanthoxylum americanum, Zanthoxylum fraxineum n12715195 Hercules'-club, Hercules'-clubs, Hercules-club, Zanthoxylum clava-herculis n12715408 satinwood, West Indian satinwood, Zanthoxylum flavum n12715569 Simaroubaceae, family Simaroubaceae, quassia family n12715914 bitterwood tree n12716166 Simarouba, genus Simarouba n12716400 marupa, Simarouba amara n12716594 paradise tree, bitterwood, Simarouba glauca n12716861 genus Ailanthus n12717072 ailanthus n12717224 tree of heaven, tree of the gods, Ailanthus altissima n12717524 Irvingia, genus Irvingia n12717644 wild mango, dika, wild mango tree, Irvingia gabonensis n12717914 Kirkia, genus Kirkia n12718074 pepper tree, Kirkia wilmsii n12718314 Picrasma, genus Picrasma n12718483 Jamaica quassia, bitterwood, Picrasma excelsa, Picrasma excelsum n12718685 Jamaica quassia n12718807 genus Quassia n12718995 quassia, bitterwood, Quassia amara n12719277 Tropaeolaceae, family Tropaeolaceae, nasturtium family n12719455 Tropaeolum, genus Tropaeolum n12719684 nasturtium n12719944 garden nasturtium, Indian cress, Tropaeolum majus n12720200 bush nasturtium, Tropaeolum minus n12720354 canarybird flower, canarybird vine, canary creeper, Tropaeolum peregrinum n12720532 Zygophyllaceae, family Zygophyllaceae, bean-caper family n12720893 Zygophyllum, genus Zygophyllum n12721122 bean caper, Syrian bean caper, Zygophyllum fabago n12721357 Bulnesia, genus Bulnesia n12721477 palo santo, Bulnesia sarmienti n12721705 guaiac wood, guaiacum wood n12721864 Guaiacum, genus Guaiacum n12722071 lignum vitae, Guaiacum officinale n12722382 lignum vitae, guaiac, guaiacum n12722567 bastard lignum vitae, Guaiacum sanctum n12722768 guaiacum n12722884 Larrea, genus Larrea n12723062 creosote bush, coville, hediondilla, Larrea tridentata n12723330 Sonora gum n12723446 Tribulus, genus Tribulus n12723610 caltrop, devil's weed, Tribulus terestris n12723835 Salicales, order Salicales n12723985 Salicaceae, family Salicaceae, willow family n12724201 Salix, genus Salix n12724942 willow, willow tree n12725521 osier n12725738 white willow, Huntingdon willow, Salix alba n12725940 silver willow, silky willow, Salix alba sericea, Salix sericea n12726159 golden willow, Salix alba vitellina, Salix vitellina n12726357 cricket-bat willow, Salix alba caerulea n12726528 arctic willow, Salix arctica n12726670 weeping willow, Babylonian weeping willow, Salix babylonica n12726902 Wisconsin weeping willow, Salix pendulina, Salix blanda, Salix pendulina blanda n12727101 pussy willow, Salix discolor n12727301 sallow n12727518 goat willow, florist's willow, pussy willow, Salix caprea n12727729 peachleaf willow, peach-leaved willow, almond-leaves willow, Salix amygdaloides n12727960 almond willow, black Hollander, Salix triandra, Salix amygdalina n12728164 hoary willow, sage willow, Salix candida n12728322 crack willow, brittle willow, snap willow, Salix fragilis n12728508 prairie willow, Salix humilis n12728656 dwarf willow, Salix herbacea n12728864 grey willow, gray willow, Salix cinerea n12729023 arroyo willow, Salix lasiolepis n12729164 shining willow, Salix lucida n12729315 swamp willow, black willow, Salix nigra n12729521 bay willow, laurel willow, Salix pentandra n12729729 purple willow, red willow, red osier, basket willow, purple osier, Salix purpurea n12729950 balsam willow, Salix pyrifolia n12730143 creeping willow, Salix repens n12730370 Sitka willow, silky willow, Salix sitchensis n12730544 dwarf grey willow, dwarf gray willow, sage willow, Salix tristis n12730776 bearberry willow, Salix uva-ursi n12731029 common osier, hemp willow, velvet osier, Salix viminalis n12731202 Populus, genus Populus n12731401 poplar, poplar tree n12731714 poplar n12731835 balsam poplar, hackmatack, tacamahac, Populus balsamifera n12732009 white poplar, white aspen, abele, aspen poplar, silver-leaved poplar, Populus alba n12732252 grey poplar, gray poplar, Populus canescens n12732491 black poplar, Populus nigra n12732605 Lombardy poplar, Populus nigra italica n12732756 cottonwood n12732966 Eastern cottonwood, necklace poplar, Populus deltoides n12733218 black cottonwood, Western balsam poplar, Populus trichocarpa n12733428 swamp cottonwood, black cottonwood, downy poplar, swamp poplar, Populus heterophylla n12733647 aspen n12733870 quaking aspen, European quaking aspen, Populus tremula n12734070 American quaking aspen, American aspen, Populus tremuloides n12734215 Canadian aspen, bigtooth aspen, bigtoothed aspen, big-toothed aspen, large-toothed aspen, large tooth aspen, Populus grandidentata n12734446 Santalales, order Santalales n12734722 Santalaceae, family Santalaceae, sandalwood family n12735009 Santalum, genus Santalum n12735160 sandalwood tree, true sandalwood, Santalum album n12735452 sandalwood n12735666 genus Buckleya n12735817 buckleya, Buckleya distichophylla n12736064 Comandra, genus Comandra n12736228 bastard toadflax, Comandra pallida n12736455 Eucarya, genus Eucarya, Fusanus, genus Fusanus n12736603 quandong, quandang, quandong tree, Eucarya acuminata, Fusanus acuminatus n12736840 Pyrularia, genus Pyrularia n12736999 rabbitwood, buffalo nut, Pyrularia pubera n12737251 buffalo nut, elk nut, oil nut n12737383 Loranthaceae, family Loranthaceae, mistletoe family n12737745 Loranthus, genus Loranthus n12737898 mistletoe, Loranthus europaeus n12738087 Arceuthobium, genus Arceuthobium n12738259 American mistletoe, Arceuthobium pusillum n12738480 Nuytsia, genus Nuytsia n12738599 flame tree, fire tree, Christmas tree, Nuytsia floribunda n12738859 Viscaceae, family Viscaceae, mistletoe family n12739072 Viscum, genus Viscum n12739332 mistletoe, Viscum album, Old World mistletoe n12739595 Phoradendron, genus Phoradendron n12739801 mistletoe, false mistletoe n12739966 American mistletoe, Phoradendron serotinum, Phoradendron flavescens n12740196 Sapindales, order Sapindales n12740514 Sapindaceae, family Sapindaceae, soapberry family n12740967 aalii n12741079 Dodonaea, genus Dodonaea n12741222 soapberry, soapberry tree n12741409 Sapindus, genus Sapindus n12741586 wild China tree, Sapindus drumondii, Sapindus marginatus n12741792 China tree, false dogwood, jaboncillo, chinaberry, Sapindus saponaria n12742041 Blighia, genus Blighia n12742290 akee, akee tree, Blighia sapida n12742546 Cardiospermum, genus Cardiospermum n12742741 soapberry vine n12742878 heartseed, Cardiospermum grandiflorum n12743009 balloon vine, heart pea, Cardiospermum halicacabum n12743232 Dimocarpus, genus Dimocarpus n12743352 longan, lungen, longanberry, Dimocarpus longan, Euphorbia litchi, Nephelium longana n12743680 genus Harpullia n12743823 harpullia n12743976 harpulla, Harpullia cupanioides n12744142 Moreton Bay tulipwood, Harpullia pendula n12744277 genus Litchi n12744387 litchi, lichee, litchi tree, Litchi chinensis, Nephelium litchi n12744656 Melicoccus, genus Melicoccus, Melicocca, genus Melicocca n12744850 Spanish lime, Spanish lime tree, honey berry, mamoncillo, genip, ginep, Melicocca bijuga, Melicocca bijugatus n12745160 Nephelium, genus Nephelium n12745386 rambutan, rambotan, rambutan tree, Nephelium lappaceum n12745564 pulasan, pulassan, pulasan tree, Nephelium mutabile n12745788 Buxaceae, family Buxaceae, box family n12745976 Buxus, genus Buxus n12746106 box, boxwood n12746253 common box, European box, Buxus sempervirens n12746474 boxwood, Turkish boxwood n12746733 genus Pachysandra n12746884 pachysandra n12747120 Allegheny spurge, Allegheny mountain spurge, Pachysandra procumbens n12747371 Japanese spurge, Pachysandra terminalis n12747563 Celastraceae, family Celastraceae, spindle-tree family, staff-tree family n12747831 staff tree n12747961 Celastrus, genus Celastrus n12748248 bittersweet, American bittersweet, climbing bittersweet, false bittersweet, staff vine, waxwork, shrubby bittersweet, Celastrus scandens n12748534 Japanese bittersweet, Japan bittersweet, oriental bittersweet, Celastrus orbiculatus, Celastric articulatus n12748815 Euonymus, genus Euonymus n12749049 spindle tree, spindleberry, spindleberry tree n12749289 common spindle tree, Euonymus europaeus n12749456 winged spindle tree, Euonymous alatus n12749679 wahoo, burning bush, Euonymus atropurpureus n12749852 strawberry bush, wahoo, Euonymus americanus n12750076 evergreen bittersweet, Euonymus fortunei radicans, Euonymus radicans vegetus n12750306 Cyrilliaceae, family Cyrilliaceae, cyrilla family, titi family n12750577 genus Cyrilla n12750767 cyrilla, leatherwood, white titi, Cyrilla racemiflora n12751043 Cliftonia, genus Cliftonia n12751172 titi, buckwheat tree, Cliftonia monophylla n12751402 Empetraceae, family Empetraceae, crowberry family n12751554 Empetrum, genus Empetrum n12751675 crowberry n12751823 Aceraceae, family Aceraceae, maple family n12752039 Acer, genus Acer n12752205 maple n12752666 maple n12752892 bird's-eye maple n12753007 silver maple, Acer saccharinum n12753245 sugar maple, rock maple, Acer saccharum n12753573 red maple, scarlet maple, swamp maple, Acer rubrum n12753762 moosewood, moose-wood, striped maple, striped dogwood, goosefoot maple, Acer pennsylvanicum n12754003 Oregon maple, big-leaf maple, Acer macrophyllum n12754174 dwarf maple, Rocky-mountain maple, Acer glabrum n12754311 mountain maple, mountain alder, Acer spicatum n12754468 vine maple, Acer circinatum n12754648 hedge maple, field maple, Acer campestre n12754781 Norway maple, Acer platanoides n12754981 sycamore, great maple, scottish maple, Acer pseudoplatanus n12755225 box elder, ash-leaved maple, Acer negundo n12755387 California box elder, Acer negundo Californicum n12755559 pointed-leaf maple, Acer argutum n12755727 Japanese maple, full moon maple, Acer japonicum n12755876 Japanese maple, Acer palmatum n12756059 Dipteronia, genus Dipteronia n12756286 Aquifoliaceae, family Aquifoliaceae, holly family n12756457 holly n12756862 Ilex, genus Ilex n12757115 Chinese holly, Ilex cornuta n12757303 bearberry, possum haw, winterberry, Ilex decidua n12757458 inkberry, gallberry, gall-berry, evergreen winterberry, Ilex glabra n12757668 mate, Paraguay tea, Ilex paraguariensis n12757816 American holly, Christmas holly n12757930 low gallberry holly n12758014 tall gallberry holly n12758099 yaupon holly n12758176 deciduous holly n12758250 juneberry holly n12758325 largeleaf holly n12758399 Geogia holly n12758471 common winterberry holly n12758555 smooth winterberry holly n12758639 Anacardiaceae, family Anacardiaceae, sumac family n12759120 Anacardium, genus Anacardium n12759273 cashew, cashew tree, Anacardium occidentale n12759496 Astronium, genus Astronium n12759668 goncalo alves, Astronium fraxinifolium n12760013 Cotinus, genus Cotinus n12760132 smoke tree, smoke bush n12760316 American smokewood, chittamwood, Cotinus americanus, Cotinus obovatus n12760539 Venetian sumac, wig tree, Cotinus coggygria n12760722 Malosma, genus Malosma n12760875 laurel sumac, Malosma laurina, Rhus laurina n12761123 Mangifera, genus Mangifera n12761284 mango, mango tree, Mangifera indica n12761471 Pistacia, genus Pistacia n12761702 pistachio, Pistacia vera, pistachio tree n12761905 terebinth, Pistacia terebinthus n12762049 mastic, mastic tree, lentisk, Pistacia lentiscus n12762245 Rhodosphaera, genus Rhodosphaera n12762405 Australian sumac, Rhodosphaera rhodanthema, Rhus rhodanthema n12762583 Rhus, genus Rhus n12762896 sumac, sumach, shumac n12763205 sumac n12763291 fragrant sumac, lemon sumac, Rhus aromatica n12763529 smooth sumac, scarlet sumac, vinegar tree, Rhus glabra n12763762 dwarf sumac, mountain sumac, black sumac, shining sumac, Rhus copallina n12764008 sugar-bush, sugar sumac, Rhus ovata n12764202 staghorn sumac, velvet sumac, Virginian sumac, vinegar tree, Rhus typhina n12764507 squawbush, squaw-bush, skunkbush, Rhus trilobata n12764703 Schinus, genus Schinus n12764978 aroeira blanca, Schinus chichita n12765115 pepper tree, molle, Peruvian mastic tree, Schinus molle n12765402 Brazilian pepper tree, Schinus terebinthifolius n12765679 Spondias, genus Spondias n12765846 hog plum, yellow mombin, yellow mombin tree, Spondias mombin n12766043 mombin, mombin tree, jocote, Spondias purpurea n12766241 Toxicodendron, genus Toxicodendron n12766595 poison ash, poison dogwood, poison sumac, Toxicodendron vernix, Rhus vernix n12766869 poison ivy, markweed, poison mercury, poison oak, Toxicodendron radicans, Rhus radicans n12767208 western poison oak, Toxicodendron diversilobum, Rhus diversiloba n12767423 eastern poison oak, Toxicodendron quercifolium, Rhus quercifolia, Rhus toxicodenedron n12767648 varnish tree, lacquer tree, Chinese lacquer tree, Japanese lacquer tree, Japanese varnish tree, Japanese sumac, Toxicodendron vernicifluum, Rhus verniciflua n12767951 Hippocastanaceae, family Hippocastanaceae, horse-chestnut family n12768177 Aesculus, genus Aesculus n12768369 horse chestnut, buckeye, Aesculus hippocastanum n12768682 buckeye, horse chestnut, conker n12768809 sweet buckeye n12768933 Ohio buckeye n12769065 dwarf buckeye, bottlebrush buckeye n12769219 red buckeye n12769318 particolored buckeye n12769430 Staphylaceae, family Staphylaceae, bladdernut family n12769663 Staphylea, genus Staphylea n12769815 Ebenales, order Ebenales n12770068 Ebenaceae, family Ebenaceae, ebony family n12770277 Diospyros, genus Diospyros n12770529 ebony, ebony tree, Diospyros ebenum n12770736 ebony n12770892 marblewood, marble-wood, Andaman marble, Diospyros kurzii n12771085 marblewood, marble-wood n12771192 persimmon, persimmon tree n12771390 Japanese persimmon, kaki, Diospyros kaki n12771597 American persimmon, possumwood, Diospyros virginiana n12771890 date plum, Diospyros lotus n12772081 Sapotaceae, family Sapotaceae, sapodilla family n12772419 Achras, genus Achras n12772557 Bumelia, genus Bumelia n12772753 buckthorn n12772908 southern buckthorn, shittimwood, shittim, mock orange, Bumelia lycioides n12773142 false buckthorn, chittamwood, chittimwood, shittimwood, black haw, Bumelia lanuginosa n12773334 Calocarpum, genus Calocarpum n12773488 Chrysophyllum, genus Chrysophyllum n12773651 star apple, caimito, Chrysophyllum cainito n12773917 satinleaf, satin leaf, caimitillo, damson plum, Chrysophyllum oliviforme n12774127 Manilkara, genus Manilkara n12774299 balata, balata tree, beefwood, bully tree, Manilkara bidentata n12774496 balata, gutta balata n12774641 sapodilla, sapodilla tree, Manilkara zapota, Achras zapota n12774891 Palaquium, genus Palaquium n12775070 gutta-percha tree, Palaquium gutta n12775225 Payena, genus Payena n12775393 gutta-percha tree n12775530 Pouteria, genus Pouteria n12775717 canistel, canistel tree, Pouteria campechiana nervosa n12775919 marmalade tree, mammee, sapote, Pouteria zapota, Calocarpum zapota n12776212 Symplocaceae, family Symplocaceae, sweetleaf family n12776391 Symplocus, genus Symplocus n12776558 sweetleaf, Symplocus tinctoria n12776774 Asiatic sweetleaf, sapphire berry, Symplocus paniculata n12776946 Styracaceae, family Styracaceae, storax family, styrax family n12777179 storax n12777294 genus Styrax n12777436 styrax n12777680 snowbell, Styrax obassia n12777778 Japanese snowbell, Styrax japonicum n12777892 Texas snowbell, Texas snowbells, Styrax texana n12778045 Halesia, genus Halesia n12778219 silver bell n12778398 silver-bell tree, silverbell tree, snowdrop tree, opossum wood, Halesia carolina, Halesia tetraptera n12778605 carnivorous plant n12778926 Sarraceniales, order Sarraceniales n12779233 Sarraceniaceae, family Sarraceniaceae, pitcher-plant family n12779437 Sarracenia, genus Sarracenia n12779603 pitcher plant n12779851 common pitcher plant, huntsman's cup, huntsman's cups, Sarracenia purpurea n12780168 pitcher n12780325 hooded pitcher plant, Sarracenia minor n12780563 huntsman's horn, huntsman's horns, yellow trumpet, yellow pitcher plant, trumpets, Sarracenia flava n12780852 Darlingtonia, genus Darlingtonia n12781007 California pitcher plant, Darlingtonia californica n12781241 Heliamphora, genus Heliamphora n12781421 sun pitcher n12781659 Nepenthaceae, family Nepenthaceae n12781814 Nepenthes, genus Nepenthes n12781940 tropical pitcher plant n12782108 Droseraceae, family Droseraceae, sundew family n12782338 Drosera, genus Drosera n12782530 sundew, sundew plant, daily dew n12782774 Dionaea, genus Dionaea n12782915 Venus's flytrap, Venus's flytraps, Dionaea muscipula n12783173 Aldrovanda, genus Aldrovanda n12783316 waterwheel plant, Aldrovanda vesiculosa n12783601 Drosophyllum, genus Drosophyllum n12783730 Drosophyllum lusitanicum n12783996 Roridulaceae, family Roridulaceae n12784173 genus Roridula n12784371 roridula n12784543 Cephalotaceae, family Cephalotaceae n12784738 Cephalotus, genus Cephalotus n12784889 Australian pitcher plant, Cephalotus follicularis n12785110 Crassulaceae, family Crassulaceae, stonecrop family n12785312 Crassula, genus Crassula n12785499 genus Sedum n12785724 sedum n12785889 stonecrop n12786097 wall pepper, Sedum acre n12786273 rose-root, midsummer-men, Sedum rosea n12786464 orpine, orpin, livelong, live-forever, Sedum telephium n12786684 Aeonium, genus Aeonium n12786836 pinwheel, Aeonium haworthii n12787007 Cunoniaceae, family Cunoniaceae, cunonia family n12787196 Ceratopetalum, genus Ceratopetalum n12787364 Christmas bush, Christmas tree, Ceratopetalum gummiferum n12787565 Hydrangeaceae, family Hydrangeaceae, hydrangea family n12787846 genus Hydrangea n12788201 hydrangea n12788487 climbing hydrangea, Hydrangea anomala n12788678 wild hydrangea, Hydrangea arborescens n12788854 hortensia, Hydrangea macrophylla hortensis n12789054 fall-blooming hydrangea, Hydrangea paniculata n12789226 climbing hydrangea, Hydrangea petiolaris n12789399 genus Carpenteria n12789554 carpenteria, Carpenteria californica n12789767 Decumaria, genus Decumaria n12789977 decumary, Decumaria barbata, Decumaria barbara n12790185 genus Deutzia n12790430 deutzia n12790656 Philadelphaceae, subfamily Philadelphaceae n12790835 genus Philadelphus n12791064 philadelphus n12791329 mock orange, syringa, Philadelphus coronarius n12791539 Schizophragma, genus Schizophragma n12791790 climbing hydrangea, Schizophragma hydrangeoides n12792041 Saxifragaceae, family Saxifragaceae, saxifrage family n12792638 Saxifraga, genus Saxifraga n12793015 saxifrage, breakstone, rockfoil n12793284 yellow mountain saxifrage, Saxifraga aizoides n12793494 meadow saxifrage, fair-maids-of-France, Saxifraga granulata n12793695 mossy saxifrage, Saxifraga hypnoides n12793886 western saxifrage, Saxifraga occidentalis n12794135 purple saxifrage, Saxifraga oppositifolia n12794367 star saxifrage, starry saxifrage, Saxifraga stellaris n12794568 strawberry geranium, strawberry saxifrage, mother-of-thousands, Saxifraga stolonifera, Saxifraga sarmentosam n12794853 genus Astilbe n12794985 astilbe n12795209 false goatsbeard, Astilbe biternata n12795352 dwarf astilbe, Astilbe chinensis pumila n12795555 spirea, spiraea, Astilbe japonica n12795829 genus Bergenia n12796022 bergenia n12796192 Boykinia, genus Boykinia n12796385 coast boykinia, Boykinia elata, Boykinia occidentalis n12796617 Chrysosplenium, genus Chrysosplenium n12796849 golden saxifrage, golden spleen n12797025 water carpet, water mat, Chrysosplenium americanum n12797213 Darmera, genus Darmera, Peltiphyllum, genus Peltiphyllum n12797368 umbrella plant, Indian rhubarb, Darmera peltata, Peltiphyllum peltatum n12797693 Francoa, genus Francoa n12797860 bridal wreath, bridal-wreath, Francoa ramosa n12798041 Heuchera, genus Heuchera n12798284 alumroot, alumbloom n12798466 rock geranium, Heuchera americana n12798632 poker alumroot, poker heuchera, Heuchera cylindrica n12798910 coralbells, Heuchera sanguinea n12799119 Leptarrhena, genus Leptarrhena n12799269 leatherleaf saxifrage, Leptarrhena pyrolifolia n12799580 Lithophragma, genus Lithophragma n12799776 woodland star, Lithophragma affine, Lithophragma affinis, Tellima affinis n12800049 prairie star, Lithophragma parviflorum n12800327 Mitella, genus Mitella n12800586 miterwort, mitrewort, bishop's cap n12800832 fairy cup, Mitella diphylla n12801072 five-point bishop's cap, Mitella pentandra n12801323 genus Parnassia n12801520 parnassia, grass-of-Parnassus n12801781 bog star, Parnassia palustris n12801966 fringed grass of Parnassus, Parnassia fimbriata n12802248 genus Suksdorfia n12802442 suksdorfia n12802707 violet suksdorfia, Suksdorfia violaceae n12802987 Tellima, genus Tellima n12803226 false alumroot, fringe cups, Tellima grandiflora n12803517 Tiarella, genus Tiarella n12803754 foamflower, coolwart, false miterwort, false mitrewort, Tiarella cordifolia n12803958 false miterwort, false mitrewort, Tiarella unifoliata n12804216 Tolmiea, genus Tolmiea n12804352 pickaback plant, piggyback plant, youth-on-age, Tolmiea menziesii n12804621 Grossulariaceae, family Grossulariaceae, gooseberry family n12804866 Ribes, genus Ribes n12805146 currant, currant bush n12805373 red currant, garden current, Ribes rubrum n12805561 black currant, European black currant, Ribes nigrum n12805762 white currant, Ribes sativum n12805899 winter currant, Ribes sanguineum n12806015 gooseberry, gooseberry bush, Ribes uva-crispa, Ribes grossularia n12806270 Platanaceae, family Platanaceae, plane-tree family n12806455 Platanus, genus Platanus n12806732 plane tree, sycamore, platan n12807082 sycamore, lacewood n12807251 London plane, Platanus acerifolia n12807409 American sycamore, American plane, buttonwood, Platanus occidentalis n12807624 oriental plane, Platanus orientalis n12807773 California sycamore, Platanus racemosa n12808007 Arizona sycamore, Platanus wrightii n12808227 Polemoniales, order Polemoniales n12808751 Scrophulariales, order Scrophulariales n12808933 Polemoniaceae, family Polemoniaceae, phlox family n12809233 genus Polemonium n12809365 polemonium n12809626 Jacob's ladder, Greek valerian, charity, Polemonium caeruleum, Polemonium van-bruntiae, Polymonium caeruleum van-bruntiae n12809868 Greek valerian, Polemonium reptans n12810007 northern Jacob's ladder, Polemonium boreale n12810151 skunkweed, skunk-weed, Polemonium viscosum n12810318 genus Phlox n12810595 phlox n12810847 chickweed phlox, sand phlox, Phlox bifida, Phlox stellaria n12811027 moss pink, mountain phlox, moss phlox, dwarf phlox, Phlox subulata n12811294 Linanthus, genus Linanthus n12811501 ground pink, fringed pink, moss pink, Linanthus dianthiflorus n12811713 evening-snow, Linanthus dichotomus n12811856 Acanthaceae, family Acanthaceae, acanthus family n12812121 genus Acanthus n12812235 acanthus n12812478 bear's breech, bear's breeches, sea holly, Acanthus mollis n12812665 Graptophyllum, genus Graptophyllum n12812801 caricature plant, Graptophyllum pictum n12813024 Thunbergia, genus Thunbergia n12813189 black-eyed Susan, black-eyed Susan vine, Thunbergia alata n12813393 Bignoniaceae, family Bignoniaceae n12813753 bignoniad n12813870 Bignonia, genus Bignonia n12814003 cross vine, trumpet flower, quartervine, quarter-vine, Bignonia capreolata n12814235 trumpet creeper, trumpet vine, Campsis radicans n12814417 genus Catalpa n12814643 catalpa, Indian bean n12814857 Catalpa bignioides n12814960 Catalpa speciosa n12815060 Chilopsis, genus Chilopsis n12815198 desert willow, Chilopsis linearis n12815434 Crescentia, genus Crescentia n12815668 calabash, calabash tree, Crescentia cujete n12815838 calabash n12815925 Boraginaceae, family Boraginaceae, borage family n12816359 Borago, genus Borago n12816508 borage, tailwort, Borago officinalis n12816753 Amsinckia, genus Amsinckia n12816942 common amsinckia, Amsinckia intermedia n12817129 large-flowered fiddleneck, Amsinckia grandiflora n12817335 genus Anchusa n12817464 anchusa n12817694 bugloss, alkanet, Anchusa officinalis n12817855 cape forget-me-not, Anchusa capensis n12818004 cape forget-me-not, Anchusa riparia n12818147 Cordia, genus Cordia n12818346 Spanish elm, Equador laurel, salmwood, cypre, princewood, Cordia alliodora n12818601 princewood, Spanish elm, Cordia gerascanthus n12818742 Cynoglossum, genus Cynoglossum n12818966 Chinese forget-me-not, Cynoglossum amabile n12819141 hound's-tongue, Cynoglossum officinale n12819354 hound's-tongue, Cynoglossum virginaticum n12819560 Echium, genus Echium n12819728 blueweed, blue devil, blue thistle, viper's bugloss, Echium vulgare n12819953 Hackelia, genus Hackelia, Lappula, genus Lappula n12820113 beggar's lice, beggar lice n12820292 stickweed n12820434 Lithospermum, genus Lithospermum n12820669 gromwell, Lithospermum officinale n12820853 puccoon, Lithospermum caroliniense n12821048 hoary puccoon, Indian paint, Lithospermum canescens n12821257 Mertensia, genus Mertensia n12821505 Virginia bluebell, Virginia cowslip, Mertensia virginica n12821736 Myosotis, genus Myosotis n12821895 garden forget-me-not, Myosotis sylvatica n12822115 forget-me-not, mouse ear, Myosotis scorpiodes n12822284 Onosmodium, genus Onosmodium n12822466 false gromwell n12822650 Symphytum, genus Symphytum n12822769 comfrey, cumfrey n12822955 common comfrey, boneset, Symphytum officinale n12823164 Convolvulaceae, family Convolvulaceae, morning-glory family n12823531 genus Convolvulus n12823717 convolvulus n12823859 bindweed n12824053 field bindweed, wild morning-glory, Convolvulus arvensis n12824289 scammony, Convolvulus scammonia n12824482 scammony n12824581 Argyreia, genus Argyreia n12824735 silverweed n12824909 Calystegia, genus Calystegia n12825061 hedge bindweed, wild morning-glory, Calystegia sepium, Convolvulus sepium n12825301 Cuscuta, genus Cuscuta n12825497 dodder n12825721 love vine, Cuscuta gronovii n12825949 genus Dichondra n12826143 dichondra, Dichondra micrantha n12826395 Ipomoea, genus Ipomoea n12826516 morning glory n12826895 common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea n12827068 common morning glory, Ipomoea tricolor n12827270 cypress vine, star-glory, Indian pink, Ipomoea quamoclit, Quamoclit pennata n12827537 moonflower, belle de nuit, Ipomoea alba n12827684 sweet potato, sweet potato vine, Ipomoea batatas n12827907 wild potato vine, wild sweet potato vine, man-of-the-earth, manroot, scammonyroot, Ipomoea panurata, Ipomoea fastigiata n12828220 red morning-glory, star ipomoea, Ipomoea coccinea n12828379 man-of-the-earth, Ipomoea leptophylla n12828520 scammony, Ipomoea orizabensis n12828628 railroad vine, beach morning glory, Ipomoea pes-caprae n12828791 Japanese morning glory, Ipomoea nil n12828977 imperial Japanese morning glory, Ipomoea imperialis n12829099 Gesneriaceae, family Gesneriaceae, gesneria family n12829582 gesneriad n12829809 genus Gesneria n12829975 gesneria n12830080 genus Achimenes n12830222 achimenes, hot water plant n12830404 genus Aeschynanthus n12830568 aeschynanthus n12830789 lipstick plant, Aeschynanthus radicans n12830974 Alsobia, genus Alsobia n12831141 lace-flower vine, Alsobia dianthiflora, Episcia dianthiflora n12831389 genus Columnea n12831535 columnea n12831776 genus Episcia n12831932 episcia n12832140 genus Gloxinia n12832315 gloxinia n12832538 Canterbury bell, Gloxinia perennis n12832690 genus Kohleria n12832822 kohleria n12832976 Saintpaulia, genus Saintpaulia n12833149 African violet, Saintpaulia ionantha n12833341 Sinningia, genus Sinningia n12833526 florist's gloxinia, Sinningia speciosa, Gloxinia spesiosa n12833793 genus Streptocarpus n12833985 streptocarpus n12834190 Cape primrose n12834408 Hydrophyllaceae, family Hydrophyllaceae, waterleaf family n12834671 Hydrophyllum, genus Hydrophyllum n12834798 waterleaf n12834938 Virginia waterleaf, Shawnee salad, shawny, Indian salad, John's cabbage, Hydrophyllum virginianum n12835196 Emmanthe, genus Emmanthe n12835331 yellow bells, California yellow bells, whispering bells, Emmanthe penduliflora n12835578 Eriodictyon, genus Eriodictyon n12835766 yerba santa, Eriodictyon californicum n12836033 genus Nemophila n12836212 nemophila n12836337 baby blue-eyes, Nemophila menziesii n12836508 five-spot, Nemophila maculata n12836663 genus Phacelia n12836862 scorpionweed, scorpion weed, phacelia n12837052 California bluebell, Phacelia campanularia n12837259 California bluebell, whitlavia, Phacelia minor, Phacelia whitlavia n12837466 fiddleneck, Phacelia tanacetifolia n12837643 Pholistoma, genus Pholistoma n12837803 fiesta flower, Pholistoma auritum, Nemophila aurita n12838027 Labiatae, family Labiatae, Lamiaceae, family Lamiaceae, mint family n12839319 mint n12839409 Acinos, genus Acinos n12839574 basil thyme, basil balm, mother of thyme, Acinos arvensis, Satureja acinos n12839839 Agastache, genus Agastache n12839979 giant hyssop n12840168 yellow giant hyssop, Agastache nepetoides n12840362 anise hyssop, Agastache foeniculum n12840502 Mexican hyssop, Agastache mexicana n12840640 Ajuga, genus Ajuga n12840749 bugle, bugleweed n12841007 creeping bugle, Ajuga reptans n12841193 erect bugle, blue bugle, Ajuga genevensis n12841354 pyramid bugle, Ajuga pyramidalis n12841472 ground pine, yellow bugle, Ajuga chamaepitys n12841686 Ballota, genus Ballota n12841872 black horehound, black archangel, fetid horehound, stinking horehound, Ballota nigra n12842105 Blephilia, genus Blephilia n12842302 wood mint n12842519 hairy wood mint, Blephilia hirsuta n12842642 downy wood mint, Blephilia celiata n12842765 Calamintha, genus Calamintha n12842887 calamint n12843144 common calamint, Calamintha sylvatica, Satureja calamintha officinalis n12843316 large-flowered calamint, Calamintha grandiflora, Clinopodium grandiflorum, Satureja grandiflora n12843557 lesser calamint, field balm, Calamintha nepeta, Calamintha nepeta glantulosa, Satureja nepeta, Satureja calamintha glandulosa n12843844 Clinopodium, genus Clinopodium n12843970 wild basil, cushion calamint, Clinopodium vulgare, Satureja vulgaris n12844220 Collinsonia, genus Collinsonia n12844409 horse balm, horseweed, stoneroot, stone-root, richweed, stone root, Collinsonia canadensis n12844697 genus Coleus n12844939 coleus, flame nettle n12845187 country borage, Coleus aromaticus, Coleus amboinicus, Plectranthus amboinicus n12845413 painted nettle, Joseph's coat, Coleus blumei, Solenostemon blumei, Solenostemon scutellarioides n12845732 Conradina, genus Conradina n12845908 Apalachicola rosemary, Conradina glabra n12846143 Dracocephalum, genus Dracocephalum n12846335 dragonhead, dragon's head, Dracocephalum parviflorum n12846546 genus Elsholtzia n12846690 elsholtzia n12846869 Galeopsis, genus Galeopsis n12847008 hemp nettle, dead nettle, Galeopsis tetrahit n12847254 Glechoma, genus Glechoma n12847374 ground ivy, alehoof, field balm, gill-over-the-ground, runaway robin, Glechoma hederaceae, Nepeta hederaceae n12847749 Hedeoma, genus Hedeoma n12847927 pennyroyal, American pennyroyal, Hedeoma pulegioides n12848212 pennyroyal oil, hedeoma oil n12848343 Hyssopus, genus Hyssopus n12848499 hyssop, Hyssopus officinalis n12848770 hyssop oil n12848870 Lamium, genus Lamium n12849061 dead nettle n12849279 white dead nettle, Lamium album n12849416 henbit, Lamium amplexicaule n12849597 Lavandula, genus Lavandula n12849717 lavender n12849952 English lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Lavandula officinalis n12850168 French lavender, Lavandula stoechas n12850336 spike lavender, French lavender, Lavandula latifolia n12850531 spike lavender oil, spike oil n12850718 Leonotis, genus Leonotis n12850906 dagga, Cape dagga, red dagga, wilde dagga, Leonotis leonurus n12851094 lion's-ear, Leonotis nepetaefolia, Leonotis nepetifolia n12851304 Leonurus, genus Leonurus n12851469 motherwort, Leonurus cardiaca n12851673 Lepechinia, genus Lepechinia, Sphacele, genus Sphacele n12851860 pitcher sage, Lepechinia calycina, Sphacele calycina n12852049 Lycopus, genus Lycopus n12852234 bugleweed, Lycopus virginicus n12852428 water horehound, Lycopus americanus n12852570 gipsywort, gypsywort, Lycopus europaeus n12852726 genus Origanum n12852930 Majorana, genus Majorana n12853080 origanum n12853287 oregano, marjoram, pot marjoram, wild marjoram, winter sweet, Origanum vulgare n12853482 sweet marjoram, knotted marjoram, Origanum majorana, Majorana hortensis n12853706 dittany of crete, cretan dittany, crete dittany, hop marjoram, winter sweet, Origanum dictamnus n12853901 Marrubium, genus Marrubium n12854048 horehound n12854193 common horehound, white horehound, Marrubium vulgare n12854443 Melissa, genus Melissa n12854600 lemon balm, garden balm, sweet balm, bee balm, beebalm, Melissa officinalis n12854925 Mentha, genus Mentha n12855042 mint n12855365 corn mint, field mint, Mentha arvensis n12855494 water-mint, water mint, Mentha aquatica n12855710 bergamot mint, lemon mint, eau de cologne mint, Mentha citrata n12855886 horsemint, Mentha longifolia n12856091 peppermint, Mentha piperita n12856287 spearmint, Mentha spicata n12856479 apple mint, applemint, Mentha rotundifolia, Mentha suaveolens n12856680 pennyroyal, Mentha pulegium n12856868 pennyroyal oil n12857024 Micromeria, genus Micromeria n12857204 yerba buena, Micromeria chamissonis, Micromeria douglasii, Satureja douglasii n12857456 savory, Micromeria juliana n12857594 Molucella, genus Molucella n12857779 molucca balm, bells of Ireland, Molucella laevis n12858019 genus Monarda n12858150 monarda, wild bergamot n12858397 bee balm, beebalm, bergamot mint, oswego tea, Monarda didyma n12858618 horsemint, Monarda punctata n12858871 bee balm, beebalm, Monarda fistulosa n12858987 lemon mint, horsemint, Monarda citriodora n12859153 plains lemon monarda, Monarda pectinata n12859272 basil balm, Monarda clinopodia n12859488 Monardella, genus Monardella n12859679 mustang mint, Monardella lanceolata n12859873 Nepeta, genus Nepeta n12859986 catmint, catnip, Nepeta cataria n12860254 Ocimum, genus Ocimum n12860365 basil n12860542 common basil, sweet basil, Ocimum basilicum n12860842 Perilla, genus Perilla n12860978 beefsteak plant, Perilla frutescens crispa n12861139 genus Phlomis n12861345 phlomis n12861541 Jerusalem sage, Phlomis fruticosa n12861751 genus Physostegia n12861892 physostegia n12862116 false dragonhead, false dragon head, obedient plant, Physostegia virginiana n12862312 genus Plectranthus n12862512 plectranthus n12862648 Pogostemon, genus Pogostemon n12862828 patchouli, patchouly, pachouli, Pogostemon cablin n12863026 Prunella, genus Prunella n12863234 self-heal, heal all, Prunella vulgaris n12863458 Pycnanthemum, genus Pycnanthemum, Koellia, genus Koellia n12863624 mountain mint n12863819 basil mint, Pycnanthemum virginianum n12864038 Rosmarinus, genus Rosmarinus n12864160 rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis n12864363 genus Salvia n12864545 sage, salvia n12864902 blue sage, Salvia azurea n12865037 clary sage, Salvia clarea n12865239 blue sage, mealy sage, Salvia farinacea n12865367 blue sage, Salvia reflexa, Salvia lancifolia n12865562 purple sage, chaparral sage, Salvia leucophylla n12865708 cancerweed, cancer weed, Salvia lyrata n12865824 common sage, ramona, Salvia officinalis n12866002 meadow clary, Salvia pratensis n12866162 clary, Salvia sclarea n12866333 pitcher sage, Salvia spathacea n12866459 Mexican mint, Salvia divinorum n12866635 wild sage, wild clary, vervain sage, Salvia verbenaca n12866824 Satureja, genus Satureja, Satureia, genus Satureia n12866968 savory n12867184 summer savory, Satureja hortensis, Satureia hortensis n12867449 winter savory, Satureja montana, Satureia montana n12867679 Scutellaria, genus Scutellaria n12867826 skullcap, helmetflower n12868019 blue pimpernel, blue skullcap, mad-dog skullcap, mad-dog weed, Scutellaria lateriflora n12868248 Sideritis, genus Sideritis n12868418 Solenostemon, genus Solenostemon n12868634 Stachys, genus Stachys n12868880 hedge nettle, dead nettle, Stachys sylvatica n12869061 hedge nettle, Stachys palustris n12869248 Teucrium, genus Teucrium n12869478 germander n12869668 American germander, wood sage, Teucrium canadense n12869874 wall germander, Teucrium chamaedrys n12870048 cat thyme, marum, Teucrium marum n12870225 wood sage, Teucrium scorodonia n12870392 Thymus, genus Thymus n12870535 thyme n12870682 common thyme, Thymus vulgaris n12870891 wild thyme, creeping thyme, Thymus serpyllum n12871074 Trichostema, genus Trichostema n12871272 blue curls n12871484 black sage, wooly blue curls, California romero, Trichostema lanatum n12871696 turpentine camphor weed, camphorweed, vinegarweed, Trichostema lanceolatum n12871859 bastard pennyroyal, Trichostema dichotomum n12871992 Lentibulariaceae, family Lentibulariaceae, bladderwort family n12872257 Utricularia, genus Utricularia n12872458 bladderwort n12872698 Pinguicula, genus Pinguicula n12872914 butterwort n12873182 genus Genlisea n12873341 genlisea n12873646 Martyniaceae, family Martyniaceae n12873834 genus Martynia n12873984 martynia, Martynia annua n12874231 Orobanchaceae, family Orobanchaceae, broomrape family n12874429 Pedaliaceae, family Pedaliaceae, sesame family n12874642 Sesamum, genus Sesamum n12874783 sesame, benne, benni, benny, Sesamum indicum n12874996 Proboscidea, genus Proboscidea n12875269 common unicorn plant, devil's claw, common devil's claw, elephant-tusk, proboscis flower, ram's horn, Proboscidea louisianica n12875594 beak n12875697 sand devil's claw, Proboscidea arenaria, Martynia arenaria n12875861 sweet unicorn plant, Proboscidea fragrans, Martynia fragrans n12876032 Scrophulariaceae, family Scrophulariaceae, figwort family, foxglove family n12876684 Scrophularia, genus Scrophularia n12876899 figwort n12877041 Antirrhinum, genus Antirrhinum n12877244 snapdragon n12877493 white snapdragon, Antirrhinum coulterianum n12877637 yellow twining snapdragon, Antirrhinum filipes n12877838 Mediterranean snapdragon, Antirrhinum majus n12878019 Besseya, genus Besseya n12878169 kitten-tails n12878325 Alpine besseya, Besseya alpina n12878525 Aureolaria, genus Aureolaria n12878784 false foxglove, Aureolaria pedicularia, Gerardia pedicularia n12879068 false foxglove, Aureolaria virginica, Gerardia virginica n12879350 genus Calceolaria n12879527 calceolaria, slipperwort n12879719 Castilleja, genus Castilleja, Castilleia, genus Castilleia n12879963 Indian paintbrush, painted cup n12880244 desert paintbrush, Castilleja chromosa n12880462 giant red paintbrush, Castilleja miniata n12880638 great plains paintbrush, Castilleja sessiliflora n12880799 sulfur paintbrush, Castilleja sulphurea n12880963 Chelone, genus Chelone n12881105 shellflower, shell-flower, turtlehead, snakehead, snake-head, Chelone glabra n12881429 Collinsia, genus Collinsia n12881631 purple chinese houses, innocense, Collinsia bicolor, Collinsia heterophylla n12881913 maiden blue-eyed Mary, Collinsia parviflora n12882158 blue-eyed Mary, Collinsia verna n12882321 Culver's root, Culvers root, Culver's physic, Culvers physic, whorlywort, Veronicastrum virginicum n12882591 genus Digitalis n12882779 foxglove, digitalis n12882945 common foxglove, fairy bell, fingerflower, finger-flower, fingerroot, finger-root, Digitalis purpurea n12883265 yellow foxglove, straw foxglove, Digitalis lutea n12883395 genus Gerardia n12883628 gerardia n12883733 Agalinis, genus Agalinis n12883923 Linaria, genus Linaria n12884100 blue toadflax, old-field toadflax, Linaria canadensis n12884260 toadflax, butter-and-eggs, wild snapdragon, devil's flax, Linaria vulgaris n12884523 Penstemon, genus Penstemon n12885045 golden-beard penstemon, Penstemon barbatus n12885265 scarlet bugler, Penstemon centranthifolius n12885510 red shrubby penstemon, redwood penstemon n12885754 Platte River penstemon, Penstemon cyananthus n12885956 Davidson's penstemon, Penstemon davidsonii n12886185 hot-rock penstemon, Penstemon deustus n12886402 Jones' penstemon, Penstemon dolius n12886600 shrubby penstemon, lowbush penstemon, Penstemon fruticosus n12886831 narrow-leaf penstemon, Penstemon linarioides n12887065 mountain pride, Penstemon newberryi n12887293 balloon flower, scented penstemon, Penstemon palmeri n12887532 Parry's penstemon, Penstemon parryi n12887713 rock penstemon, cliff penstemon, Penstemon rupicola n12888016 Rydberg's penstemon, Penstemon rydbergii n12888234 cascade penstemon, Penstemon serrulatus n12888457 Whipple's penstemon, Penstemon whippleanus n12888733 Verbascum, genus Verbascum n12888906 mullein, flannel leaf, velvet plant n12889219 moth mullein, Verbascum blattaria n12889412 white mullein, Verbascum lychnitis n12889579 purple mullein, Verbascum phoeniceum n12889713 common mullein, great mullein, Aaron's rod, flannel mullein, woolly mullein, torch, Verbascum thapsus n12890009 genus Veronica n12890265 veronica, speedwell n12890490 field speedwell, Veronica agrestis n12890685 brooklime, American brooklime, Veronica americana n12890928 corn speedwell, Veronica arvensis n12891093 brooklime, European brooklime, Veronica beccabunga n12891305 germander speedwell, bird's eye, Veronica chamaedrys n12891469 water speedwell, Veronica michauxii, Veronica anagallis-aquatica n12891643 common speedwell, gypsyweed, Veronica officinalis n12891824 purslane speedwell, Veronica peregrina n12892013 thyme-leaved speedwell, Veronica serpyllifolia n12892226 Solanaceae, family Solanaceae, potato family n12893094 Solanum, genus Solanum n12893463 nightshade n12893794 kangaroo apple, poroporo, Solanum aviculare n12893993 horse nettle, ball nettle, bull nettle, ball nightshade, Solanum carolinense n12894247 potato tree, Solanum crispum n12894438 Uruguay potato, Uruguay potato vine, Solanum commersonii n12894607 bittersweet, bittersweet nightshade, climbing nightshade, deadly nightshade, poisonous nightshade, woody nightshade, Solanum dulcamara n12894930 trompillo, white horse nettle, prairie berry, purple nightshade, silverleaf nightshade, silver-leaved nightshade, silver-leaved nettle, Solanum elaeagnifolium n12895298 African holly, Solanum giganteum n12895578 wild potato, Solanum jamesii n12895811 potato vine, Solanum jasmoides n12896000 eggplant, aubergine, brinjal, eggplant bush, garden egg, mad apple, Solanum melongena n12896307 black nightshade, common nightshade, poisonberry, poison-berry, Solanum nigrum n12896615 garden huckleberry, wonderberry, sunberry, Solanum nigrum guineese, Solanum melanocerasum, Solanum burbankii n12896862 Jerusalem cherry, winter cherry, Madeira winter cherry, Solanum pseudocapsicum n12897118 naranjilla, Solanum quitoense n12897341 buffalo bur, Solanum rostratum n12897493 potato, white potato, white potato vine, Solanum tuberosum n12897788 potato vine, giant potato creeper, Solanum wendlandii n12897999 potato tree, Brazilian potato tree, Solanum wrightii, Solanum macranthum n12898226 Atropa, genus Atropa n12898342 belladonna, belladonna plant, deadly nightshade, Atropa belladonna n12898628 genus Browallia n12898774 bush violet, browallia n12898959 Brunfelsia, genus Brunfelsia n12899166 lady-of-the-night, Brunfelsia americana n12899333 Brugmansia, genus Brugmansia n12899537 angel's trumpet, maikoa, Brugmansia arborea, Datura arborea n12899752 angel's trumpet, Brugmansia suaveolens, Datura suaveolens n12899971 red angel's trumpet, Brugmansia sanguinea, Datura sanguinea n12900148 genus Capsicum, Capsicum n12900462 capsicum, pepper, capsicum pepper plant n12900783 cone pepper, Capsicum annuum conoides n12900987 cayenne, cayenne pepper, chili pepper, chilli pepper, long pepper, jalapeno, Capsicum annuum longum n12901264 sweet pepper, bell pepper, pimento, pimiento, paprika, sweet pepper plant, Capsicum annuum grossum n12901565 cherry pepper, Capsicum annuum cerasiforme n12901724 bird pepper, Capsicum frutescens baccatum, Capsicum baccatum n12902021 tabasco pepper, hot pepper, tabasco plant, Capsicum frutescens n12902297 Cestrum, genus Cestrum n12902466 day jessamine, Cestrum diurnum n12902662 night jasmine, night jessamine, Cestrum nocturnum n12902887 Cyphomandra, genus Cyphomandra n12903014 tree tomato, tamarillo n12903250 Datura, genus Datura n12903367 thorn apple n12903503 jimsonweed, jimson weed, Jamestown weed, common thorn apple, apple of Peru, Datura stramonium n12903794 Fabiana, genus Fabiana n12903964 pichi, Fabiana imbricata n12904148 Hyoscyamus, genus Hyoscyamus n12904314 henbane, black henbane, stinking nightshade, Hyoscyamus niger n12904562 Egyptian henbane, Hyoscyamus muticus n12904720 Lycium, genus Lycium n12904938 matrimony vine, boxthorn n12905135 common matrimony vine, Duke of Argyll's tea tree, Lycium barbarum, Lycium halimifolium n12905412 Christmasberry, Christmas berry, Lycium carolinianum n12905655 Lycopersicon, genus Lycopersicon, Lycopersicum, genus Lycopersicum n12905817 tomato, love apple, tomato plant, Lycopersicon esculentum n12906021 cherry tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum cerasiforme n12906214 plum tomato n12906334 Mandragora, genus Mandragora n12906498 mandrake, devil's apples, Mandragora officinarum n12906771 mandrake root, mandrake n12906926 Nicandra, genus Nicandra n12907057 apple of Peru, shoo fly, Nicandra physaloides n12907287 Nicotiana, genus Nicotiana n12907465 tobacco, tobacco plant n12907671 flowering tobacco, Jasmine tobacco, Nicotiana alata n12907857 common tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum n12908093 wild tobacco, Indian tobacco, Nicotiana rustica n12908230 tree tobacco, mustard tree, Nicotiana glauca n12908432 genus Nierembergia n12908645 cupflower, nierembergia n12908854 whitecup, Nierembergia repens, Nierembergia rivularis n12909068 tall cupflower, Nierembergia frutescens n12909252 genus Petunia, Petunia n12909421 petunia n12909614 large white petunia, Petunia axillaris n12909759 violet-flowered petunia, Petunia integrifolia n12909917 hybrid petunia, Petunia hybrida n12910141 Physalis, genus Physalis n12910285 ground cherry, husk tomato n12910676 downy ground cherry, strawberry tomato, Physalis pubescens n12910875 Chinese lantern plant, winter cherry, bladder cherry, Physalis alkekengi n12911079 cape gooseberry, purple ground cherry, Physalis peruviana n12911264 strawberry tomato, dwarf cape gooseberry, Physalis pruinosa n12911440 tomatillo, jamberry, Mexican husk tomato, Physalis ixocarpa n12911673 tomatillo, miltomate, purple ground cherry, jamberry, Physalis philadelphica n12911914 yellow henbane, Physalis viscosa n12912105 Salpichroa, genus Salpichroa n12912274 cock's eggs, Salpichroa organifolia, Salpichroa rhomboidea n12912498 genus Salpiglossis n12912670 salpiglossis n12912801 painted tongue, Salpiglossis sinuata n12913004 genus Schizanthus n12913144 butterfly flower, poor man's orchid, schizanthus n12913352 Scopolia, genus Scopolia n12913524 Scopolia carniolica n12913645 Solandra, genus Solandra n12913791 chalice vine, trumpet flower, cupflower, Solandra guttata n12914048 Streptosolen, genus Streptosolen n12914193 marmalade bush, fire bush, fire-bush, Streptosolen jamesonii n12914433 Verbenaceae, family Verbenaceae, verbena family, vervain family n12914731 genus Verbena n12914923 verbena, vervain n12915140 lantana n12915230 Avicennia, genus Avicennia n12915400 Avicenniaceae, family Avicenniaceae n12915568 black mangrove, Avicennia marina n12915811 white mangrove, Avicennia officinalis n12916025 Aegiceras, genus Aegiceras n12916179 black mangrove, Aegiceras majus n12916356 Tectona, genus Tectona n12916511 teak, Tectona grandis n12916723 teak, teakwood n12916935 Euphorbiaceae, family Euphorbiaceae, spurge family n12917338 Euphorbia, genus Euphorbia n12917901 spurge n12918404 caper spurge, myrtle spurge, mole plant, Euphorbia lathyris n12918609 sun spurge, wartweed, wartwort, devil's milk, Euphorbia helioscopia n12918810 petty spurge, devil's milk, Euphorbia peplus n12918991 medusa's head, Euphorbia medusae, Euphorbia caput-medusae n12919195 wild spurge, flowering spurge, tramp's spurge, Euphorbia corollata n12919403 snow-on-the-mountain, snow-in-summer, ghost weed, Euphorbia marginata n12919646 cypress spurge, Euphorbia cyparissias n12919847 leafy spurge, wolf's milk, Euphorbia esula n12920043 hairy spurge, Euphorbia hirsuta n12920204 poinsettia, Christmas star, Christmas flower, lobster plant, Mexican flameleaf, painted leaf, Euphorbia pulcherrima n12920521 Japanese poinsettia, mole plant, paint leaf, Euphorbia heterophylla n12920719 fire-on-the-mountain, painted leaf, Mexican fire plant, Euphorbia cyathophora n12920955 wood spurge, Euphorbia amygdaloides n12921126 candelilla, Euphorbia antisyphilitica n12921315 dwarf spurge, Euphorbia exigua n12921499 scarlet plume, Euphorbia fulgens n12921660 naboom, cactus euphorbia, Euphorbia ingens n12921868 crown of thorns, Christ thorn, Christ plant, Euphorbia milii n12922119 toothed spurge, Euphorbia dentata n12922283 Acalypha, genus Acalypha n12922458 three-seeded mercury, Acalypha virginica n12922600 genus Croton n12922763 croton, Croton tiglium n12922933 croton oil n12923108 cascarilla, Croton eluteria n12923257 cascarilla bark, eleuthera bark, sweetwood bark n12923439 Codiaeum, genus Codiaeum n12923652 croton, Codiaeum variegatum n12923839 Mercurialis, genus Mercurialis n12924036 herb mercury, herbs mercury, boys-and-girls, Mercurialis annua n12924284 dog's mercury, dog mercury, Mercurialis perennis n12924452 Ricinus, genus Ricinus n12924623 castor-oil plant, castor bean plant, palma christi, palma christ, Ricinus communis n12924984 Cnidoscolus, genus Cnidoscolus n12925179 spurge nettle, tread-softly, devil nettle, pica-pica, Cnidoscolus urens, Jatropha urens, Jatropha stimulosus n12925394 Jatropha, genus Jatropha n12925583 physic nut, Jatropha curcus n12925836 Hevea, rubber tree, genus Hevea n12926039 Para rubber tree, caoutchouc tree, Hevea brasiliensis n12926316 Manihot, genus Manihot n12926480 cassava, casava n12926689 bitter cassava, manioc, mandioc, mandioca, tapioca plant, gari, Manihot esculenta, Manihot utilissima n12927013 cassava, manioc n12927194 sweet cassava, Manihot dulcis n12927354 Aleurites, genus Aleurites n12927494 candlenut, varnish tree, Aleurites moluccana n12927758 tung tree, tung, tung-oil tree, Aleurites fordii n12927921 Pedilanthus, genus Pedilanthus n12928071 slipper spurge, slipper plant n12928307 candelilla, Pedilanthus bracteatus, Pedilanthus pavonis n12928491 Jewbush, Jew-bush, Jew bush, redbird cactus, redbird flower, Pedilanthus tithymaloides n12928690 Sebastiana, genus Sebastiana n12928819 jumping bean, jumping seed, Mexican jumping bean n12929061 Theaceae, family Theaceae, tea family n12929237 genus Camellia n12929403 camellia, camelia n12929600 japonica, Camellia japonica n12929783 tea, Camellia sinensis n12930044 Umbelliferae, family Umbelliferae, Apiaceae, family Apiaceae, carrot family n12930778 umbellifer, umbelliferous plant n12930951 wild parsley n12931109 Aethusa, genus Aethusa n12931231 fool's parsley, lesser hemlock, Aethusa cynapium n12931449 Anethum, genus Anethum n12931542 dill, Anethum graveolens n12931738 genus Angelica n12931906 angelica, angelique n12932173 garden angelica, archangel, Angelica Archangelica n12932365 wild angelica, Angelica sylvestris n12932532 Anthriscus, genus Anthriscus n12932706 chervil, beaked parsley, Anthriscus cereifolium n12932966 cow parsley, wild chervil, Anthriscus sylvestris n12933164 Apium, genus Apium n12933274 wild celery, Apium graveolens n12933403 celery, cultivated celery, Apium graveolens dulce n12933616 celeriac, celery root, knob celery, root celery, turnip-rooted celery, Apium graveolens rapaceum n12933827 genus Astrantia n12934036 astrantia, masterwort n12934174 greater masterwort, Astrantia major n12934368 Carum, genus Carum n12934479 caraway, Carum carvi n12934685 whorled caraway n12934776 Cicuta, genus Cicuta n12934985 water hemlock, Cicuta verosa n12935166 spotted cowbane, spotted hemlock, spotted water hemlock n12935457 Conium, genus Conium n12935609 hemlock, poison hemlock, poison parsley, California fern, Nebraska fern, winter fern, Conium maculatum n12935982 Conopodium, genus Conopodium n12936155 earthnut, Conopodium denudatum n12936333 Coriandrum, genus Coriandrum n12936469 coriander, coriander plant, Chinese parsley, cilantro, Coriandrum sativum n12936713 Cuminum, genus Cuminum n12936826 cumin, Cuminum cyminum n12936999 Daucus, genus Daucus n12937130 wild carrot, Queen Anne's lace, Daucus carota n12937388 carrot, cultivated carrot, Daucus carota sativa n12937678 carrot n12937822 Eryngium, genus Eryngium n12938081 eryngo, eringo n12938193 sea holly, sea holm, sea eryngium, Eryngium maritimum n12938445 button snakeroot, Eryngium aquaticum n12938667 rattlesnake master, rattlesnake's master, button snakeroot, Eryngium yuccifolium n12938897 Foeniculum, genus Foeniculum n12939104 fennel n12939282 common fennel, Foeniculum vulgare n12939479 Florence fennel, Foeniculum dulce, Foeniculum vulgare dulce n12939664 Heracleum, genus Heracleum n12939874 cow parsnip, hogweed, Heracleum sphondylium n12940060 Levisticum, genus Levisticum n12940226 lovage, Levisticum officinale n12940427 Myrrhis, genus Myrrhis n12940609 sweet cicely, Myrrhis odorata n12940778 Oenanthe, genus Oenanthe n12940939 water dropwort, hemlock water dropwort, Oenanthe crocata n12941220 water fennel, Oenanthe aquatica n12941360 Pastinaca, genus Pastinaca n12941536 parsnip, Pastinaca sativa n12941717 cultivated parsnip n12941914 parsnip n12942025 wild parsnip, madnep n12942270 Petroselinum, genus Petroselinum n12942395 parsley, Petroselinum crispum n12942572 Italian parsley, flat-leaf parsley, Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum n12942729 Hamburg parsley, turnip-rooted parsley, Petroselinum crispum tuberosum n12942930 Pimpinella, genus Pimpinella n12943049 anise, anise plant, Pimpinella anisum n12943302 Sanicula, genus Sanicula n12943443 sanicle, snakeroot n12943743 footsteps-of-spring, Sanicula arctopoides n12943912 purple sanicle, Sanicula bipinnatifida n12944095 European sanicle, Sanicula Europaea n12944238 Seseli, genus Seseli n12944390 moon carrot, stone parsley n12944590 Sison, genus Sison n12944723 stone parsley, Sison amomum n12944960 Sium, genus Sium n12945177 water parsnip, Sium suave n12945366 greater water parsnip, Sium latifolium n12945549 skirret, Sium sisarum n12945708 Smyrnium, genus Smyrnium n12945828 Alexander, Alexanders, black lovage, horse parsley, Smyrnium olusatrum n12946088 Cornaceae, family Cornaceae, dogwood family n12946432 Aucuba, genus Aucuba n12946578 Cornus, genus Cornus n12946849 dogwood, dogwood tree, cornel n12947171 dogwood n12947313 common white dogwood, eastern flowering dogwood, Cornus florida n12947544 red osier, red osier dogwood, red dogwood, American dogwood, redbrush, Cornus stolonifera n12947756 silky dogwood, Cornus obliqua n12947895 silky cornel, silky dogwood, Cornus amomum n12948053 common European dogwood, red dogwood, blood-twig, pedwood, Cornus sanguinea n12948251 bunchberry, dwarf cornel, crackerberry, pudding berry, Cornus canadensis n12948495 cornelian cherry, Cornus mas n12948633 Corokia, genus Corokia n12948849 Curtisia, genus Curtisia n12948978 Griselinia, genus Griselinia n12949160 puka, Griselinia lucida n12949361 kapuka, Griselinia littoralis n12949549 Helwingia, genus Helwingia n12949722 Valerianaceae, family Valerianaceae, valerian family n12949955 Valeriana, genus Valeriana n12950126 valerian n12950314 common valerian, garden heliotrope, Valeriana officinalis n12950501 Valerianella, genus Valerianella n12950669 corn salad n12950796 common corn salad, lamb's lettuce, Valerianella olitoria, Valerianella locusta n12950984 Centranthus, genus Centranthus n12951146 red valerian, French honeysuckle, Centranthus ruber n12951331 cutch, kutch n12951465 Hymenophyllaceae, family Hymenophyllaceae n12951668 Hymenophyllum, genus Hymenophyllum n12951835 filmy fern, film fern n12952022 Trichomanes, genus Trichomanes n12952165 bristle fern, filmy fern n12952469 hare's-foot bristle fern, Trichomanes boschianum n12952590 Killarney fern, Trichomanes speciosum n12952717 kidney fern, Trichomanes reniforme n12952852 Osmundaceae, family Osmundaceae n12953079 genus Osmunda n12953206 flowering fern, osmund n12953484 royal fern, royal osmund, king fern, ditch fern, French bracken, Osmunda regalis n12953712 interrupted fern, Osmunda clatonia n12953919 cinnamon fern, fiddlehead, fiddlehead fern, Osmunda cinnamonea n12954185 Leptopteris, genus Leptopteris n12954353 crape fern, Prince-of-Wales fern, Prince-of-Wales feather, Prince-of-Wales plume, Leptopteris superba, Todea superba n12954634 Todea, genus Todea n12954799 crepe fern, king fern, Todea barbara n12954978 Schizaeaceae, family Schizaeaceae n12955191 Schizaea, genus Schizaea n12955414 curly grass, curly grass fern, Schizaea pusilla n12955639 Anemia, genus Anemia n12955840 pine fern, Anemia adiantifolia n12956029 Lygodium, genus Lygodium n12956170 climbing fern n12956367 creeping fern, Hartford fern, Lygodium palmatum n12956588 climbing maidenhair, climbing maidenhair fern, snake fern, Lygodium microphyllum n12956791 Mohria, genus Mohria n12956922 scented fern, Mohria caffrorum n12957076 aquatic fern, water fern n12957298 Marsileaceae, family Marsileaceae n12957467 Marsilea, genus Marsilea n12957608 clover fern, pepperwort n12957803 nardoo, nardo, common nardoo, Marsilea drummondii n12957924 water clover, Marsilea quadrifolia n12958140 Pilularia, genus Pilularia n12958261 pillwort, Pilularia globulifera n12958470 genus Regnellidium n12958615 regnellidium, Regnellidium