ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2014 (ILSVRC2014)
Results of ILSVRC2014
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Olga Russakovsky*, Jia Deng*, Hao Su, Jonathan Krause, Sanjeev Satheesh, Sean Ma, Zhiheng Huang, Andrej Karpathy, Aditya Khosla, Michael Bernstein, Alexander C. Berg and Li Fei-Fei. (* = equal contribution) ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge. arXiv:1409.0575, 2014.
paper |
- Overview and statistics of the data.
- Meta data for the competition categories.
- Matlab routines for evaluating submissions.
Please be sure to consult the included readme.txt file for competition details. Additionally, the development kit includes
DET dataset
There are a total of 456567 images for training. The number of positive images for each synset (category) ranges from 461 to 67513. The number of negative images ranges from 42945 to 70626 per synset. There are 20121 validation images, and 40152 test images. All images are in JPEG format.
Training images. 47GB. MD5: 11d5f2206b2dc3fee527a8ee15c95fcf
There is significant overlap between the DET training images in 2014 and DET training images of ILSVRC2013. Those who have already downloaded the ILSVRC2013 DET data can just download the new images here.
Training images not used in ILSVRC2013 . 7.2GB. MD5: a39dc2e285aa3bde655a4b2b0d496be3
There is significant overlap between the CLS-LOC training images below (also used for the ILSVRC2012,2013 challenges) and the DET training images.
Those who have already downloaded the CLS-LOC data can download just the new DET images here. Please carefully consult the readme.txt in the development kit
for the list of images which may be used for the detection challenge.
Training images not in CLS-LOC data. 21GB. MD5: 31a42780b013928f655dd8074c4739f1
Validation images. 2.6GB. MD5: 6309b18badce0e60cd541e78e47b2f40
Test images. 5.1GB. MD5: 87b253f544b02e959f7078be18d55660
CLS-LOC dataset
This dataset is unchanged from ILSVRC2012.
There are a total of 1,281,167 images for training. The number of images for each
synset (category) ranges from 732 to 1300. There are 50,000 validation images, with 50 images per synset.
There are 100,000 test images. All images are in JPEG format.
Terms of use: by downloading the image data from the above URLs, you agree to the following terms:
DET dataset
Training bounding box annotations . 15MB. MD5: 40e853933b2b301d32c54f958027072f
Validation bounding box annotations . 1.4MB. MD5: f620a26bee2d9f6655baa548d18a58ac
CLS-LOC dataset
Training bounding box annotations . 20MB. MD5: 9271167e2176350e65cfe4e546f14b17
Updated July 27, 2014 Validation bounding box annotations . 2.2MB. MD5: f4cd18b5ea29fe6bbea62ec9c20d80f0