diphyllum n12958772 Salviniaceae, family Salviniaceae n12958921 Salvinia, genus Salvinia n12959074 floating-moss, Salvinia rotundifolia, Salvinia auriculata n12959226 Azollaceae, family Azollaceae n12959371 Azolla, genus Azolla n12959538 mosquito fern, floating fern, Carolina pond fern, Azolla caroliniana n12959802 Ophioglossales, order Ophioglossales n12959967 Ophioglossaceae, family Ophioglossaceae n12960211 Ophioglossum, genus Ophioglossum n12960378 adder's tongue, adder's tongue fern n12960552 ribbon fern, Ophioglossum pendulum n12960729 Botrychium, genus Botrychium n12960863 grape fern n12961112 moonwort, common moonwort, Botrychium lunaria n12961242 daisyleaf grape fern, daisy-leaved grape fern, Botrychium matricariifolium n12961393 leathery grape fern, Botrychium multifidum n12961536 rattlesnake fern, Botrychium virginianum n12961689 Helminthostachys, genus Helminthostachys n12961879 flowering fern, Helminthostachys zeylanica n12962059 soldier grainy club n12962149 ostiole n12962310 perithecium n12962389 stroma n12962488 stroma n12962622 plastid n12962847 chromoplast n12962992 chloroplast n12963140 Erysiphales, order Erysiphales n12963307 Erysiphaceae, family Erysiphaceae n12963494 Erysiphe, genus Erysiphe n12963628 powdery mildew n12963796 Sphaeriales, order Sphaeriales n12964130 Sphaeriaceae, family Sphaeriaceae n12964321 Neurospora, genus Neurospora n12964572 Ceratostomataceae, family Ceratostomataceae n12964750 Ceratostomella, genus Ceratostomella n12964920 Dutch elm fungus, Ceratostomella ulmi n12965056 Hypocreales, order Hypocreales n12965209 Hypocreaceae, family Hypocreaceae n12965463 Claviceps, genus Claviceps n12965626 ergot, Claviceps purpurea n12965951 rye ergot n12966048 mushroom pimple n12966193 orange mushroom pimple n12966290 green mushroom pimple n12966386 Xylariaceae, family Xylariaceae n12966581 Xylaria, genus Xylaria n12966804 black root rot fungus, Xylaria mali n12966945 dead-man's-fingers, dead-men's-fingers, Xylaria polymorpha n12967124 Rosellinia, genus Rosellinia n12967281 Helotiales, order Helotiales n12967504 Helotiaceae, family Helotiaceae n12967656 Helotium, genus Helotium n12967776 Sclerotiniaceae, family Sclerotiniaceae n12967955 genus Sclerotinia n12968136 sclerotinia n12968309 brown cup n12968408 Sclerodermatales, order Sclerodermatales n12968658 Sclerodermataceae, family Sclerodermataceae n12968882 Scleroderma, genus Scleroderma n12969131 earthball, false truffle, puffball, hard-skinned puffball n12969425 Scleroderma citrinum, Scleroderma aurantium n12969670 Scleroderma flavidium, star earthball n12969927 Scleroderma bovista, smooth earthball n12970193 Podaxaceae n12970293 stalked puffball n12970379 Tulostomaceae, family Tulostomaceae, Tulostomataceae, family Tulostomataceae n12970560 Tulostoma, genus Tulostoma, Tulestoma, genus Tulestoma n12970733 stalked puffball n12970872 Hymenogastrales, order Hymenogastrales n12971157 Rhizopogonaceae, family Rhizopogonaceae n12971400 false truffle n12971624 Rhizopogon, genus Rhizopogon n12971804 Rhizopogon idahoensis n12971956 Truncocolumella, genus Truncocolumella n12972136 Truncocolumella citrina n12972414 Zygomycota, subdivision Zygomycota, Zygomycotina, subdivision Zygomycotina n12972629 Zygomycetes, class Zygomycetes n12972818 Mucorales, order Mucorales n12972966 Mucoraceae, family Mucoraceae n12973202 genus Mucor n12973443 mucor n12973541 genus Rhizopus n12973791 rhizopus n12973937 bread mold, Rhizopus nigricans n12974062 leak fungus, ring rot fungus, Rhizopus stolonifer n12974286 Entomophthorales, order Entomophthorales n12974457 Entomophthoraceae, family Entomophthoraceae n12974662 Entomophthora, genus Entomophthora n12974826 rhizoid n12974987 slime mold, slime mould n12975207 Myxomycota, division Myxomycota, Gymnomycota, division Gymnomycota n12975608 Myxomycetes, class Myxomycetes n12975804 true slime mold, acellular slime mold, plasmodial slime mold, myxomycete n12975982 Acrasiomycetes, class Acrasiomycetes n12976198 cellular slime mold n12976389 genus Dictostylium n12976554 dictostylium n12976672 Phycomycetes, Phycomycetes group n12976985 Mastigomycota, subdivision Mastigomycota, Mastigomycotina, subdivision Mastigomycotina n12977296 Oomycetes, class Oomycetes n12977565 Chytridiomycetes, class Chytridiomycetes n12977795 Chytridiales, order Chytridiales n12978076 pond-scum parasite n12978232 Chytridiaceae, family Chytridiaceae n12978381 Blastocladiales, order Blastocladiales n12978654 Blastodiaceae, family Blastodiaceae n12978826 Blastocladia, genus Blastocladia n12978969 Synchytriaceae, family Synchytriaceae n12979129 Synchytrium, genus Synchytrium n12979316 potato wart fungus, Synchytrium endobioticum n12979478 Saprolegniales, order Saprolegniales n12979630 Saprolegnia, genus Saprolegnia n12979829 white fungus, Saprolegnia ferax n12980080 water mold n12980231 Peronosporales, order Peronosporales n12980478 Peronosporaceae, family Peronosporaceae n12980652 Peronospora, genus Peronospora n12980840 downy mildew, false mildew n12981086 blue mold fungus, Peronospora tabacina n12981301 onion mildew, Peronospora destructor n12981443 tobacco mildew, Peronospora hyoscyami n12981595 Albuginaceae, family Albuginaceae n12981791 Albugo, genus Albugo n12981954 white rust n12982103 Pythiaceae, family Pythiaceae n12982338 genus Pythium n12982468 pythium n12982590 damping off fungus, Pythium debaryanum n12982723 Phytophthora, genus Phytophthora n12982915 Phytophthora citrophthora n12983048 Phytophthora infestans n12983217 Plasmodiophoraceae, family Plasmodiophoraceae n12983404 Plasmodiophora, genus Plasmodiophora n12983654 clubroot fungus, Plasmodiophora brassicae n12983873 Geglossaceae n12983961 Sarcosomataceae n12984160 black felt cup n12984267 Rufous rubber cup n12984377 charred pancake cup n12984489 devil's cigar n12984595 devil's urn n12984699 winter urn n12984802 Tuberales, order Tuberales n12985010 Tuberaceae, family Tuberaceae n12985236 Tuber, genus Tuber n12985420 truffle, earthnut, earth-ball n12985629 Clavariaceae, family Clavariaceae n12985773 club fungus n12985857 coral fungus n12986084 Hydnaceae, family Hydnaceae n12986227 tooth fungus n12986337 Hydnum, genus Hydnum n12986447 Lichenes, division Lichenes n12986858 Lichenales, order Lichenales n12987056 lichen n12987423 ascolichen n12987535 basidiolichen n12987652 Lechanorales, order Lechanorales n12987834 Lecanoraceae, family Lecanoraceae n12987993 genus Lecanora n12988158 lecanora n12988341 manna lichen n12988572 archil, orchil n12988703 Roccellaceae, family Roccellaceae n12988858 genus Roccella n12989007 roccella, Roccella tinctoria n12989142 Pertusariaceae, family Pertusariaceae n12989301 Pertusaria, genus Pertusaria n12989462 Usneaceae, family Usneaceae n12989739 Usnea, genus Usnea n12989938 beard lichen, beard moss, Usnea barbata n12990092 Evernia, genus Evernia n12990250 Ramalina, genus Ramalina n12990407 Alectoria, genus Alectoria n12990597 horsehair lichen, horsetail lichen n12990800 Cladoniaceae, family Cladoniaceae n12990938 Cladonia, genus Cladonia n12991184 reindeer moss, reindeer lichen, arctic moss, Cladonia rangiferina n12991488 Parmeliaceae, family Parmeliaceae n12991645 Parmelia, genus Parmelia n12991837 crottle, crottal, crotal n12992022 Cetraria, genus Cetraria n12992177 Iceland moss, Iceland lichen, Cetraria islandica n12992464 Fungi, kingdom Fungi, fungus kingdom n12992868 fungus n12994475 basidium n12994711 hypobasidium n12994892 promycelium n12994979 Eumycota, division Eumycota n12995435 Eumycetes, class Eumycetes n12995601 true fungus n12995724 Deuteromycota, subdivision Deuteromycota, Deuteromycotina, Fungi imperfecti, subdivision Deuteromycotina n12996068 Deuteromycetes, class Deuteromycetes n12996225 Basidiomycota, subdivision Basidiomycota, Basidiomycotina, subdivision Basidiomycotina n12996841 Basidiomycetes, class Basidiomycetes n12997128 Homobasidiomycetes, subclass Homobasidiomycetes n12997432 Heterobasidiomycetes, subclass Heterobasidiomycetes n12997654 basidiomycete, basidiomycetous fungi n12997919 mushroom n12998130 Hymenomycetes, class Hymenomycetes n12998349 Agaricales, order Agaricales n12998815 agaric n13000372 Agaricaceae, family Agaricaceae n13000668 Agaricus, genus Agaricus n13000891 mushroom n13001041 mushroom n13001206 toadstool n13001366 horse mushroom, Agaricus arvensis n13001529 meadow mushroom, field mushroom, Agaricus campestris n13001743 Lentinus, genus Lentinus n13001930 shiitake, shiitake mushroom, Chinese black mushroom, golden oak mushroom, Oriental black mushroom, Lentinus edodes n13002209 scaly lentinus, Lentinus lepideus n13002433 Amanita, genus Amanita n13002750 royal agaric, Caesar's agaric, Amanita caesarea n13002925 false deathcap, Amanita mappa n13003061 fly agaric, Amanita muscaria n13003254 death cap, death cup, death angel, destroying angel, Amanita phalloides n13003522 blushing mushroom, blusher, Amanita rubescens n13003712 destroying angel, Amanita verna n13003846 slime mushroom n13003974 white slime mushroom n13004065 Fischer's slime mushroom n13004160 Cantharellus, genus Cantharellus n13004423 chanterelle, chantarelle, Cantharellus cibarius n13004640 floccose chanterelle, Cantharellus floccosus n13004826 pig's ears, Cantharellus clavatus n13004992 cinnabar chanterelle, Cantharellus cinnabarinus n13005166 Omphalotus, genus Omphalotus n13005329 jack-o-lantern fungus, jack-o-lantern, jack-a-lantern, Omphalotus illudens n13005568 Coprinus, genus Coprinus n13005835 Coprinaceae, family Coprinaceae n13005984 inky cap, inky-cap mushroom, Coprinus atramentarius n13006171 shaggymane, shaggy cap, shaggymane mushroom, Coprinus comatus n13006377 Lactarius, genus Lactarius n13006631 milkcap, Lactarius delicioso n13006741 Marasmius, genus Marasmius n13006894 fairy-ring mushroom, Marasmius oreades n13007034 fairy ring, fairy circle n13007195 Pleurotus, genus Pleurotus n13007417 oyster mushroom, oyster fungus, oyster agaric, Pleurotus ostreatus n13007629 olive-tree agaric, Pleurotus phosphoreus n13007770 Pholiota, genus Pholiota n13008157 Pholiota astragalina n13008315 Pholiota aurea, golden pholiota n13008485 Pholiota destruens n13008689 Pholiota flammans n13008839 Pholiota flavida n13009085 nameko, viscid mushroom, Pholiota nameko n13009244 Pholiota squarrosa-adiposa n13009429 Pholiota squarrosa, scaly pholiota n13009656 Pholiota squarrosoides n13009780 Russula, genus Russula n13010064 Russulaceae, family Russulaceae n13010219 Strophariaceae, family Strophariaceae n13010401 Stropharia, genus Stropharia, ring-stalked fungus n13010694 Stropharia ambigua n13010951 Stropharia hornemannii n13011221 Stropharia rugoso-annulata n13011461 galea n13011595 gill fungus n13011679 gill, lamella n13011856 Entolomataceae, family Entolomataceae n13012030 Entoloma, genus Entoloma n13012253 Entoloma lividum, Entoloma sinuatum n13012469 Entoloma aprile n13012613 Lepiotaceae, family Lepiotaceae n13012835 genus Chlorophyllum n13012973 Chlorophyllum molybdites n13013187 genus Lepiota n13013534 lepiota n13013764 parasol mushroom, Lepiota procera n13013965 poisonous parasol, Lepiota morgani n13014097 Lepiota naucina n13014265 Lepiota rhacodes n13014409 American parasol, Lepiota americana n13014581 Lepiota rubrotincta n13014741 Lepiota clypeolaria n13014879 onion stem, Lepiota cepaestipes n13015040 Thelephoraceae, family Thelephoraceae n13015229 Corticium, genus Corticium n13015509 pink disease fungus, Corticium salmonicolor n13015688 bottom rot fungus, Corticium solani n13015826 Pellicularia, genus Pellicularia n13016076 potato fungus, Pellicularia filamentosa, Rhizoctinia solani n13016289 coffee fungus, Pellicularia koleroga n13016457 Tricholomataceae, family Tricholomataceae n13016749 Tricholoma, genus Tricholoma n13017102 blewits, Clitocybe nuda n13017240 sandy mushroom, Tricholoma populinum n13017439 Tricholoma pessundatum n13017610 Tricholoma sejunctum n13017789 man-on-a-horse, Tricholoma flavovirens n13017979 Tricholoma venenata n13018088 Tricholoma pardinum n13018232 Tricholoma vaccinum n13018407 Tricholoma aurantium n13018579 Volvariaceae, family Volvariaceae n13018749 Volvaria, genus Volvaria n13018906 Volvaria bombycina n13019017 Pluteaceae, family Pluteaceae n13019202 Pluteus, genus Pluteus, roof mushroom n13019496 Pluteus aurantiorugosus n13019643 Pluteus magnus, sawdust mushroom n13019835 deer mushroom, Pluteus cervinus n13020011 Volvariella, genus Volvariella n13020191 straw mushroom, Chinese mushroom, Volvariella volvacea n13020481 Volvariella bombycina n13020623 Clitocybe, genus Clitocybe n13020964 Clitocybe clavipes n13021166 Clitocybe dealbata n13021332 Clitocybe inornata n13021543 Clitocybe robusta, Clytocybe alba n13021689 Clitocybe irina, Tricholoma irinum, Lepista irina n13021867 Clitocybe subconnexa n13022078 Flammulina, genus Flammulina n13022210 winter mushroom, Flammulina velutipes n13022538 hypha n13022709 mycelium n13022903 sclerotium n13023134 sac fungus n13023292 Ascomycota, subdivision Ascomycota, Ascomycotina, subdivision Ascomycotina n13023783 Ascomycetes, class Ascomycetes n13024012 ascomycete, ascomycetous fungus n13024348 Euascomycetes, subclass Euascomycetes n13024500 Clavicipitaceae, grainy club mushrooms n13024653 grainy club n13024763 Hemiascomycetes, class Hemiascomycetes n13024967 Endomycetales, order Endomycetales n13025197 Saccharomycetaceae, family Saccharomycetaceae n13025421 Saccharomyces, genus Saccharomyces n13025647 yeast n13025854 baker's yeast, brewer's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae n13026015 wine-maker's yeast, Saccharomyces ellipsoides n13026146 Schizosaccharomycetaceae, family Schizosaccharomycetaceae n13026339 Schizosaccharomyces, genus Schizosaccharomyces n13026529 Plectomycetes, class Plectomycetes n13026763 Eurotiales, order Eurotiales, Aspergillales, order Aspergillales n13027049 Eurotium, genus Eurotium n13027190 Aspergillaceae, family Aspergillaceae n13027375 Aspergillus, genus Aspergillus n13027557 Aspergillus fumigatus n13027670 Thielavia, genus Thielavia n13027879 brown root rot fungus, Thielavia basicola n13028070 Pyrenomycetes, class Pyrenomycetes n13028337 Discomycetes, subclass Discomycetes n13028611 discomycete, cup fungus n13028937 Leotia lubrica n13029122 Mitrula elegans n13029326 Sarcoscypha coccinea, scarlet cup n13029610 Caloscypha fulgens n13029760 Aleuria aurantia, orange peel fungus n13029946 Pezizales, order Pezizales n13030157 Pezizaceae, family Pezizaceae n13030337 elf cup n13030438 Peziza, genus Peziza n13030616 Peziza domicilina n13030852 blood cup, fairy cup, Peziza coccinea n13031007 Plectania, genus Plectania n13031193 Urnula craterium, urn fungus n13031323 Galiella rufa n13031474 Jafnea semitosta n13031690 Morchellaceae, family Morchellaceae n13031956 Morchella, genus Morchella n13032115 morel n13032381 common morel, Morchella esculenta, sponge mushroom, sponge morel n13032618 Disciotis venosa, cup morel n13032923 Verpa, bell morel n13033134 Verpa bohemica, early morel n13033396 Verpa conica, conic Verpa n13033577 black morel, Morchella conica, conic morel, Morchella angusticeps, narrowhead morel n13033879 Morchella crassipes, thick-footed morel n13034062 Morchella semilibera, half-free morel, cow's head n13034277 Sarcoscyphaceae, family Sarcoscyphaceae n13034431 Wynnea, genus Wynnea n13034555 Wynnea americana n13034788 Wynnea sparassoides n13034953 Helvellaceae, family Helvellaceae n13035241 false morel n13035389 lorchel n13035521 genus Helvella n13035707 helvella n13035925 Helvella crispa, miter mushroom n13036116 Helvella acetabulum n13036312 Helvella sulcata n13036592 genus Discina n13036804 discina n13036907 Discina macrospora n13037124 genus Gyromitra n13037406 gyromitra n13037585 Gyromitra californica, California false morel n13037805 Gyromitra sphaerospora, round-spored gyromitra n13038068 Gyromitra esculenta, brain mushroom, beefsteak morel n13038376 Gyromitra infula, saddled-shaped false morel n13038577 Gyromitra fastigiata, Gyromitra brunnea n13038744 Gyromitra gigas n13038944 Gasteromycetes, class Gasteromycetes, Gastromycetes, class Gastromycetes n13039349 gasteromycete, gastromycete n13039553 Phallales, order Phallales n13039870 Phallaceae, family Phallaceae n13040108 Phallus, genus Phallus n13040303 stinkhorn, carrion fungus n13040629 common stinkhorn, Phallus impudicus n13040796 Phallus ravenelii n13040971 Dictyophera, genus Dictyophera n13041172 Mutinus, genus Mutinus n13041312 dog stinkhorn, Mutinus caninus n13041548 Tulostomatales, order Tulostomatales n13041725 Calostomataceae, family Calostomataceae n13041943 Calostoma lutescens n13042134 Calostoma cinnabarina n13042316 Calostoma ravenelii n13042514 Clathraceae, family Clathraceae n13042694 Clathrus, genus Clathrus n13042814 Pseudocolus, genus Pseudocolus n13042982 stinky squid, Pseudocolus fusiformis n13043264 Lycoperdales, order Lycoperdales n13043516 Lycoperdaceae, family Lycoperdaceae n13043746 Lycoperdon, genus Lycoperdon n13043926 puffball, true puffball n13044149 Calvatia, genus Calvatia n13044375 giant puffball, Calvatia gigantea n13044541 Geastraceae, family Geastraceae n13044778 earthstar n13045027 Geastrum, genus Geastrum n13045210 Geastrum coronatum n13045429 Radiigera, genus Radiigera n13045594 Radiigera fuscogleba n13045834 Astreus, genus Astreus n13045975 Astreus pteridis n13046130 Astreus hygrometricus n13046285 Nidulariales, order Nidulariales n13046512 Nidulariaceae, family Nidulariaceae n13046669 bird's-nest fungus n13046887 Nidularia, genus Nidularia n13047011 Sphaerobolaceae, family Sphaerobolaceae n13047216 Secotiales, order Secotiales n13047385 Secotiaceae, family Secotiaceae n13047706 Gastrocybe, genus Gastrocybe n13047862 Gastrocybe lateritia n13048212 Macowanites, genus Macowanites n13048447 Macowanites americanus n13048666 Gastroboletus, genus Gastroboletus n13048932 Gastroboletus scabrosus n13049105 Gastroboletus turbinatus n13049285 Aphyllophorales, order Aphyllophorales n13049561 Polyporaceae, family Polyporaceae n13049953 polypore, pore fungus, pore mushroom n13050397 bracket fungus, shelf fungus n13050555 Albatrellus, genus Albatrellus n13050705 Albatrellus dispansus n13050940 Albatrellus ovinus, sheep polypore n13051196 Neolentinus, genus Neolentinus n13051346 Neolentinus ponderosus n13051546 Nigroporus, genus Nigroporus n13051694 Nigroporus vinosus n13051866 Oligoporus, genus Oligoporus n13052014 Oligoporus leucospongia n13052248 Polyporus tenuiculus n13052431 Polyporus, genus Polyporus n13052670 hen-of-the-woods, hen of the woods, Polyporus frondosus, Grifola frondosa n13052931 Polyporus squamosus, scaly polypore n13053187 Fistulinaceae, family Fistulinaceae n13053450 Fistulina, genus Fistulina n13053608 beefsteak fungus, Fistulina hepatica n13053816 Fomes, genus Fomes n13054073 agaric, Fomes igniarius n13054211 Boletaceae, family Boletaceae n13054560 bolete n13055009 Boletus, genus Boletus n13055423 Boletus chrysenteron n13055577 Boletus edulis n13055792 Frost's bolete, Boletus frostii n13055949 Boletus luridus n13056135 Boletus mirabilis n13056349 Boletus pallidus n13056607 Boletus pulcherrimus n13056799 Boletus pulverulentus n13057054 Boletus roxanae n13057242 Boletus subvelutipes n13057422 Boletus variipes n13057639 Boletus zelleri n13057845 Fuscoboletinus, genus Fuscoboletinus n13058037 Fuscoboletinus paluster n13058272 Fuscoboletinus serotinus n13058447 Leccinum, genus Leccinum n13058608 Leccinum fibrillosum n13058796 Phylloporus, genus Phylloporus n13058963 Phylloporus boletinoides n13059139 Suillus, genus Suillus n13059298 Suillus albivelatus n13059485 Strobilomyces, genus Strobilomyces n13059657 old-man-of-the-woods, Strobilomyces floccopus n13059852 Boletellus, genus Boletellus n13060017 Boletellus russellii n13060190 jelly fungus n13060451 Tremellales, order Tremellales n13060689 Tremellaceae, family Tremellaceae n13060912 Tremella, genus Tremella n13061172 snow mushroom, Tremella fuciformis n13061348 witches' butter, Tremella lutescens n13061471 Tremella foliacea n13061704 Tremella reticulata n13061921 Auriculariales, order Auriculariales n13062112 Auriculariaceae, family Auriculariaceae n13062272 Auricularia, genus Auricularia n13062421 Jew's-ear, Jew's-ears, ear fungus, Auricularia auricula n13062630 Dacrymycetaceae, family Dacrymycetaceae n13062868 Dacrymyces, genus Dacrymyces n13063046 Uredinales, order Uredinales n13063269 rust, rust fungus n13063514 aecium n13063666 aeciospore n13063784 Melampsoraceae, family Melampsoraceae n13063936 Melampsora, genus Melampsora n13064111 flax rust, flax rust fungus, Melampsora lini n13064247 Cronartium, genus Cronartium n13064457 blister rust, Cronartium ribicola n13064678 Pucciniaceae, family Pucciniaceae n13064852 Puccinia, genus Puccinia n13065089 wheat rust, Puccinia graminis n13065215 Gymnosporangium, genus Gymnosporangium n13065514 apple rust, cedar-apple rust, Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae n13065702 Tiliomycetes, class Tiliomycetes n13065902 Ustilaginales, order Ustilaginales n13066129 smut, smut fungus n13066448 covered smut n13066631 Ustilaginaceae, family Ustilaginaceae n13066803 Ustilago, genus Ustilago n13066979 loose smut n13067191 cornsmut, corn smut n13067330 boil smut, Ustilago maydis n13067532 Sphacelotheca, genus Sphacelotheca n13067672 head smut, Sphacelotheca reiliana n13067845 Tilletiaceae, family Tilletiaceae n13068073 Tilletia, genus Tilletia n13068255 bunt, Tilletia caries n13068434 bunt, stinking smut, Tilletia foetida n13068565 Urocystis, genus Urocystis n13068735 onion smut, Urocystis cepulae n13068917 flag smut fungus n13069224 wheat flag smut, Urocystis tritici n13069348 Septobasidiaceae, family Septobasidiaceae n13069535 Septobasidium, genus Septobasidium n13069773 felt fungus, Septobasidium pseudopedicellatum n13070003 Hygrophoraceae, family Hygrophoraceae n13070308 waxycap n13070708 Hygrocybe, genus Hygrocybe n13070875 Hygrocybe acutoconica, conic waxycap n13071029 Hygrophorus, genus Hygrophorus n13071371 Hygrophorus borealis n13071553 Hygrophorus caeruleus n13071815 Hygrophorus inocybiformis n13072031 Hygrophorus kauffmanii n13072209 Hygrophorus marzuolus n13072350 Hygrophorus purpurascens n13072528 Hygrophorus russula n13072706 Hygrophorus sordidus n13072863 Hygrophorus tennesseensis n13073055 Hygrophorus turundus n13073211 Hygrotrama, genus Hygrotrama n13073380 Hygrotrama foetens n13073526 Neohygrophorus, genus Neohygrophorus n13073703 Neohygrophorus angelesianus n13073979 cortina n13074084 Cortinariaceae, family Cortinariaceae n13074277 Cortinarius, genus Cortinarius n13074619 Cortinarius armillatus n13074814 Cortinarius atkinsonianus n13075020 Cortinarius corrugatus n13075272 Cortinarius gentilis n13075441 Cortinarius mutabilis, purple-staining Cortinarius n13075684 Cortinarius semisanguineus n13075847 Cortinarius subfoetidus n13076041 Cortinarius violaceus n13076181 Gymnopilus, genus Gymnopilus n13076405 Gymnopilus spectabilis n13076643 Gymnopilus validipes n13076831 Gymnopilus ventricosus n13077033 mold, mould n13077295 mildew n13077479 Moniliales, order Moniliales n13077811 genus Verticillium n13078021 verticillium n13078133 Moniliaceae, family Moniliaceae n13078483 Trichophyton, genus Trichophyton n13078652 Microsporum, genus Microsporum n13078809 genus Monilia n13079073 monilia n13079203 genus Candida n13079419 candida n13079567 Candida albicans, Monilia albicans n13079775 Cercosporella, genus Cercosporella n13079953 Penicillium, genus Penicillium n13080174 Blastomyces, genus Blastomyces n13080306 blastomycete n13080471 Dematiaceae, family Dematiaceae n13080674 Cercospora, genus Cercospora n13080866 yellow spot fungus, Cercospora kopkei n13081050 Ustilaginoidea, genus Ustilaginoidea n13081229 green smut fungus, Ustilaginoidea virens n13081369 Tuberculariaceae, family Tuberculariaceae n13081565 Tubercularia, genus Tubercularia n13081778 genus Fusarium n13081999 dry rot n13082077 Mycelia Sterilia, order Mycelia Sterilia n13082293 genus Rhizoctinia, form genus Rhizoctinia n13082568 rhizoctinia n13082711 Ozonium, genus Ozonium n13082829 Sclerotium, genus Sclerotium n13083023 houseplant n13083306 garden plant n13083461 bedder, bedding plant n13083586 vascular plant, tracheophyte n13084184 succulent n13084479 nonvascular organism n13084633 relict n13084834 cultivar n13084993 cultivated plant n13085113 weed n13085747 wort n13085864 crop, harvest n13086063 cash crop n13086220 catch crop n13086438 cover crop n13086556 field crop n13086753 fruitage n13086908 plant part, plant structure n13087625 plant organ n13088096 plant process, enation n13088460 apophysis n13088688 callus n13088858 blister n13088989 nodule, tubercle n13089135 spur n13089246 fruiting body n13089419 aculeus n13089526 acumen n13089631 spine, thorn, prickle, pricker, sticker, spikelet n13089902 glochidium, glochid n13090018 brier n13090091 hair, fuzz, tomentum n13090248 stinging hair n13090395 coma n13090594 beard n13090743 awn n13090871 aril n13091057 duct n13091227 laticifer n13091312 antheridium n13091492 antheridiophore n13091620 sporophyll, sporophyl n13091774 sporangium, spore case, spore sac n13091982 sporangiophore n13092078 ascus n13092240 ascospore n13092385 arthrospore n13092548 arthrospore n13092722 theca, sac n13092836 paraphysis n13092987 eusporangium n13093102 leptosporangium n13093275 tetrasporangium n13093380 sporophore n13093629 gametangium n13093725 gametoecium n13093852 gynoecium n13093928 androecium n13094003 gametophore n13094145 sorus n13094273 sorus n13094381 indusium n13094556 veil, velum n13094732 universal veil n13095013 partial veil n13095348 annulus, skirt n13095543 antherozoid, spermatozoid n13095685 plant tissue n13096035 pulp, flesh n13096159 pith n13096317 parenchyma n13096677 chlorenchyma n13096779 lignum n13096863 vascular tissue n13097187 stele n13097338 cambium n13097536 sapwood n13097752 heartwood, duramen n13097949 vascular bundle, vascular strand, fibrovascular bundle n13098186 vein, nervure n13098420 midrib, midvein n13098515 vascular ray, medullary ray n13098648 xylem n13098853 tracheid n13098962 phloem, bast n13099194 sieve tube n13099373 pseudophloem n13099444 bast, bast fiber n13099586 gall n13099734 oak apple n13099833 evergreen, evergreen plant n13099999 deciduous plant n13100156 poisonous plant n13100677 vine n13102409 climber n13102648 creeper n13102775 tendril n13102946 cirrus, cirrhus n13103023 root climber n13103136 woody plant, ligneous plant n13103660 lignosae n13103750 arborescent plant n13103877 snag n13104059 tree n13107694 timber tree n13107807 treelet n13107891 arbor n13108131 bean tree n13108323 pollard n13108481 sapling n13108545 shade tree n13108662 gymnospermous tree n13108841 conifer, coniferous tree n13109733 angiospermous tree, flowering tree n13110915 nut tree n13111174 spice tree n13111340 fever tree n13111504 stump, tree stump n13111700 stool n13111881 bonsai n13112035 ming tree n13112201 ming tree n13112296 groundcover, ground cover n13112427 groundcover, ground cover n13112664 shrub, bush n13118330 undershrub n13118398 burning bush n13118569 shrublet n13118707 subshrub, suffrutex n13119870 bramble n13120003 flowering shrub n13120211 liana n13120446 parasitic plant n13120775 hemiparasite, semiparasite n13120958 geophyte n13121104 desert plant, xerophyte, xerophytic plant, xerophile, xerophilous plant n13121349 mesophyte, mesophytic plant n13121544 aquatic plant, water plant, hydrophyte, hydrophytic plant n13122364 marsh plant, bog plant, swamp plant n13122985 air plant, epiphyte, aerophyte, epiphytic plant n13123309 hemiepiphyte, semiepiphyte n13123431 strangler, strangler tree n13123681 rock plant n13123841 lithophyte, lithophytic plant n13124019 rupestral plant, rupestrine plant, rupicolous plant, saxicolous plant n13124164 saprophyte, saprophytic organism n13124358 saprobe n13124529 katharobe n13124654 autophyte, autophytic plant, autotroph, autotrophic organism n13124855 butt n13125003 rootage, root system n13125117 root n13125882 pneumatophore n13126050 taproot n13126192 adventitious root n13126308 root crop n13126428 root cap n13126580 rootlet n13126684 root hair n13126856 prop root n13127001 prophyll n13127091 stock n13127303 rootstock n13127473 cutting, slip n13127666 quickset n13127843 stolon, runner, offset n13128003 crown, treetop n13128156 capitulum n13128278 tuberous plant n13128365 tuber n13128582 rhizome, rootstock, rootstalk n13128771 axis n13128976 rachis n13129078 caudex n13129165 stalk, stem n13129826 internode n13129938 beanstalk n13130014 cladode, cladophyll, phylloclad, phylloclade n13130161 receptacle n13130305 stock, caudex n13130423 axil n13130569 stipe n13130726 scape, flower stalk n13130885 meristem n13131028 umbel n13131282 corymb n13131516 ray n13131618 petiole, leafstalk n13131752 phyllode n13131883 blade, leaf blade n13132034 peduncle n13132156 pedicel, pedicle n13132338 flower cluster n13132486 raceme n13132656 panicle n13132756 thyrse, thyrsus n13132940 cyme n13133140 cymule n13133233 glomerule n13133316 scorpioid cyme n13133438 spike n13133613 ear, spike, capitulum n13133786 capitulum, head n13133932 spadix n13134059 bulb n13134302 bulbous plant n13134531 bulbil, bulblet n13134680 corm n13134844 cormous plant n13134947 fruit n13135692 fruitlet n13135832 seed n13136316 bean n13136556 nut n13136781 nutlet n13136863 pyrene n13137010 kernel, meat n13137225 syconium n13137409 berry n13137672 aggregate fruit, multiple fruit, syncarp n13137951 simple fruit, bacca n13138155 acinus n13138308 drupe, stone fruit n13138658 drupelet n13138842 pome, false fruit n13139055 pod, seedpod n13139321 loment n13139482 pyxidium, pyxis n13139647 husk n13139837 cornhusk n13139918 hull n13140049 pod, cod, seedcase n13140242 pea pod, peasecod n13140367 accessory fruit, pseudocarp n13140535 Rhamnales, order Rhamnales n13140699 Rhamnaceae, family Rhamnaceae, buckthorn family n13140993 Rhamnus, genus Rhamnus n13141141 buckthorn n13141415 buckthorn berry, yellow berry n13141564 cascara buckthorn, bearberry, bearwood, chittamwood, chittimwood, Rhamnus purshianus n13141797 cascara, cascara sagrada, chittam bark, chittem bark n13141972 Carolina buckthorn, indian cherry, Rhamnus carolinianus n13142182 coffeeberry, California buckthorn, California coffee, Rhamnus californicus n13142380 alder buckthorn, alder dogwood, Rhamnus frangula n13142504 redberry, red-berry, Rhamnus croceus n13142695 Colubrina, genus Colubrina n13142907 nakedwood n13143097 Ziziphus, genus Ziziphus n13143285 jujube, jujube bush, Christ's-thorn, Jerusalem thorn, Ziziphus jujuba n13143483 lotus tree, Ziziphus lotus n13143626 Paliurus, genus Paliurus n13143758 Christ's-thorn, Jerusalem thorn, Paliurus spina-christi n13143930 Pomaderris, genus Pomaderris n13144084 hazel, hazel tree, Pomaderris apetala n13144303 Vitaceae, family Vitaceae, Vitidaceae, grapevine family n13144511 Vitis, genus Vitis n13144794 grape, grapevine, grape vine n13145040 fox grape, Vitis labrusca n13145250 muscadine, Vitis rotundifolia n13145444 vinifera, vinifera grape, common grape vine, Vitis vinifera n13145924 Chardonnay, chardonnay grape n13146035 Pinot, Pinot grape n13146225 Pinot noir n13146403 Pinot blanc n13146583 Sauvignon grape n13146740 Cabernet Sauvignon grape n13146928 Sauvignon blanc n13147045 Merlot n13147153 Muscadet n13147270 Riesling n13147386 Zinfandel n13147532 Chenin blanc n13147689 malvasia n13147788 muscat, muskat n13147918 Verdicchio n13148019 Parthenocissus, genus Parthenocissus n13148208 Boston ivy, Japanese ivy, Parthenocissus tricuspidata n13148384 Virginia creeper, American ivy, woodbine, Parthenocissus quinquefolia n13148602 Piperales, order Piperales n13148791 Piperaceae, family Piperaceae, pepper family n13149039 Piper, genus Piper n13149296 true pepper, pepper vine n13149506 pepper, common pepper, black pepper, white pepper, Madagascar pepper, Piper nigrum n13149829 long pepper, Piper longum n13149970 betel, betel pepper, Piper betel n13150178 cubeb, cubeb vine, Java pepper, Piper cubeba n13150378 cubeb n13150592 schizocarp n13150741 genus Peperomia n13150894 peperomia n13151082 watermelon begonia, Peperomia argyreia, Peperomia sandersii n13151265 Chloranthaceae, family Chloranthaceae n13151439 Chloranthus, genus Chloranthus n13151568 Saururaceae, family Saururaceae, lizard's-tail family n13151820 Saururus, genus Saururus n13151975 lizard's-tail, swamp lily, water dragon, Saururus cernuus n13152203 Anemopsis, genus Anemopsis n13152339 yerba mansa, Anemopsis californica n13152592 Houttuynia, genus Houttuynia n13152742 leaf, leafage, foliage n13153532 amplexicaul leaf n13153633 greenery, verdure n13153729 hydathode, water pore, water stoma n13153888 lenticel n13154077 leaflet n13154190 node, leaf node n13154388 pinna, pinnule n13154494 frond n13154586 pad n13154736 lily pad n13154841 bract n13155095 bracteole, bractlet n13155175 spathe n13155305 involucre n13155451 lemma, flowering glume n13155611 glume n13155759 scale, scale leaf n13155899 squamule n13156006 fig leaf n13156083 simple leaf n13156592 compound leaf n13156799 trifoliolate leaf n13156884 quinquefoliate leaf n13156986 palmate leaf n13157137 pinnate leaf n13157346 bijugate leaf, bijugous leaf, twice-pinnate n13157481 decompound leaf n13157595 acerate leaf, needle n13157684 acuminate leaf n13157780 cordate leaf n13157858 cuneate leaf n13157971 deltoid leaf n13158071 elliptic leaf n13158167 ensiform leaf n13158258 hastate leaf n13158386 lanceolate leaf n13158512 linear leaf, elongate leaf n13158605 lyrate leaf n13158714 obtuse leaf n13158815 oblanceolate leaf n13158925 oblong leaf n13159044 obovate leaf n13159155 ovate leaf n13159263 orbiculate leaf n13159357 pandurate leaf, panduriform leaf n13159457 peltate leaf n13159558 perfoliate leaf n13159691 reniform leaf n13159778 sagittate-leaf, sagittiform leaf n13159890 spatulate leaf n13160015 bipinnate leaf n13160116 even-pinnate leaf, abruptly-pinnate leaf n13160254 odd-pinnate leaf n13160365 pedate leaf n13160485 entire leaf n13160604 crenate leaf n13160695 serrate leaf n13160831 dentate leaf n13160938 denticulate leaf n13161056 emarginate leaf n13161151 erose leaf n13161254 runcinate leaf n13161412 lobed leaf n13161506 lobe n13161639 parallel-veined leaf n13161754 parted leaf n13161904 prickly-edged leaf n13161998 rosette n13162164 ligule n13162297 bark n13162815 winter's bark n13162945 tapa, tapa bark, tappa, tappa bark n13163093 angostura bark, angostura n13163250 branch n13163471 culm n13163553 deadwood n13163649 haulm, halm n13163803 limb, tree branch n13163991 branchlet, twig, sprig n13164285 wand n13164403 withe, withy n13164501 osier n13164583 sprout n13164763 shoot n13164881 sucker n13164970 tiller n13165086 bud n13165286 leaf bud n13165409 flower bud n13165552 mixed bud n13165646 stick n13165727 bough n13165815 trunk, tree trunk, bole n13166044 burl n13166191 burl n13166338 fern family n13167078 fern genus n13169219 Filicopsida, class Filicopsida, Filicinae, class Filicinae n13169674 Filicales, order Filicales, Polypodiales, order Polypodiales n13170060 Gleicheniaceae, family Gleicheniaceae n13170286 Gleichenia, genus Gleichenia n13170498 Dicranopteris, genus Dicranopteris n13170661 Diplopterygium, genus Diplopterygium n13170840 giant scrambling fern, Diplopterygium longissimum n13171041 Sticherus, genus Sticherus n13171210 umbrella fern, fan fern, Sticherus flabellatus, Gleichenia flabellata n13171447 Parkeriaceae, family Parkeriaceae n13171649 Ceratopteris, genus Ceratopteris n13171797 floating fern, water sprite, Ceratopteris pteridioides n13171975 floating fern, Ceratopteris thalictroides n13172107 Polypodiaceae, family Polypodiaceae n13172725 Polypodium, genus Polypodium n13172923 polypody n13173132 licorice fern, Polypodium glycyrrhiza n13173259 grey polypody, gray polypody, resurrection fern, Polypodium polypodioides n13173488 leatherleaf, leathery polypody, coast polypody, Polypodium scouleri n13173697 rock polypody, rock brake, American wall fern, Polypodium virgianum n13173882 common polypody, adder's fern, wall fern, golden maidenhair, golden polypody, sweet fern, Polypodium vulgare n13174206 Aglaomorpha, genus Aglaomorpha n13174354 bear's-paw fern, Aglaomorpha meyeniana n13174515 Campyloneurum, genus Campyloneurum n13174670 strap fern n13174823 Florida strap fern, cow-tongue fern, hart's-tongue fern n13175074 Central American strap fern, narrow-leaved strap fern, Campyloneurum augustifolium n13175324 Drymoglossum, genus Drymoglossum n13175484 Drynaria, genus Drynaria n13175682 basket fern, Drynaria rigidula n13175847 genus Lecanopteris n13176000 lecanopteris n13176201 Microgramma, genus Microgramma n13176363 snake polypody, Microgramma-piloselloides n13176523 Microsorium, genus Microsorium n13176714 climbing bird's nest fern, Microsorium punctatum n13176873 Phlebodium, genus Phlebodium n13177048 golden polypody, serpent fern, rabbit's-foot fern, Phlebodium aureum, Polypodium aureum n13177354 Platycerium, genus Platycerium n13177529 staghorn fern n13177768 South American staghorn, Platycerium andinum n13177884 common staghorn fern, elkhorn fern, Platycerium bifurcatum, Platycerium alcicorne n13178107 Pyrrosia, genus Pyrrosia n13178284 felt fern, tongue fern, Pyrrosia lingua, Cyclophorus lingua n13178500 Solanopteris, genus Solanopteris n13178707 potato fern, Solanopteris bifrons n13178883 Cyclophorus, genus Cyclophorus n13179056 myrmecophyte n13179216 Adiantaceae, family Adiantaceae n13179410 Vittariaceae, family Vittariaceae n13179648 Vittaria, genus Vittaria n13179804 grass fern, ribbon fern, Vittaria lineata n13179972 Aspleniaceae, family Aspleniaceae n13180304 Asplenium, genus Asplenium n13180534 spleenwort n13180875 black spleenwort, Asplenium adiantum-nigrum n13181055 bird's nest fern, Asplenium nidus n13181244 ebony spleenwort, Scott's Spleenwort, Asplenium platyneuron n13181406 black-stem spleenwort, black-stemmed spleenwort, little ebony spleenwort n13181616 Camptosorus, genus Camptosorus n13181811 walking fern, walking leaf, Asplenium rhizophyllum, Camptosorus rhizophyllus n13181988 maidenhair spleenwort, Asplenium trichomanes n13182164 green spleenwort, Asplenium viride n13182338 mountain spleenwort, Asplenium montanum n13182462 wall rue, wall rue spleenwort, Asplenium ruta-muraria n13182662 Bradley's spleenwort, Asplenium bradleyi n13182799 lobed spleenwort, Asplenium pinnatifidum n13182937 lanceolate spleenwort, Asplenium billotii n13183056 hart's-tongue, hart's-tongue fern, Asplenium scolopendrium, Phyllitis scolopendrium n13183251 Ceterach, genus Ceterach n13183489 scale fern, scaly fern, Asplenium ceterach, Ceterach officinarum n13183669 Pleurosorus, genus Pleurosorus n13183874 Schaffneria, genus Schaffneria n13184001 Schaffneria nigripes, Asplenium nigripes, Scolopendrium nigripes n13184164 Phyllitis, genus Phyllitis, genus Scolopendrium n13184394 scolopendrium n13184492 Blechnaceae, family Blechnaceae n13184873 Blechnum, genus Blechnum n13185134 hard fern n13185269 deer fern, Blechnum spicant n13185436 genus Doodia, Doodia n13185658 doodia, rasp fern n13185820 Sadleria, genus Sadleria n13185998 Stenochlaena, genus Stenochlaena n13186200 Woodwardia, genus Woodwardia n13186388 chain fern n13186546 Virginia chain fern, Woodwardia virginica n13186654 tree fern n13187031 Cyatheaceae, family Cyatheaceae n13187167 Cyathea, genus Cyathea n13187367 silver tree fern, sago fern, black tree fern, Cyathea medullaris n13187604 Davalliaceae, family Davalliaceae n13187826 genus Davallia n13188096 davallia n13188268 hare's-foot fern n13188462 Canary Island hare's foot fern, Davallia canariensis n13188619 Australian hare's foot, Davallia pyxidata n13188767 squirrel's-foot fern, ball fern, Davalia bullata, Davalia bullata mariesii, Davallia Mariesii n13188973 Dennstaedtiaceae, family Dennstaedtiaceae n13189222 Dennstaedtia, genus Dennstaedtia n13189428 hay-scented, hay-scented fern, scented fern, boulder fern, Dennstaedtia punctilobula n13189656 Pteridium, genus Pteridium n13189844 bracken, pasture brake, brake, Pteridium aquilinum n13190060 bracken, Pteridium esculentum n13190218 Dicksoniaceae, family Dicksoniaceae n13190469 Dicksonia, genus Dicksonia n13190747 soft tree fern, Dicksonia antarctica n13190917 Cibotium, genus Cibotium n13191148 Scythian lamb, Cibotium barometz n13191318 Culcita, genus Culcita n13191620 false bracken, Culcita dubia n13191770 genus Thyrsopteris n13191884 thyrsopteris, Thyrsopteris elegans n13192025 Dryopteridaceae, family Dryopteridaceae, Athyriaceae, family Athyriaceae n13192625 shield fern, buckler fern n13192898 Dryopteris, genus Dryopteris n13193143 broad buckler-fern, Dryopteris dilatata n13193269 fragrant cliff fern, fragrant shield fern, fragrant wood fern, Dryopteris fragrans n13193466 Goldie's fern, Goldie's shield fern, goldie's wood fern, Dryopteris goldiana n13193642 wood fern, wood-fern, woodfern n13193856 male fern, Dryopteris filix-mas n13194036 marginal wood fern, evergreen wood fern, leatherleaf wood fern, Dryopteris marginalis n13194212 mountain male fern, Dryopteris oreades n13194328 Athyrium, genus Athyrium n13194572 lady fern, Athyrium filix-femina n13194758 Alpine lady fern, Athyrium distentifolium n13194918 silvery spleenwort, glade fern, narrow-leaved spleenwort, Athyrium pycnocarpon, Diplazium pycnocarpon n13195151 Cyrtomium, genus Cyrtomium n13195341 holly fern, Cyrtomium aculeatum, Polystichum aculeatum n13195547 Cystopteris, genus Cystopteris n13195761 bladder fern n13196003 brittle bladder fern, brittle fern, fragile fern, Cystopteris fragilis n13196234 mountain bladder fern, Cystopteris montana n13196369 bulblet fern, bulblet bladder fern, berry fern, Cystopteris bulbifera n13196545 Deparia, genus Deparia n13196738 silvery spleenwort, Deparia acrostichoides, Athyrium thelypteroides n13196942 Diacalpa, genus Diacalpa n13197085 Gymnocarpium, genus Gymnocarpium n13197274 oak fern, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Thelypteris dryopteris n13197507 limestone fern, northern oak fern, Gymnocarpium robertianum n13197670 Lastreopsis, genus Lastreopsis n13197800 Matteuccia, genus Matteuccia, Pteretis, genus Pteretis n13198054 ostrich fern, shuttlecock fern, fiddlehead, Matteuccia struthiopteris, Pteretis struthiopteris, Onoclea struthiopteris n13198354 Olfersia, genus Olfersia n13198482 hart's-tongue, hart's-tongue fern, Olfersia cervina, Polybotrya cervina, Polybotria cervina n13198728 Onoclea, genus Onoclea n13198914 sensitive fern, bead fern, Onoclea sensibilis n13199244 Polybotrya, genus Polybotrya, Polybotria, genus Polybotria n13199445 Polystichum, genus Polystichum n13199717 Christmas fern, canker brake, dagger fern, evergreen wood fern, Polystichum acrostichoides n13199970 holly fern n13200193 Braun's holly fern, prickly shield fern, Polystichum braunii n13200411 northern holly fern, Polystichum lonchitis n13200542 western holly fern, Polystichum scopulinum n13200651 soft shield fern, Polystichum setiferum n13200806 Rumohra, genus Rumohra n13200986 leather fern, leatherleaf fern, ten-day fern, Rumohra adiantiformis, Polystichum adiantiformis n13201239 Tectaria, genus Tectaria n13201423 button fern, Tectaria cicutaria n13201566 Indian button fern, Tectaria macrodonta n13201725 genus Woodsia n13201969 woodsia n13202125 rusty woodsia, fragrant woodsia, oblong woodsia, Woodsia ilvensis n13202355 Alpine woodsia, northern woodsia, flower-cup fern, Woodsia alpina n13202602 smooth woodsia, Woodsia glabella n13202749 Lomariopsidaceae, family Lomariopsidaceae n13202933 Bolbitis, genus Bolbitis n13203115 Lomogramma, genus Lomogramma n13203251 Lophosoriaceae, family Lophosoriaceae n13203405 Lophosoria, genus Lophosoria n13203551 Loxomataceae, family Loxomataceae n13203708 Loxoma, genus Loxoma n13203842 Oleandraceae, family Oleandraceae n13204102 Oleandra, genus Oleandra n13204276 oleander fern, Oleandra neriiformis, Oleandra mollis n13204482 Arthropteris, genus Arthropteris n13204646 Nephrolepis, genus Nephrolepis n13204826 sword fern n13205058 Boston fern, Nephrolepis exaltata, Nephrolepis exaltata bostoniensis n13205249 basket fern, toothed sword fern, Nephrolepis pectinata n13205482 Pteridaceae, family Pteridaceae n13206001 Acrostichum, genus Acrostichum n13206178 golden fern, leather fern, Acrostichum aureum n13206438 Actiniopteris, genus Actiniopteris n13206584 Adiantum, genus Adiantum n13206817 maidenhair, maidenhair fern n13207094 common maidenhair, Venushair, Venus'-hair fern, southern maidenhair, Venus maidenhair, Adiantum capillus-veneris n13207335 American maidenhair fern, five-fingered maidenhair fern, Adiantum pedatum n13207572 Bermuda maidenhair, Bermuda maidenhair fern, Adiantum bellum n13207736 brittle maidenhair, brittle maidenhair fern, Adiantum tenerum n13207923 Farley maidenhair, Farley maidenhair fern, Barbados maidenhair, glory fern, Adiantum tenerum farleyense n13208138 Anogramma, genus Anogramma n13208302 annual fern, Jersey fern, Anogramma leptophylla n13208468 Cheilanthes, genus Cheilanthes n13208705 lip fern, lipfern n13208965 smooth lip fern, Alabama lip fern, Cheilanthes alabamensis n13209129 lace fern, Cheilanthes gracillima n13209270 wooly lip fern, hairy lip fern, Cheilanthes lanosa n13209460 southwestern lip fern, Cheilanthes eatonii n13209647 Coniogramme, genus Coniogramme n13209808 bamboo fern, Coniogramme japonica n13210006 Cryptogramma, genus Cryptogramma n13210205 rock brake n13210350 American rock brake, American parsley fern, Cryptogramma acrostichoides n13210597 European parsley fern, mountain parsley fern, Cryptogramma crispa n13210827 Doryopteris, genus Doryopteris n13211020 hand fern, Doryopteris pedata n13211179 Jamesonia, genus Jamesonia n13211305 Onychium, genus Onychium n13211516 Pellaea, genus Pellaea n13211790 cliff brake, cliff-brake, rock brake n13212025 coffee fern, Pellaea andromedifolia n13212175 purple rock brake, Pellaea atropurpurea n13212379 bird's-foot fern, Pellaea mucronata, Pellaea ornithopus n13212559 button fern, Pellaea rotundifolia n13212751 Pityrogramma, genus Pityrogramma n13213066 silver fern, Pityrogramma argentea n13213235 silver fern, Pityrogramma calomelanos n13213397 golden fern, Pityrogramma calomelanos aureoflava n13213577 gold fern, Pityrogramma chrysophylla n13213768 Pteris, genus Pteris n13214031 brake n13214217 Pteris cretica n13214340 spider brake, spider fern, Pteris multifida n13214485 ribbon fern, spider fern, Pteris serrulata n13214645 Marattiales, order Marattiales n13214813 Marattiaceae, family Marattiaceae n13215063 Marattia, genus Marattia n13215258 potato fern, Marattia salicina n13215462 genus Angiopteris n13215586 angiopteris, giant fern, Angiopteris evecta n13215799 Danaea, genus Danaea n13215936 Psilopsida, class Psilopsida, Psilotatae, class Psilotatae n13216238 Psilotales, order Psilotales n13216475 Psilotaceae, family Psilotaceae n13216673 Psilotum, genus Psilotum n13216812 whisk fern n13217005 skeleton fork fern, Psilotum nudum n13217213 Psilophytales, order Psilophytales n13217494 psilophyte n13217624 Psilophytaceae, family Psilophytaceae n13217763 genus Psilophyton n13217993 psilophyton n13218114 Rhyniaceae, family Rhyniaceae n13218281 Rhynia, genus Rhynia n13218504 Horneophyton, genus Horneophyton n13218722 Sphenopsida, class Sphenopsida, Equisetatae, class Equisetatae n13218900 Equisetales, order Equisetales n13219067 Equisetaceae, family Equisetaceae, horsetail family n13219258 Equisetum, genus Equisetum n13219422 horsetail n13219833 common horsetail, field horsetail, Equisetum arvense n13219976 swamp horsetail, water horsetail, Equisetum fluviatile n13220122 scouring rush, rough horsetail, Equisetum hyemale, Equisetum hyemale robustum, Equisetum robustum n13220355 marsh horsetail, Equisetum palustre n13220525 wood horsetail, Equisetum Sylvaticum n13220663 variegated horsetail, variegated scouring rush, Equisetum variegatum n13220842 Lycopsida, class Lycopsida, Lycopodiate, class Lycopodiate n13221243 Lycophyta n13221383 Lycopodineae, class Lycopodineae n13221529 club moss, club-moss, lycopod n13221807 Lepidodendrales, order Lepidodendrales n13222035 Lepidodendraceae, family Lepidodendraceae n13222227 Lycopodiales, order Lycopodiales n13222477 Lycopodiaceae, family Lycopodiaceae, clubmoss family n13222669 Lycopodium, genus Lycopodium n13222877 shining clubmoss, Lycopodium lucidulum n13222985 alpine clubmoss, Lycopodium alpinum n13223090 fir clubmoss, mountain clubmoss, little clubmoss, Lycopodium selago n13223265 ground pine, Christmas green n13223485 running pine, Lycopodium clavitum n13223588 ground cedar, staghorn moss, Lycopodium complanatum n13223710 ground fir, princess pine, tree clubmoss, Lycopodium obscurum n13223843 foxtail grass, Lycopodium alopecuroides n13224086 Selaginellales, order Selaginellales n13224256 Selaginellaceae, family Selaginellaceae n13224454 Selaginella, genus Selaginella n13224673 spikemoss, spike moss, little club moss n13224922 meadow spikemoss, basket spikemoss, Selaginella apoda n13225075 rock spikemoss, dwarf lycopod, Selaginella rupestris n13225244 desert selaginella, Selaginella eremophila n13225365 resurrection plant, rose of Jericho, Selaginella lepidophylla n13225617 florida selaginella, Selaginella eatonii n13225729 Isoetales, order Isoetales n13225955 Isoetaceae, family Isoetaceae, quillwort family n13226135 Isoetes, genus Isoetes n13226320 quillwort n13226526 Geoglossaceae, family Geoglossaceae n13226698 Geoglossum, genus Geoglossum n13226871 earthtongue, earth-tongue n13227009 Cryptogrammataceae, family Cryptogrammataceae n13227235 Thelypteridaceae, family Thelypteridaceae n13227557 Thelypteris, genus Thelypteris n13227778 marsh fern, Thelypteris palustris, Dryopteris thelypteris n13228017 snuffbox fern, meadow fern, Thelypteris palustris pubescens, Dryopteris thelypteris pubescens n13228194 Amauropelta, genus Amauropelta n13228357 genus Christella n13228536 christella n13228692 Cyclosorus, genus Cyclosorus n13228867 Goniopteris, genus Goniopteris n13229018 Macrothelypteris, genus Macrothelypteris n13229227 Meniscium, genus Meniscium n13229358 Oreopteris, genus Oreopteris n13229543 mountain fern, Oreopteris limbosperma, Dryopteris oreopteris n13229747 Parathelypteris, genus Parathelypteris n13229951 New York fern, Parathelypteris novae-boracensis, Dryopteris noveboracensis n13230190 Massachusetts fern, Parathelypteris simulata, Thelypteris simulata n13230421 Phegopteris, genus Phegopteris n13230662 beech fern n13230843 broad beech fern, southern beech fern, Phegopteris hexagonoptera, Dryopteris hexagonoptera, Thelypteris hexagonoptera n13231078 long beech fern, narrow beech fern, northern beech fern, Phegopteris connectilis, Dryopteris phegopteris, Thelypteris phegopteris n13231298 rhizomorph n13231436 Armillaria, genus Armillaria n13231678 shoestring fungus n13231919 Armillaria caligata, booted armillaria n13232106 Armillaria ponderosa, white matsutake n13232363 Armillaria zelleri n13232515 Armillariella, genus Armillariella n13232779 honey mushroom, honey fungus, Armillariella mellea n13233012 Asclepiadaceae, family Asclepiadaceae, milkweed family n13233435 asclepiad n13233548 Asclepias, genus Asclepias n13233727 milkweed, silkweed n13234114 white milkweed, Asclepias albicans n13234293 blood flower, swallowwort, Asclepias curassavica n13234519 poke milkweed, Asclepias exaltata n13234678 swamp milkweed, Asclepias incarnata n13234857 Mead's milkweed, Asclepias meadii, Asclepia meadii n13235011 purple silkweed, Asclepias purpurascens n13235159 showy milkweed, Asclepias speciosa n13235319 poison milkweed, horsetail milkweed, Asclepias subverticillata n13235503 butterfly weed, orange milkweed, chigger flower, chiggerflower, pleurisy root, tuber root, Indian paintbrush, Asclepias tuberosa n13235766 whorled milkweed, Asclepias verticillata n13235947 Araujia, genus Araujia n13236100 cruel plant, Araujia sericofera n13236354 genus Cynancum n13236495 cynancum n13236726 genus Hoya n13236887 hoya n13237075 honey plant n13237188 wax plant, Hoya carnosa n13237343 Periploca, genus Periploca n13237508 silk vine, Periploca graeca n13237788 Sarcostemma, genus Sarcostemma n13237988 soma, haoma, Sarcostemma acidum n13238178 genus Stapelia n13238375 stapelia, carrion flower, starfish flower n13238654 Stapelias asterias n13238828 genus Stephanotis n13238988 stephanotis n13239177 Madagascar jasmine, waxflower, Stephanotis floribunda n13239471 Vincetoxicum, genus Vincetoxicum n13239736 negro vine, Vincetoxicum hirsutum, Vincetoxicum negrum n13239921 zygospore n13240025 old growth, virgin forest n13240203 second growth n13240362 tree of knowledge n13240514 ownership n13240839 community n13240971 severalty n13241057 property right n13241182 preemptive right n13241407 subscription right n13241600 option n13241940 stock option n13242239 stock option n13242410 call option n13242484 put option n13242558 lock-up option n13242719 tenure, land tenure n13242923 copyhold n13243134 freehold n13243261 freehold n13243374 villeinage n13243466 stock buyback n13243668 public domain n13243780 proprietorship, proprietary n13243991 employee ownership n13244109 property, belongings, holding n13244753 tangible possession, material possession n13244881 worldly possessions, worldly belongings, worldly goods n13245076 ratables, rateables n13245217 hereditament n13245338 intellectual property n13245504 community property n13245626 personal property, personal estate, personalty, private property n13245846 chattel, personal chattel, movable n13246079 effects, personal effects n13246332 things n13246475 real property, real estate, realty, immovable n13246662 estate, land, landed estate, acres, demesne n13247149 commonage n13247228 glebe n13247358 landholding n13247445 landholding n13247554 salvage n13247712 shareholding n13247818 spiritualty, spirituality, church property n13247981 temporalty, temporality n13248087 benefice, ecclesiastical benefice n13248274 sinecure n13248393 lease, rental, letting n13248598 car rental, hire car, rent-a-car, self-drive, u-drive, you-drive n13248792 trade-in n13248928 sublease, sublet n13249062 public property n13249154 leasehold n13249245 smallholding n13249400 homestead n13249599 farmstead n13249699 homestead n13249805 no man's land n13249927 fief, feoff n13250048 land n13250244 mortmain, dead hand n13250398 wealth n13250542 money n13250680 pile, bundle, big bucks, megabucks, big money n13250930 estate n13251154 stuff, clobber n13251289 gross estate n13251424 net estate n13251715 life estate, estate for life n13251906 barony n13251980 countryseat n13252062 Crown land n13252168 manor n13252293 seigneury, seigniory, signory n13252395 hacienda n13252513 plantation n13252672 orangery n13252853 white elephant n13252973 transferred property, transferred possession n13253255 acquisition n13253423 accession, addition n13253612 purchase n13253751 bargain, buy, steal n13254011 song n13254105 travel bargain n13254237 grant, assignment n13254443 appanage, apanage n13254697 land grant n13254805 gain n13254985 financial gain n13255145 income n13255562 disposable income n13255713 double dipping n13255883 easy money, gravy train n13255994 EBITDA, Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization n13256303 easy money n13256434 tight money n13256599 escheat n13256691 gross, revenue, receipts n13256894 national income n13257098 gross national product, GNP n13257354 real gross national product, real GNP n13257511 gross domestic product, GDP n13257792 deflator n13257982 royalty n13258167 box office n13258269 gate n13258362 net income, net, net profit, lucre, profit, profits, earnings n13258825 paper profit n13259013 paper loss n13259199 cash flow n13259359 personal income n13259481 earning per share n13259630 windfall profit n13259797 killing, cleanup n13259917 winnings, win, profits n13260092 rental income n13260190 return, issue, take, takings, proceeds, yield, payoff n13260510 fast buck, quick buck n13260645 filthy lucre n13260762 gross profit, gross profit margin, margin n13260936 gross sales, gross revenue, sales n13261107 net sales n13261242 margin of profit, profit margin, gross margin n13261380 unearned income, unearned revenue n13261597 unearned income, unearned revenue n13261779 government income, government revenue n13261916 tax income, taxation, tax revenue, revenue n13262077 internal revenue n13262200 per capita income n13262335 stolen property n13262462 spoil n13262663 loot, booty, pillage, plunder, prize, swag, dirty money n13262913 inheritance, heritage n13263257 primogeniture n13263375 borough English n13263540 accretion n13263779 bequest, legacy n13263920 birthright, patrimony n13264076 devise n13264203 dower n13264342 jointure, legal jointure n13264522 free lunch n13264688 heirloom n13264794 heirloom n13265011 gift n13265425 dowry, dowery, dower, portion n13265603 bride price n13265749 largess, largesse n13265904 aid, economic aid, financial aid n13266170 scholarship n13266348 fellowship n13266515 foreign aid n13266690 Marshall Plan, European Recovery Program n13266892 grant n13267014 subsidy n13267263 subvention n13267411 price support n13267534 grant-in-aid n13267687 postdoctoral, postdoc, post doc n13267816 traineeship n13268020 gratuity n13268146 prize, award n13268484 door prize n13268683 jackpot n13268758 prize money n13268842 present n13269054 birthday present, birthday gift n13269186 Christmas present, Christmas gift n13269318 stocking filler, stocking stuffer n13269459 wedding present, wedding gift n13269596 bride-gift n13269683 cash surrender value n13269890 contribution n13270038 contribution, donation n13270260 benefaction n13270373 offering n13270545 tithe n13270648 offertory n13270760 hearth money, Peter's pence n13270906 political contribution, political donation n13271094 soft money n13271320 endowment, endowment fund n13271498 enrichment n13271631 patrimony n13271705 chantry n13271797 lagniappe n13271937 bestowal, bestowment n13272059 bounty, premium n13272283 premium n13272545 freebie, freebee n13272712 giveaway n13272860 gift horse n13273050 thank offering n13273154 bonus, incentive n13273381 incentive program, incentive scheme n13273550 deductible n13273738 defalcation n13273836 dividend n13273949 sales incentive n13274092 allowance, adjustment n13274364 cost-of-living allowance n13274487 depreciation allowance n13274597 deduction, discount n13274732 trade discount n13274892 seasonal adjustment n13275137 tare n13275288 outgo, spending, expenditure, outlay n13275495 expense, disbursal, disbursement n13275847 cost n13276330 business expense, trade expense n13276519 interest expense n13276604 lobbying expense n13276778 medical expense n13276913 non-cash expense n13277056 moving expense n13277179 operating expense, operating cost, overhead, budget items n13277492 organization expense n13277644 personal expense n13277789 promotional expense n13277886 expense n13278100 transfer payment n13278275 capital expenditure n13278375 payment n13279046 overpayment n13279162 underpayment n13279262 wage, pay, earnings, remuneration, salary n13279809 combat pay n13279913 double time n13280008 found n13280139 half-pay n13280251 living wage n13280373 merit pay n13280515 minimum wage n13280658 pay envelope, pay packet n13280795 sick pay n13280896 strike pay n13280992 take-home pay n13281130 subscription n13281275 regular payment n13281476 pay rate, rate of pay n13281641 time and a half n13281770 payment rate, rate of payment, repayment rate, installment rate n13281925 blood money n13282007 recompense n13282161 refund n13282275 rebate, discount n13282419 rent-rebate n13282550 compensation n13282948 overcompensation n13283033 workmen's compensation n13283187 conscience money n13283314 support payment n13283485 palimony n13283620 alimony, maintenance n13283764 reward n13283952 honorarium n13284048 ransom, ransom money n13284184 blood money n13284283 guerdon n13284356 meed n13284442 hush money n13284562 bribe, payoff n13284784 kickback n13284973 payola n13285101 soap n13285176 share, portion, part, percentage n13285619 tranche n13285714 dispensation n13285855 dole n13285973 way n13286099 ration n13286254 allowance n13286524 slice, piece n13286640 split n13286801 interest, stake n13287239 grubstake n13287414 controlling interest n13287540 insurable interest n13287787 vested interest n13287984 security interest n13288206 terminable interest n13288337 undivided interest, undivided right n13288529 fee n13288661 fee simple n13288798 fee tail n13288942 entail n13289020 profit sharing n13289159 cut n13289306 rake-off, vigorish n13289467 allotment, allocation n13289630 reallocation n13289744 quota n13289845 appropriation n13290002 reimbursement n13290285 emolument n13290566 blood money n13290676 damages, amends, indemnity, indemnification, restitution, redress n13290991 relief n13291189 counterbalance, offset n13291356 actual damages, compensatory damages, general damages n13291614 nominal damages n13291831 punitive damages, exemplary damages, smart money n13292104 double damages n13292244 treble damages n13292390 reparation n13292613 reparation n13292787 atonement, expiation, satisfaction n13292989 residual n13293246 poverty line, poverty level n13293377 allowance n13293512 breakage n13293625 costs n13293752 per diem n13293901 travel allowance, travel reimbursement n13294029 mileage n13294135 stipend n13294302 privy purse n13294403 prebend n13294503 annuity, rente n13294763 annuity in advance n13295025 ordinary annuity n13295183 reversionary annuity, survivorship annuity n13295360 tontine n13295657 rent n13295972 ground rent n13296089 peppercorn rent n13296194 rack rent n13296270 economic rent, rent n13296460 payback n13296593 installment plan, installment buying, time plan n13296752 hire-purchase, never-never n13296899 benefit n13297097 cost-of-living benefit n13297254 death benefit n13297397 advance death benefit n13297595 viatical settlement n13297740 disability benefit n13297850 sick benefit, sickness benefit n13298011 fringe benefit, perquisite, perk n13298287 appanage, apanage n13298537 tax benefit, tax break n13298701 gratuity, tip, pourboire, baksheesh, bakshish, bakshis, backsheesh n13298935 Christmas box n13299071 child support n13299248 lump sum n13299357 payoff, final payment n13299453 remittance, remittal, remission, remitment n13299651 repayment, quittance n13299804 redemption n13300025 token payment n13300141 nonpayment, default, nonremittal n13300324 delinquency n13300411 default, nonpayment, nonremittal n13300555 penalty n13300711 pittance n13300828 retribution, requital n13300922 forfeit, forfeiture n13301174 forfeit, forfeiture n13301328 fine, mulct, amercement n13301500 library fine n13301620 premium, insurance premium n13301715 installment n13301835 cost overrun n13302001 cost of living n13302201 borrowing cost n13302293 distribution cost n13302467 handling cost, handling charge n13302621 marketing cost n13302775 production cost n13302905 replacement cost n13303045 reproduction cost, physical value n13303214 unit cost n13303315 price, terms, damage n13303759 price n13303880 markup n13304009 asking price, selling price n13304186 bid price n13304340 closing price n13304508 offer price n13304665 upset price n13304819 factory price n13304927 highway robbery n13305070 list price n13305262 purchase price n13305373 spot price, cash price n13305510 support level n13305673 valuation n13305794 opportunity cost n13305932 cost of capital, capital cost n13306190 carrying cost, carrying charge n13306346 portage n13306436 incidental expense, incidental, minor expense n13306669 travel expense n13306870 charge n13307370 carrying charge n13307514 depreciation charge n13307685 undercharge n13307784 overcharge n13307901 extortion n13307995 corkage n13308147 fare, transportation n13308336 airfare n13308432 bus fare, carfare n13308543 cab fare, taxi fare n13308650 subway fare n13308750 train fare n13308864 levy n13308999 tax, taxation, revenue enhancement n13309776 tax base n13309865 tax rate n13309956 tax liability n13310091 single tax n13310230 income tax n13310415 bracket creep n13310539 estimated tax n13310727 FICA n13310858 business deduction n13310985 exemption n13311217 entertainment deduction n13311368 withholding tax, withholding n13311573 PAYE, pay as you earn n13311679 unearned increment n13311830 capital gain n13312010 capital loss n13312190 capital gains tax n13312329 capital levy n13312434 departure tax n13312569 property tax, land tax n13312754 council tax n13312962 franchise tax n13313188 gift tax n13313322 inheritance tax, estate tax, death tax, death duty n13313464 direct tax n13313591 tax advantage n13313733 tax shelter, shelter n13313899 indirect tax n13314085 hidden tax n13314226 capitation n13314355 poll tax n13314495 progressive tax, graduated tax n13314652 proportional tax n13314796 degressive tax n13314936 rates n13315077 poor rates n13315191 stamp tax, stamp duty n13315364 surtax, supertax n13315518 pavage n13315616 transfer tax n13315743 tithe n13315827 special assessment n13315999 duty, tariff n13316332 excise, excise tax n13316568 sales tax, nuisance tax n13316722 VAT, value-added tax, ad valorem tax n13316905 gasoline tax n13317002 customs, customs duty, custom, impost n13317137 ship money n13317269 tonnage, tunnage, tonnage duty n13317422 octroi n13317517 revenue tariff n13317611 protective tariff n13317759 anti-dumping duty n13317858 import duty n13317941 export duty n13318024 countervailing duty n13318147 fixed charge, fixed cost, fixed costs n13318411 cover charge, cover n13318584 interest n13318804 compound interest n13318934 simple interest n13319032 interest rate, rate of interest n13319253 discount rate, discount, bank discount n13319415 bank rate n13319512 discount rate n13319726 base rate n13319872 prime interest rate n13320045 usury, vigorish n13320168 fee n13320691 anchorage n13320766 cellarage n13320860 commission n13321081 contingency fee n13321230 dockage, docking fee n13321338 drop-off charge n13321495 entrance fee, admission, admission charge, admission fee, admission price, price of admission, entrance money n13321722 finder's fee n13321992 legal fee n13322113 licensing fee, license fee, license tax n13322343 refresher n13322520 lighterage n13322641 lockage n13322758 mintage n13322867 moorage n13322938 origination fee n13323102 pipage n13323207 poundage n13323313 retainer, consideration n13323460 quid pro quo, quid n13323648 seigniorage n13323749 toll n13323885 truckage n13323988 tuition, tuition fee n13324188 wharfage, quayage n13324297 agio, agiotage, premium, exchange premium n13324427 demurrage n13324609 installation charge n13324710 porterage n13324826 postage n13324912 poundage n13325010 rate, charge per unit n13325382 water-rate n13325505 surcharge n13325722 single supplement n13325847 service charge, service fee n13326021 stowage n13326103 tankage n13326198 freight, freightage, freight rate n13326450 rate of depreciation, depreciation rate n13326620 rate of exchange, exchange rate n13326772 excursion rate n13326871 footage n13326975 linage, lineage n13327136 room rate n13327231 loss, red ink, red n13327503 squeeze n13327676 loss n13327896 financial loss n13328073 sacrifice n13328273 wastage n13328357 depreciation, wear and tear n13328578 straight-line method, straight-line method of depreciation n13328853 write-off, write-down n13329047 tax write-off, tax deduction, deduction n13329322 losings, losses n13329489 circumstances n13329641 assets n13330168 payables n13330283 receivables n13330425 crown jewel n13330591 deep pocket n13330764 reserve assets n13330941 special drawing rights, paper gold n13331198 sum, sum of money, amount, amount of money n13331634 figure n13331778 resource n13332009 natural resource, natural resources n13332197 labor resources n13332290 land resources n13332395 mineral resources n13332500 renewable resource n13332670 intangible, intangible asset n13332820 good will, goodwill n13333047 liquid assets, current assets, quick assets n13333237 investment, investment funds n13333420 equity n13333546 sweat equity n13333696 equity n13333833 stock n13334307 stockholding n13334492 stockholding, stockholdings n13334650 capital stock n13334767 blue chip, blue-chip stock n13335008 classified stock n13335172 common stock, common shares, ordinary shares n13335521 stock of record n13335635 par value, face value, nominal value n13335808 no-par-value stock, no-par stock n13335974 preferred stock, preferred shares, preference shares n13336204 cumulative preferred, cumulative preferred stock n13336368 float n13336492 common stock equivalent n13336650 control stock n13336770 growth stock n13336933 hot stock, hot issue n13337050 penny stock n13337146 book value n13337322 market value, market price n13337471 bond issue n13337634 convertible bond n13337770 corporate bond n13338066 coupon bond, bearer bond n13338234 government bond n13338439 junk bond, high-yield bond n13338657 municipal bond n13338780 noncallable bond n13338960 performance bond, surety bond n13339189 post-obit bond n13339325 registered bond n13339542 revenue bond n13339734 secured bond n13339844 unsecured bond, debenture, debenture bond n13340080 government security, agency security n13340244 mortgage-backed security n13340579 registered security n13340751 savings bond n13340902 utility bond, utility revenue bond n13341052 zero coupon bond, zero-coupon bond n13341350 reversion n13341593 escheat n13341756 right n13341962 accession n13342135 share n13342398 authorized shares, authorized stock, capital stock n13342597 quarter stock n13342692 speculation, venture n13342987 gamble n13343123 smart money n13343284 pyramid n13343526 stake, stakes, bet, wager n13343774 pot, jackpot, kitty n13343917 ante n13344071 security, protection n13344386 easy street n13344462 hedge, hedging n13344664 coverage, insurance coverage n13344804 insurance n13345286 assurance n13345403 automobile insurance, car insurance n13345560 no fault insurance, no fault automobile insurance n13345962 business interruption insurance n13346209 coinsurance n13346337 fire insurance n13346432 group insurance n13346630 hazard insurance n13346773 health insurance n13346912 hospitalization insurance, hospitalization n13347065 liability insurance n13347237 life insurance, life assurance n13347489 endowment insurance n13347750 tontine, tontine insurance n13347947 whole life insurance, ordinary life insurance, straight life insurance n13348227 malpractice insurance n13348456 reinsurance n13348792 self-insurance n13348964 term insurance n13349208 health maintenance organization, HMO n13349395 security, surety n13349662 deposit n13349834 down payment, deposit n13349997 satisfaction n13350182 earnest n13350322 earnest money, arles n13350443 recognizance, recognisance n13350702 pledge n13350875 pawn n13350976 bail, bail bond, bond n13351278 margin, security deposit n13351457 brokerage account n13351680 cash account n13351860 custodial account n13351986 margin account n13352138 mortgage n13352341 conditional sale n13352464 first mortgage n13352610 second mortgage n13352722 chattel mortgage n13352865 collateral n13353004 guarantee, guaranty n13353156 material resource n13353280 wealth, riches n13353446 gold n13353607 capital n13353858 means, substance n13354021 pocketbook n13354154 wherewithal n13354260 venture capital, risk capital n13354420 capital, working capital n13354769 operating capital n13354985 account, accounting, account statement n13355301 income statement, earnings report, operating statement, profit-and-loss statement n13355504 capital account n13355656 capital account n13355868 principal, corpus, principal sum n13356002 seed money n13356112 funds, finances, monetary resource, cash in hand, pecuniary resource n13356402 bank n13356569 bankroll, roll n13356774 pocket n13356887 Medicaid funds n13356985 treasury, exchequer n13357178 money supply n13357410 M1 n13357572 M2 n13357720 M3 n13357891 public treasury, trough, till n13358000 pork barrel, pork n13358151 bursary n13358260 subtreasury n13358360 fisc n13358549 fund, monetary fund n13358895 mutual fund n13359032 exchange traded fund, ETF n13359153 index fund n13359263 revolving fund n13359428 sinking fund n13359572 savings, nest egg n13359690 bank account n13359941 giro account n13360103 pension fund, superannuation fund n13360254 war chest n13360390 slush fund n13360498 trust n13360950 active trust n13361083 blind trust n13361333 passive trust n13361465 charitable trust, public trust n13361624 Clifford trust, grantor trust n13361830 implied trust n13361962 constructive trust, involuntary trust n13362182 resulting trust n13362347 direct trust, express trust n13362540 discretionary trust n13362734 nondiscretionary trust, fixed investment trust n13362918 living trust, inter vivos trust n13363056 spendthrift trust n13363217 testamentary trust n13363365 savings account trust, savings bank trust, trust account, trustee account, Totten trust n13363704 voting trust n13363893 trust fund n13363970 checking account, chequing account, current account n13364212 savings account n13364368 time deposit account, deposit account n13364602 dormant account n13364821 passbook savings account n13364984 cash equivalent n13365137 certificate of deposit, CD n13365286 support, keep, livelihood, living, bread and butter, sustenance n13365698 support, financial support, funding, backing, financial backing n13365978 ways and means n13366137 comforts, creature comforts, amenities, conveniences n13366311 maintenance n13366428 meal ticket n13366537 subsistence n13366693 accumulation n13366912 hoard, cache, stash n13367070 store, stock, fund n13367448 provision n13367593 issue, military issue, government issue n13367787 seed stock n13367913 seed corn, seed grain n13368052 reserve, backlog, stockpile n13368318 bank n13368517 blood bank n13368675 eye bank n13368900 food bank n13369074 fuel level n13369159 hole card n13369282 soil bank n13369474 pool, kitty n13369567 hidden reserve n13369723 cookie jar reserve n13369857 pool n13370014 reserve account, reserve fund n13370215 valuation reserve, valuation account, allowance, allowance account n13370448 treasure n13370669 treasure, hoarded wealth n13370938 fortune n13371030 valuable n13371190 swag n13371274 king's ransom n13371355 treasure trove, trove n13371489 precious metal n13371682 bullion n13371760 gold n13371866 silver n13371958 diamond n13372123 ice, sparkler n13372262 ruby n13372403 pearl n13372585 seed pearl n13372665 emerald n13372812 sapphire n13372961 medium of exchange, monetary system n13373214 standard, monetary standard n13373426 gold standard n13373584 silver standard n13373746 bimetallism n13374008 tender, legal tender, stamp n13374161 food stamp n13374281 credit, deferred payment n13374426 consumer credit n13374597 bank loan n13374764 business loan, commercial loan n13374887 interbank loan n13374979 home loan, home equity credit, home equity loan, equity credit line n13375167 installment credit, installment loan n13375323 open-end credit, revolving credit, charge account credit n13375604 credit account, charge account, open account n13375758 revolving charge account n13375891 advance, cash advance n13376012 credit card, charge card, charge plate, plastic n13376426 bank card n13376512 calling card, phone card n13376643 cash card, cashcard n13376764 debit card n13377003 smart card n13377268 draft, bill of exchange, order of payment n13377654 overdraft n13377749 foreign bill, foreign draft n13377899 inland bill n13378031 redraft n13378174 trade acceptance n13378348 foreign exchange n13378518 credit n13378717 cheap money n13378816 overage n13378968 tax credit n13379106 export credit n13379264 import credit n13379413 credit line, line of credit, bank line, line, personal credit line, personal line of credit n13379619 commercial credit n13379753 letter of credit n13380004 commercial letter of credit n13380148 traveler's letter of credit, traveller's letter of credit n13380309 traveler's check, traveller's check, banker's check n13380530 bank draft, banker's draft n13380667 dividend warrant n13380820 money order, postal order n13380996 overdraft credit, check overdraft credit n13381145 deposit, bank deposit n13381303 demand deposit n13381428 time deposit n13381602 acceptance, banker's acceptance n13381734 check, bank check, cheque n13382121 bad check, bad cheque n13382306 kite n13382471 kite n13382614 counter check n13382766 giro, giro cheque n13382975 paycheck, payroll check n13383090 certified check, certified cheque n13383289 personal check, personal cheque n13383439 cashier's check, treasurer's check, cashier's cheque, treasurer's cheque n13383696 blank check, blank cheque n13383855 disability check, disability payment n13384018 medicare check, medicare payment n13384164 pension n13384341 old-age pension, retirement pension, retirement check, retirement benefit, retirement fund, superannuation n13384557 money n13384877 money n13385080 sterling n13385216 boodle, bread, cabbage, clams, dinero, dough, gelt, kale, lettuce, lolly, lucre, loot, moolah, pelf, scratch, shekels, simoleons, sugar, wampum n13385466 shinplaster n13385583 subsidization, subsidisation n13385778 token money n13385913 currency n13386136 Eurocurrency n13386334 fractional currency n13386465 cash, immediate payment n13386614 cash, hard cash, hard currency n13386882 hard currency n13387209 paper money, folding money, paper currency n13387479 change n13387689 change n13387877 coinage, mintage, specie, metal money n13388000 small change, chickenfeed, chump change n13388111 change n13388245 coin n13389105 bawbee n13389194 bezant, bezzant, byzant, solidus n13389359 denier n13389475 ducat n13389577 real n13389660 piece of eight n13389763 shilling n13389864 crown n13389949 half crown n13390040 dime n13390139 nickel n13390244 quarter n13390405 half dollar, fifty-cent piece n13390525 halfpenny, ha'penny n13390626 penny, cent, centime n13390788 slug n13390857 tenpence n13390963 twopence, tuppence n13391118 threepence n13391262 fourpence, groat n13391373 fivepence n13391452 sixpence, tanner n13391610 eightpence n13391693 ninepence n13391774 copper n13391841 new penny n13391967 dollar n13392156 Susan B Anthony dollar n13392262 silver dollar, cartwheel n13392357 double eagle n13392472 eagle n13392580 half eagle n13392688 guinea n13392786 farthing n13392896 doubloon n13392977 louis d'or n13393059 medallion n13393155 stater n13393265 sou n13393427 Maundy money n13393599 fiat money n13393762 bill, note, government note, bank bill, banker's bill, bank note, banknote, Federal Reserve note, greenback n13394179 silver certificate n13394326 Treasury, Treasury obligations n13394592 Treasury bill, T-bill n13394792 Treasury bond n13394907 Treasury note n13395074 hundred dollar bill, c-note n13395187 fifty dollar bill, fifty n13395296 twenty dollar bill, twenty n13395407 tenner, ten dollar bill n13395515 fiver, five-spot, five dollar bill n13395652 nickel, nickel note n13395799 two dollar bill n13395897 dollar, dollar bill, one dollar bill, buck, clam n13396054 liabilities n13396276 deficit n13396485 budget deficit n13396603 federal deficit n13396768 trade deficit n13396861 due n13397018 limited liability n13397174 debt n13397443 arrears n13397519 national debt n13397705 public debt n13397932 debt limit, debt ceiling n13398074 national debt ceiling n13398241 debt instrument, obligation, certificate of indebtedness n13398469 note, promissory note, note of hand n13398768 bad debt n13398859 installment debt n13398953 loan n13399275 call loan, demand loan n13399379 direct loan n13399570 participation loan, loan participation, participation financing n13399782 personal loan, consumer loan n13400024 automobile loan, auto loan, car loan n13400150 point n13400334 real estate loan, mortgage loan n13400472 time loan n13400580 demand note n13400662 principal n13400798 charge n13401013 lien n13401261 artisan's lien n13401412 federal tax lien n13401610 general lien n13401746 judgment lien n13401970 landlord's lien n13402209 mechanic's lien n13402389 garageman's lien n13402529 state tax lien n13402690 tax lien n13402879 warehouseman's lien n13403025 encumbrance, incumbrance n13403146 assessment n13403331 document n13403520 quittance n13403643 record n13403964 balance sheet n13404156 expense record n13404248 ledger, leger, account book, book of account, book n13404534 cost ledger n13404655 general ledger n13404879 subsidiary ledger n13405015 control account n13405166 daybook, journal n13405296 entry, accounting entry, ledger entry n13405480 adjusting entry n13405646 credit, credit entry n13405807 debit, debit entry n13405962 accounting, accounting system, method of accounting n13406374 credit side n13406509 debit side n13406638 accrual basis n13406852 cash basis n13407012 pooling of interest n13407208 accounts receivable n13407389 note receivable n13407561 accounts payable n13407718 note payable n13407844 profit and loss, profit and loss account n13408023 dividend n13408256 stock dividend n13408361 extra dividend n13408473 equalizing dividend n13408641 divvy n13408776 suspense account n13408980 balance n13409160 balance n13409363 balance of trade, trade balance, visible balance, trade gap n13409647 carry-over, carry-forward n13409850 compensating balance, offsetting balance n13410269 invisible balance n13410458 balance of payments, balance of international payments n13410803 current account n13411005 trial balance n13411157 audited account, audit n13411385 limited audit n13411533 review, limited review n13411785 analytical review n13411943 expense account, travel and entertainment account n13412131 payslip n13412321 register n13412533 inventory n13412721 payroll, paysheet n13412877 payroll, paysheet n13413016 peanuts n13413159 purse n13413294 purse n13413493 value, economic value n13413840 mess of pottage n13413986 premium n13414159 bankbook, passbook n13414310 checkbook, chequebook n13414443 pawn ticket n13414554 escrow n13414770 escrow funds n13414849 commercial paper n13415043 municipal note n13415168 IOU n13415271 time note n13415381 floater n13415547 hotel plan, meal plan n13415744 American plan n13415866 modified American plan n13415998 Bermuda plan n13416106 European plan, continental plan n13416241 devise n13416345 security, certificate n13416897 scrip n13417071 stock certificate, stock n13417289 tax-exempt security, tax-exempt n13417410 bond, bond certificate n13418047 Premium Bond n13418219 warrant, stock warrant, stock-purchase warrant n13418616 perpetual warrant n13418713 subscription warrant n13418823 zero-coupon security, zero coupon security n13419032 partnership certificate n13419178 proprietorship certificate n13419325 convertible, convertible security n13419535 letter security n13419755 investment letter n13419951 treasury stock, treasury shares, reacquired stock n13420221 voting stock n13420359 watered stock n13420544 letter stock n13420722 letter bond n13420900 listed security n13421095 unlisted security, over the counter security, OTC security n13421286 over the counter stock, OTC stock, unlisted stock n13421462 budget n13421702 balanced budget n13421832 budget n13422061 Civil List n13422234 operating budget n13422411 petty cash n13422545 pocket money, pin money, spending money n13422684 ready cash, cold cash, ready money n13422905 sight draft, sight bill n13423007 time draft, time bill n13423118 matching funds n13423267 bottom line n13423405 ablactation n13423489 ablation n13423615 abrasion, attrition, corrasion, detrition n13423779 abscission n13423922 absorption, soaking up n13424183 absorption n13424477 accession n13424643 acclimatization, acclimatisation, acclimation n13424865 accretion, accumulation n13425067 accretion n13425245 accretion n13425425 accretion n13425637 acetylation n13425839 Acheson process n13425980 acid-base equilibrium, acid-base balance n13426238 acidification n13426376 activation n13426591 active birth n13426726 active transport n13426948 acylation n13427078 adaptation, adaption, adjustment n13427356 addition reaction n13427481 adiabatic process n13427633 administrative data processing, business data processing n13427789 adsorption, surface assimilation n13427989 advection n13428159 aeration n13428308 agenesis, agenesia n13428421 agglutination n13428608 agglutination n13428804 agglutination, agglutinating activity n13429006 aging, ageing, senescence n13429194 aldol reaction n13429300 alluvion n13429432 alpha decay n13429585 alternative birth, alternative birthing n13429780 amelogenesis n13429888 Americanization, Americanisation n13430074 amitosis n13430262 ammonification n13430391 amylolysis n13430495 anabolism, constructive metabolism n13430786 anaglyphy n13431043 anamorphism n13431221 anamorphosis, anamorphism n13431380 anaphase n13431569 anastalsis n13431722 androgenesis, androgeny n13431992 angiogenesis n13432085 Anglicization, Anglicisation n13432249 anisogamy n13432443 anovulation n13432647 anthropogenesis, anthropogeny n13432802 antiredeposition n13432903 antisepsis, asepsis n13433061 aphaeresis, apheresis n13433283 aphesis n13433462 apogamy n13433727 apomixis n13433948 apposition n13434120 asexual reproduction, agamogenesis n13434406 assibilation n13434537 assimilation n13434688 assimilation, absorption n13434878 assimilation, absorption n13435152 association n13435377 asynchronous operation n13435548 attack n13435770 autocatalysis n13435918 autolysis, self-digestion n13436063 automatic data processing, ADP n13436206 autoradiography n13436361 autotype, autotypy n13436503 autoregulation n13436682 auxesis n13436809 auxiliary operation, off-line operation n13436992 background processing, backgrounding n13437181 backup n13437379 bacteriolysis n13437495 bacteriostasis n13437610 basal metabolic rate, BMR n13437753 basal metabolism n13437902 batch processing n13438006 beach erosion n13438088 bed-wetting n13438223 Bessemer process n13438521 beta decay n13438671 biochemical mechanism n13438817 biosynthesis, biogenesis n13438979 blastogenesis n13439088 blaze, blazing n13439230 blood coagulation, blood clotting n13439390 blooming, bloom n13439570 blossoming, flowering, florescence, inflorescence, anthesis, efflorescence n13439807 blowing n13439935 bluing, blueing n13440063 bodily process, body process, bodily function, activity n13440779 boiling n13440935 boolean operation, binary operation, binary arithmetic operation n13441154 bottom fermentation n13441387 bowel movement, movement, bm n13441536 Bradley method of childbirth, Bradley method n13441812 brooding, incubation n13441959 budding n13442168 buildup n13442312 calcification n13442476 calcination n13442639 calving n13442715 capture n13442867 capture n13442998 carbonation n13443120 carbon cycle n13443228 carbon cycle n13443370 carbonization, carbonisation n13443537 carriage return n13443709 catabiosis n13443787 catabolism, katabolism, dissimilation, destructive metabolism n13444131 catalysis, contact action n13444513 cavity, caries, dental caries, tooth decay n13444703 cell division, cellular division n13444940 cenogenesis, kenogenesis, caenogenesis, cainogenesis, kainogenesis n13445296 centrifugation n13445479 chain reaction n13445624 chain reaction n13445831 chelation n13445972 chelation n13446197 chemical equilibrium, equilibrium n13446390 chemical process, chemical change, chemical action n13447361 chemical reaction, reaction n13447923 chemisorption, chemosorption n13448179 chemosynthesis n13448334 childbirth, childbearing, accouchement, vaginal birth n13448622 chlorination n13448778 chromatography n13448970 civilization, civilisation n13449156 cleavage, segmentation n13449319 cleavage n13449450 climate change, global climate change n13449566 clouding, clouding up n13449714 cohesion n13449892 cold fusion n13450070 column chromatography n13450206 combustion, burning n13450417 deflagration n13450636 compensation n13450862 computer operation, machine operation n13451073 concretion n13451204 concurrent operation n13451348 condensation n13451508 congealment, congelation n13451665 conspicuous consumption n13451804 consumption, economic consumption, usance, use, use of goods and services n13452117 control operation, control function n13452347 convalescence, recuperation, recovery n13452614 convection n13452750 convection n13452947 conversion n13453160 cooling, chilling, temperature reduction n13453428 corrosion, corroding, erosion n13453640 corruption n13453737 cost-pull inflation n13453861 cracking n13454130 crossing over, crossover n13454318 cultivation n13454479 curdling, clotting, coagulation n13454789 cyanide process n13454950 cytogenesis, cytogeny n13455086 cytolysis n13455234 data mining n13455487 data processing n13455906 dealignment n13456071 deamination, deaminization n13456252 decalcification n13456367 decarboxylation n13456567 decay, decline n13456715 decay n13456899 decay, radioactive decay, disintegration n13457181 decentralization, decentalisation n13457378 decline, diminution n13457665 decoction n13457831 decoction process, decoction mashing n13458019 decomposition, rot, rotting, putrefaction n13458268 decomposition, decomposition reaction, chemical decomposition reaction n13458571 decrease, decrement n13458840 dedifferentiation n13458968 deepening n13459088 defecation, laxation, shitting n13459322 defense mechanism, defense reaction, defence mechanism, defence reaction, defense, defence n13459821 deflation n13460034 defoliation n13460129 degaussing n13460299 degeneration, devolution n13460568 dehydration, desiccation, drying up, evaporation n13460863 de-iodination n13460991 demagnetization, demagnetisation n13461162 demand n13461390 demand-pull inflation n13461525 demineralization, demineralisation n13461722 denazification, de-Nazification n13461951 denial n13462084 deossification n13462191 deposition, deposit n13462387 derivation n13462680 eponymy n13462795 desalination, desalinization, desalinisation n13462989 desertification n13463255 desensitization, desensitisation n13463490 desorption n13463656 destalinization, de-Stalinization, destalinisation, de-Stalinisation n13464031 destructive distillation n13464204 deterioration, decline in quality, declension, worsening n13464440 detumescence n13464557 development, developing n13464820 development, evolution n13465264 diakinesis n13465382 diastrophism n13465530 diffusion n13465809 digestion n13465998 digestion n13466170 digital photography n13466312 dilapidation, ruin n13466449 diplotene n13466586 discharge, emission, expelling n13466849 disinflation n13467009 displacement n13467224 displacement, displacement reaction n13467443 dissimilation n13467700 dissociation n13467916 dissolution, disintegration n13468094 dissolving, dissolution n13468306 distillation, distillment n13468542 distributed data processing, remote-access data processing, teleprocessing n13468786 dithering n13468954 domestication n13469066 double decomposition, double decomposition reaction, metathesis n13469317 double replacement reaction n13469526 doubling n13469674 drift n13469893 drift n13470015 dry plate, dry plate process n13470193 melioration n13470392 dyadic operation n13470491 ebb, ebbing, wane n13470687 eburnation n13470868 ecchymosis n13471052 economic growth n13471206 economic process n13471517 effacement n13471681 effervescence n13471815 ejaculation n13471958 electrodeposition n13472125 electrolysis n13472341 electronic data processing, EDP n13472518 electrophoresis, cataphoresis, dielectrolysis, ionophoresis n13472862 electrostatic precipitation n13473097 elimination, evacuation, excretion, excreting, voiding n13473392 elimination reaction n13473536 elision n13473716 ellipsis, eclipsis n13473836 elution n13474130 emergent evolution n13474290 emission n13474495 encapsulation n13474615 endoergic reaction n13474734 endothermic reaction n13474858 enuresis, urinary incontinence n13475072 epigenesis n13475205 epilation n13475320 epitaxy n13475538 erosion, eroding, eating away, wearing, wearing away n13475944 erosion n13476111 erythropoiesis n13476267 establishment, ecesis n13476440 Europeanization, Europeanisation n13476590 eutrophication n13477023 evolution, organic evolution, phylogeny, phylogenesis n13477462 execution, instruction execution n13477691 exoergic reaction n13477812 exothermic reaction n13477934 expectoration n13478055 exponential decay, exponential return n13478205 expression n13478342 extinction n13478525 extraction n13478813 extravasation n13479034 farrow, farrowing n13479169 fat metabolism n13479380 feedback n13479605 feminization, feminisation n13479889 festering, suppuration, maturation n13480176 fibrinolysis n13480394 field emission n13480541 filling n13480667 filtration n13480848 fire, flame, flaming n13481224 fission, nuclear fission n13481408 fission n13481580 fissiparity n13481727 fixed-cycle operation n13481883 flare n13481994 floating-point operation, flop n13482187 flocculation n13482330 flow n13482580 flowage n13482781 focalization, focalisation n13482940 fold, folding n13483061 foliation n13483190 foliation, leafing n13483331 foreground processing, foregrounding n13483488 formation n13483726 fossilization, fossilisation n13483971 fractional distillation n13484082 fractionation, fractional process n13484303 fragmentation n13484644 freeze, freezing n13484937 freeze-drying, lyophilization, lyophilisation n13485270 frost, icing n13485408 fructification n13485525 fusion, nuclear fusion, nuclear fusion reaction n13485767 fusion n13485890 galactosis n13485968 galvanization, galvanisation n13486115 gametogenesis n13486270 gasification n13486431 gassing n13486520 gastric digestion n13486671 gastrulation n13486838 geological process, geologic process n13487207 germination, sprouting n13487409 glaciation n13487638 Riss glaciation n13487791 Saale glaciation n13487952 Wolstonian glaciation n13488110 globalization, globalisation n13488310 global warming n13488498 glycogenesis n13488606 glycolysis n13488844 growing n13489037 growth, growing, maturation, development, ontogeny, ontogenesis n13490343 growth n13490487 gynogenesis n13490683 Haber process, Haber-Bosch process n13490909 habit n13491060 hardening, solidifying, solidification, set, curing n13491464 hatch, hatching n13491616 healing n13491794 heat dissipation n13491876 heating, warming n13492136 hemagglutination, haemagglutination n13492287 hematochezia, haematochezia n13492453 hematopoiesis, haematopoiesis, hemopoiesis, haemopoiesis, hemogenesis, haemogenesis, hematogenesis, haematogenesis, sanguification n13492789 hemimetamorphosis, hemimetabolism, hemimetaboly n13493003 heterometabolism, heterometaboly n13493213 hemolysis, haemolysis, hematolysis, haematolysis n13493399 heredity n13493566 heterospory n13493692 holometabolism, holometaboly n13493874 homospory n13493998 human process n13494192 humification n13494325 hydration n13494472 hydrocracking n13494707 hydrogenation n13494919 hydrolysis n13495209 hyperhidrosis, hyperidrosis, polyhidrosis n13495333 hypersecretion n13495413 hypostasis n13495507 hypostasis, epistasis n13495636 idealization, idealisation n13495873 ignition n13496017 imbibition n13496167 immunoelectrophoresis n13496286 implantation, nidation n13496517 impregnation, saturation n13496771 inactivation n13496972 incontinence, incontinency n13497135 increase, increment, growth n13497650 incrustation, encrustation n13497784 induction heating n13497928 industrial process n13498213 indweller n13498404 infection n13498666 infection n13498828 inflation, rising prices n13499165 deflation n13499393 inflationary spiral n13499590 deflationary spiral n13499782 inflow, influx n13499923 infructescence n13500023 infusion n13500214 inhibition n13500437 inpouring, inpour, inrush n13500557 inspissation n13500674 insufflation n13500860 integrated data processing, IDP n13501059 intellectualization, intellectualisation n13501261 internal combustion n13501405 intrusion n13501548 intumescence, intumescency, swelling n13501738 intussusception n13501941 invagination, introversion, intussusception, infolding n13502205 inversion n13502397 involution n13502556 iodination n13502714 ion exchange n13502909 ionization, ionisation n13503226 irreversible process n13503345 isoagglutination n13503513 isogamy n13503673 isolation n13503908 iteration, looping n13504173 iteration, loop n13504403 juvenescence n13504497 cytokinesis n13504739 karyokinesis n13504947 karyolysis n13505069 katamorphism n13505249 keratinization, keratinisation n13505467 Krebs cycle, Krebs citric acid cycle, citric acid cycle, tricarboxylic acid cycle n13505843 lacrimation, lachrymation, tearing, watering n13505987 lactation n13506119 Lamaze method of childbirth, Lamaze method n13506477 laying, egg laying n13506587 leach, leaching n13506727 leak, wetting, making water, passing water n13506906 Leboyer method of childbirth, Leboyer method n13507210 leeway n13507336 leptotene n13507472 lexicalization, lexicalisation n13507617 libration n13507827 life cycle n13508005 light reaction n13508183 line feed n13508333 linguistic process n13508651 liquefaction n13508830 list processing n13508950 lithuresis n13509042 logic operation, logical operation n13509196 loss n13509383 lymphopoiesis n13509528 lysis n13509843 lysis n13509967 lysogenization, lysogenisation n13510152 maceration n13510263 macroevolution n13510433 magnetization, magnetisation, magnetic induction n13510638 majority operation n13510829 malabsorption n13510946 marginalization, marginalisation n13511243 market forces n13511368 Markov chain, Markoff chain n13511507 Markov process, Markoff process n13511755 masculinization, masculinisation, virilization, virilisation n13512036 materialization, materialisation n13512238 maturation, ripening, maturement n13512506 mechanism, chemical mechanism n13512725 meiosis, miosis, reduction division n13513222 mellowing n13513362 meltdown, nuclear meltdown n13513540 menorrhagia, hypermenorrhea n13513747 menstruation, menses, menstruum, catamenia, period, flow n13514314 metabolism, metabolic process n13514648 metamorphism n13514880 metamorphosis, metabolism n13515149 metaphase n13515251 metaphase n13515353 metastasis n13515520 metathesis n13515678 microevolution n13515828 microphoning n13515958 micturition, urination n13516176 mildew, mold, mould n13516312 mineral extraction, mineral processing, mineral dressing, ore processing, ore dressing, beneficiation n13516597 mitosis n13516842 molt, molting, moult, moulting, ecdysis n13517080 monadic operation, unary operation n13517199 monogenesis, sporulation n13517385 morphallaxis n13517553 morphogenesis n13517717 multiplex operation n13517843 multiplication n13518140 multiprocessing, parallel processing n13518279 multiprogramming, concurrent execution n13518432 myelinization, myelinisation n13518563 narrowing n13518656 natural childbirth n13518963 natural process, natural action, action, activity n13520426 Nazification n13520629 necrolysis n13520731 negative feedback n13520849 neoplasia n13520981 neurogenesis n13521072 neutralization, neutralisation, neutralization reaction, neutralisation reaction n13521444 new line n13521616 nitrification n13521873 nitrification n13522084 nitrogen cycle n13522305 nitrogen fixation n13522485 nocturia, nycturia n13522611 nocturnal emission n13522744 nondevelopment n13522879 nondisjunction n13523088 nosedive n13523208 nuclear reaction n13523503 nucleosynthesis n13523661 nutrition n13523983 obsolescence n13524191 oligomenorrhea n13524295 oliguria n13524399 omission, deletion n13524612 oogenesis n13524686 opacification n13524804 open-hearth process n13524925 operation n13525549 operation, functioning, performance n13525912 opsonization, opsonisation n13526110 organic process, biological process n13527726 organification n13527817 orogeny n13527965 oscillation n13528100 osmosis n13528441 reverse osmosis n13528750 ossification n13528852 ossification n13529015 ossification n13529167 osteolysis n13529295 outflow, effluence, efflux n13529450 overactivity n13529616 overcompensation n13529831 overflow incontinence n13530108 overheating n13530237 ovulation n13530408 oxidation, oxidization, oxidisation n13530799 oxidation-reduction, oxidoreduction, redox n13530989 oxidative phosphorylation n13531149 oxygenation n13531318 pachytene n13531435 pair production, pair creation, pair formation n13531652 palingenesis, recapitulation n13531927 paper chromatography n13532059 paper electrophoresis, carrier electrophoresis n13532196 parallel operation, simultaneous operation n13532356 parthenocarpy n13532501 parthenogenesis, parthenogeny n13532747 parthenogenesis, parthenogeny, virgin birth n13532886 parturition, birth, giving birth, birthing n13533186 passive transport n13533349 pathogenesis n13533470 pathologic process, pathological process n13533704 peace process n13533886 peeing, pee, pissing, piss n13534098 peptization, peptisation n13534274 percolation, infiltration n13534608 perennation n13534773 peristalsis, vermiculation n13534954 permeation, pervasion, suffusion n13535261 perspiration, sweating, diaphoresis, sudation, hidrosis n13535583 petrifaction, petrification n13535837 phagocytosis n13536016 phase change, phase transition, state change, physical change n13536299 phase of cell division n13536523 photochemical reaction n13536661 photoelectric emission n13536794 photography n13537176 photomechanics, photoplate making n13537429 photosynthesis n13537622 pigmentation n13537761 pinocytosis n13537894 pitting, roughness, indentation n13538080 placentation n13538182 planation n13538314 plastination n13538757 polymerization, polymerisation n13538996 population growth n13539143 irruption n13539262 positive feedback, regeneration n13539422 potentiation n13539585 powder photography, powder method, powder technique n13539894 precession of the equinoxes n13540091 prechlorination n13540199 precipitation n13540322 precocious dentition n13540429 premature ejaculation n13540610 preservation n13540791 printing operation n13540975 priority processing n13541167 processing n13541491 professionalization, professionalisation n13541798 projection n13541975 proliferation n13542114 proliferation n13542374 prophase n13542474 prophase n13542688 proteolysis n13542855 psilosis n13542947 psychoanalytic process n13543093 psychogenesis n13543231 psychogenesis n13543418 psychomotor development n13543564 psychosexual development n13543871 ptyalism n13543968 pullulation n13544073 pullulation, gemmation n13544279 pyrochemical process, pyrochemistry n13544433 quadrupling n13544537 quellung, quellung reaction n13544783 quickening n13544930 quintupling n13545036 radiant heating n13545184 radiation, radioactivity n13545382 radiography, skiagraphy n13545627 radiolysis n13545733 rain-wash n13545845 rally n13545973 random walk n13546169 rationalization, rationalisation n13546416 reaction formation n13546768 Read method of childbirth, Read method n13547048 real-time processing, real-time operation n13547199 rectification n13547380 redeposition n13547513 reducing n13547677 reduction, reducing n13547925 refilling, replenishment, replacement, renewal n13548105 refining, refinement, purification n13548350 reflation n13548531 refrigeration, infrigidation n13548734 regeneration n13548931 regression n13549105 regulation n13549311 relaxation, relaxation behavior n13549488 relaxation n13549672 release n13549916 replication n13550089 repression n13550318 reproduction n13550504 resorption, reabsorption n13550755 reticulation n13550940 retrieval n13551117 stovepiping n13551396 reuptake, re-uptake n13551617 reversible process n13551823 rigor mortis n13551965 ripening, aging, ageing n13552124 rooting n13552270 rust, rusting n13552528 salivation n13552644 saltation n13552858 saponification n13553083 scanning n13553251 scattering n13553418 schizogony n13553560 search, lookup n13553758 secondary emission n13553916 secretion, secernment n13554121 segregation n13554343 sensitization, sensitisation n13554586 sequestration n13554800 serial operation, sequential operation, consecutive operation n13554984 serial processing n13555101 sericulture n13555240 sexual reproduction, amphimixis n13555446 shaping, defining n13555599 shedding, sloughing n13555775 shit, dump n13555915 sink n13556151 sinking spell n13556249 slippage n13556377 slippage n13556509 slump, slack, drop-off, falloff, falling off n13556893 smoke, smoking n13557158 soak, soakage, soaking n13557451 social process n13557766 softening n13558003 soil erosion n13558125 solvation n13558325 Solvay process n13558490 sorption n13558696 sort, sorting n13558953 source n13559177 origin n13559409 souring n13559509 spallation n13559782 specialization, specialisation, differentiation n13560079 speciation n13560191 spiral n13560329 spermatogenesis n13560417 spoilage, spoiling n13560586 spontaneous combustion n13560738 stagflation n13560911 Stalinization, Stalinisation n13561198 stationary stochastic process n13561396 steel production n13561521 stiffening, rigidifying, rigidification n13561719 stimulation n13561896 stochastic process n13562133 storage n13562328 stratification n13562474 stress incontinence n13562680 subduction n13562862 succession, ecological succession n13563139 summation n13563382 superposition n13563522 supply n13563647 suppression n13563746 survival, survival of the fittest, natural selection, selection n13563948 symphysis n13564045 synapsis n13564215 syncretism n13564501 synchronous operation n13564639 syneresis, synaeresis n13564795 syneresis, synaeresis n13564910 synergy, synergism n13565201 synizesis, synezesis n13565379 synthesis n13565622 tanning n13565781 teething, dentition, odontiasis n13565940 telophase n13566041 telophase n13566212 temperature change n13566436 teratogenesis n13566535 thaw, melt, thawing, melting n13566928 thermionic emission, thermal emission n13567063 thermocoagulation n13567177 thermonuclear reaction n13567344 threshold operation n13567515 thrombolysis n13567627 top fermentation n13567960 transamination n13568109 transamination n13568238 transcription n13568524 transduction n13568796 transduction n13568983 translation n13569226 protein folding, folding n13569464 translocation n13569664 translocation n13569774 transpiration n13569905 transpiration n13570072 transpiration n13570236 transport n13570472 tripling n13570574 tumefaction n13570783 ulceration n13570923 ultracentrifugation n13571041 underdevelopment n13571217 unfolding, flowering n13571365 union, conglutination n13571580 uptake n13571763 urbanization, urbanisation n13571943 urge incontinence n13572226 urochesia, urochezia n13572324 variation n13572436 vaporization, vaporisation, vapor, vapour, evaporation n13572860 vascularization, vascularisation n13573057 vegetation n13573181 vesiculation, vesication, blistering n13573368 vicious circle, vicious cycle n13573499 video digitizing n13573666 vinification n13573805 vitrification n13573915 vulcanization, vulcanisation n13574193 washout, wash n13574452 wastage n13574582 Westernization, Westernisation n13574804 widening, broadening n13574928 word processing n13575109 zygotene n13575226 zymosis n13575433 zymosis, zymolysis, fermentation, fermenting, ferment n13575869 fundamental quantity, fundamental measure n13576101 definite quantity n13576355 indefinite quantity n13576982 relative quantity n13577171 system of measurement, metric n13577544 system of weights and measures n13577731 British Imperial System, English system, British system n13577934 metric system n13578140 cgs, cgs system n13578267 Systeme International d'Unites, Systeme International, SI system, SI, SI unit, International System of Units, International System n13578830 United States Customary System n13579166 point system n13579287 information measure n13579510 bandwidth n13579679 baud, baud rate n13579829 cordage n13579933 octane number, octane rating n13580058 utility n13580228 marginal utility n13580415 enough, sufficiency n13580723 fill n13580909 normality, N n13581067 majority, absolute majority n13581218 plurality, relative majority n13581465 absolute value, numerical value n13581598 acid value n13581871 chlorinity n13582013 number n13583030 quire n13583137 ream n13583272 solubility n13583478 toxicity n13583611 cytotoxicity n13583724 unit of measurement, unit n13584646 measuring unit, measuring block n13584746 denier n13584918 diopter, dioptre n13585127 karat, carat, kt n13585309 decimal n13585429 constant n13585819 Avogadro's number, Avogadro number n13585997 Boltzmann's constant n13586122 coefficient n13586455 absorption coefficient, coefficient of absorption, absorptance n13586831 drag coefficient, coefficient of drag n13587030 coefficient of friction n13587236 coefficient of mutual induction, mutual inductance n13587525 coefficient of self induction, self-inductance n13587763 modulus n13587963 coefficient of elasticity, modulus of elasticity, elastic modulus n13588233 bulk modulus n13588381 modulus of rigidity n13588497 Young's modulus n13588625 coefficient of expansion, expansivity n13588819 coefficient of reflection, reflection factor, reflectance, reflectivity n13589003 transmittance, transmission n13589140 coefficient of viscosity, absolute viscosity, dynamic viscosity n13589321 weight, weighting n13589546 cosmological constant n13589681 equilibrium constant n13589957 dissociation constant n13590079 gas constant, universal gas constant, R n13590327 gravitational constant, universal gravitational constant, constant of gravitation, G n13590598 Hubble's constant, Hubble constant, Hubble's parameter, Hubble parameter n13590974 ionic charge n13591123 Planck's constant, h n13591314 oxidation number, oxidation state n13591586 cardinality n13591761 count n13591998 complement n13592105 blood count n13592219 body count n13592384 circulation n13592598 circulation n13592764 head count, headcount n13592871 pollen count n13593065 sperm count n13593219 factor n13593438 conversion factor n13593634 factor of proportionality, constant of proportionality n13593908 Fibonacci number n13594005 prime, prime quantity n13594136 prime factor n13594302 prime number n13594417 composite number n13594585 score n13595094 stroke n13595276 birdie n13595414 bogey n13595550 deficit n13595699 double-bogey n13595844 duck, duck's egg n13595968 eagle n13596106 double eagle n13596235 game n13596422 lead n13596569 love n13596673 match n13596756 par n13596986 record n13597147 compound number n13597280 ordinal number, ordinal, no. n13597444 first, number one, number 1 n13597585 cardinal number, cardinal n13597794 base, radix n13598013 floating-point number n13598128 fixed-point number n13598237 frequency, absolute frequency n13598408 googol n13598556 googolplex n13598715 atomic number n13598960 magic number n13599114 baryon number n13599348 quota n13599469 long measure n13599547 magnetization, magnetisation n13599730 magnetic flux n13599871 absorption unit n13599982 acceleration unit n13600097 angular unit n13600404 area unit, square measure n13600822 volume unit, capacity unit, capacity measure, cubage unit, cubic measure, cubic content unit, displacement unit, cubature unit n13601370 cubic inch, cu in n13601483 cubic foot, cu ft n13601596 computer memory unit n13602401 cord n13602526 electromagnetic unit, emu n13602922 explosive unit n13603065 force unit n13603305 linear unit, linear measure n13604275 metric unit, metric n13604572 miles per gallon n13604718 monetary unit n13607187 megaflop, MFLOP, million floating point operations per second n13607405 teraflop, trillion floating point operations per second n13607616 MIPS, million instructions per second n13607873 pain unit n13607985 pressure unit n13608207 printing unit n13608319 sound unit n13608480 telephone unit n13608598 temperature unit n13608788 weight unit, weight n13609214 mass unit n13609390 unit of viscosity n13609507 work unit, heat unit, energy unit n13609871 langley n13609948 Brinell number n13610046 Brix scale n13610162 point n13610426 advantage n13610540 set point n13610669 match point n13610815 sabin n13610987 circular measure n13611082 mil n13611207 degree, arcdegree n13611395 second, arcsecond n13611567 minute, arcminute, minute of arc n13611740 microradian n13611884 milliradian n13612042 radian, rad n13612319 grad, grade n13612427 oxtant n13612550 sextant n13612688 straight angle n13612791 steradian, sr n13612943 square inch, sq in n13613060 square foot, sq ft n13613177 square yard, sq yd n13613294 square meter, square metre, centare n13613408 square mile n13613504 section n13613592 quarter section n13613742 acre n13613862 are, ar n13613985 hectare n13614143 arpent n13614256 barn, b n13614467 dessiatine n13614572 morgen n13614679 perch, rod, pole n13614764 liquid unit, liquid measure n13615036 dry unit, dry measure n13615235 United States liquid unit n13615557 British capacity unit, Imperial capacity unit n13616054 metric capacity unit n13616340 ardeb n13616427 arroba n13616560 bath n13616688 cran n13616787 ephah, epha n13616926 field capacity n13617046 homer, kor n13617207 hin n13617308 fathom, fthm n13617468 acre-foot n13617630 acre inch n13617713 board measure n13617835 board foot n13617952 standard n13618076 cubic yard, yard n13618180 last n13618298 mutchkin n13618418 oka n13618508 minim n13618629 fluidram, fluid dram, fluid drachm, drachm n13618849 fluidounce, fluid ounce n13619028 gill n13619168 cup n13619307 pint n13619475 fifth n13619592 quart n13619764 gallon, gal n13619920 barrel, bbl n13620154 United States dry unit n13620404 pint, dry pint n13620549 quart, dry quart n13620713 peck n13620871 bushel n13621011 minim n13621190 fluidram, fluid dram, fluid drachm, drachm n13621418 fluidounce, fluid ounce n13621660 gill n13621850 pint n13622035 quart n13622209 gallon, Imperial gallon, congius n13622451 peck n13622591 bushel n13622769 firkin n13622914 kilderkin n13623054 quarter n13623205 hogshead n13623329 chaldron n13623455 cubic millimeter, cubic millimetre n13623636 milliliter, millilitre, mil, ml, cubic centimeter, cubic centimetre, cc n13623856 centiliter, centilitre, cl n13624026 deciliter, decilitre, dl n13624190 liter, litre, l, cubic decimeter, cubic decimetre n13624509 dekaliter, dekalitre, decaliter, decalitre, dal, dkl n13624705 hectoliter, hectolitre, hl n13624873 kiloliter, kilolitre, cubic meter, cubic metre n13625063 cubic kilometer, cubic kilometre n13625237 bit n13625482 parity bit, parity, check bit n13625884 nybble, nibble n13626013 byte n13626240 sector n13626464 block n13626789 bad block n13626942 allocation unit n13627114 partition n13627327 word n13627516 kilobyte, kibibyte, K, KB, kB, KiB n13627681 kilobyte, K, KB, kB n13627810 kilobit, kbit, kb n13627935 kibibit, kibit n13628056 megabyte, mebibyte, M, MB, MiB n13628246 megabyte, M, MB n13628419 megabit, Mbit, Mb n13628592 mebibit, Mibit n13628761 gigabyte, gibibyte, G, GB, GiB n13628955 gigabyte, G, GB n13629132 gigabit, Gbit, Gb n13629309 gibibit, Gibit n13629482 terabyte, tebibyte, TB, TiB n13629676 terabyte, TB n13629854 terabit, Tbit, Tb n13630036 tebibit, Tibit n13630213 petabyte, pebibyte, PB, PiB n13630387 petabyte, PB n13630545 petabit, Pbit, Pb n13630707 pebibit, Pibit n13630864 exabyte, exbibyte, EB, EiB n13631037 exabyte, EB n13631194 exabit, Ebit, Eb n13631355 exbibit, Eibit n13631512 zettabyte, zebibyte, ZB, ZiB n13631687 zettabyte, ZB n13631845 zettabit, Zbit, Zb n13632007 zebibit, Zibit n13632164 yottabyte, yobibyte, YB, YiB n13632320 yottabyte, YB n13632461 yottabit, Ybit, Yb n13632606 yobibit, Yibit n13632744 capacitance unit n13632961 charge unit, quantity unit n13633229 conductance unit n13633375 current unit n13633596 elastance unit n13633704 field strength unit n13633851 flux density unit n13634033 flux unit, magnetic flux unit n13634205 inductance unit n13634418 light unit n13634615 magnetomotive force unit n13634784 potential unit n13635108 power unit n13635336 radioactivity unit n13635553 resistance unit n13635698 electrostatic unit n13635854 picofarad n13635985 microfarad n13636135 millifarad n13636286 farad, F n13636529 abfarad n13636648 coulomb, C, ampere-second n13636866 abcoulomb n13636989 ampere-minute n13637124 ampere-hour n13637240 mho, siemens, reciprocal ohm, S n13637376 ampere, amp, A n13637613 milliampere, mA n13637722 abampere, abamp n13637841 ampere, international ampere n13637988 daraf n13638094 gamma n13638244 oersted n13638375 maxwell, Mx n13638577 weber, Wb n13638706 microgauss n13638847 gauss n13639009 tesla n13639147 abhenry n13639274 millihenry n13639405 henry, H n13639647 illumination unit n13639808 luminance unit n13639927 luminous flux unit n13640050 luminous intensity unit, candlepower unit n13640206 exposure n13640371 footcandle n13640520 lambert, L n13640716 lux, lx n13640866 phot n13641023 nit n13641175 foot-lambert, ft-L n13641299 lumen, lm n13641534 candle, candela, cd, standard candle n13641855 international candle n13642000 gilbert, Gb, Gi n13642122 ampere-turn n13642337 magneton n13642464 abvolt n13642596 millivolt, mV n13642729 microvolt n13642856 nanovolt n13642982 picovolt n13643109 femtovolt n13643276 volt, V n13643770 kilovolt, kV n13643894 rydberg, rydberg constant, rydberg unit n13644047 wave number n13644165 abwatt n13644379 milliwatt n13644522 watt, W n13644761 kilowatt, kW n13644894 megawatt n13645010 horsepower, HP, H.P. n13645132 volt-ampere, var n13645331 kilovolt-ampere n13645465 millicurie n13645599 curie, Ci n13645812 gray, Gy n13646031 roentgen, R n13646223 rutherford n13646367 REM n13646557 rad n13646694 abohm n13646816 ohm n13647097 megohm n13647215 kiloton n13647353 megaton n13647498 dyne n13647667 newton, N n13647888 sthene n13647997 poundal, pdl n13648184 pound, lbf. n13648378 pounder n13648596 g, gee, g-force n13648793 gal n13648947 Beaufort scale n13649054 astronomy unit n13649268 metric linear unit n13649626 nautical linear unit n13649791 inch, in n13650045 foot, ft n13650225 footer n13650447 yard, pace n13650735 yarder n13650921 perch, rod, pole n13651072 furlong n13651218 mile, statute mile, stat mi, land mile, international mile, mi n13651520 miler n13651804 half mile, 880 yards n13651931 quarter mile, 440 yards n13652066 league n13652203 ligne n13652335 nail n13652443 archine n13652529 kos, coss n13652661 vara n13652799 verst n13652886 cable, cable length, cable's length n13652994 chain n13653154 Gunter's chain n13653261 engineer's chain n13653349 cubit n13653461 finger, fingerbreadth, finger's breadth, digit n13653615 fistmele n13653821 body length n13653902 extremum, peak n13654093 hand n13654232 handbreadth, handsbreadth n13654380 head n13654571 lea n13654674 li n13654777 link n13654889 mesh n13655089 mil n13655262 mile, mil, Swedish mile n13655414 mile, Roman mile n13655570 Roman pace n13655790 geometric pace n13655908 military pace n13656075 palm n13656204 span n13656345 survey mile n13656520 light year, light-year n13656749 light hour n13656913 light minute n13657080 light second n13657244 Astronomical Unit, AU n13657489 parsec, secpar n13657691 femtometer, femtometre, fermi n13657849 picometer, picometre, micromicron n13658027 angstrom, angstrom unit, A n13658278 nanometer, nanometre, nm, millimicron, micromillimeter, micromillimetre n13658496 micron, micrometer n13658657 millimeter, millimetre, mm n13658828 centimeter, centimetre, cm n13658998 decimeter, decimetre, dm n13659162 meter, metre, m n13659419 decameter, dekameter, decametre, dekametre, dam, dkm n13659604 hectometer, hectometre, hm n13659760 kilometer, kilometre, km, klick n13659943 myriameter, myriametre, mym n13660084 nautical chain n13660178 fathom, fthm n13660337 nautical mile, mile, mi, naut mi, knot, international nautical mile, air mile n13660619 nautical mile, naut mi, mile, mi, geographical mile, Admiralty mile n13660868 sea mile, mile n13661045 halfpennyworth, ha'p'orth n13661163 pennyworth, penn'orth n13661273 dollar n13661820 euro n13662190 franc n13662703 fractional monetary unit, subunit n13663077 Afghan monetary unit n13663229 afghani n13663340 pul n13663448 Argentine monetary unit n13663562 austral n13663694 Thai monetary unit n13663820 baht, tical n13663933 satang n13664041 Panamanian monetary unit n13664153 balboa n13664283 Ethiopian monetary unit n13664396 birr n13664521 cent n13664808 centesimo n13665027 centimo n13665256 centavo n13665965 centime n13666675 Venezuelan monetary unit n13666790 bolivar n13666922 Ghanian monetary unit n13667048 cedi n13667150 pesewa n13667255 Costa Rican monetary unit n13667372 colon, Costa Rican colon n13667523 El Salvadoran monetary unit n13667643 colon, El Salvadoran colon n13667797 Brazilian monetary unit n13667908 real n13668034 Gambian monetary unit n13668161 dalasi n13668266 butut, butat n13668380 Algerian monetary unit n13668491 Algerian dinar, dinar n13668632 Algerian centime n13668751 Bahrainian monetary unit n13668864 Bahrain dinar, dinar n13669006 fils n13669237 Iraqi monetary unit n13669342 Iraqi dinar, dinar n13669479 Jordanian monetary unit n13669590 Jordanian dinar, dinar n13669733 Kuwaiti monetary unit n13669860 Kuwaiti dinar, dinar n13669998 Kuwaiti dirham, dirham n13670156 Libyan monetary unit n13670281 Libyan dinar, dinar n13670399 Libyan dirham, dirham n13670521 Tunisian monetary unit n13670668 Tunisian dinar, dinar n13670790 Tunisian dirham, dirham n13670935 millime n13671047 Yugoslavian monetary unit n13671182 Yugoslavian dinar, dinar n13671310 para n13671416 Moroccan monetary unit n13671527 Moroccan dirham, dirham n13671674 United Arab Emirate monetary unit n13671813 United Arab Emirate dirham, dirham n13671967 Australian dollar n13672077 Bahamian dollar n13672177 Barbados dollar n13672274 Belize dollar n13672367 Bermuda dollar n13672462 Brunei dollar n13672555 sen n13672794 Canadian dollar, loonie n13672967 Cayman Islands dollar n13673080 Dominican dollar n13673178 Fiji dollar n13673267 Grenada dollar n13673362 Guyana dollar n13673455 Hong Kong dollar n13673554 Jamaican dollar n13673650 Kiribati dollar n13673747 Liberian dollar n13673843 New Zealand dollar n13673946 Singapore dollar n13674045 Taiwan dollar n13674138 Trinidad and Tobago dollar n13674257 Tuvalu dollar n13674350 United States dollar n13674479 Eurodollar n13674660 Zimbabwean dollar n13674759 Vietnamese monetary unit n13674890 dong n13674994 hao n13675093 Greek monetary unit n13675218 drachma, Greek drachma n13675349 lepton n13675456 Sao Thome e Principe monetary unit n13675591 dobra n13675708 Cape Verde monetary unit n13675824 Cape Verde escudo, escudo n13675976 Portuguese monetary unit n13676108 Portuguese escudo, escudo n13676285 conto n13676396 Hungarian monetary unit n13676544 forint n13676650 filler n13676758 pengo n13676897 Belgian franc n13677019 Benin franc n13677109 Burundi franc n13677222 Cameroon franc n13677337 Central African Republic franc n13677469 Chadian franc n13677579 Congo franc n13677692 Djibouti franc n13677788 French franc n13677889 Gabon franc n13677998 Ivory Coast franc, Cote d'Ivoire franc n13678145 Luxembourg franc n13678273 Madagascar franc n13678373 Mali franc n13678480 Niger franc n13678589 Rwanda franc n13678700 Senegalese franc n13678816 Swiss franc n13678931 Togo franc n13679038 Burkina Faso franc n13679161 Haitian monetary unit n13679273 gourde n13679377 Haitian centime n13679494 Paraguayan monetary unit n13679608 guarani n13679739 Dutch monetary unit n13679855 guilder, gulden, florin, Dutch florin n13680032 Surinamese monetary unit n13680146 guilder, gulden, florin n13680273 Peruvian monetary unit n13680381 inti n13680463 Papuan monetary unit n13680599 kina n13680712 toea n13680823 Laotian monetary unit n13680948 kip n13681048 at n13681142 Czech monetary unit n13681275 koruna n13681407 haler, heller n13681530 Slovakian monetary unit n13681661 koruna n13681749 haler, heller n13681863 Icelandic monetary unit n13681993 Icelandic krona, krona n13682116 eyrir n13682221 Swedish monetary unit n13682330 Swedish krona, krona n13682450 ore n13682631 Danish monetary unit n13682740 Danish krone, krone n13682860 Norwegian monetary unit n13682971 Norwegian krone, krone n13683093 Malawian monetary unit n13683221 Malawi kwacha, kwacha n13683342 tambala n13683451 Zambian monetary unit n13683578 Zambian kwacha, kwacha n13683700 ngwee n13683805 Angolan monetary unit n13683932 kwanza n13684037 lwei n13684140 Myanmar monetary unit n13684298 kyat n13684402 pya n13684503 Albanian monetary unit n13684632 lek n13684735 qindarka, qintar n13684853 Honduran monetary unit n13684965 lempira n13685096 Sierra Leone monetary unit n13685216 leone n13685346 Romanian monetary unit n13685475 leu n13685578 ban n13685678 Bulgarian monetary unit n13685809 lev n13685913 stotinka n13686023 Swaziland monetary unit n13686137 lilangeni n13686268 Italian monetary unit n13686376 lira, Italian lira n13686526 British monetary unit n13686660 British pound, pound, British pound sterling, pound sterling, quid n13686877 British shilling, shilling, bob n13687015 Turkish monetary unit n13687160 lira, Turkish lira n13687278 kurus, piaster, piastre n13687420 asper n13687524 Lesotho monetary unit n13687652 loti n13687756 sente n13687906 German monetary unit n13688033 mark, German mark, Deutsche Mark, Deutschmark n13688190 pfennig n13688319 Finnish monetary unit n13688447 markka, Finnish mark n13688577 penni n13688695 Mozambique monetary unit n13688811 metical n13688944 Nigerian monetary unit n13689073 naira n13689178 kobo n13689282 Bhutanese monetary unit n13689411 ngultrum n13689518 chetrum n13689630 Mauritanian monetary unit n13689765 ouguiya n13689875 khoum n13689984 Tongan monetary unit n13690109 pa'anga n13690214 seniti n13690321 Macao monetary unit n13690445 pataca n13690549 avo n13690650 Spanish monetary unit n13690758 peseta, Spanish peseta n13690911 Bolivian monetary unit n13691022 boliviano n13691154 Nicaraguan monetary unit n13691269 cordoba n13691401 Chilean monetary unit n13691509 Chilean peso, peso n13691651 Colombian monetary unit n13691764 Colombian peso, peso n13691909 Cuban monetary unit n13692014 Cuban peso, peso n13692151 Dominican monetary unit n13692278 Dominican peso, peso n13692437 Guinea-Bissau monetary unit n13692559 Guinea-Bissau peso, peso n13692713 Mexican monetary unit n13692822 Mexican peso, peso n13692963 Philippine monetary unit n13693084 Philippine peso, peso n13693237 Uruguayan monetary unit n13693349 Uruguayan peso, peso n13693514 Cypriot monetary unit n13693641 Cypriot pound, pound n13693781 mil n13693908 Egyptian monetary unit n13694017 Egyptian pound, pound n13694160 piaster, piastre n13694367 penny n13694552 Irish monetary unit n13694657 Irish pound, Irish punt, punt, pound n13694825 Lebanese monetary unit n13694936 Lebanese pound, pound n13695081 Maltese monetary unit n13695189 lira, Maltese lira n13695307 Sudanese monetary unit n13695420 Sudanese pound, pound n13695567 Syrian monetary unit n13695674 Syrian pound, pound n13695815 Botswana monetary unit n13695945 pula n13696050 thebe n13696155 Guatemalan monetary unit n13696270 quetzal n13696402 South African monetary unit n13696523 rand n13696652 Iranian monetary unit n13696777 Iranian rial, rial n13696893 Iranian dinar, dinar n13697011 Omani monetary unit n13697134 riyal-omani, Omani rial, rial n13697262 baiza, baisa n13697380 Yemeni monetary unit n13697505 Yemeni rial, rial n13697621 Yemeni fils, fils n13697727 Cambodian monetary unit n13697840 riel n13697963 Malaysian monetary unit n13698076 ringgit n13698202 Qatari monetary unit n13698327 Qatari riyal, riyal n13698445 Qatari dirham, dirham n13698567 Saudi Arabian monetary unit n13698706 Saudi Arabian riyal, riyal n13698838 qurush n13698949 Russian monetary unit n13699076 ruble, rouble n13699189 kopek, kopeck, copeck n13699313 Armenian monetary unit n13699442 dram n13699527 lumma n13699612 Azerbaijani monetary unit n13699747 manat n13699836 qepiq n13699925 Belarusian monetary unit n13700056 rubel n13700142 kapeika n13700233 Estonian monetary unit n13700362 kroon n13700448 sent n13700533 Georgian monetary unit n13700662 lari n13700766 tetri n13700870 Kazakhstani monetary unit n13701005 tenge n13701094 tiyin n13701183 Latvian monetary unit n13701310 lats n13701394 santims n13701482 Lithuanian monetary unit n13701615 litas n13701703 centas n13701793 Kyrgyzstani monetary unit n13701928 som n13702015 tyiyn n13702102 Moldovan monetary unit n13702231 leu n13702315 ban n13702396 Tajikistani monetary unit n13702531 ruble n13702620 tanga n13702707 Turkmen monetary unit n13702840 manat n13702931 tenge n13703022 Ukranian monetary unit n13703151 hryvnia n13703258 kopiyka n13703370 Uzbekistani monetary unit n13703505 som n13703592 tiyin n13703679 Indian monetary unit n13703804 Indian rupee, rupee n13703942 paisa n13704143 Pakistani monetary unit n13704274 Pakistani rupee, rupee n13704418 anna n13704529 Mauritian monetary unit n13704643 Mauritian rupee, rupee n13704788 Nepalese monetary unit n13704897 Nepalese rupee, rupee n13705037 Seychelles monetary unit n13705153 Seychelles rupee, rupee n13705300 Sri Lankan monetary unit n13705415 Sri Lanka rupee, rupee n13705559 Indonesian monetary unit n13705674 rupiah n13705800 Austrian monetary unit n13705929 schilling, Austrian schilling n13706068 groschen n13706183 Israeli monetary unit n13706310 shekel n13706415 agora n13706521 Kenyan monetary unit n13706628 Kenyan shilling, shilling n13706753 Somalian monetary unit n13706864 Somalian shilling, shilling n13706993 Tanzanian monetary unit n13707106 Tanzanian shilling, shilling n13707237 Ugandan monetary unit n13707346 Ugandan shilling, shilling n13707473 Ecuadoran monetary unit n13707585 sucre n13707713 Guinean monetary unit n13707804 Guinean franc n13707897 Bangladeshi monetary unit n13708014 taka n13708141 Western Samoan monetary unit n13708282 tala n13708392 sene n13708500 Mongolian monetary unit n13708631 tugrik, tughrik n13708748 mongo n13708855 North Korean monetary unit n13708992 North Korean won, won n13709118 chon n13709223 South Korean monetary unit n13709360 South Korean won, won n13709486 chon n13709591 Japanese monetary unit n13709700 yen n13709819 Chinese monetary unit n13709992 yuan, kwai n13710101 jiao n13710219 fen n13710317 Zairese monetary unit n13710443 zaire n13710546 likuta n13710651 Polish monetary unit n13710777 zloty n13710881 grosz n13710986 dol n13711060 standard atmosphere, atmosphere, atm, standard pressure n13711303 pascal, Pa n13711416 torr, millimeter of mercury, mm Hg n13711570 pounds per square inch, psi n13711663 millibar n13711855 bar n13712120 barye, bar absolute, microbar n13712286 point n13712428 em, pica em, pica n13712592 en, nut n13712689 em, em quad, mutton quad n13712890 cicero n13713003 agate line, line n13713159 milline n13713300 column inch, inch n13713408 linage, lineage n13713521 Bel, B n13713633 decibel, dB n13713817 sone n13713983 phon n13714082 Erlang n13714184 degree n13714376 millidegree n13714491 degree centigrade, degree Celsius, C n13714641 degree Fahrenheit, F n13714756 kelvin, K n13714905 Rankine n13715001 degree day n13715124 standard temperature n13715240 poise n13715495 atomic mass unit n13715614 mass number, nucleon number n13715755 system of weights, weight n13715921 avoirdupois, avoirdupois weight n13716084 avoirdupois unit n13716490 troy, troy weight n13716686 troy unit n13716878 apothecaries' unit, apothecaries' weight n13717155 metric weight unit, weight unit n13717619 arroba n13717728 catty, cattie n13717914 crith n13718046 frail n13718178 last n13718267 maund n13718451 obolus n13718574 oka n13718675 picul n13718838 pood n13718946 rotl n13719102 slug n13719291 tael n13719410 tod n13719529 welterweight n13719683 grain n13719808 dram n13719922 ounce, oz. n13720096 pound, lb n13720302 pound n13720405 half pound n13720501 quarter pound n13720600 stone n13720852 quarter n13721003 hundredweight, cwt, long hundredweight n13721177 hundredweight, cwt, short hundredweight, centner, cental, quintal n13721387 long ton, ton, gross ton n13721529 short ton, ton, net ton n13721695 kiloton n13721804 megaton n13721893 grain n13722060 scruple n13722198 pennyweight n13722340 dram, drachm, drachma n13722522 ounce, troy ounce, apothecaries' ounce n13722757 troy pound, apothecaries' pound n13722929 microgram, mcg n13723061 milligram, mg n13723189 nanogram, ng n13723304 grain, metric grain n13723470 decigram, dg n13723577 carat n13723712 gram, gramme, gm, g n13723899 gram atom, gram-atomic weight n13724081 gram molecule, mole, mol n13724350 dekagram, decagram, dkg, dag n13724474 hectogram, hg n13724582 kilogram, kg, kilo n13724838 key n13724977 myriagram, myg n13725108 centner n13725271 hundredweight, metric hundredweight, doppelzentner, centner n13725457 quintal n13725588 metric ton, MT, tonne, t n13725726 erg n13725902 electron volt, eV n13726074 joule, J, watt second n13726296 calorie, gram calorie, small calorie n13726562 Calorie, kilogram calorie, kilocalorie, large calorie, nutritionist's calorie n13726947 British thermal unit, BTU, B.Th.U. n13727209 therm n13727333 watt-hour n13727478 kilowatt hour, kW-hr, Board of Trade unit, B.T.U. n13727683 foot-pound n13727841 foot-ton n13727931 foot-poundal n13728074 horsepower-hour n13728203 kilogram-meter n13728367 natural number n13728499 integer, whole number n13728818 addend n13728924 augend n13729031 minuend n13729135 subtrahend n13729236 remainder, difference n13729428 complex number, complex quantity, imaginary number, imaginary n13729732 complex conjugate n13729902 real number, real n13730054 pure imaginary number n13730189 imaginary part, imaginary part of a complex number n13730377 modulus n13730469 rational number, rational n13730584 irrational number, irrational n13730756 transcendental number n13730902 algebraic number n13731021 square, second power n13731241 cube, third power n13731356 biquadrate, biquadratic, quartic, fourth power n13731530 radical n13731669 root n13731840 square root n13731959 cube root n13732078 fraction n13732295 common fraction, simple fraction n13732871 numerator n13732953 dividend n13733066 denominator n13733167 divisor n13733316 quotient n13733402 divisor, factor n13733663 remainder n13733818 multiplier, multiplier factor n13733979 multiplicand n13734085 scale factor n13734202 time-scale factor n13734349 equivalent-binary-digit factor n13734629 aliquot, aliquot part n13734816 aliquant, aliquant part n13734992 common divisor, common factor, common measure n13735163 greatest common divisor, greatest common factor, highest common factor n13735355 common multiple n13735476 common denominator n13735622 modulus n13735800 improper fraction n13735921 proper fraction n13736057 complex fraction, compound fraction n13736197 decimal fraction, decimal n13736376 circulating decimal, recurring decimal, repeating decimal n13736550 continued fraction n13736799 one-half, half n13736997 fifty percent n13737089 moiety, mediety n13737190 one-third, third, tierce n13737378 two-thirds n13737480 one-fourth, fourth, one-quarter, quarter, fourth part, twenty-five percent, quartern n13737700 three-fourths, three-quarters n13737830 one-fifth, fifth, fifth part, twenty percent n13737952 one-sixth, sixth n13738043 one-seventh, seventh n13738140 one-eighth, eighth n13738235 one-ninth, ninth n13738327 one-tenth, tenth, tenth part, ten percent n13738459 one-twelfth, twelfth, twelfth part, duodecimal n13738585 one-sixteenth, sixteenth, sixteenth part n13738705 one-thirty-second, thirty-second, thirty-second part n13738840 one-sixtieth, sixtieth n13738939 one-sixty-fourth, sixty-fourth n13739051 one-hundredth, hundredth, one percent n13739170 one-thousandth, thousandth n13739278 one-ten-thousandth, ten-thousandth n13739396 one-hundred-thousandth n13739507 one-millionth, millionth n13739612 one-hundred-millionth n13739721 one-billionth, billionth n13739826 one-trillionth, trillionth n13739934 one-quadrillionth, quadrillionth n13740051 one-quintillionth, quintillionth n13740168 nothing, nil, nix, nada, null, aught, cipher, cypher, goose egg, naught, zero, zilch, zip, zippo n13740591 nihil n13740765 bugger all, fuck all, Fanny Adams, sweet Fanny Adams n13741022 digit, figure n13741512 binary digit n13741603 octal digit n13741698 decimal digit n13741797 duodecimal digit n13741903 hexadecimal digit n13742011 significant digit, significant figure n13742358 zero, 0, nought, cipher, cypher n13742573 one, 1, I, ace, single, unity n13742840 monad, monas n13742980 singleton n13743100 mate, fellow n13743269 two, 2, II, deuce n13743460 craps, snake eyes n13743605 couple, pair, twosome, twain, brace, span, yoke, couplet, distich, duo, duet, dyad, duad n13743869 doubleton n13744044 three, 3, III, trio, threesome, tierce, leash, troika, triad, trine, trinity, ternary, ternion, triplet, tercet, terzetto, trey, deuce-ace n13744304 four, 4, IV, tetrad, quatern, quaternion, quaternary, quaternity, quartet, quadruplet, foursome, Little Joe n13744521 five, 5, V, cinque, quint, quintet, fivesome, quintuplet, pentad, fin, Phoebe, Little Phoebe n13744722 six, 6, VI, sixer, sise, Captain Hicks, half a dozen, sextet, sestet, sextuplet, hexad n13744916 seven, 7, VII, sevener, heptad, septet, septenary n13745086 eight, 8, VIII, eighter, eighter from Decatur, octad, ogdoad, octonary, octet n13745270 nine, 9, IX, niner, Nina from Carolina, ennead n13745420 large integer n13746419 double digit n13746512 ten, 10, X, tenner, decade n13746672 eleven, 11, XI n13746785 twelve, 12, XII, dozen n13746946 boxcars n13747114 teens n13747199 thirteen, 13, XIII, baker's dozen, long dozen n13747348 fourteen, 14, XIV n13747469 fifteen, 15, XV n13747606 sixteen, 16, XVI n13747725 seventeen, 17, XVII n13747865 eighteen, 18, XVIII n13747989 nineteen, 19, XIX n13748128 twenty, 20, XX n13748246 twenty-one, 21, XXI n13748367 twenty-two, 22, XXII n13748493 twenty-three, 23, XXIII n13748622 twenty-four, 24, XXIV, two dozen n13748763 twenty-five, 25, XXV n13748890 twenty-six, 26, XXVI n13749017 twenty-seven, 27, XXVII n13749146 twenty-eight, 28, XXVIII n13749278 twenty-nine, 29, XXIX n13749407 thirty, 30, XXX n13749527 forty, 40, XL n13749644 fifty, 50, L n13749778 sixty, 60, LX n13749894 seventy, 70, LXX n13750033 seventy-eight, 78, LXXVIII n13750164 eighty, 80, LXXX, fourscore n13750297 ninety, 90, XC n13750415 hundred, 100, C, century, one C n13750504 gross, 144 n13750574 long hundred, great hundred, 120 n13750712 five hundred, 500, D n13750844 thousand, one thousand, 1000, M, K, chiliad, G, grand, thou, yard n13751036 millenary n13751158 great gross, 1728 n13751265 ten thousand, 10000, myriad n13751404 hundred thousand, 100000, lakh n13751533 million, 1000000, one thousand thousand, meg n13751686 crore n13751829 billion, one thousand million, 1000000000 n13752033 milliard n13752172 billion, one million million, 1000000000000 n13752443 trillion, one million million, 1000000000000 n13752679 trillion, one million million million n13752911 quadrillion n13753067 quadrillion n13753274 quintillion n13753430 sextillion n13753585 septillion n13753740 octillion n13753894 aleph-null, aleph-nought, aleph-zero n13754008 pi n13754165 e n13754293 addition, increase, gain n13754565 accretion n13754778 bag n13754948 breakage n13755053 capacity n13755342 formatted capacity n13755627 unformatted capacity n13755822 catch, haul n13755957 correction, fudge factor n13756125 containerful n13757249 footstep, pace, step, stride n13757582 headspace n13757724 large indefinite quantity, large indefinite amount n13758197 chunk n13758296 limit, limitation n13758556 limit, limit point, point of accumulation n13758745 output, yield, production n13759014 cutoff n13759146 region, neighborhood n13759428 outage n13759558 picking, pick n13759773 reserve n13759941 pulmonary reserve n13760129 run n13760316 small indefinite quantity, small indefinite amount n13760980 crumb n13761171 dab, splash, splatter n13761407 spot, bit n13761603 hair's-breadth, hairsbreadth, hair, whisker n13761801 modicum n13761966 scattering, sprinkling n13762178 shoestring, shoe string n13762305 spray, spraying n13762458 nose n13762579 step, stone's throw n13762717 little n13762836 shtik, shtick, schtik, schtick n13763058 shtikl, shtickl, schtikl, schtickl n13763185 tad, shade n13763384 minimum, lower limit n13763626 skeleton n13763806 spillage n13763888 spoilage n13763970 tankage n13764086 ullage n13764213 top-up n13764342 worth n13764540 armful n13764639 bag, bagful n13764764 barrel, barrelful n13764897 barrow, barrowful n13764998 barnful n13765086 basin, basinful n13765207 basket, basketful n13765306 bin, binful n13765396 bottle, bottleful n13765531 bowl, bowlful n13765624 box, boxful n13765749 bucket, bucketful n13765866 busload n13765990 can, canful n13766080 capful n13766166 carful n13766252 cartload n13766337 carton, cartonful n13766436 case, caseful n13766547 cask, caskful n13766637 crate, crateful n13766733 cup, cupful n13766896 dish, dishful n13767042 dustpan, dustpanful n13767146 flask, flaskful n13767239 glass, glassful n13767350 handful, fistful n13767455 hatful n13767545 headful n13767691 houseful n13767822 jar, jarful n13767956 jug, jugful n13768064 keg, kegful n13768154 kettle, kettleful n13768250 lapful n13768343 mouthful n13768440 mug, mugful n13768537 pail, pailful n13768630 pipeful n13768748 pitcher, pitcherful n13768850 plate, plateful n13768946 pocketful n13769033 pot, potful n13769123 roomful n13769206 sack, sackful n13769317 scoop, scoopful n13769428 shelfful n13769549 shoeful n13769672 skinful n13769870 shovel, shovelful, spadeful n13769994 skepful n13770076 split n13770169 spoon, spoonful n13770310 tablespoon, tablespoonful n13770416 dessertspoon, dessertspoonful n13770529 tank, tankful n13770635 teacup, teacupful n13770729 teaspoon, teaspoonful n13770829 thimble, thimbleful n13770926 tub, tubful n13771034 morsel n13771154 handful, smattering n13771290 couple n13771404 drop, drib, driblet n13771828 droplet n13771929 eyedrop, eye-drop n13772020 dollop n13772106 dose, dosage n13772313 load n13772468 load, loading n13772653 precipitation n13772876 trainload n13772971 dreg n13773047 jack, doodly-squat, diddly-squat, diddlysquat, diddly-shit, diddlyshit, diddly, diddley, squat, shit n13773250 nip, shot n13773361 trace, hint, suggestion n13773539 spark n13773725 shred, scintilla, whit, iota, tittle, smidgen, smidgeon, smidgin, smidge n13773906 tot n13774010 snuff n13774115 touch, hint, tinge, mite, pinch, jot, speck, soupcon n13774311 barrels n13774404 batch, deal, flock, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, lot, mass, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, passel, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy sum, wad n13775093 battalion, large number, multitude, plurality, pack n13775319 billyo, billyoh, billy-ho, all get out n13775523 boatload, shipload, carload n13775706 flood, inundation, deluge, torrent n13775939 haymow n13776060 infinitude n13776137 maximum, upper limit n13776342 mile n13776432 million, billion, trillion, zillion, jillion, gazillion n13776621 much n13776726 myriad n13776854 reservoir n13776971 ocean, sea n13777098 ream n13777211 small fortune n13777344 supply n13777509 tons, dozens, heaps, lots, piles, scores, stacks, loads, rafts, slews, wads, oodles, gobs, scads, lashings n13777764 room, way, elbow room n13778089 breathing room, breathing space n13778261 headroom, headway, clearance n13778400 houseroom n13778530 living space, lebensraum n13778671 parking n13778827 sea room n13778907 swath n13779032 volume n13779244 volume n13779374 capacity, content n13779570 vital capacity n13779804 population n13780180 proof n13780339 STP, s.t.p. n13780449 relations, dealings n13780606 causality n13780719 relationship, human relationship n13781164 function n13781348 partnership n13781670 personal relation, personal relationship n13781820 bonding n13782033 obligation, indebtedness n13782208 female bonding n13782329 male bonding n13782533 maternal-infant bonding n13782769 association n13783038 logical relation n13783259 contradictory n13783421 contrary n13783581 mathematical relation n13783816 function, mathematical function, single-valued function, map, mapping n13784366 expansion n13784537 inverse function n13784763 Kronecker delta n13784906 metric function, metric n13785136 transformation n13785404 reflection n13785557 rotation n13785736 translation n13785965 affine transformation n13786187 isometry n13786413 operator n13786595 linear operator n13786748 identity, identity element, identity operator n13786960 trigonometric function, circular function n13787379 sine, sin n13787551 arc sine, arcsine, arcsin, inverse sine n13787723 cosine, cos n13787853 arc cosine, arccosine, arccos, inverse cosine n13788035 tangent, tan n13788182 arc tangent, arctangent, arctan, inverse tangent n13788369 cotangent, cotan n13788502 arc cotangent, arccotangent, inverse cotangent n13788690 secant, sec n13788820 arc secant, arcsecant, arcsec, inverse secant n13789002 cosecant, cosec n13789136 arc cosecant, arccosecant, inverse cosecant n13789281 threshold function n13789462 exponential, exponential function n13789627 exponential equation n13789751 exponential curve n13789849 exponential expression n13790004 exponential series n13790133 parity n13790492 evenness n13790592 oddness n13790712 foundation n13790912 footing, basis, ground n13791122 common ground n13791250 grass roots n13791389 connection, connexion, connectedness n13791910 series n13792183 alliance, bond n13792468 silver cord n13792579 linkage n13792692 link, nexus n13792842 communication n13793127 concatenation n13793330 bridge n13793504 involvement n13793776 implication n13794034 inclusion, comprehension n13794226 unconnectedness n13794417 relevance, relevancy n13794658 materiality n13794793 cogency n13794885 point n13795042 germaneness n13795180 applicability, pertinence, pertinency n13795489 relatedness n13795695 bearing n13795834 irrelevance, irrelevancy n13796053 inapplicability n13796216 immateriality n13796403 unrelatedness n13796585 extraneousness n13796779 grammatical relation n13797142 linguistic relation n13797313 agreement, concord n13797561 number agreement n13797747 person agreement n13797856 case agreement n13797985 gender agreement n13798118 transitivity, transitiveness n13798301 intransitivity, intransitiveness n13798491 transitivity n13798814 reflexivity, reflexiveness n13799063 coreference n13799245 reflexivity, reflexiveness n13799392 conjunction n13799655 coordinating conjunction n13799796 subordinating conjunction n13799967 copulative conjunction n13800115 disjunctive conjunction n13800267 adversative conjunction n13800418 complementation n13800539 coordination n13800675 subordination n13800801 modification, qualifying, limiting n13801040 restrictiveness n13801217 apposition n13801424 mood, mode, modality n13801700 indicative mood, indicative, declarative mood, declarative, common mood, fact mood n13801937 subjunctive mood, subjunctive n13802098 optative mood, optative n13802306 imperative mood, imperative, jussive mood, imperative form n13802485 interrogative mood, interrogative n13802634 modality, mode n13802805 anaphoric relation n13802920 voice n13803158 active voice, active n13803431 passive voice, passive n13803782 inflection, inflexion n13804085 conjugation n13804203 declension n13804375 paradigm n13804507 pluralization, pluralisation n13804669 aspect n13804889 perfective, perfective aspect n13805020 imperfective, imperfective aspect n13805179 durative, durative aspect n13805336 progressive aspect n13805456 inchoative, inchoative aspect n13805594 iterative, iterative aspect n13805734 progressive, progressive tense, imperfect, imperfect tense, continuous tense n13805974 present progressive, present progressive tense n13806140 perfective, perfective tense, perfect, perfect tense n13806404 present perfect, present perfect tense n13806614 preterit, preterite n13806735 past perfect, past perfect tense, pluperfect, pluperfect tense n13806964 past progressive, past progressive tense n13807178 future perfect, future perfect tense n13807403 future progressive, future progressive tense n13807636 semantic relation n13807853 hyponymy, subordination n13808004 hypernymy, superordination n13808161 synonymy, synonymity, synonymousness n13808405 antonymy n13808566 holonymy, whole to part relation n13808708 meronymy, part to whole relation n13808868 troponymy n13808981 homonymy n13809207 part, portion, component part, component, constituent n13809769 basis, base n13809920 detail, particular, item n13810141 highlight, high spot n13810323 unit n13810615 member n13810818 remainder, balance, residual, residue, residuum, rest n13811184 leftover, remnant n13811340 subpart n13811410 affinity, kinship n13811740 rapport, resonance n13811900 sympathy n13812173 mutual understanding, mutual affection n13812296 affinity, phylogenetic relation n13812607 kinship, family relationship, relationship n13813042 descent, line of descent, lineage, filiation n13813283 affinity n13813483 steprelationship n13813591 consanguinity, blood kinship, cognation n13813765 parentage, birth n13813898 fatherhood, paternity n13814041 motherhood, maternity n13814184 sisterhood, sistership n13814336 brotherhood n13814456 bilateral descent n13814601 unilateral descent n13814755 matrilineage, enation, cognation n13814898 patrilineage, agnation n13815030 marital relationship, marital bed n13815152 magnitude relation, quantitative relation n13815342 scale n13815449 proportion, ratio n13815742 proportion n13816071 case-fatality proportion n13816313 case-to-infection proportion, case-to-infection ratio n13816521 content n13816649 rate n13816862 scale n13817066 golden section, golden mean n13817279 commensurateness, correspondence, proportionateness n13817526 percentage, percent, per centum, pct n13817761 absentee rate n13817872 batting average, hitting average n13818143 batting average n13818354 fielding average n13818551 occupancy rate n13818736 hospital occupancy n13818829 hotel occupancy n13818916 vacancy rate n13819074 unemployment rate n13819207 ratio n13820000 abundance n13820239 abundance n13820432 albedo, reflective power n13820544 aspect ratio n13820655 average n13820826 cephalic index, breadth index, cranial index n13820993 efficiency n13821118 figure of merit n13821272 facial index n13821408 focal ratio, f number, stop number, speed n13821570 frequency, relative frequency n13821766 hematocrit, haematocrit, packed cell volume n13821977 intelligence quotient, IQ, I.Q. n13822249 adult intelligence n13822364 borderline intelligence n13822569 load factor n13822735 loss ratio n13822876 Mach number n13822995 magnification n13823150 mechanical advantage n13823287 mileage, fuel consumption rate, gasoline mileage, gas mileage n13823483 odds, betting odds n13823651 order of magnitude, magnitude n13823968 output-to-input ratio n13824114 prevalence n13824340 price-to-earnings ratio, P/E ratio n13824500 productivity n13824675 proportionality n13824815 quotient n13824929 refractive index, index of refraction n13825080 relative humidity n13825292 respiratory quotient n13825490 safety factor, factor of safety n13825664 signal-to-noise ratio, signal-to-noise, signal/noise ratio, signal/noise, S/N n13825840 stoichiometry n13826084 time constant n13826221 employee turnover, turnover rate, turnover n13826426 loading n13826614 power loading n13826732 span loading n13826845 wing loading n13826959 incidence, relative incidence n13827103 morbidity n13827205 control n13827426 direction n13827943 frontage n13828075 orientation n13828343 attitude n13828520 trim n13828681 horizontal n13828795 vertical n13828905 opposition n13829047 orthogonality, perpendicularity, orthogonal opposition n13829243 antipodal, antipodal opposition, diametrical opposition n13829408 enantiomorphism, mirror-image relation n13829586 windward n13829720 to windward, windward side, weatherboard, weather side n13829848 leeward n13829980 to leeward, leeward side n13830084 seaward n13830166 quarter n13830305 compass point, point n13831000 cardinal compass point n13831176 north, due north, northward, N n13831310 north by east, NbE n13831441 north, magnetic north, compass north n13831572 north northeast, nor'-nor'-east, NNE n13831717 northeast by north, NEbN n13831843 northeast, nor'-east, northeastward, NE n13831994 northeast by east, NEbE n13832118 east northeast, ENE n13832236 east by north, EbN n13832355 east, due east, eastward, E n13832480 east by south, EbS n13832599 east southeast, ESE n13832717 southeast by east, SEbE n13832841 southeast, sou'-east, southeastward, SE n13832993 southeast by south, SEbS n13833119 south southeast, sou'-sou'-east, SSE n13833256 south by east, SbE n13833375 south, due south, southward, S n13833504 south by west, SbW n13833623 south southwest, sou'-sou'-west, SSW n13833760 southwest by south, SWbS n13833886 southwest, sou'-west, southwestward, SW n13834038 southwest by west, SWbW n13834162 west southwest, WSW n13834280 west by south, WbS n13834399 west, due west, westward, W n13834524 west by north, WbN n13834643 west northwest, WNW n13834761 northwest by west, NWbW n13834885 northwest, nor'-west, northwestward, NW n13835037 northwest by north, NWbN n13835163 north northwest, nor'-nor'-west, NNW n13835308 north by west, NbW n13835427 north n13835546 northeast n13835664 east n13835781 southeast n13835899 south n13836018 southwest n13836136 west n13836253 northwest n13836371 angular position n13836550 elevation, EL, altitude, ALT n13836715 depression n13836841 business relation n13837009 competition n13837200 price war, price competition n13837351 clientage n13837439 professional relation n13837667 medical relation n13837840 doctor-patient relation n13838025 nurse-patient relation n13838205 legal relation n13838386 fiduciary relation n13838766 bank-depositor relation n13838930 confidential adviser-advisee relation n13839120 conservator-ward relation n13839287 director-stockholder relation n13839468 executor-heir relation n13839662 lawyer-client relation, attorney-client relation n13839888 partner relation n13840039 receiver-creditor relation n13840231 trustee-beneficiary relation n13840404 academic relation n13840553 teacher-student relation n13840719 politics, political relation n13840958 chemistry, interpersonal chemistry, alchemy n13841213 reciprocality, reciprocity n13841467 complementarity n13841651 correlation, correlativity n13841863 mutuality, interdependence, interdependency n13842241 commensalism n13842415 parasitism n13842622 symbiosis, mutualism n13842841 trophobiosis n13843001 additive inverse n13843173 multiplicative inverse, reciprocal n13843401 mutuality, mutualness n13843601 reciprocal n13843786 sharing n13843920 sharing n13844057 time sharing n13844212 interrelation, interrelationship, interrelatedness n13844518 psychodynamics n13844690 temporal relation n13844923 antecedent, forerunner n13845114 chronology n13845239 synchronism, synchrony, synchronicity, synchroneity, synchronization, synchronisation, synchronizing n13845838 asynchronism, asynchrony, desynchronization, desynchronisation, desynchronizing n13846199 first, number one n13846356 former n13846546 second n13846708 latter n13846900 third n13847124 fourth n13847240 fifth n13847402 sixth n13847498 seventh n13847616 eighth n13847715 ninth n13847858 tenth n13847954 eleventh n13848052 twelfth n13848149 thirteenth n13848249 fourteenth n13848349 fifteenth n13848466 sixteenth n13848565 seventeenth n13848684 eighteenth n13848784 nineteenth n13848884 twentieth n13848983 thirtieth n13849082 fortieth n13849180 fiftieth n13849296 sixtieth n13849394 seventieth n13849512 eightieth n13849611 ninetieth n13849710 hundredth n13849810 thousandth n13849913 millionth n13850019 billionth n13850148 last n13850304 scale, scale of measurement, graduated table, ordered series n13850674 Beaufort scale, wind scale n13851067 index n13851245 logarithmic scale n13851426 Mercalli scale n13851677 Mohs scale n13851865 Richter scale n13852083 moment magnitude scale n13852395 temperature scale n13852600 Celsius scale, international scale, centigrade scale n13852820 Fahrenheit scale n13853002 Kelvin scale, absolute scale n13853198 Rankine scale n13853407 Reaumur scale n13853546 wage scale, wage schedule n13853680 sliding scale n13853808 comparison n13853947 imaginative comparison n13854101 gauge, standard of measurement n13854318 baseline n13854488 norm n13854649 opposition, oppositeness n13855100 antipode n13855230 antithesis n13855377 conflict n13855627 contrast, direct contrast n13855828 flip side n13856110 mutual opposition, polarity n13856320 gradable opposition n13856449 polar opposition n13856574 polarity, sign n13856857 positivity, positiveness n13857008 negativity, negativeness n13857159 ungradable opposition n13857314 complementarity n13857486 contradictoriness n13857676 contradiction n13857804 dialectic n13858045 incompatibility, mutual exclusiveness, inconsistency, repugnance n13858270 contrary n13858392 contrariety n13858481 tertium quid n13858604 reverse, contrary, opposite n13858833 inverse, opposite n13859043 change n13859307 difference n13859512 gradient n13859692 concentration gradient n13859925 gravity gradient n13860145 temperature gradient n13860281 implication, logical implication, conditional relation n13860548 antagonism n13860793 solid n13861050 plane, sheet n13861449 Cartesian plane n13861580 facet plane n13861686 midplane, midline n13861806 orbital plane n13861934 picture plane n13862144 tangent plane n13862282 natural shape n13862407 leaf shape, leaf form n13862552 equilateral n13862644 flare, flair n13862780 figure n13863020 pencil n13863186 plane figure, two-dimensional figure n13863473 solid figure, three-dimensional figure n13863602 subfigure n13863771 line n13864035 bulb n13864153 convex shape, convexity n13864423 camber n13864542 entasis n13864763 angular shape, angularity n13864965 concave shape, concavity, incurvation, incurvature n13865298 cylinder n13865483 round shape n13865786 conglomeration, conglobation n13865904 heart n13866144 polygon, polygonal shape n13866515 isogon n13866626 convex polygon n13866827 concave polygon n13867005 reentrant polygon, reentering polygon n13867133 regular polygon n13867276 distorted shape, distortion n13867492 amorphous shape n13867641 curve, curved shape n13868248 closed curve n13868371 simple closed curve, Jordan curve n13868515 S-shape n13868607 catenary n13868813 Cupid's bow n13868944 wave, undulation n13869045 extrados n13869129 gooseneck n13869243 intrados n13869327 bend, crook, twist, turn n13869547 hook, crotchet n13869676 uncus n13869788 envelope n13869896 bight n13869991 straight line n13870414 geodesic, geodesic line n13870680 perpendicular n13870805 connection, connexion, link n13870935 asymptote n13871134 tangent n13871338 secant n13871452 perimeter n13871538 radius n13871717 diameter n13871967 centerline, center line n13872072 dome n13872211 pit, fossa n13872421 recess, recession, niche, corner n13872592 cone, conoid, cone shape n13872822 funnel, funnel shape n13872975 conic section, conic n13873213 intersection n13873361 oblong n13873502 circle n13873849 circlet n13873917 circle n13874073 equator n13874251 semicircle, hemicycle n13874384 arc n13874558 scallop, crenation, crenature, crenel, crenelle n13874927 chord n13875027 sector n13875185 disk, disc, saucer n13875392 ring, halo, annulus, doughnut, anchor ring n13875571 loop n13875884 bight n13875970 coil, whorl, roll, curl, curlicue, ringlet, gyre, scroll n13876371 spiral n13876561 helix, spiral n13876753 double helix n13876921 perversion n13877129 eccentricity n13877408 element n13877547 element of a cone n13877667 element of a cylinder n13877785 helix angle n13877918 kink, twist, twirl n13878112 whirl, swirl, vortex, convolution n13878306 ellipse, oval n13878634 square, foursquare n13878951 square n13879049 quadrate n13879126 quadrilateral, quadrangle, tetragon n13879320 triangle, trigon, trilateral n13879634 triangle n13879816 acute triangle, acute-angled triangle n13879947 equilateral triangle, equiangular triangle n13880102 delta n13880199 isosceles triangle n13880295 oblique triangle n13880415 obtuse triangle, obtuse-angled triangle n13880551 right triangle, right-angled triangle n13880704 scalene triangle n13880811 hexagram n13880994 parallel n13881175 parallelogram n13881381 trapezium n13881512 trapezoid n13881644 star n13881810 asterism n13882008 pentacle, pentagram, pentangle n13882201 pentagon n13882276 hexagon n13882385 regular hexagon n13882487 heptagon n13882563 octagon n13882639 nonagon n13882713 decagon n13882804 undecagon n13882883 dodecagon n13882961 rhombus, rhomb, diamond n13883133 rhomboid n13883346 rectangle n13883494 box n13883603 spherical polygon n13883763 spherical triangle n13883885 polyhedron n13884261 convex polyhedron n13884384 concave polyhedron n13884511 prism n13884740 parallelepiped, parallelopiped, parallelepipedon, parallelopipedon n13884930 cuboid n13885011 quadrangular prism n13885111 triangular prism n13885207 sinuosity, sinuousness n13885370 tortuosity, tortuousness, torsion, contortion, crookedness n13885700 warp, buckle n13885836 knot, gnarl n13886133 arch n13886260 bell, bell shape, campana n13886371 parabola n13886575 hyperbola n13886724 furcation, forking n13886910 bifurcation n13887056 bifurcation n13887211 jog n13887319 zigzag, zig, zag n13887509 angle n13888387 complementary angles n13888491 angular distance n13888783 hour angle, HA n13889066 true anomaly n13889216 plane angle n13889331 spherical angle n13889461 solid angle n13889602 inclination, angle of inclination n13889843 inclination, inclination of an orbit n13890064 reentrant angle, reentering angle n13890226 salient angle n13890391 interior angle, internal angle n13890535 exterior angle, external angle n13890679 hip n13890869 angle of incidence, incidence angle n13891082 angle of attack n13891242 critical angle n13891371 angle of reflection n13891547 angle of refraction n13891735 angle of extinction, extinction angle n13891937 acute angle n13892048 obtuse angle n13892142 dogleg n13892237 right angle n13892383 oblique angle n13892562 reflex angle n13892674 perigon, round angle n13892765 cutting angle n13892897 dip, angle of dip, magnetic dip, magnetic inclination, inclination n13893129 lead n13893310 magnetic declination, magnetic variation, variation n13893502 azimuth, AZ n13893694 bowl, trough n13893786 groove, channel n13894154 rut n13894306 scoop, pocket n13894434 bulge, bump, hump, swelling, gibbosity, gibbousness, jut, prominence, protuberance, protrusion, extrusion, excrescence n13895262 belly n13895362 caput n13895549 mogul n13895622 nub, nubble n13895745 snag n13895852 wart n13895986 node, knob, thickening n13896100 bow, arc n13896217 crescent n13896369 depression, impression, imprint n13896695 dimple n13896854 hyperboloid n13897002 paraboloid n13897198 ellipsoid n13897377 flank n13897528 hypotenuse n13897657 altitude n13897837 base n13897996 balance, equilibrium, equipoise, counterbalance n13898207 conformation n13898315 symmetry, proportion n13898509 disproportion n13898645 spheroid, ellipsoid of revolution n13898899 sphere n13899109 hemisphere n13899200 sphere n13899404 ball, globe, orb n13899735 spherule n13899804 cylinder n13900088 torus, toroid n13900287 toroid n13900422 column, tower, pillar n13900760 plume n13900914 columella n13901055 hoodoo n13901211 barrel, drum n13901321 pipe, tube n13901423 pellet n13901490 bolus n13901585 drop, bead, pearl n13901858 dewdrop n13901925 teardrop n13902048 ridge n13902229 corrugation n13902336 rim n13902482 point, tip, peak n13902793 taper n13902905 quadric, quadric surface n13903079 boundary, edge, bound n13903387 margin, border, perimeter n13903576 periphery, fringe, outer boundary n13903738 brink, threshold, verge n13903855 upper bound n13904011 lower bound n13904164 diagonal, bias n13904325 diagonal n13904506 dip n13904665 cup n13904843 incision, scratch, prick, slit, dent n13905121 incisure, incisura n13905275 notch n13905405 score, scotch n13905572 sag, droop n13905792 wrinkle, furrow, crease, crinkle, seam, line n13906345 crow's foot, crow's feet, laugh line n13906484 dermatoglyphic n13906669 frown line n13906767 line of life, life line, lifeline n13906936 line of heart, heart line, love line, mensal line n13907104 line of fate, line of destiny, line of Saturn n13907272 crevice, cranny, crack, fissure, chap n13907415 fold, crease, plication, flexure, crimp, bend n13907847 pucker, ruck n13908021 indentation, indenture n13908201 cleft n13908348 stria, striation n13908580 roulette, line roulette n13908777 cycloid n13908954 curate cycloid n13909071 prolate cycloid n13909190 sine curve, sinusoid n13909296 epicycle n13909488 epicycloid n13909632 cardioid n13909752 hypocycloid n13909889 shapelessness n13910019 blob n13910116 void, vacancy, emptiness, vacuum n13910384 space n13910895 hollow n13911045 node n13911151 articulation, join, joint, juncture, junction n13911429 hole n13911517 cavity, enclosed space n13911660 pocket n13911872 point, dot n13912115 pore n13912260 tree, tree diagram n13912424 cladogram n13912540 stemma n13912686 thalweg n13912839 spur, spine, acantha n13912992 constriction, bottleneck, chokepoint n13913164 facet n13913263 vector n13913427 ray n13913566 cast, mold, mould, stamp n13913849 branch, leg, ramification n13914141 brachium n13914265 fork, crotch n13914473 pouch, sac, sack, pocket n13914608 block, cube n13914837 pyramid n13915023 ovoid n13915113 tetrahedron n13915209 pentahedron n13915305 hexahedron n13915417 rhombohedron n13915594 octahedron n13915690 decahedron n13915784 dodecahedron n13915883 icosahedron n13915999 regular polyhedron, regular convex solid, regular convex polyhedron, Platonic body, Platonic solid, ideal solid n13916363 polyhedral angle n13916495 face angle n13916603 regular tetrahedron n13916721 cube, regular hexahedron n13916927 tesseract n13917022 quadrate n13917094 regular dodecahedron n13917214 regular octahedron n13917334 regular icosahedron n13917457 frustum n13917690 truncated pyramid n13917785 truncated cone n13917874 prismatoid n13918095 prismoid n13918274 tail, tail end n13918387 tongue, knife n13918584 tilt angle n13918717 trapezohedron n13918816 vertical angle n13918965 verticil n13919059 view angle, angle of view n13919173 washout n13919394 wave angle n13919547 wedge, wedge shape, cuneus n13919685 projection n13919919 keel n13920012 cleavage n13920169 medium n13920322 ornamentation n13920429 condition n13920835 condition, status n13923030 conditions n13923219 conditions n13923440 condition n13923582 anchorage n13923779 health n13923929 mode n13924069 conditionality n13924196 ground state n13924336 niche, ecological niche n13924536 noise conditions n13924659 participation, involvement n13924863 prepossession n13925015 regularization, regularisation n13925188 saturation n13925340 saturation point n13925550 silence n13925752 situation, position n13926068 ski conditions n13926168 niche n13926329 election n13926451 nationhood n13926535 nomination n13926786 place, shoes n13926932 poverty trap n13927112 soup n13927231 stymie, stymy n13927383 situation, state of affairs n13928191 absurd, the absurd n13928388 relationship n13928668 relationship n13928943 tribalism n13929037 account, business relationship n13929336 short account n13929477 blood brotherhood n13929588 company, companionship, fellowship, society n13929852 confidence, trust n13930073 freemasonry n13930245 acquaintance, acquaintanceship n13930385 affiliation, association, tie, tie-up n13930725 anaclisis n13930928 assimilation n13931145 friendship, friendly relationship n13931356 intrigue n13931436 love affair, romance n13931627 membership n13931765 sexual relationship n13931889 affair, affaire, intimacy, liaison, involvement, amour n13932045 utopia n13932213 dystopia n13932421 acceptance n13932739 ballgame, new ballgame n13932948 challenge n13933103 childlessness n13933221 complication n13933391 conflict of interest n13933560 crisis n13933841 crowding n13934070 crunch n13934274 disequilibrium n13934465 element n13934596 environment n13934900 equilibrium n13935227 exclusion n13935400 goldfish bowl, fish bowl, fishbowl n13935572 hornet's nest, hornets' nest n13935753 hotbed n13935910 hot potato n13936030 how-do-you-do, how-d'ye-do n13936153 imbroglio, embroilment n13936304 inclusion n13936441 intestacy n13936557 Mexican standoff n13936676 nightmare, incubus n13936783 no-win situation n13936939 pass, strait, straits n13937075 picture, scene n13937284 prison, prison house n13937406 purgatory n13937554 rejection n13937727 size, size of it n13937918 square one n13938210 status quo n13938296 swamp n13938440 standardization, standardisation n13938663 stigmatism n13938899 astigmatism, astigmia n13939158 stratification, social stratification n13939353 wild, natural state, state of nature n13939604 way n13939734 isomerism n13939892 degree, level, stage, point n13940311 ladder n13940456 acme, height, elevation, peak, pinnacle, summit, superlative, meridian, tiptop, top n13941125 extent n13941337 resultant, end point n13941469 standard of living, standard of life n13941806 plane n13941924 state of the art n13942104 ultimacy, ultimateness n13942405 extremity n13942554 profoundness n13942743 ordinary n13942875 circumstance n13943053 homelessness n13943236 vagrancy n13943400 event, case n13943598 hinge n13943740 playing field n13943968 thing n13944096 time bomb, ticking bomb n13944337 tinderbox n13944516 urgency n13944747 congestion, over-crowding n13944914 reinstatement n13945102 office, power n13945495 executive clemency n13945682 war power n13945919 status, position n13946760 equality, equivalence, equation, par n13947010 egality, egalite n13947174 tie n13947272 deuce n13947415 social station, social status, social rank, rank n13947645 place, station n13947867 place n13948026 quality n13948136 standing n13948441 high status n13948654 center stage, centre stage n13948766 stardom n13948912 championship, title n13949080 triple crown n13949275 triple crown n13949463 high ground n13949576 seniority, senior status, higher status, higher rank n13949802 precedence, precedency, priority n13950143 back burner n13950282 front burner n13950440 transcendence, transcendency, superiority n13950703 high profile n13950812 Holy Order, Order n13951215 low status, lowness, lowliness n13951444 inferiority, lower status, lower rank n13951629 backseat n13951794 shade n13951984 subordinateness, subsidiarity n13952171 handmaid, handmaiden, servant n13952386 junior status n13952466 subservience, subservientness n13952601 legal status n13952792 civil death n13953057 villeinage, villainage n13953215 bastardy, illegitimacy, bar sinister n13953356 left-handedness n13953467 citizenship n13953608 command n13953787 nationality n13953936 footing, terms n13954118 retirement n13954253 being, beingness, existence n13954818 actuality n13955152 entelechy n13955341 genuineness n13955461 reality, realness, realism n13955874 fact n13956097 reality n13956362 historicalness n13956488 truth, the true, verity, trueness n13956905 eternity, timelessness, timeless existence n13957117 preexistence n13957268 coexistence n13957390 eternal life, life eternal n13957493 subsistence n13957601 presence n13957974 immanence, immanency n13958138 inherence, inherency n13958353 ubiety n13958456 ubiquity, ubiquitousness, omnipresence n13958672 hereness n13958800 thereness n13958921 thereness n13959069 occurrence n13959289 allopatry n13959463 sympatry n13959642 shadow n13959818 nonbeing n13959931 nonexistence, nonentity n13960117 unreality, irreality n13960357 cloud n13960464 falsity, falseness n13960833 spuriousness n13960974 absence n13961179 nonoccurrence n13961273 awayness n13961399 life n13961642 animation, life, living, aliveness n13962048 skin n13962166 survival, endurance n13962360 subsistence n13962498 death n13962765 rest, eternal rest, sleep, eternal sleep, quietus n13963032 extinction, defunctness n13963192 life n13963342 ghetto n13963565 transcendence, transcendency n13963757 marital status n13963970 marriage, matrimony, union, spousal relationship, wedlock n13964466 bigamy n13964591 civil union n13964879 common-law marriage n13965049 endogamy, intermarriage, inmarriage n13965274 exogamy, intermarriage n13965515 marriage of convenience n13965627 misalliance n13965780 mesalliance n13965888 monandry n13966007 monogamy, monogamousness n13966201 monogyny n13966340 serial monogamy n13966496 open marriage n13966683 cuckoldom n13966795 polyandry n13966925 polygamy n13967089 polygyny n13967215 sigeh n13967507 celibacy n13967581 virginity n13967715 bachelorhood n13967827 spinsterhood n13967970 widowhood n13968092 employment, employ n13968308 unemployment n13968547 order n13968859 civil order, polity n13968973 rule of law n13969101 tranquillity, tranquility, quiet n13969243 harmony, concord, concordance n13969700 peace n13969854 comity n13969988 comity of nations n13970124 stability n13970236 peace n13970460 amity n13970584 peaceableness, peacefulness n13970764 mollification n13970912 armistice, cease-fire, truce n13971065 agreement, accord n13971382 community, community of interests n13971561 conciliation n13971802 concurrence, meeting of minds n13971901 consensus n13972180 sense of the meeting n13972387 unanimity n13972505 unison n13972601 social contract n13972797 disorder n13973059 anarchy, lawlessness n13973320 nihilism n13973490 cytopenia n13973632 hematocytopenia, haematocytopenia n13973769 pancytopenia n13973990 immunological disorder n13974144 immunocompetence n13974317 immunodeficiency n13974620 immunosuppression n13974937 bloodiness n13975037 incompatibility n13975292 histoincompatibility n13975444 Rh incompatibility n13975659 instability n13975752 confusion n13975988 demoralization, demoralisation n13976182 bluster n13976322 chaos, pandemonium, bedlam, topsy-turvydom, topsy-turvyness n13976527 balagan n13976731 hugger-mugger n13976907 schemozzle, shemozzle n13977043 rioting, riot n13977184 rowdiness, rowdyism, roughness, disorderliness n13977366 disturbance, disruption, commotion, flutter, hurly burly, to-do, hoo-ha, hoo-hah, kerfuffle n13977732 convulsion, turmoil, upheaval n13977870 earthquake n13978033 incident n13978166 stir, splash n13978344 storm, tempest n13978601 storm center, storm centre n13978709 tumult, tumultuousness, uproar, garboil n13978914 combustion n13979064 discord, strife n13979173 turbulence, upheaval, Sturm und Drang n13979503 agitation, ferment, fermentation, tempestuousness, unrest n13979786 roller coaster n13979977 violence n13980128 rage n13980288 hostility, enmity, antagonism n13980596 latent hostility, tension n13980845 conflict n13981137 clash, friction n13981271 clash n13981403 war, state of war n13981763 proxy war n13981885 hot war n13982000 cold war n13982156 Cold War n13982357 disagreement, dissension, dissonance n13982588 disunity n13982692 divide n13982839 suspicion n13982999 cloud n13983147 illumination n13983304 light, lighting n13983515 dark, darkness n13983717 night n13983807 total darkness, lightlessness, blackness, pitch blackness, black n13984082 blackout, brownout, dimout n13984285 semidarkness n13984468 cloudiness, overcast n13984613 shade, shadiness, shadowiness n13984944 shadow n13985098 umbra n13985219 penumbra n13985323 dimness, duskiness n13985462 gloom, somberness, sombreness n13985671 obscurity, obscureness n13985818 emotional state, spirit n13986189 embarrassment n13986372 ecstasy, rapture, transport, exaltation, raptus n13986679 gratification, satisfaction n13986943 quality of life n13987219 comfort n13987423 happiness, felicity n13987719 blessedness, beatitude, beatification n13987905 bliss, blissfulness, cloud nine, seventh heaven, walking on air n13988101 ecstasy, rapture n13988224 nirvana, enlightenment n13988498 state n13988663 unhappiness n13988871 embitterment n13989051 sadness, sorrow, sorrowfulness n13989280 mourning, bereavement n13989443 poignance, poignancy n13989627 innocence n13989863 blamelessness, inculpability, inculpableness, guiltlessness n13990064 purity, pureness, sinlessness, innocence, whiteness n13990389 cleanness n13990502 clear n13990675 guilt, guiltiness n13990960 blameworthiness, culpability, culpableness n13991121 bloodguilt n13991245 complicity n13991346 criminalism, criminality, criminalness n13991516 guilt by association n13991688 impeachability, indictability n13991823 freedom n13992194 academic freedom n13992387 enfranchisement n13992514 autonomy, liberty n13992738 self-government, self-determination, self-rule n13992935 sovereignty n13993030 local option n13993210 home rule n13993356 autarky, autarchy n13993517 fragmentation n13993685 free hand, blank check n13993842 free rein, play n13994014 freedom of the seas n13994148 independence, independency n13994456 liberty n13994806 license, licence n13995016 poetic license n13995148 latitude n13995378 license, licence n13995662 civil liberty, political liberty n13995824 discretion n13995935 run n13996061 liberty n13996211 svoboda n13996300 subjugation, subjection n13996571 repression n13996719 oppression n13996909 yoke n13997050 enslavement, captivity n13997253 bondage, slavery, thrall, thralldom, thraldom n13997529 bondage n13997778 bonded labor n13998014 servitude n13998186 peonage n13998263 serfdom, serfhood, vassalage n13998395 encapsulation n13998576 confinement n13998781 constraint, restraint n13998966 cage n13999114 iron cage n13999206 captivity, imprisonment, incarceration, immurement n13999663 detention, detainment, hold, custody n13999941 solitary confinement, solitary n14000105 durance n14000200 life imprisonment n14000302 internment n14000403 representation, delegacy, agency n14000642 free agency n14000820 legal representation n14001031 autonomy, self-direction, self-reliance, self-sufficiency n14001213 separateness n14001348 dependence, dependance, dependency n14001629 helplessness n14001728 reliance n14001852 subordination n14001973 contingency n14002109 polarization, polarisation n14002279 balance n14002481 tension n14002813 balance of power n14002915 dynamic balance n14003167 homeostasis n14003432 isostasy n14003599 Nash equilibrium n14003880 poise n14004017 thermal equilibrium n14004149 imbalance, instability, unbalance n14004317 motion n14004572 shaking, shakiness, trembling, quiver, quivering, vibration, palpitation n14004958 tremolo n14005137 tremor n14005302 essential tremor n14005549 perpetual motion n14005728 precession n14005892 stream, flow n14006179 motionlessness, stillness, lifelessness n14006490 stationariness, immobility, fixedness n14006684 rootage n14006821 dead letter, non-issue n14006945 action, activity, activeness n14007546 agency n14007750 Frankenstein n14007864 virus n14008050 busyness, hum n14008342 behavior, behaviour n14008567 eruption, eructation, extravasation n14008806 operation n14009020 overdrive n14009274 commission n14009481 running n14009618 idle n14009763 play n14009946 swing n14010148 inaction, inactivity, inactiveness n14010636 abeyance, suspension n14010845 anergy n14010927 arrest, check, halt, hitch, stay, stop, stoppage n14011408 calcification n14011557 deep freeze n14011724 desuetude n14011811 dormancy, quiescence, quiescency n14012173 extinction n14012311 holding pattern n14012501 rest n14012667 stagnation, stagnancy, doldrums n14013005 stagnation, stagnancy n14013249 stasis n14013368 recession n14013549 cold storage n14013646 deferral, recess n14013751 moratorium n14013841 standdown, stand-down n14013981 hibernation n14014162 estivation, aestivation n14014425 acathexia n14014521 angiotelectasia n14014621 torpor, torpidity n14014849 hibernation n14014990 lethargy, lassitude, sluggishness n14015148 slumber n14015266 countercheck n14015361 deadlock, dead end, impasse, stalemate, standstill n14015596 logjam n14015731 temporary state n14015996 case n14016114 state of mind, frame of mind n14016275 thinking cap n14016361 fatigue, weariness, tiredness n14016863 eyestrain, asthenopia n14017033 jet lag n14017206 exhaustion n14017332 depletion n14017451 salt depletion n14017665 electrolyte balance n14017871 nitrogen balance n14018055 frazzle n14018203 mental exhaustion, brain-fag n14018318 grogginess n14018432 loginess, logginess n14018567 drunkenness, inebriation, inebriety, intoxication, tipsiness, insobriety n14018918 grogginess n14019039 sottishness n14019138 soberness, sobriety n14019296 acardia n14019441 acephalia, acephaly, acephalism n14019600 acidosis n14019840 ketoacidosis, diabetic acidosis n14020023 metabolic acidosis n14020271 respiratory acidosis, carbon dioxide acidosis n14020558 starvation acidosis n14020753 acidemia n14020936 alkalemia n14021118 alkalinuria, alkaluria n14021266 alkalosis n14021471 metabolic alkalosis n14021622 respiratory alkalosis n14021853 acorea n14021936 acromicria, acromikria n14022068 acromphalus n14022199 agalactia, agalactosis n14022369 amastia n14022520 ankylosis, anchylosis n14022661 aneuploidy n14022849 anorchism, anorchidism, anorchia n14022959 wakefulness, sleeplessness n14023236 hypersomnia n14023374 insomnia n14023491 anesthesia, anaesthesia n14023804 anhidrosis, anhydrosis n14023901 aplasia n14023997 arousal n14024185 arteriectasis, arteriectasia n14024296 arthropathy n14024391 asynergy, asynergia n14024581 asystole, cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary arrest n14024882 sleep, slumber n14025258 sleep terror disorder, pavor nocturnus n14025478 orthodox sleep, nonrapid eye movement sleep, NREM sleep, nonrapid eye movement, NREM n14025755 paradoxical sleep, rapid eye movement sleep, REM sleep, rapid eye movement, REM n14025993 sleep, sopor n14026089 shuteye n14026166 abulia, aboulia n14026285 anhedonia n14026376 depersonalization, depersonalisation n14026592 hypnosis n14026781 self-hypnosis n14026869 cryoanesthesia, cryoanaesthesia n14026981 general anesthesia, general anaesthesia n14027204 local anesthesia, local anaesthesia n14027396 conduction anesthesia, conduction anaesthesia, nerve block anesthesia, nerve block anaesthesia, block anesthesia, block anaesthesia n14027674 regional anesthesia, regional anaesthesia n14028087 topical anesthesia, topical anaesthesia n14028291 acroanesthesia, acroanaesthesia n14028406 caudal anesthesia, caudal anaesthesia, caudal block n14028652 epidural anesthesia, epidural anaesthesia, epidural n14028967 paracervical block n14029163 pudendal block n14029405 spinal anesthesia, spinal anaesthesia, spinal n14029686 saddle block anesthesia, saddle block anaesthesia n14029943 inhalation anesthesia n14030084 twilight sleep n14030291 fugue n14030435 sleepiness, drowsiness, somnolence n14030671 oscitancy, oscitance n14030820 imminence, imminency, imminentness, impendence, impendency, forthcomingness n14031108 readiness, preparedness, preparation n14031523 ready n14031660 alert, qui vive n14031922 air alert n14032100 red alert n14032293 strip alert n14032480 diverticulosis n14032599 emergency n14032737 clutch n14032868 Dunkirk n14033054 exigency n14033185 juncture, critical point, crossroads n14033481 desperate straits, dire straits n14033587 criticality n14033802 flash point, flashpoint n14033917 flux, state of flux n14034177 physical condition, physiological state, physiological condition n14035298 drive n14035502 elastosis n14035695 flatulence, flatulency, gas n14035909 flexure, flection, flexion n14036043 alertness, alerting n14036203 emotional arousal n14036356 excitation, innervation, irritation n14036539 anger, angriness n14036735 rage n14036892 fever pitch n14037011 excitement, excitation, inflammation, fervor, fervour n14037480 sensation n14037619 sexual arousal n14037816 cybersex n14037925 eroticism, erotism n14038027 horniness, hotness, hot pants n14038185 erection, hard-on n14038264 estrus, oestrus, heat, rut n14038482 anestrus, anestrum, anoestrus, anoestrum n14038743 diestrus, diestrum n14038993 desire n14039179 rage, passion n14039310 materialism, philistinism n14039534 hunger, hungriness n14039828 bulimia n14039974 emptiness n14040071 edacity, esurience, ravenousness, voracity, voraciousness n14040310 starvation, famishment n14040490 undernourishment, malnourishment n14040660 thirst, thirstiness n14040846 dehydration n14040966 polydipsia n14041106 sex drive n14041256 hypoxia n14041508 anemic hypoxia n14041631 hypoxic hypoxia n14041763 ischemic hypoxia, stagnant hypoxia n14041940 hypercapnia, hypercarbia n14042165 hypocapnia, acapnia n14042423 asphyxia n14042735 oxygen debt n14042914 altitude sickness n14043092 mountain sickness n14043243 anoxia n14043458 anemic anoxia n14043579 anoxic anoxia n14043708 ischemic anoxia, stagnant anoxia n14043882 suffocation, asphyxiation n14044174 hyperthermia, hyperthermy n14044372 normothermia n14044454 hypothermia n14044592 flux n14044719 muscularity n14044852 myasthenia n14044930 impotence, impotency n14045141 erectile dysfunction, male erecticle dysfunction, ED n14045347 barrenness n14045507 sterility, infertility n14045835 cacogenesis n14045954 dysgenesis n14046038 false pregnancy, pseudocyesis n14046202 pregnancy, gestation, maternity n14046751 trouble n14046861 gravidity, gravidness, gravidation n14047009 gravida n14047171 parity, para n14047440 abdominal pregnancy n14047547 ovarian pregnancy n14047641 tubal pregnancy n14047740 ectopic pregnancy, extrauterine pregnancy, ectopic gestation, extrauterine gestation, eccyesis, metacyesis n14048015 entopic pregnancy n14048134 quickening n14048309 premature labor, premature labour n14048441 parturiency, labor, labour, confinement, lying-in, travail, childbed n14048847 placenta previa n14049098 asynclitism, obliquity n14049262 atresia n14049420 rigor mortis n14049552 vitalization, vitalisation n14049711 good health, healthiness n14050011 wholeness, haleness n14050143 energy, vim, vitality n14050434 juice n14050559 qi, chi, ch'i, ki n14050871 bloom, blush, flush, rosiness n14051056 freshness, glow n14051201 radiance n14051381 sturdiness n14051494 fertility, fecundity n14051728 potency, potence n14051917 pathological state n14052046 ill health, unhealthiness, health problem n14052403 disorder, upset n14053384 functional disorder n14053558 organic disorder n14053717 dyscrasia n14053850 blood dyscrasia n14053965 abocclusion n14054102 abruptio placentae n14054262 achlorhydria n14054465 acholia, cholestasis n14054642 achylia, achylia gastrica n14054762 acute brain disorder, acute organic brain syndrome n14055052 adult respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS, wet lung, white lung n14055408 ailment, complaint, ill n14055623 eating disorder n14055796 anorexia n14055977 pica n14056143 astereognosis, tactile agnosia n14056280 attention deficit disorder, ADD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, hyperkinetic syndrome, minimal brain dysfunction, minimal brain damage, MBD n14056588 anorgasmia n14056685 bulimarexia, binge-purge syndrome, binge-vomit syndrome, bulima nervosa n14057001 bulimia, binge-eating syndrome n14057221 bladder disorder n14057371 cardiovascular disease n14057569 carpal tunnel syndrome n14057828 celiac disease n14058066 cheilosis, perleche n14058252 choking n14058456 colpoxerosis n14058563 degenerative disorder n14058770 demyelination n14058934 dysaphia n14059021 dysosmia, parosamia, olfactory impairment n14059143 dysphagia n14059252 dysuria n14059336 dystrophy n14059481 osteodystrophy n14059663 failure n14059825 fantods n14059928 glandular disease, gland disease, glandular disorder, adenosis n14060256 hyperactivity n14060417 impaction, impacted tooth n14060575 impaction n14060688 learning disorder, learning disability n14060929 malocclusion n14061097 overbite n14061263 anorexia nervosa n14061462 cellularity n14061599 hypercellularity n14061703 hypocellularity n14061805 illness, unwellness, malady, sickness n14062332 invagination, introversion n14062490 invalidism n14062565 biliousness n14062725 addiction, dependence, dependance, dependency, habituation n14063089 suspended animation n14063290 anabiosis n14063475 cryptobiosis n14063633 dilatation, distension, distention n14063877 tympanites n14064044 ectasia, ectasis n14064186 lymphangiectasia, lymphangiectasis n14064296 alveolar ectasia n14064408 drug addiction, white plague n14064644 alcoholism, alcohol addiction, inebriation, drunkenness n14064984 cocaine addiction n14065071 heroin addiction n14065156 caffein addiction n14065243 nicotine addiction n14065332 ague n14065412 roots n14065693 amyloidosis n14065903 anuresis, anuria n14066005 catastrophic illness n14066203 collapse, prostration n14066492 breakdown, crack-up n14066661 nervous breakdown n14066806 nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration n14066959 neurasthenia n14067076 shock n14067481 cardiogenic shock n14067575 hypovolemic shock n14067681 obstructive shock n14067786 distributive shock n14067902 anaphylactic shock n14068177 insulin shock, insulin reaction n14068344 decompression sickness, aeroembolism, air embolism, gas embolism, caisson disease, bends n14068528 fluorosis n14068685 food poisoning, gastrointestinal disorder n14068894 botulism n14069057 mushroom poisoning n14069212 gammopathy n14069383 glossolalia n14069541 ptomaine, ptomaine poisoning n14069747 salmonellosis n14069895 lead poisoning, plumbism, saturnism n14070055 lead colic, painter's colic n14070206 catalepsy n14070360 disease n14071235 disease of the neuromuscular junction n14071419 angiopathy n14071559 aspergillosis n14071758 acanthocytosis n14071896 agranulocytosis, agranulosis, granulocytopenia n14072126 analbuminemia n14072239 Banti's disease, Banti's syndrome n14072423 anthrax n14072625 cutaneous anthrax, malignant pustule n14072934 pulmonary anthrax, inhalation anthrax, anthrax pneumonia, ragpicker's disease, ragsorter's disease, woolsorter's pneumonia, woolsorter's disease n14073331 blackwater n14073505 Argentine hemorrhagic fever n14073647 blackwater fever n14073795 jungle fever n14073906 cat scratch disease n14074041 complication n14074267 crud n14074394 endemic, endemic disease n14074606 enteropathy n14074715 idiopathic disease, idiopathic disorder, idiopathy n14074877 monogenic disorder, monogenic disease n14075199 polygenic disorder, polygenic disease n14075358 hypogonadism n14075660 male hypogonadism, eunuchoidism n14075838 Kallman's syndrome n14076011 valvular incompetence n14076126 incompetence n14076270 Kawasaki disease, mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome n14076479 plague, pestilence, pest n14076667 pycnosis, pyknosis n14076809 hyalinization, hyalinisation n14076992 hyperparathyroidism n14077269 hypoparathyroidism n14077454 hyperpituitarism n14077693 vacuolization, vacuolisation, vacuolation n14077830 malaria n14078120 Marseilles fever, Kenya fever, Indian tick fever, boutonneuse fever n14078421 Meniere's disease n14078613 milk sickness n14078733 mimesis n14078871 myasthenia gravis, myasthenia n14079156 Lambert-Eaton syndrome, Eaton-Lambert syndrome, myasthenic syndrome, carcinomatous myopathy n14079493 occupational disease, industrial disease n14079740 onycholysis n14079861 onychosis n14079971 Paget's disease, osteitis deformans n14080210 rheumatism n14080352 periarteritis nodosa, polyarteritis nodosa n14080622 periodontal disease, periodontitis n14080836 pyorrhea, pyorrhoea, pyorrhea alveolaris, Riggs' disease n14081025 pericementoclasia n14081124 alveolar resorption n14081216 gingivitis n14081297 ulatrophia n14081375 attack n14081665 anxiety attack n14081789 flare n14081941 seizure, ictus, raptus n14082186 touch, spot n14082303 stroke, apoplexy, cerebrovascular accident, CVA n14082595 convulsion n14082788 paroxysm, fit, convulsion n14082984 hysterics n14083061 clonus n14083200 epileptic seizure n14083368 grand mal, generalized seizure, epilepsia major n14083559 petit mal, epilepsia minor n14083790 mental disorder, mental disturbance, disturbance, psychological disorder, folie n14084291 Asperger's syndrome n14084502 metabolic disorder n14084709 alkaptonuria, alcaptonuria n14084880 nervous disorder, neurological disorder, neurological disease n14085220 brain damage n14085474 akinesis, akinesia n14085592 alalia n14085708 brain disorder, encephalopathy, brain disease n14086036 cystoplegia, cystoparalysis n14086143 epilepsy n14086528 akinetic epilepsy n14086626 cortical epilepsy, focal epilepsy n14086924 focal seizure n14087096 raptus hemorrhagicus n14087208 diplegia n14087321 protuberance n14087513 grand mal epilepsy, grand mal, generalized epilepsy, epilepsia major n14087758 Jacksonian epilepsy n14087938 myoclonus epilepsy, Lafora's disease n14088127 petit mal epilepsy, petit mal, epilepsia minor n14088412 absence, absence seizure n14088758 complex absence n14088918 pure absence, simple absence n14089080 subclinical absence n14089240 musicogenic epilepsy n14089339 photogenic epilepsy n14089450 posttraumatic epilepsy, traumatic epilepsy n14089592 procursive epilepsy n14089719 progressive vaccinia, vaccinia gangrenosa n14089974 psychomotor epilepsy, temporal lobe epilepsy n14090245 reflex epilepsy n14090416 sensory epilepsy n14090530 status epilepticus n14090727 tonic epilepsy n14090842 Erb's palsy, Erb-Duchenne paralysis n14091018 nympholepsy n14091126 apraxia n14091254 ataxia, ataxy, dyssynergia, motor ataxia n14091525 Friedreich's ataxia, herediatry spinal ataxia n14091757 hereditary cerebellar ataxia n14091965 atopognosia, atopognosis n14092114 brachydactyly, brachydactylia n14092247 cryptorchidy, cryptorchidism, cryptorchism n14092456 monorchism, monorchidism n14092577 dyskinesia n14092704 tardive dyskinesia n14092925 deviated septum n14093096 deviated nasal septum n14093325 dextrocardia n14093464 ectrodactyly n14093591 enteroptosis n14093723 erethism n14093874 fetal distress, foetal distress n14094068 multiple sclerosis, MS, disseminated sclerosis, disseminated multiple sclerosis n14094350 paralysis agitans, Parkinsonism, Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's syndrome, Parkinson's, shaking palsy n14094653 cerebral palsy, spastic paralysis n14094881 chorea n14095128 choriomeningitis n14095273 flaccid paralysis n14095439 orthochorea n14095568 Sydenham's chorea, Saint Vitus dance, St. Vitus dance n14095742 tarantism n14095948 agraphia, anorthography, logagraphia n14096123 acataphasia n14096328 aphagia n14096412 amaurosis n14096598 amblyopia n14096724 ametropia n14096957 emmetropia n14097162 aniseikonia n14097321 anorthopia n14097432 aphakia n14097574 aphasia n14097893 auditory aphasia, acoustic aphasia, word deafness n14098078 conduction aphasia, associative aphasia n14098347 global aphasia, total aphasia n14098458 motor aphasia, Broca's aphasia, ataxic aphasia, expressive aphasia, nonfluent aphasia n14098663 nominal aphasia, anomic aphasia, anomia, amnesic aphasia, amnestic aphasia n14098864 transcortical aphasia n14099050 visual aphasia, alexia, word blindness n14099172 Wernicke's aphasia, fluent aphasia, receptive aphasia, sensory aphasia, impressive aphasia n14099439 dyscalculia n14099552 dysgraphia n14099643 dyslexia n14099785 dysphasia n14099933 agnosia n14100092 anarthria n14100243 auditory agnosia n14100370 visual agnosia n14100494 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, CJD, Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease n14100769 occlusion n14100957 laryngospasm n14101083 embolism n14101317 air embolism, aeroembolism, gas embolism n14101568 fat embolism n14101801 pulmonary embolism n14101935 thromboembolism n14102075 thrombosis n14102347 cerebral thrombosis n14102454 coronary occlusion n14102631 coronary heart disease n14102831 coronary thrombosis, coronary n14103018 milk leg, white leg, phlegmasia alba dolens n14103180 hepatomegaly, megalohepatia n14103288 heart disease, cardiopathy n14103510 high blood pressure, hypertension n14103785 inversion n14103998 transposition, heterotaxy n14104118 keratectasia n14104218 keratoconus n14104367 orthostatic hypotension, postural hypotension n14104522 hypotension n14104645 essential hypertension, hyperpiesia, hyperpiesis n14104830 portal hypertension n14105091 malignant hypertension n14105386 secondary hypertension n14105504 white-coat hypertension n14105629 amyotrophia, amyotrophy n14105737 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease n14106025 aneurysm, aneurism n14106352 aortic aneurysm n14106456 abdominal aortic aneurysm, AAA n14106609 aortic stenosis n14106727 enterostenosis n14106823 laryngostenosis n14106917 pulmonary stenosis n14107085 pyloric stenosis n14107249 rhinostenosis n14107374 stenosis, stricture n14107653 cerebral aneurysm n14107750 intracranial aneurysm n14107849 ventricular aneurysm n14108039 angina pectoris, angina n14108232 arteriolosclerosis n14108324 arteriosclerosis, arterial sclerosis, hardening of the arteries, induration of the arteries, coronary-artery disease n14108576 atherogenesis n14108713 atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease n14108938 athetosis n14109101 kuru n14109485 nerve compression n14109691 nerve entrapment n14109889 arteriosclerosis obliterans n14110025 ascites n14110146 azymia n14110219 bacteremia, bacteriemia, bacteriaemia n14110411 sclerosis, induration n14110674 cardiac arrhythmia, arrhythmia n14110966 cardiomyopathy, myocardiopathy n14111133 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy n14111355 flutter n14111540 gallop rhythm, cantering rhythm n14111715 mitral valve prolapse n14111915 mitral stenosis, mitral valve stenosis n14112101 circulatory failure n14112255 heart failure, coronary failure n14112466 valvular heart disease n14112719 congestive heart failure n14112855 heart attack n14113021 myocardial infarction, myocardial infarct, MI n14113228 kidney disease, renal disorder, nephropathy, nephrosis n14113471 insufficiency n14113636 coronary insufficiency, cardiac insufficiency n14113798 nephritis, Bright's disease n14113938 nephrosclerosis, nephroangiosclerosis n14114186 polycystic kidney disease, PKD n14114365 polyuria n14114555 renal failure, kidney failure n14114773 renal insufficiency n14114886 acute renal failure, acute kidney failure n14115086 chronic renal failure, chronic kidney failure n14115245 cholelithiasis n14115351 enterolithiasis n14115454 nephrocalcinosis n14115648 nephrolithiasis, renal lithiasis n14115799 lipomatosis n14115914 lithiasis n14116078 glomerulonephritis n14116321 liver disease n14116482 cirrhosis, cirrhosis of the liver n14116672 fatty liver n14116908 Addison's disease, Addison's syndrome, hypoadrenalism, hypoadrenocorticism n14117173 adenopathy n14117317 aldosteronism, hyperaldosteronism n14117449 Cushing's disease, hyperadrenalism n14117668 Cushing's syndrome, hyperadrenocorticism n14117805 diabetes n14118138 diabetes mellitus, DM n14118423 type I diabetes, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM, juvenile-onset diabetes, juvenile diabetes, growth-onset diabetes, ketosis-prone diabetes, ketoacidosis-prone diabetes, autoimmune diabetes n14118936 type II diabetes, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, NIDDM, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, ketosis-resistant diabetes mellitus, ketosis-resistant diabetes, ketoacidosis-resistant diabetes mellitus, ketoacidosis-resistant diabetes, adult-onset diabetes mellitus, adult-onset diabetes, maturity-onset diabetes mellitus, maturity-onset diabetes, mature-onset diabetes n14119598 nephrogenic diabetes insipidus n14119770 diabetes insipidus n14120096 latent diabetes, chemical diabetes n14120310 angioedema, atrophedema, giant hives, periodic edema, Quincke's edema n14120614 lymphedema n14120767 hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis n14121058 Graves' disease, exophthalmic goiter n14121276 hypothyroidism n14121500 myxedema, myxoedema n14121667 cretinism n14121804 achondroplasia, achondroplasty, osteosclerosis congenita, chondrodystrophy n14122053 communicable disease n14122235 contagious disease, contagion n14122497 influenza, flu, grippe n14122670 Asian influenza, Asiatic flu n14122813 swine influenza, swine flu n14123044 measles, rubeola, morbilli n14123259 German measles, rubella, three-day measles, epidemic roseola n14123510 diphtheria n14123759 exanthema subitum, roseola infantum, roseola infantilis, pseudorubella n14124070 scarlet fever, scarlatina n14124232 pox n14124423 smallpox, variola, variola major n14124688 alastrim, variola minor, pseudosmallpox, pseudovariola, milk pox, white pox, West Indian smallpox, Cuban itch, Kaffir pox n14124931 Vincent's angina, Vincent's infection, trench mouth n14125159 blastomycosis n14125333 chromoblastomycosis n14125466 tinea, ringworm, roundworm n14125774 dhobi itch n14125881 kerion n14126078 tinea pedis, athlete's foot n14126181 tinea barbae, barber's itch n14126293 tinea capitis n14126412 tinea corporis n14126519 tinea cruris, jock itch, eczema marginatum n14126660 blindness, sightlessness, cecity n14126908 legal blindness n14127100 tinea unguium n14127211 infectious disease n14127782 AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome n14128029 brucellosis, undulant fever, Malta fever, Gibraltar fever, Rock fever, Mediterranean fever n14128331 agammaglobulinemia n14128536 anergy n14128650 hypogammaglobulinemia n14128812 severe combined immunodeficiency, severe combined immunodeficiency disease, SCID n14129223 ADA-SCID n14129351 X-linked SCID, X-SCID n14129579 cholera, Asiatic cholera, Indian cholera, epidemic cholera n14129784 dengue, dengue fever, dandy fever, breakbone fever n14129999 dysentery n14130166 epidemic disease n14130354 hepatitis n14130518 viral hepatitis n14130661 hepatitis A, infectious hepatitis n14130942 hepatitis B, serum hepatitis n14131247 hepatitis delta, delta hepatitis n14131353 hepatitis C n14131651 liver cancer, cancer of the liver n14131950 herpes n14132102 herpes simplex n14132375 oral herpes, herpes labialis, cold sore, fever blister n14132524 genital herpes, herpes genitalis n14132829 herpes zoster, zoster, shingles n14132975 chickenpox, varicella n14133159 venereal disease, VD, venereal infection, social disease, Cupid's itch, Cupid's disease, Venus's curse, dose, sexually transmitted disease, STD n14133543 gonorrhea, gonorrhoea, clap n14133750 granuloma inguinale, granuloma venereum n14133985 syphilis, syph, pox, lues venerea, lues n14134351 primary syphilis n14134482 secondary syphilis n14134623 tertiary syphilis n14134819 tabes dorsalis, locomotor ataxia n14135065 neurosyphilis n14135181 tabes n14135277 infectious mononucleosis, mononucleosis, mono, glandular fever, kissing disease n14135623 Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Ebola fever, Ebola n14135956 Lassa fever n14136187 leprosy, Hansen's disease n14136544 tuberculoid leprosy n14136674 lepromatous leprosy n14136868 necrotizing enterocolitis, NEC n14137066 listeriosis, listeria meningitis n14137408 lymphocytic choriomeningitis n14137561 lymphogranuloma venereum, LGV, lymphopathia venereum n14137829 meningitis n14138178 mumps, epidemic parotitis n14138364 cerebrospinal meningitis, epidemic meningitis, brain fever, cerebrospinal fever n14138538 paratyphoid, paratyphoid fever n14138691 plague, pestilence, pest, pestis n14139015 bubonic plague, pestis bubonica, glandular plague n14139333 ambulant plague, ambulatory plague, pestis ambulans n14139462 Black Death, Black Plague n14139661 pneumonic plague, pulmonic plague, plague pneumonia n14139959 septicemic plague n14140176 poliomyelitis, polio, infantile paralysis, acute anterior poliomyelitis n14140391 Pott's disease n14140533 ratbite fever n14140781 rickettsial disease, rickettsiosis n14141062 typhus, typhus fever n14141238 murine typhus, rat typhus, urban typhus, endemic typhus n14141490 spotted fever n14141656 Rocky Mountain spotted fever, mountain fever, tick fever n14141821 Q fever n14141912 rickettsialpox n14142207 trench fever n14142326 tsutsugamushi disease, scrub typhus n14142459 relapsing fever, recurrent fever n14142768 rheumatic fever n14142983 rheumatic heart disease n14143239 sweating sickness, miliary fever n14143415 tuberculosis, TB, T.B. n14143818 miliary tuberculosis n14144064 pulmonary tuberculosis, consumption, phthisis, wasting disease, white plague n14144247 scrofula, struma, king's evil n14144416 typhoid, typhoid fever, enteric fever n14144626 whooping cough, pertussis n14144761 yaws, frambesia, framboesia n14144960 yellow jack, yellow fever, black vomit n14145095 respiratory disease, respiratory illness, respiratory disorder n14145501 cold, common cold n14145759 head cold n14145911 asthma, asthma attack, bronchial asthma n14146128 status asthmaticus n14146273 bronchitis n14146459 bronchiolitis n14146571 chronic bronchitis n14146774 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease n14147014 coccidioidomycosis, coccidiomycosis, valley fever, desert rheumatism n14147212 cryptococcosis n14147380 emphysema, pulmonary emphysema n14147627 pneumonia n14147964 atypical pneumonia, primary atypical pneumonia, mycoplasmal pneumonia n14148231 bronchopneumonia, bronchial pneumonia n14148411 double pneumonia n14148510 interstitial pneumonia n14148646 lobar pneumonia n14148834 Legionnaires' disease n14149167 pneumococcal pneumonia n14149290 pneumocytosis, pneumocystis pneumonia, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, interstitial plasma cell pneumonia n14149536 pneumothorax n14149773 psittacosis, parrot fever, ornithosis n14149963 pneumoconiosis, pneumonoconiosis n14150210 anthracosis, black lung, black lung disease, coal miner's lung n14150363 asbestosis n14150470 siderosis n14150612 silicosis n14150740 respiratory distress syndrome, respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, hyaline membrane disease n14151139 genetic disease, genetic disorder, genetic abnormality, genetic defect, congenital disease, inherited disease, inherited disorder, hereditary disease, hereditary condition n14151884 abetalipoproteinemia n14152169 ablepharia n14152279 albinism n14152492 macrencephaly n14152617 anencephaly, anencephalia n14152803 adactylia, adactyly, adactylism n14152924 ametria n14153010 color blindness, colour blindness, color vision deficiency, colour vision deficiency n14153285 diplopia, double vision n14153468 epispadias n14153616 dichromacy, dichromatism, dichromatopsia, dichromia, dichromasy n14153982 red-green dichromacy, red-green color blindness, red-green colour blindness n14154168 deuteranopia, Daltonism, green-blindness n14154421 protanopia, red-blindness n14154669 yellow-blue dichromacy, yellow-blue color blindness n14154832 tetartanopia, yellow-blindness n14155031 tritanopia, blue-blindness n14155274 monochromacy, monochromatism, monochromatic vision, monochromia, monochromasy n14155506 cystic fibrosis, CF, fibrocystic disease of the pancreas, pancreatic fibrosis, mucoviscidosis n14155834 inborn error of metabolism n14156134 galactosemia n14156345 Gaucher's disease n14156488 Hirschsprung's disease, congenital megacolon n14156740 Horner's syndrome n14156976 Huntington's chorea, Huntington's disease n14157163 Hurler's syndrome, Hurler's disease, gargoylism, dysostosis multiplex, lipochondrodystrophy n14157527 mucopolysaccharidosis n14157782 malignant hyperthermia n14157967 Marfan's syndrome n14158179 neurofibromatosis, von Recklinghausen's disease n14158424 osteogenesis imperfecta n14158594 hyperbetalipoproteinemia n14158812 hypobetalipoproteinemia n14158997 ichthyosis n14159153 clinocephaly, clinocephalism n14159318 clinodactyly n14159459 macroglossia n14159623 mongolism, mongolianism, Down's syndrome, Down syndrome, trisomy 21 n14159887 maple syrup urine disease, branched chain ketoaciduria n14160179 McArdle's disease n14160365 muscular dystrophy, dystrophy n14160665 oligodactyly n14160786 oligodontia n14160903 otosclerosis n14161075 Becker muscular dystrophy n14161515 distal muscular dystrophy n14161795 Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, pseudohypertrophic dystrophy n14162025 autosomal dominant disease, autosomal dominant disorder n14162275 autosomal recessive disease, autosomal recessive defect n14162563 limb-girdle muscular dystrophy n14162943 lysinemia n14163182 myotonic muscular dystrophy, myotonic dystrophy, myotonia atrophica, Steinert's disease n14163676 oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy n14164007 Niemann-Pick disease n14164190 oxycephaly, acrocephaly n14164341 aplastic anemia, aplastic anaemia n14164548 erythroblastosis fetalis n14164866 Fanconi's anemia, Fanconi's anaemia, congenital pancytopenia n14165081 favism n14165240 hemolytic anemia, haemolytic anaemia n14165373 hyperchromic anemia, hyperchromic anaemia n14165544 hypochromic anemia, hypochromic anaemia n14165730 hypoplastic anemia, hypoplastic anaemia n14165909 iron deficiency anemia, iron deficiency anaemia n14166118 ischemia, ischaemia n14166358 ischemic stroke, ischaemic stroke n14166589 transient ischemic attack, TIA n14166775 chlorosis, greensickness n14166968 macrocytic anemia, macrocytic anaemia n14167123 microcytic anemia, microcytic anaemia n14167298 parasitemia, parasitaemia n14167426 pernicious anemia, pernicious anaemia, malignant anemia, malignant anaemia n14167773 megaloblastic anemia, megaloblastic anaemia n14168010 metaplastic anemia, metaplastic anaemia n14168176 refractory anemia, refractory anaemia n14168447 sideroblastic anemia, sideroblastic anaemia, siderochrestic anemia, siderochrestic anaemia n14168653 sideropenia n14168792 sickle-cell anemia, sickle-cell anaemia, sickle-cell disease, crescent-cell anemia, crescent-cell anaemia, drepanocytic anemia, drepanocytic anaemia n14169128 Spielmeyer-Vogt disease, juvenile amaurotic idiocy n14169364 Tay-Sachs disease, Tay-Sachs, Sachs disease, infantile amaurotic idiocy n14169717 thrombasthenia n14169897 tyrosinemia n14170070 Werdnig-Hoffman disease n14170337 hemophilia, haemophilia, bleeder's disease n14170623 afibrinogenemia n14170772 hemophilia A, haemophilia A, classical hemophilia, classical haemophilia n14170987 hemophilia B, haemophilia B, Christmas disease n14171176 von Willebrand's disease, angiohemophilia, vascular hemophilia n14171492 congenital afibrinogenemia n14171682 inflammatory disease n14172005 gastroenteritis, stomach flu, intestinal flu n14172217 cholera infantum n14172383 cholera morbus, collywobbles n14172558 pelvic inflammatory disease, PID n14172873 empyema n14173013 pleurisy n14173175 purulent pleurisy n14173295 pleuropneumonia n14173397 pyelitis n14173484 sore throat, pharyngitis, raw throat n14173625 angina n14173823 quinsy, peritonsillar abscess n14174011 croup, spasmodic laryngitis n14174208 glossoptosis n14174316 hypermotility n14174455 indisposition n14174549 infection n14175165 amebiasis, amoebiasis, amebiosis, amoebiosis n14175313 amebic dysentery, amoebic dysentery n14175579 chlamydia n14175727 fascioliasis, fasciolosis n14175903 fasciolopsiasis n14176051 Guinea worm disease, Guinea worm, dracunculiasis n14176372 enterobiasis n14176570 felon, whitlow n14176715 focal infection n14176895 fungal infection, mycosis n14177210 giardiasis n14177423 hemorrhagic fever, haemorrhagic fever, viral hemorrhagic fever, viral haemorrhagic fever, VHF n14177848 herpangia n14178077 leishmaniasis, leishmaniosis, kala azar n14178326 nonsocial infection, cross infection n14178482 opportunistic infection n14178794 paronychia n14178913 protozoal infection n14179104 respiratory tract infection, respiratory infection n14179276 lower respiratory infection n14179390 Crimea-Congo hemorrhagic fever n14179569 Rift Valley fever n14179744 HIV n14179839 viral pneumonia n14179946 severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS n14180213 upper respiratory infection n14180327 scabies, itch n14180565 schistosomiasis, bilharzia, bilharziasis n14180848 sepsis n14181049 visceral leishmaniasis, kala-azar, Assam fever, dumdum fever n14181187 cutaneous leishmaniasis, Old World leishmaniasis, oriental sore, tropical sore, Delhi boil, Aleppo boil n14181409 mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, New World leishmaniasis, American leishmaniasis, leishmaniasis americana, nasopharyngeal leishmaniasis n14181713 candidiasis, moniliasis, monilia disease n14181948 dermatomycosis, dermatophytosis n14182103 favus n14182242 keratomycosis n14182332 phycomycosis n14182453 sporotrichosis n14182568 thrush n14182697 focus, focal point, nidus n14182871 aspergillosis n14183065 sore n14183210 boil, furuncle n14183337 gumboil n14183420 blain n14183522 chilblain, chilblains, pernio n14183692 kibe n14183774 carbuncle n14183926 cartilaginification n14184067 chancre n14184254 fester, suppurating sore n14184390 gall n14184506 saddle sore n14184608 shigellosis, bacillary dysentery n14184801 staphylococcal infection n14184986 streptococcal sore throat, strep throat, streptococcus tonsilitis, septic sore throat, throat infection n14185219 sty, stye, hordeolum, eye infection n14185353 superinfection n14185503 suprainfection n14185620 tapeworm infection n14185803 tetanus, lockjaw n14186046 toxoplasmosis n14186256 trichomoniasis n14186340 viral infection, virus infection n14186541 arthritis n14186738 rheumatoid arthritis, atrophic arthritis, rheumatism n14187229 rheumatoid factor n14187378 autoimmune disease, autoimmune disorder n14187869 psoriatic arthritis n14188030 Still's disease, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis n14188238 osteoarthritis, degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint disease n14188467 osteosclerosis n14188568 housemaid's knee n14188702 cystitis n14188804 gout, gouty arthritis, urarthritis n14189065 spondylarthritis n14189204 blood disease, blood disorder n14189837 blood poisoning, septicemia, septicaemia n14190132 sapremia, sapraemia n14190284 ozone sickness n14190493 puerperal fever, childbed fever n14190736 pyemia, pyaemia n14190907 toxemia, toxaemia n14191037 toxemia of pregnancy, toxaemia of pregnancy, toxemia, toxaemia n14191284 eclampsia n14191442 preeclampsia, pre-eclampsia n14191646 eosinopenia n14191756 erythroblastosis n14191903 hemoglobinemia, haemoglobinemia n14192034 hemoglobinopathy, haemoglobinopathy n14192199 hemoptysis, haemoptysis n14192376 Hand-Schuller-Christian disease, Schuller-Christian disease n14192672 Haverhill fever n14192790 histiocytosis n14192942 hydatid mole, hydatidiform mole, molar pregnancy n14193202 hydramnios n14193325 water on the knee n14193421 hydremia n14193571 hydrocele n14193711 lipidosis n14193925 lipemia, lipaemia, lipidemia, lipidaemia, lipoidemia, lipoidaemia, hyperlipemia, hyperlipaemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperlipidaemia, hyperlipoidemia, hyperlipoidaemia n14194183 lysine intolerance n14194345 lysogeny, lysogenicity n14194690 hypothrombinemia n14194942 hypervolemia, hypervolaemia n14195112 hypovolemia, hypovolaemia n14195315 anemia, anaemia n14195715 thalassemia, thalassaemia, Mediterranean anemia, Mediterranean anaemia n14195939 Cooley's anemia, Cooley's anaemia, thalassemia major, thalassaemia major n14196221 leukocytosis, leucocytosis n14196405 leukopenia, leucopenia n14196543 neutropenia n14196722 cyclic neutropenia n14196823 lymphocytopenia, lymphopenia n14196965 lymphocytosis n14197099 microcytosis n14197315 polycythemia n14197468 purpura, peliosis n14197628 nonthrombocytopenic purpura n14197780 essential thrombocytopenia n14198019 thrombocytopenia, thrombopenia n14198200 deficiency disease n14198380 fibrocystic breast disease, fibrocystic disease of the breast, cystic breast disease, cystic mastitis n14198576 avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis n14198829 hypervitaminosis n14198997 hypospadias n14199146 lagophthalmos n14199264 beriberi n14199389 kakke disease n14199477 goiter, goitre, struma, thyromegaly n14199700 malnutrition n14199934 kwashiorkor n14200098 marasmus n14200301 mental abnormality n14200418 nanophthalmos n14200548 organic brain syndrome n14200704 zinc deficiency n14200873 pellagra, Alpine scurvy, mal de la rosa, mal rosso, maidism, mayidism, Saint Ignatius' itch n14201311 rickets, rachitis n14201520 scurvy, scorbutus n14201682 dermoid cyst n14201845 galactocele n14201989 hemorrhagic cyst, blood cyst, hematocyst n14202119 hydatid n14202272 nabothian cyst, nabothian follicle n14202417 ovarian cyst n14202520 chalazion, Meibomian cyst n14202673 ranula n14202763 sebaceous cyst, pilar cyst, wen, steatocystoma n14202996 cyst n14203269 pip n14203346 motion sickness, kinetosis n14203605 airsickness, air sickness n14203813 car sickness n14203942 seasickness, mal de mer, naupathia n14204095 heatstroke, heat hyperpyrexia n14204253 heat exhaustion, heat prostration n14204441 algidity n14204586 sunstroke, insolation, thermic fever, siriasis n14204763 endometriosis, adenomyosis n14204950 pathology n14206224 adhesion n14206375 symphysis n14206477 synechia n14206722 anterior synechia n14206826 posterior synechia n14206929 hemochromatosis, iron-storage disease, iron overload, bronzed diabetes n14207256 classic hemochromatosis, idiopathic hemochromatosis n14207388 acquired hemochromatosis n14207561 infarct, infarction n14207711 macrocytosis n14207809 fibrosis n14207978 myelofibrosis n14208065 malacia n14208176 osteomalacia n14208342 mastopathy, mazopathy n14208438 neuropathy n14208587 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy n14208988 mononeuropathy n14209087 multiple mononeuropathy n14209201 myopathy n14209348 dermatomyositis n14209635 polymyositis n14209836 inclusion body myositis n14210119 osteopetrosis, Albers-Schonberg disease, marble bones disease n14210354 osteoporosis n14210564 priapism n14210716 demineralization, demineralisation n14210888 pyorrhea, pyorrhoea n14210971 uremia, uraemia, azotemia, azotaemia n14211212 azoturia n14211294 lesion n14211440 tubercle n14211609 ulcer, ulceration n14211985 aphthous ulcer n14212126 bedsore, pressure sore, decubitus ulcer n14212303 chancroid n14212402 peptic ulcer, peptic ulceration n14212579 duodenal ulcer n14212670 gastric ulcer n14212759 canker, canker sore n14212941 noli-me-tangere n14213044 noma n14213199 affliction n14213328 curvature n14213512 deformity, malformation, misshapenness n14213867 Arnold-Chiari deformity n14214001 clawfoot, pes cavus n14214209 cleft foot n14214355 cleft lip, harelip, cheiloschisis n14214486 cleft palate n14214584 clubfoot, talipes n14214819 talipes valgus n14214938 talipes equinus n14215046 talipes calcaneus n14215199 pigeon breast, chicken breast n14215331 blight n14215908 alder blight n14216054 apple blight, apple canker n14216152 beet blight n14216234 blister blight n14216318 blister blight n14216404 cane blight n14216546 celery blight n14216653 chestnut blight, chestnut canker, chestnut-bark disease n14216793 coffee blight n14216888 collar blight n14217002 fire blight, pear blight n14217147 blight canker n14217253 halo blight, halo spot, bean blight n14217360 halo blight n14217473 head blight n14217581 wheat scab n14217676 late blight n14217897 leaf blight n14218057 leaf disease n14218158 needle blight, needle cast, leaf cast n14218293 oak blight n14218401 peach blight n14218493 potato blight, potato mold, potato disease, potato mildew, potato murrain n14218637 rim blight n14218717 spinach blight n14218805 spur blight n14218887 stem blight n14218991 stripe blight n14219068 thread blight n14219187 tomato blight, tomato yellows n14219290 twig blight n14219394 walnut blight n14219487 sandfly fever, pappataci fever, phlebotomus n14219661 skin disease, disease of the skin, skin disorder n14220308 lupus vulgaris n14220474 ankylosing spondylitis, Marie-Strumpell disease, rheumatoid spondylitis n14220735 discoid lupus erythematosus, DLE n14220998 Hashimoto's disease n14221138 lupus erythematosus, LE n14221311 systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE, disseminated lupus erythematosus n14221601 acantholysis n14221741 acanthosis n14221924 acanthosis nigricans, keratosis nigricans n14222112 acne n14222352 acne rosacea, rosacea n14222541 acne vulgaris n14222685 actinic dermatitis n14222788 atopic dermatitis, atopic eczema n14222918 bubble gum dermatitis n14223074 contact dermatitis n14223296 Rhus dermatitis n14223492 poison ivy n14223638 poison oak n14223752 poison sumac n14223870 cradle cap n14223978 diaper rash, diaper dermatitis n14224170 hypericism n14224341 neurodermatitis n14224547 schistosome dermatitis, swimmer's itch n14224757 dermatitis n14225045 dermatosis n14225215 baker's eczema n14225346 allergic eczema n14225463 eczema herpeticum n14225632 eczema vaccinatum, Kaposi's varicelliform eruption n14225877 lichtenoid eczema, chronic eczema, eczema hypertrophicum n14226056 eczema n14226303 erythema n14226567 erythema multiforme n14226709 erythema nodosum n14226862 hickey, love bite n14227015 erythema nodosum leprosum, ENL n14227218 erythroderma n14227357 flare n14227488 furunculosis n14227613 impetigo n14227806 jungle rot n14227906 keratoderma, keratodermia n14228038 keratonosis n14228148 keratosis n14228376 actinic keratosis n14228512 keratosis blennorrhagica, keratoderma blennorrhagica n14228712 keratosis follicularis, Darier's disease n14228885 keratosis pilaris n14229067 seborrheic keratosis n14229248 leukoderma n14229403 lichen n14229604 lichen planus, lichen ruber planus n14229788 livedo n14229912 lupus n14230083 melanosis, melanism n14230232 molluscum n14230358 molluscum contagiosum n14230588 necrobiosis lipoidica, necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum n14230800 pemphigus n14231022 pityriasis n14231207 dandruff n14231330 pityriasis alba n14231504 pityriasis rosea n14231640 prurigo n14231794 psoriasis n14232034 rhagades n14232157 Saint Anthony's fire n14232299 erysipelas n14232460 scleredema n14232596 seborrhea n14232740 seborrheic dermatitis, seborrheic eczema n14232945 vitiligo n14233155 xanthelasma n14233267 xanthoma n14233545 xanthoma disseminatum n14233717 xanthomatosis, xanthoma multiplex, cholesterosis cutis, lipid granulomatosis, lipoid granulomatosis n14233974 xanthosis n14234074 growth n14234317 exostosis n14234436 polyp, polypus n14234611 adenomatous polyp n14234867 sessile polyp n14234950 pedunculated polyp n14235066 peduncle n14235200 tumor, tumour, neoplasm n14235667 acanthoma, skin tumor n14235793 adenoma n14235928 angioma n14236130 chondroma n14236226 benign tumor, benign tumour, nonmalignant tumor, nonmalignant tumour, nonmalignant neoplasm n14236595 blastoma, blastocytoma, embryonal carcinosarcoma n14236743 brain tumor, brain tumour n14236872 glioblastoma, spongioblastoma n14237032 glioma n14237148 carcinoid n14237351 carcinosarcoma n14237489 celioma n14237561 malignancy, malignance n14237818 granulation, granulation tissue n14238041 enchondroma n14238211 fibroadenoma n14238393 fibroid tumor, fibroid n14238528 fibroma n14238639 granuloma n14238820 gumma n14238953 hamartoma n14239097 keratoacanthoma n14239322 lipoma, adipose tumor n14239425 malignant tumor, malignant neoplasm, metastatic tumor n14239743 meningioma n14239918 cancer, malignant neoplastic disease n14240262 angiosarcoma n14240487 chondrosarcoma n14240587 Ewing's sarcoma, Ewing's tumor, Ewing's tumour, endothelial myeloma n14240775 Kaposi's sarcoma n14241088 leiomyosarcoma n14241241 liposarcoma n14241319 myosarcoma n14241400 neurosarcoma, malignant neuroma n14241556 osteosarcoma, osteogenic sarcoma n14241733 lymphadenoma n14241825 lymphadenopathy n14241968 lymphoma n14242132 Hodgkin's disease n14242337 carcinoma n14242788 cancroid, squamous cell carcinoma n14242922 leukemia, leukaemia, leucaemia, cancer of the blood n14243268 acute leukemia n14243393 acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia n14243649 acute myelocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia n14243877 chronic leukemia n14244003 chronic lymphocytic leukemia n14244160 chronic myelocytic leukemia, myeloid leukemia n14244353 lymphocytic leukemia n14244542 lymphoblastic leukemia n14244726 monocytic leukemia, monocytic leukaemia, monoblastic leukemia, monoblastic leukaemia, histiocytic leukemia, histiocytic leukaemia n14244991 myeloblastic leukemia n14245163 myelocytic leukemia, granulocytic leukemia n14245405 rhabdomyosarcoma, rhabdosarcoma n14245594 embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal rhabdosarcoma n14245758 alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, alveolar rhabdosarcoma n14245928 pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma, pleomorphic rhabdosarcoma n14246097 Wilms' tumor, Wilms tumour, adenomyosarcoma, nephroblastoma, embryoma of the kidney n14246359 sarcoma n14246710 adenocarcinoma, glandular cancer, glandular carcinoma n14246899 breast cancer n14247035 carcinoma in situ, preinvasive cancer n14247239 colon cancer n14247360 embryonal carcinoma n14247458 endometrial carcinoma, endometrial cancer n14247575 hemangioma, haemangioma n14247743 strawberry hemangioma, strawberry haemangioma n14247954 lymphangioma n14248069 spider angioma, spider nevus, vascular spider n14248256 myeloma n14248422 multiple myeloma n14248541 myoma n14248669 myxoma n14248787 neurinoma n14248899 neuroblastoma n14249037 neuroepithelioma n14249138 neurofibroma, neurilemoma n14249262 neuroma n14249384 leiomyoma n14249512 rhabdomyoma n14249601 osteoblastoma n14249785 osteochondroma n14249937 osteoma n14250081 papilloma, villoma, papillary tumor, papillary tumour n14250232 pheochromocytoma, phaeochromocytoma n14250433 pinealoma n14250514 plasmacytoma n14250622 psammoma, sand tumor n14250850 retinoblastoma n14251045 teratoma n14251174 hepatoma, malignant hepatoma, hepatocarcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma n14251317 lung cancer n14251435 mesothelioma n14251616 oat cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma n14251845 oral cancer n14251981 pancreatic cancer n14252067 prostate cancer, prostatic adenocarcinoma n14252184 seminoma, testicular cancer n14252320 skin cancer n14252464 epithelioma n14252564 melanoma, malignant melanoma n14252722 trophoblastic cancer n14252864 eye disease n14253124 animal disease n14254102 actinomycosis n14254397 cervicofacial actinomycosis, lumpy jaw n14254570 cataract n14254768 macular edema n14254926 cystoid macular edema n14255064 drusen n14255234 glaucoma n14255536 acute glaucoma, closed-angle glaucoma, angle-closure glaucoma n14255848 normal tension glaucoma n14256014 cortical cataract n14256117 nuclear cataract n14256227 posterior subcapsular cataract n14256346 chronic glaucoma, open-angle glaucoma n14256585 keratonosus n14256668 macular degeneration n14256889 age-related macular degeneration, AMD n14257014 retinopathy n14257147 diabetic retinopathy n14257377 trachoma n14257563 leukoma, leucoma n14257687 adenitis n14257779 alveolitis n14257993 alveolitis, dry socket n14258176 angiitis n14258293 aortitis n14258391 rheumatic aortitis n14258512 appendicitis n14258609 arteritis n14258762 periarteritis n14258865 polyarteritis n14258957 Takayasu's arteritis, pulseless disease n14259133 temporal arteritis n14259320 ophthalmia, ophthalmitis n14259431 ophthalmia neonatorum n14259616 thoracic actinomycosis n14259739 abdominal actinomycosis n14259865 farmer's lung, thresher's lung n14260044 anaplasmosis n14260182 anthrax, splenic fever n14260349 aspergillosis, brooder pneumonia n14260550 aspiration pneumonia n14260774 bagassosis, bagascosis n14260898 balanitis n14260991 balanoposthitis n14261112 bighead n14261244 blepharitis n14261384 bursitis n14261508 brucellosis, contagious abortion, Bang's disease n14261717 bluetongue n14261846 bovine spongiform encephalitis, BSE, mad cow disease n14262045 bull nose n14262153 camelpox n14262336 canine chorea, chorea n14262419 catarrhal fever n14262585 chronic wasting disease n14262740 costiasis n14262882 cowpox, vaccinia n14263089 creeps n14263280 hemorrhagic septicemia, pasteurellosis n14263440 fistulous withers, fistula n14263562 fowl cholera n14263753 fowl pest n14263944 hog cholera n14264042 distemper n14264203 canine distemper n14264352 equine distemper, strangles n14264517 enterotoxemia n14264664 foot-and-mouth disease, hoof-and-mouth disease n14264858 foot rot n14265006 black disease, sheep rot, liver rot, distomatosis n14265205 glanders n14265350 heaves, broken wind n14265508 Lyme disease, Lyme arthritis n14265722 Marburg disease, Marburg hemorrhagic fever, green monkey disease n14265958 albuminuria, proteinuria n14266168 aminoaciduria n14266313 ammoniuria n14266400 hematocyturia, haematocyturia n14266521 Jacquemier's sign n14266677 Kayser-Fleischer ring n14266835 keratomalacia n14267017 Kernig's sign n14267205 ketonemia, ketosis, acetonemia n14267358 Koplik's spots n14267588 fructosuria n14267722 glucosuria n14267841 glycosuria n14267994 lymphuria n14268084 monocytosis n14268221 thrombocytosis n14268439 ochronosis n14268623 hypercalcemia, hypercalcaemia n14268871 hypocalcemia, hypocalcaemia n14269090 hypercalciuria, hypercalcinuria n14269319 hypercholesterolemia, hypercholesteremia n14269556 hyperkalemia n14269772 hypokalemia n14270016 kalemia n14270127 kaliuresis, kaluresis n14270241 natriuresis n14270380 hyperlipoproteinemia n14270614 hypolipoproteinemia n14270846 hypoproteinemia n14271015 hypernatremia n14271173 hyponatremia n14271322 hypersplenism n14271480 ketonuria, ketoaciduria, acetonuria n14271667 rabies, hydrophobia, lyssa, madness n14271920 red water n14272023 rhinotracheitis n14272141 rinderpest, cattle plague n14272347 scours n14272421 scrapie n14272620 shipping fever, shipping pneumonia n14272915 spavin n14273084 blood spavin n14273183 bog spavin n14273277 bone spavin n14273365 swamp fever, leptospirosis n14273601 canicola fever n14273753 Weil's disease n14273860 loco disease, locoism n14274068 looping ill n14274217 mange n14274451 moon blindness, mooneye n14274592 murrain n14274701 myxomatosis n14274801 Newcastle disease n14274905 pip n14274975 psittacosis, parrot disease n14275077 pullorum disease, bacillary white diarrhea, bacillary white diarrhoea n14275240 saddle sore, gall n14275405 sand crack n14275560 toe crack n14275661 quarter crack n14275764 staggers, blind staggers n14275978 sweating sickness n14276081 Texas fever n14276201 trembles, milk sickness n14276360 tularemia, tularaemia, rabbit fever, deer fly fever, yatobyo n14276649 zoonosis, zoonotic disease n14276936 plant disease n14277655 rust n14277833 blister rust, white-pine rust, white pine blister rust n14278102 blackheart n14278219 black knot n14278360 black rot n14278500 black spot n14278642 bottom rot n14278773 brown rot n14278953 brown rot gummosis, gummosis n14279099 gummosis n14279235 ring rot, ring disease, tobacco wilt n14279417 canker n14279543 cotton ball n14279632 crown gall n14279845 hairy root n14280011 crown wart n14280151 damping off n14280298 dieback n14280504 dry rot n14280639 heartrot n14280775 mosaic n14280986 potato mosaic n14281086 tobacco mosaic n14281216 tomato streak n14281397 rhizoctinia disease n14281549 little potato, rosette, russet scab, stem canker n14281678 pink disease n14281851 potato wart n14281992 root rot n14282107 scorch n14282258 leaf scorch n14282384 sweet-potato ring rot n14282524 sclerotium disease, sclerotium rot n14282698 Dutch elm disease n14282796 ergot n14282890 foot rot n14283002 granville wilt n14283097 pinkroot n14283178 wilt, wilt disease n14283423 fusarium wilt n14283525 verticilliosis n14283632 smut n14283909 loose smut n14284026 bunt, stinking smut n14284193 flag smut n14284309 green smut, false smut n14284450 soft rot n14284581 leak n14284688 yellow dwarf n14284876 yellow dwarf of potato, potato yellow dwarf n14285008 onion yellow dwarf n14285113 yellow spot n14285276 trauma, psychic trauma n14285461 birth trauma n14285662 injury, hurt, harm, trauma n14286339 raw wound n14286435 stigmata n14286549 abrasion, scratch, scrape, excoriation n14286885 graze n14286995 rope burn n14287113 cut, gash, slash, slice n14287314 laceration n14287408 bite n14287567 dog bite n14287647 snakebite n14287741 bee sting n14287823 flea bite n14287904 mosquito bite n14287995 birth trauma n14288107 blast trauma n14288235 bleeding, hemorrhage, haemorrhage n14288561 hemorrhagic stroke, haemorrhagic stroke n14288725 blunt trauma n14288871 bruise, contusion n14289079 ecchymosis n14289193 petechia n14289387 shiner, black eye, mouse n14289504 bump n14289590 burn n14289829 electric burn n14289942 scorch, singe n14290107 scald n14290212 sedation n14290365 sunburn, erythema solare n14290534 tan, suntan, sunburn, burn n14290751 windburn n14290881 hyperpigmentation n14291010 hypopigmentation n14291173 first-degree burn n14291295 second-degree burn n14291435 third-degree burn n14291561 dislocation n14291823 electric shock n14292090 fracture, break n14292571 comminuted fracture n14292688 complete fracture n14292796 compound fracture, open fracture n14292944 compression fracture n14293093 depressed fracture n14293207 displaced fracture n14293352 fatigue fracture, stress fracture n14293505 hairline fracture, capillary fracture n14293678 greenstick fracture n14293840 incomplete fracture n14293985 impacted fracture n14294117 simple fracture, closed fracture n14294271 abarticulation n14294354 diastasis n14294517 spondylolisthesis n14294678 frostbite, cryopathy n14294861 intravasation n14294964 penetrating trauma, penetrating injury n14295140 pinch n14295248 rupture n14295389 hernia, herniation n14295691 colpocele, vaginocele n14295829 diverticulum n14295986 Meckel's diverticulum n14296142 eventration n14296254 exomphalos n14296399 hiatus hernia, hiatal hernia, diaphragmatic hernia n14296579 herniated disc, ruptured intervertebral disc, slipped disc n14296802 inguinal hernia n14296966 cystocele, colpocystocele n14297150 rectocele, proctocele n14297329 keratocele n14297406 laparocele n14297489 umbilical hernia, omphalocele n14297696 sleep disorder n14297870 sting, bite, insect bite n14298102 strain n14298247 strangulation n14298420 whiplash, whiplash injury n14298620 wale, welt, weal, wheal n14298815 wound, lesion n14299070 wrench, twist, pull n14299336 sprain n14299480 trench foot, immersion foot n14299637 symptom n14301785 sign n14302005 vital sign n14302261 amenorrhea, amenorrhoea, amenia n14302460 aura n14302652 chloasma, melasma, mask of pregnancy n14302847 clubbing n14303009 cyanosis n14303249 diuresis n14303448 acrocyanosis, Raynaud's sign n14303647 primary amenorrhea n14303743 secondary amenorrhea n14303877 prodrome, prodroma n14304060 syndrome n14304722 cervical disc syndrome, cervical root syndrome n14304964 Chinese restaurant syndrome n14305149 Conn's syndrome n14305458 fetal alcohol syndrome, FAS n14305699 Gulf War syndrome, Persian Gulf illness n14305990 regional enteritis, regional ileitis, Crohn's disease n14306245 irritable bowel syndrome, spastic colon, mucous colitis n14306475 Klinefelter's syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, XXY-syndrome n14306802 ulcerative colitis n14307035 malabsorption syndrome n14307275 Munchausen's syndrome, Munchausen syndrome n14307468 narcolepsy n14307724 nephrotic syndrome, nephrosis n14308012 Noonan's syndrome n14308168 phantom limb syndrome n14308311 premenstrual syndrome, PMS n14308472 radiation sickness, radiation syndrome, radiation n14308945 Ramsay Hunt syndrome n14309183 Reiter's syndrome, Reiter's disease n14309394 restless legs syndrome, restless legs, Ekbom syndrome n14309653 Reye's syndrome n14309938 scalenus syndrome n14310172 neonatal death n14310292 sudden infant death syndrome, SIDS, infant death, crib death, cot death n14310504 tetany, tetanilla, intermittent tetanus, intermittent cramp, apyretic tetanus n14310830 thoracic outlet syndrome n14310987 Tietze's syndrome n14311117 Tourette's syndrome, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome n14311348 effect n14311574 aftereffect n14311709 bummer n14311801 hairy tongue, furry tongue, black tongue n14311977 side effect n14312172 abscess n14312363 abscessed tooth n14312481 head n14312600 purulence, purulency n14312776 water blister n14312889 blood blister n14313017 exophthalmos n14313154 festination n14313342 furring n14313440 gangrene, sphacelus, slough n14313661 dry gangrene, cold gangrene, mumification necrosis, mummification n14313943 gas gangrene, clostridial myonecrosis, emphysematous gangrene, emphysematous phlegmon, gangrenous emphysema, gas phlegmon, progressive emphysematous necrosis n14314320 hematuria, haematuria n14314483 hemoglobinuria, haemoglobinuria n14314597 hemosiderosis, haemosiderosis n14314756 nebula n14314850 sneeze, sneezing, sternutation n14315071 enlargement n14315192 swelling, puffiness, lump n14315549 bloat n14315722 bubo n14315897 anasarca n14316048 chemosis n14316164 papilledema n14316352 bunion n14316470 palsy n14316583 pyuria n14316714 edema, oedema, hydrops, dropsy n14317064 cerebral edema, brain edema n14317221 hematocele, haematocele, hematocoele, haematocoele n14317433 hematocolpometra, haematocolpometra n14317562 hematocolpos, haematocolpos n14317720 intumescence, intumescency n14317943 iridoncus n14318030 lymphogranuloma n14318116 oscheocele, oscheocoele n14318210 tumescence n14318360 tumidity, tumidness n14318552 cephalhematoma, cephalohematoma n14318714 hematoma, haematoma n14318819 proud flesh n14318927 hyperbilirubinemia n14319093 hyperbilirubinemia of the newborn, neonatal hyperbilirubinemia n14319299 hyperglycemia, hyperglycaemia n14319454 hypoglycemia, hypoglycaemia n14319684 jaundice, icterus n14320016 jaundice of the newborn, physiological jaundice of the newborn, icterus neonatorum n14320218 kernicterus n14320394 congestion n14320602 hydrothorax n14320813 hemothorax, haemothorax n14320984 hyperemia, hyperaemia n14321135 engorgement n14321243 pulmonary congestion n14321333 stuffiness n14321469 eruption n14321653 enanthem, enanthema n14321814 exanthem, exanthema, skin eruption n14321953 rash, roseola, efflorescence, skin rash n14322106 prickly heat, heat rash, miliaria n14322248 urtication, urticaria, hives, nettle rash n14322528 numbness n14322699 pain, hurting n14323683 ache, aching n14323974 toothache, odontalgia n14324099 aerodontalgia n14324274 agony, suffering, excruciation n14324572 arthralgia n14324672 throe n14324795 paresthesia, paraesthesia n14325006 formication n14325220 Passion, Passion of Christ n14325335 backache n14325437 burn, burning n14325575 causalgia n14325732 colic, intestinal colic, gripes, griping n14325902 chest pain n14325976 chiralgia n14326072 distress n14326190 dysmenorrhea n14326305 primary dysmenorrhea n14326458 secondary dysmenorrhea n14326607 headache, head ache, cephalalgia n14326880 glossalgia, glossodynia n14326969 growing pains n14327125 hemorrhoid, haemorrhoid, piles n14327266 stomachache, stomach ache, bellyache, gastralgia n14327435 earache, otalgia n14327543 histamine headache, cluster headache n14327707 migraine, megrim, sick headache, hemicrania n14327878 sick headache n14327970 sinus headache n14328105 tension headache n14328290 lumbago, lumbar pain n14328513 keratalgia n14328588 labor pain n14328720 mastalgia n14328794 melagra n14328894 meralgia n14328966 metralgia n14329040 myalgia, myodynia n14329159 nephralgia n14329262 neuralgia, neuralgy n14329460 odynophagia n14329578 orchidalgia n14329654 pang n14329762 pang, sting n14329888 photalgia, photophobia n14330046 pleurodynia, pleuralgia, costalgia n14330201 podalgia n14330265 proctalgia n14330340 epidemic pleurodynia, epidemic myalgia, myosis, diaphragmatic pleurisy, Bornholm disease n14330588 trigeminal neuralgia, tic douloureux n14330727 sciatica n14330833 birth pangs, labor pains, labour pains n14330992 afterpains n14331137 palilalia n14331271 palmature n14331373 referred pain n14331690 renal colic n14331873 smart, smarting, smartness n14332085 sting, stinging n14332339 stitch n14332448 rebound tenderness n14332617 tenderness, soreness, rawness n14333058 thermalgesia n14333136 chafe n14333334 throb n14333433 torture, torment n14333575 ulalgia n14333645 urodynia n14333721 postnasal drip n14333863 papule n14334011 papulovesicle, vesicopapule n14334122 pustule n14334306 pimple, hickey, zit n14334511 pock n14334631 cardiomegaly, megalocardia, megacardia, enlarged heart n14334814 heart murmur, cardiac murmur, murmur n14335006 systolic murmur n14335097 palpitation n14335223 heartburn, pyrosis n14335485 gastroesophageal reflux, esophageal reflux, oesophageal reflux n14335641 hepatojugular reflux n14335761 ureterorenal reflux n14335884 vesicoureteral reflux n14336004 reflux n14336169 hot flash, flush n14336317 indigestion, dyspepsia, stomach upset, upset stomach n14336539 inflammation, redness, rubor n14338848 amyxia n14338942 carditis n14339094 endocarditis n14339219 subacute bacterial endocarditis n14339387 myocardial inflammation, myocarditis n14339536 pancarditis n14339682 pericarditis n14339772 catarrh n14339914 cellulitis n14340091 cervicitis n14340182 cheilitis n14340287 chill, shivering n14340462 ague, chills and fever n14340635 quartan n14340734 cholangitis n14340822 cholecystitis n14340914 chorditis n14341001 chorditis n14341091 colitis, inflammatory bowel disease n14341253 colpitis n14341334 colpocystitis n14341432 conjunctivitis, pinkeye n14341563 corditis n14341652 costochondritis n14341769 dacryocystitis n14341923 diverticulitis n14342132 encephalitis, cephalitis, phrenitis n14342533 encephalomyelitis n14342638 endarteritis n14342742 acute hemorrhagic encephalitis n14342882 equine encephalitis, equine encephalomyelitis n14343062 herpes simplex encephalitis, herpes encephalitis, acute inclusion body encephalitis n14343302 leukoencephalitis n14343411 meningoencephalitis, cerebromeningitis, encephalomeningitis n14343597 panencephalitis n14343735 sleeping sickness, sleepy sickness, epidemic encephalitis, lethargic encephalitis, encephalitis lethargica n14344033 West Nile encephalitis n14344189 subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, SSPE, inclusion body encephalitis, subacute inclusion body encephalitis, sclerosing leukoencephalitis, subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis, Bosin's disease, Dawson's encephalitis, Van Bogaert encephalitis n14344720 rubella panencephalitis n14344881 endocervicitis n14344997 enteritis n14345168 necrotizing enteritis n14345304 epicondylitis n14345455 epididymitis n14345552 epiglottitis n14345719 episcleritis n14345815 esophagitis, oesophagitis n14345958 fibrositis n14346080 fibromyositis n14346190 folliculitis n14346280 funiculitis n14346416 gastritis n14346606 acute gastritis n14346731 chronic gastritis n14346909 glossitis n14347045 acute glossitis n14347190 chronic glossitis n14347334 Moeller's glossitis, glossodynia exfoliativa n14347540 hydrarthrosis n14347695 ileitis n14347774 iridocyclitis n14347886 iridokeratitis n14347993 iritis n14348070 jejunitis n14348176 jejunoileitis n14348300 keratitis n14348429 keratoconjunctivitis n14348538 keratoiritis n14348647 keratoscleritis n14348757 labyrinthitis, otitis interna n14348895 laminitis, founder n14349043 laryngitis n14349208 laryngopharyngitis n14349311 laryngotracheobronchitis n14349446 leptomeningitis n14349541 lymphadenitis n14349628 lymphangitis n14349717 mastitis n14349807 mastoiditis n14349892 metritis, endometritis n14350023 monoplegia n14350106 myelatelia n14350206 myelitis n14350292 myositis n14350448 myometritis n14350536 trichinosis, trichiniasis, myositis trichinosa n14350837 neuritis n14351002 oophoritis n14351094 orchitis n14351219 ophthalmoplegia n14351321 osteitis n14351490 osteomyelitis n14351629 otitis n14351759 otitis externa n14351886 otitis media n14351995 ovaritis n14352077 otorrhea n14352163 ozena, ozaena n14352334 pancreatitis n14352455 parametritis n14352570 parotitis n14352687 peritonitis, peritoneal inflammation n14352801 phalangitis n14352890 phlebitis n14353008 phlebothrombosis, venous thrombosis n14353314 polyneuritis, multiple neuritis n14353479 retrobulbar neuritis n14353622 Guillain-Barre syndrome, infectious polyneuritis, Landry's paralysis n14353862 thrombophlebitis n14353995 pneumonitis n14354121 posthitis n14354257 proctitis n14354462 prostatitis n14354642 rachitis n14354751 radiculitis n14354847 chorioretinitis n14354960 retinitis n14355060 rhinitis, coryza n14355238 sinusitis n14355356 pansinusitis n14355459 salpingitis n14355643 scleritis n14355725 sialadenitis n14355819 splenitis n14355901 spondylitis n14356044 stomatitis n14356167 vesicular stomatitis n14356328 synovitis n14356497 tarsitis n14356578 tendinitis, tendonitis, tenonitis n14356720 tennis elbow, lateral epicondylitis, lateral humeral epicondylitis n14356993 tenosynovitis, tendosynovitis, tendonous synovitis n14357160 thyroiditis n14357251 tonsillitis n14357370 tracheitis n14357454 tracheobronchitis n14357607 tympanitis n14357693 ulitis n14357770 ureteritis n14357853 uveitis n14357942 uvulitis n14358022 vaccinia, vaccina, variola vaccine, variola vaccinia, variola vaccina n14358335 vaginitis n14358474 valvulitis n14358622 vasculitis n14358709 vasovesiculitis n14358860 vesiculitis n14358993 vulvitis n14359073 vulvovaginitis n14359174 cough, coughing n14359459 hiccup, hiccough, singultus n14359816 meningism n14359952 nausea, sickness n14360156 morning sickness n14360320 queasiness, squeamishness, qualm n14360459 spasm, cramp, muscle spasm n14360742 charley horse, charley-horse n14360915 writer's cramp, graphospasm n14361064 blepharospasm n14361182 crick, kink, rick, wrick n14361415 myoclonus n14361513 opisthotonos n14361664 twitch, twitching, vellication n14361972 tic n14362075 blepharism n14362179 fibrillation n14362373 atrial fibrillation n14362510 bradycardia n14362593 heart block, Adams-Stokes syndrome, Stokes-Adams syndrome, atrioventricular block n14362841 premature ventricular contraction, PVC n14363027 tachycardia n14363139 ventricular fibrillation n14363367 fasciculation n14363483 scar, cicatrix, cicatrice n14363785 callus n14363913 keloid, cheloid n14364065 pockmark n14364217 sword-cut n14364306 vaccination n14364432 hardening n14364566 callosity, callus n14364802 corn, clavus n14364980 calcification n14365119 musca volitans, muscae volitantes, floater, spots n14365356 fever, febrility, febricity, pyrexia, feverishness n14365619 hyperpyrexia n14365741 atrophy, wasting, wasting away n14365950 dysplasia n14366225 fibrous dysplasia of bone n14366486 Albright's disease, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia n14366633 monostotic fibrous dysplasia n14366759 hypertrophy n14367005 adenomegaly n14367080 cor pulmonale n14367249 dactylomegaly n14367341 elephantiasis n14367556 elephantiasis neuromatosa n14367649 elephantiasis scroti, chyloderma n14367797 nevoid elephantiasis, pachyderma n14368032 filariasis n14368192 splenomegaly n14368288 giantism, gigantism, overgrowth n14368483 acromegaly, acromegalia n14368805 hyperplasia n14368917 benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH n14369064 hypoplasia n14369194 anaplasia n14369408 apnea n14369530 periodic apnea of the newborn n14369744 dyspnea, dyspnoea n14369913 orthopnea n14370122 shortness of breath, SOB, breathlessness n14370267 sleep apnea n14370391 cerebral hemorrhage n14370526 blood extravasation n14370726 hyphema n14370825 metrorrhagia n14370992 nosebleed, epistaxis n14371082 ulemorrhagia n14371161 constipation, irregularity n14371449 dyschezia n14371620 fecal impaction n14371770 obstipation n14371913 diarrhea, diarrhoea, looseness of the bowels, looseness n14372286 the shits, the trots n14372399 Montezuma's revenge n14372513 dizziness, giddiness, lightheadedness, vertigo n14372738 anemia, anaemia n14372855 wheeziness n14373057 withdrawal symptom n14373246 thrombus n14373407 embolus n14373582 psychological state, psychological condition, mental state, mental condition n14374273 morale n14374432 anxiety, anxiousness n14374764 castration anxiety n14375005 hypochondria, hypochondriasis n14375166 overanxiety n14375241 hallucinosis n14375363 identity crisis n14375576 nervousness, nerves n14375761 jitters, heebie-jeebies, screaming meemies n14375890 strain, mental strain, nervous strain n14376188 tension, tenseness, stress n14376497 yips n14376695 breaking point n14376855 delusion, psychotic belief n14377177 delusions of grandeur n14377375 delusions of persecution n14377617 hallucination n14377830 auditory hallucination, acousma n14377965 chromatism n14378064 pink elephants n14378177 pseudohallucination n14378311 trip n14378439 visual hallucination n14378586 zoopsia n14378712 nihilistic delusion, nihilism n14378897 somatic delusion n14379017 zoanthropy n14379130 mental health n14379360 mental soundness, mental balance n14379501 sanity, saneness n14379703 lucidity n14379829 rationality, reason, reasonableness n14380140 mental illness, mental disease, psychopathy n14380473 anxiety disorder n14380717 generalized anxiety disorder, GAD, anxiety reaction n14381017 obsessive-compulsive disorder n14381249 panic disorder n14381416 phobia, phobic disorder, phobic neurosis n14381732 acarophobia n14381840 agoraphobia n14381997 androphobia n14382075 arachnophobia n14382159 gynophobia n14382238 simple phobia n14382766 acrophobia n14382871 algophobia n14382967 aquaphobia n14383067 astraphobia n14383163 automysophobia n14383252 claustrophobia n14383362 cryophobia n14383444 cyberphobia n14383544 hydrophobia n14383624 hydrophobia n14383759 hypnophobia n14383848 mysophobia n14383961 neophobia n14384041 nyctophobia n14384133 phobophobia n14384227 phonophobia, acousticophobia n14384351 photophobia n14384431 pyrophobia n14384509 taphephobia n14384602 thanatophobia n14384684 triskaidekaphobia n14384796 zoophobia n14385002 ailurophobia n14385082 cynophobia n14385160 entomophobia n14385243 lepidophobia n14385325 musophobia n14385403 social phobia n14385734 satanophobia n14385818 school phobia n14385919 traumatophobia n14386022 xenophobia n14386130 posttraumatic stress disorder, PTSD n14386475 psychosomatic disorder n14386590 aberration n14386697 conversion disorder, conversion reaction, conversion hysteria n14386968 glove anesthesia n14387202 delirium n14387349 delusional disorder n14387477 encopresis n14387604 folie a deux n14387807 personality disorder n14387975 maladjustment n14388139 antisocial personality disorder, sociopathic personality, psychopathic personality n14388596 battle fatigue, combat fatigue, combat neurosis, shell shock n14388758 schizotypal personality, schizoid n14388910 affective disorder, major affective disorder, emotional disorder, emotional disturbance n14389240 depressive disorder, clinical depression, depression n14389584 agitated depression n14389739 anaclitic depression n14389909 dysthymia, dysthymic depression n14390109 endogenous depression n14390249 exogenous depression, reactive depression n14390466 major depressive episode n14390839 involutional depression n14390967 neurotic depression n14391112 psychotic depression n14391319 retarded depression n14391480 unipolar depression n14391660 mania, manic disorder n14391876 craze, delirium, frenzy, fury, hysteria n14392143 mass hysteria, epidemic hysertia n14392318 megalomania n14392491 melancholia n14392639 bipolar disorder, manic depression, manic depressive illness, manic-depressive psychosis n14392862 cyclothymia, cyclothymic disorder, cyclic disorder n14393033 schizothymia n14393161 neurosis, neuroticism, psychoneurosis n14393438 hysteria, hysterical neurosis n14393716 anxiety hysteria n14393862 hysterocatalepsy n14393958 anxiety neurosis n14394094 depersonalization, depersonalisation, depersonalization disorder, depersonalisation disorder, depersonalization neurosis, depersonalisation neurosis n14394479 fugue, psychogenic fugue n14394783 split personality, multiple personality n14395018 insanity n14395240 lunacy, madness, insaneness n14395403 dementia, dementedness n14395597 alcoholic dementia, alcohol amnestic disorder, Korsakoff's psychosis, Korsakoff's syndrome, Korsakov's psychosis, Korsakov's syndrome, polyneuritic psychosis n14395955 presenile dementia n14396096 Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's, Alzheimers n14396431 Pick's disease n14396707 senile dementia, senile psychosis n14396890 rhinopathy n14397040 rhinophyma, hypertrophic rosacea, toper's nose, brandy nose, rum nose, rum-blossom, potato nose, hammer nose, copper nose n14397372 Wernicke's encephalopathy n14397563 irrationality, unreason n14397714 derangement, mental unsoundness, unbalance n14397889 craziness, daftness, flakiness n14398067 psychosis n14398279 delirium tremens, DTs n14398390 paranoia n14398523 schizophrenia, schizophrenic disorder, schizophrenic psychosis, dementia praecox n14398929 borderline schizophrenia, latent schizophrenia n14399116 catatonic schizophrenia, catatonic type schizophrenia, catatonia n14399438 hebephrenia, hebephrenic schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia, disorganized type schizophrenia n14399852 paranoid schizophrenia, paranoic type schizophrenia, paraphrenic schizophrenia, paraphrenia n14400325 acute schizophrenic episode, reactive schizophrenia n14400507 aphonia, voicelessness n14400677 speech disorder, speech defect, defect of speech n14400979 sprue, tropical sprue, psilosis n14401240 flaccid bladder n14401512 neurogenic bladder n14401644 spastic bladder n14401878 cataphasia n14402015 dysarthria n14402184 dyslogia n14402377 dysphonia n14402488 lallation n14402625 lambdacism n14402763 lisp n14402922 stammer, stutter n14403107 agitation n14403282 disturbance, perturbation, upset n14403560 fret, stew, sweat, lather, swither n14403772 dither, pother, fuss, tizzy, flap n14404042 tailspin n14404160 depression n14404460 blues, blue devils, megrims, vapors, vapours n14404610 funk, blue funk n14404722 melancholy n14404831 slough of despond n14404941 low spirits n14405061 dumps, mopes n14405225 elation n14405452 high n14405621 high n14405774 cold sweat n14405931 panic, scare n14406209 red scare n14406303 fit, tantrum, scene, conniption n14406465 areflexia n14406573 irritation, annoyance, vexation, botheration n14406900 bummer n14407070 huff, miff, seeing red n14407211 pinprick n14407283 restlessness, impatience n14407435 snit n14407536 enchantment, spell, trance n14407795 possession n14407899 fascination, captivation n14408086 difficulty n14408519 bitch n14408646 predicament, quandary, plight n14408951 corner, box n14409137 hot water n14409285 rattrap n14409371 pinch n14409489 fix, hole, jam, mess, muddle, pickle, kettle of fish n14409718 dog's breakfast, dog's dinner n14409880 hard time, rough sledding n14410089 stress, strain n14410365 mire n14410605 problem, job n14410918 race problem n14411079 balance-of-payments problem n14411243 situation n14411772 quicksand n14411884 vogue n14411981 recognition, acknowledgment, acknowledgement n14412374 approval, favorable reception, favourable reception n14412564 appro n14412725 acceptation n14412882 contentedness, content n14413162 acquiescence n14413265 welcome n14413411 apostasy, renunciation, defection n14413644 disfavor, disfavour n14413831 wilderness n14413993 excommunication, exclusion, censure n14414146 reprobation n14414294 separation n14414503 discreteness, distinctness, separateness, severalty n14414715 isolation n14414980 solitude n14415072 solitude, purdah n14415163 loneliness, solitariness n14415335 quarantine n14415518 insulation, insularity, insularism, detachment n14415773 alienation, estrangement n14415898 anomie, anomy n14416089 privacy, privateness, secrecy, concealment n14416349 hiddenness, covertness n14416473 bosom n14416668 confidentiality n14416845 dissociation, disassociation n14417146 compartmentalization, compartmentalisation n14417300 dissociative disorder n14417551 discontinuity n14417697 disjunction, disjuncture, disconnection, disconnectedness n14417993 separability n14418103 incoherence, incoherency n14418290 disjointedness n14418395 union, unification n14418662 coalition, fusion n14418822 alliance, confederation n14418970 federalization, federalisation n14419164 connection, link, connectedness n14419510 contact n14419737 concatenation n14419889 osculation n14420074 tangency n14420240 interconnection, interconnectedness n14420464 coherence, coherency, cohesion, cohesiveness n14420780 consistency n14420954 junction, conjunction, conjugation, colligation n14421139 association n14421373 disassociation n14421585 marriage n14421724 syncretism n14422035 continuity n14422179 improvement, melioration n14422488 decline, declination n14422751 betterment n14422871 development n14423268 underdevelopment n14423428 neglect, disuse n14423614 omission n14423740 twilight n14423870 wreck n14424087 reformation n14424384 counterreformation n14424517 renovation, restoration, refurbishment n14424780 maturity, matureness n14425103 adulthood n14425319 manhood n14425414 parenthood, parentage n14425601 ripeness n14425715 womanhood, muliebrity n14425853 youth n14425974 immaturity, immatureness n14426325 post-maturity, post-menopause n14426449 greenness n14426568 callowness, jejuneness, juvenility n14426736 prematureness, prematurity n14426910 adolescence n14427065 childhood, puerility n14427239 infancy, babyhood n14427408 embrace n14427537 encompassment n14427633 banishment, ostracism, Coventry n14427991 debarment n14428160 grade, level, tier n14428404 biosafety level n14428655 biosafety level 1 n14428796 biosafety level 2 n14428970 biosafety level 3 n14429150 biosafety level 4 n14429382 rating n14429484 ranking n14429608 gradation, step n14429885 cut n14429985 rank n14430916 second class n14431015 A level n14431169 General Certificate of Secondary Education, GCSE, O level n14431338 college level n14431471 military rank, military rating, paygrade, rating n14431637 flag rank n14431738 caste n14431902 dignity n14432032 nobility, noblesse n14432167 ordination n14432271 purple n14432389 pedestal n14432527 archidiaconate n14432623 baronetcy, barony n14432744 dukedom n14432875 earldom n14433001 kingship n14433115 princedom n14433232 viscountcy, viscounty n14433361 leadership n14433505 ennoblement n14433587 prominence n14433769 limelight, spotlight, glare, public eye n14434022 salience, saliency, strikingness n14434219 conspicuousness n14434329 visibility, profile n14434522 low profile n14434681 importance, grandness n14434866 emphasis, accent n14435187 stress, focus n14435353 primacy n14435445 eminence, distinction, preeminence, note n14435670 king n14435809 prestige, prestigiousness n14436029 obscurity n14436285 anonymity, namelessness n14436438 humbleness, unimportance, obscureness, lowliness n14436667 nowhere n14436769 oblivion, limbo n14436875 honor, honour, laurels n14437134 glory, glorification n14437386 fame, celebrity, renown n14437552 esteem, regard, respect n14437845 disesteem n14437976 stature n14438125 repute, reputation n14438419 black eye n14438541 stock n14438693 character n14438788 name n14438898 fame n14439012 infamy n14439149 notoriety, ill fame n14439294 reputation n14439447 dishonor, dishonour n14439745 disrepute, discredit n14440035 corruptness n14440137 shame, disgrace, ignominy n14440488 humiliation n14440623 abasement, degradation, abjection n14440875 degeneracy, degeneration, decadence, decadency n14441083 depth n14441230 infamy, opprobrium n14441498 obloquy, opprobrium n14441610 odium n14441714 reproach n14441825 dominance, ascendance, ascendence, ascendancy, ascendency, control n14442361 ascendant, ascendent n14442530 domination, mastery, supremacy n14442749 predominance, predomination, prepotency n14442933 dominion, rule n14443228 paramountcy n14443345 raj n14443434 regulation n14443532 reign, sovereignty n14443676 scepter, sceptre n14443786 suzerainty n14443912 absolutism, tyranny, despotism n14444114 monopoly n14444326 monopoly n14444644 monopsony n14444825 oligopoly n14445072 corner n14445226 bane, curse, scourge, nemesis n14445379 comfort, comfortableness n14445749 relief, ease n14446034 reprieve, respite n14446161 solace, solacement n14446298 coziness, cosiness, snugness n14446493 convenience n14446652 discomfort, uncomfortableness n14446878 inconvenience, incommodiousness n14447019 malaise, unease, uneasiness n14447165 hangover, katzenjammer n14447303 wretchedness n14447525 wellbeing, well-being, welfare, upbeat, eudaemonia, eudaimonia n14447816 fool's paradise n14447908 health, wellness n14448200 ill-being n14448333 misery, wretchedness, miserableness n14448692 concentration camp n14448825 living death n14448910 suffering, woe n14449022 anguish n14449126 need, demand n14449405 lack, deficiency, want n14449865 dearth, famine, shortage n14449960 deficit n14450172 mineral deficiency n14450339 shortness n14450540 stringency, tightness n14450691 necessity n14450904 requisiteness n14451020 urgency n14451189 hurry, haste n14451349 imperativeness, insistence, insistency, press, pressure n14451672 criticality, criticalness, cruciality n14451911 fullness n14452151 repletion, satiety, satiation n14452294 surfeit, excess, overabundance n14452442 solidity n14452616 infestation n14453066 acariasis, acariosis, acaridiasis n14453175 ascariasis n14453290 coccidiosis n14453414 echinococcosis, hydatid disease, hydatidosis n14453554 helminthiasis n14453676 hookworm, hookworm disease n14453840 myiasis n14454030 onchocerciasis, river blindness n14454311 opisthorchiasis n14454450 pediculosis, lousiness n14454661 pediculosis capitis, head lice n14454773 pediculosis corporis n14454874 pediculosis pubis, crabs n14454988 trombiculiasis n14455074 trichuriasis n14455206 emptiness n14455419 blankness n14455552 hollowness n14455700 nothingness, void, nullity, nihility n14455847 thin air n14455966 vacancy n14456054 vacuum, vacuity n14456138 nakedness, nudity, nudeness n14456435 nude n14456586 raw, altogether, birthday suit n14456752 undress n14456893 bareness n14457041 baldness, phalacrosis n14457218 hairlessness, depilation n14457361 alopecia n14457630 alopecia areata n14457707 male-patterned baldness, male pattern baldness n14457838 dishabille, deshabille n14457976 shirtsleeves n14458181 grace, saving grace, state of grace n14458593 damnation, eternal damnation n14458763 fire and brimstone n14458943 omniscience n14459093 God's Wisdom n14459185 omnipotence n14459332 God's Will n14459422 perfection, flawlessness, ne plus ultra n14459715 dream n14459824 polish, refinement, culture, cultivation, finish n14460257 fare-thee-well n14460407 intactness n14460565 integrity, unity, wholeness n14460974 completeness n14461231 entirety, entireness, integrality, totality n14461519 comprehensiveness, fullness n14461679 whole shebang, whole kit and caboodle, kit and caboodle, whole kit and boodle, kit and boodle, whole kit, whole caboodle, whole works, works, full treatment n14462064 partialness n14462193 incompleteness, rawness n14462565 sketchiness n14462666 imperfection, imperfectness n14462946 failing, weakness n14463170 flaw n14463331 tragic flaw, hamartia n14463471 insufficiency, inadequacy n14463676 fatigue n14463826 flaw n14464005 defect n14464203 defect, fault, flaw n14464512 blister n14464675 bug, glitch n14464793 hole n14464883 wart n14465048 birth defect, congenital anomaly, congenital defect, congenital disorder, congenital abnormality n14465768 hydrocephalus, hydrocephaly n14466122 hydronephrosis n14466258 abrachia n14466344 amelia n14466432 meromelia n14466567 phocomelia, seal limbs n14466846 encephalocele n14466974 familial hypercholesterolemia n14467172 meningocele n14467395 myelomeningocele n14467685 plagiocephaly n14467846 polysomy n14467975 hermaphroditism, hermaphrodism n14468167 pseudohermaphroditism n14468348 progeria n14468508 scaphocephaly n14468693 valgus n14468870 varus n14469014 congenital heart defect n14469154 septal defect n14469334 atrial septal defect n14469466 ventricular septal defect n14469766 tetralogy of Fallot, Fallot's tetralogy, Fallot's syndrome n14470144 toxic shock, toxic shock syndrome, TSS n14470496 Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome n14470754 Williams syndrome n14471054 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome n14471224 spina bifida, rachischisis, schistorrhachis n14471507 spinocerebellar disorder n14471724 polydactyly, hyperdactyly n14471926 syndactyly, syndactylism n14472111 tongue tie, ankyloglossia n14472299 defectiveness, faultiness n14472526 bugginess n14472624 crudeness, crudity, primitiveness, primitivism, rudeness n14472900 lameness n14473054 sickness n14473222 fortune, destiny, fate, luck, lot, circumstances, portion n14473655 good fortune, luckiness, good luck n14473917 providence n14474052 prosperity, successfulness n14474264 blessing, boon n14474435 mercy n14474556 strength n14474718 weakness n14474894 success n14475154 big time n14475273 pay dirt n14475405 misfortune, bad luck, tough luck, ill luck n14475661 adversity, hardship, hard knocks n14475992 gutter, sewer, toilet n14476205 hard cheese n14476290 catastrophe, disaster n14476521 extremity n14476697 bitter end n14476852 distress n14477076 pressure n14477207 throe n14477342 affliction n14477509 victimization n14477667 cross, crown of thorns n14477877 failure n14478143 solvency n14478291 insolvency n14478433 bankruptcy, failure n14478684 bankruptcy n14478862 bank failure n14478975 crop failure n14479086 dead duck n14479320 receivership n14479488 ownership n14479615 state of matter, state n14480065 phase, form n14480420 liquid, liquidness, liquidity, liquid state n14480772 solid, solidness, solid state n14481080 gas, gaseous state n14481511 plasma n14481929 possibility, possibleness n14482299 conceivableness, conceivability n14482444 achievability, attainability, attainableness n14482620 potential, potentiality, potency n14482852 latency n14482968 prospect, chance n14483126 impossibility, impossibleness n14483348 inconceivability, inconceivableness n14483508 unattainableness n14483620 hopefulness n14483744 confidence n14483917 opportunity, chance n14484378 brass ring n14484516 day n14484646 fresh start, clean slate, tabula rasa n14484778 hearing, audience n14484969 hunting ground n14485064 occasion n14485249 opening n14485436 room n14485526 say n14485673 shot, crack n14485811 street n14485990 throw n14486122 anticipation, expectation n14486274 despair, desperation n14486533 dejection n14486639 nadir, low-water mark n14486767 purity, pureness n14487026 plainness n14487184 impurity, impureness n14487443 adulteration, debasement n14487598 admixture, alloy n14487731 contamination, taint n14487902 dust contamination n14488004 dirtiness n14488118 feculence n14488200 putridity n14488317 financial condition n14488594 economic condition n14488813 boom n14488912 credit crunch, liquidity crisis, squeeze n14489113 depression, slump, economic crisis n14489361 Great Depression n14489523 full employment n14489699 prosperity n14489859 softness n14490110 obligation n14490319 indebtedness, liability, financial obligation n14490564 debt n14490685 arrears n14490801 account payable, payable n14491034 score n14491171 scot and lot n14491271 wealth, wealthiness n14491625 affluence, richness n14491889 ease, comfort n14492116 lap of luxury n14492249 inherited wealth n14492373 luxury, luxuriousness, opulence, sumptuousness n14492634 mammon n14492723 silver spoon, old money n14492953 sufficiency n14493145 poverty, poorness, impoverishment n14493426 privation, want, deprivation, neediness n14493613 destitution n14493716 indigence, need, penury, pauperism, pauperization n14494032 beggary, mendicancy, mendicity n14494186 impecuniousness, pennilessness, penuriousness n14494358 shakeout n14494594 wage setter n14494716 sanitary condition n14494893 sanitariness n14495080 hygiene n14495230 asepsis, antisepsis, sterility, sterileness n14495466 sanitation n14495589 unsanitariness n14495761 filth, filthiness, foulness, nastiness n14495980 dunghill n14496063 tilth n14496193 cleanness n14496451 cleanliness n14496563 spotlessness, immaculateness n14496710 orderliness, order n14496977 spit and polish n14497120 kilter, kelter n14497233 tidiness n14497365 neatness, spruceness n14497511 trim, trimness n14497679 shambles n14497763 dirtiness, uncleanness n14498096 dirt, filth, grime, soil, stain, grease, grunge n14498404 befoulment, defilement, pollution n14498567 dinginess, dinge n14498733 dustiness n14498843 griminess, grubbiness n14498972 smuttiness, sootiness n14499111 sordidness, squalor, squalidness n14499262 disorderliness, disorder n14499594 untidiness n14499734 sloppiness, slovenliness, unkemptness n14499953 shagginess n14500047 mess, messiness, muss, mussiness n14500341 disorganization, disorganisation, disarrangement n14500567 clutter, jumble, muddle, fuddle, mare's nest, welter, smother n14500819 rummage n14500908 normality, normalcy n14501172 averageness n14501375 commonness, expectedness n14501545 typicality n14501726 abnormality, abnormalcy n14502896 atelectasis n14503060 atypicality, untypicality n14503234 anoxemia n14503354 arrested development, fixation, infantile fixation, regression n14503528 coprolalia n14503665 aberrance, aberrancy, aberration, deviance n14503990 cyclopia n14504103 chromosomal aberration, chromosomal anomaly, chrosomal abnormality, chromosonal disorder n14504405 monosomy n14504558 trisomy n14504726 deflection, warp n14504889 spinal curvature n14505069 kyphosis, humpback, hunchback n14505215 lordosis, hollow-back n14505364 scoliosis n14505469 dowager's hump n14505667 subnormality n14505821 anomaly, anomalousness n14506020 gynecomastia n14506233 cross-eye, crossed eye, convergent strabismus, esotropia n14506403 dwarfism, nanism n14506533 pycnodysostosis n14506656 lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, milk intolerance n14506920 lactosuria n14507050 myoglobinuria n14507148 oliguria n14507375 phenylketonuria, PKU n14507651 porphyria n14507787 infantilism n14507951 obstruction, blockage n14508149 intestinal obstruction, ileus n14508368 tamponade, tamponage n14508578 cardiac tamponade n14508799 ateleiosis, ateliosis n14508974 macrocephaly, megacephaly, megalocephaly n14509219 microbrachia n14509299 microcephaly, microcephalus, nanocephaly n14509491 pachycheilia n14509583 phimosis n14509712 poisoning, toxic condition, intoxication n14510104 alkali poisoning n14510247 caffeinism, caffeine intoxication n14510401 carbon monoxide poisoning n14510648 cyanide poisoning n14510814 malathion poisoning n14510955 ergotism n14511234 mercury poisoning n14511491 Minamata disease n14511730 naphthalene poisoning n14511862 nicotine poisoning n14512009 ophidism n14512088 paraquat poisoning n14512270 parathion poisoning n14512508 pesticide poisoning n14512674 salicylate poisoning n14512817 context, circumstance, setting n14513062 ecology n14513259 setting, background, scope n14513489 canvas, canvass n14513694 home n14513944 milieu, surroundings n14514039 sphere, domain, area, orbit, field, arena n14514392 distaff n14514491 front n14514685 lotusland, lotus land n14514805 kingdom, land, realm n14515041 lap n14515177 lap of the gods n14515344 political arena, political sphere n14515463 preserve n14515633 province, responsibility n14515816 ecclesiastical province n14516082 showcase, show window n14516256 street n14516501 environmental condition n14516743 pollution n14517067 biodegradable pollution n14517243 nonbiodegradable pollution n14517412 air pollution n14517629 acid rain, acid precipitation n14517852 industrial air pollution n14518010 miasma, miasm n14518219 small-particle pollution n14518377 smog, smogginess n14518539 noise pollution, sound pollution n14518671 thermal pollution n14518820 water pollution n14518924 erosion n14519097 deforestation n14519208 depopulation n14519366 climate, clime n14519673 glaciation n14519942 inhospitableness n14520123 meteorological conditions n14520278 atmosphere, atmospheric state n14520518 air mass n14520670 high n14520829 low, depression n14521021 anticyclone n14521302 cyclone n14521648 fog, fogginess, murk, murkiness n14521954 fug n14522113 good weather n14522265 calmness n14522408 mildness, clemency n14522570 balminess, softness n14522809 stillness, windlessness n14522956 lull, quiet n14523090 bad weather, inclemency, inclementness n14523344 raw weather n14523436 storminess n14523669 boisterousness n14523787 breeziness, windiness n14523923 tempestuousness n14524029 choppiness, roughness, rough water n14524198 cloudiness, cloud cover, overcast n14524383 turbulence n14524487 clear-air turbulence n14524661 climate, mood n14524849 atmosphere, ambiance, ambience n14525108 cloud n14525274 genius loci n14525365 gloom, gloominess, glumness n14525548 bleakness, desolation, bareness, nakedness n14525777 Hollywood n14526032 miasma, miasm n14526182 spirit, tone, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, look, smell n14526635 Zeitgeist n14526764 unsusceptibility, immunity n14526954 resistance n14527171 immunity, resistance n14527430 immunogenicity n14527553 active immunity n14527721 passive immunity n14527977 autoimmunity n14528193 acquired immunity n14528571 natural immunity, innate immunity n14528752 racial immunity n14528873 exemption, freedom n14529082 amnesty n14529212 diplomatic immunity n14529408 indemnity n14529524 impunity n14529612 grandfather clause n14529835 subservience n14530061 susceptibility, susceptibleness n14530403 liability n14530563 taxability n14530659 ratability, rateability n14530836 capability, capacity n14531056 habitus n14531203 activity n14531392 irritation n14531598 retroversion, retroflection, retroflexion n14531772 sensitivity, predisposition n14531983 sensitization, sensitisation n14532142 food allergy n14532250 immediate allergy, atopy, atopic allergy, type I allergic reaction n14532458 serum sickness, serum disease n14532659 delayed allergy, type IV allergic reaction n14532816 allergy, allergic reaction n14533106 cryesthesia, cryaesthesia n14533203 hypersensitivity reaction n14533547 anaphylaxis n14533796 hypersensitivity n14533937 allergic rhinitis n14534076 eosinophilia n14534199 hay fever, pollinosis n14534333 diathesis n14534457 reactivity n14534571 suggestibility n14534696 wetness n14535056 wateriness, muddiness, sloppiness n14535431 moisture, wet n14535643 humidity, humidness n14535807 mugginess n14535905 damp, dampness, moistness n14536085 dankness, clamminess n14536207 rawness n14536331 sogginess n14536438 dryness, waterlessness, xerotes n14536831 dehydration, desiccation n14537054 drought, drouth n14537250 aridity, aridness, thirstiness n14537472 sereness n14537563 xeroderma, xerodermia n14537735 xeroderma pigmentosum n14538113 xerophthalmia, xerophthalmus, xeroma, conjunctivitis arida n14538329 xerostomia, dry mouth n14538472 safety n14538811 biosafety n14538908 risklessness n14539029 invulnerability, impregnability n14539165 salvation n14539268 security n14539524 peace, public security n14539693 secureness n14539826 indemnity, insurance n14539960 protection, shelter n14540220 collective security n14540318 Pax Romana n14540455 radioprotection n14540564 cause of death, killer n14540765 danger n14541044 danger n14541247 clear and present danger n14541538 hazardousness, perilousness n14541677 insecurity n14541852 hazard, jeopardy, peril, risk, endangerment n14542320 health hazard n14542441 biohazard n14542579 moral hazard n14542858 occupational hazard n14542983 sword of Damocles n14543145 powder keg n14543231 menace, threat n14543411 yellow peril n14543552 riskiness, peril n14543756 speculativeness n14543931 vulnerability, exposure n14544159 insecureness n14544335 tension, tensity, tenseness, tautness n14544672 tonicity, tonus, tone n14545045 catatonia n14545215 muscular tonus, muscle tone n14545353 myotonia n14545548 acromyotonia n14545685 myotonia congenita, Thomsen's disease n14545845 atonicity, atony, atonia, amyotonia n14546042 laxness, laxity n14546227 condition, shape n14546432 fitness, physical fitness n14546596 fettle n14546701 repair n14546844 soundness n14547036 seaworthiness, fitness n14547188 airworthiness n14547369 unfitness, softness n14547643 infirmity, frailty, debility, feebleness, frailness, valetudinarianism n14547976 asthenia, astheny n14548105 cachexia, cachexy, wasting n14548343 disability, disablement, handicap, impairment n14548913 disability of walking n14549070 abasia n14549284 abasia trepidans n14549382 atactic abasia, ataxic abasia n14549491 choreic abasia n14549600 paralytic abasia n14549709 paroxysmal trepidant abasia n14549823 spastic abasia n14549937 lameness, limping, gimp, gimpiness, gameness, claudication n14550195 intermittent claudication n14550366 astasia n14550469 amputation n14550614 sequela n14550797 hearing impairment, hearing disorder n14550987 deafness, hearing loss n14551146 conductive hearing loss, conduction deafness, middle-ear deafness n14551321 hyperacusis, hyperacusia, auditory hyperesthesia n14551565 sensorineural hearing loss, nerve deafness n14551704 tone deafness, tin ear n14551822 deaf-mutism, deaf-muteness n14551986 mutism, muteness n14552205 analgesia n14552355 dysomia n14552477 anosmia n14552718 hyposmia n14552802 visual impairment, visual defect, vision defect, visual disorder n14553290 myopia, nearsightedness, shortsightedness n14553590 astigmatism, astigmia n14553873 anopia n14554011 hyperopia, hypermetropia, hypermetropy, farsightedness, longsightedness n14554345 hemeralopia, day blindness n14554459 hemianopia, hemianopsia n14554591 quadrantanopia n14554695 metamorphopsia n14554853 nyctalopia, night blindness, moon blindness n14555059 photoretinitis n14555214 presbyopia, farsightedness n14555414 eye condition n14555560 anisometropia n14555688 isometropia n14555790 snowblindness, snow-blindness n14555962 retinal detachment, detachment of the retina, detached retina n14556203 scotoma n14556426 annular scotoma n14556552 central scotoma n14556656 hemianopic scotoma n14556765 paracentral scotoma n14556879 scintillating scotoma, flittering scotoma n14557091 tunnel vision n14557206 eyelessness n14557315 figural blindness n14557415 strabismus, squint n14557573 walleye, divergent strabismus, exotropia n14557719 torticollis, wryneck n14557898 dysfunction, disfunction n14558226 paralysis, palsy n14558599 paresis n14558700 paraparesis n14558801 metroptosis, descensus uteri n14558899 nephroptosis, nephroptosia n14558995 ptosis n14559134 brow ptosis n14559208 prolapse, prolapsus, descensus n14559495 paraplegia n14559644 hemiplegia, unilateral paralysis n14559757 quadriplegia n14559852 hypoesthesia, hypesthesia n14559983 knock-knee, genu valgum, tibia valga n14560115 pigeon toes n14560253 bow leg, bow legs, bandy legs n14560360 unsoundness n14560538 disrepair n14560612 decay n14560926 putrefaction, rot n14561102 putrescence, putridness, rottenness, corruption n14561327 decomposition, disintegration n14561461 disintegration n14561618 deterioration, impairment n14561839 rancidity n14561995 corrosion n14562142 devastation, desolation n14562324 ruin, ruination n14562541 decrepitude, dilapidation n14562683 wear n14562854 blight n14562960 end, destruction, death n14563222 foulness n14563475 impropriety n14563564 iniquity, wickedness, darkness, dark n14563784 light, illumination n14563928 malady n14564056 revocation, annulment n14564165 merchantability n14564306 sale n14564519 urinary hesitancy n14564779 wall n14564934 sarcoidosis n14565121 morphea n14565196 scleroderma, dermatosclerosis n14565417 thrombocytopenic purpura, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, purpura hemorrhagica, Werlhof's disease n14565696 sex-linked disorder n14565927 Turner's syndrome n14566129 urinary tract infection n14566308 pyelonephritis n14566476 acute pyelonephritis n14566606 carotenemia, xanthemia n14566766 chronic pyelonephritis n14566996 nongonococcal urethritis, NGU n14567134 rhinorrhea n14567281 rhinosporidiosis n14567421 urethritis n14567571 nonspecific urethritis, NSU n14567690 sodoku, spirillum fever n14567812 stasis n14567956 steatorrhea n14568194 stridor n14568359 tinnitus n14568516 climax n14568621 serration n14568762 turgor n14568986 shin splints n14569121 hepatolenticular degeneration, Wilson's disease n14569337 homozygosity n14569508 heterozygosity n14569683 neotony n14569844 plurality n14570091 polyvalence, polyvalency n14570330 polyvalence, polyvalency, multivalence, multivalency n14570581 amphidiploidy n14570676 diploidy n14570761 haploidy n14570846 heteroploidy n14570939 polyploidy n14571028 mosaicism n14571181 orphanage, orphanhood n14571377 kraurosis n14571504 kraurosis vulvae n14571618 oligospermia n14571714 tenesmus n14571930 stigmatism n14572074 transsexualism n14572265 trismus n14572353 uratemia n14572503 uraturia n14572637 ureterocele n14572770 ureterostenosis n14572854 urethrocele n14572951 uricaciduria n14573099 urocele n14573196 uropathy n14573303 varicocele n14573432 varicosis n14573553 varicosity n14573713 varix n14573846 viremia, viraemia n14574014 volvulus n14574192 xanthopsia n14574349 absolution n14574504 automation n14574675 brutalization, brutalisation n14574846 condemnation n14575063 deification n14575180 diversification n14575399 exoneration n14575531 facilitation n14575700 frizz n14575849 fruition n14575952 hiding n14576053 hospitalization n14576242 hypertonia, hypertonus, hypertonicity n14576468 hypotonia, hypotonus, hypotonicity n14576690 hypertonicity n14576860 hypotonicity n14577046 identification n14577331 impaction n14577469 ionization, ionisation n14577753 irradiation n14577872 leakiness n14578104 lubrication n14578302 mechanization, mechanisation n14578471 motivation n14578634 mummification n14578792 paternity n14578940 preservation n14579063 prognathism n14579215 rustication n14579365 rustiness n14579489 scandalization, scandalisation n14579623 slot n14579827 toehold n14580090 submission n14580334 urbanization, urbanisation n14580476 utilization n14580597 substance n14580752 chemistry n14580897 material, stuff n14582025 ylem n14582220 dark matter n14582535 antimatter n14582716 micronutrient n14582870 philosopher's stone, philosophers' stone, elixir n14583066 precursor n14583228 phlogiston n14583400 chyme n14583573 glop n14583670 impurity, dross n14583843 acceptor n14584016 adduct n14584110 actinoid, actinide, actinon n14584260 allergen n14584390 assay n14584502 pyrogen, pyrectic n14584658 pyrogen n14584765 aldehyde n14585048 alkapton, alcapton, homogentisic acid n14585223 antiknock n14585392 ragweed pollen n14585519 atom, molecule, particle, corpuscle, mote, speck n14585808 ammunition n14585960 floccule, floc n14586119 HAZMAT n14586258 mixture n14586769 alloy, metal n14587688 botulinum toxin n14587886 botulinum toxin A, Botox n14588219 colloid n14588492 composition n14588646 dispersed phase, dispersed particles n14588797 dispersing phase, dispersion medium, dispersing medium n14588986 mechanical mixture n14589114 eutectic n14589223 solution n14589912 aqueous solution n14589994 Ringer's solution, Ringer solution n14590293 saline solution, saline n14590441 polyelectrolyte n14590542 gel, colloidal gel n14590685 hydrogel n14590795 sol, colloidal solution, colloidal suspension n14590975 hydrocolloid n14591091 suspension n14591333 slurry n14591481 resuspension n14591635 precipitate n14591804 sludge n14591901 domoic acid n14592028 acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, ABS n14592217 Mylar n14592309 pina cloth n14592405 Plasticine n14592610 plastic n14593162 plasticizer, plasticiser n14593344 thermoplastic, thermoplastic resin n14593545 saran n14593671 acrylic, acrylic resin, acrylate resin n14593874 polymethyl methacrylate n14594032 Lucite, Perspex n14594174 Plexiglas, plexiglass n14594313 polyethylene, polythene n14594456 acetyl, acetyl group, acetyl radical, ethanoyl group, ethanoyl radical n14594708 acyl, acyl group n14594925 aggregate n14595076 alcohol group, alcohol radical n14595176 aldehyde group, aldehyde radical n14595279 polyvinyl acetate, PVA n14595403 polyvinyl chloride, PVC n14595543 styrene, cinnamene, phenylethylene, vinylbenzene n14595711 polystyrene n14595933 Styrofoam n14596063 thermosetting compositions, thermosetting resin n14596216 Bakelite n14596398 Teflon, polytetrafluoroethylene n14596599 Vinylite n14596700 raw material, staple n14596839 feedstock n14596956 sorbate n14597158 sorbent, sorbent material n14597413 absorbent material, absorbent n14597628 absorbate n14597758 sponge n14598079 absorber n14598251 absorbent cotton n14598383 absorption indicator n14598525 adsorbent, adsorbent material n14598704 adsorbate n14598834 acaricide, acaracide n14598937 acaroid resin, accaroid resin, accroides, accroides resin, accroides gum, gum accroides n14599168 acetic acid, ethanoic acid n14599494 acetin n14599641 acetum n14599806 acetate, ethanoate n14599938 dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, DDT n14600135 larvacide n14600238 lead arsenate n14600357 tetraethyl lead, lead tetraethyl n14600504 acetone, propanone, dimethyl ketone n14600742 acetylene, ethyne, alkyne n14600927 adobe n14601039 Agent Orange n14601178 alicyclic compound n14601294 aliphatic compound n14601505 alkylbenzene n14601646 alkyl halide, haloalkane n14601829 amino acid, aminoalkanoic acid n14602490 alanine n14602597 argil n14602721 arsenical n14602851 asparagine n14602987 aspartic acid n14603143 canavanine n14603236 chlorobenzene n14603497 chlorofluorocarbon, CFC n14603798 chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile, CS gas n14604038 chloroacetophenone, CN gas n14604184 citrate n14604286 citrulline n14604454 cysteine n14604616 cystine n14604763 diamagnet n14604857 diamine n14604959 dopa, dihydroxyphenylalanine n14605132 L-dopa, levodopa, Bendopa, Brocadopa, Larodopa n14605415 endonuclease n14605590 enol n14605787 essential amino acid n14606137 exonuclease n14606290 gamma aminobutyric acid, GABA n14606482 glutamic acid, glutaminic acid n14606704 glutamine n14606839 glutathione peroxidase n14606993 glycine n14607131 hydroxyproline n14607250 iodoamino acid n14607378 ornithine n14607521 acid n14609198 acid-base indicator n14609443 alpha-linolenic acid n14609689 alpha-naphthol n14609784 alpha-naphthol test, Molisch's test, Molisch test, Molisch reaction n14610088 aromatic compound n14610261 arsenate n14610347 arsenic acid n14610443 arsenide n14610548 cerotic acid, hexacosanoic acid n14610703 chlorate n14610782 chloric acid n14610914 chlorous acid n14611031 monobasic acid n14611158 dibasic acid n14611279 dibasic salt n14611397 tribasic acid n14611521 tritium n14611679 tetrabasic acid n14611804 fulminic acid n14611980 gamma acid n14612077 heavy metal n14612317 hexanedioic acid, adipic acid n14612444 HMG-CoA reductase, 5-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase n14612618 horseradish peroxidase n14612764 hydrazoic acid, azoimide, hydrogen azide, HN n14612972 hydriodic acid n14613130 hydrochlorofluorocarbon, HCFC n14613368 hydrogen cyanide n14613643 hydrocyanic acid, prussic acid n14613841 hydrolysate n14613922 hydroxy acid n14614139 hydroxybenzoic acid n14614245 hypochlorite n14614378 hyponitrous acid n14614490 hypophosphoric acid n14614594 hypophosphorous acid, phosphorous acid, orthophosphorous acid n14614744 juniperic acid n14614864 lysergic acid n14615006 manganic acid n14615135 metaphosphoric acid n14615264 polyphosphoric acid n14615400 pyrogallol, pyrogallic acid n14615602 pyrophosphoric acid n14615724 pyrophosphate n14615822 methacrylic acid, 2-methylpropenoic acid n14615971 mucic acid n14616073 selenic acid n14616181 suberic acid, octanedioic acid n14616292 succinic acid n14616410 sulfonate n14616508 sulfonic acid, sulphonic acid n14616620 titanic acid n14616740 titanium dioxide, titanium oxide, titanic oxide, titania n14616939 adulterant, adulterator n14617189 alkyl, alkyl group, alkyl radical n14617427 allyl, allyl group, allyl radical n14617597 amino, amino group n14617715 aminomethane n14617834 amyl n14617944 anionic compound n14618050 anionic detergent, anionic, non-ionic detergent n14618253 base, alkali n14618674 base metal n14618834 binary compound n14619033 chelate, chelate compound n14619225 atom n14619658 isotope n14619857 radioisotope n14620066 label n14620257 halon n14620549 bromoform, tribromomethane n14620654 fluoroform, trifluoromethane n14620781 iodoform, tri-iodomethane n14620895 haloform n14621080 monad n14621194 azido group, azido radical n14621319 azo group, azo radical n14621446 group, radical, chemical group n14622141 fullerene n14622350 buckminsterfullerene, buckyball n14622491 carbon nanotube, nanotube n14622623 benzyl, benzyl group, benzyl radical n14622768 benzoyl group, benzoyl radical n14622893 chemical element, element n14624025 allotrope n14624191 transuranic element n14624369 noble gas, inert gas, argonon n14624659 helium group n14624743 rare earth, rare-earth element, lanthanoid, lanthanide, lanthanon n14624944 terbium metal n14625110 actinide series n14625297 lanthanide series n14625458 metallic element, metal n14627081 noble metal n14627246 nonmetal n14627373 transactinide n14627529 metallized dye n14627655 actinium, Ac, atomic number 89 n14627820 aluminum, aluminium, Al, atomic number 13 n14628119 alum, potassium alum, potash alum n14628307 alum, ammonia alum, ammonium alum n14628494 americium, Am, atomic number 95 n14628668 antimony, Sb, atomic number 51 n14628920 argon, Ar, atomic number 18 n14629149 arsenic, As, atomic number 33 n14629561 astatine, At, atomic number 85 n14629772 atrazine n14629998 barium, Ba, atomic number 56 n14630204 baryta n14630363 barium hydroxide n14630492 barium monoxide, barium oxide, barium protoxide n14630630 barium dioxide, barium peroxide n14630769 base pair n14631134 berkelium, Bk, atomic number 97 n14631295 beryllium, Be, glucinium, atomic number 4 n14631502 bismuth, Bi, atomic number 83 n14631757 bohrium, Bh, element 107, atomic number 107 n14631871 boron, B, atomic number 5 n14632129 bromine, Br, atomic number 35 n14632444 cadmium, Cd, atomic number 48 n14632648 calcium, Ca, atomic number 20 n14633037 californium, Cf, atomic number 98 n14633206 carbon, C, atomic number 6 n14633781 carbon atom n14633856 radiocarbon, carbon 14 n14633957 cerium, Ce, atomic number 58 n14634232 cesium, caesium, Cs, atomic number 55 n14634477 cesium 137 n14634591 chlorine, Cl, atomic number 17 n14634999 radiochlorine n14635092 chromium, Cr, atomic number 24 n14635290 cobalt, Co, atomic number 27 n14635542 cobalt 60 n14635722 copper, Cu, atomic number 29 n14636220 curium, Cm, atomic number 96 n14636392 darmstadtium, Ds, element 110, atomic number 110 n14636523 dubnium, Db, hahnium, element 105, atomic number 105 n14636647 dysprosium, Dy, atomic number 66 n14636822 einsteinium, Es, E, atomic number 99 n14636988 erbium, Er, atomic number 68 n14637176 europium, Eu, atomic number 63 n14637339 fermium, Fm, atomic number 100 n14637507 fluorine, F, atomic number 9 n14637864 francium, Fr, atomic number 87 n14638041 gadolinium, Gd, atomic number 64 n14638256 gallium, Ga, atomic number 31 n14638517 germanium, Ge, atomic number 32 n14638799 gold, Au, atomic number 79 n14639269 18-karat gold n14639368 22-karat gold n14639467 24-karat gold, pure gold n14639556 hafnium, Hf, atomic number 72 n14639795 hassium, Hs, element 108, atomic number 108 n14639921 helium, He, atomic number 2 n14640222 holmium, Ho, atomic number 67 n14640434 hydrogen, H, atomic number 1 n14640756 hydrogen atom n14640890 acidic hydrogen, acid hydrogen n14641046 deuterium, heavy hydrogen n14641223 indium, In, atomic number 49 n14641397 iodine, iodin, I, atomic number 53 n14641797 iodine-131 n14642005 iodine-125 n14642219 iridium, Ir, atomic number 77 n14642417 iron, Fe, atomic number 26 n14642916 krypton, Kr, atomic number 36 n14643118 lanthanum, La, atomic number 57 n14643323 lawrencium, Lr, atomic number 103 n14643467 lead, Pb, atomic number 82 n14643793 lithium, Li, atomic number 3 n14644063 lutetium, lutecium, Lu, atomic number 71 n14644249 magnesium, Mg, atomic number 12 n14644654 manganese, Mn, atomic number 25 n14644963 meitnerium, Mt, element 109, atomic number 109 n14645092 mendelevium, Md, Mv, atomic number 101 n14645346 mercury, quicksilver, hydrargyrum, Hg, atomic number 80 n14645661 molybdenum, Mo, atomic number 42 n14645882 neodymium, Nd, atomic number 60 n14646152 neon, Ne, atomic number 10 n14646403 neptunium, Np, atomic number 93 n14646610 nickel, Ni, atomic number 28 n14646942 niobium, Nb, atomic number 41 n14647154 columbium n14647235 nitrogen, N, atomic number 7 n14647623 azote n14647722 nobelium, No, atomic number 102 n14647907 osmium, Os, atomic number 76 n14648100 oxygen, O, atomic number 8 n14648526 liquid oxygen, LOX n14648754 palladium, Pd, atomic number 46 n14649036 phosphor n14649197 phosphorus, P, atomic number 15 n14649543 platinum, Pt, atomic number 78 n14649775 plutonium, Pu, atomic number 94 n14650137 plutonium 239 n14650366 weapons plutonium, weapon-grade plutonium n14650556 polonium, Po, atomic number 84 n14650807 potassium, K, atomic number 19 n14651212 praseodymium, Pr, atomic number 59 n14651479 promethium, Pm, atomic number 61 n14651708 protactinium, protoactinium, Pa, atomic number 91 n14651921 radium, Ra, atomic number 88 n14652104 radon, Rn, atomic number 86 n14652390 rhenium, Re, atomic number 75 n14652623 rhodium, Rh, atomic number 45 n14652824 roentgenium, Rg, element 111, atomic number 111 n14652954 rubidium, Rb, atomic number 37 n14653242 ruthenium, Ru, atomic number 44 n14653416 rutherfordium, Rf, unnilquadium, Unq, element 104, atomic number 104 n14653596 samarium, Sm, atomic number 62 n14653831 scandium, Sc, atomic number 21 n14654058 seaborgium, Sg, element 106, atomic number 106 n14654175 selenium, Se, atomic number 34 n14654541 silicon, Si, atomic number 14 n14654954 silver, Ag, atomic number 47 n14655371 sodium, Na, atomic number 11 n14655731 strontium, Sr, atomic number 38 n14656001 strontium 90 n14656219 sulfur, S, sulphur, atomic number 16 n14656666 tantalum, Ta, atomic number 73 n14656926 taurine n14657047 technetium, Tc, atomic number 43 n14657228 tellurium, Te, atomic number 52 n14657566 terbium, Tb, atomic number 65 n14657818 thallium, Tl, atomic number 81 n14658109 thorium, Th, atomic number 90 n14658422 thorium-228, radiothorium n14658546 thulium, Tm, atomic number 69 n14658855 tin, Sn, atomic number 50 n14659211 titanium, Ti, atomic number 22 n14659512 tungsten, wolfram, W, atomic number 74 n14659794 ununbium, Uub, element 112, atomic number 112 n14659922 ununhexium, Uuh, element 116, atomic number 116 n14660052 ununpentium, Uup, element 115, atomic number 115 n14660183 ununquadium, Uuq, element 114, atomic number 114 n14660314 ununtrium, Uut, element 113, atomic number 113 n14660443 uranium, U, atomic number 92 n14660700 uranium 235 n14660835 uranium 238 n14661020 vanadium, V, atomic number 23 n14661274 xenon, Xe, atomic number 54 n14661482 ytterbium, Yb, atomic number 70 n14661740 yttrium, Y, atomic number 39 n14661977 zinc, Zn, atomic number 30 n14662281 zirconium, Zr, atomic number 40 n14662574 mineral n14665102 ader wax, earth wax, mineral wax, ozokerite, ozocerite n14665351 alabaster n14665469 alabaster, oriental alabaster, onyx marble, Mexican onyx n14665605 amblygonite n14665767 amphibole n14666012 amphibole group n14666369 amphibolite n14666510 apatite n14666758 aragonite n14666885 argentite n14667017 argillite n14667181 argyrodite n14667328 arsenopyrite, mispickel n14667455 asphalt, mineral pitch n14667668 augite n14667855 azurite n14667949 baddeleyite n14668065 bastnasite, bastnaesite n14668277 bauxite n14668539 beryl n14668743 biotite n14668895 bone black, bone char, animal black, animal charcoal n14669084 borax n14669242 bornite, peacock ore n14669413 carnallite n14669677 carnotite n14669823 caspase n14669927 cassiterite n14670061 celestite n14670178 cerussite, white lead ore n14670344 chalcocite, copper glance n14670481 chalcopyrite, copper pyrites n14670639 china clay, china stone, kaolin, kaoline, porcelain clay, terra alba n14670954 chlorite n14671125 chromite n14671253 chromogen n14671372 chrysoberyl n14671587 cinnabar n14671744 cobalt blue, cobalt ultramarine n14671895 cobaltite n14672023 sodium chloride, common salt n14672224 halite, rock salt n14672373 columbite-tantalite, coltan n14672544 cordierite n14672717 corundom, corundum n14672893 cristobalite n14673032 crocolite n14673150 cryolite, Greenland spar n14673325 cuprite n14673462 cutin n14673669 damourite n14673747 dolomite, bitter spar n14673978 earth color n14674143 emery n14674408 emulsifier n14674584 emulsion n14674776 erythrite, cobalt bloom n14675012 fergusonite n14675216 fluorapatite n14675356 fluorite, fluorspar, fluor n14675569 gadolinite, ytterbite n14675910 galena n14676042 garnet n14676326 garnierite n14676486 almandite, almandine n14676608 germanite n14676756 gesso n14676943 gibbsite n14677144 glauconite n14677314 goethite, gothite n14677485 greaves, crackling n14677610 greenockite, cadmium sulphide n14677778 gypsum n14678068 hausmannite n14678230 heavy spar, barite, barytes, barium sulphate n14678406 hemimorphite, calamine n14678551 ilmenite n14678762 jadeite n14678952 kainite n14679147 kaolinite n14679267 kernite n14679447 kieserite n14679584 kyanite, cyanite n14679780 lactate n14679882 langbeinite n14680040 lecithin n14680261 lepidolite n14680415 lepidomelane n14680514 magnesite n14680661 malachite n14680836 maltha, mineral tar n14680963 manganese tetroxide n14681100 manganite n14681249 marl n14681445 meerschaum, sepiolite n14681555 mica, isinglass n14681987 millerite n14682133 molecule n14682469 molybdenite n14682642 monazite n14682963 monomer n14683085 muscovite n14683204 nepheline, nephelite n14683447 nephelinite n14683595 nephrite n14683859 niobite, columbite n14684017 nitrocalcite n14684111 olivine n14684272 olivenite n14684427 ozonide n14684607 perchlorate n14684690 perchloric acid n14684798 proline n14684918 biomass n14685017 butane n14685172 char n14685296 charcoal, wood coal n14685475 coal gas n14685641 town gas n14685768 coke n14685881 diesel oil, diesel fuel n14686020 derv n14686186 fire n14686352 fossil fuel n14686585 fuel oil, heating oil n14686723 gasohol n14686913 gasoline, gasolene, gas, petrol n14687261 leaded gasoline, leaded petrol n14687513 illuminant n14687633 kerosene, kerosine, lamp oil, coal oil n14687818 methanol, methyl alcohol, wood alcohol, wood spirit n14688089 nuclear fuel n14688234 opal n14688500 ore n14688705 oroide, oreide n14688831 orpiment n14688978 osmiridium, iridosmine n14689226 paragonite n14689325 paraldehyde, ethanal trimer n14689493 peat n14689672 pentlandite n14689817 triose n14689940 tetrose n14690063 pentose n14690186 hexose n14690335 pentoxide n14690447 peptone n14690607 periclase, magnesia, magnesium oxide n14690790 phlogopite n14690938 pinite n14691085 pollucite n14691231 quaternary ammonium compound n14691445 proenzyme, zymogen n14691686 propane n14691822 propellant, propellent n14692026 rocket fuel, rocket propellant, rocket propellent n14692202 propylthiouracil n14692342 psilomelane n14692510 pyridine n14692682 pyrite, iron pyrite, fool's gold n14692844 pyrites n14692973 pyrolusite n14693124 pyromorphite, green lead ore n14693275 pyrophyllite n14693396 pyroxene n14693575 pyrrhotite, pyrrhotine, magnetic pyrites n14693733 quartz n14694161 quartzite n14694293 rock crystal, transparent quartz n14694453 rhinestone n14694571 cairngorm, smoky quartz n14694672 rag paper n14694765 reactant n14694910 realgar n14695069 red clay n14695184 red fire n14695351 regosol n14695497 regur, regur soil n14695588 residual soil, residual clay n14695737 topsoil, surface soil n14695838 subsoil, undersoil n14695953 resinoid n14696035 rhodochrosite n14696180 rhodonite n14696331 ribose n14696463 ricin, ricin toxin n14696690 road metal n14696793 rock, stone n14697485 arenaceous rock n14697600 argillaceous rock n14697708 rudaceous rock n14697839 breccia n14698000 sedimentary rock n14698233 sial n14698405 sima n14698568 marlite, marlstone n14698698 metamorphic rock n14698884 gravel, crushed rock n14699068 hornfels, hornstone n14699209 ballast n14699321 bank gravel, pit-run gravel, pit run n14699441 caliche n14699574 shingle n14699752 gem, gemstone, stone n14700046 cabochon n14700162 slate n14700280 shingling n14700438 pumice, pumice stone n14700594 grit, gritrock, gritstone n14700745 animal product n14700985 ambergris n14701143 lac n14701412 garnet lac n14701521 gum-lac n14701628 shellac n14701826 mosaic gold, stannic sulfide n14701949 stick lac n14702117 seed lac n14702256 Sonora lac n14702416 adhesive material, adhesive agent, adhesive n14702703 birdlime, lime n14702875 glue, gum, mucilage n14703190 animal glue n14703345 casein glue n14703458 Crazy Glue n14703566 fish glue n14703709 marine glue n14703797 putty n14703999 iron putty n14704152 red-lead putty n14704328 spirit gum n14704465 binder n14704640 cement n14704851 mastic n14704966 paste, library paste n14705183 wafer n14705287 paste n14705386 rubber cement n14705533 sealing material n14705718 sealant, sealer n14706026 filler n14706214 lute, luting n14706372 size, sizing n14706574 purine n14706749 purine n14706889 adenine, A n14707101 adenosine n14707361 adenosine deaminase, ADA n14707710 adenosine monophosphate, AMP, adenylic acid n14707903 adenosine diphosphate, ADP n14708042 adenosine triphosphate, ATP n14708232 agate n14708413 moss agate n14708531 Alar, daminozide n14708720 alcohol n14709102 ether n14709265 ethyl alcohol, ethanol, fermentation alcohol, grain alcohol n14709706 spirits of wine n14709791 absolute alcohol n14709907 isopropyl alcohol, isopropanol n14710024 denaturant n14710164 denatured alcohol n14710325 ethyl, ethyl group, ethyl radical n14710501 aldohexose n14710662 aldose n14710805 acetal n14710935 acetaldol n14711008 acetaldehyde, ethanal n14711197 acetamide, ethanamide n14711364 acrylamide n14711647 agglomerate n14711799 aldol, aldehyde-alcohol n14712036 alkali n14712224 alkali metal, alkaline metal n14712489 alkaline earth, alkaline-earth metal n14712692 alkaloid n14713120 alkene, olefine, olefin n14713247 alkylbenzenesulfonate n14713341 cinchonine n14713487 ephedrine n14713748 ergonovine, Ergotrate Maleate n14714028 ergotamine n14714213 pseudoephedrine n14714353 epsilon toxin, Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin n14714645 aflatoxin n14714817 nicotine n14715008 strychnine n14715189 brucine n14715356 shag n14715453 Turkish tobacco n14715601 latakia n14715679 alexandrite n14715786 alloy iron, alloy cast iron n14716042 alloy steel n14716358 Alnico n14716550 amalgam, dental amalgam n14716845 fusible metal n14716997 brass n14717275 bronze n14717634 gunmetal n14717785 phosphor bronze n14717925 cupronickel n14718017 electrum n14718099 pewter n14718233 pinchbeck n14718362 pot metal n14718483 hard solder n14718626 silver solder n14718715 soft solder n14718822 solder n14719025 gold dust n14719169 white gold n14719291 Monel metal, Monell metal n14719458 type metal n14719597 white metal, bearing metal n14719725 alluvial soil n14719893 allyl alcohol, propenyl alcohol n14720101 allyl resin n14720238 alpha-beta brass, Muntz metal, yellow metal n14720474 alpha brass n14720588 alpha bronze n14720692 alpha iron n14720833 alpha-tocopheral n14720962 carotenoid n14721236 carotene n14721342 lycopene n14721470 beta-carotene n14721635 xanthophyll, xanthophyl, lutein n14721781 zeaxanthin n14721951 betaine n14722056 beta iron n14722240 gamma iron n14722426 delta iron n14722589 amethyst n14722738 amygdaloid n14722912 aluminum bronze, aluminium bronze n14723079 activator n14723425 activating agent n14723628 catalyst, accelerator n14723909 biocatalyst n14724025 sensitizer, sensitiser n14724264 amide n14724436 inhibitor n14724645 antioxidant n14724916 rust inhibitor n14725024 anticatalyst n14725217 actinolite n14725364 andesite n14725444 anthophyllite n14725591 asbestos n14725809 chrysotile n14725941 tremolite n14726124 hornblende n14726315 aphanite n14726484 aplite n14726642 afterdamp n14726823 dacite n14726998 firedamp n14727153 carrier n14727355 moderator n14727508 heavy water, deuterium oxide n14727670 organic compound n14728724 protein n14729633 recombinant protein n14729737 actomyosin n14729953 aleurone n14730105 amyloid n14730301 apoenzyme n14730421 beta-naphthol n14730553 gelatin, gelatine n14730802 chondrin n14730955 mucin n14731135 conjugated protein, compound protein n14731334 actin n14731509 albumin, albumen n14731716 lactalbumin n14731799 serum albumin n14731964 alpha globulin n14732116 serum globulin n14732299 C-reactive protein, CRP n14732472 keratin, ceratin n14732722 chitin n14732946 enzyme n14733941 fibrin n14734164 filaggrin n14734348 growth factor n14734487 nerve growth factor, NGF n14734625 haptoglobin n14734761 iodoprotein, iodinated protein n14734905 nucleoprotein n14735077 opsin n14735225 phosphoprotein n14735347 casein n14735457 amylase n14735642 angiotensin converting enzyme, angiotensin-converting enzyme, ACE n14735822 cholinesterase n14735953 coagulase n14736079 collagenase n14736201 complement n14736359 plasma protein n14736510 prostate specific antigen, PSA n14736854 proteome n14736972 simple protein n14737249 thrombin n14737365 tumor necrosis factor, tumour necrosis factor, TNF n14737639 catalase n14737847 cyclooxygenase, Cox n14738052 cyclooxygenase-1, Cox-1 n14738295 cyclooxygenase-2, Cox-2 n14738521 ptyalin n14738623 rennet n14738752 ferment n14738892 substrate n14739004 amine, aminoalkane n14739271 azadirachtin n14739360 carboxylic acid n14739734 saccharic acid n14739861 sebacic acid, decanedioic acid n14739978 sorbic acid n14740094 valeric acid, pentanoic acid n14740227 fatty acid n14740587 saturated fatty acid n14740915 unsaturated fatty acid n14741124 trans fatty acid n14741474 monounsaturated fatty acid n14741730 polyunsaturated fatty acid n14742028 omega-3 fatty acid, omega-3 n14742271 omega-6 fatty acid, omega-6 n14742476 margaric acid, heptadecanoic acid n14742601 ricinoleic acid n14742737 fibrinopeptide n14742917 polypeptide n14743046 peptide n14743289 aminobenzoic acid n14743381 amino plastic, aminoplast, amino resin n14743582 ammonia n14743727 ammine n14743840 ammonia water, ammonia, ammonium hydroxide n14743976 ammoniac, gum ammoniac n14744120 ammonium, ammonium ion n14744291 ammonium carbamate n14744417 ammonium carbonate n14744589 ammonium chloride, sal ammoniac n14744698 amyl alcohol n14744841 phytohormone, plant hormone, growth regulator n14745057 auxin n14745222 gibberellin n14745368 gibberellic acid n14745477 kinin, cytokinin n14745635 steroid hormone, steroid, sex hormone n14745891 corticosterone n14746048 progesterone, Lipo-Lutin n14746270 megestrol, megestrol acetate n14746417 norethindrone, norethindrone acetate, norethandrolone, Norlutin n14746793 norethynodrel n14747007 norgestrel n14747168 medroxyprogesterone, Provera n14747338 progestin, progestogen n14747587 androgen, androgenic hormone n14747838 adrenosterone n14747981 androsterone n14748117 methyltestosterone n14748335 nandrolone, Durabolin, Kabolin n14748577 testosterone n14748765 follicle-stimulating hormone, FSH n14749030 human chorionic gonadotropin, human chorionic gonadotrophin, HCG n14749272 luteinizing hormone, LH, interstitial cell-stimulating hormone, ICSH n14749543 prolactin, lactogenic hormone, luteotropin n14749794 estrogen, oestrogen n14750122 diethylstilbestrol, diethylstilboestrol, stilbestrol, stilboestrol, DES n14750316 estradiol, oestradiol n14750622 estriol, oestriol n14750782 estrone, oestrone, theelin, Estronol n14751055 hexestrol n14751216 mestranol n14751417 corticosteroid, corticoid, adrenal cortical steroid n14751863 mineralocorticoid n14752057 glucocorticoid n14752323 glucosamine n14752511 aldosterone n14752702 hydrocortisone, cortisol, Hydrocortone, Cortef n14752952 cortisone, Cortone Acetate n14753188 prednisolone, Pediapred, Prelone n14753414 prednisone, Orasone, Deltasone, Liquid Pred, Meticorten n14753808 dexamethasone, Decadron, Dexamethasone Intensol, Dexone, Hexadrol, Oradexon n14754192 spironolactone, Aldactone n14754378 acid dye n14754505 aniline, aniline oil, aminobenzine, phenylamine n14754705 alizarin yellow n14754860 anil, indigo, indigotin n14754985 aniline dye n14755077 animal oil n14755641 drying oil n14755804 animal material n14756039 animal pigment n14756200 arsine n14756369 bilirubin, hematoidin, haematoidin n14756606 urobilin n14756754 urobilinogen, stercobilinogen n14757011 luciferin n14757172 melanin n14757382 dentine, dentin n14757547 ivory, tusk n14757754 fluff n14757848 bone, osseous tissue n14758027 horn n14758252 whalebone, baleen n14758420 tortoiseshell n14758536 shell n14758706 mother-of-pearl, nacre n14758842 animal skin n14759003 parchment, sheepskin, lambskin n14759147 vellum n14759275 hide, fell n14759444 cowhide n14759515 goatskin n14759588 rawhide n14759722 leather n14760339 grain n14760447 alligator n14760555 buckskin n14760696 buff n14760813 ooze leather n14760965 Russia leather n14761122 caffeine, caffein n14761334 calf, calfskin n14761450 white leather, whit leather n14761578 cassava, cassava starch, manioc, manioca n14761806 chamois, chamois leather, chammy, chammy leather, shammy, shammy leather n14762038 wash leather n14762145 cordovan n14762248 cowhide, cowskin n14762366 crushed leather, crush n14762486 deerskin n14762572 doeskin n14762664 glove leather n14762758 horsehide n14762846 kid, kidskin n14762969 mocha n14763059 morocco n14763218 Levant, Levant morocco n14763329 patent leather n14763424 pigskin n14763508 sheepskin, fleece n14763674 Golden Fleece n14763879 shoe leather n14763964 suede, suede leather n14764061 fur, pelt n14764440 astrakhan n14764518 bearskin n14764617 beaver, beaver fur n14764715 chinchilla n14764820 ermine n14764910 fox n14765016 lambskin n14765148 broadtail n14765240 Persian lamb n14765324 lapin, rabbit n14765422 leopard n14765497 mink n14765575 muskrat, muskrat fur n14765687 hudson seal n14765785 otter n14765856 raccoon n14765946 sable n14766040 seal, sealskin n14766189 squirrel n14766265 anime, gum anime n14766364 antifreeze n14766532 nitric acid, aqua fortis n14766725 nitrous acid n14766890 nitrogen oxide n14767087 nitrogen dioxide n14767202 nitric oxide n14767291 anhydride n14767477 aqua regia, nitrohydrochloric acid n14767663 aquamarine n14767796 arginine n14767996 aromatic hydrocarbon n14768201 arsenic, arsenic trioxide, arsenous anhydride, arsenous oxide, white arsenic, ratsbane n14768480 artificial blood n14768640 acetic anhydride n14768765 phthalic anhydride n14768854 art paper n14768989 asafetida, asafoetida n14769160 ash n14769331 fly ash n14769465 asphalt n14769644 mineral wool, rock wool n14769760 austenite n14769962 austenitic steel n14770146 axle grease n14770248 azide n14770400 hydrazoite n14770500 azo dye n14770631 congo red n14770838 gentian violet, crystal violet n14771088 thiazine n14771270 methylene blue, methylthionine chloride n14771482 methyl orange n14771643 phenothiazine, thiodiphenylamine n14771831 diazonium n14772007 Babbitt metal, babbitt n14772185 bactericide, bacteriacide n14772317 bagasse n14772461 baking powder n14772594 banana oil n14772716 barbituric acid, malonylurea n14772877 barium sulphate, barium sulfate, blanc fixe n14773022 basalt n14773275 basic dye, basic color, basic colour n14773447 basic iron n14773618 basic slag n14773787 bath water n14773865 battery acid, electrolyte acid n14773989 bearing brass n14774090 beebread, ambrosia n14774228 royal jelly n14774397 beef tallow n14774491 beet sugar n14774575 bell metal n14774699 benzene, benzine, benzol n14774894 benzene formula, benzene ring, benzene nucleus, Kekule formula n14775067 benzoate n14775173 benzoate of soda, sodium benzoate n14775321 benzoic acid n14775430 benzoyl peroxide n14775626 beryllium bronze n14775729 bicarbonate, hydrogen carbonate n14775995 bicarbonate of soda, sodium hydrogen carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, baking soda, saleratus n14776237 bimetal n14776391 binder's board, binder board n14776523 bitter principle n14776686 black opal n14776804 active agent, active n14776924 Alka-seltzer n14777104 Brioschi n14777188 Bromo-seltzer n14777277 lansoprazole, Prevacid n14777441 Maalox n14777523 Mylanta n14777606 omeprazole, Prilosec n14777768 Pepto-bismal n14777856 Rolaids n14777939 Tums n14778019 antacid, gastric antacid, alkalizer, alkaliser, antiacid n14778436 agent n14778982 reagent n14779082 bacteriostat n14779205 bleaching agent, bleach, blanching agent, whitener n14779550 chemical agent n14779796 desiccant, drying agent, drier, siccative n14780040 oxidant, oxidizer, oxidiser, oxidizing agent n14780267 reducing agent, reducer, reductant n14780605 bleaching clay, bleaching earth n14780737 mud pie n14780850 bleaching powder, chlorinated lime, chloride of lime n14781062 bleach liquor n14781225 hydrogen peroxide, peroxide n14781513 blister copper n14781631 bloodstone, heliotrope n14781752 blotting paper, blotter n14781872 blow gas, blowing gas n14781989 blubber n14782150 blueprint paper n14782252 blue vitriol, blue copperas, blue stone, chalcanthite n14782403 bog soil n14782529 bond, bond paper n14782689 bone ash n14782833 bonemeal n14782919 neem cake n14783038 bone fat n14783251 bone oil, Dippel's oil n14783436 bone oil n14783588 borate n14783670 boric acid, boracic acid n14783808 boric acid, orthoboric acid n14784111 boron trifluoride n14784198 borosilicate n14784290 bouncing putty n14784506 bowstring hemp n14784601 box calf n14784705 brewer's yeast n14784831 bottom fermenting yeast n14784952 top fermenting yeast n14785065 bricks and mortar n14785197 brushwood n14785325 brimstone, native sulfur, native sulphur n14785436 Britannia metal n14785524 bromic acid n14785625 bromide n14785840 brownstone n14785941 buffer n14786110 buffer solution n14786257 starting buffer n14786361 phosphate buffer solution, PBS n14786479 building material n14786943 lagging n14787093 butylene, butene n14787270 isobutylene n14787386 polybutylene, polybutene n14787520 animal fat n14787707 butterfat n14787816 cabinet wood n14787954 butanone, methyl ethyl ketone n14788200 butyl alcohol, butanol n14788332 butyric acid, butanoic acid n14788485 butyrin n14788596 tributyrin n14788714 cacodyl, cacodyl group, cacodyl radical, arsenic group n14788875 cacodyl, tetramethyldiarsine n14789087 calcium carbide n14789220 calcium-cyanamide, cyanamide n14789365 calcium hypochlorite n14789504 calcium lactate n14789724 calcium nitrate n14789885 calcium oxide, quicklime, lime, calx, calcined lime, fluxing lime, unslaked lime, burnt lime n14790137 calcium phosphate n14790259 calcium stearate, calcium octadecanoate n14790526 carbonyl n14790693 carbonyl group n14790796 carboxyl, carboxyl group n14790979 camphor n14791202 camphor oil n14791292 candelilla wax n14791453 cane sugar n14791560 cannabin, cannabis resin n14791722 cannel coal n14791830 capric acid, decanoic acid n14791988 caproic acid, hexanoic acid n14792146 caprylic acid n14792281 carbamate n14792389 carbamic acid n14792550 carbide n14792703 carbohydrate, saccharide, sugar n14793223 Carboloy n14793393 carbonado, black diamond n14793533 carbon black, lampblack, soot, smut, crock n14793812 carcinogen n14793921 cellulose n14794203 carboxymethyl cellulose n14794304 diethylaminoethyl cellulose, DEAE cellulose n14794418 pulp n14794534 cartridge brass n14794693 case-hardened steel n14794823 cellulose ester n14794993 cellulose nitrate, nitrocellulose, guncotton, nitrocotton n14795263 collodion n14795432 pyrocellulose n14795598 pyroxylin, pyroxyline n14795749 glycogen, animal starch n14795959 inulin n14796073 carbolic acid, phenol, hydroxybenzene, oxybenzene, phenylic acid n14796359 activated carbon, activated charcoal n14796575 graphite, black lead, plumbago n14796748 pencil n14796969 carbon dioxide, CO2, carbonic acid gas n14797264 chokedamp, blackdamp n14797436 carbon disulfide n14797641 carbon monoxide, carbon monoxide gas, CO n14797813 carbon paper, carbon n14798039 carbon tetrachloride, carbon tet, tetrachloromethane, perchloromethane n14798331 carbon tetrahalide n14798450 carbonate n14798709 fulminate n14798815 mercury fulminate, fulminate of mercury, fulminating mercury n14799084 carbonic acid n14799244 abrasive, abradant, abrasive material n14799476 carborundum n14799601 cardboard, composition board n14799833 cartridge paper n14799927 cartridge paper n14800034 card n14800138 cocarboxylase, thiamine pyrophosphate n14800277 coenzyme n14800539 coenzyme A n14800706 cofactor n14800842 congener n14800979 corrugated board, corrugated cardboard n14801146 paperboard, poster board, posterboard n14801271 pasteboard n14801402 millboard n14801493 strawboard n14801594 carnelian, cornelian n14801711 carrageenin, carrageenan n14801845 ingot iron n14801921 cast iron n14802167 pot metal n14802262 wrought iron n14802450 steel n14802921 stainless steel, stainless, chromium steel n14803074 carbon steel n14803283 crucible steel n14803438 Damascus steel, Damask steel n14803578 steel wool, wire wool n14803695 cationic detergent, invert soap n14803886 cat's eye n14804039 cellulosic n14804175 cement n14804487 cement n14804641 cement n14804797 reinforced concrete, ferroconcrete n14804958 hydraulic cement, Portland cement n14805145 cementite, iron carbide n14805322 ceresin n14805412 cerulean blue n14805550 cetrimide n14805676 chad n14805899 chaff, husk, shuck, stalk, straw, stubble n14806176 bran n14806333 chalcedony, calcedony n14806598 chalk n14806728 chamosite n14806838 chemical, chemical substance n14807410 neurochemical n14807558 neurotransmitter n14807737 monoamine neurotransmitter n14807929 catecholamine n14808147 chromophore n14808273 serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptamine n14808418 acetylcholine n14808617 acyl anhydrides, acid anhydrides n14808752 acyl halide, acid halide n14808911 acetyl chloride, ethanoyl chloride n14809057 endorphin n14809247 beta endorphin n14809373 enkephalin n14809521 cheoplastic metal n14809666 chernozemic soil n14809756 chisel steel n14809843 chlorine dioxide n14810032 chlorine water n14810168 chloropicrin, nitrochloroform n14810356 nitrochloromethane n14810466 chlorpyrifos n14810561 choline n14810704 chrome n14810854 chrome-nickel steel, Elinvar n14811083 chrome-tungsten steel n14811196 chrome green n14811347 Windsor green n14811435 Hooker's green n14811556 chrome yellow n14811706 chromic acid n14811826 chromate n14811932 lead chromate n14812047 chrysolite n14812233 chrysoprase n14812359 chylomicron n14812566 cigarette paper, rolling paper n14812763 cinder pig n14812872 citric acid n14813067 citrine n14813182 clay n14813560 pipeclay, terra alba n14813709 bentonite n14813843 fireclay n14813957 Kitty Litter n14814125 potter's clay, potter's earth n14814295 slip n14814419 claystone n14814531 clunch n14814616 coal n14814921 anthracite, anthracite coal, hard coal n14815086 bituminous coal, soft coal n14815263 lignite, brown coal, wood coal n14815423 sea coal n14815530 steam coal n14815628 Clorox n14815728 coagulant, coagulator n14815867 cod-liver oil, cod liver oil n14816064 cod oil n14816181 lanolin, wool fat, wool grease n14816401 codon n14816613 coin silver n14816745 combustible, combustible material n14816899 complementary DNA, cDNA n14817141 provirus n14817346 dscDNA n14817419 episome n14817592 complex, coordination compound n14817783 composite material n14817964 hydrochloride n14818101 compost n14818238 compound, chemical compound n14819856 allomorph n14820052 computer paper n14820180 concrete n14820425 conjugate solution, conjugate n14820641 conima n14820747 constantan, Eureka n14820933 construction paper n14821043 conductor n14821248 semiconductor, semiconducting material n14821590 insulator, dielectric, nonconductor n14821852 glass wool n14821984 contaminant, contamination n14822141 coolant n14822563 copper-base alloy n14822762 copper oxide n14822839 copper sulfate, copper sulphate, cupric sulfate, cupric sulphate n14823036 coral, red coral, precious coral n14823227 cork n14823376 corkboard n14823547 phellem, cork n14823690 corn sugar n14823788 corrosive n14823944 alumina, aluminum oxide, aluminium oxide n14824140 aluminate n14824238 aluminum hydroxide, aluminium hydroxide, hydrated aluminum oxide, hydrated aluminium oxide n14824469 alundum n14824556 cottonseed cake, cotton cake n14824702 coumarone-indene resin, coumarone resin n14824906 indene n14825062 covering material n14825243 creatine, creatin n14825487 creosol n14825631 creosote, coal-tar creosote n14825812 creosote n14825982 cresol, methyl phenol n14826173 crepe, crepe paper n14826328 cryogen n14826482 cyanamide, cyanamid n14826613 cyanic acid n14826767 cyanide n14826904 sodium cyanide n14827017 cyanogen n14827191 cyano group, cyano radical, cyanide group, cyanide radical n14827346 nitrile, nitril, cyanide n14827505 cyanohydrin n14827680 cyanuric acid n14827763 cyclohexanol n14827871 cyclohexanol phthalate n14827979 cymene n14828193 cytokine n14828396 cytolysin n14828511 cytosine, C n14828683 daub n14828815 decarboxylase n14828927 defoliant n14829073 de-iodinase n14829172 demantoid n14829264 andradite n14829470 demerara n14829565 deoxyadenosine monophosphate, A n14829765 deoxycytidine monophosphate, C n14829964 deoxyguanosine monophosphate, G n14830164 deoxythymidine monophosphate, T n14830364 deoxyribonucleic acid, desoxyribonucleic acid, DNA n14830992 exon, coding DNA n14831178 intron, noncoding DNA n14831338 junk DNA n14831479 recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid, recombinant DNA n14831665 sticky end n14831812 transposon, jumping gene n14832046 ribonuclease, ribonucleinase, RNase n14832193 ribonucleic acid, RNA n14832770 messenger RNA, mRNA, template RNA, informational RNA n14833027 nuclear RNA, nRNA n14833143 transfer RNA, tRNA, acceptor RNA, soluble RNA n14833514 deoxyribose n14833618 dental gold n14833729 depilatory n14833885 derivative n14834013 desert soil, desertic soil n14834132 dew n14834325 dextrin n14834563 diamond, adamant n14834714 digestive n14834807 mono-iodotyrosine n14834906 di-iodotyrosine n14835004 iodotyrosine n14835125 iodothyronine n14835230 tri-iodothyronine n14835333 dilutant, diluent, thinner n14835478 dilution n14835569 dimer n14835686 dimethylglyoxime n14835817 dimpled chad, pregnant chad, dimple n14835980 diol, glycol, dihydric alcohol n14836127 dioxide n14836308 dioxin n14836468 disaccharidase n14836642 disaccharide n14836851 dishwater n14836960 distillate, distillation n14837258 distilled water n14837364 exhaust, exhaust fumes, fumes n14837506 dressed ore, concentrate n14837678 driftwood n14837786 drill steel, drill rod n14837900 docosahexaenoic acid n14838055 dolomite n14838217 dopamine, Dopastat, Intropin n14838539 dottle n14838677 dragon's blood n14838821 drawing paper n14838951 drilling mud, drilling fluid n14839206 dubbin n14839322 Duralumin n14839439 particulate, particulate matter n14839698 chalk dust n14839846 dust n14840092 dust n14840342 elaidic acid n14840583 elastomer n14840755 element n14841056 elixir n14841267 air n14841770 breath n14841923 hot air n14842019 halitosis n14842091 halitus, exhalation n14842226 compressed gas n14842378 compressed air n14842560 air cushion n14842703 air n14842847 fire n14842992 earth, ground n14843295 diatomaceous earth, diatomite, kieselguhr n14843493 sienna n14843640 bister, bistre n14843767 burnt sienna n14843877 raw sienna n14843986 ocher, ochre n14844169 sinopis, sinopia, sinoper n14844281 yellow ocher, yellow ochre n14844414 earth n14844560 saprolite n14844693 soil, dirt n14845383 soil conditioner n14845578 caliche, hardpan n14845743 water, H2O n14846517 holy water n14846646 musk n14846779 nectar n14846890 pheromone n14847103 quintessence, ether n14847357 water n14847503 ground water, spring water, well water n14847654 eicosapentaenoic acid n14847810 eleostearic acid, elaeostearic acid n14847929 electrolyte n14848149 eluate n14848245 Fehling's solution n14848479 formalin, formol n14848642 gargle, mouthwash n14848785 infusion, extract n14848995 pancreatin n14849215 injection, injectant n14849367 isotonic solution, isosmotic solution n14849540 elastase n14849655 emerald n14849789 emery cloth n14849880 emery paper, sandpaper n14850051 emery stone, emery rock n14850190 enterokinase n14850334 erythropoietin n14850483 ester n14850826 ethane, C2H6 n14850948 ethyl acetate n14851157 ethylene, ethene n14851414 trichloroethylene, trichloroethane, TCE n14851668 ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, EDTA n14851850 ethylene glycol, glycol, ethanediol n14852003 propylene glycol, propanediol n14852312 euphorbium, gum eurphorbium n14852450 discharge, emission n14852646 emmenagogue n14852747 eutectoid steel n14852913 exudate, exudation n14853112 transudate, transudation n14853210 high explosive n14853392 low explosive n14853530 effluvium n14853647 rheum n14853796 vaginal discharge n14853947 body waste, excretion, excreta, excrement, excretory product n14854262 fecal matter, faecal matter, feces, faeces, BM, stool, ordure, dejection n14854581 crap, dirt, shit, shite, poop, turd n14854764 pigeon droppings n14854847 droppings, dung, muck n14855066 cow pie, cowpie n14855150 meconium n14855280 melena, melaena n14855428 fecula n14855512 wormcast n14855635 human waste n14855724 urine, piss, pee, piddle, weewee, water n14855992 vomit, vomitus, puke, barf n14856134 detritus n14856263 waste, waste material, waste matter, waste product n14856752 filth, crud, skank n14856893 sewage, sewerage n14857021 effluent, wastewater, sewer water n14857151 garbage, refuse, food waste, scraps n14857278 pollutant n14857497 rubbish, trash, scrap n14857737 scrap metal n14857897 debris, dust, junk, rubble, detritus n14858099 slack n14858292 litter n14858451 slop n14858637 toxic waste, toxic industrial waste n14858794 extravasation n14858950 fallout, radioactive dust n14859100 fencing material, fencing n14859201 ferrite n14859344 fertilizer, fertiliser, plant food n14859622 gallamine, Flaxedil n14859838 organic, organic fertilizer, organic fertiliser n14860102 flux n14860280 soldering flux n14860455 foryml n14860603 sodium nitrate, soda niter n14860749 pearl ash n14860842 potassium bicarbonate, potassium acid carbonate, potassium hydrogen carbonate n14861042 potassium chloride, potassium muriate, potash muriate, K-Dur 20, Kaochlor, K-lor, Klorvess, K-lyte n14861355 potassium nitrate, saltpeter, saltpetre, niter, nitre n14861566 potassium bromide n14861716 potassium carbonate n14861887 potassium chlorate n14862064 potassium cyanide n14862192 potassium dichromate n14862316 potassium iodide n14862481 producer gas, air gas n14862640 proprionamide, propanamide n14862753 propionic acid, propanoic acid n14863031 pudding stone, conglomerate n14863177 putrescine n14863326 pyroligneous acid, wood vinegar n14863521 manure n14863788 chicken manure n14863883 cow manure n14863970 green manure n14864079 horse manure n14864170 night soil n14864259 facial tissue n14864360 fat n14864731 cocoa butter n14864825 leaf fat, leaf lard n14864961 feldspar, felspar n14865221 orthoclase n14865316 plagioclase, oligoclase n14865533 albite, white feldspar n14865667 anorthite n14865800 ferric oxide n14865934 ferricyanic acid n14866043 ferricyanide n14866166 ferritin n14866369 ferrocerium n14866490 ferrocyanic acid n14866605 ferrocyanide n14866769 fiberglass, fibreglass n14866889 fiber, fibre n14867365 string n14867545 fish meal n14867690 buntal n14867858 fibril, filament, strand n14868116 fieldstone n14868243 filling, fill n14868464 filter paper n14868564 filtrate n14868771 firelighter n14868916 fire opal, girasol n14869035 fish-liver oil, fish oil n14869177 fixative n14869327 fixing agent, fixer n14869513 flavone n14869658 flavonoid n14869829 flax n14869975 flyspeck n14870078 cotton, cotton fiber, cotton wool n14870325 long-staple cotton n14870424 short-staple cotton n14870525 chert n14870665 taconite n14870821 firestone n14870924 flavin n14871078 flint n14871268 flintstone n14871370 flooring n14871464 floor wax n14871601 fluoride n14871791 fluoroboric acid n14871883 fluoroboride n14871968 fluorocarbon n14872226 fluorocarbon plastic n14872325 fluosilicate n14872408 fluosilicic acid, hydrofluosilicic acid n14872572 flypaper n14872697 foam n14872875 foam rubber n14873056 fomentation n14873196 formaldehyde, methanal n14873344 formic acid n14873641 formulation, preparation n14873951 frankincense, olibanum, gum olibanum, thus n14874196 free radical, radical n14874564 freezing mixture n14874731 Freon n14874932 fructose, fruit sugar, levulose, laevulose n14875077 fuel n14875707 fuller's earth n14875878 fulvic acid n14876066 fumaric acid n14876206 fumigant n14876318 furan, furane, furfuran n14876473 furfural, furfuraldehyde n14876679 galactagogue n14876771 galactose, brain sugar n14876872 galbanum, gum albanum n14876993 gallic acid n14877100 galvanized iron n14877234 greenhouse gas, greenhouse emission n14877486 carbuncle n14877585 gas n14878483 liquefied petroleum gas, bottled gas n14878650 water gas n14878844 ghatti, ghatti gum n14878980 kraft, kraft paper n14879115 butcher paper n14879247 gift wrap n14879356 gilding metal n14879492 gilgai soil n14879605 natural glass n14879750 quartz glass, quartz, vitreous silica, lechatelierite, crystal n14879996 opal glass, milk glass n14880107 optical glass n14880273 optical crown, crown glass, optical crown glass n14880425 optical flint, flint glass n14880557 crown glass n14880690 tektite n14880777 volcanic glass n14880960 obsidian n14881143 pitchstone n14881224 tachylite n14881303 glass n14881759 soft glass n14881861 ground glass n14882000 ground glass n14882117 lead glass n14882248 paste n14882370 safety glass, laminated glass, shatterproof glass n14882578 soluble glass, water glass, sodium silicate n14882793 stained glass n14882935 Tiffany glass n14883098 wire glass n14883206 crystal n14883517 twins n14883661 enamine n14883766 enantiomorph, enantiomer n14883954 exotherm n14884120 glucose n14884336 dextrose, dextroglucose, grape sugar n14884481 blood sugar, blood glucose n14884581 glutamate n14884669 glutamic oxalacetic transaminase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase n14884820 glyceraldehyde, glyceric aldehyde n14884963 glyceric acid n14885088 glyceride, acylglycerol n14885369 triglyceride n14885684 glycerol, glycerin, glycerine n14885857 glycerinated gelatin n14886037 glycerin jelly n14886180 glycerite, glycerole n14886297 glycerogelatin, glycerogel n14886443 glyceryl n14886579 nitroglycerin, nitroglycerine, trinitroglycerin, glyceryl trinitrate, Nitrospan, Nitrostat n14887026 glyceryl ester n14887305 glycoside n14887464 amygdalin n14887633 laetrile n14887801 glucoside n14887925 saponin n14888124 glycolic acid, glycollic acid, hydroxyacetic acid n14888310 glycoprotein n14888529 cluster of differentiation 4, CD4 n14888720 cluster of differentiation 8, CD8 n14888884 hemoprotein, haemoprotein n14889074 lectin n14889271 gneiss n14889371 schist n14889479 rust n14889728 goitrogen n14889857 goldstone n14889973 gondang wax, fig wax n14890099 goose grease n14890183 graph paper n14890286 granite n14890485 granular pearlite, globular pearlite n14890659 lubricant, lubricator, lubricating substance, lube n14890945 grease, lubricating oil n14891132 greaseproof paper n14891255 Greek fire n14891425 green gold n14891581 greisen n14891678 groundmass n14891868 grid metal n14891988 grout n14892138 guanine, G n14892289 guano n14892405 guinea gold n14892510 gunite n14892655 essential oil, volatile oil n14892989 attar, atar, athar, ottar n14893128 attar of roses, rose oil n14893271 clove oil, oil of cloves n14893406 costus oil n14893537 eucalyptus oil n14893652 turpentine, oil of turpentine, spirit of turpentine, turps n14893881 wormwood oil, absinthe oil n14894029 linalool n14894140 resin, rosin n14894481 natural resin n14894880 amber n14895003 urea-formaldehyde resin n14895189 copal n14895373 copalite, copaline, fossil copal n14895498 congo copal, congo gum n14895599 kauri, kauri copal, kauri resin, kauri gum n14895807 dammar, gum dammar, damar, dammar resin n14896018 Zanzibar copal, anime n14896128 colophony n14896321 mastic n14896441 oleoresin n14896714 balsam n14896923 balm n14897083 balm of Gilead n14897164 Canada balsam n14897369 turpentine, gum terpentine n14897521 Chian turpentine n14897620 copaiba, copaiba balsam, balsam capivi n14897751 gum resin n14897941 benzoin, gum benzoin, benjamin, gum benjamin, asa dulcis n14898101 benzofuran, coumarone, cumarone n14898273 bdellium n14898364 gamboge n14898470 gum n14899152 medium n14899328 culture medium, medium n14899530 medium n14899687 contrast medium, contrast material n14899888 medium n14900008 agar, agar-agar n14900184 agar, nutrient agar n14900342 blood agar n14900454 algin, alginic acid n14900571 cherry-tree gum n14900695 chicle, chicle gum n14900817 guar gum n14900963 gum arabic, gum acacia n14901158 Senegal gum n14901265 gum butea, butea gum, butea kino, Bengal kino n14901411 kino, gum kino, kino gum n14901565 mesquite gum n14901679 mucilage n14901793 sterculia gum, karaya gum n14901959 synthetic, synthetic substance n14902141 synthetic resin n14902500 alkyd, alkyd resin n14902627 phenolic resin, phenolic, phenoplast n14902733 epoxy, epoxy resin, epoxy glue n14902949 copolymer n14903095 polyurethane, polyurethan n14903339 polyfoam, polyurethane foam n14903466 cinnamon stone, essonite, hessonite n14903596 gumbo, gumbo soil n14903763 gutta-percha n14903942 terra alba n14904052 gummite n14904226 halibut-liver oil n14904359 halide n14904528 halocarbon n14904661 halogen n14904956 hanging chad n14905076 hard lead n14905197 hard lead, antimonial lead n14905333 hard steel n14905422 hard water n14905607 harlequin opal n14905720 hematite, haematite n14905911 hemiacetal n14906085 hemlock n14906261 hemolysin, haemolysin, erythrolysin, erythrocytolysin n14906500 hemp n14906656 heptane n14906850 herbicide, weedkiller, weed killer n14907122 hexane n14907273 high brass n14907349 high-density lipoprotein, HDL, alpha-lipoprotein n14907703 high-level radioactive waste n14907867 high-speed steel, hot-work steel n14908027 hip tile, hipped tile n14908146 histidine n14908297 histaminase n14908422 homogenate n14908584 horsehair n14908683 humectant n14908822 humus n14908977 humate n14909120 humic acid n14909319 humic substance n14909480 humin n14909584 hyacinth, jacinth n14909703 hyaline, hyalin n14909895 hyaluronic acid n14910165 hyaluronidase, spreading factor, Hyazyme n14910440 hydrate n14910581 hydrazine n14910748 hydride n14910926 hydrobromic acid n14911057 hydrocarbon n14911530 bitumen n14911704 pitch, tar n14911899 coal tar n14912092 butadiene n14912245 chloroprene n14912387 hydrochloric acid, chlorohydric acid n14912556 hydrofluorocarbon, HFC n14912710 hydrogen bromide n14912840 hydrogen chloride n14912935 hydrogen fluoride n14913136 hydrofluoric acid n14913278 hydrogen iodide n14913403 hydroiodic acid n14913518 hydrogen sulfide n14913633 hyper-eutectoid steel n14913744 hypnagogue n14913860 hypo, sodium thiosulphate, sodium thiosulfate n14914014 hypochlorous acid n14914191 hypo-eutectoid steel n14914301 hypoglycemic agent, hypoglycaemic agent n14914544 hydrazo group, hydrazo radical n14914670 hydroxide n14914775 hydroxyl, hydroxyl group, hydroxyl radical n14914945 hydroxide ion, hydroxyl ion n14915072 hydroxymethyl n14915184 ice, water ice n14915462 black ice n14915622 frost, hoar, hoarfrost, rime n14915804 hailstone n14915928 icicle n14916053 Iceland spar n14916185 identification particle n14916369 Inconel n14916512 ideal gas, perfect gas n14916670 imidazole, iminazole, glyoxaline n14916796 impregnation n14916962 indelible ink n14917080 India ink, drawing ink n14917208 indicator n14917561 indurated clay n14917635 ink n14917859 magnetic ink n14918023 printer's ink, printing ink n14918162 writing ink n14918264 Indian red n14918380 Indian red n14918529 indoleacetic acid, IAA n14918654 indolebutyric acid n14918784 inducer n14918883 ivory black n14918994 incense n14919156 inhalant n14919272 inoculant, inoculum n14919511 inorganic compound n14919635 inosine n14919819 inositol n14919948 insecticide, insect powder n14920252 insectifuge, insect repellent, insect repellant n14920388 repellent, repellant n14920586 repellent, repellant n14920728 instillation n14920844 insulating material, insulant, insulation n14921090 interleukin n14921272 intermediate n14921414 Invar n14921622 invertase, saccharase, sucrase n14921777 invert sugar n14921974 Javelle water, Javel water, eau de Javelle n14922107 fraction n14922252 iodic acid n14922371 iodide n14922529 iodocompound n14922637 thyroprotein n14922779 thyroglobulin n14922960 iron blue, Prussian blue n14923060 iron blue, steel grey, steel gray, Davy's grey, Davy's gray n14923207 Payne's grey, Payne's gray n14923337 iron disulfide n14923458 iron ore n14923733 iron perchloride n14923872 isocyanate n14923962 isocyanic acid n14924067 isoleucine n14924188 isomer n14924359 isomerase n14924473 itaconic acid n14924602 jade, jadestone n14924786 Japan wax, Japan tallow n14924915 jargoon, jargon n14925033 jasper n14925198 jelly n14925378 jet n14925526 joss stick n14925645 jute n14925776 kapok, silk cotton, vegetable silk n14925945 red silk cotton n14926086 paraffin, paraffin oil n14926180 keratohyalin n14926294 ketone n14926595 ketone body, acetone body n14926937 ketone group n14927051 acetoacetic acid n14927250 beta-hydroxybutyric acid n14927451 hydroxybutyric acid, oxybutyric acid n14927587 ketohexose n14927739 ketose n14927881 kinase n14928008 Kleenex n14928180 kunzite n14928332 Kwell n14928518 labdanum, gum labdanum n14928729 lacquer n14928885 lactase, Lactaid n14929062 lactic acid n14929209 lactifuge n14929350 lactogen n14929462 lactose, milk sugar n14929662 lamellar mixture n14929797 lapis lazuli, lazuli n14929897 lard oil n14930073 larvicide n14930165 laterite n14930312 lath and plaster n14930476 lauric acid, dodecanoic acid n14930670 lauryl alcohol, 1-dodecanol n14930824 latten n14930989 lava n14931212 tuff, tufa n14931323 tufa, calc-tufa n14931472 aa n14931559 pahoehoe n14931633 pillow lava n14931795 magma n14931879 igneous rock n14932222 adesite n14932303 batholith, batholite, pluton, plutonic rock n14932554 diorite n14932645 gabbro n14932741 pegmatite n14932943 peridotite n14933086 kimberlite n14933236 rhyolite n14933314 volcanic rock n14933569 leaded bronze n14933663 lead ore n14933755 massicot, massicotite n14933911 leaf mold, leaf mould, leaf soil n14934031 leaven, leavening n14934229 ledger paper n14934353 lepidocrocite n14934527 laid paper n14934655 wove paper n14934758 letter paper n14934864 lindane n14934998 linen, linen paper n14935128 leucine n14935319 lignin n14935555 hydroxide, hydrated oxide n14935751 calcite n14936010 calcium hydroxide, lime, slaked lime, hydrated lime, calcium hydrate, caustic lime, lime hydrate n14936226 limestone n14936474 rottenstone, tripoli n14936630 dripstone n14936790 calcium bicarbonate n14936905 calcium carbonate n14937093 limewater n14937225 calcium chloride n14937366 calcium hydride, hydrolith n14937521 calcium sulphate, calcium sulfate n14937658 limonene n14937801 limonite n14937943 linoleic acid, linolic acid n14938199 linolenic acid n14938389 linoleum, lino n14938467 lint n14938578 linuron n14938687 lipase n14938907 lipid, lipide, lipoid n14939230 lipoprotein n14939445 fluid n14939663 grume n14939755 ichor n14939900 fluid n14940100 liquid n14940386 liquid n14940750 liquid nitrogen n14940856 liquid air n14940952 liquid bleach n14941087 liquid crystal n14941230 liquor n14941407 litmus, litmus test n14941642 litmus paper n14941787 lithia water n14941884 lithium carbonate, Lithane, Lithonate, Eskalith n14942223 loam n14942411 lodestone, loadstone n14942631 loess n14942762 log n14942924 low brass n14943009 low-density lipoprotein, LDL, beta-lipoprotein n14943359 low-level radioactive waste n14943580 lumber, timber n14943814 lye n14943950 lymphokine n14944182 lysine n14944317 Lysol n14944455 lysozyme, muramidase n14944617 Mace, Chemical Mace n14944888 macromolecule, supermolecule n14945137 magnesium bicarbonate n14945254 magnesium carbonate n14945399 magnesium hydroxide n14945517 magnesium nitride n14945624 magnesium sulfate n14945725 Epsom salts, bitter salts n14945914 magnetite, magnetic iron-ore n14946082 Malathion n14946251 maleate n14946424 maleic acid n14946618 maltose, malt sugar n14946750 manifold paper, manifold n14946939 manila, manila paper, manilla, manilla paper n14947125 manganese bronze, high-strength brass n14947255 manganese steel, austenitic manganese steel n14947445 manganate n14947558 Manila hemp, Manilla hemp, abaca n14947702 maple sugar n14947807 marble n14948055 verd antique, verde antique n14948156 marking ink n14948265 marsh gas n14948377 martensite n14948645 mash n14948812 sour mash n14948983 matchwood n14949075 matchwood, splinters n14949227 matrix n14949384 matte n14949522 medium steel n14949608 megilp, magilp n14949746 melamine, cyanuramide n14949886 melamine resin n14950055 meltwater n14950129 menhaden oil n14950300 menstruum n14950394 menthol n14950694 mercuric chloride, mercury chloride, bichloride of mercury, corrosive sublimate n14950937 calomel, mercurous chloride n14951110 message pad, writing pad n14951229 methane n14951377 methane series, alkane series, alkane, paraffin series, paraffin n14951682 methyl bromide n14951814 methylated spirit n14951983 methylene group, methylene radical, methylene n14952122 methyl, methyl group, methyl radical n14952290 methionine n14952441 methyl salicylate, birch oil, sweet-birch oil n14952654 Microtaggant n14952878 mild steel, low-carbon steel, soft-cast steel n14953005 mine pig n14953091 mineral oil n14953240 misch metal n14953357 mitogen n14953441 motor oil n14953564 mold, mould n14953674 molybdenum steel n14953813 monoamine n14953968 monoamine oxidase, MAO n14954152 monohydrate n14954284 monosaccharide, monosaccharose, simple sugar n14954601 monoxide n14954733 montan wax n14954822 moonstone n14955030 mordant n14955246 chrome alum n14955391 tartar emetic, antimony potassium tartrate n14955559 tartrate n14955682 bitartrate n14955776 morganite n14955889 mortar n14956027 mucoid n14956143 mucopolysaccharide n14956325 mud, clay n14956523 slop, mire n14956661 sludge, slime, goo, goop, gook, guck, gunk, muck, ooze n14956921 sapropel n14957057 muriatic acid n14957152 music paper, score paper n14957270 mustard gas, mustard agent, blistering agent, dichloroethyl sulfide, sulfur mustard n14957546 muton n14957649 nitrogen mustard n14957795 mutton tallow n14957893 myelin, myeline, medulla n14958102 myristic acid, tetradecanoic acid n14958254 napalm n14958405 naphtha n14958564 naphthalene n14958800 naphthol n14958937 pyrene n14959058 man-made fiber, synthetic fiber n14959234 natural fiber, natural fibre n14959472 animal fiber, animal fibre n14959644 plant fiber, plant fibre n14959939 straw n14960090 natural gas, gas n14960261 naval brass, Admiralty brass, Admiralty Metal, Tobin bronze n14960457 neat's-foot oil n14960606 nebula n14960721 nerve gas, nerve agent n14960963 VX gas n14961375 sarin, GB n14961512 neuromuscular blocking agent n14961722 newspaper, newsprint n14961896 Nichrome n14962117 nickel-base alloy, nickel alloy n14962291 nickel bronze n14962387 nickel silver, German silver n14962521 nickel steel n14962612 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NAD n14962837 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, NADP n14963051 Ni-hard, Ni-hard iron n14963187 Ni-resist, Ni-resist iron n14963317 nitride n14963486 nitrobenzene n14963634 nitrofuran n14963762 nitrogenase n14963916 nuclease n14964129 nucleic acid n14964367 nucleoside n14964590 nucleotide, base n14964925 nurse log n14965135 cellulose acetate n14965321 cellulose triacetate, triacetate n14965501 celluloid n14965780 cellulose xanthate, viscose n14965958 acrylic fiber, acrylic n14966058 polyamide, polymeric amide n14966192 nylon n14966334 oakum n14966530 octane n14966667 oil n14967478 fixed oil, fatty oil n14967577 fusel oil n14967730 gas oil n14967893 stand oil n14968038 neroli oil n14968185 tall oil n14968308 oil-hardened steel n14968402 oilpaper n14968526 oleic acid n14968795 oleo oil n14968926 oleoresin capiscum n14969044 oligosaccharide n14969254 onionskin, flimsy n14969421 india paper n14969523 onyx n14969666 opaque gem n14969892 opopanax n14969994 organophosphate n14970136 organophosphate nerve agent n14970538 ormolu n14970645 oxalacetate, oxaloacetate n14970752 oxalacetic acid, oxaloacetic acid n14970920 oxalate n14971022 oxalic acid, ethanedioic acid n14971234 oxidase n14971359 oxidation-reduction indicator n14971519 oxide n14971969 oxidoreductase n14972092 oxime n14972184 oxyacetylene n14972359 oxyacid, oxygen acid n14972582 periodic acid n14972681 oxygenase n14972807 ozone n14973133 pad, pad of paper, tablet n14973303 palmitic acid, hexadecanoic acid n14973492 palmitin n14973585 pantothenic acid, pantothen n14973833 papain n14973965 para aminobenzoic acid, PABA n14974153 paraquat n14974264 paper n14975266 paper tape n14975351 paper toweling n14975444 papier-mache, paper-mache n14975598 papyrus n14975779 parchment n14975872 rice paper n14976001 roofing paper, tar paper n14976170 ola, olla n14976323 ticker tape n14976448 packing material, packing, wadding n14976634 excelsior, wood shavings n14976759 pantile n14976871 blacktop, blacktopping n14977075 macadam n14977188 tarmacadam, tarmac n14977358 parget, pargeting, pargetting n14977504 paving, pavement, paving material n14977741 pay dirt n14977845 pearlite n14978114 pectic acid n14978232 pectin n14978453 pediculicide n14978544 penicillinase, beta-lactamase n14978729 pepsin n14978887 pepsinogen n14979052 perboric acid n14979132 perfluorocarbon, PFC n14979285 Permalloy n14979410 permanganate n14979588 permanganic acid n14979730 peroxidase n14979961 peridot n14980087 peroxide n14980215 pesticide n14980468 petrochemical n14980579 petroleum, crude oil, crude, rock oil, fossil oil, oil n14980784 residual oil, resid n14980910 petrolatum, petroleum jelly, mineral jelly n14981183 system n14981461 phenolic plastic, phenolic urea n14981579 phenylalanine n14981847 phosgene n14981983 phosphatase n14982129 phosphine n14982265 phosphate, orthophosphate, inorganic phosphate n14982421 phosphocreatine, creatine phosphate, creatine phosphoric acid n14982681 phospholipid n14982907 phosphoric acid, orthophosphoric acid n14983036 phthalic acid n14983143 phytochemical n14983326 picric acid n14983491 pig iron n14983694 pig lead n14983774 plasmin, fibrinolysin n14983911 plasminogen n14984066 plasminogen activator, urokinase n14984244 platinum black n14984378 polymerase n14984584 DNA polymerase n14984687 transcriptase, RNA polymerase n14984799 reverse transcriptase n14984973 coloring material, colouring material, color, colour n14985383 dye, dyestuff n14986004 tincture n14986144 argent n14986277 alizarin, alizarine n14986438 alizarin carmine, alizarin crimson, alizarin red n14986593 bluing, blueing, blue n14986719 bromophenol blue, bromphenol blue, tetrabromo-phenolsulfonephthalein n14986890 bromothymol blue, bromthymol blue n14987025 cochineal n14987150 cyanine dye n14987341 direct dye, substantive dye n14987484 eosin, bromeosin n14987695 fluorescein, fluoresceine, fluorescent dye, resorcinolphthalein n14988150 fluorescein isothiocyanate, fluorescein isocyanate n14988337 fluorochrome n14988502 hair dye, hair coloring n14988635 hematochrome n14988741 henna n14988854 rinse n14988961 Kendal green, Kendal n14989106 lac dye n14989243 lead acetate, sugar of lead n14989430 orchil, archil, cudbear n14989545 phenol n14989820 pigment n14990723 pigment n14990864 bole n14991004 lake n14991106 lake n14991210 orange n14991319 watercolor, water-color, watercolour, water-colour n14991476 pine tar n14991611 pisang wax n14991712 plant material, plant substance n14991927 plant product n14992165 plasma n14992287 plaster n14992613 plaster of Paris, plaster n14992945 puddle n14993137 podzol, podzol soil, podsol, podsol soil, podsolic soil n14993378 poison gas n14993559 polyester n14993713 polyester n14993868 polyester fiber n14994004 polysaccharide, polyose n14994328 polymer n14994726 polyphosphate n14994824 polyunsaturated fat n14995061 potassium ferrocyanide, yellow prussiate of potash n14995278 potassium permanganate, permanganate of potash n14995541 sandstone n14995812 bluestone n14995918 greensand n14996020 polish n14996158 polypropylene, polypropene n14996295 polyvinyl-formaldehyde n14996395 porphyry, porphyritic rock n14996579 porpoise oil n14996709 dolphin oil n14996843 potash, caustic potash, potassium hydroxide n14997012 powder, pulverization, pulverisation n14997274 prairie soil n14997393 precipitant n14997529 preservative n14997699 product n14997888 percolate n14998042 propanal, propionaldehyde n14998142 propanol, propyl alcohol n14998290 propenal, acrolein n14998421 propenoate, acrylate n14998522 propenoic acid, acrylic acid n14998677 propenonitrile, acrylonitrile, vinyl cyanide n14998826 propylene, propene n14998965 propyl, propyl group, propyl radical n14999106 protease, peptidase, proteinase, proteolytic enzyme n14999411 ptomaine, ptomain n14999614 Pyrex n14999801 pyrimidine n14999913 pyrimidine n15000060 pyrope n15000149 pyrophoric alloy n15000334 pyruvic acid n15000475 quassia n15000689 quenched steel n15000858 quercitron n15000973 quinone, benzoquinone n15001212 radiopaque dye n15001394 rhodolite n15001500 safranine, safranin, saffranine n15001640 pheno-safranine n15001753 Tyrian purple n15001887 vat dye, vat color n15002138 woad n15002233 radioactive material n15002346 radioactive waste n15002546 raffia, raphia n15002679 raffinose n15002814 rauwolfia n15002959 raveling, ravelling n15003139 red brass, guinea gold n15003329 red lead, minium n15003496 red tide n15003645 reductase n15003797 refrigerant n15003969 remover n15004149 renin n15004317 rennin, chymosin n15004501 residue n15004715 resorcinol n15004874 restrainer n15005071 restriction endonuclease, restriction nuclease, restriction enzyme n15005386 retinene, retinal n15005577 ridge tile n15005716 roofing material n15005895 rose quartz n15006012 roughcast n15006118 latex n15006258 rubber, natural rubber, India rubber, gum elastic, caoutchouc n15006682 crepe rubber n15006789 rubber, synthetic rubber n15007016 silicone rubber n15007190 cold rubber n15007377 neoprene n15007534 hard rubber, vulcanite, ebonite n15007677 Para rubber n15007803 buna, buna rubber n15007917 butyl rubber n15008025 butyl n15008142 ruby n15008287 ruddle, reddle, raddle n15008399 rutile n15008607 rain, rainwater n15008765 condensate n15008847 seawater, saltwater, brine n15009192 evaporite n15009326 fresh water, freshwater n15009474 Rochelle salt, Rochelle salts, potassium sodium tartrate n15009637 Seidlitz powder, Seidlitz powders, Rochelle powder n15009843 salicylate n15010038 salicylic acid, 2-hydroxybenzoic acid n15010277 salmon oil n15010430 salol, phenyl salicylate n15010703 salt n15011987 double salt n15012214 parathion n15012327 Paris green n15012478 rotenone n15012668 samarskite n15012810 sapphirine n15012999 bile salt n15013139 Glauber's salt, Glauber's salts n15013269 cream of tartar, tartar, potassium bitartrate, potassium hydrogen tartrate n15013450 sodium chlorate n15013577 dichromic acid n15013764 bichromate, dichromate n15013875 sodium dichromate, sodium bichromate n15014012 ammonium nitrate n15014170 silver nitrate n15014406 lunar caustic n15014529 caustic n15014696 caulk, caulking n15014845 roan n15014990 sodium hydroxide, caustic soda n15015192 silver bromide n15015355 silver iodide n15015501 nitrate n15015872 nitro group n15015963 nitrite n15016123 sodium nitrite n15016314 gunpowder, powder n15016503 smokeless powder, Ballistite n15016726 microcosmic salt n15016852 chloride n15016984 trichloride n15017121 nitrogen trichloride, Agene n15017343 dichloride, bichloride n15017466 perchloride n15017604 chloride n15017878 aluminum chloride, aluminium chloride n15018013 methylene chloride, dichloromethane n15018169 obidoxime chloride n15018318 silver chloride n15018448 stannic chloride n15018572 stannous fluoride n15018688 staple, staple fiber, staple fibre n15018889 starch n15019030 sand n15019267 sangapenum, gum sangapenum n15019357 water sapphire n15019483 sapphire n15019645 sarcosine n15019734 sard, sardine, sardius n15019844 sardine oil n15019972 sardonyx n15020107 sawdust n15020203 saw log n15020297 saxitoxin n15020528 scale wax, paraffin scale n15020628 scavenger n15020794 scheelite n15020905 schorl n15020974 scrap iron n15021085 notepad n15021189 scratch pad, scratch paper, scribbling block n15021381 seal oil n15021560 secretase n15021824 sedimentary clay n15021927 sepia n15022035 serine n15022171 globulin n15022389 gamma globulin, human gamma globulin n15022617 myosin n15022776 coagulation factor, clotting factor n15023156 fibrinogen, factor I n15023294 releasing factor, releasing hormone, RF n15023537 growth hormone-releasing factor, GHRF n15023720 intrinsic factor n15023959 platelet, blood platelet, thrombocyte n15024124 porphyrin n15024240 hemoglobin, haemoglobin, Hb n15024606 myoglobin n15024773 oxyhemoglobin, oxyhaemoglobin n15024997 heme, haem, hematin, haemitin, protoheme n15025228 hemin, protohemin n15025397 heterocyclic compound, heterocyclic, heterocycle n15025571 cytochrome n15025815 cytochrome c n15025942 globin, hematohiston, haematohiston n15026155 glutelin n15026256 histone n15026420 prolamine n15026508 protamine n15026716 scleroprotein, albuminoid n15026963 hemosiderin, haemosiderin n15027189 antibody n15027618 autoantibody n15027762 precipitin n15027888 ABO antibodies n15027970 Rh antibody n15028050 antitoxin n15028208 antivenin, antivenene n15028378 tetanus antitoxin n15028555 toxin antitoxin n15028684 agglutinin n15028818 isoagglutinin n15029002 agglutinogen n15029147 isoagglutinogen n15029292 heterophil antibody, heterophile antibody, Forssman antibody n15029482 isoantibody, alloantibody n15029646 lysin n15029781 monoclonal antibody, monoclonal n15030022 infliximab, Remicade n15030264 opsonin n15030481 immunoglobulin, Ig, immune serum globulin, immune gamma globulin, immune globulin n15030853 immunoglobulin A, IgA n15031073 immunoglobulin D, IgD n15031231 immunoglobulin E, IgE n15031418 reagin n15031705 immunoglobulin G, IgG n15031866 immunoglobulin M, IgM n15032071 tetanus immunoglobulin, tetanus immune globulin n15032376 poison, toxicant, poisonous substance n15032661 chemical irritant n15032829 capsaicin n15033063 gingerol n15033189 piperin, piperine n15033367 isothiocyanate n15033662 fetoprotein, foetoprotein n15033846 alpha fetoprotein, alpha foetoprotein, AFP n15034074 toxin n15034454 anatoxin, toxoid n15034741 animal toxin, zootoxin n15034939 bacterial toxin n15035123 botulin, botulinus toxin, botulismotoxin n15035367 cytotoxin n15035505 endotoxin n15035697 enterotoxin n15035832 exotoxin n15035975 mephitis n15036103 hepatotoxin n15036211 nephrotoxin n15036321 neurotoxin, neurolysin n15036536 mycotoxin n15036638 plant toxin, phytotoxin n15036916 venom n15037127 kokoi venom n15037249 snake venom n15037339 antigen n15037664 antigenic determinant, determinant, epitope n15037877 rhesus factor, Rh factor, Rh n15038127 sap n15038316 scabicide n15038426 sewer gas n15038520 shale n15038680 humic shale n15038789 oil shale n15038892 shale oil n15038987 shark oil, shark-liver oil n15039179 sheep dip n15039335 Shetland wool n15039445 shingle, shake n15039568 shoe polish, blacking n15039703 shot metal n15039827 siderite, chalybite n15039935 silicic acid n15040033 silicate n15040129 silicide n15040266 silicon carbide n15040493 silicone, silicone polymer n15040809 silicone resin n15040899 siloxane n15041050 siding n15041190 silex n15041277 silica, silicon oxide, silicon dioxide n15041688 silica gel n15041793 silicon bronze n15041911 silk n15042052 silt n15042194 siltstone n15042295 silvex n15042429 simazine n15042542 Simoniz n15042654 sisal, sisal hemp n15042772 ski wax n15042856 slag, scoria, dross n15043002 slate, slating n15043118 smaltite n15043308 slush n15043399 smelling salts n15043579 snake oil n15043763 snow n15044016 snuff n15044122 corn snow n15044232 crud n15044327 soapstone, soaprock, soap-rock, steatite n15044523 soda lime n15044648 sodalite n15044844 sodium carbonate, washing soda, sal soda, soda ash, soda n15045030 sodium carboxymethyl cellulose n15045216 sodium fluoride n15045379 sodium hydride n15045490 sodium hypochlorite n15045677 sodium iodide n15045782 sodium lauryl sulphate, sodium lauryl sulfate, SLS n15046077 sodium pyrophosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate n15046250 sodium sulphate, sodium sulfate n15046421 sodium tripolyphosphate n15046568 sodium phosphate, sodium orthophosphate n15046716 soft water n15046900 solid n15047167 dry ice n15047313 solvent, dissolvent, dissolver, dissolving agent, resolvent n15047849 solute n15047988 solvate n15048184 solvating agent n15048293 viricide, virucide n15048463 alkahest, alcahest, universal solvent n15048623 soup n15048748 sourdough n15048888 spackle, spackling compound n15049096 spar n15049309 sparkle metal n15049401 spiegeleisen, spiegel, spiegel iron n15049594 spill n15049745 spelter n15049902 sperm oil n15050011 spice n15050161 stacte n15050320 staff n15050516 staphylococcal enterotoxin n15050695 staphylococcal enterotoxin B, SEB n15050898 spinel n15051129 spinel ruby, ruby spinel n15051301 almandine n15051392 balas, balas ruby n15051503 Ceylonite, pleonaste n15051608 rubicelle n15051705 solid solution, primary solid solution n15052063 spirits of ammonia, sal volatile n15052223 spodumene n15052413 hiddenite n15052555 spray n15052667 stabilizer n15052852 stachyose n15052970 stain n15053212 counterstain n15053373 Gram's solution n15053568 stannite, tin pyrites n15053703 star sapphire n15053867 starch, amylum n15054347 arrowroot n15054467 cornstarch, cornflour n15054607 sago n15054770 pearl sago n15054862 amyloid n15055046 Otaheite arrowroot, Otaheite arrowroot starch n15055181 steam n15055342 live steam n15055442 water vapor, water vapour n15055633 vapor, vapour n15055936 softener n15056112 water softener n15056372 soman, GD n15056541 spray n15056749 sea spray n15056827 spindrift, spoondrift n15056938 stearic acid, octadecanoic acid n15057103 stearin n15057212 Stellite n15057433 sterling silver n15057558 sternutator, sternutatory n15057744 steroid n15058023 nonsteroid, nonsteroidal n15058163 ketosteroid n15058310 sterol, steroid alcohol n15058544 cholesterol, cholesterin n15058755 HDL cholesterol n15058987 LDL cholesterol n15059237 oxidized LDL cholesterol n15059404 ergosterol n15059552 bile acid n15059694 cholic acid n15059797 bilge, bilge water n15059939 cardiac glycoside, cardiac glucoside n15060131 digitalis, digitalis glycoside, digitalin n15060326 render n15060449 stibnite n15060569 sticks and stone n15060688 wattle and daub n15060825 stiffener n15060937 streptodornase n15061171 streptokinase n15061428 streptolysin n15061550 stripper n15061674 strophanthin n15061936 strontianite n15062057 stucco n15062284 sublimate n15062468 tallow n15062641 vegetable tallow n15062778 sucrose, saccharose n15062955 jaggery, jagghery, jaggary n15063108 structural iron n15063224 structural steel n15063358 sulfanilic acid, sulphanilic acid n15063493 sulfate, sulphate n15063699 sulfide, sulphide n15063946 sulfur oxide, sulphur oxide n15064053 sulfur dioxide, sulphur dioxide n15064327 sulfur hexafluoride, sulphur hexafluoride n15064560 sunstone, aventurine n15064729 superoxide, superoxide anion n15064917 superoxide n15065025 superoxide dismutase, SOD n15065280 surgical spirit n15065483 Swedish iron n15065584 swinging chad n15065713 sylvanite, graphic tellurium n15065928 sylvite, sylvine n15066125 tabun, GA n15066367 talc, talcum n15066666 French chalk n15066796 rensselaerite n15066906 tallow oil n15067025 tannin, tannic acid n15067237 catechin n15067375 tantalite n15067576 tartaric acid n15067739 racemic acid n15067877 tear gas, teargas, lacrimator, lachrymator n15068134 telluride n15068282 telomerase n15068436 tenderizer, tenderiser n15068635 terpene n15068754 tetrachloride n15068891 tetrafluoroethylene n15069046 tetrahalide n15069161 tetrasaccharide n15069338 tetrodotoxin n15069472 tetroxide n15069584 tetryl, nitramine n15069712 thatch n15069820 thickening, thickener n15069998 thiouracil n15070098 thiocyanate n15070234 thiocyanic acid n15070366 thorite n15070550 thortveitite n15070699 threonine n15070897 prothrombin, factor II n15071035 thromboplastin, thrombokinase, factor III n15071229 calcium ion, factor IV n15071366 proaccelerin, prothrombin accelerator, accelerator factor, factor V n15071503 proconvertin, cothromboplastin, stable factor, factor VII n15071684 antihemophilic factor, antihaemophilic factor, antihemophilic globulin, antihaemophilic globulin, factor VIII, Hemofil n15071960 Christmas factor, factor IX n15072099 prothrombinase, factor X n15072331 plasma thromboplastin antecedent, factor XI n15072491 Hageman factor, factor XII n15072657 fibrinase, factor XIII n15072857 thymine, T n15073018 deoxyadenosine n15073147 deoxycytidine, cytidine n15073285 deoxyguanosine, guanosine n15073424 deoxythymidine, thymidine n15073563 thymol, thyme camphor, thymic acid n15073784 melanocyte-stimulating hormone, MSH n15073973 thyrotropin, thyrotropic hormone, thyrotrophin, thyrotrophic hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, TSH n15074203 thyrotropin-releasing hormone, TRH, thyrotropin-releasing factor, TRF, protirelin n15074456 thyronine n15074568 tile, roofing tile n15074772 till, boulder clay n15074962 tissue, tissue paper n15075141 toilet tissue, toilet paper, bathroom tissue n15075298 toilet roll n15075378 toluene, methylbenzene n15075596 toluic acid n15075691 tombac, tombak, tambac n15075867 toner n15076011 toner n15076180 tool steel n15076349 topaz n15076523 topaz, false topaz, common topaz n15076619 tourmaline n15076931 trace element n15077109 tracing paper n15077226 tragacanth n15077338 transaminase, aminotransferase, aminopherase n15077571 transferase n15077752 transfer paper n15077917 transferrin, beta globulin, siderophilin n15078050 transparent gem n15078550 transparent substance, translucent substance n15078768 triamcinolone, Aristocort, Aristopak, Kenalog n15079030 triazine n15079184 tri-chad n15079310 trichloroacetic acid, trichloracetic acid n15079445 margarin, glycerol trimargarate n15079557 tridymite n15079656 triolein, olein n15079795 trimer n15079925 trioxide n15080055 tripalmitin, glycerol tripalmitate n15080168 triphosphopyridine n15080277 triphosphopyridine nucleotide n15080382 triphosphoric acid n15080571 trisaccharide n15080747 trisodium phosphate, trisodium orthophosphate, tribasic sodium phosphate n15080942 tristearin, glycerol tristearate n15081052 trypsin n15081221 trypsinogen n15081417 tryptophan, tryptophane n15081595 tuna oil n15081675 tundra soil n15081828 tungsten steel, wolfram steel n15081957 tungstate n15082036 tungstic acid n15082198 turquoise n15082382 typewriter paper, typing paper n15082524 tyramine n15082766 tyrosine n15082890 ubiquinone, coenzyme Q n15083146 ultramarine, ultramarine blue n15083283 French blue, French ultramarine, French ultramarine blue n15083429 umber n15083533 raw umber n15083611 burnt umber n15083713 undecylenic acid n15083819 unleaded gasoline, unleaded petrol n15083974 undercut n15084110 urease n15084277 urethane n15084357 uracil, U n15084545 uraninite, pitchblende n15084824 uranium ore n15084999 uranyl, uranyl group, uranyl radical n15085175 uranyl nitrate n15085327 uranyl oxalate n15085472 urea, carbamide n15085682 uric acid n15085836 urate n15085925 tophus, chalkstone n15086088 valine n15086247 linseed, flaxseed n15086352 linseed oil, flaxseed oil n15086545 tung oil, Chinese wood oil n15086672 chaulmoogra oil n15086811 vanadate n15086939 vanadinite n15087090 vanadium pentoxide, vanadic acid n15087244 vanadium steel n15087384 vellum n15087486 vermiculite n15087632 very low density lipoprotein, VLDL n15087904 vesuvianite, vesuvian, idocrase n15088111 vinegar n15088183 vinyl n15088308 vinyl, vinyl group, vinyl radical n15088440 vinyl polymer, vinyl resin, polyvinyl resin n15088669 iodopsin n15088869 visual purple, rhodopsin, retinal purple n15089104 photopigment n15089258 vitamin n15089472 fat-soluble vitamin n15089645 water-soluble vitamin n15089803 vitamin A, antiophthalmic factor, axerophthol, A n15090065 vitamin A1, retinol n15090238 vitamin A2, dehydroretinol n15090379 provitamin n15090535 provitamin A, carotene, carotin n15090742 B-complex vitamin, B complex, vitamin B complex, vitamin B, B vitamin, B n15091129 vitamin B1, thiamine, thiamin, aneurin, antiberiberi factor n15091304 vitamin B12, cobalamin, cyanocobalamin, antipernicious anemia factor n15091473 vitamin B2, vitamin G, riboflavin, lactoflavin, ovoflavin, hepatoflavin n15091669 vitamin B6, pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine, adermin n15091846 vitamin Bc, vitamin M, folate, folic acid, folacin, pteroylglutamic acid, pteroylmonoglutamic acid n15092059 niacin, nicotinic acid n15092227 vitamin D, calciferol, viosterol, ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol, D n15092409 vitamin E, tocopherol, E n15092650 biotin, vitamin H n15092751 vitamin K, naphthoquinone, antihemorrhagic factor n15092942 vitamin K1, phylloquinone, phytonadione n15093049 vitamin K3, menadione n15093137 vitamin P, bioflavinoid, citrin n15093298 vitamin C, C, ascorbic acid n15093482 vitriol, oil of vitriol, sulfuric acid, sulphuric acid n15093735 volatile n15093938 wallpaper n15094053 waste paper n15094136 water of crystallization, water of crystallisation, water of hydration n15094294 wax n15094824 beeswax n15095014 Ghedda wax n15095103 cerumen, earwax n15095237 paraffin, paraffin wax n15095389 spermaceti n15095496 vegetable wax n15095639 shellac wax, lac wax n15095771 cadaverine n15095926 cadmium sulfide n15096048 cadmium yellow n15096233 cadmium yellow pale n15096331 cadmium orange n15096426 zinc cadmium sulfide n15096524 verdigris, cupric acetate n15096661 wax paper n15096783 wetting agent, wetter, surfactant, surface-active agent n15097017 detergent n15097209 builder, detergent builder n15097430 whale oil, train oil n15097578 whey, milk whey n15097722 white lead, ceruse, lead carbonate n15097849 wicker n15097994 wiesenboden n15098161 wood n15100023 dyewood n15100112 hardwood n15100257 softwood, deal n15100397 pulpwood n15100479 raw wood n15100570 hardtack n15100644 firewood n15100834 cordwood n15100945 backlog n15101059 Yule log n15101157 brand, firebrand n15101271 pine knot n15101361 igniter, ignitor, lighter n15101586 kindling, tinder, touchwood, spunk, punk n15101723 punk n15101854 board, plank n15102167 lemongrass, lemon grass, lemongrass oil n15102359 planking n15102455 chipboard, hardboard n15102622 deal n15102712 knot n15102894 knothole n15103007 clapboard, weatherboard, weatherboarding n15103226 wolframite, iron manganese tungsten n15103485 wollastonite n15103634 wood pulp n15103780 wood sugar, xylose n15103911 Wood's metal, Wood's alloy n15104088 wood tar n15104217 wool n15104488 raw wool n15104598 alpaca n15104669 cashmere n15104752 fleece n15104860 shoddy n15104933 vicuna n15105008 virgin wool n15105122 wrapping paper n15105268 writing paper n15105638 wool oil n15105733 wulfenite n15105849 wurtzite n15105955 xenotime n15106143 xylene, xylol n15106271 yeast, barm n15106529 yellowcake, U308 n15106674 mother n15106867 zeolite n15107196 chabazite, chabasite n15107362 heulandite n15107524 natrolite n15107677 phillipsite n15107876 zinc blende, blende, sphalerite n15108087 zinc oxide, flowers of zinc, philosopher's wool, philosophers' wool n15108324 zinc sulfate, zinc sulphate, white vitriol, zinc vitriol n15108538 zinc sulfide, zinc sulphide n15108745 zinc white, Chinese white n15108897 zinkenite n15109016 zinnwaldite n15109127 zircon, zirconium silicate n15109391 zirconium oxide, zirconia, zirconium dioxide n15109586 zymase n15109745 emanation n15109931 ectoplasm n15110096 essence n15110307 ligand n15110454 enamel n15110666 imide n15110796 metabolite n15110956 vegetable matter n15111116 anabolic steroid n15111437 pregnanediol n15111609 tubocurarine, curare n15111903 tuberculin n15112086 vehicle n15112239 vesicant, vesicatory n15112425 vernix, vernix caseosa n15112565 vitrification n15112702 wad n15112828 xanthate n15112932 xanthic acid n15113050 xanthine n15113229 time period, period of time, period n15115926 trial period, test period n15116095 time frame n15116283 geological time, geologic time n15116532 biological time n15116724 cosmic time n15116910 civil time, standard time, local time n15117246 daylight-saving time, daylight-savings time, daylight saving, daylight savings n15117516 hours n15117621 downtime n15117809 uptime n15118011 24/7 n15118100 hours n15118228 work time n15118453 time off n15118724 face time n15118935 compensatory time n15119072 bout n15119185 hospitalization n15119374 travel time n15119536 present, nowadays n15119919 now n15120050 here and now, present moment, moment n15120223 date n15120346 times n15120528 modern times, present times, modern world, contemporary world n15120715 Roman times n15120823 past, past times, yesteryear n15121088 yore n15121153 bygone, water under the bridge n15121302 old n15121406 history n15121625 future, hereafter, futurity, time to come n15121880 kingdom come n15122011 musical time n15122231 time n15122648 Elizabethan age n15122853 Victorian age n15123115 day n15123362 dead n15123512 hard times n15123589 incarnation n15123754 continuum n15123996 history n15124183 Phanerozoic, Phanerozoic eon, Phanerozoic aeon n15124361 Cenozoic, Cenozoic era, Age of Mammals n15124545 Quaternary, Quaternary period, Age of Man n15124713 Holocene, Holocene epoch, Recent, Recent epoch n15124864 Pleistocene, Pleistocene epoch, Glacial epoch n15125097 Tertiary, Tertiary period n15125323 Pliocene, Pliocene epoch n15125519 Miocene, Miocene epoch n15125679 Oligocene, Oligocene epoch n15125845 Eocene, Eocene epoch n15126000 Paleocene, Paleocene epoch n15126175 Mesozoic, Mesozoic era, Age of Reptiles n15126361 Cretaceous, Cretaceous period n15126595 Jurassic, Jurassic period n15126750 Triassic, Triassic period n15126931 Paleozoic, Paleozoic era n15127165 Permian, Permian period n15127307 Carboniferous, Carboniferous period n15127507 Pennsylvanian, Pennsylvanian period, Upper Carboniferous, Upper Carboniferous period n15127729 Mississippian, Missippian period, Lower Carboniferous, Lower Carboniferous period n15127982 Devonian, Devonian period, Age of Fishes n15128200 Silurian, Silurian period n15128363 Ordovician, Ordovician period n15128549 Cambrian, Cambrian period n15128711 Precambrian, Precambrian eon, Precambrian aeon, Precambrian period n15128997 Proterozoic, Proterozoic eon, Proterozoic aeon n15129220 Archean, Archean eon, Archean aeon, Archeozoic, Archaeozoic, Archeozoic eon, Archaeozoic aeon n15129572 Hadean, Hadean time, Hadean eon, Hadean aeon, Priscoan, Priscoan eon, Priscoan aeon n15129927 clock time, time n15130205 Greenwich Mean Time, Greenwich Time, GMT, universal time, UT, UT1 n15130434 coordinated universal time, UTC n15130612 Earth-received time, ERT n15130749 one-way light time, OWLT n15130926 round-trip light time, RTLT n15131123 elapsed time n15131269 transmission time, TRM n15131448 spacecraft event time, SCET n15131598 spacecraft clock time, SCLK n15131734 Atlantic Time, Atlantic Standard Time n15131994 Eastern Time, Eastern Standard Time, EST n15132201 Central Time, Central Standard Time, CST n15132408 Mountain Time, Mountain Standard Time, MST n15132638 Pacific Time, Pacific Standard Time, PST n15132865 Alaska Standard Time, Yukon Time n15133069 Hawaii Time, Hawaii Standard Time n15133289 Bering Time, Bering Standard Time n15133488 duration, continuance n15133621 duration, continuance n15133903 clocking n15134054 longueur n15134233 residence time n15134340 span n15134490 stretch, stint n15134691 time scale n15134913 value, time value, note value n15135057 extended time scale, slow time scale n15135258 fast time scale n15135434 time being, nonce n15135536 biological clock n15135700 circadian rhythm n15135822 fourth dimension, time n15135996 workweek, week n15136147 week, calendar week n15136342 midweek n15136453 day n15136723 workday, working day n15136923 workday, working day, work day n15137047 rest day, day of rest n15137194 overtime n15137295 turnaround, turnaround time n15137425 spare time, free time n15137556 day off n15137676 leisure, leisure time n15137890 vacation, holiday n15138241 half-term n15138401 vac n15138496 half-holiday n15138600 playtime, playday n15138691 field day, outing, picnic n15138809 field day n15138903 honeymoon n15139018 paid vacation n15139130 leave, leave of absence n15139432 furlough n15139552 pass n15139691 compassionate leave n15139849 sabbatical, sabbatical leave n15139983 sabbatical year n15140080 shore leave, liberty n15140190 sick leave n15140294 terminal leave n15140405 life, lifetime, life-time, lifespan n15140744 life n15140892 life n15141059 days, years n15141213 millennium, millenary n15141375 bimillennium, bimillenary n15141486 occupation n15141693 past n15141894 shelf life n15142025 life expectancy n15142167 birth n15142452 cradle n15142568 puerperium n15142836 lactation n15143012 incipiency, incipience n15143276 death, last n15143477 death, dying, demise n15143726 grave n15143864 afterlife, hereafter n15143984 kingdom come n15144094 immortality n15144178 period n15144371 time of life n15145012 summer n15145171 age, eld n15145499 neonatal period n15145586 infancy, babyhood, early childhood n15145782 anal stage, anal phase n15146004 genital stage, genital phase n15146260 latency stage, latency phase, latency period n15146545 oral stage, oral phase n15146828 phallic stage, phallic phase n15147097 childhood n15147330 girlhood, maidenhood, maidhood n15147504 boyhood n15147598 schooldays, schooltime n15147713 youth n15147850 adolescence n15148081 prepuberty n15148295 puberty, pubescence n15148467 teens n15148584 twenties, mid-twenties n15148707 1900s n15148787 1530s n15148867 twenties, 1920s n15148958 1820s n15149038 thirties, mid-thirties, thirty-something n15149180 thirties, 1930s n15149271 1830s n15149351 forties, mid-forties n15149472 forties, 1940s n15149562 1840s n15149642 fifties, mid-fifties n15149763 fifties, 1950s n15149853 1850s n15149933 1750s n15150013 sixties, mid-sixties n15150134 sixties, 1960s n15150224 1860s n15150304 1760s n15150384 golden years n15150493 seventies, mid-seventies n15150618 seventies, 1970s n15150710 1870s n15150790 1770s n15150870 eighties, mid-eighties n15150993 eighties, 1980s n15151084 eighties, 1880s n15151175 1780s n15151255 nineties, mid-nineties n15151379 nineties, 1990s n15151470 nineties, 1890s n15151561 1790s n15151641 bloom, bloom of youth, salad days n15151764 age of consent n15152062 majority, legal age n15152261 minority, nonage n15152409 prime, prime of life n15152531 drinking age n15152674 voting age n15152817 adulthood, maturity n15153225 maturity, maturity date, due date n15153353 bachelorhood n15153472 middle age n15153667 widowhood n15153787 old age, years, age, eld, geezerhood n15154190 dotage, second childhood, senility n15154376 deathbed n15154462 menopause, climacteric, change of life n15154646 climacteric n15154774 time unit, unit of time n15155220 day, twenty-four hours, twenty-four hour period, 24-hour interval, solar day, mean solar day n15155747 night n15155891 tomorrow n15156001 today n15156187 yesterday n15156311 morrow n15156424 eve n15156537 mean time, mean solar time n15156746 terrestrial time, TT, terrestrial dynamical time, TDT, ephemeris time n15157041 calendar day, civil day n15157225 day n15158189 Admission Day n15158359 Arbor Day n15158450 Cinco de Mayo n15158691 commencement day, degree day n15158816 November 5 n15158997 Guy Fawkes Day n15159139 Bonfire Night, Guy Fawkes Night n15159265 Inauguration Day, January 20 n15159426 leap day, bissextile day, February 29 n15159583 date, day of the month n15159819 date n15160076 future date n15160216 rain date n15160418 sell-by date n15160579 date n15160866 quarter day n15161165 fast day n15161284 major fast day n15161430 minor fast day n15161631 feast day, fete day n15161872 Succoth, Sukkoth, Succos, Feast of Booths, Feast of Tabernacles, Tabernacles n15162210 religious festival, church festival n15162388 festival n15162523 D-day, 6 June 1944 n15162640 V-day, Victory Day n15162764 V-E Day, 8 May 1945 n15162882 V-J Day, 15 August 1945 n15163005 day of the week n15163157 weekday n15163408 feria n15163797 Sunday, Lord's Day, Dominicus, Sun n15163979 Monday, Mon n15164105 Tuesday, Tues n15164233 Wednesday, Midweek, Wed n15164354 Thursday, Th n15164463 Friday, Fri n15164570 Saturday, Sabbatum, Sat n15164750 Sabbath n15164957 day, daytime, daylight n15165289 morning, morn, morning time, forenoon n15165490 noon, twelve noon, high noon, midday, noonday, noontide n15165637 mealtime n15165805 breakfast time n15165917 lunchtime, lunch period n15166070 dinnertime, suppertime n15166191 afternoon n15166352 midafternoon n15166462 evening, eve, even, eventide n15166742 guest night n15166897 prime time n15167027 night, nighttime, dark n15167349 night n15167474 night n15167577 night n15167675 weeknight n15167778 eve n15167906 evening n15168080 late-night hour n15168185 midnight n15168369 small hours n15168475 bedtime n15168569 lights-out n15168665 closing time n15168790 dawn, dawning, morning, aurora, first light, daybreak, break of day, break of the day, dayspring, sunrise, sunup, cockcrow n15169136 early-morning hour n15169248 sunset, sundown n15169421 twilight, dusk, gloaming, gloam, nightfall, evenfall, fall, crepuscule, crepuscle n15169759 night n15169873 week, hebdomad n15170178 week from Monday n15170331 fortnight, two weeks n15170504 weekend n15170786 rag, rag week n15171008 rag day n15171145 red-letter day n15171307 Judgment Day, Judgement Day, Day of Judgment, Day of Judgement, Doomsday, Last Judgment, Last Judgement, Last Day, eschaton, day of reckoning, doomsday, crack of doom, end of the world n15171738 off-day n15171857 access time n15172212 distance, space n15172423 distance n15172664 embolism, intercalation n15172782 payday n15172881 polling day, election day n15173064 church year, Christian year n15173259 field day n15173353 field day n15173479 calendar n15173712 timekeeping n15173830 Roman calendar n15173974 ides n15174122 market day n15174218 Gregorian calendar, New Style calendar n15174885 Julian calendar, Old Style calendar n15175202 Revolutionary calendar n15175640 Revolutionary calendar month n15175987 Vendemiaire n15176161 Brumaire n15176319 Frimaire n15176476 Nivose n15176630 Pluviose n15176785 Ventose n15176937 Germinal n15177091 Floreal n15177244 Prairial n15177396 Messidor n15177549 Thermidor n15177705 Fructidor n15177866 Jewish calendar, Hebrew calendar n15178417 lunar calendar n15178546 lunisolar calendar n15178694 solar calendar n15178841 Islamic calendar, Muhammadan calendar, Mohammedan calendar, Moslem calendar, Muslim calendar n15179415 Hindu calendar n15179888 date, particular date n15180082 deadline n15180209 curfew n15180304 anachronism, mistiming, misdating n15180528 point, point in time n15180934 arrival time, time of arrival n15181094 departure time, time of departure n15181282 checkout, checkout time n15181444 Holy Week, Passion Week n15181556 Holy Year n15181718 church calendar, ecclesiastical calendar n15181977 Walpurgis Night n15182053 New Year's Eve, December 31 n15182189 New Year's Day, New Year's, January 1 n15182319 New Year n15182402 Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday, Martin Luther King Day n15182569 Robert E Lee's Birthday, Robert E Lee Day, Lee's Birthday, January 19 n15182724 Hogmanay n15182805 Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashana, Rosh Hashonah, Rosh Hashona, Jewish New Year n15183085 Rosh Hodesh, Rosh Chodesh n15183266 Tet n15183428 holiday n15183802 religious holiday, holy day n15184008 High Holy Day, High Holiday n15184170 Christian holy day n15184755 Jewish holy day n15185007 holy day of obligation n15185290 movable feast, moveable feast n15185471 Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement n15185721 Saint Agnes's Eve, January 20 n15185837 Martinmas, St Martin's Day, 11 November n15185996 Indian summer, Saint Martin's summer n15186147 Annunciation, Lady Day, Annunciation Day, March 25 n15186412 Michaelmas, Michaelmas Day, September 29 n15186596 Michaelmastide n15186681 Candlemas, Candlemas Day, Feb 2 n15186871 Groundhog Day, February 2 n15187077 Lincoln's Birthday, February 12 n15187250 Valentine Day, Valentine's Day, Saint Valentine's Day, St Valentine's Day, February 14 n15187451 Washington's Birthday, February 22 n15187619 Presidents' Day n15187800 Texas Independence Day, March 2 n15187988 St Patrick's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, March 17 n15188154 Easter n15188359 Easter Sunday, Easter Day n15188505 April Fools', April Fools' day, All Fools' day n15188688 Pan American Day, April 14 n15188852 Patriot's Day n15189033 May Day, First of May, May 1 n15189249 Mother's Day n15189347 Armed Forces Day n15189452 Memorial Day, Decoration Day n15189684 Jefferson Davis' Birthday, Davis' Birthday, June 3 n15189838 Flag Day, June 14 n15189982 Father's Day n15190084 Independence Day, Fourth of July, July 4 n15190228 Lammas, Lammas Day, August 1 n15190424 Lammastide n15190520 Labor Day n15190652 Citizenship Day, September 17 n15190779 American Indian Day n15190895 Columbus Day, Discovery Day, October 12 n15191080 United Nations Day, October 24 n15191233 Halloween, Hallowe'en, Allhallows Eve n15191401 Pasch, Pascha n15191494 Pasch, Pascha n15191587 Eastertide n15191661 Palm Sunday n15191739 Passion Sunday n15191827 Good Friday n15191924 Low Sunday n15192008 Holy Saturday n15192116 Holy Innocents' Day, Innocents' Day n15192272 Septuagesima, Septuagesima Sunday n15192406 Quinquagesima, Quinquagesima Sunday n15192544 Quadragesima, Quadrigesima Sunday n15192649 Trinity Sunday n15192736 Rogation Day n15192890 Solemnity of Mary, January 1 n15193052 Ascension, Ascension Day, Ascension of the Lord n15193271 Circumcision, Feast of the Circumcision, January 1 n15193526 Maundy Thursday, Holy Thursday n15193660 Corpus Christi n15193776 Saints Peter and Paul, June 29 n15193908 Assumption, Assumption of Mary, August 15 n15194194 Dormition, Feast of Dormition n15194506 Epiphany, Epiphany of Our Lord, Twelfth day, Three Kings' Day, January 6 n15194739 Saint Joseph, St Joseph, March 19 n15194860 Twelfthtide n15194940 Twelfth night n15195059 All Saints' Day, Allhallows, November 1, Hallowmas, Hallowmass n15195259 Immaculate Conception, December 8 n15195388 Allhallowtide n15195477 All Souls' Day, November 2 n15195622 Ash Wednesday n15195834 Ember Day n15195928 Passover, Pesach, Pesah, Feast of the Unleavened Bread n15196186 Christmas, Christmas Day, Xmas, Dec 25 n15196444 Christmas Eve, Dec 24 n15196537 Christmas, Christmastide, Christmastime, Yule, Yuletide, Noel n15196746 Boxing Day n15196870 Purim n15197042 Shavous, Shabuoth, Shavuoth, Shavuot, Pentecost, Feast of Weeks n15197302 Shimchath Torah, Simchat Torah, Simhath Torah, Simhat Torah, Simchas Torah, Rejoicing over the Law, Rejoicing of the Law, Rejoicing in the Law n15197658 Tishah b'Av, Tishah b'Ab, Tisha b'Av, Tisha b'Ab, Ninth of Av, Ninth of Ab, Fast of Av, Fast of Ab n15197954 Fast of Gedaliah n15198136 Fast of Tevet n15198401 Fast of Esther n15198662 Fast of the Firstborn n15198872 Fast of Tammuz n15199033 Hanukkah, Hanukah, Hannukah, Chanukah, Chanukkah, Channukah, Channukkah, Festival of Lights, Feast of Lights, Feast of Dedication, Feast of the Dedication n15199406 Lag b'Omer n15199592 legal holiday, national holiday, public holiday n15200032 bank holiday n15200164 Commonwealth Day, Empire day, May 24 n15200314 Dominion Day, July 1 n15200493 Bastille Day, 14 July n15200661 Remembrance Day, Remembrance Sunday, Poppy Day n15200896 Veterans Day, Veterans' Day, Armistice Day, November 11 n15201116 Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day n15201384 Victoria Day n15201505 year n15201822 anomalistic year n15201994 year-end n15202131 common year, 365 days n15202230 leap year, intercalary year, 366 days, bissextile year n15202424 off year n15202532 off year n15202634 calendar year, civil year n15202806 solar year, tropical year, astronomical year, equinoctial year n15203017 lunar year n15203120 fiscal year, financial year n15203229 school, schooltime, school day n15203565 school year, academic year n15203791 year, twelvemonth, yr n15204201 annum n15204297 year n15204485 semester n15204609 bimester n15204720 Olympiad n15204907 lustrum n15204983 decade, decennary, decennium n15205532 century n15205719 quadrennium n15205799 quinquennium n15205880 quattrocento n15206004 twentieth century n15206097 half-century n15206195 quarter-century n15206296 month n15206590 quarter n15206744 phase of the moon n15206943 new moon, new phase of the moon n15207103 half-moon n15207302 first quarter n15207430 last quarter n15207556 full moon, full-of-the-moon, full phase of the moon, full n15207770 harvest moon n15207872 lunar month, moon, lunation, synodic month n15208036 anomalistic month n15208162 sidereal time n15208333 sidereal day, day n15208540 day n15208740 lunar day n15208898 sidereal year n15209074 sidereal hour n15209174 sidereal month n15209316 solar month n15209413 calendar month, month n15209706 Gregorian calendar month n15210045 January, Jan n15210383 mid-January n15210486 February, Feb n15210765 mid-February n15210870 March, Mar n15211090 mid-March n15211189 April, Apr n15211385 mid-April n15211484 May n15211711 mid-May n15211806 June n15212070 mid-June n15212167 July n15212358 mid-July n15212455 August, Aug n15212638 mid-August n15212739 September, Sep, Sept n15213008 mid-September n15213115 October, Oct n15213303 mid-October n15213406 November, Nov n15213669 mid-November n15213774 December, Dec n15213963 mid-December n15214068 Jewish calendar month n15214419 Tishri n15214639 Heshvan n15214840 Kislev, Chislev n15215068 Tebet, Tevet n15215270 Shebat, Shevat n15215480 Adar n15215693 Veadar, Adar Sheni n15215816 Nisan, Nissan n15215994 Iyar, Iyyar n15216189 Sivan, Siwan n15216386 Tammuz, Thammuz n15216563 Ab, Av n15216760 Elul, Ellul n15216966 Islamic calendar month n15217308 Muharram, Moharram, Muharrum n15217443 Safar, Saphar n15217563 Rabi I n15217674 Rabi II n15217787 Jumada I, Jomada I n15217911 Jumada II, Jomada II n15218037 Rajab n15218149 Sha'ban, Shaaban n15218272 Ramadan n15218448 Id al-Fitr n15218551 Shawwal n15218663 Dhu'l-Qa'dah, Dhu al-Qadah n15218798 Dhu'l-Hijja, Dhu'l-Hijjah, Dhu al-Hijja, Dhu al-Hijjah n15219022 Id al-Adha, Feast of Sacrifice n15219351 Hindu calendar month n15219694 Chait, Caitra n15219874 Ramanavami n15220027 Baisakh, Vaisakha n15220149 Jeth, Jyaistha n15220267 Asarh, Asadha n15220385 Sawan, Sravana n15220503 Bhadon, Bhadrapada n15220625 Asin, Asvina n15220743 Kartik, Karttika n15220864 Aghan, Margasivsa n15220985 Pus, Pansa n15221099 Magh, Magha n15221286 Mesasamkranti n15221474 Phagun, Phalguna n15221596 saint's day n15221718 name day n15221818 solstice n15222012 summer solstice, June 21, midsummer n15222202 Midsummer Day, Midsummer's Day, St John's Day, June 24 n15222369 Midsummer Eve, Midsummer Night, St John's Eve, St John's Night, June 23 n15222540 school day n15222686 speech day n15222840 washday, washing day n15222951 wedding day n15223048 wedding night n15223190 winter solstice n15223343 equinox n15223574 vernal equinox, March equinox, spring equinox n15223750 autumnal equinox, September equinox, fall equinox n15223916 Noruz, Nowruz, Nowrooz n15224156 time limit n15224293 limitation n15224486 term n15224692 prison term, sentence, time n15224978 hard time n15225076 life sentence, life n15225249 school term, academic term, academic session, session n15225526 summer school n15225668 midterm n15225797 semester n15225929 trimester n15226046 quarter n15226214 gestation, gestation period n15226451 term, full term n15226625 midterm n15226732 trimester n15226972 first trimester n15227133 second trimester n15227261 third trimester n15227391 refractory period n15227593 bell, ship's bell n15227846 hour, hr, 60 minutes n15228162 half-hour, 30 minutes n15228267 quarter-hour, 15 minutes n15228378 hour, time of day n15228787 none n15228910 hour n15229019 happy hour n15229144 rush hour n15229300 zero hour n15229408 canonical hour n15229677 matins, morning prayer n15229784 prime n15229875 terce, tierce n15229974 sext n15230076 nones n15230180 vespers, evensong n15230363 compline, complin n15230482 man hour, person hour n15230617 silly season n15230790 Golden Age n15231031 silver age n15231263 bronze age n15231415 Bronze Age n15231634 iron age n15231765 Iron Age n15231964 Stone Age n15232236 Eolithic Age, Eolithic n15232406 Paleolithic Age, Paleolithic, Palaeolithic n15232712 Lower Paleolithic n15232899 Middle Paleolithic n15233047 Upper Paleolithic n15233239 Mesolithic Age, Mesolithic, Epipaleolithic n15233411 Neolithic Age, Neolithic, New Stone Age n15233614 great year, Platonic year n15233778 regulation time n15233989 overtime, extra time n15234212 extra innings n15234348 overtime period n15234469 tiebreaker n15234587 sudden death n15234764 minute, min n15234942 quarter n15235126 second, sec, s n15235334 leap second n15235540 attosecond n15235687 femtosecond n15235853 picosecond n15236015 nanosecond n15236176 microsecond n15236338 millisecond, msec n15236475 season, time of year n15236859 fall, autumn n15237044 spring, springtime n15237250 summer, summertime n15237567 dog days, canicule, canicular days n15237782 winter, wintertime n15238074 midwinter n15238169 growing season n15238271 seedtime n15238371 sheepshearing n15238472 holiday season n15238570 high season, peak season n15238761 off-season n15238895 rainy season n15239033 monsoon n15239174 dry season n15239292 season n15239579 season n15240119 preseason n15240291 spring training n15240389 baseball season n15240503 triple-crown season n15240633 basketball season n15240733 exhibition season n15240888 fishing season n15240998 football season n15241094 hockey season n15241186 hunting season n15241311 social season n15241405 theatrical season n15241507 Advent n15241655 Advent Sunday n15241777 Shrovetide n15241898 Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday, pancake day n15242029 Lent, Lententide n15242209 Pentecost, Whitsunday n15242432 Whitmonday, Whitsun Monday n15242599 Whit-Tuesday, Whitsun Tuesday n15242719 Whitsun, Whitsuntide, Whitweek n15242955 long time, age, years n15243202 month of Sundays n15243351 long run, long haul n15243590 eon, aeon n15243730 eon, aeon n15243976 eternity, infinity n15244094 alpha and omega n15244200 blue moon n15244351 year dot n15244505 drought, drouth n15244650 moment, minute, second, instant n15244942 eleventh hour, last minute n15245144 moment of truth n15245244 moment of truth n15245382 pinpoint n15245515 time n15245711 high time n15245829 occasion n15245990 meal n15246135 psychological moment n15246258 wee n15246353 while, piece, spell, patch n15246683 cold spell, cold snap n15246775 hot spell n15246853 moment, mo, minute, second, bit n15247110 blink of an eye, flash, heartbeat, instant, jiffy, split second, trice, twinkling, wink, New York minute n15247410 ephemera n15247518 period, geological period n15248020 era, geological era n15248269 epoch n15248564 era, epoch n15248812 Caliphate n15249096 Christian era, Common era n15249236 day n15249458 year of grace n15249547 Y2K n15249636 generation n15249799 anniversary, day of remembrance n15250178 birthday n15250312 jubilee n15250468 diamond jubilee n15250580 silver jubilee n15250691 wedding anniversary n15250890 silver wedding anniversary n15250991 golden wedding anniversary n15251092 diamond wedding anniversary, diamond wedding n15251212 semicentennial, semicentenary n15251336 centennial, centenary n15251489 sesquicentennial n15251600 bicentennial, bicentenary n15251757 tercentennial, tercentenary, triennial n15251892 quatercentennial, quatercentenary n15252021 quincentennial, quincentenary n15252146 millennium, millenary n15252300 bimillennium, bimillenary n15252422 birthday, natal day n15252524 time immemorial, time out of mind n15252635 auld langsyne, langsyne, old times, good old days n15252770 by-and-by n15252907 chapter n15253139 antiquity n15253895 golden age n15254028 historic period, age n15254550 prehistory, prehistoric culture n15254831 modern era n15254933 information age n15255195 ice age, glacial period, glacial epoch n15255439 Jazz Age n15255641 chukker, chukka n15255804 inning, frame n15256022 top, top of the inning n15256245 bottom, bottom of the inning n15256417 set n15256567 game n15256714 turn, bout, round n15256915 playing period, period of play, play n15257416 first period n15257553 second period n15257692 final period n15257829 half n15258091 first half n15258179 second half, last half n15258281 period n15258450 quarter n15258694 over n15258945 maiden over, maiden n15259076 Baroque, Baroque era, Baroque period n15259284 Middle Ages, Dark Ages n15259812 Renaissance, Renascence n15260130 Italian Renaissance n15260277 Industrial Revolution, technological revolution n15260436 Reign of Terror n15260651 reign of terror n15260814 reign n15260964 reign n15261169 turn of the century n15261306 Harlem Renaissance n15261471 New Deal n15261658 Reconstruction, Reconstruction Period n15261868 Restoration n15261972 print run, press run n15262120 run n15262360 run-time n15262510 run-time n15262624 split run n15262794 space age n15262921 today n15263045 tonight n15263138 yesterday n15263283 millennium n15263675 offing n15263795 tomorrow n15263925 manana n15264010 common time, four-four time, quadruple time, common measure n15264168 duple time n15264264 triple time n15264363 tempo, pacing n15264607 in time n15264726 accelerando n15264891 allegretto n15265021 allegro n15265135 allegro con spirito n15265219 andante n15265331 meno mosso n15265423 rubato n15265518 beginning, commencement, first, outset, get-go, start, kickoff, starting time, showtime, offset n15266034 youth, early days n15266164 terminus a quo, starting point n15266265 presidency, presidential term, administration n15266568 vice-presidency, vice-presidential term n15266685 middle n15266911 end, ending n15267373 deep n15267536 stopping point, finale, finis, finish, last, conclusion, close n15267945 dawn n15268094 evening n15268239 cease n15268367 fag end, tail, tail end n15268547 last gasp n15268682 termination, expiration, expiry n15268857 terminus ad quem, terminal point, limit n15268993 threshold n15269128 seek time n15269331 track-to-track seek time n15269513 time interval, interval n15269996 time constant n15270245 time slot, slot n15270431 time n15270697 lunitidal interval n15270862 absence n15271008 pause, intermission, break, interruption, suspension n15271417 lapse n15271619 blackout n15271732 caesura n15271901 dead air n15272029 delay, hold, time lag, postponement, wait n15272382 extension n15272571 halftime n15272685 interlude n15272791 entr'acte n15272887 interim, meantime, meanwhile, lag n15273101 latent period n15273241 reaction time, response time, latency, latent period n15273406 eternity n15273522 interregnum n15273626 sleep, nap n15273875 beauty sleep n15273955 kip n15274074 respite, rest, relief, rest period n15274305 time-out n15274441 letup, lull n15274695 breath, breather, breathing place, breathing space, breathing spell, breathing time n15274863 lease, term of a contract n15275094 half life, half-life n15275315 relaxation time n15275466 moratorium n15275598 retardation n15275727 tide, lunar time period n15275851 acceleration n15276023 centripetal acceleration n15276171 deceleration n15276307 attrition rate, rate of attrition n15276427 birthrate, birth rate, fertility, fertility rate, natality n15276642 bits per second, bps n15276801 crime rate n15276959 data rate n15277118 deathrate, death rate, mortality, mortality rate, fatality rate n15277358 dose rate n15277462 erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR, sedimentation rate, sed rate n15277730 flow, flow rate, rate of flow n15277926 cardiac output n15278132 flux n15278281 frequency, frequence, oftenness n15278691 gigahertz, GHz, gigacycle per second, gigacycle, Gc n15278825 growth rate, rate of growth n15278960 isometry n15279104 hertz, Hz, cycle per second, cycles/second, cps, cycle n15279299 inflation rate, rate of inflation n15279480 jerk n15279596 kilohertz, kHz, kilocycle per second, kilocycle, kc n15279767 kilometers per hour, kilometres per hour, kph, km/h n15279957 megahertz, MHz, megacycle per second, megacycle, Mc n15280108 terahertz, THz n15280201 metabolic rate n15280346 miles per hour, mph n15280497 pace, gait n15280695 pulse, pulse rate, heart rate n15280964 femoral pulse n15281071 radial pulse n15281176 rate of return n15281329 return on invested capital, return on investment, ROI n15281653 respiratory rate, rate of respiration n15281870 revolutions per minute, rpm, rev n15282032 sampling rate n15282188 Nyquist rate n15282378 solar constant n15282534 spacing n15282696 speed, velocity n15283097 tempo, pace n15283224 quick time n15283327 double time n15283433 airspeed n15283554 escape velocity n15283675 groundspeed n15283780 hypervelocity n15283920 muzzle velocity n15284043 peculiar velocity n15284158 radial velocity n15284285 speed of light, light speed, c n15284553 steerageway n15284704 terminal velocity n15284878 miles per hour, mph n15284999 attendance n15285180 count per minute, counts/minute n15285279 sampling frequency n15285456 Nyquist frequency n15285622 infant deathrate, infant mortality, infant mortality rate n15285772 neonatal mortality, neonatal mortality rate n15285910 words per minute, wpm n15286042 beats per minute, bpm, metronome marking, M.M. n15286249 rate n15287073 channel capacity n15287199 neutron flux n15287351 radiant flux n15287486 luminous flux n15287578 incubation n15287830 cycle, rhythm, round n15288111 menstrual cycle n15288489 fertile period, fertile phase n15288707 menstrual phase n15288943 musth n15289208 secretory phase, luteal phase n15289524 lead time n15289779 period n15289944 orbit period n15290132 phase, phase angle n15290337 phase, stage n15290930 generation n15291110 multistage n15291199 apogee, culmination n15291416 seedtime n15291498 tenure, term of office, incumbency n15291714 episcopate n15291801 shift, work shift, duty period n15292069 go, spell, tour, turn n15292260 trick n15292336 watch n15292502 watch n15292617 dogwatch n15292722 day shift n15292829 evening shift, swing shift n15292960 night shift, graveyard shift n15293091 split shift n15293227 peacetime n15293328 wartime n15293435 graveyard watch, middle watch, midwatch, night watch n15293590 enlistment, hitch, term of enlistment, tour of duty, duty tour, tour n15293788 honeymoon n15293931 indiction n15294085 float n15294211 Depression, Great Depression n15294382 prohibition, prohibition era n15294607 incubation period n15294745 rainy day n15294884 novitiate, noviciate n15295045 flower, prime, peak, heyday, bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flush n15295267 golden age n15295416 rule n15295603 Regency n15295778 running time n15295884 show time n15296039 safe period n15296258 octave n15296354 then n15296489 shiva, shivah, shibah n15296687 epoch, date of reference n15296920 clotting time n15297069 rotational latency, latency n15297303 probation n15297472 probation n15297672 processing time n15297859 air alert n15298011 command processing overhead time, command processing overhead, command overhead, overhead n15298283 Great Schism n15298507 question time n15298695 real time n15298852 real time n15298995 regency n15299097 snap n15299225 study hall n15299367 Transfiguration, Transfiguration Day, August 6 n15299585 usance n15299783 window n15300051 9/11, 9-11, September 11, Sept. 11, Sep 11